Design Data Exchange Bulk Import Guide

Last revised: August 6, 2021

DDx Bulk Import Guide

Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction ...... 3 Section 2: Step-by-Step Instructions ...... 3 Section 3: Special Cases and Notes ...... 9 Importing projects with multiple use types ...... 9 Importing projects with multiple design phases ...... 9 Importing projects with multiple fuel sources ...... 9 Importing projects with multiple types of onsite renewable energy ...... 9 Importing projects with multiple carbon modeling scopes ...... 10 Importing projects with multiple carbon modeling LCA stages ...... 10 State ...... 10 zone ...... 10 Energy baseline ...... 10 Lighting power density (LPD) ...... 10 Updating projects via bulk import ...... 10 Section 4: Validations and Errors ...... 11 Input fields with associated possible errors ...... 11 Validations ...... 16 Section 5: Appendices (input tables) ...... 17 Countries ...... 17 U.S. states ...... 20 Canadian provinces ...... 22 Climate zones ...... 22 Energy codes ...... 23 Use types ...... 24 Energy modeling tools ...... 25 Life Cycle Assessment tools (for embodied carbon tracking) ...... 25


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Section 1: Introduction The AIA 2030 DDx offers multiple ways to add and upload project data: through the DDx user interface, API, and bulk import options. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of how the bulk import feature is used, including details on required formatting, potential errors, and special cases, such as projects with multiple use types or design phases.

Rather than entering project information individually into the AIA 2030 DDx, companies may instead choose to use the bulk import feature to bring their data into the DDx, particularly if they have already integrated reporting into other databases.

To use bulk import, project data must be added to the CSV or Excel bulk import template, with a recommended maximum size of 5,000 projects. Note that the bulk import feature is only available to employees with Administrator privileges.

Section 2: Step-by-Step Instructions This section provides step-by-step instructions with associated screenshots from the DDx on how to use the bulk import feature.

Step 1 – Log into the AIA 2030 DDx:


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Step 2 – Once logged in, select the “Company” tab at the top of the page:

Step 3 – Within the company tab, scroll down to “Manage Projects” and select “Import”:


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Step 4 – On the bulk import page, you can download a CSV or Excel template (see section 4 for fields):

Step 5 – Add your project data to the template and save the file:


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Step 6 – Once your file is ready, select “choose file”:

Step 7 – When the file is selected, the file name will appear below the “Choose file” button and the import button will turn green and the project data can be imported. Click the green import button to upload the project data:


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Step 8 – After upload, the page will update with a summary table, and, as necessary, an error table. Below is the summary table, which displays the total number of rows validated, the number of rows with no errors, and the number of rows with errors, both by all projects and by project types (residential, non-residential, interior only, and unknown):

Step 9 – The error table details which column(s) are impacted, the error message or corrective action needed, and the row number(s) to which the error applies:


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Step 10 – Once errors are addressed, the file can be saved and uploaded again. If the message “Your import is successfully completed, you can now view your projects” appears below the summary report, then the import is complete.


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Section 3: Special Cases and Notes Importing projects with multiple use types Some projects may have multiple use types. For these projects, the user must add additional columns to the template for “use type” and “use area” and designate the number (e.g., “use type 1,” “use area 1,” “use type 2,” “use area 2,” and so on, with no limit on the number of use types). After adding the necessary number of columns, the user can then input the additional use types and use areas in those columns.

Importing projects with multiple design phases If a project is being reported with multiple design phases, users should copy and paste the project row, changing the design phase, reporting date, and the rest of the design phase-related fields, with no changes needed to the remaining information (project types, use types, locations, etc.). This will add a new design phase to the project without changing the other project information.

Importing projects with multiple fuel sources For the “fuel sources” column, values must be provided as a string in which the object keys are valid DDx fuel source names and the values are positive numbers. For example, to declare 12.12 Therms/yr from natural gas and 34.34 kBtu/yr from other fossil fuel sources, this string would be entered in the fuel sources column: {"Natural gas":12.12,"Other fossil fuel sources":34.34}.

Valid values and units for the fuel sources column are:

Name Unit

Grid electricity kWh/yr

Natural gas Therms/yr

District kBtu/yr

Other fossil fuel sources kBtu/yr

Electricity from on-site renewables kWh/yr

Electricity from off-site renewables kWh/yr

Importing projects with multiple types of onsite renewable energy For projects with multiple types of onsite renewable energy, the renewable energy options (photovoltaic, solar thermal, or wind turbine) must be entered separated by a “|”—for example, “photovoltaic|wind turbine” in the cell(s) under the onsite renewables column.


