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Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp." 41 Mountain ov*,, Spring,l«lc), NJ.070RI -.686-7700

No.3B Moiling Addron . . SPRINGFIELD, NJ. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1970 SubfCrlptlon Rate Second Clpil Pottag* P.O. Bo» 69. Sprlngll.ld, N.J. 07081 I It,50 Y»orly jf Paid al Springfield, N.J. 15 Cents Per Copy Township sets up Mayor's Council to fight drug abuse

Southward,. • . '' k • ' • stressed for youth, to spearhead campaign ; ByABNERGptD More than SO local citizens took part in the formation of a Mayor's Council on Drugs Monday night at Town HalL Robert Southward, who was named acting' chairman, announced that the group will meet again at Town Hall. oii'Monday evening, July 13, ' Mayor Henry 'J, Bultman, who opened the, meeting, said that Immediate goal of the . ' council is to determine the extent of tho drug problem among local young people, to deter- mine the best means of reducing the problem and to present an .action program to the next ' municipal administration at the first of the.., ' .year. • • /.'.:. '•'•.' ..-,,. '•• •' Bultman added that there have been groups, • - of all ages, working on the- drug problem, and that the Mayor's Council should serve to coordinate all local efforts. . Southward, former president of the Spring- field Board of Education, stressed that high . school and college students must lake the lead In any'effective antidrug campaign, and that adult members of the group must be ready to provide manpower,' finanqes'iand •advice — when requested, •'• ' I-1

; ; ' • •«••*• • • ASSISTING THE MAYOR In preparations for Monday's meeting were -Norman Banner and: BATHING BEAUTY —One-and-a-half-year-old Kathy Edwards of Springfield shows why she Wallace Klelnman, township representatives might lie the next Miss America as she shows her sylph,<41ke form 8t the edge of the on. the Union County antidrug organization, Springfield Municipal Pool. With such grace and beauty she cannot help But be onejof.lhe as well as Mrs..Paul Wlesman, a member most beautiful ladles In the land In the near future., • • • ' • •• of the Board of Education. Klelnman suggentedseveralimmediatesteps for the council. First was establishment .of a. "hot line" —"Trtelephone manned 24 hours a day to provide emergency •counseling" and State land now ballfield other services for youngsters with drug prob- lems. . '., '.-..• . He also suggested, that the. council seek to '•NOT WANTED — Snapping turtles are rarities in "this area,-but— - Into a box from which he escaped. They then put him back into the ^learn "all about the tacai. drug supply, what ,£>/QannVjhPepe,9,bl 43 Caldwell pi., Springfield, and three of his box and brought it to Danny's home where the snapper was put into •;~ ^iqndBi'-ninmy^BpJtio^ndBrian and.John BeUiyeau, recently Jound a garbage can for'safekeeping. The-boys said they were very 'therevis-'in towh and..«|ie#B'tt comas fjpm..V' "".. fl aft-then* 30-iJdund"Bpeclmen behind Bryant avenue on the Rti 78 Klelnman added that the council should: . eurprisodto find the turtle is mean,and vicious, according to Danny's "Youngsters from the Baltusrol way-Bryant property, owned by the State Highway Depart- 1 • right of way. The boys, helped by Neil Anderson, put the turtle father, Joseph'Pepe. They called the Turtle Back Z6o in West avenue, area In Springfield recently decided Unent, should be cleared and made Into a ball keep the mayor advised of all resources Orange, which agreed to accept the snapper as a donation. to make use of - the vacant lot at the inter- park. available for local use; bring in encounter section of these.streets. They decided that the. Work began about four weeks ago and the groups .so that loco), youngsters can have the children expect the project to continue all problem brought home to them, and support summer. They cut the grass, pull weeds and teacher training programs already under \(jay take rocks out of the ground almost everyday. in local schools and Jonathan Dayton Regional Fourth of July events School board AFS seeks homes .. Spokesmen for the youngsters said_the High.School. ; . • • project is fun. They get together and also get Dr. Benjamin josephson, a member of the for^student visitors to meet new playmates. It gives them some- " Regional Board of Education, urged Immediate puts off plan to ilng-to-do-be staying home and makes' —-ostaDunnmcnt of if storefi'Qjit, an easily on recreation schedule them feel good for doing something positive. accessible location whore young people can talk out their problems with their peers and The events scheduled for the month of July" a 30ryard dash for the 8 and 9-year-olds; They wanted the playground because It la too a 60-yard dash for the 11 and 12-year-olds; from Scandinavia dangerous to play on the street and the others with immediate knowledge of their at the Springfield Municipal Pool ore highlight* close Chisholm problems. ;»: . ' ed by the special events of July.4. For"the swimming races for those 12 and 13 and 14 The Springfield Chapter of American Field children are afraid of damaging personal through 17. For tho women there will be a roll- The Springfield Board of Education last' Services this week appealed for families to be property. He added that the town needed. Instead of boys 6'and 7yeurs old there will be a run in the another formal organization, a means of "per- pool. The 8 and 9-year-old boys will portici- ht -fhursday-voted-unanimously to phase out the hosts to40 studentsfromScandlnavlaTSnWTOI The children - want to clear the entire prop- -Raymond Chisholm School in two steps, start- ' ie staying in Springfield July 12 through IS erty, but feel the town should help eliminate sonal confrontation between people." pate in a 30-yard dash. There will also be n teen-age dunce contest Several committees were named to study A softball throw is scheduled for the 1P- and an adult dance contest. A bocce contest is ing in September, of 1972; The board thus before departing for their homeland after the dangers.. There are open sewers which rescinded its previous plan to close the school a year in the-UnltedStates. : they are afraid they might fall Into If they are various aspects oPthe problem-and to report year-dld boys. For 11 and 12-year-old boys, planned for adults. • . a 60-yard dash is planned. Swimming races over three sor four years, starting this fall. The-Rev. James Dewart, who was re-elected not capped. The spokesman sald~they would" "(Continued on page 20) Registration is stiiropen for boys interest- chapter president at a meeting at the home of like to see .a fence, surrounding the entire will be held for the boys aged 13 and-14, ' ed In participating in Little League Softball and Under the new plan, classes'at Chisholm will' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nejdlch, 33 FernhlU ra\, lot to prevent balls and themselves from flying "3nd 15 through 17j_ For the men there will be basketball. The leagues will begin on Monday. remain unchanged for another year. Then, in stated that there were approXlmaieljrl5-flrm - out onto the street; a hole In one contest and a horseshoe pitching Those interested In joining a bocce league can the 1972-73 school year, the klndergarterTahd Invitations for students on the basis of a pre- Youngsters working on the land-clearing Dates, times disclosed contest. sign up at the recreation house at the pool. first and second grades will be transferred to project ares Jay Arons, Steven_Arons, Peter Saturday's events scheduled for the girls other schools. vious appeal In the Springfield Leader; and a (Cqntinuod OJJ page20) direct appeal to former host families. Arons, .Ronnie Buthmann^Rleky-Buthmann, for -Include: a run In the pool for those 6 and 7; Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be phased out the ' ' Students will arrive.on-Sunday, July 12, at v Caren Buthman^ John Dry, Larry Dry, Peter Registration for the general election will following year, starting in the fall of 1973, and 5:30 p.m., and will be met at Jonathan Dayton Grazlano, Mike Grazlano,_Erances Grazlano, be held from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. intho Spring- the school will be completely closed. RegtonaM-tlgh School by their hosts, according Kathy Grimm, Martin Gruenberg, John Kelly, fleld. Munlclpal-BuUeUne. aiLuulliiy, "" The board (Ud-not specify which schools to Mrs. Jane Van Vranken, Bus Stop chairman, -.John Kronen, Brian Mahoney, Patty Mahoney, • Eleonore H, Worthington, township cl< , Weltchek describe the youngsters transferred from Chisholm will -•, -Monday the students will have final conferences Kevin Mahoney, David McCormlck, Michael "The township's clerk's office will be open attend, just that each youngster "will attend f I In Chatham. Monday evening" will Include a McCormlck, Patty McCorrhick^JBrian Mercer, Aug. 20 and 27 and Sept. 3, 10, 17 and 21 the assigned schooli" Beth Stutsman, Mitchell Tokengor and Eric through 24.RaKlBtrntlQp will Hnflo at 9 p.m. shop mart ban as 'gra Plans to phase out the Chisholm School were ' , ' (Continued on Page 20) Tokenger. . ' , adopted last year following Indications that die ', Arthur Caprio and Robert Weltchek, Demo- fffVoring this ever since Nat Stokes first total elementary school population is in the cratic candidates for Township Committee, ; proposed it at a township committee meeting beginning of a substantial decline. The unsatis- -L released a statement this week in which they more than a montli ago. At the time not one-of factory condition of the school was also a major- 1 described the recent rezoning of the 1-40 zone the"'four' Republicans who sit with him would factor in tho decision, since modernization for ] to exclude shopping cejtters us ' 'most grat- • so much as second the motion. teaching purposes would be impractical. , [ . ifying". v — "Now we find it passing unanimously and The new plan followed a request by the They stated that contrary to mayor Henry road Mayor Bultman s statement that he feels Chisholm PTA that'the board delay the phasing J. Bultman's statement about resisting pres- (Continued on pago 20) sure, the Township Committee hud acted only jContinuodon pago 20) because of the heavy pressure of public opinion after many months^ofrlelay.' They went on to note that the mutter would again come before the Township Committee in the form of an application for a variance — from the newly amended zoning ordinance, and observed that unless they were elected to that body in November die "same Indecisive group that had delayed amending the ordinance for _many months would sit hi judgement of die" "application. Their statement follows: "The recent action of the Planning Board and Township Committee to'remove shopping center as an'approved use in die 1-40 zone Is most gratifying. We have been on record* as Monday deadline for school ballots There will be a special school referendum vote on July 14, and the last day to file fur an absentee ballot Is. tills Monday, Mrs. Herbert Forman, Springfield League of Women Voters president, announced tills week. ;'. 4,£olling places will be open from 2 to V p.m. 'aatf.oMow: Districts 1-6, Jonathan Dayton Re- .gionai; Higliv.School; Districts 7-13, Edward Walton School.. - . The referendum seeks voter permission to transfer $34,000—already in the current bud- get—to the capital outlay fund so the Regional . Board of Education can purchase .28 acres of. land on Clinton avenue, Springfield, adjacent to Jonathan Dayton, The purpose Is to acquire W» Una parcels to expand the high school site (as HISTORIC IvVliNT—,TheSprlngfield Church and Cannon Chapter, Daughters of the American they become available) and so aidlong-term, Revolution, and the local 'Give 'Em Watts' Soeiuty, Children of the American Revolution, site development. ^ V* • last week observed the 190th anniversary of die Battle of Springfield In ceremonies jit TIME TO PLAY BALL, ALMOST-Youngsters from ths. Beltusrol 78 right of way and was completely overgrown with weeds."They Mrs. Forman urged flial all registeced voters the. Revolutionary War cemetery on Mountain avenue. Shown fromjeft aru, krieeUng,,Wendy way Bryant avenue area in Springfield are busily clearing Che vacant . are pujllng out the weeds, cutting grafts and removing 'rocks so that in - the (area '-'take time to vote on tills most Prancls, Carol Dyscrt and Suziin Uonnlngton of the local group and, standing, Connie. lot tt the-interaction of thoie itrteUt The land U part of tht Rb • they eventually can use the land as a play field, ". ' Important referendum," McBridd, Susan Dev/ey and Cbry Orlando of the. Morris County Militia, Chatham. , V.' *••* . ..:'.•' • • •-;• •, '

2-Thursday, July 2, 1970 -SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER Evangel Baptist is planning SPRINGFIELD (N.J;) LEADER -Thursday* July 2, 1970-3 Careless driving Named fa dednTBsT Lots of children are game for playground activities and fun Susan Qberst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. yearly Vacation Bible School C.E. .Oberst of Beyerly road. Springfield, a. afternoon the whole' playground participated -pu"orar"Trento'-aTTrenton State—"State-College,- , has been The 1970 summer playground season opened pa ted 'In a crazy hat contest prior to a party. s SMITHFIELD PLAYGROUND - Fingerhut, Plane tarantula. Marc Kesselhaut, TH8 EVthgefBtpH'rt'Church of Springfield school round-up." The parents of the boys and ingsJmesJx)-3- J J named to the dean's list-for the spring semes- , . „ . . __ -WOODSTOETCSYGROUND - —^ - • Art Starr, CBthyEhrhnrdtrlBaaet'g Nancy liammel and Scott Semei, ine second" ed-by Mary -Dewey Maryafln-Solazzl,.Robin la lit the final planning stages for its annual girls are also being Invited to get ln on the ' Three persons were fined for careless nlng team were John Lamotta, Andrew"Peskirt, r ter. '' . ' • - shown as many children came to the parks to ,Karen SchLanger, Wendy Merkin, leaders The registration at Smlthfleld Playground team won by a large margin, Stein, Greg Prusfllngl Greg LleBJDonna Lies, ,Vacation Bible School. TWs year the theme will activities by attending, the closing program -lvlng Monday by Judge Max Sherman ln Kevin- Piper, Joe Pul'lce, Wendy Kemp, Daria scheduled for Thursday evening, July IS. This irlngfleld Municipal Court. Eleanor Ballister register on Monday. ' • Registration -began Monday at Woodslde showed a large number of children Interested SANDMEIER PLAYGROUND ' ' Dlbenedetto, Jim Wnek, Caryn Piper and Laur- Robert Fleischman, Ed DorscheVj Chrb Mc- center around cowboys and the program will Playground where membership totaled to 46 in the program. Games which met with lm« Include: puppets, contests, songs, bible stories, program wlU be highlighted by a display of ' Hillside paid $20. and George A, Jones of Marcia Ball, BUI Chi sholm, leaders" ' _gea Elck. lntyre and Jody Baker. 7' ' '' HIGH POIWT PLAYGROUND children. Throughout the week the children mediate success were such favorites as tether- Tom D?Andrea pitched a great Idckball handcraft, and many other activities for boys the crafts7~a presentation of the songs and Somervllle $25 for driving carelessly on Activities were underway In full force the' ^^"~ Wednesday morning the girls and boys had stories learned by the children, and a special Rt, 22. M.K. DeRoberts of Plalnfleld was - Brute Smith, Linda Hassey, leaders were kept active with various events, tourna- ball, badminton, chess and checkers;' Dis- game in which Craig Clickenger and teatqw and girls. J At High Point Playground last week there first day the playgrounds-opened, with not one arts and crafts. They made dolls out of paper children's choir. . fined $15 for driving a motorcycle ln'a care- ments and-quiet gamin. Kickball has cffiie' playing skill at tetherball were Marc Kessel- object of Interest left untouched. The checker mates Ed Doscher, Barbara MarUno, Steven The Bible School round-up will be held daily, CLOSED •*"\ was a kickball game. It was James Lofredo's. again proven vs be one of the most popular • haut, Mike Lemmerman, Ricky Piper and Cups and construction, paper. Some of the older 'Through posters, door-hangers, qlgns and \less manner. tournament was won in Tuesday by Ray Jones, boys played basketball. Wednesday,afternoon Zdunewicz, Mlndy Schneider, Jim Stadler, Monday through Friday, July 6-17, from 9 a.m. sit team againstRonaldLaPolnt'steam'.Lofredo's games at Woodslde. In-a game held on Tues- Joe Montesano. - Jim Schwartz, Mike Wittenberg and Donna ties to 12 noon. There will be five departments: announcements on radio station WFME, the Stroughn of Newark was fined $205 - team won by a score of 12-10. Outstanding with second place shared by Joseph Williams featured a horseshoe tournament; Members Evangel Baptist Church Is spreading Its mds- day the children were divided Into two teams. Jill Llpton and Kenny Fingerhut were ln- _ and Freddy Booker. Wednesday brought a foul beat Ron Majewske and his teammates Jon Nursery (pre-school), beginner (ages 5 and 6), ; a car while on the revoked list. WEDNESDAYS players for both teams were: James Lofredo, The blue team played the red team, Joel Gel- yolved ln a chess game, while Cindy Mazleda - of the winning team were Steven Klarfeld,, sage to all the boys and girls of Springfield.' shooting contest'won by Arthur James, making Kevin Piper and .lojin Lamotta. Cevine, Ricky Dultz, Dan Solazzi, Steve Lu- primary (ages -7-9), Junior (ages 10-12) and ' from • j Michael Meskln, Jim Klohr, Ronald LaPolnt, warg (red) and David Schlanger (blue) were . and Mlchele Kurtzman played checkers, bash, Dan Zahn,. Frank Zahn and Sal Solazzl. junior high (ages 13-15). "The church has lined H.R. DickVaoafiof, Summit paid $15 for Kevln_Lamb, Robert Lofredo and Danny Trea- seven out of 10 shots. In second place, follow- -faillnR-to yieldrtne right-of-way. Now Thru Lobor~Doy! ~" Warn leaders. The final score was 5-2 in favor I n a kickball game the team of Kenny Finger- ing close-behind with five out of 10 baskets, . . •*"». H1JN8H'AW. PLAYGROUND Then, ln a fun follow-up game, Donna Lies, up on- excellent staff for each department, and /Cap/an accepted son, I • . at the red team. Participants on the red team hut, _Marc Kesselhaut, Mlchele Gan, Mike CLaUiMatoratsky, Connie Solazzl, leaders ' ' Barbara Mortind and Mike Wittenberg chal- Is looking forward to offerlnga unique cpmblna- Ilon'a Knuettel of union was fined $25 for ' There was also'a nok-hockey tournament. was Ray Jones. Also on Wednesday local were Robert Schwab, Stuart Gelwarg, Lisa ,'Lemmcrmaji, Jill Llpton and flene Qglntz beat artistic talents were brought out when It was TWlth membership soaring well over the 100 lenged everyone else--and won. tlon of "fun and learning," tfie announcement TROY, N. Y. - - Rensselaer Polytechnic going 50 miles, per I/our In a 25 mile zone on - Participants were: James Lofredo, Ronald l*eeen, David Wa'sserman, Jeff Rosen, Mike Rick Kaplan, Randi Kessler, Ricky Popper, added.. ; ' , •• . Institute has announced the acceptance for Evergreen avenue. GEUACK JEWELERS Sandmeler's turn for arts--and crafts. The mark, Hensbaw playground leaders are look- Ponna Clickenger,' Amy Llebowltz, Julius Dlvlilom BRAUNSCHWEIQER BROS LaPolnt, Michael Meskln, Keith Lamb, Pepe Teltser, Robbie Fink, Robbie Bohrod and Steven Kessler, Joe Montesano and Steven ing forward to a great summer of fun.and Asllio, Steve Zdunelwicz, and Ann-Marie Desch This Sunday the church family will shower September of Mitchell A. Kaplan-of 343 Mill'- R.G. Wilson of 10 Hemlock ter., Spring- Fornandei, Kevin Lamb and Jim Klohr. First youngsters created dolls made out of two SUMMER PROGRAM —Gordon Heath, Sunday School teachir at Evangel Baptist Church, 341 Marrli Av«., Sprlng(Uld Debbie Schwab; Donald Thieberger, John Karsh by a score of 14 to 12. " ~ . paper cups, glued together at the bottoms, experience for the children." And with a< led the ptlier youngsters ln 1-2-3 redlight,"a the community with filers inviting'oil children town rd,, Springfield, N.-J.-He-ls-a-graduate- field, (mid $15 for not having working tall SpilngtUld • • DR 6-1710 • place went to Mike Meskln, second place to Slegel, Jeff Feins, Randy Fish, Suzie Bohrod, Contlnlilng with the tetherball, winners in- _.._"' Springflold, is shovm conducting a typical Vacation Bible School clasB, The church Is lo- 4-15 to "Join in the fun ottheLVacation Bible of Jonathan Dayton Regional High School. using popslcle sticks for hecks, and colored busy schedule of soccer, tennis, kickball, game especially popular with the younger - catedonShunplkeroad. ' ' :' •. ', ••..•••'• lights or lights for his license plate. Pepe Fernandez, third place to Ron LaPoint Ronald Resnick, Lee Polikoff, David Herner • cluded Marc Kesselhaut 13 to 0, Mike Lemmer- trips, tournaments, arts and crafts, and party children, • • . , and fourth place to Jim Klohr. construction paper for heads, faces and cloth- and Paul Nafta 11 represented the blue team. man , 35 jo 5, and Kenny-Fingerhut 31-0. ing. ••' - ' contest days set up, the children can't help John Kronen, captain, Qraig Clickenger, The children also competed in chess and Ln a bqdfnlnton game Caren Oglntz .and Ellse but enjoy themselves, they added, -. Jeff Kronen, Robert Fleischman, Mitch Slater, »Y swimming W&rfi'J\$-H ^^^^1 checkers-tournaments. Joel Gelwarg won the Oglntz beat Mfchele Gan and lleiie Qglnaby. - Sandmeler is still acquiring new equipment, Tlie season got under way with a.series of . David Garner and Philip Zlsman began Wed-.. REGIONAL PLAYGROUND checker tournament and Riclcy. Cohen came •a.score of 21 to 4. the newest being horseshoes, with keen Interest nesday on a good note by beating Gregg Pnis- Refresher course at Overlook Rosemary Ragonese, Missy Bachrach, leaders . relay races.. Jimmy Stadler and Danny Solazzl In first ln chess. ; A kickball game later ln the week found shown by Ray Jones, Billy Nevius, Robert Gar- , led the pace with Eddie Dbscher, Don Zahn, slng, (captain), Mary Dewey, Marisa WohL classes set Regional Playground began the season with A, gameof uoif , cops Aid) robbers took place on Rick Kaplan, Ricky Popper, Steven Schleln, ner and~rtrthur James, Even the ol3 swings Sal Solazzl, Donna Lies, Mike Wittenberg, • over' 30 children registering. 'After the play- Tuesday. The _ 1 1 - Mlndy Schneider and Patrice Fever following ~ " Iljr^n lnrw rnnlf nnrt In n Toe* Mnni-pgnnn nnri Krnn \ playing Kenny —are getting a good workout by the younger mem- close behind. * , Dan' Solazzl and Greg Lies. Without wasting helps nurses to Ye-graduate' . Registration is now going on ground leaders opened the -park,- dodge-ball, _,,iet word game-called 1 am going on a Fingerhut, Harvey Kalsh, Alan Harmonwltz, •ters, such as*Roger Nevius,. Nita James, Tony any time vlnnie Mlrabello, Gregg Prusslng, at the Summit YWCA for sum- . kickball and softball wereplayedby teams con-' - - - In the opening kickball ;game, Mike, Witten- Plcnio." Winners of the gome were Ricky Marc Kesselhaut and Sidney Schleln. The Parker and Reed Jones. On the whole, summer berg directed his team' (Robert^F-leTscnman, Craig Clickenger, and David Garner whizzed j their caps, a group of "retired" The class of 13 members has been especially mer swimming classes for sisting of John .and Cindy Halpin, Ann and Joe Cohen, Stuart Gelwarg and Susan Wallach, second team was. victorious by a 22 to 3 '70 looks like an active one (or Sandmeler Play- across the basketball >court to beat Robert -nurses are proving at Overlook Hospital ln geared to staff Overlook's new 80-bed extended both children and adults. For Efinger,'Yvonne Basell, Debbie Masl, Ira and John Kronen, Mitch Slater, Steve. Zdunel- score. . ' . • ground. wicz, Mlndy Schneider, Donna Lies, F -ank Fleischman, Greg Lies, Dan Solazzl, Mitch .Summit that It's never too late and the challenge care facility, which will open this August. those who wish to learn to Kenny Levin, Jay andlrwln Liss, CarolSDysart, On Wednesday the children played a game In a checker game Amy Schleln and Richard IRWIN PLAYGROUND' . . r Slater and Mike Wittenberg. of nursing offers a lifetime career. Several ln Meanwhile they WlU be- assigned to other staff swim in privacy, the YWCA of bounce volleyball which later became a long . Zahn and Chris'Mclntyre) to victory er Dean Pashaian andDavidSinion,, K-esselhout found they were nearly equal Cindy Peskin, Steve Kruplnskl, leaders Jim Stadler organized and ran a game of, .the.class ore widows In their 50s, a number are positions. < has announced that private as Trouble, checkers and Monopoly were played by and strenuous game of war ball. Star players Steve Perlsteln's team (Steve. Lubash, Mary matches. Amy won In the end. With the arri- Monday afternoon the pork opened. There Dewey, Jeff Kroneijt, Patrice Fever, Mitch steal-the-bacon ln which Eddie Drummond --grandmothers, and together they are an average '' On regular salary while tltey were updated, well as semi-private lessons . Tina and Debbie Masi, Yvonne Baseil, David of the day were Mark Shipman, Donald Thel- val of softball equipment, Mlchele Gnn, Rick ' the nurses earned while they learned and were will also be available.. was a kickball game of the girls against the Fever, Mitch Mclntyre, Dan Solazzl and Jeff (captain); Greg Lies, Craig Clickenger, Steve -ZQ.years out of nursing. 1 Simon, Ira Levin, and Irwin Liss. . bergcr and Leon Rawitz. The children usually Kaplan, Randi .Kessler, Sid Schlein, Rich boys. The boys won 10 to 9. The tetherball ...Among the 1? women Justgraduatedfromthe unanimous ln their opinions that they wouldn't The second session of chil- finish the day with a game of 20 questions Lubash.) and Mark Zdunelwicz edged out Eddie Duscher, In anticipation of the magic show scheduled Minster, Marc' Roslin and Kenny Fingerhut was set up and the winner for the day was Donna' Lies, Jon Levlne, Robert Southward, jeight-week refresher course and proud-new nave dared to return to the nursingfleld without dren's instruction-wtirbegiir for Wednesday, the children were very-active and riddles. Thursday morning a marathon were shaping up a team. Michael Skuya. / O.n Thursday, steal-the-bacon, a favorite members of the Overlook staff 1B Mrs. Inga such a comprehensive course as Overlook on Monday and run .through game of four squares took pldce. Participants Ann-Marie Desch and Joe Scaturlo, • on Tuesday.'Along with the usual table games In Thursday's kickball game Ellene Oglntz, . Tuesday morning we had,The gaihe-Of-Henshow^ds-provided-a-good-oppor- •DENHAM PLAYGROUND • Blume of 1631 Larkspur dr., Mountainside. offers, . • • July 18. Held each morning of of Trouble and checkers, badminton, newcomb w.ere: Suzie Bohrod, Joel Gelwarg, Ricky Alan Harmowitz, Rick Popper, Marc Rbslin, Trouble winners were Joe Pulice, Jill Piper, .turricy^for the children to demonstrate their Debby Sobln, Jean Goldhammer, leaders' Enthusiastic and committed to their return, According to Mrs, Ann Temple, in-service the y/eek, classes are avail- and quoits were played. . Cohen, 'David Lerner, Robert Schwab, John 1 Robert Kaplan and Debbie Hockstein played and Bonnie Ferguson. The checker winners strategic movements. Sal Solazzl, John Kron- On Monday, Jean Goldhammer and Debby several of the women are going on full-time education Instructor at Overlook, the recent able for Beginner A and B, Darlo DiLello, Ira Levin., David Simon, Qor-r Deigel, David Wassorman and .Stuart Gelwarg. against Randi Kessler, Joe Montesano, Kenny were Scott Kemp and Lois Rosslter. Tuesday en, Dan Solazzl, Vlnnie Mlrabella, Ann-Marie -duty, others part-time. Their reasons for re- re-graduates have spent three days each week advanced beginner, intermed- een Slerchio, Cindy Halpin, JoeW/erlangierl, Sobln, the Denham Playground leaders, re- ceived a warm welcome from the.neighborhood -entering their are varied; to .in classroom lectures and demonstrations by iate A andB and swimmer. For Yvonne Basell aiuTJoo Efinger Wtb among the help with college expenses; to find ngw purpose' medical specialists in many fields. Two days the kindergarten set, there are winners, while Michael and Pauline Kaufman, ' children, • The first pan of the day was used to get •in Ufa with children grown and.gone; foflll tbe .each week they have been rotated through . two Kinderswlm classes, MAYA WILSON Jay andlrwln Liss, Alyse Klurstein and Larry •vpld of widowhood. Several are interested ln different clinical floors to gain experience ln while for toddlers, at least GERARD J.DUNN Zavodny also participated. Tetherball was also acquainted, but once the famous "rec" truck 101 arrived, there was no trouble ln keeping the .night, duty when nurses are ln most demand. diverse fields. three years old, water-i>abtes 100 Providence Road lnt-dduced this week. By using tlie pole from a Learning about new drugs and medications. classes are being held, chinning bar, Jay andlrwln Liss, Dario DiLello, kids occupied; The week's champlsns$n-various Anywhere in America 10000" activities competed for only three days -but received special emphasis as one of the great- A secondseaslon of women's Bank elects Debbie Masi, and Yvonne andTony Basell were est areas of change ln modern medicine. All swimming classes will begin able to pracdve their gamefor_ajfuture tourna- their accomplishments are worth mentioning, . Historical sites The Denham checker champ is Paul Wls- felt that the concept of progressive care y~ Aug. 3 through Aug. ment. , ".' - . 1 • having nurse specialists in' recovery room, 19, meeting every Mondayand ne>y Phase Finally ori'Wednesday morning, Carl Gold? ' niewskl with . an undefeated 14 garrfes, Alyin • • Haavisto and Tom *Gaipa tied for the chess intensive and special care and on thecordnary Wednesday from' 1:15 - 2:15 Gerard J. Dunn,""offlce, ex- stein, a well-known magician-in Springfield^ Clour oh July 12 i .unit — greatly relieves.the returning nurse p.m. Co-ed adult swimming arrived'with his bag of tricks. His assortment championship.—The ever popular game of _ecuHve of SuburbaH Trust Trouble has named Stacle Schmidt as it's ^The ninth annual tour of historical sites from the acute, highly geared and-technical ' classes begin new sessions on j Company's^lprlngfteld"BvenuB~ was very- interesting to the children, and a sponsored by the Springfield Historical So- care of critically ill patients. July 21 from 8-9 p.m. few members of the audience helped Carl. Jay master, and of course the' dtfy wouldn't be office.ln Westfield, has been complete without a quiet game of Ja'cks, At ciety will be held on Sunday, July 12. Mem- ' Special emphasis was placed on rehabilita- . Plunges for women, men and elected" an assistant vice- Liss and Yvonne Baseil helped him with his ",bar"s ,and guests have been invited. tion techniques and psychological understand- * womon, families,1 and youth guillotine, while Parry Murray, and Carol Denham, it's obvious that Nancy Sheth has president. The election was taken the lead, This year, a two-part visit has been planned ing and motivation of patients, since the ex- will be going on throughout the announced by president PaulC, and' David Dysart assisted Carl on the camel by, Howard Wiseman, program chairman. He tended care facility Is designed for longterm —summerrReadero-can callthe fender trick. Helping him tear up a piece of Tetherball seems to be the most popular Bosland, following a meeting stated, "Our'first stop, after leaving Spring- patients,, many recovering from -strokes, hip YWCA. 273-4242 for complete of the board'of directors last paper, Tina Masi had a hat made for her from sport'and it was a close battle, but Alvln' fractures and other long illnesses. - Haavisto beat everyone. Another popular game . field- on a chartered but at 10 a.m., will be detailSi , ,.•.' •'.•'' week. the shreds, 'at'-RliTgwood Manor State -Park. While there, Inhalation therapy, occupational and physical 'And of course, svery magic show needs Is around the world ln basketball, and Peter ... Dunn started with Suburbah we will hQve an escorted tour through the - therapy, diet planning and all important phases Trust Company in 1964 in the some skeptics - so Jay' Liss and Joe and Jacques has stolen the championship. The ever of rehabilitation-were particularly stressed, popylor hppskotch court Is constantly (n use .'uotbcC mansion of the Coopers and the He- Micrpphoto Cranford office, moved to the Ann Effinger were very active ln that cate- witts. After luncheon, we will visit SJcylands along with demonstrations of advanced hew . gory: On the whole, the magic show was... and Jo Betty Clancy has the highest number Spies and librarians owe a Scotch Plains office as assis- 'Ma'Hb'r. This Is a fabulous early 20th century equipment Involved and techniques of cardiac tant secretary-treasurer and enjoyed by all. "How did he. dp it?" they .. of tensiesl resuscitation, < debt to John Dancer of Man- It may have been hot Tuesday,, but jean and English manor-type bouse just opened to the . assistant office executive and asked. "Magic" was the only reply,/ ,'pubjlc. The group will then return to the munic- Nurses Interested ln future refresher chester, Englarid. In 1938 he Debby took over and captained.two kickball 1 combined the techniques of was named office executive at ALV1N PLAYGROUND ipal parking lot at 6 p.m." 'courses at Overlook may call Mrs. Temple in .Springfield avenue last De- teams. The game was a slaughter, 15-5, 1 6 in-service education, 273-8100, Ext. 322. photography and, microscopy • Cathie Bove, Nancy Zoeller, leaders The winning team consisted of Jean Gold- I;,.,!" ) ' total ,cost includes bus f,are, parking cember. He ls^a member of Tteei admission cost to the houses and'a box. to produce a mlcrophoto-' There are 34 children registered at Alvln. hammer, Alvin Haavisto, Tom Gaipa,. Jeff r • * ' . graph of a document. the Berkeley Heights Rotary, The winners of last week's tether ball tourna- Lennard^Juzanne Donnlngton and Bobby Davis. luhch. Reservations may be made by mailing i the Westfield Council Knights ment are: first place, Peter gpiscopo, second• ' And the losers were Debby Sobln, Bobby Ti- checks to Miss Catherine A. Sless, treasurer, Hqnsen earns degree^ of Columbus and the American place, Richard Laird, and third place, Kathy choz, Ann Marie Haavisto,' Stacle Schmidt,, 77 Linden ave., Springfield, Questions will Institute Qf Bakjj DeFlno. The cheokers champ is Kathy DeFlno, Stoyen Banner and Mark Ackerman. be answered by Mrs. Robert D. Hardgrove from Findlay College A graduate while Louis Herkalo and Joe DeFlno placed RUBY PLAYGROUND at376r3348. . . ' High Shl second and third respectively: first place ln .. -Diane—Verlangieri,Debble-Braun,-leaders •• Harold N. Hatisen Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. l|hj^.(^l(fcW jacks goes to Kathy DeFino and second place The playground opened at 11 on,Monday. Harold-Hans««; of 16 Park lane; Sprtngfieldj, university and to Theresa DeFlno, Chess champions are: Registration took place all day and everyone N.J., was' awarded a bachelor of science from the New JcarS first place, Paul Fasoso, second place, Joe became acquainted with one another. Actors vote to do degree ln marketing during graduation cere- Association public r DeFino, and third plage, Andy'Herkalo. The On Tuesday morning there "was a bubble- monies held at Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio, 8choorat.Princeton. . '• ~HnaTgome~6f"Trouble was won by F'eter Epis- gum hutt. Patty Murphy took first place by on June 7. He minored in health, physical edu- Dunn and His wife Elizabeth copo, second place, Debbie Beet's, and third finding the most. In a contest for the biggest a musical this fall cation and recreation. have three,children and_pres- place, Theresa DeFlno. Andy Stein, arts and . and longest bubble, Carol Murphy took first. •• Tho executive board of the Springfield ComV . Hansen is a member of Sigma Pi fraternity, ently'reside in Cillette. "- crafts instructor, visited Wednesday and dem- placo.. In a contest for the smallest bubble, munlty Players met recently at the Sarah Bailey Phi'Beta Lambda, .honorary business frater- onstrated how to make dolls from paper cups. Patricia Prote came ln first place, There Civic Center and voted to performthe musical nity, and the Marketing Club. Hansen graduated In addition, the children painted, made paper was a softball game ln the morning and a "Mame" as their fall production. in 1966 from Jonathan Dayton Regional High School. • • '...•_;• • . ;' Hdlper Brothers bag puppets and name tags during the week. kickball game in the afternoon." Bernle Borr of Chatham was hired to direct At the close of each day, a qlean-up period On Wednesday everyone brought lunch and the production.. He has acted and directed is held. - . • there wqs a picnic. There was also a softball in summer stock as. well as on Broadway. receives award LINE-UP — Aboiiij 400 children have registered for town playgrounds which opened last Wendy Merkin, • Andrea Stoln, Jean Goldhammer? Cathie Bove, Rose DiPalma, Missy DISCHARGE PAPERS WASHINGTON PLAYGROUND ' " week. The program-is- sponsored by the Springfield Department of Recreation. Program .. Baclirach, Debbla-£obln and-Kathi Ehrhardt; bottom row (left to right) Nancy Zoeller, game in Uje'morning. _ '• * . Casting wlU be held Sept. 15 and 17 at the - -Halper Brothers, Inc., Eliz- y rh The VA says both "honorable" and "gen- Rose PlPnlmn, ? y YnftTff", '•""''"•p leaders are: standing (left to. light), Steve Krupinski, Arc Starr, Stephen Maglione, Karen Schlanger, Gail Maloratiky, Cynthia Peskin, Marcia Bass, Debra Seagull, Diane On Thursday, everyone, helped clean up the Sarah Bailey Civic Center at 8 p.m. Any- abeth-based' distributors Of —WashlngtQn_PJaygEound_opened last Monday playground. There was arts and crafts ln the ' one interested in being in tHe cast or a member eral" "discharge certificates Issued by the paper and packaging products, director of recreation, Mrs. Lillian Johnson, program coordinator, Jack Apgar, ployground Verlanglerl, Linda Hassey and Rose Ragonese. military are completely and equally acceptable, with an enrollment-of, 50 enthusiastic chlld- supervisory Bruce ..Smith and Bill Chisholm; second row, (left to right), Debbie Braun, morning and also a kickball game. of the stage crew should oe there. Further maintenance, sanitary and ' rnp, ranging frnm-tho-agQB-of-6-to-lS, Kick- - information can be gotten by calling the group's ln determing eligibility for veterans bene- shipping supplies, has been fits.- i ball and soccer teams haye already been esta-. tion's accountability f s a citizen as a part of president, Bobbl Pollack. . voted "1970 Merchant of tlie Wished and -they are looking forward to com- the July 4 observance. Year".' by the NYNJ-'Sales-. petition with the other playgrounds in town. Pastoral services will be cared for by the men's Association of Paper . Craig Branning and PatricIT'Smith are the Union servkGsrmntinue Sunday host pastor during the month ofJulyrHowtSvOTT" and Allied Industries, boys' tetherball champions for^ihe_wBfik, and members should contact their respective DeAngelis This is the first time that Zodiac Checks, from First New Jersey Bank Barbara Yaeger and Donna Heady lead for the— . The First -Presbyterian-Church "of Spring- The Rev. James DeWart, pastor of the Meth- church offices. f. • •____ „ „ any company in New Jersey field and Springfield Emanuel United Methodist odist Church, will conduct.the_servlce tills Sun- exclusively, let you pfojecLyour personality " girls. The park members'have been partici- The Herman—language worship service at Therms really qnj^ is elected has been selected glnce the when you make payments. —pricing—daily—-in-a—game-of-klekball. Eddie Church wili continue their union .worship ser- The Methodist Church wm~beheid-aT"9~tufiir: MARSH lnoeption of tlie award, ac- Keramas and Pattl. D'Andrea are the team vices this Sunday at 10' a.m. at the Methodist Michael-J. D'eAngelis Sr." of xording- to Irving Hajper of Fully personalized with your name, address captains, Friday the park members partici-. Church, Church Mall at Academy Green. Florham Park • has . been ^prlngfleld, vice-presidenU and your horoscope sign.'the checks are one thing worth saving IS EXPECTING YOU elected to the 'board of direc- consecutively numbered. Your own richly i tors of Cr'estmont Savings and EARNS DEGREE —Michelle gold-stamped black btrjrJer-is absolutely free, Loan Association. DeAngells L. Baroff of 2 Christy lane, ' FRIDAY DEADLINE Rate boosts, approved AFTER DINNER was. a director of James Sav- There's a Zodiac check book in your future. money for. Springfield, has been pre- All items other than spot Serving a Community of Friends- ings and Loan Association of —sented an associate's de- Come in to any branch. AT THEIR - Madipon which merged with news should Be in our gree by Lasolle JunlorCol- office by noon op Friday. Aries the Ram Mar. 21-Apr. 20 for 2 power companies Crestmont in 1966 and has lege, Auburndale, Mass. been-serving on Crestmont's Taurus the Bull Apr. 21-May20 The New -Jersey Board of statcd: MlLLBURbl STORE Madison Office advisory board Public Utility Commission- "We grant interim relief since that time. Gemini the Twins May21-June"21 ers has granted Interim rate with the full expectation that ON MONDAYS The newly elected director MODERNIZATION WITH IMAGINATION Cancer the Crab June 22-JUIy 23 SPRINGFIELD relief to the Jersey Central the petitioners will, on their is president of Mikan Motors Leo the Lion Juk/24-Aug. 23 Power and Light Company and part, promptly meet thelrJuiJ. I - Inc., ln Madison. New Jersey Power and Light Obligation aiid-coramHfrteiitvo AND THURSDAYS. A former president of the Virgo the Virgin Aug. 24-Sept. 23 PHARMACY Company, the New Jersey sub-~ their customers who comprise WOMEN'S —MntiUnn phnmbyr if Com- •Sept. ,24-Oct. 23 sldlaries of General Public a significant segment of the I OPEN TILL 9RM. -— Why MOVE? Libra the Scales merce,. Morris County Auto- Oct. 24-Nov. 22 Phone 376-5050 Utilities. population of the-State of New I Spring and Summer mobile . Dealers Association Scorpio the Scorpion Bob Llnnor, R.P. Jersey Central Power and Jersey." and Dodge Dealers of New -Sagittarius the-Archer- .Nov. 23;Dec. 22 Light wife granted 49.6 per- The new rates will igo into Jersey, DeAngells Is a dlrec- Capricorn the Goal Dec. 23-Jan. 20 . tor of the Forum Club—of- IMPROVE! whidvwill produce $6,300,000 companies file a new schedule , FINE JEWELERS tf SILVERSMITHS SINCE Madison. He~attended the Uni- Aquarius the Water Bearer Jan. 21-Feb. 19 "24 Hr. Em«rgoney Prescription Service" additional annual revenlie. of rates with the board. In the meantime, the board will con- -i Millburn, New Jersey: 265 Mjllbum Avenue ' versity- ol~ Texas where he , ENJOY MORE-tlVING SPACE Pisces the. Fisb_ . .. Feb. 20-Mar. 20 New Jersey Power and Light sidled business management' was granted47percentof thoir tinue to hear tlie original rate Newark, New Jersey: 189 Market Street — application in which the two and accountlng-Me also-served end A NEW HOME A IMQSPHERE '* | original request which will overseas with the Second Divi- HOLIDAY produce $2,700,000 additional companies requested approxi- -NEWARK OPEN WEDNESDAYS TILL 9 P.M. ... HAVE HAIT & REEWCREATE: mately $18,000,000 additional sion combat engineers during annual revenue. NOW IN PROGRESS JVorld War-H. , In the decision,*the board annual revenue. • A LIVABLE FAMILY ROOM — Should the continuing hear- m SPECIAL! ings result ln a decision that - NAN "UP-DATED" KITCHEN •sSE the companies are entitled to WE reports total |^- WITH COUPON BELOW less tlion the amount author-' SAVINGS TO •A MODERNIZED. BATHROOM . Ized In this interim decision, of local spending the excess amount will have*to • • A "YEAR-ROUND" yFREE! be refunded to the customers. Western Electric Company . . USABLE PORCH ' The board baaed its interim reported 'today that it made decision on evidence that the 40% purchases totalliftg$l,866,722'' •A REDESIGNED electric utilities' earning from suppliers in Springfield 5"x 7 "COLOR ENLARGEMENT ' HOUSE EXTERIOR power was insufficient for last year. The firm noted that Ask about our "In" Checks — it -spent $118,498,785 in 135 them to continue to borrow You have a good reason for saving. You. Your security. 'WE FURNISH BLUEPRINTS, PERMITS, Peace, Luv, Orbit, Flower Power FROM ANY SIZl NEGATIVE the money that they needed to communities in the Newark and other "with It" designs. continue expansion of assen- SPECIAL The down payment on your new home. Your future. metropolitan area in'. 1969. AND CARRY OUT k m m m •• • • m mm m m m m fjul services. A college education for your children. Interesjt rates Western Electric, the man- A COMPLETE GUARANTEED INSTALLATION f LISSNIR COUPON The board noted thnt lack ufacturing and supply arm of of debt coverage had resulted Little Girls and on savings are up. Give'yourself a break. Open a savings' the Bell system, reported that in a planned construction cut- account here today. Pay yourself first by putting a it spent $395 million on wages • NAME.:.... Teen Age Girls back and. that tlie two com- little something into a savings acgount every payday. , VACATION BIBLE and supplies last year, some fADDRESS panies were, at present, In-r $60 million more than ln 1969. HfllTiRKD capable of meeting peak de- mands for service. SHOES SCHOOL ROUND-UP OSCHKMCWCWOVCHKMKM 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE HIGHWAY 10 • WWPPANY, N.J. J«ly 6,17, 9 o«-12 »ooi i All Shoes From Regular Stock QpMngjtelldQtai e fBttnfe Ag*t 3-15 ' CALL FOR A SURVEY BULLSEYE! • \ KMRH OR Mew Jersey Bank To roach th* pvrton you want, Formerly First State Bank ol Union Vrm-n- • .U...C. 'uif an in«xpentiv« want ad "The Hometown Bonk That'i In Town to Hejp yogi'1 JOB ARRANGE FORA VISIT TO ;• 242 MOUNTAIN AVENUE in i fh11 newipopcr. It'i to. Main Office: 1930 Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083 • (201) 686-4800 Evangel Baptist Church Thoi. Illila clanlllid odi In ilmpU .... FUTTER'S SHOES OUR NEW SHOWROOM . New Providence Branch Clark Branch Avenue at Robte 22 - Entrance and exit on Hill tilt back of lh« popi'r may b» Highway Bnnoh Townley Branch Flvu Points Branch SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 Village ^hopping Center 1030 Raritan Rd. DIAL 242 Shunpik* Rd. your oniw.j. Eoch w.«k It'• \ - Phone: 887-1122"qr 7^3-2000 Rt. 22 4 Monroe St. Morris & Potter A»es. 355 Chostnut 9t. 686-7700 333 MILLBURN AVE., MILLBURN d|l(«rml, Mali* rtodlng tf>« Union N.J. Union, N.J. Union, N.J. 1252 Springfield Ave. Corner Commerco PI. Springfield, New Jersey 07081 ' New Providence N.J. Clark, N.J. A»k lor Claiilfltd elonilltd o 'mini' Kill WMII Springfield, N.J. and tvtry wttk. MODERNISATION WITH IMAGINATION , v Open Thun. Evet. - «CHKW(I)«a»a 1 ••f •---. ••-

SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER - Thursday, July 2, 1970-5 .4-Thursday, July 2, 1,970 - SPRINGFIELD (N. J.^L^ADBR, Krueger is named Regional District board The- Friends Is a-votuntary non-profit Incor- porated association organized to promote the PBA chapter selects to head*'Friends' of following objectives for the Springfield Free Publip Library: Calabrese president SPRINGFIELD LEADER PAGE OF COMMENTARY AND FEATURES honors Dr. Davis, V^d To encourage public supportforun expanding Detective bamuai A. Calabrese was elected township's library library' program; to intensify community president of Local 76, Policemen's Benevolent Illlllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIItll lllilllHtlllllUIIIHIIIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIII Association, Springfield, for the second year wiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimwitiwiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiuiuiiuiiiiliHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LUliMUIUlUtUUtllUlllltUlUIUUIlJ U UlllUUltltlU Dr. Warren M. Davis, superintendent of retirement lit November, 1969, served-on.they • ThB<,lffrtlnn nf nfffrprn rook nliee Lint mwk awareness and UBB of the library; rn ,-iiri in at'the general membership meeting- of tho public relations by informing die community In a row at a recent meeting of the group. .former president of UieTEIon County Regional Kenirtoorth Board of Education, ha played an . about the library's services and problems, and Other officers elected are: vice-president, High School District.Board of Education, hgve active the planning of three of the Friends of the Springfield Public Library. The Editorial Comment THr I PRQBLE r- Rabbi Israel 5. Dresner newly Instilled officers are Sidney Krueger, communicating the needs of the community to Lowell Hardy; secretary, Domlnlck Ollvoj been honored by the board for their contribu- Regional District's four high schools, including the staff and library board, and to cooperate treasurer, Eugene Pederson; state delegate, Imiiiiiiiiniim > iMriiiiijjjr ••MiiiiiiMoiJtMiiiiiMiiiiii unit iiiuiitMiiituiiiitiiiiirjiiMiiiMiiiiiirMiiiiiiiiiirriiiiJiiiiiiiJrMfi'itiiiiiii tions to the district, \ •-•• : the David- Brearley building, which opened president; Alexander Kroplnlckl, vice-presi- REAL MAJORITY dent; Mrs. Clifford Schwartz, recording sec- with the Horary board of trustees to develop Donald Schwerdt; master-at-arms, Vernon somebody must play the out- -1 The' auditorium at Gov. Livingston Regional in 1966. and expand library services and facilities. Pederson, and trustee, William Cleri. • Rabbi teraelS.DreBnerlsleavlngSprlngf.ield High School, Berkeley Heights, is belnghamed Ward, who resigned from the Regional school retary; Mrs. I. S, Yablonsky, corresponding Softball diamonds were secretary, and Mrs. Eleanor Schwartz, treas- field because nofeveryone can , and' Temple Sharey S.halom after gaining Davis Hall, and the athletic field at David . board because of ill health, was active in the .' For questions or new memberships, MrsT" be a pitcher. national prominence as the most Jailed.rabbi urer. Mrs. Robert D. Hardgrove presided at NEED HELP?. Find the RIGHT PERSON with many girls' best friend Brearley Regional High School, Kenllworth, State Federation of District Boards of Educa- , Francis may be called at 376-4930. a Want Ad. Call 686 7700 The sudden growth of in- in America, with a total of four Civil Rights will be known asWard Field, don. He was also active in community affairs, . the meeting. • The people of Springfield, arrests.. He is. leaving after 12 years to take ' Dr. Davis, who JJves in Berkeley Heights, Including tho Boy Scouts. . - - Dr. Charles J. Swartz of Clba of Summit was terest left the Recreation De- the pulpit at Temple Beth TikvaK, Wayne. has been superintendent sintie 1956. He began, • School board member Charles Scheuormann the guest speaker. During his talk on "Buy -sCnd particularly' the town's partment, sponsor of the lea- Rabbi Dresner was the first "rabbi arrested his teaching career in a orfe-room school in announced the " honor •• to . Ward,.at Davic -Better for Less," he explained the various young girls arid their parents, gue, in a tight spot as far as in the civil rights struggle-when he was ln- Ohio. -Before assuming his present post with Brearley's graduation ceron\onles lBstTliurB- aspects of pharmaceutical manufacturing and ' carceratcd in Tallahassee, Fla., in 1961 in the tlie possible differences or similarities re- owe a large debt bf thanks to uniforms and playing fields the Regional District, Dr/Davls waaitrindpal day, • r ; first lntor-raclal inter-faith clergymen!s ride. «t North Plelnfleld High/School.' ~ .. • , garding generic and brand-name products. He Mrs. Anthony Scarpone, who .' Tho Regional DJstrict comprises Berkeley stressed the.Importance of the correct dosage were concerned. • Still, there As a result of further civHrights activities, he A member of numerous professional organi- .Heights,.Clark, Garwood, Kenllworth,-Moun- DRIVE MOUND has just guided the girls' was arrested three more times [n the South. zations, Pr. Davis was/recently elected to the as prescribed by one's physician. was „ enough equipment pro- tainside and Springfield, and operates four Among the many persons in die audience were / Softball league, through a tri- vidQdj-and-eoaehes, and offi- He led the largest clergy demonstration, board qf trustees of thfe Middle States Assoda-. high schools. . . ' • FOR A JOB ON PINNIES! resulting in his being Jailed in Albany, Ga., in tlon of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Anderson who were instru- umphant second year. . v mental in starting the first library in Spring- cials- — and everyone had fun. . 1962 when 75 Jewish and Christian clerics In announcing the hpnor to Dr. Davis at the ThotB littie. cluttified adt in Air-condition»d can, no oxtra charqo. (When a ' Next year, we are confident, were arrested. In 1964 the rabbi Was one of " TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMENS fleld-38 years ago. Mrs. Helen Francis, current the back of thw ponwr may be Lovvor ratos-Compare and loo-Weokond specials Our complaint over |he • 1 Gov, Livingston graduation' ceremonies last library director, was also present. . 16 'rabbis arrested following the largest rab- Thursday, Edwin Little, vice-president of your oniwer. Each week- it'* Froo pickiii) available Iin most aroatl years has been that the town the rough edges will be round Would>youo|ike some nelp in preparing, The nominating committeen^eport-was given dilferent. Make reacting tTTe binic demonstration. The case of Dresner, et ... JAMES WESTERVELT , the board, - cited.Dr. Davis' "outstanding con- newspaper releases?'Write to this news- by Mrs, S.BenSlmon.Th'ecommitteemembers ftlaittfied o 'mult' this week did not have an athletic pro- ed off, and more youngsters ' ial v,_Tallahas_s!}e reached' th^CS. Supreme . trlbutlons" to education, not only in the dlo- Call <•< loi^eraorUl convenient OT'TT Olsrtft " will have even more fun. . r Court, wjiere the' conviction in Tallahassee paper and ask forour "Tips on Submitting were Mrs. Rupert Humer, Mrs. Charles Mil- and every week, t •ervloeinv«i»-ara. ' £,/. /'"'Oll/V I gram for girlg'Tn' matr-h the .trlct, but state and nationally. ler, Mrs,. Leslie Rosenbaum and Mrs. Howard was reversed.- cPastbr aide pjeked Ward, board president from 1963 until his News Releases." * . ^^ f . 39 Pfivw Hotel, Sumrtitt m ' extensive and^raried range.of' The main benefit, of course, • The rabbi said that ''the congregation has Ross. 4 activities available' to their is that our girls, who have changed" since he assumed the pulpit in 1958.. brothers. ' perhaps less basic incentive "I don't think that I've had much influence, ^Evangel Baptist Public Notice on the town because my major contacts have ^^j Westeryelt has been .appointed as . The lack had been remedi- for exercise than their, NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL been with my congregation and the broader nt to 'the pastor at the Evangel Baptist DISTRICT ELECTION Or UNION ed substantially by the sum- brothers, now have a chance Jewish cdimmnity,V he added. COUNTY REOIONAL" HIOH of Springfield. Mr. Westervelt Is a SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 INTHE mer .swim team and the Jun- to develop the healthy bodies Rabbi' Dresner said that he 'ielped Influence ate of the Northeastern Collegiate Bible COUNTY OF UNION. NEW JEfl- . Springfield by being "more Jewish.'-By-this1 iite in Essex Fells. SEY. ON JULY lV)in0. ior Olympic track and field which will help them lead' v ' NOTICE IS HEBflfv OIVEN to tha he" meant ''more ethical and moral aware- ' " "Hls .duties will Include assisting the pastor linl wtan nf (hi School DIMrUit ol program, both for boys and healthy lives long after, the ness," Including societal and personal inter- MTll areas of the ministry with special empha- shortst&jas have Tgrown, into action. He said he became more aware and' sis on the High School Yputh Gtoup, Vacation SAVON „ .girls., . , RABBI ISRAEL S. wMtt&jffmHn Jiruy, Unt t (publ elMUon ol concerned -with the public Blnce comlrfg here. Bible School and visitation. He and hls-wlfe, rug Store 90 brave . feminine pioneers. mothers and the teenagers, Rabbi Dresner sold that "we have very short Martin Luther King. He was a close colleague - This week ba aubmittad*' ~ « JULY 5 1 PROPOSAL Chain ' ' This year,' Softball suddenly boys and girls, who volunteer- r Letters To Editor - I memories so we discriminate against others.' of Dr. King and served him as an advisorjon' OPEN 7 DAYS became fashionable, as nearly ' coaches, and who be-. i'MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii mii IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII i mm iiimiiiiiiiiimi iiiiiiiiilniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuil Most people want to blot out what happened .Jewish questions. He said that both men "lived Shall tha Board ol Education of Tha an Intensive life and probably did more than in recreatiqrt . Union County Redone High Bohool ; A WEEK. .300 young ladies turned out. (Same valuable teachers. Letters to the editor roust be received . This multipurpose saw con be used to cut yesterday and what could happen tomorrow." DUWctNe. tteaiStoriud by the legally no later than noon on Monday of the week - wood, masonry and metal,. He also said that every group has had a others, could do If they lived to be.1.00." ..-....!- qualified votera of tha Dlatrtot to: (11 The league exploded into two ' The r-Ubbi said that Dr. King used his abili- UQUln lor future aohool tue a plot ol ' There are the other volun- they_are to appear. They should not exceed The drill this night was to learn the ways taskmaster looking over Its shoulder at one " "today — 2 to 4 p.m., poolside crafters for ,88 aeraa within the Townahjp of Sprlnff- divisions, with teams for girls 350 words in length and should be typediWith time or another"; ' ' , ties to the utmost; arid that everyone has tq.fake . fl«ld •Itoitad'.and. known u a part of ECHO PLAZA teers who. served as um- tar use the metal cutting blade. This blade some risks. "We have to live life today, we adults at the pool. 8 to 11 p.m.. Civic Center. Lot 10 In Block 44, Sheet it, on tha double spacing between lines (not all in capital- will enable the Fire. Department to perform The rabbi said that his "heart, eyes and- Tax Uap of aaid TownahJpi (3) expend in grades 3 to 5 and grades pires —'and who suffered frOm 'open for-teenjictivitiea. Last day to register therefor a mm not to exceed 931000] letters, please). All letters must be signed. ears havo been opened to others. I could do cannot put It off," lid added. He stated that', "Qr, emergency rescue -pf^a person or persons King said 'The time is always right to" do for twilight basketball, . and (3) authorise tha Beoretary Everybody played, and as that inflicted on their count- the editor's discretion, and never if the letter this saw last November .when' there was an blacks." ' ' • . : • • meeting, Civic Center. Sgt. Delno Tompkins plua preaenUy available, to the Capital is of a political nature. This newspaper, auto accident on Morris avenue In which one About Vietnam, he sold that he almost feels Rabbi Dresner expressed his gratitude Outlay-Improvement- Authorisation everybody learned many les- . erparts in the boys'leagues. , towards his congregation and sold "These have Will' speak about safety in the playground. account to tininoe the acquisition of the 5 Mountain Ave. & Route 22 reserves the right to edit or reject any letter. man died, the results might have been different. guilty seeing people killed over there. To him .'' Saturday — 4th of July activities at the pool v land. Sons of lasting value. They • And there is the staff of the the war Is senseless," purposeless, unwise ' been an exciting 12 years." He hope's that he 1 The owner of the property on which the 'ami in conjunction with Mlllbum for fireworks Tha polling plaoea fortheaaldmeeUngh learned, above all, that there and unconstitutional. has helped the community and his congregation or eleotion and their reapeoUvo polling ^ SPRINGFIELD, N.J. Recreation Department, with- . JUNIOR BASEBALL drill was held donated the old car and the use and other planned activities in Millbum. . dlatriota (described byreforence to the « of his property for the volunteers' use, The rabbi married the former Toby Silver- get over their inhibitions. . ,'/' election districts used at last aenoral ' is more to girlhood than pre- out whose resources-nothing As secretary of thejimiorjiascball Leagues • * •• "•Monday — 2 to 4 p.m., poolside crafters WhTIiTthis drill was in pragress.a neighbor.,' map on Aug. 5,1968.1'he'yhaveoneson, Ayram ElecUon In ssld municiptliUes) ar« _ ELECTRIC paration for life as a prom coulid have happened. and die person responsible for the weekly "WE ARE ALL very much afraid to really for teens at the pool. 6:30 to 8 p.m., twilight aatabliahed and have boen desiRnatad.u ^ROTISSERIE press releases of the Youth Minor ana Major telephoned . Fire Headquarters to complain Shalom, vyho was born exactly one year later. basketball ar Ruby Field. follows and no peleson ahall vote at aald queen.'.. • •... . "Marriage Is the best thing that ever happened confront unfortunate truths. Each of us- has meeting or alecUoTolaewherethanstthe And there is Janice Scar- leagues, I find )t imperative to reply to Mrs. about the:noise and smoke. She then pro- /"Tuesday —•% to 4 p.m., poolside crafters polling pUcedealgpatad for tho voters ceeded to the Township Committee meeting • to me..Being a husband and father is just traits within ourselves that we are not,pr,oud of the polling dfttrict in which he or They learned a little about pone, who put it all together 'DeLeonard's letter uf last week. Score.-, and for adults at the pool. 6:30 to 8 p.m., tennis sharesOas: BAR-B-Q wonderful,dfl"" hiheusaldd . "1 havh e bbecome a more • "*f • ThTh e towt n hah s to solvl e ththe same problembl s 1 being held the same night to protest about the oUnic atlrwin Playground. 8 to 11 p.m., Civic POLLINO DBTPJCT NO. 1 • > 30 QUART how much work it takes to be- and who must realize that she highlights of every game in a calendar week • • as America does. We are no worse;',than are recorded by the team managers nn special air pollution, smoke and noise in a resi- sensitive human being by being responsive In .. Center open for teen activities, including arts CLARK TOWNSHIP • DR6-4134 come, a winner, andliow much deserves most of the credit dential area. a close personal relationship," the rabbi added. "others," he, sold. . •''...'. Polling place at Arthur L, Johnson FOAM COOLER reporting forms and passed <>n to die ap- "Tho sooner America stops penning popple and crafts open workshop. ' ReglonsT Iflgh School, Westfleld Avanuo GRILL courage it takes to be a loser. for a major adventure for propriate league director who, In lurn, Rets The Fire Commissioner, unaware of exactly He hopes that his son. will become a con- - Wednesday — 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., trip to In Clark Township, In theSchool Dlatrlct Sunburst dealgn grid is Inaulntlng foam OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. where the drill i^as conducted, pledged that cerned individual and will be sensitive to the into ghettos, the better off we will bo...Wo for legal voters- residing within nil keeps ovtry. They learned how to play as nearly . 300 young"and very them to me on the weekends. should get 'to know our fellow man and live ''Rutgers'Animal Farm. Picnic lunch at Jdhn- Oeiuraj Election Diatriota In the Town- ' adjustable. Has folding, SAT. till 9 p.m.; SUN. till'6 p.m. This information is dien prepared and typed tins- procedure would not be repeated In a , feelings and pain of others. He hopes Avi will ! .son's Pdrk in New Brunswick. Bus leaves from . -shlp. thing the temp. also want to help others. . . together. This will help usgetoverourfo'airisj" POLLINO DISTRICT NO. 3 - tripod legs with rear axle for you want for a part of a team, on which young ladies. By mo, and is in die editor's mailbox un residential zone again. The actual site of Sarah Bailey Civic Center. For children 6 to •• BOROUOH OF KENILWORTH The rabbi met Ids wife In Israel while on a Rdbil .Dresner said. "We will be better off stability. Spit can be adjusted long, long time. g'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimmiiiimmmiiiiiiiiimii um iimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii Monday morning. 1 try lu describe in depth cutting the car was in a commercial or in- "12 years of age. Fee $2. Polling places st Davjd Braarley Re- sabbatical leave. A' mutual friend Introduced when we get rid of our prejudices. ,.'•"" gional lugn School, Monroo Avenuo in dustrial znne. Thursday — 2 to 4 p.m., poolside crafters KanUworin, In the School- Dlatrict for any games I happen to see, but am usually ' 'We have to listen to other views, be It totally dependent upon die information pro- As one who was a participant in this drill, them, he sold. She has a doctoral degree In for adults at the pool, 6:30 to 8 p.m. tennis lagal voters residing within all General PACK OF 50 ( I very helpful, as there are many psychology and works with the deaf. Mrs,- opposite, radical or any other with \vhlch,we Election Olstrtcts In the Dorough. Your Inalienable Rights vided me by various cqaYn managers. do not agree. We can help If we open our clinic atlrwin Playground. 8 to 11 p.m., Civic POLLINO DISTRICT Ntt >-• .On June 5, I explained this whole procedure problems' one may encounter at the scene of Dresner is preparing primers and manuals to ..CtjHter open for teen activities. BOROUOH OF CARWOOD , an accident or fire. Unless drills like this help teach the deaf. hearts, eyes, ears and.mlnds tootherpeople," Polling plsoe at Waahlngton School, FOAM CUPS By f'rof. -Frank Askln I to Mrs. DeLeonard civer the phone, but from Rabbi Dresner said. at Eaat SStreet In Oarwoodiln tha School VALUE PACK onn—. —. the tone and choice of words employed in,die are conducted, men- like myself will not be, , •<»•», .•"'•• OltiOlstriott ff legal votera residing within Disposable. The rabbi feels that Wayne has rhpre,pij6b- General Districts Nos. 1 and 3 Insulntlng letter, 1 can draw one of two conclusions. qualified to use this equipment effectively. in the Doromh. , 9Bc VALUE Fffll iimiimilNlimilllimiillNI For the American Civil Liberties Union bf New Jersey Ilimillllimimilllllllimilllllllff AS A RESULT of his civil rights activities lems than Springfield has. This Is why ho'Is 7,ozN • I. Either the lady challenges my honesty and All members of the Volunteer Fire De- Kraemer attends POLLWO DBTIUCT Na 4 - size cups. 1 SEPARATION OF' COD AND GOVERNMENT TH&SECOND ASPECT of the First Amend- partment are Just that, volunteers. The two and Incarcerations, Rabbi Dresner said that he going. - , . BOROUOH OF GARWOOD Men have had religions far longer than ment guarantee ls'that the government may Integrity,.or' the honesty and inuwity of the is less scared than he used to be. "Too often PolUrur place at Franklin School, at BAND-AID JIM men who file name reports,. Since there drills' each month and any other time spent Rabbi Dresner toncluded by saying, "1 hope Walnut Street, Oarwood, In tho School BAR-B-Q GRILL they have had government. One of the pri- not prohibit thewree exercise of religion by any jve magnify fear so that It paralyzes us. We God will give me me strength to carry on the District for legal voters residing with- at the fire house is. j^Jone on their own time. in Oeneral ElecUon Districts Nos. 3 and 18" dlkmetar grid SHEE$2.95R VALUE STRIP, S W mary beliefs wl»ich lay behind the formation perion. Thlg^rle.ons that whatever beliefs an are 24 managers involved, we'uaiulisregard • all experience some bad things," he struggle." camp for ROTC ONE GALLON CAPACITY any conspiracy theory.' Without this valuable training, we could not A In the BoraML. < adJuiU to 3 oook- TONI FOAM-IN of the American nation was the notion ihat iUfet subs* rlbcs to may not be restricted be an efficient department^" . ' ' FT. KNOX,KY.—CadetMlchaelF.Kraemer, POLUNOTSBTWCT NO, O- poaitlou. the spiritual needs of man and the dictates1 or burdened by governmental regulation or • A resent such a challenge. The reporting _ yilllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiH son'af Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Kraemer of DOROUOH OF MOUNTAINSIDE PICNIC JUG forms and most of the team scorebnoks are Last February, a letter was sent to every Polling place at DeerOeld School, len for Insulating MAGIC $ of his conscience ought not be subordinated legislation. household in Springfield, asking anyone who . 67 Garden oval, Springfield, N.J. is receiving Central Avenue, in the Borough of Moun- porUblllty. foam with to the temporal demands of the state. Thus, the Supreme Court ruled that a person available for perusal, and will corroborate Six weeks' practical application in military tainside,, In the School District for legal - MOMENT the Leader columns. 1 do this job because was Interested in joining tjjc volunteers to U.SfCongresswoman voters residing within all General Elee- smooth HAIR COLORING Early settlers were drawn to the Colonies whose religious beliefs prohibited him from please contact fire headquarters. As of this leadership at the Army Reserve Officer Train- . lion Districts in the Borough, ... llningi Pour by the promise of an escape from the re- working on Saturdays could not be forced someone has to do it, "aiul I spend enough ing Corps' basic summer camp at Ft. Knox, POLLINO DBTRICTNae- VALUE, QUART GULF-LITE spout, metnl. time putting inm. story form what Is rcporied date, there has not been one inquiry. TOWNSIUP OF BERKELEY HEIGHTS ^V. $1.39 VALUE, 2ViOZ ligious persecution which many members of to violate his creed on pain of loss of his All volunteers, whether they be firemen FLORENCE P. DWYER Ky., from June 12 to July 23. Poilihg place at Columbia Bohool, at CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID handle newly formed Protestant sects endured at entitlement; to unemployment conpensation ben- to me, without resorting to creative writing. . Cadet Kraemer Is one of approximately Plalnfleid Avenue, Berkeley HilghU In Therefore, 1 would ask the lady to heed or First Aid Squad members, would like the the School District br legal voters ro- ^^xPRISTEEN the • hands of European governments domi- efits. No' benefit or privilege may be con- residents of Springfield to accept their pres-v 4,000 young men expected to attend ROTC sidlng In Bocflon Dlstricta. nated by official'state religions. ' ditioned on requiring on individual to relinquish her own admonition to me — to know what • basic camp at Ft. knox this year. ' Nos. 3,3:4,9 and < In the Township. ^^> SPRAY she is writing abuut before publicly criticiz- . ence. at these drills, Just ns they would i£ Reborts . POLUNO DISTniCT Na 1 - Thus, although a belief in God was"'shared his constitutionally protected rights and free- : He will train as a small unit leader and TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY HEIGIITS F0RW0MEN_ 1 ing. they had called for help" In n time of emer- WWII Illlllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIII | Illlillllllliiin IHUIIHUI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim by the -majority of those who framed our doms, Instructor in realistic exercises, and will re- polling place at Berkeley School at JIM ADAMS gency. SETTLING DOWN Since there was wide agreement in tbecom- Snydar Avenue, Berkeley Heights, In the 14.98 VALUE' system, they took prpvide-that the • Many of the cuiuiicts which have'aVisen MATTHEW j. ALLEN ceive command experience and the opportunity School District for legal votera irealdlng government would not be able to force any along the-traditional boundaries* b( church 47 Newbrouk lane It happens nearly every year. Congress Tmlttee on most of the functions to be'exer- to' use classroom knowledge in the.field. In General Election Dletrlota Nos. 1, Springfield • Volunteer Fire Department returns to Washington In January full of 7, S and 0 In tha Township. parson to worship in a certain way or sup- and state have occurred in the setting of cised by a consumer protection organization, Kraemer is a graduate of Amherst College, POLUNO DISTRICT NO, 8 • DEFENSE .OF ADAMS optimistic expectations of adjournment by DIET ADS 499 port a faith which., did not conform to yils. education. The Supreme. Court,..In Jyrbfddlng Mrs. Qe Leonard, in your lettt'r to the editor the principal Issue was the question pi form Amherst, Mass., and is presently attending, TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD mid-sum'nn'er,. blissfully overlooking the fact- 1 Polling plioee at Jonathan Dayton . 56 WAFERS OR personal convictions. They provided that no' Bible-repding-Inrthe—publle^aehools, recog-.. flh'ft 25} do you fcnbw'wha t you.are writing --••'•• JOBS FOR TEENS ' . '• or structure — an Issue we resolved by law school at the University bf Pennsylvania , RegUwaT High Sohool at Mountain religion, however powerful or widely sub- nized that the majority of Americans suu- 1 would like to take this opportunity to _thal_lt hasn't done so even once since the utilizing both the White House office (for Philadelphia. . Avenue, Springfield, • • in , the SCIKWI ' -14 0IET_DiJINK_MIXES aEouTT 1946, Congressional Reorganization Act or- coordinating the hundreds of existing con- -Watrlol for legal votera residing within - SUNGLASSES scribed to, could receive support or encoJirSge- se'ribe to' some religious faith, but stated For the sake of fairness and honesty, are publicly thank all the storekeepers and the His wife, Ross, lives at 101 Quaker Ridge Oeneral Q«tforrmsWots-Noi?-li«fo-^ 98c VALUETiiiii -ment from thejJQver-nment, ' > that the primajy purpose of the First Amend- Chamber of Commerce for their aid in'em- dered it. By the middle of spring it becomes sumer programs, making policy and encourag- Road, Manhas"set,-N.Y. •• - . 4,B and 8 In the TownahlrX - A great variety of you aware that Mr. Adams writes die artiqles apparenf"that Congress is behind schedule, ing greater consumer-mindedness in the Gov- styles in frames find " Thomas"3|J5t8on aescrioea me.guarantees ment was to guarantee the neutrality of govern- for the-paper because no one eis,e will? Are ploying the children of Springfield. With the *~-~"-~~H~"~~'' >- TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD lenses. Some polurir.od JUST of the Constitution regarding this freedom ment on .the subject of Ijreligion1, leaving its . ever-increasing rise in unemployment, they slower than we planned and faced with a ernment) and the Independent agency (with Polling place at Edward V. Walton LP RECORD ALBUM you aware that lie is the nunager'of,the Jayne heavier workload. Then comes that burst of the power to intervene before Federal agencies School, Mountain Avenue, Sprlngfiald, lenses. ' WONDERFUL of conscience as "building a wall of separation form and content to tile private domain. Motor Freight team and anything he writes have managed to hire as many of our children In the School District for legal voters between. church and state." This wall was It was neither to suppoet-or repress any as possible, even diough the hours are lim- hopt/ul activity In May and early June, that and courts on behalf of consumer interests Providence gives reatding within General Glootlon REG, $13.M SPECIALS! HJlJR^PJMY___UMn-_249_ abput,any odier team has been given to him by slightly desperate effort to get the bills out Districts Nos. 7,8,0,10,11,13 and 13 In erected through the'means of the First Amend- particular sect, no matter how unpopular ited. •ind to continue the valuable work of the the Township. that team manager? ' . ' of committee, onto die House floor, and over ' National Commission on Product Safety). Ad- HAMMOCK $15.00 List $1.09 VALUE, ment, which asserts: "Congress shall make its views. • Are you also aware that Jim Adams has " It is encouraging to know that we are all By "order of tho Board of Education 98c VALUE, . FAMILY SIZE TUBE, Interested in giving our children some sem- to the Senate.- Finally, the inevitable resig- • vising and "wntchdogging" both would be an Dated July 3, 1070. no law respecting an establishment of religion The Justices pointed out that "the breach, been giving of his time and effort as a coach • degree to Shea Lewis F, Fredericks, Soprotary 34" x T6" grain-duck - BVi OZ. AEROSOL nutlon to reality ~ JUBt too much to" dp and independent Consumer Advisory Council. Spfld Leader, July 3, 1070, (Foo |33,13) ; blance of responsibility, outside the home. It nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof." of neutrality.that is today a trickling stream or manager of basketball as well as baseball PROVIDENCE, R.I.--Robert G. Shea, son hammock with 4' yellow MACLEANS The prohibition applies egually to stale govern- 'may all too soon become a raging torrent." Is also encouraging to see that they. too, no responsible way . of cutting corners or • • • , • • • fringe, on four-point ateel WOODSTOCK ALBUM teams, year after year to the youdi of diis saving time ~ and die settling—down to a of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shea of 35 Tooker frame. -OFF TOOTH ments through] the' guarantees of due process They did not prohibit the schools from teach- > community? are Interested in-trying'to keep our chii- THE POTENTIAL of this new bill for both 1 drenoff the streets ana gainfully employed^ steadily productive pace. ave., Springfield, N.J., Saturday was awarded INSECT 3-Rocord Set PASTE and equal protection of the laws 06 the Four- ing religion as an objective subject in me \ Are you. aware that Mr, Adams spends part immediate and long-range, benefits to the a bachelor of science degree in.Btisiftes's ad- 73 Thank you all, again. REPELLENT Original teenth Amendment. • course of curriculum. They simply, said mat of his vacation,each year widi Che eighth grad- Which is, if I read die signs' rightly, where, consuming public is; 1 think, great. It will ministration from Bryant College. $1.19 VALUE, .The First Amendment's guaranteeisdivided the state could not lend its authority to forcid ers of the Guiidineer School when they go on LAURA ROSENBAUM- we are right"now. TITe official onset of surn- •meuh better and more useful information $1.98 VALUE Sound $799 12 OZ. BOTTLE •' 55 Shelley rd. He is a graduate of Jonathan Dayton Re- into two essential parts, -First,- the govern- -exposure to the teadiings of an,y particular tlleir class trip. This year it was to Fishkill, mer has brought with it our orftiuill confron- about products, services, standards and gov- gional High School, The 107th commence-, Track , ' | Limit 1 ment may not "establish" a' religion. This viewpoint., SHELL SCOPE 1 N1Y. Arc you aware diat Mr, Adams' gives much - tation with the facts of Congressional life: ernment programs; direct action for j those ment address was delivered by Lawrence A. clause means not only that the government Despite the' opposition which the Court ! of]his time as iin elected member ofthe Board CITIZEN PARTICIPATION » The year-round nature of our responsibili- ^with complaints; effective mechanisms. fo.r STURDY, NO-PEST MOUTH Appley, chairman of the board of the Ameri- ALUMINUM may not say thah t a certain creed willl be school prayer ruling has evoked, all tha of'Education? « ' ' -- l_wouid like to congratulate the" citizens ties here.' And so the balance of die year channeling specifically consumer 'viewpoints can Management Association. . STRIP WASH LIMIT 1 the "official"-1 ellgiuirof, the'natloii, but,atso_^ flftl did was to reaffirm the basic priiv 1 k»)w Che children in this town not unl,y of Springfield. They have shown that die begins to take shape: Perhaps a two-week into governmental decision-making and; con- .. Honorary doctorates were presented to Dr. 98c VALUE, BOX OF 22 that the government may not \pnA financial clples of thhe foundinfdi g fathersfh . Thh e cour: respect Mr. Adams, but regard him highly, people have-a voice that w'U be heard its recess thi latter Part of August to give versely, for requiring decision-makers .to • Samuel DeWltt Proctor, professor of educa- REG.~35c,~l • or other forms ^of -support to any religious simply—cecognizctl—thajL.-\ylienever religious a-s dq all the adults who have the pleasure of ~ they make the effort to raise it. _. • • C younger members a chance to relux with account publicly for their decisions in terms r tton at Rutgers University," and the Bishop ONE POUND' Paul McCartney 1 WASH 'NDRI -denomination or" to rellgiun in gerie^raPils beliefs" or personal convictions are given knowing him. It is not Jim Adams who is Because_they came to Township Commltte^v^thelr fnmllies, return after Labor Day, and of die consumer interest; and a higher quality Russell J. McVlnney of Providence. Chicago »2 opposed to non-religloii. • " support by the-machinery of die state'or are - 'confusing die children, but pcuple like your- meeting week after week; because diey clr- /"anodier recess (or adjournment if we're roully- of protection for consumers from programs MARSH- PRE-MOISTENED This explains, forexample, tlieU.S.Supreme—placed at a dlsadvnntn|jn of govern-" self1 .who take advantage of, all that is freely.... ciilatotrrpetlOon^'iiBd got more than 1,100 • lucky) about mid-October to allow constituents now functioning at less than maximum ef- Crosby StillT-Nur»lr:. TOWELETTES Court's welN-known school-prayer, decision. mental action, the';_provisions of the l-lrst offered, sit back and contribute nil, ami Chen siignatures; because through the PTAs diey r-at loust a hasty glpnce at their Cong'rossmon^ ficlency. Ringo Starr It also explains the court's decision holding Amendment have been violated, . are quick to criticize the dbexs, if something presented a united and-concemed front'—<•- candidates before tlioy mark their ballots Six feet long, with REG759C ~~$l75J/ALUi —unconstitutional an Arkansas law (similar to gi^S wrong. and because diey 'were right in their con- three-weeks later. The committee report on our bill should Po/per/o prompted thick foam mnttroas. 4.3 OZrTttB the Tennessee law which provided the famous IT WATIN \',:IS same vein that the Court -.-.victions—die township officials acted to change be ready late diis week or early next. Then REG. TO 49c Mrs. Dc Leonard, 1 chink yuu owe Mr. Marine Lance Corporal Domlnlck M, Pol- Ticking in cotton on SNACK Scopes "monkey" trial)-which forbade the -has overturned restrictive legislation aimed Adams an apology. the 1—40 zoning ordinance Involving the Alex» will come House action on the legislation one flldo, vinyl on HEAD at distribution of literature by Jehovah's BUT BETWEEN NOW' AND THEN, there perip, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul V, Pol- teaching'of evolution in public schools. The MKS. BERNARD Ri:r|< ander's shopping center tract, whenever it gets the green light from the' the othor. TREATS ZORIES Witnesses: nullified educational practices, will be some big decisions made here in perio of IBS Melsel ave., Springfield, Was "CholCB of 4 Rubber be- SHOULDERS court • found the statute was intended to give , 105 Fleldstone dr. 1 have always felt acdve citizen participation Washington — and parts, at least, of those Rules Committee and the leadership — two , state sanction to a particular religious dogma. which provided for religious instruction in was the key (o good community affairs. This or three weeks', perhaps? Meanwhile, the Senate promoted to his present rank while serving tween-the- SHAMPOO decisiodt) are In the making now: with the Fifth'Marine Expeditionary Brigade iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiii public school buildings; upheld the scruples FIREMEN'S TRA'ININCJ Idea was a major plank In my program when • Government Operations Committee is trying toe swim $2.49 VALUET l sandals for of diose whose religious tenets, prevented On Tuesday evening, June J, member.