GO Uptown Gateway to Oakland Uptown 2016 TIGER Grant Application Lead Applicant San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Tranist (BART) District Supporting Applicant City of Oakland, California Contact Information Val Menotti Chief Planning and Development Officer BART Planning and Devleopment 300 Lakeside Dr., 21st Floor Oakland, CA 94612
[email protected] (510) 287-4794 Project Type Urban, Transit, Complete Streets Project Cost $28.6 million TIGER 2016 Funds Requested $6.3 million TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION 2 2. PROJECT LOCATION 6 2.1. Area Characteristics 6 2.2. Project Location Transportation Connections 6 3. PROJECT PARTIES 9 4. GRANT FUNDS AND SOURCES/USES OF PROJECT FUNDS 10 4.1. Capital Sources of Funds 10 4.2. Capital Uses of Funds 10 4.3. Summary of Operating Sources and Uses of Funds 12 5. SELECTION CRITERIA 12 5.1. Primary Selection Criteria 12 5.2. Secondary Criteria 23 6. BCA RESULTS 24 7. PROJECT READINESS 25 7.1. Technical Feasibility 25 7.2. Financial Feasibility 25 7.3. Project Schedule 26 7.4. Required Approvals 26 8. FEDERAL WAGE RATE CERTIFICATION 27 APPENDICES Appendix I Benefit-Cost Analysis Appendix II Letters of Support Appendix III Evidence of Proposition 1B Funding Commitment TIGER 2016 Grant Application: GO Uptown 1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) is a critical component to the region’s economy. Each weekday, the BART heavy rail system carries over 430,000 passengers to jobs, education and training, healthcare, and other destinations over a 93 square mile service area.