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Importing projects with multiple carbon modeling scopes For projects with multiple types of carbon modeling scopes, the carbon modeling scope options (substructure, superstructure, enclosure, interiors, or others) must be entered separated by a “|”—for example, “superstructure|interiors|others” in the cell(s) under the carbon modeling scopes column.

Importing projects with multiple carbon modeling LCA stages For projects with multiple types of carbon modeling life cycle assessment (LCA) stages, the carbon modeling LCA stage (Product stage (A1-3), Construction process stage (A4), Construction process stage (A5), Use (B1-5), End of life (C1-4), or Module D) must be entered separated by a “|”—for example, “Use (B1-5)|Module D” in the cell(s) under the carbon modeling stages column.

State State is a required field. For US state and Canadian provinces, the entries must match the lists provided in section 5. For any other countries, the field cannot be left blank, but users can enter any combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to complete the import process.

Climate zone Climate zone is an optional field. If it’s not entered, it will be generated by the system using the zip code (for U.S. projects).

Energy baseline In the bulk import option, users must specify an energy baseline. We recommend using ZeroTool for U.S. projects, or can input a custom baseline (for both domestic and international projects). The Edge Tool is one option for obtaining a custom baseline for international projects.

Lighting power density (LPD) LPD is an optional field for whole building projects, but is required for interior-only projects.

Updating projects via bulk import In order to update an existing project’s information, make sure the project name and number matches the one being updated. This will allow the updated design data to replace the existing design data and any additional data to be added.


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Section 4: Validations and Errors Input fields with associated possible errors This table displays the input fields for the DDx and the bulk import template, including the field (column) name, data format, examples, any relevant validations, possible error messages, and notes. Required fields are in green, while optional fields are in white.

Column Data Format Example Validations Error Message

Project name String (i.e., text or Cool Project Required Can’t be blank numbers)

Project number String Cool_001 Optional

If no number is provided, a new one is generated with the format "- "

Project status Active Active Required Can’t be blank Complete On hold Valid project status name Invalid project status Cancelled

Project type Residential Interior only Required Can’t be blank Non-residential Interior only Valid project type name Invalid project type

Construction type New construction New construction Required Can’t be blank Major renovation of existing building Valid construction type Invalid construction name type

Office location String My cool office Required Can’t be blank (Note: Must be an location name existing firm’s office The firm must have an office No office location location name) location with given name with that name found in the firm

Country (See appendix table United States Required Can’t be blank below) Must be a valid DDx country Invalid country (see countries list below)

State String Texas Required (see note in Can’t be blank section 3) Invalid US state If country is US, then the state must be a valid US Invalid Canada state state (see US states list below)

If country is Canada, then the state must be a valid province (see list for


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Column Data Format Example Validations Error Message

Canadian provinces below)

City String Houston Required Can’t be blank

Postal code String 77001 Required for US, Canada, Can’t be blank China, and India.

Optional for the rest of the countries

Climate zone (See appendix table 2a hot humid Optional Invalid climate zone below) If given it must be a valid DDx climate zone name

If not given it will be auto calculated from postal code if possible (US)

Use type 1 (See appendix table Courthouse Required (at least 1) Invalid use type below) Must be a valid use type (see list below)

If “use type area #N” is defined then “use type #N” is required

Use type area 1 Number (float) 1000 Required (at least 1) Can’t be blank

Must be a positive (float) Must be a positive number number

Required if “use type #N” is given

Unit IP SI Required Can’t be blank SI Must be one of “IP” or “SI” Invalid unit, must be one of “IP” or “SI”

Estimated occupancy Number 2023 Required Must be a valid year year Must be a valid number Must be a number between 2001 and 2040 between 2001 and 2040

Energy code (See appendix table ASHRAE 90.1- Required Can’t be blank below) 1999 Must be a valid DDx energy Invalid energy code code (see below)

Energy baseline Number (float) 45.67 Required Must be a positive (Note: This field can number be used for EUI Must be a positive (float)


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Column Data Format Example Validations Error Message baseline with units of number kBtu/ft²/yr or LPD baseline with units of W/ft², depending on the project type)

