The Case for Iskandar Malaysia’s Corridor Development Strategy

ADB-CIMT Economic Corridor Development Training

30 Aug 2015

Presentation Outline

• Laying a strong foundation

• Planning towards sustainability

• Gaining international standing

• Realising the vision

• Conclusion Presentation Outline

• Laying a strong foundation

• Planning towards sustainability

• Gaining international standing

• Realising the vision

• Conclusion From … Temenggong Ibrahim founded the Iskandar Puteri at Tanjong Puteri in 1855. As such, it can be said that the modern Sultanate was established by Temenggong Ibrahim and further consolidated by Sultan Abu Bakar

Old photos of , then known as Iskandar Puteri, the transportation hub for Agriculture Produce and commercial activities since 1855 …To Iskandar Malaysia – started with a dream in 2005 Presentation Outline

• Laying a strong foundation

• Planning towards sustainability

• Gaining international standing

• Realising the vision

• Conclusion 5 Economic Corridors

JOHOR 19,210 sq km (4,744,670 acres)


Senai Airport

Central Business District – Johor Bahru:

Port of Tanjung ISKANDAR MALAYSIA Langsat • 2,217 km2 or 550,000 acres • Strategically located at the cross roads of East- Changi Airport • 3 times the size of West trade lanes Jurong Port Central Business District • Within minutes to Singapore • 1.74 million population Singapore (2012) The Business Model

Supply Side – Planning and Regulatory Demand Side – Commercial Development

The Business Plan – Comprehensive Development Plan Master Developer Nine Focus Sectors +

The Authority – Catalyst Initiatives Iskandar Region Development Authority

 Plan  Promote IRDA ACT  Facilitate 667 ENABLERS: Government funding on important infrastructure (roads, access etc), Government support to improve ease doing business (regulatory processes) IRDA

GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE OF Blueprin Sector Incenti ISKANDAR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ts Development ves AUTHORITY Set out the Roadmap for Develop parameters the key incentive PLANNING for a economic s sustainable sectors specific development for sectors Investment 9 Promoted Destination Sectors Brand Guardian of Promote private Iskandar Malaysia as and public Investment investments in PROMOTION Destination Iskandar Malaysia

Iskandar Service Investment Center Monitoring Advisory and Monitor & Align Assistance on sector development, completion of enabler development FACILITATION documents and and investment expedite processes & development approvals

Our Vision

“To be A Strong and Sustainable Metropolis of International Standing” 2025 Annual rate of Indicator 2006 (CDP) change (%) Population (mil) 1.4 3.0 4.63%

GDP per capita 14,790 31,100* 5.78% (PPP) in USD Labour Force 0.62 1.46 7.00% (mil) Employment 0.61 1.43 7.00% (mil)

*Annual growth of minimum of 8% y-o-y (at constant 2005 price) Projected Growth 2006 to 2025 Source : Iskandar Malaysia Comprehensive Development Plan

Iskandar Malaysia targets Populationto grow in Iskandar Johor’sMalaysia in GDP by 4.5 times2012 : 1.7 mil and create up to 817,500Source : Statistics employment Department of Johor opportunities Comprehensive Development Plans


Physical Economic Social IM Holistic Eco-System Wealth Sharing Development Development Development Wealth Resource Creation & Inclusiveness Optimisation Promoted Community Well- Optimum use of Economic Clusters being & Equity land and resources The 9 Economic Pillars (Promoted Economic Clusters)








Financial Financial


Electronics Processing

Electrical & Electrical


& Oil Oil & & Gas Food & Agro & Food

Petro Chemical Chemical Petro Transformative Interventions 5 BIG MOVES Inclusive Greening Destination Port of IM ENABLERS IM IM IM IM Urban Observatory Social Equity Greening Tourism & Livable Logistics and Collaboration & Communities and Quality Potential Infrastructure Integration

Five (5) Flagship Zones Key Targets & Performances

Flagship A Flagship B Flagship C Flagship D Flagship E JBCC Nusajaya Western Eastern - SPATIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Gate Gate Five Flagship Zones, Environmental Sensitive Areas (ESA), Zoning Plan and Use Class Framework, Regional Development Intensity, Transit Oriented Developments


Targeted Economic Indicators, Iskandar Malaysia, 2025 Iskandar Malaysia GDP Projection (RM billion) 2013-2025

