Elm və İnnovativ Texnologiyalar Jurnalı Nömrə 15, 2020. 17-44 DOI: 10.30546/2616-4418.15.2020.17


Wang SIMING Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu province, China

Faig AGHABALAYEV Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu province, China


Silk of increased global thankfulness since V-VII hundreds of years and until the finish of XIX century it was the primary fare item from South to a world products market. , Ganja, assumed a significant part in silk producing in Azerbaijan during XI-XVIII hundreds of years. Found straightforwardly on Great Silk Way, every year 100 thousand puds crude silk was sent out from Shamakhi to Russia, , , Italy, , India and different nations through . Another significant parade course went through Shamakhi, Aresh and Ganja to Tbilisi. Sheki was found somewhat away and silk case exchange was brought out through a little later archaic town of Aresh.1 Decline of travel exchange XVII century brought about rot of the town of Aresh and afterward shippers themselves started to go to Sheki and fare casings to

1 Aliyarov.S. . From the distant past to the 1870s . Baku, Azerbaijan, 1996 17 18 Wang SIMING , Faig AGHABALAYEV various nations. Solid Sheki khanate subjecting the neighbor domains, and having created horticulture, craftsmanship and silk cocoon creation drew an ever increasing number of dealers. The city was adjusted for economic accords. There started to build caravansaries, little shops, bazaars and private populace started to join in merchantry. Cover creation was restricted to casing rising and offer of crude silk that didn't need uncommon developments for this reason. Toward the finish of XVIII century East-India Company, cornering Iranian silk market lost its enthusiasm for Azerbaijani silk that normally caused fortifying of monetary situation of Russia in this locale. Exchange relations of Sheki khanate with Russia, the fundamental buyer of silk, were brought out predominantly via land through Kizlyar and Derbent. In the principal half of XIX century Tsarist government, particularly Russian bourgeoisie, were firmly keen on utilizing crude material assets. It was identified with the way that, silkworms in Western European nations contracted an ailment and Russian silk industry felt the intense need of crude silk.2 nearly was not influenced by this illness. In this way, Tsarist government took set of measures for additional improvement of sericulture in just as in Azerbaijan. For this reason numerous Tsarist officials were shipped off Azerbaijan to consider utilization expandability of crude material assets which was significant for Russian industry. They offered priority to the extension of crude silk fabricating in Azerbaijan as a focal point of silk industry in Caucasus and to fortifying its sell out.3

The Great affected the set of experiences and improvement of various nations in Eurasia, and Azerbaijan on the grounds that few of the old Silk Road courses went through Azerbaijan. After the silkworm advanced toward Azerbaijan, silk producing turned into a gainful nearby business.4 Arab geographers and writers of the IX and X hundreds of years A.D. noted huge advancement of the silk business in Shemakha, Barda, Sheki and Ganja. Shemakha, specifically, before long turned into a significant silk exchanging business sector of the Silk Road. Traders from Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, India, Central Asia, and Russia all came to Shemakha. Producers from and Florence additionally came, buying crude silk at premium costs. Afterward, Sheki and Shemakha turned into the biggest silk-delivering focuses of the Caucasus.

The antiquated city of Sheki safeguarded the old custom of sericulture. Sensitive textures, wonderful garments, vivid scarves kelaghai made by Sheki aces from crude silk were sent out to the numerous far off nations, and the city got celebrated for its silk everywhere on the world.5 Traditional silk habitats have been developed in Azerbaijan until 1990, notwithstanding, after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, practically all the industrial facilities were shut. Azerbaijani

2 Abdullaev G.B. Azerbaijan in the 18th century and relationship with Russia. Baku. AN Az. SSR, 1965 3 Afanasy Nikitin’s sail across the three seas 1466-1472 ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, M.-L., 1948 4 History of Azerbaijan. Volume 3, XIII-XVIII centuries, (ed. Hey. O.Afendiyev and others). Baku, Science, 1999 5 Avdeev M. Sericulture in Azerbaijan (1925/26 - 1929/30). Baku, Azpoligraftrest., 1926 | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 19 sericulture, numbering 1,500 years of history, confronted with the danger of annihilation. Be that as it may, presently, current and free Azerbaijan has again resuscitated the old customs of silk creation.6 For example, in Baskal town of locale the Museum of silk weaving was opened and reestablished all the whole chain of this work concentrated cycle and the custom of hand-made silk items. Silk texture is delivered from the strings got from casings of silkworm caterpillars. Their development requires extraordinary consideration and difficult work.7 Rich wellsprings of crude material in the region of Azerbaijan, made appropriate condition for creation of silk.

The aim of the study is to determine historically importance of silk industry for Azerbaijan. The paper deals with the research in historical perspective exploring the background of the introduction of silkworm raising and silk production; who brought it into and through which routes and channels; where the main silk production were located and what was the influence upon Azerbaijan traditional economy and people’s daily life. Also included in the discourse is the present situation as well as strategy for future development discussed in the conclusion.

Major methods and academic resources for the research

The fruitful lead of any scientific research to a great extent relies upon the opportune arrangement of operational and complete data on the accomplishments of science and innovation, its viable use in research, improvement and creation undertakings. It is difficult to get a genuine thought of the best world and home- grown models of gear if the data about it is inadequate and mistaken and gotten late. Along these lines, an amazingly earnest errand is the advancement of a cross country arrangement of assortment, handling, stockpiling, viable inquiry and transmission of data dependent on the accomplishments of current PC innovation. Most scientific distributions contain an extensive and complete investigation of one issue or subject and possessed by at least one writer; topical assortments comprising of articles by different writers and committed to the introduction of a few issues of a specific point. Such distributions, in contrast to the monograph, don't cover the all themes; however inspect in detail its individual sides, which are the most particularly huge or significant.

Content examination or a technique for quantitative investigation of the substance of a record was also used in this study. The embodiment of this technique is to ascertain the recurrence of units experienced in the test: letters, words, signs, blends of signs, terms, and so on.

6 Shakhmaliev .E. M. From the history of the trade policy of the European powers in the Near East in the 16th century, Baku, 1958 7 Aliyev .Z.H. Problems of Agriculture in Azerbaijan and the Prospects of Its Development. Journal of Plant Sciences and Crop Protection 2(1): (2019) .p.104 | www.ejsr.org


The featured units are organized in diving request of recurrence of their utilization in the content, for example a thesaurus is being shaped. Checking the results permit the perception of what is dissipated in the content and not obvious from the start.

To contemplate a lot of records is acknowledged in statics and elements. Thus, when contemplating archives in statics, the idea of a variety of records emerges. The investigation of sources can be depicted as enlightening, since it remembers a quest for the wellspring of data for mix with a starter investigation of their substance. One of the easiest mechanical methods is the assortment of data sources.

Systematization was also used, which is the requesting and gathering of all material gathered by substance and considering the arrangement of its utilization in the readiness of composed work. An efficient examination has two primary errands: an exhaustive check of the fulfilment of the determination of sources and a shallow check of the correspondence of their yield information. Tracking the read is the best strategy for handling the data contained in the sources utilized as the source in the readiness of the composed work: in the event that the perusing cycle is joined by obsession of chose places, at that point the unwavering quality of the osmosis of the read material increments altogether. By and large, subsequent to survey the records made, the researcher needs to make explanations in the underlying rendition of the rundown of beginning wellsprings of data. Eventually, these refinements come down to altering the substance of the rundown barring a few sources and adding others to it, which for reasons unknown were not included as the source.