Energy baseline String EDGE tool Required source

Energy target Number (float) 45.67 Required

Reporting phase Schematic Design Schematic Design Required if design data is Invalid reporting Design Development given phase Construction Documents Must be valid reporting Construction phase Administration Concept

Reporting date Date format: YYYY- 2020-03-25 Required if design data is Invalid date format MM-DD given Dates in the future Must be valid date (format: not allowed YYYY-MM-DD)

Must not be a date in the future

Has energy modeling yes/no yes Optional Must be yes/no (Note: this is the “Has (Note: must be energy modeling been lowercase) done for this design phase?” toggle in the DDx interface)

Energy modeling tool (See appendix table Autodesk Insight Required if Predicted EUI or Invalid energy below) 360 Fuel Sources are provided. modeling tool. Otherwise optional. Required when pEUI or fuel sources are provided

Predicted EUI Number (float) 88.12 Optional Must be a number (positive, negative, Required if Energy Modeling decimal). Tool and Energy Modeling Party are present, and there Predicted EUI or fuel are no Fuel Sources. sources are required if the project is Must not be present if Fuel energy modeled. Sources are provided. When providing


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Column Data Format Example Validations Error Message

energy modeling tool and party, also provide one of the following: predicted EUI, or fuel sources.

If fuel sources are provided predicted EUI is not necessary, only one of them must be provided

Predicted LPD Number (float) 11.23 Required for Interior Only Must be a positive projects. Otherwise number optional. Required for interior Must be valid positive only projects number

Energy modeling Architecture team Modeling Required if Predicted EUI or Invalid energy party Design engineer consultant Fuel Sources are provided. modeling party Modeling consultant Otherwise optional. Other Required when pEUI or fuel sources are provided

Energy modeling cost Number (float) 1001.95 Optional Must be a positive number Must be valid positive number

Has embodied carbon yes/no yes Optional Must be yes/no (Note: This is the “Has embodied carbon been calculated for this phase?” toggle in the DDx interface)

Predicted embodied Number (float) 987.65 Optional Must be a positive carbon number Must be a positive number

Carbon modeling tool (See appendix table Build Carbon Optional Invalid carbon below) Neutral modeling tool Must be a valid carbon modeling tool

Carbon modeling tool String 2.1beta Optional version

Carbon modeling Number (float) 10 Required when predicted Must be a positive time embodied carbon is number provided. Otherwise optional Required when predicted embodied


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Column Data Format Example Validations Error Message

Must be a positive number carbon is provided

Required when Predicted Embodied Carbon, Carbon Modeling Tools, Carbon Modeling Scopes, or Carbon Modeling LCA Stages are provided

Carbon modeling String Superstructure| Required when predicted Invalid carbon scopes Interiors embodied carbon is modeling scopes Zero or more carbon provided. Otherwise modeling scope names optional. At least one separated by “|”: selection is required Substructure Must be zero or more when predicted Superstructure carbon modeling scope embodied carbon is Enclosure names separated by "|" provided Interiors Others

Carbon modeling LCA String Construction Required when predicted Invalid carbon stages process stage embodied carbon is modeling LCA stages Zero or more carbon (A4)|Use (B1-5) provided. Otherwise modeling LCA stage optional. At least one names separated by selection is required “|” zero or more carbon when predicted modeling LCA stage names embodied carbon is Product stage (A1-3) separated by "|". provided Construction process stage A4 Construction process stage A5 Use (B1-5) End of life (C1-4) Module D

Has biogenic carbon yes/no yes Optional Must be yes/no

Biogenic carbon Free string CO2 from Optional description combustion of biogas collected from biological decomposition of waste in landfills

Onsite renewables String Solar Optional Invalid onsite thermal|Wind renewables Zero or more carbon turbine Zero or more carbon modeling onsite modeling onsite renewable renewable names names separated by “|” separated by “|”



DDx Bulk Import Guide

Column Data Format Example Validations Error Message

Solar thermal Wind turbine

Do off-site yes/no yes Optional Must be yes/no renewables provide additionality

Are off-site yes/no yes Optional Must be yes/no renewables located in the same energy grid

Off-site renewable Community Virtual power Optional Invalid off-site energy type renewables purchase renewable energy Renewable energy agreement Must be a valid off-site type investment fund renewable energy type Virtual power purchase name agreement Direct ownership Green retail tariffs Direct access to wholesale markets Unbundled RECs Other

