Introduction Credits 100 Methods Author Throughout history, divination has been used Christopher Kentlea to try and see what may come to pass, or to gain insight into a question or situation by Produced by way of a standardized process or ritual. Ennead Games Presented here are just some of the methods that were used. Most rely on the object in question being thrown, dropped or otherwise Go here for free rpg resources, samples moved in a random method. The pattern the and news about upcoming products object shows is then interpreted by the divine in the hope of obtaining some knowledge. twitter : @enneadgames

For the divination that uses dead or flesh, the colours of organs or other internal matter, the position, any weird growth's etc. are used for the random pattern needed.

It's up to you if some, or any, are effective, or if they are just used to fool the masses.

Authors note All of these are based on real that were, and sometimes are, still being used in the world today.

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D100 Method Details 14 Using a book (It 1 Abacomancy Interpretation of can be a holy the patterns in book or random, dust, dirt silt, or one for this sand, ash etc. purpose), a 2 Acultomancy Uses needles for random page and readings. passage is 3 Patterns in selected. Biorhythm Attempt to 4 Grain is thrown 15 on gound and the predict various way a rooster aspects of a pecks at it person's life determines the through simple result mathematical cycles. 5 Alphitomancy The patterns in barleys cakes or 16 Botanomancy Burning branches bread of trees or herbs Brontomancy The study of 6 Amniomancy Only done at 17 birth, the way the Thunder placenta covers 18 Canomancy The patterns of the child's head dogs can determine its 19 Divination with future. smoke 7 Examine the 20 Carromancy Uses melting wax entrails of a dead 21 Cartomancy Uses cards(Tarot or just dying is a version of person. this) 8 Apantomancy Articles at hand 22 Divination using or things that a mirror present 23 Cephalomancy Uses a goat or themselves by donkeys head chance. 24 Ceromancy The dripping of 9 Uses wax in water especially 25 Choriomancy Pigs bladders are marked Sample with file used in this letters and divination numbers. 26 Chresmomancy The ravings of 10 Uses celestial lunatics are bodies such as believed to stars, planets etc. contain hidden 11 Auramancy By examining the knowledge for person's aura, the wise to figure you may out determine what 27 Clamancy Random shouts may come to and cries heard in pass. crowds, at night, 12 Axinomancy The way an axe etc. vibrates when it 28 Conchomancy Shells found on a hits the ground, beach the direction, the 29 Cottabomancy Wine in a bowl of amount buried is brass used for this 30 Cromniomancy The way an onion divination. sprouts 13 The study of 31 Cryomancy The patterns arrows formed in ice