2013 September EURAXESS LINKS Issue 41

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the September edition of the EURAXESS Links China Newsletter.

This newsletter looks at some of the latest research & innovation developments and funding opportunities in and between Europe and China.

This month’s EU Insight takes a closer look at the “Innovation Union", one of the so-called ’flagship initiatives’ taken by the European Commission to boost growth and jobs creation in Europe in the years to come.

Under EURAXESS Links Activities we of course come back to the EURAXESS Science Slam China Finals which very successfully took place on 26 September in Beijing. The venue was packed with around 180 people supporting the 6 finalists and finally voting for Dr YU Yang from Wuhan University to become the EURAXESS China Science Slammer of the year. The Science Slam was also organized in the other countries where EURAXESS Links is present, except for Japan where the slam finals are going to take place on 16 October.

This edition features a number of News & Developments about European research, including the ERA (European Research Area) report about the progress made in the establishment of a true ‘single-market’ for research in Europe or the launch by the European Commission of a new innovation indicator.

New funding calls can be found under Grants & Fellowships while this month’s Jobs section lists includes, among others, several openings at the famous


Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) and provides links to even more job announcements on the NatureJobs and EURAXESS Jobs portals. Coming to Events, we announce the imminent kick-off of the 2013 edition of the European research & innovation so-called ‘Tour of China’. In a similar fashion to last year, representatives of the EU delegation, member states’ embassies and

European R&I organisations will tour various cities across China to introduce to local audiences the diverse European research landscape and the many opportunities for international collaborations, in particular with China. We hope to meetyou and your colleagues at these events, as EURAXESS will be present

on most of the tour.

We would also like to draw your attention on the CHAIN-REDS FP7 Project

workshop on "e-Infrastructures for e-Sciences" to be held on 22 October 2013 in Beijing for which the registration period is now open.

I wish you a pleasant reading of this newseletter and of the Chinese Press Review that concludes it.

With best regards, About this newsletter

EURAXESS LINKS CHINA NEWSLETTER is a monthly electronic newsletter, edited by EURAXESS Links China, Jacques de Soyres which provides information of EURAXESS Links China Country Representative specific interest to European researchers and non-European researchers in China who are interested in European research landscape and conducting research in Europe or with European partners. The information contained in this publication is intended for personal use only. It should not be taken in any way to reflect the views of the European Commission nor of the Delegation of the European Union to China. Please email to [email protected] for any comments on this newsletter, contributions you would like to make, or if you think any other colleagues would be interested in receiving this newsletter, or if you wish to unsubscribe. Editor: Jacques de Soyres, Country Representative of EURAXESS Links China

September 2013 | Issue 41 | Page 2 of 74



1 EU Insight ...... 7

The Innovation Union ...... 7 2 EURAXESS Links Activities ...... 10

EURAXESS Science Slam China 2013 Finals – Big success! ...... 10 3 News & Developments ...... 11

3.1 EU & Multilateral Cooperation ...... 11

First Euro-Asian experts conference on immune biomarkers for personalized medicine in oncology held in Shanghai ...... 11

Final Meeting of