-, of the seeking election last year. It is most grat- Consumer Protection -- Seldom, If ever, to reach agreement on a somewhat similar at Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, Calif, 13 02. CAN them from saluting the American flag, and the whole Springfield Volunteer Fire Department took ifying u> see the Idea take tangible form. have I seen a compromise legislative prod- bill. So the prospects look bright for filial family. demanded that differential treatment of per- part in a drill un the use of a new power saw 1 urge the titizens of Springfield to main- uct that so evenly and precisely reflected action diis year on a consumer protection ALL METAL RIGHT GUARD $129 Leader sons resulting from their rellgioua obser- " recently purchased by'the Fire Department. tain their active Interest in our town. the original proposals on which It was bused package of. historic significance — legis- I $1.40 •SPRAY" ."vances be ceased.' as does the new Consumer Protection Act iiiii i''"'",•"•"'"" FOLDING $21.93 $5.39. ' ' ' NATHAN STOKES lation for which no one can claim exclusive VALUE, VALUE, #108 DEODORANT 1 Freedom of conscience is essential to the of 1970 to which my Government Operations J. NORWOOD VALUE, 10-Inch , ...with which ha» beon merged rho Sprlnglleld Sun Township Commltteeman . credit but which will be the product of mahy Whan WM ths TABLE CX-126 survival of democratic government. Freedom ' i'Committee has now given strong approval. minds and of a- b»oadenlng commitment to KODAK- 41 Mountain ave., tpringflaid, N.J. 07081 to believe as one sees fit and guide one's from HISTORY'S SCRAP BOOK l»t lima you INSTAMATIC 12- ! POLAROID OSCILLATING 1 But not only is it an almost mathematically the idea of honesty in the market-place. VAN NESS Mhouiht enough of life according to personal convictions, whether DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS ' -^RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT balanced compromise, It Is In several sub- Second Clot Poiloj. Paid ol Springfield, N.J. ARTHUR L. vourlelt to hive It's 24" x 60" when both E E religiously oriented or not, has always been Springfield ,1s Indeed fortunate to have only stantive -respects a considerably Improved • • • -..' i • PapteatT Publ lined each Thundoyiy Trujtior Publlthing Corp. VOTING RIGHTS and 18-year-olds --^res- leaves are Up. FoldB flat 124 S ! COLOR one of the benefits of democracy which we one Nathan Stokes on the Township Com- piece of legislation. ,' ' • • // iit{i c rin find limt /nity $799 The U.S. Navy Nurae Corps was established, to store or carry. hold out as "an example of the "free world," mittee. Mr, Stokes', outburst at the last com- ident Nixon, this past week.faced the iame the bemilf tnlon once a' Awarded HiK.aiict by N.w Jeriey Preu July 3, 1908. United States troops entered kind of dilemma which 'confronted (he House CAMERA COLOR | „ Any encroachment upon government's neu- Berlin July 3, 1945. mittee meeting, In which he stated that he Named by the subcommittee the "Rosen- week, you can fintt.ifme Alloclorlon 1^1967 (or general excellence the week before:. whether to accept the 18- jorthePaplestoncea ytar, 2Q", 2 SPEED trality- In the area of religion, however slight July 4 Is Independence day. Thomas Jeffef- had not waited for the' Planning Board's thal-Dwyer Bill" alter its princiBaJ Majority OUTFIT reports and recommendations to make his year-old vote because of the need to continue .- It's quick. It's painless. .' $5.00 it may appear to be, places our entire system,, son died July 4, 1826. James Monroe died and minority sponsors, the bill is an amal- It's tiretit to know you'tc WINDOW FAN / Phon.; 686-7700 In Jeopardy. Personal beliefs and philosophies decision regarding the rezonlng of the 1-40 gamation of (1) my original bill of last Sep- the protections of the Voting Rights Act for • / ' July 4, 1831. southern Negroes, or whether to sacrifice tree oj uterine earner. have never been the province of the govern- area, indicates that he apparently, does not tember whicli provided' . for a greatly And tj those reasons 20 GALLON - NEWS AND EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT The Statue of Liberty, gift of France, was Designed for the rights of southern blacks because | aren't Mason enouxh, ment. Religion is no different. accepted for the .U.S. by aLevi P. Morton, the have the best Interests of Springfield at heart. strengthened and - expanded Office- of Con- portahllity. Uai- i Abnet Gold, editor Responsible township management does not sumer Affairs in the Executive Office of of opposition to extending the franchise 'to maybe this will be: Nearly HEAVY DUTY As long as each man is free to follow*" American Minister in Pnris, from Count d'e 18-year-olds. ( window.-»n Iluxir. Rob.rt Llbklnd . < Jonlce C. Adl.r his conscience without state interference In Lesseps, July 5, 1884^ make snap decisions- before all the facts the President; (2) the Administration bill, 100% o/ all uterine can- Let Malomut, director based largely on my pwn, but wnlch also would cers art curable when tie- - any form, It is the hope of tlie\ Constitution The first all-talking'movie, "Lights of New are available, for this can lead to erroneous. If vmis an oH-or-nothlng situation. Though te'eted early. conclusions. have placed In the Justice Department the . 29c VALUE |A. and of democracy that he will be willing York", was shown in New York City, July the two issues should have been separately PRESORIPTIOHS FILUW The next lime you call GARBAGE CAN BUSINESS DEPARTMENT to allow others to do "the same. If his belief-, 6, 1928. . . This time Springfield was fortunate; no J$ authority to Intervene on'behalf of consumers considered, the Senate earlier this year made EYEGLASSES .REPAIRED your beauty salon lor an iKODACOLOR PRINTS 10 • Robert H. Brumell, advertising director are powerful enough and their, benefits great - The United States annexed Hawaii by resolu- harm was done. But what about next time • in Federal• agency and• cour• t proceedings! sure that one would go with the other, diat appointment, call your enough he may convince a majority of-Ills tion, July 7, 1898, A woman was '.irst im- and the time after that. Hopefully, Mr. Stokes and (3) Rep. Benjamin S. Rosenthol's (DiN.Y.) separation of the two" would hnve'tne'prac-' • doctor for one, loo. Sam Howard. fellow citizens to share his faith with Mm. paneled for service on a grand jury, Laramie, will change his approach to making decisions revised bill (replacing.his earlier proposal 'Heal effect of killing both. In the face!of It makes seme toi llavrllaw 99 Super Vue Album Page | 376-6108 >\, rt yearly hip test. It Pvollahsr . 1938-1967 But he does not .need the government to1'' Wyoming, July 7, i87O. ' regarding our town. If not, then maybe we fpr a Cabinet-level department, on Idea con- this prospect, the House — by a much laroer with ovory roll of Kodncolor film will be. fortunate enough not to have any Prortpt Servle* . makes sense io give ' . developed and printed. Wo resofvo tliu right to limit quantities • aid him In this endeavor, for It Is simply ' An American expedition under Commodore. sumer representatives rejected) which proT vote than I had anticipated (272-132W*—" to the American Trudlno Howard,, publiaher the business of government to insure that Perry arrived In Japan, July 8, 1853, more like him on our Township Committee. vlded for .generally the same range of con-" agreed to accept the Senate nackuue ttScT 248 MORRIS AVE., SPRIMOPIBLD Cnnnr i Copyright, \9V>, SupeRx Drugs, Inc. Milton Mlnll, e»e

I'.. ... MiUIIU 6-Thursday, July i, 1970=-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER The problem Is her parents, there. (She had been com- 1 suspect that I'm being used Ll'tViiCj and, Amy, this is the way mitted to a hospital 8 times.) ' day, July'2, 1970- Services are hejcl~ to babysit for the little brother Kmiil will become the sym- it goes. About 6 m6nms ago The girls pushed each other ' and to tax) my girl's mother Airman onshore' her sister, who is 21, got out the door, andl Just couldn't • around, College sees golf dub phony's summer home •-and Nivy Airman Pouglu A. JCnlertm, hut bud Town cancer crusade for Mrs. Lebovitz us in trouble resulting ln-her take anymore. I tried to break Amy. I love my girlfriend that it will beoome the oi the former Llnd» A.McFtrline of 69 Roie 'Tanglewood of New Jersey."' ADAMT father treating her like an them up. Her sister swung and I-need--your nelp fast eve., Springfield, is now serving iboard the Services were held Monday for Mrs, Anna animal. By this 1 mean that her hand, to hit me and I as Jersey "Tanglewood' The college is manning a Klein Lebdvltz,. 66, of 140 Hlllsldo ave., because . 1 don't kni . MUdL jl'rcr«lt carrier USS Kitty Hawk, be kicked and beat her and ducked.. Her hand went through to do. . ne,w campus at the Knoll with- Springfield, who died Sunday at the Cranford ' The symphony appearance' prejentlii-oorripleilngJ.H_5Yerhaul at the Puget I was not allowed to see her, the glass door Just cuttingher, Michael The Knoll Golf Club in Par- in the next few years and the -Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Wash. surpasses goal for 1970 I—Health-andExtended Care Center, iiiiiiiiimiiimiiHliwiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiitiiithiiiiuuiiiiuiiiw^ A couple of weeks passed HerfBtlieK came In and the slppony, owned by Bloomfleld is part of an expanded cultural Dear Michael: expanded cultural program Co-chalrm Llnhealflnri Mm. I iihovitz was born In CzechofllnvnWa Ai taolc her to mirprbnr- -College,—may- nrnffrnm hftlng HmmIc-podl J p ip —Bister gave-hitn-auch-a-«ory— our gin s parents are -tliere-wlH-be-partof the J>lanr~ Arthur A. Cnprl'o of Springfield, this week accomplished through research. However, to and came to the United States when she was Dear Amy:' ing around town on nice days the responsibilities of work, al f h that he turned around and- "Tanglewood of New Jersey." cite College," President O'- • ttnnoiinced'that the goal for the. 1970 American 15. She lived In Nejrark mOBt of her life after an apology from her Jed with you as a proB- Dr. Kenneth B. O'Brien jr., Brien said. "It is hoped that attain this goalt we the populace, must care I have been, married (or a < while I'm working. She goes family and dally cares. father. Later, her sister, started hitting my girlfriend TRANSITS and LEVELS Cancer Society Crusade In Springfield has been enough to' learn and know the dangers of before moving here six months ago, - Uttle more than a year to a pectlve husband for their president*' announced the col- a series" of fcincerts by tfto to wedding showers' while I That's why bobbles are an whom I had known even be- • ,and fnlrl me. to jet out and . rlnnghrfr—lt-ls-inconcclvable • DAVID WHIJE'. BERGER LOOK AHEAD FOR surpassed. Local residents were-asked to cancer and the possibilities of cure." SIi'o Is survived by her husband, Morris "great girl that I core for very babysit at night. ' . Important-* part' of living to' not to come back. 1 lege plond to sponsor an open- - NJSO next, season will result 1 'Lebovitz: a son, Roy of Springfleld; a daughter, fore my girlfriend, said some- tliat the family -would treat from'success' of the August- rfTTS" *' ~—' contribute $3,800 to continue and expand the The American Cancer Society works to mako much but I have one problem • why is It she can do these- free one temporarily and We have been seeing each you so shabbily and air their air concert .by'the New Jer- society's threefold program of research, edu- Mrs. Joan Odze, also of Springfleld; three thing to me while by girl- sey Symphony Orchestra at appearance. We' hope that the A BRIGHTER FUTURE all people aware of this maiadv through Its, . that bothers mo very much. things while. I can't even go transport one into a different friend was upstairs. She other behind their backs with dirty linen in your presence, cation and patient service, "The response from public and professional education programs/ brothers, Philip and Sam, both of.Unlon, and She won't let me have any out for a ride? Please tell world. . . the approval of my parents, the Knoll on Aug. 27. Abraham In Russia; two sisters, Mrs. Caroline started pushing me and finally or permit their otherduaghter the resldents'has been both generous and over- and. its-dlstributlon of educational literature, time to myself without making me how you feel about this. . It's not necessary for you but today 1 heard that my to be such a, disruptive In- . Dr. O'Brien, with college- Models in Slock from ft).SO to whelming to our appeal," said Liebesklnd. Klein of Elizabeth and Mrs. YoUnd Klein of I told her to keep her bands officials and prominent resi- Anotfief facet of the American (Jancer Society a big fuss'about .It. I like ' Puzzled to have some time for your-- off me. With that, she hit me girlfriend's mother wonts mo- fluence. What's more, now that 9394.00 , He added, "To date we have received $4,042 is Its service program. Service ^cUvltes are Little Sliver, and seven grandchildren^ to visit a friend now and then self, It's imperative! back and she is going to try dents of Morris County, Modili On OrdwTof 1M0.00 Ell. I92B 1 Dear Puzzled: . , across the face with her book "dad" Is out of the house, In contributions from our friends and neigh- or just go for a ride In" . • , »v>. . • • greeted Henry' Lewis, con- varied, depending on the needs of the patient Among many other things, and that's when my girlfriend * and. talk to her husband with I must agree with you that P1UUB BOS, INSTRUCTIONS' bors, who symphathlze with the society's 'andfunds uvallablcThe following is a list of my car by myself. It's. not the perfect balance for a happy Dear Amy: ' whom she broke up after all ductor" of the 100-man orv DISTINCTIVE : EXECUTIVES r.od our-Worn Adi whin hiring came down and started to rJieir need (or you seems to cause to eliminate cancer as a disease to man- : ' chestra; at a reception held CIMlBALBtmDINC services provided by the society: •mployeei. Brag about youtialf (or only: $3,201 that'I don't like to be with marriage Is a time for work, My girl and. 1. plan to marry fight with her. this happened. be for their convenience,. PRODUCTS Counseling service for the cancer patient Coll 6B6-7700, dolly 9 to 5:00. . ' her, 1 just need time for a time for play, and a time -when I am 21 and she's 18 Now ILher father, who said If 1 were you,,Michael,,I -nt The Knoll to announce con- PORTRAITURE Amy, it was awful. The cert plans. Dr. O'Brien said HIOHWAV U.S.I tCttOKHl and his family, providing pertinent information,* myself once in a while, ' "for each mate to enjoy a which .will be next year: We noise, the hitting, and to top he never wants, to see my would consider marriage very assistance and guidance through, full use of She takes- our Uttle girl measure of physical or mental girlfriend (his daughter) again it U expected that 5,000 will (Juit South of PordMftfor Plant) 17-year ambition giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiniiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii have been going steady for it all off,-her mother, whom carefully under these circum- TIL.H7.ll0a community," medical,; and social resources; and goes -visiting or wolk- relaxation unlncumbered by 14 months. says I could comb back, then stances. • _ ~ attend the concert. • 379-7666 loan closets, offeiring sick-room necessities, I thought liked me, Just stood realized by Jaffe such as' hospital beds, surgical dressings pre- THIS Robert H. Jaffe of 350 Summit rtt, Moun- pared by volunteers, patient transportation. $44 Springfield Avenue, Summit tainside, recently realized a 17-year old ambi- Caprib expressed his deepest thanks to all Roessner accepts leadership ffyirw.r ftiim/l Jr>mi.r 373-3848 Xlon when he was sworn in as a member of the those who contributed, thus enabling the com- WEEK'S New Jersey and United States District Court munity to surpass its goal, "Let's,hope that bars. . the contribution made by the Springfleld Cru- FAIR- EMPLOYER—Gerard" L. Seelig, left, president of Lockheed Electronics Company, Jaffe attended night classes at S'eton Hall sade brings closer^lie day when cancerisonly of NSC Fine Arts Committee 3T4 Springfield Avenue, a bad memory like polio." he stated, Watchung, turns over a. copy of the company's Afflrmative-Actlon Program to Myron J. Law School," Sobfli Orange, while working full Levin of. the Department of Defense Contract Administration Services' Springfield District. Dr. ' Nathan' Weiss, president pf Newark : ' Berkeley Hetghtf time as. vice-president and secretary, for "The cure of cancer ls-asfar-awajras-lhe James Everington, right, Lockheed's lndustriai'relatlons director, coordinates the equal State College, Union, announced mis week Middle Atlantic Utilities Co., Union. He was moon, or as close-as H'.norrow's newspaper employment opportunity program. ' • . NEWS the acceptance of. Gilbert G. Roessner 'as (Btrl/, Hgii. Shopping Cnl.rj 464-1163 awarded the degree of juris doctor in June, headlines," added Liebeskind. 'It isjuptous." chairman of the Newark State Committee on ' 1969, graduating sixth out pf a class of more Liebeskind concluded that if anyone has not illllllllllll By FREDGREENBERG,,R.P^||m||||||| the Fine Arts. The committee is an outgrowth contributed to the Crusade and wishes to dp FRIDAY- DEADLINE ,-- •of a recent meeting at the college of business-- Great 613 Central Avenue, East Orange than 100. 1 so, donations can be-sent to the Union County Miss Wassermdri " The story of orgnn transplants is breath- men, industrialists, college andcommunlty art Jaffe took a summer course given by the All items olhor than spot news should bo taking in its. implications. The extremely Eastern (nrnar BarrUolt Sir—I) 676-4000 New Jersey Bar Association inlieuofthenlne- office located at 512 Westminster ave..' Eliza-' leaders. • Ztfl} betli, 0720.8. . ' in our office by noon on Friday". " delicate surgical technique of orgnntrans- rnonth law clerkship. gets scholarship piants still - has a long way to go. But Mrs. Mary B. Burch, a college trustee, slowly and surely successes are'being who presided at the meeting,.described the ON SALE THURS. JULY 2 THRU SAT. JULY 4 chalked up which would have been im- function of the committee as "bringing 'town Uranium "fronrrwater firms possible to achieve even five years ago. and gown' together through programs in the Jf There are many persons In the United fine arts for the general public and college | Uranium was discovered In 1 Lisa S. Wasserman of Springfleld is among States today who are alive because their •students.' • Misses' Summer Men's Cotton Jf Boys' Handsome * Teen's & Women's J 11789 by a German chemist, 50 students awarded college scholarships in Jf Martin Kluproth, but remained blood is being purified by a transplanted Rosessner, president of the City Federal Qftlirl St, CtrinA ^ , Colorful nationwide competition sponsored by American kidney. ..Most of these .successful trans-, Savings' Bank, was bom in Irvington, attended Fashion Fun! Snap Button Jf Solid & Stripe Jf an' obscure element for more Water Works Foundation, it was announced thiB than a centruy* plants have been between identical twins; the Union, public school system andwasgradu- • Jf k* a few have involved people with no' re- ated from Rutgers Unlversity^iHe also attend- Scooter Skirts Jf Dress Jeans Flare Pants Jf Brocade Slippers Miss Wasserman, vice-president of both the lation- to each other; and there-is one ed tye American Savings, and Loan Institute Jf Jf •National Honor Society arid tlroSpnaish National - case of a man surviving for a few weeks Where he was awarded the' five-year diploma. .Honor Society at Jonathan Dayton Regional High with a kidney transplanted from a chimp. He is -a graduate of the. International School, Jf Jf School, plans a ttreer as a child psychologist. Transplant operations are still in the raw Building Societies Institute, Oxford, England, Jf * Jf. $ She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, David experimental stage. Yet what we've seen 1964. Father of six children, Jf * Jf Wasserman of 37 Cottage lane; She-will at- so far proves that spare parts operations -|97 FIGHT ..cently attended the'graduation of his son at Jf Jf tend Yale University. will be an accomplished feat In the near Alfred University (N.Y.V where Gilbert Jr., . Reg. Low Price 2. Reg. Low Price 3.07 Jf The $250 per year award was announqed future. . ', • ' •, > an art major, received his bachelor's degree. *' by Jack H. King, manager of the Commori- Ther.e are many new drugs and vaccines Many scooter skirts to choose Jf Rugged 5 pocket-sty/n A sensational' selection of Colorful brocaded slippers •wealth Water Company, one of 75 privatoly A.veterati'of World War IL Roessner was from Including , coachman, Western cut. Gret boys flare pants for summer for lounging around this on the market today that achieve'cures a naval commanding officer in the Atlantic, Jf CANCER owned water utilities in the American Water or prevent Illnesses that"we. would have wraparound and pleats. Sizes olive or black in *s J time wear! Many with belts. summer! Full foam cushion; Works Company System. The system provides Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific .8-18. Jf 42 Save! Sizes 8-18. sizes 5-10. thought impossible several years ago. Theatre. He Joined City Federal as appraiser, water service for nearly five million residents ooo - ,••'•' of 506 municipalities in 20 states. and mortgage officer in 1942; and was elected • For complete prescription service see vice-president and treasurer in 1952 and sHoeoepr The award was based on 'student perfor-' us ut PARK DRUGS, 225 Morris Ave., GILBERT. G. ROESSNER * mance in Uie College Entrance Examination elected,to the board of directors in 19S5. Sprir.g'iel'3 (In the General Greene Shop- Roessner became executive vice-president at Board test.s administered by Educational Test- ping C.a iier). Phone 379-4942. ing Service, Princeton. City Federal in 1958 and president in 1969' jf Jf Open tally- 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.;.Sat. Symphony to play of New jersey's, largest federal-bank whoso Miss Wasserman aias assistant literary edir 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sun 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jf Reversible Thick Cotton jf Sturdy B-4 Jf Men's & Women's • tor of-the Dayton yearbook and worked on.its . assets are in excess of $225 million. Jf Jf. Jf FREE DELIVERY ... BABY NEEDS ... • • * staff for four yours. She was senior repre- SURGICAL SUPPLIES ... PRINCE GARD- at Arts Center Jf Bar-B-Que Set Jf Cannon Jumbo Military Flight Jf -Zipper sentative to the Student Council, president of NER WALLETS . . . CHARGE-PLAN • The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra will ROESSNER'S INTERESTS in finance have Jf Jf Jf the Spanish Club, and d»member of American AVAILABLE ... RUSSELL STOVER AND present concerts at the Garden State Arts included international activities. He was a. J3each Towels Bag on Sale Field Service, She received school' and state 1 Jf Jf Luggage BARTONS. CANDIES . . . HALLMARK Center on July 13 and 14, the third and fourth member of the USAID Mission to Columbia Jf awards for her .-participation in-the Girls' CARDS. / ' • in Its season series at the Arts Center. Both ' (1965). He also advised the Jordanian govern- '* Athletic Association. programs will be devoted to the music of ment on the establishment of a savings and' Jf Jf Spectacular Rodgers and Hammersteln, and are scheduled loan system (1966). He was a delegate to the Jf Jf 'SALE REQ to begin at 8:30 p.m. 11th International Congress of Building Jf Jf 5?"x90" tablecloth 21" Weekender 4.8B 7.37 I Guest conductor for both evenings will be Societies and Savings Associations, Sydney, Jf 24" Jr Pullman 7.8B 10.77 Australia (1968), and a member of the Inter- Jf ! Johnny Green of Hollywood, composer, con- 6' Bench Covers-Sal of 2 Jf 26" Pullman 9.88 12.77 ductor, arranger and pianist. The programing national Committee, National League Dele- Jf * 1.29 ea Reg. Low Price 12.87 If perl." Jf gate, 4th Inter-American Savings and Loan Jf 60" Fringed Rd ...S2 Jf, 20" Jumbo Pullman .11.88 15.77 eludes music from "South Pacific," "Sound * Jumbo thick and (.hirsty cot- Compare at more than twice Men's Garment Carrler...11.88 14.77 • ofrMustc," "Oklahoma," "Carousel'.' and a - Conference, Caracas, Venezuela (1966). 64" Fringed Rd 2.50 Jf * ton terry beach towels in the price aria you still save! Ladles' Garment Carrler.11.88 15.77 of other' Rodgers and Hammersteln Roessner has been active in civic and poli- 52" x 108" i... I..2.50 15 J * novelty prints and solid col- A sensational discount you,,. Colors: McCloud, Redwatch, Stuart. tical affairs. Past president (1963) of Over- 8"BencHCovers -. -S2 cajVt miss! ; • ^^blolats will be Joseph Sopher, tenor; Anita look Hospital In Summit, he also chaired the ors! Save! a 'Parian, mezzo; Patricia Wise, soparanp; United Fund for Summit (1957-58). He is a. Set of 2 Richard Fredericka, baritone, and the Martin past president of Unloh. County Park Com- P. Q. Singers. mission (1963-64). As a songwriter in the Thirties, Green A member of the board of directors of i composed many popular hits including "Co- Junior Achievement for Eastern Union County, jf Jf Roessner also serves on the national affairs ; quette," "I Cover The Waterfront," "Out Great 3 LP •> Coast Guard Orange & Blue Jf Long Range • of Nowhere" and "Body and Soul." and state legislature committee of the Union jf | Jf CHRYSLER Township Chamber of Commerce. Long in- _ Record Set Jf Hi-Powef~ •)i' . terested in youth activities, he is a former Approved One Man "PVC" CORPORATION member of the executive board, Union County jf jf >f State board names Council, Boy Scouts of America. , oodstock" • Buoyant Life Vest jf Vinyl Boat Jf Water Rifle Roessner was a delegate at the Republican jf jf Jf National Convention in Miami Beach in 1968. >f jf 77 Jf Dr. William Shine He is a member of the finance committee, 77 The State Board of Education has approved ^Republican Committee of Union County, and > jf Jf thjSJretirement of Eric Groezlnger, assistant founder of The Chairmen's Club. jf jf Jf ifjnimi^sioner of education in charge of the Dr. Fred R. Schwartz, chairman of the Jf /Division' of Controversies and DlsputegfMid Newark State Fine Arts Department, ex- 7 Jf jf jf 59* - Reg. Low Price 11.97 I AIR CONDITIONERS the appointment by Commissioner Carl ff,. pressed his pleasure at Roessner's acceptance Reg. Low Price 9.95 v Jf Marburger of Dr. William A. Shine as Gro of the Fine Arts Committee chairmanship. tt's finally here at this super Acid and aging resistant-with Jf 17" long; load 'er up for out^'lf zinger's successor. Dr. Schwartz commented that "Mr. Roessner s discount savings! Also avail- jf ' #CKS-1 ChildsjSmall life vest ,jf- an inflatable floor. Plastic Edward O. Glaspcy, assistant director hi Important role In fine arts on the campus / bright orange. Filled with Jf door fun this summer! See:w able on 8 track 2 tape set jf jf valves for easy inflation; our complete line of children's •?*' RATED No. 1 by BBD! the division, is also retiring;-Both Groe- signals great possibilities for college ser-/ for Tf.99 100% new kapok; adjust-' jf hours of fun! .'',.. Jf zinger and .CUaspey are 61 years old. The vice to the community through the creation of .-able, straps. . J • • - Jf toys.- . —' ' ' •••• '• ..' effective dates for botlv retirements and for a college environment as an aesthotJc reference * WIDEST RANGE OF SIZES jf Jf INSTALLATION EASE Dr. Shine's appointment is Sept. 1. point for the greater New'Jersey commi You can choose from a 5000 BTU bed- No matter what your window style 4 room cooler to a giant 33,000 BTU OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 2 YfcAR CERTIFICATE 1 YEAR CERTIFICATE /1/eiv/ From Jf cooler for your whole house...or any one Chryslor has a model designed to make Vee formation provides Ansco Insulated 7 oz Jf Large 8.75 Oz Johnson's Wax. installation easy and fast. Double-hung.' Jf of 48 other models. You'll enjoy the cool and quiet operation of Chrysler Air GENERAL ELECTRIC 4 sliding, casement and thru-lhe wallr Summer Perfect Jf Pepsodent * New Edge letup air conditioners. All have thermostats to hold the com greater range to birds Color Film Jf fort level you select, coolflow adjustable to avoid drafts. '*• DISTINCTIVE STYLING LIGHTEST WEIGHT Birds flying- in formation aerodynamic drag saving Toothpaste -Jf Protective Shave « Easy to-use controls and easy to replace flkters for your . CHRYSLER VERSATILITY may achieve a striking saving among all the birds In the with Processing Foam Cups Jf convenience. Throughly cushion mounted components, inter- 16" (diag.) COLOR Jf Chrysler air conditioners are designed In power over solo flight re- formation, and, contrary to * Jf nally and externally protected against rust and corrosion. Jf to become an Integral part of your room , Chrysler liven has models that heat as PORTABLE TV port P.B.S. Lissaman and Carl the commonly held view, the > decor. Choose from clasdlcal to con well as cool. They'redesigned to fight Ala year from • A. Shollenberger of California lead bird does not have to 'Jf V* a year from MADE! Only 47 Iht.l Institute of Technology. do more than the average temporary styling. pollution by filtering out dust-and pol LJdayof . • • * Jf ¥ I en and they reduce humidity in the air. day of Bio 145 iq. Irr. Pleturol Aerodynamic calculations amount of work. Jf ¥ ^•deposit- ~ show that a group of 25 birds * 333 * deposit If a bird moves ahead of has approximately 71 percent * Jf 5? Jf ¥ .MINIMUM $5,000 the vee It-i4nds it needs More Reg. Low Price 5.68 Reg. Low Price 49c 69* MINIMUM^,! greater range than a lone bird. Jf. •¥ power to keep up with the Instant loading, 20 exposure Keeps hot drinks hotter and Brightens and whitens teeth Comp. Vol. 1.19 The vee formation is the best flight, so if it does not put 1 * You have to try and cut your- ¥ A FULL of all for this gain in ef- color lilrn -complete with pro- cold drinks .cold for hqurs . like no other toothpaste-can' ¥ forth more effort, its speed Disposable, reusable Save- Jf New Pepsedent toothpaste self with this sensational new SERVICE ficiency, and It tarns out that drops until it is back in line." oessinn. For all Instamatics ¥ the often-observed—angle—of— ontains zirconium silicate if Edge Protective Shave! Buy- Hr4xrlfL)trLnJr pr . . - If a Bird falls aft or within' now! ¥ GOLDEN PASSB0[QO|SP REGULAR SAVINGS the vee i s in good agreement ^ vee-Une. less power is ! with that predicted by theory.—required. Small power savings—could — 100% FROST FREE also be achieved by some The important tiling for formations of aircraft but the flight efficiency is that the Jf "•Jf close distances required be- front bird has others on both ¥ Sturdy 50 Ft -Jf 6 Ft California Large 2 Gallon * One Gal. Size tween planes Would be sides; there must always bo ¥ Jf a vee apex, but the legs of 1 > extremely dangerous. ¥ Jf Jf Fabulite SIDE-by-SIDE The vee formation results the vee can be of different /2" Full Flow Redwood Can Quality a year * in equal distribution of the lengths. ¥ Jf compounded a year ¥ Garden Hose Jf Picnic Set Motor Oil Jf Redwood Stain * daily • ¥ if Jf 'PROVIDER' 90 day notice ¥ Jf Jf Sl.C ¥ 'Jf ¥ 87 Jf If your scotch . *« -|09 With Unique Hew ¥ Jf Jf 399 ¥ Jf Jf 2Reg. Lo2w Prlce.26.99 Reg. Low Price 1.39 . Comp. Val. 4.09 costs $2 more than ¥ Reg. Low Price 2.69 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ¥ Hose has brass'couplings and > Rustic redwood has all rust- A better quality; gives your Stains and seals like no other; THRU-THE-DOOR KE SERVICE . • QE Excluilvo PORTA COLOR Jf car longer mileage Sorry, renews all redwood! Weather- CHASSIS hoi SOLID. STATE and ¥ fulMlow; will not kink. See proof hardware and sturdy Tube Compononti * Q£ Exclutlv* our complete line of garden Jf "construction throughout. limit one can per customer. proof; great for fences'; siding. "IN-LINE" PICTURE TUBE r«duo»» P&T,you should ¥ Jf This n«W HolpoinI slde-by-slde provides you with ovary deluxe fea- waight, cabinet llie • SEALED needs. Jf 2 benches included. ture you've ever wanted. Just open the tilt-out icemakor bin and this BEAM PICTURE TUBE reduoM ¥ Jf Jf AUTOMOTIVE UEPT slde-by-side provides you with all the Ice you want any lime you want glare. Brighter. iha>per- picture ¥ O.ARDBN DEPT PATIO DEPT Jf " VHF °PRE.-8ET FINE TUNING" Jf It. 21.2 cu. (t. storage area, lour full-width freezer shelves, five CONTROL—Set once, perfect tun-- be able to taste Ing blocked In • Built-in Teleecop- *•••••••••••••••*•••*•••»******»••••••**••*••••*•••• adjustable cantilever refrigerator shelves, porcelain finish moat and Ing Antenna for VHF: UHF loop. vegetable keepers, door storage, juice dispenser, plus many more fea- EASY TERMS with Approved Credll tures you've nover thought about. CSF21KL •Minimum Retail Price RT. 22-H. PlAINflllD RT. t-MEW BRUNSWICK RT. 440-JIRSIY CITY RT. 24-UNION You may order th% model thown the difference. W. MTERSON-IITHIMUS • Minion AT THE COUECE RRIDCI N. OF DANFORTH AVE. SPIINCIIIID AVI. TRUST COMP/ANY through ua, your franohlead QE RT.46ATH0WIRTOWNRD. AT WIST IND AVE. ••I. M...I1 ».. I, VIUI Hall Id. IHKIIIV dealer. Se* our current dliplay, (SITU I pr|ce> and terrn.1.. $C21 CRANFORD ELIZABETH ..HILLSIDE LINDEN Roselle Park SPRINGFIELD CRANFORD . GARWOOD 'PLAINFIELD - SCOTCH PLA/|S . WESTFIELD OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M.-SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO G P.M. S. BERNSTEIN, INC, 4/JOT. CRANFORD ALTON * TOBIA'S LINDEN K & R PHOENIX . I INI SI "Over 50 Yeare In Buelnvae" | ft DIVISION OP DAYLIIU IMC. UI1»NOS Eastern RADIO APPLIANCES APPLIANCE RADIO APPLIANCE APPLIANCE I9M SPRINGFIELD AVE. Wl MHIHV1THINIQHT TO LIMIT aUANTITUI., VAPLEWOOD • 343-7573 • M EASTMAN ST J7..1771 U1S ELIZABETH AVE. JS4-0525 1299 LIBERTY AVE 923-776! 20 E. ELIZABETH AVE. WltlllildAvi I Locutl St. 200 MORRIS AVE. 178-MIO «J(-;S91 Alio ol 241-ISII 270 Springfield Ave., Nswurk P«hdTMIordDlllllllngCo..N.V.,Baproo(

".\f George I. Bennett, 53, dies; Border* finishes Thursday, July 2; 1970 Joan M. Orchardo SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER -Thursday, July 2, 1970-6 ' headed public relations firm business course Regional to offer receives degree ~ guidance counsel Casting call out for Marne hede • ftjperal services were conducted by Rabbi Most of his clients wore ehpw business per- * ~ Joan. M. Orchardo of Union has graduated An open ciitlng call for ptrti In "Mime** crew la ajked to bait the call on one of the Elvln I. Kose ef Congregation Beth Shalom, sonalities, and until his death, he rearpsented Eighteen .persons' — most of them black' from the University of Bridgport where she la jet tor Sept, 15 and 17 at the Sarah Bailey two nights, nn Clvlc.Center at 8 p.m. IJnlon. In Philip Anfftr nnri.S H F.rirty Arnnlrt. Katn Smith nnd '' adults — were awarded certificates for com- rrtrftlvwH n harhwlnr nf crlpnrA rti through-summer The play will he dlrerturf hy Bfmi. pB . for George I, Bennett, 53, of 1059 Mr. Bennett had handled accounts for Eddie pleting a' 10-week' semester courseln business nursing. . ' The show has been selected aa the fall of Chatham. for die Advancement of Colored People of the 1 Brighton St., Union. Mr. Bennett, who died Fisher, Kim Novak, Debbie Reynolds and the management sponsored by the RutgergGradu- She was a member of ThetaEpsllonSprorlty . Tho guidance offices at the. four Union production of the Springfield Community Play- . For further Information the group's presl-' Oranges-and Maplewood and the YMCA of die - County Regional high schools will be open all- ers, Anypne interested In casting or backstage -JUn» 24 In Doctor's Hospital, New York City, late Jayne Mansfield and Rocky Marclano. Oranges, Maplewood and West Essex. and served aspledgemasterandrepresentative dent, Bobbl Pollack, may be contacted. **r''j)resldent of Bennett Public Relations, Jn 1933 he joined the staff of the Newark to the' Inter-Fraternity Council. She Is the .summer, It was announced this weejc. N»wYork. • , News as. a reporter, where he worked until Those presented certificate's included: daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-A. Orchardo of Dr. Donald Merachnlk, assistant superln- fflom in Newark, Mr. Bennett resided In 1941,_when he,enlisted In the U. S.'Army in James W. Borden, 2609 Vauxhall rd., Union. 394 Duquesne ter. . ..tendent for'pupil personnel.servlceo, said.the Motrolq is elected, Xfijlon for two years. He was graduated from 1941,' and was discharged In 19<6 with' the offices .will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. YOU'LL RETIRjt West Sidtiygh School, Newark,, and Newark One of a series of seminars Initiated this . and that guidance counselors will be available rank of master sergeant. He Joined David O. past academic year by the business school to chapter office Ullversity (now Rutgers University). He had Selznlck Productions and Eagle Lions Films , f6r consultation and scheduling,' — through its Minority Business Program — Biker rider, 11, injured Dr. Merachnlk urged all students moving Louis R. Mottola of Crest- AT HOME.. been a public relations and publicity repre- as a publicist. . the course was given to entrepreneurs and mont Savings and .LOOJI .Asso- sentative for more than 20 years to motion Two years latefj-he became public relations Into the district during the summit to register prospective entrepreneurs to provide, them in collision with auto with the guidance off(ce.aa soon as possible,\ ciation has been elected picture' companies, hotels, resorts and show director of Grosslnger's. Hotel in New York, with biWM management skills thatwouldbene- treasurer of the Controllers Living at its finest In a mo«t cosiness personalities. He also handled com- An 11-year-old bicyclist was reported In- ., The schools in the Union County Regional ' and In 1959, he became vice-president of public fit them in operating small businesses, de- • High School District No. A include: David id Financial Officers of Sav- - economical fashidn! Enjoy Flail- njfcrcial accounts in. New York City. relations for Zeckendorf Hotels Corp. He wis jured last Wednesday night In an accident at clared Louis T, German, director of the pro- . Stuyvesant and Mountalnvlew avenues. The Brearley Regional High School, Keftilworth;_ igs Institutions (New York - ing, Swimming, Golfing, B«achea .selected in 1959 to handle all public relations undtBoardwalk In a holiday re* gram and aslstant professor of accounting at boy, Joe Mirlocca of 1866'Quaker way, Union, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Spring- - twrjersey Chapter). in New York City. the State University. field; Arthur K Johnson Regional HlglfSchool, 'Mottolo Is a vice-president aort aottingthat ia Ideal for either In 1961, he formed the Bennett Public Re- was to see his own doctor, police said. - vacation or retire- The course, "Business Needs for Present . According to police. Gertrude A. Doppernas, Clark, and Governor Livingston Regional! anil treasurer of Crestmont, Samuel L Barlow; . lotions agency in New York City, in partner- School, Berkeley Heights. which maintains offices In ment. One or two- ship with his brother Bernard, Two years and FutureBuslnesstnen," Included lectures on 42, of 681'Thoreau ter,, Union, was driving bedroom Town- financial statements, federal and state taxes, south on Stuyvesant when die bike rider pulled, The Regional District comprises Berkeley Essex,, JUmon and Morris later, he received a citation from the State counties. He attended Seton1 houaea. Plan your |yar veteran, 60 insurance, financing your business, business out in front of her. . : Heights, Clark, Gprwpod, Kenilworth, Moun- vocation at home Department for his expert handling of press tainside and Springfield and operates four high Hall University and the Am- arrangements when former Soviet Premier^ • GEORGE BENNETT law and human factors In small- business In gr'services for Samuel Lees Barlow one session, three successful minority group PAINTERS, ATTENTIONI Sill youn.lf to 30,000 schools. ... . ° . erican Savings and Loan In- oC322 Delaware ave., Union, were held last .NikijaS. Khrushchev visited the UnitedStates. • entrepreneurs related tl|eir experiences in lomlll.. with o lawncoil 'Want'Ad.. Call 486-7700, . Dr. Merachnlk . also • announced that the stitute. He is a number of Thursday at the Haeberle and Barth Colonial Mr. Bennett was a member of-the B'nai matraging their businesses. Regional District, for [lie first time, will em- Maplewood Lions Club and Home, 1100 Pine ave. Mr. Barlow died the B'rith Sportsmen's.Lodge and the Friars Club , Mrs. Savino, 84, Fr. Isaac Jacques Assembly, ' Instructors for the seminar included faculty ploy a school psychologist..for four weeks previous Tuesday at Elizabeth General Hos- of New York City. WE reports total during the summer. •• KofC. pital. He was 60. •" He is survived by his father and mother, members of the Rutgers minority busK program and specialists from the business • Born. In Chester, Pa., Mr. Barlow lived in Mj:._and Mrs. Louis Bernstein of Union; Ills rites held Saturday brother, Bernard, of Forest Hills, N.Y., two community. The seminar was conducted from of local spending Hawthorne before moving to Union in 1945. .Services for Mrs. Maria Savino of 387 OP™ 2.3 t0 June 25 at the Orange Central - Western Electric Company -Mr. Barlow was employed as a steamfitter sisters, Gertrude Bernstein of Union, and Mrs. Edward Kaplan, also of Union, Mercer lave., Union, were held Saturday from YNK.A, where certificates were presented in a reported today that It made by Lawton and Burns, plumbing and heating the McC|racken>Funeral Home, with Mass in brief ceremony at the completion of the purchases totalling $1,570,861 contractors, Paterson. ' Interment was in Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, Holy. Spirit Church. lectures, •'• ., . . — Iselin. from suppliers In Union Town- 9 Union seven years ago. • diploma at Stafford Hall ufachirlns and supply arm of. HIGHLIGHTS Particularly careful adherence to this news- She is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Linda Landisi.of Schneider ave,, Union, the Bell system, reported that • Frl. July 3-RUMSON H'CAP ~ • ' COMMON CANCER paper's Friday news deadline is urged this Josephine Palmaroizo and' Mrs. Louise Fer- • it spent $395 million ' " .