







)i)t! !htbo~ttt!: JOBN FERRES, GOVEIUiMENT l'lUNTER, . No.9. .1,

Al'PROXIlltATE COST. OF REPORT. £ .. do l'repari!t!oD, Lithogrnphlng,&e.-Not given. , Printing (1,800 copies) ... ' .. •• .. { .. ' .. 102 10 Q ----' R E PO' R Te'

DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS, Melbourne, 25th June 1879-

'To Hi.~ E.,,;ceUenc:y the Governor in Council. ::!\h LORD , • • • I _ .•". ~. ',; . . I have the ];lOno.r to submit to' Your Excellency the Report of the Board of Land' arid 'w orks,p~ ~he procE?edings of the ,Departmen~ of ~ilways during ,the ye~r 1878, together ~th sundry accollnts and 'returns showing the progress ,n;'ad~ with works of cons~rU(;.tion, the Revenue and Expenditure for the year, &c., &c., to which I respectful~y beg to draw Y~ur ExcellenGY',s at!~ntion." DEBENTU~ C~PI~AL. No addition to the Debenture Capital took place during the year, but on the 30th September last a Bill authorizing a further loan of £5,000,000 received the Act No,6,S. sanction of 'both Houses of Parliament. ,I . ,t , ' 'I ,'1,\ "': Of tliis amount, £4,152,235 was to b~' set apart fo:f·th~·I)Urpose~·of Railway extension and completion, and to'repay siiills advanced on" Railway Construction :Account, by means of votes from 'the' Consolidated Revenue. , ,The ,following extract from the" Second Schedule'lto the :Loan' ACt Will'show the purposes·to which .the portion set apart for Railways was'to be devoted :-'

, ~ , , Act No. 608, Second Scltedule. • ...: ... 1 £ . "Item I", Towards the ,purchase of the undertaking and property, of ~he ., ", Melooufhe and Hobson's Bay United Railway Company ..• " z. For the Construction of Railways already authorized by Par- liament .•. J 50,000 " 3. Rolling-stock for Railways , ,'" 180,000 " f. For Railway Station at Melbourne, and other works connected with Railway extension, as Parliament may bv any Act direct ! 5°'00~, :, ' " ',) " '5: For repaying tl:ie'Col:isolidited'Revel~ue' c~rtaiJ1" BUIDs"expended: •• ,I ft". ,,':' l' ;,and,to be exp'll1ded oll, R~ilways and other publi~.wor:ks ... " 6. For the ConstlUction of such Statc Railways and works con- ,; , neCted therewith as Parliament niay'by any Act direct ~ ..... ' 2;506,000

';' .,: "

, , ~ " 1 , , • RnilwlLY proportion of £119,4S0, .-' ~:I:' :,,:'1';:,)(', ~i -"""~,,-~;.. -tp1!·'i,,.-,.j;._., J i 1 •• "( ~·.;·'~I(\ii The amount of indebtedness on Railway Account for moneys borrowed still remains as at the date of my last Report, £13,503,693, with a total yearly charge for interest of £732,217 14S. 5d., equal to £5 88.' 'S'·'345d. per cent. " ,The net Revenue of the year, after providing foraB ihaintenance and'i'enewals of way, works, stations, rolling-stock, &c,,~~d all and ~';'~dryexpenses of working and administration, amounted to £59°,976 2S.: 6d. ' This leaves £14I,24~ I IS. lId. to be met by the Consolidated Revenue, for the purpose of liquidating that portion of the in~rest not recouped by the net revenue derived from the lines.' ' '; ,,' " The ;-wt revenue o(the year is E?qu~l t~,4'376, or.£4 7'~: 6d.; pe~ cent. upon the total capital borrowed, being an improvenient upon last year's result~ of 0'356 per cent. The total cost of construction, including the' 'non-interest. 'bearing' moneys expended, was, however, £ 15,343,240 6s:. 24.; and on this the net revenue paid was

3'85, or £3 178., per ~ent. 1. 4

To show the actual results of the year's work, however, it will be necessary to eliminate from the expenditure on construction all moneys which had been spent on lines not opened for traffic at 31st December last, a proportionate amount from such other lines as were orily open during a portion of the year, and half the cost of the bridge over the M"Q,ITay at Echuca. The total of these deductions approximately amounts to £438,000, after allowing for which, the net revenue gives a return upon .the capital productively employed, of, as nearly as possible, 4 per cent. Hntillast year, and as stated in previous Reports, the Department had never received credit for the interest allowed by the associated banks on the balances of the loan moneys deposited with them, or lying to the credit of the Public Account, although it has been faithfully. debited with every penny of the interest paid. to the bondholders. During 1877, as shown in my last Report, a sum of £39,018 2S. 6d. was credited to the Railways by the Treasury on account of interest allowed by the banks on Loan moneys deposited with them; but .this is only one item of what ~ust in the aggregate amount to a very considerable sum, and,· as it is only fair that the Department should receive credit for all interest received on unspent balances of the Rail way Loans, as well as be debited with the interest payable to the bondholders, an attempt is being made to obtain from the Treasury full particulars of such interest, so that in its accounts the Department may be duly credited with the same. There is no doubt but that such interest reduces considerably the amount to be made .good annually by the Consolidated Revenue on account of the railways, and I trust in my next to be enabled to lay before Your Excellency a, complete statement in this respect, and thus to show (as is only fair) that the loss sustained by the difference between the net revenue derived from working the lines, and the amount payable for interest on the borrowed capital, is much less than has hitherto been shown by the accounts.

CAPITAL ACCOUNT. The total expenditure on Capital Account reached, at the 31st December last, a RetufIl No.6. sum of £15,343,24° 6s. 2d., exclusive of a further sum of £170,006 15S. 9d., the value of the unused plant and materials available for purposes of further construction, or completion of those lines still in progress. The expenditure incurred during 1878 amounted to £780,255 19s. 8d., and the following will show in detail the various heads under which the expenditure took place :..:- General. Sheds and Vvorkshops, Melbourne £950 13 3 Additions to Workshops. " " Williamstown 1,5 62 ° 5 Ditto. New Lines to Dock, &c., 6 10 " 14 5 Machinery, Tools, &c., 1,9°0 18 ° General Construction Account" 2,5 12 6 9 Administrative charges. . , {LOSS on· sule of old and uselee! 7,481' 14 ° pln.nt, &c. Continuous" Brake " 1,68 I 9 I Alterations and additions ,to Engineer-in-Chief's Offices ... 5°7 I 2 { offices. . f Exchange on remittances to Exchange and Discount Account 306 16 10 t London. Fitting up Williams)s Workshops 134 18 6 Proposed Workshops, Williamstown Junction 13 ° ° Total General Account 5 "I Northern System. Melbourne Station ... 45,166 10 8 See page 6. . Main line to Sandhurst 3, 187 14 8 Completing line. Echuca line 9,3 87 I ° Echuca station, wharf, &c. Castlemaine and Dunolly line ••• 1,034 5 I Completing line. and Maryborough line 1,020 13 10 Ditto. Maryborough and Avoca line .•• 1,162 4 6 Ditto. Sandhurst and Inglewood line ••• 500 6 I Ditto. Dunolly and St, Arnaud line •.• 1°4,7°6 10 7 Construction of line. Carlsruhe and Daylesford line ••. 3,55 1 5 10 Ditto. Total Northern System ... 169,7 16 12 3 1J7estern System. Williamstown line 7,5 13 I7 10 Construction of Western pier, &c. Geelong and Melbourne line 4,861 9 6 AdditIons Illld alterations, Geciong station, &e. Geelong and Ballarat line 2,91 I 6 3 Additions to Ballarat station, &c. Ballarat and Ararat line 3,635 I II Completing line. Ararat and Stawell line 936 9 I Ditto. Ararat and Hamilton line 19,181 7 5 Construction of line. Geelong and Colac .line 30,672 18 I Ditto. Portland and Hamilton line 36,598 6 6 Ditto. Stawell and Horsham line 127,844 I I 6 Ditto. Geelong and Queenscliff line 36,610 I 3 Ditto. Warrenheip and Gordons line 2°,97° I 5 Ditto.

Total Western System •.• 29 1,735 10 9 N01'th-Eastern System. Essendon line 627 4 8 Additional station accommodation, &c. North -Eastern line 10,81 9 3 3 Ditto. Wangaratta and Beechworth line 1,397 19 ° Completing line. Springs and Wahgunyah line ... 33, 15 1 4 5 Construction of line. Avenel and Shepparton line 6,6+5 6 7 Ditto.

Total North-Eastern System '0' 52,640 I7 II Eastern System. Oakleigh to Sale line ... 77,742 I 7 Construction of line. South Yarra and Oakleigh line 38,835 6 6 Ditto. Spencer and Flinders streets Connection ... b.' 156 6 8 Surveys and plans.

Total Eastern System ... 116,733 14 9 Rolling-stock. 2 {ComPleting 9 engines, a.nd payments on X9 In Engines 4 ,986 10 7 eOUl'Se of construction. i {ComPleting 10 pos.engervehlcles Blld 390W\l,gon9, Carriages, Wagons, Vans, &c. 73,826 2 &0., and payments on 18 passenger vehicles and 9 145 wagons, &0., in course of construction. II6,812 19 9 Preliminary Surveys ... 2,103 6 ° Trial surveys of lines not authorized. Murray River Bridge (Echuca) .. . 13,3 1 5 14 5 Half to be paid by N.S.W. Government • Total Expenditure for the year 1878 ... £780,255 19 8

The items comprised m the foregoing which call for more than a passing remark are those of the MELBOURNE STATION, £45,166 lOS. 8d., and rolling-stock, £116,812 19s. 9d. ; the remaining expenditure being generally for the construction of lines authorized by Parliament, and which were, during the year past, in progress .. I)".

The expenditure upon the a(t4itions ..aijd alterations to the Melbourne terminus is thus divided:- , , ...., , . ,. . ' ~1 :"_l,'~' " " ,,~~)'... ~ l,! " .. ,,!,Ad~tio)fs and alterations to ~the,station,: yard" ", {" r '.'~:~( . fT;'·: .

. ~ t~_.; .• ; .. _ .I! '~signals, platforms, &c., &C": :'. ••• , -.".~~ . ••• ~.£24,9?5~~I5 4' .~ .. '

. ':Additioils to timber st.. ttiol1 at lower'iev~l .•. .'., 5,6'4:9.' J4! II,;' . u. p~.. ' EniB\lnkments, &c.', in con~'ection :~lli new ,'1 ' ,.' ". !!.:_l'-~ ~:. ;.. ~·.l J ~ .~~,:, ... '" r 1/ ,),'-' 'r' "~,, ~.l '.' .,(.;) ~., ,goods station an,d approaches, silt ;wprks, &c .. ":.rt,4,:S:3 1'1. Ii:). ·,'5'

.; ,;1_, .,"-;! •• j \' ~~j r ~\Cli:,~":.:"l \' ... ' 1\ ,:' !. '':0''/ "'~}~\--1.; f'?' ! :~. "

,. '. 1- ",,, .~. Total ~ .. . '" ~.

" .1":: ~ (';, f _ ...... : •• ~ :" •• '. "iiI_.J ,.> • 'j.' ," I stated in my Repoi·t for' 18'77 that it was my i~tentio~;'a~ fa~as practi~~ble, to have all the alterations and additions'madctiil"accordance with the general plan of the station adopted by me, a copy of which'app.,U}..!'I. ..:>,J, ... t{_(.,, ... ,.1;\,J! upon the capItal expended upon th81r construct1on,~., 'i '.:: ~., ,; :: ;'1.,. ,;:,t, ';,\,'::~ Inorder7to,: carry out. the plan' ·of the2'g@ods station yard, and to ' The enormous amqunt· of ,earth. required, h@wever, necessitated some cheaper and more' expeditious pian of ontaming spoil for the purpose, than eith~rcti.ttingao~n , , . . ~ t . , \, , ... ~ , .' " ", rocky banks, or 'hauling silt. fi;oni the river Hank, which latter also contained a large proportion of water; a:pd ,to this, eIt? )f,~as a~ }iI~~t ,prpposeq" to, ml!;'f.hiW<{,~ ,bJoc~ of ground near the Melbourne R~lC'~course, consisting of" about ten acres, 'at a cost of abput.£2,000... "j....,,,·::. '~.' .. "';i,\ . " ." The proposed method of procedure, had this course been' adopted;' ,was·· to. remove the whole of the hill of wh.ich,the la'lld··.consisted, with the exception of the surface, soil, and., after,' bringing the whole' of: the block It@"nearly- one ~cbmmon lev~l; only:leaying sufficient slppe fo'r drainage, to: re-spread the surface soil 'over.' the~ )Vh,ole area and re-sell the land,

= 7;.v. In the meantime some trial shafts, put; down; in- the ,',swampy gro1:lnd, oli the! western side of the station reserve, in order to test ,the fitness or otherwise of the soilT f?r the purposes required, revealed the fact that it 'wa8Qf a nature specially fitted for the work, and obtainable at a much less cost· per· cubic yard than either the~silt or any~, land along the line of railway. The cost of its removal also wouldnecessarilY-'be-much'less, as the material' was close to where it was required, and a line on which to carry it already existed on the ground in the shape of the silt line. I therefore determined to obtain the necessary·spoil for the extension of the station embankments from this source, and- to this effect a large side-cutting pit has.. been commenced. In order to utilize to the fullest. extent the labor employed upon this sideo cutting pit, I gave directions that the excavation should ..be made in the form of, ·the dock shown on the plan of the new Melbourne station .attached to my last Report, so . that while the spoil is being obtained more. che~ply than hitl1erto, ".the excavation also can be further utilized at any future time. should. itbe·deemep. advisable'to·.constructa. railway dock on the station reserve. ". ".'- .. ', .... __ . . .. " About 505,374 c,ubic.yardshave beenusedin ,c~mnection,with the embankments: referred to, and the reclama~ion of land on.the reserve,. and . .the following will show~ as nearly' as possible:the·source~.from\wp.ichthis quantity was: obtained and the cost. per cubic. yard of each :-......

Cl'blc yards. Cost per.c. y. (Approxtmate.)

:..... 1- '1' 8 •. d. W et sii{fro~ Harbor Trust dred~'~~ .~~...... ,., 1 65,5'i2' Dry silt from Harbor Trust dredges •.• .~.C· ; ..~;;.t: •••. 1· .' 56,882 3 Spoil from cuttings between Melbourne and North Melbourne Spoil from La Trobe street cutting ••• ".

Spoil from side-cutting pit on station reserve for station embankments Spoil from side-cutting pit on station reserve to reclaim land near gas works •.• ... ••• ......

The total~ area of the land reclaimed' by means of. spoil taken from' the side-cutting pit 'is about 9 acres, exclusive of the· land' made' available for t4e requirements of the' Melbourne station~ The number of workmen 'emplOyed upon this excavation, and the removal and-deposit of the spoil, 'averages about 400.

ROLLING-STOCK. The amount expended under this.head_was-=:-=-. For Engines '£42,986 10 7 And for Wagons, Vans, Carriages, &c. 73,826 9 2

Making a total of •.• ..~! £t r6,8I2 19 9

The additions in 1878 were 28 engines,28 passenger vehicles, and. 535 goods, and other vehicles; inclusive of such as were -in course of construction .but not: completed at 31st December...... -« • - • But there were also added during: the ,year .IOf more miles. of line; the wnoleof which were' opened for traffic at the end of the year, and it will.be seen, ;therefore, that, . notwithstanding all the efforts of. the Department, the rolling~stock is· still far' from adequate to the requirements of the ..lines;·:a.:itd is in ·fact considerably behind. what it '. 8 was in r876, and only slightly improved 'as regards the stock of engines and goods vehicles as compared with last year. ' ' As regarqs passenger vehicles, the l lines are more poorly equipped than ever, as will be seen by a glance at thecolllllin headed" Number per'line mile" in the following table :- - ., , Engines. i, Passenger Vellieles. Goods Vehicles.

Miles Date. Train Miles Open. Number '\ Train Number Number Train Miles " Total per Line Miles run TotRI per LIne run per Total per LIne run Number. Mlle. per Number. Mile. Passenger Number. Mlle. per Goods i Engine. Vehicle. Veblele. e ' ' : . - . - 1876 . , , .. 702 124 0'176 20,3 67 25 8 0'367 9,789 2,146 3'057 1,177 , . "1877 ' .. , 93 1 139 0'149 c 2o,o48 276 0'296 10,097 2,3 18 2'490 1,202 18 8 ... 1,035 16 0'161 18,)36 0 0'293 10,182 2,853 2'756 1,08 5 7 7 . . 3 4

, In drawing Your Excellency'S attention to the above, I can only reiterate the remarks made by me on this subject;at page 9 of my last Report,and again state that a considerable sum is necessary for the proper equipment of the lines. The £r80,000 Rnthorizea by Parliament in the SecondS~he~ule to the Loan Act No. 608 will meet this'Urgent want to a great extent, whenev~r such moneys become available; but at present the revenue derivable from the working of the traffic is kept down from want' of sufficient stock to cope with the steadily increasing tonnage of goods requiring conyeyance.

r '" This subjec,t has been so fully set forth and dealt with in the Reports,for r 876 and' r877 respectively, and has been at various times so thoroughly brought under tbe notice of Parliament in :different ways, that to dwell upon the subject further is I feel , , unnecessary . NEW LINEs~ During'the past year the following new lines of rnilway were duly sanctioned by Acts of Parliament :-,-', " ...

18,8. No. of Act. Line. Length. Rate per Mlle.

MUes ells, lks. ;£ 'lst August ... 42 Viet., 603 ... GQulburn Valley Railway ... 45 20 64 5.,75 0 26th August ... 42 Viet., 604 ... South Yarra and Oakleigh .. , 6 63 93 25,000 .9th September ••• 42 Viet., 606 .... Carlsruhe and Daylesford ... 22 20 77 6,775

The following contracts for construction of lines authorized were let by tender during 1878, at the various dates shown :-

NO. ., 'LIne. of ' ' • Length. Amount. Contractors. Amonnt Act. per MUe. -- MUes ells. \k8. £ 8. d. £ :l.nd Mar. D unolly and St. Arnaud ... 580 32. 79 68 71,974 0 8 Monie and Mattinson " . 2.,181 18th Mar. 'Stawell and Murtoa 80 40 0 I18,2.7I 13 6 D. Leslie and Co. 2.,2.10 18th Mar. M urtoa to Horsham } 5 53 7 ... :l.oth July Springs to Wahgunyah ... 580 13 76 83 30,463 IX 3 Fishburn and Morton .... 2.,182. ilst Aug•. Ge,elong to Queenscliff , .. 580 2.0 56 85 58,977 7 6 Topham, Angus, and Sriiith 2.,848 . 13th fjept. W arrenheip to Gordons ... 580 13 5 h 40,901 I:l. 4 King and Co...... ·,3,I:l.9 24th Sept. So uth Yarra to Oakleigh ... 604- 6 63 93 4 8,868 4 2. J. F. Higgins and Co. : ..' 7,188

. . Of the foregoing, the only one which .calls for special comment is that from South Yarra to Oakleigh, a distance of n~rly seven miles. , This extension will form, with the aid.ofthat portion of the late Melbourne arid:Hobson's .Bay United"Railway comprise9. 'between South Yarra and Melbourne,. 9 the connecting link between the metropolis and the Gippsland line, or the Eastern system, at Oakleigh. In the remarks upon the revenue accounts of this system, it will be found that the extensions of this 'line and the increased facilities for traffic have been duly followed by largely increased revenue ; and it may fairly be assumed that the still greater facilities for traffic which will be afforded by the stations of this system being brought into direct communication with Melbourne, will result in a further con­ siderable accession to its revenue. For the purposes of construction of this extension Parliament sa:nctioned the expenditure of a sum not exceeding £25,000 per mile. This large expenditure was rendered necessary from the following causes :­ First. The high value of land in 'the suburbs through which this line was to pass. Second. The number of road-side stations, averaging one to each mile. Third. The expense of preparing a portion of the Flinders-street Terminus, on the eastern side of Prince's Bridge, for the dispatch and reception of passengers and goods, without which the line would have been incomplete, as the traffic could not be carried by the Government rolling-stock, under the approach to Prince's Bridge, to the Hobson's Bay Railway Station; neither would that station have furnished the requisite accommodation. There now remains but one other link to be added, viz., that between Spencer and Flinders streets stations, to unite the Southern-Sub1.trban and Eastern sytems with the rest of the lines in the colony. The advantages of this being done are so obvious, both to the Department as regards the interchange of rolling-stock, and to the public as regards the convenience of passengers and the facilities for goods and live stock traffic, that, in my opinion, it cannot be completed too soon.

REVENUE ACCOUNT. The gross Revenue earned by all lines during 1878 amounted to £1,216,675 4s. lad., being £80,876 12S. IOd. in excess of that for 1877. The average miles open for traffic during 1878, however, exceeded those of 1877 by 180 miles, and the remarks which appeared in my last Report, to the effect that the increase of Revenue does not keep pace with the increased length of mileage opened for traffic, will again apply with increased force to the results of the year under review, as the following table will show :-

TABLE showing the Gross Earnings, Working Expenses, and Net Earnings, per Mile, for the last Five Years.

Year. Average Mil es Open. Earnings per Mile. Expenses per Mile. Net Proilts per Mile.