(CDPii) (CDPi) CDPii 2025 Achievements as at 2005 2012 Target

Estimated GDP (at RM 34.3 RM 52 billion a constant 2005 RM120 billion billion (Year 2013 price)

GDP Per Capita RM 25,626 RM 27,025 RM 42,631

4.1% 6.8% 7-8% Growth Rate (2006- (2010-2012) (2005-2025) 2010)

1.7 million Population 1.4 million 3.0 million (58% of target)

0.8 million Employment 0.6 million 1.31 million (56% of target)

RM 131.64 Investment RM384 N/A Billion Achieved billion Iskandar Malaysia shall continue to grow towards (Year 2013) achieving its planned growth path and become an internationally competitive and resilient region Comprehensive Development Plan ii

A vision towards becoming a A Strong, Sustainable Metropolis of International Standing

This vision, as envisaged in the first CDP, will be uphold and carried forward in CDPii

Measures to strengthen the region shall be implemented to ensure a region that is resilient and able to withstand threats and challenges.

Vision of CDP CDPii continues the Vision for Iskandar Malaysia and drives towards a Self-Sustaining and Resilient Region.

Comprehensive Development Plan ii


Iskandar Malaysia Holistic Eco-system A resilient ecosystem, anchored by wealth generators, creating regional wealth that is to be shared equally among communities. Wealth generation and wealth sharing, balanced by optimal use of ecological assets, would enhance the Quality of Life in Iskandar Malaysia, turning it into a leading global region. Alongside this, spatial management and good governance would enable the realization of its vision and goals by 2025. Presentation Outline

• Laying a strong foundation

• Planning towards sustainability

• Gaining international standing

• Realising the vision

• Conclusion Economic drivers for growth • Logistics • Manufacturing E (esp. high tech and aerospace related) • Financial, A • Tourism (Luxury • Manufacturing D Cultural and Urban Destination (Electronics, Tourism Shopping) petrochemicals, oleo chemicals etc) • CybercitySENAI- SKUDAI JB CITY CENTRE JB • Oil Storage Terminals • Education & / TANJUNG SENAI - SKUDAI Medical Tourism B LANGSAT • Entertainment & Recreation E • State Administration • Finance JB CITY CENTRE • Biotechnology EASTERN GATE DEV NUSAJAYA NUSAJAYA A • Logistics • Free Zone D Industrial Area C B Regional • WESTERN GATE DEV Distribution, International C Procurement • Oil storage TerminalsTANJUNG PELEPAS

Investment Incentives in Iskandar Malaysia

Standard Incentives Pre-packaged State Incentives Incentives  Pioneer Status and  A special package of  Special flexibilities Investment Tax Allowance incentives can be may be granted to (ITA) for promoted sectors considered, on a qualified developers / areas - MIDA. case by case basis, for high-impact for high-impact projects from  Package of fiscal and non projects. compliance with State fiscal incentives for development sector specific activities  Jointly evaluated by guidelines. e. g. MSC Status, BioNexus MIDA and IRDA Status  Jointly evaluated by State UPEN and IRDA  IRDA processes the following: 1. Incentive Support Package (ISP) 2. Flagship Incentives IM (FIM) 3. 15% tax rate scheme (TRS) for knowledge workers in IM Strong Government Support in Infrastructure Enablers

Hard Infrastructure Soft Infrastructure Safety & Security

RM8.31 billion Government PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 25 Community Police Posts Investment in Iskandar (CPPs) completed 54 Bus Iskandar Malaysia Malaysia 2006 - 2012. 210 Auxiliary Police serving 27 social routes RM 2.6 billion recruited 38 Bus Express Transit managed by IRDA as the 415 CCTVs installed. implementing Agency. commenced

9 Focus Economic Sectors

Financial Tourism Education Logistic Healthcare Creative

•ServicesIslamic banking & • Theme parks • Private basic •sRDC, IPC, ILS • Specialist •Film, television, Services finance, retail and • Family education • IILS medical games, animation wholesale banking. entertainment school • Oil storage service •Online mobile • FSSO, financial and center • Private higher and trading • Diagnostic content generation other professional • Food, dining & education hub medical •Integrated media & services shopping institution • Halal logistic service content services • Offshore financial • MICE & • Specialized hub • TCM, wellness

service accommodation skills training center

Electrical & Electronics Oleo- & Petrochemicals Food & Agro-Processing

• Advance E&E • Aerospace • Aromatics & Olefins • Palm oil based products • Renewable Energy • Security & Defence • Polymer production • Cocoa based products

