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Sandspur, Vol 99 No 03, September 2, 1992

Rollins College

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BY ROB SIVITILLI linking between Florida and Australia. Sandspur At 6:51 P.M. the "Bridge" was estab­ lished with Kansas City. "Rob" in The future is before us, Rollins, and Kansas City appeared on the screen it's live, in color, and on the small and took questions from a captive au­ screen. dience in Winter Park. Yet another wonder of the Commu­ photo/Mark E. Lepow "What happens if two people on Options Aplenty: the new furniture in McKean Dormitory is nications Revolution was demonstrated loft-able and modular, providing significant design options. different ends talk at the same time?" Thursday evening, August 27th, as a asked one Rollins observer after notic­ small group from Rollins communi­ ing a slight delay in response one end cated with a contingent of Rollins stu­ to the other. dents in Sydney, Australia (and their "We tell people not to do that," professors there), by teleconference. remarked Rob on the other end as a A ROOM WITH A VIEW As each person spoke, their image certain code of behavior was thereaf­ Residence Halls Modernization work has also been groups themselves. All air condition­ was simultaneously sent over thou­ ter implemented. completed campus-wide. There are ers have been repaired or replaced as sands of miles to the other end of the The technology on display by United now peepholes on all the room doors. well. Most of the halls also have had line so that their physical impressions Telephone was "of the lowest caliber undergo massive A new computerized security system new carpet laid with the exception of could reveal that which tone of voice has been installed campus wide. And Elizabeth, Holt, and Rex Beach halls, sometimes cannot: Emotions. summer McKean is testing aprototype entrance which will get new carpet next sum­ And Thursday's demonstration renovations system that is operated by studentmeal mer. definitely had its share of emotion. If both sides of the cards. Other structural changes, besides it was not the quite palpable signs of line broke into BY ADRIANA VALDES The residential halls have also had the roof and bathroom work, include wonder expressed by parties on both Sandspur new fire alarm systems installed. Al­ new balconies to replace worn ones, ends, it was the raucous banter that laughter (some of though all student rooms have a fire and a new porch on the second floor was transmitted from screen As the dust settles on the Rollins alarm, these alarms will not activate of Pinehurst. Many new windows to television screen. it directed at the Campus, newly renovated residence the central alarm system for the whole have also been installed across cam­ Mac MacDonald, head of Media conversation, halls are emerging from Holt Avenue building. In the past, students that ac­ pus to replace broken and out-dated Services at Rollins and coordinator of to the shores of Lake Virginia. cidentally set of their room alarms ones. the event, opened the evening by some at the the Ken Posner, Director of Residential would be charged $250 for the cost of Landscaping on campus has also thanking David Cook of United Tele­ fact that the Life, reports that the first major phase having fire emergency vehicles sent to been improved as a result of the cam­ phone for making the call possible. It of a two-year residential hall renova­ the building. Now, fire emergency pus renovations. New sod and grass was made courtesy of United Tele­ Sydney group tion plan will be completed by the time vehicles will only be summoned to has been placed and there is increased phone, which hoped to arouse interest would not begin first-year students arrive at campus. campus by the activation of the central lighting on the grounds. in the new technology by displaying Many first-year students have been system, which is activated by the hall "By raising the quality of residen­ its various uses. their laughter on assigned to live in McKean Hall, the alarms. The new system is actually tial life for students, we hope students On hand to investigate the possibile the screen until Rollins dormitory that underwent the ahead of city and state fire codes, re­ will be motivated to take care of their future use of teleconferencing by most changes of this summer's reno­ ports Posner. living environment," said Posner. Rollins was Lou Miller, Director of after 2-3 seconds vation. The residential life offices have The renovations are part of a two- "One of the things that attracted me to Computer Services, Steve Gauthier, of laughter on been fully operating in their new suite year renovation plan that is being Rollins is its commitment to quality Assistant Dean of the Crummer on the first floor of McKean Hall. In funded by a four-million dollar loan student life in the residence halls. As Graduate School, and Donna the Winter Park addition, carpeting has been placed in Rollins received for that purpose. The a professional, I know that many O'Connor, Director of International all the rooms, and new "loftable" fur­ first major phase was done this sum­ schools don't make this type of com­ Programs, as well as others. side. niture is in place in the rooms as well. mer, but work will continue year-round. mitment, so I am very excited to be a Theprocess of linking-up with Aus­ Another of these changes is the new Such work will be painting of all the part of that process." tralia was an extended one, as a Residential Learning Community residential hall exteriors, which is Other persons that are part of this "Bridge" in Kansas City had to be classroom in McKean, which has be­ work that won't interfere with the day commitment are housekeeping and connected since there is not yet direct please see VIDEO page 3 come the new home of the program. to day residential life of the students. physical plant. They have worked ex­ The former RLC hall, Rex Beach, is The next intensive phase of renova­ tra hard this summer to get facilities now the Phi Delta Theta fraternity tion will occur during next summer. At ready for student use this fall. Due to THE SANDSPUR Non-Profit Organization house. that time new furniture will be placed renovations, they have had decreased 1000 Holt Avenue Box 2742 U.S. POSTAGE in Elizabeth, Holt, and Rex Beach halls. time for this, but the rooms will be Posner reflected that the new stu- V'inter Park, FL 32789 - PAID - •dents wont notice the difference in the As yet, McKean, Hooker, Strong,, and fully available and comfortable when Permit No. 66 residential halls, but he anticipates that Mayflowerhallshavereceivedthenew students arrive on campus. Winter Park. FL returning students will be pleasantly modular furniture pieces. The Office Tom Wells served as the point per­ amazed at the improvements around of Residential life is holding a student son for the renovation process, and campus. He explains that the renova­ workshop on Wednesday, September Gar Vance has also been instrumental tions have a two-fold purpose, the first 9, where demonstrations will be given in its actualization. Posner also re­ >f which to get the dorms caught up on the usage possibilities for the furni­ ports a high potential in the Residen­ Wltn deferred maintenance priorities ture. This will be a chance for all tial Assistant staff and Area Coordi­ such as roof and bathroom repairs. The students to be introduced to the new nators to be the finest residential life second purpose is to make a big impact furniture systems. team to serve the Rollins community. °n the student living environment, New furniture has also been installed "This is going to be an exciting which include new furniture and car­ in all hall lounges, except sorority year to live at Rollins," concluded pets. lounges, which are furnished by the Posner. The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue page 2 CLARIFYING BYOB CRIME WATCH Compiled by Jesse Fortner THE SANDSPUR CRIME WATCHDOG

Rollins Crime Stats- Last Year In Review

Monthfs) Crimes

Murder- 0 Nov. Rape- 1 Apr. Robbery- 1 Aggravated Assault- 2 Sept., Jan. Burglary- 12 Dec.,Feb., Apr.(2),May(4), Jim. (4) Motor VehicleTheft- Dec, Jan. photo illustration by Mark E. Lepow BY ADRIANA VALDES Sandspur Total Crimes-

After a summer of work on clarifying the Checklist includes a statement of understanding BYOB registration policies, the Office of Stu­ that organization leaders will reduce noise levels Arrests # dent Activities has released an event host respon­ in accordance with the Winter Park ordinance. sibility checklist and social event registration The Event Host Responsibility Checklist rep­ procedures. resents several requirements for BYOB hosts. Drug/Narcotic Violation- Through the new guidelines, the Office of Newly defined stipulations include the posting of Liquor Law Violation- Student Activities hopes to have cleared up what a sign at the event which notifies guests that they Weapon Possess ion- in the past may have been miscommunications must be at least 21 years of age to be served concerning party management. Penny Schafer, alcohol. The Checklist also provides for an Director of Student Activities, explains these agreement that ID checkers, bartenders, and Calls For Service # guidelines as a pro-active and preventative method designated organization leaders will not drink for addressing potential problems arising from before or during the event. The Checklist also clarifies the limit of alcohol that may be brought social events. Schafer anticipates a reduced need Service Calls- 1386 to BYOB parties. The limit has been established for reactive measures against groups after spon­ Enforcement Calls- 1253 as one 12 pack of 12 oz. containers of beer or one soring a mismanaged event. This may also help Crime Calls- 124 32 oz. bottle of wine. The Director of Student Medical Assistance Calls- 52 Activities will review the items on the Checklist Escort Service Calls- 447 The limit has been with the organization leaders at the time of reg­ Kev Assistance Calls- ?71Q established as one 12 istration. Other final clarifications of party management pack of 12 oz. procedures stipulate the rate for required BYOB Total Service Calls- containers of beer or party monitors. The rate has been set at $8.00 per monitor, per hour. Schafer reports that the moni­ one 32 oz. bottle of tors will be persons hired at the time of event wine. registration for the express purpose of providing management assistance and support to organiza­ tions during the event. The monitors will not be alleviat? the number of party mismanagement required to wear uniforms while working at the cases Drought before the Student Hearing Board. events. "If ev eryone has the same information, then all To further assist students in the development of us are in a position to make informed decisions of effective party management procedures, the about party management," added Schafer. Office of Student Activities will be sponsoring a Your new home The type of information Schafer refers to in­ Party Management Workshop to be held on cludes information that Rollins administration Thursday, September 10, 1992 from 4 to 6 p.m. had, in the past, assumed student party hosts in the Galloway Room. Any interested students away from home knew. For example, there is a City of Winter Park are invited to attend. At the workshop, Schafer noise ordinance that requires noise level to be will review the revised registration procedures in You may notice that other students spend a lot of time such that it cannot be heard beyond a fifty foot full, as well as answer any questions regarding radius of the event The Event Host Responsibility student-sponsored social events. at Kinko's. Drop in and discover why Kinko's is the most popular hangout on campus SPLIT THE PAD! DIAL X2580!!! I Quality copies of all sizes > Full color copies Hey Rollins! .. .Are you bored? Would you like to know what's happening around campus today? Aren't you curious? If your answer is "YES", then remember these four numbers .. .x2580. I In-store computer rental By dialing x2S80 -7, you will reach the College Hotline. This line, sponsored by Rollins College Media Relations, will inform you about various community oriented events taking place on campus (i.e, I Presentation materials museum openings, lecture series, theatre shows, etc.). I Binding and finishing But you can also dial x2580 • 2! This is the Student Hotline. It focuses upon student interests such as intramurals, all campus parties, helpful college reminders, and much more! I School supplies Splitting the Pad is an easy... and excellent way to keep informed about daily college happenings. So, pick up the phone and dial x2580 today! I Resume packages *** If you are a student organization or college office and would like to place a message to the students on the Student Hotline, call the Student Services Committee at x2539. "" ^™ •"• •"* ^™ ^™ ••• "™ •• ••§ HB 25 free copies Bring this coupon into the Kinko's listed and receive 25 free self-serve, HOW TO FEED A STUDENT single-sided, 81/2" x 11" black and white copies on 20 lb. white bond. One coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. Good through 10/31/92.

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Real Italian. Real Fast. a mm Ma| ^^ ^ " * ••• ••• _•• ______m mm - . ^ ^ ^v^y^y^^jsfaflfll 2305AlonBA*__w/657^a/700S.Otto^ tu.oo_u.t-1(h00pjn.FRI&SAJ 10:30am -llrOOom member 2, 1992

