vv at An Independent Student Newspaper Trustee Campaign Restructuring moves chairman dies at 70 Louthan up Benz over George A Poe a trustee and services company in 1946 and by By John Wareck Benz is looking to move on National Chair of the Campaign 1969 had worked his way up Dean of Academic Affairs from Ohio Wesleyan He has ap- for Ohio Wesleyan died Decem- through the companys ranks to William Louthan has been named plied for presidential positions at ber 21 at his home in Cleveland vice president and general man- Acting Associate Provost while several other colleges He was 70 years old ager He retired from the com- Provost William Benz concen- He knows the business of The apparent cause of death pany in 1984 trates on more specific duties in higher education better than any- was cancer sources in the Mowry Mr Poe became a trustee of what University President David one Warren said I think Bill Alumni Center said the University in 1983 He took Warren calls a restructuring of has earned the right to be a college The 50 million campaign the job of National Chair of the the top administrative positions president that Mr Poe headed topped its Capital Campaign at its birth in The shift is occurring War- Both Benz and Warren deny ren said in a memo sent to faculty however that this restructuring goal shortly before he died Mr 1987 PR Poe had advised that the campaign He is survived by his wife Poe over break so that Benz can have could be in preparation for the goal forJune the original deadline the former Kathryn Radabaugh a more time to focus on the five- Provosts possible departure of the campaign be pushed up to 1944 graduate of the University University He worked at Oberlin year plan Benz said in an interview over 55 million three daughters and two sons High School as a teacher and prin- As Acting Assoc iate Provost the phone Sunday that he wont George Poe was a prince cipal for 12 years before taking a a position just created Louthan search at other schools for too among men a wise man and a In other news job as an assistant professor of will take responsibilities for such much longer Im getting older warm person University Presi- education at Ohio Wesleyan in things as personnel review pro- he said If I dont go soon I dent David Warren said this week Charles F Alter who was 1949 cesses wont be leaving here The college has grown as a result chairman of Ohio Wesleyan In 1960- 61 Mr Alter was of his work Universitys education depart- president of the Ohio Association Ohio Wesleyan hosts tribute Warren said that Doug ment for 1 1 years from 1962 until for student teaching He later Dittrick 55 a trustee from New 1972 died December 31 at his served a one- year term as presi- to Martin Luther King Jr Jersey and the vice- chair of the home in Delaware the Delaware dent of the Ohio Association for From Press Release Players will perform an original Capitol Campaign will most Gazette reported Higher Education according to Three performance tributes black musical play Down by the probably carry the flag of the He was 84 years old and the the Delaware Gazette to Martin Luther King Jr have Riverside beginning at noon in chairmans position until the cause of death was cancer the He is survived by his wife been scheduled at Ohio Wesleyan the campus center s Benes Room Campaign ends newspaper said Mary daughters Frances Patrick during mid- January Down by the Riverside After graduating from Ohio Mr Alter went to Oberlin and Mary Jane Bowen a sister The events free and open to examines the origins of African- Wesleyan in 1942 Mr Poe went College and later did a doctorate and three grandchildren the the public will be in the Hamilton- American spirituals and the gos- on to join TRW Inc a financial in education at the Ohio State newspaper said Williams Campus Center pel music that is the traditional Today on Kings birthday folk music passed down in the OWU van crashes may prompt restrictions Don Oliver will present When black community The musical the Spirit Says Sing a musical lot by an Ohio minor accidents such as the one in- ByJohnBRuch Hayes parking journey into the roots of black 14 Wesleyan van that then drove off volving OBriens car occur with The November Ohio American song The performance an anonymous note such regularity that Fred Moyer head Inside Wesleyan University van accident according to begins at noon in the campus that injured six students was not the OBrien found on her car of Public Safety is considering a centers Benes Room 1 major accident was the most driver- training program for students NEWS first van accident of that day Three The The approximately 90- in 15 said Tom Van who register to drive University ve- Santa 2 hours before that accident senior severe years minute program mixes a lesson Twas was hit in the Gundy of the Motor Pool But more hicles Michele OBriens car on African- American history and Those who want to drive Uni- music with a tribute to King OPINION versity vans register with Public Oliver a graduate ofYoungstown 4 Public Safety adds officer Safety A driver information form Editorial University and Juilliard is an actor 1 Public Safety has hired an- Ohio state parks ranger asks for details of the applicants Cartoons and singer whose credits include 1 other officer and plans on hiring offic- driving history including previous Hows your break 5 Money to fund the new numerous Off- Broadway shows one more within the next couple accidents traffic violations and the ers salaries comes partially from is serving as lead vocalist for the weeks status of the applicants insurance of said Chief Fred leck- upfurxjkfromBuildmgsand black musical theater ensemble ARTS Moyer The hirings come amidst Safety and drivers license GroundsMoyersaiPublic Voices and touring nationally with Commandments 6 1 a shift of nightly lock- up duties Applicants answers are then fundswillalsobetappedandMoyer his own solo performance campus checked with Department of Motor The Music God 3 on the academic says that will strain his offices A vigil with songs and Housekeeping under the con- Vehicles records by the Universitys Movie reviews 6 budget speeches will be held at 630 to- trol of Buildings and Grounds vehicle insurer McElroy- Ministerof Most nights 8pm 4am this night in the HayesStuyvesant had been handling the duties Columbus 1 semester four officers will be on glenn The event is sponsored by SPORTS and now the responsibility be- The problem according to Jean duty more than ever before for that Alpha Phi Alpha Rucker goes hula 8 1 longs to Public Safety time period Borden secretary ofPublic Safety is ButMoyersaidTd On Martin Luther King Day 1 that the vans are so large People are All Americas 7 The new officer John rather operate on a skeleton budget Monday Jan 20 the Advent Continued on page 2 Hardin 29 was previously an and have a safer environment Continued on page 2 2 The Transcript January 15 1992 Van accidents Continued from page 1 Twas the Season to give used to their smaller cars so they cific record of minor repairs ally Academic departments and or- might back into a little pole Moyer To adequately prepare drivers ganizations are asked to list ten desig- agreed thattojumptoa 15- passenger eyshoddbegivenscmetraining nated drivers and to use those drivers van could be a large change for a Moyer said McElroy- Minister ad- consistendy this is voluntary though driverand added Mostofour drivers ministers such training an addendum to Business Affairs are students who have had a license He said he will investigate their pro- Notice 005 7191 describes it as for a short period of time gram when University andMcElroy- mandatory Compliance is good Including the November 14 ac- Minister officials meet this semester Borden said u cident damage to University vans in Hopefully we can get McElroy- The vans are insured with a the past two years totals approxi- Minister to foot the bill This would 500 deductible The department mately 56100 plus 500 a year for save them money also organization or person that signed unspecified repairs Copies of police Paul Long Loss Prevention out a van is responsible for paying reports in Buildings and Grounds Representative for McElroyM- inister any damages below the deductible records reveal five accidents involv- saidhis company doesnotprovide According to Moyer a driver ing University vans since May 2 formalized driver training Instead does not necessarily lose University 1989 that were worthy of police at- hesaidrepresentativesonoccasion driving privileges when they have an tention not including the November give an informal safety talk about accident There are not specifics 14 incident safedrivingtechriiquesdefensive he said It depends upon the record Total damages in theseaccidents driving andaccidentavoidability itself Jf someone say has had two is approximately S3 100 Most in- in which previous accidents are accidents in a semester or anything volved thedrivershitting parked cars analyzed for how they could have more blatant than just an accident or poles been avoided they might be referred to the Univer- John Tombarge head of Build- Any full or part- time student or sity JudicialSystem However when ings and Grounds said he has 500 faculty- staff member is eligible to a department or organization has budgetedannuallyfor miscellaneous drive a University van Borden said signed out a van finding an indi- repairs on the Universitys seven 779 are presently registered though vidual driver can be difficult In the vans He said this covers broken that figure is probably somewhat OBrien case damage to her car was headlights rnirrors et cetera The high because records need updat- negligible and Public Safety has yet Motor Pool however keeps no spe ing Drivers must re- register annu to find the responsible van driver