• Automotive & Rail• Medical Devices • Oleochem based products • Halal derivatives Manufacturing • O&G processing, support • Agriculture biotechnology industries • Healthcare biotechnology • Industrial biotechnology Investment Update 2006 to June 2015 [CATEGORY Utilities Emerging NAME] Tech 1% 5% 7% RM’bil [CATEGORY 172.51 NAME] 190.00 [CATEGORY 6% 180.00 Cumulative Committed NAME] 30% 170.00 Investment 158.13 8.31 160.00 Retail/Mix.Dev 8.31 150.00 19 % Logistic 40.06 3% 140.00 131.36 [CATEGORY 130.00 38.58 8.31 NAME] 23% Healthcare 120.00 106.31 2% 110.00 32.97 [CATEGORY 100.00 7.31 84.78 NAME] 90.00 72.58 [CATEGORY 1% 6.28 35.14 [CATEGORY 80.00 69.48 61.14 NAME] 1% In RM’bil NAME] 2% 70.00 43.26 Education 1% 55.56 6.28 27.30 60.00 50.00 41.76 6.28 21.83 28.79 Manufacturing 51.56 Logistics 5.45 40.00 6.83 16.52 19.98 25.80 14.45 Residential 40.06 Healthcare 2.65 30.00 8.17 9.11 5.05 50.09 51.56 Properties 20.00 11.30 5.80 46.82 7.10 31.22 35.07 Mixed Development Tourism 10.00 1.00 21.70 23.65 26.92 33.62 3.06 5.80 11.90 0.00 5.50 Utilities 12.64 Education 2.06 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (JUNE) Government 8.31 Finance 0.74 Manufacturing Others Residential Government Committed Investment Industrial 9.69 Emerging Tech 2.12 * Others : Creative 0.56 Utilities,EmergingTech,Tourism,Education,Healthcare,Creative,Financial, Source: IRDA, Khazanah, IIB , MIDA Sept’2014 & Logistics,Retail,Industrial. Corporate Announcements Cumulative Committed Investment 2006 to June 2015 Local vs Foreign Year-on-Year

172.51 Foreign Local 180.00 RM’ BIL 158.13 160.00 51% 61% 140.00 131.64 49%

105.03 120.00 106.31 101.14 43% 87.81 84.62 41% 100.00 84.78 81.17 67.78 80.00 69.48 44% 50.64 56.32 40.70 60.00 39% 43.70 39% 37.75 30.08 40.00 27.70 18.92 67.48 56.99 47.02 20.00 34.14 38.53 22.83 25.48 28.78 0.00 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (MAY) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (JUNE) Committed Investment Realised Investment

Note: Percentage is a realised against committed investment (RI/CI) Source: MIDA & Audited Corporate Announcements Top 10 Foreign Investments in Iskandar Malaysia In RM’ Bil

Singapore CHINA USA RM 14.68b RM RM 5.66b 10.14b

SPAIN JAPAN GERMANY AUSTRALIA UNITED INDIA NETHERLANDS RM 4.19b RM RM 2.28b RM 2.04b ARAB RM RM 1.88b 4.18b EMIRATES 1.89b RM 1.96b (Year 2006- June 2015 (includes Manufacturing, Services & Properties) Source: MIDA Mar 2015 & Audited Corporate Announcements Targeted Investment Markets in 2015/2016

Asia North America Europe


South America

STRATEGIES Australi 1. Engage more ASEAN nations and selected ASIA Countries (Spore, a Indonesia, Japan). Focus on their country policies and economic reforms/announcements. 2. Set up Engagement plans to intensify Investments 3. Leverage on Key Promotion Agencies (MIDA/MITI/MOTOUR) and Target Demand Stakeholders 4. Leverage on Low Carbon Society Momentum, Creative Momentum 5. Intensify focus on Logistics (Airports & Ports) and Tourism Tourism Sector in Johor Tourist Arrival to rd JOHOR, is the 3 Malaysia in 2014, at TOURISM DESTINATION 27.4 million HIGHEST TOP 10 COUNTRIES TOURIST ARRIVAL IN MALAYSIA 2014 349 Hotels in 1 Singapore 13,932,967 Johor 212 hotels in Johor 2 Indonesia 2,827,533 Bahru 3 China 1,613,355 20,537 4 Thailand 1,299,298 rooms 5 Brunei 1,213,110 15,000 in IM, expected 17,000 by 6 India 770,108 2015/6 Average 7 Philippines 618,538 Occupancy 8 Australia 571,328 Rate 56.4 9 Japan 553,106 10 United Kingdom 445,789

