THE HUGO WINNER!! SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW INTERVIEWS: ☆ A.E. VAN VOGT ☆ JACK VANCE ☆ RAY BRADBURY ☆ PIERS ANTHONY THE SILVERBERG THAT WAS BY ROBERT SILVERBERG I always do immediately after receiv¬ ALIEN THOUGHTS ing it. Other zines pile up, but this one becomes addictive. 'The Libertarians, like genuine Communists, and other idealists, are talking about a form of government which has never been tried on this planet, and which probably would never work beyond the level of a small, carefully engineered commun¬ ity populated entirely by zealots who are willing to force the offic¬ T. Pflock, free-lance writer, who ial theory onto reality no matter wrote, what. 'By the way, I'm now a REASON 'There are many examples of the contributing editor-haven't con¬ kind of elimination of competition tributed anything yet, however. in a free market that you hypothe¬ 'And have you heard: J.J. Pierce size. When there's no government is/has replacing (ed) J. Baen as GALAXY control, big companies take the op¬ editor! Baen's going to Ace to re¬ portunity to rub out little ones. place LoBrutto, who's going to Dou¬ This was commonplace in the early bleday to replace Jarvis, who's going part of this century in the communi¬ to Playboy Press. Ah, musical edit¬ cations media. More powerful radio ors. Such fun.' stations simply blew the smaller ones off the air by applying (and wast¬ Except for the editor at Playboy 8-5-77 A new area representative ing) more juice than anybody else Press who got booted, to create the from Gestetner, Dan Cunnings, dropp¬ had. The result was mostly static. first vacancy. ed by and fixed my 466 for free, by Then the FCC took over and assigned cleaning a little plastic pop-up And this item of similar, con¬ frequencies and times, and it got a thingumy that was too gummy to pop. firming mein, from Darrell Schweit- lot more orderly. Also, in the very This now permits me to run sub¬ early days of the movie industry, the scription forms, reminder forms, 'J.J. Pierce, that J.J. Pierce Edison people wanted to monopolize bookstore order forms...all kinds of 2nd Foundation fame, is the new the motion picture. They hired thugs of necessary items and save a few editor of GALAXY. So I hear from to destroy the equipment of the com¬ bucks on offset printing. Scithers via Meschkow from Pierce.' petition, rough up people, etc. (The movie "Nickelodean" is about I got a copy of ANDROMEDA 2 to¬ Needless to say I have written this period.) In those days, say, day, from Futura in England, and both Jim and John for confirmation about 1910, the center of the movie it's a good-looking pocketbook, and anything publishable they care business was New York. Ever wonder with a first-class cover. And I'm to send along. Alter-Ego is frantic why it became Hollywood? Because happy that Peter Weston gave my with worry, of course. He thinks the small companies had to move to story the catbird seat position, it's all a plot to keep him from California to stay out of the reach and that he called it a 'blockbust¬ writing further installments of his of the Edison company thugs. That's er. ' Yes, this is all shameless GALAXY column. as close to a completely unrestricted egoboo and self-promotion on my "Don't sneer, Geis! I know market as has ever existed, and you part. Let me enjoy it. I cannot you're in on it! Eaten up with jeal¬ can see how everyone behaved. be blase about this. I'm all puffed ousy, frantic that I might be prefer¬ up and glowing. red by the readers, you conspired 'On the evolution matter: There with Baen and the owners of GALAXY are examples of evolution anyone can "Hold it, Geis! Just hold it and J.J. Pierce, and arranged the see, which are not particularly eso¬ right there! Where do you get this change of editors! Pierce will de¬ teric. It is not a matter faith. shit about 'my story'? .1 wrote "One cide my column is 'not appropriate' Did you ever collect butterflies as Immortal Man", and—" for GALAXY anymore. I know how that a kid, Dick? If so, and if you ever Alter, you wrote something call¬ jazz goes! You must think I'm a understood what you were doing, these ed "Tomb It May Concern," and I_ had fool! Rule or ruin, eh, Geis? Well, two will be familiar: to re-write it to make it even re¬ let me tell you---" motely publishable. Further--- Oh, go screw a pteradactyl. Alt¬ '(1) Industrial molanicism in Geis, all you did was change the er! We'll just have to wait and see moths (geometrids) which rest by day title and a phrase or two! You're what happens. on the trunks of trees. They rest trying to rob me! You always try to flat, with wings outspread, and es¬ rip me off! You---" "Easy for you to say, Geis! Do cape predators (mostly birds, but a you have any idea how difficult it An Alter-Ego is bom to be ripp- wasp here and there) through camou¬ is to find a young, goodlooking fe¬ ed-off by the Prime Self. It's al¬ flage. Virtually all of these moths ways done this way. I'm just un¬ male Pteradactyl?" evolved to look like pieces of li¬ lucky enough to have an alter-ego *Grumble, mutter, gripe, curse.