-• was awarded a diploma at the Stafford Hall QCEANPORT; N.J. . Sat. July 4-LAMPUGHTER ^kln cancer, the most common form of can- week, because pf the Fourth of July holiday nicola of Union; a sister, Mrs. Assunta Mer- NEWI CXACTA WAGERING lucci of East Orange; a brother, Ralph Gia- School of Business in Summit' upon recent 2 miles (rum Garden St. Parkway, Eiit 105 cer in America and at the same time the on Saturday, ^tll organizational, social and SPECIAL BUSES, Garden St. Phwy cobbe of Qoston, and another brother in Italy; _ completion of the school's-seneral secretarial SPECIALTRAINS Direct to OrandiUnd DIRECTIONS: lixivt ta fn/>r 4/«ji mui'follow ViUnfit drrtnt most "curable, can often be easily treated In other news items for the' July 9 issue should Lv. Public Sirvlca Inmlnil, Pint SI., program, • • , L» Rmn. Sllllon. Htw York 11.48 AM Daily fo Ihf mpthlthuinwrn. Optn *' • Hau »*J i'. aUdftor's office, says the American Cancer be submitted at this office by tomorrow morn- a sister in Italy and one in South America; Hiidion.Tirm. m (PATH) 11:32 (Silt. 11:2?) Ntwiit, 11:30 to 12 .Dally. Ing, July i. five grandchildren and three great-grandchil- Miss'Landlsi is employed by the'Jeft'ery- ON STAGE — PupUs at the Raymond Chlsholm School; Springfleld, cert, directed by Mrs. Dorothy Stnllwortli, vocal music teacher. U. Newark iPnnn. Station) 12:04 PM Dally . 'CHUORCV UhOt" II NOT ADMITUD dren. Martin Advertisers in Union; , ' ' •give an idea of the range of costumes In their annual spring con-' Shown, left to right, are- Karen Kozub, Amy Wcrfol, Margie Sarogotis aid Mindy Ne'lkin. < . POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 PM Mrs. Veal dies at 98 , Overlook Hospital appoints OPEN SATURDAY, JULY 4th 9:30 j.M, to 6:00 P.M. |[ Funeral services were held Saturday for Mrsi Hatti^ Veal, 98, of 1410 fiustav ave., Union, new nursing service director who eliedlast week after a long HYGRADE ITALIAN illness at die Atlantic high- Overlook Hospital, Summit, this week an-, her post as director of nursing, at Woman's CJM.WTTTT lands Nursing Hnme. nocmc'jd the appointment of Mrs. Lyda Sue Medical College In Philadelphia. She and Born in_Hampton, S. C, PROKOCIMER Cunningham, R.N., B.S., MJL. di- her husband, Nell R. Cunningham, who Is FRANKS SAUSAGE ^»lrs. Veal was a resident of rector of nursing service, following the-re- national soles manager of Meta Language Union 25 years. She was the Travel Service tlrtsment of Mrs. EBnaTWi Dover Fry after Products in New York pity,-will temporarily 2180 Route 22, Union, N.J. widow of Samuel Veal. (Wailbound. lull am ol Ihi Flliihlp) 20^/gars of service in Overlook's top nursing reside in Bekeley Heights, with their two Hot or Mrs.. Veal was a former posn^i. . • • ... small sons, Andrew, and Bruce, until they Sweet member of the Union (Sfiapel. 201-964-8910 fJlEs. Cunningham comes to Overlook from locate a permanent home. Your Mrs. Cunningham has also held the position Choice of assistant director of nurslng,.at Mt. Sinai Hospital In New York City. Before that post, Regional students she was script writer and teacher via closed Pleaso ask fora substitute item or rain check I circuit television for the New. York City De- L if ari-adverHsed item is temporarily out of stock. J partment of Hospitals, and for several years .was on the staff at Colqmbla Presbyterian 16 spend summer Medical Center In New York City as admin- ALL THIS WEEK 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM istrative-assistant to the director of nursing, in Latin America supervisor, Instructor in nursing, head nurse (CLOSED SATURDAY, JULY 4th) In surgery and initially as staff nurse in • ILve^ Union County Regional. High School the open heart .surgery intensive care unit. There are brilliant fireworks going on this t«eek at your nearest C. M. WHITNEY showplaeo! Independence Week is the signal for Dfifflrt; students ore heading south of the She holdsJjer combined R.N. - B.S". dtjree border this summer for some education, Latin 1 from Dllkef'-Bnttrerslty, Class of '59 andeanml C. M. WHITNEY to set off salvos of dazzling values in choice Early American and Colonial furniture! Choose from the" designs of AffiHiCBn style. her master "of arts degree at Columbia Uni- Tht> students, all juniors, are taking port In versity in 1967. the greatest makers in the land! Discover unbeatable buys in distihguished^Amcricana for Living room,' bedroom and! . the Open Door student exchange program. The She Is a published author, and her works Make no mistake— this i.s a rare celebration! Hurry in and snap up a bargain! STATEMENT OF CONDITION Open Door sends U. S. high school students to Include: "Readings in Basic Medical-Surgical Latin American countries during their summer Nursing," Readings in Advanced. Medical- vacation. They live with families and attend Surgical Nursing," "How To Become a Nurse" . June 30,1970 school for approximately 10 weeks. and "Layman's Guide to First Aid," as well Beautiful CHERRY...low, low priced! 4 Pc. MASTER Taking port, and the countries they are as many articles In professional Journals. visiting, are: She Is a native of Ridgewood. where her CondonsocJ Statement of Condition ' Mary Jane Leonard of 536 Myrtle ave,, mother, Mrs. Suzanno Martin, is circulation, BEDROOM THE UNION CENTER NATIONAL.BANK, UNION, NEW JERSEY Gnrwood, Santiago Chile; Dennis Sklenar of supervisor for the Paterson Evening News. 241N. 14th sti, Kenilworth, Costa Rica, and Mrs. Cunningham's father, the- late James Barbara Stevens of 707 Summit ave., Kenll- E. Martin, was editor and publisher of the Ensemble Jung 30, 1970 worth, Guatemala. All are students at David Allendalo Press. Caih and Due from Banki J 8,013,487.63 Brearley Regional High School. U. 5. Govarnment Sacurltlai 12,052,501.20 Federal Agency Sacurltlei Also, Bonnie Raskin of 81 Morris ave,, 4pc. 2,331,250.00 Springfield, Costa Rica, a student at Jonathan Stoto antj Municipal Bondt 14,458,644.29 Sale 3oO Federal Roierve Bank Stock 135,000.00 Dayton Regional High School, and Bruce Mullen Miss Tropp wins Suite Loan« • / 30,188,597.02 ol 227 New Providence Rd., Mountainside, It's roru to find a good cherry Bank Prsmliot & Equipment . 860,354 55 Chile, a student at Gov. Livingston Regional Other Asaett bedroom under $500. But C. M. 391,282.96 High School. degree cum laude WHITNEY'S astonishing price for TOTAL According to August Caprlo, foreign lan- this superbly crafted beauty is way Early American Classic LIABILITIES guages coordinator, the students will study the' Miss Barbara Tropp, daughter of Dr. and down under $400! That's value! Capital Stock (Par $51 Spanish .language as well as the history and Mrs. LQon Tropp of 379 Meisel ave., Spring- $ 1,940,400.00 culture of the host country. He said each • Included are 58" triple dresser, Surptui ' 2,559,600.00 field, 'was graduated recently from Barnard DEACON'S BENCH Undivided Profit* student will have the opportunity to tour and big 31" x 41'' framed—mirror, 790,805.26 College of'Columbia University. ' total Capital Fundt • yislt places of historic cultural and scenic 5,290,805.26 She received a bachelor of arts degree cum spindle bed with cornice heud and Reierve far Loans interest. ' 638,896.67 laude with honors in Oriental studies. She, COLOMBIAN COFFEE | foot and SO" high chest-on-chest. Discount Collected, but not aarned Several Latin American students spent their 65c POTATO CHIPS CHICKEN OF THE SEA Sale Kotervs for Taxea, Intermt, etc. -398,753.02 1 •Uso was awarded the Katharine Reeve Glrard All pieces distinguished by, an au- 432,108.88 annul vacation with host families In the Heru s an old New Engtand_.favorite Dividends Payable Prize ft>r significant work In the International thenticated dentil moulding! 77,616.00 'Regionnl District during the 1969-70 school, that every lover of Americana should Deposit! aspects of her tleld,of study. 60,421,352.84 year.' "•- • - Miss Tropp will enter the Graduate School huve ut h«me. This beauty is dis- Federal Re-serve Deferred Account 1,157,035.28 tinguished, by slurdv maple construc- Other Liabilities ' The Regional District comprises Berkeley at Princeton Unlversltyas-a-Woodroa!Wilson 4,549.70 Helghtfa-.Clark, Garwood, Kenilworth, Moun- S 7 Pc. MOUNTAIN COUNTRY DINING ENSEMBLE tion and authentic urrowback spin- Fellow in the field of Chinese literature and dles. tainside ana-Springfleld, and operates four SOLID high schools. "art. I • IN in WORMY MAPLE SAVE OIL country styling with a rugged old look /" \ - ' OFFICERS . DIRECTORS Girls' trio is headliner 16c JACK MCDONNELL F. EDWARD BIERTUEMPFEL, SR Walsh completes 7pc. _ — t President x at nursing home party ~ 4t JOHN A. PEITRICH . WILLIAM LATHERS, JR. White Rose Drinks4:;l Sale ^698 The Springfield Trio entertained artshifth- Paper Plates?' ol iso Ou Mayonnaise^:- ?.' 49« Suite Wee President and Cashier ADOLPH W. JAEGER .', program at NCE- d d day party last week for patients at the Ell£li>—H> Recapture the spirit of bygone days! Bring ADOLPH W. JAEGER DONALD Qr-KKIN ' P«


-Thursday, July 2, 1970 v. College admission Entrance exams SPttlNGPIELD (N. J.). LEADJSR- Thursday, July i. • JQ^O-11 Settle retires after 30 years Vets earn —,-,••• - ' • ' ,-• ' * institute sponspred* set for Wednesday as Harmonia Savings officer "pifot wings NATIONAL FURNITURE BROKERS by Stevens, NSC Joseph. P. (VHara, Harmonia Savings Bank by State Police . More' than 25,700' veterans t J 7-Ths-thiwl-bieiinrtl—SummeriflBtffliiBi -pregldenfc-today-annoMnced UIP teiU'eun P. B. Kelly, State Police superin- iakmg~fllg1it traijilng~fo]f ' College Admissions wlU be held Aug. 16 the bank's senior vice president and secret tendent, this week urged all young men in- a commercial pilot's license through 21 at Stevens Instituted Technology. tary,:Rayn)6nd'H..Bettle. . _'.._,.._• terested in becoming career police oHlc~ under provisions of the. GI Hoboken. • . . Settle, a resident of Unlonr-hsB served tortake the. State Police entrance exair' Bill, Paul M. Nugent, mana- The Institute is sponsored by the New Jer- the banking Industry for 52 years. He has Uon next Wednesday at 7 p.m. He . ger of the New Jersey sey Association of College Admissions Coun- been with the Harmonia since 1940 when he> phaslzed the fact that no prior applica ' Veterans Administration's selors In conjunction with Stevens and Newark wds elected secretary and member of the -ls-reflulred. . ' . . 7 Regional Office in. Newark, FURNITURE State College. ' bank's board, of managers. He retained both The written phase of the examlnati said this week. The.purpose of the Institute Is to provide positions during Us 30 year stay at Har- scheduled for eight locations /througT . An eligible veteran entered monia and was, elected assistant vice presi- -4jito-an>approved-flight-6oui' FVTnil/IIAMI new and experienced high school and college telnelndUig^BSBr admissions counselors with the opportunity to dent In 1962, vice president later that year 300 Broadway, Newark. will be paid an educational It AI nHVHUHl "I don't know how it could meet and explore topics and .problems of and senior vice president In 1968. Minimum requirements for applicants are: assistance allowance com- mutual interest, • O'Hara presented Bettle with a gift on Citizen of theUnltedStates;hlghscjiqoldiploma puted at the rate of 90 per- Among the topics to be covered during the behalf of the bank, at a dinner in his honor - or equivalency certificate; Between the ages cent of the established charges have happened!" That's what program are: legal Implications of college by the Harmonia board of managers. During of 21. arid 34 (as of Nov. 29, 1970); weight for tuition and fees which DISCOUNT Don't be a admlsslonsithe changing college-bound popula- his tenure, the Institution's assets have grown not' less than ISO pounds; height not less than non-veterans enrolled In the tion; financial aid and human resources, and from $21 million to nearly $160-million. S feet 8 Inches; vision not less than 20/30. same flight course are ror most accident victimssay, if student participation in the admissions pro-' Bettle, who also served miny religious, In both eyes without glasses or contact lenses;' quired to pay. cess-pros andcons. civic and professional associations, was named ability to distinguish'colors; normal'hearing . According to Nugent, these Speakers and.discussion leaders will be to the National Council of the YMCA. a trustee in both ears; good teeth with satisfactory allowances . may be paid BONANZA! over the they're lucky. Make sure it professors, deans and admlsslons_DHlcers of the United Fund of Eastern Union County, restorations) body free from all physical de- monthly -by the VA upon re- from-New Jersey colleges, and high school a member of the Chamber of Commerce of fects; good .reputation and moral character; ceipt of a certification from guidance counselors;. . , . EaBtern-Union County, was president of the must have a valid driver's license. Married the veteran and.the school doesn't happen to you. Members of the planning committee for the. Elizabeth Chapter of'the American Institute and single men arejecept^. ' ' .' as to the flight training re- A fabulous Institute are Jack Davles, director of admis- •of Banking, served on various committees ' Applicants who take the exam will be noti- ceived and the cost to the selection of famous" Remember, the urge to cover sions, Glassboro tote College; Monroe of the Savings Banks' Association of New fied of the results'. Those who pass will be Veteran' during such month. furniture brands at the . , ;• Nestler, director of guidance, David Breariey Jersey and, as an elder of me Townley Instructed to report to Division Headquarters, The eligible veteran will be lowest prices you'll find anywhoro. | THE FOURTH Or JULY WEEKEND IS High School, Kenllworth;. Harry Powers, gui- Presbyterian Church of Union, he served the West Trenton, for the medical and physical charged one month's educa-- dance counselor, Chatham High School; Mich- church In various capacities and on several examination. Results of all examinations are tional entitlement under the COMPARE AND SAVE! more miles faster often leads committees. GI B1U for each $175 paid to PARTICULARLY HAZyRDOUS TO MOTORISTS. ael Tuscanp, counselor, Glassboro High School; held In strict confidence.- 1*70 rurnllun'af 1550 Print 'BruceTShenkrpresldfinr of the NJACAC and He plans to remain active In retirement. Successful applicants appointed to theaca- . him as educational assistance He and his wife Helen resldo-at 249 Wood-' allowance for a flight course. to a dead end. Keep alert... coordinator of guidance, Jamos Calflwell High RAYMOND aBETTLE demy for the 14,-week training period will NATIONAL FURNITURE BROKERS [OBSERVE i . School, West Caldwell, and Spencer Kopecky, mont rd. He will continue to serve the church' receive biweekly salary of $264 plus meals Nugent said that flight train-' associate director of admissions, Newark and the YMCA. He has two daughters, Mrs. and quarters. Upon graduation, the annual ing as a part of an.approved 115 East 29th Street, N,,ew York, N. V. 10016 J PAINTERS, ATTENTIONI Sill yourulf «« 30,000 this weekend .. and this summer! -State-Collegei—-- —••'• Lynn Bergstrom of Metuchen and Mrs. Susan laml.llai wflh'n low-coit Wont-Ad. Coll M6-7700. salary of a trooper Is' $7,018 plus $1,704 college degtee program is "* ' CALL COLLECT (2*2) MU 5-9431 Silva of Farmington, N.M., and three grand- .maintenance allowance. ' also available to the veterans. children;: . , IIIIUUIHMUUIUIIUIIItK HEAT WITH This safety message comes through the courtesyof the business concerns listed below Dr. Putnam elected BIBLE ...FOR GREAT* IRVINGTON CAB CO. LINDEN MOTOR MARK TWAIN DINER Y HALL & PARK NATIONAL TOOL QUIZ 2 Veterans- OIL HEAT COMFORT , president of group FREIGHT-qO., INt. We Specialize In Sfeaks, Chops •By MILT HAMMER Irvlngton ES 3-5000 > & Sea Food, Baking Done on Premises Dr. Lillian R. Putnam, professor of educa- •1300 Lower Road MFGCO. •.."•. v it a ' • tion and reading specialist at'Newark State AMERICAN WHO SAID IT7 . 1601 Morris Ave. • .._ ,100-124 No. 12th St. ' Linden 486-7860 Union 687-1680 LOW COST LUXURY FOR College, Union, has been elected president Kenilworth 2.76-1600 of the New Jersey Reading Teachers Asso- Underline the speakers In HOME OR FACTORY ciation. ; . these quotations. SCHERING CORPORATION SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. STAY ALIVE! MARTIN WITZBURG & SON ECONOMY JS A BONUS The New Jersey Reading Teachers Associa- 1. God loves,1 a cheerful SAVINGS! Manufacturer pf Fine Pharmaceuticals . ' • " Open Mon. Si Fri. nights until 9 . Insurers He Other Hettli Oleaner tion is the state unit of the International giver. (Jesus, Paul, Thomas). Ordower Plumbing' "Reading .Association, and has a membership 2.. I have' sinned in betray- 1011 Morris Avenue ' • ' 888 Sprlngt'lelaAvenue Irvington 2022 Morrls-Ave. ^OASf Union, New Jersey ' * Irvington 374-0500 . . . \ Union 687-2244 of more than 500 educators ond 'reading ing innocent blood, (Judas, We Satisfy Your Complete Heating • spedalispB. ' .''."'•'. . - Jason, Jacob). Requirements And Save You Honey Dr. Putnam served as presidentelect and . 3. What I have 'written, I ' programs chairman during the past year. She have written. (Herod, Saul, AIRPORT LIMOUSINE CROSS COUNTY REALTY CALL FOR A FREE SURVEY is a graduate of Brldgewator, Mass., State GIBRALTAR SAVINGS & MALINS5& 10 OLSON'S AUTO BODY SPADA'S SUB HOUSE : Pilate). Realtor • OIL BURNER- Conversions and College, and earned a master of arts degree SERVICE, INC. LOAN ASSOCIATION 203 Chestnut St. Collision Expert - Corvette Repairs Dolicious Giant Submarine from Harvard University and a doctorate from 4. I am slow of speech and 854 Mountain Ave. Installations 24 Hr. Service Mountainside 232-5356 1039 South Orange Ave. Vallsburg 372-1221 Roselle CH 5-9422 439 E. First Ave. , ' Sandwiches Plus Home Made Italian ! Columbia University. She has been a member of tongue, (Moses, Aaron, Newark Airport 643-0060 505 Main St. E. .Orange 676-6116 Roselle 245-4404 ' Lemon Ice > • • FUEL OIL -Sales and Service of the Newark State College faculty since 1964. Noah). . v FREE Suburban Essex Area 376-1400 ELKAY PRODUCTS., CQ INC. 25 E. Main St. Mendham 543-247Q MANDARIN COIFFURES EAST ' 740-1/2 Lyons Avenue 5. All of these I wlU«give 19 Mill Road PEPIN SHOE SERVICE "Corner of Union'Ave." Manufacturers Material Handling Equipment . . . • EARLY COPY ~~' you, if you fall down and wor- A.K. TOOL CO. 35 Brown Ave. GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE Irvington <399-9700 Orthopedic Work it New Shoes Irvington 373-0555 • . " KINGSTON CO. ship me. (pharaoh,The Devil, KEYSTONE CASSETTE ' Publicity Chairmen are urged observe • UJ3. Highway 22 Springfield 376-7550 Hotels - Cruises - Tours For Men 215 Highway 22 W. Jesus). Plane-Ship-Train . MARIE'S HAIR STYLISTS SUPREME,SAVINGS & LOAN .: the Friday deadline for other than spot Mountainside AD 2-7300 1043 Springfield AVenue Hillside, N.J. - * * • PORTABLE TAPE PLAYER ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES 1123 So. Orange Ave. Marie, Prop. . Irvington 373-6020 „ news. Include your name, address and A Division of Enselhard Minerals 8i ASSOCIATION •". , ANSWERS BARNETTFOUNDRY vVailsburg 373-.3500 765 Grove Street EJT.-W8 ••• phone number. ' With the purchaie.qf any'j pre-recorded cai- - Chemicals Corp. Springfield Ave. at 38th. St. ', ' . 686-0690 686-5552 •J1A80 ski'S 'sosoIM ' 536 Lyons Ave. Irvington 372-5469 P & M ELECTRICAL '•£ 'snpnf 'z 'ynvd "T Irvington ES 3-2920 H. A. Wilson •'• ' - HOUSE OF CHROME Branch offlce-1065 Stuyvesant V ' •; count prlesl 265FRoute 22 union Route #22 MARY'S LUNCHEONETTE CONTRACTORS Ave. Union 964-1700 Rear 18 UniQaJVvenue 363 Boyden Avenue Irvlngton 374-8200 . BETTY LIND • ERRINGTON TOOL MFG. CO. Maplowood .371-1773 ' > * COLUMBIA-NEW RELEASE __ Market Street INGRASSIA CONSTRUCTION Irvington 372-9126 THE TERRILL FUNERAL HOME DINER RESTAURANT Kenilworth 245-2060 J922 E. St. George Ave. JOHN P. McMAHON PRALL FUNERAL HOME 660 Stuyvesant Avenue CO., INC. Irvlngton 372-2205 Linden, 925-2777 ESSEX FEDERAL SAVINGS 409 Myrtle Ave. Real Estate-Insurance 124 E. First Ave. • BOB DYLAN $£?2dl.?c 1585 Morris Ave. Roselle 243-1140 "Portrqif" Irvington 371-3100 .. TURNER AUTO DRIVING Mat' BIERTUEMPFEL. OSTERTAG & LOAN Union 688-3434 Stareo'L.P. ' 552 Central Ave. E. Orange 678-8040 PRICE & CLARK ESSO 9.98 ,•; AGENCY IRVINGTON CUTLERY ; MILL ROAD SWEET SHOP SCHOOL, INC. ane! 8 Track & coinlte tapci 7."J7 , Insurance & Real Estate 766 South Orange Ave. Vallsburg 372-3330 693 Lyons Avenue • . ,-- 5 51 Smith St. 765 Grove Street " Now Under New Management . Irvington 399-9763 1961 Morris Ave. FEDDERS Irvington 375-0003 Ceor-ge'Bleznick Formerly of Hillside - ' Irvington 371-6166 • [ APPLE-NEW RELEASE Union 686-0651 JMK AUTO BODY REPAIR 32 Mill Road PUBLIC SERVICE TUSCAN DAIRY FARMS ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS Irvington 372-9481 See Public Service teadhu BRENNAN BICYCLE SHOP Joe Nitti 8i Son Experts In Foreign 81 Domestic Cars COORDINATED TRANSPORT . UNION, NEW JERSEY $ 93 Madison Ave. « 404 Colt Street 2091 Springfield Ave. M & R REFRACTORV 180 BoyUen Avuniie , 686-1500 BEATLES Llit Irvington ES 5-8768 Irvington 373-0110 Union 687-5954 Mnplcwood, Now Jersey "Let it BB" METALS, INC UNITED STATES SAVINGS BANK 6.98 Sales and Service iW Hill Office . Sl.r«o L.P. FERDON EQUIPMENT KENILWORTH FUNERAL HOME - Subsidiary of Whittaker. Corp. SATELLITE DINER-RESTAURANT 1140 commerce Avenue Conrad J. Woznlak, Mgr. 72 Mt. Vernon Place 3 BROUNELL-KRAMER-WALDOR 65 Brown Ave. Route 22 (E. Bound) Newark 07106 j_ Union 687-4400 " • 511 Washington Ave, ' Springfield 376-5700 AGENCY Kenilworth 272-5112 Mountainside 233-0774' A Complete Insurance Service FLM BUSINESS MACHINES INC. MULTI-CHEVROLET, INC. VENET ADVERTISING, INC. VVV >,l COHILLION-NEW RELEASE 1435 Morris Ave. Service Is Our Business JAMES LA MORGESE THE SEA SHELL . 485 Chestnut St. Multl Value Chevy Dealer Under'New Management . Unlqn 687-1313 Union Mu7-U33 964 Koehl Ave. Paving ' • • • , 2277 Morris Ave. Union 964-1166 628 Boulevard . . 18 Paine Avenue Union 686-2800 Kunllwortli 272-6581) . ^ 'WOODSTOCK THE H.F. BUTLER CORP. Irvington 372-3023 VICTORY WINES ft LIQUORS Sound Track 687 Lehigh Ave. FOOD FAIR STORES, INC. NEW JERSEY BELL 1305 Baltimore Ave. Starao L.P. 320 South Stiles St." LA MORTE PONTIAC SHERMAN & SON Linden- 925-7940' . • 8 Troclt & Cmiatte 13.97 Union 686-5555 TELEPHONE COMPANY Linden 4.86-2000 . . . ' • . Best in Sales and Service DECORATORS ". WAYSIDE GARDENS 1128 Springfield Avenue UNION OFFICE planned Interiors CASTRO CONVERTIBLE CORP FOUR SEASONS PLAY & 657 Mountain Ave. Springfield 376-0398 ' _V4 Mile West of Flagship Irvington 375-9200 '•••.- -1168 Stuyvesant'Avenue NEW JERSEY CONCRETE PIPE Irvington 373-4517 ' . Rrv -24 Morris Turnpike Summit 273-7022 ^Center Island, U.S. Highway #22, RECREATION CENTER Cut Flowers 8i Potted Plants Union 686-5313 - 1185 West Chestnut St. " • LOWY, BINDER; LIFSON & COi, INC. SINGER SEWING CENTER -• COLONIAL SAVINGS & LOAN at Route 22 • •. • . BORRUS ,_4004 Springfield Avenue - WESTERNELECTRIC Union 687-0151 Profession of Insurance • Irvington 373-1313 *" • • j What's new for tomorrow is ut Singer's today COMPANY, INC. 1 Westfleld Ave. W. 391 Millburn Ave. 10i7 Stuyvesant Ave. Roselle Park 245-2313 GARDEN STATE BOWL Miliburn 376-6100 NEW JERSEY Union 688-7014 650 Liberty Aver Union Mu 8-1000 CONNECTICUT FARMS SHELL & GEORGE'S PRO SHOP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO. Union-Irv.-HiU. Line LU ANETTE SALON • Industrial & Home Safety Equipment SMITH MFG. CO. ^YOUNG'S CHILDREN'S WEAR Complete Auto Service Union MU.8-2233 • CAPITOL-LEAR JET - * 901 Stuyvesant Ave. - 1157 Clinton Avenue •. 17QQ Stuyvesant Ave. Old New Brunswick Rd. Infants to Size 14 Rose and Carol Rube Berinsky, Prop. Irvington 374-2050 Union 687-5292 1025 So, Orange Ave, Union 687-9555 Nick Sverchek.-jr'., Mcr. New Market' 752-0770 Vallsburg 375r9072 8 TRACK STEREO A F I SERVICENTER HARRY J. BURKE & SON THE EPICURES CLUB IDEAL DAIRY FARMS LINCOLN FLORIST MARTY'S PLACE MILL VILLAGE BAKERY PEPER BROS. PAINTS SHERMAN'.S SPORTSWEAR , Under New Management FLORISTS Fine Foods For Gracious Living 2331 Morri*-Ave. 10 Union Avenue HOME TAPE DECK ' Specializes In ' 327-16th. Avenue Good Quality Cake Rubber Base Latex Flat ,_ 1162 Stuyvesant Avenue 891 Pennsylvania Ave. 939 Lehigh Ave, Union 686-1900 Irvington 372-22S1 Irvlngton 372-9358 Foreign Cat Repairs 24 Mill Road ' * 24 of America's Top Colors • Irvington 372-1510 • Union 686-0955 - ~ Union El 4-4400 1098 Clinton Avenue SOO.North Ave. IRVINGTON ESSO LINDEN AUTO BODY MARVIC CORP. **• Irvingtoir 372-9470 CAROL JO FASHIONS ESSEX BARS GRILLT INC. Irvington ^73-6880 Union Fl 1-9849 SERVICECENTER . 740 E. Elizabeth Ave., Formica In Design MORGAN'S CLOTHING SOME'S WORLD OF #332B - ^^ ^ ^M 119"Park Ave. Cotnplete Auto Service. Linden 486-9100 717 Grove Street PFEIL'S OLD HOMESTEAD Linden _486-9544 lOUU.Springfield Avunuu TRAVEL, INC. AL-X IN 842 Springfield Ave.' Irvlngton 372-4133 Iryington 373-871)4 1133 Stiiyvosant Avenue UNDEN BLUE PRINT CO. lrv!ii£ton 375-4016 ' Open Mon, & Frl. 'til 9 & BRAKE SERVICE CENTER FASHION SET - ; irvington 372-3181 U TRACK CAR $ Oil 97' CHANDLER MOTORS - 27 E. EiiMbeth Ave. '.: -WILLIAM MAZIEKIEN MOUNTAjNSIDE CERAMICS ' 999 Springfield Ave. T• _ —86-A-MC-Venion-pi; JULES TAPROOM PIZZA BY VITO ~ Irvington' 371-4400 Hit Linden 925-2266 •— SHEET METAL 1140 U.S. Highway 22 ' Wgrth Driving For TAPE PLAYER 59.95 Linden -486-2374- "•ValTsburg 371-9866 839 Springfield Ave. ""K1birntaursftto-JA-B 2-7H-7S —At'-lrvington Center LLOYD'S ART CO., INC. 500 Chancellor Avenue _ JEEEDWAY; AUTO TOP & 29 ' AMERICO COIFFURES . FLAIR FOR BEAUTY Irvington 372.-92~67 COLONrAL MOBIL Manufacturer s of Quality .. • Irvington 374-9073 - . Roselle Shopping Center HAIR DESIGN STUDIO MUELIER'S STARAIQUOR ^B.NOVVITZ YITZHAK I. SEAT COVER CO, • 567 Raritan Rd. Roselle -SERVICENTER THE K-TAVERN . Artist Supplies 14 S. Michigan Ave. MERCURY BARBER SHOP l-rcti-llome Delivery General Insurance Agency 1265 Stuyvesant Ave. ELECTRA n» , 545-9300 George W, Bowman, Owner 2flaZM6rris Ave. Irvington, New Jersey . • 1050 Clinton Avenue 1430 Morris Av£ ' kenilworth 241-3639 • • • ~ Upion 68S-?8'44 Nfe^dji llalrfint or u Trim 51 Rich-Street Union 687-9634' — -M. ATKIN Irvitigton 373-4522 — Irvington 371-5303 PORTABLE $ 97 Union -686-9893 GX. FRANCIS CHEVROLET, THE KINGSTON LONG'S DRIVING ACADEMY Slop in At 1 . • Curtains, Drapes-and Wtnens U81 Morris Ave. 632 N. Wood Ave. 2159 Springfield Ave. NEW JERSEY SLAG CORP. R-EM ENTERPRISE, INC. SPRINGFIELD 1016 Springfield Ave. COMMONWEALTH INC.- . Union 686-2537 . Linden 486-4113 Union -687-8322 8'STCllntun Avenue Wholesale- Retail ' - BRAU HOUSE PHONO-RADIO hit Irvington 372-1036 WATER COMPANY Immediate .Delivery on AC & battery 29.95 1970 MOdels - ; MERLE NORMAN Irvington 375-18'M" H58 Stuyvesant Avenue ~" 250 Rloeris AvS operated 16 Myrtle Ave. LARRY'S PARK SERVICT -tOR«AINE BEAUTY SHOP AUTO CRAFT 781 Lyons Ave. 262 E; Westfield Ave. COSMETIC STUDIO Corner Chancellor Avenue Springfield 376-9878 irvington 372-7100 or STATION, INC. NICK'S HEADS UP Irvington 399-1675 COLLISION SERVICE 376-8800 Irvington 371-6464 Roselle Park 245-9604 Wigs-Sales 81 Service 977 Chancellor Avenue BEAUTY SALON" SPRINGWOOD BAR & GRILL Expert Body & Frame Work 988 Stuyvesant Ave. RESERVOIR RESTAURANT AUDIO NATIONAL-SK22B CONTE'S DELICATESSEN GARDEN STATE GULF Irvington 372-9769 LOUISE'S KLOTHES KLOSET 1061 Stuyvesant Avuiuie 26 Valley St.' 2458 Morris Ave. Union 687-8061 Home Cooking, Delicious. • •'I Fluih mount balanced Stereo T < Union 964-0145 Fancy Cold Cut Platters 1282 Stuyvesant Ave. Open-Monday- Irvlngton 375-2545 Vauxhall 688-9816 234 Mountain Ave. Union 686-9767 LARSEN & FISH MET MOTORSi INC. Sandwiches, Take out Orders $ W l-'rlduy-Sacurddy .' NIP-N-NIBBLE JOHN BABIAK Springfield 379-2820 Realtors 798 Springfield Avenue 39a Nye Ave, STUYVESANT BODY & 5" CAR SPEAKERS GRIFFITH ELECTRONICS . 1243 Springfield Avenue 1063 Stuyvesant Avenue LIQUOR & DELI IrVlngton 399-9808 -; PAINT SUPPLIES Irvington 371-1000 FENDER WORKS, INC, Public Service runs a gas service school. After all, tp give yoji Comptel* with „ 2088 Springfield Ave. Dl MAGGIO CLEANERS 1251 E. LlndenAve. Irvington 373-112'2 - ' Irvington 371-4644 1158 Stuyvesant Avenue WE CARRY A COMPLETE- NANCY F.REYNOLDS the best ih service, we need the best trained supervisors, street wtr«-fltlinO»#nd grille Sot of Vauxhall 687-2976 & LAUNDERETTE Linden 925-7300 * S.T. MACYSYN MIA FASHIONS-BRIDAL Irvingtini 372-827'; Rocco Neri, President LINE OF GIBSON GUITARS LEE MOTORS ASSOCIATES- REALTOR 998 Stuyvesant Avertlie 2 4 724 & 730 W. St. George Ave. 729 Ros611e St. crews, gas appliance servicemen and mechanics. Over 2,200 . AT HARMONY HOUSE BARRETT & CRAIN, REALTORS GUS' BAR & GRILL .AGENCY "Rwl Carpet Service" Irvlngton 371-2500 • , Linden 1001 Clinton Avenue Linden 925-4212 ORIENTAL HOUSE v - 2 New Providence Road 1628 Stuyvesant Ave. General Insurance and 302 East Broad St. men each year spend approximately 60,000 hours learning LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! WARNER BROS- 486-9679 925-0268 Irvington- 375-0400 BEAUTY SALON SUN TOOL & MFG, CO. Mountainside AD 3-1800 Union 686-9621 .Travel Service MICHAEL'S AUTO Westfield 232-6300" about our equipment and your gas appliances. Working with BAXTER ASSOCIATES, INC. DRAPKIN PRINTING CO- . LEE TOY CHINESE-AMERICAN 538 Grove Street ' ELECTRIC SERVICE Colori 10 Melville place 108 S. Wood Ave. HAEBERLE & BARTH uS AvS•* »^ICCARDO'S PIZZERIA the finest tools and necessary parts, they can restore service $A49 2100 Kay Avenue RESTAURANT Irvington 371-9300 862 Mountain Ave, Irvlngton 373-4819 " . Linden . 486-29.78 Suburban Funeral Homes Irvlngton 374-4685 Italian Stylo llotdogs 8i " Union 688-4533 • Mountainside AD 3-4830 Submarines promptly and conveniently. If you have a gas appliance that Irvington 81 Union 720 Chancellor Avenue MADISON CARD & - SWAN MOTEL BAYANIHAN CRAFT, INC. DUNN'S GARAGE Irvington 375-0027 OTTO'SfROI$« STORE We Deliver won't do its "home work", or if you smell gas inside or out- 600 W. Westfield Ave. MIDDLESEX TOOL & US, ROUTE #1 Imports from Philippines, STATlbNERY (Jennun lloiiie Mudti llulot;nu 761 Springfield'Avenue Linden 925-5300 India, Thailand, Roselle Park 245-0108 HALFWAY HOUSE ELI LEVINE 378 Stuyvesunt Avenue MACHINE CO. 1121 Clinton Avenue Irvington 372-9426 ' side your home, call Public Service. See us help you. Japan and Israel Irvlngton 399-9728 , 1157 Globe Avo. Irvlngton 373-0985 UNION AUTOMOTIVE CO EASTERN PRECISION TOOL Restaurant-Cocktail Lounge Mutual Funds - Insurance - BENJAMIN ROMANO WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION ANYWHERE . . . AND WE'RE NICE/tl 1007 Stuyvesant Ave. U.S. Highway 22 860 Floral Ave." Mountainside Ad 2-477U 659. Chestnut St. Union 667-0555 & GAGE CO. OSCAR'S BAR Former Pres. Union Township Mountainside AD 2-2171 Union 354-4141 MAGLEY'S JOHN MIELACH Union 686-7780 451 Lehigh Ave. Delicious Sandwiches Safety Council AS makes tlie BIG difference BENEDICT MOTEL .IRVINGTON GARAGE MILLWORK CO. VALENTINO'S Union Mu.8-0440 HAMBERGER A Spoclalty " ' y- ^AM

•r. «>IHWSS»r.u«l»«jrW^

•.-.?••• : ^Thursday, July 2, 1970 ^Swimming classes / Treating of children stressed Phyllis A. Brtiton, SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER - Thursday; July»2, 1970/-13 Elizabeth General Hospital launches ^ at 2 county pools \ by County Psychiatric Clinic Richard Weinstein Jacqueline Mikula EVANGBL BAFIlSt CiHURCH . Loam-to-s,wim classes WUHJC held at the TheJUnion County Psychiatric Clinic acV the county—In its main office In Plalnfleld;'in 221 SHUNHKE ROAD, SPRINGFIELD \re-WjedSaiurdgy- -*wimmlng-pools-oper*t>9d-by-the-Union-eountv ' unta-for-sevOT-per-cent-of-^ll-adult-clinlc- -Elizabeth General-HpBplral-and-at-Ov«glook- ^UJAMH3rSeHM0T^Rij-PATO^JAMH3rSeHM0T^RijPADTOrt Park Commission, at John Russell Wheeler Batment for emotional disturbance in the Hoapltal, Summit. - Sunday ~ 9:45 a.m.. Sunday School with John Bernet Jr. . Irt what Is described as the most ambitious nandng, will provide the balance of funds hospital group — trustees, medical staff 'all- Park, Linden,.and Rabway River Park, Rail- state, Dr. Jay W, Fldler, clinic medical dl- • The largest waiting list as of June 1 was classes tor all ages. 11 a.m., morning wor- jnodernlzatlolii and expansion program ever needed to complete the program, '. employees and the Ladles' Aid Society, Pledges way,, from Monday, July 13, to' Monday; July rector, reported this week. * in Plalnfleld, where the total was'14 children ' ship. Pastor Schmidt will continue his mes- undertaken by*, the 90-year-old 'Institution, over a 36-month period are being solicited. 20. The classes'are open to boys and girls Dr. Fldler, in a report to the clinic's board and one adults In Elizabeth there were,one, sages lnthe Book of I John. 6 p.m., youth _ES4jaJ»th_Ceneral_Hospital-has-aaunchedJU .: -'TTflS-PROGRAM,"-s.aid Haire,—"answers between the ages of eight and 14 years.' . of trustees, explained that this was based on child and 10 adults on the waiting list. Dr. • groups with Mr. Westervelt. 7 p.m., evening Support may Tie given In the'fbrftTof"cash, 1 Program for thS. 70's, a $3,350,000 under- the area's health care'needs that are most securities, real estate or other properties . The program will consist of six lessons a state report on clinics for the fiscal year Fldler explained that only cases, Gospel service; congregational singing, special taking. / acute. Of 12,130 patients admitted to Elizabeth given-each morning, except Saturday and ended June 30. not require Immediate attention are placed > music/and a message on '^What's This World of value. Sunday, from 9 to 9:45. The fee for the six . Announcercfent of the program was made this General Hospital in 1969, two-thirds were "A program planned to meet such broad The local clinlc.however, emphasizes treat- on the waiting list. The clinic's psychiatric Coming To?" by Pasto Schmidt. Nursery care week bjr_i6hn_R,_Halre,_general campaign from eight Eastern Union County communi- sessions Is $9. Applications are now available ment of children, Dr. Fidler explained. During treatment to residents of Union County com- at both services. ! —•' • • ' needs of the community," said Halrey "re- at the pools. . . . 1 KmB president of the hospital's board ties: Carteret, 298; Cranford, 271; Elizabeth, quires significant, dedicated support,- As a the last 30-day report perlBd of the clinic , munides Is based on the communities financial, Monday — 9;1S a.m. Vacation Bible School of trustees, " 5,333; Hillside, 208; Kenllworth, 183; Linden, non-profit voluntary hospital, Elizabeth The program, at the Wheeler Park Pool will ttietc wero 434 children and 349 adults on the support of the clinic, • ,,i i * for young people ages 4-M. The public subscription phase of the capital 1,176; Roselle, 627; and Roselle Park, 388. General cannot accumulate the large sums of be under the direction of Leon Stawlckl. Kenelnn ' clinic's patient rolls. .• . " The case load of the clinic for the different Tuesday - 9:15 a.m., Vacation Bible School. fund drive has a minimum objective of The remaining 3,200 were from other. Union money required to meet the growing demands - ^Harris will direct tho program at Rahway The clinic report showed there were 39 communities, with children listed, firsljMsi "Wednesday — 9:15 a.m., Vacation Bible $1,000,000. Federal and state government County towns and adjoining counties. for continued quality medical care In this River Park Pool. Stawickl.and Harris are the children and 34 adults on the waiting list for Berkeley. Heights, 9 and 7; Clark, 4 and 8jy School; 7:45 p.m., prayer meeting. grants, together with long-term private fi- "Expansion and modernization, all part of area. '.•-.' managers of the pools. > treatment at its . various .clinics throughout Cranford, 32 and 17; Elizabeth,.45 andJMT .the hospital's long-range planning, will create . HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH important new services and simultaneously (THE CHURCH OF THE ARD1O "LUTHERAN modernize older buildings. The program is ap- HOUR" AND TV'S "THIS IS THE LIFE") Consoles president proved by the Hospital and Health Council of 639 MOUNTAIN AVE., SPRINGFIELD Metropolitan New jersey, the Health Facili- THE REVEREND K. J. STUMPF, PASTOR ties Planning Council of .New Jersey, and die Sunday - 8:30 a.m., worship and Holy of Motorcycle Club rf vaiUABircouPON Mcfzrljr ; New Jersey Department of Institutions and Communion. 9:30( a.m., Sunday School and James Consales ot Union has been, elected , Agencies.", . •_•„.• • • toward th* purchai* ol Bible classes. 10:45 a.m., worship. president of the recently-organized Union Citing government recognition of . the County Motorcycle Club. pressing nature of the needs, Halre pointed 3 BALL * SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL . Other officers of the club, which fs taking out that federal and state governments have , UMTED METHODIST CHURCH" steps to become affiliated with the American _authprlzed_$J.36j>,Bi8_I0_nieet the program!*, DETERGENT CHURCH MALL AT ACADEMY GREEN —Motorcycle AssOdatipn, are ThomasCamb of objectives. "However," he said, "government : SPRINGnELD Union, vice, president; Mrs, Joan Nlttolo of 9-lb.. 13-oz. Size grants are designed to encourage local support COOD ONLY AT TWO CUYJ . , JAMES DEWART, PASTOR Springfield, secretary; Robert Frackenpohl of for hospitals such as Elizabeth General, not On* coupon por (Uttomor. Sunday —, 9 a.m., German language wor- Elizabeth, treasurer; Roger Nlttolo of Spring- to replacte that support. If government did Oo«llhnlh>l.. Julir 4.1»>0 ship aefvice. Theodore Reimlinger, lay speak- field, road captain, and Mark Conte of Spring- provide full support, we'd lose all local •UL7/2/70 er,- vrtll conduct the service and deliver the' Held, referee, v .autonomy and find that policy decisions were Consales said the club plans to offer free being made by some distant agency." OPEN SATURDAY, JULY 4th'til 6 P.M. i.i. D-a.m., union summer worship servlceatthe <:•*. Instruction to cycle enthusiasts; provide escort VALUABLE COUPONyrprv: »vt Mithiiidlst Church with the members of First service and parade patrol with police-super- THE FOUR MAJOR OBJECTIVES of Pro- PRODUCE DEPARTMENT I Presbyterian Churqh, Springfield. Pastor vision; conduct, picnics and other programs gram for the.70's, according to the general Toward lh« purchaM of FRESH James Dewart of the Methodist Church will for ofphanages, and offer messenger service chairman, are: ' conduct the service./His sermon will be en- MRS. .MICHAEL R. KAUFMAN MRS. RICHARD A. ROBBINS in times of disaster;' Members also are parti- —Expansion of the long-term care, unit. In tjtl^*.**TliB Christian's L'lfe...Accountablllty." • • cipating In a variety of sports events. NIAGARAS E a new building wrapped around the present Mernbers of both congregations should con- MRS. PAUL T. WINBERRY Meetings of the club are held on the second: south wing, an additional. 35 beds will be added FABRIC FINISH i tajct"*elr respectivtl church offices for pas- Carol Kirschner, Sharon Robbins, • and fourth .'•.Thursday of the montlv'Thbse for long-term patient care. These beds will COOD ONLY AT TWO CUVS toiraT.serviceo during the summer, with Pas- ' wishing further Information have been asked permit closing down obsolescent bedrooms On* coupon por cuilomor. tor •jgewart available ,tp both .during' July. Lynn M. Holohan ' to call Mrs, Nittolo at 376-5274 or Consales and areas, and free other beds for medical- dood thru lot. Jul»4, !»7O i CHUCK Michael Kaufman Richard Robbins -it' 686-2615. • .:' • surgical patients. UL 7/2/70 i w • TEMPLE BETH AHM —A Community Mental Health Center will I .-"..AN AFFILIATED OF THE is wed Saturday FAMILY .be established, operating in partnership 1 - UMTED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA are wed Sunday MRS. RICHARD E. WEINSTEIN are wed Saturday UC student has with the State Hospital at Marlboro and the. PACK .; BALTUSROWWAY: SPRINGFIELD , Miss Phyllis Ann Britton, daughter of Mr; Union County Psychiatric Clinic. 3 LBS. WATERMELONS . • RABBI REUBEN R. LEVtNE' ' : • Miss Carol Rose Kirschner,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joslah Addlson Britton of 213 Central • Miss "Sharon A; Robbins, daughter of Mrs. • MRS. JOHN BERNET JR. to Mr. Winberry Expanded utilization of the clinic's out- OR !• CANTOR LAWRENCE P. TIGER and Mrs. Fred Kirschner of- 543. S. Springfield ave., Mountainside,-was married Stanley S, Robblntfof 25 S; Maple ave., Spring- - Miss Jacqueline Mikula, daughter of Mr. patient services will reduce the need to Toward the purchais of . , SUMMER SCHEDULE . • ave., Springfield, was married Sunday to field, and the late Mr. Robbins, was married and Mrs. John Mikula of Wellington, was Miss .Lynn Marie Holohan, daughter of Mr.' poem published OVER Richard Edward Weinstein, son of Raymond. 1 and Mrs. Bdrth' Holohan Sr. of I486 Deer hospitalize many psychiatric patients, thus CHOCK FULL O'NUTS ;DaUy services .— 7 a.m. and 8:15 p.m. Michael Richard-Kaufman, son of Mrs. Max Weinstein of Newark and Mrs, Helen Peltrucha' Saturday to Richard A. Robbins of Eatontown. married Saturday to John Bernet Jr., son of relieving' the demand for beds In this area, .Frdlny night services — 8:30 p.m. . Kaufman of Livingston and the late Mr, Kauf-.