Source : IRDA, Ministry of Tourism Malaysia (2013 Statistics) & NAPIC Source : Ministry of Tourism Malaysia (2014 Statistics) CreativeTourism Sector in Iskandar Malaysia

Imagica SEA JV Official Launching of Pinewood Signing Iskandar Malaysia Studios June 2014 Launch of Film in Ceremony Feb 2015 Malaysia incentive 2014 (FIMI) Feb 2013 2014 2013

ICONApps kick-off Mar 2012; Kick-start setup of MaGIC- X Signing Ceremony btwn Astro IM Creative Establishment of Dec 2015 Industry Talent Productions & PIMS for Studios Film Johor Facilities & Prod Services Development Program Feb 2014 kick-off Mar 2013 Aug 2014 Working continuously with Stakeholders to land Investment/SMEs/Talents/Seal Collaboration A Hotels & Theme Parks Landscape in Iskandar Malaysia



Coming Soon


JB CITY CENTRE EASTERN GATE DEV NUSAJAYA A D B Coming Soon C WESTERN FasTRACK GATE DEV ISKANDAR A Hospitals Landscape in Iskandar Malaysia C D E Johor Puteri Plaza Landmark Coming Specialist Specialist Medical Suites Coming Soon Coming Hospital Hospital Soon Soon Coming Soon Sungai Pulai KPJ-UTM Amansari Wellness Resort Pasir Gudang Specialist Hospital Specialist Hospital Wellness Resort

Bandar Dato’ TCM Onn Hospital Specialist Hospital SENAI - SKUDAI B E


DB Medical WESTERN Suites GATE DEV Education Sector in Iskandar Malaysia

MOU signing 112 between R&F & students Excelsior on 300 8 Apr 2015 550 750 students students students 200 students 163 100 2015 students students 2014 Increase in students in EduCity 2013 and 2012 2011  2010 to 2015 At least 14 new institutes of higher learning and international schools. 2000  Estimated overall students students for Educity and City of 300 Knowledge of 15,000. students Employment: 1,600 (2015)

900 students 150 students 130 students Strategy for 2015 -2016 1. Grow students numbers for institutions in Iskandar Malaysia 2. Increase capability of Technical and Vocational Training institutions through collaboration and industry linkages Financial & Logistics Sectors in

IskandarFinancial Malaysia Services Logistics Sector Sector

Promoted sub-sectors  Well established ‘land-  Financial shared services sea-air’ linkages and outsourcing  Port of Tg Pelepas ranked  Islamic banking and 19th largest container port finance  Only privatised  Offshore financial international airport BUT services with limited international  Knowledge development and connectivity research hub; and  Strong value propositions  Financial and other for regional distribution, professional services aviation and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) activities

Latest update on Logistics Investment

seSenai Hi Tech Park

 Leased in October 2013  Total Land size : 41  VW has moved their interest to acres Senai Hi Tech Park since they  Total Investment cost: Ard RM816 million need to start operation by Aug  Job Opportunities : 2016. PTP requires at least 18 est 400 people months to settle their land  Construction works commenced in October which includes reclamation and 2014 & operation acquisition of land (road targeted by Q3, 2015 buffer) from the state.  VW is willing to consider Senai Hi Tech where they can start construction soon Accepted Letter of Offer  Win-win solution for all   Sold 384 acres in 2010 HERSHEY’S PLANT & received earnest  Proposed development – parties. Although PTP lost for deposit in Feb 2014, for Industrial Park Structure conducting feasibility the warehouse but VW will  Target to commence in Completed studies Quarter 4, 2015 contribute 18,000 TEUs/year  Total Land size : 25 throughputs to PTP. acres Estimated investment around  Total Investment cost :  Est RM450mil RM250million  Job Opportunities : 100 – 200 people Iskandar Malaysia’s Halal Hub Vision