good grades

Whether you were naughty or nice grades were given out once again this Christmas by Ohio Wesleyans Registrar Mary Jean Roach Roach played Santa for many girls and boys at Santas house temporarily stationed on Sandusky street out- side of Bank One before Christmas 0Jfr King honored Continued from page 1 u VII tells traditional and historical will give a jazz tribute to King mmm stories surrounding the themes beginning at about 4 pm in the of slavery and freedom during campus centers Grub Pub Our Storewide the ante- bellum period in the Group leader Galen Abdur- ANNUAL SEMI- ANNUAL SALE United States particularly in the Razzaq has been performing ar- 20 to 50 SAVINGS South Helen G Smith part of ranging composing and direct- 1 r the 10- member cast wrote ing music for more than 25 years off original prices Down by theRiverside in 1976 An acclaimed jazz flutist he has Its The Sale For All Men The Chillicothe native also serves performed and recorded with re- as the shows producer and di- nowned pianist Billy Taylor your style is or con- Whether classic rector Houston Person Melba Moore temporary buttoned up or laid back The Advent Players have and G wen Guthrie among others designer or mainstream youll find performed the musical through- The Ohio Wesleyan events SA1 great savings on a great selection of mens fashions out Ohio as well as in New Jer- in honor of the late civil rights sey Pennsylvania Virginia and leader are coordinated by the Our Semi- Annual storewide sales a real sale Twice a year we lower our prices to Washington DC Universitys office of minority make room for next seasons fashions and On Friday Jan 24 Galen affairs For more information call time youre the one who benefits Its the and Saud Live Jazz ensemble 369- 3145 sawy men make the best fashion buys of the season 0 RAREL ELARTjJ u MENS WEAR 6PLCIALIZINIC lisl JlWLLEY HOOtS MINEEALS DOWNTOWN DELAWARE VISA j j- t VISA 6l4363 2211 January 15 1992