Off-site renewables 1-5 11-15 Optional Invalid off-site purchase time 6-10 renewable purchase 11-15 Must be a valid off-site time 16+ renewables purchase time name

Window/ Wall ratio Number 12.34 Optional Must be a positive number Positive number

ASHRAE baseline Number 34.56 Optional Must be a positive number Positive number

Fuel sources (See note in section 3) {"Natural Optional Invalid Fuel sources gas":12.12,"Other format: Must be fossil fuel JSON object string which valid JSON sources"":34.34} keys are valid DDX fuel source names and their Invalid source fuel values positive numbers. name

Predicted EUI or fuel Invalid fuel source sources are required if the energy: must be a project is energy modeled. positive number When providing energy modeling tool and party, also provide one of the following: predicted EUI, or fuel sources

Input fields not available in Bulk Import


DDx Bulk Import Guide

This table displays the optional input fields for the DDx that are only editable within the online tool. These fields are not supported by bulk import.

• Daily average occupants • Estimated building costs • Estimated sitework costs • Total estimated construction costs

Validations When preparing data for import, there are a few things to note:

● Names are case-insensitive; “Chicago”, “chicago”, and “CHICAGO” are all acceptable options. ● The “yes/no” fields are case-sensitive and must be entered as lowercase “yes” or “no”. ● Optional columns can be skipped; for instance, if no projects have fuel sources reported, then the entire column can be deleted in the import file. ● The columns in the imported file may be in any order and do not need to match the template order. ● If you are using a CSV file, in order to correctly save any international characters in names, the input file must be encoded with UTF-8. For instance, if an Excel file includes international characters, be sure to save in the “CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (*.csv)” format.

Section 5: Appendices (input tables) The following appendices display the recognized input options for specific fields in the DDx bulk import.

Countries The following are the input options for the “country” field. The selections are drawn from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Afghanistan Åland Islands Albania

Algeria American Samoa Andorra

Angola Anguilla Antarctica

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina Armenia

Aruba Australia Austria

Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain

Bangladesh Barbados Belarus


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Belgium Belize Benin

Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia

Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island

Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam

Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi

Cambodia Cameroon Canada

Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic

Chad Chile China

Christmas Islands Cocos (Keeling) Island Colombia

Comoros Congo Congo, The Democratic Republic of the

Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote D'Ivoire

Croatia Cuba Cyprus

Czech Republic Djibouti

Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador

Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea

Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji

Finland French Guiana

French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon

Gambia Georgia Germany

Ghana Gibraltar Greece

Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe

Guam Guatemala

Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana

Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State)

Honduras Hungary

Iceland India, Indonesia


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Iran, Islamic Republic Of Iraq Ireland

Isle of Man Israel Italy

Jamaica Japan Jersey

Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya

Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of

Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic

Latvia Lebanon Lesotho

Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein

Lithuania Luxembourg Macao

Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Madagascar Malawi Republic of

Malaysia Maldives Mali

Malta Marshall Islands Martinique

Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte

Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of

Monaco Mongolia Montserrat

Morocco Mozambique Myanmar

Namibia Nauru Nepal

Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia

New Zealand Nicaragua Niger

Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island

Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman

Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied

Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay

Peru Philippines Pitcairn

Poland Portugal Puerto Rico

Qatar Reunion Romania


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Helena

Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa

Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal

Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone

Singapore Slovenia

Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Spain Sri Lanka Islands

Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Swaziland Switzerland

Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan

Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste

Togo Tokelau Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey

Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu

Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands

Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu

Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British

Virgin Islands, U.S. Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara

Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

U.S. states The following are the input options for the “state” field for U.S. projects, including the District of Columbia (U.S. territories may be found in the “countries” field):

Alabama Alaska Arizona

Arkansas California Colorado


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia

Florida Georgia Hawaii

Idaho Illinois Indiana

Iowa Kansas Kentucky

Louisiana Maine Maryland

Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota

Mississippi Missouri Montana

Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire

New Jersey New Mexico New York

North Carolina North Dakota Ohio

Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania

Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota

Tennessee Texas Utah

Vermont Virginia Washington

West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Canadian provinces The following are input options for Canadian provinces, entered in the “state” field:

Alberta British Columbia Manitoba

New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia

Northwest Territories Nunavut Ontario

Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan


Climate zones The following are the input options for the climate zones field. Note that if this is not included for U.S. projects, a climate zone will be auto-generated based on the zip code.

