Magic, Divination, and Demonology Among the Hebrews and Their
MAGIC, DIVINATION, AND DEMONOLOGY AMONG THE HEBREWS AND THEIR NEIGHBOURS INCLUDING AN EXAMINATION OF BIBLICAL REFERENCES AND OF THE BIBLICAL .TERMS BY T. WITTON ~VIES, B.A. (LoND.), PH.D. (LEIP.) PROFESSOR oP OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE, NoRTH WALES BAPTIST CoLLEGE BANG OR ; LECTURER IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BANGOR; MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING SOCIETIES ; ROYAL ASIATic; BIBLICAL ARCHA!OLOGY ; GaRMAN ORIENTAL; FRENCH AstATtc; AND FELLOW OF THP. ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE LONDON JAMES CLARKE & CO., 13 AND 14, FLEET STREET, E.C. LEIPZIC M. SPIRGATIS, MARIEN STRASSE, 23 ..3 ::_ . ..?. If· t o;91t1zed by Coogle As. v -;:; s: r'M- ~~ ~,.. ~ ~ ~. Dr1c., ~1Q$ Frea~ ~~.~Lv IJ 19131 ~ LONDON PRINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTON1 LTD. ST. JOHN'S HOUiB, CLBRKBNWELL, B.C. o;91t1zed by Coogle ,· DEDICATED TO MY WIFE WITH AFFECTION AND GRATITUDB DigitiZed by Coogle ·:···~~:· o;11.t,zed by Coogle PREFACE THIS treatise was presented to the University of Leipzig, July, 1897, acc~rding to the rule requiring such a dissertation to be presented and accepted before the candidate is allowed to proceed to the examina tions prescribed for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University. The dissertation has to be printed and 200 copies presented to the University within one year from the time when the final examination was passed. The limits of time and of space, and the need that the dissertation should be prir.ted essentially as it was accepted by the Philosophical faculty of the University, made it impossible to introduce much change. Since writing it, however, I have read and thought a great deal about the subjects with which my dissertation deals ; some slight results of that will be seen in the correction of my MS.
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