Narcs writers dons and the soaps to boot

By Kelly Abbott this film and the Academy Award Rentals logue but still seems to be missing A surprisingly funny comedy Some ofHollywoods brightest winning Driving Miss Daisy with Ambition some of the passion and impact ofits about the insanity that takes place hopes lie in the talents of 25y- earold herhusbandRichardZanuck creates Lou Diamond Phillips stars in predecessors Pacinois great his best during the production of a soap op- actor Jason Panic Panic stars along a calm dark environment for her the utterly crappy film about a strug- role since Scarface and Andy era Sally Field stars as the grand with Jennifer Jason Leigh in the re- actors Thecharactersslowly become gling writer who befriends a paroled Garcia who is without a doubt dame of the soap The Sun Also cently released film Rush shadows of their former selves as serial killer so he can learn more Americas finest young actor is also Sets who is slowly being phased out Rush which is the current they seep further into the fog of this about the murderer and then write a terrific as Pacinos hot tempered bas- ofstory linesby the manipulative and drug of choice on the west coast is murky world Panic shines under best selling novel Sounds real plau- tard nephew unfortunately Sofia slimy producer enthusiastically also the title ofthis docudrama oftwo these conditions one need only see sible Phillips is so excruciatingly Coppala as Corleones beautiful played by Robert Downey Jr Kevin poUceofficersundercoverinlkvlnjj his previous film he rwiMd Alt r had that sfyoa nake U throufh tv daughter is downright pathetic TCIimialso lcmLs his immense acting world of 1975 Clad with needles ai id Dark My S weet torealizs thai ami entire targkf film you deserve the VmcVatd Coppola ted originally taleflt to tte production as the won- bullets officers Jim Traynor Panic Leigh shows a new and fabulous Congressional Medal of Honor if planned to- east Winona Ryder in the derfully inept and arrogant leading

Iforge- I and Kris therlastnamebcrauseuiecreditsrantcofastCLeiily dtrkmaleofhttactingThisuu syoure wondering how avful tlx i role but she underwent some emo- ruart Even if you dontlike soaps this sandpower of this film lies in theraw flick is just remember this Phi ir iinm problems and v rq 1 is one truly hilarious film If you can set out to bust the dealer of dealers m aikl aitjvd ufctit of these two ui i a1 wrote the screesipy for it as weH his own daughter Sofa has never believe it even Sally Field isnt a long- term sting operation Cheesy actors NO STARS This movie is the acted pefors and it shows Her upper rfinoyingnow thats an accom- I know but the plot thickens Rush has much to offer tle equivalent of dry white meat turfcsy lipquiwss throughoaiaildshe looks plishment Rush centers around tlie infclliffLTttmov1cfflierThe film leaves pk Noel Ahhorr MM0atmMtMi oil out of Five A huge banana growing addiction ofboth officers to one fctflng dirty and with hands Starring Lou Diamond Phillips and acting rrowess wuldtitfeeso bjld ill split covered with hot fudge cara- the world in which they were sent to drenched inbloodltbecomes hard to Hang S Noir she didnt have so many lines mel almonds and cherries Taste destroy The movie makes its turn lick the buttered popcorn off your Godfatherm and a half out of Five A won- great and refreshing NA from a possible routine mysterylove fingers without tasting some of the The final film in Francis derful piece ofNew York strip steak Starring Sally Field Kevin Kline story to a brutally honest documen- depravity of this world Rush is FordCoppalas mafia trilogy sees that has been cook just a tad bit long Robert Downey Jr Whoopi Gold- tary in a ruthless fashion harsh and unpleasant but it gives Godfather Michael Corleone Al Good but could have been much berg and Elizabeth Shue Rush pulls no punches in its great insightintothedesiresandfears Pacino trying to break free from better NA attempt tonumb theaudience through of this nation organized crime and become a legiti- Starring Al Pacino Andy Garcia ghastly images it does so however Starring Jason Panic Jennifer Jason mate businessman Like Godfather Diane Keaton Joe Mantegna and in a surprisingly serene manner Di- Leigh Greg Allman out of randGodfathernthis film is high Sofia Coppala rector LiliZanuckwhoalsoprjduced Five on style gore and wonderful dia Soapdish The Music God Returneth IN

