Abraham, 151 Abercrombie Station, 130 Achilles, 357 Aesop, 355
Index Abraham, 151 Chauser, 231, 233 366 Abercrombie Station, 130 Chesterton, G. K., 207 Faulkner, William, 15 Achilles, 357 Churchill, 55, 86 Flaubert, Gustave, 296 Aesop, 355 Cholwell’s Chickens, 130 Flesh Mask, The, 365-7, 379, 385 Alfred’s Ark, 123, 204, 242-4 Chrétien de Troyes, 248 & etc, Ford Madox Ford, 118 Allen, Woody; 96 250-52, 257 Fra Angelico, 380 Anaxagoras, 335, 342-53 Clarges, 16, 25, 30-32, 74, Frazetta, Frank, 209, 228 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 150 174, 177 Gainsborough, Thomas, 288 Arcimboldo, 380 Clarke, Arthur C., 17 Gesualdo, 380 Aristophanes, 398 Communism, 59, 82-6, 93, 143, Gift of Gab, The, 123 Aristotle, 280-1, 330, 336 & etc. 147, 249 319, 321, 329 & etc. Giotto, 228 Augmented Agent, The, 146 Coup de Grace, 16, 207 Gogol, Nicolai, 20, 195 Austen, Jane, 105 & etc, 191-2, Crusade to Maxus, 140 & etc. Gold and Iron, 20-1, 36, 81, 112, 241, 289, 380 Cugel (stories), 51, 106, 135-6, 118, 141, 143, 292, 383 Babeuf, Gracchus; 320 & etc. 155-6, 191, 200, 207, 231, Golden Girl, The, 20 Bad Ronald, 55, 221-2, 225, 248, 248-9, 251, 298, 340, Goncharov, 230 337, 340, 364- 6 355 & etc, 390, 392-3 Goya, Francesco, 23 Bain, Joe (stories), 205-6, 364, Dante, 15, 231, 233 Green Magic, 175-6, 387 378-9 Dark Ocean, The, 142, 201, 365 Grey, Zane, 46 Balzac, 52-54, 230, 379-83 Darwin, 68 & etc, 265, 287 Hardy, Thomas, 20 Beiderbecke, Bix, 136 Deadly Isles, The, 53, 365, 369 Hayden, 115 Benda, Julian, 80 Dickens, 112, 230, 289, 380 Heidegger, Martin, 214-9, 223, Big Planet, 12, 132, 231-32, Diderot, 16 227, 360-3, 367, 385 290, 383 Dodkin’s Job, 123, 153, 204, Hitchcock, Alfred, 289 Bird Island, 264, 370, 373 332 Hitler, 83-7, 201 Blake, William, 209 Dogtown Tourist Agency, The, Hogarth, 288 Blue World, The, 59, 189, 36, 38, 108, 332 Holbein, 289 228 & etc, 271 Domains of Koryphon, The, 15, Homer, 15, 216, 228, 355 & etc.
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