Romans at Ham Hill Ham Hill is a 390 acre Country Park managed by South Somerset District Council that encompasses the largest Iron Age hill fort in Europe including a 19 roomed Roman villa and medieval settlements.

Lorica squamata (scale ) Many troops wore torso armour and there were three main types. (and has been found at Ham Hill), , which is made from small iron rings and , which is what you can see on the left. Lorica segmentata was worn by the from around 9BC until 2AD. An undergarment was usually worn to protect the wearer from bruising and shock and this was called a subarmalis.

Roman helmet There are many designs of Roman helmet (Galea) and this one is loosely based on a design of the Imperial Gallic, a helmet that was in service to the Roman army from the late 1st century BC until the early 2nd century AD.

Roman Gladius First used by the Spannish, the gladius was primarily used as a stabbing weapon. It has a v-shaped tip, which was great for finding the gaps between ribs or cartilage! Both sides were also kept razor-sharp and it was a deadly slashing weapon. Romans used the gladius in formation and always carried it in their right hand to compliment the carrying of their large shields (Scutum) in their left. It is still considered to be one of the important swords of history.

Find more activities at Create your own Armour

Armour keeps you protected in battles, a little bit like how face masks are helping protect our front line workers such as doctors and nurses while they confront Coronavirus.

In the space below create your own armour, draw out what it will look like and add some sentences to explain how each part protects you.

Does it protect you against battles with the Roman soldiers or with our frontline team who are confronting Coronavirus? What shields you and how? Does this armour have super powers to protect you and your family?

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