 Office Space  International Benchmark:  Cold Room o HALAL, ISO, HAACP,  Chilled Room GMP,GAP,GHP. حالل  Dry Warehouse  Services in Meeting the  MNC/SME Factory Building Required Standard: o SK1M, MS SPACE FOR RENTAL CERTIFICATION

 Product Development  MNC/SME Factory IM Services via Collaboration Buildings with Various Research  Anchor Warehouse Halal Institutes PREMISE FOR SALE Hub R&D SERVICES

 Complete traceability solution (real-time)  Providing Access to Both  DNA Testing Supply and Demand Side of  Fat Analysis the Economy  Microbiology Analysis  Creating Linkages to Other  Food and Additive Analysis Strategic Halal Hubs and  Preservative Analysis Parks (Local &  Toxic Element Analysis HTTS & LAB TRADING HOUSE International)  Nutrition Labeling SERVICES SERVICES  Shelf Life Testing

Aims to be the World’s Leading Centre in Halal Services and Production of Food & Non-food Products within a Period of 10-15 Years. 31 Upstream and Downstream Activities for Halal Food & Non-Food Products & Services

Food & Cosmetics & Beverages Personal Care

Pharmaceutic al

Ingredients & Additives

Logistics Palm Oil Biotech Derivatives

Industrial Chemical Source: IRDA, , HDC 32 Establishment of World Class Industrial Parks in Iskandar Malaysia CLUSTERING CONCEPT “MANAGED” PARK Iskandar Malaysia has 86 Industrial Parks, 16 are Gated & Guarded 1. Safeguard Compound 2. Hi Speed Broad Band 3. Clean and Green Environment 4. One Stop Industrial and Commercial 5. Space Customization Solution 6. Comprehensive Business Eco System 7. Beautiful Landscaping Tg. Langsat 8. One stop advisory services 9. Workers Dormitory Iskandar Malaysia Geo Portal on Industrial Park Urban Connectivity & Mobility

Proposal for Public Improve public Transport Networks

transportation Kulaijaya Gateway network Sentral Develop a comprehensive Senai Sentral

and integrated green travel JB Grand system – water and land Central Larkin City Pasir Gudang Terminal Sentral Nusajaya JB CIQ Sentral Sentral

Legend BRT Proposed High Speed Rail Proposed Regional Rail Transit System (RTS) System Rail Networks Cycling Lane

Water Taxi and Ferry Services

High Speed Train High Speed Rail Rapid Transit System CROSS BORDER CONNECTIVITY - Several initiatives has been launched to improve the connectivity between the Malaysia

and Singapore

• Johor State Government has •HSR Work Group was •JMC has approved new indicated its preferred established under JMC to cross border bus services RTS alignment and station undertake discussion with and agreed on additional in Johor Bahru. Singapore. landing points within Johor Bahru city and •Based on direction from •The workgroup is Singapore.

Bridge earlier Leaders’ Retreat, spearheaded by MOT JMC/TLWG exploring the Malaysia, MOT Singapore, •Both Governments has Friendship Bridge proposal SPAD ad LTA. agreed to increase (both RTS and road shuttle train services crossing) •The discussion is from JB Sentral to •KKR & LTA has concluded progressing well with Woodlands to 26 services the causeway congestion Singapore expected to daily. This will further review to determine case announce their HSR improve connectivity and for additional road link station in the upcoming enhance commuters’ M-S Annual Leaders’ experiences th •Both Prime Ministers to RailHighSpeed Retreat 5 May 2015.

RTS / Friendship/RTS decide on way forward of

the friendship bridge in InitiativesOther the next Annual Leaders’ Retreat With the above initiatives to improve cross border connectivity; IRDA must then ensure an efficient public transportation system is adopted for intra-Iskandar Malaysia commuting. Social Initiatives

>300,000 Direct 40 Orang Asli youths touchpoints through Inaugural Programmes . IM Social Hero Award championed trained in construction Outreach Programmes industry and certified by by IM Sustainable Community Network CIDB

>164 % . Tarian Muafakat Johor by State Improvement of Govt 140 Low income youths Awareness Level (pre trained and certified by and post-program CIDB evaluation rating ) of Mindset Change program participants 4,200 Families (10,000 people) in dilapidated low-cost 2,800 Estimated flats now living in direct beneficiaries of better environment Kawan Iskandar Malaysia (KIM) project (as at >50% Increase in to-date) management fees Innovative Community collection for low-cost 25- 60% Income Driven Programmes flats increase amongst . Character First Seminar participants of Kawan . Say Something Nice 19% Increase of Iskandar Malaysia Campaign by NGO registration : (Awareness projects . Iskandar Learning of locals in Rumah Mampu Festival by ILFPro Milik Johor) 4,500 Total of visitors to KIM eco- Enhancement of Johor tourism projects in State Housing Policy for 2014 Iskandar Malaysia