SGA President Dal Walton takes the to share some words from Winter Park with Rollins' Sydney students, Jeannie Infante and Zander Borsoi. The Dawn of "A VIDEO Teleconference Day Down Under feature of "A Day Down Under" is the nature of A GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE? SGA initiates campus- the workforce. In order to funnel all monies toward the purchase of materials for the renova­ VIDEO from page 1 wide volunteer tion, the labor will be completely volunteer. Workers will be recruited from among the of its type" and thus the call would proceed with Frank Baker, Program Specialist, represent­ project to reclaim myriad of student groups as well as from the short 2-3 second delays in response and a slight ing the Orange County Public School System, ranks of faculty, staff and administration. "distortion in gesturing on the other end. This stated that, "We've got an ambitious program Student Center Plans are still being finalized for the day, but would cause for some interesting results. to put satellites at every high school in the preliminary discussions have led to plans of a At 7:03 P.M., contact was made with Sydney county." With teleconferencing coming of age, raffle for participants, on location radio broad­ and the first words came across the screen. that could mean significant changes in how BY TODD WILLS casts, featured "special guest" workers, and "Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Hi Dal!" exclaimed education takes place. Sandspur Jeannie Infante, a Rollins Junior in Sydney for Currently, teleconferencing is used prima­ the Fall semester. rily by the business community. Realtors, On September 19th, students, faculty, and " ... by getting people "Hi Jeannie!" responded Mr. and Mrs. Jose especially, make use of it so that clients can see staff will gather together, sharing their own down and working on Infante, in attendance to see their daughter for the the property in which they are interested, without labor to reach a common goal. fust time in weeks. the hassle of a long trip. That is the vision behind the proposed "Day this project, more Dr. Ed Borsoi promptly asked his son Zander, After Dr. Jennifer Newman in Sydney re­ Down Under"-acampus-wide volunteer project people will get an idea a Rollins Sophomore in Sydney, "Did you get the marked that the drinking age in Australia is to renov ate the basement of the Student Center. money we sent you?" eighteen as opposed to twenty-one, Jeannie What was once the home of a Caribbean of what sort of "I'm expecting it today," laughed Zander on Infante felt compelled to say, "we've all been themed student space crafted by former Rollins the other end as both sides of the line broke into very good." President Hugh McKean has fallen on less programming space laughter (some of it directed at the conversation, 7 After about an hour of conversation, the festive times of late. we're working with/ some at the the fact that the Sydney group would evening came to a close as the group assembled The student center basement, "downunder" not begin their laughter on the screen until after in Sydney waved good-bye to the group in to a small portion of the student body who Paul Viau 2-3 seconds of laughter on the Winter Park side. Winter Park. remember its tenure as a basement pub, recently Assistant Director As each person spoke, they would hold a became the location of two large storage closets of Student Activities cordless microphone, which not only served to for college use. pick up their voice, but also directed a mini The installation of these closets served as an camera in their direction so that the screen would impetus to the student government office. A possible sponsorship by area businesses. have a focused image of each individual as he decision was made to reclaim the space for The primary goals of re-painting the base­ spoke. Though the room used was not designed student use. Under the leadership of SGA ment walls and building a coffeehouse stage are for videoconferencing, the sent were clear ECONOMICS president Dal Walton, Student Activities Di­ the focus of the day. However, other projects enough that eye color could be seen. rector Penny Schafer, and SGA Secretary Ruth may also consume the labor of the volunteer Another perk of the videoconference was a Jackson, the student association reached a force on the 19th. The freeweight equipment telecast, through VCR, of clips from America, MAJORS compromise with the beneficiaries of the storage and pool tables which are currently inhabitants including the Tonight Show, Hurricane Andrew, cabinets. Alumni files, currently in one of the of the space must be removed or repositioned and the renovations inMcKean Residence Hall at storage closets, will be placed in a new struc­ for the new design. There is also discussion of Rollins. DELIGHT. ture. This compromise allows for the removal the need of intensive cleaning of the floors. Sydney provided photos of Jeannie Infante of the closets to re-open the space for student Student Services Committee Chair Tammy with her "adopted" family there, and of Zander All you care to eat Spaghetti or Ziti use. Duffy expressed concern over the types of tasks Borsoi next to a large Sydney fountain. withlTreadsticks$2.99 While the removal of the closets is a large which will be planned for "A Day Down Un­ The possibilities for use by Rollins include: Mondays and Tuesdays hurdle in the quest for recl_timing the space, the der". She cautions that tasks such as scrubbing teleconferencing classes between the Crummer "lore important concern is the manner in which are mundane while stage building and painting School of Business and other Bu-iness Schools foe space can be transformed for student use. have an appeal to the "child" inside the volun­ in America and around the world; pi eviewing the Funds for a student center basement modifica­ teers. Overseas experience more closely for interested tion are low which make extensive renovations Simple construction is not the only goal students; and keeping in better touch with Rollins difficult. which the day hopes to fulfill. Assistant Direc­ students abroad. Of course, the cost involved is Because of the financial situation, SGA has tor of Student Activities, Paul Viau, envisions a a large factor. Proposed "A Day Down Under." "A Day broader purpose for the events of September "It's a lot more expensive than E-mail," said Real Italian. Real Fast. Down Under" will be an intensive and exten­ 19th,"... by getting people down and working Kathy Aziz of International Programs. sive day of cleaning and renovation for the on this project, more people will get an idea of Asked whether he would consider teleconfer­ 2305 Alorra Avenue/657-0018 student center basement. The day will feature what sort of programming space we're working encing Student Senate meetings, Student Go 700 S.Orlando Avenue/628-8727 OPEN 10:30 am. -11:00 p.m. EVERYDAY toe cleaning of the basement as well as painting with." Viau added that such awareness might ernment President Dal Walton said, "The cost ; °f the walls and the construction of a coffee­ lead to increased support for a new Campus prohibitive for now... but we should always en house stage for performances. The important Center. brace the future." The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue 13 page 4 ROLLINS www wvwwww

UPDATE Holly, Allen Stress advising, and the more deliberative aspects like dealing with personal crisises. Allen carefully explains that finances put a boundary on "Inclusiveness" Theme for Orientation activities, though. "I don't think the Orientation budget has changed since I Shaping Your Community Orientation '92 have been here, so we're becoming creative in learning how to do more with less." BY PENNY SCHAFER Director of Student Activities That creativity is evident in programming like the Faculty BY ROB SIVITILLI Concert (Sunday, 2^1:00 PM.), "Risque Business" (presented Sandspur Welcome back or welcome to Rollins College. The Office of by the Theater Department Thursday, 7:30-9:00 P.M.), andtfe all-time Rollins favorite "Bits & Pieces". (Friday, 8-10:00 Student Activities and Leadership Programs has been working Roll out the carpet, Rollins, the Class of 1996 has arrived. throughout the summer to provide opportunities to students for PM.). And before they can turn their heads, they will be fully engaged in leadership development and group involvement. There are a Some new alternatives have been added as well. In addition a whirlwind of activities known as Orientation. number of student organizations and activities that exist at Rollins to the Mardi Gras Party sponsored by XL 106.7 F.M. on Friday Rollins Orientation for incoming freshman and transfer students and the dream of the office personnel is to see each student find her/ night at 10:00 P.M., which was popular last year, there is also will begin Wednesday morning at 9:00 A.M. as the first few students his niche. John W. Gardner, an author on leadership, once stated, a New Talent Coffeehouse at the same time for those looking enter the doors of the Enyart-Alumni Fieldhouse, the same doors 'All too often, on the long road up, young leaders become 'servants for a more lax party atmosphere. through which the Class of 1992 departed just three months ago. of what is' rather than 'shapers of what might be'." It is our hope Training of Peer Advisors, who lead individual groups of Modified somewhat from prev ious years, Orientation promises new that you will take the opportunity, while at Rollins College, to incoming students through Orientation and continue to advise students everything from skits to registration, parties to math tests. become the 'shaper' of your community. them for theremainder of the year, is an intensive process again "Orientation is always evolving," states Robert Holly, a Rollins The cliche "this will be the best four years of your life" is often this year. In addition to preliminary training last Spring, Pee: Senior who is Chair of Orientation 1992. heard by students preparing to go to college. What is "best?" How Advisors also go through two full days of training directly prior Asked about the possibility that many new students this year, as in will you define best? We encourage you to think about your long- to the arrival of new students. past years, will skip several of the planned activities, Holly states, term goals. Where do you see yourself after college? after "After these last two days of intensive training, I might not "Orientation is geared toward assimilating new students into the graduate school? tommorrow? Begin to identify what is important Rollins Community. It's for their edification. If someone misses an have any energy left for my peer advisees," joked Todd Wills, to you and what you will take part in while at college. Get the a Junior who is peer advising for the first time. leadership fever. Join a student organization and help shape the activity, they are hurting themselves. The scheduled activities are meant to enrich incoming students as humans." "The training process isn't that bad," states Penelope Richey, Rollins College community. Stop by the Office of Student "it's actually fun, as well as a learning process." Richey, a Activities and Leadership Programs to inquire about leadership Junior, is a Team Leader this year, after serving as a peer training, student organizations, and other opportunities available. advisor last year. Team leaders serve to coordinate activities, Orientation Schedule page 5 as well <__> take pressure off of Orientation organizers, by Welcome Back! having the experience to answer questions peer advisors might have Now, Go Away! Holly speaks highly of two other planned presentations. He says the Dive-In Movie (Thursday, 10:30 PM.) should be fun BY KATHY AZIZ Susan Allen, Associate Dean of the College, hopes that this year's International and Off-Campus Programs and also stand on its artistic and social merit. He also is excite. Orientation experience will be the best ever for incoming students. that Maura Cullen, of Ithaca, NY, is returning for a second year She noted arenewed emphasis this year on looking at evaluations filled To all new students, welcome to Rollins! To all returning to present "A World Of Difference" (Friday, 9-10:30 A_M), out by last year's Orientation class. students, welcome back! And now that you're here, we'd like you which will highlight cultural awareness. Training for new Faculty Advisors has also been expanded. The to consider leaving — for just a while. It's never too early to begin As Holly states, "One objective of Orientation is to makei. focus of it is on skills to deal with all of the informational aspects of planning for what could be the most exciting and enlightening easier for an entering student to switch gears from high school, the job (e.g. reading transcripts), the interpersonal aspects of faculty semester of your college career! or from another college, to Rollins." Study abroad is not just for language majors. It's an educational experience unlike any other, one that brings you out into the world and brings the world into you. It will forever change the way you Skeletons in the Closet see yourself and others; it will challenge and (hopefully) shift your perceptions about the world and your place in it. Living in another From Oct. 11,1944: Volume 50; issue #7 country opens doors, knocks down walls, and widens your view in a way that no lecture, textbook, or video possibly can. 106 Freshmen Women Enroll to Set Record; We newcomers ordered everything on and off the soda While you're reading this, Rollins students are observing Class Rates High in Talent and Looks fountain's menu at the start, butnow we concentrate mostly on Australia's unique ecosystems; delving into the cultural treasures cokes and orangeade, the last obviously to fill out the daily of Paris; studying the European Economic Community in Freiburg; vitamin quota. The largest freshman class of women in Rollins History (106) has •taking history, economics, math, political science, and theology The chief peculiarity seems to be the habit of ordering coke necessitated the transformation of Chase, Lyman, and Gale Halls to the courses while surrounded by the timeless beauty of Ireland. The and cheese and crackers or hamburgers at the center between exclusive housing of women for the first time. students currently abroad are from a variety of majors, and they are 8:30 and 9 o'clock in the morning. Included in this freshman class are four war veterans and five South fulfilling general education requirements and often major and As yet the boys seem to be more studious and raise less earn nunor requirements as well. American neighbors, representing Peru, Columbia, and Mexico. than usual. Maybe that's why they are a little slow as faras It appears too, that we have some pretty sharp tennis potentialities Study abroad need not be prohibitively expensive. Depending dating is concerned. It pretty nearly has to be the reason on the program, the cost may be comparable to a semester here, and in Norma Depperman of Harrington Park, New Jersey, Mary Clair because the freshmen girls are said to be the prettiest group tha: financial aid may apply. Upthegrove of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Nina Fisher, a transfer has hit Rollins in a long time. Consider going south for spring term to sunny Merida in the student from Jackson Heights New York, and Ed Copeland from Ithas been said that the class is working in closer cooperatiot Yucatan peninsula and exploring its Mayan treasures. You don't Daytona Beach who is going to give us some expert instruction in than usual and are making many sincere friendships. Let' need to know Spanish — you can begin or continue studying it tennis classes. hope that this reputation will be kept up for many years no there. Or, go even further south to "Marvelous Melbourne" in Taking the Class of '48 as a whole, let's look over the combined come. Australia and join the ranks of Rollins Oz Alums who describe it opinions of the most honorable exalted upperclassmen, the venerable Well this is the freshman class to date - 125 students as "the experience of a lifetime." If summer travel and study and distinguished faculty, and our pleasant and efficient proprietors of appeals to you, spend six weeks steeped in Spanish language and the Center's establishments. repre enting 28 states. Here's hoping it will get as muchouW culture in beautiful Madrid with Rollins' Verano Espanol program. This is evidendy a well selected, intelligent, attractive class. One of ?- ' — • .s r,-!uch into Rollins life as their predeces^ r Please stop by the International Programs Office (next door to the new professors says that it is so sophisticated that he ca»' the Registrar), say "hi" to new director Donna O'Connor and pick distinguish many of its members from the older students. DISCOUNT FOR Al L ROLLINS STUDENTS up some information on our programs. You're also welcome to $8$ COLOR COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR 266 PRICES make an appointment to discuss the possibility of "going away." —GET THE COMPETITIVE EDGE— Keep reading The Sandspur for times and dates of informatio'- WORK AT HOME! BUSINESS HOWE EDUCATION ENTERTAINMENT meetings that will be held this term. NEWSLETTERS GRAPHICS WAKE EXTRA MONEY Assembly, Crafts, Typing and more! 100% IBM COMPATIBLE CareerServices Open House Up tp $500.00+ a week possible. 80M3 Hard Drive with 4 Drive Cavities for New and Returning Students and Faculty • 5 1/4" 1.2M3 and 3 1/2" 1*4M3 Floppy Disk Drive For information write • 2M3 of RAM Csimm 70 nancsec.) upg'acaoie to 15V3 Thursday, September 10, 4-6 p.m. • SVGA 14' Ccior Monitor »• 200 Watt Power Sjppfy SOURCE, 1017 Grove St. • Enhanced 101-Key Keybcard with 12 Function Keys • System Expansion Sfcts (7 16-Sit, 1 £-3;t) CareerSerWces, Mills Memorial Center Dept. 6827 • Real Time Clock/Calendar with Battery 3aok-Jp Maitland, FL 32751 • 2 Serial Ports, 1 Parallel Port, 1 PS/2 Mouse Port Come by and learn how CareerServtces can help YOU • ONE YEAR WARRANTY CN PARTS & LA5CR EXTRA2400 Baud Modem Smart Link Installed :55 * Register to use CareerServiees c FREE PACKAGE ONLY * Demonstrations oT new software programs o INITIAL CONSULTATION Q. Tine WWER mouse DELIVERY (ANYWHERE) * Career Library Tours $1399 D ON SITE SET UP & TRAINING * CareerS*rvic« StafT on hand to answer questions O w 111 E. Lyman Avenue BURN tN (72 HOURS) Retaiis 52,3=5 * Snacks and beverages HARDWARE TECHMIGAt SUPPORT Winter Park LIFETIME SUPPORT FOR VOST SOFTWARE 645-3616 FR00IGY SERVICE KIT — WORD PROCESSOR see "classifieds" to learn how one SPREECS-iSET L CHARTING ••• PATAEASE K'ANiCE- WHY BUY MOR= THAN YO'J NEED? Santa Clara University NATURAL FOOD, LET 23 YEARS Or EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOJ student won it o ENERGY SHAKES, (407) 931-1173 Entrepreneur of trie Year fNrCRMAT ON RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL e> BUTTONS AND T-SHIRTS, "£cJ E. V'i,_ ST.. S'J:'rS _~9 KiSSifc'VEE. Ft _*"** while going to school full time. O ETC. EXPIRES 1992 September 2, 1 992 page 5 ORIENTATION 1 ^^.2 Events In-the Orientation schedule marked with a check (•) are mandatory and take precedence over any other activity.