Any new scientific and specialized data about unique thoughts, realities, scientific outcomes, and so forth is one of the most significant segments of the data supportive network. The improvement of such frameworks is featured by the issue of focusing on, which comprises in the convenient conveyance of data to those clients for whom it is of direct intrigue. From data emotionally supportive networks, an arrangement of scientific correspondence started to come to fruition in an autonomous framework, which is liable for the capacity and dispersal of scientific information. Crafted by aggregating scientific realities on a picked theme is consistently multi-faceted. Here is an inside and out investigation of distributed materials, acclimation with chronicles and departmental information, acquiring different interviews, examination and speculation of their own scientific outcomes. The amassing of such fundamental data is an inventive cycle that requires intentional vitality, persistence and imaginative enthusiasm. Scientific research techniques are utilized to contemplate physical models that depict useful connections inside or outside an article. With their assistance build up a numerical connection between the boundaries of the model. These techniques permit you to direct an exhaustive investigation of the object and set up quantitative careful connections among contentions and capacities. Hypothetical information is a

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Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 21 standard planned for any subject in the scientific field, which permits clarifying recently found realities and experimental laws, just as anticipating and foreseeing future occasions and realities. Hypothetical information changes the outcomes acquired at the phase of observational information into more profound speculations, uncovering the pith of wonders, examples of event, advancement and change of the considered article.

Major phases for the development of silk industry

In the second half of the twentieth century, in particular, since the 1970s, the development of silk worming in Azerbaijan had become more widespread. In order to reach the minimum volume of costs and overhead the government policy paid attention on the diversification of the agriculture.8 At that time 5-6,000 tonnes of cocoons were produced and 500-550 tonnes of silk were produced, and tens of millions of square meters of silk fabrics were woven. More than 150,000 families (about 750,000 to 800,000 people) were involved in feeding and breeding the Silk Road. More than 14,000 people were employed in the silk industry, including more than 7,000 employees in the Sheki silk industry. Azerbaijan ranked second in the USSR for barrel production (after Uzbekistan) and the 1st in terms of quality of barrel and silk. Azerbaijani baramina and silk extracted from it have been repeatedly shown at international exhibitions and have been highly regarded by professionals. According to the census, by 1922, out of the 414 registered establishments in Sheki, 248 operated, in which the average number of registered persons was 853. Of the total number of indicated establishments, 123 were state- owned, of which only 8 were operating with 436 employees. Cooperative institutions were absent. The number of private institutions was 291, of which 240 operated, 417 were in them.

In accordance with the guidelines of the X and XII congresses of the RCP, old industrial enterprises were restored in Azerbaijan. Steps were taken to create new industrial centers. In February 1922, the Fourth Congress of the AKP discussed the creation of new industrial centers in Azerbaijan and decided that the industrialization of Azerbaijan should begin with Nukhi, Ganja, the Karabakh region and Mugan. In these places, it was necessary to start the equipment of factories and plants to get raw materials. The congress noted that after the oil industry, the textile industry should play a major role in the republic. During this period, considerable work was done to repair and restore the destroyed enterprises, and to re-equip the factories and plants that had come into operation. Large city enterprises that did not operate gradually, as the raw material base revived, were put into operation and repaired. In 1922, one after another, 3 state silk-winding

8 Hasanov, E., About Some Problems of Research of Production Diversification Issues in Agriculture of Azerbaijan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4),2015 pp.311-315. | www.ejsr.org

22 Wang SIMING , Faig AGHABALAYEV factories in Sheki were launched. In 1922, Azshelk was in charge of three state silk-winding factories in the city of Sheki and three pressure stations in Zagatala, Sheki and Geokchai.

As in many areas, silk production has collapsed due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the collapse of economic ties. There are 2 breeding and silk plants in the Republic, 7 seeding plants, about 30 barber drying centers, about 80 barley supply and pre-processing points, Shaki Silk Complex, Ordubad and Khankendi cotton mills. The main characteristic of the economic policy pursued by the head of state is its social orientation, as well as the presence of an economic aspect in addressing all problems.9 Execution of state programs, decrees and orders successfully ensure acceleration of economic development in the country, continuously increasing the share and role of the private sector in the development process.

As it is known, the state support of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on silk development in order to strengthen the state support for the development of traditional agriculture in the country, effectively use the potential of this sector, increase employment, interest and social welfare of the population. On September 15, 2016, the decree was signed. According to the order, the amount and procedure of granting the type of subsidy for each kilogram of barley per year, adopted by the silkworm brewery and approved by the silk manufacturers, is approved.10 At present, the enterprise needs to produce 400 tonnes of dry coconut per year to produce raw silk at its full capacity. This also means that about 1,100 tons of age is being consumed. However, in recent years the enterprise has been forced to buy dry cocoons from abroad to pay for its production capacity, partly because silk feed and maturity are not at the desired level. However, it is possible to grow up to 2,000 tons of cows in our country through the effective use of its existing potential, as well as strengthening the silkworm feed base and cocoon production. “Sheki- Ipek” Open Joint Stock Company as the only silk producer in the country embraces all the processes for obtaining natural silk.11 To fulfill the tasks on development of silk production in the republic, since April 2016, the Ministry of Agriculture received 49.5 kilograms of seeds and distributed them to 24 districts, with 70 manats of 8 kg per kilogram produced by Sheki-Ipek JSC purchased.

In other words, based on the agreements made with 1,700 people, the amount of cash paid to the bank in the amount of 551.75 thousand manat was disbursed. As a result, in 2016, 9.1 tons of raw silk was produced. It is also planned to cut 62,000 pieces of butterfly and 50 square meters of carpet weave. The sale was expected to cost 800,000 manat. In 2017, Sheki-Ipek OJSC was expected to deliver 140 tonnes of cows in 30 regions of the country, which means 14 tons of raw silk. In the

9 Teymurov, E.. Current State and Future Perspectives of Agricultural Exports of Azerbaijan: Bilateral and Multilateral Aspects. The journal of economic sciences: Theory and practice, 75(2), 2018. pp.47-63. 10 Allahverdiyev, D., World Economy and Sustainable Political-Economic Welfare of Azerbaijan. Randwick International of Social Science Journal, 1(2),2020. pp.186-193. 11 “The history of the modern Azerbaijan”. Baku, 1991. | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 23 future, 80-85% of ready-made silk products will be exported. The subsidies provided by the government of Azerbaijan to the companies in agricultural area affected on efficiency, profitability and competitiveness of the local enterprises.12 At present, "Sheki-Ipek" OJSC implements a number of measures aimed at restoring and developing the silk industry, strengthening the feed base, increasing the production of cereals, enhancing the material interests of those engaged in the work, improving employment and social welfare was planned to be held. Thus, allocation of special land to create new mulberry plantations in the silk-growing areas of the republic, restoration and preservation of existing mulberry gardens, improvement of high-quality elite and hybrid seeding by means of agro technical measures for establishment of farming farms. Organization of pedigree breeding works on scientific bases, production of silkworm seed, primary processing of barama, exemption from customs duties for imported raw materials and equipment, exemption from all taxes for 10 years, fuel, electricity and preferential tariffs for natural gas also contribute to the development of the sector. This is because specific features of the silk industry require long-term capital investment. If 2000 tons of cereal production is produced in the republic, 40-50 thousand peasant families (about 120-150 thousand people) will be provided with seasonal employment for silk feeding, new silk breeding facilities, cocoon supply and processing centers. 1000-1200 permanent jobs could be created at OJSC.

