Hindawi Journal of Advanced Transportation Volume 2020, Article ID 5830593, 19 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5830593

Research Article Optimal Operation Scheme with Short-Turn, Express, and Local Services in an Line

Tao Feng ,1,2 Siyu Tao ,1,2 and Zhengyang Li 3

1School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 2National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (e Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Siyu Tao; [email protected]

Received 6 February 2020; Revised 1 October 2020; Accepted 19 October 2020; Published 19 November 2020

Academic Editor: Yu Jiang

Copyright © 2020 Tao Feng et al. *is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Flexible railway operation modes combining different operation strategies, such as short-turn, express, and local services, can significantly reduce operator and user costs and increase the efficiency and attractiveness of rail transit services. It is therefore necessary to develop optimization models to find optimal combinations of operation strategies for urban rail transit lines. In this paper, a model is proposed for solving the urban rail transit operation scheme problem. *e model considers short-turn, express, and local services with the aim of minimizing the operator’s and users’ costs. *e problem is first decomposed into two subproblems: the service route design problem and the passenger assignment problem. *en, a mixed-integer nonlinear program (MINLP) model is formulated, and linearization techniques are utilized to transform the MINLP model into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model that can be easily solved by commercial optimization solvers. To accelerate the solution process, a heuristic search algorithm is proposed to obtain (nearly) optimal solutions based on the characteristics of the model. *e two subproblems are solved iteratively to improve the quality of solutions. A real-life case study in Chengdu, China, is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model and algorithm.

1. Introduction a starting station to an ending station and visits only some intermediate stations, and a short-turn service is provided Urban rail transit systems play an important role in meeting only on sections with larger passenger flow volumes. Flexible passenger demands in our daily lives because of their large operation schemes integrating different service strategies can passenger capacity, low pollutant emissions, and markedly improve the service level of urban rail transit. Full- convenience. *e increase in the number of long-distance length local services are commonly adopted in urban rail passengers and imbalanced passenger demand due to urban transit lines in China, but may lead to wasted train capacity expansion have brought increasing pressure to public due to the imbalanced distribution of passenger demand. In transport. *e elastic passenger demand cannot be satisfied many big cities, such as Tokyo, New York, and Paris, routes by adopting only a single operation mode. As a means of with local, express, and short-turn services are used to cater improving the quality of , urban rail transit to elastic passenger demand [1]. When short-turn, express, has drawn much attention from operators and governments. and local services are provided, different stations and sec- Operators aim to improve the service efficiency and quality tions are served at different frequencies so that the transport by adopting flexible service strategies such as short-turn and capacity matches the diversity of passenger demand on the elastic services and elastic stopping patterns to satisfy the line appropriately [2]. Hence, academic research on the daily demand. A local service serves all the stations design and financing of (nearly) optimal operation schemes along the full length of the line, an express service runs from is necessary for urban rail transit operators. 2 Journal of Advanced Transportation