:x:::::::::::S..:::::.:B 10 pm-1 am 10:30 pm-12 am 12 pm-5 pm Student Center Patio (Rain Location: Student Center) Alfond Pool OPEN CAMPUS RECREATION DIGS & DOCS Enjoy your first evening at Rollins getting (Rain Location: Student Center) September 2nd acquainted with your classmates in a relaxed atmosphere DIVE-IN MOVIE Featuring Spike & Mike's Festival of 6 pm-7 pm under the stars. Live music, refreshments & volleyball Animation. Throw on your bathing suit, head for the pool Student Center Patio (Rain Location: Student Center) 9 am-3 pm provided. and enjoy a night of animated film and fun. Spike & Mike's DINNER Leave your R-Card at home and enjoy a dinner Enyart Alumni Field House Festival of Animation is one of North America's most provided by your Student Government Association Ex­ popular touring animation programs and has been called ecutive Committee. Learn what your SGA does, what ex­ /CHECK-IN •Brilliant!" by . This year's collection citing plans are in the works this year and how to get in­ • Pick up room key, student ID, Orientation schedule, Fal I features the Academy Award winner for the Best Short volved! (Sponsored by the Student Government Associa­ class schedule and other essential information. Feature Films, Creature Comforts, and includes 17 addi­ September 3 tion.) • Bank Fair. Talk with representatives from local banks. tional films from seven different countries. An opportunity to open accounts and get tips on managing 7 pm - 8:30pm your money in college. Student Center • Parent Information Fair. Have ail your questions about 7 am-9 am MIX & MATCH Can you tell what someone is like by their Rollins answered! Members from various campus services "Beans" appearance?, their friends? or how they act? See how we will be present with all the information your parents might BREAKFAST (For Freshmen Only) often relate to each other on the basis of social labels and need. Also a chance to purchase your class photo. September 4th (R-Card) stereotypes. This is the activity you will not want to miss! (Sponsored by the SGA Cultural Action Committee.) 11 am-1:30 pm 8:30 am-10 am 7 am-9 am Hose Skillman Hall ("Beans") Rogers Room Keene Hall "Beans" 8:30 pm-12:30 pm • SPECIALBREAKFAST* DISCUSSION FORTRANSFER BREAKFAST (R-Card) Student Center •Lunch (On a cash basis). STUDENTS Meet other transfer students and select faculty KARAOKE PARTY Stand up, sign up and sing your heart as you enjoy a special continental breakfast. Followed by 9 am-10:30 am out with the world's fastest growing form of evening entertainment - laser Karaoke, provided by Karaoke 11 am-12 pm and 1 pm-2 pm a discussion of the unique issues, needs and concerns of Bush Auditorium Showtime at Rollins College. All participants will receive CONCURRENT PARENT SESSIONS transfer students. • A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE An interactive, multi-media presentation about the joys a free tape of their performance. (Sponsored by the Office Cornell Social Science 134 9 am-10 am and struggles of membership in a community rich in of Residential Life and ADEPT.) i Opportunities for Involvement in Campus Life. An Bush Auditorium diversity and difference. Presented by Maura Cullen, introduction by Penny Schafer, to the Office of Student • WHAT I WISH I KNEW ... FOR FRESHMEN ONLY Educational Consultant, lthaca,NY. Activities and Leadership Programs, the Student Govern­ Talk with Don Griffin, Dean of the Faculty, Roy Kerr, ment Association, fraternities and sororities, publication Sunday Professor of Foreign Languages and upper-class veterans 10:30 am-1 pm and broadcast experiences, and a broad spectrum of clubs about academic survival. Students will share tips they've Faculty Offices and activities. September 6th learned along the way about how to study, manage time, INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCES WITH FACULTY prepare for exams and more. Bring lots of questions! ADVISER (By appointment) Cornell Social Science 135 9:30 am-1:30 pm "Beans" • Student Futures: Job, Internship and Career Opportu­ 10 am- 11 am 11:30 am-1:30pm BRUNCH/LUNCH (R-Card) nities. Barbara Poole, Director of Career Services will Classrooms as assigned "Beans" discuss how new Rollins students can begin to discover PEER GROUP MEETING WITH LUNCH (R-Card) 11 am-12 pm potential career interests, as well as opportunities for FACULTY ADVISER Group # Faculty Adviser various jobs and internships. Meeting Room Knowles Memorial Chapel #1 Anderson, Mark Bush 327 12:30 pm-5 pm INTER-DENOMINATIONAL WORSHIP SERVICE 2 Blossey, Erich Bush 326 Enyart Alumni Field House Cornell Social Science 230 3 Borsoi, Edward Bush 114 /SCHEDULE CHANGES Meet with your Faculty Adviser 2 pm-4 pm • Transitions and Letting Co. An informal look at the 4 Brandon, Wendy Acad Res Center during your scheduled appointment and prepare for your Rogers Room Keene Hall parental art of "letting go" and at the poignant ups and 5 Carson, Barbara Orlando 106 first term. An opportunity to ask questions and to make FACULTY CONCERT Enjoy performances, by interna­ downs of the freshman year. With Dr. Judy Provost, 6 Carson, Robert Bush 107 changes in your class schedule. tionally known members of the Rollins College faculty: Director of Health and Counseling Services. 7 Chow, Balance Orlando 205 Group #'s Time Professor Edmund LeRoy and Professor Brent Runnels. 8 Coleman, Persis Bush 234 Transfer Students 12:30 pm Also performing will be Rollins vocal trio Sentimental 2 pm-3 pm 9 DeNicola, Dan Chapel Clsrm 1 # 1, 6, 11, 16, 26, 31 1:00 pm Journey. Reception immediately following. (Sponsored by Faculty Offices 10 Edge, !—- #2,7.12,17,22,27,32 1:30 pm the Department of Music). 11 Francis, James Beal Maltbie 1 # 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33 2:00 pm PARENT CONFERENCES WITH FACULTY ADVISERS 12 Greene, Myrna Cornell SS 133 #4,9,14,19,24,29 2.30 pm 5 pm-7 pm A time for parents to meet their son or daughter's faculty 13 Higgs, Catherine Cornell SS 221 #5, 10,15,20,25,30 3:00 pm "Beans" adviser. (Faculty adviser assignments and faculty office 14 Kerr, Roy Beal Maltbie 2 DINNER (R-Card) locations available at the Parent Information Fair.) 15 Kurtz, David Bush 325 1 pm-5 pm 16 Lackman, Susan Keene 102 (leave from Enyart Alumni Field House) 2:30 pm-3 pm 17 Lamed, Ronald Cornell Art 116 • CAMPUS RESOURCE TOURS Cornell Fine Arts Museum 18 Miyashita, Junryo Enjoy a quick introduction to many of Rollins' people and Monday Bush 308 CORNELL FINE ARTS MUSEUM TOUR Enjoy a guided resources with a Peer Adviser as your guide. (Every 1/2 19 Papay, Twila Orlando 101 September 7th tour of the current exhibit, A Collection of American Art 20 Peters, Karl Chapel Clsrm 2 hour.) Over 100 objects from the 19th and 20th centuries are 22 Rock, Charles Cornell SS 134 9 am-1:30 pm featured. Works are from the Cornell Fine Arts permanent OPEN CAMPUS RECREATION 23 Rodgers, Charles Cornell SS 158 "Beans" collection of over 3500 objects. 24 Runnels, Brent Keene 116 Boat House BRUNCH/LUNCH (R-Card) 25 Schmalstig, Judy Bush 325 Canoeing, Windsailing, Waterskiing Alfond Pool. 26 Seymour, Thad Orlando 206 5 pm-7 pm 3 pm-4 pm 27 Shafer, Melissa Cornell SS 132 Swimming and Sunning Mills Lawn (Rain Location: "Beans") Enyart Alumni Field House 28 Sherry, Robert Cornell SS 121 Tennis STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION EXORDIUM PRESIDENT'S & DEANS' WELCOME 29 Sinclair, John Keene 117 Volleyball Help Rollins College fire up the 1992-93 academic year Words of welcome by President Rita Bornstein; Dean of 30 Small, James Bush 207 with a festive, fun-filled student gathering. Dine to the Admission, David Erdmann; Dean of the Faculty, Don 31 Wahab, James Bush 301 2:30 pm-3:30 pm sounds of a Steele drum band. Entertainment provided by Griffin and Dean of the College, Steven Neilson. 32 Jarnigan, Peggy Cornell SS 231 Cornell Fine Arts Museum your Student Government Association. 33 Morris, Richard Cornell SS 232 CORNELL FINE ARTS TOUR Enjoy a guided tour of the 4 pm-5:30 pm current exhibit, A Collection of American Art. Over 100 behind the Cornell Fine Arts Museum 11 am-1 pm objects from the 19th and 20th centuries are featured. RECEPTION Faculty Offices Works are from the Cornell Fine Arts permanent collection A time to greet one another as well as members of the of over 3500 objects. INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCES WITH FACULTY Tuesday Rollins faculty and administration and a time for parents ADVISER (By appointmenO and students to say goodbye. (Hosted by the Alumni 6 pm-7-30 pm September 8th Association). Mills Lawn (Rain Location: "Beans") 11 am-12:30 pm • CLASSES BEGIN Bush Auditorium REGIONAL DINNERS 4:30 pm-5:30 pm Enjoy dinner with others from your home country or state. MONEY MATTERS Mandatory for all Financial Aid 11:00 am Knowles Memorial Chapel Alumni House Recipients. (R-Card) tECACY SOCIAL Learn your financial aid rights and responsibilities. • CONVOCATION A traditional ceremony which com­ A special welcome for relatives of Rollins Alumni or 11:00 am-11:30 am All Financial Aid Recipients 8 pm-10 pm Annie Russell Theater memorates the beginning of the academic year. Special current Rollins students. (Sponsored by the Alumni As­ 11:30 am-12:00 pm Stafford Loan Recipients sociation.) BITS & PIECES THEATER REVIEW recognition and welcome extended to the class of 1996. 12:00 pm-12:30 pm Work Study Students Presented by the Rollins Players. This is one of the most Please note the following special schedule for Tuesday talked about annual events of Orientation! Don't miss it! classes: 11:30 am-1 pm J:30 pm-7 pm 10 pm-12:30 am 8:00 am classes 8:00 am - 8:50 am "Beans" Mills Lawn Rose Skillman Hall "Beans" 9:30 am classes 9:00 am - 9:50 am LUNCH (R-Card) 1 iRain Location: ' on ,.m classes 10:00 am - 10:50 am Field House) 10 pm-12:30 am Cornell Social Sciences Patio and Street (Rain Location: /OPENING BARBECUE WITH FACULTY ADVISERS & 1 pm-4 pm Student Center) PEER ADVISERS Meet in your Peer Advising Group to Bush Auditorium & Bush 108 NEW TALENT COFFEEHOUSE share a barbecue picnic dinner. (Find the table with your • MATH PLACEMENT & COLLEGE TESTING Kick back and enjoy the musical, dance and theatrical group*.) Bring your R-Card. (A-Ch) Bush 108 (Ch-Z) Bush Auditorium talents of your classmates in the candlelight of this cafe MULTIPLE 7 atmosphere. pm-7:30pm 4 pm-5 pm fnyart Alumni Field House Student Center Patio (Rain Location: Student Center) MARDI GRAS PARTY Mingle and make new friends /CLASS PHOTO • "I DIDN'T KNOW..." An entertaining review of our Put on your best smile for this chance to be immortalized among the sights and sounds of a Mardi Gras-style street Code of Students' Rights & Responsibilities, presented by party. Music and lights by the XL 106.7 Party Machine! CHOICE on film with your classmates. the 1992-93 Peer Advising Team. 7:30 pm-8:30 pm fnyart Alumni Field House 5 pm- 7 pm Saturday /WELCOME & ICEBREAKERS "Beans" Outrageous non-competitive games and activities to help DINNER (R-Card) September 5th Pasta, pizza, sakds, you meet your classmates and break the ice. Facilitated by Michael DeRosa, Educational Consultant, Melbourne, FL. scmdiviclvs and more. 7:30 pm-9 pm 9 am-1:30 pm 8:30 pm-9 p m Bush Auditorium "Beans" Chapel Garden • RISQUE BUSINESS Members of the Theater Depart­ BRUNCH/LUNCH (R-Card) CANDLEWISH CEREMONY ment use comedy and drama to present information

9 concerning important issues of college life. Pm-10pm 9 am-6 pm Residence Hall Lounges & Off Campus Student Lounge (on your own) Wills) 9 pm-10:30 pm WINTER PARK & ORLANDO EXCURSIONS Visit the /RESIDENCE HALL & OFF CAMPUS STUDENT Student Center Patio (Rain Location: Student Center) Winter Park Farmers' Market, the shops on Park Avenue, MEETINGS Church Street Station, Sea World, Wet 'n Wild, the Winter An COMEDY HOUR Park Municipal Golf Course, or one of the l> . J. malls with Real Italian. Real Fast opportunity for on-campus students to meet dorm Featuring: Filmore. a group of your new friends. Bus schedules and directions "Wes and the residential life staff, and to discuss the Filmore, the host of Nickelodeon's Nicarcade, has ap­ are provided in your check-in packet and are posted in the 2305 Alorra Avenue /657-0018 •ssentials of residence hall life. An opportunity for off- peared on MTV and Showtime and in films including Post Office area of Mills. 700 S. Orlando Avenue/628-8727 campus students to meet each other and discuss some of Ernest Saves Christmas. Be sure to catch one of Orlando's OPEN 10.30 am -11:00 p.m. EVERYDAY 1e special needs and concerns of commuting students. hottest comics. The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue #3 page 6 The age of A Voter Fact Sheet

In 1971, Congress amended the United indifference: States Constitution, granting the right to vote to anyone who is 18 years of age or older. Before 1971,18-20 year-olds did Voting not have the right to vote. Young voters now represent more than twenty-five million members of the elec­ apathy torate. BY MARK SNYDER On the average, 4 out of 5 newly eligible Sandspur high school students do not vote.