Iskandar Malaysia Achievements


Cumulative Committed Investment RM158 billion (2006 – Dec 2014)

Average Annual Growth of 2 Iskandar Malaysia 7.2% (2012-2013)

4.1% (2006-2010)

Source: IRDA & CDPii 2014-2025 Delivery of Outcomes for the Rakyat

Improved connectivity & Enhanced quality of living Presentation Outline

• Laying a strong foundation

• Planning towards sustainability

• Gaining international standing

• Realising the vision

• Conclusion CDPii: 5 Big Moves

Big Move #1 Big Move #2 Big Move # 3 Big Move #4 Big Move #5 Inclusive Greening Destination Port of Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Malaysia Malaysia Urban Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Observatory

Inclusive Greening Destination Port Of Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Malaysia Urban Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Observatory

Mainstream Transforming Leveraging on Positioning A ‘single window’ wealth sharing Iskandar assets and Iskandar that shall through Malaysia into resources of Malaysia as a seamlessly link spatial a green and Iskandar world class people to development to low carbon Malaysia to dynamic information data and achieve a region through create a logistics and resources resilient and urbanscape and fulfilling maritime hub that shall enhance inclusive protection of visiting in ASEAN and service transparency society in ecology experience Asia Pacific and position FIVE (5) IskandarBIG MOVES and 16 Key Projects tothat lead will Iskandar Malaysia towardsIskandar becoming Malaysia a as Malaysia further a competitive global Sustainable Metropolis of International Standing and also able to generate RM173 enhance the region billion and 310,625 jobs created local tourism industry Smart City: 6 Dimensions and 28 Characteristics

• Economic Growth and • Clean environment • Caring community Value Creation • Environmental • Racial Harmony • Innovative economic protection • Skilled and Talented growth • Green development Human Capital • Equitable Wealth • Green infrastructure Distribution • Smart Growth • Entrepreneurship • Green Economy

• Public Participation • Efficient Road • Safety and security • Efficient Public and social accessibility • Low Carbon lifestyle services • Efficient Public • Housing quality • Private Public Partnership transportation • Educational quality • Transparent governance • Non motorized • Health Conditions accessibility • Cultural facilities Iskandar Malaysia is on • Availability of ICT • Tourist/rec attractiveness Track to be a Smart City infrastructure Low Carbon Society • The Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025 – a quick reference for all policy- Action Names Themes makers in both public and 1 Integrated Green Transportation private sectors as well as 2 Green Industry IRDA; • 12 Actions grouped in 3 3 Low Carbon Urban Governance GREEN ECONOMY parts namely; Green Economy, 4 Green Buildings & Construction Green Community and Green Green Energy System & 5 Environment; 281 programmes; Renewable Energy • Each Chapter contains an 6 Low Carbon Lifestyle analysis, list of programmes GREEN and the potential GHG Community Engagement & 7 COMMUNITY Consensus Building emissions reduction; • IRDA launched its LCSBPIM Walkable, Safe, Livable City 8 on 30 November 2012 at the Design United Nations Climate 9 Smart Growth Change Conference in Doha, GREEN Green and Blue Infrastructure & Qatar. The ultimate goal is 10 ENVIRONMENT Rural Resources to reduce Iskandar 11 Sustainable Waste Management Malaysia’s carbon intensity emissions by 50 per cent by 12 Clean Air Environment 2025. • The Blueprint was subsequently endorsed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia in December 2012 Presentation Outline

• Laying a strong foundation

• Planning towards sustainability

• Gaining international standing

• Beyond an Asian metropolis?

• Conclusion Key Success Factors of Iskandar Malaysia

1. Business Plan 2. Key Players Busines (Supply) s Model 3. Key Players (Demand) 4. Catalysts

1. Economy – 9 Focus Sectors Holisti 2. Social c Eco System 3. Environment

Deliver 1. 5 Big Moves y of 2. Smart City Outcome 3. Low Carbon s Society