Volume 17, Number 1 March 2021 oue1,Nme March 2021 Volume 17, Number 1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL BANKING


Introduction Alternative Models of Pass-Through in Normal and Negative Territory Mauricio Ulate The Rise of Fintech Lending to Small Businesses: Businesses’ Perspectives on Borrowing Brett Barkley and Mark Schweitzer ***** with Negative Interest Rates: De-Linking Cash from Digital Money Katrin Assenmacher and Signe Krogstrup Modeling the Consumption Response to the CARES Act Christopher D. Carroll, Edmund Crawley, Jiri Slacalek, and Matthew N. White The First Line of Defense: The during the Early Stages of the Financial Crisis Elizabeth Klee International Inflation Spillovers: The Role of Different Shocks Gregor Bäurle, Matthias Gubler, and Diego R. Känzig Always Look on the Bright Side? Central Counterparties and Interbank Markets during the Financial Crisis Massimiliano Affinito and Matteo Piazza Pension Funds’ Herding Dirk W.G.A. Broeders, Damiaan H.J. Chen, Peter A. Minderhoud, and C.J. Willem Schudel International Journal of Central Banking

Volume 17, Number 1 March 2021

Introduction 1

Alternative Models of Interest Rate Pass-Through in Normal 3 and Negative Territory Mauricio Ulate

The Rise of Fintech Lending to Small Businesses: Businesses’ 35 Perspectives on Borrowing Brett Barkley and Mark Schweitzer ∗∗∗∗∗ Monetary Policy with Negative Interest Rates: De-Linking Cash from 67 Digital Money Katrin Assenmacher and Signe Krogstrup

Modeling the Consumption Response to the CARES Act 107 Christopher D. Carroll, Edmund Crawley, Jiri Slacalek, and Matthew N. White

The First Line of Defense: The Discount Window during the Early 143 Stages of the Financial Crisis Elizabeth Klee

International Inflation Spillovers: The Role of Different Shocks 191 Gregor B¨aurle, Matthias Gubler, and Diego R. K¨anzig

Always Look on the Bright Side? Central Counterparties and 231 Interbank Markets during the Financial Crisis Massimiliano Affinito and Matteo Piazza

Pension Funds’ Herding 285 Dirk W.G.A. Broeders, Damiaan H.J. Chen, Peter A. Minderhoud, and C.J. Willem Schudel

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ISSN: 1815-4654 International Journal of Central Banking

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