1a very hot humid 1b very hot dry 2a hot humid

2b hot dry 3a warm humid 3b warm dry

3c warm marine 4a mixed humid 4b mixed dry

4c mixed marine 5a cool humid 5b cool dry

5c cool marine 6a cold humid 6b cold dry

7 very cold 8 subarctic


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Energy codes The following are the input options for the “energy code” field:

ASHRAE 90.1-1999 ASHRAE 90.1-2001 ASHRAE 90.1-2004

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 ASHRAE 90.1-2010 ASHRAE 90.1-2013

ASHRAE 90.1-2016 California Title 24 2005 for high rise California Title 24 2005 for single family residential residential

California Title 24 2008 California Title 24 2010 California Title 24 2013

California Title 24 2016 California Title 24 Non Residential 2008 California Title 24 Residential 2005

California Title 24 Residential 2008 IECC 2003 IECC 2006

IECC 2009 IECC 2012 IECC 2015

IECC-2018 Massachusetts Stretch Code NECB 2011

NECB 2015 NECB 2017 Older than 1999

Oregon Energy Code Oregon Energy Code 2010 Oregon Energy Code 2014

Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialy Code Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialy Code Washington Energy Code 2010* 2014*

Washington Energy Code 2012 Washington Energy Code 2015

*Note: “Specialy” is currently also misspelled in the DDx and must be entered as above - with no asterisk - until the issue can be corrected in the DDx.


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Use types The use types below map to the ENERGY STAR Target Finder set. Note that any combination of capital and lowercase letters for the use types listed in the table will not trigger an error on the bulk import data validation report. However, if dashes (“-“), backslashes (“/”), and spaces are added or removed, an error will display on the data validation report. For example, “bank / financial institution” (with spaces around the slash) will not upload but bank/financial institution will; “mixed-use” is okay but “mixed use” is not. The following are the input options for the “use type” field:

Bank/Financial Institution Courthouse Data Center

Education - College/University (campus- Education - General Education - K-12 School level)

Food Sales - Convenience Store (w/ or Food Sales - General Food Sales - Supermarket/Grocery w/out gas station)

Food Service - Fast Food Food Service - General Food Service - Restaurant/Cafeteria

Health Care - Clinic Health Care - Hospital Inpatient Health Care - Medical Office

Health Care - Nursing/Assisted Living Health Care - Outpatient - General Laboratory - recommend use of Labs21 (Note: users should obtain the baseline from Labs21 and then add it to the bulk import template)

Lodging - General Lodging - Hotel/Motel Lodging - Residence Hall/Dormitory

Mixed-Use Office - Small ( < 10,000 sf) Office - Medium (< 100,000 sf) (Note: Must include space before and after “<”)

Office - Large Other Parking

Public Assembly - Entertainment/Culture Public Assembly - General Public Assembly - Library

Public Assembly - Recreation Public Assembly - Social/Meeting Public Safety - Fire/Police Station

Public Safety - General Religious Worship Residential - Mobile Homes

Residential - Multi-Family, 2 to 4 units Residential - Multi-Family, 5 or more Residential - Single-Family Attached units

Residential - Single-Family Detached Residential - Mid-Rise/High-Rise Retail - Mall

Retail - Non-mall, Vehicle Dealerships, Retail Store Service (vehicle repair/service, postal misc. service)

Storage - Distribution/Shipping Center Storage - General Storage - Non-refrigerated warehouse

Storage - Refrigerated warehouse Warehouse - Self-storage


DDx Bulk Import Guide

Energy modeling tools The following are the input options for the “energy modeling tool” field:

30 AEDG AERG 50 AEDG AERG Autodesk Insight 360

ClimateStudio Cove.tool DOE-2.1E EnergyPro

DOE-2.1E VisualDOE DOE 2.2 DOE-2.2 eQuest

DOE-2.2 GreenBuildingStudio DOE-2.2 Other EnergyPlus AECOSim

EnergyPlus DesignBuilder EnergyPlus Ladybug Tools EnergyPlus OpenStudio

EnergyPlus Simergy EnergyPlus Other HAP

HEED Home Energy Saver IES - Virtual Environment

NEO Net Energy Optimizer PlanITImpact REM Rate

Sefaira TRACE 700 TRNSYS


Life Cycle Assessment tools (for embodied carbon tracking) The following are input option for carbon modeling tools, entered in the “carbon modeling tool” field:

Athena Tally EC3

OneClick eTool Build Carbon Neutral
