Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya (1922–2004) , , Cathleen Morawetz, , Gregory Seregin, Nina Ural’tseva, and Mark Vishik

Olga Alexandrovna La- from uniqueness of solutions of PDE to convergence dyzhenskaya died in her of Fourier series and finite difference approxima- sleep on January 12th, 2004, tion of solutions. She used functional analytic tech- in St. Petersburg, , at niques to treat nonlinear problems using Leray- the age of eighty-one. She left Schauder degree theory and pioneered the theory a wonderful legacy for math- of attractors for dissipative equations. Develop- ematics in terms of her fun- ing ideas of De Giorgi and Nash, Ladyzhenskaya and damental results connected her coauthors gave the complete answer to Hilbert’s with partial differential equa- nineteenth problem concerning the dependence tions and her “school” of stu- of the regularity of the solution on the regularity dents, collaborators, and col- of the data for a large class of second-order ellip- leagues in Russia. In a life tic and parabolic PDE. She published more than 250 dedicated to mathematics articles and authored or coauthored seven mono- she overcame personal graphs and textbooks. Her very influential book The tragedy arising from the cat- Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible aclysmic events of twentieth Flow, which was published in 1961, has become a century Russia to become one classic in the field. Her main mathematical “love” of that country’s leading was the PDE of fluid dynamics, particularly the mathematicians. Denied a Navier-Stokes equation. This equation has a long place as an undergraduate at and glorious history but remains extremely chal- university, she was an exceptionally gifted young lenging: for example, the issue of existence of phys- girl, but one whose father disappeared in Stalin’s gulag. She eventually became a leading member of ically reasonable solutions to the Navier-Stokes the Steklov Institute (POMI) and was elected to the equations in three dimensions was chosen as one Russian Academy of Science. Her mathematical of the seven millenium “million dollar” prize prob- achievements were honored in many countries. lems of the Clay Mathematical Institute. (The CMI She was a foreign member of numerous acade- website gives a description by Fefferman of the mies, including the Leopoldina, the oldest German prize problem.) The three-dimensional problem academy. Among other offices, she was president remains open to this day, although it was in the of the Mathematical Society of St. Petersburg and, 1950s that Ladyzhenskaya obtained the key result as such, a successor of Euler. of global unique solvability of the initial boundary problem for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes Ladyzhenskaya made deep and important con- equation. She continued to obtain influential results tributions to the whole spectrum of partial differ- and to raise stimulating issues in fluid dynamics, ential equations and worked on topics that ranged even up to the days before her death.

1320 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 Selected Honors of Olga Ladyzhenskaya This memorial article contains brief surveys of 1969 The State Prize of the USSR some of Ladyzhenskaya’s significant mathematical 1985 Elected a foreign member of the Deutsche Akademie achievements by two of her collaborators in St. Pe- Leopoldina tersburg, Gregory Seregin and Nina Ural’tseva. 1989 Elected a member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei These are followed by “memories” of Olga Alexan- 1990 Elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Science drovna by other distinguished mathematicians who 2002 Awarded the Great Gold Lomonosov Medal of the Russian have known her and her work for many years, Academy namely Peter Lax, Cathleen Morawetz, Louis Niren- 2002 Doctoris Honoris Causa, University of Bonn berg, and Mark Vishik. Olga Alexandrovna was a woman of great charm and beauty. We are very grateful to Tamara Rozhkovskaya for presenting some of the lovely photographs of Olga that appear in the two volumes in honor of the eightieth birthday of Ladyzhenskaya edited by Rozhkovskaya, who is a “mathematical grandchild” of Olga and editor and publisher of the International Mathematical Series in which these volumes appear. At the conclusion of her appreci- ation article in the second of these two volumes, Nina Ural’tseva ( a “mathematical child” and close friend and collaborator of Olga ) writes “In the Sci- ence Museum in Boston there is an exhibition de- voted to mathematics. The names of the most in- fluential mathematicians of the 20th century are carved on a large marble desk…and Olga La- dyzhenskaya is among them”. —Susan Friedlander Left to right, Nina Ural’tseva, Olga Ladyzhenskaya, V. Smirnov.