£ £ £ 1873-4- ... flf 2,05 6 90 5 1,15 0 187+-5 ... HI 1,701 890 810 1875-6 ... 608 1,636 821 81 5 1877 ... 787 1,+43 753 690 1878 ... 967 1,258 647 6I1 ;

It will be seen from the foregoing that while in 1877, with an average increased length of 179 miles above that which was open for traffic in June 1876, the decrease in the receipts was £I93 per mile per annum, as stated in my last Report. In 1878, with an increased length of 180 miles over that of 1877, a decrease in the receipts took place to the further extent of £r 85 per mile open. No.9, Il 10

are thus shDwn :-

£ .. 8 ... . 8. d. . £ 8. d. P~s8~bgr;rB'; '·'"ft.; 3isHiS':' 9' 'i6 '0' (i" ," ., -; .' Pareels,&c•. ;, I jl•• ; ... "1' ','10" '3 0 ,il:70 P."'9 !i'I:->," .. "·~'·; '''t'';'\'!'''' I-;S05,')"(i)'·:~'· Ho~~es; 'Carriages, !l,~d' D'ogs 12,7 2 7 ',S 5 1,153 IS' o· Mails' •. :' . ,. ,.--. , 22,14-3 5 ,··S . "'7,3of 16 o' " Rents ... '. . .1,.2,3 23. ' J; :.~S .. 1,4-5 0 IS" 7., Miseeuakeo\is.i v. 4-,675 17 II ,.' '4 00 4-' J" "' ... '; • Live Stock 56>4S I 14- ~-:,,: ".:;. ..:.:; ;i..,.~: -; 4';060- l-i"~ C" ~?o.ds .. :~.... ,,),::. ~. ~ .... , .~'.~-i,' .,.;~ Qt~,&57,:,I 7,- . 29,9S-5 17, 3 ,.•• 1------·--I'''' ,. ,\ 5,805 17 I

f",' .~ :):.,,", • '.' • £ '. Incre~se ~. .~ ~ 86,876 12 10 '~! It will be .observed frDm the preceding figures that ther.e:l;1asJ)een a general in­ crea~,~J~:p. e,v~ry bran!th.,9f+l;a.ffi.~;with t'Q.~~ee:eeptiQn .of the ~te_ms ~f pareels ~hd live stDck. " ;;In the fDrmer-,the:decreas~ ·is .owing tD' the ·large r.ed,uctiO:ns mlj,de"in the rates fDr.carriage .of . parcels, P:Y the gye:ll1w; ~f. the· 13th December .1877, which came intD qperatiDn ·on:the· 1St Ja:t;lll.ary:. r~78,.:~n~. a 'CDPY .of which .~as.attached tD the last

~epDrt . .:·CVide Appel}.5,lix,tD R~pDrt Df,I,877d?ages--, 51- 2,) ~;Il" ;.' , ..,J. Lv,:,·J,'he decl'ease:~n:t4e .. ~eyenue ~e~h;:e~·fr9rp. the,carriage D~ live ,stDck isattribu­ ~b.le .. plj»~iRillly tD the lDng: drpught, ext~ndil1g: duri.:tlgrthe .pa,/?t:yea:rDver the greater pDrtiDn .of the Australian cDntinent, and in a ~~~S~l:: d~gr.ee ~D:~!:tevStDck Tax, which ha,s, te sqme ~xten~,. div~rted th~t branch .of tr~fPc.frDm MelbDurne tD,·Sydn~y . ..,."';' .}J.?c t4e. case .of ~he! parp~ls,.trafflc;, it ~: ho.peg tha~ the. (a~ilities, given. fDt~tlieir carriage, tDgether. with the reduced rates, will give such ,an im,p~tus tD' this branch'Df tl,Ie .R..a.:ihvay .. l{;eyenue as: wil~,sPDn ,mDre,t~aI).H£Qmp~nsat~.JDr. the,pres~nt, tri.-fling IDSS, and·, Fesu)t~in,~ largely, i#cre~seq ,business, 'and consequent recejpts. . If, )lOweyer; this ltranch ~of th~ business.:9-ges ~0~ ..imprDve; shq.r.tly,.it will J)~ .. nec~ss?>ry tD revise the rates, SDas to render them remunerative. .._.~ .. " , ..'. '. The expenditure .on wDrking.expense~.~~?~~ted tD £625,699 2S. 4d., Dr 51' 43

~~r ~e,9-~' ,oF ~he r~s~ipt8." ... : ',.... .'.,,', ',' ,,'. '< ~, ' . . In this sum)s itfclud'ed, iIi' additiDn tD the ordinary expenditure fD~ maintenance i'''' . l ~ " •• t ' 1 I." <"" t '...... ,.: ' '. ' qf 'Y~y, w()I'ks, statioIls, anp repa;irs ?f rolling~stDck., &c., all. amDunts 'expended .on 1., ',"') " • ,." .. ' ,).;, .. ' •• ~' • "1.' \ ~ .' \4: j. ; .• . renelVals'l ~D,get~~f, Wl~~ .th~ ,v~n~~sl"s~s ;P~~~ as.,.nD?:pe~~~~!?~ '~o .officers .of the ~?t~~~$ .~r~f:c~e~ w~~,se :~~r~~~es ~,~r~ ~~spe~~e~ ~~~,/ ~ls~I~~~.·th~ CDSt and ?harges .of ,remD~elllllg' the S~Dres Branch, ha:lll.K ~e , w~9le .of ~~.e. st~ck thDrDughly taken, proi)erly arranged and classifi'ed, ana: .i~s .va~~~: ~~cul1i~~ly aSce~iI?-e~, ~n4, ~?.e. .us~less and DbsDlete articles dispDsed .of by auctiDn Dr tender. .:".'. In' fact" ~very 'item '~fj ~.kljeiiditiif~ ~rl:qf. ~t~i~'tlY':chargeabl~ 'to capital 'accD~~t has ·been faithfully charged against the ·Revenue, and:·with this result, tpat the wDrking expenses fDr':1878' were 0'73 per cent. l'Dwer'than th~y were 'in' 1877. ; . 'The fDllDwing ShDWS that this reduction tDDk pl~ce in the Mainten~IiC(fBtahch;':"'" f " IC>' I . , ERCENTAG~ ."'''' ~ ~ ,.

'1· 1 ,~, • ~ t " I" I:.~·: . 1878. ~ . Increase .. 1;-'; 1 '.

, to I Maint'eh'ance 14- • 67 f ~" 12' 77 ~. 1 '96~" ., Loco ..Cbarges... .- .. 15~-94- ...... _ .1,6~83 .. ,,0'89· -- ... :Traffie C(h,arg9S'" ,'" ?0;26. . 20'4-3 .. 0'17 'GeIltlral Charges" ',,' .;~ ( I I' 29 '.' 1:4-0 ' . o· 1 1

,'; ',} .;. .j \ .. '" ., -:~, ',' 1-'''-''-'-'-:'·5-Z-:"-I?-".'~·· .----'. -1--~.5-1""'4--3"""'- 1'99 " .. ' o!_ .•• ' ,!;' ,', ..... ,'

. , ~ '1, , Net Decrease· . 0'73

.- .1 11

While, however, the foregoing shows the maintenance as having been kept up at a smaller cost in proportion to the revenue earned, it must be borne in mind that the cost of working the various branches is affected more by the amount of work done than by the revenue earned, as it is evident that the expenditure would still remain if the work were performed for nothing. The succeeding return will show how each branch was· worked in proportion to the work performed :-

Cost per Train Mlle. - , Increase. Decrease. 1877. 1878.

s. d. s. d. 8. d. s. d. Maintenance ...... 1 2'35 1 0'05 ... 0 2'30 Loco. Charges ...... 1 3'59 i r88 0 0'29 .. . Traffic ditto ...... 1 T82 1 T 27 ... 0 0'55 General ditto ...... 0 J'27 0 1'32 0 0'05 ... 4 3'03 I 4 0',2 0 0'34 0 2'85 Net Decrease ... o . 2'51 ...

The net Revenue, after providing for all working expenditure, was £59°,976 2S. 6d. The number of passenger journeys made, including holders of periodical tickets, was 3,829,2SSi, being an increase over 1877 of 433,547, as shown by the following table :- , 1877. 1878. Increase. Decrease.

System. I Average Average Average Miles Passengers. Miles Passengers. Miles Passengers. Passengers. Open. Open. Open. ------~-- Northern ... 29 1 799,3 23! 296 777,454 5 ... 2I,869! Western ...... 253 1,895, I 86 348 2,[78,O,61 95 282,87oi ... North-EasteriI ... 2[0 683,16~ 210 774,8881 ... 91,720 ... Eastern .•• ... 33 18,03 2 113 98,8562 80 80,826 ... ~ ------787 3,39,,708! 967 3,829,2SS! 180 455"p61 21,8691- I,_,~- c l . Net Increase ...... n • 433.547

The average distance travelled by each passenger was 23'21 miles, at all a.verage revenue of 2S. 2'61 d., or at the rate of l' 15d. per mile. The goods carried totalled 3,829,256 tons, carried an average distance of 6 S' 4 7 miles, at an average rate of 13s. 1l' 37d., equal to 2' 56d. per ton per mile. The train 'mileage, including special trains, totalled 3,095,590 miles, being 3°9,°°9 in excess of I877. The. piloting and shunting represented 67°,917 miles, or a gross total of 3,766,5°7 miles. NORTHERN SYSTEM. This system has been increased in length du~g the past year by the addition of the line from Dunolly to St. Arnaud, a distance of 33 miles. As, however, this extension was only open from Dunolly to Bealiba, 12 miles, from September the 3rd, and from Bealiba to St. Arnaud, 21 miles, from December 23rd, the average extra length of line open in 1878 above that of 1877 'was 5 miles only. The gross revenue earned was £SI2,953 4S. 5d., showing a falling off, as compared with 1877, of £10,532 I8s. IOd. , B2 12

The :decr~!:1se ~~s taken pJ.a.ce it~ the.·reve~l,e d~r~y'~~)r.om.!he,;.c.~rlliage of p~ssengers, parce!s, a.nd ~ive sto~k, as.the folloWing: win sho'Y :-. _.. :'1 c.'

.,. ,-.. . , , -, ,. ,I , ~ \. , ' , 1877. 1878, lner~a.se. Decreaa~, - (291 miles,) (290 miles,) ..

: ," " . " - £ s. d, £ s, d, £ s, d. £ $, d; , ' , Passengers' ;l. .,,' . , . .. 157,294 ~IO "9' . 154,372 '1 10 .' , .. ' , , .. '.2,922. 8 XI Parcels, &c...... 13,755 II 7 10,339 7 3 , .. 3,4 16 4 ·4 H9rse,s,.9ar~iages, Il:ud Dogs 5,55 2 6 5,173 .. ' 8 18" 6 3 7 -- ... 37... :Mails... ' - ... 7,599r I 8' 7,7 15 '7 --116 ! 5 [0 ... Hents ...... 4,822 7 I I . 5W1 5 16 7 593 8 8 ... :Miscellaneous 2,030 2,006 I ,',r 0 ...... 14 5 *5 , 24 13 Live Stock ...... 41,424 16 1 ,14 7 . '. :-$ 1I,91I I 9 ' . .. 4 I' 29,5 3 '. Goods ... ' .. '29 1,006. 14 4' 298,417 7 6 7,4.10''',.;13 -·2- ... _. ·w __•••• ...... I ------2 86 12 8,120 : 8 18,653 ·,6. .6 5 3,4 3 5 ,953 ; 4 5 7 .. : ,:,: "l~I' .. ,.. ; ! " "", y,'\, .. '2 ,." ! f : U , .,. I :' " , "l,.I;:' : ; N etDecrease ... .., ... 10,532 :18 10 ' ... . ,'. - - I . , ,. .. - .: , {. I rhe working expeI;l,ses a~ounted to .£241,,990 3s: 4d., equal to 46'98 of tlw re.ceipts, or at the ra:te of 2' 50 per cent. lower than in I? 77 . This low rate ~f working, as cqmpar~.~ ,)Vith t4e prey:i()ll:~.,year, J~,,~s more than counterbalanced the falling off in the receipts, as the balance of profit, {\fter p~yip.g ll,.ll, working.J.~xpens~s; is; £.271,95-3 ,ls',J.d., a,s·_:~ga~:t;I.st, £,264,43Pi6.~ .. .sd.,i~!·I'877' 'or a differ~l;fCt;l:in favor o~ ~878. 9f ~7,516 1;4;~. 8d., . I..' " 1:,.' ~~.: ':e". The average earnings per mile have fallen from £1,797 to£~,7}4:il'", --The -reduction in the expenditure -is ·owing entirely-- to--the . decrease-,in. the Maintenance Account, the heavy renewals made during; 1877 ha;ving naturally the effect ~f lightening the charges in this l'esp~ct ,during the past. ye::t~" ' ,. '''. The fol~owing will . .show tl~e expenditure under the different branches for the two ye{lrs :- : , I·: I ., i ...:' , . , j 1877. , I ., I t' • ':J .. Decrease, i Cost Per Cost . Per - per Cent, to : .., onnt AmO)ll)t. ' .• ,A.ll1 • 1 ,.; T~~!l" ~~~;e\O " .' ....,~rain', lIile. nue. lime, . ~~ve~-' t;, ______1_-_" --,----- ____"11'_-_'" '----- ~---I-----,--

1 • (t.. : l: £ .. f' d. s ....d. .. ,,£. ,.s, d:f. d, £ s. d. £ s. d. Maintenance 75, 105 13 9 1 2'93 14'35 55,460 10 0 0 Il'24 10'81 ." 19,645 3 9 Loco. Charges 81,089"' 6 '8 I 4'12 15'49 82,664 14 II I 4'76 16'II 1,575 8 3 ... Traffic, ditto .... ,.96,079 5,I.I I.TH 18'35 95,7. 1LI.g.' 2. I.u?'4Q 1.8:66 'J ., .....,., .•• 363 6 9 General ditto ..• 6,775 10" 6 0 1'35 ,~'2~ . 7,I}~\~fo '1'45 i'101' 38(.~ _9 , ~,' ~?9,049 16 10 4- 3'5 1.49'48241,000 3', :4(4 B'85!4-6'?8 ~,958 I?, ,~~9,o08 ~o', 6

r I'/.. • __ • I , .>j ~ ~~, 1 l-!l < ' \ ... 18,049 13 6 " ... . ., ...-.... .-~':.~~' '3I",,;

· , The.train,miles,ru·ilwere I, I84,

WESTERN SYSTEM. A considerable extension of this system has taken place during the past year, the total length at 31St December last being 383 miles, as against 343 at the.close of 1877. But as a considerable length of the 343 miles was only opened towards the end of 1877, it follows that there is a still greater increase in 1878 in the average mileage open for traffic when compared with 1877. The average length in 1877 was 253 miles only, whereas in 1878 the average was 348 miles, so that, although there was only an increase in length of 40 miles during 1878, the average length worked was 95 miles in excess of 1877. The gross revenue amounted to £391,091 15s. 4d., being an increase over the previous year of £45,796 1 IS. 6d. The average amount earned per average mile open, however, decreased from £1,365 to £1,125, This is accounted .for by the fact of the extensions between Ararat and Portland, and Geelong and Colac, representing 170 mile..., of line passing through very thinly populated districts, and consequently reducing the average earnings per mile. The following gives the items showing the increase and decrease alluded to :-

-- I lsn. 1878. Increase. Decrca.e. (253 miles.) (348 miles.)

£ S. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Passengers ... '" 142,598 4 4 166,624- 19 9 24,026 15 5 ... l">arcels, &c. . .. 12 ... 10,290 16 ° 10, 167 IS 8 ... 3 0 4 Horses, &c...... 4,222 18 3 -1->572 19 I 35° ° 10 ... Mails ...... 6,47 2 5 4 II,Q97 I 10 4,624 16 6 ... Rents ... '" 4,714 14 10 4,898 16 5 184 I 7 ... Miscellaneous ... 2,3 20 9 II 2, 81 7 16 3 497 6 4 ... Live Stock '" ... I 4.419 16 6 9,702 6 6 5,282 10 0 ... Goods ... '" 17 0,255 18 8 181,209 19 10 10,954 I 2 ... i 345,295 3 10 391,091 15 4 I

Net Increase ...... 45,796 I I 6 .i 45,919 II 10 45,919 II 10

... ------~----.~-.. The expenditure amounted to £225,908 5s. 9d., or 57'76 per cent. of the receipts. . . The details of the items showing the increase of expenditure over 1877, arid amounting to £28,254 6s. 2d., are given in the subjoined table :-

, 1877. • 1878.

- PerCcut. PerCent. Tncrellse. Cost per to Cost per to - Train AWe, llcyenue. - Train Mile. Revenue.

£ S. d. s. d. £ 8. d. .~, d. £ 8. tl. Maintenance ... 57,890 16 9 I 4'07 16'77 59,680 14 7 1 1'I 7 15'26 1,789 17 10 Loco. ... 57,202 6 II I 3'88 16'57 7°,475 I 10 1 3'55 18'02 13,272 14 II Traffic ... 78,092 15 3 I 9'67 22'61 90,]06 18 2 I 7'92 23'09 I2,Z 14. 2 I I General ... 4,468 ° 8 ! 0 1'24 1'29 5,445 11 2 0 1'20 1'39 977 10 6

197,653 19 7 4 6'86 57'24 225,9°8 5 9 4 I'S4 57'76 28,254 6 2

The train miles run amounted to 1,087,898, at ftn ~y~rage ~ost of ne:tdy 4S. 2d. per mile. 14

The .number of passenger journeys made amounted to 2,178,°561, being an illet,'ease of 282,8701 on that of 1877, Of live stock, 6,001 tons; goods and general merchandise, 367,988 tons, were carried during the year on the lines comprised under this system, The cost of construction at the 31st December I8i8 amounted to £4,654,861 5s, 6d" and on this the net revenue of £165,183 9s, 7d, was eClual to 3'55 per cent., and allowing for the:non-productive capital (£187,°00) spent on lines not open for traffic, to 3'7° per cent,

NORTH-EASTERN SYSTEM, . .- J'he mileage. length of the system remains the same as last year, no ~dditions having been made during 1878., " The gross revenue again shows an increase over that of the previous year, heing £266,71 I 6s, Id., or £5,846 5s. 2d. more than 1877. . The percentage of working e~pe1Jses to revenue is slightly increased, being 50'17, as against 49'61. The amount is £133,813 liS. 5(l., leaving a profit on working.of £132,897 14s, 8d" which is equivalent to,7'27 per cent. on the cost of the lines, viz., £1,827,162 7s. 6d. Deducting, as in the case of .previous systems, the capital expended on e.x:tensions not open for traffic, an~ ~Thich may be stated at £40,000, the net revenue shows a profit of 1'44 per cent,. In 1877 the result 'was 7'41 per cent. The details of the increase of revenue are shown as follows :-

-- 1877. 1878. Increase. Decrease. (210 miles,) (210 miles.) . , " £ s, d. £ s, d. £ 'S. d. £ s, d, Passengers ... ,,, 74,339 4 5 77,952 ° 8 3,612 16 3 ... Parcels, &c...... 5,959 17 2 6,355 12 5 395 15 3 ., . Horses, &c...... 2,9 16 10 7 3,z64 8 10 347 18 3 ., . , Mails ... '" 7,659 6 2 7,473 IZ 6 .. 18 5 13 8 Rents ...... 2,7 82 .IZ ·5· - --3,45 I. 9 6 668 17 I ... Miscellaneous .. , .. , 324 13 7 51 2 10 ... 273 10 9 Live Stock ... '" 10,637 I 4 I z,894 5 8 z,z57 4 4 ... Goods ... , .. I56,Z45 IS 3 155,268 13 8 , .. 977 I 7 z60,865 0 II i z66,7I I 6 I Net Increase , .. .., ... 5,846 5 Z

7,282 II 2 7,z8z II 2 )

.. -.-----~--.. --,-~~ .. ~-- The details of the working expenses were as under :- i 1877. 1878.

.. ~~~- Increase. Decrease.. -- Cost Per C~nt. Cost Per cent.. I per Trll.!n to per Train to - ; Mile, Revenue. - bIiic_ Revenue. i ---I~ £ s, d, s, d, £ s, d, s, d, £ s, d. £ s, d, Maintenance 3 J,5 30 14 5 0 11'°5 12'.09 z9,867 13 6 0 10'5 1 11'20 .. , 1,663 . ° I 1 , Loco, ... 41,358, 4 5 I 1 Z'49 15-85 44,875 0 I 1 378 16-83 3,5 16 15 8 .. Traffic ... 53, 153 6 6 ; 1 6-62 zO'37. 55,355 13 10 I '47 zO'75 I Z,20Z 7 4 ... General 3,3 80 8 I 0 1'18 1'3° 3,715 I' 3 I 1'39 15 II ... • :. I 4 ° ° 334 I 129,pz 13 5 3 9'34 49'61 133,8 I 3 1 I 5 3 I I 5°'17 ;

Net Increase .. , ,. , ... 4,390 18 ------° 6,053 18 II 6,053 18 II 1.5

'~'he. increase in the I~umbeI' of passcl).g<.;rs tr~velled ~lmounted to 91,720, the numbers being 683,169 and 774,889,£or 1877 anci 1878 resp~ctiyely. , The live stock c:1rn~d aniounted .. to 7,634 ~ns,. and ~hat of the goods to

196,250 tons. , ! " • There wfts ad.e~rease 0{2,708' train .miles .·run, the nu~bers heing.68s,006 in 1877, agains.t 682,298 in.1 878. . . ,.' .' .... ~ ' ...... EASTERN SYSTEM •. ' . The remauling pqrtion of t~is ,\ipe ,betw;een. the ,I st and 3rd section' was opened for. traffic on the 1st of March, and,the line was thus made continuous from Oakleigh to Sale, a distance of I 1 8~ miles. , The average length o,p~ne~ th:r:oughout the year was 113 miles, and on this a gross revenue of £45,9 I 8 19s, 'Yas eil,f:r;ted. . : This is.,:e,qu,iyalent! to £406 7s,' 3~. per_ ayerage, lin.;e milewopened,.11;8 against £18.9 ~s.in., IS77,,;'Yhen t~e l~p:gt]l, w..a$,32t wiles,. ~4

of 3'I4.percenJ.:, ",':''' .. ', '.J" •.•••• ".. " ' ". ,'r".. II ';',,', : The follgJ\:41g taJ;>l~? "will. ,sht?:W. ,t4e partic~al's o( thy. :rey~nue ,:;ti:t<,l exp~ndit~re on this system :- ' . , , REV"ENUE:') ,'\ '1\: ~~

1877. 187S. (38 miles.) .' (1,13 miles,) , '.~ (.',·!f, ... J'~. ~.: •• ,

'\ '" ",":' ,,!£,e 's. "il. ., ':£:" "s, 'a. iI ·' " .'£ 's'o d. P~ssengers ' .... "3,~8( 9 9 ,", 25,555" 3' 0 '21,668 'If'~' :;' I'Parcels, &c'. .!. • , ,;" .·.'f' • '~ , 46'f' 'j 0 r-. ' I '1 ;80i: '16' ! 4'''' , '/'1,3'38' '~ 4,,',t", Horses, &c. , ','" ,',; ".,' 35· 13 "4' ,. , ;.,87Q'il:o.·9;· " 834-' ,IT -,S' ' Mails "'I. 412 12 6, , 3,162 19' 10 .2,7So 7 4 .~. ' '3 l:i ,6" . , 8'" Rents , .. ., 3, 9 ," ,', I 4, II 3 1 Miscellaneous' "':. 1 " "'. d' "',;-,' • 3;'- ri ~.'" 12,'0 1 . II ' 6' J ;,' "201', I 6 Live Stock ' ,',\.,.' ... 370~ 10: S,' '376 1'0 ' S Goods ... ,.. ..,,' ,1,349," : 8" II " , ,-.'J,94Z,,13 .s, ,I 2" S9,~ ·.-.:4 ,r,.

.. ~

, : '1877~ , . ' .. , ':;. I' 1S7S:''':' .. !' . ' . ,'. '. ",'-' 't'" " 'irlCrcase.. .~ .~ •• , "f" n , T~a~~~:~e. Ie Rc~~~~e,1 .' '-' '.1 ~~'K;rr~, P~e~~~~~!Q,' ,i ·r, ~:.": , ---'---1--'·;...;·:...... :...- ---'-'-'----:.;..,...,-~--'--'- -'"

Maintenance ..... 2,05'3'''S' ,9' : I 'f'+5' ,3,;3j'~381 :IO;fOiI:';:lO( 2, r I~,i ·S:66.L;'''2Z'6s;;r~8h47 If 5 Loco ... , 1>427 yS! .? ~ O;}.I;H f'j:;;~l,r,b ,. 6~'{?IIv:. 6I~J;b 9,rn 3 J;"lf:,7.~r' jJ2i~.?'\J!65 .. ,,3 Traffic 2,799 10 II I 10'43 45'SO 7;:140 '1 I -1 0'12 'IS'S5 4,]40 r 0 Gimeral , "73', '9::' 6" '0'0'59"''- :1''I,' i 9' :,~i.: 6'f4'u"~01><0 ",pe9~'r-' '1'49:·.'("r: 571 3 4-

'''~~' 4 ....".,.•• '"::",,""'c ,-1-"-'-..,..,-,.-1":"',;;-' --:-·":';"~'-I'_-'~~.""""-:-:""";'l""";-' .,:---. ••,....- ""..,...,.,..,-.,--I,,"--,,---""""":"L""'lt :-,,,--.,-,-_."" " ".t.' " 6,354, .. 2,10, f· 2':9 1.; .,!9J~~8 M,9]7 {;1 1~-f.3 ... 9'4°' 54:39,,1 J8,9r2Z.:~9~ ,0

On this system 141,382 t,rain ~i~s ,,;ere rl,lll, 98,857 passenger journeys made, ~,. . ••• ~~.\.~\, j .', t, • '" .j ~f"\ I and 14,934 tons of goods and 261 tons live stock carried. . 16

STORES. In my last RepOl"t allusion was made to the alterations which had .been affected l\l the general lTlanagement of the Stores Branch, and of the beneficial results arising therefrom as regarded economy and despatch of business. The experience of the past year fnlly confirms what I then stated. Since the close of 1876 the large reduction of 30 per cent. in the valne of stores kept in stock has been made, and that in the face of an increased line mileage of from 702 to 1,035 miles, or 47t per cent. It will of course be understood that this has no connection with the plant and material on hand for purvoses of construction, but alludes only to the general stores kept in stock for working purposes. The decrease of 30 per cent. on the value of the general stores gives, however, a very inadequate idea of the diminution in quantity. At the time of the alteration in the management a large stock of stores of every description for the use of all branches of the Department was kept on haud, and as there were continual improvements being effected in the various kinds of materials, it followed that a large portion became obsolete, while other portions became of little or no value through deterioration. T?ese useless stores also occupied, much valuable space and requi~ed the same attention as if they had been useful stock. The whole of the stock has now been carefully inspected, and the useless portion eliminated and sold either by tender or auction. Perhaps, however, the most satisfactory and independent testimony to the value of the alterations made, is that supplied by lVIr. Audit Commissioner Symonds, in his annual report to the Honorable the Treasurer, dated 31st December I878, written after .his inspection of this branch of the Department during the month of November 1878. lVIr. Symonds states as follows' :-

U The Stores Accounts have always been a source of difficulty, as well to the Department as to the Commissioners of Audit; for it seemed impossible to place that branch upon a thoroughly satisfactory footing. On the present occasion, therefore, I was exceedingly gratified, not to say surprised, at witnessing the great change for the better which had comparatively recently taken place." "By bold, but, as I think, well considered measures, large quantities of material and miscelJaneous articles considered by the Department to be now useless and never likely to be useful for the service of this. colony, have been got rid of, though at a great loss considered with reference to their original cost; the remaining articles have been carefully re-arranged, or are in course of bcing so, and stored in places suitable for their preservation. In the general storeroom the arrangement of the different articles required by the workmen seemed to be perfect, for they were made up in suitable parcels for delivery, and clearly labelled, so that even a stranger might in a short time acquaint himself with the whereabouts of each of the numerous descriptions of articles the store contains. Attention has been given also to the storing and pre­ servation of the valuable machinery and railway material on the railway grounds. There is much yet to be done in' the same direction; but great progress has already been made, Itnd it is to be hoped that nothing will occur to prevent the work now going on being brought to a complete and satisfactory finish. I think that large savings of expense have been, and will yet be effected, which will go far to compensate for whatever loss is sustained through the necessity of disposing of useless though costly material." Of the materials in stock for purposes of construction, also considerable quantities were utterly useless, being of patterns now obsolete. These consisted of various descriptions of truck-turntables, narrow-seated chairs, points and crossings, crossing chairs, old-fashioned axle-boxes and other castings, traversers, cranes, and sundry machinery, representing in the books of the Department large sums of money, l)ut most of which had been lying in stock from twelve to eighteen years, and for which no use could be found.