A recent Times Mirror study has concluded that young adults in America, aged 18 to 30, are In 1984, less than 40% of Americans alarmingly less involved, knowing less, and car­ aged 18-24 turned out to cast their vote ing less about public affairs compared to any for President. other generation in the past half century. These disturbing findings were rerorted in the In the 1988 election, 25.2 million 18-24 Times Mirror study entitled, "The Age of Indif­ year-olds were eligible to vote, but no ference." The study suggests that young people more than 36% turned out to vote. This is Florida Symphony today watch less news on television, are less able a drop from the 1984 level of 40%, and to identify frequent newsmakers, and conse- quendy are less likely to participate in the political means that over 16 million eligible vot­ process. The study also suggests that apathy ers did not vote. among young adults has created a generation- information gap between young and old Ameri­ In 1988,18-24 year-old voters compro­ Orchestra kicks off cans. Twenty percent of young Americans are mised between 9-10% of all voters. less likely than middle-aged and older Americans to know even basic facts about current events, the In the state of California in 1988, of the report found. 2.6 million 18-24 year-olds eligible to The report further suggests that the news and vote, only 900,000 people went to the information gap is affecting America's political 92/93 season polls. The same year in Ohio, of the 1.1 climate. Nowhere is this more apparent than in evaluating the nation's decline in voting among million 18-24 year-olds registered to vote a Carnegie Hall debut at the age of 11. He has young adults. "Young people's voting partici­ only 450,000 voted. performed with virtually every major orchestra BY MARK SNYDER pation has declined in every presidential election Sandspur in this country and abroad and has given recitals in most of the world's principal music centers. In since 1972," from 50 percent to only 36 percent In 1988, as in past elections, white 18-24 in 1988 for Americans 18-24, the report said. A For many of the returning Rollins students, the past seasons, the pianist has appeared with such year-olds voted at somewhat higher lev­ recent Gallop Poll confirmed those findings Florida Symphony Orchestra is no stranger. The orchestras as the New York Philharmonic, the els than both their black and hispanic saying that voter turnout has been decreasing award winning orchestra provides the Orlando Boston Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra, peers. Young women voted at higher among all Americans, but the decline has been area with frequent and wonderful concerts. For the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Cleveland most evident among the young. levels than young men. those students who are new and interested in the Orchestra, the Detroit Symphony, the St. Louis Symphony, the San Francisco Symphony, and Unlike the period of disillusionment which symphony, the Florida Symphony Orchestra will Voter turnout in local elections is far be a pleasure to become acquainted with. the National Symphony of , D.C. stigmatized the Watergate generation, the study The Florida Symphony Orchestra will kick off A frequent guest on such television programs found that the apathy surrounding today's younger lower than that at any other level; more an electrifying season of music with the first as the Today show, The Merv Griffin Show, and generation is not resulting from a loss of faith in elections at the local level were won by performances in the 1992/93 Masterworks Series, The Phil Donahue Show, Hollander also has had government, rather, the study found that today's one vote than on other levels. Thursday, September 3 and Saturday, September his own national recital series on PBS and has young people are less critical of business and 5 at 8 p.m. in the Carr Performing Arts Centre. made two other successful specials for public government. The search for anew music director will continue television. A documentary about Hollander on as Uriel Segal leads off this season's line-up of WNET's OldFriendsNew Friends program was world-class conductors vying for the orchestra's nominated for an Emmy award. In addition, top conducting position. Hollander has performed in schools, hospitals, Manatees: A face any Highlighting Segal's appearance with the or­ reformatories, homes for the elderly, libraries, chestra will be world-famous pianist Lorin Hol­ and numerous other community centers, where lander performing Rachmaninoff's romantic he often rehearsed and performed chamber mu­ Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini. The program sic withmembers of the host institutions. During parent could love will also feature Schumann's fiery Overture to the summer of 1972, he became the first classical musician to perform on the streets of New York. Manfred and Berlioz's great orchestral show­ BY MARK SNYDER piece Symphonie Fantastique. Associate Conductor Andrews Sill will present Sandspur A native of Jerusalem, Segal is music director a pre-concert discussion prior to each perfor­ of the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra and chief mance, at 7 p.m. A post-concert feedback ses­ Cany ou picture a son or daughter that is 10 feet water photo, and information about manatees in conductor of Japan's newly formed Century Or­ sion will follow the Saturday performance at long, weighs over 1000 pounds, and has whis­ general. Members also receive the Save the chestra Osaka. His conducting career was Petrone's Restaurant at the Omni Orlando Hotel. kers? S ave the Manatee Club' s Adopt- A-Manatee Manatee Club newsletter five times a year. launched by winning first prize attheMitropoulos A dessert buffet and international coffees will be program can introduce you to several unique The newsletter provides information on cur­ International Conducting Competition in New available. animals with names like Boomer, Brutus, Flash, rent manatee issues and updates on the adoptees. and Success. You can't take them home, but you York in January 1969, which was followed by a Tickets can be purchased at the FSO Ticket It also encourages members to get involved by can help ensure the survival of this critically year with the New York Philharmonic as assis­ Office at 1900 N. Mills Ave., Suite 3; all participating in such activities as letter writing endangered species. tant conductor and invitations for guest engage­ TicketMaster locations; or by calling 894-2011 campaigns, collecting manatee sighting data, and ments. He has conducted all of the major British and charging to MasterCard or VISA. A 50 With new Rollins students coming from around as volunteer speakers for the Club. orchestras, including the London Philharmonic, percent discount is available for full-time Rollins the country, many may not know exactly what A species on the brink of extinction has proven the London Symphony and the Philharmonia, students and enlisted military personnel with manatees are. Manatees are endangered water to be a topic of universal concern. Save the and has conducted many of the major orchestras valid identification. With the 50% discount, this mammals that thrive in the warm spring waters of Manatee Club members number approximately throughout Europe. is the perfect opportunity for any Rollins student Florida's river waterways. There are approxi­ 32,000 and hail from all across the U.S. and Lorin Hollander is in the 36th season of a most to see the FSO perform. For more information, mately only 1800 manatees left in the Florida internationally. Adoptive parents include both distinguished professional career that began with call (407) 894-2011. waterways. Manatees are slow moving, and their the young and the old, and their ages range from number one enemy is the motorboat. They also one year old Taylor Aldrich of Montverde, FL, to sometimes become tangled in discarded fishing 92yearoldMildredC. England of Decatur, IL. In line. addition, many school classes across the U.S. Fortunately, the Save the Manatee Club is an have learned about environmental education organization that is devoted to seeing the survival through adopting a manatee. FAST ITALIAN FOOD of the manatee. The club has chosen twenty- Funds provided by the Adopt-A-Manatee pro­ three manatees thatregularly winter atBlue Spring gram help augment state and federal research State Park near Orange City, Florida, as adoptees programs, provide manatee warning signs for IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. for the program. Each of the animals chosen have Florida waterways, and produce radio and tele­ a known history and, in some instances, have vision public service announcements. Funds also been tracked by radio-telemetry by U.S. Fish and go toward lobbying efforts for better manatee Wildlife Service researchers. protection. Save the Manatee Club provides free Phyllis, a manatee that was recently intro­ in-service programs for Florida's teachers and duced into SMC's adoption program, has been disseminates information regarding manatees to especially popular with SMC adoptive "parents " educators throughout the U.S. and abroad. Public In the spring of 1991, Phyllis gave birth to twins awareness projects seek to inform the public According to Ranger Wayne Hartley, this is the about the manatee's plight and what they can do first set of twins in the history of Blue Spring to help ensure its survival in the wild. Real Italian. Real Fast State Park. g 2305 Aloma Avenue £57-0018/700 S. Orlando Avenue/&28-8727/SUN - THURS 10:30 am. -10:00 p.m. FRI & SAT 10:30 am -11.00 pm By adopting a manatee, "parents" become • For more information about manatees and the involved in the life of "their" manatee. Club Adopt-A-Manatee program, the public can writ* members receive a manatee adoption certificate to Save theManatee Club, 500 N. Maitland Ave a biography of an individual manatee, an under­ Maitland, FL 32751, or call 1 -800-432-JOIN-

______member 2, 1992 page 7

David Lynch (left) as FBI Chief Gordon Cole and (right) as FBI Agent Chester 's latest creation Desmond, in Lynchs : Fire Walk With Me. Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me opens around the country

BY MARK SNYDER MacLachlan), whose keen intuitive powers are David Lynch (Director, Co-Writer, Executive weird villagers, dark, erotic secrets...and a damn Sandspur fine cup of coffee. But not everyone who lived key to cracking a case fraught with perplexing Producer) intrigues his once again with there lived there, at least not for long. riddles. Twin Peaks—Fire Walk With Me. He has defi­ This past weekend marked the opening date of The mystery of who killed be­ While these first-rate investigativeminds strive nitely come a long way from his Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me, the much an­ came a national guessing game. But who was to stem the tide of evil that will claim yet another debut, , a project that began ticipated "pre-quel" to the cult , Laura Palmer? victim, we follow the activities of Laura Palmer at the for Advanced 'Twin Peaks." David Lynch directs, co-writes, That question has taken Lynch beneath the (). The physical and emotional ex­ Studies, where Lynch was a student. and produces this mysterious movie that follows township's tranquil surface, beyond the bound­ tremes Laura has experienced make it impossible His second film, The Elephant Man, was a in the ambiguous wake of the successful televi­ aries of television and back to the scenic scene of for her to lead a normal life. critical and commercial success that earned him sion series. the crime...one year and seven days before its Moreover, as we become aware of the private Academy Award nominations for Best Director Chronicling the events of the seven days leading occurrence. doings of Laura's friends and relatives in Twin and Best Screenplay (Based on Material from up to the murder of Laura Palmer, Twin Peaks— When 'Twin Peaks" was first conceived, a Peaks, it is evident that the citizens in this town Another Medium.) Fire Walk With Me opens on a grisly scene that movie "pre-quel" wasn't part of the plan. But as are on a bad trip—and Laura is the blondest, WhenLynch's disturbing filmBlueVelvet was foreshadows by a year and one week the tragedy the community assumed its own bizarre identity, baddest trip of all. released starring Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella soon to befall the seemingly idyllic town: we spy Lynch found himself "falling in love with the A visitation from FBI Agent Phillip Jefferies Rosselini and Laura Dem, it was hailed by critics the body of Teresa Banks as it bobs along the place." "A small town surrounded by deep (David Bo wie), presumed dead when he v anished as one of the ten best films of the decade. Wind River in Washington. This turn of events Lynch's other feature film credits include Dung woods," is the way he describes it. "It's almost leads FBI Bureau Chief Gordon Cole (David several years earlier, sheds further light on the like a fairy tale. I had to go back in." conspiracy threatening Laura's life. Warnings of and Wild at Heart. The director sustained his Lynch) to summon Agent Chester Desmond It was also an opportunity to expand on themes pending disaster become increasingly urgent international prominence as one of the industry's (Chris Isaak) to his Oregon office to confer on the which have resonated through much of Lynch's when a neighbor's gift to Laura reveals the true most visionary talents with the debut of the ABC- baffling case. work. From the gentle soul of The Elephant Man source of her torment. TV series "Twin Peaks," which developed an From the time Desmond gets off the plane- instant . —hidden by a hide of monstrous deformity; to the where he's met by Cole and Cole's peculiar As her nightmares invade herreal life, Laura's sexual catacombs of Lumberton, the complacent drug use and promiscuity accelerate her life's In addition to directing and screenwriting, cousin Lil—clues to the mysterious case begin to Lynch is also a musician, author and cartoonist. community of Blue Velvet—what you see isn't downward spiral. At The Power and the Glory, present themselves, often in startling forms and He wrote and produced his first album "Floating always what you get. Appearances are deceiving. the infamously wild on the U.S.-Ca­ at the most unexpected moments. into the Night" in collaboration with Angelo And, sometimes, dreams and illusions are more nadian border, Laura betrays her best friend Desmond deduces that the malignant current Badalamenti in addition to creating and directing real than reality. Donna Hay ward (). Determined that that extinguished Teresa Banks' life has winded a number of symphonies. As Lynch and co-writer Robert Engels trekked she will no longer be the for the evil that its way through the entire community where she The production of Twin Peaks- -Fire Walk With the Pacific Northwest, tantalizing new riddles has invaded her heart, Laura takes the only escape lived, including the local police force. Investi­ Me was a long but exciting project. When Laura emerged. Was there a line between the spike- available to her. gating the shabby trailer park Teresa called home, Palmer's shrink-wrapped body washed up on a haired drifter, Teresa Banks, whose body was As the story closes, it becomes clear that the he stumbles across a clue so charged with meaning craggy lakeshore, David Lynch put the hamlet of voracious dark force has not yet finished with the that its discovery leads to implications beyond Twin Peaks on the mythic map. It was a won Please see Twin Peaks, page 9 town of Twin Peaks—and that Laura's struggle the merely magic. H"ous M.ace to •>)*. in search of wooded vistas, Next on the scene is Agent (Kyle will continue from another place. Health matters WE SCORE HIGH Florida Hospital offering free seminar on ON THE PASTA TEST. healthful living