*is study investigates the urban rail transit service Section 3 provides the problem description. Section 4 design problem (URTSDP). *e service routes, including proposes a model for the URTSDP. Section 5 describes which stations the trains turn back at, the stopping patterns, a search algorithm to solve the problem. In Section 6, and the train frequencies need to be optimized to reduce the a practical numerical study is used to verify the effectiveness operator’s operation cost and the users’ time cost. Mean- of the model. Section 8 concludes the paper. while, the capacity of each turn-back station is fixed and cannot be exceeded. After the starting and ending stations 2. Literature Review have been determined, a train departs from the starting station, serves some or all the intermediate stations, and runs Most of the studies on the design of urban rail transit in sections in a predetermined order. Express services can services have focused on the use of express and local services. operate on any service route. Hence, the design of urban rail Service optimization with the synchronous operation of transit services is more complex and challenging compared short-turn, express, and local services is much less well to the design of service networks. *e URTSDP can be studied. It is crucial to determine which stations to stop at or divided into two subproblems: the service route design skip in express/local services. Chun et al. [4] proposed problem and the passenger assignment problem. *e former a synchronized express and local system implemented to determines the service routes and their frequencies, while optimize the urban transit system by reducing passengers’ the latter determines the optimal strategy for assigning users waiting times and transfers. Gao et al. [1] analyzed the re- from their origins to their destinations [3]. lationship between the energy consumption and passenger Under these conditions, we propose an optimized model to waiting time in the operation of express and local services solve the urban rail transit service design problem. *e solution and formulated a biobjective model. Jamili and Pourseyed can be split into two aspects. Firstly, this model considers short- Aghaee [5] proposed a model for designing the stopping turn, express, and local services and the capacity limitations of patterns of service routes under uncertain conditions to help the turn-back stations and sections in urban rail transit lines. reduce the train fleet size and energy consumption. Based on Secondly, the passenger assignment problem is solved while the assumption that the capacity of the train is unlimited, meeting the capacity limitation constraints. A small-scale Abdelhafiez et al. [6] constructed a nonlinear integer pro- problem can be solved efficiently using the model and com- gramming model, designed a heuristic method to solve the mercial solvers; however, the problem scale will increase model, and compared the heuristic method to the enu- dramatically because of the stopping patterns of the express and meration algorithm. Luo et al. [7] presented a mathematical short-turn services if the problem is solved directly. To reduce model that minimizes the passenger travel time and opti- the scale of the problem, a novel strategy called the line pool is mizes the train stopping schedule for express and local introduced in the model formulation. Some important stations services. *e model analyzes passenger choice behavior are designated in advance, and a service route must visit these using a logit model and evaluates the transport capacity and stations if the route covers them. All the feasible service routes energy consumption efficiency. However, this work does not constitute the line pool. A mixed-integer nonlinear pro- consider the operator’s cost. Yang et al. [8] proposed gramming (MINLP) model is formulated. *e model can be a nonlinear programming model which optimizes the fre- transformed into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) quency, stopping pattern, and express/local trains on the model by using linearization techniques such as the refor- cross-lines and verified the resulting operation scheme mulation linearization technique (RLT). In addition, we design obtained by the genetic algorithm with the actual cases. *e a search algorithm to solve the large-scale problem iteratively. model can reduce the users’ time cost and the operational Two groups of numerical studies are performed to verify the investment. It is not the only method to address the im- effectiveness of the model and the search algorithm. balanced passenger demand by optimizing the express/local *e main contributions of this paper are as follows: train services in urban rail transit lines. Some researchers have considered other factors wherein the positions of the (1) Formulation of a MILP optimization model to solve turn-back stations, that is, the choices of the turn-back the URTSDP, which includes the service route design stations for the origin and destination, play a significant role problem and the passenger assignment problem and in determining the service routes. Considering the capacities considers the passenger transfers and the turn-back of the trains and turn-back stations and other operational station capacity restriction constraints, Sun et al. [9] proposed a model to solve the (2) Proposal of a line pool strategy and novel search complicated problem of optimizing the operation scheme to algorithm to solve the large-scale problem minimize the total cost to operators and users based on the (3) Verification of the performance of the new search actual problems faced in urban rail transit lines. In contrast, algorithm by comparing its performance with that of Ding et al. [10] constructed a mathematical model to the MILP model minimize the average waiting time of passengers without (4) Demonstration of the effectiveness and efficiency of considering the turn-back equipment. *e resulting solution the model and the new search algorithm using real- illustrates that the operation scheme based on this model can life case studies effectively alleviate congestion and avoid wasted transport capacity. Zhang et al. [11] presented an MINLP model for *e remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In train scheduling in which short-turn services and the in- Section 2, an overview of the existing literature is presented. fluence of other impact factors on the scheme formulation Journal of Advanced Transportation 3 are considered. Li et al. [12] proposed a collaborative op- [24] considered the short-turn location and vehicle size as timization model in which all the service routes can use variables and presented a framework to design the bus different train compositions, and the frequency and train service scheme on a given corridor. In comparison, urban composition of each service route and the positions of turn- rail transit is more complicated because of the limited ca- back stations are optimized simultaneously. Cao et al. [13] pacity of the turn-back stations. *e selection of the turn- formulated a model based on marshaling, the skip-stop back stations is the main variable in designing a short-turn pattern, and robustness to optimize the timetabling design to service. *e direction and capacity of the turn-back station minimize the total cost to the operator and users and applied must be considered in urban rail transit. In order to analyze the model to real-life urban rail transit in Beijing. the advantages and disadvantages of the various models in *e aforementioned studies only consider a single op- more detail, a comparison will be performed between the eration strategy. Multiple operation strategies can be in- proposed model and the previous studies (as shown in tegrated into a single model to obtain better schemes to Table 1). Li et al. [12] proposed a model to optimize the relieve the transport pressure on urban rail transit lines. operation scheme that considers short-turn services and the *ere are a number of related studies on bus network design train composition. A flexible operation scheme can be which are worth learning from. *e studies are plentiful, and achieved with a variable train composition to cope with they mainly focus on factors such as the stop patterns, varying passenger demand. However, this will increase the express and short-turn services, multiple fleets, and bus purchase cost of trains because the train composition is fixed capacities. Given the service design similarities between and the expenditure increases with the size of the train urban rail transit and bus corridors, theoretical methods for composition. In contrast, express services can relieve the bus service design can be used as references for optimizing pressure of imbalanced passenger demand without changing the stopping patterns of express services. Afanasiev and the train composition. Liberman [14] defined an express service as a service with no *e above literature review shows that (i) previous intermediate stops between the origin and terminal stations studies have only focused on express and local services or to satisfy passenger demands. *e passengers can achieve short-turn services, and few studies have integrated express travel time savings of up to 30%. Vijayaraghavan and and local services with short-turn services in urban rail Anantharamaiah [15] presented a theoretical model to insert transit operation schemes. *ere are more related studies on express as well as partial services for better fleet assignment. the design of bus service networks. *ese methods cannot be *e model may allow fleet reduction and provide benefits for used directly to solve urban rail transit service design the operator and users in terms of saved travel time. Conlon problems because of the unique restrictions and consider- et al. [16] described the introduction of express bus services ations that exist in operating urban rail transit services such to Chicago, which were preferred by the customers and as the capacities of the turn-back stations and the sections; achieved a customer satisfaction that exceeded the standard (ii) there is usually an assumption that express services are target mean score. Wang and Lo [17] proposed a operated on full-length services, which may also lead to service design model with normal and express service. *e wasted transport capacity. In this work, express services are problem was formulated as an MILP model, and a solution operated in conjunction with short-turn services. algorithm was designed to reduce the scale of the problem. Larrain et al. [18] presented an express selection model with 3. Problem Description capacity restriction and defined the parameters for de- termining which express service is attractive on a bus cor- In this section, we describe the URTSDP, which includes two ridor. Meanwhile, Ulusoy et al. [19] proposed a model for subproblems: the service route design problem (SRDP) and further improving the optimal strategy by incorporating the passenger assignment problem (PAP). Without loss of various factors and including all-stop, short-turn, and ex- generality, we assume that the layout of the urban rail transit press services to meet the heterogeneous demand. Larrain line and the turn-back stations are given and the operational et al. [20] proposed a methodology in which the express rules are known. *e URTSDP decides the number of service services skip all the intermediate stops except for the initial routes, frequency, and train stopping pattern with the ob- and final stops. *e authors reported that the introduction of jective of minimizing operator and user costs. zonal services can save more than 6% of the social costs. Wang et al. [21] formulated an MINLP model to design bus 3.1. Service Route Design Problem. An operation scheme that services from the perspectives of operators and users. includes the number of service routes and the stopping From another perspective, short-turn operation strate- pattern of the express service is determined given the urban gies are commonly used in urban rail transit and bus transit rail line, the positions of the turn-back stations, and the systems. *e short-turn points for can at any stop, but condition that there are no route limitations on the express urban rail transit faces more restrictions due to the oper- services, which can operate on both full-length and short- ational rules. Hence, the consideration of the short-turn turn routes. In addition, there are two constraints to be points in bus service design is less complicated. Ceder [22] satisfied: presented a model to determine the feasible short-turn stops. Furth [23] found that it is necessary to coordinate the (1) Capacity limitation of the turn-back station: the schedule with the short-turn pattern and proposed a model service routes that end at these stations must not to obtain the optimal schedule offset. Delle Site and Filippi exceed the turn-back capacity of the station. Each 4 Journal of Advanced Transportation

Table 1: Comparisons of this paper with previous studies. Factors Ulusoy et al. [19] Larrain et al. [20] Li et al. [12] *is paper Assumption Demand Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Transfer Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Short-turn services and one express Short-turn Short-turn services and express/local Strategy Express service service services services Model Single ✓ — ✓ ✓ Bilevel — ✓ — — Objective Operator cost ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ User cost ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Constraints Transport capacity ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Turn-back — — ✓ ✓ capacity Minimum ✓ — ✓ ✓ frequency Solving method Solution method Exhaustive search Heuristic + solver Heuristic + solver Heuristic + solver

