Victorian Railways
1896. VICTORIA. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. REPOR1, OF TH& VICTORIAN RAILWAYS COMMISSIO:t~ER FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1896. PHESENTIW TO BOTH HOUSES <m PARLIAMENT PUHSUANT TO THE AC'l' 54 VTCT•HU.It i'<o 1Ja5 AND ACT No. 1439. Bv flut~oritv: ltOB'l'. S. BRAIN, GOVER:>~TEXT PRINTER, MELBOtiRNlt. No. 38.-[ls. 9d.]-6749. APPROXIMATE COST OF REPORT. £ s. d. Preparation-Not given Printing (1,172 copies) 88 0 0 REP 0 RT. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS, 12th September, r896. To the Honorable the llfinisteT rif Railways. Sm, In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Railways Act, No. r r 3 5, I have the honour to submit, for the information of Parliament, the Annual He1)ort upon the working of the Railway Department for the year ending 3oth June, r 896. DEBENTURE CAPITAL. The amount of borrowed eapital was, on 3oth June last, £36,732,844 r rs. 4d., details of which are shown in the Appendix, Return No. 10. Additional debentnres amounting to £ r 9, 7 49 were issued under the Victorian Stock Act r 8 9 5 No. r 36 9. The Jiel bourne and Hobson's Bay United Rail way Company's debentures, amounting to £r 22,ooo, w·cre redeemed. The last of the company's stock, amounting to £3r,9oo, will he paid o:ff during the ensuing year. The interest for the year amounted to £I ,444, 770 Is. 8d., which, with £24,972 qs. rd., the amount paid by the Treasury for expenses in payment of interest, made the total £r,469,74-2 rss.
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