In 1922, 31.503 were distributed in Azerbaijan, and in 1923 - 56.044 boxes of grains. The harvest in these years amounted to 22 thousand pounds throughout the entire territory of Azerbaijan, respectively. Azshelk pointed to the low productivity of cocoons in Azerbaijan, emphasizing that the main reasons for this are the primitive methods of revitalizing grena and infecting silkworms with pebrina. Experienced greners were invited to improve the methods of revitalizing grena, and Azshelk developed a draft decree to prevent infection of grena. The Fifth Congress of the AKP in March 1923 outlined a number of new practical measures in raising agriculture, indicating that it was necessary to direct forces to expand the production of industrial crops (cotton and silk). The main difficulties in the revival of the silk industry were associated with the lack of a sales market in the Union republics and the relatively low price of Azerbaijani silk abroad. Another important reason was the lack of raw materials and fuel, which led to interruptions in the operation of enterprises, as a result of which in 1924 the Sheki factories No. 4 and No. 6 were forced to stop working. In 1923, the 1st Congress of Transcaucasian silkworms was convened in Tiflis. As in the decree of the Council of Defense and Labor, at this congress special attention was paid to the creation and development of silkworm research enterprises. The creation of downstream stations in Zagatala, Sheki, Geokchay and contributed to the improvement of downstream

12 Novruzova, Z.. Role of the State in Improving the Competitiveness of Agriculture in Azerbaijan. American- Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 14(3),2014. pp.203-208.

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24 Wang SIMING , Faig AGHABALAYEV production in the republic.13 As a result of the measures taken, from 1920 to 1924 there was a steady increase in the production of cocoons in Azerbaijan. So, in 1920, the collection of cocoons amounted to 1,000 pounds in the amount, at the prices of the pre-war time, 15 thousand rubles, 1921 - 8 thousand pounds in the amount of 120 thousand rubles, in 1922 - 23.5 thousand pounds by 352.5 thousand rubles, in 1923 - 60 thousand pounds and in 1924 - 100 thousand pounds by 1.5 million rubles. As can be seen, over the specified period, the collection of cocoons and their cost increased 100 times. However, we should not forget that in relative terms the result seemed rosy only because the countdown was carried out almost from scratch. This was confirmed by the results of the Special Commission of the People's Commissariat for Trade in Surveying the Status of Silk-Winding Factories in 1923, according to which most of these factories (90%) were in a dilapidated state.

The question was raised about the abandonment of Azshelk, 59 in addition to the operating factories in Sheki, another 5 plants, namely: the former Yagub Mammadov Safar Ali oglu (40 machines), Salimov (30 machines), Haji Mammad Rasul oglu (22 machines), Haji Gani Abdul Rahman oglu Ragimov (80 machines), Kafara Molla Mahmud oglu (32 machines). The remaining factories, it was decided to lease or return to the former owners. If in 1921, all operating factories in Sheki produced 154 pounds. raw silk, then in 1923 the output of this product increased by 712 pounds. In 1923/24, all operating factories in Sheki processed 9.698 puds of cocoons with a silk yield of 20.68%. Production in 1 machine as early as October 1924 was higher than before the war, and in 1925 productivity at these enterprises, compared to the previous year, rose to 35%. In July 1924, 243,647 rubles were allotted for the preparation of raw cocoons for the needs of the silk industry Sheki Azshelk. However, the industrial enterprises of Sheki in 1924-1925 continued to work not at full capacity, as a result of which a significant number of unemployed remained in the city.

So, for example: in January 1925 in Sheki, the number of unemployed reached 500 people, of which 20% were women. To help the unemployed, public works were organized for them. At a meeting of the Presidium of the county executive committee of April 21, 1925, in order to provide work to unemployed women, it was considered necessary to open a workshop in the city, and in 1927 a laundry was also opened. Despite that in Soviet period Azerbaijan was famous for its oil industry, agriculture was also one of the principal spheres of the economy.14 At the VI party conference of the city in 1924, the decree was issued to call up all workers, party organizations, Soviet institutions, the Supreme Economic Council and the Wind Farm of the Azerbaijan SSR, trade unions and village councils in

13 Umaev.A.A. On the level of development of capitalism in Azerbaijan’s agriculture on the eve of the Great October Revolution, 1974 14 Karimov, R.Development of Non-Oil Sector in Azerbaijan: Tendencies and Opportunities. Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 2(2),2015. pp.39-52. | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 25

Sheki county to help restore and develop the silk industry with all measures. The main raw material base for the silk industry in Sheki The silk farm of Sheki district continued to remain, the restoration of which the leadership of the republic paid special attention to, for example, at the IV Congress of Soviets of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1925. It was believed that agriculture in Sheki county increased 10% above the pre-war period: 1,500 boxes of grain were distributed to the peasantry in 1921, 5,000 in 1922, 9,000 in 1923, 13,000 in 1924, and 18,000 boxes in 1925. Five large factories were operating in Sheki in 1925–26, employing 850 workers, and factories producing between 235 and 260 pounds of silk per month. The local authorities carried out some work to repair and rebuild the destroyed enterprises, and re-equip the factories and plants that had come into operation. So, at the factories that entered into force during this period, there were: at factory No. 1 - 60, No. 2 - 52, No. 3 - 170 machine tools of the Italian system, factory No. 4-60 and No. 5 - 66 machines of the local system. In 1925, a silkworm research station was established in Ganja, the functions of which included systematic research work on silkworming. Along with the reconstruction and re-equipment of old ones, at the end of the recovery period in Sheki began work on the creation of new industrial enterprises. In particular, in 1927 the construction of a large silk mill in Sheki was started. The growth of silk industry production was due to the inclusion of new production units, namely, two factories in the second half of 1927, and the introduction of a second shift by Azshelkom at all existing enterprises of the city's silk industry.

For the further development and reconstruction of silk enterprises, Sheki SNH of the Azerbaijan SSR allocated 3 million rubles. In the years 1933-1940 in view of the growth of domestic and industrial needs of the city of Sheki, the construction of a second-stage power station was required. Despite certain successes achieved in the development of the silk industry of Azerbaijan for the period from 1933 to 1940, there were significant shortcomings of both an objective and subjective nature. Azerbaijan was still a source of raw materials for the Russian silk industry. Due to the lack of a dyeing factory in Azerbaijan, silk was exported from the republic to Moscow, Tbilisi for the dyeing and drawing process. The organization of the final production of products was hindered by the Soviet leadership, despite the wide opportunities for the comprehensive development of the silk industry in Azerbaijan.15 In a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR of December 1936 on the main plan for expanding the Sheki silk industry, a number of measures were planned - the completion of the construction of a dyeing factory for silk and semi-silk fabrics by 3,500,000 meters; in 1939 - a silk-spinning factory, which accounted for 55-60% of the output, consisting of 16 thousand tons of yarn; in 1940 - factories for the processing of residues of both raw materials and residues of all silk-spinning factories in Azerbaijan; in 1941, it was planned to build and commission a silk-spinning factory for 500 machines. But in the face of