Award-winning lecturer David J. DeRose, M.D., will present Peak Performance: Keys to Total Health, a free six-session series on healthful living, beginning Tuesday, September 5, from 7 - 9 P.M. in the Pods Conference Center at Florida Hosprtal Orlando, 601 E. Rollins Street in Orlando. _ . , „. _«_____ The seminar will include techniques to: boost your energy level; gam control °v«rs*e** stick with lifestyle changes; gain greater motivation for healthy lifestyle changes, decrease your chances for heart disease, cancer and diabetes; and lose weight naturally Real Italian. Real Fast Formoreinfonnationortor^eregister.callCornmumtyHealmSemcesatHondaHo^ 2305 Aloma Avenue /657-O018/700 S. Orlando AvenueAJ28-8727/SUN - THURS 10:30 am - 1M0 pm FRI & SAT 10:30 am -11:00 p.m. at (407) 897-1929. The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue #3 page 8 WPRK Top Ten For the week of August 23-29 Compiled by Mario Gonzalez 1. Smashing Orange Glass Bead Game BY DJ MARKY MARK Sandspur Record Reviewer 2. Throwing Muses , Something Good Red Heaven London Records 3. Sonic Youth

Something Good is the first release from the Brit­ Dirty ish club duo Utah Saints. These dance music inno­ 4. Morrissey vators sprung into the scene last year with the "release of their single "What Can You Do For Me." Your Arsenal This grooving track samples the Eurythmics' classic song "There Must Be An Angel Playing With My 5. Brass Bikini Heart" as well as the old hit "Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But the Rent" However, the song quickly jumps into Tastes Like Chicken a pumping track, full of a dance beat that has moved thousands of bodies in clubs in America and Britain. 6. Helmet This single was a taste of what was to come-the EP entitled Something Good. The album opens with the Meantime track of the same name, which contains a sample 7. The Chills from Kate Bush's "Cloudbusting." Also, if you listen closely, you'll find a throbbing beat that is taken from 's " (Progen Soft Bomb 91)." This song moves you with a great piano line that keeps the constant sound happy yet powerful. The next track, "Anything Can Happen," is sure to be a club hit soon. This song uses a variety of 8. Screaming Iguanas sounds and noises, opening with a guitar that has been sampled through a keyboard. But soon after and throughout the song there is a "chanting" type sound, all the while it is pursued by amoving techno Glad You Weren't There line. Perhaps the most ambient track on the album is the hypnotic 'Trance Atlantic Flight", which literally seems to move you from one state of conciousness to the next. It opens with dolphin cries, 9. Vaselines and the synthesonic harmonies that follow are completely tranquil. But Utah Saints don't forget their club : a pulsating beat remains consistent throughout. (Another noise is sampled here, from Complete History Cubic 22's "Night in Motion.") The final three songs on the album are all interesting remixes of "Something Good," "What Can You Do For Me," and 'Trance Atlantic Flight." The mixes are 10. Engine Alley ambient but yet danceable, and offer a different sound from the original mixes. Utah Saints seemed Flowerbox to know what they were doing when they tided their EP, for it is most defmitely Som*"h;"" '"—•' WPRK Concert Calendar The Shamen, "Love Sex Intelligence" Compiled by Drew Garabo Epic Records September 2: Mule, Crawlspace, and Giant Steps at the Beach Well, well, well, guess who's back. After complet­ Club ing their successful tour/rave of the United States with , the Shamen are back with the first single from k.d. lang will be at the Tupperware Convention their forthcoming LP, . The Shamen have Center been around for quite sometime, but it was not until September 6: A Labor Day Bash at the Beach Club with Braille 1990 that they redefined their sound with the release of En-tact. They were a huge dance success in Britain, Closet and the Hard Corps and in 1991 they caught on in America with the release September 9: An album release party for the Screaming Iguanas of their single "Move Any Mountain (Progen 91)." They have returned now, and in a most splendid way oi Love; Crowsdell and Giant Man will also might I add. "LSI (Love Sex Intelligence)" might as perform well be a separate album considering all of the work September 11: Napalm Death, Carcass, Cathedral, and Brutal that has gone into this one single. The song and its i£.X INTEI.UGENCt mixes have been designed to work on any dance/club Truth at Visage format, depending on what you are looking for. All together, there are ten mixes of the song, but September 13: 17 will perform at Visage different mixes appear on different formats (i.e. compact disc single, domestic 12" single, and import September 16: The Dead Milkmen will perform an acoustic set 12" single). The compact disc single offers the 7" and 12" Beatmaster mixes, which are probably the most "general" mixes-you could hear this in almost any club. The gave the song at Reflex Records at 3 P.M., and then they a classic Shamen feel, almost as bouncy as their last single "Make it Mine," but this time they have will perform at the Beach Club that evening recruited female singer Jhelisa Anderson to help them out and add a different sound. The E-Smoove 1" mix is more of a house feel, considering E-Smoove's recent collaborations were with Michael with opening act Denature Jackson and Ce Ce Penlston. He transforms "LSI" into a very laid back groove. The Shamen September 22: Concrete Blonde at Visage themselves offer remixes of their own, both a 7" and a 12" on the CD single. They kept the vocals September 23: Voliet High and Tick Tick Tock at the Beach Club and made the song a little more rough, adding more beats and synthesizing the vocals. Ed Richards and Frank De Wulf, both prominent rave/techno remixers, took out most of the vocals and sped the September 27: They Might Be Giants will perform at the Enyart- song up, so their 12" mixes are excellent for any type of rave or high energy club. The Shamen offer Field House at Rollins College other mixes on vinyl, both import and domestic. Those mi;^s arc also inmimentals, with more of an September 30: Elvis Hitler, Lovegods in Leisure Suits, and Buzz- ambient feel to them. I would say that the Shamen have more than proved that they are fluent in the dance scene, and "LSI" is definitely worth listening to. If one mix can't please you, I'm sure another fish at the Beach Club one will October 9: The B52's and the Violent Femmes will perform at the Orlando Arena October 10: U2 will be at the Tampa Stadium "Cultivate Creative Freedom ti October 29: Strunz and Farah will be at the Peabody Hotel Z. v.... / u, „W; information concerning these shows (i.e. times, locations, ticket pr -w etc.) contact tL clubs by using the club directory in R-Times. MORE ITALIAN COURSES THAN MOST UNIVERSITIES.

on PARK AVENUE Real Italian. Real Fast 2305AJorraAvenue/657-0018/700S.OrlandoAvenue/628-8727/OPEN 10:30a.m.-11:00p.n, ..tHruAT' _mber2, 1992 page 9 Twin Peaks

from page 7 The Freshman Fifteen undbobbing in Washington's Wind River, and Dramatic Arts in Pasadena, California and the ^ homicide of the homecoming queen? Why National Conservatory Theater in Denver, A quick guide to new vocabulary on campus k daring, an FBIman ^ a motorhome from the Colorado, also had a leading role in the NBC-TV Alumni: Graduates of a particular college. Fat Trout Trailer Park vanish at virtually the mini-series "Love, Lies & Murder." The actress same time? recently completed arole in the upcoming feature film Jersey Girls, and also starred Off-Broadway Audit: Taking a course for which one will not receive a grade or have listed on one's Most importantly, how did Laura Palmer spend transcript. the week before her death? Was she with friends, with Al Pacino in Ocsar Wilde's "Salome." () began his career family or phantoms? 3. Baccalaureate: The degree of bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, etc. To filmth e answers, the director assembled playing Jamie Rollins for six years on the daytime drama "Love of Life." His television credits what one observer called "the original Lynch 4. Catalog: A handbook which serves as your contract with the school. It offers information include ABC-TV's "Moonlighting," "Hart to mob," along with some surprising new faces, in on classes, costs and academic requirements. the crisp mountain air of Snoqualmie, Wash­ Hart," and "," in addition to his role as Leland Palmer on "Twin Peaks;" the CBS-TV ington. 5. 'Commencement: The day upon which degrees are conferred in schools and colleges and series "," "," and Kyle MacLachlan is again Special Agent Dale the ceremonies connected with it. "Dallas;" and the NBC-TV series "Hunter." Cooper, mini-recorder in hand, shooting streams Wise has appeared in more than 90 plays fconsciousness~and torrents of trivia—back to 6. Convocation: A traditional ceremony which commemorates the beginning of the around the country, winning a 1983 Obie Award ^ unseen secretary, Diane. Omitted, however, academic year. (Off-Broadway's Tony) for his performance in ^his dreams of the "Red Room," where inter­ Sam Shepard's "The Tooth of Crime." His film rogation is conducted in reverse English. J. 7. Cum Laude: Academic distinction awarded at the time of graduation to those who qualify. credits include Swamp Thing, Cat People, Edgar Hoover's boys would never understand. Robocop, The Journey of Natty Gann and Race (Fortunately, the audience does, thanks to sub­ 8. Grad student: A student who has received a four-year degree and is currently pursuing for Glory. titles.) an additional or higher level degree. Chris Isaak (Chester Desmond) is a critically- "You could almost hear the sound of them in acclaimed singer- with three albums your head, maybe just the wind," he once told an 9. Greek system: The national organization of fraternities and sororities which serve as to his credit. His most recent album, "Heart interviewer. "And you'd want the edges to dis­ social and service clubs on college campuses. Shaped World," featured the top ten hit "Wicked appear. You'd want to be in there." Game," which was heard in Lynch's WildatHeart. The fact that Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me 10. Instructor: A college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant professor. Isaak's other feature film appearances include boasts some of the Pacific Northwest's finest Married to the Mob and The Silence of the Lambs. hash houses is also personal. Dale Cooper may 11. Internship: It is an apprenticeship you serve for a semester with a business, normally in Moira Kelly (Donna Hay ward) has her second hit the for a second helping of your field of study. major film role as Laura Palmer's best friend addictive cherry pie, but Lynch goes to coffee following her starring role in the feature The shops to write. "It's the ultimate place for cap­ 12. Professor: A college or university teacher of the highest academic rank in a particular Cutting Edge. She also starred with Sheryl Lee turing ideas, like the bank of a river is a great branch of learning. in the NBC-TV mini-series "Love, Lies & Mur­ place to fish," he explains. "You sit and get kind der," and the feature film Billy Bathgate with of revved up with caffeine and sugar and the 13. Syllabus: A course outline provided by your professor which details reading require Dustin Hoffman. Kelly's next project is the words pour out." He adds one note of caution to ments, test dates, material to be covered during the semester, attendance and grading Charlie Chaplin bio-pic Charlie, in which she fledgling screenwriters: "It helps to have a story policies, etc. stars with Robert Downey, Jr. as the fabled comic's idea before you get to the coffee shop." wife, Oona O'Neill. It also doesn't hurt to be a movie buff. Just as 14. Thesis: An essay or dissertation presented by a candidate for an academic degree as (Carl Rodd) is one of the Wild al Heart was laced with references to The evidence of his knowledge of an individual research in a subject. industry's mostcelebrated character actors, having W'iiardoiOz ("the ultimate road movie," Lynch appeared in over 60 feature films since.___. ca_ v.ci explains) there is more film lore in Twin Peaks - 1_). Undergrad: A student who is pursuing a four-year degree. began in 1957. His credits include O'*' W"«"' •Fire Walk With Me than Ninas in a Hirshfield Luke, Farewell, My Lovely, The Godfather 11, cartoon. Repo Man, Fool for Love, Two Lane Blacktop, L A prime example is Gordon Cole, the FBI and Wild at Heart. The actor won the British honcho played by Lynch. The original Cole was Film Critics Award for Best Actor in 1984 for his the studio executive on the other end of Norma role in Paris, Texas. Stanton also co-starred in Desmond's desperate phone calls in Sunset Rafelson's ManTrouble with Jack Nicholson hvlevard. (One of Lynch's all-time favorite and Ellen Barkin. films. When he came to California, he says, he would drive Sunset Boulevard, imagining that Musician (FBI Agent Phillip GOODfYEAR the Desmond manse was around each bend.) Jefferies) is one of rock's most enduring and legendary performers. He made his film debut in W Then there's accident-prone Special Agent Sam Stanley whose quivering hair recalls another 1967 in the film The Image. His acting credits WELCOMES YOU TO A well-known Stanley...Laurel...and a one-armed since then include the films The Man Who Fell to madman named Gerard. Earth, Ziggy Stardust, Just a Gigolo, The Hun­ NEW SCHOOL YEAR. Theprofessional history shared by much of the ger, Merry Christmas,Mr. Lawrence, Labyrinth, YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD hin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me cast applies to and The Last Temptation of Christ. those behind the scenes, as well. Production and The cult following of the television show "Twin GOODYEAR OFFERS costume designer Patricia Norris is a six-time Peaks " has benefited the residents of Snoqualmie, DISCOUNTS TO FACULTY Oscar nominee for films which Lynch directed, Washington. Located in the Cascade Mountains dating back to The Elephant Man. Cinematog- just east of , theresidents couldn't be more AND STUDENTS. BRING IN rapher Ron Garcia shot the for the 'Twin pleased to have their twin city rise again like a YOUR ROLLINS ID FOR Peaks" series which was edited by , carnal Camelot. Not that Twin Peaks ever really a collaborator since Blue Velvet. left. Its popularity created a tourist cottage in­ THESE SAVINGS. The grace notes ofTwin Peaks-Fire WalkWith dustry, led by an influx of visitors from Japan We are the work of who (where the show w as consistently atop the ratings w°n a Grammy for the series' mesmerizing and where the movie just opened to record- musical score. Included is a new ballad sung by breaking grosses). Among recent arrivals were SERVICE 10% OFF EVEN OFF SALE PRICES lulee Cruise whose hit album, "Floating Into the members of Tokyo's "Agent Dale Cooper Club," N'ght/'Badalamenti composed and co-produced fresh from a mock funeral service for Laura TIRES 5% OFF *ith Lynch. Palmer. The cast for the movie is more than brilliant. That's the one thing that's certain in Twin 'ne ambiguous characters are portrayed perfectly Peaks. Laura Palmer is dead. by their actors. Kyle MacLachlan (FBI Agent Isn't she? We Offer Complete Automotive Service. Dale Cooper) began his film career and his working relationship with David Lynch with the If You Have a Problem or Just a Question, '984 film Dune, the director's adaptation of the science-fiction classic. CALL US - We're Here to Help! A former member of the prestigious Oregon grass Qrows