- The Rov. Joseph Herring officiated at the path, Mountainside, was married Saturday- . Union College, Cranford, which includes INSTANT COFFEE of Newark. • - , . • ' • . Mr. and Mrs. John Bornet Sr. of 1071 Charles to-Paul Thomas Winberry, son of Mrs, Joseph the center will also coordinate p-ofessiohal '•Saturday services - 10 a.m, and 8:15 p.m. man. .-.•.••' ; .' The Rev. Raymond Aumack officiated at the ceremony at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, St., Mountainside. published poets, on its faculty, can now boast 8-OZ. JAR MUlburn. ' Budls of Summit and the late Lawrence F. - services arid programs of other agencies in COOD OMIY AT TWO CUYJ ...-,Sunday services - 9, a..'m. Rabbi Reuben' R, LeVine of Temple Beth ceremony at Our,Lady of-Lourdes~Church, The Rev. Joseph Konkus officiaied at the of a student poet. • . Cay Peterm^nn of Palisades served as maid Winberry. A poem by Gerard M. Hoars of Elizabeth,- tho treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, Alim, Springfield, performed the ceremony Mountainside, A reception followed at the home wedding at St. Michael's Cathedral, Passalc. —Construction of a. new main entrance ;C0MI^UNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at the Shackamaxon Country Club, Scotch" of honor. Margot Pcnard of Springfield and A reception followed at the Cottage Inn, Lodl. The Rev. Fergus Pease and the Rev. Ray- will appear In a 'literature textbook to be of the bride's aunt in Mountainside. mond Aumack officiated at the ceremony at leading into a modern lobby and waiting area ' •— MEETING HOUSE LANE Plains. A reception followed. « Mrs. Alice Seldel of Kingston, N.Y., the , Beverly Stelner of Rochelle Parkwere brides- Carol Mikula, the bride's sister, served as published by I-jarcourt, Brace 8i World, Inc. SKINLESS maids. Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Mountainside. Hoare wrote the poem "Texas Tower" for served by two high-speed elevators, elimi- ,' %;; MOUNTAINSIDE _ Ronnie Goldstein orSpringfleld served as bride's twin sister, served as matron of honor. maid of honor. Bridesmaids were the bride's TWO GUYS maid of honor for her sister, Mrs. Louis The groom's brother-in-law, Roger Jeffery, A reception followed at the Gov. Morris Inn, nating inadequacies bf present facilities. Con- . )>..•*• MINISTER: Bridesmaids were the bride's sisters, Patricia cousin, Mrs. Thomas Sacco, and Elvia Socha. an English course taught by playwright Donald ALL MEAT served as best man. Ushers were JpluiBaver- Morrlstown. Julian, Julian's assignment had been to create struction of a new Terrace Shop for the sale THB;:REV. ELMER A. TALCOTT JR. Halper of Hillside was matron of honor for . Lynn Britton and Eleanore Marie Britton, Mrs.. Andrew Supko of Middlesex served as best of gifts and serving food and beverages is DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIA N EDUCATION: her niece. Bridesmaids were Mrs. JoelSchar- lln of Asbury Park and Curtis Kramer of man. Ushers were Patrick Parkinson and • Mrs., William Mulkeen served as matron a literary work from a current event. VALUABH COUPONE=rE Beverly Glrvin ami-Miss Barbara Shipley. of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Randolph ' also ah.-important part of thl.s expansion. ; -*'. MISS UNDA GAUL toff of Edison, the bride's sister, Miss Rochelle Miss Beth Ann Warren, the bride's niece, Long Branch. David DeLuca. In "Texas Tower," h|oare tells in verse and —Construction of a new storage building Toward th* purchaM ol Kolodny of Newark and Miss Debbie Knight of ' Mrs. Robbins is a graduate of Montclair . Rahal, Mfss Jane Winberry, the groom's .Sunday — 9:30 a.m., summer worship ser- served as flower girl. ; Mrs. Bernet received a bachelor of arts sister, Mrs.. William Van Veen and Mrs. using thef first person the story of the man who and loading dock facing Reid street, thus vice,-Mr. Talcott preaching. Sermon: "A Union. . State College. She will teach high school in degree in elementary education from Fair- FRESH GREEN Russell E, Weinstein, die groom's brother, Manasquan this fall. William Mohr. climbed a tower in Texas and shot down a freeing needed space in the main hospital PUNCH UONRESi CROSS RIB NaUoii Under God." Child care during ser- The groom's brother, Norman Kaufman of served as best man. Ushers were John Lazarek, lelgh Dickinson University, Rutherford, She score of people, -- building. • / ROAST BEEF SALE! vice. V . • ~" Edison, served as best man. Ushers were the, Her husband Is employed at Electronics will teach in Mount Holly this fall. Lawrence V.;;^crry served as best man for "ENZVMi ACTIVE" CUCUMBERS John Guinta, Wallace Walter and Robert Seldel, his' brother. Ushers were John Schaedel, George Reaps, senior editor for Harcourt, Public support for the hospital's program J«t WITH COUPON Monday through Friday — 9:30 a.m., Vaca- bride's brother, Irwln Kirschner of Union, tho Associates, Inc., West Long Branch. Her husband received a bachelor of science 7«< WITHOUT COUPON ROAST BEEF brodier-in-law of the bride. •;. Shawn Winberry, the groom_'.s_ brother, Wil- Brace Si World; had first rea^. the poem during is being sought through a volunteer organiza- ' tion Church School. bride's brother-in-law, Joel Schartoff of Edi- Following a honeymoon in New England, die degree from Newark College of Engineering COOD ONLY.AT TWO GUVS DAIRY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Weinstein is a graduate of the Elizabeth liam Mulkeen and Barth Holohan Jr., the a visit to Julian. When he came to compiling Uon, from business firms and organizations • 07 son, Bruce Koblentz of Union and DonaldBorr)- General Hospital School of Nursing, Elizabeth. ~ - couple will reside in Eatontown. and a master of science degree from Rutgers Otw coupon p., cultomtr T0PR0UNDBON L SS1 bride's brother. a toxt to illustrate the kind of writing a teacher whose executives and employees depend on E E ROYAL DAIRY OR WEISSGLASS i " '"'TEMPLE SHAREY SHALOM steln of Union. Her husband graduated from Stevens In- University. Both were In mechanical engineer- can get from a student by using imaginative Elizabeth General for medical care, frdm" ' Good Ihiy Sol.. Jul* 4.1970 Mrs. Kaufman is a graduate of. Weequahlc Mrs. Winberry is a graduate of the Overlook 19 AN AFFIUATE OF THE UNION OF AMERI- stitute'of Technology, Hoboken, and is working Ing. He is an ongineer at the Frankford Hospital School of Nursing, Summit, and Mid- assignments, he remembered the poem. interested Individuals and from the entire UL 7/2/70 SILVER TIP <» I . CAN HEBREW CONGREGATION High School, Newark.' She attended Boston towards a master's degreeln mechanical engi- Arsenal, Philadelphia. ORANGE University and will complete her senior year Miss Meyerrose^ dlesex County College where shejrecelved an GOV T INSPECTED 23 SOUTH SPRINGFIELD AVE. & SHUNPIKERD. neering. He is an analytical engineer at Pratt The couple will/eside in Delran. associate fn applied science degree In nurse 111| fB FROM FLORIDA . RABBI HOWARD SHAPIRO at Seton Hall University, South Orange. and Whitney Aircraft, Hartford,~Conn. .'. Bridge winners BONELESS RUMP » I Her husband It; a graduate of Livingston education.. ' •TVALUABtt COUPONprUr 29 JUIVE Vi-GAL. CANTOR IRVING KRAMERMAN Following ii honeymoon, the couple will George H. Ranzau Her husband attends Walsh College, Canton/.. CHICKEN, 49 [Tomorrow — 8 p.m., Sabbath evening ser- High School and attended Fairlelgh Dickinson reside in Durham, Conn. : B0WCRAFI announced at Y Toward th* purchate-tof EYE ROUND «,.,1 te. gerylces will be conducted by. Rabbi University, He served with the National Guard Kathleen Lenahan, Ohio, where he Is majoring in science. •„ ••' • •• • : •• • y , •:•. •• • . • i. . Following a honeymoon in Bermuda, the"*! Les Pollachek* of Hillside ANY 2 PKGS. CENERAL iWlliS LEGS STUE and is a buyer for Prince Rdnte Stores, Inc. gjp wed June 14 THIGH ON L Following a honeymoon in Mexico, the couple couple will reside in Ohio. " «*t PLAYLAND and Jim Williams of Elizabeth THICK CUT SHOULDER — 8:30 .p.m., board of trustees placed first in a duplicate SNACKS will reside in West Orange. . Janet R. Sosnick, Miss Mnrlta Kathleen Meyerrose, daughter David B. Kelfaway Route 22, Scotch Plains, N. J. bridge game conducted at the WITH COUPON 1 IO« 6«< READY TO EAT of Mr. and Mrs. HowardMeyerroseofGreens- WITHOUT COUPON 2 FOB 79, LONDON BROIL w 2330675 Eastern Union County YM- MOUNTAINSIDE CHAPEL burg, Ind,, was married June 14 to Ceroge YWHA, Green Lane, Union. GOOD ONLY AT TWO GUVS LEAN & TENDER are wed Saturday Sally Rosenblatt On* coupon pir cultom.r. HIGHWAY 22, MOUNTAINSIDE * John R. Hughes Henry Ranzau Jr. of Mountainside,,son of Mr. Bea and Murray Mandl of Good thru Sol.. July 4.1970 ' SMOKED HAMS Sunday -- 9:45 a.m., Sunday School; adult ' and Mrs. Ceorge Ranzau Sr. Fun For All Ages Union took second place. FULL CUT FULL CUT- CUBE STEAK manFRES H . .••-•• •« Miss Tronolone Miss. Kathleen Ann Lcnehan, daughter of r UL 7/2/70 BUTT HALF SHANK HALF class. 11 a.m., morning worsliip (nursery). " "Bertine Telchman of Cran- BONELESS 6 p.m. youth groups. 7 p.m., evening worship, The Rev. James Swanson officiated at the Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lenehan of 331 New becomes the bride ford and Dot Hardesty of Sum- l l KOSHER PICKLES QT 49' are wed Sunday ceremony at the Grace Lutheran Church, Providence rd., Mountainside, was' married Bright Spring Sunshine Monday -- 1:30 p.m. Cottage Prayer Group. is wed on June 20 Greensburg, Ind. A reception followed in the Saturday to David B, Kellaway, son of. Charles mit tied for third and fourth, *63 ,53 SHOULDER STEAK Wednesday — 8p.m.,DrayerandBiblestudy. Miss Janet R. Sosnick, daughter of Mr. and New Jersey's Finest Miniature with Harold D'ruckman of Lin- VALUABLE COUPON FROZEN FOOD DEPT. church and the bride's parents held a buffet Kellaway of Dunellen and Mrs. Virginia Mc-r of Ronald Faber 10 JMOKIDCINTMCUT ^ Mrs. Max Sosnick of 18 Tudor ct., Springfield, luncheon following die reception. Marrow of Scotch Plains, p den and Mitch Michaelson of ( FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH was married Sunday to John Randolph-Hughes, C 20 2-OZ. PATTIES - SAVE 30c fo Mr. Parlapiano .The Rev, Gerald Ji McCiarry performed tho Miss Sally Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr. and Cranford. ' •• i— SAVE. MORRIS AVENUE AT CHURCH MALL son'of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Merchant of Tex- p Toward th* purchai* ol HAM STEAKS b 98 Miss Mlchele Lorraine Tronolone, daughter Mrs. David Meyerrose of WaOkegan, 111., the- ceremony at O_ur Lady of Lourdes Church, Mrs. David Rosenblatt of Kingston, Pa., was. Games are held every Mon- RANCHERS •! I SPRINGFIELD arkana, Texas. • bride's sister-in-law,' served as matron of married May 31 to Ronald Jay Faber, son of • E day at 8:15 p.m. at the Y. TWO CUYS .1" of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tronolone of 213 Mountainside. * A" reception followed at the PIUSBURY 6 PACK PASTOR: THE REV. BRUCE-.W. EVANS, D.D. Robin Hood rd., Mountainside, w'as married Mayor Henry J. Bultman of Springfield offi- honor. Bridesmaids were tile groom's sister, bride's home. Sydney Faber of Springfield and die late Mrs. SLICED U.S.D.A. CHOICE.CALIF. CHUCK _,"^~ BEEF 69 Sunday — 10 a.m., union summer service ciated at the ceremony in the bride's home. Margaret Ranzau of Mountainside, and Melodl Faber. . •• N INSTANT BREAKFAST June 20 to Frank M. Parlapiano, son of Mr. — Catherine Napier of Springfield served as u LL l In, conjunction with the Springfield Emanuel A dinner party followed at Wieland's Steak Mlers of Greensburg. Diana Corbin of Greens- COOD ONLY AT TWO CUYS' COLD CUTS and Mrs. Frank B. Parlapiano of Summit. mad if honor. Susan Gregorio of Mountainside On sabbatical POT ROAST c u b, 79 PATTIES 2'/2 Methodist Church will be held in the Methodist The Rev. Raymond Aumnck performed the House, Mountainside. , ; burg served as flower girl. was the bridesmaid. Rabbi Arnold Shevlin of Temple B'nai B'rith,. CITY CUT-COUNTRY STYLE ' _ U.S.D.A. CHOICE FOR BAR-B-Q ' _ _ Church, Child tare will be provided; Aninfbr- . Mrs. Renee Bain of Cranford, sister of the, Wilkes-Barre,~Pa., performed the ceremony at Dr. Betty Linthlcum,'pro- 1 ceremony at Our Lady of Lburdes Church, The groom's brother, William J, Ranzau,. The groom's brother, Gary Kellaway, served ( C mal coffee hour will be held foUpWfn&ihe bride, served as matron of honor. Helena' the Treadway Motor Inn, Wllkes-Borre, A" fessor of biology at Newark BAG • Mountainside. A reception followed at the served as best man. Qroomsmen were David as best man. Walter Lenehan, the bride's reception and dinner followed. State College, Union, has been SPARE RIBS b 75BEEF SHORT RIBS *. 65 settee. • ^^ Mountainside Inn, Mountainside. Kloder of Spring Valley, N.Y., served as maid brother, and Charles Murphy, both of Moun- HAWAIIAN of honor; . Meyerrose, the bride's brother, and Irvine granted a sabbatical leave with SWIFT PREMIUM, PLUMP tY JUICY STEER SLICED " „ _ Mrs. Carole Stoffanolll of Plalnfleld served B, Johnstohe 111 of Mountainside, the'groom's ' talnslde, were ushers,- Jim O'Quinn of Houston, Texas, served as Rebecca Rosenblatt ser.ved as mold of honor full pay for the forthcoming C -•J: '•:'. . • ST. JAMES as matron of honor.] Mrs. Reglha Vietro of brother. Ushers were William Kleckner of Mrs. Kellaway is a ^graduate of David for her sister. Bridesmaids were AllisonCor- Baseball Batting - Go Karts S* SPRINGFIELD AVE., SPRINGFIELD academic year.. A'member of BEEF LIVER , 49 PUNCH . Mountainside wastheUrldesmald.DebraCrlstoi AUentown, Pay, and Roger Sermersheim of Brearley High School, Kenllworth. ter of Kingston, Pa., and Susan PoritsKy of Archery • Table Tennis - Skee Ball* U.S.D.A. CHOICE LEAN FOR STEW M^ 7 99 MSGR; FRANCIS X. COYLE, PASTOR Following a honeymoon trip to Kansas and the college faculty since 1957, COV'T( . INSPECTED 3 Vi-lb. AVC. ' _ of Summit served as fnwer girl. i Princeton, Ind. Douglas Meyerrose, the bride's Her husband is stationed with the U.S. Army Philadelphia. . • Swinging Cages • Pony apd Horse Rides Dr. Linthlcum plans to do ad- Toward thi purchaM ol m cans Mm Jm REV. EDWARD OEHLING, Edward Ruggler'aP'of Summit served as best' ' Texas, the'couple will'reside in Jackson- cousin, served as rinprbearer. Jeffrey Meyer- in P'ort Hood, Texas, BEEF CUBES b 89 C SAU SEA CLAM OR SHRIMPp ville, N.C. ditional research during her CHASE &SANBORN ROASTING CHICKEN ib 45 • REV. ROCCO L. COSTANTINO, man. Louis Cristo of Summit was the usherJ rose, the bride's brother served as acolyte. •Following .the honeymoon trip through the Lawrence Budish of Springfield served as. leave period. COCKTAIL I 4-OZ. 89 REV. PAUL L. KOCH, Benedict SteffanelU of Plalnfleld served ai Following a honeymoon; .the couple will South, the couple will reside in Texas. best man. Ushers were Andrew Breitoart of ; ASSISTANT PASTORS rlhg bearer. Springfield and Christopher Bennet ot Newton, 1-LB. CAN COFFEE Hl-C OR CIRCUS TIP TOP ALL FLAVORS M reside in Owensboro, Ky, ALL FLAVORS 'Saturday — Confessions from 4 to 5 p.m. Mrs. Parlapiano Is a graduate of Gov. Muss. FRUIT DRINKS 6-OZ. Mass at 7 p.m. David W. Alcott4JI bom GOOD ONLY AT TWO GUYS CANS' Livingston Regional High School, Berkeley FRUIT DRINKS 5 49' Sunday — Masses at 7, 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 Heights, and the Laboratory Institute of Mer- Mrs. Faber is a graduate of the University O«» coupon (Mr fUllomar. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia with a bachelor Oesd thru l«l.. July 4.1970 BLUE RIBBON NAPKINS a.m. and at noon. •_ ' . ,. chandising, New Yqrk City. She is head copy- Miss Stqckfleth on tour at Elizabeth General Dally masses at 7 and 8 p.m. , writer for Montgomery Ward, New York City. of arts degree in psycho'loRy. *• . —- APPETIZING DEPT. Confessions Monday through' Friday from Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace Alcott of 539 ALL - Her Husband is a graduate of Summit High of Far East, Australia E. Elizabeth ave.; Linden, have announccd_the _ Her husband is a graduate of the Wbarton TWO GUYS SODA FLAVORS DOMESTIC ,7:15 to 7:45 p.m. No. confessions on Sundays, School and the Culinary Institute of America, School of Finance and Commerce of USE Uni- holy days and eves of holy days. Miss H. Virginia Stackfleth of 83 Kipling birth of their son, David W. Alcott 111, on New Haven, Conn. He served in the U, S,-Navy June 4, at Elizabeth Cieneral Hospital. versity of Pennsytvania^with • a bachelor of. KOSHER OR CHOPPED passes" — On eves of holy days at 7 p.m.; and is employed by Rpd's Restaurant. He Is ave,, Springfield, left last Thursday for Japan - science degreejn economics,'' SPRINGFIELD BRANCH POLISH STYLE on holy days at 7, 8, ffund 10 a.m.jhd 7 p.m. • where she will visit Expo '70. • T.he baby«which weighed 7 pounds, 2,'bunces planning to enter Middlesex County College at birth, is tho graptbon of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. -Towardth*purchai*ol . Mil ••••••••« •%»«'••«* LB. Baptisms at 2 p.m. Arrangements made be In the fall. ' . •• , :. . • She then will tour Thailand, the Philippines Following a summer trip to Europe, the •* PORK OR HAM made in advance^• Indonesia, Singapore and Australia and will Alcott of 326 Rolling Rock rd., Mountainside, couple will reside in Philadelphia — VEGETARIAN Following (i honeymoon In Puerto Rico, the and Mr. and Mrs. C. Qliartorvich of Wayside. _Ht AWN1 SYLVESTER'S REALTY CORNERI - couple will reside in Springfield. visit friends in Auckland, New Zealand. She 3 BARS m HEINZ BEANS OUR LADY OF LOURDES EMPRESS FANCY will return home Aug.. 1. SOLID IN WATER 300 CENTRAL AVE., MOUNTAINSIDE LIFEBUOBUY 2, GEYT 1 SOA FREE P 12 «,„,„ TUMA EVVV GERALD J. McGARRY, PASTOR IVACATION SPECIAL! COOD ONLY AT.TW0 CUYS REV. GERARD B. WHELAN JELL-0 1-2-3 DESSERT ... ,.< REV. RAYMOND D. AUMACH Patricia-LrHaefeli TWO GU1M TRADING MAMP ASSISTANT MINfSTERS 467-1130 | HUNT OR PRIDE Sunday — Masses nt 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 CALL TOMATO KETCHUP OF THE FARM ONE BOOK SPECIAL apd_12_noon. • — is engaged to wed TOUR 100* IJ M tOWARO IHI * Weekdays —-Masses at-7-ruid 8 a.m. First 964-8211 ^~ " Mrr and"Mrs. Gerard A. Haefeli of Wes^ield BOLD "WITH NEW ENZYME SAVIS FrWay, 7, 8 and 11:30 ajn. — ,• Miraculous Medal Noven'a and Mass: Mon- have announced the engagement of their daugh- r ^T Toward the purchau IOITOFF PA day at 8 p.m. i - , ' ter, Patricia Louise, to James C, Helmllch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Heimllch of fulldays+ •jj 3 B ALL DETERGENT LABEL - CABANA" ! Benediction during the schoolyear on Fri- XWELL HO days at 2:30 p.m. 351 Longvlew dr., Mountainside. 7 VVATERFLOAT Miss Haefeli is a graduate of Holy Trinity Baptisms on Sunday at 2 p.m.'by appoint- INSTAN10-OZT. JACOFFER E ill SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS ment, ' • High School and will graduate from Trenton 1 1050 free miles COOD ONLY AT TWO CUYS State College in January. New and Dialing ptychvdelic . Confessions: Every Saturday and evesof Holy On« coupon ptr cutlomtr. Days and First Fridays, from 5 to 5:30 and Her fiance Is a graduate of Holy Trinity Oood Ihfu lot.. July 4.1970 luck. & red prfuif. Full wrap High School .and Seton Hall University, South FLUFFO GOLDEN SHORTENING ctiound polypiopylonu low YOU mil .... • from 7iS0 to 9 p.m.' . . MISS PATRICIA ANN CASTILLO UL 7/2/70 99 Oranga. He is attending Seton HallLawSchool. and pull ropo. Stylo 521?. •»» [ •10. littVliaf'iM 1.5? . An April wedding is planned. CRISCO OIL 24-oz. bottle _ SEASONAL fttPT. AMTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH S. SPRINGFELD AVE., SPRINGFIELD Patricia Castillo COUPONkrCgp: REV. CLARENCE ALSTON, PASTOR BAKERY -more lor your money! WEEKLY SPECIAL Saturday — 3 p.m., Church School choir Toward th* purchaM a Tub Surprise shower is engaged to wed FREE rehearsal. yvilluuil >i Ir.ui' of sii|H>rfluiHi'i li.iir is oyery 4 PKCS. - SANDWICH 2rlb. PULLMAN _ ~ ONION _ Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Castillo of 1090 Pay lor only the gat you actually use 6-OZ. SIZE pkg.. ASHTRAYS worship service, 7 p.m., evening fellowship. . Prospect ave,, Mountainside, have announced woman'* wish, espi\ i.illv now suni- ( Biy 4 rtuupclisli. burnprool, onortetl colon. for Miss Dreesen AIR o!6 Wednesday — 8, p.m., midweek service. 1 ROYAL GELATIN WHITE BREAD 39 BUN ROLLS 2 K ?4 l the engagement of their daughter, Patricia IIUT'K hrrr. Our c\rliiMvi' IA l.isi Ht'i - HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG _ _ PLAIN OR MARBLE __ Miss Terry Lee Dreesen of 344 Raccoon Ann, to Robert A, Masseau, son of Mrs. CONDITIONING" COOD ONLY AT.TWO CUYS Hollow, Mountainside, was recently honored Robert A. Masseau of Montclalr an,d die late iioK"ti'. I ii'.il niciil u'lnnvi". h.iir gently, POUND CAKE RING at a surprise bridal shower at the home of Mr. Masseau. |Uinli'sslv, lorevcr. Oo iiuiu1 in tor a pri- ROLLS ,27 ^7 89 DISCOVER Mrs. Anthony Mortaruolo of Warren. Wo honor Amaricsn Expreii. Dintn. Cifli Blinchi. plui our crodit did PKG. OF 12 «, «»<* TWISTS 1-3 4-lh BOX _,_ The bride-elect graduated from high school WITH A FOOD PURCHASE Of' ] OR MOM THE Hostesses were Mrs. Paul McPherson, the in Bogota, Colombia, and attonded college in M.ili' I'unMill.wion vs'illi OMI'VI our i'\pt'iK. WOULD HOUSEWARES DEPT. bride-elect's sister, Miss Dale Bebblno and Arizona. Sh,e is employed by Addressograph- Tlinr's no 'liarj-.c, of course, ('.ill ,170-7000 ENGLISH MUFFINS 39 THIN PRETZELS 79 OF Miss,Alison Bebblno, the prospective groom'B Multlgraph of Mountainside. 1 TRAVEL sisters, Mrs. Robert DeFreltas, Miss Fran Her fiance Is employed by Sea-LahdService lor xmir .ippoinlmnn. Tin HIMUIV Salon. DeMauro, Miss Marie Delia Pella dnd Mrs. TOURS . CRUISE8 . AIR Inc. as a supervisor In Saigon, Vietnam^ OPltN DAILY STEAMSHIP . BUS , RAIL Mortaruolo. About 45 persons attended. A May wedding Is planned. / •J:JO A.M. 'TM. III v.u. Wo roiorve tho right to limit DOMESTIC . INTERNATIONAL Miss Dreesen And Marc Bebblno of Berkeley OPKN HAT. Jlll.V Itll quantltiei. Not tuipomtblo (or Heights will be married on A\ig. 29 In the 'liaO A.M. "I'll. 6 P.M typographical crron. Prlcn, «|. EARLY COPY UNION «.*.at Morris Ave. HUN()AV« loitlve thru Sat.. July 4. 1970. Springfield Trawl Service Presbyterian Church of Westfield. A licensee of Budget Rent-A-Cif Corporation 10 A.M.,'Til. ft P.M. Publicity Chairmen are urged to observe *lrur S'lluH AIIUWDII Uv !.uw NEVER A SERVICE CHARGE the Friday deadline for other than/spot DR 9-6767 EXECUTIVES' r«qd our Wonl Adi whin hiring news. Include your name, addres^l and J50 Mounlnln Av»., SjilnglUla. N.J. • mploy«ii> Brag about youri«ll for only S3.201 Call 6B6-7700, dally 9 to 5:00. phone number. I'lWHHills mi tw ~U4*; dtmr.wrw'i'frw n- • A *>.. Elliott! Greenwood, 1 '" V •• • • .• . • •••—•. * . • •- ..••-*„.' '• . •.--.' •' ••" ""•' Curtis Klinger Jr. Charles T. Sacks, -Thursday, July 2, 1970- married Sunday \ Lebau named United Fund director DunriMs appointed u ^ KI U J* M. TI is wed Saturday in ElainePolicastro to Suburban Trust .Henry G. Nulfon dies at 71; are Saturday inBW Abraham for Eastern section of Union County Lutheran Church Miss Elaine Neva PoUcai Miss Ellen Jane Manes of Brighton. Mass.,' . , UghWoTMrg.- Peter MaHM ofWewttgeBeilB, -.Harry Lebau, executive director emeritus and the present $2,000,000 structure on Green Mlss-Nancy-Loulsfi'-Scoar-daughw and Mrs. Donald Policastro of USO unit in this area. Gerard j. Dunn, office executive of Suburban, Services were held Saturday for Henry G. Mr, Nulton was a former chairman of the and Mrs. Frederick F. Scott of Cheltenham, was married Saturday afternoon to Chart N.Y., and the late Mr. Manes, was married of the YM-YWHA, Union, has: been named lane, Union. . . One bf the organizers of the local Community Sunday afternoon "to Elliot N. Greenwood of ' executive director, pro tern, of the Eastern' In 1963 he assumed the burden of trying to Trust Company's Springfield' avenue office in Nulton, 71, of Hillside who died Thursday at finance committee of the Republican County Pa., was married Saturday tpCurtisC.Kllnger Thomas Sacks,, son of Mr. and Mrs; Clement- Chest (now the- United Services and United Westfield, has been elected an assistant vice- Newton Memorial Hospital, Newton, after Committee and. a former chairman of the Jr.;" son of the .Rev. arid Mrs. CurtisCKlinger Sacks of 6.37 Jefferson ave., Kenilwb'rtb. Allston, Mjss., son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Arthur Union County United Community Service's and complete the structure then building In Green Fund), and its first secretary in 1933, he and Greenwood of 450 Colonial ave,. Union. the United Fund, It was announced by Roland lane. He retired ss director emeritus in 1968. president. The election was announced by suffering an apparent heart attack. He served board of trustees of Union College, Cranford, of West Orange. The Rev. Mr. Klinger is the The Rev. Joseph Granato officiated at the Chard, president Me succeeded William A, Mrs. Lebau have been Identified with every president Paul C. Bosland, following a meeting seven five-year terms as Ufflon County clerk of whlph he was a founder In 1932. • minister of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Irv- Dr. Joachim Prinz. officiated at the cew* -Mrs. Lebau and he were elected honorary campaign of the fund since then. In L968-69, of the board of directors this week. nuptial mass and ceremony in St. Lucy's mony ln the Suburban House-of the Temple -Richards on Juty'lr when Richards left to ' directors for life, • •• .. priorto retlring'in 1966. In 1931, he was appointed assistant director ington. ' • , Church, Newark. A reception followed at De accept 0 post with the Morris County United he served as the drive's general chairman. Dunn started with Suburban Trust Company Born In Elizabeth, Mr. Nulton lived In Hill- of Emergency Relief 1.1 Union County and later The ceremony was performed in St. Paul's B'nai Abraham, South Orange. A reception While president of the area social workers' That year the fund surpassed the $700,000 in 1964 In the Cranford office, moved to the Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Malo's in Whippany. . - followed ln the garden of.the temple. •• Fund. : • :oup in the Thirties, he helped reorganize mark for the first time. side for the past 35 years. He was an attorney became the director. " .. j_ Lynn S. Scott and Mrs. Evan B. Lloyd Jr...... bride was escorted by herfatner. Mrg. TTi» hHHo man nnrnrtp/l by her brother, J started liio-career-by-serving as a fUzabeth's Recreation. Department. He also Lebau is an emeritus of the National Asso- Scotch Plains office as assistant secretary- _and a member of the N, J. Bar Association. Mr, Nulton Is survived by his wife, Mrs, were honor attendants for their sister. Brides- Cosmo D'Andrea of North Caldwell served as' Steven, Manes of New Rochelle. Joan Auerbach _ •. representative nf ths Jntulnh Wfilfnp» ppn worlced-on-the. mayor's l.nhnrand .Inriugtrlal- -ei-aUpn-of-Jewish—WorkersH'oWs-two-UjSs- treasurer and assistant office executive and. At the time of his death he was attorney to _J...JEieanorlJVhittemore-Nulton; four" sons,' maids were Mrs. Ablert Bott Jr. of Phila- matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Arlene of Roslyn, N.Y., cougln of the bride, served-' at an Army general hospital after being dis- Relations Commission, He organized the first Army citations for civilian services in World was named oHlce executive at Springfield thTKenllworth Board of Education. Henry G. Jr. of San Diego, CaL, Frank I. delphia, Mrs. John Heck of Philadelphia, Mrs. Sacks of Kenllworth, sister of the groom, arid asrnaid of honor, ' . charged from the Medical Corps' In early 1919. vocational educational forum In Elizabeth; Wars I and II; has several "Man of the avenue last December.-He Js a member of the ' A veteran of World Wars Iondll.Mr. Nulton of Hillside,, Roger M. of Chicago and Edmund 'Thereafter, he served as the pioneer director Berkeley Heights Rotary, tfteWeBtfleldCouncil . was a major general and commander of the of Union; a sister, Mrs. James P. Mitchell Allan Rlchman of Maryland and Donna Garncau Elaine MellUo of Bloomfleld. Michael J. :Greenwood of East Brunswick founded' and conducted the Lyceum community Year" awards, and has been honored In and Mrs. Edward Roehm of Connecticut. served as best man for his brother. of the Hebrew Educational Socfoty InBrooklyn, forum foe 25 years; was assistant war fund many other ways. He has written extensively Knights -of Columbus and the American In- 78th Division, Army Reserves, when he re- of Cranford widow of the former secretary Fred Weder. of Parjslppany served as best' Mrs. Greenwood, who was graduated from N.Y. and the YMAHs of: Birmingham, Ala., and stitute of Banking. •• Ured from the service-in 1960. • of labor; Uircebrothera. William M. of High- John 0. Klinger served as best man for his man. Ushers were Qonald policastro of New-' director: organized the Eastern Union County In Kin fields. A grailuutB u[ 3cotcfa-Platns-Hl|tu~Suliui)lr' -+iB WflB 4 membek- 61 UieVcfllty 0! Tk-lnlty brother. Ushers were Jay R. Saunders of West Rpchelle High School and Boston Unl- " Boston, Mass".•" .•:•"• Jewish Council and United Jewish Appeal and . The Lebaus reside at 828 Linden ave., land Park, Gerdld of Budd Lake and Warren ark, brother of the bride, and Cosmo D'- verslty- teochos school in Belmont,- Mass. • JDunn has attended Ithaca College, Seton Hall Episcopal Church and a member und past of Trenton, and eight grandchildren. Orange, Jeffrey Rekoon of West Orange, Philip Andrea of North Caldwell. - • Before coming to Elizabeth in late 1926, he directed it fo9l0 years, and developed the first Elizabeth. University and was graduated from the New president of the board of managers of. St. Keidel of Ambler, Pa., Joseph Geschel of Her husband, who was graduated from Union • worked for the Joint distribution committee Mrs. Sacks, who was graduated-from Arts High School "iind Boston University, where he jersey Bankers Association Public Relations Elizabeth Hospital, Elizabeth. Allentown, Pa., Gordon Bennett cf^Easton,.Pa., raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in School at Princeton. '• '!, He was appointed as a fl^ecler k In the • and Edward Roehm of West,Reddlng, Conn. High School, Newark, and Newark State Col-' received, a degree in economics, is a candi- .Canada and upper New YorKState for Jewish lege, is an English teacher at David Brear- date for a tnaster*s^degree at the Boston' Social Security applicants advised Durtn arid his wife Elizabeth have three chil- county clerk's office In 1919 after graduating ' Mrs. Klinger is a graduate of Muhlenberg . relief overseas. .• . * dren and presently reside in Gillette* . from the old Mercer Beasley Law School. Student peace unit College. .. ••..•• ley Regional High School, Kenllworth. University Graduate School of Business Ad- In his 37 years as director of the'Elizabeth ministration. He is ln.the~tLS. Arrrty Re- He later advanced to chief clerk, Mr. Nulton Her husband, who was graduated from the Her husband, who was graduated from Jona- association, It grew frohi a membership of 300 ran for county clerk in 1936 and was re-elected Pingry School, Muhlenberg College and the New ' MISS BARBARA MPYANEK. than Dayton Regional High School, Springfield, serve, 357th Civil Affairs Unit, Boston Army to nearly 5,000. He Is credited with haying to bring all necessary documents to sponsor political, Base in Massachusetts, • ^*^ been instrumental In the erection of the old 2. mvn chosen to lead* to the first of his seven terms. York Institute of Finance, is a registered is employed as a manager at Mayfair Essp M Be prepared when you go to file for social earnings in the current year. Your payroll • • • representative with DeHaven and Townsend Service Station in Kenilworth. ' Hollowing a honeymoon trip, to Londfircwd i',',Y .building on E. Jersey.street, Elizabeth, security benefits, Ralph W. Jones, district office can usually provide you with the esti- for6nr'6n mail service , MR. NULTON SAW ACTION In France with' and Crouter -and Bodine In New York Clry. Lipyahek-Cocca Paris, the, couple will reside ln Brlghtoft^ manager of the Elizabeth social security office, mate of current year earnings. Co. A of the 111th Machlne-Gun Battalion, education projects Following a honeymoon trip to Bermuda, Mass. I ••' - •' '• • . \ said this week. "If you come prepared, you will ( the couple will reside in lrvlngton. . -Marriage certlficate-lf a wife or widow Is 6i Piter McColough, president and chief 29th DWiBlon, In World Warl and was wounded A new student peace-group, Aware, is ' ''iMiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii* be assured of recelvirigyourfirstcheckpromp- filing. , • . •• executive officer of Xerox Corp., and E.T. at Meuse-Argonne. During World War II he working in the 12th Congressional District Enamel for furniture engagement told tly," he-added. ••Discharge papers-lf. worker had military "Klassen, deputy postmaster general, have been CHARGE FOlTPTcWRES ' was wounded by mortar fire In New Guinea. this summer and fall to Improve political Jazz up old furniture with a colorful coat of _ Jones made these suggestions on the docu- , service. named cochoirman of National Postal Forum ln JunB l922 • he Joined the 114th Infantry! education of the voters ln this district. -The Mr. and Mrs. MichaelLipyanek of Balmoral 'There is o charge of $3for - ' IV, Postmaster General Winton M. Blount enamel. Your most battered pieces can be avenue, Union, have announced the engagement ments or Information applicants should bring- -Addresses pf' doctors and hospitals wheiSe „, n .. n~._i w, M mn.m, Nj ^ National Guard, In which he sarvodas group is planning a series of information worthy of living room display because enamel of their daughter, Miss Barbara Helen To Publicity Chairmen: wedding and.engagement pictures.., with them: treatment has been received-lf tiio ,pef50(1 Is said this week. a commissioned officer for 10•years. .. projects. covers scars and scratches. And'it can add Tnere is no charge for the on-'' ^Social security numbers-not only the work- filing for disability benefits. ^ *» The forum, to be held Oct. 26 and 27 After spending the next decade as a member The. group as a whole Is not backing any Lipyanek, to Charles Vincent Cocca,' son of at the Washington' Hilton Hotel, annually at- dramatic impact to a room. Be bold.. Try Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cocca of 132 North 20m , Would you like some help nouncoment, whether with or' er's number, but* the numbers of' all eligible , -Name and address of schdofclf a child Is" of the Officer's Reserve Corps, ho went on' particular congressional candidate for the • MRS. CHARLES. T. SACKS between 18 and 22 and s.ttendbif scKool. 'tracts more than .2,000 top business and daring shades like mustard yellow, bright St., Kenllworth. in preparing newspaper re- without a picture.. Persons sub-^ TRY US' dependents such as wife, widow, and children, active duty ln February of 1942 and served November election although Award does ex- MRS. CURTIS C.:KLINGER JR. turquoise blue, Chinese red or emerald green. -Proof of age-birth or baptismal certificate. - -Dates and records ol previous marriages- Government executives to discuss the nature until 1945 when he went on-reserve status, pect that many of its mombere will politically Mlssf Uipyanek, a graduate of the Berkeley mitting wedding or engagement 540- NORTH , Secretarial School, is employed by. the law leases? Write to this news- -Dafa on earnings for the past year and the if either—spouse, has been married before. and quality of' mall service and to suggest Hisr medals Included the Combat Infantry- support Individual candidates. Interested stu- firm of Pollack and Markson, Kenllworth. paper and ask for our "Tips Summer sunburn pictures may enclose the $3 poy- (N.or MoirU current year. This can be the worker's W2 "This list Includes the most common In-, methods olimprovlng it,. , man's Badge, the Bronze Star, the Purple dents are arranging a district-wide lecture ment pr "Include . a note asking, ' OPEN JJONN., , THURS. _In income tax form for the past-year; Income tax formation needed. If you have questions as Heart and the Presidential Unit Citation. sorios to bring important political and edu- Her fiance, a graduate of R.E.T.S. Elec- on Submitting News re- Sunburn, summertime's most common mis- * » • Minister from Ontario, Ganada tronics School, is employed by R.C.L. Elec- leases." • hap, is actually a first-degree burn and should that they be billed. return if self-employed; and an estimate of to what you will need," Jones said "'telephone • . FRIDAY DEADLINE cational' figures to the'area to speak this tronics, lrvlngton, as an electronic technician. 352-7400 the office before visiting. The representative .. MJl. NULTON WAS a member of the-EUza- summer. - be treated as such. ; , , , _' iiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnuiH Pork i« our lol odloetnl fo building there will be pleased to tell you what proofs All iloms othor than spot news should be beth Klwanls Club and was president of the The groilp also has plans to set up 'informa- LAST THOSE BOGSI Find on' Ext>q*Hiotor In the yop will need." . • ^ in our office by noon on Friday. group in 1953, He was on the advisory com- tion booths at shopping centers and has set ClotolfledSacllonl mittee of the Salvation Army; Argonne Post 6, July 11 as a tentative date for its first booth. called to Orchard Park Church American Legion; Union Council, Boy Scouts At the group's second meeting of the sum- of America, Col. Martin—Pfc. Kelmig Post 29th mer on June 18 in Springfield, approximately The Orchard Park Church of the Christian Division, Association, the Elizabeth Lodge of •25 Interested'young people were present. and Missionary Alliance, Union,' called to its Elks and La Societo des Homines and Chevaux, Local representatives of the League of Women ministry, the- Rev. Alexander Harold McNciUy Azure Lodge 129 F&AM and several other . Voters were also there to advise Aware stu- of Canada. He came to Union In the middle of groups. ,'•'..-. donts about methods to encourage greater June^ .' . , . voter registration in the 12th district. The Rev, McNally was born In Hamilton, Tho group.was reminded that the effort Ontario. He received his elementary and must be made to get potential voters to regi- secondary education In that city. After gradu- Sherman retains ster, at their respective municipal buildings ating from Ontario Bible College In Toronto, before the Sept. 24 deadline. Any young per- he received a B. S. degree in-theology from son Interested in this newly-formed man- Nyack Missionary College, Ny%ck, N.Y. and a heart group post power peace group should" contact Geoff Swett ' B. D. degree from Gordon Divinity School, Harold Sherman of Elizabeth has boon re- at 889-8767 ln Scotch Plains. Wenharn, Mass. Later he completed his studies elected chairman of the board of trustees of toward a MJi. degree in theology in the field the Union County Heart Association. Sherman, of church history at Westminster Theological a retired consultant for the Metropolitan'Life Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. lnsuranco Company, has been a member of the 140 artists exhibit While attending Gordon Divinity School, he Heart Association' board for nine years. He was pastor of the Union Congregational Church also lias been a member of the executive board in York Beach, Maine. Upon graduation from of the New Jersey Heart Association for two in show at Hillside" Divinity School he worked as associate pastor SWIFT'S PREMIUM GRADE A . years and a director of the state organiza- A total of 140 artists exhibited at the sixth with Dr. A. W. Tozer, evangelical author and See Windows tion for five years. annual outdoor show sponsored by Creative lecturer In the Avenue Road Church of the Sherman, a. native of Elizabeth, was Arts of Hillside. The show was held Sunday, Christian and Missionary Alliance In Toronto, for Holiday 'graduated from Battin High School. He attended June 21, at the Hillside Community Pool. Canada. The Rev. Mr. McNally also has held Pennsylvania State University. Sherman also .Award winners were: Best in- show, Pearl pastorates In Peterboro, Ontario and Montreal, taught underwriting training courses for 10 Plegari; first prize, oils, Elizabeth Rozano; Quebec. » . Store Hours. years. •second prize, oils, Jeanette Katz; third prize, His wife, Ruth, born In Toronto, is a graduate He in a past prosldont of the Union County oils, Claire Brand; honorable mention, oils and acrylics, Aaron Goldberg, Matilda Relt- of Ontario Bible College. Their children are DEEP BASTED Lite Underwriters Association and wan a Shelda Anne, 9, Tom, 8, and Darlene, 5. M kinds ol lood thinji to ett. And drink! RijM here in our member of the Million-Dollar Roundtable for man, Sally Katchen, Tom Marino, Stanley OVEN READY GRAND UNION-rRIBD An Installation service is planned for the gijnt-stie ftttftn. Find il Uia litnous bnnds Includinj our three years. • Starr. ; ' near future and will be announced. REV. ALEXANDER H. MCNALLY 7 TO 14 He i.s a.past president of the Union County Water color, pen and ink, pastels: first aim. All IrHM loodi... tal, flivMful Hid Monomiul, loo. POUNDS Chicken? Basket Voa iwve every ounce you buy. No p«In|t, no unsle. All value. Life Underwriters Association and was a prize, Irving Earlin; second prize, Marylynn member of the Million-Dollar RoUfidtablc for , Newmark; third prize, Susan Rohde; honor- : PACKAOE three yeaTBT"! ~8Bte mention, Sidney i-ree~dfnSn; Gertrude Sherman and his wife, the former Virginia Kreps, Patricia Krajcach; mixed medla.flrst Schecker, have a married daughter and two prize, Lois Young; second prize, Shlrlee CUTGREEN BEANS'^ BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN •s. grandchildren. Silverstein; third prize, Cello Klimek; chil- 6RAWWHW.IUK9 drens' category, first prize, Fran'Horvath; GREEN PEAS BOILED HAM ^\ NEEDLESS DEATHS • second prize, Gary Wienik; third: prize, Steve- 11 uwim' Skin^concer will cause s^rne 5,000 deaths Amhl. BROCCOLI a.