vv at An Independent Student Newspaper Trustee Campaign Restructuring moves chairman dies at 70 Louthan up Benz over George A Poe a trustee and services company in 1946 and by By John Wareck Benz is looking to move on National Chair of the Campaign 1969 had worked his way up Dean of Academic Affairs from Ohio Wesleyan He has ap- for Ohio Wesleyan died Decem- through the companys ranks to William Louthan has been named plied for presidential positions at ber 21 at his home in Cleveland vice president and general man- Acting Associate Provost while several other colleges He was 70 years old ager He retired from the com- Provost William Benz concen- He knows the business of The apparent cause of death pany in 1984 trates on more specific duties in higher education better than any- was cancer sources in the Mowry Mr Poe became a trustee of what University President David one Warren said I think Bill Alumni Center said the University in 1983 He took Warren calls a restructuring of has earned the right to be a college The 50 million campaign the job of National Chair of the the top administrative positions president that Mr Poe headed topped its Capital Campaign at its birth in The shift is occurring War- Both Benz and Warren deny ren said in a memo sent to faculty however that this restructuring goal shortly before he died Mr 1987 PR Poe had advised that the campaign He is survived by his wife Poe over break so that Benz can have could be in preparation for the goal forJune the original deadline the former Kathryn Radabaugh a more time to focus on the five- Provosts possible departure of the campaign be pushed up to 1944 graduate of the University University He worked at Oberlin year plan Benz said in an interview over 55 million three daughters and two sons High School as a teacher and prin- As Acting Assoc iate Provost the phone Sunday that he wont George Poe was a prince cipal for 12 years before taking a a position just created Louthan search at other schools for too among men a wise man and a In other news job as an assistant professor of will take responsibilities for such much longer Im getting older warm person University Presi- education at Ohio Wesleyan in things as personnel review pro- he said If I dont go soon I dent David Warren said this week Charles F Alter who was 1949 cesses wont be leaving here The college has grown as a result chairman of Ohio Wesleyan In 1960- 61 Mr Alter was of his work Universitys education depart- president of the Ohio Association Ohio Wesleyan hosts tribute Warren said that Doug ment for 1 1 years from 1962 until for student teaching He later Dittrick 55 a trustee from New 1972 died December 31 at his served a one- year term as presi- to Martin Luther King Jr Jersey and the vice- chair of the home in Delaware the Delaware dent of the Ohio Association for From Press Release Players will perform an original Capitol Campaign will most Gazette reported Higher Education according to Three performance tributes black musical play Down by the probably carry the flag of the He was 84 years old and the the Delaware Gazette to Martin Luther King Jr have Riverside beginning at noon in chairmans position until the cause of death was cancer the He is survived by his wife been scheduled at Ohio Wesleyan the campus center s Benes Room Campaign ends newspaper said Mary daughters Frances Patrick during mid- January Down by the Riverside After graduating from Ohio Mr Alter went to Oberlin and Mary Jane Bowen a sister The events free and open to examines the origins of African- Wesleyan in 1942 Mr Poe went College and later did a doctorate and three grandchildren the the public will be in the Hamilton- American spirituals and the gos- on to join TRW Inc a financial in education at the Ohio State newspaper said Williams Campus Center pel music that is the traditional Today on Kings birthday folk music passed down in the OWU van crashes may prompt restrictions Don Oliver will present When black community The musical the Spirit Says Sing a musical lot by an Ohio minor accidents such as the one in- ByJohnBRuch Hayes parking journey into the roots of black 14 Wesleyan van that then drove off volving OBriens car occur with The November Ohio American song The performance an anonymous note such regularity that Fred Moyer head Inside Wesleyan University van accident according to begins at noon in the campus that injured six students was not the OBrien found on her car of Public Safety is considering a centers Benes Room 1 major accident was the most driver- training program for students NEWS first van accident of that day Three The The approximately 90- in 15 said Tom Van who register to drive University ve- Santa 2 hours before that accident senior severe years minute program mixes a lesson Twas was hit in the Gundy of the Motor