Todd Wills MEN'S MOVEMENT Rob Sivitilli Adriana Valdes On being a man, explains that today manhood J Editors - in - Chief seen as a violent and domineering force, ai BY ADRIANA VALDES that makes men too competitive and cold to fe_j Forum Editor Copy Editor Sandspur News Editor Style Editor compassion and love. He says women assent] Julie Soule Nora Bingenheimer Penelope Richey Mark Snyder Despite men control the world and therefor are respcJ sible for the evil in it. Undoubtedly this is Photography Editors Layout Editors beating drums Todd Davenport & Laura Koo and dancing in product of women "labelling" men in this wj Andres Abril & Mark Lepow the woods, the and creating self-fulfilling prophecies. ^ men's move­ have been the victims of stereotyping. ment is a good For example, my half-sister has been divoita Staff Advisory Board Administrator thing. and raising two sons on her own for seve Tania Sebastian Mary Fournier It's not the years. When she came to visit us with the bo, Brian Hill Richard Foglesong outdoor work­ I noticed she always spoke negatively aboutij Advertising Manager Beth Janke Wendy Brandon in general, and her ex-husband in particular, j Rich Charpentier Mary Wismar-Davis shops and pri­ front of her sons. I worried that the boys woni Designated Hitter Alan Nordstrom mal howls that come to develop poor self-images as men and; Business Manager Dave Herman Leigh Brown-Perkins I applaud, but Laura Koo objects of my sister's criticisms. Worse yet, _ Paul Viau rather the motive behind the movement as boys would come to accept the criticisms a__j Subscriptions Manager Special Thanks Gary Williams I understand it. Maria Martinez Barry L. Miller, Esq. The women's movement made men sad, yet inevitable norm of male behavior. tJ the object of many criticisms and attacks, experience could have become a positive one] Full Mcmberi Partnership far a Drug-Free Florida. Member Associated Collegiate Press my sister would have had the courage to use. Member Winter Park Chamber of Commerce but it hasn't been an entirely effective campaign for redefining roles in our soci­ experience as a learning moment to teach; The editorial board of The Sandspur extends an invitation to our readers to submit letters and articles to The Sandspur. ety. Too often women blame their lower sitivity and respect to my young nephews. In order for a letter to be considered for publication, it must include the name and phone number of the author. All letters and articles which are submitted must bear the handwritten signature of the author. position in society on the oppressive be­ Similarly, groups within our society thatl All letters must be types - heavy, dark print is preferred. Letters and articles which are submitted must be factual and havior of men without seeking to em­ demonstrated great divorce rates may be ] accurate. power or free men from the societal forces petuating this same cycle. Again, single ancJ The editors reserve the right to correct spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as any language which might be that have nurtured them to behave as they abused mothers blame their circumstances/ offensive to a segment of our reading audience. Under no circumstances will the form or content of the author's ideas be do. altered. the negative behavior of men and express t Submit articles to The Sandspur at campus box 2742 or drop them by our office on the 3rd floor of the Mills Memorial Paradoxically, the women's movement their children. In turn, men are negatively la Center. Telephone: (407) 646-2696. The views expressed in The Sandspur are not necessarily those of the editors. has precipitated the negative influences of Although they become angered and hurt, i Submissions must be received in The Sandspur offices by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before publication. The Sandspur is come to accept this behavior as standard i published twice during the summer and weekly during the academic year on Wednesdays. men in our society while causing men to seek a greater truth about themselves, one continue to be hurt and be hurtful througrj that transcends the low image women their adult lives. Clearly, both women andc have perpetuated about them. The men's are in need of empowerment and strenij movement is directed at encouraging men Women, because they are the obvious vie: to look beyond behavior and search within and men as the indirect victims. Get Up - Get Busy themselves and identify their human emo­ Men have been made to feel guilty, ash tions and internal motivators. It is the and angry. Keen explains that more often,r yang to the women's movement's ying. have felt "ripped-off and are now seeking'; In this way, the movement has the poten­ to replace their anger. Thus, the birth of I Freshmen, now that you're here, just how can you make a name for yourself at tial to further develop real solutions to men's movement. The main impetus of j Rollins? While many students rise to prominence with only their endearing gender disparities that exist in our society. men's movement is its realization that thev personality to aid them, far more students find that the most fruitful path to These disparities are partially the result and masculinity men have always competaj of destructive co-dependent relationships notoriety is involvement. The upcoming elections for Student Government and struggled internally with, is inextricabha between men and women. For if men to the emotions society has told them to hideij senators from the freshman class are a unique opportunity to carve a niche. For have become the controllers of our society destroy. - women have allowed them to do so. It is students just arriving for their college careers, a senate post allows for the It is the self-awareness process women I easier for women to point the finger at been involved with for years. It is this sin definition of oneself as a young leader. men and not be supportive of them, rather of efforts thatl find promising. Emulations] than being honest about the human Suppose you do not win in your pursuit of a senate post - this is hardly the time greatest form of compliment. Men are: weaknesses all of us possess. to withdraw from campus life. There are many posts in such organizations as RCP becoming free to discuss their views onsex (Rollins College Productions) for those interested in campus entertainment; or, if As a woman, I am beginning to realize and their relationships with both women J you 're interested in enhancing student life, there is the Student Services Committee. how this reality is endangering my rela­ their parents. They can now be open tionships with men. In male-female discussing their relationships with other: Many often suggest posts at... ahem . . . The Sandspur. Whichever post you friendships, in my father-daughter rela­ and they don't even need a drum to do so. I choose, each offers leadership and learning opportunities which are unparalleled. tionship, and in dating, these relationships largely those meaningful and lasting mi For the student who is truly interested in the expansion of the mind, college should have become power-struggles: a constant male relationships that are essential to ai battle to control our intercourses. Rather development of his image. This is a fre^ be more than just textbooks. Renaissance men and women are born of diverse than a meeting of the minds, I find myself long held exclusively by women. experience. engaging in a fight of wills. If I, and the I only hope that women can be stronger^ men I am in contact with were both truly in their newly identified womanhood H f strong as individuals, there would be no courage men and their reflexive mar. J need for this entanglement, and a true Women would do well to be reminded!::'! Pedestrian Planning atmosphere for mutual growth could be men's movement that sensitivity and re cultivated. every fellow human being will help us A Sam Keen, a founder of the men's create a more equal society of empowerecj "Please use the sidewalks - do not walk on the grass!" It is a request which is movement and author ofFireintheBelh: responsible individuals. repeated yearly by the grounds crews of our campus and undoubtedly by groundspersons on campuses far and nigh. The reason is clear, sidewalks are built so that the costly sod can remain healthy and vibrant without falling prey to the heavy feet of students who see a shorter path. There is a reason lawns become victims, illogical sidewalk planning. If students find that the sidewalk is not an ideal path, they will make their own. They become evident as patches of bare soil where grass once stood high. A suggestion for future campus planners: since students will invariably find the most ideal paths, let their feet lead the way in campus design. By waiting for such • • • the old tradition of Freshman "Rats" was revived. This tradition involved a series of rules for incoming freshmen which governed their paths to reveal themselves before committing to a concrete walkway, a campus can social behavior. For example, the freshmen were compelled to wear be both a place of beauty and convenience. beanies embroidered with the letter "R" and to pay homage to any passing In the meantime, please use the sidewalks ... upperclassmen. Is this an idea whose time has returned?

• • • the tumult and chaos of the '92 election year brings about a presidential selection beyond anyone's wildest dreams. In fact, What If Sand in the eye, the stormy political climate aids in the ascension of the Libertarian Party Spur in the Seal. candidate, Andre Morrou. The party which was previously accused of smoking marijuana at its convention (because of its call for the abolition United we try or all drug laws) would find the back door into the oval office. To afflict and to heal. r i\ v> r: i 111 /