™ 2 HotDpgs In America in 1970. Tho American Cancer Tho judges for the show were Hannah_Hoff- CHICKEN SALAD Society says that most skin cancer can be man and S. AUyn Schaeffer. Awards were pre-, prevented by avoidance of excessive sun or sented to the'^wmners. by Gertrude Kreps, easily cured if troated>«^mptly., . . director. '*Marren elected SARA LEE DANISH iby a I urn ni group WKS-SJOTH'SPIE "a REGULAR OR MINT . James R. Marren of Bay- SEMIANNUAL CLEARANCE r«. GRIST ^ ASPARAOTS SPEARS'K169 onne has.been elected presi- TOOTHPASTE 8 dent of the 9,000 member St. <«ritl si SAVE MORE ON LAROE Peter's Alumni Association it was announced by Frederick MACARONI & CHEESE ir 39 Family Size Packs J. Jacques, executive director .SB STRAWBERRIES 2 3 POUNDS OR MORE t«J«fiMCOOOlH«UtA> HIM of the association. . SARA LEE DANISH i::79 A 1957 graduate of St. Pd- fENTER CUT.WATH A ter's Collego, Jorsey City, Mdrren was treasurer of tile alumni association last year, HrtMSTfAK and served as chairman of che annual Alumni Loyalty SHO Waffles Fund Drivo, 5S-SH0 Public Notice. H0E mmknLissWL-%. rnEFNOIANT "Notice it horoby RtVon Uut sualed* > £un bid, vUl \x rnculved by TT1E MAYOR ,£S-SH0 Nibleis or Green Beans AND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUOH OF mnrwr* ROSCUL.E:' for Urn ToconatruaUon at lunmH-nnaiiTni ' RA1UTAN nOAD llv4ho Ooraufftl of. Ro- • SHOES- aoUa in thp Countyfof Union, with a FA - BC Bitumlnoua Conorote aurfAoo GREENBEANS '- upon a Qltumlnoui StflbiUErd Bjno and' Ponotratlon Macadam, osttmnted amount of FA-BC-i furfaca pavnmunt requirod I GRAPEiJElLY '* l> 000 tons olfiitumlnouiStabUliodBaao CE CREAM NOVElTiESF c foundadon 1900 square yarda; and CHILDREN'S SHOES GIRLS & ~ j_ BATrao^nssiuE -j| ial: 3 3 onenod and road In public at Borough ta c Kail, Raniwrtur -on -July 307 1010— SANDWICHES . 8D Mclnlish Applesauce at 8:30 P.M.V Diylljlil Saving Timo, DRESS & PLAY WOMENS FLATS Drawingfl, gpoctllcatloiui and forma ' uunmu.ciwnviuICE CREAM BARi S Ud>, cuitracti and bond for tho — $£00 $*Q00 Kraft Miracle Wfcip TWIN'ICEPOPS ^ boon (ilmJ—in the office of tlic oaid DIXIE CUPS 'SAVE CASH AND BLUE STAMPS^ -WWDIWRAP — Ejurinnor at Ttiti RoaoUi* Borough Hall, eiAinomi-ruvoi Jello f-2-3 . 210 Clmrtnut Street, Roaollo, New Jor- R^G. TO $14.00 "REG. $14.00 WRBSBk BEEFCHUNKS uuy. 07203, and of wild Commiaitlanpr C Muellers Elbow Macaroni of TranapoMatlon, fronton, N.J, and thu MCEBARS SKY HI CONES ';69 Dtviaion of Loaol Govvrnrnvnt Aid C Dlatrlct Office, totintod at Tonnook Ar- VCE°CREAMSLICESU."79 mory. Toonwk Avenut-and Liberty Road. SACK-O-SUNDAES *.*69 feanockw^t ^_1V ,11 1 ^_.No. |Hwtad^l Jcrsoyl rt^#l Snai, tuul ||Hl tbmsa y be In- FOR FEET THAT NEED\ apoctod by pi Uve bidders during UWnMIICIWU buainesa hour". ero will bo fumiahod CREHE FREEZE BARS witti n copy of Ule BpocUlontionfl and blue 8H0PQRAND UNION FOR THE FRESHEST PRODUCE IN TOWN prints of the drainnizp by tho Endnuor TENDER LOVING CARE! DON'T MISS IT! on propur natioe am pnymrnts of coat of preparation. Dlrta muut U> mndc on Ldnw propoaol forms in thu mnnnur We pride ourselves on our ability to filj dfoigratud Uit'ruln and-required by MJm SEA PILOT aptHiiftcntionn, must bo rncloaod In doctor's prescriptions for special shoes arra Here's your chance to complete your OlMIDUHIOH-MinD ld onvrlopou, buoring Urn lunu- nnd aildroaa of blddur ami nanio of the road SWEET PICKLES on outatdo adrfruflflud to Mayor and Coun- shoe adjustments to the letter. Edwards wardrobe at .wonderful savings. Red Plums Cantaloupes cil, noruush of Hofli'tlo, 210 Chvittnut FRESHBAKC • KINO SIZE PILLSBURV Strout, HoauUe, Nuw Jorstiy, OXi03, nnd muut bt- accompaiuotl by a Non-CoUusion Pedic shoes are designed to meet every WOMENS WOMENS ICHILDRENS ftiruijvit nnd a fortified check (or not HershBi Sirup While Bread loss than ton (10} per control the amount prescription need ... and still retain,the DREM I CASUAL Biscuits liquid Prell bid. provided naid check nood not W moro than $20,000,00 nor shall not bo ITALIAN SANDALS IDEAL FOR OUTDOOR LIVING Wtta Uwn $500,00 iintl bv dulivercti ut style and smart good looks of all Edwards' VALUES TO $20.00 Ui«> place on or bufore thu hour numitd nbovt<. Ttir standard proposal form nnd the Non-Collusion Affidavit nre attached shoes. Important, too, (a thu aupplumuntiiry spwlf.catiana, 00 $300 j0 $900 C copiea of uftiluh 'WlU bu nirnlshed on is proper fit ... and rfunr COCKTAIL^ 33 APPIEPIE BURDEN'S DRINK'X" 1S application to Engineer, MO Uy order of Mayor and Council, that's where we're Fduiards 1 C Itorough pf Roaollc, , A fine collection of cuirefit styles with savings as wonderful as the CLAMATOJUICE 6'^69 DoraDnioTi£ SWISSES MANZ.OLIVESmows 'fi 59 .1KAN KHULIHH shoes." Choose several pairs to wear now. Hurry in and save a lot llorouuh L'lttrk spepialists. BMLTOPADS IUK1 im• JtHH .... i* •••• DiLL GHERKINS ^ 39C Tht. Spoolator, July 3, .OTO.(i''u»«ia,..0) on th"e shoes you'll enjoy, a lot. POUNDCAKE-"^ »SS ttumm HEINtREUSHES 4'fc'99e ITALIAN BREAD £33° Midi IIHCtWI THIU 1*1. JW» 4U,. Wl •IIIIVI THl Hour TO UMIT QUANTITIU. • .ft 1030'Stuyvesant Ave. UNION - S Point! Shopping Cantar atChaitnut St. • Optn lots Thun.-Fri. 4 Sot. 'ill 9 p.m. OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. UNIOM - 3 Point! Shopping Cinlir a) Chutnut St. -'Op.n lot* Thun.-Prl. ft Sat. 'til V p.m. OPEN SUNDAY » 2 P.M. To tooch tho psrton you want,' -- UNION BOOTERY -- SPRINGFIELD - Ganaral Grton Shopping C«nltf, Morri* trMountain Av«.,*Op«n Monday thru Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.' to 10 p. SPRINGFIELD - Oannol Shopping Ctnt.r, Motrli ft Mountain Av..,.0p.n Monday thru, 9 a.m. to vp.m., p,|doy 1 10 p. ui'« an intvpantive want ad i Soturdoy, 8 a.m. to • p.m.; Suniioy, v a.m. to t p.m. in (hit nowtpap«r. It' i 10 1030 Stuyvcuint Avenue, Union Saturday, B o.m. to 9 p.m., Sum'ay, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. • impl* . . . . 686-5480 S86-BI80 DIAL Vliltyour TrlpU>S Radamptlon Ctnttr, Modlion Shopping Confer, Matn & Dwytr, Madison. yiiltyauf TrjpU-S. R«d«mptlon Ctnt«, Madlion Shopplno ConKr, Malnft Dwyar, Modfson. !>n ion Open Dally to 6; Mon. A Frl. to 9 u,' (is MO!'.-I-M. cVES. UNTIL » P.M. Opon Thurt., 'til 9 p.m All Rtdtmptlon Contvrt elotad Monday§. " Optn Thun,, '.III » p.m All Rtdimpllon Cintari tlaitd Mondays •' "'•• 6867700 Aik lot Clomllfd Auto's brakes fail, SPRINGFIELD (N.'J^ HEADER - Thursday, July 2; 1970-17 Miss'Vtta Linda V^teTTfi"of Union —SusarrQpanowitz Anita Rose KoerneHs^ niarri officer'hpf injured becomes bride of in mishap Tuesday weds George Kolber in Irvington Lt, John C, Baber of the Springfield Police SA.Kopki Department escaped-Injury last Tuesday eveW Tt p]! |i to Robert H. Erickson in Union ss Vita Linda Vslenti, daughter of. Mr. -x -)i»*^e«^ebraker)l)tlflll and Mrs. Bartolo ValenH of 1527 Llndy ter., of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peter Opanowltz of as he was attempting to turn Into Brown ave- Union, was married Saturday to George Kolber, 743 Dykes ter., Union, became the bride Satur- Miss Anita Rose Koerner, daughter of kilr. nuejrom Commerce•• street, police said. Two son of Mrs. Frieda Hlrschfeld of 143 Columbia day morning of Robert Michael Kopld, son of and Mrs. Ernst'Koerner of 1041 Lowden ave.,/ front, wheels add the front end were damaged ave., Newark, and the late Mr. Joseph Hlrsch- Mr. and.Mrs. Michael Kopld of Bayonne. Union, was married June" 20 to Robert Hy. •M$e vehicle had to betowedfromthe scene. feld. The Rev, James McFarland officiated at the Erickson, son of Mrs. Evelyn L. Erickson of' vpaoer, responding to ajialdup and robbery Nuptial Mass and ceremony. A reception fol- , was traveling north on Commerce, He The Rev. Gerald Marchand officiated at the Elizabeth and Mr. Robert Erickson of Irv- ceremony in St. Paul the Apostle Church, Irv- lowed at the Manor In West Orange. • , ington. .attempted to slow down the vehicle to make the ington. A reception followed at Welland's The bride was escorted by her father. turn Into Brown when the power brakes went. Miss Jeanne Gibbons served as maid of honor. The Rev.* Howard W. McPall Jr. officiated •Tue-car-crossed-Brbwni-went-over-the-curb— Steak House, Mountainside. at the ceremony in Connecticut Farms Pres- Thfi hride was 'nsmrrwl hy h«r fafhnr.r.nrni Bridesmaids were Ruth Ann Scott, Mrs. Ed- and wound up on the lawnat Vector Electronics. ward Martin, and KarelrKopkl. . byterian Church, UnloiuAreceptionfollowedat Wucher of ynion served as maid of honor. an, open'bouse party at the home of the bride's Pour persons were Injured Sunday afternoon Bridesmaids were Mrs. James Young, Marie ' Martin Valerio served as best man. Ushers when a car driven by Richard E. Paskevlclus were Robert CappelluU, Peter Cirino, and parents, who celebrated their 34th wedding Matullo and Sandra Rossi, all of Belleville, anniversary on the occasion. • .of Hillside collided with one driven by Edward cousins of the bride; Mrs. Noel Geller of Andrew Metropole, ' -J. Olamkowskl of Plalnfleld at the Intersection Mrs. Kopld, who was graduated from Bene- The bride was escorted by her father. Union and Mrs. Randall Heidemann of New Helen Schwartz of Union served as maid of of Melsel and Wabeno.avenues. Both vehicles lfnrd. Todi ROBS! of Belleville, cnuBln nfthn dictine Academy, Elizabeth, and CaldwellCol- wen towed from the scene. • . •' • -lege-for Women, Caldwell, Is a language arts' honor. Bridesmaids were Dolores Wislak,' bride, served as flower girl. , Linda Wislak.and Rose Ann Wislak, all of Glamkowskl and three passengers In his. teacher In the Florence M. Gaudineer School, car, Diane Glamkowskl, Catherine Glamkowskl HOLIDAY STORE HOURS: Robert Hlrschfeld of Florence, Ala. served Springfield. '. Colonla, cousins of the bride. as best man for .his brother. Ushers were Matthew Nllsen of Elizabeth, step-brother and Shirley Olamkowskl, all of Plalnfleld were Her husband is' a graduate of St. Peter's taken to Overlook Hospital, Summit, where SUPER FIN AST IS OPEN PRICE MINDING MEAT SPECIALS tyelvth Lazorwltz and Herbert Qulgley, both of Preparatory School and Stevens Institute of of the groom, served as best man. Ushers Irvington>. James Young of 'Union, Michael . were Richard Koerner of Union, brother of they were treated and released. Technology. He attends New York University , According to reports, Glamkowskl was mak- FOR YOUR CONVIENCE ON Kosko of Newark, and Joel Harlot Newark. Graduate School of Business and is emplAyed the bride, and Henry Shneffer .of Matawan. Douglas Hirschfeld of Florence, Ala.-, nephew Mrs. Erickson, who was graduated from ing a left turn fromWabenolntoMelsel avenue. as an engineer by Humble OUandReflningCo., Paskeviclus was traveling south on Melsel and SATVJULYn 2# of the groom, served as ring bearer. Linden. . .';' . ' Union High School, Is employed by Investor's Mrs. Kolber, who was graduated frdm Union . Savings and Loan Co., Union. . . ''.',•' told police that he did not see the other car Following a wedding trip to St. Crolx, the. because he was blinded by the sun. High School and MontclalrStateCollege, where couple will reside in Scotch Plains. Her husband, who was graduatedfrom Eliza-. she was a member of Delta Omicron Pi, is a - both High School, attended Newark State Col- -"Ira Brown, 12, of 50 Christy lane, Springfield, was taken to Overlook Hospital by the Spring- home economics teacher In Scotch Plalns- lege.- He Is employed by the. YM-YWHA in FIRST 0'THE FRESH PRODUCE Fanwood High School. Union. . field First Aid Squad after he was hit by a car FRESH, WHOLE, U.S. GOV'T. INSP. Her husband, who wasgraduatedfrom Vails- Friday afternoon on Meiset avenue. He was •Louise Pietrosantifai Following a honeymoon trip through North discharged after being treated for multiple burg High School, attends Union College, Cran- Jersey, the couple will reside in Elizabeth. ford. He is a member of the U. S. Army Re- bruises. serves, and is employed as an accountant by mdrried June 20 to According to reports, Louis Anton'uccl of Staff Good Deal Supermarkets, Elizabeth. ' wyckqff was traveling south on Melsel avenue Cantaloupes Following a honeymoon trip to Bermuda, the Carol A. Dietrich near MlUtown road. Ira was tiding his bicycle couple will reside In Vallsburg. Sgt. Kotchkowski' and cut in front of the car to cross the street 36 SIZE ONE PRICE ONOT! MRS. ROBERT M. KOPKI irom west 'to east. He was hit by the vehicle's right front fender. SUNNY DAYS married June 21 A car' driven by Robert S. Bell of New Sunny -days can mean- trouble, warns the ; Providence collided with one driven byGeorge • -American Cancer Society. Repeated over- Barbara Koblentz A. Conway 2nd of Summit last Tuesday morning MRS. GEORGE KOLBER exposure to the. sun can cause skin. cancer. to Vincent Barone on Morris averfOe,' according to Springfield St. Tholnas More Chapel; Syracuse, N.Y., police. Split or Cut Up is married Sunday was the.setting June 21 for the marriage of The report said that both cars were traveling Robin M. Deutsch _ .Miss Carole Ann Dietrich, daughter of Mr, east on Morris when an unidentified woman and Mrs. William F. Dietrich of Elizabeth, motorist cut off Conway, who was driving In - SERVE WITH to Allen Bernsfein and Vincent Thomas Barone, son of Mr, and the right hand lane, as she made a right turn ICECREAM YOUNG TENDER OVEN READY • Mrs; Salvatore F. Barone of 772 Andover rd., to wed Joel Globus , The marriage of Barbara Lynn Koblentz, from the left lane into a driveway. Conway Union; • , . . stopped short and Bell was unable to stop In Mr. and Mrs; Carl Deutsch of Alice terrace, daughter of Mrs. Irving Koblentz of 348 Pali- T(ie Rev, Charles L, Borgognonl performed 10 lo 14 1b. sade rd,, Union, and the late Mr. Koblewz, time. Police went into the driveway to find the Avg. Woiglit Union, have announced the engagement of their the ceremony, which was followed by a recep- motorist but were unable to locate her. . ' Ib. . daughter, Robin Mareia, to Joel Globus son of to Allan Richard. Bernstein, son of Mr, and • Uon at the Draught, and' Sirloin Inn, North Mr. and Mrs. Bert- Globus of Short Hills. Mrs. Max Bernstein o'f.UrJca, N.V., took place Syracuse. ' ' • •' . Clinton Hill Church- FUUY COOKED WATER ADDED Miss Deutsch attended the College of Sunday afternoon in therabbi'sstudy tnTemple The bride was given In marriage by her Emporia In Kansas and is now employed as a Israel, South ©range. Rabbi Herbert Weiner .father. The groom's sister, Mrs, JoijephUrso, House and office medical technician for Dr. Arthur Bernstein officiated. BUTT - _ fUH CUT was matron of honor and his brother-in-law, slates Bible School' HALF 65' SHAHKHAIF |fc>. WSOTT'S and Dr. Franklin Simon of Maplewood. The bride was escorted by her brother. Joseph Urfld, served as best man. Smoked Hams Her fiance, who attended the University of Mrs. Bernstein, wh» was graduated from The bride, who was gnaduated from Bene- entered by thieves" Miami in Florida, is' with Bert Globus; Inc., Union High School, ami Skldmore College, dictine Academy, Elizabeth, and also .attended Monday to July 15 QUARTERED IOIN StICED electrical contractors. where she received a B. A. degree In English, the University of Vienna in Austria was grad- "Discover Christ Where You Are" Is' the over the weekend EACH PKG. CONTAINS A June 1971 wedding is planned. alsp was graduated cum laude from Columbia uated cum laude with a bachelor of science APPLE • University Graduate School of Library Science, theme of the Vacation Bible School to be held 9 to 11 CENTER & HIP CHOP'S degree in anthropology from St. Louis Uni- in CJlnton Hill.Baptist Church, 2815 Morris Two break and entries were reported this Ib. where she received a master's degree. versity, St. Louis, Mo, . Pork Chops ave., Union, from Monday to July 15i9:30a.mV past week by Springfield police. The Friden Her husband, whu was graduated from Union Mrs. Barone is presently a Junior systems College in Scheneaady, N.Y. (he had spent his _ -,, , -. -. , . to noon. All boys and girls, ages four through Co. on Rt. 22 was entered over the weekend FRESH U.R GRADE A . Paint it straight junior year ai Swiss Federal Institute of analyst at Syracuse University where she ateo -junior High School are invited to each session;' by knocking out a window on the side of the SAUCE is working toward a master a degree in public UMM, u,tn < i,,rf. oiu» ~~,A,, ,_„&.. _..-•-• building. A typewriter and adding machine of BREAST . Have a plain door_ibat.-could stand some Technology, Zurich', Switzerland), Yale Uni- which will includnn e Bible study, crafts, musicy WITH WINGS versity, where he received-an M. S. degree administration. games, recreation and refreshments. ' • undetermined value were missing, according LEGS ,. dressing up? Enamel it. On a flat door, mark Her husband, an alumnus of St. Benedict's to reports. out a wildly abstract design of bright, bold in biochemistry, is currently attending Albany . Mrs. John P. Clarke 1B superintendent. De- Chicken Quarters Medical College ol Union University. He is Preparatory School, Newark, was graduated partment -heads are Mrs. R. Bruce Allen, A house on Becker road was entered Monday colors. Use masking tape to keep the lines - with a bachelor of sciencedegreoln economics WITH BACKS ID- straight and prevent overlapping of colors. entering his third year. He has a summer Mrs. Robert Genklnger and assistant Elizabeth' by. someone who broke out a pane of glass In fellowship in psychiatry at i-'ort Logan Medical from Penn State University, University Park, Welland, preikindergarten (four-year-old); —• . the rear door. A television set was missing MR. DELI SAVINCS (Where Available) This Is highly effective In a hallway or nar- Pa. He also attended the University of North 1 row corridor where space is at a premium Center in Denver, Colo, Mrs. Donald Tlce and Miss Irene Muravlety; the report said. . . Carolina, Chapel Hill, andtheSorbonne, Paris, kindergarten (five and six-year-old); Mrs. SEAFOOD SAVINGS and color is needed. \ The newlyweds are on a honeymoon trip, to 7 . ' Eric Ostrow of Great Neck, N.Y.. called MISS ROBIN I range. joAce_hesdqua«ers,_Sunday_to_report_that.. Denver. He in now a candidate tor n Ph.D. degree _jQseph_Llpsey,-Mrs..Robert.AmmendandMrs.-_ TURBOT FILLET someone had broken into bis. cor. He told BOILED HAM in the Maxwell School of Syracuse University, - David Buff ton, primary (entering sicond and third grades); Mrs. John D. Fissel lind Mrs. police that he was visiting someone at the where he also serves as assistant to the SNO-WHITE ^k ^^k f ' tllrector of the public adminlstraTlom program. Richard Johns, Junior (enterlngfourthandflffch2 Summit;, Hill Apartments and Oat' a radio LEAN TASTY . fREE * EASY... ALONGSIDE VFW gives citation and i tape, player valued at about $200 were The newlyweds will return from a honey- grades); Mrs. David Macklnson and-'MAi- SLICED TO Ib. GREENLAND ||jt #• ^M PARKING moon at Heart Lake, N.Y., to reside In William Miller, (entering sixth, seventh and taken from the car. ORDER FROZEN Syracuse. eighth grades). ••...'. . Frederick Bailey, of Kenilworth reported that to local president Registrar is Mrs. Benajmln Spain; assistant four hubcaps, six tapes and a stereo tape Mrs. Mary A. (iregory, president of the v registrar, Mrs. Marcus Ulbrlcht; pianist, player were taken from his car Monday while Ladies Auxiliary to the Michael A. Kelly Pusf James Fissel; crafts, Mrs. Charles Kievnlng, • he was at the Lido Diner. The Items were 2433, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Union, was Mrs. Gilbert Hoines, Mrs. Arthur Inglesbyj "* valued at" about $200, police sold. named as one of 10 all-Amerlcan presidents MRS. ROBERT KOTCHKOWSKI Miss Mdzyk troth refreshments, Mrs. Louis Fortunato, Claudl Two tires valued at about $40 each were . at the 51st Vl-W_conyentlon recently held in Miss Louise Angela Pletrosanti, daughter Fortunato; assistants, Vlvan Evangel, Arthur ; taken from a wrecked car in the yard of TOMATOES DOLE DRINK Wlldwood. of Mr., and Mrs. Pat Pietrosanti of 2534 Spruce Inglesby, Judy Macaluso and Kathy Veale.: ' the Springfield Garage on Keeler street over to Mr. Gasser told 1 PINEAPPLE- Awards received by the local auxiliary were St., Union, was married June 20 to Sgt. Robert ' .Transportation will be provided. For a*- the weekend, according to police'.' WHOLE, PEELED, lib. SUMMER a cjjation for its participation in the voice of > Kotchkowski, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Mazyk of 12 Mapes dltlonal informaton the church office maybe RICHMOND 12 oz. GRAPEFRUIT ,V.',."»>i< Kotchkowski of 2538 Spruce St., Union. democ-pacy contest, a citation fnr its elloris ave., Springfield, formerly of Irvington, have •.called at'MU-7-9440 or Mrs! Spoint at MU»7- (Limit4) can I (Limit 4) and YOUR COLD WAVE on behatK<(f the Children's SeVShore House, The Rev. Raymond McKeon officiated at the announced the engagement of (heir daughter, 2739. ;>•;,•; . • 24 OUR SENSATIONAL % ^__ a citatlonnw: participating in .all pro]ect.s_ ceremony in St. Michael's Roman Catholic Patricia Marie, to Frank Gasser Jr., son of Witnesses attend •established by ckg Department of New Jersey" Church? Union. A reception followed at Colum- w«»e wlrei all your permanenT*vmx bian Club, Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gnsser (Sr, of Union. Auxiliary and a irbfijiy for having surpassed The bride-elect, a graduate of Archbishop problems. Even if your hair i« baby Dorothy Fischaaletti of Bedford Hills, N.Y., 4-dqy convention { Bathroom Tissue last year's membership?^. -—— Walsh High School, Irvington, is employed Christian Science t 100 Paper Plates line, dry, bleached, dyed or pray, vou Mrs, Alberta Viparina was honored for her cousin of the groom, served as mold of honor, by Beckman Instruments, Mountainside, can be Hire of a natural looking lutr participation in the Americanism programs Raymond Kotchkowski of Union served as 9" SIZE Cfll best man for his brother. • - Her fiance will enter his senior year at in Hudson County trout wave. of the VFW. • — St. Michael's College, Winooski, Vt. 'i"n Sunday school set '—Mrs. Kotchkowski was graduated from St.. ' , Jehovah's Witnesses of the Springfield Con- WHITE k "^jf Others attending the convention were Mrs. yincent's Academy In Newark. " Septermber. James IvWnney, Mrs, Arthur 'Masker, Mrs; A May, 1971 weddingisplanned. • The Sunday School and . services of First • gregation are planning to attend a four-day, •12.50 '/Her husband, who was graduated from Union Church of Christ Scientist will be held during' faith-strengthening convention In Jersey City, • Almon-Los^, Mrs. I-lankCorduan, Mrs.Minnie High School, Union, is with the United States Yut.,. eempUlt uilh Kline, Mrs. Patrick Cicalese and Mrs. Helen the summer months at 11 a.m.' The church' July 9-12 or 16-19. Air Force and served 12 months in Vietnam. Ralph R. Hoppe, presiding minister of the RESTYLE CUT • RESTYLE SET Murphy, past national president. Simple and carefree, is located at 941 Caldwell Union. . " GREEN BEANS CREAM CORN Following a honeymoon trip/ to California, All thn churchps nnri societlesi-of^-thlB-. ' dlnfaigned plans for the Hudson ICAil- Saturday. Tht Supply Includsd Lasts the couple will reside in Castle Air Force House furnishings that withstand maximum denomination'continue their, services and other - County convention following his attendance at Base, Calif. ' use with a minimum of care are easy to live regular activities the year round, • -• a pre-conventlon organizational meeting In COT, 1 Ib. OR WHOLE Bible School is set with and are attractive. Items that are simpte— The Sunday School maintains classes for • Jersey City last week. The Watchtower Society cans KERNEL, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the church. In design and free of elaborate ornamentation pupils up to the age of 20 and everyone is1 ' of Brooklyn, New York, sponsor of the FINAST The evening session will be held forpeople .need the least care. welcome to attend. ";; gathering, has scheduled 32 of these "Men FINAST Vauxhall church from 12 years old to adulthood, 6:30 p.m.' to of Goodwill District Assemblies" throughout Hillside Beauty Salon, Inc. 9 p.m. the United States starting this month and con- We "II ind ilyle lha new The First Baptist Church of 5 Hilton ave., The closing program will be Saturday morn- tinuing through August. Vauxhall will hold its -annual- Vacation .Bible 1130 N. Bjoad St., HilliloV MuUnfylla Stretch Will! 1.125.00 ing, July il at 10. Said Mr. Hoppe: "An assembly such as • EL 3-4356 or FL 1-9845 School Monday through July 11. Henry Jackson is director of Christian Edu- (Flneil #1 Qoillly, Elsewhere 130,00) This*-year's Vacation Bible School will be this which will be attended by more than 23,000. cation; Mrs. Pearl HiUman Is director of the persons requires a vast amount of prepara- held in sessions. The morning session will be- -Vacation Bible Scho61 and Miss Estelle Black- MAYONNAISE CAROLINA RICE for. people four years old to 12 years old,. tion and work, but. we approach lt with the well Is publicity director. altitude that it offers us the opportunity to Behinc/ every well-dreaed woman demonstrate our Christian love. FiNAST ._ iP.r "% 3 £49' • . i> on interested man •^""Jfirst of all," Mr. Hoppe said,' "We demon- Bon voyage strate our love for Jehovah God by making who will help you lo available the time, money and effort to attend. We 'also shore by volunteering to work In the 150 PAPER PL ATE JT MASON ROOT BEER parTy held assembly organization comprised of about 20 departments. Everything from providing sleep- A bon voyage party was held WHITE 1 Ing accommodations and-food to moving in June 22 for Susan Chapman^ and setting up convention'equipment will-be of 676 Thoreau ter,, Union; at done-by our organization of volunteers who thus the-home of Mr, and Mrs. demonstrate the principle outlined by Jesus Charles Murden of Homstead in the sermon on the mount 'Do unto others pi., Union, The party was as you would have them do unto you.* LIQUID DETERGENT hosted by Carol Murden. , Miss Chapman Is traveling "The onuembly will not only enable us to C Iq enjoy the advantage of associating with a great WITH TOMATO X * I to Rome, Nice, Paris, Am- 1 bot cons crowd vwho love Jehovah God but we will also RICHMONb P<' - 29 SAUCE OR PORK W • sterdam and London. She is the daughter of Mr. , and Mrs. hear a program that will be of benefit to Norbert J. Chapman. Her parents and young people alike. We extend a father is president of Quality cordial Invitation to all interested persons In BOUNTY TOWELS Springfield to attend." FINAST SODA Protection Inc. Burglar Just in time lor warm Alarms of Union. Her mother All FLAVORS, JUMBO SIZE, is first vlpe-presldent ofie weather & vacations NO DEPOSIT, WHITE OR Miss Gamer attending, ASST. Ladles -Auxiliary Union "Elks • NO RETURN 19' BPOE 1583. . • ' 10-week math course Members of the Baptist Jan|ce Corner of 24 Warner ave., Spring- Youth Fellowship of the First DRESSES field, Is at the University of Indiana for a BaptlBt Church, Union, were 10-week course' In functional math analysis WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON among the 30 guests at the Fabulous collection of famous sponsored by the National Science Founda- party. EDEE WITH THIS SWIMSUITS names you'll recognizo on sight. tion, . . S RICHMOND __ FINAST Miss Garner, who has Just completed her Springfield Bloomfield Irvington TnEC COUPON 2 pc. famous names in. cotton?, - sophomore year at Montclalr State College, Is SMARGARINCS SUGAR A 9 or. pkg. ol pretpacta. ' polyesters & knits. Prints & solids. a graduate of Jonathan Dayton Regional High FINAST FROZEN School. . 727-763 Morris Tpke. 331 Broad St. 1301 Springfield Ave. com* looking • i _ -• " . and FRENCH FRIES and and '3.00 PURCHASE 90 Two from Springfield ' AND A'3.00 PURCHASE Limit { I). Good at Supor Finatt Osborne Ave. Bross Place ' Ihiu Sat., July 4th Morris Street N- Limn | 11 Good at SupiM Finmt \ Liniit (I I. Good at Super Fmatl get degrees at Rensselaer tlrnj Sot, July •*''! | ihiu Sat.. July 4|h Regularly $1'4 to $28 Regularly S16 to'$23 Arthur Jay Korensteln of Summit Hills Apt. F-4'and Elliot Herbert Laffer of Summit Hills SHOP SUPER FINAST AND SAVE!!! 59AVAVAVAVAVAI _ AptiO-3, both In Springfield, received bachelor Not tespon«lbls for typographical errors. degrees at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Prieei •ffecllvt thro Saturday, July 4.»h."Wt reierye the right to limit quantitlos. WHEN YOU USE THE A> total of 786 bachelor's, 577 master's and . CLASSIFIED PAGES ^f^l four levek 0/ lemihthe fashion 67 doctorate degrees were awarded by the tech- 985 Stuyvesant.Ave, Unfpn'— Shop Mon. & Ftytiji)? P, nological university. The gloriou^Americah vacation: 3 A.M. the first njght.K"".^ ™ TONOJ""'™^ Most charges accepted -^ or open one with us/—-

J V ' ' i !' ';• Thursday,,July 2, 1970 •Thursday, July2,4&76.—^-- " ' ' ;•.'..- • .; • • ••'•••• :. • • : '* •• : •.'' '. '•• Wall Stadium to offer two holiday programs A moving experience for UC'ladministrators It's .moving time at Union College, Cran- Station Wall stadium*. Wall Township, has geared P~??i£ ??d!S™St *? admlnlBtratlon build- __ .. L archtjegtural j(rm_an_ nwitd_.. ?.Q93_Pflrttlme students jnd conforms with ^jprdrd, •_. Kl • sJoJidjypMgrimvrttbJwo^gbiypMgvrttbJwo^gbi8^of-autf o ing were announced in September, MS,'when of merit for campus master planning and tlie state's master plan for higher education, Breaks radng action, On Sunday at 8 p.m. The Jole Tlie hew administration building, first stage Dr. Iversen submitted a mister plan for/ design \n the 1970 .Community and Junior , which calls for two-year colleges In Union in a $10 million long-range expansion pro- development of the 30-acre campus to the_ College Awards Design. Dr. Iversen arid Ian - Cour)ty to provide facilities for 3,700 fuUtime Oscar-winners Chltwood Thrill Show-will share the bill with gram, has been completed and the college's the limited sportsman stock cars. Cranford Planning Board, The master plan. Smith of Hamby. Kennerly. and Slonrbnson., students. Dr. Iversen said Unio...n. College wil. l admlnlotors. staff members and faculty are ; : s On Saturday the show will inrinfa go-inn .developed—by-the-Wsw—Y^rk—a rohlteoairal r«calved-tlie-award-at-th8-50th-annual-conr pri)vidB-for-2,000-«iiii-tlie4Jnlon-eounry l e<^i-- m we Uiroas ot moving. AFTER % YEARSTfTWESTFTpLir TURMTABLE.TREATS (good listening) THE featuret s run bb y h modlfled-sportsma. n stoc, k flrm of Hamby Kennerly and Slomanson, pr;o- ventlon of the American Association of Junior nlcal Institute, Scotch, Plains', sUten' insti- JsHkd-mt-Mayh The 17,000 square foot two-story build- BOY FRIEND: on. original Broadway COBC Re- cars, the limited sportsmaortsman stock cars andd tha vldes for, development «f the campus in six Colleges in Hawaii'in February. " ' turton to Union College under the Union County A double-featured Oscar-winning show Is . cording, Judy Came, tlie "sock-it-to-me" ARDC midgets. Because of the size of the ing contains offices for all administrators stages over a 12 to 15-year period. The The master plan Is based on an ultimate Coordinating Agenty^Ibr Higher Education, will beixii -offered at the Mayfalr Theater In Hill- 'girl of .TV's Laugh-In makes her Broadway show the program will bo moved up to 7:30 p m and their staffs as well as offices for fac- administration building WAS described as a enrollment of 2,000 fuUtime students and provide fortlie remaining 1,700. ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT side tfi|8 week. debut as th« uHHiwaywri lnnnr«nr. hernlwB, In •• •' - "M ulty, membflrB. central records room and -logical- '• • • - • ^ LAST DAY WED., JULY 8 The Mayfalr Is showing "Butch Cassldy and the revival of tho merry musical of the 192O's,' • dupiicattag-malr room, and will freS' nine free nine classrooms to provide for increased the Sundance Kid" and "The Prime of Miss when the only kicking young people did' was classrooms in the No'mahegan building now enrollments,'" Groundbreaking was in April Jean Brodie." on the dance floor, and ''war" was something ..being used for administrative purposes. This I960. • e e • "Butch Cassidy" in color tells a story of that happened to the soles of their shoes, "Will enable. tlie college to enroll additional A LIBRARY BUILDING at the^orner of legendary .outlaws of the old West turned into A worthwhile addition to your "originals" col- ., fuUtime'. students over the next two years',* Princeton road and Springfield avenue and. charming, comical likable inept bandits .who according to Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, presi- in boating lection. (DECCA DL-79177)M. . ' a classroom building will be the next steps walk a thin line between humorous escapades dent. ;.•.-,: '•.••..• The Watchung Power Squad- OF BUSINESS In the master plan, followed by an addition and death. Paul Newman, Robert Redford AIRPORT LOVE THEME: by Vincent Bell. • <• With the completion Qf the move of ad- con will give a free boating/ Bell's guitar and creative ability Is heard in to the campus center, a 600-seat amphitheatre course at David Brearloy Re- and Katharine Ross star, George Roy Hill ,_:ministratlve 'personnel to new offices, the to be constructed between the Nomahegan We've Chopped Our Prices Even Lower! . directed "Butch Cassldy." a program of 10 selections. The hit sound ".present central administration office lrt the gional High School in Kenllr featured throughout this LP album Is his building and the campus center, and a com- worth next fall. Maggie Smith, who won the Academy Award ' Nomahegan building will be converted to a munity services building, ' for Belt Actress of the Year In "The Prime unique "water sound," which contributed so greitly-expandtsd book store and; the area Registration will be held DRESSES , •••• greatly to . the success'.of the Ferrarite & •All phases of construction are expected Sept. 22 and. 23, with .late of Miss Jeani Brodie," shares acting honors -'now used by tlie book store will become to be completed by 1980, Dr. Iversen said. with Pamela Franklin, Jane Carr, Diane Gray- Tolcher hit recording of "Midnight Cowboy." ,'aiSemlnarroom. •••.•' registration and the start of Heading the group of selections is "Airport .The overall master plan earned for the classos scheduled for Sept. SLACKS KNIT TOPS' son, Shlrely Steedman, Cella Johnson and 1 You'll save a lot while it's hot Robert Stephens. The picture was photo- Love Theme/ "Nikki," "Marilyn's.Theme," 28. The 12-week course will. graphed in color and its director Is Ronald Theme From "Tho Damned," Theme From Include lectures on seaman-. Uutrnl T«m» SKIRTS PANT-SUITS Neame. , . ' . '.'SunflowiBr" (Loss Of Love), Theme Frqm Shakepeare comedy coming ' ship, mariner's compass, "Anne Of The Thousand Days" CFar.eweU, safety afloat and the use of -\ulhari/i!. D.ny :MII 9 P.M. 756-3708 233-OO2O "Beneath Planet' Meadowbrook features trumpet blowing Doc Severinsen, the. Ol n EUROPEAN off tho Park drive, in the area of the lower presentation is.Rose Belafsky of Woodbridge. college faculty since 1°56U Workshop for theater musical director and conductor of the NBC continues atrFox Band on johnny Garnon's ."Tonight Show,!' to be taught by Baldwin. revises schedule Doc leads his new genoraflon brass musicians HOLIDAY "Beneath the Planet of the Apes," sequel through such numbers as —"The Court Of Board of Freeholders, John W. Downs, executive director of Theatre to the popular "Planet of the Apes," is being A' revised summer schedule of entertain- ment at the Meadowbrook Theatre Restaurant The-Crimson "King,'.' ."Bottleneck," "Surfer , KUHNEN WILL HAVE Six, Motuchon, announced that aqtor David held over for a sw» H weekatthe Fox Theater Girl," "Give Me JUHt A Little More Tlnie," Baldwin will direct a Summer Theatre Work- on Route 22 in Union. The picture stars in Cedar Grove has been announced by pro- FOR YOUR PLEASURE nurses sign contracts ducer John Beaumont; A Summer Cavalcade "Footprints Of The Giarit," "Power To The shop for high 30JI00I and college students. Charlton Heston, James Franciscus and Victor 1 of Stars replaces former plans.and will bring • People,' , and the Abbey Road Medley of The Board of Freeholders to $12 .a week /or the, head The nine-week .program, which begins Monday, Buoho, ' . . "Because," "Sun King," "SheCame &1 Through of Union County and the New- nuirae dependent upon shift SEE STORE WJNDOWS FOR SATURDAY JULY 4 STORE HOURS will offer "total participation in all aspects The science fiction allegory concerns apes top entertainment for one and two nlgfitengage- ments during the seven-week season. An. tho Bathroom Window'.'and "TheEnd."(COM- Jersey State Nurses' Asso- assignment, '.- . '" of the living theatre. Students will become In- who rale the humans and the mutated humans MAND RECORDS RSSD-950-S)... ciation, have signed collective New! ranges were also es- volved not only with- performance and the who live beneath the ground. Evening with London Lee and Lesley Gore will open, the season on Saturday, July 18. The bargaining agreements cover- tablished for assistant super- technical side of a production, but with theatre Opel KacUtt OK Volkswagen • ing nurses employed at John visors and supervisors of management as well," according to Downs. ' comedian and songstress will appear for one "Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice' night only. • During Our Special E. Runnells Hospital and tlie. nursing. The assistant super- . Currently residing In New/York, Baldwin Also for a onS night .stand on July 25, NSC faculty member Union County Courthouse.The visor's' range will be $9,000 spent threeyears in Europe nitlng and study-. film comedy at Elmora Lana Cantrell -and Charlie Manna will per- EUROPACAR agreements determine terms to $10,600 and the super- , Ing, and has recently ..worked with Robert form. has article accepted and conditions of employment .visor's range, $9,300 to Hooks, producer-director /of the Negro "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice," slick HOLIDAY TOURS for nearly 70 nurses employed $10,900, Formerly these em- Ensemble in -New York City. He directs a An Evening with Godfrey Cambridge will Mrs.Myrn L. Weigerof Irvington, a member Hollywood comedy in color, is the current run for two nights; July 31 and August I. 3 WEEKS IN EUROPE at the hospital and one nurse ployees received $8,500 to ' similar workshop at Fordhom University and of tlio Educational Resource Center faculty at employed' at the courthouse. $10,000 and $8,800 to attraction at the Elmora Theater in .Eliza- • Aug. 7 and 8 will be Country and Western Newark State Collogo, Union, will hove an ® is the brother of award-winning author James beth. The big question in the film is "Will • PLUS CAR The contracts represent the $10.300. They will also re- Baldwin. .... nights, featuring Smokey joe Warren and the ~nrUcio~ontnioii""l3nguoBe li-nrCreetfHgv"' ap- U&E the two couples engage in wife-swapping?" Mountain Dew Boys. Square ilnncing will he ^rpUGHTTOAND FROM . first collective bargaining celve an Increase In shift -;, Size of the class is limited. Persons penr in a forthcoming issue of Instructor AMSTERDAM, FRANKFURT or MUNICH agreements entered into by' differential of $9 to $12 a The.picture, which was directed hy Paul featured. —- magazine.' ^Trm^rpUGHTTOAD FR interested in enrolling can call Theatre Six, Mazursky, -stars Natalie Wood, Robert Culp, PLU HT C TIONS Union County for county em- week dependent upon shift as- J. P. Morgan and Irwin C. Watson are billed Instructor is u widely circuited professional Main street, Metuchen, at 548-2550. Elliott Gould and Dyan Cannon. for Aug. 14 and 15. ployees under Chapter 303 signment. journal designed for elementary school In- S^ V n?> . ot the Public Laws of 1968, •^The agreements also pto- Towtrdi tha purchaw of Six lei Buddy Rich and his orchestra will bring structors. Mrs. Welger Is a graduate of 12 oi. Cant of Ragular or blit tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1:05, 4:57, 8:55; Sun., 3:34, the sounds of today on Aug. 21 and 22. He - the New -Jersey Employer- • vlded for recognition and pay- . 7:34. Montclalr State College and has also served WE ACCEPT ,; Employee Relations Act. roll deduction for tho New Jer- will give two performances -10 and 11:30 us u demonstration teacher jft the former AUTO RACING Theater Time p.m. Dancing to the Meadowbrook Trio will MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ' They call for a "minimum sey State Nurses' Association . Cnmpus School of Newark State College. SR-S CLUB 4 BANK AMERICARCI ', starting salary of $8,000 for and its constituent, the Jersey ORMONT (E.O.) — THE begin at 9 p.m. AMERICAN EXPRESS • ETC SICILIAN CLAN, Thur., Frj., She resides wldi her husband, Eugene Wel- a—general duty staff nurse Nurses" Economic Security SAT. 7:30 p.*. Clock An Evening with Enzln Stunrtf on Aug. ger, ut 38 Bedford ter. Man'., Tues., 2:13, 7:30, 9:47; 28 and 29 will complete the summer schedule to a maximum of $9,300.Head Organization, which repre- 1 »*50-LAP MOD-SPTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii Sat. Sun., 2:23, 5, 7:27. 9;54; , nurses will receive $8,593 sents the graduate nurses and and be followed in mid-September by re- . minimum to a maximum of STOCK CARS All times listed are fur- featurette, Thur., Fri., Mon., sumption of full length shows. head nurses. S :, MO-LAP LTD SPTS nished by the theaters. KATHARINE HEPBURN continues through July > * $9,fltyf/'TlM>. county also has ' Also included in the con- Tues., 2, 7:20, 9:37; Sat., During the summer season, dinner, ser- in Coco, hit musical at the Mark Hellinger ... STOCK CARS BELLEVUE,(Upper Mont- Sun., 2, 4:50, 7:17, 9:44. "Man and Wife' remains KUHNEN agreed that graduate nurses, tract area no-striko, no-lock- FRESH CUT SWEET o( HOT.