By Noel Abbott nalists and even by some music as Lloyds And Dont Get Weird Buckmaster the man responsible Before I begin this column industry insiders who began to on Me Babe is just the sort of al- for arranging and conducting the which as you know includes some package Cole as the heir to Moz bum that will do this orchestra movements of the finest and most inspired and Buck that lead Cole in 1989 This 1 2 track LP features Cole S till the best song on this side prose in this hemisphere I would to quit the Commotions leave meshing his ability to turn a phrase is called Half of Everything like to thank Jason Laipply and England and take- up residence in and strike chord with gorgeous This tune features a four guitar John Ruch for filling in for me New York City It was Coles orchestral arrangements and the attack a collection of string in- while I had a work induced ner- hope that in the US where he results are mesmerizing The tint struments and the steamy vocals vous breakdown The check is in never achieved any sort of sub- half of Dont Get Weird on Me of a woman named Beti the mail stantial following that he would Babe captures Cole in vintage Dont Get Weird on Me Babe is be able to proper and create his form singing about cruel lovers Coles answer to the critics He Lloyd Cole Dont Get Weird on own musical niche Unfortunately Tell Your Sister manipulative makes it perfectly obvious that Me Babe Capitol Records MC the same descriptions that dogged women Shes A Girl and Im A his tortured genius is distinctively CD Cole in the UK resurfaced in the Man and emotionally fragile his own Although the lyrics are Ever since the mid 1980s US with the release of his first men Weeping Wine All six like Morrissey and the guitar style Lloyd Cole then with the English solo album the 1990 LP titled songs on side one are lovely pop echoes ofBuck just teasing Cole band the Commotions was seen Llovd Cole ditties featuring Coles interest- has definitely created a piece of as the musical offspring of the On this recording Cole in- ing guitar riffs and intricate bass work he can be proud of and Smiths and REM No one not creased his popularity within the lines provided by Coles close considered his own even Lloyd himself could deny colonies with songs like the al- friend Matthew Sweet Sweets and a half out of Five that his music was primarily based ternative hit Downtown which bass playing adds another dimen- on jangly guitars which were in- was featured in the movie Bad sion to Lloyds sound alittle more Flowered Up A Life With Brian tertwined with witty and malcon- Influence starring James Spader angry and evil than his work with London MCCD tent lyrics but still these lofty and Rob Lowe and the touching the Commotions About this time a year ago comparisons haunted and limited love ballad A Long Way Down Its on side two that Cole the latest musical craze in En- Cole Lloyd was continuously but still the reviews of the album adds the orchestral twist to the gland was going to Flowered Up frustrated by the British music featured the obligatory Morrissey music The tune Butterfly has a concert English lads were flock- ON press who flat out refused or just comparisons and the apparent plethora of instruments on it from ing in record numbers to see this couldnt see him as an individual REM influences Instead of violins to hammond organs Camden based quartet not because with a unique talent that tran- running away to Tibet andjoining What He Doesnt Know sees of their music necessary but be- scended the boundaries of his some buddhist sect Cole became Lloyd playing guitar bass per- cause of the antics of the bands counterparts even more determined to create a cussion and harmonica and show- unofficial mascot and dancer Sir Jt was this fixation by jour sound that could only be described cases the talents of Paul Continued on page 6 OPINION January 15 1992 Editorial Cuts in study abroad aid hurt