service route incurs extra time when it turns back at service route. However, the operation scheme may be the ending station. *e time is called the turn-back nonoptimal even after solving the SRDP because the fre- time in urban rail transit lines. quency of each route was not determined in conjunction (2) Maximum frequency limitation of each section: each with the PAP to consider the total cost. To obtain (nearly) train needs to operate on its corresponding service optimal operation schemes, the costs of the operator and route in a predetermined sequence. *e total number users need to be considered. *at is, the SRDP and PAP need of all trains in each section cannot exceed the to be solved simultaneously. *is is a matter of great concern maximum frequency because the rail transit has only in academic studies. one line in the inbound or outbound direction. We take the urban transit line with 6 physical stations 3.2. Passenger Assignment Problem. Before determining the and 3 turn-back stations shown in Figure 1 as an example. optimal passenger assignment strategy, the service network needs to be constructed in advance. A service network *e stations are denoted as n1 to n8 in the outbound di- rection of the corridor, while the sections are denoted as e to containing the arcs, nodes, and physical stations can be 1 constructed depending on the operation scheme, as shown e7. Stations n1, n4, and n8 are the turn-back stations, and n4 is designed for bidirectional turn-back. in Figure 2. A train starts from the origin node, goes through Based on the given directions and positions of the intermediate nodes, and ends at the destination node, turn-back stations and their associated capacities on the wherein arcs are used to connect nodes with the associated line, a turn-back station with an available direction can be physical stations, and passengers board (alight) trains op- used as the starting or ending station of the service route. erating on the routes served by these arcs. *e arcs contain A set of starting stations and a set of ending stations can the specific routes of passenger travel and can be divided into thus be obtained in the initial stage. A service route three types of arcs, namely, the , alighting, and consists of routes and nodes, where each node is associated riding arcs. A service network, as shown in Figure 3, includes with a physical station. A line pool is then obtained by a complete passenger traveling path that begins from his varying the terminal stations among the starting or ending (her) origin station, goes through the boarding, riding, and station sets. Figure 2 shows an operation scheme from the alighting arcs, and eventually ends at his (her) terminal line pool. It consists of 3 service routes, where route 1 is station. n short turn with local service, route 2 is short turn with For instance, a passenger from station 1 to n express service, and route 3 is full length with express station 5 along the travel path n n service. 1 ⟶ 17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 ⟶ 20 ⟶ 5. He (she) will pass n *e SRDP is primarily concerned with the frequency, through a boarding arc ( 1 ⟶ 17), riding arcs short-turn, and stop pattern of the express service. *e (17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 ⟶ 20), and an alighting arc n operation scheme including the above factors can be ob- (20 ⟶ 5). *erefore, a connection is made by the n tained by solving the SRDP. *e example in Figure 2 consists boarding arc between physical station 1 and node 17, while of three service routes. *e terminal of each route is set in the alighting arc performs the same function along the accordance with the available starting or ending station set opposite direction. *e riding arc makes the connection and the condition that each station is served by at least one between two route stations. If one physical station is not Journal of Advanced Transportation 5

e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 Outbound

n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8


Turn-back station General station

Figure 1: An urban rail transit corridor.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

13 14 15 16

9 10 11 12

n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8

24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Route 1 Nodes of routes Route 2 Route 3

Figure 2: Service description of urban rail transit.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

13 14 15 16

9 10 11 12

n n n n n n n n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Route nodes Alighting arc Physical stations Riding arc Boarding arc

Figure 3: Description of directed service network. served by a service route, then there is no connection be- service passengers would choose by defining the attrac- tween the physical station and the node. For n3 shown in tiveness of each service based on the passengers’ waiting time Figure 3, there is no boarding arc between n3 and route 1. and in-vehicle time. *is approach does not require the prior As shown in Figure 3, there may be many boarding arcs preparation of fixed service network. Spiess and Florian [3] between the physical stations and services. *erefore, it is proposed a strategy for a passenger to reach the terminal important to analyze the service choice behavior of the station based on the least cost service in a model with a fixed passengers. To address this common line problem, Chriqui transit line. In this work, we construct a transit assignment and Robillard [25] presented a solution to determine which model with a known service network for urban rail transit 6 Journal of Advanced Transportation services based on the optimal strategy and consider the In the objective function (1), the first term is the own- effectiveness of transfers on the passenger distribution ership cost of the trains allocated to the express services and further. A detailed discussion is given in the next section. local services during the operation time, and the second term is the service distance-dependent operating cost. *e major 4. Model Formulation for URTSDP constraints in the model are as follows: 4.1. Notation Definitions. We formulate the URTSDP (i) Service level: the number of service routes should not problem as an MINLP model and transform the model into exceed the limits on the operator’s cost and users’ travel an MILP model in this section. *e notations to be used in cost. In addition, the frequency should not be lower the model in what follows are explained in Table 2. than a specified positive number to meet the passenger demand while considering the surplus capacity. *e formulation of the service level is as follows: 4.2. Modelling Assumptions. *e model should ideally � r , provide station-to-station services for operators and users as μl ≤ max (2) quickly as possible. *e services proposed for the given l∈L stations are determined by the operator’s cost and users’ · � x · , l L. cost. *ese two factors must be considered simultaneously μl λmin ≤ fl ≤ μl λmax ∀ ∈ (3) for a more effective operation scheme. *e main assump- f∈F tions of this study are as follows: (1) *e exogenous trip demand is considered to be fixed. (ii) Station coverage and passenger demand satisfaction: each station should be served by at least one service (2) *e train composition is an important factor that route, and the passenger demand at each station affects the transport capacity and service level of the should be satisfied because passenger demand is urban rail transit line, which are predetermined and fixed. Constraints (4) describe the variables for the fixed. In addition, the fleet size is limited. stations: (3) *e passengers’ arrival at each station is considered to be uniformly distributed, and the train arrivals � � x · · u p , i N. fl πli ≥ e ∀ ∈ (4) follow an exponential distribution. f∈F l∈L (4) We consider the passenger travel behavior under the condition of no congestions. (iii) Section coverage passenger flow volume satisfaction: each section should be covered by at least one service 4.3. Total Costs of URTSDP. *e total cost of URTSDP in this route, and the transport capacity should not be less than study consists of the operator’s cost and the users’ cost. *e the volume of passenger flow in each section. Con- former includes two contributions. First, the train ownership straints (5) represents that the total number of trains cost includes the purchasing cost and related expenses during should not be less than ϕ and that the maximum the operation time of the vehicle. *e operation period of a train min frequency f in each section is not exceeded because is typically 30 years [12]. *e train ownership cost can be max operational rules restrict the frequency in each section obtained based on the operation time obtained from the model. to maintain a safety distance between two adjacent *is promotes sensitivity to the operation time by distributing trains along the urban rail transit line: the cost between the hours on each working day. A second contribution to the operating cost is costs such as the electricity, staff, and track maintenance cost. *e user cost can be divided � � x · k , e E, ϕmin ≤ fl le ≤ ϕmax ∀ ∈ (5) into three parts: the waiting cost, the riding cost, and the transfer f∈F l∈L cost. *e first two are dependent on the time spent and the transfer cost depends on the number of transfers. ( − c) � � x · k · u q , e E. 1 fl le ≥ e ∀ ∈ (6) Based on the characteristics of the URTSDP, we can f∈F l∈L divide the model into two parts: (i) a submodel to solve the SRDP and (ii) an optimal strategy to solve the PAP. *e generation of the service network requires both models to be (iv) Turning back capacity constraint: the operation solved simultaneously. scheme can be made more flexible by introducing short-turn services. Each short-turn service route 4.3.1. SRDP Model. *e SRDP determines the service routes must return at a specified station owing to the and operation frequency on the urban rail transit line. *e properties of the urban transit line. However, each objective function is formulated as follows: train turning back occupies the track for a specified time. *erefore, the turning back capacity of a sta- (SRDP)min z1 � � � xfl · tl · c0 + � � xfl · dl · c1. tion is limited in the inbound and outbound di- f∈F l∈L f∈F l∈L rections, and the number of trains turning back (1) cannot exceed the maximum limitation: Journal of Advanced Transportation 7

Table 2: Definition of sets, indices, parameters, and variables.