Q 17

It will be seen, therefore, that in addition to the general stores at Williams­ town that the plant and material lying at the Williamstown Junction has been sub­ jected to a thorough overhaul both as regards its condition and suitability for future use. As above stated by Mr. Audit Commissioner Symonds, the clearing out of useless stock has not been done without a considerable sacrifice, having regard to the price at which it was originally purchased, but it will be apparent that such a sacrifice had to be made at sometime or other, and it was infinitely better to sell the articles not required while they still possessed some pecuniary value, than to allow them to remain on hand until their gradual and sure decay rendered them valueless. In addition to the general working stores it has been found necessary to have on hand a large quantity of blackwood timber, Jor the purpose of building new rolling­ stock. The reason for keeping a large stock of this timber always on hand arises from the necessity of having it thoroughly seasoned before being brought into use. The large amount of blackwood required by this Department for rolling-stock purposes renders it imperative that it should keep its own stock of thoroughly seasoned timber, which otherwise would not be obtainable at the time when it was required. In order to secure a sufficient quantity of blackwood, and to allow' the same ample time for seasoning before it is used, a contract was entered into on the 7th June 1878 for supplying nearly £16,000 worth. For the storing of the timber under this contract, together With the other valuable timber already held by the Department, most of which latter is thoroughly seasoned, two of the old store sheds at Williamstown Junction have been converted into timber sheds, and an entirely new timber shed has been erected at Williamstown, in which, while protected from' the influences of the sun and rain, a current of air has free access to every portion of the timber stored there. For the latter, a sum of £500 was placed on the Estimates for 1878-9, which has proved sufficient for the purpose. ,) In this shed the whole of the valuable timber at Williamstown, large quantities . of which had previously been stacked in the open air exposed to all weathers, has been properly stored. The saving thus effected in the preservation of the timber will therefore in a short time fully repay the cost of the building, to say nothing of such timber being consequently better fitted for the construction of rolling-stock, and less liable to warp, shrink, or decay. \Vhile on the subject of stores I need scarcely point out the fact, that the fuel necessary for locomotive power forms the most considerable item in the yearly expenditure for stores. During 1878, 45,594'tons of coal were used by the locomotive branch, at a cost of £71,019, the contract price being at the rate of 30S. 8d. per ton screened and delivered in bags at Melbourne station, which, with sundry other charges, brought this cost up to 3Is. 3d. per ton. With a determination to reduce as far as possible the cost of this item, I, in October last, called for tenders for the supply of coal direct to the Department from the collieries at Newcastle, New South Wales, and at the same time for tenders for the carriage of the coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Williamstown, and Geelong, as required. ,',' ]8

"(.1:~.,~'.'~\.i! ,,", !*. ~ t.,.-, t.' ~ t 1;-': , The, result proved that the Depa.rtment couldohtain its cioa~ d~]ivel'ea into the truck~':it either of the three l)lac~s' ~bove named at all ~verage co~t,~)f slightly und~r •. it. ,'," ' 248. 3d. per ton. .' , To t~is must be added the cost of weighing, shunting, haulage from Willi~ns­ town to Meibourne, clerical expenses, &c., amounting in the" aggregate to -riearly 3S. a:ton, or a'total cost to the Department of say 27S. per ton.' " ',. , .' The ,estimated consumption for the year 1879 is 50,000 tons, and' on this tl~e

th,ings a;n impossibility. :..... f " ':, ' .. , '0"" :'{ In a minor degree the supply of fuel to stations,has ,als,o. re~eiyed my attention .

. , ' , I, ~y;pur?hasing phe fir:ew5>od ~t t~~'pl:tces w~~re required,: ip~~e~~ of, ~s '~eretofore, ;~ccep,t~ng large contra~ts f~~ th~ sarp.e~t tFo O! ,thr~~ ~ent!es, an~ ~~~ling th~ ]Vo?d along the l~es to the variou~ stations, often considerable distan.ces, a direct, s3:vingj of £700 was~·~de'in.the s,upplies of 1,878, while the,.trucks hitherto used,Jor..this.p,urp?se \ •• ~,., 4· ~" _ • _.. j". -; were available for the ordinary traffic, in itself a very great desideratum"c<;H:,ts;i,geri;tg the scanty equipment of the lines with this description of rolling-stock. 19

BREAKING P ASSENGElt JOURNEYS. It has for some considerable time past been a source of compl~int amongst the travelling portion of the public that passengers having once purchased a ticket for any station could only break the journey short of that destinatio~l provided it was l'esumed and completed within the day. . In cases where such journeys efCtended over long distances this was often found to be a great hardship. Mter some little difficulty a very simple syst-em of ,check .at stations has been devised, which will completely protect the Department, and at the same time enable me to extend to passengers the privilege of breaking the journey at any intermediate point they may desire between the starting station and their destination; the privilege to be in force for a limited period from the date of issue of. each. ticket, and in order to carry out which the ordinary tickets as at present used will suffice.

ECONOMY I~ THE ADMINISTRATION of the various branches of ilie Department has also received my earnest attention. I have already alluded to the changes ~l:tde in. the Stores Branch, and the savings effected in its re-organization during th~ l~tter half of 1877. , These Wt;lre but the beginning of a series 'of alteration13 in the management of the administrative branches contemplated by me, e'specially in th~ Engi~eering :Branch,-: in order to assimilate its organizatIon to iliat which obtains in the ..Iprincip~l railways of Europe, ~t\merica, and the ~eighboring colonie~. The political complications whichoccurredtow~ds the close of 18.77 and the early part of 1878, and in consequence of)Vhich the services of a number of. officers were dispensed with, forced on tlle consideration of the in~nded alterations somewhat earlier than I had anticipated. , " Every opportunity for perfecting t~e re-organization thus somewhat prema­ turely forced upon the Department has been taken advantage of, and experience has since proved that, although initiated under these s9mewhat unfavorabl~ CU'cl.!-}!lstances, they have been attende~ with ~atisfactory results. '.. .. , . It is intP9ssil:>le ,~o give the pec.uniary value of many of. t~~. intp~ovements effected, but the following list of ann:ual savings in salaries and wages, mid one or two other items, will give some id~a of wpat has been done in the ~ay of reducing a large amount of t;lxpenditure :- ,', " .

STATElI1ENT ,of AMOUNTS Saved Annually by Reductions and Re-organization of. Offices, Station Works, &c.

, PnrtlcuJo.rs. Capital Revenne. Total.

£ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Reduction of Officers in the Construction and Main- tenance Divisions of the Engineering Branch ... 7,zz8 6 6 3.55 8 13 3 10,786 19 9 Reduction of Officers in Traffic Branch' ...... 3,161 13 0 3,161 13 :0 Reduction of Officers in Accounts and Stores Branch .... ~ 3,303 IZ 6 3,3 03 IZ 6 Reduction of Officers in Secretary's Office ...... 455 0 o· 455 0 a Reduction of Cost of Coal .by, alterations of method of' supply, calculated on the results of the first quarter of the present year ...... 10,880 a 0 ' io,880 0" 0 . Savings effected by.·the alterations in Melbourne Yard in connection with the Submban Traffic, Expense of Shunting Engine, and Wages of' Pointsmen, &c. ... 4,108 0 0 4,108 0 0 .' i

£/ 7,zz8 6 6 z5,466 18 9 3zA95 .5 .3 20

During the past year an event of more than usual importance has taken place in connection with the extension of the Government lines of railway. - I allude to the purchase of the lines communicating with the southern metropolitan suburban districts, heretofore the property of the

MELBOUlli'l"E AND HOBSON'S BAY UNITED RAILWAY CO:lllPANY. The capital account. of the Company showed at 30th June 1878 an expenditure of £1,016,266 13s. IOd., which may be thus classified:­ Share capital-Io,694, at £50 per share £534,7°0 ° ° Debenture capital . ..• . .. 465,300 ° ° Charged to revenne 16,266 13 10

Total £1,016,266 13 10

This does not, however, represent the real cost of the construction of these lines, as, on the failure of the Suburban Railway Company, in I865, the Melbourne and Hobson's Bay United Railway Company purchased their undertaking for the sum of £367,000, at which price it stands in their capital acconnt,whereas the actnal cost to the Subnrban Railway Company was £800,830. The difference between these two sums amonnts to £433,830, added to the capital cost,' as shown in the accounts of the Melbourne and Hohson's Bay United Railway Company, will give the actual cost of these lines as £1,45°,°97 . . The purchase by the Government was sanctioned by Parliament on the 14th November 1878 under Act No. 617, the price given .to the shareholders being at the rate of £80 per £50 share, with interest added at the rate of 5 per cent. nntil the purchase was completed by the payment of the money. The amount paid by the Government for these lines was ;- 10,694 shares at £80 per share £855,520 Debenture capital 465,3°0

Total ' ... £1,320,820

All liabilities in connection with debenture capital, current contracts, leases, &c., wer~ taken over by the Government, and the stores in stock taken at a valuation. In the meantime and until the completion of the purchase, these lines are being worked on behalf of the Government by the officers and staff of the Company, under the control of the Company's Board of Directors. Careful calculations show that, after paying for all working expenses, the interest to debenture holders and on the amount of £855,520 paid to the shareholders, the revenue derived from these lines will produce a clear profit of I per cent. to the Consolidated Revenue of the colony, with a fair prospect of increase. But this fact represents only a portion of the advantages which have accrued to the Victorian Railway system by the purchase of these lines. Prior to that being accomplished it will be remembered that the question of the connection of the Eastern railway system with the metropolis was beset with difficulties, which this purchase at once solved. The whole of the railways in Victoria are now the property of the State, and their continual growing extent, value, and importance to the community renders it extremely improbable that the State will ever part with the control of them. Appended to this Report will be found the annual reports of the Engineer-iu­ Chief, Locomotive Superintendent, and Telegraph Engineer on the working' of the Branches under their control. 21

Also complete Balance-Sheets of the Acco~nts of the Department, brought up to the 3 I st December 1878, statements of the Revenue and Expenditure on each of the four systems, and sundry statistical and other returns, diagrams, plans, &c., giving a variety of practical information, and to these I beg to direct your Lordship's attention.

RECAPITULATION. The results at the close of 1878, as regards the work of the year, may be summed up generally as tollows :-.' . " ,: The year closed with a total length of 1,035 miles open for trafic, 72 in progress, and 67 more authorized, making in aU 1,174 miles of railway. The average length open during 1878 was 966t miles. The total borrowed capital was £13,5oj,693, and the yearly interest payable

£732,218. " r:lccount'dU'ri"i1g TS78'·was:£·r80,:256. ,""', The gross earningitof tll~'i~:iF>w~rell:£I~216~bi5;:' "". ' The expenditure was £625,699, or 51'43 per cent. of t?~ ea:r:ning~ .. The balance of profit on working was £59°,976. ,'" "'-t'·.·.:,:-',',.' ,11 ~',. p t iii .'. ,'7'" hlnT.)\,\i I : The amount contributed by the Consolidated Revenue, to make good the ~ .• 1,-" ,.fJ' <.r-. I.. '"

Commissioner of Railways. 22




I. Report of the Engineer-in-Chief. 2. " Locomotive Superintendent. " Telegraph Engineer. 4. Statement showing the contracts in progress at 31st December 1878 for stations, rolling-stock, and other works. S. Statement of the funds authorized to be obtained on loan for the construction of Victorian Railways, and of the expenditure charged against the same. 6. Statement of the receipts and expenditure on capital account. 7· " " " in account with the consolidated revenue. 8. qeneral balance-sheet. 9. Statement of revenue and expenditure on Victorian Railways, all systems.

10." " " " Northern system. II. Western system. " " " 12. North-Eastern system. " " " " Eastern system. " ". " " 14. Return of wool consigned to Melbourne, Williamstown Pier, Geelong, and Portland. IS. Amount, mileage, and trafllc at each station. 16. Return of free passes issued.

17. " rolling-stock. 18 Detail of locomotive charges per train mile. 19. Comparative statement fur seven and a half years, ending 31st December 1878.

20. Detail of cost of construction of each line open for traffic, highest and lowest levels, steepest gradients, &c., &c.

21. Return of casualties during 1878. .. .. since lines were opened for traffic .

Diagrams showing revenue, expenditure, and net earnings of each system, and average of same per tra,in mile and mile:oven. Map of Victoria showing railway system. 23



I. • - -.', I .-. ,'] , ' " ...... " ,:., . "~.' 11 , ,\" ,. '. Engineer-in-Chief's Office" Railway' Depaxtment, SIR, ' :: Melbourne, 28th April 1879. , I' have the honor to, report that the permanent way and works of the Victorian Railways were efficiently maintained during the year ending 3 I at December last.

• i ",]}he, total expenditure- on 'account of maintenance for the year; was ,£ 155,409 I8s. 3d., for an average length of 1,099 ~iles of single line, as against £166,580' I~S. 8d. ~uring. th~ previous,year? for an average length of- 934 mIles, or'at the rate of £1'41' 8s.' 2d. per mile ofsmgle hne m 1878, as compared with £178,78. in 1877. It will be seen that, although an additional average length of 'I 65 miles of way has been maintained, the total cost of maintenance' was £11;17° IS.' 5d. less 'last year than for the previous year. ~his decrease is principally accounted for by the very small issues of permanent-way materials during the year 1878, £9,483 I5s. Id., compared with the issues in 1877, £21,976 38. Sd.; but there is no doubt that large issue~ of permanent-way ;materials will be necessary, during the present' year to keep the lines in proper working order. ' ' The number of redgum sleepers used for renewals and repairs during the year was 52,714, against 47,453 in the previous year. • . The following lines were opened for traffic during the year :- , Branch line to Geelong Racecourse, 2 'miles, on 1st February. 'Bunyip to Moe, 32 miles, on 1st March. Dunolly to Bealiba, 12l miles, on 3rd September. Stawell t{) Murtoa, 35! miles, on 17th December. Bealiba to St. Arnaud, 20t miles, on 23rd December. The contractors for the Dunollyand St. Arnaud and the Stawell aud Murtoa lines, h':wing COUl­ pleted the lines so, fl1r as, to, enable tl!em to be opened for traffic br;fore the spBpified dates, obtained the bonus to which they were in each case entitled under their respective contracts, viz., £3,000 on the former contract, and £500 on the latter. The following new lines were maintained by the Department for a portion of the year :-,. Dunkeld to Hamilton, 19 miles, for 1'1 months.· " Branch line to Geelong Racecourse, 2 miles, for I I months. Oakleigh to Pakenhnm, 254 miles,'for I I months. Portland Jetty to Hamilton, 54 miles, for 9* months. Moe (River) to Morwell, 19 miles, for 8 months. Bllnyip to Moe (hh'cl'), 2 I i miles, for 5! m(;mths. Contracts were entered into during the year for the cons~ruction of the following lines :-

No. of , I Average pcr Act. Date, Line, Length. Mile,


" or, omitting the South Yarra and Oakteigh line, at an average of £2>429 per mile. This is exclusive of land, stations, permanent-way materials, engineering, rolling-stock, &c. ; but there is no doubt that the lines will be completed f01' the amounts autho1'ized. , Considerable alterations have been made in the Melbourne yard for facilitating the Suburban traffic; the outlay will be about £10,000, and the saving effected ,will be about £4,000 per annum, besides greater safety to the public being secured.' , The alterations in ,the yard iJ.ffecting the' general traffic are being proceeded with. The new approaches to the goods station will be finished about October next, and those to the passenger station about tl;le end of December. ' In the general working of the Engineering Branch of the Department the separation of "Construction" from. " M,ainten,ance" has been attended with very satisfactory results, and everything is going on well. The adoption of uniform drawings for, all the requirements of the different new lines affords great facilities to contractors, whiCh they are not slow to appreciate; and I am' convinced the Department gets the, work done much cheaper in consequence. I, have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, ROBT. WATSON, Engineer:in-Chief. The Honorable John \V oods, Commissioner of Railways. 24


No. Z. Locomotive Superintendent's Office, SIR, Melbourne, Sth June 1879. I have the honor to report that the rolling-stock upon the Victoriull Ruilwuys nus been well main­ taincd ,during the twelve months ending 31 8t Dec'ember 1878. Some of the repuirs have been of a very extensive nature, and all have been charged to working expenses. The are in fair condition: Some very heavy repairs were eff'ectedto both boilers and engmes during the past year. ' Extensive renewals are required to the boilers of some of the earlier engines, and a large amount of material is now on the way from England for that purpose. Extensive repairs have been effected to cnr:r:iages generally, all worn-out tyrcs having been" trued up" or renewed, and a Hew system of roof velltilation has bcen introduced. ,Twenty (20) composite carriages require stronger underframes. A few wagons yet remain with weak ullderframes, but these I am gradually altering. The horse boxes, carriage trucks, and brake vans are all in good condition. The detailed accounts will show that 3,095,S90 train miles were run during the year, against 2,786,S8I in 1877, or an increase of 309,009 miles; the cost of working has been IS. T42d. per train mile. :For comparative purposes, I beg to show by following retul'll the working expenses und mileage since 1870:- WORKING EXl'ENSES AND REPAIRS, REPAIRS TO ENGINES,, WAGONS, AND CARRIAGES-YEARS I87!' TO 1878. ---.-~-.---~-----~~------.~-~~.----~.---~-"-~-"---"~~-"~ .-~~~------

Repairs to Engines. Hep"irs to Carriages, &0, Repairs to 'Vagons. l(unn lng Branch. Total Working Expenses and Repairs. Train Yenr, ~lile., Oost per ICost per lC*,1~2Jer ICost per Amount. Train Amount. Ic~~~r,~r Amount. Train Amount. Train Amouut. i 'l'rain :Mile, rullo, Mile, ~Ii1e. ~--~------, ------£ s, d, d, £ ,', d. d, £ $. d, --d, £ s, d, s, d, £ s. d, i •• d, 1870 l1II6,Z1S 2.1,590' 5 4'64 '4.998 8 II 1'07 7,390 4 I 1'59 67,512 16 9 1 2'52 101:491 15 2 I 9'82 18 1 0 26 2 I 10"10 - 7 53 ,3 9,789 18 ~ 4'43 2.7 9 1 6 1'24 3,451 6 9 1'56 32,866 3 7 1 2'87 48,838 10 4 1871- 2 1,173.434 24,344 0 2 498 5,513 7 5 1'13 6,996 10 I 1'4) 66,499 7 S 1 1'59 I03,H3 5 1 I 9'13 1872-3 I.H4.11I 22,071 10 7 3'91 6,954 17 0 I'l3 9,27 1 19 4 1'65 80,771 12. 5 • 2'31 II9,o71 19 4 I 9'10 .873-4 1,667.124 '5,427 0 g 3'66 10,710 6 1 "55 12006 0 8 1'86 102.435 15 8 I 2'73 151.479 3 4 • 9'80 1874-5 1,051,710 3ISII I2. 3'69 u.57' 19 2 I'47 13,188 7 I "54 "5.29' 17 8 I 2'65 182,56) .6 5 I 9'35 .875-6 2 :280,C92. 1 10 1'80 1 1 3 ,434 7 .1 l'l' 14.778 16 1 1"56 17, 4 9 II 1Z9.8so 11 10 • 1'66 '93,168 6 II 8'33 *1 876 I.26z.7S2 11,I2.7 I 4 "49 IO/>bogie covered wagon with double doors. These two items have been charged to construction account. Contmcts have L,een let during the year for the construction, in the colony, of 100 mcdium open goods wagons, 3 first class 'and 4 second clnss Americnu double bogie saloon carriages, 15 horse boxes, 15 carriage trucks, 10 luggage bmke vans, 10 locomotive engines and tenders, ,supply of engine, tender, carriage, and wagon wheels as required for three years, and I,SOO wrought iron buffers. Considerable loss and e,xpense has accrued to the department for some time past from the necessity which has arisen for the employment of unseasoned blackwood timber in the construction of carriages, wagons, &0. To obviate this, a large contract has been entered into for the supply of sawn blackwood from the forests of South Gipnsland, instead of as hitherto obtaining our supply (through the contractors) from Tasmania. In the- contmct alluded to very stringent conditions have been embodied regulating the periods at which treei! shnJl be felled, and such ,other conliitiolls as are considered hest conducive to the obtaining of the timber in the Lest possiLle condition. I am glad to be ablc to state that thc timher alrCIH'iy delivered, the prolinct of trces felled during last winter (June 1878) iH of excellent qnaliiy, aml will comparo most. fnvol'fl,],ly Wit.h'tiDy hitherto obtained by the department.

d 25

To ·ensure ihorough 'se~soning before use, it is being properly stacked, under shelter, at Williamstown Junction. , , ","_', . ., " It is obviou~",that this

f,:, :~~ ">~ * iiI :"'~~~., d.:!;", ,:.,:..:1";" '''.,'1 ,', fc:)=,;biiTl:"!tltl".>" "i/•. HJ t;1i}\..I-_;·~:~::{JjU'4 '.~

.:rr ~::. ,+ f· dO" "

.~.'~ I ~ ; Telegraph Engineer's Office,

SI~~ "+:: { . ,;.., H', '. :' ;,jt. , :. ·.l i' ',' '.l"I.~lbqur~e, ~7~h)\~~.YfI879 • .~ " 'i: ,I-,~have ,~he . ~ono]; .tq ,report o~ .the, state of: the' Telegraph. -Brll.ncp, ;of . the PeP!1rtment.at. the conclusion 'of the year 1878., .;, ., \"",, ',j., '. • I,' "il",; U:'h)" - ".J', Before the commencement of that year, the telegraph wires used, belonged to the Postal-Depart­ ment, whic)1 pro,vided them in consideration'.of havinglall moneys·received at railway statjons.for telegrams transmitted, paid to its credit.. This ,aJrangement"was proved t?be ullsatisfactorJ, and,a,Ltk\e ell.d .0£1187,7 the principle. t,hat t4e department, should' constn;tct its owp' telegraph lines w.as· adopted, and' a commence­ ment mf!.de. with. OD!), wire al?ng the Nortp-El1steI~l:\J~ailw:ay,thatJine being first selected, as·"the one upon whic,h the telegraph arrangeInent~. required. to be"most perfect, OIl accourit .. of the, nE,l,cessity: ;for working it upon the block system. .'). ,.' .~._ I '.~ , ,"f')' \"':,, .:,1... : ·This line was completed in.J uly 1,878" and ;it is ,gratifying, to know,tliat since that·date:,the only interruption which has occurred on it was wh9n it 'WJl.S cut.by the,Kelly outlaw~. The.. cost of the::North7 Eastern line, which is,also,about:that of,the others constructed by the department, :was 'a, little )ess,.t,&an ,£18 a mil\" all aI.pou,nt which will compare favorlil:\es el,sewhere. From a report of the New Zealand Telegraph Department, I find that the lines, in:'~hat colony: cost considerably more-:,£s 3, I,Iftj .. Bel' :rn,ile in the ',case of ,one"line,:rand £25 ,17,S. ·p,er~pll.le"in ,the. !!ase ,of~ another, being recorded. Our lines liave been constructed of the best materials procurable, lind test ,admirablYfdn

·~Y(1.:ry way.-,,,. ,d , I.~;'~ -." 1 t,"l' ,:j ",; ~, ' .. ~.: ,'.:.:.. ::;,.'"".~~ .}"~l·':F.::':~ The, totalmqnber of telegrams sen,t from.. tlie, railway, stations during I,8:78,w!!

