000 Index Cosmopolis and Extant 20190603 1123.Xlsx
Index 2 - Index Name 3 - X 4 - Item 5 - Cosmopolis or 6 - Page 7 - Text Extant No VIE Proj 0002 Cosmopolis #02 25 Response to ‘VIE Vision’, p7, Alun Hughes All Articles 0003 Cosmopolis #02 7 Response to Paul Rhoads’ Vision of the VIE, p7, Alun Hughes All Articles 0002 Cosmopolis #02 4 The New Textual Integrity Principles (Palace of Love, Star King, Killing Machine), p4, Alun Hughes VIE Text Integrity 0001 Cosmopolis #02 37 The New Textual Integrity Principles, p4. Alun Hughes All Articles 0001 Cosmopolis #02 1 The VIE Vision (Mazirian, Die Domaänen von Koryphon, Bodissy, F. Herbert, Azimov, S. Lem, Bradbury, Twain, Stevenson, Dickens, Balzac), p1, Paul Rhoads. VIE Proj 0001 Cosmopolis #02 15 The VIE Vision, p1, Paul Rhoads. All Articles 0005 Cosmopolis #03 5 Is Vance a Science Fiction Author? ( Narnia, The Wizard of Oz, H.G. Wells, 1984, Brave New World, Martian Chronicles, Dune, Wodehouse, Praxiteles, Michelangelo, Tolkein, H.C. Anderson, Dunsany, Ovid, Dante, Gogol, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Balzac, Thackery, Niven, Aldiss, Clark), p5, Paul Rhoads Literary (By Author) 0029 Paul Rhoads Cosmopolis #03 35 Is Vance a Science Fiction Author?, p5 Literary 0001 Cosmopolis #03 35 Is Vance a Science Fiction Author?, p5, Paul Rhoads All Articles 0004 Cosmopolis #03 4 The Font in Question, p4, Paul Rhoads Format and Font 0001 Cosmopolis #03 21 The Font in Question, p4, Paul Rhoads Pfifle 0001 Cosmopolis #04 30 Planet of Retribution (story), p1, George Rhoads All Articles 0006 Cosmopolis #04 5 What Sort of Artist is Jack Vance? (The Domains of Koryphon,
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