Notations Description Sets V Set of service route nodes with index n Set of physical stations in urban rail transit line with index i, i, κ ∈ N. N � N1 ∪ N2, where N1 is the set of low-priority N stations with medium or small volume of passenger flow and N2 is the set of high-priority stations with large volume of passenger flow Nl Set of physical stations that service route l visited M Set of the turn-back stations l L � L L L L Set of service routes in urban rail transit service network with index . 1 ∪ 2, where 1 is the set of express services and L2 is the set of local services E Set of sections in urban rail transit line with index e a A � A A A A A A Set of arcs in a service network with index . 1 ∪ 2 ∪ 3, where 1 is the set of boarding arcs, 2 is the set of riding arcs, and A3 is the set of alighting arcs + Ai Set of departing arcs in a service network in station i − Ai Set of arriving arcs in a service network in station i O Set of inbound and outbound direction with index o f F � ...... |F| f f F Set of the operational trains with index , {1, 2, 3, , f, , }, denotes that th train to be operating in service route W Set of O-D pairs with index w(o, d) ∈ W, where o and d denote the origin and destination Parameters u Capacity of each train rmax *e maximum number of service routes ϕmax Maximum operation frequency of the interval ϕmin Minimum operation frequency of the interval λmin Minimum number of trains operation on the service route c0 Train operation cost per unit time c1 Service route operation cost per unit distance with index l and e c2 Passenger waiting cost per unit time c3 Passenger riding cost per unit time c4 Passenger transfer penalty per person o αi *e turn-back capacity of station i in the direction of o β *e total number of available vehicles c Train capacity surplus bl Maximum number of serving physical stations for service route l in one direction tl Round-trip time of service route l dl Round-trip distance of service route l ta Time required to pass arc a pi *e number of passengers at station i in urban transit line qe *e volume of passengers flow in section e in urban transit line w gκ *e number of trips generated by O-D pair w from station κ Gw *e number of trips generated by O-D pair w πli Binary parameter, equals one if service route l visits station i kle Binary parameter, equals one if service route l visits section e io σl Binary parameter, equals one if the service l turns back at station i to direction o Definitional variables μl Binary variable, equals one if the lth service route is activated θf Binary variable, equals one if the fth train is activated xfl Binary variable, equals one if the fth train operation is on service route l w va Nonnegative continuous variable, flow of O-D pair w over arc a w yκ Nonnegative continuous variable, waiting time of O-D pair w at station κ

� � x · io , i M, o O. � � x . fl σl ≤ αi ∀ ∈ ∈ (7) fl ≤ β (8) f∈F l∈L f∈F l∈L

(v) Fleet-size constraint: in an urban rail transit line, the (vi) Constraint (10) is a validity inequality and imposes total number of available trains is given and limited, the limitation that the (f + 1)th train can only be and the overall transport capacity of the trains should activated if and only if the fth train is activated. be able to meet the passenger demand with the Constraint (10) indicates that only one service route minimum number of trains wherein the number of can be selected and operated for a train in the ac- trains operated should not exceed the fleet size: tivated state: 8 Journal of Advanced Transportation

F Solving route and frequency problem: (3)–(10) θ ≤ θ , ∀f ∈ , (9) f f+1l |F| Solving passenger assignment problem: (16)–(19) *e above model is a mixed-integer nonlinear program � x � θ , ∀f ∈ F. fl f (10) (MINLP) since constraints (12) and (16) are nonlinear. l∈L