for them. The eminent mathematician V. Smirnov; the great pianist and professor of the Academy of Gregory Seregin and Nina Ural’tseva Music, N. Golubovskaja; the distinguished world- Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya passed away famous poets A. Akhmatova and J. Brodsky; and quite unexpectedly on January 12 this year. She was the famous writer A. Solzhenitsyn are found among in good spirits two days before that. She had just them. sketched a paper on some computational aspects Her influence on twentieth century mathemat- in hydrodynamics and planned to finish it in ics is highly valued by the world scientific com- Florida. Olga was fond of sunlight; therefore, every munity. It was not only Olga’s scientific results, winter, the darkest period in our St. Petersburg, she though truly deep and fundamental, but also her longed for the South…. In her last years she had personal integrity and energy that played an es- serious problems with her eyes, and she suffered pecial role in her contribution to mathematics. enormously because of the winter darkness. She re- Olga’s focus in life was not limited to mathe- sisted such problems by all means, for example, matics and science. She was deeply interested in using special pencils when writing. She was to leave arts and intellectual life in general. She loved ani- for Florida on January 12. On the eve of January mals, was a passionate mushroom lover, and en- 11 she went to rest before her long trip and did not joyed flowers. She was an enthusiastic traveler and wake up. God gave her an easy death. had the wonderful skill of a storyteller when shar- Olga Ladyzhenskaya was a brilliant mathemati- ing her impressions with friends. cian and an outstanding person who was admired There were few things that did not touch her; by distinguished scientists, writers, artists, and she reacted keenly to any injustice, to the misfor- musicians, often becoming a source of inspiration tunes of others; and she helped lone and feeble peo- ple. She took this very personally. Susan Friedlander, is professor of mathematics at the Uni- versity of Illinois-Chicago. Her email address is She expressed openly her views on social mat- [email protected]. ters, even in the years of the totalitarian political Gregory Seregin is professor of mathematics at the St. Pe- regime, often neglecting her own safety. tersburg Department of the Steklov Institute. His email ad- Olga grew up during very hard times in Russia. dress is [email protected]. She was born on March 7, 1922, in the tiny town Nina Ural’tseva is professor of mathematics at St. Peters- of Kologriv in the north part of Russia. Her father, burg University, Russia. Her email address is uraltsev@ Alexander Ivanovich, taught mathematics in a high euclid.pdmi.ras.ru. school. Her mother, Anna Mikhailovna, kept house

DECEMBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1321 and looked after her husband fall of 1941 she worked as a teacher in the town and three daughters. Olga’s of Gorodets, and in the spring of 1942 she re- “grandfather”1, Gennady La- turned to Kologriv, where she took her father’s dyzhensky, was a famous position as a high school mathematics teacher. In painter. There were many October 1943 she finally became a student at books, including books on and graduated in 1947. history and fine arts, in their During these years, I. G. Petrovskii was her adviser. house. Books were almost the At that time she was strongly influenced by only source of cultural edu- Gelfand’s seminar. cation, because Kologriv was In 1947 Olga married A. A. Kiselev, a Leningrad too far from cultural centers. resident, so she moved there, with a recommen- The town was situated dation from Moscow State University to the grad- among wild forests, near the uate school of Leningrad State University (LGU). At picturesque river Unzha. All LGU S. L. Sobolev was appointed to be her scien- her life Olga carefully kept tific adviser. From the time she came to LGU, a very beautiful landscape paintings close friendship developed between Olga and V. I. Olga as a baby, with her father, by her grandfather, some of Smirnov and his family. In the fall of 1947 Smirnov, mother, and two sisters. them depicting fine views of at Ladyzhenskaya’s request, became head of a sem- the Unzha. inar on mathematical , which has been ac- It was in the summer of 1930 that Alexander tive ever since. The seminar brought together many Ivanovich decided to teach mathematics to his own mathematicians of the city working in the area of daughters. After he made partial differential equations and their applica- some explanation of the tions. Until her last days Ladyzhenskaya was one basic notions of geome- of the leading participants. try, he formulated a theo- rem and suggested that Finite-Difference Method and Hyperbolic his daughters prove it Equations themselves. It turned out Even the first results that Ladyzhenskaya obtained that the youngest one, in the late 1940s and in the early 1950s were a Olga, was the best of his breakthrough in the theory of PDEs. In her Ph.D. students. She loved to dis- thesis, defended at LGU in 1949, she proposed a cuss mathematics with difference analog of Fourier expansions for peri- her father, and soon they odic functions on grids and investigated their con- studied calculus together. vergence as the grid step goes to zero in the dif- k In October 1937 Alexander Ivanovich was arrested ference analogues of the space W2 . Using these and soon killed by NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB. expansions, she investi- It was a great shock for the family. Later, in 1956, gated various difference he was officially exonerated “due to the absence of schemes for model equa- a corpus delicti”. His death put the family in a very tions, distinguished those distressed situation. The mother and older daugh- that are stable for certain ters had to go to work. Olga’s mother had grown ratios of grid steps in the up in a small village in Estonia and could do craft space and time variables, work. She made dresses, shoes, soap, and many and then proved the sta- other things. That was the way the family survived bility of these schemes for in those days. equations with variable In 1939 Olga graduated with honors from Kolo- coefficients. In particular, griv High School and went to Leningrad to continue she gave a simpler proof her education. However, it was forbidden for a per- of unique local solvability son whose father was considered an “enemy of his of the Cauchy problem for Nation” to enter Leningrad State University.2 She hyperbolic quasilinear sys- was accepted at Pokrovskii Pedagogical Institute, tems than the proof that Petrovskii had given. and finished two years of studies there in June After defending her Ph.D. thesis, Ladyzhenskaya 1941. The war forced her to leave Leningrad. In the decided to study initial boundary-value problems for linear hyperbolic equations of second order. She 1Olga’s actual grandfather was Ivan whose brother was the painter Gennady Ladyzhensky. Gennady lived with Ivan started with justification of the Fourier method. In and his family. Olga and her sisters always called Gennady her publications of 1950–1952, Ladyzhenskaya “Dedushka” which means grandfather. gave exhaustive answers concerning series expan- k 2She had passed the entrance exams to this university which sions of functions in W2 (Ω) in the eigenfunctions at the time was considered the best in the . of arbitrary symmetric second-order elliptic