-FOR BAR-B-Q •50-LAP A.R.D.C. MIDGETS vice will begin at 7 p.m.; the cocktail lounge Theatre, New York. The HIIO'W plny.s TUCK- dependent upon their qualifi- •10 ACTION PACKED clnir) — FELLINI SATYRI- • • • will open at 6. With the exception of Buddy "Man and Wife,"'the controversial docu- out provision, a grievance day tlirough Sanirday nightn with matinees TRAVEl INC. cations and experience, may procedure and incorporated Italian :• EVENTS CON, matinees Wed., Sat., UNION (Union Center) — Ricli and his Orchestra, there will he only on Wednesday nnd Saturday plus an addi- mentary film for married adults, continues Bing Cherries SillKlll'illHr VALUABLE COUPON Sun., 2:30; evenings, Monday 964 StuyvMant Avo., Union Cairtar start within a range of by reference, the existing pol- Chicken Sausage ADVENTURERS, Thur., Mon., one show during an evening. Dancing 'will tional mid-week matinee on Thursdays to fur a .second week at the An Cinema, Irving- $8,520 to $9,040. The forrner MFG.: 1ABB to Saturday, 8:30; Sunday, Tues., 8:30; Fri., Sat,, 3:20, begin at 9, the slio.w at i0_ with-(lancing accommodate weekday shoppersandvisltors tun Center. The picture was photographed in (Opp. Ptnh Mork) • MU 7-8220 icies and procedures govern- Towards tha purchaia of SUM. S P-«- 7:30. salary range for graduate ing professional nurses em- Green Peppers ib.19 a 2-lb. can of 7:10, 10:15; Sun., 1:35, 5:10, following until I p.m. to the city. color. nurses was $7,500 to-$8,700 parts • • • 8:30; HEIDI, Thur., Mon., ployed by the county. The dur- and that of head nurses ation of the agreement Is one THE WORLD FAMOUS ELMORA (Eliz.) — BOB, Tues., 1, 3; Fri., Sat., 1:15. $8,000 to ,$9,200. California Plums ib.29* HILLS BROS. CAROL, TED AND ALICE, —— • • * year, — Jol» Ckitwood Thur., Fri., Mon., TUBS., 7, ART CIMEMA-(lrv.) Shift differentials were In- COFFEE CROSSWORD PUZZLE creased $6 to $8 a week for MOVING? Find o reputablt mov»r California Celery 9:20; Sat., 5:10, 7:30,10;Sun., MAN AND WIFE, Thur.., Fri., Cuh Valua 1/20 of U TOURNAMENT OF THRILLS 2:1b, 4:06, 6:25, 8:45; featur- the. graduate nurse, and $9 In lU Want Ad Section. ' - 49' WITH THIS Umlh Out rttipMi »«r IUI _ Mon., Tues., 7, 8, 10; Sat., Coupon oKplr« July 4, 1070 (Two Hooti of ette, Thur,-, Fri.,Mon.,Tues., 1:30, 3:12, 4:55, 6:35, 8:15, Today's Answer COUPON coupon 'iSSHrSH *' 1B7° Dl|j(*lupi'imaiV«l(WhBr*'ayallali1a) n MFG 8:25; featurette, Thur., Fri., from Dallas 4. Provided 24. Sinewy P.M. SVMHW"?.1 Bar, Loungt, Prlvat«| Mon., Tues., 8:10. 1ft. Glorified' that 29. Weakens 35. Algerian Rfc || A family placvfoV Contlnsntal and Partleu ~ Beans • • * soapbox 5. Ancient 20. Bristly seaport American Pood Op*n 12-10:30 p.m. 10. Pelican Celtic 27. Henry 37. Peruvian A LA CARTE MENU. Paper Plates. MAYFA1R (Hillside) — Enlre«i Including potato and v*a>(ablti CtMnf MtrtiwMHi* (whtrt mtikUi) atnte: ' priest VIII's ' river SHOP-RITE BUTCH CASSIDY, Thur., Fri., J1.50-S4.7S • Alio chlldion's 7-oz. abbr. •"• 6. Stable fare Catherine 38. "The S-R Towards the purchase of 1ABO Mon., Tues., 9:28; Sat;, 3:07, s,,v. 17. Square 7. Scries 2H. Opposite of Mtar" Cold box a 2 Ib. 14 or. Froian 7, 10:53; Sun., 1:30,5:40,9:30; measure month: husband 40. ••- < Iced CUPS oilOO MISS JEAN BRODIE, Thur., 18. Grating nbbr. 20 Stamping Everybody - . Fri., Mon., Tues., 7:15; Sat., 19. Fast 8 Staggered ma'chmeK Happy?" Mrs. Smith's Oin Tea Glass ' fighter "THE ADVENTURER plfini- • " ; OH OLIVIA DE HAVILAND Apple Pie 20. Trapped lEMONUDE CHOCOLATE QDAPE FRUIT PUNCH CHARLES AZNAVOUR SHOP-RITE Limit: Ont c*up*n par luitnmar. CANDICE BERGEN 22. Certainly WITH THIS Coupon ox pi rot July 4, 1870 MAIIHUl OAILV »» "A-Pun Thriller All The Wayl" CANDICE BERGEN Is among not polite Aluminum Foil -'»,;'39* Stokely Drinks , 4"i.V.°'*l Coupon md at 1 Jnun aabtn,. Alain Delon, the all-star cast In Joseph 23. Wor- OLD WHVPAVMORCF8HWRITE "~- ~ COUPON iny Shap-Rli* tup«rnia«lial (What* auallabla), ..MOTRERSIP-erl.ctchlld-.n'. Sara Lee i?°. VEOERADIAN or HEINZ $ • howt E. Levlne's presentation ,o! shipper's' "THE SICILIAN CLAN" bench Pork N'Beans 8 a 1 Liquid Tea a.49*'I WE In oolor. Ruled QP "The Adventurers," film Cakes 'IHEIDI" version of the Harold Rob- 24. Finish EVERGREEN . COFfEE . .n -OVERNIOHT - _^». Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon., July 15-Award Winner "Z" 1 first LUNCHEON 5 SHOP-RITE Tum. Halinom, bins best-s a 111 n g novel. SHOP-BITE (3 ChaseftSanborn .I*-'* I Pamper Diapers .ft, 69* The picture continues on 25. Finish LU30 A-M' '" LODGE S-R . third 2-30 P.M. WHVPAYUOREr . Marital bliss and total screens at the Union Thea- 25 years in the making. Orange Juice •Flo". 99* Towards tha purehaWof iriy ter in Union Center and 27. Stabbed• DWNERS I-EVERGREEN AVE., Kraft Mayojjnalse "• r59* "Tomato'Juice lF$r*i HAYFAIR. »>»MU HIUilDll fulfillment-can be 30. Succor tho Maplewood Theafer, ' " SIIOPMTCSOUOPACK _". Paul Newman Ma'ool Smith ypurs fora lifetime - 31. Suffix ». FfehcH FflAS ET59*" f —% Oslloii Robert. Radioed "The Prime if you see this film now. with sea Jamai Braicla, Manager White Meat Tuna-- «3j Bea or lifter of °k«v*r twlant • «•» ,<(ucitlan Aim in PICNIC -tttt>\/e ' We'd liko lo thank the makers oi Iho other new G«rtPE DRINK ~ -.1 — Mln "~ 3*2. Number Beef Burgers tij-99* ICE CREAM iraphlc >l«uil lor rurriMl adult). HALL RENTALS V. Rt tnii drink AL VARI IES Jean rViAPLEWDDD on a — DIClCtNS economy tors lor giving us such a nice head slorl. iMOP-iiiw."wonNnwiH" —Welchade " 3"'.'r89* - ^ ^ IMITUTUIC UmHOn.loUponp.r.ullom.r, . * Brodle" 'DINNER PARTIES clock dial ''LUNCH&ON 1 DIN4RER I ~|l gave us lime to develop qn inspection system wi i n i nia coupon oxpir« JMIV *, 1070 . I MODERN & SQUARE DANCINGi big Bill. even have todq with the actJal making of Ihe car. »• • . Shop-Rite or our ilnolno bartondart, and Irr Medi-car, Ihe Volkswagen Diagnosis System, for Soft Corn Oil Margarir [BOB ft CAROL a TED & ALICE] oard. our tinglno walrr««r example. Electronic equipment that can spot'trou- ... Hut-ruin friatl ELLIOTT GOULD OYAN CANNON [gj Dln> • Club SHOPnlTE any Brand Soda American Eiiprait ble In a car before it gets to be trouble. When Sour Cream WITH THIS limit. On« (Bupon par luilsmar. you buy a new VW, you" gel 4 free Medi-car Coupon o«plro> July 4, 1070 ALL FLAVORS. NEW!! SHOP HUE CONTINENTAL SI COUPON checkups. Hormel Franks ny Ship-Hit lu^OTorlillWhaniiVQllabbl. MFG.. Of course, it'took great fortitude to resist Yogurt fSAVE 20j!j| squandering our lime on phony styling improve-' IN VOUfl HOUSE 6ERV6 . ^f\t SUMMER- rtienls. Schickhaus Bologna ib/9 Fun! ll SHOP-RITE MATINEE . The bejillo looks just as good lor bad) as it did WHVP«VMIMIE> . 2 A BO about: 2 99° Towardt th* purchan ot • SESSIONS '2S years cigp. Hormel Pepperoni M>. 1 - %lb. Baoot • Special Group Rales. 5^ • Children'. Birthday Parties. 2 to 5 P.M. $ 5 9 CHARCOAL ' • Organization Fund Raisers. Every Nlta 7:30 to 11 P.M. | CHANCELLOR DELICATESSEN I . Shop-Rite Ham ^ 2 Businessmen's CHOP I1ITE SANDWICH SLICED AND RESTAURANT J Mb. 4-til. BRIQUETTS STARTING JUNE 20th i , Imported Canned Ham;- l" White Bread IQIVII 378 CHANCELLOR AVE., NEWARK Douglas Motors Corp. 3 WITH THIS ,, ,:o .»« ,. Shrimp SHOP nirE OLD FASHIONll) ml AIR CONDITIONED R«(auront Catwlng. Spoelallilng In Candolane* Tiayi and Cold Luncheon 11-3 e COUPON coupon "P;:;'^/ •*• t«M LIVINGSTON ROLLER RINK Cut Plattpre. Sloppy Jot Sandwich*! tar all. Occasions, \iot.ond 430 MorrU Avenue \ Shop-Rite Bacon :,'79 Apple Pies any thap-lila Supatm«'lii MFG. Cold.Hori D'Ocuvrii. Wlnoi, Llquori and Bier. Opm until 10 P.M.I AUTH0RI1I0 615 So.' Livingston Ave. 992-6161 Dinners Served Daily OIALIK Summit >. CR7-3300 Wt MMIV« Ih* right It limit qwmlliUi. i .fl.cliva thiu SoluiJoy, jli(l»Jih, 1970. N*t ftipantiblt far lyn«g*nplilcol «rr«n. , •« •;«***,

> • ••! f V •• ;_ • J_ - 20-TKuraday, July. 2. 1970-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER . .. /,,. - ••= • . • ---*••• -.. v

•••-•-.*• , * *, t, f m j_ '"' 'UK" UribeaierTSoifTerseT^rubs PBA7I 2-3* 'Thursday, July 2, 1970- •"Worfc Near Home"- • -^j&MfC-O tops Atlantic fair first triumph, To Mace Your Ad Jerry Retti held PBA to five hits as Somer- Atlantic hitters thelast four Innings as AMJCO had two hits apiece In a losing cause, To Place Your Ad set won, 12-3, to remolicundeleated at 6-0 In scored seven runs in the fifth Inning. Tom • Wllpat pounded Lutons, 21-4,-Bcorlhg seven- suburban the) pprlngflftlrl MiMi'fa Snfrhflll j.ftngnp. f JBnhffr-flnd^poin-CagtarnovU-led-the-way^ith—Truns in die second-inntng-aa-Mtt ". ~ to the third Inning, Somerset scored nine doubles In the fifth, Stewart and Jim Mara accounted for five ru|as on hits by Ben M.irranzano, Sam Carr, Remllnger scored 12 runs in the first two runs. • Jerry, Retti and John Chabra combined with Innings but couldn't stop Commarato Plumbing . . Eight runs In the fojrth put the game out . DEADLIMETTUESDAV HOOR DEADLINE: TUESDAY NOON foiftr-walluj. Jerry Rettl, the winning pitcher, from scoring a 20-13 victory. Andy Tangello of reach on doubles by Bob Wlshort and KeVry FOR THURSPAY PUBLICATION helped his cause with three hits. PBA had a had four hits for Remllnger and John Koajenga Tomklns. I FOR THURSDAY PUBLICATION tough time'as Somerset fielders stopped the' chipped in with a triple. Lutons' Tony Coluccl had three hits while scoring threats with fine defensive plays, Commarato bounced back with five'In the Marris White had two. . . XXKXXX>«0000««OOOOOOOOI>09<»00< $0O«O«OOOO«O0OO°»««o<><>«<>«06e<>6000«0«<>0«0000«0«00< I »oo©o«$o©o«ooo©©ooooooooocy* two runs In each of the first three Innings. Twelve men went to bat In-the fifth as Com- >«0«0O»0«»00««0«0«O0O0«0«0«Oo. x>oooooooo«oooo««ooeoooooooo< »00000«>00<><>0<»eK»0000<>000«< . Wllpat pitcher, Bill Cleri, gave'up four walks SftERJCAL ...... Larry - Kaehala hit a two-run homer •In the marato scored nine runs to take the lead. and two hits by Bob Markouskl and Al Aldruyd. I • HELP WANTED Off Vry Technical Institute - YARD edbee TERWEEKnn)8 ONtV second while.. Mark Sanders hit a two-run Robert Johnson, Bill Ehrhardt, and Mike ELECTRONICS. TECHNICIAN ir rrs WOVEN TRY ALPERN'S. For OOOD CRAFTSMAN In the .fourth Inning the Elks scored five runs STENOGRAPHERS EDUCATION CUSTOM SHOP-AT-HOME Dsooralor REASONABLE KATES - double In the third. Pisano had homers to lead the attack, . . and added five more when Walt Yuknlewla Help Wanted Lab .Technicians 564-1500 Service lor DRAPES, SLIP-COVERS, 6W-IWI T KT/I Dom Casternovla, the winning pitcher, held «& ONE, TWO, THREE,.GO! FIRST NATIONAL STATE UPHOLSTERY, BEDSPREADS, PUIl- Utilities had a tough time beating the Elks, hit e grand slam in the seventh, Bob Files 3343 Morrle Ave., Union TASO, A phone eall brtajs MttDecor-. e ... Women• BANK.OF NEW JERSEY , ' Z T/F 11-5. The Elks took an early 2-0 lead but had two hits and Earl Urleman three for the Exciting career' positions are (Mechanical Testing) and abr, with Simples, Advice and Ruler. ILS. F. CARPENTBY ,-; ONE. We need, a medical secretary with a e-«l»0 Legion splits while John Konleczny and Norm Pollack had Wilpat scored three-runs-iirthe-ftrsHn In the financial Held. We offer Box H30. on Union Leader. 1201 rlos and slue, from the UrfaetaelM- two hits apiece. The -Elks' last threat came with lilts by Dan Stewart, Bob Wishart and TWO..We need, a clerk-typist (or general office duties Turn Time Into Money.... an exoellent atartlns aalary,. Bluyvcmnl Ave., Union, N.J, K7/3 tton and color run, ALP&WE, tit XXK>X>«O0CO0O0O00O6«O00«O«O«< outatandlng benefit program and Some Experience Desired; Excellent Working Condi ROUTE 10,.WHrPPANYi N.J.,TEBr> •Ceilings " 35 In the sixth—on hits by Bob Markowsklm, . Dave Petto. Kerry Tomklns had two hits with a background that includes good typing skills. Be An Avon Representa- vary pleaaanl working condl- PHONE lit - «71fc Hours: l6'oo"E Jerry Orleman and Whitey Schwerdt—as they tlona. Pleaae apply any' week- tions; All Benefits. to 10' P.M. Mon. to Fri. 1OK» K.U. p x»o»ooo»oi>o«o<>oooooo«ooo<>» ' which. Included a triple for the losing team. tive .... Own Hours .... day at the 1*0 Sat. «nd Sun. . T/F scored three runs. 2 contests with Dobbs Auto Body lost to, Utilities, w 9-1. THREE. We. need air accounting clerk,'preferably with • PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Personals "MAKE YOUR CEUJNOS BEAUTI- • A.R. Meeker took the measure of Dbbb's, Utilities scored six runs in the fifth with Own Territory .... High 550 Broad 91. niL" - HARPER KNOWS THE SEC-. eiiperience to handle responsibilities in our accounting APPLY: xo«o««oooe»oo RETII CALL 34I-S000 DAYS -- 10-6, Six-runs by Meeker in the fourth wrapped only five hits. John Konlecyhy had a two-run Earning Potential. Newark, N.J. tW-gril EVENINOS KTF department. ::' . * Boats & Marine up the game. Tom Mountford and Bob Thomp- homer and Norm Pollack hit an lnslde-the- ' -4 J' - * ' An Equal Opportunity Employer • WEEKDAYS 8 AMICU PM •," J. . >«ooooce«oooo«ooeo«ooooo«eo«« »«<>0«»O«««XX>0O0«O«0O<>O0<>«>0< N. Providence son led the way with three lilts apiece. Dobb's park two-run homer." CALL NOW: .... Personals •'• .10 CHRIS CRAFT Cemetery. Plots ' was led by Butch Arnold and Jack Brenner, who In the seventh inning, Utilities' scored two GQ - to St. Barnabas and get a good starting salary, >00«0«00«»000«> The Springfield American Legion baseball UNION, KENiLWORTH, ' • STENOGRAPHER >«oocoo««o«o«o«o«oooo««o««« Uon can afford the preatln and con- 1W§ on the scene again and handling >ooox»o Falkin and Dennis.Moran plowed outstanding (AN EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER) venience of-lta own pubuo relations tlnentai Post, will visit league-leading Rail- committee delayed their action rather than ROSELLE- . those aane One marine equipment KOMFOItT KLLEN way next Wednesday. . defense. Dobbs' only run was. scored by Bob SAINT BARNABAS office. Let professional Journalists Unas In hie own A. J, 'Marine, 317 Dry*Cleanlni Laundromat succumbing to the pressure exerted upon us to . ROSELLE PARK: OLSTEN . write, compile and submit your press Bloomfield Ava,lBloomaeld(74S-4UO) ' WASH 'N WAX CAR WASH The two games against New Providence, a Gelir, who singled in the'last of the seventh. Services releases; Let'us live your troop Uie &15_Ler4l(h Ave., Union - 696-0908 make an instant decision on an emotional ^ Miss Stone among eleven students LINDEN " UNION publlolty It needa and deaerveiulluil-. ... . J7/a' 3-2 defeat and then a 7-3 victory, gave the basisl MEDICAL CENTER ' lose Morrla Ave,, 6M-3363 COLLECTION MEN mum ratea. aaUsfaoUonassiired. Write O7/J3 Particularly careful adherence to this news- 353-4880 qulrett Apply Union Cowrty ParkCom- to Bo* Mfo o7o suborban PuWlahlnj Continentals a record of two victories, two ' "It appears to us that the committee took Qld Short Hills Road . ' , PANWOOD FIRST NATIONAL STATE Corp., 1301 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. THOMPSON - >O00oooo©ooo«oo< Board of Adjustment and approved by the. 9. There will be no exceptions for any of the Chapter were Mrs. Philip Meiscl, vice-presi- DANIEL D.KALEM AGENCY An,Bqual Opportunity employer j. ST'AT JDICTO CLERK poraonnel dept.; Acme St., HIE. Mon,- SALARY PLUS MERIT REVIEW. SABLES. 0 WEEKS. SIRED DY YrUe 1" a. m. -i}j.m; K7/2 HALSTOR'S PETER PUMPKIN, IIAVINO PEST PROBLEMS? " .Township Committee. We do not think the people rules. The tournament director- will contact dent; Mrs. Charles ' Dewey, secretary, and •'' letters, developing your good skills to'perfection. .Management Opportunities ' Lost & Found 14 Call today for guaranteed reeuUs.'No A Complete Insurance Service REGISTERED, oW-MOS. ' C7, contract to alin. of Springfield want the same indecisive group ' the teams to set up playing dates. . Mrs. Paul Weisrrian, treasurer. Don't delay. Call or apply Personnel'Department. OENERAL AGENTS _ . ',.: Training Program .••. •-. xxxx»oo«oeoo«o«o« M Exterminating Ce. 974-40M sitting in judgement of this application when A -diopter meeting will be held on Tuesday, Four from Springfield Call 688-5950 POR LOCAL ASSIONMENT • To 10)1 meat up-to-date alck ana ucbl-*" UDST: Dlack purao conUlnbut wallet KVTiMBtS2HF&SSSS\ dent hoapltallutlon and surgical con- . Company Car. with California license. Call Julie Mlt- HUMANE SOCIETY ' In the Bee Gees Mixed last Tuesday at it appears for final decision by the Township July 21, at Sjp.m, ot Mrs. Wiesman's home, SPRINGFIELD, N.J. here IU). Dapea and mn*t alao mitt. tracts In your area. Top commissions. r.oL tt0O0O«O««40OOO06O««OOO«O«0«< ADULT MEN'S DOUBLES 992-5500 ' ' ,' , ' •••••• Write Equitable Lile, Il«alth4 Accident . Paid £xpenses Shoph.rdi, Poodlaa t mined Echo Lanes, top scorers wenrBob Kaelblein, 6 S. Derby rd." on Villanova dean's list dvU Beiylje Mooooo«oooo«oo«o«ooo©oo. M, Rich Rreudlich/191; Bob Goodman, 500; P.J. time in November. We appeal to the people o£* * Registration Blank Stumped for a . Health andMajor Medical "Cirmen lovoe cturllo"] Mon., Wed.,Frl., 4 Sat. 10 a.m. - J CHAIN LINK FENCE Barbara A, Ragucci, of 23 Colonial Terrace, RECEPT10NBT - Bwitohboard. Com- noon ylclnlhi Irvlnjton Par_ _ .m. SHELTER open dally 10 a.m. - All types, No Job too email. No middle- Burns, 209-552; JCaren Positan, 185; Ellen Springfield not to let time dim their memories TEMPORARIES GUARDS .Pension Plan Avfc/Jtvtajlon Center area. E p.m., SaJ^ to Sun, 10 a^m. - Sam. Name. Cyclist gets summons; Rnhnrr J. Rgprl nf 9ft Crnst Plnce. and Spring; Birth-Jay Gift? MEDICAL CENTER "- pany «U1 train Ml man to pay. Call Lou 73lTo8!4.'0Vm7: Marcus, 195-461; Donna Pfeifer, 172-472, and of what they had to go through before they Jkul (ret oUl HIGH RATES CASH BONUS Retired aocurUy offlcors nevd- If you wlnh to dtacuaa pur op- 134 Evergreen Ave., corner,680 rre- »">• . J7/1S James M, Weir of 970 Chimney Ridge Drive, Old Short Hills Road. paid. CalC l LeLa ItarUn.^sVnooIta . NO PEE TO YOU ed for part llnie opttnlnsn on portunity nnd tho poaeibllHy luidnryaen Ava,, near dry line NewaNewarkr . Todd Herman, 525. could get responsive and constructive action on lag « BaaUlnir WreocSulW , 1M1 Morri logs MORRIS AVE. LINDEN the 8-4 nnd 413 shift, week- of very prompt locnl lntorvlowa LOST PRESCniPTION BUNOLAB3ES J7/a, ooexyxx officer called *abusive' all in Springfield, appeared on a list of Vlllanova 964-1300 plonao cnll COLLECT: the part of the Republican- members of the TRY PERSONAL STATIONERY. Livingston, N. J. Ava,Ava , Union, R^a K7/ ende. Plnlnflold, Berkeley SANFORD THEATRE ONSAT. JUNE 17 Floor Finishing & Waxing 48 University students, attaining high academic 101 NO. WOOD AVE. LINDEN Holghte nnd (lanovar nroa. REWARD. NO QUESTIONS ASKED Like Ilia patter o( little feet or the Standings in the East Division are Yid, Township Committee." Paul Deremer ol Orange was stopped Sun- An Equal Opportunity. Employer. * 0 7/3 035-1600 ' MR. FRED PERZ >ooooo«oooooe«»«oooooooo« averages during the second semester of the BECEPT1ON1OT . TEUEPHONE OP. 210 PARK AVE. SC. PLAINS 12.55 per hour. Coll 355-8290. soft stroll of a graceful oat? Call 6-3; Zits, 6-3; Dirks, 5-4; Pace Setters, Address day, evening by Piurolman Richard Kisch of Calling Cards, Note or Virlaua elerieal dutlu. moat be accu- 333-8300 NIL8BN DETECTIVE AGENCY, - 686-2500- 970-3970 C 7/3 341-Bffla, 8 to 6 p,n\. or .weekends, ANY KITCHEN FLOOI! PROFESSION- M; "J," 4-S; Odd Squad, 4-5, and Organ!- . the Springfield Police Department and viati 1969-70 schoolyear. • ' BABYSrrTER rate with Borei, Irv.'oraa,. pleunmt INC. ANIMAL WELFARE LEAOUE. Ci/« Memo Pods in Bright, 0 7/3 If unubli) lo call, pleaio lond »O0OO0O«>0OO«O0O0OOOOO< zation, 3-6. given a tiaffic summons tor TallinR to wcur The, list it bears the names of students who Colors from the • -• „ I1NOS. SATURDAY AND JCPERIENCE .PHEFERRELL BEOHy briof Rummnty of your quollfl- j SUNDAY EVENtNOS OR DAV NEPff. OR TRAINEE CONSIDERED. cntionn: Merchandise For Sale / 15 Standings in the West Division are Tough a helmet and gobies wliile driving a motor- have achieved a mark of 3.0 or more, as an , 37.1-8434 R7/8 * Pool events overall record in their studies. Approximate- COMPANY TYPISTS-RECEPTIONISTS ' »«e<>9«oe<>o»o«oc<)<>oeo<50o<>6ao< Wanted Guys, 6-3; Easy Riders, 6-3; Bearded clams, cycle and lor being overdue for inspection. JULY BICYCLE SALE KARL OANTNER Ph6ne ly twenty-five per cent of Villunova's, 5,000 . •'. ' . $80-5130 I INSURANCE AGENCY . EXPANDING 6-3; Ten Spares, 5-4;-Pyros, 4-5; Lovers . (Continuod from page 1) Violet T. CJelson of Orange, a passenger ITEM PRESS SECRETARY • avaat Job, M pay. Work , OPERATIONS; NEEDS EXPEHIENC V.n GAF Corp. novs on amLs POLO BIKE - IM.OB NEW AND OLD FLOORS SCRAPED students merited this distinction, 4.0 is con- EXPERIENCED ulei Udy uotutoned with 1 men, 3D hr. *t\ irrTlunch, To Buy AND FINISHED. 341 Lincoln P.. Iry- Pours, 4-5,"Snd Ginnies, 0-9. on DeremerVm'otorcycle; charged Kisch with ARE YOU A enallant btn«Hta, Need aharp. Mlaed. FIRE OR CASUALTY RATEft EXCEL- Victory Bicyclu Shop The league is open to both men and women. sidered a perfect record. 20 Main Street , LENT BENEFITS. Locntixl on Morris 2299 Vauxhall Road 2550 Morris Ave., Union S8S-39S3 Ington, J73-1B0J. . XT/F allegedly using abusive language as he was unbUloiij tvoe. No fee, |S43.^IS4-41" Qlrla women, any njol Accurate nvc, Union. Call 000-6202. C 7/2 Four people may sign up as a team. P.n. DANN, 139 Broad et, EUi, X7/1 akllle? Meet and mix wllli friend- . Union, New Jersey 07083 ZT/F »0«00000000000«0<>000oo«000o<>oooo«o«oo«o«oo«o«oo«ooo6««oo<>< The pool will again offer American Red Fannuw Paraonnal tn-0300 TOP'WAQBS ' informed about their capabili- Can we wave the Flag Office Temporaries eiperlenoe In s*nerat office pro- 1061 Morrii Ave,, Union, N.J, . To work In Mnplewood Gen- ,I ELECTPJC STAIR CUMDEIt fer PRICESI 8choduToa* ovortlmo Garage Doors S2 Cross senior llfesavlng. The course begins on- on rate hike oadurai. TOY DEMONSTRATORS ITIII Office with aootl • alary, :: lnvnlld or oenvalosoont, good condl- All modorn bedrooma, living rooma, ties. He stated that the com- (Mln. 50 hr».) good work inn condition! and . J0000ooorJ0000oooortoo up to MMIOQANY CHEST, o. 1810 fonsa lh.t Jloavy Brass 339 per lb.i Rags 1C: LARGE A SMALL JOBS - out until there would be enough room in the able to keep the companies Kmral lodnr. punroll t typliu, E> 1510 Rtuyveaont Av«. Union. NJ competent help. 241-8161. Xi'/i WINDOW CLEANER - full timi' nblo tn Alterations, Bathrooms, AtUos. Dealers' granting interim rate relief h nllmt •UrUni Wary, flmid pirttou- ODIL on WOMAN, atart Sept.. watoh WOMEN: to work part time, 3-3 i pulls): Pombreke-typo table; Gothic Lead »t • Batterlea, A Ik P PAPER Porehaa, Masonry, Dormare, Leadora . other schools to transfer all Chisholm pupils at strength. I believe that we are not waving our (lag enough, not nearly enough •& It seems to M(M luindtf ladder, climb and ilrivu, AIJHT secretary rocking chair, WATTS OF STOCK CO., 4(r-t4 Eo'-30lh SL.Irvuil- going with their plans until lari ol uipirltlui lncludlnj uliry flrat erader weany and oohool vaoa- hours eves., making |is to lUweekly. , uumi! Hour wipcint and porter Burvico. li Outtora, rxt-iizt, 743-0100. AaV to our cpmpanies," ' ttona. Jilt to,4:l». Mut live near " X7/3 MATlfflE SALESMAN NEEDED FOR ! MILLrNGTON (Near the Station) '<« ton, (Prloo aubject to ohango) O 7/30 one time. the proceedings had been com- noHotiNl, to box Sit oTo UnionLaadar, FREE wardrobe furnished for those ' rail 106-6060. X7/3 for Bob. J 7/u me that we a're developing a tendency to be timid or even apologetic about waving the sttt's - last 8hjyvojant«v«., Union, N.J, O70JX Sandmalar School, SprlntUald. CaU • LOCAL AREA Sunnyalope Mlulngtoa847-00o0. X7/3 Guide Seymour Margulies, board president, noted Tha utility president not-ed pleted and the.board had an 376.31311, *-!—-— -R-7/S- SECRETARY «ho auallfy. Car nee. CaU for personal '. Invest nonu of your own money but 1(7/3 Intenrlew: 736-3809,373-4190. ! rcaliee n troniendouu phi (it. lnti>r- MAX WEINSTI1N b SONS that before reaching the decision adopted last that the utilities' formal mo- opportunity to reach a final ' R7/3 , MOVtNO OUT OF STATE - Amana Uuylnr Scrip Metal Since 1920. IKt HERMAN BUILDERS, INC. and stripes. Walk up and down the streets on July 4th and count the (lags. It is our nation's OmLS - FACTORY WORK . Intareitine po'iUlon, pl««»ant osted? Thu only rctJOtBtte is henviity Help Wanted-Men& Women 10 cu. ft side by eido refrigerator/ Morrla Avc, (near Hurnut Avc.l Union We tptfcUilipe in carpentry, ' week, the board's advisory school planning tion for such relief was filed and common aonfiu. Exoullent oppor- p .. • of value to his committee. we had scheduled for service spirit of our undying devotion to our country. It-stands for tt^ best that is in us-r-r^for loystlty, 17 ynJii. oli ' IUGHEST prlnva paid,-olil ueur'alplna, ~ VOLVO 1 IroUon and other frlnia bene- -Due-to-T.V. oqverone,.CMStpm- . • STANLEY'S nti'TAURANT BANK OF NEW 1£RJEY TEMPEST 1902-Lo Mane, nod condi- .17/a.i *• Mrs. Stanley Grossman, PTA- president, days notice to customers _era awflltlna your ooU - 3 colls jewelry, palntlnga, china, claaa, next year and that we had. (111. Bxpatianct.imfomd.-8ua> lfl«-Monin Avo., flprinriluld Opt-nhiHtt ure-rurrnnlly tiviitt- tion, S20S; 8-plcco Droxel dining room ..(Umlturo; complete conlentfl of hom.'s SALES-SERVICE-PARTS . thanked the board for the manner in which after revised tariffs giving character, and faith in democracy •&• Isn't our flag a synonym of the United States of America? mil YUCA - 173-3330. " SUMMER SALES STENOGRAPHERS - $120.00 per hour will give, you $4 F»r ittilo ilinlURlioul our HyHlnm for U.'U $300; 7' pool table. 139. Moving earlier informed the. board we hourl CaU 280-8723 376.3000 K7/3 bought II sold. SO2-3133 • ES l-»0J0 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS (and we mean service) thei problempro , had been resolved. There was effect to the board's order 11 fl bo* unable—to-flnance ..K7/3 FEE PAID • nxpcrU-ni't'il »nv!i>B« nnd com- muat soU (net. 886-.10B8. C l/i Rf/0 Aluminum iidlnji, custom bithroomi, Does it not represent man's greatest, rfo"Blest, most suhUma- dream? Is--tt not the zenith o( are big with AVOTrtlse your , WT/F merrtnl lollur". Wo olf.-r ninr; all home remodeling ftiuJ tin rebuild- 326 Morrie Ave. Summit273.4200 no -dls-dissens t from any of the 40 psople at the nave been filed anu approved Excellent Linden. Company, ct'llcnl utiirtinn oiUiiry, full benp- without rate relief. BOOKKEEPER ABSIOTANT spare tjtaejelling AVON'S sum- AT nfV'KAU/AV IfFUMFIJ] meeting-, ' by: the board, total approxi- "This iirder demonstrates "achievement, the goal to which generations have aspired? •& Ladies aiid-gentlemen, I believe it All around offloe work and typlnfi Wants To See You At Work In MlNTEfclANCE.. (-. il pUuminu BUY BOOKS "*" 486-1405' —J7?a3 . boolckoaplnE muhlna exp. holpfoL won- mer line of cosmetics and toile- Domestic Help Wanted-Women 2 mdillmin. 'pleaai' upply Buaglo,, Dachehund, Koeshond, Minl- 310 PARK AV U, PUAINFIkLU 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The board also authorized the architectural mately $9 million annually, ticluuiucor b Toy Poodlu Pupploe. AKC -BLJJ00O . o 7?33 that thc'N.J. Board lias a keen " dartul working; eomUUona ana llbaral' A Pleasant.Office Putting Your- MO«CO«0«0«0O«e««00O00»0«0O0< ; nny w..ukilny M tlsr ... fully Ruarantoca, Rt. 40, Rocknway, ') firm of-Elsasaer and Miller to draw plans for Bovler said, "The hearings is time for us .. . for theTnad, cushfng Twentieth Century American.._. r to stop fora tnomenLand oanaflta. dowmgxn-Uwark, 463-1701. tries, •' _^___ MAN I PERSONNKL DEPARTMENT Kitchen Cabinets . . 62 1 awareness of the problems . Mlaa CaroU * R7/3 -Skllls To Work For A Good .H27-7200. Bat. 1033. Qiialily Coj- ' astorage-facUlty at the Edward Walton School. in the case are continuing arid Earn lots of $$$. ' '' _ " HOUBEWORKER — S day weeh, clean>-. '. 5SU Urunil SI. Houuua-oll sizuaT vviAnoocooooocoocooocoooopoc'. S PER CO I faced by a'n electric utility think. Let us arrest otir near reverential admiration of material succees-aftd return to the spiritual Salary. ; . Iw and email personal laundry. Recent - • FIRST NATIONAL STATE j Nowiirlr, N.J. SEE rThe meeHTig-Ws adjourned after 17 minutes. the board has indicated on ser-ving a rapidly growtnf; and reference. Tel. 371-1314 betweonOend linn - Business AUTICIANS (3), top •alary.aUbana- "4P.rn« K7/3 BANK OF NEW JERSEY An Kciunl Opportiiiiity Empluyor DOC - BEAUTIFUL OERMAN SIIEP- - more than orte""7Jccasion its dynamic, area" in these dnys of and ethicatvalues. Lefus imbue and rekindle in ourselves andour children the so-called old- : B-d«v vaali. Fat holldayi nod -CALL NOW: ' Apo|,ttL>nla curruntfy avniliijiht Mt'lU) 1 1/2 yra, eld. AKC, fantaatlo dflush i M.OTOR CO.Ine.U desire terhave the case com- WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKXW put. wondorful for chlldron or stud,' high cusis of materials, labor -^Millburn • _ A-l EMPLOYMENT for un Indlvldttul tfa ijbrfoiHntfBn— 624-1454 bil 10 n.m. l> 9 n.m. C 7/2 Directory toera of.Utchan cabineta. Call 371- - pleted as quickly as BdCtical • lashioned way o( patriotism, a-buming devotion to the principles and ideals upon which our country- Help Wanted-Male " " 3 oral purler «nd mlior mnintim- -B070. „ T;p Drugs *nd cap^al. and that the board 731-7300 --101 NO. WOOD AVE;,-EJNDEN Uniu work. Oood iuilnry, full Cadillac-Oldsmobile^ so that it can reach an eariy- 035-1600 >«o«oooooo«060««o«ooo«oooeo«< REGISTERED HEALTH FOODS • wo carry a.full >«O9O9«00000O000«00(XOO00OO0< cloes nnt intend to permit the was founded -fa Should not every frcrrie own and.proudly display the colors on holidays and other benefit pfdurnm. Apply nny »0««00000<>00<»0000000<>C*0000000000«< Complete B'ody Shop Strvict utilities to be Impaired to an such occasions? Isn't the flag Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Nathan Hale, Gettys- ,731-8100. 318 PARK AVE., SC. PLAINS. APPLIANCE^ 530 Broud 8n— »OXK»00060««Oe«0000000«000< back at the July 13 meeting. 333-8300 Q 7/3 PART TIME 5 P.M.-'I P.M. . i 0 Orange Avo., Irvington. ES 2-C603, LAWN MOWING - MAINThNANCE, SELECT USED CARS provided that if in .its final extent tlut might deprive the Reaponalbla gal, dapandabla Newark, N.J. . .. WKICKENDS AND HOLIDAYS I SUMMIT HEALTH FOOD STORE-404 Roto-TUllnir; uleO clean up aorvica, Chairmen are: legal and professional, the burg and Valley Forge, Paul Revere, Jackson and other great men and women who have given us and aoourata, neadad innatlonal An Equol Opportunity Empjoyur Sprlnsliulu Avo., Summit. CR 7-2050. Central Air Condltlonlni DurUllod ii Roaaonablo ratea. Free oeUmatea. Call Serving lh. Suburban Areo 40 Yeort " decision the board finds that public of safe, adequate and Garviibod, Fanwood, Westlield, Civil Si'rvlri. hLMU'filB, fri'i'. Rooalred, Window Unite Alao Serviced. vRev. James Dewart, Springfield Emanuel Company'a Bxaotltlva OfNoaa. SERVICE h.iHpitiili/olloii iinil mujnr mu- ;. T/V 847-3350. R1$) • the companies are entitled fo 1 daya, 0-9, Blua Croaa, Blue Ryan Conditioning Cor Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll United Methodist Church; parents and teach- proper service." our heritage? When you look at the flag can't you see Ihe Alamo, Corregidor, Pearl Harbor, The Scotch Plains & Clark STENO liiHiiriini'o fur employee 241-0809 J7/2 less than the interim amount Shlqld, other beneflta; Immedl- nn.l fumllv. MATTIlK^ltS, lactory roiecte; from BEVERLY LANDSCAPING SERVICE era^ Mrs, Arthur Weiss, Florence Gaudineer granted, the*"excess amounts •te opanina, temporary or par* 756-6828 TEMPORARIES . MEN $0.u&. lledilinn Manufacturer!!, 1S3 N. ' FACTORY AND RESIDENCE AIRCOOLED AUTOMOTIVE Monitor, The Merrlmac, Wake Island, and Korea? Lest we (orget, Isn't the (lag Flanders Field, mnnent poaitlon. QoDdSalary. Poaitiona available In Newark, • IRVINGTON GENERAL ' ; park St, tnal Oronce; open 0-0: &l.*to TOM11S CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE School; youth, Stephen Maglione, Recreation will have to be refunded to the GENERAL • TV 609 Weal Front 81, Plalnfleld. l! T/F . Aluminum aldlnK, roofing, windowu, 088-3348 R 7/0 1 8TROUT REALTY Cranford, Rahway, Hillside Irvlnglon, Hlllaldo, Union CORP. Department, and Bernard Lesser, a profes- customers, Bataan, Iwo Jima, Normandy, Babe Ruth and Davy Crockett? The great events of our past and 311 Bprlrvfleld Ave>,. Summit and the Oranges Mutt know color. MAINTENANCE HOSPITAL • : doora, 1 ploco gutter b leadora, sional youth group leader; programming, Capt. AUTO REPAIRS 373-3000 and Linden - ' Denoh and Road mon Rlnlng Mowor R. TOMBS (i n. RAJ "However, we believe that .8.12 C:liunci.|lor Avo., Irvlnalirn' " Coll Any Tihutan-niB . - SCREENED TOP SOIL It/1 353-4880 NO FEE CHAROBD or.' KO/20 Leslie Bell,. Police Department; finance, when the easels completed the present are wrapped up in our (lag •& It is asymbotol this blessed natio'n, a giant in Industry, • WASHERS' Electrician .I72--IHU0, K-ft. 21-1 I Oarden Traotor Arthur Vail, National State Bank, and public board will agree that the entire in lioubleshooting, K 7 / 2 ' TIKIS li TUBES 37S-0O98 O 7/9 ROAD SERVICE education and commerce. Millions of fertile square miles, wheatlands, coal mines, steel plants. Irvlngton & Maplewood • REFRIGERATORS «ilo8-ia Appliance Repaus 23 relations, Abner Gold, Springfield Leader. amount of rate increase which JSHSS&Sff SIGMA AIDES new installation and mainten- I'leateil Urea ilvu exoullont tractlonon y and •375-2100 STUHI NT,-i — I'AIINW.UO I'KII Dlllll'. ! turf wltliout KOutttnE Iho Uwn. Sot of 2 >0000«000<oooooooooooo«oooo»o«x>eoco« NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS AND Experience in repair and , I'UHLK' SCIIOCIL .miiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii substantial assistance while • arawlnBrowlna oompan-—•y • looata•—••»d« I'n- S"1 tJX'Um Mmbun. Wo-iiM, ' HELP WANTED ADVERTBEM ' 11II u'lileuorieu 50 ce'ntH e«. 3 for XW0OO0OO0CWOUO00O0OOOOC10OOW Ambitious man with knowl- { IMrt unii' ti'.iiilU'i- uf Siuinluli In the Jl. Hnronl Wunon, JO] Morrla Liquors, Wines, Beei - 65A That is what the Hag means to me. Can we wave it too mufch? I don't think so. Unlon/bprtnilTeld'araai Intereat- This newspaper does not knowing*!y maintenance of air-conditioned MilllKirn Junior tL.S., ucuiroiinB tinpl. Asphalt Driveways . ' ?5 the case is being completed," Ina and dlverclfed worltl eloel- anoant help wanted advertisements In edge of automotlva ports; nvci., Kllsubelh, N.J. 352-.IMO. lent frlnoe heneflta, Inoludjni systems plus general mechani- ' HI70. CM 37U-3600, Mr. conovor or Upi'n livonln«». till 'I P.M. . )OOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO>. CAHILL-COFF vloUUon of the Afe Dlurlmlnatlon In good futura with lono oa- t Mr. Hoom-y. H7/a C 7/2 ti IHiim Liquor Marl oompany pald^lua Croaa At Blua Employnnnt Aot* ASPHALT arlvtM»jy«, p«rklnB I(A. All lut CutM:)! flhltld, life iniurenoa, eta. 39 The ADEA prohlblta arbitrary age lobllahsd [obbar. Call Mr. cal work. I " i#ork done with power roller. Alrklnda MU 6.32:17 • Iri-i Ik-Uv^ruh hour week. Apply Mr. Oellend dlMrimlnation'Tn employment lor par- Patttrson for appointment. TIIHlPr b CONMGNMENT SHOP RE- moaonry, Jamea La MorsDao, 18 Paine 3411 C'hL'HUiut SI, Union BULLSEYE! at Verona Coip., Union Metro- sons between the tsas of 40 and 08 and WANTED TARDED CHILDREN ASSN., 197 So. •We,, Irv. IS2 - 3023. K T/l (At Fivt' 1*011)1 ShoppingCuntt-rl• S. Springfield Ave. . teollten park, Bprlntfleld Rd., Apply in person or call WOOD AVE,, UNDEN 020-4931. Tueu- IF applies to emtJoyere, with in or more QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE CO. TOOL ENCINEEK • 8/8 To roach rtto ptrian you want, & Durjdar Road Union, N.J, Tele. 888-3700 ( Hot. 10:30-3urn., , You ve 'alwaya tthought -you'd >I tfW iilM 25 Summit Ave. Summit Personnel Department. TOOL DEKIGNUK »0O0O(X><>OC0O000O«O0<)O«»<>0< Dodge ute orf inexpentivfl want ad Ilka to be In real eatate, IF you II 0/29 C 0/3 | (Ju»t luulhof Rte 22 Ovorpati) iffiff?JSnl.S" * " 277-4228 UKAKTHMAN SVIUJIIUAN I'AVDNO COMPANY in this nswtpaper. It's so are ooneenlal, Intelllient &> Advarusamants conlslnlni am Masonry ' " 66 Springfield T K 7/2 lIMvi'iiptirl Sol U|i ,ir PARKING AM EA, D RIV t: W A Y S. 312 Sprlngfiald AveT umpla .... hove EMPATHY, IP you'd Ilka terras and. phiuai u"youiUu' "boy, 464-1200 4 FREE PICK-UP S. DELlVfcKY COMMONWEALTH WATER COMPANY 1 •—-•>• or HMltMUn/raarttta a Seiul uonipluttf ruHunu'- nnil cuniima. KIIEE EsriMATts. woim nnlnrv rti<|tiirumunt ALL MASONRY WORK DIAL' fcr.®-- ^-' is "ate 81to (i/ or oQiar slu AZOPLATE CORP. • NEED.HELP! OUARANfEED. MU7-J1U oj/t NEW OR ALTERATIONS pieliQsUon, toloitea disorto ' COMMUNICATIONS lo Box..!.SBH SELF KMPLOYED-tNSURKD SUMMIT J.-H. King, Vic* Pre^lcUnt 558 Central Ave. An lne.pon>Ue HPLP WANTFn 1 686-7700 . 467-0764 •falnst the amployment of older WANTED- Ambilloui young man Airport Slntioit I . 1'Alil'nL.U 1/ '\U <'UW< I 0. LACK! 807-4913 R 0/3 - - • ra MnsUareduivloUtion Nnnhvllle,. T. od In Ihe Clonill.d panel ol WATt:il PROOFING b MMON Wt^ltK } 'New & Used Cars & Trucks HOURS: 6 AM-11PM with baalo Icripwledge of elec- Murray Hill Ihit naMipapei.wfN loacn avet Aik lor Clo»ifl«d LJOUT MAOIOHE Intormalioo about the tricity. Will train (or Inatellinu R 7/2. AMPHALT DlllVIWAYJ , Sales 273-4800 Service 273- ean be obtained by . and aarvlolns audio ayatems. (New Providence), N.J. ^ JO,000 neaiby rooder.famlllet. . MU 8-H27or MU«-48l5 ALL MASUMti, al 11'tt, W A T I R- ear thti lo place youi ad, coll — ml RAY AVI,, UNinN, N,J. PROOI'lMl, SIDtWALrS, WALLS',, IHHUUIUHHHIIHIIIIIIU ItlllHIIItllllllllllllll Illlllllllllill Auto required. Call W. Sheridan. An Equal Opportunity Employer ' CH'UitJ t'UT —Collarnndyartlocleiinotl 0 7/13 I SLL.l IMPLOVin • tN3UHt:l'. A, 0«4-808a, 8130 a.m. lo lOtJOa.m. — Atook boy or/mfec. Jobs — babyalt- ZAPPUI.LO L iioNS, IS 'J-41TIII-MI] K7/I • X 7/3 X 7/2 tlng. Good workrr. 3D1-430& , 686-7700 7-6476. iSJC /•.*•" -Thursday, July2, 1970; Thursday, July 2, 1970- Houses For Sale. \\\ Houses Wailed 112 Automobiles For Sale 123 [ A fifth can prove Vacation can go off without a ^hitch' >OOOO0O0000«O«O««0«00O««O00«< South Brunswick runs . Mtsoiiry* * . Plumbing S Healing JS ttoo«o«ooooooo«60«ooo«ooooax TRIUUPH 10(1 SpilOre Convertible', - * >*XXK>»©O«O«a IQOOVVVVVV ANVki!)A WEST""]H!3H---Vlila»--4 NEED HOMES 1 air program lathi. 4 bedrooms, kitchen, 4 privet' &pJ*fi&," '"' """ "* ""' ^ ,| ,i i • . i i homicidanomicidail on 4thh "your frailer is properly connected- .BY, PLA6TLH1NG, nttios-.BesatUul ocean \rl»w with tari- HAVE BUYERS nla, avUnmlng and beach risMs, P.O, Call .' Mr, A and Ills wife were off for a weekend You can start by having a "pro" choose UPLOYCD 0«000 "We hear so much about the'eatastrophe •the files of Aetna Ufe & Casualty make a' the safety chains under the tongue of the '. "Last year nearly 40 boys«an(t girls who ovtr Vt acre of .lovely land- tricia Murphy, a school social worker In ecapedd ' property.. FlreplacerFlreplacerf 'Industrial Property South Brunswick. . of war, but compare our highway toll to: timely and omnlous point: . hitch. This-forms a loop that will catch the live In the area of the Humanity Baptist SIDEWALKS, patloa,steps,brlokfronts , livinllvli g roomroom, aunnauny dinlngdinlnr room, 115 and fMuralJnaaonry work. >»OO<>l>»C><»O<>O»03O 53,000 Americans killed In World War I, Many of- the ever increasing number of trailer tongue before It can dig Into the Church In the Central Ward of Newark were sFlnaaonry wor. >00O0OOOOO0OO0O0O«OO00OO0«>0<' ' deden or 4th bedroom, 'Zliathe. YOUR 1 JrJK CAR OR TRUCK . the' program began In 1964 primarily Frank Parsgino <4707 • MAYBE V'ORTH THAT ORM3RE . - 34,000. Americans IdUed In Korea, 42,544 people that derive pleasure or profit from ground should your hitch fall, offered the hospitality of suburban Union - JT4-OSM alter 3 urn. R7/t Roofing & Siding CAU. 179-3939 Zl/3 give specialized educational help to the chliT x>oooo5»oooooo«oo«ooooo«oo«oo<»ooooekx>«oooooacxiooo< Th- £,",•*% ^"wick's many farms! More than 10b .realtors and guests are Hermusi S7»-«1O» aaUnalea - do own mrk. AUJM. 2JprinefleldjU.! b ' the more than 1.5 million-persons mutilated, knows, according to Aetna. Yet the company 3 Inaured. 373.1101 O8/30 Berlieley Helghte o expected to partftdpate lrrthe annual golf Hdns 179-1953 116 MOTORCYCLES WANTED The State of New Jersey operates schools burned, and injured. In New Jersey alone, says slightly morq than a week's worth of R7/JJ • Lots For Sale ANY MODELS - CASH AT ONCE, outing sponsored by the New Jersey Associa- Z 7/ 434 Na. Uroad St., Hla. 3S1-790O during the summer for the children of migrant we've killed close to 600 persons since Jan. ' research turned up nearly 150 trailer acci- COMPLETE AUTOMATIC o Z7/39 tion of Realtor Boards on Tuesday at Twin Wch Voooooooooo«ooo situated In center of LAMDn.TTATJOTpRBCOrrEn 17SCC But local needs also" underlie.the venture. Golf committee chairman Philip H. Wels- EXTERIOR WASH ELMQRA-WESTEND— toll Is in the thousands and growing. .1 TAX , «87-r tributlng factor in 50 percent of these deaths. The township contains permanent '.'ruralpoor" ' becker said a full day's activities have been HOURS: MON.thru THURS., 8 o.m. to 8 p.m MOVING MAffJE EDmRCS, INC. WE HAVE JUST LISTED families. Local children of pre-school age In half of all New Jersey's fatality cases, The cases' of A, B anir"C above tell the Local & Long Dittonc* ProfetaBhal mi oleanln(, OffUe and A really delightful Dutch planned with tee-offs starting at 9 aim, and CHUBB home. Fne eattmataa. Bonded. HONDl CB 4S0, eweUent conillon, also attend the summer migrant school to one or both drivers had been drinking, story of trallerlng's three great dangers: Fr«« Esflmalvi £°.l°nl.Colonial! ,»lth pew science' Offices For Rent continuing until noon. A luncheon break will eH7-78tO X7/J3 •kitchen 119 brand newjaM Job, cuatom tank. Call Heymann said-New'Jersey, enfor.ceraentper- ' —The safety chain that Isn't attached prop- IRVINGTON CAR WASH Solect The Hlght-School (mured «nd tile bain. Three »«0<>> e«er.l:30ftM. get a head start.!' As migrant children are separate the morning and afternoon, rounds. >oeocooooooooooooo«oo«o<>»«r sonnel "will have no welcome for those erly under'the hitch (A). For a Professional (K*«p uft moving and you >ovt) , UNK)N--3,«00 eo, ft. on Morrla Ave., - 370-M03 Z7/3 •pulled out of the program iri the fall, they Cocktails will precede dinner which will . 