5.1. Model Enhancement

4.3.2. PAP Model. A complete trip of a passenger is com- 5.1.1. Passenger Assignment Model Simplification. In the posed of three portions: (i) waiting for a train in a station, (ii) optimal strategy model, we obtain the volume of passenger riding in the vehicle, and (iii) alighting to egress. *ere may flow by considering each OD pair. As the volume of pas- additionally be transfers. We present a model including the senger flow and the number of stations increase, the diffi- passenger waiting time cost, in-vehicle time cost, and culty in solving the model increases correspondingly. It is transfer cost. In the optimal strategy, the passengers would a given property that the total passenger waiting time would board the first train they meet without preferring any other not be affected if the OD pairs are aggregated. Consequently, i trains [3]. *e PAP model is built assuming that there is no we introduce the new variables va to denote the number of i congestion and that the train arrivals follow an exponential trips to station i over arc a, yκ to denote the waiting time of distribution: passengers from station κ to station i, and Gi to denote the number of passengers at destination i. A new model is w w described as follows: (PAP)min z2 � � � yκ · c2 + � � va · ta · c3 N w W w W a A i i κ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ 2 min z � � � y · c + � � v · t · c ( ) 2 κ 2 a a 3 11 κ∈N i∈N i∈N a∈A ⎛⎝ w w⎞⎠ 2 + � � va − G · c4, (15) w W a A ∈ ∈ 1 ⎛⎝ i i⎞⎠ + � � va − G · c4, i∈N a∈A s.t. vw yw � x , a A+, N, w W, 1 a ≤ κ fa ∀ ∈ κ κ ∈ ∈ (12) f∈F s.t. vi yi � x , a A+, i N, N, a ≤ κ fa ∀ ∈ κ ∈ κ ∈ (16) f∈F � vw � � vw + gw, N V, w W, a a κ ∀κ ∈ ∪ ∈ (13) a∈A+ a∈A− κ κ � vi � � vi + gi , N V, i N, a a κ ∀κ ∈ ∪ ∈ (17) a∈A+ a∈A− � vw � x · u, a A. κ κ a ≤ fa ∀ ∈ (14) w∈W f∈F � vi � x · c, a A, a ≤ fa ∀ ∈ (18) In the objective function (11), the first term is the i∈N f∈F passenger waiting time cost and reflects the service fre- i i quency. *e second term is the ride time cost in the vehicle. va, yκ ≥ 0, ∀i ∈ N, a ∈ A, κ ∈ N. (19) *e third term is the transfer penalty put in place to ensure that passengers enjoy direct service as much as possible. Constraint (12) is a relaxation evolved from the original model which contains the waiting time, frequency, and arc 5.1.2. Problem Reduction Based on Line Pool. As afore- flow from the nodes. It distributes the passenger demand mentioned, the service network must be completed before from nodes to arcs. *e volume of the arc flow is influenced using the optimal strategy to tackle the assignment problem. by the service frequency. Constraint (13) imposes flow *e network is constructed based on the service routes, conservation on the nodes. Constraint (14) ensures that the wherein a choice needs to be made if each station is to be flow on the arc does not exceed the arc capacity. served by an express service or not. Accordingly, for an urban rail transit line with numerous stations, the number of 5. MINLP Model variables will increase exponentially. *e binary parameter πli indicates whether service route l stops at station i. *ere n−2 *e model of URTSDP including two submodels, i.e., model are 2 possible service routes for express trains in the SRDP (20)–(22) and model PAP (11)–(14) which can be service network in a line with n stations. Additionally, many i simplified as (15)–(19). Objective functions (1) and (15) more variables will be generated for the va, which denotes constitute an integrated optimization model owing to that the number of trips to station i over arc a because the three they are measured by the same dimension. aforementioned types of arcs in the outbound and inbound directions for each service route must be considered. In fact, (MINLP) min z � z1 + z2 express service routes stop at special stations which attract s.t. Express service line pool: (20)–(22) large numbers of passengers in special areas or specific times Journal of Advanced Transportation 9 instead of at all the stations on the urban rail transit lines. In i + vfa ≥ 0, ∀f ∈ F, ∀a ∈ Aκ , i ∈ N, κ ∈ N. (28) light of this, we define the set N2 to account for the high- priority stations on the urban rail transit line. All express In the above constraints, M is a large positive constant service trains must stop at these stations if the service route i that can be calculated using the equation M � �κ∈N,κ≠igκ. covers them. Constraint (21) is used to impose the re- i i Obviously, we have vfa � yκ if and only if xfa � 1. Constraint lationship between the express service routes and the sta- i (28) limits the value of the variable vfa. Constraints (4) and tions. Hence, the reduced service routes set can be obtained (5) can be solved by the textbook linearization method. as the line pool. We will analyze the information on the stations as much as possible, especially the volume of the passenger flow. As a result, the line pool can be modeled by 5.2.1. MILP Model. By the above linearization technique, satisfying the following conditions: a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) model can be ob- tained which is shown as follows. Commercial solvers like � b · , l L , πli ≤ l μl ∀ ∈ 1 (20) CPLEX can be used to solve the model: i∈N (MILP) min z � z1 + z2 πli � μl, ∀i ∈ N2 ∩ Nl, l ∈ L1, (21) s.t. Express service line pool: (20)–(22) Solving route and frequency problem: (3)–(10) πli ≤ μl, ∀i ∈ N , l ∈ L . (22) 1 1 Solving passenger assignment problem: (17)–(19) and (24)–(28) Constraint (20) implies that the total number of stations served by service route l should not exceed the maximum 6. Solution Method number allowed. Equation (21) ensures that each high- priority station is served by at least one express service. *e MILP model can be solved by the CPLEX solver or Constraint (22) states that low-priority stations may be other commercial solvers; however, preliminary compu- served by the express service routes. tations show that the solution computational burden increases significantly as the number of variables and constraints increase. In this case, optimal schemes can be 5.2. Model Linearization. Constraint (12) is nonlinear because obtained by directly using commercial solvers only for it is the product of a binary variable xfa representing whether small-scale problems, for example, an urban rail transit w the fth train operates on arc a and a continuous variable yi line with 10 stations. For a large-scale line, it would take denoting the waiting time to station i for an OD pair w. Here, more computational resources and time to obtain solu- we transform the constraint into an MILP model and then tions than within a feasible limit. *erefore, it is essential solve it using CPLEX to obtain the (nearly) optimal solution. to develop an algorithm to efficiently obtain high-quality *e reformulation linearization technique (RLT) replaces the solutions. nonlinear polynomials with new variables and adds linear Based on the characteristics of the URTSDP, we design constraints to the newly added variables to achieve the a search algorithm to solve large-scale problems. We first transformation [26]. We take the polynomial xy as an example solve the SRDP model to obtain an optimal route operation where x is a binary variable and y is a nonnegative continuous scheme, wherein the cost of the operator is minimized min variable. Given the assumption that y ≤ y ≤ y, the following (denoted as zoperator) while the users’ cost may not be formula can be obtained via the RLT: extremal. We then introduce a new constraint for the value of the SRDP model. *e (nearly) optimal solution is ob- − x y − x y + x y , − xy − xy + x y , 0 ≥ 0 0 ≥ 0 tained iteratively by increasing the constraint gradually with (23) min x y + xy − x y − 0 ≥ 0, xy + x x −x y −0 ≥ 0. a certain step based on zoperator. In summary, the search algorithm shown in Figure 4 *e nonlinearities in (12) and (16) result from the includes two main parts: (1) determining the search range product of the service route frequency variable xfa and the of the SRDP model and (2) obtaining the solution i waiting time variable yκ and can be transformed into iteratively. equivalent linear conditions by using inequality (23): i + vfa ≤ M · xfa, ∀f ∈ F, ∀a ∈ Aκ , i ∈ N, κ ∈ N, (24) 6.1. Operator Cost Screening Procedure. *e passenger as- signment problem model is solved based on frequency. i i + Frequency of each route can be obtained by solving SRDP to vfa ≤ yκ, ∀f ∈ F, ∀a ∈ Aκ , i ∈ N, κ ∈ N, (25) optimal, wherein we can obtain the xfl and πli for operation scheme. *e service network can be generated based on vi yi − M�− x �, f F, a A+, i N, N, fa ≥ κ 1 fa ∀ ∈ ∀ ∈ κ ∈ κ ∈ these two parameters. In this case, the PAP model is linear (26) without transformation and can be solved by the commercial solver to obtain the user’s cost. To do this, the total cost i i + z′ va ≤ � vfa, ∀a ∈ A , i ∈ N, κ ∈ N, (denote as ) is easy to calculate, and the lowest value of the κ (27) min f∈F operator’s cost is determined as zoperator. *e upper bound of 10 Journal of Advanced Transportation


Zbest, Zcurrent , Zcurrent, Zcurrent T operator user τ

τ, ρ =0


OCAC model


τ Operator cost : zoperator

current ττ Total cost : Zτ = zoperator +zuser ττ xfl, πli

best τ Z ≥ Z current User cost : zuser T τ

N Y Zbest current T = Zτ

N ρ>γ


best ττ export : ZT , xfl, πli


Figure 4: Flowchart of the search algorithm.