1322 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 operators in a bounded domain Ω ∈ Rn , under any Dirichlet problem was reduced to obtaining a pri- of the classical boundary conditions on ∂Ω. More- ori bounds for its solutions in C1+α norm. Up to over, in [1] she found a solution to the problem of the mid-1950s the program had been realized for describing the domain of the closure in L2(Ω) of the Dirichlet problem for two-dimensional elliptic an elliptic operator L with the Dirichlet boundary equations, but even in those cases some unnatural condition. The solution is based on the inequality conditions were supposed. The conception of a generalized solution first (1) u 2 ≤ C(Ω)(LuL (Ω) + uL (Ω)), W2 (Ω) 2 2 showed up in the calculus of variations. The efforts proved by Ladyzhenskaya. Here, L is a general sec- of many outstanding mathematicians such as ond-order elliptic operator with smooth coeffi- Hilbert, Tonelli, Morrey, and A. G. Sigalov led to the cients in front of the second derivatives, Ω is a construction of direct methods for proving the ex- bounded domain in Rn with smooth boundary, istence of solutions to the Euler equations of the 2 corresponding variational integrals. In contrast to and u is an arbitrary function in W2 (Ω) that van- ishes on the boundary or satisfies a nondegener- the existence of minimizers, the number of inde- ate homogeneous boundary condition of the first pendent variables plays a significant role in the order. The significance of this result for the the- study of their differentiability properties. By the be- ory of differential operators, including spectral ginning of the 1940s Morrey was investigating the theory, can hardly be overestimated. regularity for the case n =2. Most of the results mentioned above were in- The attack on higher-dimensional problems cluded in her first monograph [2], published in started in the mid-1950s. 1953. Unfortunately, this book was not translated In 1955, at the Depart- into European languages. ment of Physics of LGU, Thanks to this work, the notion of a weak solu- Ladyzhenskaya deliv- ered a special course of tion to an initial boundary-value problem becomes lectures about her new an important concept in mathematical physics. results on quasilinear Systematic investigation of the entire scale of weak parabolic equations, solutions in various function spaces, masterly an- later published in [1] and alytic techniques for obtaining estimates for the in- [2]. These papers con- tegral norms, together with general arguments of tained a rather general functional analysis, provided Ladyzhenskaya with form of the method of a strong background that led to success in the auxiliary functions, study of the solvability of the boundary-value prob- which goes back to Bern- lems and initial boundary-value problems for lin- stein’s work. Ladyzhen- ear PDEs of classical type. skaya set herself the task References of unraveling the secret of finding auxiliary func- [1] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, On some closure of an elliptic op- tions for the evaluation erator, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 79 (1951), 723–725. (Russian) of the maximum modulus of the gradient of the so- lution in the multidimensional case. She reduced [2] ——— , The Mixed Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation, Gostehteorizdat, Moscow, 1953. it to solving a nonlinear differential inequality for functions of one variable and proved its solvabil- Quasilinear PDEs of Elliptic and Parabolic ity under a certain condition of smallness. This Types made it possible to estimate the spatial gradient An extensive series of joint papers by Ladyzhen- for any solution in terms of its modulus of conti- skaya and Nina Ural’tseva was devoted to the in- nuity under natural growth conditions. In papers vestigation of quasilinear elliptic and parabolic [1] and [2], she applied her result to a narrower class equations of the second order. At the beginning of of quasilinear elliptic and parabolic equations that the last century S. N. Bernstein proposed an ap- does not require a preliminary estimate for the os- proach to the study of the classical solvability of cillations of the solution. Almost simultaneously boundary-value problems for such equations based with [1], in papers by J. Nash and E. de Giorgi, a on a priori estimates for solutions. He also de- bound for the Hölder norm of solutions was es- scribed conditions that are in a certain sense nec- tablished for the simplest case of linear parabolic essary for such solvability. These conditions, which and elliptic equations having a divergence form with are usually called natural growth restrictions, are bounded measurable coefficients. formulated in terms of growth orders of functions De Giorgi’s ideas were further developed in entering the equations with respect to gradients of [3]–[8]. The results of these investigations were the solutions. Due to works by Leray and Shauder, in- main content of monographs [9]–[11] on the the- vestigation of the classical solvability of the ory of quasilinear equations of elliptic and

DECEMBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1323 parabolic types (the latter written jointly with Solon- [3] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA and N. N. URAL’TSEVA, A variational nikov). The books presented a rather complete the- problem and quasi-linear elliptic equations in many ory for quasilinear equations of divergence form independent variables, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 135 and, in particular, global solvability of the classi- (1960), 1330–1333; English transl., Soviet Math. Dokl. 1 (1960), 1390–1394. cal boundary-value problems under natural growth [4] ——— , Quasi-linear elliptic equations and variational restrictions. Moreover, the methods developed by problems in several independent variables, Uspekhi the authors in [9] enabled them to analyze the de- Mat. Nauk 16:1 (1961), 19–90; English transl., Russian pendence of smoothness of generalized solutions Math. Surveys 16:1 (1961), 17–91. on the smoothness of data for equations of diver- [5] ——— , A boundary value problem for linear and quasi- gence form. It was proved that under natural growth linear parabolic equations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR restrictions, the regularity of weak extremals for 139 (1961), 544–547; English transl., Soviet Math. Dokl. the higher-dimensional variational is completely de- 2 (1961), 969–972. termined by the smoothness of the integrand. In a [6] ——— , On the smoothness of weak solutions of quasi- linear equations in several variables and of variational sense this concluded the investigation of Hilbert’s problems, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 14 (1961), 481–495. nineteenth and twentieth problems for second- [7] ——— , Boundary value problems for linear and quasi- order equations. Also, classes of quasilinear sys- linear parabolic equations. I, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR tems with diagonal principal part and a special Ser. Mat. 26 (1962), 5–52; English transl., Amer. Math. structure of the terms quadratic in gradients were Soc. Transl. (2) 47 (1966), 217–267. singled out there, and it was shown that they share [8] ——— , Boundary value problems for linear and quasi- properties that are characteristic of scalar diver- linear parabolic equations. II, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. gence equations. Such systems later became the ob- Mat. 26 (1962), 753–780; English transl., Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) 47 (1966), 268–299. ject of detailed studies in research on harmonic [9] ——— , Linear and Quasi-Linear Elliptic Equations, maps of manifolds. Nauka, Moscow, 