* chen, with wing patterns of a basic who has the power to talk back and light grey or white with wavy lines, interrupt my important writings. While I have it before me I am spots and patches of darker grey up "Comes the Revolution, Geis!" going to publish the rest of Dar¬ to almost black. Resting on a piece Back to your hole, Alter. rell's letter: of lichen, they look like part of LETTER FROM DARRELL SCHWEITZER * But air pollution, of the same Anno Yuggothi MMMCCCXII sort that makes the statues in Ven¬ ice crumble, killed off most of the 8-7-77 Two items struck me to the 'Well I've read the new SFR, as lichen. This has happened in the quick yesterday: A note from Karl COVER BY STEPHEN FABIAN From an idea by Richard Geis SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW "gg8 Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC rOTTKjna, UK by the editor..,2 ALIEN THOUGHTS NOVEMBER, 1977---Vol.6, WHOLE NUMBER 23 RICHARD E. GEIS, editor & publisher THE SILVERBERG THAT WAS BY ROBERT SILVERBERG.8 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY FEB - MAY - AUG - NOV THE ANNUAL NEBULOUS AWARDS Single copy — $1.50 PRESENTED BY GREG & JIM BENFORD. .17 UNEARTH #4. THE DIVERSIFIER. INTERVIEW: A.E. VAN VOGT NEW LIBERTARIAN NOTES #40. LETTERS- CONDUCTED BY JEFFREY ELLIOT..... .19 THE DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP. NEUROLOG #3. KARL T. PFLOCK. OTHER VOICES book reviews by HOLLOW FACES, MERCILESS MOONS.. DARRELL SCHWEITZER... ROBERT ANTON WILSON, IAN MCDOWELL, THE KNOWN AND THE UNKNOWN. JERRY POURNELLE. PAUL MCGUIRE, JOHN DIPRETE, STEVE SELDON S PLAN #41. ROBERT BLOCH. MILLER, LEE WEINSTEIN, AND NICK WHISPERS #10.,'.... RICK BEBAN. COLEMAN.25 HARLAN ELLISON: UNREPENTANT BILL GIBSON. HARLEQUIN...65 GREG BENFORD.. interview: JACK VANCE ROBERT A. HEINLEIN: STRANGER PEARL. CONDUCTED BY PETER CLOSE.36 IN HIS OWN LAND. ANDREW PORTER. THE BRADBURY CHRONICLES. THEODORE R. COGSWELL. THE CONAN CAPERS ARENA #6,. NEAL WILGUS. BY MARK MANSELL.47 DURFED #2. MICHAEL T. SHOEMAKER. THE DARK DESIGN. JUDY PENOWN. interview: RAY BRADBURY AFTER UTOPIA.. LUISE WHITE. CONDUCTED BY JEFFREY ELLIOT.48 THE GRAND WHEEL. IAN COVEL. QUEEN S WALK IN THE DUSK. DANIEL SAY. interview: PIERS ANTHONY THE COLD CASH WAR. KEN HAHN. CONDUCTED BY CLIFF BIGGERS.56 ASHES & STARS.. AVEDON CAROL. AMAZING, OCT 77. ALAN R. BECHTOLD. SMALL PRESS NOTES COSMOS #3-4.. HARLAN ELLISON. BY THE EDITOR..64 F&SF, OCT 77.. ALGIS BUDRYS. GALAXY, AUG 77. ORSON SCOTT CARD. THE ALTER-EGO VIEWPOINT Isaac Asimov's sf magazine, fall.7 GORDON LARKIN. BY RICHARD GEIS & ALTER.66 ANALOG, OCT 77.7_ GEORGE SCITHERS. RICHARD BERGERON. DESCANTS & BYPRODUCTS whispers (doubleday).1}4 THE BEST OF EDMUND HAMILTON... DAVE BATH. PROZINE REVIEWS BY STEVE BROWN.. .68 SWORD OF THE DEMON. TON DUNLAP... BUZZ DIXON. THE HUMAN HOTLINE THE RIDDLE-MASTER OF ZED. THE WEIRD TALES STORY. MICHAEL E. KERPAN, JR S-F NEWS BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT.73 THE GALACTIC DREAMERS. JOHN J. PIERCE. GEORGE WARREN. THE VIVISECTOR THE FUTURE NOW. ALWAYS COMES EVENING. TIM KIRK.... A COLUMSI BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER.. .74 THE MARCHERS OF VALHALLA. GRETCHEN RIX. BOB SHAW.... AND THE WINNER IS... THE PRIDE OF BEAR CREEK. THE SECOND DEADLY SIN. IAN WATSON. THE HUGO VOTING RESULTS.82 MURDER AT THE ABA...... MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY AND THEN I READ FRANK FRAZETTA CALENDAR-1978.. BY THE EDITOR. .83 ASCENSION. INTERIOR ART- tim kirk—2,66,82,83/84 REVIEWS- ALEXIS GILLILAND-4,9,10,12,13,14, THE EXORCIST, PART II..5 ISSN: 0036-8377 36,37,38,39,40,44,45,46,51,54,55, EXO-PSYCHOLOGY.25 5/, 58,61,62.63.64,69,70,71,73.. 7&,81, THE EIGHTH TOWER.27 82 PROLONGEVITY.26 THE ALIEN CRITIC JAY KINNEY & PAUL MAVRIDES—5,6,7, THE IPMORTALIST.26 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW WEIRD HEROES, VOLS. 1-2-5-6.27 Available in microform from: 24,32,33,34,35,42,43,51,52 LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN.28 OXFORD MICROFORM PUBLICATIONS LTL!! GRANT CANFIELD—8 DRAGONSINGER.29 Wheatsheaf Yard, Blue Boar Street CARL BENNETT-22 AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FAIRIES.29 Oxford OX1 4EY JAMES -MCQUADE-47 THE FUTURIANS....29 DAVE HAUGH-59 THE DREAM OF X.30,80 STEVE STILES-68 RAISE THE TITANIC.30 Science Fiction Review is published MIKE GILBERT— ORCA.,...33 75 at 1525 NE Ainsworth, Portland, OR SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ON P.
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