15 Gubaidullin A. Feudal classes and peasantry in Azerbaijan in the 19th century, 1971 | www.ejsr.org

26 Wang SIMING , Faig AGHABALAYEV violation of the principles of democratic government and the rule of the administrative-command system, restriction of the sovereign rights of the republic, the well-known decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR on the main plan for expanding the silk industry in Sheki was never implemented. A big brake in the development of this industry was a large staff turnover. Only in 1937, 3,597 arrived at the silk factory in Sheki, and 3,866 people left. As you can see, there are more departures than arrivals, which in itself already indicates a disadvantage. Due to the fact that during this period there were no trained specialists, newly equipped factories were often idle. In addition, the factories experienced difficulties with fuel, as a result of which the machines did not work. So, for example, in November 1935, due to the lack of fuel oil and lack of energy, 3609 machines were idle in the factories, of which: in the torsion workshop - 2067, in the third factory - 1273, in the fourth - 184, in the fifth - 95. Like in all sectors of the economy, in the silk industry of Sheki there was an incorrect and untimely wage of workers. All this led to the failure to fulfill production plans. Since 1937, in many areas of production, as well as in the silk industry, there was a lag in the implementation of plans. Suffice it to say that for 9 months of 1937, 10.683 kg of silk were produced in the torsion block of factory No. 3, which was 4 thousand 359 kg less than planned; The 9-month silk twist plan was completed at 61.7%. In 1937, 18 million rubles were allocated for the reconstruction of old and construction of new enterprises in Sheki, of which 2.5 million rubles intended for 84 reconstruction of the torsion and weaving mill them. Lenin, 2 million rubles for the construction of a dyeing factory and 1 million rubles for the construction of a new silk mill. At the end of the second five-year plan, the silk factory produced products: pure silk group (crepe-corrugation, crepe-canvas, glass, canvas) - 43.2% against the planned 34.4%, and semi-silk group - 56.8% against the planned 65.6%. In the total volume of silk fabric production in the South Caucasus, the share of Azerbaijan amounted to 24.3%, i.e. almost a quarter.

As a result of the implementation of measures to automate and mechanize production, the work of the workers was somewhat facilitated, and their working conditions improved. In 1938, for the first time, automatic two-shuttle silk-weaving machines were installed at Sheki silk processing enterprises to produce crepe de chine, which had not been produced in Azerbaijan until then. The general long- term plan for the development of the silk industry in Sheki also provided for the construction of a new dyeing and finishing factory with a production capacity of 3 million 500 thousand meters of silk and semi-silk fabrics. The decision to organize and equip the dyeing workshop was caused by the need to complete the production cycle for the production of finished fabrics. It is known that until 1938, silk and semi-silk fabrics produced in Azerbaijan were dyed and trimmed in Moscow, Tashkent, Tiflis, which created oncoming traffic, difficulties in controlling product quality and financial difficulties for enterprises.

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Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 27

The construction of the dyeing shop was completed and put into operation in 1942. However, this year the workshop was not able to operate at full capacity due to the lack of fuel used for the needs of the front. Therefore, of the planned finished fabric in the amount of 850 thousand meters, 104 thousand meters were actually dyed, the rest of the manufactured products continued to be dyed in Tiflis, and at the end of the year partially at the plant named after Lenin in Baku. During 1928- 1941 in Sheki, a brick factory, a mill, a construction and lemonade plants were put into operation. Having discussed and approved the third five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR (1938-1942), the 18th Congress of the CPSU on March 10, 1939, noted that this plan was an important step in solving the country's main economic task. The third five-year plan for the development of the national economy, like the previous ones, provided for the further development of all sectors of the national economy of the national republics, including Azerbaijan.16 It was planned to launch industrial construction not only in Baku, but also in other cities of the republic. Over the five-year period, it was planned to build a silk- winding factory in Sheki, cocoon-winding factories in Khankendi and Ordubad, expand the cement plant in Tauz, commission ginneries in Salyan and Karadonly. The construction of a large lime plant in Sheki began, giving 100 tons of products per day, for the construction of which 160 thousand rubles were allocated. The brick factory was subject to mechanization, for which 86 were supposed to spend 300 thousand rubles. As a result of surveys in the Sheki mountains, it was revealed that cement can be obtained from stones located in the strata of the Ag-tepe hill. Therefore, in the third five-year plan, it was planned to build a cement plant, with a production capacity of 50 thousand tons per year.17 Near the plant, the creation of the Enterpit workshop was supposed.

The third five-year plan provided for the construction of enterprises in the light and food industries. So, in Sheki, it was planned to build a beer factory with a production capacity of 300 million liters per year, a caramel factory. Given the growing needs of the population, the construction of a furniture factory, a pavilion, a refrigeration plant, a machine mill equipped with new equipment was also planned in Sheki. According to the approved project, in the Third Five-Year Plan 52 million rubles were allocated for the expansion of the silk industry and for new construction work. In 1937, 3 thousand people worked in all the factories of the city. B. at the end of the Third Five-Year Plan, their number was planned to be increased to 8 thousand people. Around the silk factory was planned to build a workers' village. According to the plan of 1938, 1 million 4 thousand were allocated for the construction of the dyeing shop. rubles, twisting shop - 300 thousand rubles., For the completion of the cocoon production base - 70 thousand rubles, for the repair of the plant - 300 thousand rubles. In 1939, the plant them

16 Huseynov, T., Rustamov, A. and Babashov, Z.. Modelling the impact of exchange rate volatility on agriculture sphere: In case of Azerbaijan. In: 37th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – "Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development". Baku: Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), 2019.pp.1063-1072. 17 Garsevanov M. Essay on the state of irrigation in Transcaucasia in 1882. Tiflis, 1882 | www.ejsr.org


Lenin gave production of 12 million rubles. Over the years of the two five-year plans, certain shifts were also observed in the cottage industry. Single handicraftsmen united in an artel. In 1938, artisanal artels released 5 million rubles consumer goods. Three artisan artisans Sheki united about 500 artisans. A prominent place was occupied by the artel industrial complex named after Kirov, having 13 workshops. This artel produced about 60 different consumer goods. In the artel them Kirov in 1938 employed about 300 workers. The YeniZakhmet artel produced shoes and other leather goods, and the Stakhanovets artel made confectionery. For the reconstruction and re-equipment of the shops of the Artel them Kirov in 1938 invested 60 thousand rubles. Towards the end of the 1930s, a critical situation developed in the Sheki silk farm, which not only did not provide for the growing needs of the silk industry, but even steadily decreased in three or four pre-war years.

Over the past prewar years, the plan for cocoon procurement in the republic has not been systematically implemented. So, in 1937, the cocoon procurement plan was implemented by 86.5%, in 1938 by 86.8%, in 1939 by 96%, and in 1940 by 81.1%. And, as a result, in these years the plan for the production of silk was not implemented. For example, in the first quarter of 1938 it was planned to produce 37 thousand 431 kg of silk. However, 26 thousand 340 kg of silk were produced. The plan was only 70% complete. In a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan dated February 15, 1939, the extremely unsatisfactory state of sericulture in the Azerbaijan SSR was noted. The main disadvantages of sericulture in Azerbaijan were: a decrease in the number of old mulberry stands, unsatisfactory development of new mulberry plantations, their neglected condition due to insufficient cultivation and irrigation, low technical level of existing dredging plants, insufficient production of hybrids, lack of knowledge of their regionalization, lack of coconut dryers, failure to take measures to improve quality and primary processing of cocoons.

Current Silk Industry: Structure, Interaction and Politics

Year by year the share of the non-oil sector in the GDP of Azerbaijan is increasing.18 Sericulture in Azerbaijan is a part of farming that raises non-oil capability of the nation's economy. The creation of new covers in Azerbaijan is wanted to be expanded as much as 6,000 tons by 2025. The making of mulberry seedling ranches so as to extend silkworm feed base is likewise conceived. At the state's cost, 3.5 million seedlings have been brought into the nation in recent years from the People's Republic of China to fortify silkworm feed base and have been

18 Gunes, M., & Hajiyeva, H.The Stages of Development of The Transition Economy: The Case of Azerbaijan. International Journal of Academic Research in economics & Management Sciences. 9(2), 2020.pp.89-101. | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 29 planted with Chinese innovation in 350 hectares in 38 districts of the republic based on division. These seedlings have leaf yields for the silkworm creation with high richness in nearby soil and atmosphere conditions. In such manner, so as to execute the State Program, sprouts from seedlings, which were imported from China in the earlier years, were planted on the region of 1 hectare having a place with the Regional Agrarian Science and Innovation Center. It was wanted to develop 200,000-250,000 bits of mulberry seedlings.

