Crystal Spheres, Past Lies Beyond Can Be Breached and the the Appendix of This Adventure Use Numerous Fast-Flowing Regions of the Mighty Phlogiston Can Be Navigated

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Crystal Spheres, Past Lies Beyond Can Be Breached and the the Appendix of This Adventure Use Numerous Fast-Flowing Regions of the Mighty Phlogiston Can Be Navigated Second Level Sample file First Level First Level (center; Spiral Stairway Castle Skyview Door OneSquare = 10feet —C— Concealed Door —<n— Secret Door «==— Window 5E Sample file Second Level First Level Sixth Level (rooftop) by J. Paul LaFountain TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 New Monster: Isopterite 61 Non-Player Characters 4 New Monster: Pyroserpent 62 Chapter 1 6 Monster Reprint: Vampire 63 Chapter 2 9 Chapter 3 18 Chapter 4 28 Maps Chapter 5 30 Castle Skyview ; inside covers Chapter 6 39 Hummingbird Ship .'' gatefold Epilogue 58 Armon, Capital of Faeriespace 25 Isopterite Lair 26 New Magic , 59 Tower of Night 42 New Monster: Comet Steed 60 CREDITS Design: J. Paul LaFountain Cartography: Diesel Editing: Anne BrownSample fileTypography: Angelika Lokotz Cover Art: Brom Graphic Design: Paul Hanchette Interior Art: Paul Abrams e 1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, SPELUAMMER, RAVENLOFT, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. POB 756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva, T_TJ Cambridge CB1 3LB WI 53147 USA United Kingdom TSR, Inc. 9299 PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION'" ISBN 0-88038-878-1 To those who live their entire lives signed for four to eight characters of less of the PCs' locations and in a single village of a single valley of levels 5-7. actions. Some chapters also include a single country, the expanse of the This booklet is intended for the encounters keyed to a given location ocean may be infinity. But even the Dungeon Master's eyes only. Players or action. Only if the PCs enter that most sheltered man is a territorial should NOT read any further! location or perform that action does creature with a strong, primeval the encounter take place. drive to expand. Soon the ocean be- Any text that appears in a box is comes merely another obstacle that About AD&D® 2nd meant to be read aloud (or summa- has been mastered. Soon after that, Edition Game Rules rized) for the players. All other infor- the world itself becomes accessible This adventure is written using the mation is only for the DM. Reveal it to those with the proper means. terminology and rules of the AD&D only in response to PC actions. There is, however, one more ocean, 2nd Edition game. Gamers who use The chapters describe the in- one more expanse left to master: the original game materials can still tended flow of the story. PCs have space. play it easily. great freedom to deviate from the in- To those with the will and the cour- Some noticeable differences are tended course. Therefore, the DM is age, the means exist to travel beyond name changes. The term "magic- urged to read the entire module be- the tiny planet that is one's world. user" has been replaced by "wizard" fore play begins. That way, the DM Wildspace exists to challenge the or "mage." The "cleric" character will be ready for anything the players mettle and the spirit of those bold class is now the "priest" class, al- might do. enough to face it. But even wildspace though members of that class are of- is merely the smallest speck in a ten still called clerics. Story Background much greater storm; for the solar Monsters are presented in a new system that shields man from what format. The monster descriptions in Beyond many crystal spheres, past lies beyond can be breached and the the appendix of this adventure use numerous fast-flowing regions of the mighty phlogiston can be navigated. the format of the Monstrous Compen- phlogiston lies a system named With that, even the majestic crystal- dium accessories. The information Greatspace. For many decades, its line walls become a mere iota of mat- has been expanded and reorganized, inhabitants have lived peaceful, or- ter in a larger whole and the possible but nothing from the original Mon- dered lives under the disciplined yet number of destinations becomes ster Manual format is omitted. The benevolent rule of House Shambrath endless. The infinite reach of the pages of new monsters can be photo- based on the planet Thesalys. Their phlogiston makes accessible those copied and inserted in the Monstrous leader, Gorath Shambrath, governor spots so tiny that they are not capa- CompendiumSample binder. file of House Shambrath