the SRDP model needs to be obtained by solving the PAP partition the operator cost range Δ and ρ ∈ �0, 1, 2, 3, ... , η�. model to optimal. In general, passengers get better trips It is hence explicit to see that the right side of the inequality without the need for transfers when there is only one all-stop increases gradually as ρ increases: route with the maximal frequency. SRDP and PAP models min can be solved based on the service network, which is con- (OCAC)z1 ≥ zoperator + Ω. (29) structed based on the one all-stop route with maximal frequency. *e minimal user’s cost hence can be obtained min (denoted as zuser). Finally, operator’s screening range is min min 6.2. Obtaining Solution in Iterative Algorithm generated, and Δ � z′ − zuser − zoperator. Here, we assume that there exists an operator cost z1, corresponding to Step 1: initialize the parameters, including the station, ′ min min ′ a user’s cost z2. If z1 ≥ z − zuser, then z1 + zuser ≥ z ; i.e., the and set the number of iterations, i � 0. Set the value of total cost based on z and z is greater than z′, and we best current 1 2 c. Set ZT � ∝ +,Z � 0. therefore do not need to search the operator’s cost which is τ Step 2: increase the number of iterations, i.e., τ � τ + 1. beyond the range. We can then introduce the operator cost augmented Step 3: solve the SRDP model, and record the operator’s τ τ τ constraint (OCAC) in the following inequality shown in the cost which is assigned to zoperator and the value of xfl, πli SRDP model. *is constraint is similar to the augmented in iteration τ. ε-constraint method [27], and the inequality is a modified Step 4: generate passenger assignment service network τ τ version based on it. Additionally, the parameter Ω is in accordance with xfl and πli as input to the PAP changeable and Ω � (Δ · ρ)/η, wherein η is the number to model. Solve the model to obtain the value of Journal of Advanced Transportation 11

τ passenger’s waiting cost which is assigned to zuser and variables in the (5, 10, 1) instance. Notably, small gaps in the transfer cost in stage τ. results between the two methods were obtained despite the current τ τ significant difference in the two aspects mentioned above. Step 5: set Zτ � zoperator + zuser, and record the value Zcurrent in stage τ. From the table, the maximum gap is 1.93% and the minimum τ gap is 0.19%, and there is an average gap of 1.31% in the five Step 6: check current value Zcurrent and Zbest: if τ T instances. In addition, the MILP model took considerable Zcurrent ≤ Zbest, Zbest � Zcurrent; else turn to step 7. τ T T τ computational time to solve the line with 10 stations, and we Step 7: increase the value of ρ by 1 could not even obtain a feasible solution when the line con- Step 8: check the stopping criteria. If ρ > c, stop pro- tained 12 stations with the time limit 12 h. *e small gaps best τ τ cedure and export ZT , xfl, πfl; otherwise, return to demonstrate that the search algorithm can be used to obtain Step 2. high-quality operation schemes.

7. Numerical Studies 7.3. Practical Case and Results. A practical line with a length In this section, an urban rail transit line with 19 stations is of 86.6 km and 5 turn-back stations is shown in Figure 6. n , used to verify the effectiveness of the model for urban rail 1 n , n , n , and n are the turn-back stations at which only transit in Chengdu, China. *ere are three service strategies: 12 16 17 19 trains along one direction can turn back. For the purpose of short-turn, express, and local services. We generate several verifying the search algorithm, we use the demand in the instances to evaluate the solution algorithm by comparing evening peak period shown in Figure7(c). the results with the MILP model. *e parameters are set as follows: *e optimization results of the model coded in C# were obtained by invoking CPLEX 12.8 on the Visual Studio 2017 (1) Total available train size � 42 trains programming platform on a PC with an Intel Core i5-6200U (2) Train capacities: local service � 1520 passenger/train 2.40 GHz CPU and 12 GB RAM. A limit on the total number of and express service � 1520 passenger/train services was imposed throughout the entire optimization (3) Turn-back capacities: total available turn-back sta- process. tions are n1, n12, n16, n17, and n19, and turn-back capacities of them are all 20 trains/h. One-way 7.1. Instance Generation. To verify the computational per- turning back time � 3 min formance of the solution algorithm, the 5 OD matrices (4) Operating cost per kilometer: local serv- shown in Figure 5 were generated. *e lines were generated ice � 185.44 RMB/km and express serv- randomly, and they each consist of six to ten stations with ice � 185.44 RMB/km one turn-back station. (5) Ownership cost per hour: local service � 467 RMB/h For convenience, we describe each line with the triplet and express service � 467 RMB/h (A, B, C). Here, A denotes the line number, B denotes the number of stations, and C denotes the number of turn-back (6) Passengers cost: waiting cost � 31 RMB/h, vehicle stations in the line. For example, (1, 5, 1) denotes route 1 time cost � 31 RMB/h, and transfer penalty with five stations and one turn-back station. cost � 5 RMB/h (7) Service level per route: maximum frequency � 20 - trains/h, minimum frequency � 6 trains/h, and sur- 7.2. Comparison of MILP Model and Search Algorithm. plus capacity ratio � 26.3% We analyzed the computational results of the MILP model. When we attempted to solve a line with 12 stations and 1 Practical case is introduced to determine the (nearly) turn-back station, the optimal solution could not be ob- optimal combinations of service strategies in previous sec- tained within the time limit. *ere was a significant dif- tions, the operation scheme is shown in Figure 8, and details ference in the computation time between 10 stations and 9 are obtained as follows: stations. *e other details are displayed in Table 3. (1) Optimal express service pattern: *e results obtained from the preliminary analysis of the two methods are compared in Table 3. *ese results highlight Express service route l1: 1⟶5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ the differences between the MILP model and the search al- 10 ⟶ 12 gorithm. First, the computational time increases exponentially Express service route l2: 1⟶3 ⟶ in the MILP model. In contrast, it increases slowly in the search 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ algorithm. *is discrepancy can be attributed to the consid- 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 erable scale of the arcs generated by all the feasible service Local service route l3: 1⟶2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ routes. As Table 3 shows, the computational time of 2535.0 s for 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 the MILP model is much larger than the 172.1 s of the search ⟶ 12 algorithm when there are 10 stations on the lines. It is apparent Local service route l4: 1⟶2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ that the number of variables is the distinguishing feature be- 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ tween the two methods; there were up to 1754417 variables in 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 the MILP model, while the search algorithm had only 2100 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 12 Journal of Advanced Transportation

400 450 320 360 v6 v7 240 v5 270 v6 v5 160 v4 180 v4 v3 90 v3 80 v2 v2 0 v1 0 v1 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 Destination station v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 Number of passengers of Number Number of passengers of Number Destination station Origin station Origin station

v1 v4 v1 v5 v2 v5 v2 v6 v3 v6 v3 v7 v4

(a) (b)

1500 1500 1200 1200 v9 900 v7 900 v7 600 v5 600 v5 300 v3 300 v3 0 v1 0 v1 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 Number of passengers of Number Number of passengers of Number Destination station Destination station Origin station Origin station

v1 v5 v1 v6 v2 v6 v2 v7 v3 v7 v3 v8 v4 v8 v4 v9 v5

(c) (d)

1500 1200 900 v9 v7 600 v5 300 v3 0 v1 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 Number of passengers of Number Destination station Origin station

v1 v6 v2 v7 v3 v8 v4 v9 v5 v10


Figure 5: Passenger OD matrices of 5 lines. (a) Six-station OD demand. (b) Seven-station OD demand. (c) Eight-station OD demand. (d) Nine-station OD demand. (e) Ten-station OD demand.