These days, sericulture is one of the principle bearings in the horticulture improvement picked by the state. As a major aspect of the execution of the State Program of Azerbaijan on the advancement of cover and silk creation for the period 2018-2025, 1,000,000 mulberry seedlings were brought into Azerbaijan from the People's Republic of China. The main aftereffects of the State Program are as of now clear. In the event that in 2015, an aggregate of 236 kilograms of cases were gathered in the nation, in 2016 effectively 70.7 tons were delivered, and in 2017 this figure arrived at 245.2 tons. As per the state program of case and sericulture, Sericulture has been spread all through the nation since old occasions is as yet growing today.

Generally, agriculture is still the main area of the and has a great positive influence on employment level in the rural regions.19 The historical backdrop of sericulture in Azerbaijan goes back to right around 1,500 years. With regards to silk in Azerbaijan, the primary spot that strikes a chord is the antiquated city of Sheki, which once considered the biggest place for the creation of silk and silk cultivating in the Middle Ages. Fragile textures, wonderful garments, and vivid kelagayis (silk headscarf) made by Sheki skilled workers from crude silk, were traded to far off nations, so the city got celebrated for its silk all through the world. In the Soviet time frame, Azerbaijan positioned second after Uzbekistan for the creation of silk casing yet was viewed as first.

Agjabedi which is one the Aran locale's regions is transcendently horticultural territory. Cotton, flour and silk prosper in the area since previous Soviet Union period. The creation of silkworm casings in the Agjabedi area of Azerbaijan is intended to arrive at 50-60 tons. In 2018, the creation of silkworm cases arrived at 37 tons, having expanded 2.2 occasions longer than a year. The ranchers' pay from the creation of silkworm covers surpassed 330,000 manats. Seedlings are conveyed for nothing out of pocket by districts as per got demands. In the pre-chosen zones of the areas, planting of mulberry seedlings will be completed utilizing Chinese innovation under the management of a specialist welcomed exceptionally from this nation. China turned into Azerbaijan's fourth biggest exchanging accomplice in 2017.

19 Khalilov, H.Sustainable agricultural production in Azerbaijan: Current situation and main tasks. Azerbaijanian Journal of Economics and Social Studies, 3,2015 pp.6-23. | www.ejsr.org


Customs information of Azerbaijan assessed two-sided exchange at a record near $1.3 billion out of 2017, that is 33 percent more contrasted with the earlier year. Fares expanded by 63.75 percent to $443.8 million, and bought more than 21.4 percent to $854.5 million throughout the year. The principle merchandise sent out from Azerbaijan to China a year ago were substance items, fuel, plastic products and items manufactured of it. Electrical gadgets, hardware and its extra parts, vehicles and extra parts, apparel and embellishments, earthenware items, family things were brought from China to Azerbaijan over the previous period.

The Azerbaijani material and silk production will have a future back after an emotional droop. A few activities are helping the conventional business to make a new beginning. Azerbaijan needs to resuscitate its once solid material, silk and attire industry. The comfortable of Azerbaijan assists in achieving high efficiency in agricultural production and farming in all parts of the country.20 In 1990, the area actually represented just shy of 18 percent of the absolute modern creation in 2017 it was simply 0.5 percent. Future speculation exercises will be controlled by a few activities. These incorporate the usage of projects for the creation and preparing of cotton and silk casings for semi-completed and completed products, the foundation of a modern park for light industry in Mingatchevir and the foundation of parts of the Azerkhalcha organization for handmade floor coverings.

Toward the start of the 1980s, cotton development blast in the nation with a yearly gather of more than 1 million tons of crude cotton. The breakdown of the Soviet Union, the change emergency during the 1990s and general disregard nearly carried the business to a stop. In 2015, the collect arrived at a noteworthy low of 35,000 tons of crude cotton.21 In 2017, 207,000 tons of crude cotton were reaped. A killjoy is the low normal yield of 1.52 tons per hectare in 2017. The administration declared expanded help for soil water system and specialized gear for makers. By 2022 the gather is relied upon to ascend to 500,000 tons for each year. Tasks are made arrangements for the reestablishment of existing and the development of new cotton ginning factories and handling of cotton filaments into yarns, textures and completed items. By mid-2018 there were eight turning plants in the nation with an all out yearly limit of 44,600 tons of yarn. Most importantly among the yarn makers in Uzbekistan are the organizations Mingatschewir Textil, MKT Istehsalat Kommersiya, ASK Textil and Azeripek which is otherwise called Ipek Scheki.

20 Mirzayev, N. The Role of Effective Use of Land in Grain-Growing. Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan. Baltic Surveying, 10, 2019.pp.31-35 21 Humbatova, S. and Hajiyev, N.Ecological agriculture and land resources in Azerbaijan. In: 55th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Baku: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency (VADEA),2020. pp.242-256. | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 31

Starting from 2016 the silk business, which came up nearly to a stop, has now been moving once more. The yearly creation of cases is relied upon to ascend to 6,000 tons untill 2025, guaranteeing a yearly creation of as much as 600 tons of crude silk. In 2017 244 tons of casings were delivered after the result of 71 tons in 2016. The development of the silk factory Azeripek in Scheki is at the head of the undertaking list. The mediator association is the Azerbaijan State Industrial Association, to which Azeripek and different organizations are detailing. The development of another silk turning plant with a yearly limit of 3,000 tons of yarn was arranged. The government of Azerbaijan made investment in reconstruction of a facility where silkworm is bred.22

Set up in 1931 and later extended the silk factory in Scheki was the lead of the silk business in the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s with nearly 7,000 lasting workers. It created as much as 400 tons of crude silk every year and provided more than 100 industrial facilities with silk yarn and bend. Wasteful privatization, budgetary issues, absence of crude materials and deals challenges consistently prompted creation stoppages. The present limits permit a yearly creation of as much as 135 tons of crude silk as it were. Because of specialized issues, the production line can't create completed textures. In 2016 set up Industrial Park for Light Industry in Mingatchevir, nine manufacturing plants for the creation of material and garments items and other textile industry items are to be constructed. The development of more creation offices were arranged. In February 2018 the organization Textile Mingatchevir opened the initial two processing plants in the mechanical park. It expects to deliver as much as 20,000 tons of cotton and mixed yarn every year.

Azerkhalcha, the organization for the creation of hand-woven floor coverings, has an aggressive objective: 30 local rug weaving factories are to be set up by 2020. Before the finish of 2017 ten branches have just been opened and a further 20 will be included 2018 and 2019. Azerkhalcha was established in 2016 on the activity of the administration. From 2020, around 5,000 workers will deliver hand- woven floor coverings under the Azerbaijan Carpet name for homegrown and unfamiliar business sectors. The extension plans for the creation of hand-woven rugs result from the in 2018 embraced state program for the advancement of rug workmanship in Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic for the years 2018 to 2022.

Azerbaijan is able to be successful with certain preferences as a creation area for the material and silk industry just as for the garments business. These incorporate an adequately accessible and immediately prepared workforce, low pay costs, charge and different inclinations in mechanical zones and great conditions for the offer of the merchandise. Great deals openings result from the international

22 Van Berkum, S. Market and competitiveness analysis of the Azerbaijan agricultural sector: an overview. Wageningen Economic Research,(2017) | www.ejsr.org

32 Wang SIMING , Faig AGHABALAYEV alliances with the nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the fare occasions to Turkey. No import obligations must be paid for fares to these nations. Attire producers from EU nations with the expectation of trading to these nations can profit by this. A few organizations, particularly from the Baltic States, are presently investigating their chances for a market section. The Azerbaijan Textile Industry Association sees a requirement for activity with respect to the administration concerning the structure conditions for the homegrown apparel producers. For instance, the duty trouble on imports of frill, for example, cements, fastens and snap clasp and zippers ought to fundamentally be diminished.