j Ohio Wesleyan students who have studied abroad will tell you how valuable a foreign study experience is The 3 intensive conversation practice of living with a foreign family can be the key to mastering a language and several months living in a foreign country provides a more profound understanding of that culture and society UntilrecentlystudentswhoattendedOhio Wesleyan could generally afford to study abroad by transferring their financial aid to an off campus program Now the University needs to cut its budget and off campus programs are bearing the bruntAccording to the Off Campus Studies office current freshmen and any incoming students will no longer be able to transfer financial aid received from the University academic or need- based to off campus programs According to the 1991- 1992 course catalog to earn a degree in international business at least one semester of the undergraduate program must be spent in study abroad International studies majors are strongly urged to do the same Majors in French and Spanish are normally required Scot h to participate in a program abroad and German majors are SiTLiV S K encouraged to do so as well Certainly the intensive language practice seems critical in achieving the fluency that is important in career opportunities for these majors The option of seeking aid from the government remains yet with its own budget worries government The Age of Nepotism estimates of what families can afford to pay are notoriously high by Ted Jendrysik brother whos friends with a guy S talin a fathead to his face You d I spent last semester in New whose sister is assistant to the have thought he was Davy It is understandable that the University must cut York where I learned the head ofcopy writing at Sachi and Crockett reincarnated for all the costs somewhere However with its reputation for generosity ropes and the view from said Sachi Damn it man get her on the whooping and hollering and pats in financial aid it seems a shame that many students who ropes instantly reminded me of phone Noemphasison that no on the back The point is this the have earned meopportunity to attend Ohio Wesleyan will no the Grand Canyon itlooked pretty contact is too frail or ridiculous working world networks so con- but there wasnt much there You Take whatever help you can get sistently that risks of this sort are longer be able to afford the benefits of an off- campus had to look if you wanted to find Everyone has some kind of con- unusual and look less like Three experience something So grab your shovels tact somewhere Card Monte than Russian Rou- cause this is gonna suck By nature Im not an alarm- lette The people who have ca- Networking now more than ist but on this issue consider me reers and who know what theyre ever has become the battle cry of that little village kid in the bell doing are keeping and using their the jobless It has become an es- tower in The Magnificent Seven friends tKfte rattscrtpt sential component in landing that Except in this allegory we are the continued on page 5 An Independent Student Newspaper elusive creature the good job banditos descending on the hap- t 11 Once thundering in great herds less village to seek meaningful jLener nrroncy across larger cities and towns employment The real problem is The Transcript welcomes letters Delaware Ohio 43015 to the editor on issues facing the good jobs have now been hunted that the inhabitants Jobland are of Ohio Wesleyan community Letters to near extinction Capturing the ready for us They have closed received by The Transcript must be EditorinCh- ief John Wareck elusive job requires more than the shop and formed Im not kidding typed signed and include a students old solid resume and that Im a about this Networking Support year of graduation and plione number Opinion Editor Kirsten Shaw for verification purposes We reserve people person line You need an Groups Yep even the big boys Arts Editor Noel Abbott the right to edit letters to a length inside man girls are doing not that the Photography Editor Thad Inscho it Its of 450 words Letters may be sent Make connections use them market has dried up entirely but it through campus mail to HW Box push them try meditation to al- is beginning resemble the Team- 1180 before noon on Friday before Art Director Bronson Smith publication ways keep names and faces to- sters under Hoffa Production Manager Yannis Haritos gether Stay in touch with fellow A friend of mine at the Circulation Sarah Duffy students You never know what magazine I interned for decided The views expressed in the piece of dumb luck is in store for to quit He put in his notice and letters columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writers and them That second cousin twice prepared to leave and this is the The Transcript is published weekly September through artists and do not necessarily removed the one with the lo- important part he didnt have represent the views of The Transcript May except during Ohio Wesleyan University holidays botomy scar living in a trailer another job waiting for him The Opinions expressed in the editorials and examination periods park in Tuscaloosa she has a office reacted as if hed called are the official opinions of The Transcrint editorial hoard January 15 1992 OPINION How was your break Dear Aoni Em5 By an OWU college senior care what really happened to you Upon my return to OWU rah over break or while you were away ThanK you so mvc 1 rahI likemany ofyou was assaulted inamental institution etctheflybynightattheBadtstretchap- proachto 11 I n with an infinite number of inquiries for me wonaerfui about my well being winter break friendship has taken its toll on the glo in ddrK etc phrases trial bounce around this cam- ht Hey whats up How was pus your break and so on What was One thingthat this greetingritual even more disturbing was thatlfound may indicate is that college students ing mihens Theyre 511 myself subconsciously attacking seem to develop double lives one at West St others with similar jargon Having home and one in Delaware Ohio Lincoln fJebrdSK3 been away from campus for a se- Forinstancehow many keep in touch wsnedEdch time mester I wont tell you where I was with fellow OWLTers when theyre 6W1 nor how good of a time I didnt home Even with those that live in X wesr- then wi have this OWU greeting ritual your area I thought so I am you IThdnKs seemed to be something very tran- equally lame Occasionly the phone hinK of sient Walking by son- so and has found its way to my ear and the djdnMdPpy Hcn Yean practicing my blind date conversa- long distance bill to my pocket but tion etiquette turned out to be a more on the whole staying in touch is Love time consuming event than dare I something that is intrinsically re- say it classes moved from our everyday lives Back here at OWU this ritual Thetalentfornetworkingamong 4 7Z has grown to an obscene level thanks suchalargegroupofpeopledevelops to the new student center aica The at parties or in the Greek system It Nepotism H- W GRUB or Monolith for requires hard work for some can you continued from page 4 exagerated tuition costs Here stu- get me beer but on the whole the a Career navigation was never the behind us and that littlekid who used dents can freely roam to engage one ability tonetworkisforthefewwould simplest task but when CEOs end tofeedusnuts has been gunned down another in such greetings Is there you like a beer up saying things like Vould you like in the crack wars Its enough to any value to these greetings other It almost seems that just when some McFries with that its espe- drive aperson to graduate school but than filling the dead people are really getting know space between to cially harrowing There was a safety try not to despair The atmosphere is classes Maybe but it is to each other the semester is over Not THERE C3 A PLACE had net that isnt there anymore and the tense but you can find your back door identify Networking is askill that is that the pile ofschool work at the end people who already seem to have if you look for it Why stand in line on a cumulative basis very benefi- the term enough to drive WHERE PEOPLE CO of isnt made it are looking for the trap door with the rest of the pack when Uncle cial but in the dayto- day routine everyone away the possibility but of beneath their feet We have become Freds and Aunt Ritas abound Use cumbersome More than times moving towards moreprofound afew anationof squirrels constantly focus- em if ya got em This is truly TO LAUCH LISTEN did I hear I am sure been conversation becomes frightening youve ing on the next branch to spring to Nepotisms finest hour Take ad- asked a thousand times but how are The obvious conclusion is that withoneeyeon the lookout for the cat vantage of it RELAX AND CELEBRATE you anyway students at OWU are simply too immersed in academics to Asithasbeensaidthatcuriousity deeply ItS AS CLOSE AS THE killed the cat so might this etiquette the point that their over- exercised little more than Although there is a certain degree of minds can manage Stuy Smoker and its comfort in the idea that someone such weak attempts at personal ex- back here at OWU might actually change aci aware C4BLE TV OMo Wttleyan MINDFUL SOS 29 CHANNELS TO are Of lAWAFIE CPB candles lit USIC IK C Board Programing PRESERVATION COALITION ampul CHOOSE FROM Alternative Music Benefit 1992 eveky Wednesday Featuring TiNT from 8pm to l2mtd and Saturday from