SeSeptembef r 2,1992 page 11

of the time, Hitler was able to convince many of A Prescription for the validity of his plan. THE SANDSPUR'S In pre-World War II Germany, the strength of the state was a paramount concern. This is not without reason. Germany had been decidedly Environmental Health? defeated in the first World War and, in the years leading up to WWII, had suffered through harsh economic depression. The nation seemed to be BY TODD WILLS Just the other day, a Sandspur staffer was withering at the hands of some unknown force. Sandspur telling of the tragedy of an endangered Florida When a leader gave a name to this force, and species of tortoise. He told of an episode in which called it the Jews, the nation had a target at which IN: NEWS BRIEF: a belligerent driver, who most obviously had to focus its repressed anger. Tampa Bay Giants The Earth needs a seen the tortoise in the road, seemed to swerve his Now we find ourselves in yet another tumul­ OUT: doctor. car to purposely hit the defenseless animal. The tuous political era. The environment has had a San Francisco Giants staffer and his wife worked vigorously through history similar to that endured by Germany. Just Just ask Al Gore the night to save the creature's life, but it sadly as the nation was utterly destroyed in WWI, the IN: and he will tell you died. environment suffered many ills at the hands of Oveido the future of the earth No one can claim that the actions of the driver humanity. Much environmental damage occurred OUT: hangs in the balance. were correct, he is not a representative of the at the turn of this century as industry was bom. Miami Many critique the human species to be held in admiration. This Little concern was given by the first industrialists dashing young VP episode, however, also shows one of the most for any damage which their businesses might IN: candidate for his en­ valuable qualities of humankind - our willingness cause the earth. C-Span vironmental policy. to care for the other creatures of the world as well Later in the century, and even to this day, we OUT: Business fears that his suggested environmental as ourselves. We observe two persons giving began to leam about the damage. Lake Erie in the CNN regulations will leave the American corporate their own time and emotional commitment to a Midwest was so polluted 20 years ago, that it culture in ruins. Business, however, has an even tortoise which has met with an abysmal fate. In actually caught on fire. This was a significant IN: greater concern than Al Gore. There is another my limited knowledge of the history of the Earth, sign that something needed to be done. The Orlando Predators group at work which hopes to make any human I cannot remember ever learning of a species environment did have an antagonist. Unlike the OUT: enterprise irrelevant. which gave of itself in order to help others to the false enemy pinpointed by Hitler, humans actu­ Orlando Sun-Rays The Voluntary Human Extinction Society is degree humans have. ally were and are at fault for this environmental working to convince our species to do our part to Please do not write me letters about the little damage. save the world by sacrificing our own existence. birds who live in the mouths of alligators in order An interesting thing about the environment's IN: In a recent Reader's Digest column, the exist­ to clean the gators' teeth. Yes, I too learned about enemy is its inability to deliver a final blow. If Gesture and Contour Drawing ence of the society was introduced to me. My them on posters in my dentists office. I concede humans are as pernicious as the Extinction Society OUT: world-view has not been the same since. that this is no small sacrifice on the part of the would have us believe, it seems that once we had Mimes The Earth does need a doctor, and it seems that bird, but alas, this is a symbiotic relationship and knocked the environment down, we would have IN: his name is Kevorkian. does not match the sacrifice of loggers in the gone in for the kill. If this were the case, it might Melding The Extinction Society does not identify a Northwest who have given us their livelihoods be valid for humans to be sacrificed for the good OUT: character who might lead the world to its ex­ for the sake of the of spotted owls. of our mother planet. Like the Jews were for Molting tinction, but let me suggest the Suicide Doctor. Hitler, human civilization acts as an outlet for the Yes, Dr. Jack Kevorkian (called "Jack the Drip­ environmental anguish, undeservedly so. When IN: per" by radio personality Rush Limbaugh) is the society saw the damage which was incurred Marilyn Quayle man who will lead humanity to its most noble When reading about the Extinction Society, I through smokestack emissions and consumer OUT: gesture. With his suicide machine, he can su­ was reminded of another leader who wished to waste, it seems that as true combatants, we might Woody Allen pervise us all as we pass away in a dream-like unite the world under the banner of mass ex­ have called for massive oil spills and nuclear state so that others, including theGheilaMonster, tinction. He was not mentioned in the Extinction accidents to ensure our victory. IN: "lay live fruitful lives on a new and better earth. Society's write-up, but it seems that the guidelines Funny thing about us, instead of striving for Roger Whitaker Pardon me, if I am slightly concerned about set down by Adolf Hitler for the genocide of Jews victory, we decided to help the "enemy." Instead OUT: the attitude which belies this society. It is not that are fully compatible with their dictates. of making our smoke blacker, we instituted maintain that our species has done nothing At the beginning of the Final Solution (as controls to make power plants cleaner. Instead of Conway Twilty inventing disposable cars, wc called for consumer which damages the earth. I realize that many Hitler's genocide was called), a Nazi official IN: consciousness about waste disposal. It seems Persons throughout the world fear that our spe­ described the Jews as a pernicious and tumorous Student Center Coffeehouse that day by day, we are working to become closer cies is bringing about the extinction of vastnum- growth on the body of the state which had to be OUT: and closer allies of the environment h^s of flora and fauna through rampant devel­ excised for the health of society. Eugenics rose Student Center Storage House opment and careless living. In some instances I to the forefront as a means of purifying the gene When Dr. Jack comes calling, tell him you nught even agree with their arguments. pool of society. Tragically, in the political chaos gave at the office. The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue #3 page 12 Comirw vo verms: THE AIM OF A LIBERATING EDUCATION Liberation is both a fact and a feeling. The fact Whatever gives you the knowledge, the Instead, I'm now investing my mind in defin­ skills, the perspectives, the insights, the sensi­ ing ^liberating education." I findthi s tack more is that liberated people overcome more obstacles BY ALAN NORDSTROM more easily, day after day. What often thwarts, bilities, and the values you need to free your­ Sandspur promising and more of what I've been grasping blocks, and frustrates others, the free person tran­ self from impediments and inhibitions and to at all along. develop your mindful self-direction—that is I give up try­ scends, circumvents, or takes in stride with relative Liberation is the aim of education (perhaps of your aim in seeking a liberating education. ing to define a ease, and then moves on to tougher challenges. life as well). But the education one experiences Clearly, college is neither necessary nor "liberal educa­ in undergraduate college should especially pro­ Internally, the freeperso n is not bullied by cravings sufficient to achieve this aim. People can learn tion." mote a full range of personal freedoms. Getting and compulsions, or puppeteered by fears and to be liberated by other means than collegiate Not that I haven't free, in the richest sense, is the main point of an irrational motives. The free person is liberated education, but your undergraduate program made a strenuous undergraduate education, or it should be. from psychological bondage to unconscious forces, should be designed to accelerate this process at effort to do so over As years pass, I think I understand better what having developed self insight and a warranted self- just that time in your life when you're most three decades. If I a liberated person—the goal of a liberating edu­ esteem. ready to grow towards freedom. However put together all the cation—is. A liberated person is one who is best The feeling of liberation is joyful confidence. your progress towards full liberation never essays and smaller able to overcome life's impediments and inhibi­ Knowing that they are capable of achieving many ends, and thus a college career finishes ap­ pieces I've writ­ tions, and is consequently most free to act as he objectives, and certain that their motives are mind­ ten out of my hope or she decides, according to freely chosen values. fully considered, free people rejoice in their pow­ propriately with an Commencement, not a to pin down that Acting freely implies acting responsibly, not ers to succeed at what they attempt. Conclusion. venerable concept, I'd have a book not worth promiscuously. To be free does not mean that Though my sketch of a liberated person is gen­ At best, your collegiate experiences will reading. everything is permissible. Freedom is not the eral, I hope it is recognizable and ve: if iable in your boost your ability to surmount impediments Besides, "liberal" is too slippery and contro­ absence of restraints. It is the willing response to own experience of people. Keeping such an image and conquer inhibitions. Discovering and se­ versial a term, implying the opposite of "conser­ self-restraints, rather than the unwilling response and goal in mind as you proceed through courses of curing the best values to live by, you should be vative," which I've never meant to imply about to external and unconscious restraints—im­ higher education may guide your choices of cur- well on your way to becoming Your Own the liberal arts and sciences. pediments and inhibitions. ricular and co-curricular activities to the right end. Person, a truly liberated person.

"Don't Be a Day Late Dear Rollins Community, The drought in Somalia East Africa is epic in proportions. It is the worst in this century. Thousands of people will die if aid is not immediately sent. Sullivan House - Campus Ministry and the Student and a Dollar Short/' Government Association would like to offer a way to help. BY ROB HERZOG valuable to you as you consider vari­ and Courses. It is often easier to see HOW TO HELP: Career Services ous career opportunities. The value of the purpose behind your activities and this self-knowledge is in its ability to classes if you see how they are going to Checks, which can be earmarked for Somalia famine relief, may be sent MYTH: Idon'treallyneed help you make decisions such as: contribute to your future. Not that the to local chapters of organizations at the following addresses: to start thinking about careers until I'm choosing a major, selecting an intern­ content of every course you take or ready to graduate. ship or part-time job, and identifying organization you join will directly re­ American Red Cross REALITY: In a Career Ser­ careers and graduate programs that late to a c areer choice, but it is important 5 N. Bumby Ave. vices survey conducted at the end of you want to investigate. Keep in mind to select courses and activities that will Orlando, FL 32803 last school year, the most common that there is no magic formula for help you develop the skills that you adv ice the seniors from the class of 492 finding a career that will be satisfying would like to use in a future career. Florida Church World Service had for Rollins' students was to "start to you. It takes some time and energy 3) Self-indulgence. Think about it. 1790 N.Mills Ave. career planning early." to figure out something that is likely to You have the opportunity to explore Orlando, FL 32803 But what does "early" mean? "Early" play such a significant role in your life. your own career dreams. This is the means that it is basically impossible to So what do you get out of starting your time for it and we encourage you to let World Vision start thinking about your career too career planning early? us help you in that exploration. 1400 N. Semoran Blvd. soon in college (and that includes 1) Lower Anxiety. One of the most You will feel these benefits of Suite C-5 freshmen). The earlier you start, the important results can be that your starting early because you will have Orlando, FL 32807 better you 're going to feel about where anxiety about the future is reduced. developed an action plan that takes you xx<:. going. Getting there will also This happens because you have taken you on a course toward finding a ful­ Thank You, be touch more enjoyable and mean­ more control over your life. Who filling and satisfying career. Yes, se­ ingful to you. wouldn't like to feel that they have niors are still urged to come to John Langfitt This is not to say that you must sud­ more control over the direction of their CareerServices, but freshmen, sopho­ Director of Campus Ministries denly choose and stick to a career lives? As an added bonus you will be mores, and juniors are also invited to direction. It means that you begin by able to respond to what is one of the make an appointment to see a coun­ Dal Walton identifying what's important to you most anxiety provoking questions selor, attend one of our workshops, Student Government President (values), what you enjoy doing (inter­ asked by relatives of college students: utilize our library and computer soft­ ests), and whatyou are good at (abilities "What do you think you want to do ware packages.... and the list goes on. or skills). Knowing this information with your degree?" CaieerServices...Do it for the sake of about yourself will be extremely 2) Greater Investment in Activities your future!

_WI September2J992 page 13

thing left working, and it's spread a bit thin Fortunately, Mark was able to leap into the cab among the would-be users. Last year, access to and regain control of the truck before it put a Nail of the Wild the weight room under the Student Center was serious dent in anything. He pulled it back into unpredictable and sporadic; perhaps more regu­ Y DAVID NALL the station and reparked it, much more firmly this B 10. If you are sick, get checked out sooner lar hours there would make up for the "real" gym. Sandspur time. I ran over to him and noticed his glasses instead of later. Weeks at the end of the term were missing. "They fell off when I was run­ with projects due and exams near and your room­ ning," he explained. Intro mate screaming at you about all the tissues We looked back out into the street, where the mucking up the floor are much more devastating Moving In Fear shards of Mark's glasses were picking up the than a few days of lost tanning early on. sunlight. The U-haul must have run right over Hi, I'm the writer 11. CAUTION: BLUNT STATEMENTS Probably most of the you are still recovering them. Mark couldn't drive without his glasses. I of this column (I'd AHEAD! OH YE SENSITIVE LITTLE ONES, , from the fun of moving into their dorms by now, had another vision- the time Mark tapped on the better be, anyway). In HIDE YOUR EYES: STD's were rampant on and the memories are still fresh- climbing stairs kitchen window to let me know he had arrived, this first one I've got Rollins last year. I don't have any reliable statis­ with armloads of boxes and fighting with your and it shattered into the kitchen, spraying glass _• some advice for new tics on me just this moment, but I knew several new friend and roommate about where to put that everywhere. My roommates had threatened to students and a mov­ victims myself. The odds aren't worth it. Be Giant Rap-O-Rama Entertainment System and make him eat anything their feet picked up. I ing anecdote. As the careful- and as a final hint, chlamydia is spread just how many drawers of the single dresser watched Mark very carefully as we were driving year goes on, un­ through genital area sweat- condoms won'thelp- affixed to your roommate's desk you will be along in my car. doubtedly I will be and for males has few early symptoms. allowed to have, along with whose answering "No, no, Mark! Don't touch the radio. Here, more and more stressed, and paranoid fantasies machine, whose refrigerator, and whose window I'll change the station. Be careful with that about electronic spy-crows and poisoned cafete­ fan you'll both use. window, Mark! Do you really need to close the ria food will show up, but for now, here's this: Last summer before I entered Rollins.I was vents?" Skeletons In The helping a friend of mine (we'll call him Mark) So, off to the mall where they had his prescrip­ move. Mark was known to be a little accident- tion. I waited on him in the pet store, where I Eleven Advice Closet prone, but I wasn't thinking about it much at the considered buying one of their tarantulas (only time. I drove him to the U-haul place where he $7!) to help control the roaches and silverfish at The following pragmatic stuff which I think Sometimes students at Rollins seem apathetic had reserved a truck. On the way back, I stopped home, but I'd been warned against that sort of would be valuable for the New College Student. about their own school. I wonder how much of for gas. He pulled into the station and parked thing by my roommates. (The snakes were also Some of it I have learned through my own mis­ this might be a reflection of the school's apathy facing the road. I was pumping gas when I looked nice, but I knew they wouldn't let me keep those takes, and some from the mistakes of others. in certain areas, or perhaps simple lack of up to see the truck moving slowly forward into in the dorms here at Rollins. Pretending the Perhaps some of you folks can profit by this awareness(tm)? There'll be a small section here the street, as Mark walked obliviously towards endless lizards here are pets isn't the same thing- collected wisdom of the Ancient Seniors: from time to time regarding underused or inad­ me. I shouted to him: "The Truck!" Mark spun and the cats know better than to let any of us equate facilities on campus- perhaps the students around to see the truck coasting into the serene students near them. But back to moving-) 1. College is not a good place to pick up or will prod "the powers that be" into remedies for traffic of Buford highway. Suddenly I had a Mark showed up and we finally began to move continue an addictive habit. If you already have these little-known lacks- if they care. Anyone vision: I remembered the time we were riding him out. I noticed he didn't have very many one, I suggest a trip to Lakeside for counselling who has suggestions for this section is encouraged with Marsh in his tiny Chevette, and Mark was fragile things in his room. We loaded the truck and possible treatment. to write them in to me, care of the Sandspur. trying to get the window shade down on the and he began to drive off, careening carefully passenger side. 2. If you don't smoke or drink, don't start this For this week: At last check, half of the around the many parked cars. His roommate and year, at least. machines in the workout room of the gym are "Just pull it down, Mark! What's the prob­ I looked at each other and shook our heads. I 3. If you already drink, don't do it on school broken or disfunctional in some way. I've never lem?" remembered the time he broke a bonowed CD nights- the professors will miss your charming seen the treadmill working, and a couple of the "Ok, I'll pull there!" He had pulled the player, and the woman who was suing him for faces in class, and mark you absent, and send weight machines have jammed or broken pul­ shade right out of its socket. My arm gave a that car accident- and waited a good half-hour your grades to the bottom of Lake Virginia.. leys. The Stairmaster is about the only good sympathetic twinge. before I followed him. 4. The people who find it hardest to adjust at college will be those of you who had no trouble inhigh school. You will need to learnsome of the discipline and study habits which were so unnec­ essary in your former idyllic environment. Some advice on developing them (underachievers, can TWe jV\AKIMG (PWD £&EN&ts&) OP Tr\£ C_c>LLE4£ ^ReSHtAAW: skip these three points- you already have your system): a. Skipping class can be addictive- it may be fun & relaxing, but the longer you do it the harder it hits when you stop. b. Look at the four books you're supposed to read for that one humanities course. Look at the syllabus. Imagine yourself trying to read and understand all four of them on the same night before the final test of the term. Imagine yourself chewing paper pulp and chanting arcane rituals in an attempt to absorb the material by osmosis. Now, see ho w much better it would be to jus t keep up with the reading. Besides, you won't embarrass yourself in class when the prof calls on you- that is, if you're not skipping. c. Organize your activities by priorities: first school obligations, then personal upkeep, then everything else, including those import ant I Love Lucy reruns. 5. Roommates can be fun, irrelevant, or hell. You will really need a relaxed atmosphere in such close proximity- stereo wars and "odd couple" situations can stress you out. Try to talk through your problems. If that doesn't work, sue! Just - actually, moving out is sometimes the best solution. 6. Fraternities and sororities have mixed ben­ efits. Check 'em out carefully. I'm not in a fraternity, so I can't speak for the pros and cons firsthand. From what I've seen, they can foster some unique, wonderful, and enduring relation­ ships between people. They also consume lots and lots of alcohol (and perhaps other things besides). They tend to dominate your time and activities. I've been friends with members of these organizations, but often their personalities seemed to change around their groups. ' • The other school organizations also have their own personalities and agendas, and are there for all of you. Check'em out. Since you freshmen won't have transportation, your main hope of getting out of here now and then is to find an older student to hang out with- his great r experience will also help you find your way around here. 8. Avoid choosing an uninteresting major at all c°sts. You're paying a lot for this experience,