Driving makers of clothing and other completed material items incorporate Baku Textile Factory, Accord Textil (, part of the Accord Industrial Holding), Alyans Tekstil (Sumqayit), the attire manufacturing plant in the Gilan- Textile Park (Sumqayit), and Debet Uniform (Baku). The plants chiefly produce workwear and outerwear. It is known, that the state strategy spent now for the further reinforcing of the public economy is coordinated on increasing speed of improvement of the branches which are not worried to oil area, based on sane utilization of the large monetary victories accomplished in oil area of the nation. Taking into account it, the sericulture advancement can assume the significant part being developed of two significant parts of the nation not worried to oil area - light industry and the agribusiness. Simultaneously, because of sericulture advancement, the crude silk got from handling of deliberately significant crude material - covers of the silkworm, can be acknowledged on the planet showcases because of what inflow of an investment to the public economy will intensify.

For right and goal (on the legal bases) reasons of done modern - innovative cycles, work and relations of creation every which way of sericulture, and furthermore for a right assessment of value made items (for instance, silkworm eggs, new covers, dry covers), presence of administrative legitimate base is required. This base will comprise of different guidelines, standards and details of the charge of materials and time for did works in different ways of sericulture, and generally significant of state norms on casings of the silkworm - new, air - dried and squander cases. These guidelines in sericulture of the republics are accessible.23 Notwithstanding, every one of them are acknowledged during the Soviet power, have gotten obsolete and today don't compare to prerequisites of unregulated economy. Furthermore, new public principles in republic till now are not created. In spite of it, there is a straightforward choice of this inquiry.

One of the fundamental motivations behind sericulture improvement in republic is the creation of enough nearby covers for difficult situation free work of the silk reeling produces of Sheki Ipak J.S.C. with full limit. Simultaneously, for inconvenience free work of this endeavor with full limit, close by with enough

23 Ismayilov, A., Babaev, M. and Feyziyev, F.The correlation of Azerbaijan arid soils with WRB-2014. Eurasian journal of soil science (EJSS), 9(3),2020 pp.202-207. | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 33 casings, it is required likewise the relating specialized and innovative conditions giving monetarily powerful production. Subsequently, the administration of Sheki Ipak J.S.C., with the end goal of making of required conditions, has done various activities. Mechanical premises of silk reeling units, units on preparing side-effects and heater house are totally fixed. In the units are done fix and change works of every single specialized development and the cycle hardware, including multiends silk reeling machines, the ventilating framework was set up. The manufacturing plant was given by flammable gas. Close by with it, for development of working states of laborers, are manufactured various family protests, satisfactory to present day sterile and clean standards. Moreover, in order to protect the soil from pollution, the government took control over the utilization of chemicals in the sector of agriculture.24

Close by with the completed activities, the administration of business entity, for increment in limit of the endeavor, plans acquisition of two unfamiliar programmed silk reeling lines. Accordingly, considering acquisition of two unfamiliar completely programmed silk reeling lines, yearly creation of crude silk at the venture will make 216.9 tons. Clearly, in 2013 it was conceivable to give needs of silk reeling fabricate totally for the record of neighborhood casing creation. Also, till that time, for full support of production with crude material, it is fundamental yearly to convey from abroad dry casings. Simultaneously, in 2014-2015, inferable from huge increments of dry cases creation in republic, it was conceivable to surpass the arranged level makes of crude silk in 2014 on 46 ton, in 2015 on 80 ton.

Today, China employs over 1 million people in the silk industry and 700,000 in India. The income of 20,000 families in Thailand depends on silk production. Now only 5 countries - China, India, Uzbekistan, Brazil and Vietnam are the largest silk producers in the world. Currently, the world produces about 80,000 tonnes of silk. About 70% of this amount belongs to China. Italy is the largest importer of silk thread today, despite the efforts of senators in Rome two thousand years ago to ban the import of silk. The country with the highest use of silk is Japan. The United States is also one of the largest exporters of silk textiles and clothing.

In the global market, the price of silk is increasing. Today, Europe plays a key role in the processing of silk. The leading countries are Italy, Germany and France. Different European silk garments, as a rule, offer high fashion and are very expensive. Most famous fashion designers and designers work on silk garments. Now, silk processing is gradually moving to Eastern countries, where designers and fashion designers set up their own centers. But this does not mean that everything in the silk industry is like silk. Silk manufacturers have always had certain problems and are still there. The emergence of new synthetic products

24 Mammadli, M., Prospects for the export of agricultural products in Azerbaijan. In: 55th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Baku: Book of Proceedings,2020, pp.496-505. | www.ejsr.org

34 Wang SIMING , Faig AGHABALAYEV undermines the image of silk, and economic crises cause a drop in sales. In several countries, silk-producing centers are closed. In Japan and Korea, this is clearly felt. The World Trade Organization proposes to promote the benefits of this product so that it does not reduce the production of silk. Thus, silk is a natural product that is not harmful to the environment and human health. It can be used for other purposes besides clothing manufacture.

Significant steps have been taken in Azerbaijan in recent years to develop culinaryism, and important decisions are made. All these activities are carried out under the control of the Head of State. The result is obvious that, for the first time since 2007, 70.7 tons of coconut products have been produced in our country, and about 1250 silver families have earned about 600,000 manat. In 2016, the noted that cereal production was completely forgotten and a large part of mulberry trees was cut off, only 200 kilograms of coconut were produced in 2015 and the restoration of gardens was at least doubled. To respond to the President's recommendation for concrete work, 1 million 700 thousand mulberry trees were planted in 2015, and the revival of barley breeding was started in 37 regions. As a continuation of these activities, it is planned to increase the production of barber production to 1300 tons by 2019 and to work at full capacity of the Sheki Silk Factory. It should be noted that last autumn, more than 1 million 793 thousand mulberry trees were planted in the country, and high quality silk was distributed to 3013 silver families in 739 villages in 31 districts.

Another important step towards stimulation of production is the provision of 5 manat subsidies to the miners at the expense of the state budget for each kilogram of all types of silica, adopted by silk industry enterprises. According to other orders of the President, the Ministry of Agriculture has allocated 163,000 manat for purchase of cocoons, 600,000 for mulberry seeds, and 4.5 million manat for the reconstruction of the Gakh Breeding Silk Station, creation of additional production facilities and provision of modern equipment. A new season has already begun in a number of districts. As a whole, on June 1, "Sheki-Ipek" OJSC accepted 8717 tons of barrels and this process continues. (4157 tons), Aghdam (1296 tons) and Zagatala (933 tons) regions are ahead in terms of production and supply. Production of 36.5 tons in Fizuli, 24 in Zardab, 22.5 in Sheki, 21 in Zagatala, 17.5 in Agjabadi, 15 tons in each of , and Kurdamir regions is expected to be the largest producers.