I r, " ;. particulars. .' .

- ".:. Total number of messages seu.t .:;. f' " '104,857 , 267,63 6 ' , . " Actuul cash received ... , £1,789 2S •• 6d. £2,838 68, Id. i" Value o:£.0.H.M,S.·telegrams sent ... ,', £4,572 7S: od. ',£}3,841 3S.~od . .;: '<~, ",'~ i . Total value of bUSiness transacted 61 98• 6f £16,679.98. ld.,. .. £6,3 ,~. ,,' Miles of wire open ", , ' 702 1,147 . ,,' Number of offices open· .;., 53' .. 85 ,',

In making thiscompl1rison, 'r can r~fer t~ the very great the new lines have effected i~l our working. Mnch yet l'emnihs to, be done before our is as it sh'oul~ ,be; but lliope gl'adu~lly; 118 circ'U'lI\st1111ces ,villl1llow, to l)e~~]e to lui-ve necessar.y made. . Since' tl~e ~en,u(or ~.~7.,8' considerable. Ptogres~ 1111s bet;ln. n;t,t~d:~.1Vith; tJ18 of \o~f'.telegraph lines; I1nd:by the end of the financial .yem:,over I.3po'miles of wire will be in use, which o~ver 8qo_miles are the property: 'of the department; 97tp' 109 stations ;;Vill be eO!lT)ected :~v.ith these ,lines, 'and.. th.er~~Ol;e 'in telegraphic communic::tion with :Melbourne l1I!d with the :whole railway system of the colony. '

, C I have t,he honor to be, Sir, ' Your obedient servant, .. ' ", K. L. MURRAY, The Honorable .J:. 'Woods, Commisl;lioner of Railways. Telegraph Engineer. ·k, ~ .," VICTO,RIAN.,_RAILW,~ Y S.

1\1'00 4:0 'STA,TEMENT shii,ving the Contracts in progress at the 31st December.. 1817 for Construction of Lines, Stations, Rol~~~g-stock, and othel' works; also the Contracts entered ,into . . , , ' during the Year ending 3 ~st December 18'78. ~--~~-'------~~'~1~------~,-.~,------Contmct No. ------COlltriictor. Description of Contract. LIne of Eallwny. Contract Amount, Expenditure to Balance Remarks. Date. Unexpended. j~:g':e~:;J Gazette . 31St Dec. I 878. ._-,--1--1----"---11 /----1 18 75. '£. s, d. £, iI. d. £ 8. d. Not completcd;t 31st Dec. 1878 630 466. July i ~ Fishburn and Morton Construction of 9 miles 79 chains 56 links of rail­ Wangaratta to ~eechworth 7?,018 I 8 69,244 9 9 I 1875. ' -1. ..' way fromE"verton to Beechworth " " , , -"'. '~~ r; 632 776 Sept. 17 John... Thomas. , •. " 38 miles 34 chains 76 links of rail- I Geelong to Colac 97,~25 2 2 2 5,08212 91 Completed. 1875. - •• 1 ~ ,; ,.. way'fromFreshwaterCreek'toColb.c' '"" r'~' ~ II 9 ,;4 ,~ 6 *(;35 1541 Feb. 12 James Leggat " 34 miles 38 chains 69 links of rail-I Oakleigh to Sale 98,520 13 .', I , '18 78, I :way from Oakleigh to Bimyip " ' . "; : " ~ ~ }IOI~;75'i '3 3,354"7 6 635 1942 Apr. '5 Jamc's Leggat Extr:.\ on ditto ' 6,208 16 " ,,~ , ., . , . 1875: .. 6 Dec. 17 Noonan Brothers ... Construction of 40 miles 26 chains 33 links of 0 II - Not completed at 31st Dec. 1878 63 974 , rail­ 17 ,994 5 7 100,(75 4 1877; , " .. ,>, , -,' LC..'r. way from Bunyip to Morwcll ~- 636AI 1I72 Jim. 26 Fisliburnand Morton Completion of 2hriiles '14' chains ,of the :J',' 89,5 28 19 5 83,oQb 10 '1 ''0 1874. second section of the Oakleigh a line " 637 1443 Dec: 18 and·James ... Construction of 40.miles 44 chains 64 of rail': .~!,,~~ ~..i< G:~ ')],:.4.; t~~··f jl.... I:.'· , 127,500 8 10 } ;: .' ;) ~ 13 ;, I 1877· ' \Vi~y from Morwell to Sale, t-:;) a 186 Apr. ·6 'Millar and James .. . "J ••• .. ~ ."') II .... 216 0/ Completed. 637 3 Extm'on ditto' ' .•••. , . " ~,i~o 0, ~ 1:~~~;8 ~ ~ 6 to:) 1878• " c.~ 01 Feb. 8 Millar and James .. . Extm'on ditto·, v.,; 637 15 ;, 3,8?0 13 8 18 75. " " 656 7~2 Sept, 9 Milne;: Gartly, and Construction of 14 miles 69,chains o:F·railway from Maryborough to Avoca' 37,18 5 3 27,525 I2 9,659 8 2 • f. :, ~ I r : , ,.": "'Tout " ','. c, . - "': .' MaryhOroughto' A"vOe!l' . . .. .: . , .. !. . ° .. • .. ·1 , ~~," "t 1 Dec: 10 Walker:and IIallida'y ·m i";, .i. J';' ': bridge.over.'Murray.at

1) This contract ",as transferred frolll Neil l\!ac:l

,f" J' , Expenditure to BalllJlce . Date. Contractor. . Dcscrlptio;n of Contract. '~.. Line of RaIlway. .J . Contmet 'Amount. Remarks. i~~111~:f.r~~ I Gazette. 31st Dec. JS7S. Unexpended. --,--,--\------,------~------18 77. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. 860 '1858 Apr. 6 James King Erection of passenger station, &c., at Winchelsea ... Geelong to Colao i87S: , 1,~6 :~ ~ It 2,062 5 :\ IS 0 0 Completed. 860 .2196 Feb. I James King Extra on ditto 360 12 5 f 18 77. " 861 1859 Apr. 6 James King Erection of passenger station, &c., at Birregurra••. 18 78. " 1,799 10 9 I.} 1,896 IS 8 20 0 0 861 2197 Feb: 1 James King Extra on ditto 117 4 II " '18 77. " 867 1861 'Apr. 6 Robert Thornton ... Construction of dock, timber wharf, &c., at Echuca Sandhurst to Echuca 14,948 12 3 9,035 15 7 Not completed at 31111: Dec. 1878. 868 1200 Feb. 9 Alfred Day Asphalting Sandhurst platform 175 14 8 153 IS 4 869 I 21 36 June 22 .Atlas Company of Manufacture of 4 two-ton cranes for Echuca wharf " 640 I 7 640 2 o 0 5 Completed." Engineers " 87 2 Mar. 14 Patent Composition .Asphalting platform, Footscray station ••• Footscray Junction to Williamstown ... 15 2 6 I .... i5 2 6 Pavement Company " 835 1974 Apr. 27 Henry Turnbull •.. Construction of western pier, Williamstown 11,828 19 0 9,490 3 8 :0'" Not completed at 31St Dec. 1878. I " " II *~94 2035 May 18 J. H. Robinson and Manufacture and supply of 320 tons of fishbolts and Lines authorized under .Act 41 Vict. 580 14,200 0, 0 ),i,3010 0 ° I 18,220 17 ,3 " Company " " , " 92 9 893 " 3 I Phwnix Foundry Building and finishing 100 cattle wagons ... I 14>595 0 0 I l~hS9S 0 0 I pompl~ted . Company'· " " 93 1 694 " James Mackintosh Supply of 15,500 redgum sleepers and 1,500.1. ft. Williamstown Junction to Geelong and 3,066 13 4 3,066 II 1. I.r o 2 2 Ii sawn timber , Ballarat and Footscmy to Sandhurst " 934- 950 Sept. 14. Taylor and Duguid Erection of a goods shed at Geelong GeeJong to Colao 11,882 14 ~ I} 1878. " H,99S 9 0 934 8S1 Oct. IS Taylor and Duguid I Extra on ditto II2 14 . 6 .". " 1877. " 936 943 Sept. 14 George .Anderson ..• I Erection of a goods shed at Hamilton ... .Aramt to Hamilton ... 4,266 14 7 4>026 12 5 240 2 2 0 " 94 969 " 28 .A. Roberts and Sons Supply of 300 axle-boxes ... .All lin es' ... 2.43 IS 0 243 IS 0 " 18 77. I ,941 945 Sept.14' E. Cummings Erection of Ii. passenger station, &e., at Heywood ... I Portland to Hamilton 1,149 IS 0 1,106 19 4 42 15 8 Completed. 942 946 " 14 E. Cummings Condah 1,281 0 0 1,206 7 6 74 12 6 » " " 0 2Z XI 0 943 947 " 14 E. Cummings ",t " Branxholme 1,149 15 0 I,u7 4 .945 94z " 14 Jas. McGregor and I Construction of gatekeepers' cottages " 2.,1'57 6 8 ., 1878. Sons " } 2,237 19 8 945 20 97 May 17 Jas. McGregor and Extra on ditto ,... " 80 13 0 18n. Sons ",.: .. 95 1 95 2 Sept.'14 Cocks, Broom, and Additions and alterations to buildings and founda' ..Geelong to 'Ballarat .•• 2.,194 14 0 2.,02.0 5 7 174 '8 5 .t , ,Company tions to foot-bridge at Ballarat West station "'~" . . . 9S:!. 1272- Dec. :!.I I John ]'oot .•• ' Erection of a goods shed and platform at Oakleig)1 Oakleigh,t2, ~ale 473 7 II 472. IS 4 o u 7 1878. 'I '. n' ) ("'" " 953 2I'~1 June 7 W. McCulloch and Supply of redgnm sleepers Foofscray to Sanqq.urst 280 0 0 -. Company I ' It n .. ,,_ ,.,.,.r·r' 387 19 6 to ,951 69 1 Aug. '2; 'W. ••• M«Culloch and IExtra on ditto ...... ;; , - 107 19 6 f I8n. Company.. I, • 954 965 Sept.28 Blair and McGrow-' ·Supply of 15,000 redgum sleepers, and 1,000 I. ft. " ~ . : ::-. 2,801 0 10 2.,785 u 2. 15 8 8 ther sawn timber _ . " .955 lOS:!. Oct. 121' Philip Bevan '" 'I Manufacture and supply 'of 100 goods wagons ·Alllirlcs .- 16,IP IS 4 15,62.2. 18 4 530 0 0 .. 95 6 1050 n. I:!. A. Harkness and Building and finishing 100 open goods wagons " '10,400 0 0 10,400 ° 0 Company " 958 964 Sept. 28 Robert Thornton Erection of a goods shed, &c., at Portland •.• [ Portland to Hamilton 2,310 ° 0 2,144 7 II 165 rz I 961 1051 Oct: r2 Thomas Tozer Manufacture and supply of 24 double bogie wagons Alllines 6,202. ° 0 6,12.2 2 3 79 17 9 " ,962 966 Sept. 28 Thomas Tozer " wrought ironwork for " Uate 1,61 9 7 9 " goods"wagons " 96 l.\_ 1041 IOct. 5 IJames Silk Erection of a goods shed at Ondit •• , , Geelong to Colae 513 10 10 467 2 46 8 7 6 12 " temporary booking office, &c., at Portland to Hamilton " 9 5 1047 '.: Robert Thornton 189 ° ° 189 ° ° II Portland ~ 966 U34 DeC. 7 I Paterson and Quayle goods shed, &c., at Branxholme 339 14 8 332. I 4 7 13 4 ,. (j;) 1878. " " 967 1941 Apr. 5 W. Evans Supply of 160' wagon springs All lines Rate 477 19 9 968 i41 7 Jan. I I A. G. Corbett and Conveyance ot' a locomotive engine from Speneer Lines authorized under Act 37 Vict. 129 0 0 u9 0' 0 " 1877. Son street to Oak leigh 475 " 969 1069 Oct. 26 H. Luth ... Supply of 4,050 sleepers , ... ". Melbourne terminus .. , 1,112. 10 0 1,004 8 6 108 I 6 972 u35 Dec. 7 Paterson and Quayle Erection of a goods shed, &c., at Condah Portland to Hamilton 331 18' 3 32.2 0 3 9 18 0 " 973 U36 " 7 I Paterson and Quayle " "Heywood 323 14 ° 318 12 9 5 " 981 ' 1240 " 7 James Kennedy Ereetion of wooden building for offices, Batman's Hill Melbourne" terminus ... 166 13 10 166 13 10 " 985 1233 .. 7 Pritchard and Black- Erection of a wooden building at Stawell ... Ararat to Smwell 1557 7 153 IS 7 1 12 0 " wood " 986 U32 7 James Silk turntable, &e., at Colae ... Geelong to Colae 477 II 3 477 10 7 008 :987 1273 " 21 John Foot " goods shed and platform at Dandenong Oakleigh to Sale 495 8 0 478 19 7 16 8 5 " ?988 " I:!.74 ,u 21 John Foot " Berwick ... , 506 8 0 485 13 8 20 14 4 " 1 " " Drouin ,;, " II 0 " "99 1275 " 2.1 John Foot 550 8 0 512. 7 38 .. 1878• " " " " ""'992. 1984 Apr. I2 D. Leslie and Com- Construction of 36 miles zo chains 53 links of rail­ Stawell to Horsham .. , 77,999 13 4 I 67,009 5 5 Not completed at 31st Dec. 1878, pn.ny wn.y and telegraph line between Stawell and Murtoa _ 993 1985 " IZ D. Lealie n.nd Com. " 17 miles 20 chn.ins 17 links of rail way 40,2.72 0 2 6,886 3 pany and telegraph line between Murtoa and Horsham " " 995 1412 Jan. II In.mes Mackintosh ... Supply of Z,323 c. f. of rcdgum timber ... Footscray Junction to Williamstown 253 5 203 5 3 50 0 0 Completed. 1877, 6 1276 Dec. 21 Charles Bcn.uchamp '5,000 c. y. of zl-inch metal at Williams. I Williamstown Junction to West Geelong 1,2.81 5 0 1,2.61 IS 6 19 9 6 '99 / " town Junction "

.. In oonsequeuce of the contmctors h .... lng made an asSignment Of their estate for tbe benefit of theIr creditors this contract WlIS determined by tbe Board of Land and Works on :!."'nd November 1878. No. 4-.-STATEMENT showiulfthe Contracts' in progress at ;th'e 3l!it· D€ieemoer"'1 877 for' :CoIistructiont'of' 'Lines; . Stations;' RblHIig'-stookrantl"6tnerwo'tki'f'itlsi:i\'the Contracts. ontered " ,.. ,:.into duringtlie Year ending 31st December i878-continued. ..- . -,- "

Contract No, \ . . Expenditure"' to -, i'. . : Date .' Contractor, ,.). De~lptlOn of Contract. , Lmc 01 Railway. ' ... Contract Amount.· '1St Dec'.m~Ar ,. ,~I>lance -I' , .n'mnrk. E"ldn""l P., .' . "', "" ., Unexpended" I ,".. ',~ .' •. iD~Chie('8. Gazette. I . ", , ',' ... . '. 1878. : ~ I i ~ -- -,-, . -.--:-::- - . .' - .-, ::;--:-::1 1-'--_. 1877. ''''.' .:., ...,. T •• r •••. "·, ' .. £. s. d. £' • s. d. . £ s. d, 998 1'1.77 Dec, 2.1 C. Nasll .•• 'Supply of 5,000 c;·y.of'2..~-inch·irieta;1 aq;'ethbri~ge .. _ Williamstown JUllction to West Geelong 875 0 0 875 0 o. • •• _ Completed. "L. .' .• J. ··r· 'I) • '.,,,~ :, .. ' ;".:,:,.:,"'••• ,.:',!., ... ,;.,,"j" ~!!d.G.eeloqgJ,('. • • '~'. Qi .: t . "j.n .t~,J·.· !~';;' 99~AI' 1Z41.! '" Lan glan dS. Foundry t,,,' rolle~' ~or plate-bendlDg machIne, dOCKS.) I Footscray 'Junctlon to Wlihamstown - ijo: 0 0 ! ;: Ij~"'t 0 0 ,',' . '~"I \P9.l}lp~ny H V{Jlbamstown n ):."'.~:. ..,..' . :.)i: C " 999. IZ37 " 7 Sc.ott Brothers " " 3,000 sleepers, &c...... 1 Lme racecourse, Geelong 885" 0:' 0'- to 885. 0'; o~ ~c~ .. ~ 188':10' ~ 0'· < IO~O" Il':3r ". .7,SPO.tt B'rothers " " 2,60<;>;posts.·?-I)?.JAO? rails '," ,.',' ;'r :;~;,'~'r" ., . 188;10) o~ . ~ ,,, ; j,I T'" ", .. ". loo'i' , 00 1i39' " 7 J~mesJ.~~ng "Moo,C,y•. ·0.f.gr~yelfor~alla·st·!. - .. .,,, .. ."".! 9 :' 9. 0.; 900,. 0 ..' 0' ~ ... , 1878., . , • " 100.3', .2.200 .. Feh, I· Langlands F.oundry.. "'" 5 pairs' of )ocomot~ve engine cylinders .••. 1\llline~ , 470 0\ 0 470',0' 0' I, " .. '. . .' .Company >",.,- .. " ,~'. '·, •• t' ~ ,~: .... , ! .. "!j' ' .. , r~";,' 4 " ; ,~ ! ... 1004, '192.i Mar. 8 R'obert Barbour;';.. ;';,";', timber, &c., for ~ilt. siding .~ .. , Meilio~rDe:tei:minus- ... : 641 13 ~ 4 547' 2. . 7' 94,10 IOA5'. 14i4' Jan. II' John Foot ,;:., .::; Erect10n,of engine-shed.at 9akleigh ' ...... ,Oak.1eigh.to Sale _ .. . 326 ' 7,2.: 32.4 -II 'II ~ I ,~15 un" 1006 . 141f' ,; . II Thomas Pescat't '::.'. '. ;,.' " '.,,,. . Colac:. ''< lJ Geelong to COliLc !. ... : •• 0 I'!:. 3 i 7- 7~ 30 7.;. 7:' 7 {" "wl 1007 ,41S' I July T. 'Cockmm and 9f passenger station at Sale Oakl~igh·to Sale·' . ... I' "''''' ... ~9 Cons~niction 2,995 -10 0 2.,133 17· 3 '1 Note~mplctednt 31st Dcc .878. , . lJ JClollMlpaGnyl'l· .. · "IS" 'I'.. ; f' f' t't··l···';· ~'!:' "'· .. d. 1009 141,1 an. II o.m . c ~g Iran .... upp y 0 2,000 C, y .. ,o qu.a);, ~ alllJgs·.... • ... . tJ;eeiong to Ballarat al1d:BiiJl~~&t,to'Ararat I2~JIO 0 124' 10~ 0'. Completed. 10I! 1413 " II A. McKenZie and Son "J '1,000 fence posts and 2.,000 fence ralls .. . Ballar:1t to Maryborough .70 io, 0 70 10 0 1012. 14:16. .w .11 W. H. Lumond., ... , ". 44 iron tanks . .., .. .•• " .. . Portland to Hamilton 197 0·. 0 197,- 0 o. ",." 1013 ,1418 " II George Cooper' '... Excavation, &c.; for reservoir at Warrig'al station .. . Oakleigh to Sale 0' g89 7' 8i 17 6 Not eompleted o.t ,1St Dcc. 1878. C>:<'. 1014, ,.... " 9- :W. H. Lamond .... I Supply of 12 40o-gallon tanks .... r,....., .. . 51-, o. 0 .. 51i~o_o Completed. C 1015:2.198. Feb. I' James Hodgins .... Clearing a portion'of the' Dahderiong creek .,... . " 32.6 ,14_ 0 , 2.9.14 0\ ':,-"i .: 2.97' o. " 1016 I2.95 T.' 'and of engi;e for Ballarat 'Geelong to Ballarat ... , o 0 'D~sz.~g ~avey Com~. SU~PI; p~~table WO~kshOPS' 2.45 2.45,' 0 0 . " .~ . ( . 1878." ,pauy " .q~ . , , '. ...., .,' I ... .• , .. .' '1! . :", _ 101 '1 I Man'tifacturc of platelayei~' tools, &6:' ,'" . '" , Oak leigh to Sale...... ; .. ' ' 7 1907 Mar. A: Braid ::. 32.I 9 10-,' 2.jf'15 4 . 4~;1.j.: " ,~ lOIS 1933 ;, 2.2. Thompson and Com- " points 'and crossings . :.: ... Lines'authorized under Act 41 Vict. 580 3,805 15 o· 2.,4-85 '10 8 Not completod at.llst Dec .• 878, . pany . • 101 9. July 4 Wright and Edwards ;,' , ".. ' " . ,fbi.Portland jetty: I' Portt"and to lfumilton ::: .. . 34 5 0, , ,,34 : 5 o· 102.0 2199 Feb. I W. B. Hoffman Supply of 8,000 redgum sleepers - '.' .. :" ... 'Melbourne terminus..., .. . 1.,2.55' 0' o· : i,076' 4 9 I8.j. 15

