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4.2.1 Rare Books 4.2.1 Rare Books Acc No Call Number Author Title Publisher Year Edoition 112 RB 150 MER-O Mercier, Cardinal Orgins of cotemporary psychology R&T Washbourne, LTD., London 1918 132 RB 821.08 CHE-C Chesterton, G K Collected poems of G K Chesterton Methuen & Co. Ltd., London 1933 139 RB 821.08 DRY-P Dryden, John Poetical works of John Dryden Frederick Warne & Co., New York 154 RB 821 MIL-P.3 Milton, John; Verity, A W, Ed. Paradise lost, Book3&4 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1927 167 RB 821.08 SHE-P.2 Shelley, P B Poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol.2 John Slark, London 1881 169 RB 821.08 SMA-C.1 Smart, Christopher; Callan, CollectedNorman poems of Christopher Smart, Vol.1 Roultedge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London 1949 170 RB 821.08 SMA-C.2 Smart, Christopher; Callan, CollectedNorman poems of Christopher Smart, Vol.2 Roultedge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London 1949 171 RB 821.08 SPE-P Spenser, Edmund; Smith, J PoeticalC; De Selincourt, works of E,Edmund Ed. Spenser Oxford University Press, London 1912 175 RB 821.08 SWI-P.1 Swinburne Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne, Vol.1: Poems and ballads Chatto & Windus, London 1911 176 RB 821.08 SWI-P.2 Swinburne, Algernon Charles Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne, Vol.2: Songs before sunrise andChatto songs & Windus,of two nations London 1904 178 RB 821.08 SWI-P.4 Swinburne, Algernon Charles Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne, Vol.4: Tristram of lyonesse, TheChatto tale & of Windus, balan, Atlanta London in claydon, Erechtheus1901 188 RB 821 TEN-I Tennyson, Alfred Idylls of the king Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New York 1922 206 RB 821.08 WOR-P.5 Wordsworth, William Poetical works of William Wordsworth, Vol.5 E Moxon Son & Co., Warwick House, London 211 RB 824.08 BIR-C.2 Birrell, Augustine Collected essays and addresses of Augustine Birrell, Vol.2: 1880- 1920 J M Dent & Sons Ltd, London 213 RB 824 BIR-O Birrell, Augustine Obitter dicta Duckworth & Co., London 1924 218 RB 824 BUR-W.5 Burke, Edmund Works of the right honourable Edmund Burke, Vol.5: Charge against George Warren Bell Hastings & Sons, concluded, London political letters 1884 230 RB 810.8 DEQ-S De Quincey; Ball, A H R, Ed. Selections from De Quincey Ginn & Company, New York 237 RB 824 HAZ-H Sampson, George Hazlitt selected essays Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1928 247 RB 824 MAC-H Macaulay, Lord Historical essays: Contributed to the Edinburgh review Oxford University Press, London 1936 250 RB 824 MYR-C Myres, O M Coverly papers: From the spectator Clarendon Press, Oxford 1940 264 RB 827.09 THA-E Thackeray, W M English humourists of eighteenth century George G Harrap & Co. Ltd., London 282 RB 820.8 LAN-S Landor, Walter Savage; Colvin, Selections Sidney, from Ed. the writings of Walter Savage Landor Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1889 289 RB 822.08 POL-E Pollard, Alfred W English miracle plays: Moralities and interludes Clarendon Press, Oxford 358 RB 823.01 BAR-S Barrie, J M Works of J M Barrie: Sentimental tommy: The story of his boyhood Cassell & Co. Ltd, London 1924 359 RB 823.01 BAR-W Barrie, J M Works of J M Barrie: Little white bird Hodder & Stoughton, London 367 RB 823.01 BAR-W Barrie, J M Works of J M Barrie: Little minister Cassell & Co. Ltd, London 369 RB 823.01 BEN-G Bennet, Arnold Grim smile of the five towns Penguin Books 1946 394 RB 823.08 CHE-G Chesterson, G K G K Chesterton omnibus Methuen & Co., London 1950 5 410 RB 823 CRA-T Crauford, W H Lane Time gentlemen please Ward Lock & Co., London 1944 415 RB 823 DEF-R Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe Associated Newspapers, Ltd.,London Acc No Call Number Author Title Publisher Year Edoition 447 RB 823 ELI-M Eliot, George Mill on the floss Gresham Publishing Co., London 452 RB 823 FAB-F Fabian, Warner Flaming youth Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd., London 1928 488 RB 823 HAR-L Hardy, Thomas Life and death of the Mayor of Casterbridge: A story of a man of character Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1949 547 RB 824.08 SEV-T Severin, Ed.; Lamping, Stephen, Through Ed. hundred gates: By noted converts from twenty-two lands Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee 1947 676 RB 823.08 THA-W.9.2 Thackeray, W M Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vol.9: The virginians, Vol.2 Smith Elder & Co., London 1878 677 RB 823.08 THA-W Thackeray, W M Works of William Makepeace Thackeray Smith Elder & Co., London 1878 679 RB 823.08 THA-W.11 Thackeray, W M Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vol.11 Smith Elder & Co., London 1879 681 RB 823.08 THA-W.19 Thackeray, W M Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, Vol.19 Smith Elder & Co., London 1879 711 RB 823 WIL-P Wilde, Oscar Picture of dorian grey Classics Book Club, London 1951 730 RB 824.08 ADD-S.1 Addison, Joseph, et al. Spectator, Vol.1 Everymans Library, London 1950 731 RB 824.08 ADD-S.2 Addison, Joseph, et al. Spectator, Vol.2 Everymans Library, London 1945 732 RB 824.08 ADD-S.3 Addison, Joseph, et