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Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 35

Conclusion and Strategy for future development

According to archeological and ethnographic studies, silk has more than 2,000 years of history in Azerbaijan, and it is closely connected with the creation of the Great Silk Road. For centuries, Azerbaijan has been considered one of the world's centers of silk. According to experts, even in the V-VI centuries in silk coverings with gold work in were fashionable. Researchers say that Italian traveler Contarini, who was in Shamakhi in the 1970s, wrote high-quality silk fabrics. At that time, silk was supplied from Shamakhi to Russia, Iraq, Syria and other countries. Even in the thirteenth century, Italian traveler Marco Polo embodies the beauty of the silk pastures woven in Shamakhi and Barda. Y. Streis, a Dutch traveler who came to Azerbaijan in the 17th century, wrote that in the Shamakhi bazaar silk pastures with fur, silver and gold.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, was able to maintain its dominance in the Middle East for silk production. Much of the Shirvan silk was shipped to many Asian and European countries. In the 17th century, Peter I intended to conquer the silkworms as he prepared to march across the Caspian. He was going to export raw land to Western Europe, including England, the , France, and Poland after he seized these lands. The archives of that time can be found in the information of the Russian merchants exporting Astrakhan goods from and Shamakhi in 1724. Studies show that the history of silk weaving in Sheki dates back to BC. Sheki has been the center of silk production in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus for many years. In the 19th century, the largest silk factory in the world was operating in Sheki.

St. Etienne and Lyon, France was one of the regular buyers of Sheki silk. At the beginning of the 19th century, Sheki was called the Caucasus Lion for his success in silk making. The fundamental shift in the development of silk production in Azerbaijan dates back to the 70s of the last century. During this period, silkworming in Azerbaijan developed again, producing about 7,800 tonnes of coconut per year. The Council of Ministers adopted a resolution dated March 3, 1971, on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev, "On Measures for Further Development of Silkworming in the Republic of Azerbaijan".

This decision gave a powerful impetus to the development of silkworm breeding and silkworming, expanding its material and technical base, industrial potential and, as a result, the country increased its barley supply by 36.1 percent. In the 70- 80s the development of silkworming in our country, including Sheki, was particularly popular. During those years, the country produced 5-6,000 tons of coconut per year and 350-400 tons of raw silk, and tens of millions of square meters of different types of silk were woven.

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During this period more than 150,000 peasant families were engaged in coconut production. More than 14,000 people work in the silk industry of Azerbaijan, including about 7,000 people at the Sheki-Silk Complex. And in the villages of the district was engaged in cultivation of about 10 thousand silver miners. In the early 1990s - the first years of Azerbaijan's independence - a serious recession in the development of silkworms, and the economic ties that had been established for many years were completely broken. However, after the second return of Heydar Aliyev to power, the attitude towards silk production has changed radically, as well as in other spheres in Azerbaijan, and necessary work has been done to restore this industry. Were established goals to reach the optimal volume of the export of Azerbaijan, as well as, to achieve effectiveness in agricultural production.25 When he was in Shaki in 2001, he was also interested in the activities of the silk-mill, and by the direct order, signed by him, the enterprise was put into operation in the same year with a significant amount of funds from the state budget.

Suffice it to say that Azerbaijan was the second in the former Soviet Union for the production of barley, and Uzbekistan was the second in terms of the quality of the silk produced. The Sheki-Ipek combine sent silk threads to 75 enterprises of the USSR and silk threads to 84 enterprises. Shaki silk fabrics were exported to Japan, Switzerland, Italy and other foreign countries. There is great potential for the development of silk production in Azerbaijan. In accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, the Ministry of Agriculture has begun to take measures to create a modern silk infrastructure in the country since 2016. Decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Support to the Development of Silkworms in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated September 15, 2016 and "On Additional Measures to Strengthen State Support for the Development of Silkworm and Hazelnut" in the effective use of the potential of this area promoted employment of the population in the production of coconut and improved social welfare.

The main objective is to strengthen government support for the development of traditional agriculture in the country, effectively use the potential of the sector, increase competitiveness and employment, increase interest and improve social welfare. In accordance with the presidential decree "On additional measures to improve the material and technical base of silk production in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated May 19, 2017 and "On measures to continue state support for the development of silkworms" the funds were allocated for the restoration of the Silkworm Station, the creation of additional production facilities and the up-to-date equipment, as well as the supply and delivery of mulberry seeds and cocoon seeds to the producers. The interest in this area has also been given to subsidies in the amount of 5 manat per kilogram of barley delivered to processing enterprises.

25 Mammadov, Q., Hashimov, A. and Rzayev, M. Sustainable agriculture and environment: How the modern policy is promoted in Azerbaijan context. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research, 4(4), 2018, pp.223-237. | www.ejsr.org

Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 37

Implementation of the State Program will promote the development of silkworm breeding in the country.26

On November 27, 2017, the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a meeting on the theme of development of silkworm breeding and silkworm breeding in the Republic of Azerbaijan. On November 27, 2017 in order to strengthen the state support for development of silkworm breeding and silkworming the state program for 2025 has been approved. The State Program envisages increasing the volume of cereal production in Azerbaijan by 2025 to 6,000 tons. The Action Plan for the Program also includes the establishment of an Association of Cocoon Producers in Azerbaijan. Silking is one of the traditional profitable sectors of the Azerbaijani economy. With the growing demand for ecologically clean products in the modern era, the development of silk industry has become more relevant. Another advantage of silkworming is the fact that the production of products is non-waste. Both basic and secondary products obtained at each stage of the production process are used in the manufacturing process. The need to develop silkworms is linked not only with economic factors, but also by cultural and historical factors. In addition to providing direct economic benefits as the industry, silking has a positive impact on the development of tourism and the preservation of historical traditions, being part of the country's history and culture.27 As part of the silk industry in Azerbaijan, it operates as a single complex, including silk research institutes, breeding stations, seeding plants, grenade plants, regional barbering and drying plants, silk offices, cotton farms and processing enterprises.

The silkworming complex was able to create a barber network in 60 regions of the country, and as a result, in 1991, the age of coconut production reached 6,000 tons. Demand for abolition has sharply declined in recent years due to suspension of the Ordubad Barracking Factory, the occupation of Khankendi, where the Karabakh Silk Factory is located, and difficulties in the operation of the Sheki Silk Factory. The mulberry plantations with a total area of 5-7 tons per hectare and a total area of 23,476 hectares have been gradually degraded. Age cement production has declined since 1992 (5,200 tons), with only 5 tons produced in 2010, and 7 tons in 2012. Sheki Ipek, the main buyer of the barama, has increased the bargain purchase price from 1.2 manats in 2004 to 3.0 manats in 2008 to increase the material interest of the silver farms and the production of raw materials. Despite the fact that the bargain purchase price is 3 manat per kilogram, energy prices, etc. The rise in prices has reduced the rural population's interest in breeding. The customs value of one kilogram of 0.8 tonnes of dry baram imported to the country in 2010 was US $ 9.75.

26 Mədəniyyət Qəzeti [Cultural Newspaper], İpəkçilik Hatay və Şəki şəhərlərini qardaşlaşdırır [Silkworming twins the cities of Hatay and Sheki]. 2017.p. 12 27 Sadik-Zada, E.R., Loewenstein, W. and Hasanli, Y. Commodity Revenues, Agricultural Sector and the Magnitude of Deindustrialization: A Novel Multisector Perspective, Economies, 7,2019,pp. 113. | www.ejsr.org


Until 2010, the Republic was imported from Uzbekistan and Iran in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the plant at full capacity for failing to meet the needs of Sheki Silk, the only silk enterprise in the country.28 One of the main problems of the sector is the weak development of the cement industry and the silk market in the country. Thus, being one of the buyers of barama in the domestic market and the lack of competitive pricing was one of the factors affecting the producers' interest in barbering.