(2) Optimal operation frequency for each service: (3) Urban rail transit total cost: 825629 RMB (4) Computation time: 3613.9 s l1: 10 trains/h l2: 8 trains/h Figure 8 shows that the operation scheme contains four l3: 8 trains/h service routes consisting of two express service routes and l4: 10 trains/h two local service routes. One of the most notable aspects of Journal of Advanced Transportation 13

Table 3: Computational results of the models. MILP model Search Algorithm Instances Variable Objective value Best bound Gap Time Variable Objective value Gap Time size (RMB) (RMB) (%) (s) size (RMB) (%) (s) (1, 6, 1) 51978 46609 46609 0.00 2.8 1044 47253 1.38 74.2 (2, 7, 1) 119147 55378 55374 0.01 5.3 1281 56442 1.93 77.7 (3, 8, 1) 286494 79889 79887 0.00 44.3 1536 80043 0.19 125.8 (4, 9, 1) 697875 124740 124734 0.00 300.3 1809 126401 1.34 127.5 (5, 10, 1) 1754417 198218 198210 0.00 2535.0 2100 201629 1.72 172.1

n n n n n n n n n n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

n n n n n n n n n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Inbound Outbound General station Turn-back station Figure 6: Layout of an urban transit line in Chengdu.

2400 2400 2000 2000 1600 1600 1200 v17 1200 v17 v13 v13 800 v9 800 v9 400 v5 400 v5 0 v1 0 v1 Number of passengers of Number Number of passengers of Number v 1 v 2 v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8 v 9 v 1 v 2 v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8 v 9

Destination station v 10 v 11 v 12 v 13 v 14 v 15 v 16 v 17 v 18 v 19 Destination station v 10 v 11 v 12 v 13 v 14 v 15 v 16 v 17 v 18 v 19 Origin station Origin station

v1 v6 v11 v16 v1 v6 v11 v16 v2 v7 v12 v17 v2 v7 v12 v17 v3 v8 v13 v18 v3 v8 v13 v18 v4 v9 v14 v19 v4 v9 v14 v19 v5 v10 v15 v5 v10 v15

(a) (b)

2400 2500 2000 2000 1600 1500 1200 v17 v17 v13 1000 v13 800 v9 v9 400 v5 500 v5 0 v1 0 v1 Number of passengers of Number v 1 v 2 v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8 v 9 Number of passengers of Number v 1 v 2 v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8 v 9

v 10 v 11 v 12 v 13 v 14 v 15 v 16 v 17 v 18 v 19 Destination station Destination station v 10 v 11 v 12 v 13 v 14 v 15 v 16 v 17 v 18 v 19 Origin station Origin station

v1 v6 v11 v16 v1 v6 v11 v16 v2 v7 v12 v17 v2 v7 v12 v17 v3 v8 v13 v18 v3 v8 v13 v18 v4 v9 v14 v19 v4 v9 v14 v19 v5 v10 v15 v5 v10 v15

(c) (d)

Figure 7: Multiple passenger demand levels. (a) 50% demand with respect to original demand. (b) 80% demand with respect to original demand. (c) Original demand. (d) 120% demand with respect to original demand. 14 Journal of Advanced Transportation

67 68 69 70 71

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 n12 n13 n14 n15 n16 n17 n18 n19

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

119 120 121 122 123




l4 Figure 8: Optimized operation scheme for an urban rail transit line. the operation scheme is the simultaneous existence of both To further analyze how the parameters influence the express and local services in one route in which the express operation scheme and total cost, we varied the number of trains along service route l1 stop at only five stations. An- search range partitions. As Figure 9 shows, the number of other express service route contains 16 stopping stations, grids determines the partitioning of the search range. *is except for station n2. A possible explanation for the dif- value is of great importance in exploring the variable space. ference in the number of stopping stations in the two express In this experiment, the number of grids was gradually in- service routes is the passenger demand for medium- to long- creased from 0 to 1800. A larger value indicates a more finely distance travel. Skipping stations allows the express service divided search range with a higher possibility of finding routes to provide different transport capacities to all the a higher-quality solution. However, more resources are stations covered while meeting the passenger demand at required. When the number of grids is 0, the augmented each station. *erefore, the operation scheme is different for model does not place a constraint on the objective function. different passenger demand levels. To verify the effectiveness When the number of grids is between 0–200 and 500–600, of the algorithm, the effect of the demand level on the the total cost shows a rapid downward trend. When the number of service routes and stopping pattern is further number of grids reaches 1000, the value of the objective studied. Operation schemes were generated with different function changes only slightly as the number of grids is given levels of demand in the multiple-scenario analysis. further increased. *is shows that a rougher grid may miss Figure 7 shows the multiple demand levels used for the optimal solution, whereas an excessively high grid evaluation. number does not significantly improve the search accuracy.

7.4. Multiple-Scenario Analysis. Using the solution algo- 7.5. Comparison with Empirical Operation Scheme. We rithm, different operation schemes can be obtained under compared two schemes, namely, (i) a high-quality operation different scenarios, such as varying levels of passenger scheme based on the solution algorithm and (ii) an empirical demand. *e impact of the passenger demand can be scheme in operation in the urban rail transit line to verify the evaluated by inputting various levels of passenger de- search algorithm. *e empirical routes and the morning mand into the solution algorithm. We evaluated the peak passenger volume were given and the differences in the optimization capability of the solution algorithm at total cost, frequencies, and line settings were determined. different demand levels and obtained distinguishing re- Table 5 shows a detailed comparison of the two schemes. sults with different express service routes, costs, and *ere are three service routes in the empirical scheme, frequencies. *e results for the multiple scenarios are while four service routes exist in the high-quality scheme. shown in Table 4. *is implies that there are many more nodes in the high- As can be seen from Table 4, high-quality operation quality scheme than in the empirical scheme. However, schemes were generated for different demand levels by the more trains are employed in the empirical scheme, and the search algorithm. *ere are distinctions in the total cost, total cost is higher. *e cost of 825629 RMB in the high- transit line setting, solution time, and service frequency quality scheme is 7.76% lower than the 895078 RMB in the between the three passenger demand scenarios. *e 120% empirical scheme. Additionally, the costs to the operator and demand scenario has the largest total cost, solution time, the users in the high-quality scheme are both lower than and frequency of 912395 RMB, 3620 s, and 38 trains/h, those of the empirical scheme with relative cost reductions of respectively, because of the high demand level in this 2.18% and 12.96%, respectively. *ere are two likely causes period. It can be concluded that the higher the level of for the total cost differences between the two schemes. From demand, the higher the cost and the solution time. It is the operator’s perspective, the higher cost to the operator in hence necessary for operators and users to design suitable the empirical scheme is attributed to the larger number of operation schemes. operating trains due to the positive correlation between the ora fAvne Transportation Advanced of Journal