102.1 1900 " 2.2 J. Stewart and.Com- Erection of' passenger statioll!&C., at,Craigieburn Newmarket.Junction to:Wodonga 8 _.' , ,~ " . pany" . . 5 3 19 0 f ... 1,1I1 13 35 5 102.1 2.;30 June,2.S . J. Stewart .and Com" IExtra. on .ditto ...... 5,36 0 '0.; pany .' -..' . " " ,. I 102.2. 01 Feb. 2.2.. Phillips and Mar,kwclll Erec~ion of passenger stati9n, &c.,. at Kilmorc ••• ' j 19 -,,". I" " 506 ,I I II. " 486 9 I 20' 2. 102.3 190 2. " 2.2. James R~chardson .. '''1 'j, " '. Broadford " " 516 15 II 493 16 9 2.2. 19 " 102.4, 0 'j 19 3 ". 2. 2 James Iilchardsou ... .'\ _. " . . " "Tallar90k ..... • ~,,~ "" " + •• 51~~15 II. 501. 8. 6 15 . 7.:7 102.5 141 9 Jan. I I Robert Barbour ... Supply 0(2.,667 redgum)l~·epers. ',.;. '.:: Fdotscray 'Jullction to Williamstown, 43 6 9' 6 4:36' 9 6'1, Williamstown Junction to West Gee.-. • ;' ~ 1 ~ .. ~ • . '" 'Iong, and Geelong to Ballarat I02.6 1448 JJ' ,18" A. G. Corbett.~ Son Conv.eyance of a locomotive engine from Melbourne, Lines authorized under Act 37. Yict. 475,1 : I'1.9 .. o· 0 1'1.9 o 0 ,. ' I . to Oakleigh , ,,'" 102.7. .1'192.0,1 Mar. ·S. Monie and¥attinson COllst.ruction.of 32 miles 9'9 chains 68 :Jinks of rail-.j Dunolly to St. Amalld .71,974;.0, 8 160,i32 6" Not completed at lIst Dec. I878. ,...' . '. . • way and'telegraph lil:ie, between D unolly and St. ; ., . Arnaud. .~ ':~ 102.8 1'1936 2.2 II Paterson'and Quayle. Erection of. gatekeepers' cottages on. middle section. Oaldeig/l. t9. 'Sl1J~ , .... ,. ~ ,J"r"" 'I " "."i 1:35~' 6 0 I , .... of the Oakleigh and Sale line' ". '. . - . . .. I} 1,77 2 9 4 pODlpletea. 10'1.8 8 56 Oct~ '4: Paterson and Quayle Extra on ditto " •• , I 4'1.2. 3 4 102 18 9 99 I Feb. 22.,. ~i~~ard ,Jack.,:", •••..:suPPlyjof,4-in." 5-~·, :)Jld§-in. w~teJ.;.pipe~ .. ,.,";:'" '9~.kl~ig~·t9 Sal~, ' y •••• 396 15 2 I: 39~ 15· I o 0 I I' Compl~te.d. 1 0 30 6 j- .. ". rl' .. · ..-C"" 18'2. r'2 10 21-3 May 23 ,Langlands· Foundry. Manuiacture;of pOlnts.anjl .. croSSillgsl~f9r-.Warrlgal. I , .... -~ . · .. Ii 1.82.13' 4 . o 0 6 ' 4 - ''':~':' .' .~ . , Company , station· _. .'.... .' , . .. "' 1031 1934 Mar. 22 James Nation & Co. :Manufa,ctu~e.and supplY.o£ 60 c~st·iron semaphores Lines authorized under Act 41 V~ct. 580 1,89~ I~! 5 495 0 6 i Not completed at 31st Dec. 1878. IC)3 2 1 155 F,eb.15! A. G. Corbett & Son· :9o~veyanc~ of a l~co!llotly~·.eng~ne(fr~:m~.¥elbojll;'ne I \: ;:-,~_" -.. 1' ".. 37-. VlCt. 475 119 o. 0 ~1,9! .0 .0 I' .~ ... , Compl~ted, toOaklelgh·. .'" . ' .. ,-,i .' " 10 8 1 6 2 33 193 Mar: 29 :J.:A. Wood '" :Co~tFuctiol).·of ag90ds slIed,.~c.,:~t~a~e .." :.:I;j"'.'" !O!Lk!~igh ~o~Sale ',' ,,~:, ••. . . .•. .:.,,99 1.4, 6 .93. 9 4 55 .5 ".T -. ~ . :. !:" .... """1". ':_ ..\ ~ 0 1 34 1935 ,,22 'Robison Bros. & Co;. Supply of 12 water-cranes ...... •. , .••• ,Lines authorized'under Act 41 Vict. 580 . 61"2. 19' 9' 58'3 16 0 2~ 3 9 1035. 2093'. M~y 3- 'Lonie Dingle an~ Co; Manufacture_and supply o~-!mgines, boilers, pumps,. I . ".::... ." 1',,, ""~:~"'T :e:, I',H£ ";"'OJ'}':""I~ 4,884. 14; 0 1,741 0, 6 ..... : Not com,Pleted" at 31st Dec. 1878 . . and tanks .. ( ., ... , ...... I ,.1 '.J 10 36 1931' Mar. 29, :Humble&.Nicholson ConstructiOIlQf4engin,~t~[J;l~ab~~~,;,,·.• :...... ; .... '.ii-·" ;., i·"i.7GP' ''''1 •. ! I,Sc9:P) 0, 0, 1,194. '6: q...... 1037 1927 " 15 A.:G .. C9rbett & Son Conveyanc~ of a locomotive engine'from Melbourne' . , ." 37 VlCt. 475 I 129' o 0 129 0 0" ;Conipi~ted.· J.. , . , . . to'Oal>lClgh 'I;: _ .,..,1". ",.n ';-0"" ...•, '.',.. ,. ;03~ 1926. ,I'; 1'5 J. W. and J. J;tob.son ; SupplYcof. 2,500 redgum sleepers., '.- ... ,Footscray to Sandhurst 02 3:5~f 0, 353 17 8' 4 Iq39 1986 Apr.12 James Ma«,kin~osh ... ; - .. 1,;);',. ,,~redgu!ll :~wssjngr:;t!mbers for.. Geelong. ,gJe,~lo.ng.;~o Ballamt .... 3?,;; 7 0'17~ !i'~ '326 7' T 50 0 0 11 " : I •. , " .. '1'1.. ' : ,statIOn .:. ,e .. ' .. ,... 1040 2149' May 31. Blair & McGrowther I , ,,',,;) ;J. ,. )o/'oo.r.edgulll;sleeper;s.and 1,000 1. ft. of. ¥poti!.cray. .. J,ul).c~iop., .,to Williamstowll., 1,8~6: 17 6 1,84i I{ f o .2. -', -" '.' '.' , I'! ',,' crossing timbers 'Geelong to 'Ballamt, Footscray to.! " ~ ~ ',. , Sandhurst and Echuca, and New:, I market Junction to Wodonga ... 10 1 21 8 4 . 3 . ." 2'3' ,N6ble, Mahoo.d &Co. !Manu;fas:tur,eo,fJ7i>0 ~,rougJ,t~~4:qn buJl'ers:. ... . Lines authorized.under Act 41 Vict. 580. 2,334. '7 6: 94'5 '0 0 ":,0. I Not completed at Jist Dec. 1878. 1.04,2 ; 21.96:- June 21. i .J.9h!lsOIl and Co; . ,,, IConstruction of wrought-iron girders,.fordJridge l),t Geel'ong"to Ballarat ... ..• :.' .... , r'6); i .4- 1,29 I. I. 34 ,0. I Compl~ted. 1 .. , !'-1 ~ i Brougham Place, Geelong -.; ,:,: ", ...... J . • 1043, . 420 July 19 ,Corpmck and Hogan iSupply of 10,000 c, y, of gravel ballast·,':" ..:.!!" ... , Newmarket JunctIOn to Wodonga 98,s' 8. 4 918 14 2 66 H. 2 ",I 10~ .:... ,.. ; ... , ,.', I Oliver and-Yourn ... I " • 500 c. y. of. quartz tailing'~:.fQ!-.Talbot Ballarat to Maryborough -32.' 9, 4 32. 9 4 ". ,'" . i:'J "I '" I . station . ~,~ .. ' .'. 'S.'1',.. 104:5' 199:8 Apr',18 John Ely.th and Co. i' ""j," 485,water.pipe.s:.-, 'I"~ :... ",' -,,:, "~;\;' "':':"'J . Oa~lejgh t9· S.al~_.;. "~r ;: .'Yi;'1'~'~' 3,s7 IJ q 3-57 IJ I I, ''OJ 104,6 2149, MaY'31,' Gharles Beauchamp: i ,,' 10,000 C. y. of metal ... ." .. ,.•.. ~, . ),"~ .. Geelong to Colac 2,7,04 3· 4 2,655 19 3 :; I; Not c.o~~~etcd nt 3 Is(lJce, 1878. ~;, .1047' Z23"1; J'~~e 28, ,Fishburn a!1dMorton I' Forming and metall!ng ro~d to Oakleigh ~ta:t}~~.: ..... Oakl~igl! .tc;> .t;iale,. ,,~!., 706 16 9. 706 16· 9 ! Completed: ~ 1'o4~ 2z32. " 28,. J",. H,. RO~llls.on and I Supply ·of wrought~lron pillS and>ferrules'':','''.l)'.r.::,., All hnes..., ... :, ...... 4.630' o. 463 .0 0 ". ; "Sons" ...... : .. 1 :' 'J eo: ." .~ • ~: .. ; '., '.' ".~i'!:' .t" .. i... ': 'I •. " l I' ..,' 1049 : 21,94. ". 21 Fishburn, and Morton i ,j ,,~. ".,c:1,40{l;C.,y(o,0J.'.bli,I~~to.ljle,p1e~~I~l}t"Q~~I~j~~· ,Oakl!iigh to Sale' , . 608 13 4 608 IJ 4 ~ r" ,:L-" "~,' .' 'J "';;,l J~ l ", -;: .~~ and~andenQ.~g;;.:. J .. !' :-,·n.,·~· .•.~:'r: ~ ,. { ,." .': " 104'9.1. 21 95 . ,,:,.-, 21 ,;:f,:S;White '. ,.... I ,;' "6,?

Contract No. Expcndlture to Balance Dato. Con!J"actor. D\1Scription 01 Contract. Line of l!allway. ContrllCt Amount. 31St December Unexpended. l!emarka. ,j~~8~:;:: I Gazette. [878. ---,---,-----,------1 I' 1------,------,------1878• £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 1.064 409 July 19 \ Jason Fraser Erection of ·5 gatekeep,ers' to Ilorsham ••• 567 17 6 19 2 Not completed at 3ISt Dec. 1878. 1065 410 " 19' JasQn Fraser ,,5 " ;, 570 12 6 1066 411 " 19 JasQn Fraser 5 " , ' " ~.*.;" ""~' h 572 U 6 " '1067 412: ". 19 Jason Fraser ,,4 " ~. :! ~ ,. " 461 2 0 94 16 5 " 1068 415, ,,' 19 J. Faulkner ' ,,5 » Dunolly to St. Arnaud 481 13 6 453 5 5 28 8 Compi~tcd. 1069 2233 June 28 GeQrge ThQmson ,,5 " o 0 536 12 II 38 7 I 1070 2234,"" 28 GeQrge ThQmsQn ,,5 " " II 8 564 18 1 37 13 7 " '" 62.2 10 .0 1071 ,2,235, ... 28 GeQrge ,Anderson .•. " 5, " 577 5 6 45 4 6 " 1072' 2236 " 28 George AndersQn .:. ') 3" .... ,'.f. ,~I', " 379 10 0 33 1 5 8 48 4 4 " 1073 421 July 19 A. McKenzie & Son Supply of 5,0.0.0 split rails and" 5,000 split posts ••• Footllcray to Sandhurst :\6:\IO 0 2.6:\ 10 0 " 107,,4 .. 21,39' :,M!!'JI 2;3 Phwnix FQundry CQ, " :\ locomotive engines and tenders ' •• '. Lines authQrized: under Act 41 Vict. 5,:\.00 0 0 2,406 7 :\ Not completed" at 31st Dec. 1878. 1.075 \ 79?' Sept. i 3, 'rop~m, Angus, and CQnstruction of 20 miles 56 chains 8 5 links of railway Gee!ong tQ Queenscliff . " 58,977 .7 6 16,22.0 0 0 ,.' ~ , .., SmIth and telegraph line from GeelQng tQ Queenscliff " 1.0;7'6 '" "80.0 ",' 13 William Quayle Construction of a passenger station, &c., at Murtoa Stawell to HQrsham ". 592. 10 0 308 I 2 • <. 1.078' 801 " 13 William Quayle " " " Glenorchy 579 4 6 487 17 9 " 1079 638 July:\6 Isaac Summerland... " " " Beallba ... DunQlly St. Arnaud 16 9 493' 4 0 " , ; 1.080 74.0 ,~;\lgi~.l:.r:_!¥I:!sworth HarrisQn " " ,,'GoldsbQrough 4 6 561 16 9 6 7 9 Compi~ted. CJ,:) ~c8;z.6:P,:":~u.Jy~6. ~R: i!t Brown ... Construction of a passenger statiQn, &c., at Essendon Ne;market J{{nction to Wodonga 9 :\ 543 14 ° 37 15 2 I).:) , .1.083:, 63:\ " 26' . Da:YJtt Spence " , " Broadmeadows 553 17 10 447 I 4 Not completed" at 31st Dec. 1878. , ..' "1084: 8:\2 ,Sept,27 William Marsh " " " Longwood " " 572 15 8 267 :\ 6 "1.085 807 I ""1:\.0 T. H. Amery " ,. Euroa " " 553 ,6 4 .248 4 3 " '>- .1.086' , 633 '~JulY·26 James Williams ... " " ,; Violet Town ... " " 579 ,6 9 473 0 I " '",-:i0'8';7" 634i 1":;, '£'6 T, W: CQwley & CQ. " " " Springs " " 538 8 II 457 IS 4 " > (1.088 943 NQv.:\2 HQward and CQQke Manufacture of points and crossings Melbourne" terminus" " 3,:\95 7 II " 1089 928 " 15 ThompsQn and CQ .... ,,, 2,980 u 8 473 13 8 " 1.09.0 9:\9 " [5 Fulton FQundry Co. " " " 2,776 8 0 52 5 3 8 " 1.09 1 ' 978 " :\9 J.HorwoodandSOllB " " " " 2,72.1 6 0 320 9 :\ " [.09:\ 414 July 19 J, Haworth and Son Supply" of posts and" rails " GeelQng to" Queenscliff 541 12 9 12 9 Completed." 1093 413 '" ,19 J. Reynolds .. Erecting 6 miles of fencing 188 0 0 o 0 "1094 635 " .. :\6 Fishburn & Monon Supply of ballast at Pakenham .•• Oak leigh t~ Sale 1,208 6 8 " Ii} 1,700 7 4 1094 944 Nov. 22 Fishburn & Morton Extra on ditto 49:\ 0 8 " 1.096 2237 June 28' Walker, Hickman, Supply of 1.0 pairs locomoti~~ engine cyl~ders Al1lines " 950 0 0 95 0 0 Not completed at 31St Deo. 1878. '~ .'-1': and Co. ,'.' ~; :.. 1097 639 July 26 James Thorpe 3,000 c. y . .of White"Hills gravel Sandhurst Ecliuca 165 0 0 165 ° 0 Completed. I097A W. Arnold 00 0 " 12- 5 <\ U. " " 29 19 0 '29 19 1098 855 .oct. 4 Williamstown Stone 664 " metal ... Williamst~~n Junction to West Geelong 170 3 0 170 ~ 0 1>" CrushiogCOIl1pany " i .[099 82 5 Sept. 27 King and Co. Qonstruction of 13 miles 5 chains 82 links, of railway Warrenheip to Gotdons . 40,901 12 4 7,,,+8 17 0 Not completed at 31st Dec. 1878. and telegraph line from Warrenheip to Gordons UOO 741 A,Ug':,2,3 Samuel Lac~y '~'7(1' Construction of foundations and ercction .of turn- Oaklcigh to Sale ;~2:6 9 10 203 16 10 ,,, table at Sale IIOI 69:\ " 2 JQhn Paterson Erection of turntable at Warrigal 339 3 9 339 I 2 o :I, 7 Completed. U9t­ 941 Nov. 22 Buchauan & Nodrum Manufacture of three steam crab-winches Sandhurst'to Echuca i~~~ 324 II '4 Not completed at 31st Dec. 1818. .tI03 July 10 William WatsQn ... CQnveyance of, ballast trucks from Oakleigh to I Melbourne terminus ~t".? • 48 IS .0 48 15 ° Completed. Spencer street ' U04 636 26 John Foot Erection of a timber platform at Monvel! 110 2 " Oakleigh to Sale IlO 10 6 lIO. 10 6 Completed. 5 7 9 Aug. 16 J. Egan Supply of posts and rails Sandhurst to Eehuca II 06 82 103 7 Noteompleted at ~utDec. 1878. 4 Sept. 27 Liddicoat and Scott Erection of 7 gatekeepers' cottages Springs to Wabgunyah ° 1I07 810 20 John Foot 739 5 4 2II 10 0 Construction of platforms at Waterloo and Flinn's Oakleigh to Sale 301 14 " Creek 3 301 14 3 Completed." tII[ 697 Aug. 9 James Leggat Supply of 30 ballast trucks All lines 2,025 0 02 698 9 Fishburn & Morton .2, 5 0 " 20 " ,,'~ - -.-., 1,452 0 °0 ° ° " 758 " 3 Fishburn & Morton Extra on ditto 18 } 1,470 ci IlI2 696 Clement Nash 0 ° " 9 Supply of bluestone metal Wiliiamsto~~ JUI1cti~~ to West Geelong Rates° " III3 826 Sept.27" Walker, Hickman, 894 1;3 9 Not completed at 31St Dec. 1878. Building and finishing 100 medium open goods I Lines authorized under Act 41 Vict. 580 9,850 0 0 1,385 18 6 and Co. 1114 802 I " " 13 Geo. Buckley & Co. of 10,000 C. y. of gravel ballast ... Ararat to Hamilton ... Completed. IllS 730 AUg.I6 .Tohn Construction of platform, &c., at Sunny Creek ••. 593 IS 593 .15 II 16. 82 Oakleigh to.Sale 430 0 ° 429 '19 10° 002 3 Eg!l~i9n of passenger station, &c., at Rutherglen Springs to Wahgunyah ". 1117 828 572' 16 ° 409;:; 8 10 Not completed lit 3'St Dec. 1878. G.Ori~lir.jlction of 6 miles 63 chains 93 links of rail- South Yarra to Oakleigl;! 48,8,68 2 11,594 13 6 1 ". wavJ:rom South Yarra to Oakleigh 4 " 1123 809 ;" 20 of 125 wrought-iron tanks Stawell to Horsham, DunoUy to St. 484 7 6 Arnaud, Geclong to Queenscliff, II Springs to Wahgunyah, Warrellbeip 48q to Gordons ° ° " 1123 882 Oct. 181 W. II. Lamond Extra on ditto ,. II25 739 Aug. 23 John Ryan 12 5 0 Supply of 500 c. y. of bluestone metal Geelong" to Queenscliff" u 143 15 0 Completed. 1126 808 Sept.20 John 1foot Construction of fuel shed, &c., at Warrigal 143: 15 Oakleigh to Sale 281 19 223 I ° 1129 906 Nov. I P. Bevan ... lit 31st Dec. 11178. Manufacture and supply of 3 first-class and 3 Lines authorized UI1der Act 41 Vict.580 • 8,300 0 ° 1',080. ° 0 second-class America!! saloon carriages ° " 1130 90 7 A. Harkness and CQ. Manufactnre and supply of 15 horse-boxes 113 1 910 " 3,746 5 0 " I Morris and Bcgg . . of a goods shed at Glenorchy ... Stawell" to Horsham" ... " 883 Oct. 18 Brophy and Co. " 492 19 I ~ " " Murtoa.,. 499 9 4 " <» 884 " 18 .Tohn Foot " " Goldsborough Dunolly t~' St. Arnaud 1I34 885 John Foot 467 5 5 2;34 '0 0 " " 18 " " Bealiba .. 0 II3S 9Il Nov. I R. R. Briggs 474 9 4 29 14, " " " Rutherglen· ... Springs to" Wabgunyah 412 17 I ° " 1137 974 P. Bevan ... Supply of 200 axle-boxes ...... " 29 All lines 167 10 0 " U38 908 I Atlas Company of Manufaeture and supply of 15 carriagc trucks " Lines authorized under Aet 41 Vict. 580 1,712 10 0 225 0 0 " Engineers " II39 90 9 " I H. Bell, junior Erection of goods shed at Horsham 886 Stawell to Horsham ; .. 1,170 7 II4° Oct. 18 James Silk " " St. Arnand Dunolly to St. Arnaud II4I 887 i,I33 2 264 12 " " 18 Thomas Corley " " Wahgullyall Springs to Wabgunyah ••• ... Jl42 942 Nov.22 Phrenix FOUl1dry Co. 1,210 8 ° " Manufacture and supply of 10 luggage brake vans Lines authorized under Aet 41 Vict. 580 4,480 0 0 " II43 912 " 1 Blair and Chadwick Supply of 10,000 redgum sleepers and 1,000 1. ft. Melbourne to Williamstown, Williams- t,864 II 8 . 206 19 3 " crossing timber town Junction to Geelong and Balla­ " rat, and l!'ootscray to Sandhurst 1144 9i6 291 A. McKellzie and Supply of posts and rails for fencing Melbourne to Footscray ·c .... 167 3 .9 167 Completed. II 45 975 " 29' Noble, Mahood, Manufacture and supply of 750 wrough t-iron buffers Lines authorized under Act 41 Vict. 580 1146 977 " 29 John Harker 2,365 12,.· 6 Not completed at 31st Dec. 1878. " " '" pins and ferrules Melbourne to Williamstown, Williams· 1,492 16 9' 183 19 8 town Junction to Geelong and Balla­ " 1149 rat,. and Footscray to Sandhurst " I I. Pbrenix FOUndry, Manufacture and supply of 10Colllot~ve engine and Lines authorized under Act 41 Vict. 580 I Company tender _ 2~875 0 0 960 12 9 IIS4 1007 Dec. 13 I Andcrson and Bruee Supply o.f 600 crossing chairs ... Melbourne to Williamstown, Geelong to 175 2 2 175 2 2 Completed. Ballarat, and Footscray to Sa~p.hiIrst H56 Humhle & Nicholson I Supply of boiler for pumping engines at Kyneton Footscray to Sandhurst ,,~.. . : .. ISO 10 0 Not

4th April 1879. ,-' ROBT. WATSON, Engineer-in-Chief. 3'4 ,.. ,

~1 I J .- !

:: '~ ;, '-. , ,, -, ' 'l::' ~ . I ~ ro::; .....t-, r: ,VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

; j.

. .~ I I 50. 5.

&. t' FUNDS authorizeA to' be o.J>tai!J.ed o~ ]~,o~n, for, the construction of the Victorian Railways, and ~f the Expenditure i ~; charged against!:the same, to the 31st December 1878." ,'" "

.. ;, .... Loans Authorized. Expenditure on Construction ch.uged against L,OMS. .;..... I.

£ ':~: ,it: £ 8,' d, £ 8, d. Loan ZI Victoria. No. 36 8,000,000 0 0 ,Expenditure on construction of Victorian Rail­ . ways" charged against the Railway Loa.D.s, to Loan 25 Vic:;tork ISO' , "300,004, 0 0' r?: ,31st December 1877, including Rol~g-stock, Loan 2.9 ViCtoria No: 287, ,_ 2.50,000: 9 0 Plant~ and Material , : :,. <: ". Loan 32. Victona N?,' 331 -- ": '2,107,000 0 0 I Loan 37 Vic~oriaNq':, 46g , Balance unexpenQ.ed '

0 / , ' ~~ '13,5 3,693 o 0 -< 2. " '- < " ' " 'l; . Less Discount and Expenses on Sale of Debentures- "," " " I~ Loan 37 Victoria .No, '468 ..:', , 159,i82 10 7

Loan 39 Victoria No: 531 ... - ;"91,~86'18 ,0 i"~ .

" ,:. ' 2.50,469 -8 7 ~ Deduct Net Prllmiums ::on De':', : , ;_ : ".. bentures of- ' ; :

,.. ,'. '. f' ': Loan 2.l, Victoria'C. No, 36 }""!1: l'",...... ,,';, Loan 2.5 V~ctoria NI:!, 150" ... I~~'; " 234,77.2. ,5 I Loan 2.9 Victoria No; ::.87 ' .: ' Loan 32. Victoria No. 331 . ------' ,

------!;. •


p;' P. LABER,TQUCH~, ,', ';;

;' .. l , , ;, .r! ., '. .. 'p " : VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. No. G.-RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE on Capital Account to the 31st December 1878. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Net Amount raised on Loans, as per Statement £ s. d. £ s. d.[ £ s. (/. By Construction (General Account) .•. 266,543 6 II NO·5 13,487,995 16 6 Northern System. " Railway Loan Liquidation and Construction By Construction, Main Line, Melbourne to Sandhurst ••. Account (Act 360) 5,01 4,418 8 1,800,000 ° ° " Ditto, ditto, Sandhurst to Echuca 6~2,,944 I2 ° " Advances on account of ditto 367,579 06 " Ditto, Castlemaine and Dunolly Line " Advances oil account of Loan 608 28~,o55 8 8 77,589 6 6 " Ditto, Ballarat and Maryborough Line 25 1,90 9 12 10 " Amount from Consolidated Revenue (see ~eturn " Ditto, Maryborough and Avoca Line , NO·7) ••• . 6",131 II ° 441,800 2 2 " Ditto, Sandhurst and Inglewood Line 152,051 18 8 16,174,964 5 8 " Ditto, Dunolly and St. Arnaud Line (in progress) 108,035 4 4 " Remittance Account 15,060 I ° " Ditto, Carlsruhe and Daylesford Line (in progress) " Sundry Creditors 4,94° 6 4 10,453 16 Total Northern System 6,476,487 I 10 25,513 17 Western System. .' By Construction, Williamstown Line (Footscray to Williamstown) -405,635 16 " Ditto, Geelong Line (Williamstown Junction to Geelong) 1,°5°,736 16 10 " Ditto, Ballarat Line (West Geelong to Ballarat) 1,717,881 16 6 " Ditto, Ballarat and Ararat Line ... : •. ' 310,063 II 10 " Ditto, Ararat and Stawell Line 110,093 3 9 " Ditto, Ararat and Hamilton Line 29 8,763 19 8 " Ditto, Geelong and Colac Line (including Branch Line to Racecourse) .•. 310,813 18 " Ditto, Portland and Hamilton Line 260,106 17 " Ditto, Stawell and Horsham Line (in progress) 132,610 12 9 " Ditto, Geelong and Queenscliff Line (in progress) '" 37,154 4 I " Ditto, Warrenileip and Gordons Line (in progress) ... 21,000 8 6 Total Western System 4,654,861 6 North-Easter1l System.- <:.>:> By Construction, Essendon Line (Essendon Junction to Essendon, '1. <:;i including Racecourse Branch) 76,64 8 13 6 " Ditto, North-Eastern Line (Essendoll to Wodonga) 1,556,485 " Ditto, Wangaratta and Beechworth Line ... 153,730 °9 4° " 'Ditto, Springs and Wahgunyah Line (in progress) ... 33,65 2 18 I " Ditto, ,Avenel and Shepparton Line (in progress) 6,645 6 7 Total North-Eastern System 1,827,162 7 6 E astern System. By Construction, Oakleigh and Sale Line 697.546 14 7 " Ditto, South Yarra and Oakleigh Line (in progress) 38,835 6 6 " Ditto, Spencer and Flinders streets connection (in progress) ,.. 156 6 8 Total Eastern Systcm 73 6,538 7 9 By Rolling-stock-Engines 577,623 19 7 " Carriages, Trucks, and all other Vehicles 674,799 15 1',25 2,423 14 " Preliminary Surveys of Lines (not authorized for construction) 40,817 6 10 " Bridge over Murray at Echuca .... 88,406 15 2

Plant and Materials. 0 6 2 By Balance on hand 154,946 14 9' 15,343,24 " Amount in hands of Agent-General for further purchase of 15.060 I ° Plant, &c. 170,006 15 9 By Unadjusted Advances 15,513,247 I II " Sundry Debtors 26,000 ° ° " Balance of Funds unexpended-Loan 32 Vict. 331 .•• 12,7 15 15 4 303 12 ° " "Loan 37 Vict. 468 ••. 477 14 " ." Loan 39 Vict. 531 ... 647,733 19 648,515 5 6 £: 16,200,478 2 9 £ I 16,200,47~ 2 9 Railway Department, Accountant's O,ffice, P. P. J,.ABERTOUCHE, Secretary. 20th March 1879. GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Accountant. 36


No.7. VICTORIAN"RAlLWAYS in account with the Consolidated Revenue to 31st December 1878.