Experience of China, India and Uzbekistan, one of the leading countries in the field of silkworming, shows that the development of small business in silk is of great importance. Thus, it is more advantageous to organize the initial processing of raw materials and the production of raw silk by small businesses located close to raw materials. In Azerbaijan, the production of raw silk so far has been made by large enterprises. At the same time, China and India are cultivated twice a year, mainly twice a year, and in our country, these opportunities are cultivated only once a year. This is why it is important to increase productivity through the use of intensive technology techniques in cementing. Taking this into account, the former Research Institute of Silkworms has developed a package of proposals on this problem, or more precisely, 2-3 times a year.

Inadequate adherence to agricultural norms by agricultural entities, low productivity of mulberry trees and leaves, as well as the inadequate use of local breeds and hybrids also has a negative impact on increasing production. According to “Sheki Ipek” OJSC, more than 200 out of 267 farms feeding mulberry silkworms in 2010 did not meet agro-technical standards and as a result the age of cows was 15-30 kg. That figure could rise to 80kg. There is a silk complex in Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Silkworm, Ganja and Gakh breeding silk station, 7 grenades, about 30 barber drying stations, covering about 80 barrels and processing facilities, 4 silk farms, 31 silk farms, cotton mill, Karabakh and Sheki Silk Factory.

The main objective is to achieve the sustainable development of silk production, as well as to improve the quality and volume of production through the modernization of economic infrastructure, the application of intensive methods, and the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs. As for the objectives, it is necessary to attract investment in the silk and silk industry, to create a favourable business environment and efficient economic support mechanism for the profitable activities of economic entities, to create small businesses in the silk industry, to promote anti-corruption activities. Increase the productivity of trees planted by restoring and reconstructing existing gardens, increasing the productivity of cocoon production

28 Xalq Cəbhəsi Qəzeti [People`s Front Newspaper],İpəkçilik üzrə xarici mütəxəssislər Şəkidə toplaşıblar [Foreign silk specialists have gathered in Sheki].2017 p.13.

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Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 39 through the use of intensive methods of gardening, bringing the technical and technological level of silk production to the modern standards, providing the population with jobs and social services.29 In addition, providing the business entities with the necessary knowledge and information, developing links between scientific research and entrepreneurial activity in silk industry, creating a technology park in silk production, enhancing the role of silk products in export diversification, promoting Azerbaijan's position as an environmentally friendly product and promoting employment in the regions is essential. This implies the establishment of new manufacturing facilities and the implementation of appropriate measures to rehabilitate those that have ceased to exist.

Investigation of investment opportunities with the aim of attracting investors to the regions for creation of new jobs and taking appropriate measures to prepare specific investment opportunities to be provided to investors, implementation of appropriate measures for the establishment of cooperative production in the regions, development of breeding and breeding farms, their logistics. This includes the establishment of technical and vocational education for the implementation of appropriate measures to strengthen the base, to provide the field with low-skilled personnel.

The concept calls for achieving a number of strategic goals by 2020. The main indicators, which determine whether the agriculture of Azerbaijan is effective, are the economic results of activities of both households and agricultural business entities.30 There are mainly about 500 tons of dry cocoons production per year, making the silk products produced in Azerbaijan one of the most competitive products on the world market, creating sustainable silk clusters. Also, there is a need for deep manufacturing of silk products, the expansion of domestic production of specific silk products required for electrical engineering, radio engineering, cinematography, aerospace, astronautics, precision devices and cable production, healthcare and other areas.

29 Efendiev, A. Azerbaijan: Enormous potential and challenging economic opportunities. European Business Journal, 11(4),1999 pp.176-186. 30 Gulaliyev, M., Abasova, S., Samedova, E., Hamidova, L., Valiyeva, S. and Serttash, L..Assessment of agricultural sustainability (Azerbaijan case). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25,2019, pp.80-89. | www.ejsr.org


References and notes:

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Tarixi perspektivdə Azərbaycan İpək sənayesinin inkişafı

Wang SİMİNQ Nanjinq Kənd Təsərrüfatı Universiteti , Jianqsu əyaləti, Çin

Faiq AĞABALAYEV Nanjinq Kənd Təsərrüfatı Universiteti , Jianqsu əyaləti, Çin

Məqalənin məqsədi Azərbaycan üçün İpək sənayesinin tarixi əhəmiyyətini müəyyənləşdirməkdir.Xüsusilə də, məqalədə ipəkqurdunun yetişdirilməsinin və ipək istehsalının tarixi keçmişi, mövcud vəziyyət və gələcək inkişaf strategiyası da müzakirə olunmuşdur. İpəkçilik sahəsi Azərbaycanda kənd təsərrüfatının qədim və gəlirli sahələrindən biri idi. İpək məhsullarının istehsalı ilə yanaşı, yeni dövrün başlanğıcında da bununla məşğul idilər.Yüngül sənaye mütəxəssislərinə görə, Azərbaycan ipəyi gözəlliyi və mükəmməl keyfiyyətinə görə digər ölkələrdən daha çox öndə idi. Təəssüflər olsun ki, keçən əsrin 90-cı illərindən başlayaraq, Azərbaycan hakimiyyətini idarə edən qüvvələrin bacarıqsız liderliyi sayəsində, ölkədə bir çox sahələrdə, o cümlədən ipəkçilik sahəsində də çətinliklər başladı və bunun üçün illərlə qurulan bağlar tamamilə yox edildi.

1993-cü ildən sonra Azərbaycanda bütün sahələrə və eyni zamanda ipəkçiliyə münasibət kökündən dəyişdirildi, xüsusən də ipək istehsalının bərpası üçün lazımi işlər aparılmağa başlanıldı.Bu sənayenin canlanması on minlərlə yeni iş yeri açacaq və xarici istehlakçılar arasında böyük tələbat olan ipəyə və ipək parça istehsalının həcmini artıracaqdır. Nəhayət, bu məhsulların ixracı eyni zamanda ölkəyə xarici valyuta axınını da təmin edəcəkdir.

Açar sözlər: İpək sənayesi, tarixi perspektiv, ipəkqurdu, xarici istehlakçı, Azərbaycan

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Azerbaijan’s Silk Industry …. 43


Развитие шелковой промышленности Азербайджана в исторической перспективе

Ван СИМИНГ Нанжингский Сельскохозяйственный Университет, провинция Цзянсу, Китай

Фаик АГАБАЛАЕВ Нанжингский Сельскохозяйственный Университет, провинция Цзянсу, Китай

Цель статьи - определить историческое значение шелковой промышленности для Азербайджана.В частности, обсуждались историческое прошлое шелководства и производства шелка, текущая ситуация и стратегии будущего развития. Шелковая промышленность была одной из старейших и наиболее прибыльных областей сельского хозяйства в Азербайджане. Наряду с производством шелковых изделий им занимались и в начале новой эры.По мнению специалистов легкой промышленности, по красоте и отличному качеству шелка Азербайджан опередил другие страны. К сожалению, начиная с 1990-х годов прошлого века из-за некомпетентного руководства правящих сил в Азербайджане страна испытывала трудности во многих сферах, в том числе в разведении шелкопряда, а построенные за эти годы связи были полностью разрушены. После 1993 года отношение ко всем сферам деятельности в Азербайджане, а также к шелководству коренным образом изменилось, в частности, началась необходимая работа по возобновлению производства шелка.

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Возрождение этой отрасли создаст десятки тысяч новых рабочих мест и увеличит производство шелка и шелковых тканей, пользующихся большим спросом у зарубежных потребителей. Наконец, экспорт этой продукции также обеспечит приток иностранной валюты в страну.

Ключевые слова: Шелковая промышленность, историческая перспектива, тутовый шелкопряд, зарубежный потребитель, Азербайджан.


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