University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 9-2-1992 Sandspur, Vol 99 No 03, September 2, 1992 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 99 No 03, September 2, 1992" (1992). The Rollins Sandspur. 1738. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1738 STYLE THIS ISSUE IS PRINTED WITH GREEN INK IN ORDER PREPARING FOR THE 1992 ELECTIONS. WHAT TO REVIVE A SANDSPUR TRADITION. FOR MANY COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YEARS, THE FIRST ISSUE IN ITS ENTIRETY WAS PRINTED THEIR VOTING RIGHTS. IN THIS HUE IN HONOR OF THE INCOMING FRESHMEN. IN TRIBUTE, YOU WILL FIND OUR FRONT PAGE 6 AND BACK PAGES TAKING ON THIS FOREST SHADE. THE SANDSPU Volume 99 Issue # 3 Rollins College - Winter Park, Florida September 2, 1992 A QUICK TRIP TO THE LAND OF OZ BY ROB SIVITILLI linking between Florida and Australia. Sandspur At 6:51 P.M. the "Bridge" was estab­ lished with Kansas City. "Rob" in The future is before us, Rollins, and Kansas City appeared on the screen it's live, in color, and on the small and took questions from a captive au­ screen. dience in Winter Park. Yet another wonder of the Commu­ photo/Mark E. Lepow "What happens if two people on Options Aplenty: the new furniture in McKean Dormitory is nications Revolution was demonstrated loft-able and modular, providing significant design options. different ends talk at the same time?" Thursday evening, August 27th, as a asked one Rollins observer after notic­ small group from Rollins communi­ ing a slight delay in response one end cated with a contingent of Rollins stu­ to the other. dents in Sydney, Australia (and their "We tell people not to do that," professors there), by teleconference. remarked Rob on the other end as a A ROOM WITH A VIEW As each person spoke, their image certain code of behavior was thereaf­ Residence Halls Modernization work has also been groups themselves. All air condition­ was simultaneously sent over thou­ ter implemented. completed campus-wide. There are ers have been repaired or replaced as sands of miles to the other end of the The technology on display by United now peepholes on all the room doors. well. Most of the halls also have had line so that their physical impressions Telephone was "of the lowest caliber undergo massive A new computerized security system new carpet laid with the exception of could reveal that which tone of voice has been installed campus wide. And Elizabeth, Holt, and Rex Beach halls, sometimes cannot: Emotions. summer McKean is testing aprototype entrance which will get new carpet next sum­ And Thursday's demonstration renovations system that is operated by studentmeal mer. definitely had its share of emotion. If both sides of the cards. Other structural changes, besides it was not the quite palpable signs of line broke into BY ADRIANA VALDES The residential halls have also had the roof and bathroom work, include wonder expressed by parties on both Sandspur new fire alarm systems installed. Al­ new balconies to replace worn ones, ends, it was the raucous banter that laughter (some of though all student rooms have a fire and a new porch on the second floor was transmitted from television screen As the dust settles on the Rollins alarm, these alarms will not activate of Pinehurst. Many new windows to television screen. it directed at the Campus, newly renovated residence the central alarm system for the whole have also been installed across cam­ Mac MacDonald, head of Media conversation, halls are emerging from Holt Avenue building. In the past, students that ac­ pus to replace broken and out-dated Services at Rollins and coordinator of to the shores of Lake Virginia. cidentally set of their room alarms ones. the event, opened the evening by some at the the Ken Posner, Director of Residential would be charged $250 for the cost of Landscaping on campus has also thanking David Cook of United Tele­ fact that the Life, reports that the first major phase having fire emergency vehicles sent to been improved as a result of the cam­ phone for making the call possible. It of a two-year residential hall renova­ the building. Now, fire emergency pus renovations. New sod and grass was made courtesy of United Tele­ Sydney group tion plan will be completed by the time vehicles will only be summoned to has been placed and there is increased phone, which hoped to arouse interest would not begin first-year students arrive at campus. campus by the activation of the central lighting on the grounds. in the new technology by displaying Many first-year students have been system, which is activated by the hall "By raising the quality of