and absolute ble of marring the beauty of the phlo- ruler of Greatspace, is a strong- giston: the crystal spheres. spirited, powerful, kind man. Pros- Ability Checks perity and intellectual superiority are Occasionally, this adventure re- in the futures of those who willingly About This Module quires PCs to make ability checks. follow the established government; Crystal Spheres is a complete The player should roll ld20 and exile and shame are in store for those AD&D® game adventure for the compare the result with the charac- who do not. Poverty and despair SPELLJAMMER™ campaign setting. ter's appropriate ability (Strength, have not been known among Great- The SPELLJAMMER boxed cam- Dexterity, etc.). If the roll is equal to space's inhabitants for as long as his- paign set is necessary to play. or less than the ability score, the tory has been recorded. Crystal Spheres is designed to fit action succeeds. If the roll is greater All things end, however, and after any existing space-based campaign than the ability score, the action generations of thriving advance- and will take the player characters fails. ment, the inhabitants of Greatspace (PCs) out of their current crystal were struck with a storm in the form sphere, into the phlogiston, and into of an inhuman being who now occu- other crystal spheres. The adventure Adventure Layout pies House Shambrath. His name is works best with PCs who have had Most chapters in this adventure in- T'Laan—and he is a vampire. some experience in space. It is de- clude events which happen regard- Several months ago, T'laan came to Thesalys in the guise of a bard. He ered a secret plot devised by T'Laan. advice of a man named Keriacus—an was immediately popular in the court With the aid of three priests of Bane old sage of House Shambrath who of Shambrath—no doubt due to his who were promised great power in left the service of the court. In Hero- ability to charm person. He soon be- T'Laan's new empire, the vampire is space, Bruin and the PCs will receive came more than an entertainer—no creating an artifact that generates an help and a magical weapon from the less than an adviser to Gorath Sham- enormous and powerful field of con- old sage to battle the vampire. brath himself. Slowly but steadily, tinual darkness. His plans are to intro- Tragically, Keriacus is killed by T'laan's corruption began. His influ- duce the artifact to the system's sun, T'Laan during a scrying attempt. ence became stronger and stronger. blotting out the tremendous light Just before his death, Keriacus tells In a short time, Gorath became a source. With the light of Great- the PCs that they need the sun seeds, mere figurehead and pawn for space's sun obliterated, T'Laan's powerful magical seeds that can be T'Laan's wishes. Unfortunately, due greatest weakness—the inability to found in Faeriespace. Bruin and the to the very militaristic nature of move about during daylight—would PCs must go to another crystal House Shambrath's rule, none of be eliminated and he would be un- sphere in order to complete their Gorath's subordinates dared to chal- stoppable. Fearing for the future of quest. And the vampire now knows lenge his orders. T'Laan was secure. his homeworld, Bruin decided to of the PCs' intentions! Or so he thought . leave Greatspace in search of help, Seeking the mystical sun seeds, Heir to the throne of Thesalys and for there was nowhere in the system the group goes to Faeriespace. There eldest son of Gorath is Bruin Sham- that was safe from T'Laan's influ- they must prove their worth to brath, prince of Thesalys. He is a ence. Aelivere, the king of Faerie, by pass- strong, charismatic figure who could When T'Laan discovered that ing the Test of Ancient Yesterday in easily fit the role of leader. He is as in- Bruin had escaped, he went into a order to gain the magic they seek. telligent as he is strong. His one rage. The vampire's fury was great After departing Faeriespace, the great downfall—from his father's and his rage lasted many nights. Fi- PCs witness a battle between some point of view—is his lack of military nally, he declared Bruin an enemy of escaped Greatspace loyalists and discipline and his strong need for the state and hired mercenaries to hired mercenaries. The players get personal freedom. These qualities, capture him. Barely avoiding the an opportunity to experience ship to however, may very well give Great- many bounty-hunters that chased ship combat. space a chance to escape the tyranni- him, Bruin traveled from system to Upon entering Greatspace, the he- cal rule of T'Laan.
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