Copyright by the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR)
GEDLIST Copyright by The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR). All rights reserved. Compiled August 1, 2018, from GEDCOMS submitted to The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. International (AHSGR) Submit corrections to: None of this data may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. For information about obtaining a copy of this data, contact The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR); Click the back button on your browser to return to the GEDLIST home page. Birth/*Chr Date and Place not listed for living persons! Surname, Given | Birth or *Chr Date | Birth or *Chr Place | Death or *Burial Date | Death or *Burial Place C, Danette -B899 C, Edison -S1395 C, Edwin -S1395 C., Sarah -L303 1866 1895 Liberty Cemetery; Shelbyville, Indiana C.C.WEIS, -F224 CAALIM, Edward -K147 CABANISS, Michael -M-F170 Jan-64 CABEL, Conrad -O074 CABEL, Wendy -B483 CABINESS, Jane (Jincy) -G506 Abt 1775 CABLE, Alice Adelpa -S329 CABLE, Gordon -R210 CABLE, Louise Dinvee -C134 7-Feb-49 Winchester, Wolf Co, Kentucky CABLE, Robert -C134 Abt 1925 CABRALOFF, Armand -S850 Private CABRERA, Blaise -L277 1882 CABRERA, Marie-Rose -L277 29-Nov-12 Algiers, Algeria 27-Mar-54 Algiers, Algeria CACEK, Edward -C-C032 CACICIA, Charles -P-F027 22-Aug-08 Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon 22-May-69 Portland,
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