HB 9pm to Lam PiliEPi0S F0H HlfS

January 17 9 PM- 1 AM Purveyors of MUSIC TUtYtSK SUm Benes Room 1 discount for OWU students Hamilton- Williams Center AND MANY MORE Quality Campus Ohio Wesleyan University Monday Friday Admission 5 At Door 4 Advance 830 430 363- 9963 Caffeine Proceeds donated to the Delaware Preservation Coalition 56 E Winter Tickets available at Pats Records This Weeks Commandments

Wednesday January 15 Singer Don Oliver will antecedents and tributaries to modern day music doo out Costner is especially horrifying as our perform When the Spirit Says Sing which will videos Artists featured include Frank Sinatra beloved hero Pay attention to Costners attempt include a special tribute to Dr Martin Luther King Peggy Lee Ray Charles and Ella Fitzgerald The at an English accent Pitiful Thank goodness Jr in the Benes Room at noon Oliver trained at show is approximately 80 minutes long UFS doesnt ask for admission because if they the world famous Julliard school Admission is did they would have to pay us free Friday January 17 Alternative Music Benefit in the Benes Room from 9 pm until 1 am HLK Saturday January 18 Warren Zevon will bring Wednesday January 15 Geoffrey Wolff will Pimentos for Gus and Tornado House are set to his brand of alternative rock to the Newport present a reading of his work at 8 pm inside the perform in this benefit for Delaware Preservation Music Hall 1722 N High St beginning around Wexner Centers FilmVideo theater as part of his Coalition HLK includes OWUs own Scott 9 pm Zevon is touring to promote his latest I one- week WriterinResid- ence with the OSU pro- Stephany on keyboards andmy good buddy and release Mr Bad Example forget how much gram in Creative Writing Wolff is the author of former suite mate the sex vixen Elisa Kirk on tickets are but the number 15 keeps popping up in five novels most recently The Final Club Black vocals Admission is S4 for students S3 in ad- my mind If you like guitar based rock Zevons Sun a biography of the poet Harry Crosby and a vance and S5 for all others S4 in advance the man memoir The Duke of Deception Side note Wolff is also the brother of former OWU Carpenter Friday January 17 Professional Hockey The Saturday January 18 Comedian George Car- lecturer Tobias Wolff Admission is also free Columbus Chill vs Dayton at 730 pm The Chill lin will perform at the Palace Theater on Broad have become something of a cultural phenomena St downtown Columbus starting at 8 pm Carlin Thursday January 16 The Department of Music within Columbus Although the Chill lose more is one of the best socialcultural satirist in the and Theater and Dance will hold open auditions than they win and this trend has become even world and will make you roll in the aisles Tickets for the spring musical production Kiss Me Kate more profound of late they have a rabid and loyal can be charged by phone at 1- 4313600 by Cole Porter beginning at 4 pm and lasting til following The Ohio State Fairgrounds Coliseum 7 pm Readings will take place on Thursday in the located off of 1- 7 1 and 17th Ave is packed every Sunday January 19 Ahhhhhhhh Robin Hood Chappelear Drama Center There will also be time the lovable Chill are in town The Chill is in Phillips Auditorium at 8 pm SEE ABOVE singingdancing auditions on Friday at the same made up of goons hacks and men who would time and place YOU MUST ATTEND BOTH likely be in jail if it wasn t for their ability to skate Monday January 20 Martin Luther King Jrs AUDITION TIMES Call backs will be on Sun- but the fans dont seem to care College students Birthday observed There will be a King program day and Monday of this week Call either depart- get in at a discounted price so bring along your in the Benes Room at noon Come to the Benes ment for further information IDs and if youre interested beer is sold quite Room during lunch and celebrate the life ofone of liberally if you know what I mean Americas most inspirational leaders Thursday January 16 The Wexner Center will present Art of Ten Years After Saturday January 18 Robin Hood starring Kevin Tuesday January 21 Prints Sculpture and Mixed Program 3 20th Century Musical Visions at Costner will be shown at 7 and 945 pm in Media by Bill Whorall in the Mayhew Gallery 730 pm in the FilmVideo Center In this third Phillips Auditorium If your a glutton for punish- inside Humphreys Art Hall This exhibit will be installment of a five part series documenting the ment and just love to see movie stars make utter shown until Feb 14 Mpre on this show next power of MTV and music videos will cover the asses out of themselves check this piece of doo week By Noel Abbott The Music God Returneth