Rec~ipts and Expenditure.

''''': ... >, £. s. d. £. £. 8. d. £. 8. d. To Receipts from Consolidated Revenne •• 4.444,198 18 II By Railway Income on account of 1878-9 (paid into Treasury) .. 604,160 0 9 ,,·Votes, 1878--9 -j'J ':-., •• J78,s91 7 4 " Ditto (outst~nding) 18,J50 IJ 5 ,. Treasurer's Advance Vote' "; .'0 44,046 175 4,866,8J7 3 8 .. " Intcrcst on Loans- 19 Viet. No. 15 57,741 0 ·6 :2.I Viet. No. 36 8,4:2.:2.,878 0 15 Vict. No. 150 2.30,42.7 0 0 " Remittance Account 11,161 5 I 19 Vict. N~. 187 180,000 0 0 ,,'Snndry Creditors •• 47,136 15 4 J1 Vict. No. JJI 907,JJ8 II' 0 37 Vict. No. 468 :%.I1.,06::. 10 0 59,J99 0 5 J9 Vict. No, 5JI 54,094 14 8 ." Interest on Deposits •• 46,415 6 5

£. 8. d. Less Net Revenue­ Northern System .. 3,616,774 1 0 Western System 1,014,646 ,0 4 North-Eastern System 705,897' 17 10 ,,:' Eastern System 1O,7J9 18 4 6,J58,057 18 6 J,751,9 IO 4 4 By Unadjusted Advances •. 2.3,000 0 0 " Stor~s on hand 54,511 6 II " Agent-General 12.,1.62. 5 I 66,784 12. 0 " Sundry Debtors 9,IJO II S Capit!ll Account .' 441,800 20 20 £. 4,916,1J6 4 1 .,,.e' £. 4,916,1J6 4 1

Railway\Department, Accountant's Office, P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary. 20th March 1879. GEO. T, A. LAYATER, Accountant.

VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. "."." .",.- ,'\ .. ..: -

No.8. GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET, 31st December 1878.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Receipts on Capital Account By Construction Account, in- from Loans ... 13,487,995 16 6 eluding Plant and Mate- from R. L. L. and C. rials on hand, in transit, &c. ... 15,513,247 III " Account ... 1,800,000 0 0 " Railway Income for 1878-9 Advances on ditto 367.579 0 6 (six months) ...... 63 2,610 14 2 " " on Loan " Net Amount of Interest on " " " 608 ... 8 6 6 Loans 77,5 9 ...... 3,752,9 10 4 4 15,733,164 3 6 " Stores on hand, in transit,&c. ... 66,784 12 0 from Consolidated " Unadjusted Advances- " " Revenue ...... 4,866,837 3 8 Capital ...... 26,000 0 0 Revenue ...... 23,000 0 0 " Remittance Account------49,000 0 0 Capital ...... 15,060 I 0 " Snndry Debtors- 12,262 I Revenue ...... 5 Capital ...... 12,715 15 4 ------27,3 22 6 I Revenue ...... 9,IJo II 5 ------, 21,846 6 Sundry Creditors- Balance of Loans unex- 9 " Capital 10,453 16 I " pended ...... 648;5 15 5 6 Revenue ...... 47,IJ6 15 4 ------57,590 II 5 0 ------, ------£ 20,684,914 8 4 i 20,684,914 4 8 .'

Railway Department, Accountant's Office, P. P. LABERTOUqIiE, Secretary. ~9th March 1879' QEO. T. A~ ~A V4TER, Accountant: 37


No.9. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure on .ALL LINES for the Year ending 3 I at December 1878.

DR. EXPENDITURE. REVENUE. --,---______--;-_--:--:-_~,,"",------,-:-- Cost E Number of Passengers carried ., l,819,z;;§ Revenue , MIles open •• •• 1,035 i per , Tllrougl. Mileage •. 1,054 per Tons of Live Stock carried •• •• 30 ,104 Average open for the Year 966i Train Train Train Miles rUn •• •• ,3,095,;9° Mile. i Goods carried .. 930 ,375 Mlle • ------~------~------I---,---t, £ 8. d. ;$ 8. d. 8. d. £ 8. d. £,s.d,s.d. MAINTENANCE OF W AT AND WORl<& : Passengers Salaries, Wages, and Services •• l~l,s83 17 7 '" ~8,665 II 8 Materials •• .. 3I,8~6 0 8 I Parcels, &C. .. .. _____ 155.409 18 3 I 0'0; 11'77 , Horses, Cani ages, and' Dogs 13,881 6 5 Malls.. •• .. "'9,449 ' 8 LOCOMOTIVE CIIAItGES' Rents 130774 Ii l Loco, Superintendent and Clerks ..,88 .. IS 4 lIliscelianeoua 5,076 20 0 " Foremen l,I14 8 5 Live Stock 520.480 17 :10 " Drivers and' Firemen 44,447 16 9 Goods .. 648,843 '4 5 " Cleaners •• 8,600 16 6 " Corumen and Laborers 4.424 16 3 .. Sundries 12,179 .. 3 Coal •• 68,069 19 I Wood 1,708 Z Z Water 4,631 18 10 on, Tallow, and Waste 6,)$0 .. I Sundry Stores for Cleaners 3.633 IS 8 Repairs of Engines-Wages "'$.916 6 ° " Stores 15,236 0 6 ;, Tools,&c.-Wages .. ..,106 8 3 Stores •• 1,493 10 8


Traffic Manager's Offico 4.¢3 9 4 Melbourne Terminus, Passenger Stet ion' .• .. •• Melbourne Terminus, Goods Sta- tIon .~ •• •• 35,;69 16 0 North Melbonrne Station •• ~,6I3 18 9 Footscrny Station 1,677 16 4 Banarat Station 6,;66 IZ II • r Rlation M ...ters 1~.440 10 3 Clerks .. 6,904 9 20 Porters, Laborers, &c ... lOS45 S 4 Pointsmen, &C. 4,676 120 4 Gatekeepers •• 206,960 17 4 Guards u.,,6o 19 II Stores for Stations 10,655 II I Compensation .. 10,480 IS 5 Adverllslng •• :1.,;IS I" 9 Travelling & Incidental Expenses 3,2091 i3 , Repairs of Carriages and { Wtlges 19,798 14 .. Wagons •• •• Stores I5,HI 10 9 Greasing Carriages and { Wages 4,504 ; 6 Wagons.. .. Stores 6pS5 18 I Sundry Charges .. .. 9,II4 17 3, Willimnstown Pier Expenses •• 7,139 16 7 1------1048,518 [S I I 7'''7 200'43


Secretary's Office 3.... 3 1,0 ; Accountantts ;) •• 10,6;:1. 17 5 SuperannuatIon Allowances 1,IM 6 10 I Insurance of Buildings .. 1,005 u. 9, 16,964 7 3 0 I';" i ['40

Total 6.. s,699 .. 4 4 0'510 5,'4;

Balance 1------1------[,1.,6,675 4 10 7 ,0' 33

From the p.ract;ice wbiQh obtains of I'llllIliDg II inrge number of Milted tra.ins On aJl the LInes, the Passenger and Goods train mileage and charges cannot be separated• . P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary. Railway Department, Accountant's Office, GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Accountant. 20th March J 879. 38~


" 1. " STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure on the NORTHERN SYSTEM for tho Yoar ending 31st December 1878 • ..

" - " , De: EXPENDITUUE,' " UEVENUE, .. Cn, " .. .. ., ~~-.~--.~~. , " I ", ,- MIles open " ~24 S , ' " " " Cost: I ., Number of pisse!l!iers carried 777,454 i{evenue Milen.ge 2 .' ...... 3 4 I per '/ § per 'rrl1in 0 Tons of Live Stock carried .. 16,208 T~i~ open~or the Year " ,. 295~ I .. Train " Mile .. 0 Mile, " Mllesrlln ... ,. .. .. I,I8410IZ I ", Goods carriOd .. .. 3SI,z 3 " , • .•.r .. -~ '" ,. , ; " ' " I *! ! '~ . :£, d, :£' s. d. s. s. d, ...- :£ S, d. :£, s, d, 's. d. MAINTENANCE ou WAY A;""J) WORKS,:'

Salaries, Wages, and Services , 3, .. '4Z,6S9 .. rni'sengers .. .. 154,~72 1 10 Materiols .. . U,80I 8 9, ;. , ~ : . .. I Parcels, &c. .. .. 10,339 7 3 55.460 10 0, o'Il't4< IO'SI ----- H~jses1 carriuges, nnu Dogs 5,173 7 9 " LOOO1&OfiVE CHARGES: I· Mails ...... 7,7'5 7 6, .. i lle~ts .. .. ' 5,4'5 ,6 ,7 , , , , Loco. Superintendent and Clerk; .. 1,105 16 10 , .. i Miscellaneous 1,;006 , Foremen .. .. ;,243 ,6 II " .. 5 " 1 , 0 Liye Stock .. .. , Drivers and Firemen .. I7,6II 2 "'9,513 '4', 7 " " Cleaners ,. GoOds .. .. "'98,417 6, .. " 7 " 3,477 '0 I " " ~oalmen and Laborers .. 1,788 2 II , -----' , , .. "', i>undrles .. .. 4,464 4 3 , " " ; Coal .., .. ·1 •••• .. ," .. .6,839 5 5 , Wood, ...... 669 ,6 • _. Water ...... %.,004 5 8 ' .. .. I , Oil, Tallow, llnd Waste .. 2.,;~" 10 3 .. ~ ' ... " Suudry Stores for Cleaners .. 1,39' 3 8 " ;

Repa~ of Engines-Wages .. II,59' 4- .. " ,. . ~ .. - _. 4 :. Stores .. " " .. 6,516 7 9 Tools, &c,-Wages .. 830 II " 3 " " Stores .. ,577 IS 9 81.,664 '4 " I 4"16 ,6',,: , TRAFFIC CHARGES: , Traffic'Manager's Offie<) (propor. , I tlon of) .. ., .. 1,883 " 10 , Melbourne Terminus (proportion, of) ...... , . ,8,298 '9 4 North Melbourne Station (propor. ; , .. tlon .of) ...... ~,I44 18 2 Footscray Station (proportion of) ,951 6 4 .. Ballarat Station (proportion of) .. ~,I2.2, 4 4 Station Masters .. .. 5,156 17 0 Clerks ...... 3,794 , 10 porter~, Laborers, &c. " .. 13,696 '4- 3 I Polntsmen, &c, .. .. 2,459 3 4 G!ltek~epers ...... 9,979 IS 10 .. .. Guards .. .. 5,06. " 5 3 , Stores for Stations .. ., 3,93 1 4 I Compensation .. .. 698 0 9 Advertlsin,g ...... 978 9 4- .. Travelling & Incidental Expenses ~,I01. 3 9 ' - - Repairs of Carriages n:hd {Wages 9,056 4" Wagons.. .. stores 6,981 9 I .. Greasing Carriages and { Wages 1,9'1. 9 0 Wag'ons., .. Stores i,649 " 4 SnndtJ: Cllarges , .. .. 3,846 9 5 ----- 95,715 '9 I 7'40 ,8'66 GENERAL CIIARGES: • j I . " SecretlUy's Office (proportion of) ~,360 6 5 ; .. Accountant's Office (proportion 01) 4,487 I S Superannnation Allowances (pro- ...... ," , portion 01) •• .. ' 887 3 10 .. I " .. Insurance of Buildings (pro- . .. portion of) ...... : 4Z4 7 , ------7,158 19 3 0 1'45 ------"40 ', Total- .. .. : .. !-41 ,000 3 4 4 0'85 46'98

Balance .. .. 1 I I I " ...... 1.7 ,953 . I 1 - 5 .,953 4 5 512,953 4 5 8 7'98 I ,'" P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary. Railwhy Department, Accountant's Office, GEO. T. A. LA:VATER, Accountant. 20th March 1879. ',' VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

No. 11.

STATEMENT of Revenue, and Expenditure on the WESTERN SYSTEM for the Year ending 31st December 1878. .


~, ~, Cost ~" :!'rumber of .ras,S,engers ",!rrled .. 1.,178,0561 • Reventt e lIl!1es open .. ., .. .. 38~1 per Tbrougb Mileage .. 397 per Tons of Live Stock carried •• 6,001 .. " Train 0""" .. Train Average open for the Year .. .. 347 .,,,,,."" ... ' 'l'ruln ::lIlIes run 1,087,898 :Mile. Goods carried , .. .. 367,988 MUe...... ~~ " ---I-

MAINttllANCX OF WAY AND WORKS:-\ £ .:' d. £ .. d . .. d. "o£ .. d. £ I. d. .. d. Sularles, Wages, and Se"IC~S .. 46,464 3 ~ Passengers .. .. 166,64 19 9 Mat.rloJs ...... 13,~16 II 5 Parcels, &C. .. .. 10,167 15 8 59,680 14 7 I 1'17 15'1.6 Horses, Carriages,and Dogs •• 4.57'" 19 I LoCOMOTIVE CrrAnGEs: Malls ...... 11,097 I 10 Rents ...... 4,898 ,6 S Loco. 'S,nperlntendenl and Cle;ks 1,014 3 0 :Miscellaneous .. .. ?-,817 16 3 Foremen .. I,~JS 4 4 .. Live Stock 9,7O'J. 6 6 " Drivers and Firemen .. 15,641 7 1 " " Goods ," .. 18~,~09 19 10 Cleaners 1,102- 5 0 .. " " .. Coalmen lind Laborers ItS:U. 0 0 " .. Sundries .. .. 4,379 1 6 " Coal ...... ~,07~ 14 8 Wood ...... 549 4 7 Water ...... l.s~ I 8 Oil, Tallow, nnd Waste .. .. 1,063 9 4 Sundry stores (or Cleaners .. 1,3u '9 I , !, Repairs of Engines-Wages .. 8,017 I~ 8 '. .. Stores .. 4,696 3 II " " .. Tools, &c.-Wages .. 763 1 0 Stores .. 553 14 0 -. " " I I8'O'J. ----- 70,475 1 10 ns TRAFFIC CHARGES: Trafi)e Marulger'. Office (propor- tlOl1 of) ...... 1,43~ IS 4 :Melheurne Terminus (preportion of) ...... ,IUX,5 15 6 ::; orth :Mel bourne Station (propor· , " tlnn of) ...... 873 I ~ Footscray Station (proportion of) 71.6 10 ° Ballarat Station (propertlon of) 4,~ 8 7 - , Station Masters .. .. 3.594 4 0 - Clerks ...... 1,375 17 I Porlers, Labore.'., &c. •• .. 9,938 5 1. Pointsmen, &e. .. .. 1,690 8 3 Gatekeepers ...... 8,969 1 10 Guards ...... 4.346 10 $ - Stores for Stations .. .. 3,854 1. II ,,' Compensation .• .. .. 4,958 410 Advertlslng ...... 744 5 8 , Travelling &: Incidental Expenses 1,33 19 6 .' ' , Repairs of Carriages and! Wages 6,557 5 ° Wagons • • :' • Stores 40978, " 0 ! , Greasing Carriages and { Wages ''''''4 16 0 Wagons.. .. Stores I,9SS II 0 5undry Charges .. .. ",91$ 17 4 wnnmnstown Pier Expenses .. 7.339 16 7 , 90,306 18 1. I 7'91. "3'09

GENllIlAL CHARGES: " Secretary's Office (propertlon of) 1,034 15 0 Account<>nt's Office (proportion of) 3,413 3 0 Superannuation Allowances (pre- portion of) ...... 674 17 0 Insurance of Buildings (propor- tion of) ...... 31.:1. 16 ~ 5M5 II ~ 0 1'10 1'39 i -----'--_._- , Total ...... U5,9OS 5 9 4 1'84 57.76

Balance : ...... 16$,183 ------9 7 1.,,,8 391.091 I; 4 39',091 IS 4 , 7 .. . . Railway Deparl,ment, Accountant's Office, P. P. LABER TOUCHE, Secretary. 20th March 1879. GFfO. T. A. LAV ATER, A~countant. 40

v r C T 0 ~ I A N RA I L WAY S.

J ' ,. ). I! l,'r No.

STATEMENT of the Revenue for th~ Year ending

• ,~j ,

DR, Cn.

lIIlIes open Revenue Through ::Irileage per A vcrng<: open for the Yco.r Train Train ltliles run Mile,

" £, $. d. JlUINTENANC£ OF WAY AND WORKS: £ s, d, s, d. ,'~" . c..l, ; Salaries, Wages, and Services ~4,IS6 ,. '7 Passengers •• :'77,9S~ ro,;S Materials 5,7 1; 9 1'1 l'arccls, &C. .'6,355 1:1, ; o 10'5,1 Il":l.O llors~s, Carriages, and ~DO¥s 3,~64 S 10 }fails 7,471 12. 6, Heills U>COMOTIVE CHARGES: M51 9 6 'lIUsccllaneous 51 :l 10 T,oco. Snperlntendent and Clerks 6}9' 5, 6 LiTe Stock 1Z,il<]4 5 g "58;'\1" 0 1', Foremen Coods ISS,u>B '13 8 Drivers and FireID~lI 9,403 0 7 Cleaners 1,7~3 10 6 "; "Coal men a.nd L,f!.borcrs 91.1 0 0

H I Sundries ~,366 16 Coa.~, ',' 14,870 •..'3 I ,Wood " " 3~0 '1',,9 Water "';1~4 6 9' Oil! Tallow, and Waste ;'"";~ C"II ~ I.' Sundry:Stores for Cleaners '??,',19, 0 >. _ !tepairs of Engines-Wages "6,004 17' 6. ,. ",' .'.\~J: J Stores 3,;875 5 8 Tools, &c.-Wages 481 IJ' 6'1 ',' ", -." ";: Stores, 347 3 II t . , 44,875 0 I .. 3;78, 16'83 J",

TlIAFFIC CIIARGES: ~'1' v .... Tmffic Mo.nager's Office (projlOr- tion of) , ' 977 10 0 Melbourne Terminus (proportion of) North lI[elbourne Station (pro- portion of) .. ,,595. 19 ~tntion l\fasters 3,007 18 4 Clerks 1;483 15 7 Porters} Laborers, &0 ••. 4,95~ II g Polntsmen, &c. '516 1 9 Gatekeepers , . 7,<94 10 Guards ~,8w 9 Z , .... Stores for Stations 1!810 18 4 0, ~ Compensation ... 4,82.1 IS 10 ;, ';.- Advertising .. 50 7 15 Travelling &; Incidental Expon!es 478 I ~ Repoirs of Cnrrio,ges and (Wages 3,871 ,VagOlls • • .., ~ Stores j,zj6 19 Greasing Carriages and I Wages 899 6 'VaFons .. t Stores I,:z.m. [I 10 Snndry Charges 1,996 1 2. S;,lH 13 10 I 7'47 1.f:l'7S .'''''''' ,

GENERAL CHARGES: Secretary's Office (proportion of) Accountant's Office {proportlon of) Superannuation Allowances (pro~ portion of) " -iI;, ..,_

Insurance of lIuildings (propor­ 'I •• ;,. .... tion of) 12.0 4 TO

3,715 4 0 0 1'31 1'39,

Total 3 11'07 50 '17


------~'------____~ ____~ ______L ___ ~ __~ ___

Railway Departme11t, Accou II tant's ·Office, P. P., I;ABERl'OUCHE, Secretary. 20th March 1879. GEO. T, A. LAVATER., Accountant. 41


No. 13.

STATEUENT of Revenue and Expenditure on the EASTERN SYSTEM for the Year ending 31 st December 1878•

/1 DR. EXPENDITURE. REVENUE. Cn• .E Cost Number of Passengers carried .. 9S.SS~ e Milo. open" ...... JI~ Inevenu Through Mileage ...... uS I per Z61 per Tons of Live Stock curried .. .. , Train Avernge open for tbe Year .. .. Il3 i Train Train Miles run .. ., .. 141038z lIfile. Goods carried .. .. 14,934 ]\file. -- " £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. £ .. d. 8. d.

MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND WORKS' Passengers ., .. zS,SSS 3 0 Parcels, &c. .. .. 1,801. .6 4 sruurlCS, Wages, ond Sernces .. 10,304 9 7 i Horses, Carriages, and Dogs 87010 9 Mnte1'inls ...... ¢ 10 7 Malls ...... 3,16.. 19 .0 i 10.401 0 Z I 5'66 ,,"z'6S Rents ...... 8 3 9 llliscelluneous .. .. "'1 1 6 Live Stock .. .. 370 10 5 LOCOMOTIVE CHARGES; Goods .. .. .~ 13,947 13 5 0 Loco. Superintendent und Clerkll IZ3 10 i !oremen .. .. 63 .8 z " Drivers and Firemen .. I,79Z 811 " Gleaners . .. .. "-97 .0 5 '\ " n,., Corumen a~d ·Laborers .. 193 13 4 Sundries .. .. ¢9 '0 I " ... Coal .• ... .. z,z87 SJI ", '. ,. . ' wood ...... 168 3 8 .. water: ..- . .. .. "-I 4 9 Oil, Tallow, and Wll.8te .. :1.50 I 7 Suntjry Stores for Cleaners .. 11.8 13 II , Repai~s of Engines-Wages .. 301 II 6 ,,- Stores .. 148 3 "- " z " . Tools, St •• -Wages .. 3' 61 " Stores .. 14 14 0, " .. 6,791 I II o 11'53 I4'79 ,

TRAI!FIC CHARGES : t Traf!lc :Mannger's omce (prop or- tion o,f) ...... 169 l~ ~ StatIon ]\fasters .. .. 681 10 II Clerks ...... "-So 14 8 i Potlers~ Laboi-e ...i. &0 ••• .. If)S7 17 3 Pointsnien, &c. ' , .. .. 10 17 0 Gatekeepers ...... 717 9 3 Guards ..- ,. .. 531 IS I i Stores for Stations .. .. 1,0;9 5 9 .. Compensation ' ...... z 14 0 Adverllsing :...... 88 1. Z Travelling and IncIdental Ex- penses ...... 379 9 ~ Repairs of Conlnge. and IWages 313 16 0 Wn~ons ...' • • Stores 135 0 0 Grensillg Carriages and {WageS Z77 11. 3 Wagons .. .~ .. Stores ~I8 ,II .. Snndry Charges .. .. 346 7 4 7.140 611 I O'I!t IS'SS

'. GEIilmAL CIlARO£9: -

Secretllry's OfiIce (proportion of) a~ 9 10 . AOCou"ntnnt's OfiIce (proportion ~f) ...... 404 I 0 Superannuation allowances (pro- port!on of) .;, .. .. 79-17 10 Insurance of BuUdlngs (propor- tion of) .. .. :. 38 4 .. i : • ---- 644 IZ 10 0 1'''9 1'40 -- Total ...... "-40977 I 10 l 6'40 $4'39 Brua'uce ...... 200,941 17 ------"------45.918 19 0 45.918 19 0 6 5'95 I

P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary; Railway Department, Accountant's Office, GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Ac~ountant. Z,9th Ml1,rd~ 1879. No.9. 42

VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. No. 14.-RETuRN of Wool from the undermentioned Stations to Melbourne, 'Williamstown Pier, Geelong, and Portland for Year endillg 31St December 1878. I To Melbourne. To Williamstownl'!er. To Gecl7 8 I II7 30 14 3 ...... 376 88 1. 4 Harcourt ...... 74 IS 14 6 ...... 74 IS '4 6 K!lllgaroo Flat .. .. 113 H 1 1 ...... 123 B 1. 1 Sandhurst I~1./1·7 2.0 ]3 6 .. .. 3&'; 7 6 57 16 II 6 59 6 .. .. '.343 J74 u Goornong .. .. 10J 1. 10 ...... 103 60 1. 10 Elmore .. .. " 1,555 487 I2 10 3"-1 104 9 9 ...... 1,876 591 "- 7 Rochester .. .. 780 173 810 93 31. 011 7 1. 17 0 .. .. 880 308 6 9 EelIucn •• .. .. 45,186 1J,151. ,8 9 31,727 2.1,30 , II 10 U 811 6 .. .. 76.934 )4,467 1. I Wcrribee .. " 41 3 6 4 1,00<) 75 IJ 6 ...... 1,OSI 78 19 10 Little niYer .. .. 13 I 910 81- 10 6 4 J14 15 19 3 .. .. 409 1.7 15 5 Lara .. .. 177 17 IS 6 .. .. 1.4 I 4 0 .. .. 1.01 18 19 6 Goelong :: .. .. 338 36 7 6 1.570 197 '4 I ...... 1,908 1.}4 I 7 Leigh Road .. .. 31. 4 I 4 .. .. 1,314 85 15 3 .. .. 1,346 89 16 7 LethbrIdge ...... 110 6 18 0 .. .. 110 6 18 0 :lIleredith .. .. 3 on 0 .. .. 659 66 0 0 .. .. 662 6611. 0 Elobe ...... S I U 0 .. .. 1)0« le4 I9 3 .. .. 1,0S2. ,06 II 3 Yendon .. .. 107 46 1"- 1. .. .. IS7 1.3 5 II .. .. 394 ~ 18 I Ballarat East ...... 15 1. 7 6 .. .. 15 1. 7 6 Ballarat .• .. .. 949 1.30 17 I .. .. 6!9C8 994 6 9 .. .. 7,857 1,2.1.5 3 10 Croigicburn .. .. 51 1. 13 0 ...... 51. 1.13 0 Beveridge .. .. '96 :%.0 10 II ...... 196 2.0 10 Il Wnllan Wallan .. .. 127 13 I I ...... U7 13 I , ,\VandQng .. .. 30 3 0 0 ...... 30 1 0 0 Kllmore ...... 500 39 1 5 ...... 500 39 1. 5 Broadford .. .. 578 71 J 3 ...... 578 71 1 Tallarook .. .. 1.692 159 16 0 73 n 15 6 ...... 1.765 '1.71 II l Seymour .. .. 948 163 IS 77 14 n '0 ...... 1,02.5 178 8 "- Avenel .. .. 1,539 1.85 '1. & 568 11.5 5 II ...... 2,107 410 8 5 Longwood .. .. 1..093 446 10 3 126 1.9 18 6 ...... 2.,2.19 476 8 9 Euroa ...... 983 80 16 7 0 1711 9 ...... 1,050 98 8 4 Violet Town .. .. 460 119 19 3 ...... 460 119 19 3 :%.,2.1.7 Benalla •. .. " 1.,137 619 10 "- 90 28 10 0 ...... 648 0 "- Glenrowan .. .. III 36 11. 7 ...... III 36 11. 7 \Vangnrattn .. .. 689 1.36 I 1. 81 31. 5 0 ...... 770 ,,-68 6 1. SpIings .. .. 6.919 '2.,1.36 11 6 4,3I8 1,516 8 4 ...... II,2.37 3.751 '9 10 Chlltern ...... ' 36 15 II 0 ...... 36 15 II 0 Rarnawartha .. .. 1.6 13 5 5 ...... 1.6 13 5 5 Wo(longa .. 13.08 4.857 5 1. 1.068 384 I 0 ...... 14.746 5.1.41 6 1. Burrumbeet .. 41 II 5 5 .. .. 91.7 156 1"- 3 .. .. 969 167 17 8 Tmwnlln. .. .. I 0 7 3 .. .. 337 67 8 0 .. .. 33 8 67 IS 3 lleaufort .. .. 391 lIS 6 4 .. .. 1,703 359 11. 5 .. .. 1.."95 474 18 9 1Ilitldie Greek ...... 44 10 3 0 .. .. 44 10 3 0 DunngQr •• .. .. 118 J7 14 8 .. .. 1.004 151 7 6 .. .. 1,12.2 1.90 "- 1. Ararat .. .. 154 58 '4, I .. .. 710 194 n 8 .. .. 864 253 6 9 Grent Western .. .. S 3 4 :!. .. .. 169 50 8 9 .. .. 177 53 12 II Stilwell ...... 2.909 961. I1. 9 140 54 5 0 8.261. 2,579 18 10 .. .. II,31I 3059616 27 1Ilurtoa " ...... 27 9 13 6 .. .. 9 13 ~ Turrawingec .. , .. 15 5 18 0 ...... 15 5 18 0 l:vertou ...... as 46 IJ 4 ...... 128 46 13 4 Bccchworth .. .. 109 43 8 8 ...... 109 43 8 8 Guild!ord .. .. 1.6 5 19 4 ...... 1.6 S 19 4 Newsto!1d .. .. 171. 91 3 10 ...... J72 91- 3 IO J>Ioolort ...... 145 37 '9 0 ...... 145 37 19 ° CarisbroQk .. .. 1.77 81 10 7 ...... 1.77 81 10 7 ~[nryborough .. .. 170 41 8 4 .. .. 10 2 13 10 .. .. ,80 45 2 "- Bet Bet •. .. .. J2 10 II 4 ...... 31. 10 11 4 Dunolly .• .. .. 322 101 17 5 .. .. 1.64 71 18 6 .. .. 586 174 IS II Bcaliba ...... 844 171 9 7 .. .. 101 19 16 6 .. .. 945 301 6 1 Bt. Arnaud ...... 4 I 8 0 .. .. 4 I 8 0 Creswick .. .. 254 68 8 0 .. .. 67 IllS 5 .. .. 32.' 80 3 5 Glun...... 42 3 11.7 4 2 .. .. 4 o IS 0 .. .. 41.7 .28 2 2 Talbot ...... 19 5 19 6 .. .. 168 36 3 5 .. .. 187 41 2 II 6 8 . . 648 8 2 l\1aroona .. " In 4° 4 6 .. .. 53 158 14 .. 19 19 WicklifIe ltoad .. .. 174 143 13 II .. .. 1.386 352 ° 4 .. .. 1.760 3 Gleu'l'homl)SOn .. .. 30 II 5 0 .. .- 808 271 9 3 .. .. 838 ~~ :! 3 Dunkeld ...... 61.9 148, 8 6 .. 2,590 1,009 IS 11 279 50 11 3 J,498 1.308 15 8 COlldah .. .. 13 5 9 5 .. I:: .. . . 384 41 8 4 397 46 17 Hamilton .. .. 2,= 754 5 3 17 7 4 6 1.887 685 12 10 5.333 41.3 18 II 9,1.57 1,871 I ~ 1. 6 1,442. I llrnnxholme .. " 121 50 16 1 .. .. 6 5 144 9 1,569 197 10 9 ;Heywood ...... , .. J2 112. 0 32 I 11. 0 Englehawk .. .. 45 13 11 6 313 93 17 6 ...... J5 8 107 9 0 1I1urong .• .. .. 7 I 18 6 ...... 7 I 18 6 Leichardt' .. .. 31 9 IJ 5 ...... 31 9 13 5 Bridgewater .. .. 3,918 1,199 0 0 1,118 163' 19 10 ...... 5;036 IS62. 19 10 Inglewood .. .. 1.,764 S67 I 9 37S us 0 0 61 21 13 5 .. .. 3,we 1,014 IS "- Avoca ...... 1,676 506 19 ...... 816 2.29 6 2 .. .. 2,492 736 .s 4 Monne Morine ...... i .. .. 11 0"," 0 .. .. 11- 011. 0 Winchelsea .. .. Ig8 37 1. II . . .. 253 ,6 3 9 .. .. 45 1 53 6 8 Dirregurra ...... , 575 57 18 0 .. .. 575 57 18 0 1,I2.:%. OnultRoan .. .. 16 3 16 0 .. .. 1 1106 130 3 9 .. .. III 19 9 Colne ...... I ,u.s 2.81 19 II .. .. 2.,019 1.68 10 4 .. .. 3,144 550 10 3 Dcniliquln .. .. 2J.73° *10.301 6 6 .. .. 615 "335 5 I .. .. ! 1.4,355 *10.637 II 7 -~--- ,---~-- Totol .. .. '31.,434 41,455 1"- 2 119.1.92 ,"-7.815 IS 3 37.181 8.7 14 15 0 7.470 661 19 7 306,377 78.648 5 0

"' These amounts include tbe full charge from Denlllquin. Railway Department, Accountant's Office, P. P. LABER TOUCHE, Secretary, 20th MfI,fCh 1879. GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

No. 15.-AlYrotNT, Mileage, and Traffic at each StatlOn for the Yem endmg 31st December 1878. 43, 44


---~ ------,

Rtatlons Stati~ns

I I 5 '9 9 10 0 0 5 600 10 ~I 0 0 16600° 2.:t. 1 34 11 :0 1 15 8 3 5 8 1+2, 14 3 7 65 3 6 3810001 J, 1 '3 14 3 5 " 80 , 5 288 Ij 1. 0 18r 16 8 10 n 29 10 0 .6 5)0 0 0 7 261.. 3 I '1.114 H 1 7+3 I 7 1:: r: : : I II4 9 :24 5 0 368 It 3 2.4443'7 '9 669 IO ~ 1.1: 4I3 Z II IS 0 0 0 10 6 IS IS 0 1)6 14 I I 2. > ! 1..41 1. 3 17 I 341< 19 3: 4(5 10 454 2 7 (0 u 13 17 $7 19 1) 6", 10 738 5.6 4265 10 1.. 1.$ 3: 480 I 8 8. 9 P 10 0 12 10 4,1.42. 16 2- 187 16 IS 0 24... 10 r! 3091 5 3" 13 153 xs 35 II 148S 6 8 1.27 J:> 10 15 0 161 I 6 I 9 9 0 385 r () 2 l 146 4 I 7 ~058 18 6 4lS 19 0 510 :z.6 14 1 '4 16 10 > '9 tp I z.rSISZt14· 568 4 9 8 10 :1.2. It. z. 2 15 I Jl '4 6 ~70'JO 13 8 ) 8 31 1.499 IS 9 9 we 9 ~ 17 S;60 U 0 528 I,) 4- , I2. I . 3006 62. 7 42.9 .(412 3 9 '4 4 IH 010 , 9 56 6 8 I 393 4 z. 1.1 13 2 4- 17 r60 3 I 18 90 13 :t i~ l~ r~ I z.g II 9 I 4 10 r 1 'l 5 I,SC:1. 19 2. ... z I 1)1 1. l 9 1) 7 7 ,6 • , II 8 12" 14 6 I l' 6 I 7 .6 1$ 9 15 3 $ IT t..7S I7 I :2.0 ,84 17 8 r2, 10 8 i$ 6 3'l' 7 Z. 7 5'(,6 I; S 32. 5 0 0 42. 10 6 12 I 21.3 9 n 4347 6 3 15 581 ::> 10 , ,8 '9 1 412. 18 2. 7 87 13 l I ~JI 4 3 -l 971 14 9 Q IS 193 TO 0 0 :1.81 II 16 .. I) 1 6 'l Z • 6 . 1 13 1 ~ 3 J 9 '4 117 13 I 0 z 4 5 2 10 0 0 2. l%. 6 221. 15 2.'1" 3 4 9 10415 0 3 0 90S IO 6 75 0 0 100 (') 426 1 109 1) 94 7 0 5486 F' 0 20 S511.11 5 I1. 0 0 fO 0 0 :3 45) 1 I 53 5 10 4 60 47 a I j 9 11 12 6 It 30 > 3 2£ 38 IZ. 6 13 7 4 13 4900141 17 9P 14 8 10'1..7 13 ,81 I 0 :2.0 14,095 1; 500 0 12 0 0 0 II 2 I 5 6 9 r:;:u 1 6 3 I ISS Z 0 2.3 1836 IS 10 0 0 0 •o 1/ 12. 9 4 ", 91 19:z. 0 19:4 13 1. 15 II 9 17, , ) 247 > 4 265 2.- 43Ij II 0 0 3310 7 :l 69100 6 0 0 0 I. 20 14 17 13:2. 18 I 0 2.1 1) 0 2, 10 0 7 31.6009 11 '7 ror :; 10 17 10 M n lJ 290 0 18.8 2 I5U 8 1. SSS 10 :1.. 10 ! $52 1; 6 4 10 0 -I 10 4 81 4S 0 ) 12 I 7(13 11.94 3 0 4a.p 11 I 2.4 37 Q 4 <6 3 ;l00 :> 7 31 Q 0 75 S.,. 10 ... I'l.91 10 3 14- '9 7 IS Ov tS try II 643 I 0 "4 ,68 I 9 :: 10 0 • 0 15 Z IO 0 87 6 IO F9 7 I 2.;­ '44 7 5 1 19 6 89 14 II I z.Sj 14 3 7 759 '3 7 ~~~ :~ I~ 9:49 16 8 '1.5 0 0 0 14S 4 18;: 8 0 1264 2 37 I c89 :; 3 :J 674 II g Z. 10 0 0 I 0 9 7 I"''' l3 S I 40 , 78 '9 I I z63 10 I 0 z1.6 IS 2- 5 000 • IS 9 ,6 9 3I 6 0 Zt ::'5 7 0 1I4 13 2008°1 754 8 J 2.[ 670 13 0 5I2. 6 1- 9-1 0 55"" 72.14 171 :;. ;~llt t I I 148 Iv '-' 0 1 IV) 6 4- 1 , 6 I 4 0;) 21 4 $ > I 7 886 14 c 2""8 12. '1.97 10 :l. 5'"'0 B 2. c 9 col 135 0 0 0 1 160 l:Z I Z.Z.3 17 6 I f 550 2.:z. I2 3;n8 17 :u 4 JI 3 i:I9 8 0 :r8 548 '7 9 lOy If 8: I 121 1., 14 3 hI 0 9 71.6 6 7 45W l,O:z.6 8;.99! r8 If I :to l6 3 71 U 0 7 16 12 8 74 IS I 0 146rp. 19I II'I :1. 501 8 10 :,t.l,HI 13 I 5 B994 1 8 v , 0 5 6 I z. 8 0 6 I 0 038 I" 1 ,, 223 I] 0 31 11. II 26 17 4- 37' ] J '41 J 341 9 B 6, 'f 4- 000 ,.) 19 q ;\ 8 38 3 5 1<26 1 z.. 4- 549 H z. 7 17 0 6 10 6+8 2 40 9 6 ~ 6 8 ~I7 14 1.. 0 404 19 4 l 077)0 8 10 5 979 '4 180 19 0 Z{:5 17 l! rt45! :r J. 24- r""3;I: 9 7 1 705 17 9 8>0 3: c9./. 0 I Il5 14 IO 1446 7 3 57~J06t.o 5 170 0 5 I 34t 19 1. 6, 5 ao 9 82 l (, 105 4 l! Sz,3- S 02.1 115 1 3 SS 10 10 314 16 )6 .. 9 40 3 1- 2$0 19.z. I 150 15 7 h ~ I -I 0 59 II 0 82 17 49) 9 1 7 2)7 6 0 11 0 0 :) 0 0 0 411. 3 lJ 0 0988 4 "95 " 4 69, 8 4930 14 1 03 .856 5 16 0 0 6ti 1"1 :Z. 89 ]I 67'"0 I1 z. 3 ).86 '5 0 17:;0 15 31 18 IT 320 H TO :£56 3 r 14 130 II 10 124 0 25 7 10 '"4 25 18 8s!8~r7 6}: 12 5 255 19 :2.6 4- 0 91 28 5 86 12. 3 14 71 I 1 H H, ):2.0 I 7 93 0 212. :2. 3'79 IS 0 IS 42 7 5 1 () 19 0 0 56 -I 7 G SF (; 700 0 9 :!. -'fo 13 4001 10013 8 )I4 ,6 7 1..3 to 0 Q 24 2. (') 19 " Z1. "3 1. 14 IS 9 1 424 I3 1.:2. 6 0 144 3 10 47 6 3 7 19 IS 6 (, 6 2 249 2 5 I~126 9 Xl :Z,78z. 14 3 :4 6 >18 I II a a 0 49-10 9 "'co 1. 9 , Z 5 1}6 4 10 ').70 Iz" 0 5t 10 0 0 '99 U 10 9 II7 15 2 0 • I 0 97 '4 6 94 9 9 30I Z 10 >4, 10 0 0 I 10 0 +'0 8 7r]0 1 8;' • 446 0 7 81 10 0 o! 6 10 680 12 266 419 .., 11 10%.[10 ° 0 69 )0 dL§ i I 4601. 3931 IS • 160 15 0 0 48 JO 0 i ~7~ B 1 454 16 IQ 9 o. II 0 0 1862.1 10

1 12494 00

! 30 tOl IS 0 0

P. P. LABI!;RTODCIIE, SeCl€talY. NQ 9, GEO. '1'. A. LAVATER, Accountant. 45


No. 16. RETUR.N of the Number of Passes issued during the Year ended 31st December 1878.

Visitors of distinction ... 347 On occasions of opening and closing of Parliament 222 Directors and Officers of the Melbourne and H. Bay and Deniliquin and Moama Railway Companies

Secretaries of Mechanics' Institutes when travelling to purcha~e books and promote Art Exhibitions Inmates of Blind and Deaf 'and Dumb Asylums visiting country to give Charitable Concerts, &c. 97 Inmates of Melbourne Orphan Asylum, with attendants 20

Ditto ditto to Ballarat Exhibition ••. 500 5Z0 Exhibition Commissioners and Secretaries 22 Clergymen attending New South Wales Wesleyan Conference

Intercolonial Bifle Match 33 Discharged Prisoners under the Prisoners' Aid Society Aborigines 35 Ditto, children to Ballarat Exhibition 25 60 Charity to Destitute Persons 68

Press 1,602 Post and Telegraph Department Members of Pharmacy Board Attending Governor's Levee Cricketers and Footballers (Australian Eleven and Intercolonial Players)


P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary. Railway Department, zoth March 1879.


No. 17. RETURN of Rolling-stock on the Victorian Railways at 31 at December 1878.

CARR[AGES. WAGONS. al VANS. ~ rD g 1"'1 I>: ~ '"' P1 ~ ""i .; Q I I'il '" i': ro ;;;: :; ""I< ~ I>: l>:: ~ 0 " 0 0 ""i P1 :a i ~ =:i'" II: 0 1---'"' 'I--- 90 10 11 1 lIZ z6 23

,. Including So ballast wagons recently purchased by Englneer-In-Chle!'. Branch.

RETURN of' Rolling-stock Ordered and in course of Construction a.t 31st December 1878.


S. MIRLS, Locomotive Superintendent's Office, Locomotive Superintendent. Melbourne, 31st March 1879. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

No. 18.

DETAIL of Locomotive Charges for the Year ending 31st December 1878.

PASSENGER AND' GOODS TRAINs-Number of Train Miles run

Cost per Train Mile,


Wages of Foremen 3,124 8 o 0'24 , , ~,' • '1 q '''j n"llirl' ~ T' 16 Drivers and Firemen 44,447 r 9 ,h 0 3'45 " \~: Cleaners and Lighters-up 10,598 8 9 o 0'82 , ; ,,' j Coalmen and Yard Laborers ,.' 2 16, ,3 " 4,4 4 o ,.~,O·}4. ~, Cost of Cool. .. 68,069 19 1 o 5'2.8 Wood 1,708 ,2 2 " 'Vater, Pumpers, &c, .. , 8 6 o 0'47 " 5,995 Oil, Tallow, and Waste 6,350 2 I o 0'49 " " .,1, Sundries and Cleaning Engines '1,849 17 I p,O'I4 ,' .. 't 'l~" 0'10 Board and ;Lodging Expenses of Men away from Home 1,257 0 4 • «(. o , .... ','- , ~;t. '- Cost of Gas, .. 295 ,4 9 Small Stores and Hose Pipe for washing out engines, :&c, 2,557 '14 10 o 'O'ZO.i" " 1------1 LOCOMOTIVE REPAIRS,

25,916 6 0 Wages , ...... ~ -\-' I ,""~:)' t,~f ~,p,tilt.~· Material 15,2.36 0 6 .' ~. d .. p .-. 41,15:£ 6 6 0 3'19 TOOLS, M.ACIDNIllRY, AND BUILDINGS,

Wages i,106 '8 3 Material 1.493 10 8 " -,-,------o 0'28 GENERAL CliARGES,

Including Watchmen, Half-pay for Accidents, {wage~ 5,788 I 4 Holidays, Stationery, &0, MaterIal 703 17 8 _____ • !.' :'£0 ,_.~ ~ '6~9rti~ o 0'50

, 2,&82 .!S 4 0"~0:2:r' ' Supervision, including: all,salaries and Office Charges, , ,.. ,: ',' , .1,-,. ,~ ""f1',r

~ J ;; TRAFFIC CliARGES. ~ . " ? '{: 2.?4,8~5 II~ 9 Ca~~iage~ Repai~-Wages 9,~9i 4 .. Material, .. , 5,2.47 I 6 "1 " 6 Wagon Repairs-Wages 10,006 9 Material 10,084 9 3 Carriage and Wagon Working Expenses-Wages' '4,504 6 6,085 I . !., , ,,, ,Mat,erial ", .. , " ... .' 1~ o 3'54'

1-.:.____ -',..:- __. _____ T_

p, p, LABERTOUCHE, Secretary.' . Railway Department, Accountant's Office, ;Qt4 Marc4 1879. GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. - ,

:NOe 19. ~ F ~~: i .' . ; '.-- COMPARATIVE Yearly St~,~ement of Miles of l1ine 9pen"Cost30f Constr?ction, Rolling-stocl<: Employed, G,ross an~ Net Revenue,,:Working Charges, and Percentage~ of the same to Gross Revenue, &c., on the Victorian RaHways, for'Scv:en and a half Years, from I:st July, 1871 to' 31st December 1878. '

" I' ~ r Construction" ROlling.stock, ; ~ _ 'I, Gross neC?ip,ts,:: • .1_.. Maintennnce, Locomotive! Traffic. General. "Totni Working Cost, Net Ea111ings.