Table 4: Scenarios analysis with respect to original demand levels. Demand with Total Service respect to Solution cost Transit lines setting frequency original time (s) (RMB) (trains/h) demand (%) 1 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 8 120 912395 3620 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 20 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 10 1 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 12 8 80 630096 1681.1 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 8 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 10 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 8 50 421167 1305.5 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 8 15 16 Journal of Advanced Transportation

8.60E + 05

8.55E + 05

8.50E + 05

8.45E + 05

8.40E + 05

8.35E + 05 E

Total cost (RMB) Total 8.30 + 05

8.25E + 05

8.20E + 05

8.15E + 05 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Grid number Figure 9: Sensitivity studies on total costs based on different partitions.

Table 5: Result comparison of the two schemes. Total Operator User Service Scheme Transit lines cost cost cost frequency type setting (RMB) (RMB) (RMB) (trains/h) 1 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 12 10 1 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ High- 8 11 ⟶ 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 quality 825629 422333 403296 1 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 8 scheme 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 10 12 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 8 Empirical 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 24 895078 431728 463350 scheme 1 ⟶ 2 ⟶ 3 ⟶ 4 ⟶ 5 ⟶ 6 ⟶ 7 ⟶ 8 ⟶ 9 ⟶ 10 ⟶ 11 ⟶ 12 8 ⟶ 13 ⟶ 14 ⟶ 15 ⟶ 16 ⟶ 17 ⟶ 18 ⟶ 19 cost and the number of trains. 40 trains are employed in the capacity of most sections in the OS is higher than that of empirical scheme, while the employment of only 36 trains in the ES, indicating that the trains are distributed more the high-quality scheme can save considerable vehicle efficiently. *e maximum OS CUR is 63.56%, which is purchase costs. From the passengers’ perspective, the pro- considerably higher than the ES CUR of 57.20% at e6 in vision of more service routes to passengers gives them the the inbound direction. Moreover, the average OS CUR is choice for flexible travel options without waiting for a spe- 0.52% higher than the average ES CUR. In the outbound cific service. For example, passengers can use the express direction, the maximum OS CUR is 57.65% higher than service route from station 1 to station 12 or other stations, the ES CUR of 51.89% at e8. *e reasons for the differ- but they can also use the local service route when more ences are clear: the OS uses express services in con- waiting time is needed for the express train. junction with short-turn services, and service routes from Accordingly, we carried out a detailed analysis of the station 1 to station 12 employ both express service and section flows and capacity utilization ratios (CURs) in the local services. *e transport capacity can thus be fully two schemes. By comparing the passenger flow volumes in utilized. In addition, the passenger demand is mainly the sections, the influence of the service setting on the concentrated at the first twelve stations, which account passenger flow accumulation can be understood. *e CUR for 81.37% of the total passenger demand. *ese in- indicates whether the service design is reasonable. *e dicators explain the rationality and efficiency of the empirical scheme and high-quality scheme are, respectively, scheme based on the proposed model. denoted in the figure as ES and OS for short. ES and OS, Regarding the waiting time, Figure 11 shows that the respectively, signify the capacities of the empirical and waiting time of the ES at most stations is lower than that of the optimized schemes in each section. OS, that is, passengers have to wait longer for the same service As shown in Figure 10, the CUR of the OS is higher under the high-quality scheme. *is is because the train fre- than that of ES in most sections because the transport quency in the ES is higher than that in the OS. Although there is Journal of Advanced Transportation 17

3.5E + 04 90 35000 90 3.0E + 04 80 30000 80 70 70 2.5E + 04 25000 60 60 E 2.0 + 04 50 20000 50 (%) (%) 1.5E + 04 40 15000 40 30 30 1.0E + 04 10000 20 20 E 5.0 + 03 10 5000 10 Passenger flow (persons/h) flow Passenger 0.0E + 00 0 (persons/h) flow Passenger 0 0 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Section Section

Section flow ES CUR Section flow ES CUR ESC OS CUR ESC OS CUR OSC OSC (a) (b)

Figure 10: Section flow and capacity utilization ratio. (a) Inbound direction. (b) Outbound direction.




100 Waiting time (h) Waiting 50

0 1 2345678910111213141516171819 Station


Figure 11: Passenger waiting time distribution. a large difference in the waiting time in station 1 of up to 163 h, can be solved directly by commercial solvers for small-scale the total waiting time in the OS is lower than that of ES, and the problems, we introduced the line pool strategy to reduce the reduction in waiting time is 73 h. scale of the problem and designed a search algorithm to solve In summary, the present results are significant in two the large-scale problem by minimizing the total cost. In major respects. First, the operator’s cost can be reduced by addition, we applied the model and search method in reducing the number of vehicle purchases. In practice, the a practical urban rail line under multiple scenarios. *is number of rolling stocks can be reduced through a reason- differs from previous works that tested their models and able and high-efficiency operation scheme as verified by the methods only on small-scale scenarios. aforementioned example. Furthermore, a high-quality op- Numerical studies were conducted to analyze the eration scheme also benefits the passengers and saves their performance of the proposed model and the search al- waiting time and riding time by integrating multiple gorithm. An instance comparison verified that the search strategies. algorithm could find high-quality solutions with a gap of 1.31% compared to the MILP model. In particular, com- 8. Conclusions pared to the empirical operation scheme, the high-quality scheme demonstrated practicability and effectiveness In this paper, we proposed an MILP model for the URTSDP, through a total cost saving of 7.76%. *e performance of wherein short-turn, express, and local services are provided. the search algorithm was tested under multiple scenarios *is problem can be analyzed from two aspects. Firstly, the and different parameter values. *e multiple-scenario SRDP determines which station to turn back at, the numbers analysis illustrated the applicability of different operation and frequencies of the service routes, and the routes to run schemes to meet different demands. A sensitivity eperi- and stations to serve for each express service route. Secondly, ment was performed to investigate the effects of different an optimal strategy is applied to solve the PAP while con- partitionings of the search range on the total cost and sidering the capacity restrictions. Because the MILP model solution time. 18 Journal of Advanced Transportation

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