Continued from page 3 has two decentgood songs and and samples but they become but with two additional a UK Basil MoonculL You see Mr the rest of the LP is a second rate overshadowed by Liams nau- tracks as a way to capture 1 and the final tune Pro- Mooncult has a fondness for version of the Happy Mondays seating vocals Maybe they Americas current craze for Gen which is just a different dressing up as you guessed it a Its On and Take It on which should have issued this LP on British music a la mix of Move Any Mountain six foot potted daffodil and the former Clash guitarist and now video therefore the talent of and EMF En- Tact lacks the strength idea of seeing a thirtysomething Pogue frontman Joe Strummer the band could be seen play or bet- and skill of 808 States male wearing spandex and imitat- appears are tolerable and have out of Five ter yet played a type of groundbreaking LP 90 Utd ing a flower was seen as the hip moments that shine but ev- The Shamen En- Tact Epic Kratwerk808 StateNitzer State and the sinister thing to do in the UK erything else is dirge Lead Records MCCD Ebb style of music Heavy on tinkerings of a band like Nitzer Although I was never able to singerranter Liam has a voice Although this band no the keyboards and sampling Ebb If you love techno pop see Basil and the boys I was al- that only a hyena could love longer exists bassist and and light on vocals and tradi- experimentation then buy En- ways intrigued by what type of and his lyrics are downright sampler Wil Sin drown while tional instruments Although Tact if not just purchase the music the band played and won- lame Mostly expletives and swimming off the coast of there is nothing horrendous single Move Any Mountain dered if they more than just some football soccer style chant- Portugal this past summer about En- Tact there is also that way youll get the best of sort of fad Well Im here to tell ing The music is slightly Epic records decided to release nothing truly brilliant The two the album without paying the you they bite A Life With Brian better some nifty keyboards the bands 1990 European de best songs are the first track full price out of Five January 15 1992 SPORTS OWI athletes named All- America From Press Release ball three times gaining four leading ten sacks including a Kessinger a forward led the time Bishop list Ohio Wesleyan University yards and scoring two touch- school record five at Wooster Bishop mens team in scoring with Ohio Wesleyan mens soccer football players nose guard Keith downs He also led the team with 15 13 goals and eight assists despite completed the regular season with a Rucker and safety Terry Mee Rucker was an honorable tackles for loss finished with 99 missing four games and playing in 19- 1 mark setting school records for were named to the Champion mention Champion All- America tackles and 4 pass breakups and only parts offourotherswithapulled regular season wins and winning per- Division III All- America teams pick in 1990 A three- time first- blocked a field goal attempt groin He is Ohio Wesleyans all- centage and claimed the NCAC it was recently announced Both team All- NCAC selection and against Wittenburg He was a time points leader finishing his championship withaperfect8- 0 mark players were third- team selec- this years NCAC Defensive first- team All- North Coast Ath- Bishop career with 154 points The Bishops went on to win a third tions Player of the Year Rucker was letic Conference choice this sea- Rose a midfielder was third on consecutive Great Lakes Regional Rucker a senior was the an- also named to the prestigious son the womens team and tied forfourth championship and went on to the chor of the Bishop defensive line Kodak All- America team and is The Bishops led the NCAC in the North Coast Athletic Confer- NCAA Division III Final Four be- He wound up with seven sacks the first NCAA Division III in total defense for the fourth ence in scoring with ten goals and fore losing 1 0 to eventual champion and 12 tackles for loss and led player ever invited to compete in straight year seven assists Cal- San Diego to wind up at 22- 2 Bishop linemen with 62 tackles the Hula Bowl all- star game In From Press Releases She was named theconferences Womens soccer finished the He broke up four passes recov- addition Rucker was a first- team Ohio Wesleyan University Offensive Player of the Year for the season witha 13- 61 recordandplaced ered two enemy fumbles and Associated Press Division III All- seniors Andy Kessinger and Stacie second time in three seasons Rose secondintheNCACwitha7- l mark blocked a field goal attempt America pick He was a third- Rose were named first- team All- finishes her career as Ohio The Bishops capped the season with Rucker also saw occasional ac- team AP ALL- America pick in Americaselections in mid- December Wesleyansallt- imeassistleaderwith their first- ever NCAA Division HI tion as a fullback in the Bishop 1990 by the National Soccer Coaches As- 30 Her career figures of36 goals and playoff bid losing 2- 0 to top- ranked goal- line offense carrying the Mee a senior had a team sociation of America 102 points rank second on the all William Smith

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Hie Independent Ohio Wesleyan Transcript has been around since 1867 It was started by the students for the students The Media Council claims to rrx be worried about an independent student newspapers The first students college paper was started in 1866 by T Allu A0 ol V Joseph B Battclle of the class of 1868 it was called The College Transcript The editors are elected by their fellows Ik and have the financial responsibility for the paper Fifty Yen of