1964; English transl., Academic Press, The books [9]–[11] also presented a number of New York, 1968. deep results in the theory of quasilinear equations [10] ——— , Linear and Quasi-Linear Elliptic Equations, of general nondivergence form. However, for such 2nd rev. ed., Nauka, Moscow, 1973. (Russian) equations it was only later, at the beginning of the [11] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, V. A. SOLONNIKOV, and N. N. 1980s, that unnatural restrictions were completely URAL’TSEVA, Linear and Quasi-Linear Equations of Par- removed and the results brought to the same level abolic Type, Nauka, Moscow, 1967; English transl., of generality as in the divergence form case. This Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1968. [12] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA and N. N. URAL’TSEVA, Solvability required techniques developed by N. V. Krylov and of the first boundary value problem for quasi-linear M. V. Safonov for investigating linear equations of elliptic and parabolic equations in the presence of nondivergence form with bounded measurable co- singularities, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 281 (1985), efficients. In [12]–[14], the conditions on the data 275–279; English transl., Soviet Math. Dokl. 31 (1985), were made even weaker, the presence of integrable 296–300. singularities with respect to the independent vari- [13] ——— , A survey of results on the solvability of bound- ables was allowed, and the solvability of the Dirich- ary value problems for uniformly elliptic and parabolic let problem was studied in Sobolev spaces. second-order quasi-linear equations having unbounded The methods developed in the monographs singularities, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 41:5 (1986), 59–84; English transl., Russian Math. Surveys 41:5 (1986), [9]–[11] turned out to be effective also in the study 1–31. of broader classes of equations that contain non- [14] ——— , Estimates on the boundary of the domain for uniformly elliptic operators like mean curvature op- the first derivatives of functions satisfying an elliptic erator [15]. The joint work of Ladyzhenskaya with or a parabolic inequality, Trudy Math. Inst. Steklov. 179 N. M. Ivochkina was devoted to geometric topics as (1988), 102–125; English transl., Proc. Steklov Inst. well. In 1994–1997, they published a series of pa- Math. 1989, no. 2, 109–135. pers investigating the global classical solvability of [15] ——— , Local estimates for gradients of solutions of the first initial boundary-value problem for non- non-uniformly elliptic and parabolic equations, Comm. linear equations of parabolic type that describe Pure Appl. Math. 23 (1970), 677–703. the flows generated by the symmetric functions of Hydrodynamics the Hessian of the unknown surface or by its prin- The mathematical theory of viscous incompress- cipal curvatures. ible fluids was the favorite topic of Olga La- References dyzhenskaya. She was involved with this activity from the middle of the 1950s till the very end of [1] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, The first boundary value problem for quasi-linear parabolic equations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk her life. Her personal contributions to mathemat- SSSR 107 (1956), 636–638. (Russian) ical hydrodynamics were deep and very impor- tant. But what was perhaps even more important [2] ——— , Solution of the first boundary value problem in the large for quasi-linear equations, Trudy Moskov. is that she was a great source of new problems for Mat. Obshch. 7 (1958), 219–220. (Russian) others.

1324 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 In the middle of the 1950s, Ladyzhenskaya began with the simplest case, the stationary Stokes sys- tem: µ∆u −∇p = −f (0.1) in Ω,u| =0 div u =0 ∂Ω n n Here, Ω is a domain in R (n =2, 3), f ∈ L2(Ω; R ) is a given force, µ is constant viscosity, u and p are unknown velocity field and pressure. If we define by H(Ω) and H1(Ω) the closures of the set ◦ ∞ Rn { ∈ ∞ Rn  } C0 (Ω; )= v C0 (Ω; ) div v =0 Rn 1 Rn in L2(Ω; ) and W2 (Ω; ), respectively, the ve- locity can be determined from the variational iden- Ladyzhenskaya near the River Dnieper in the tity Ukraine, while on a break from a math conference. (0.2) µ ∇u : ∇vdx= f ·vdx, ∀v ∈ H1(Ω). Ω Ω saying that the class of weak solutions introduced by E. Hopf is too wide to prove uniqueness. At that time, Ladyzhenskaya had already been able One of the most remarkable results, proved by to prove that the solution u to (0.2) has the second Ladyzhenskaya at the end of the 1950s and pub- derivatives which are locally square summable in lished in [4], was the global unique solvability of Ω. In order to recover the pressure, she proved the the initial boundary problem for the 2D Navier- following fundamental fact: Stokes equations. For the Cauchy problem, it was ∈ Rn established by J. Leray. The proof was based on Theorem◦ 0.1. Let w L2(Ω; ) be orthogonal to all v ∈ C∞(Ω; Rn) , then w = ∇p for some ideas developed in [2] and on new types of in- 0 equalities, which nowadays are called multiplica- p ∈ L (Ω) with ∇p ∈ L (Ω; Rn). 2,loc 2 tive inequalities. In particular, Ladyzhenskaya ∈ ∞ The theorem was proved in the celebrated mono- proved that, for any v C0 (Ω), it holds: graph [1], which contains the main results obtained by Ladyzhenskaya in the 1950s on Stokes and (0.4) v2 ≤ C∇ v v . L4(Ω) L2(Ω) L2(Ω) Navier-Stokes equations. 2 In 1957, the joint paper [2] by Ladyzhenskaya Here, Ω is an arbitrary domain in R and C is a uni- and Kiselev was published, in which they consid- versal constant. The inequality (0.4) now bears her ered the first initial boundary value problem for the name. At almost the same time, Lions and Prodi Navier-Stokes equations: proved in [6] the global unique solvability of the (0.3) two-dimensional problem in a different way but ∂ v + v ·∇v − µ∆v + ∇p = f with the help of Ladyzhenskaya’s inequality (0.4). t in Q = Ω×]0,T[ div v =0 T As to the three-dimensional case, Ladyzhen- skaya did not pay special attention to additional | | v ∂Ω×[0,T ] =0,vt=0 = a conditions that provide uniqueness of the so-called weak Leray-Hopf solutions. A function u is called and proved unique solvability of it in an arbitrary a weak Leray-Hopf solution if it has the finite en- three-dimensional domain. At that time, the only ergy, satisfies a certain variational identity in which one result of such kind was the pioneering result test functions are divergence free and compactly [3] of J. Leray on the Cauchy problem. All statements supported in the space-time cylinder Q , is con- in [2] were proved without any special representa- T tinuous in time with values in L (Ω) equipped with tion of solutions but allowed freedom in the choice 2 the weak topology, and satisfies the energy in- for a class of generalized solutions in which the uniqueness theorem is preserved. In particular, equality for all moments of time and the initial con- 1 ∩ dition in L2-sense. It was mentioned in the first edi- they worked in the class W2 (QT ) tion of her monograph [1] that the additional L∞(0,T; L4(Ω)) for v , with ∂t ∇ v ∈L2(QT ) , and showed that unique solvability in the class on a non- condition v ∈ L4,8(QT ) ≡ L8(0,T; L4(Ω)) gives 2 uniqueness in the class of weak Leray-Hopf solu- empty interval ]0,T[, where T depends on W2 -norm of a and on L2-norms of the known functions f and tions. This condition is a particular case of the fol- ∂t f . If these norms are sufficiently small, then lowing theorem proved essentially by Prodi in [7] T =+∞. In this paper, they cited Hopf’s work [5], and by Serrin in [8].

DECEMBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1325 As we mentioned above, Ladyzhenskaya be- lieved that in the 3D case the Navier-Stokes equa- tions, even with very smooth initial data, do not pro- vide uniqueness of their solutions on an arbitrary time interval. Hopf and later other mathematicians, Ladyzhenskaya among them, tried unsuccessfully to state a reasonable principle of choice for deter- minacy. Giving up these attempts, Ladyzhenskaya introduced the so-called modified Navier-Stokes equations, which are now known as Ladyzhen- skaya’s model. These equations differ from the classical ones only for large-velocity gradients. For them, she proved global unique solvability under reasonably wide assumptions on the data of the problem. These results were the main content of her report to the International Congress of Math- ematicians in 1966. For a long time, problems of this type were not very popular due to their diffi- Ladyzhenskaya, age 79, in her St. Petersburg apartment. culties, and it is only in the last decade that they have attracted the attention of many mathemati- Theorem 0.2 Assume that v is a weak Leray-Hopf . cians trying to improve on Ladyzhenskaya’s old re- solution and sults. At the end of this section, we would like to men- (0.5) v ∈ Ls,l(QT ) tion the remarkable results Ladyzhenskaya ob- for positive numbers s and l satisfying the condi- tained on the solvability of stationary problems for tion the Navier-Stokes equations. The first attempts in this direction were made by Odqvist and Leray. 3 2 (0.6) + ≤ 1,s>3. However, the question of global solvability (for all s l values of Reynolds numbers) had remained open Then any other weak Leray-Hopf solution to the same till the end of the 1950s. Ladyzhenskaya’s ap- initial boundary-value problem coincides with v. proach was based on her conception of weak so- lution and a good choice of the energy space. This Ladyzhenskaya later included results of this type 1 turned◦ out to be the space H (Ω), the closure of in the second Russian edition [9] of her mono- ∞ C0 (Ω) in the Dirichlet integral norm. Using known graph. a priori estimates for the velocity gradient in L2(Ω), In 1967, Ladyzhenskaya proved in [10] that in she proved in [13] and [14] the existence of at least fact weak Leray-Hopf solutions satisfying condi- one solution in the energy space H1(Ω). Later, in tions (0.5) and (0.6) are smooth. the 1970s, Ladyzhenskaya, together with Solon- nikov, successfully studied stationary problems in Theorem 0.3. Assume that all conditions of Theo- domains with noncompact boundaries. rem 0.2 are fulfilled. Let, in addition, f ∈ L2(QT ), a ∈ H1(Ω), and Ω is the bounded domain in R3 of References 2 2 class C . Then ∂t v, ∇ v, and ∇p are in L2(QT ). [1] O. LADYZHENSKAYA, The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow, Fizmatgiz, 1961; English transl., As it was indicated in one of the last papers by La- Gordon and Breach, New York, 1969. dyzhenskaya [11], this theorem might be a good [2] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA and A. A. KISELEV, On the existence guideline for those who would like to solve the main and uniqueness of the solution of the non-stationary problem of mathematical hydrodynamics. By the problem for a viscous incompressible fluid, Izv. Akad. way, Ladyzhenskaya formulated it as follows: One Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 21 (1957), 665–680; English transl., Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) 24 (1963), 79–106. should look for the right functional class in which [3] J. LERAY, Sur le mouvement d’un liquide visqueux em- global unique solvability for initial boundary value plissant l’espace, Acta Math. 63 (1934), pp. 193–248. problems for the Navier-Stokes takes place. [4] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, Solution “in the large” of bound- Up to now, very few qualitatively new results on ary value problems for the Navier-Stokes equations in global unique solvability results for the three- two space variables, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 123 (1958), dimensional nonstationary problem are known. 427–429; English transl., Soviet Phys. Dokl. 3 (1959), 1128–1131 and Comm. Pure App. Math. 12 (1959), The most impressive among them is Ladyzhen- 427–433. skaya’s result for the Cauchy problem in the class [5] E. HOPF, Über die Anfangswertaufgabe für die hydro- of radially asymmetric flows with zero angular ve- dynamischen Grundgleichungen, Math. Nachrichten 4 locity. This was proved in [12]. (1950–51), 213–231.