and if you don't like what you're doing now, why — — r- r_— —~

Prepare for the same all your life? :.:••• " • • ' ':':'x-x'-,;''': ••••' ';• '•'•"' \ SSWxy'iffi'vtWx. x : - ., '•;.{:• :

9-Take a PE class every term if you won't •:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• exercise on your own. Watch what you eat and learn to eat well. Take vitamins. You'll feel ROLLIE FOLLIES E3Y MCF better and do better. I had a roommate once who hved on Ramen noodles and PopTarts... but I d°n't like to think about it. The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue #3 page 14 nary winter weather, but one in which we do not utilize to the fullest extent. reasonable that the students would be the temperature was sixty degrees be­ He sees some of us living our lives ignited with this same enthusiasm. low zero!! blind to the world outside of our sixty- Caring for the students does not end Even with the extreme temperature, seven acre campus. He reminds us with graduation, but goes on even fur­ Scott has no regrets of his winter trip. In that once we leave here, there is another ther. Dr. Newman's most rewarding fact, he encourages all students to study world beyond Holt Avenue. times include when he receives letters abroad for one semester. The experi­ A semester abroad can give us, the from past students whom he remem­ ences he learned in Russia were not students, a look into that world. Addi­ bers as insecure freshmen worried about those which can be learned in a text­ tionally, the CareerCenter can do the such petty things as the food at Beans. book, but instead were the "acquisition same. He views the CareerCenter as a Now they are graduates of law school. of wisdom through life experiences." place to begin to plan our lives after He sees himself as a part of their suc­ Scott, an alumnus and Assistant Di­ Rollins. Unfortunately, he also sees cesses, and for him, this is his fulfill­ rector of Admissions, is able to meet that the Career Center is much over­ ment as a professor and a person. the needs of prospective and new stu­ looked. For example, internships are The one criticism he points out re­ dents, as well as knowing the needs available to every student, if he or she garding the student body is the lack of which Rollins is yet to fulfill. wants it, but many students don't understanding, or even caring, of world He would like to see the college bother to check it out as a tool for their issues. Although concerned about en­ future. vironmental issues and government, focus more on such issues as an in­ Scott mentions the benefit of our Dr. Newman sees an ignorance of world creased internationalization of the great staff and their commitment to events impacting other nations and campus, possibly even an International cultures. He feels ours is alimited view Living Center specially for international teamwork. He is proud of his college, of the world, which does not always go students'housing. He also sees a need and it is shown in the personal atten­ Scott Linville tion he gives the students. To be able COMPILED BY beyond our campus or realm of reality. for awareness of cultural differences. to convey to a prospective student the BRIAN HILL For our intellectual growth to persist, Joined Rollins: 1990 The diversity of cultural experiences he believes this attitude must change to Title: Assistant Director of and backgrounds among the student ideology of Rollins College is indeed a talent. As an alumnus, Scott, com­ include a worldwide perspective. Admissions body is sizeable, and Scott feels more bines talent with advantage to convey His hope in our achievement of this Alma Mater: Rollins College ' 87 events along the same lines as Africana task is based upon our proven ability to Pets: 1 dog;Schroeder, 2 cats; Victor Fest are needed. the personal caring attitude Rollins is all about. meltourcollectivevalues into one entity and Mishka Scott's mindset to put minority stu­ and, "the move away from the me, Hometown: Altamonte Springs, dents at a forefront of campus life is not His favorite time of the academic myself, and I attitude." Florida exclusive to the international students, year is in April, when the Accepted Dr. Newman's aspirations for our Favorite Department Store: Lord &. but extends to handicapped students as Student Reception commences. Here, understanding of ourselves as people Taylor well. Scott Linville is concerned that he sees the fruits of his labor as well as can be summarized from one of his many buildings, Crummer and the opportunity to meet with accepted class texts, Love In a Time of Cholera, Scott, a Rollins alumnus, believes Carnegie, for example, lack handi­ students, some 01 whom he may have in which it states, and he reiterates, "It one does not have to be cold to get a capped restrooms or ramps. only spoken with on the telephone. is not death that is unlimited. It is life great education. However, he chose to Not only is Scott interested in the It is during this time when he gets that is unlimited." go to Russia during the winter term for diversity of our student body, but also the chance to show them exactl) how his semester abroad. This was no ordi­ our awareness of opportunities which special Rollins is.

Dr. Marvin Newman

Joined Rollins: 1961 Department: Organizational Communication Alma Mater: Northwestern University Family life: Married with four daughters and three grandchildren Hometown: Winter Park and Chicago Favorite Food: Frozen Yogurt

Talk about a class that will literally knock you off your feet! That is exactly what happened in one of Dr. Newman's Death and Dying classes. WE CAME, WE 8AWr WE CONQUERED! During one of his lectures, the excite­ ment of the class just overwhelmed one of his students and she fell off of her chair, onto the floor! Of course, for Dr. Newman, that is a Quarter Million Dollar Take Over!!! exactly what he wants to see happen. Joining Rollins thirty-one years ago out of necessity for money, Marvin September 6th, Newman has seen his love for the in­ stitution grow over the years. Today, with tenure, Dr. Newman can look 100,000 Watts of Sound! back and see many happy years at Rollins. He was here during the radical sixties, and he is here for the radical '

Men's Soccer Ready To Bounce Back Big In '92

BY ADRIANA VALDES Sandspur The midfield will be filled with an influx of freshmen along with junior Tim Waissanen. The Rollins Men's soccer team reported to Sophomore Kurt Wells is the incumbent in the campus on Augu_>_ 25 10 begin practice for the goal and he' 11 be backed by Neil Cohen. Buckley Mark Headrick will assume the duties of head women's volleyball coach. 1992-93 season that will open with a match on expects Mike Nelson and Simon Wisemen to see September 5 against Francis Marion University. considerable playing time. The new player line­ The match will be the first of many battles for the up is completed by J.P. Can, Ken Bonnett, John Tars in their challenge to bounce back from a less Boxer, Steven Goulbourne, Ted Holt, Erick than satisfying campaign last season. NEW COACH SEES Eckert, Tim Kehrig, Guy Eldredge, Paul Mascia, Head Coach Keith Buckley admits that last Chad Yaeger, J.C. Conlin, and Jeff Feulner. year's schedule was a bit on the rough side. The The 1992 Rolins schedule is peppered with Tars, who went 3-13-1 under first year mentor, three tournaments and matches with four teams STRONG SEASON Buckley, played 12 teams that were ranked in the the Tars have never faced. The Tars will open at top 10 of the National Collegiate Athletic Asso­ the Eckerd Kick-off tournament in St. Petersburg ciation, division 2; or the National Association of and will host the American Airlines/Rollins In­ Intercollegiate Athletics. In addition to two vitational on October 9-10. They will also play FOR LADY SPIKERS Division 1 contests, the line-up of opponents was in the Florida Southern Juice Bowl Invitational. a rigorous one. BY ADRIANA VALDES Headrick reports that this year' s team is packed ,-_ Rollins' home schedule is filled with new Sandspur with power - nine returning letterwinners, four "I thought we were in the World Cup tourna­ matches against long-time opponents. Central starters, six seniors, three All-Conference play­ ment," Buckley said. "Our improvement was Florida Division I rivals Stetson and University Rollins College has named Mark Headrick as ers, years of experience and a promising recruiting hard to measure last year because we lost so of Central Florida will face the Tars at Sandspur interim coach of the women's volleyball. The class. Headrick anticipates this season resulting many games. But, that's all behind us and we're Field. They will also be playing defending NCAA announcement was made this summer by Dr. in the Lady Tars' first-ever Sunshine State looking to establish a base for the future this year. II champion Florida Tech on September 19. Phillip Roach, Rollins Athletic Director. Conference title and NCAA Tournament bid. I'm not going to be obsessed with wins and Rollins' alumni and three-time All-South and Headrick has served as assistant women's vol­ "This is as good a team as you'll see at Rollins," losses. I will be looking for consistency in each All-Sunshine State Conference player, Declan leyball coach at Rollins for the past three seasons. Headrick said. "Four of our seniors have played game and we'll try to improve steadily through­ Link, returns to assist former teammate Buckley He is taking over for Suzanne Patterson, who together three seasons and have come close to out the course of the year." for the second straight season. Also returning to resigned from the post last spring to further her winning big several times. We've got a veteran "This year's team will be very organized and the coaching team is Joe Raymond, also an out­ education in Massachusetts. Headrick will also team and several freshmen who could move into disciplined," he explained, "our strengths lie in standing soccer alumni of Rollins, who will serve assume the duties as Rollins' head softball coach. the staring line-up." our experience in the back and the up front skills as goalkeeper coach. Still considered one of the top active players in Headrick bo as ts a po werful middle with senior of Jeff DeRose and David Hughes." Other vet­ "If we can be a better team at the end of the Florida, Headrick has played in and organized All- Caroline Bone, and se­ eran strikers are senior Sean Morton and junior season, I'll be happy. If we win 10 games, that'll tournaments, both indoors and on the beach, for nior Dawn Gebhart. Both are three-year Judd Lando. On Hnfsnse> D^ Girse, Steve be great!" concluded Bucklev twenty-five years. He earned his bachelor's letterwinners and Bone was All-Region and All- Bence (who'll move to sweeper), Eric Beall and degree in physical education from the University SSC last year. Experience also returns to the Joe Virgilio are expected to anchor this year's please see Soccer page 16 of Central Florida in 1980. A Florida native from outsidehitterpositions withplayers Cheryl Carter, squad. Cocoa Beach, Headrick was also the head coach Patti Hall, and Valerie Rihm. of the boys' 16-and-underand 18-and-under Or­ Solid setting is anticipated from seniors THE SANDSPUR lando Gold Junior Olympic teams. Headrick was Melanie Dunbar and Yvette Matute, who are the commissioner of the Florida Region of the both returning players. Headrick may try a 5-1 is actively seeking' individuals to work on the SPORTS U.S. Volleyball association from 1983-85. He system again, but will also look at using both section. If you have interest call us at x.2696. also served as assistant coach at Cocoa Beach setters in a modified 6-2. Sophomores Ann High School and Lake Brantley high school in Paxton and Liz Folger round out the the Lady the past. Tars returning experience line-up. Headrick's experience the past three seasons Headrick is most excited about freshmen * Daniella Brenha and Kendall Goodier, both 5- --f> 1 has prepared him for his newly appointed posi­ foot 10-inch outside hitters who may be instant c tion. He was responsible for technical training, >,%• **, statistics, and conditioning for the Lady Tars. He &* also recruited most of the players on this year's please see Volleyball page 16 squad We carry a full line of the Hottest back issues ! Marvel -De - Dark Horss - Valiant - Image ~ Orlando Rock & Gem Albertsons & Office Depot Plaza Just Past Altamonte Mall JEWELRY * FOSSILS JEWELRY REPAIRS * GEM STONES Bring this flyer into PENDANTS * WATCHES the store and get a CRYSTALS * PINK ICE 15%discount on your first purchase !! >__. ORLANDO AVENUE (17-92 ) N 10% DISCOUNT

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