gj I'; ,Gross ill;ill ;.:Jl '" ~~ i0 f:' ,_ NU~berl'o.sgen.. T:~1:1eand .:-:. I~ i ~oa 'TrainTotal Receipts e f : e :::1,'I :;::::'" I.,;.;> r:: C) Year. gs Ca.pital Average ~ ~ ! gets Live ' I From ~. ~nles })er ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:;:: Cost! Cost ~ t C1 con- j --Stock ~From _Goods_ -- 1 ~ ~ - -' run, - Train 0: 'S ~. ~ PCI' <11 ~ ti exclusI've per ~ ::: . ~ >: veYcd1. con- Passell.. n,nd Tota.l. ~ ~fiIc, e 'Amount ~ . Train §' 1 §1 g of Stores ~nle ~ ~ ~ '~. i I vcycd. ger, &c~. LIVe 1 r: ~ ~ . :Mile . ., f! ~ in hand, 0 en '" .gj •,E!:o ," ITrafficL I Stock, : -< !ruffle. 'I * . ... ~ ~ 1!) -1 I ;:>1 1<:5 ,;:; Cl '.:3 ~ 1 " ~ ,i ' J!:: §' il< ~ ---1'-1- --,£---,£- - -'- , ", --I~,-::-::-£-'''£I £, 1="-'---==1=__ 1 ,£,£ ,£ s, d, ,£ -,£- -,£- --:;:;z.--- 1871~ 313111.67 10,034,772 311,060 51 4' 144 1,5'14 4®,rz.6 ;36,6711 °'400,961 6,7,'1311. 2,j88 1,173434 10'S; '8';,739 Ins lIo,843 179,804 4J'S8 '..'9'11.3 1,048 357,811.8 1,340 6/I'IB ,3'57 18711-3 1360 335 10,815,868 Jo,a8 51 4; '14:5 i 1,144 !,7:,0,,~!?, _J69'~7~ 11.60,7561. ,44~,9.7~ .. 7~3,Z;8 i,r'Q!' c} ,354,131 1014'7,1 ,7:!.,oSl 10,:15.,97,B2~, B'9? _ ,d;;S94, ,I,S'84 18,7911. 1'67, 311MI 45'66 4/B'94 959 381437 1,141 5/7'78 ' 3'54 1873-4 441 414 11,557,414 1.6,1.0] 511. 54 ,160 11,7711. 11.,039,030 6~1,:1I0 304,073 £,S46,969 8;1,0411. :!.,o;6 1,667,1Z4 10/11.';1. 74,999 S'81 (lI,S7B 14',11. 161,145 IB'95 16,593· 1'95, 374,715 44'03 4/5'94 <)05 476,311.7 1,150 5/B'S7 .'4'IZ .B74-5 1586 54' a,4tr,6711. 11,141 5S 63 IS3' 1,002. 1.,699,>19 7311,772 i50',417 569.591 920,OOS 1,701 :1.,051,7'0 811I'5~ Il04H 14'18 i4S,999 16'19 1811.,041 19'79 '0,Z41 1 1.'20 481,717 51'36 4/S' 35 8go 438,11.90 810 413'1.7 l'Sl 1875-6 6:1.0 60S i 13,1.39,405 11,354 58 63 11.05 2,119 2>978,139 9.8,300 3SS,uS;,606,s19 994,767 1,636 .. ,1.80,"91, SI8'71 118,679 ":94 ;5,3,617 15'44 196,195 19'71 11.0,916 no +99,407 ;0'.0 414'57 S11 495,360 SIS 4/4'14 ,3'74 t 1876 7"" 6;1 13,,10,364 61 63 "10 11,194 1,581,05' 494,814 SSI,961 848 1,161,7S", 8/S'<)O 54.439 9'86 'SI,1I.06 14'71 107,8:1.S 19'54 9>939 I'SO' "53,403, 45'91 4/0'16 389 :l.98,s57 459 4/S'74 4'36 1877 93 1 787 14,;6z.,984 76, 63 121 <',373 3,395,7°9 1,030,558 1;443 1,,86,58 [, S/I'S" 166,;81 14'66 181,078 15'94 .. jo,115 u,'.. 6 [4,lig7' 1':1.9, 59",4S1 51'16 413'03 543,318 6go 3/10'79 "i'73 1818 IOlS 967 1;,343,140 So 6~ ~31 <',,13 3,8:1.9,2;56 960,479 1,11.58 3,"9S,;90,7/IQ:ll IH410 U'77 ~~4,806 [6'S3 148,519 w43 16,g64 L"" 6<'5,699 ;1'43 4/0'511. 59°,976 6II 319'S2 3'85 ------' ------,------45,8 1499 S5I,797 94'3" 1,075,145 110'78 1,31ig,391 154'91 13<.,184 '15'61, ,;4:8,51'.385'63 35/4'14 6,4"' J,S8,,"93 '1017 38/6'19 30'44 n,7"9,474 1IM'I; 61 57 187 tlM7l [1",9 l143,Jl 15'10 18",585 "9',6 17,6<'5' 1'95 :i~7,q6 48-<.0 415'''9 '85$- 477,146 936 419'79 rSI

" t, Slx:,months only, 1 ;,:, • Including repaIrs and re!!CW~IB of carriages ,:nd wagons, ~ ~·1 .. "' Railway Department;,Accountant's Office, :j P. LABERTOUCaE, Secretary,

~; ~ 20th March i 879. ;j ::·GEO. T. A. LA VATER, Accountant. ~~ :- ,:') :::' -- P -: .. " I' - " ,-- .-~ 48


No. 200.

STATEM.EYT showing the Cost of Construction at 31st December 1878 of each Line, and Average Cost per Mile; also Highest and Lowest Levels, Steepest Gradients, &0.

Height of .Single IIal 'I -libeve a ove C os 1, exeI' USIVC 0 I R oII' tngstoc k • Length IJow-watcr .!dark, i or ""~ Steepest i in Hobson's Bay. --- 1IIl1es. Double Gradient. Line.. I Average Total. .. , i Highest. Lowest. per Mile . , 1- Feet, Feet. Feet. £ £ NORTHERN SYSTEM. Main Line-Melbourne to Sandhurst (including Mel- loot Double 1,9°2 17 I in 50 5,°14,418 49,771 bourne terminus) . Echuca Line-Sandhurst to Echuca Wharf ••. ... 55i Single 753 320 I 90 602,945 10,913 Castle maine and Dunolly Line ...... 47l 949 580 I " 40 282,055 5,93 8 Ballarat and Maryborongh Line ...... 42t " 1,525 73 2 I " 40 .25 1,910 5,927 Maryborough and Avoca Line ...... IS " 883 721 I " 40 60,132 4,009 iSanuhurst and Inglewood· Line ...... 30 .," 778 442 I 43 152,052 5,068 Dunolly and St. Arnaud Line ...... 33 I 6Il I " 108,035 3,274 ... " 945 " 5° 1--- Total open for traffic ...... 324 ...... " 6,471,547 19,974


Williamstown Line-Footscray Junction to. Williams- 6 Double 66 12 I in 100 405,636 67,606 town Pier Geelong Line - Williamstown Junction to Geelong { Ii II3 12 I 81 1,050,737 26,942 Pier 37! Single" I " Ballarat Line-West Geelong to Ballarat ...... 53~ Double 1,725 47 I· 52. i,7I7,882 32,IIO Ballarat and Ararat Line ...... 57 Single 1,517 960 I ,,44" 310,064 5,440 Ararat and Stawell Line ...... I8! T,086 759 I 5° 110,093 5,872 Ararat and Hamilton Line 66! " 1,02.8 2 I " 50 29 8,764 ...... 57 " i 4,493 Geelong and Colac Line, including Racecourse branch 52! " 465 17. I 5° 310,814 5,9 20 " I " 50 60 " 260,107 81 Portland and Hamilton Line-Hamilton to Portland Wharf 54 " 5 II1 wharlline } 4, 7 I " 40 Stawell and Horsham Line '" ...... 35! 759 423 I in 50 132,610 3,735 ------" ------Total opened for traffic ...... 3821 ...... 4,596,707 12,010

NORTH-EASTERN SYSTEM. { 2b Double 6 Essendon Junction to Essendon and Racecourse branch .2i Single } 148 14 I in 67 7 ,649 16,137 North-Eastern Line-Essendon to Wodonga ••• ... 1821 1,148 105 I 50 1,556,485 8,540 Wanga.ratta and Beechworth Line ...... , , 23 " 1,83 1 502 I ,." 30 153,730 6,684 " ------Total opened for tra.ffic ... ••• ! 210 ...... 1,786,864 8,509


Gippsland Line ...... lI8i Single 513 32 I in 50 697,547 5,899

• Eighteen miles more of this line to open at 31St December 1878.

P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary. Railway Department,Accountant's Office, GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Accountant. 20th March 1879. VICTORIAN RAILW.A

No. 2.1. TURN of the Number and Nature of the Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred on each of the several Lines of Victorian Rnilways fl'om 1st January

..J • I --

Passengers Killed or Injured. Servants of Department Or of Contractors K!lIed or Injured. .

lor . whilst r.rrespasscrs~ Miscellaneous. Date of Line of Rail way. From causes l!"rom their own 11'rom causes From their own Accldcnt. boyond theIr OWl! misconduct Or beyond their own misconduct or at Nnture and Cause of Aecident. i coutrol. want of caution. control. wan t of cautioo+ - 1878. Kllled. In) nred. Killed. Injured. Killed. IInjUred, Killed. Injured. Killed. IInjured, Killed. IInjured. Killed. Injured, -----I-- i- January ------Geelong Station ...... 3 ...... I ...... , . ... January Ballarat Station ... '" Collision between pilot-engine and 7 p.m. mail train from Melbournc...... '" ...... I ...... Fuelman caught between the buffers of two engines. January I Gippsland ...... I ...... '" ... .,...... '" Contractor's gatekeeper at Dandenong run over by ballast engine when January he was running to open his gates. I Williamstown ...... I ...... Little girl fell out of the train and the train passed over her foot • January , North-Eastern .., ...... '" ...... I ...... Gatekeeper killed hya tl'ain in shunting while attempting to open his gates. January Melbourne Yard ." ...... n' ...... I ...... , . .., .. Ca.rpenter thrown off trucks wbieh were being shunted. Mareh ... Portland and Hamilton ...... , ...... I .., Man killed in attempting to jump on to a tra.in in passing Heywood March station. ... Williamstown ...... I ... March ...... Pointsman knocked down by a train wbile crossing the line. ... Ballarat ana Ararat .•• ...... I .. ... March ! ...... '" ...... '" Guard injured in diseharging and re-loading a horse-box at Buang?r. ... Williams tow Ii ... .., ...... I ...... Boy slightly hruiscd through falling between couplings of Amenea.n j ...... " .. March carriages in attempting to alight before train had stopped. ... Main-Line...... '" ...... , I March "'1 '" ...... :Man fell into ashpit at Sunbury and broke his collar bone. ... , Geelong and Colac ...... , ...... I March '" '" ...... Porter injured his hand when coupling up at Colac. ... Melbourne Goods Shedl ...... , ...... I ..p.. April '" I .. ... I ...... '" ... '" Employe broke a rib in unloading grain. ... NO.rt..h-Eastern ...... , ...... I ...... Man committed suieide by allowing train to run over him. ~ April ... W Ilhamstown ... i I ...... '" ...... n • . Lad injured 'through jumping out of a train while in motion. May & ... '" ...... Sandhurst Inglewood ...... I . May ...... Man knocked down by special train while trespassing on .the line. . ... Melbourne & Geelong .. " ...... , I ...... Porter had one of his ribs broken through door of t.ruckfalhng open while May ... Castiemaine Station...... , I ... . June ...... , Cleaner injured through lamp falling on bim. [he wa.s eovering it. ... Ballarat & Mary borough ...... I 011 June ... '" '" ...... Man run over by train while trespassing the line . '.,. Williamstown ...... I ,Tune '" ...... '" ...... Man run over by train while crossing the liue at Footscray .. ... North·Eastern '" ...... I ... Jnne '" ...... Man killed in eros sing the line at Seymour. , ... North-Eastern ...... I June ...... '" ...... Watchman crushed between trueks at Benalla when assisting to shunt. ... Melbourne Yard ...... I .Tuly ...... i ...... Lad erushed between trucks in crossing the line . ... A voca Station ...... I ...... Guard injured his hand in assisting to turn an engine. . •Tuly Ballamt Station '" ...... I '" .-.. Lad killed in attempting to jump on to buffer of a truck bemg shunted. August ... N orth-F..:tstern ...... '" ...... I '" ...... Gatekeeper killed by train while opeuing gate. August ... Geelong and Colae '" ...... , .. , ...... , ...... I Woman-relative of ganger-injured in attempting to save a child which had been lcft in a trolly on the line. August ... Melbourne Yard ...... 9 ...... ColliHion on 28th Aug., bet.ween WilliAmstown train and some goods trucks. October ...... Geelong Station ...... I ...... 'Workman killed tbrough falling with a hod of mortar. October ... Williamstown ...... I ... '" ...... Guard injured through pilot-eugine coming into collision with some trucks at Williamstown junction. November Main Line ...... I ... Man -killed at Kyneton, by special train, when crossing the line. , December ...... " ... Stawell and Horsham ...... I ...... Contractor's workman killed by some trucks, at Gravel Pits, Glenorchy. December Stawcll and Horsham ...... '" ...... I ...... COlltractor's workman killed by contractor's engine. December Sandhurst Station ... I ...... '" ...... I Lessee of Sandhul'st refreshment rooms fell down one of the coal-bays at Sandhurst and fractured his skull. December Salldhurst Statiou ... .. , ... I ...... '... '" ...... I ...... ••. Man killed at Sandhurst station by a truek while trespassing. December Melbourne Yard ... •.• 10 .~ .. .., ...... '" ...... Collision between Esselldon train and pilot-engine, on 24th DeccmlJer• ------1-1·-1------Totals ...... 2.2...... 3 ... 6 75 2 ... 6 I _~ 3, Railway Depal·tment, Accountant's Office, P. P. LABERTOUCHE, Secretary. 20th March 1879. GEO. T. A. LAV ATER, Accountant. 50


, I ~ ,.:

RETURN:; of ::;~cciUepts and Injuries to 'Lif~: and' Limb, from' the :Opening of tbe Lines for Traffic to -' , " 31 st De'cember 1878., ' ., r "" , Servants of the Department or,of 1'- P~sengers Killed or . c~nt~ctor~}ed or.l~j~~~~:~~ pe~~~~j~~~Cd :li'rom.causes From .their own . ;:})oom causes I' From their own whilst crossing TrespaSBers. Miscellaneous. Total. Year. beyond their own . miSColl~uct ,or beyond their own misconduct or at Crossings. _~_~~~l. want of cautIOn. i control. want of caution. _. i

'Kliled, Injured: Kllled. \niured. Killed, IInjured, ,KUleil. Injured. !Kil1~d, Iniured'IKilled: 'Injured, Killed.iInjUred.I'---.I~I-nj-U-red-. --'-,----'--,--' , . --i---'--- -'---=-1-- --li---- 1859 ••• I...' 2, ... 3 ... 6 i860 ,'I .... 2. 1861 ... .. , ... 3 2, 3 2. 1862 19 ,I 4 8 ,I 1 6 31 1863 2 5 5 ~ 2 9 10 1864 ... - .. 7 • I 9 1865 ...... , ... I 18 '4 i 1 5 19 1866" ...... I 'I' 2, ... .' ... .. I 4 2. " :; I 1867 ~ .. oj, 3 I 5 9 1868 ...... 2 z ; \ - 2 1869 ...... - ..-. ~ , ... 4 1870 4 I 2 4 1871 2 2 'I 2.' 6 ,3 1872 28 z ... 3 3 32 ~J!7.3, .. , ... 1874 ,.' '4' '" I' ~875 .•. .•• . . ... 6 . 6 I IS;,? 3' 4 '10 15 1877 '" 36 I ... 3 I 3 10 5 1878 •••. . 22. ... 3 I'" 6 7 5 Total ... ~~~:-'-~-I~i~171~ --,,----'--:-: Railway;Department, Accotintant's,Officei'" ::: P; P.-LABERTOUCHE, Secretary, 20th March 1879. GEO. T. A. LAVATER, Accountant. : .' ": '

.J I ..

By Authority; JOliN FERRE!!; Government Printer, ~elbou,rn.e. Rrwenue, EX12 endiLll1'e & Net _EaT nina s upon each, syS (;8"177./ FOR THE YEAR ENDING 3/_sT DECEMBER 1878 Revenue Eypendit 1J re Net. Earninqs_ 51500 ~ ----,------_i_i_ 5' OOO~· I\---+--+_------I-I-- .. ------_\t--- .------1+- 505000~--~-+------~~------*------+r 50000~ ----+--~------~·------,r------~ 49500~OO----~-+------*------_+\__ 490000 ------~------#_------~------__ir 48500 48000o· rr--__j_-_+------~_I__------~------~ 47500G&----I----+------~~------~------~ 47000v~--+---+------,~------H------+\-- 46 5000-rr---~--_+------_tt_------_jj_------\t- 46000~--- ~--+------r------~------~ 45500u~---·r--+_------· _It------_ir_------4-5000~--- 11-----I'------' ------___111__------__tt__ 44500 ------I------~ 44000 ;::: 435000· ~---+--+------~------tt------* 43000~----r_-+_------~------_*------~ 42500~--t__--+_------~+__------~r_------* 420000'~--_+-_+------~------~r_------~ 41500G&---r_--+_------~r_------~------1t__ 41000~dt----r--+------ft---.------~t_ 40500~---r_---+_'------~r_------~------_+\__ 40000OH------+ ---+-- -- - .- - - --__H_------.------_jj_------1+- 39500~---t__--T------~-I------~r_------* 39000~----·~--f===~------~r_------*_------_* 38500ar---r----~~~------_*------~~------~ 38000~-~1--~1----+------~------tt------~ 37500~~---~--+--+------~r------*------~ 37000~----t___--+_--+_------~t___------_it__------~ 36500~--~1--~1--~1 ------j1------~t------~ 36000uo*---+---j---+------H------#------~ 35500~~---'~--+---+------~~'------~------~ 35000 -- - ,------*------Jl- 345000 --1__- 34000~~ --- --r--+---+------III ------~r 33500~~--+_-+_-+_------1r------tf------t+- 33000~ ------~------~r 3Z500~~--+---4---4------~------~------~ 32000~~---~-- -~r--f------*------~------~~ 31500~~---+---+--+------~------'#------31000~~----+---+---+------I------_____~ ------__* ~ggggG ----t---f---+------H------"- . ------f------_-==_- ----ft- Z9500~~---t-----t---~------*------~------* 29000~----+_--+_--+_------lt ------~t___------~ 28500 Gt+-- t----t-----I------28000 I------__jl------* 275000t~---+---+------'r------H_ ------* Z7000~ ------T---rf----_------~------*----i-r---- ~~------26 5000 ~--f---__+---t===::t__----- 26000 ------ft------~--~---;_------* 25500~------I--~i---T--+------~r------+i-----I---~------2 5000~~----+---+--+--~------~ ------~-- -r_--r_------~ 24- 5 000H-- --I------tt------tr_- - I-- - + ------tt- 24000 ------+_------H--~_Ir=='------*---+---+------I+- 235000~··#----I----I-- -~-t------*--- I--~~------. +r----~--r_------~ Z3000~Gt+-·-+_-+_--_+---_t_------ll ---_+--_f------·----tl---·- - '- I_---- · ------tt- 22500Gt+~--- -+-----~--~------~--~---~==I------_+--_+------­ Z200~~-----+----+---+---i ------r----r---~~------~~ - -- +---~------* 2 I 5000·tt----t--.. __t---!-~---- -~ ~-- - r-- - - -.------tt___----!------.___1+_ 21000g ----+----+---+--+-----It--- + - -t-- +------tt------1+- 20!)00Gt+~--+_-_t_--+_-- +_----_\t----+--_+--_I_ .. ------~ ---+-_1-----.-----tt_ 2.000~~ ------,--- 1------J9500G· ~---r-__t---__j--__t------~----~-_I__-+_------~ --_+-- ~------190000 -- ---+---f------it---t-- +-- -:f------1---+-- _1- - ,------* '8500Git-- ---f---+_----1------jj-----J-'- -f---I------,- -- --.------\1- J8000G~--+--~--- --I---t------_1I---~-~-~------#_--~--~------~ 17500~~---+--+----+----i------#-- -~--~--1 ------~--- ir--!t------______~ 17000"'OH---- +---+--i----1------4- -'1---1------~- - - -- 1----+------+t- 16500~ --+--r------* - - 1_____1- -.,------+1_ J 6 ooq~ - f----f------__t---~I____il__------~--+_-+_-+------_+I_ 15500G*~----+---+---+---+-----~t- -~----1---i------~ ----+--+--+------~ J 5000;;=: _ i-- -+--_-__ -++.I-=--=--=-~-=------~ ---' --t-=-----1_-_-_--t-+-__=_ ~- =__=__=__=__=__ _=__=_ __ _=__- -!t- - --t--I-----I------+I- I!go~~0 0 I --i . - .. -. 1---- -1----~-__! ------, 35 001=) ~---!------1------H----~--__t-__I===_------_!t - - -_+- _+==:------* 13000 L ___ ------1---- ·--- *----1- - -t--+----+------it-- - r_--r_- +'----t------H- 12500~ I:-----t-, -_+------_it__--- t---t___--t-----+ ----~- · - --- I---r-__j_-_+------~ 111~gg~ ______~ ~.. ------~-- I-- -I-- i--- -.. - --.- 11000' ------H-- - _t_- -r- - -t------Ir_--~---_i_. -__I_--_+------tt_ I0500~ - · ------~---- · ~--+_--,+_--+_-----__tr---I_-+_-+_--_! ------* 10000~ - -·- t---1---t------~r-- -+--+--+----~----~-----i---+---+---1-----tt- 95000G· ·~--__+--~--__t---__!------~---+_-+_- -+_-+_------~-_t__-_+-_+-----. ~ 9000G*~----+_-~--~--~------H__--- ~--+_-+_·--t__-----~------+ --~-t___------8 500~ . J __+- , -_+------H---f:---+---+---+-----·----__H_--I--t--~-~-----_l+_ 8000~ - ---_!_- +_- +_-- +_------I+- 7500Git-~---~----_t_+------_t_--4_------~--r-__I-- ,~___IL-----__H_----- I----r_-~--+_------7000~ ----i------6 500G*~---1---_t_-_t_-_+_--- , - 1---- +_- -1-- -+--_1------+1- -- - - +- __+- __t-.------\1- 6000~ ----+---+------H----_+-__f----+----I------H----~--~--- it----r_-----__l+_ 5500nG- #----+-~--~--~------__H_--- r--· _+--_+---+---- 5000~8*---+_--+_-+_---+------iI----_+_ -~--~---_I------l+_--- +-__f--__+-~r_------It- 4500~OH----+--t--+_-~===r---#---t--_;--~~__1~-----~----_!_--+_-_t_--+_-----H 4000~~ 1------i------3500 t------I---+_-+_--+--+_---tt-----r---+- -t----t------~---t___~t__- t--_II-----_tt_ 3000 I------~----I---~i__- -r_--r_ --~-- I__--r_--+_-- -+_----.. --It_---~- - --I--- - +_------\l 25000 ~-- - --t-----t---H---+---II-----l-.----4--..-- 2.00Ql,I --- , - - - f--__f- _f---+ --, +---~~-__I_-__j_-_+--_l'==;_--~ 1500u ------+_-+_-----jH----t----t--_t__--__j_- _+- ---tr--- +---t-- +_-+ -~--- IOOOQ- --+---!--I----+---+----~-- -+_--~__I~__+--~--- --tt----+----I----iI -----I--+---* 500~ ------. ~-+---1- .------~ --r_~--_r--+_~~---#_--_r--+___1--_+--+_-_*


2~5~ 347! 210 113 -;;Fl1/s AJttlGE LTOTAL~ 590 976 Ile'venLLe; .Bxpenclitu:r lV& NeC E a rn,iT~!I s PER T R AIN MILE lor aZD SYSt87TbS TOT' Iz» {-' , and/aJualr'years endiT~(l Pence 3/~r DECEMBER 1878 130 ----,-,--.... --.. --- -- ,..------·-·--rr ------·------rr·------n---··------

125- -

I.v liS!Jtjf---- .--f-i1--H------·-+t------tt-----'---tt-.------jj-- - - .------... --

1 I I l ~------++ - ~ ·-----·-----~------*------.. --.Ii-----.. -----~------

I ,r-1~ _t1rt- ·-· ---- I_+_+l_ ------, - ~ -+t----- .-- -r_r- +i , ------__r.... I+------tt---- ...- .. --......

IOCrJn ·*--, ·-- ---I+-+!------++-+t------H .. -H·------..- .. - - +1--+1----.. ------H--·- - --- _ __ ,_. _

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