1326 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 [6] J.-L. LIONS and G. PRODI, Un théorème d’existence et unic- ties of M. It is invariant, each trajectory on M can ité dans les équations de Navier-Stokes en dimension be extended to negative times, and in a sense it is 2, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 248 (1959), 3519–3521. finite-dimensional. The latter means that there is [7] G. PRODI, Un teorema di unicità per el equazioni di a number N with the following property: If for two Navier-Stokes, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 48 (1959), pp. full trajectories lying in M the 173–182. projections on the finite dimen- [8] J. SERRIN, The initial value problem for the Navier- Stokes equations, Nonlinear Problems (R. Langer, ed.), sional space spanned by the first pp. 69–98, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madi- N eigenfunctions of the Stokes op- son, 1963. erator coincide, then the trajecto- [9] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, Mathematical Problems of the Dy- ries themselves coincide. In the namics of Viscous Incompressible Fluids (2nd edition) conclusion of this remarkable Nauka, Moscow, 1970. paper, it was claimed that the pro- [10] ——— , Uniqueness and smoothness of generalized posed approach is applicable to solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, Zap. Nauchn. many other dissipation problems, Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (LOMI) 5 in particular, to problems of par- (1967), 169–185; English transl., Sem. Math. V. A. abolic types. So, [1] opened a chap- Steklov Math. Inst. Leningrad 5 (1969), 60–66. ter in the theory of PDE, namely [11] , The sixth problem of the millenium: The ——— the theory of stability “in the Navier-Stokes equations, existence and smoothness, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 58:2(2003), 181–206; English transl., large”. This program was realized Russian Math. Surveys 58:2(2003), 395–425. in her last monograph [3]. In her survey article [2], she [12] ——— , Unique global solvability of the three-dimen- sional Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations proposed to call the set M a “global minimal B- in the presence of axial symmetry, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. attractor”. Her explanation of that was as follows. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (LOMI) 7 (1968), The word “minimal” indicates that no proper sub- 155–177; English transl., Sem. Math. V. A. Steklov Math. set of M attracts the whole of H(Ω), and the let- Inst. Leningrad 7 (1970), 70–79. ter B emphasizes that any bounded set in H(Ω) is [13] ——— , A stationary boundary value problem for vis- uniformly attracted to M. Certainly, this makes cous incompressible fluid, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 13 sense. (1958), 219–220 (Russian). [14] ——— , Stationary motion of viscous incompressible References fluids in pipes, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 124 (1959), [1] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, A dynamical system generated by 551–553; English transl., Soviet Physics Dokl. 124(4) the Navier-Stokes equations, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. (1959), 68–70. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (LOMI) 27 (1972), Attractors for PDEs 91–115; English transl., J. Soviet. Math. 3 (1975), 458–479. In [1], Ladyzhenskaya considered a semigroup gen- [2] ——— , Finding minimal global attractors for the Navier- erated by the two-dimensional initial boundary- Stokes equations and other partial differential equa- value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations. tions, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 42:6, 1987, 25–60; English Solution operators were defined as Vt (a)=v(t), and transl., Russian Math. Surveys 42:6, 1987, 27–73. the phase space was H(Ω). It was assumed that [3] ——— , Attractors for semigroups and evolution equa- the force f in (0.3) is independent of time and be- tions, Lezioni Lincei, 1988, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1991. longs to L2(Ω). It was known that solution opera- 1 tors are continuous in (a, t) on H(Ω) × R+ and each bounded set B⊂H(Ω) is pulled into the ball B(R )={u u 0 L2(Ω) 0 0 M. I. Vishik −1   (λµ) f L2(Ω) in a finite time, where λ is the first eigenvalue of the Stokes operator for the domain I first met Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya in Ω, and B stays there for all large t. She showed that 1945, and we became friends at once. She was then solution operators are compact on H(Ω) for each a third-year student at Moscow State University. We fixed positive t. For finite-dimensional phase spaces often met at the seminars, and we discussed math- this result is immediate, but in the case of infinite- ematical problems while walking along the wide dimensional phase spaces that was a very impor- corridors of the Department of Mechanics and tant step. Then Ladyzhenskaya took the intersec- Mathematics of the university. tion Her scientific adviser at Moscow State University was Ivan Georgievich Petrovskiı˘. In 1946 Israel (0.1) M = Vt (B(R0)) t>0 Mark Vishik is professor of mathematics at the Moscow and proved that the set M is nonempty and com- State University and at the Institute of Information Trans- pact and attracts any bounded subsets of the phase mission Problems of the Russian Academy of Science. His space. She found many other interesting proper- email address is [email protected].

DECEMBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1327 Moiseevich Gelfand organized a seminar for three In 1953, at Moscow State University, Olga Alexan- young mathematicians: O. A. Ladyzhenskaya, O. A. drovna defended her “habilitation” dissertation Oleı˘nik, and myself. As a result each participant of devoted to the problem of regularity of solutions the seminar got an interesting mathematical prob- of a mixed boundary-value problem for a general lem to seriously work on. O. A. Ladyzhenskaya got hyperbolic equation of the second order. She found the problem of describing the domain of an ellip- rather sharp conditions guaranteeing that the so- tic operator of the second order with Dirichlet lutions of these equations are the solutions in the boundary conditions and with right-hand side be- classical sense. Olga Alexandrovna justified the longing to L2(Ω). She proved that if this boundary- Fourier method for the solution of hyperbolic value problem has a unique solution, then the el- boundary-value problems. Furthermore, she also liptic operator is an isomorphism between the studied the application 2 ∩ 1 Sobolev space H (Ω) H0 (Ω) and L2(Ω). She also of the method of the found an estimate for the norm for the corre- Laplace transform to sponding inverse operator. these equations. All In the late forties Olga Alexandrovna moved to these problems were ex- Leningrad, where she became a postgraduate stu- pounded in her book [2]. dent of Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov. Vladimir In the fifties and six- Ivanovich admired her talent, and she took an ac- ties Olga Alexandrovna tive part in his seminar. Later Olga Alexandrovna often gave talks at the became the head of the seminar. From time to time seminars of Ivan Olga Alexandrovna organized conferences on dif- Georgievich Petrovskiı˘ ferential equations and their applications. These at Moscow State Uni- conferences were very popular. Many mathemati- versity. I recall how cians from other universi- greatly the listeners ties and institutes in the So- were impressed by her viet Union used to take part proof of the uniqueness theorem for the initial in them. boundary-value problem for the two-dimensional In Leningrad Olga Navier-Stokes system. Since the existence theorem Alexandrovna married An- for these equations was proved earlier, the well- drey Alekseevich Kiselev, posedness of the main boundary-value problem who looked very much like for the Navier-Stokes system in two dimensions was Pierre Bezukhov, the hero established thanks to the remarkable result of Olga of the novel War and Peace Alexandrovna. The uniqueness theorem for the by Leo Tolstoy. My wife and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes system is still not I often visited them when proved. Olga Alexandrovna devoted her book on we were in Leningrad. We fluid dynamics to three people she most respected, witnessed how tender and namely, her father, Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov, loving Andrey Alexeevich and . In this book she studied in great was. She literally meant the detail many problems related to the stationary and world to him. However, they nonstationary Navier-Stokes system. Olga Ladyzhenskaya with her separated later. Andrey In collaboration with Nina Nikolaevna Ural’tseva, husband, Andrey Kiselev. Alexeevich wanted to have Olga Alexandrovna wrote a book [4] on linear and children, but Olga Alexan- quasilinear elliptic equations. Many fundamental drovna did not. She justified her decision by her results were obtained in this book, which remains wish to devote her life to mathematics only, to a real encyclopedia on the subject. In the sixties, which children might be an obstacle. Thus, Olga Olga Alexandrovna, Nina Nikolaevna Uralt’seva, Alexandrovna stayed single for the rest of her life. and Vsevolod Alekseevich Solonnikov wrote a book For many years starting in the late forties, Olga [5] on linear and quasilinear parabolic equations. Alexandrovna visited us many times, and some- In section 2 of this memorial article, Nina Niko- times even stayed with us. She was usually inter- laevna writes more about this wonderful mono- ested in what new mathematical ideas I had worked graph. Olga Alexandrovna is also the author of the out over the summer, and she told me, in turn, of book [6] on the attractors of semigroups and evo- her own new achievements. We also used to discuss lution equations. This book is based on a lecture with her new compelling and timely mathematical course that Olga Alexandrovna gave in different uni- problems; the connections between functional versities in Italy, the so-called Lezioni Lincei. analysis and the theory of differential equations and Olga Alexandrovna was a very educated and many other things. Ladyzhenskaya and I published highly cultured person. The famous Russian poet, a paper on these problems in Uspekhi Matem- , who knew Ladyzhenskaya very aticheskih Nauk (see [1]). well, devoted a poem to her.

1328 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 Olga Alexandrovna was once a member of the figures were—Gelfand, Kolmogorov, Petrovsky, city council of people’s deputies. She helped many Pontryagin, Sobolev, Vinogradov—and knew the mathematicians in Leningrad to obtain apartments names of some of the up-and-coming new postwar (free of charge) for their families. generation—Faddeev, Arnold, Ladyzhenskaya, Once in the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Oleinik. We were aware of Gelfand’s spectacular Leningrad, removing my coat in the cloakroom, I work on normed rings and were influenced by said jokingly to the cloakroom attendant that I Petrovsky’s survey article on partial differential was going to take away Olga Alexandrovna to equations. But in general we were woefully igno- Moscow with me, and I got a serious answer: “We rant—few of us knew Russian, or even the Cyrillic will never give up our Olga Alexandrovna!” alphabet; personal encounters were highly re- Olga Alexandrovna was a deeply religious stricted. woman. The thaw started only Olga Alexandrovna devoted her life to mathe- after Stalin died; a key matics, sacrificing her own happiness for it. Now, event was Khrushchev’s de- we can surely say that she has become a “classic nunciation of Stalin’s figure” of mathematical science. crimes in 1956, the year the Soviet Government reha- References bilitated Ladyzhenskaya’s [1] M. I. VISHIK and O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, Boundary-value father, shot as a traitor in problems for partial differential equations and certain 1937. Khrushchev’s speech classes of operator equations, Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, was meant only for the 6 (72) (1956), 41–97; English transl., Amer. Math. Soc. party faithful, but it was Transl. (2) 10, 1958, 223–281. soon disseminated gener- [2] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, Mixed Boundary-Value Problem for ally thanks to the CIA— Hyperbolic Equation, Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1953. credit where credit is due. (Russian) A few visitors were allowed [3] ——— , The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incom- pressible Flow, Gostehizdat, Moscow, 1961; English to enter the Soviet Union transl., Gordon and Breach, New York-London, 1963. and have relatively free ac- [4] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA and N. N. URAL’TSEVA, Linear and cess to Soviet scientists; the Quasilinear Equations of Elliptic Type, Nauka, Moscow, impressions of these visi- 1964 (2nd. ed.), 1973; English transl., Academic Press, tors were eagerly sought. New York-London, 1968. Leray reported that in [5] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, V. A. SOLONNIKOV, and N. N. Leningrad he saw the Her- URAL’TSEVA, Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Para- mitage, Peterhof, and La- bolic Type, Nauka, Moscow, 1967; English transl., dyzhenskaya. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 23, Amer. The Iron Curtain worked in both directions; Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1968. when Ladyzhenskaya first started to work on the [6] O. A. LADYZHENSKAYA, Attractors for Semigroups and Evo- lution Equations, Lezioni Lincei, 1988, Cambridge Univ. Navier-Stokes equation, she was unaware of the Press., Cambridge, 1991. work of Leray and Hopf. A major sign of a thaw was the large Soviet del- egation, Olga among them, at the Edinburgh In- ternational Congress of Mathematicians in 1958. For Peter Lax, Cathleen Morawetz, and many of us this was the beginning of a mathe- Louis Nirenberg matical and personal friendship with Olga. After the close of the Congress, by chance I (PDL) ran into Young mathematicians today would have a hard a group of Soviet mathematicians at the National time imagining how thoroughly the Iron Curtain iso- Gallery in London. Olga and I started talking and lated the Soviet Union from the rest of the world got separated from the group. Unfortunately Olga in the 1940s and 1950s. Mathematics was no ex- did not remember the name of the hotel where the ception. We were generally aware who the leading delegation was staying, so we were forced to go to the Soviet Consulate; with their help the lost sheep Peter Lax is professor emeritus at the Courant Institute of was reunited with her flock. the Mathematical Sciences, New York University. His email address is [email protected]. The trickle of Western visitors turned to a tide in the 1960s. An outstanding event was the Open- Cathleen Morawetz is professor emeritus at the Courant Institute of the Mathematical Sciences, New York Univer- ing Conference of the University and Science City sity. Her email address is [email protected]. at Novosibirsk in 1963, under the direction of Lavrentiev. Here friendships started at Edinburgh Louis Nirenberg is professor emeritus at the Courant In- stitute of the Mathematical Sciences, New York University. were renewed under much more relaxed condi- His email address is [email protected]. tions. LN recalls that Olga had arranged a sailing

DECEMBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1329 party on the Ob Sea on a vessel with a red sail, made attractors of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equa- available by Sobolev, director of the Mathematics tions. Flow-invariant measures on manifolds of Institute at Novosibirsk. such attractors might be a building block of tur- The International Congress of Mathematicians bulence. in Moscow in 1966 was another outstanding occa- On her last visit abroad, at a conference held in sion for Western and Soviet mathematicians to get Madeira in June 2003, she gave a spirited personal together. account of her work on the Navier-Stokes equation. Western publishers started putting out English For decades, Olga ran a seminar on partial dif- translations of important books that originally ap- ferential equations that kept up with the develop- peared in Russian, including Olga’s Mathematical ment of the subject worldwide; it had a great in- Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow and her book fluence in the Soviet Union. with Ural’tseva, Linear and Quasilinear Elliptic Equa- Olga’s career shows that even in the darkest tions. The AMS performed an immensely useful days of Soviet totalitarianism there were coura- service with its vast translation program of articles geous academics, Petrovsky and Smirnov in Olga’s and books, including Olga’s book with Ural’tseva case, who were willing to defy official proscription and Solonnikov on parabolic equations. of the daughter of a man shot as a traitor, perceive Olga’s first work was to use the method of fi- her ability, and ease her path so her talent could nite differences to solve the Cauchy problem for bloom and gain recognition. hyperbolic equations, giving a new proof of Petro- It is to the great credit of the international math- vsky’s result—Petrovsky’s method is incompre- ematical community that at the height of the Cold hensible.This work of Olga’s is little known in the War, when both sides were piling thousands of nu- West; Olga herself did not return to it, very likely clear weapons on top of each other, Soviet and because she decided (as did Friedrichs) that a pri- Western mathematicians formed an intimate fam- ori estimates and the methods of functional analy- ily, where scientific and personal achievements sis are more effective tools. She did, however, de- were admired independently of national origin. vise numerical schemes for solving the Olga was among the most admired, for her courage, Navier-Stokes equation. for overcoming enormous obstacles, for support- Olga consistently used the concept of weak so- ing those under attack, for her mathematical lutions, a point of view championed by Friedrichs, achievements, and for her overwhelming beauty. whom Olga admired. She was in the forefront of the upsurge of interest in elliptic equations. In a Acknowledgement very early work she showed that second-order el- Photographs and the mathematical family tree liptic boundary-value problems have square inte- are reproduced from the first two volumes, Non- grable solutions up to the boundary under very gen- linear Problems in Mathematical Physics and Related eral boundary conditions. Her books with Ural’tseva Topics. In Honor of Professor O. A. Ladyzhenskaya and Solonnikov contain many deep results con- I, II, M. Sh. Birman, S. Hildebrandt, V. A. Solon- cerning estimates for solutions of elliptic and par- nikov, N. N. Ural’tseva, eds., of the International abolic equations. They have greatly extended ideas Mathematical Series published by Kluwer/Plenum of Serge Bernstein and techniques of DiGiorgi, Publishers (English) and by Tamara Rozhkovskaya Moser, and Nash. These books are basic sources for (publisher, Russian). These photos are reproduced these subjects. here with permission of the publishers of the In- The work for which Olga will be remembered ternational Mathematical Series. longest is on the Navier-Stokes equation. This is a technically very difficult field in which every ad- vance, even modest, requires great effort. One of the goals is to decide if the initial value problem in three dimensions has a smooth solution for all time, and if not, whether a generalized solution is uniquely determined by the initial data. But even if at some future time these questions are decided, and the Clay Foundation rewards its solver with one of its million-dollar prizes, the main task of hy- drodynamics remains to deduce the laws govern- ing turbulent flow. In additional to a large body of technical re- sults, Olga boldly proposed a modification of the Navier-Stokes equations in regions where the ve- locity fluctuates rapidly. She also made important contributions to the theory of finite-dimensional