Pool But more hicles Michele OBriens car on African- American history and Those who want to drive Uni- music with a tribute to King OPINION versity vans register with Public Oliver a graduate ofYoungstown 4 Public Safety adds officer Safety A driver information form Editorial University and Juilliard is an actor 1 Public Safety has hired an- Ohio state parks ranger asks for details of the applicants Cartoons and singer whose credits include 1 other officer and plans on hiring offic- driving history including previous Hows your break 5 Money to fund the new numerous Off- Broadway shows one more within the next couple accidents traffic violations and the ers salaries comes partially from is serving as lead vocalist for the weeks status of the applicants insurance of said Chief Fred leck- upfurxjkfromBuildmgsand black musical theater ensemble ARTS Moyer The hirings come amidst Safety and drivers license GroundsMoyersaiPublic Voices and touring nationally with Commandments 6 1 a shift of nightly lock- up duties Applicants answers are then fundswillalsobetappedandMoyer his own solo performance campus checked with Department of Motor The Music God 3 on the academic says that will strain his offices A vigil with songs and Housekeeping under the con- Vehicles records by the Universitys Movie reviews 6 budget speeches will be held at 630 to- trol of Buildings and Grounds vehicle insurer McElroy- Ministerof Most nights 8pm 4am this night in the HayesStuyvesant had been handling the duties Columbus 1 semester four officers will be on glenn The event is sponsored by SPORTS and now the responsibility be- The problem according to Jean duty more than ever before for that Alpha Phi Alpha Rucker goes hula 8 1 longs to Public Safety time period Borden secretary ofPublic Safety is ButMoyersaidTd On Martin Luther King Day 1 that the vans are so large People are All Americas 7 The new officer John rather operate on a skeleton budget Monday Jan 20 the Advent Continued on page 2 Hardin 29 was previously an and have a safer environment Continued on page 2 2 The Transcript January 15 1992 Van accidents Continued from page 1 Twas the Season to give used to their smaller cars so they cific record of minor repairs ally Academic departments and or- might back into a little pole Moyer To adequately prepare drivers ganizations are asked to list ten desig- agreed thattojumptoa 15- passenger eyshoddbegivenscmetraining nated drivers and to use those drivers van could be a large change for a Moyer said McElroy- Minister ad- consistendy this is voluntary though driverand added Mostofour drivers ministers such training an addendum to Business Affairs are students who have had a license He said he will investigate their pro- Notice 005 7191 describes it as for a short period of time gram when University andMcElroy- mandatory Compliance is good Including the November 14 ac- Minister officials meet this semester Borden said u cident damage to University vans in Hopefully we can get McElroy- The vans are insured with a the past two years totals approxi- Minister to foot the bill This would 500 deductible The department mately 56100 plus 500 a year for save them money also organization or person that signed unspecified repairs Copies of police Paul Long Loss Prevention out a van is responsible for paying reports in Buildings and Grounds Representative for McElroyM- inister any damages below the deductible records reveal five accidents involv- saidhis company doesnotprovide According to Moyer a driver ing University vans since May 2 formalized driver training Instead does not necessarily lose University 1989 that were worthy of police at- hesaidrepresentativesonoccasion driving privileges when they have an tention not including the November give an informal safety talk about accident There are not specifics 14 incident safedrivingtechriiquesdefensive he said It depends upon the record Total damages in theseaccidents driving andaccidentavoidability itself Jf someone say has had two is approximately S3 100 Most in- in which previous accidents are accidents in a semester or anything volved thedrivershitting parked cars analyzed for how they could have more blatant than just an accident or poles been avoided they might be referred to the Univer- John Tombarge head of Build- Any full or part- time student or sity JudicialSystem However when ings and Grounds said he has 500 faculty- staff member is eligible to a department or organization has budgetedannuallyfor miscellaneous drive a University van Borden said signed out a van finding an indi- repairs on the Universitys seven 779 are presently registered though vidual driver can be difficult In the vans He said this covers broken that figure is probably somewhat OBrien case damage
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