residen­ its various uses. their laughter on assigned to live in McKean Hall, the alarms. The new system is actually tial life for students, we hope students On hand to investigate the possibile the screen until Rollins dormitory that underwent the ahead of city and state fire codes, re­ will be motivated to take care of their future use of teleconferencing by most changes of this summer's reno­ ports Posner. living environment," said Posner. Rollins was Lou Miller, Director of after 2-3 seconds vation. The residential life offices have The renovations are part of a two- "One of the things that attracted me to Computer Services, Steve Gauthier, of laughter on been fully operating in their new suite year renovation plan that is being Rollins is its commitment to quality Assistant Dean of the Crummer on the first floor of McKean Hall. In funded by a four-million dollar loan student life in the residence halls. As Graduate School, and Donna the Winter Park addition, carpeting has been placed in Rollins received for that purpose. The a professional, I know that many O'Connor, Director of International all the rooms, and new "loftable" fur­ first major phase was done this sum­ schools don't make this type of com­ Programs, as well as others. side. niture is in place in the rooms as well. mer, but work will continue year-round. mitment, so I am very excited to be a Theprocess of linking-up with Aus­ Another of these changes is the new Such work will be painting of all the part of that process." tralia was an extended one, as a Residential Learning Community residential hall exteriors, which is Other persons that are part of this "Bridge" in Kansas City had to be classroom in McKean, which has be­ work that won't interfere with the day commitment are housekeeping and connected since there is not yet direct please see VIDEO page 3 come the new home of the program. to day residential life of the students. physical plant. They have worked ex­ The former RLC hall, Rex Beach, is The next intensive phase of renova­ tra hard this summer to get facilities now the Phi Delta Theta fraternity tion will occur during next summer. At ready for student use this fall. Due to THE SANDSPUR Non-Profit Organization house. that time new furniture will be placed renovations, they have had decreased 1000 Holt Avenue Box 2742 U.S. POSTAGE in Elizabeth, Holt, and Rex Beach halls. time for this, but the rooms will be Posner reflected that the new stu- V'inter Park, FL 32789 - PAID - •dents wont notice the difference in the As yet, McKean, Hooker, Strong,, and fully available and comfortable when Permit No. 66 residential halls, but he anticipates that Mayflowerhallshavereceivedthenew students arrive on campus. Winter Park. FL returning students will be pleasantly modular furniture pieces. The Office Tom Wells served as the point per­ amazed at the improvements around of Residential life is holding a student son for the renovation process, and campus. He explains that the renova­ workshop on Wednesday, September Gar Vance has also been instrumental tions have a two-fold purpose, the first 9, where demonstrations will be given in its actualization. Posner also re­ >f which to get the dorms caught up on the usage possibilities for the furni­ ports a high potential in the Residen­ Wltn deferred maintenance priorities ture. This will be a chance for all tial Assistant staff and Area Coordi­ such as roof and bathroom repairs. The students to be introduced to the new nators to be the finest residential life second purpose is to make a big impact furniture systems. team to serve the Rollins community. °n the student living environment, New furniture has also been installed "This is going to be an exciting which include new furniture and car­ in all hall lounges, except sorority year to live at Rollins," concluded pets. lounges, which are furnished by the Posner. The Sandspur Volume 99 Issue page 2 CLARIFYING BYOB CRIME WATCH Compiled by Jesse Fortner THE SANDSPUR CRIME WATCHDOG Rollins Crime Stats- Last Year In Review Monthfs) Crimes Murder- 0 Nov. Rape- 1 Apr. Robbery- 1 Aggravated Assault- 2 Sept., Jan. Burglary- 12 Dec.,Feb., Apr.(2),May(4), Jim. (4) Motor VehicleTheft- Dec, Jan. photo illustration by Mark E. Lepow BY ADRIANA VALDES Sandspur Total Crimes- After a summer of work on clarifying the Checklist includes a statement of understanding BYOB registration policies, the Office of Stu­ that organization leaders will reduce noise levels Arrests # dent Activities has released an event host respon­ in accordance with the Winter Park ordinance.
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