Court t v10 ta financial stability They declared themselves the ekM r in 1 OH the students paper The Transcripthas 1 I publisherof 4t k iVi 1 iiiTo ll survived 25 years of financial hardships The fact that you are reading these lines means we survived v- i J Vx js the latest assault on our independence r- r A I The Independent Transcript i r2 W hal The Tradition Continues lb U ff 1 8 SPORTS January 15 1992

Doing the big All- Star hula at the ttua3 Bowl

By John Wareck son Rucker and general intelligence test he said Keith Rucker Ohio In the third quarter Joe Namouth with questions like if Joe is your Wesleyans 6 4 340 pound nose Namouth who was commenting JN mothers sisters fathers brother guard played at the college all- from the field interviewed Rucker M 1 And how are you related to Joe star Hula Bowl in Hawaii on Sat- on the sideline then as They just wanted to know if urday He played a solid game of Rucker we could figure things out well defense and won the warm up trotted back Rucker said week hula hoop contest to boot onto the field the After the test Rucker said a The Hula Bowl which was camera followed New York Giants scout ap- sponsored by Kodak and aired on Namouth inter him closely from be proached him and several other NBC- TV is in its 46 year The viewed a handful of players hind Ruckers trot is players the Giants were interested game brings together two all- throughout the game but the in most definitely unique in The Giants scout wanted them American teams made up of the terview with Rucker was Hes doing a to take another test expressly for best players from teams all over by far the longest It v little hula dance right the Giants the country to face off against went something like now Namouth said as I just told him I wasnt go- each other Rucker was the first this paraphrased the other commentators ing to take it Rucker said It Division HI player ever to be se- JoeNamouth laughed would have been another two lected for the game Is your family On the football field hours Some other guys dodged There is a different attitude at here though Ruckers talents him I just told him I wasnt going the Hula Bowl than at the other Keith i J are no laughing matter Hes to take the test so I wouldnt have college bowl games The Hula Rucker Yeah the fifth ranked college de- to dodge him Bowl gives these players from all My mother my fensive lineman in the coun- After the game the Giants over the country a chance to get brother and 7 i v try Rucker said the N JL scout approached Rucker again together a chance to relax in the other family reports show And it cer He told me he thought he low stressPacific atmosphere and tainly looks like hes go was going to see me on my back a chance to show their talents in members ing to be drafted all day I took it as kind of an front of the big- league scouts came out Rucker said insult Rucker thought the scout In the first half Rucker twice J N scouts from both the might have been a little bitter with nearly took down the ball carrier Theyre out Dallas Cowboys and him because he didnt take the behind the line of scrimmage by here on vaca- the Atlanta Falcons two hour test himself The first time the carrier tion approached him af- Tests and scouts aside the slipped away from Rucker for a K R 1 ter the game NFL draft is coming up in ApriL gain the second time Rucker Yeah but K They talked to And there are a lot of big league slowed the carrier down before he they got 1 me about my senior teams out there i was tackled by two other linemen l t in year and what I It doesntmatter to me where for a loss needed to do to get I go Rucker said I just want to Rucker said he felt he played ready for the play professional ball well a good thing not only in NFL Both front of the scouts but also teams were inter- because the Hula Bowl was ested in him a game he had dreamed Rucker ex Were about playing in plained but It was an honor I had basically they Back pictured my selfthere before just want to see and then I finally got there me make it to Rucker said The Hula the pros Bowl is a reward for having And Get your had a good college career how does he do Ruckers size seemed to be because of me laughs anyone ever compare you to the that sports right just as much of a sensation as his JN Did you do any surfing Fridge I just have to stay healthy ability NB C commentator Charlie this week KJR About20differentguys and lose about 15 to 20 pounds here in the Jones began talking aboutRucker KR Well I went down to standing behind mejust compared Rucker said as soon as he came on the field the beach but I kept out of the me to him The players took a test for the independent Hes a fridge and a freezer water and off of the surf- JN And hows your hula NFL while out in Hawaii They all in one Jones said of Rucker boards I didnt want any hooping coming along had 12 minutes to answer 50 Transcript refereeing to William the Refrig- accidents to happen out there KR Well I got to get the questions Rucker said The test erator Perry of the Chicago Bears more laughs from both hang of it could almost be classified as a Everyone fell in love with this young man when he won the hula hoop contest this week New York Times Del Rx Sports Illustrated ran a small Subscriptions article on Rucker about a month Selected items are on sale ago in which he was also com- Spring term pared to fridge Perry Rucker Monday through Friday 2250 feels that comparison is wearing Monday though Saturday 2310 rr thin i Monday through Sunday 6210 JmdJ ll7V nft I take it as acomplement but JJ Ull sometimes it bothers meRucker Th News Shop I to my own per Del Rx Downtown said want be 25 N SanduskyM 362-oco 6061CftC