Saints Mary & Joseph Parish March 17, 2019 Our Mission Statement: Discover God’s Love so we might Love God; Love Others; and Grow as a Community of Disciples. Mary Queen of Peace Church 200 Lawrence Road Salem, NH 03079 MASS: Sat: 4:00pm Sun: 9:30am w/KidsChurch Sun: 11:00am RECONCILIATON: Sat: 3:00pm—3:50pm or by appointment St. Joseph Church 40 Main Street Salem, NH 03079 MASS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 7:15am Sun 7:30am & 5:00pm STATIONS of the CROSS Wed: Noon (Followed by soup) Parish Office 603-893-8661 200 Lawrence Road, Salem, NH Fax: 603-890-0292 Mon-Thu 9:30am-2:30pm Fri 9:30am-12:30pm by appt. Email:
[email protected] Website: Facebook: Sts Mary and Joseph Twitter: @StsMary_Joseph Instagram: Stsmaryjoseph March 17, 2019 —The Second Sunday in Lent St Patrick, Man or Myth?? Actually, a bit of both! St. Patrick was born in 389 AD so that is A LOT of centuries for tales to be told! They don’t call it the blarney stone for nothing! For example, St Patrick supposedly rid Ireland of all its snakes. While it is true that there were no snakes after Patrick converted the country - there were none there to begin with! And so, the stuff of legends is made! So who WAS this man we celebrate every March 17th? Patrick was born in Bonavern, Britain. At 16 years old he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland, where he would work the land for 6 years, before he finally escaped.