al. Spectator, Vol.3 Everymans Library, London 1945 733 RB 824.08 ADD-S.4 Addison, Joseph, et al. Spectator, Vol.4 Everymans Library, London 1945 746 RB 809 GOS-H Gosse, Edmund, C B History of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780) Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1912 747 RB 820.9 ELT-S.1 Elton, Oliver Survey of English literature 1730-1780, Vol.1 Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London 1950 762 RB 809 SAI-H Saintsbury, George History of nineteenth century literature: 1780-1895 Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1896 774 RB 824.09 HAZ-B Birrell, Augustine William Hazlitt Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1902 780 RB 824.09 BAC-C Church, R W Bacon Macmillan & Co. Ltd. 1884 781 RB 928.2 LAN-C Colvin, Sidney Landor Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1881 800 RB 820.9 BEN-J Jebb, R C Bentley Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1882 810 RB 923.542 WAL-M Morley, John Walpole Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1919 828 RB 824.09 JOH-S Stephen, Leslie Samuel Johnson Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1879 1121 RB 150.195 PFI-P Pfister, Oskar Psycho-analysis in the service of education: Being an introduction to Henry psychoanalysis Kimton, London 1921 1194 RB 634.9 BAK-T Baker, Frederick S Theory and practice of Silviculture McGraw-Hill book Co, Inc, New York 1934 1198 RB 580 ELL-A Ellis, G S M Applied botany Hodder & Stoughton, London 1225 RB 581 WIL-P Williams, S; Bond, G Practical botany Edward Arnold Co., London 1949 1229 RB 598.1 DIT-S Ditmars, Raymond L Snakes of the world Macmillan Company, New York 1946 1357 RB 8S1 KRI-N Krishna Warrior, Narayana SreeMenon, Valmiki Vallathol, ramayanam: Tr. Balakandam (m) V M Publications House, TVPM 1983 1365 RB 294.5925 EZH-S Ezhuthachan Sree mahabhagavatham: Keralabhasha ganam (m) Sree Ramavilasam Press, Kollam 1125 Acc No Call Number Author Title Publisher Year Edoition 1408 RB 8M4 SAN.G-S Sankara Kurup, G Sahitya ratnam (m) V Sundara Iyer & Sons, Thrissur 1109 1440 RB 928.M NAR.PK-P Parameswaran Nair, P K Sahithya panchananan (m) Sreeramavilasam Press, Kollam 1121 1486 RB 823.01 QUI-K Quiller-Couch, Arthur, Ed. Kings treasuries of literature J M Dent & Sons Ltd, London 1949 1496 RB 910 WIL-T Wilson, Richard, Ed. Tales of travel and exploration J M Dent & Sons Ltd, London 1922 1561 RB 823 REA-C Reade, Charles Cloister and the hearth Longmans Green & Co., Bombay 1685 RB 944 BEL-F Belloc, Hilaire French revolution Oxford University Press, London 1945 1688 RB 849 CAR-R.5 Cary, Ernest, Tr. Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Vol.5 William Heinemann Ltd., London 1945 1775 RB 530.03 GLA-D.1 Glazebrook, Richard Dictionary of applied physics, Vol.1: Mechanics, engineering, heat Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1922 1776 RB 530.03 GLA-D.2 Glazebrook, Richard Dictionary of applied physics, Vol.2 Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1777 RB 530.03 GLA-D.3 Glazebrook, Richard Dictionary of applied physics, Vol.3: Meterology, metrology and measuring Macmillan apparatus & Co. Ltd., London 1923 1778 RB 530.03 GLA-D.4 Glazebrook, Richard Dictionary of applied physics, Vol.4: Light, sound, radiology Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1923 1779 RB 530.03 GLA-D.5 Glazebrook, Richard Dictionary of applied physics, Vol.5: Aeronautics, metallurgy Macmillan & Co. Ltd., London 1923 1981 RB 531.11 LAM-D2 Lamb, Horace Dynamics Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1947 2 1982 RB 531.11 LON-E Loney, S L Elementary treatise on the dynamics of a particle and of rigid bodies Surjeet Book Depot, New Delhi 1946 1986 RB 531 PLA-M Planck, Max Mechanics of deformable bodies Macmillan & Co. Ltd. 1932 2081 RB 580 HOR-T.2 Hort, Arthur Theophrastus enquiry into plants, Vol.2 William Heinemann, London 1949 2082 RB 580 HOR-T.2 Hort, Arthur Theophrastus enquiry into plants, Vol.2 William Heinemann, London 1949 2512 RB 824 SHE-D Sheen, Fulton J Declaration of dependence Catholic Mission Press, Bettiah 1944 2662 RB 824 QUI-K Quiller-Couch, Arthur, Ed. Kings treasuries of literature: More English essays J M Dent & Sons Ltd, London 2734 RB 595.701 WIG-P4 Wigglesworth, V B Principles of insect physiology Methuen & Company, London 1950 4 2820 RB 531.11 LAM-D2 Lamb, Horace Dynamics Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1951 2 2830 RB 582.13 REN-C.2 Rendle, Alfred Barton Classification of flowering plants, Vol.2: Dictotyledons Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, Delhi 1952 2833 RB 581 WAR-H2 Warming, E Handbook of systematic botany George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1932 2 2836 RB 589.3 FRI-S.1 Fritsch, F E Structure and reproduction of the algae, Vol.1 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1959 2841 RB 575 LOC-R Lock, Robert Heath Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity and evolution John Murray, London 1909 2856 RB 581.5 WEA-P2 Weaver, John E; Clements, PlantFrederic ecology E TATA McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi1977 2 2859 RB 582.13 POO-F2 Pool, Raymond J Flowers and flowering plants McGraw-Hill Book Co.
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