575 CHANCELLOR AVENUE IRVINGTON Surveyors,, . • • 86 • yXrir.:,. who come- to the state's, highways in less —The safety chain that doesn't me'etnormal Computer Career. . PAUL'SM&MMOVING BUY ««- PULL PRICE Oround Floor. Excellent Parldni, Com- . HONDA iv*7, 180 dream, pxxi con- are replaced with local children having special 0&0 pletely Renovated to Suit Available . be served at 7 p.m. _ ' . 1«5 Vou.holl Rd., Union learning problems. ^ than the best possible physical condition to safety standards (B). B«tw..n C6lt S»r»»t arid Ch».tnut Av». > Am.-I tVi/Bq, FVNear8tuyveaant Awards will be presented during dinner with 686-7768 ORASSMAN, KREH b MKEH, me. Ave. Call Bob Donahue at 382-«««. M&r. / •• *,•*. . • .. ' deal with holiday driving emergencies." . —The hitch that's Installed Incorrectly on CHUBB SCHOOL KT/F JBB-0311 Z7/3 prizes "for low net, low grosSi longest drive, ZT/F the towing vehicle (Q. 433 North Broad Street BECAUSE MIGRANT CHILDREN do not two man team and four man team* as well as BATAPMCESSINB DDITON Ii IIO1.DUJ, INC. -.«•«.• EUubelh, N.J. EL 1-3770 The Boyle Co* / «OC bring school records with them, each student's LOCAL L LONG DBTANCE MOVING a. lady's low gross. • ••."'• PLUMBERS, ATTENTIONI Soil your s.rvlc.s lo FULL SERVICE - JE Education Division .. Chubb I Son Inc. 07/SO STORAGE • ALLIED VAN LINES .°S"*P' Of """nea-Realto^ • 'Summer Rentals 122 program begins with a thorough educational 30,000 local families with a low-cost Wont.Ad., HOW TO' GO ABOUT avoldlng-these dan- 51 J.F.K. Mwyv'Short Hill., N.). 07078 ~ (47 Years Dependable Servlc«( 3 B. Jeraey St., Bllaabeth FRI. - SAT. 1 HOLIDAYS 374-9600 HELP? diagnosis. Once the child's ability level has gers? Aetna has some advice: Wwni 379-70M w 3794800 TL-l-nn G7/I« Tile Work 353-4300 Open Dally 9 _ g LAVALETTE • ' been established, the program stresses im- X^O^OOOOOOWSCCCKSOOOOOOC^oocii-- 8al. g _ 4; , u_3 . • 3 BEDROOM nuiilWir.partin.nt, Sun weekly rental from July^ tojuly IB. provement in reading, writing, and,speaklng. KELLY MOVERS n . TB-lyOnKliREPADUNG Z 7/2 'B.lack Capitalism' JBMJRO tmt-nn hli It also attempts to Improve the. selMmace Alio Aiicnl For. SILVERTON I UPPER OREENWOOD LAKE, N,J.~ '•- of the children. • North American Van Llnri 4 ROOMS (i BATH, I 3 ROOMS t porch, sleeps o com | Thr< GENTLBmvn of Ihr >ot ISO x 141, can be seen weekends I fortably, 1/3 mile from beach. Re .- All students In the program receive medical subject of articles Movinit Industry "OJMneneedle Dr. 111,700. M8-J08B. i aonsblel Call 399-6M3betweenSt9, and dental checkups, laboratory tests, and R T'F >ooo»coooooo«oooooe©oeoo< •weninjs, MU B-90U. *^f • z immunization inoculations; Breakfast is avail- Dr. George T. Bum, chairman of the Tree Service . • -89 Philosophy Department of Newark State Col- FLORIDA SPECIALIST ' MAPLEWOOtf . able to all students who want it, along with a 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. a|l modem con- high-protein hot lunch and, later, a snack. lege, has written two articles for future Trees trimmed cut down li removed. venlenoea. 3 doora fronrTuaoan ele- publication. •••'•• - Some trees free of charge. Alao fire- mentary aohooL Very low 30e, no Automotive The school staff stands ready to help the wood for sole:' Free Eatlmatea. Call families who send children to the program — The first article, entitled "Black Capital- . DON'S 341-OMB J BAT? Ism In the Ghetto Community," will appear' ECONOMY MOVERS, INC. ROSELLE !~ ; . even to the extent of balling an occasional' 3 FAUDJV 79 X 300 lot, excellimt in the November-Issue of Newarkl Dr. Btirtt's LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE . TREE SERVICE parent out of Jail. ' — • • eondltion. (3-B room apta. plua a 3 second article Is a review of Ted Cross'book, 3413 VAUXHALL RD., UNION CANADIAN TREE SERVICESPECIAL- room ipt.) Aaldni I3«,K». . Automobiles For Sale 123 A secondary .goal /of the South Brunswick IDNa DJ TRIMMINO ANDJffiMOVAU 687-0035 OORCZYCA AGENCY, Real EeUte "Black Capitalism: Strategy for Business In FREE E8T1MATINO, FVLLY nfc EV migrant program Is to upgrade the self-image " • ; • 0 7/30 341-34h I f" HOLET IMPALA 10J7 2 door the Ghetto," which will appear in a future SURED. CALL ANY TW-B&MIJ' 33) Cheatnut St., RoaeUe Z 7/3 j of the pupils' mothers. To do this, the school Sill tSil "^Sf00' "*"• "ir-con- MILLER'S MOVDra — Itnis. rites — ni, anow-«rea, low U district hires mothers to work In the migrant Issue of the Financial Esecutlve. etoraf. — free aaUmatM — Insured — Pr. Bum Is a graduate of Backnell Univer- looal — Ions distance — ahora ene- Tutoring " 91 NEW PROVIDENCE j program — as drivers; medical assistants ' etels. CH 8-J206. J7/0 clerks, but most of all as teacher aides. The sity, and earned his master's and doctoral ~ X>O000«9O«O0O0OO00O00CiOOO0O«< YOUNG 2 FAMILY j program encourages mothers to continue their degrees from Rutgers University. RODBINS t ALUS0N, D.ll, and will N.J.. nnttl 3:00 P.M. (PrwaiUr«fime| 370-S780 Z7/3 last time you on Hiursday, JQly lflMr/TO. lor NEW Husk corn, remove silk. Put the corn in rapidly boiling water in a STORAOE: m^ PROOF VAULTS. EXPERIENCED TEACHER- wiahea to ' UNDER CONSTRUCTION be opened and read Immediately there- 333-44M and M8-44.JS. 07/16 thought enough of altar, tor the followlnd BAKED OOO08, PARTITION ABOVE EXffillNO OYM tutor Math t Reading tradea 1 thru 0. GOLF OVAL CHRYSLER NEWPORT 10«0, Grey, 3 FOLDING PARTITION AT THE DAVID large kettle. Cover and cook over high heat for 3-6 minutes. Remove Call door IIT, Black Vinyl, WW., Mill, iir yourself to have Blda muat be (J) mads on the standard DlreoUone: On Mountain Ave., proposal form, (3) onoloeedlnaSEALED DREARLEX REGIONAL 10011 SCHOOL, TOWS MOVERB ' 379-31B0 Z7/3. conditioned, oloan. OWS. • Pap teit7 wrnwo! MonraAvnuesnlMUiStneti - drain & serve with melted butter applied with brush. Salt to taste. NO JOB TOO SMALL 2 btocka paet Shunpllce Rd., Csll B86-8078 Z7/3 KenLhnrlh, New Jersey. ALL APPLIANCES betweenKew Dr., e» Rlchland Dr. // you can find lime lor EHVELOPE, (Ivllij; tho name of the PIANO INSTRUCTIONS^.BEOINNERS Prowssla «UI be rioelved fcr work 973-3S9S R7/23 Private Leaaona At My llome For In* . Mon. thru Prl. 370-0770, DATSUN 1067 Sport convertible, 4 the beamy salon once a .Bidder and PLAINLY MAHKED-- "BID tobsfetmilerasliideoanirut, _ formation Call: ! evee. 370-7130 speed, Sliver, excellent condition, own- week, you can find time ~ tor In ooiaieeUon with (he project 341-B378 Z 7/18 er school teacher. Very sood buy. Odd Jobs • 70 forthePaptetfonceayear. FOB (Title ol Bid)," and data and time be Mid not leu then wina si After 0 3>.M, call 4B8.743O. Z7/3 ' In PrmUIni Wan Rate Deter- *»0000000000«00«00<»0<»««0« UNION It's quick. It's painless. ol openlnc (3) uooDiwried by a oerti- It's great to know you're lied oheoK dram to Vie order ol The iMlt poreutnt to Shifter 110 of PUTNAM MANOR FORD RANCHWAOON, Ideal for Mom's the New Jsreey Laws of 1095. " ODD JOBS shopping trips, for Dad's trips to the free of uterine cancer. Instructions to Biddersi,, Forr m of Pro-, LIOHT TRUCKINO, RUDBISH Duqueane Tor., excellent condi- d*.it-voursRlf centers, forfamllytrips And if those reasons pessl, Oaneral coidltllonio , Speoifl-' REMOVED FROM YARDS, AT- tion, atone front colonial home. to the shore. Perfect family second aren't reason enough, caUoiu, snd othsr dootimaunent_s ma,y _b.e 6 roome, powder room, encloeed csr. MechanlcallJ*eouna. Second owner TICS & CELLARS. maybe this wiiHterNearly •urn be'lesYthan |io0~00, and (4) de- examined at the office of the Archi- rVeatherstrippine' 98 poroh, fireplace, attached oa- •idly releasing it to you for Just »»«!. CALL"687'10J3 Cell after B P.M.; 7B9-3383. 100% of all uterine can- livered or mailed to the above place tects-Qsssser t Miller, 2013 Mcrrls I rage. Aeklns (47,000. Avenue. Utubn, New Jersey, andoneooDy XTVF »00«00«0«0« on or before the hour named as no bid cers are curable when de- will be accepted after the hour .pioified. thereof mty be obtained by euh bidder BJT1 nl-OC-KINC MF.TAL Wl.ATHtll ' JOHN P. MCM.AHON, REALTOR MUSTANO 1005, 4 new Uree, 3 new tected early. upon deposit of Ten rJoUsrs (110,00), CARTMAN - CLEAN ATTICS, YARDs7 Bids not so submitted will be considered HOW TO ROAST CORN ON THE COB STRIPPING FOR UOORS />Nn »B. snows, AM- FM tape system, 3 speed informal and wUl be rejected. The Board This deposit will be refunded to the Ud- CELLARS. GARAOES, CART AWAY UOWS. MAUHICL LINrj6AY 19BS Morrla Ave., Union six, The next time you call. 1 MU B-3434 reservea the right to reject sny and all der upon jetarn of the doeumenti In ANYTHINi, QUICK SERVICE. 4 ELMWOOD TtR,,'lBV. - ES 3-1537 CaU 232-0064 Z7/4 your beauty salon for an good condition. Remove husks and silk from the corn. Place ear of corn on a piece of "CALL754-1S79 XT/33 0 8/13 . Open dolly 9-9; weekende til 5 bids and to award contract In part or ' Zl/2 appofmmeni, call your whole U deemed to the beat irSereets Eaoh bid must be uoompanled by a PONTIAC 1006 Cstallna convertible, aluminum foil large enough to cover it fully. Spread soft butter on all '•')•• doctor for one, too. of the District to do ao. The sooo< Bid Dond in the amotnt often per- LIGHT MIAULING, CIXLAIIS, YAHDS excellent ehape, must sell., Can be ACCOUNTING bidder shall be required to fjmtah cent (1056) of the bid, aa a (uarurtee AND ATTICS CLEANED, OLFE ESTJ- seen In Union, It makes sense to have bond In the full amount of the oor that lit case the oontrsst la awarded ' sides. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground pepper. This is where you MATES. DAYS, 174-3010. EVES, 072. PLUMBERS, ATTENTION! Sell Call 6B7-0630 Z7/2 a yearly Pup test. It i of a company authorlaed to do ' b the bidder, he will within two (a) TYPEWRITING -In the State of New Jersey. weella^thereaflor exeej*smoh eontraot can use your imagination. Use different seasonings for fun. Try «•"• XT/f your forvicei. to 30,000 locol SIMCA 10SS, makes sense to give I lomllle. with o low-toil Worn 4 apeed atick shift, to the American I plans. Specifications and Form ol sesame or poppy seeds. Fold the foil to make a tightly closed HANDY MAN - ALL SMALL JODS Ad coll 686-7700 Proposal may be obtained upon appli- No bUder may withdraw *hli Ibid tor - AROUND THE HOUSE, PADtT, CAR- Cnnetr' #[• cation to the Secretary of the Boardof > period of thirty (10) days after dato package. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. PENTRY, CLEAN WINDOWS; CUT- X>«0«O0OOO«0c<>0«O«0O«««o<>ooooc«««oooaoooooooo«ooo«ooo«ote, of 318 at the McCracken Funeral Home. 1B0O O'SHEA—Thomas P..-anddenly, on DID YOU KNOW? Pnfer duplex-near grammar sohopL Ovorbrook Dr.! Freehold, formerly of Morrla Ave., Union, on Monday, Inter- Monday June 20; W0 age 73 yean FOR FREE ESTIMATE 371-03BB HT/F MaplwooMsplewood andand* Southold^ttor±'u^*bLuui. Loiu IalaW*, ment Oraceland Memorial Park, f SBM CALL OBB-aOt X7/3 wife o When properly chilled, young, sweet corn retains its luscious REFINED FAMILY of 3 (t'eonajre child) dt HARTMANN-On Tuesday,, June 33, EMHSrVMENT PROBLEM? SAVE MONEY. • desires 3 bedroom apartment, frvlnaton -1070, F. Ernst, of 416 Bailey Ave., devoted father of Mrs. Mary M. Lynch; sweetness. Otherwise, the sugar in the corn turns to starch. YOU CAN DO ITI or vicinity. Call 379-0110. Z7/3 Union, N.J., beloved huaband of Emmy brother of Mrs. Winifred Oonwlta and Wo will paint top hall of your hwaa. pirvlved by Sgreat-grandchildreiiThe (Lange); devoted father of Erneet C. James O'Shes; grandfather of Mre. I You paltifth.bottom.Whylakochino«»? BUSINESS WOMAN Wants 3-4 rooms funeral service waa at "Haeberle b and Mrs. Vernon Ullrich, Also sur- Margaret Nelson) also survived by * BfiA Eetlmatii fne. Outtera, lradera, pa- near tranaportatlon, Miplewood/Irv/ B«Hh Home for Funerala." K71 Clinton ' vhrod by 3 grandchildren, Funeral aer- 4 great-grandchUdren. Relatives snd HOUSE FOR SALE? epalM. Fndirloli W, Union vicinity, CaU after 8p.m. 37B- Av%, irvlngton, on Monday, June 30. vlce waa held at the "McCracken-Fu- friends are kindly Invited to attend •W03, Union. XT/f 4448. . Z7/3 interment li? Hollywood CemsUryT neral Homo," IBOOMorrla Ave,, Union, the funeral from "Haeberle & Barth Friday. Interment Oraceland Memorial Home for-Fimerala," 071 Clinton Avei ( Park, Kenllworth. PAINTINa li DECORATINO, Excellent 4-0 ROOMS deaperately needed (er S.ii'i";"0/" Mo!?«vi June 28, 1870, Irvlngton, on Thursday, July 3, at ROOM OR APARTMENT TO RENT? work: Frao Eatlmatea: mtured. • 3 adulta, immediate occupanoy. Call 0 A.M., thence to Immaculate Heart ' NunjlaU (nee Puleo), beloved vttt HLEBOWSKI-Paullno (nee Lorento- JOE PISCIOTTA after 3 P.M. Ji^n" Hili Vtacmsoi dear mother of Mary church, Maplewood, foraHIgh Call MU B-37B0 JT/F • 371-B36B. Z7/J wica), on June 37, 1070, of Newark, Mass of Requiem at To KM. Interment . J«llo Gelatine 1.2.3. 2 totfte^-° •* ?"**•!• Osrmlne,N.J., beloved wife of the late Michael; In Holy Cross Cemetery In North I 59*^ dlvoled mother of Mlaa Felicia His- 1 4-8 ROOMS wanted for elderlyy woman Arlington. ' BUSINESS SERVICE TO OFFER? aUAUTY PAINTINO It adult eon, prefer heat aupplledaulld. the "Oalante Funeral Home," JoflSand- -bewild, Mra. Sally White of Newark. and apraylns Interior and exterior, Call 377-8506 or MU 8-3BB1. Mre. Jeannetto Volnlk of Stanhope sno free eetlmatee; Inaured. Roy Judo. 1. Z 7/5 tord Ave. Funeral on Thuraday, July RETO-On Friday, June 36,1070,Theo- W«(llt« Liquid ' Vespre eetlmatee; Inaured. R 3 at B A.M. Requiem Maas at St Vincent Chleboroald of Edlaon; dear doreR,, ol 1811 Walker Ave,, Irviniton, ( Reolemon • 4»«-oa4»«oam or •—• f~t*~',' Union, on Friday, High Maas of Requl- I-Uexkers Flour RoadrBrWIfTomr |—em-eHtoly Spirit Church, Union. Rleh-N Reody Pudding ' PlnaappU, Strowb«i —DAW'8 PA»fW5:~r"'DEcbBA'Tril£ I 3 .ADULTS^eelTT rooiS^ MUlburn7 band of •-•--— section of tju$ newspaper. __ Vanilla & Chocolole . Raipbtrry INTERIOR li EXTtRIOB • REASON- UnJon/Maplewood/Sprlifleld A - Dther ol SAVINO-&» Wednesday,-June 34,1070, & FOR THE FINEST CORN AND TOMATOES. Y'ALL COME ABLG. HATO-FIUE CSTIMATtS - eJstere I Maria (aiacobbe), beloved wife of the INSURED. ana-0434 X7/II Ute Clrlaco. devoted mother of Mrs. 20-o z. - bag __D1 « dren, Funei Louise Ternlcola and Mrs. Josephine "MoCracken Funeral Home," 1000 401 Sandford Ave. (Vallsburg), New- «Dk. 37* Palmaroito; slater of Ralph Oiacobbe, WIDOW li 10 year old son (college Morrle Ave., Union on Monday. Inter- ark, on Friday July 3 at J A.M. 59 PAINTINO li DECORATING one brother and one slstsr In Italy and 59* etudent) seek 8 bedroom -----' • ment Hollywood Memorial Pork, Union, lUgfi Reculem MuI „ ^.rtll „ '^J Fret Estimates - 'Insured Church, VaUsburg, at 0:19 A.M. Rel. one sister in South America. A!«o sur- Ogldani Muifird Rugultr DIM BEANS MU 0,70(3 , J. OIANNJNI itlve. and friends may visit on Thurs- vived by 9 grandchildren and 3 great- Your ad wilt appear in 8 newspapers Chase &• Sanborn _ 0 7/3 DINELLA-Vtto, on Friday, June 26, *,;> and 7-10 P.M. Newark Coun- grandchildren. Funeral waa conducted 28-DI. 1070 of Newark; husband of Catherine from tho "MoCraoken Funeral Home," B-OI. iat iBe (nee Rosa) father of Andrew, Victor, tf ""(."Mlhli o' Columbus and Msgr. •PAINTING, UECOBATING YOUNO .TEACHINO COUPLE dealrea Dosne Oeneral Assembly, 4th Doerse, I9O0 Morris Ave., Union, on Saturday. Coffee AND PAPER HANGING Donald, Mrs. Jean Rlnaldl, Mra, Mar- will convene for eervlceo at the fu- High Maas of Reoulem at Holy Spirit in adjoining communities of suburban 34-ei. |ar 370 B I MBRIOWH BREAD 3 1/3 - 4 I/a modern rooms, mljurton garet !>Emma, Mra. Lucille Savino. THOMAS G. WRIGHT High areaarea , July or Auaust oooupanooooupanoyy. neral home on Thursday, 8:30 P.M. Churoh, Union. Interment Holy Sepul- 75S-1444 XT A' panoy, Mra, Madeline Carraetno. Mrs. Ann chre Cemetery, Cast Orange. Ouldmt Yillow Mustard Mb. 16-oi. Call 325-OTV IT/IT/3 Parkur, Mrs, Yclanda Collalto, Mre. 33< Mildred Racloppl; 31 grandchildren, 3 MAIER— On Thursday June s l(nn . 8-oa. lar I8( oan •. J. JAMN1K 6-6 ROOMS wanted by family of 3 l STEWART-Margurotlnoe McCreedy), . Essex & Qhjon counties. PAINTINCi ANU UECORATINr. great-grandchUdren, Funeralwaafrom Men (lloffmanif) oh top. £J' Till I tSTIMATES adulta li 3 older children, for Aui. or the "OalantsFunera'.:tome,"406Sand- Mffilfwood, beloved wife ofth, lite on Friday, June 96, 1070, of30-8633nd CALL187-68BB XT/F Sept., roforencea. Call 373- 1600 after ford Ave, (Vailaburg), on Monday, Re- Jhristlanj devoted, mother of Harold St.) Astoria, Aong laland, wife of the SUOARYL README LIME JUIOE Muanan EIDOW MI '""I Z7./3- quiem. Mass at 8t4'AJitonlnue church. W,; .i.ter of Mrs. Emma Maloriind late Matthew Wewart; devoted! Int.nnent Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, • M"- '•" • Clark, Funeral service Eva Christie; also survivsd byone sis- G-ox. ban. 79$ .8-0z. box h d tl ter of Burlington, Ontsrio .nd five B-«i. bon. 29* _. PAINTING, mienor li Lxterlor Ugrit 3 BEDROOM apartment wanted for !*' ?) ,;i " "MoCracken Funeral carpentry • Ulaunce no object. Call FREIER-On 'Saturday, June 17, 1070, &"' i5?0 Mo"'" Aye., llwiS,"on cisters of Ireland, The funeral service anytime J71-3664. H T/K Gustave, of 111 Sunset Ave,, Newark, 1U PsVk. 'n''rm'nl 'loUywood Menior- waa at "Haeberle to Barth Home for Funerals," 071 Clinton Ave,, Irvlngton, MHilltrt saa Sham Lawty saasening sin KISTwaoib cupancy. Call MU 8-3070 or Funeral Home, 1SO0 Morris Avs,, Union,! Albert, beloved huaband of Florence TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD 560 Springfield Ave. MtttiAift (nee Ramelle) Vellanli and devoted Piano Tuning 74 2B0-3B57, Z 7/3 on Tuesday. Interment Hollywood Me- ' S-oi. con 89^' . . 843-3580 morial Pork. nefal waa from "Oalanle Funeral .father of Demlnlck, Agnes, Kalkua, -oi. Jar 39< Arrid Xtra X3cOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO< Louise Cersml and auds Tobla; also 8-oa. can 99> 233-3444 liome," 30 Morrla Ave., Union on 10 grandchildren. Funeral waa from GIAMPAPA—Theresa (neeCalumbo)on Monday. Requiem M^a at OuTLady the "Raymond Funeral Center," 333 ALL PIANOS Furnished Rooms For Rent 105 Wednesday, June 34, 1070, of Newark; ol Lourdoa Church, Mountainside. Sandford Ave,, on Wednaaday. Req- sooniriniFioiii uiiu* Biplll8 lr Dry TUNED AND REPAIRtD JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX wife of Anthony] alstsr of Anthony R?cheat!!r,N!Y'. " ! Cometery, uiem Maas at St. Joseph Church, Bast Columbo, Nicholas Novla, Alphonao 3 boxu 200 et. $1. Re liable -Experienced UNION Orange, Interment family plot, Date Nsar Morrla Ave, ft Salem Rd., room Novla and Mrs. Lena-Stanoo, Funeral MURATORE--Nloholaa, of Union,N.J., ol Heaven Cemetery, Vlvi I I. Rudman, Meplewood, 761-4 \6! with aeparats kitchenette laoQitlei. 12 Furnished Room Wanted 106 Union • Irvlngton Chel Bay Ar-Dfi SporjheW- Soott Print TolUtTlnu* SC4IMIDT We ipkclallifa In Funeral SSpkiSI . J>IANQ . TUNDIO ACTIVE ELDERLY LADY urtently Design and Sympathy )5H-.oa. can 37< AND needs lane nirnlahed or unfunuahed Phono 686-7700 Cht(B«y Ar De. Beef OOalll Arrongtmanti for the bereaved SooH Plaeimati . iitPAmnjo room with kitchen privilege, aeaa on i ELIZABETH . «on37« . ilttK. (Oba. References. oll-Bail^^ family. Juit phon«i XT/F in winnow!. 2.2258 MU 0-183:8 , ASK FOR CLASSIFIED -Thursday, July 2, 1970 State offers In cat* of eme/gincy , ( The Zip Code booklet of • . . , call . * 376-04P0 for Police Department for Springfield is campsites ;; or First Aid.Squad A list of 88 New Jersey -376-0144-for-F campsites is featured In a 07081 -booklet-prepared-by-the-6t»tff Department of Labor and In- dustry through Its promotion Published Every'Thursdoy by Tiumot Pubildllng Corp. office, according Jo Commis- 41 Mountain ov«,. Sprlntllleld^NJ. 07081 - 686-7700 sioner Charles'Berralno. ."Each year many visitors VOL. 41 No. 39 MaFilng AdJr.aa, . Subaerlpllon Rott. Steond Clou Poitoga ».O. B»« 17, SprlwdfUld. W.J. 0708) SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1970 and state residents wont 'to St.SO Yaotly^— Paid ot Springflald, N.J. 15 Cents P»r Copy get away from it all' — the humdrum routine, the noise and the traffic — and head (or New Jersey's woods, streams and mountains_to.en- joy the pleasures of camping. traffic tie - ups This phenomenal rise In pop- ularity of family camping In

recent years has promoted UNBELIEVABLE { , !_.__ •. the printing of this listing Discounts booklet," Richard J. Larldn, / chief of the promotion office, sold. The booklet furnishes In- Up to formation on New jersey's 73 private campgrounds and THOUSANDS AND IS state-administered forests and parks campgrounds. It describes the accommo- dations,, facilities and local TOP NAME BRAND attractions offered at each ''!f'-:>'';i?fw^'"-'t^ SHOP TO-DAY.TIU. 9-30 site and also Includes maps FURNITURE ITEMS SHOP FRIDAY 9i30 A.M. T6 9I30 P.M. of both sectors. • OPEN 4TH of JULY SATURDAY Till ttOO P.M. To obtain the booklet, New The Mart Furniture Galleries Jersey Campsites, which la SALE-PRICED! offered free of charge, or to Inquire about camping in New Jersey, write to New Jersey State Promotion, Division of Economic. Developmeu, New Jersey Department of Labor GIG A NT and Industry, P.O. Box 2766, Trenton 08625. Public Notice — Oomplate PC-1.0 ADVERTISEMENT , FURNITURE Sealed bids will be received until 2 P.M. at the offloe of-the Secretary of CRAFT TABLE LAMPS the Linden Beard ol Education at OW Summit Street, Linden, New Jeraey. on July 13, 1070 tor the alts preparation TRADITIONAL.* PROVINCIAL* and d.moilUon work at UBW. StToeorje MODERN MEDITERRANEAN STYLES • ATS., Unden. New Jersey, at whiohtlme tha bids will be opened and read toIh a MODERN* COLONIAL re- ahall submit their ntlmiUa GALLERY ALL SLASHED Spit) on a Pfrvt | M proposal blanks whioh win ba fur-'. Comt Befell '-Mshed-tB-all-CMlraouirs by the Archi- AS MUOH AS 40% tect and In asUraaUni shaU state the SELLOUT t boVi in Mtures and In writing Ich they will do the work. and specifications may be ob- 3 BARGAIN PACKED DAYS I J on applicatio•"• 'an att the officofffieeolthe of thee We Are Sailing Out SATURDAY Arohlteets - Eiulnsarsrs,, HFtanoi , LyVnan, . _ ' TODAY 'tIL FRIDAY ~fume i,, lieeseReese, oai»S7 wMorrio s* Avimi' ie, EUu- Moit of Our Sampl» 9:30 TO 9:30 P.M. JULY 4THOPEN beth.N.ewJe;aey. 9:30 P.M. • An bids must be accompanied by a • Sofas • Sectionals 9:30.TO 6:00 P.M. RAIN OR SHINE certified check or bank draft made pay- • Chairs • Lounges- able to the Board of Education, or a What n furniture nol«! Every single one of thou»ondo of And you benefit . . . from our huge inventory thai offers SALE WILL BE HELD —stUsfaotory bid bond executed by the Ud- ALL Pieces Have Been der or acceptable surety equal to ten pieces of beautiful name brund-s ul both our locationM are a panoramic Helcclion . . . from our low prices that offer (10» peroanVof the base bid Mndlni Reduced AS SCHEDULED (ha Suiter to axeoote the contract ol tagged to go! And ihe prices marked on the lagn arc so un- swarded to him. high sovlngH. Don't miss IIIIH bcsl-of-tl)c-yenr furniture Contract Documants wUl be loaned believably low thal.this sale IH known ns a SAVINGS - Don't M188 Out on to applicants by the AnhlUcts- En«i- »• sale event! Come lo The Mnrt Furniture GnllericH naers, Flnne. Lyman, Flnne. Reeae, much CARNIVAL! Last year's siilc WUH such a success we had Ctn Morris Avenue, Elisabeth, New lo do it again. nnd save! _ ~ ' " •• < i This Event Contractors to whom contracts may ba awarded shall furnish a surely company Only The Very Top Famous Name Furniture Brand* Every Item Sale Priced! Savings Up To 43% bond aatlsfactory to tha Board of Edu- • Sold On A First cation eoual to 100% (one hundred par- cent) of the contract prioe as provided Coma Ba»U American • Bassctl • Burr is • Craft • Drexcl • Dnyalrom • Heritage • International • Lane Mctz • for ui the spedflcaiiona, The Board of Education reaervea the Prestige • Rembrandt • Rowe i i Selig • Selrite • Simmons • Shiftman '• Scaly • Slralolounger • Stakmorc • right to reject any or all bids, waive any lnformallUea and award contracta Spruguc-Carlton • Thomasville • Unagusta • United • Vermont • Vilure • Wciman • Western • Young In part or as a whole, aa may ba missing to complete, the resemblance between tills storm . graflea;.l)Mf:unpiiyed:rlgliMfway ln ... ^. .. ',<•*>;, .daamed beat for the lnUreetof the Board l ; ; *sy» Botton> right! A toy car is ithe only vehicle to set of Education. SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT..BOTH STORES DELIGHTFULLY COOUl! •\^^.';^^s^.^' '8iv'toiiibeil^;.' '^c1ii..^gte Jiaye been' jsef'up.,'' A stuck o( UreB Is.lined up. neatly aloagas *heeltr on: Route 78 at the UtUon-Sprtngtleld line By Order Of: 'is' B:'inem»rlal; to.'tbe unfinished highway at. ' " " where' homes hove been torn down to moke way-for the unbuilt ALL "THOMASVILLE" PRICES SLASHED and even It Is wrecked and so not going anywhere." crrv OF UNDEN DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL DINING ROOMS BEDROOM BUYS BEYOND BELIEF SENSATIONAL BUYS ON BOARD OF EDUCATION • HIDABEDS*SOFABEDS*SIMMON Fine Quality '1THOMASVILLE" Bsdroom and Dlnlnp Roem'•' i'31 '7 By! Lottie A.Roaenband, Chop!* from 90 dtfUrant dining rooin aultaa on dlaplay (tha Sae 340 Badroom Sultaa On Dlaploy • Sultai By Linden Leader, July V»77O.(Fee»H.ll)) • SEALY • ALL STYLED SAVINGS Sultei. and Select Style Groupings Are All Now Reduced - Scandinavians Balloons up and away lorgaal vorlaty In Naw Jiraay). $••• Colonlol* Sponlah* • DREXEL • UNITED • THOMASVILLE • PREMIER Nothing Held Back - all of.our sampl>» and stock must ' SHERIFF'S SALE Modarn* llollon»Con!«mporory» Madllarronaon* Ft.nch- • MODERN • PROVINCIAL AS Special election slated Springfield pool remains SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY ond our "Dteorolor" Colitcllan tool THE BRANDS ARE • YOUNO • HERITAGE * BASSETT •' ETHAN ALLEN B Sold CHANCERY DIVISION • LANE • CENTURY • Sultaa that ragularly -n\\ (rem J399 • COLONIAL • SPANJSH MUCH AS 30' " • trt of at Town HallJuly 23 UNION COUNTY THE BEST* Dnxal* Thomuvlllt* H.rllo0. • C.ntury • DOCKET IF-JOSS-OB Ethan Allan * Ban'nlngtsn * Baaaatt * Unltad - ALL AT to $T,4°9. ALL HAVE BEEN REDUCED POR IMMEDIATE SAVE, from. 10% to 35% NOwl arrive Sunday ' A "balloon blast" will be held.on Thurs- JOHN REB, et ux. Plaintlffa GREAT SAVINGS NOW SELLOUT... • MADEIRA (Spanish) • COUNTERPOINT (Modem) day, July 23, at 1 p.m., the Sprtngfle]d Rec- hotbed of summer action • PREMIER (Cohtemporory) • DUTCH COLONY (Dutch) for high school Tuesday reatlon-DepiiEtment-AnnounGed-this-weekr-The- ROBERT BRADLEY, etux, Defendants • EVERY SPANISH STYLE BEDROOM \cO/ GENUINE LEATHER CLUB CHAIRS CIVIL ACTION WRIT OFDCECUTION Every Italian.Provincial Dining Room OE0/ • PALATINO (Italian) • ENTOURAGE (Ecclecllc) • - EL event, open to all children registered In any • FOR SALE OF MORTOAOED PREM- ' REDUCED AS MUCH AS «** '• Ideal Man's Comfort CAPITAN (Boys Correlated) • BELVEDERE (Regency) • for 4-day visit Union County Regional High School The house on the Springfield site could be HEfl, Reduced At Much A...... **3/0 District Board of Education will ask the used either as Board of Education and ad- Springfield playground, will, take place on the By virtue of the above-stated writ of • EVERY MODERN STYLE BEDROOM *%COf 3 Styles . . . Fantastic • FIRST MATE (Boya Correlated) • FLAMENCO (Spanish) execution to me directed I ehall expoae A group of 40 high school students from voters in a special .election next Tuesday ' minlstrative offices or no a rental property . front lawn of the Town Hall. . Every Spanish Dining Room QH*7 9 /0 Your Choice of Style & Color . • DE MEDICI (Italian) • Many others for citizens of all ages for sale by publlo vendue, in room H99 Each child who enters the blast will be REDUCED AS MUCH AS * Scandinavia will arrive In Springfield Sunday for authorization to purchase .28 acres of D-8. In the Court House, In the City Reduced As Much As ' JW/0- LUXURIOUS THOMASVILLE SOFAS, CHAIRS AND until the land Is 'needed for additional pack- at 5:30 p.m. at Jonathan Dayton Regional High land adjacent to Jonathan Dayton Regional ing or (or developmentjiurposes, given a helium balloon with o postcard attached. of EUiabeth, N. J., on Wednaeday, the • EVERY COLONIAL STYLE BED- 4A»/ SECTIONALS SLASHED • 86 Different Floor Sample's All The postcard will identify the youngster who Activities are continuing at the Springfield ' Special events scheduled for the Fourth.of Und day if July, 1070, attwo o'clock Every Colonial Dining Room . Ml&f' V/0 Parfect-To Be Sold On A First Come Basis School for a four-day visit to the community High School, Springfield, for future school . the spokesman added. Municipal Pool as midsummer approaches. .July were held Sunday because .of Inclement in Iha ahemoon of said day. ROOM - REDUCED AS MUCH AS . . .™ after a year's study In the United States. 1 ; receives the balloon and will bear tile address • All the following tract or parcel Reduced As Much As W /0 CORNER STUDIO SIT AND SLEEP Variations (Traditional) In Cruehed Velvets -Compatibles use.' ' . • . ' •• • •' . The Little Miss Springfield Pool contest -weather. Nat Stokes of the Township Com- of land and the premlaae herein- (Mediterranean) In High Styled Velvets'-'Chateau (French)" The group, sponsored by American Field Polling places.for the special election will of the Springfield Recreation Department. The • EVERY "ExclusiveDecorator" STYLE ^ GROUPING ... Make The Ideal All registered voters in the Regional Dis- Include:• , • . • ^ will be hold this Sunday. On Tuesday there mlttee presented the trophies, • .•• after particularly deeoribod, sit- Every Modem Dining Room 0t\^/ Elegant Upholstered Places- Services International scholarships and Its balloons will. be released at the. blast at will be a wheel barrow race-and "Mr. and uated, lylni and being In the City BEDROOM - REDUCED ...... 20% Teen Age Bedroom or trict,' which comprises Berkeley Heights, Town Hall. Anyone finding one of the balloons Bill Weber was the Judge for the 10-year of. Lfiiden In the County of Union Reduced As Much As . *V/« local adult and student chapters, will be Kenilworth: David Brearle^Regional High Mrs. Ugly" will bo crowned Wednesday. old boys' softboll throw. Winners were Peter. and State of New Jereey: Bachelor's Apartment #IIi«II ALL REDUCED housed by local families, and Introduced Clark, Carwood, Kenilworth, Mountainside and School, all districts. • will be requested by the postcard to return .Being known, desfgttjated and • EVERY ITALIAN PROVINCIAL CHOICE OF 4 STYLES *V 0" 20% NOW Springfield, niay cast their ballots from 2-9 Newark Day will be held Sunday at 4 p.m. Jacques, first place; Joe Defiho, second, and diattnsulahed u and by the Lot "Decorator" Dining Rooms MA . _ OtXtFf through the stay to community organization "It by mall to the. recreation department. in the snack area for past residents of New- Rich Buthmann, third.. . : No. lJ«7 and No..1148 in Block STYLE BEDROOM 1t\*f p.m. _ _. '' ; • •.••••' Mountainside: Deerfield School, all districts. First prize will go. to the boy or girl and activities. - ' ark, old times will he discussed. • • • • _ '.;.;• No. 40 on map enUUed, "Map Reduced W "0 OU/O REDUCED AS MUCH AS.. »»W/o SUPER SAVINGS fROM OUR YOUTH GALLERY Springfield: Jonathan Dayton Regional High 'of 1B04 lots of American Union ORIGINAL FINE ART SALE PRICED The schedule of activities for the stay will The Bdard of Education Is seeking approval 1 who released the balloon that traveled furthest, Realty Co. at-blnden, N.J., - Jr. Dining Rooms and Apt. Size Dining Rooms Are ' • EVERY CONTEMPORARY •- __ School,- Districts 1 to 6; Edward Walton School, Arts and crafts activities for youngsters and FLOYD MERSER.-TONY SCELFOand Frank August 1008. J, L. Bauer, C.E., 104 .different fine oil CHAIRS ... SLASHED interviews with New York personnel. They, sold. ' , • finished third. ; _.... as ahown In the survey mode by Every SPANISH style grouping will take part in an evening, picnic at the attend Girls' State Velea Janoa. Surveyor, dated SUPER SALE PRICES ON REDUCED AS MUCH AS ...... 25% ONCE A YEAR "DREXEL SAVINGS" EVENT The school board, It was pointed out, has - The 60-yard dash for 11 and 12-year-old June 10,1007, for uae as a party Springfield pool. Included will be a talent established a procedure of investigating par- driveway by the grantor and Now, today le tha time to fumiah or re,fumlah your Llvlnu FAMOUS BRAND RECIINERS Every FRENCH style grouping boys -was won by Brian Belliveau. Bruce Room, Den or Library with now upholetered piece, (ram our show by the visitors ' ' cels of land contiguous to'regional high sdjool ' Blumenfeld came in second and Rich Minster grantee. REDUCED AS MUCH AS 30% Over 300 different fine "DREXEL" Floor Somplea New On Premleea aro commonly known aa 40B Upholstery Gollarlee. Over),000 different Top Brand Solo,, The guests from Scandanavia will leave sites that come up for sale. Part of this pro-, at Douglass College finished third,. The winners of the girls' Weat Blanoke Street, Linden, New Jer- Every MODERN »tyle grouping Sole . . . Some Current Groupings - Some Discontinued Springfield at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, head- aey. There la due apro*im.i:ely Choir,, Sectional, and Love Seat, are on aale at truly BARCALOUNGER STRATOIOUNGER IURRIS Groupings - Elegant Upholetored -Plmas•'- ALL IN PER- cedure is to request voter permission to pur- Suzanne Atkln and Lisa Brown, Jonathan events were: Sally Gelger. first: LaureenElckP •10.141.73 with Interest from May 13, REDUCED AS MUCH AS 30% 1 Ing" directly for Scandanavia. Families in- second, and Kathy DeFino, fliird. - . 1070 and costs, Tho Sheriff roaorveo eeneatlonal reductlone. Evory etyle period Imaginable! FECT CONDITION - ALL FULLY GUARANTEED - ALL chase those parcels which ore significant Dayton Regional High School seniors, recently the right to adjourn thia aale. Sofas V.. . Every style & size AQ°/ AMtrlca's Top Braidi-~ Every COLONIAL style grouping SOLD ON A FIRST COME BASIS - So Hurry In Far Beet terested in being hosts may call Mrs. Jane toward long-term site development. attended the 24th annual session of Jersey Sue Foster finished first and Debbie Lalor • RALPH ORIBCELLO, Sheriff 35% Seloction .... ' Van Vranken' Immediately, according to the Last year, the board sought, and received Girls' State at_ Douglass College, Rutgers came in second in' swimming races for 14 LEONARD and LEONARD, attya. Save Up-To REDUCED "AS MUCH AS. . Rev, James Dewart, chapter president; DJ&LL CX-llt-04 . , RECLINERS ROCKER-RECLINERS Every MARINER style grouping ' Theso "DREXEL" Samples Are In Every Style Made voter permission to purchase a half-acre of University. to 17-yeor-oid girls. In the boys' division Undan Leader, Juno 23,July 2 0 10,1070 Host families will meet tonight at the First Sectionals . . . Modern, French, Span I she* A r> 20 house: tour, picnic on Sunday Party. The girls were further divided into _ year olds. For the girls, Theresa DeFino ' covering the same agalnat the' sub- Contemporary ... Save Up To . .'. . -. three counties — Elsenhower, MacArthur and came- in first, Anna Maria Cook came In aoriber. — • Many DREXEL Sample'Tables Reservations are now being taken for the Manor Stale Park for a tour rtt Rinpfwnod SAVINGS AS MUCH AS "•'3% NOW :40% : Nlmitz; Each county was further divided Into second and Wendy Whitford finished third.' LILLIAN BARBAROS1I ALL VINYL DEN AND REC ROOM FURNITURE • SOFAS • Washers • Dryer's ' "•'3% Reduced Up To ninth .annual tour of the Springfield Historical Manor, state-owned mansion of the Coopers Executrix — DON'T MISS OUT Society to be held on Sunday. Members.and and the Hewitts; two cities. David Szcymenski came in first, Roger Perl- NATHAN R. OECHTMAN, Attorney TTOVE SEATS • 'CHAIRS AND SWIVEL ROCKERS - DON'T MISS THE BEST BUYS Seminars and classes were held on the stein, second, and Todd Vogt, third, for the 1007 Springfield Ave. MODERN SPANISH AND CONTEMPORARY guests are invited, the announcement added. "12:30 p.m., picnic on the state park grounds \ EVER OFFERED ON FINE, FINE Howard W. Wiseman, program chairman, has operations of city, councy and state govern- boys. Linden deader, June 30, July 2. 1070. ' Every aa|or braid. Every floor EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTICE (box lunch will be provided In total cost of (o a w 3 v Fooa-il3.3l! SOME I0K Off-OTHERS SOVMOST 30% Off DREXEL FURNITURE SAMPLES planned the following schedule: "10 a.m., bus tr,ip)i ... v - , ment. Nominating petitions were filed for Special events were a hole-ln-one contest, PLEASE READ:" leaves from the Springfield municipal parking "2 p.m., Tour of Skylonds Manor, beautifully each of the elective offices, followed by pri- a rolling pin throwing contest, a horseshoe tanpla ilaiktd for laaidiato taU- Tnii it ono iolo» «vnnf you cannot oflnrd to ml si. lot, near the library, Mountain avenue and preserved early 20th* century English manor" mary and general elections. pitching contest and a Mcce'contest. Jerry Thofo aro tlibuiandi and thouioudi ot quality (urnlluro Truly,'jThe Furniture Buy Of o Lifetime . Hannah street: 11 a.m., Arrive at RJngwood type house Just opened to the public this past Miss Atkln was elected state senator from (Continued on Page 20) Doa't milt this tvtnt... ilam> oniafoi Wttdin iha ad wo are oxtremaly limited year Including a tour of the huge grounds with Nimltz County. Miss Brown was elected coun- Watet Pollufion to the number of Items wo can ll*t. If you aro planning DON'TrlESfTATE-DON'TDHAY cilwoman In the city of Washington in Elsen- to Wy or evort draaminij about buying (urni lura, you a magnificent view ot the Rdmopos, Wanaque .• is the" Reservoir, and acres of gardens with unusual hower County. Both girls participated in —Ujnou Store Only-?- own it to /ours*!, to iae'thes« wonderful boy*I DON'T MISS.THIS EVENT Graziano is named vigorous campaigns before their respective Summer music Hand Problem plants and flowers;'. elections. Campaigning activities included Use Our Convenient Charge Plan* "4:30 p.m. Departure time for home, and speeches from the candidates' wluch outlined Culligan to KC council post 6 p.m. Arrival atSpringfieldMunicipal Parking their qualifications and platforms on several at Meisel Field 87 DIFFERENT DINETTES MUST BE Lot." x pertinent issues, it the Anthony Graziano was recently elected grand The entire cost will be. $5,25 per. person This summer there will be several changes SOLD DURING THIS EVENT... knight of Springfield Council 5S60, Knights (adult or child)whichlncludesbusfare,parklng .The delegates at Girls' State are chosen in the programing of the Recreation Depart- Soft Solution! of Columbus. Other officers elected were fee, admission cost to the houses and a box for character, leadership, scholarship, and ment band shelU Instead of the lawn In front > DAYSTROM • VIRTUE • BRODY Thomas DlFranco, deputy grand knight, Robert lunch. Reservations may be made by polling, service. Miss Atkin's activities at Jonathan of J&riathnn' Dayton Regional .High School, the - CALL' TODAY ihe Purcell, chancellor; Joseph Natlello, warden; checks to Miss Catherine A. Siess, treasurer, Dayton consists of Girls' Athletic Association, programs will be held at the Melsel Fiela. Charles Densllnger, inside guard; Robert 77 Linden ave., Springfield. Questions will be Leaders' Club, Class Council, Teen Council, All programs nt Meisel Field will bi geared Every Style Imaginable ... Jones, outside guard; Wallace Clarke, treasur- Drama' Club, health office assistant, jAsc to the interests of teenagers and some will 688-1600 • MODERN • COLONIAL • SPANISH • ITALIAN answered by- Mrs. Robert D. Hordgrove at er; Edward Heft, recorder; Fred Edwards, 376-3348. «.* * president of Krenchclub.particlpuntin "Music have an admission fee, the announcement FURNITURE GALEERIES advocate! John Kuzlk, financial secretary; Man" and member of tho art staff of the added. The field will be fenced in. SAVINGS Michael Pannulla, lecturer. Trustees are Jo- ' THE HISTORICAL Society will hold a "gar- literary mugazin6. She is also a cimdystriper The flrdt of the series will tnke place seph T. Fltzslmmons, Charles Jacques and age sale" from'10 a.m. to o p.m. on Saturday, at Overlook Hospital^, Monday night at 8 when SI Mann will present FROM to 403 ROUTE 22, UNION, N.J. Ml) 8-5500 Frank Corcoran. • July 25, in the, barn behind, the Cannon Ball . Miss Brown participates in the following a rock band known as tb,e Rabbit Head. 1 The. council's first annual family picnic ' House, 126 Morris ave. activities at JonathM Dayton": GAA, Leaders' The Rabbit Head Is a youngi rock group from Hurry hu..For Best Selection ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN, N.J. 671-0400 was held June 28. Seventy-five members and '. New as well as used merchandise will be Club, Folk Guitar Club, Spanish Club, Earth New York which already has considerable SPECIAL STORE HOURS SEE. ABOVE - OPEN ALL DAY JULY, 4lh their families attended. There wore fooortad offered for sale^A consignment booth will also Space Science Club, Pep Club, twirling squad, experience playing concerts, dances and coffee 2047 U.S. 22 UNION games and prizes for the children; bocce be available to members and non-members YOUNG LEGISLATORS—Guznnne Atkln, .left, and Lisa Brown review events of the recent 1970-1971 drum majoretto, 1970-1971 as- hpuses In the New York area. The fee for WORLD LEADERS IN . and horseshoe gomes for- men and women. - who wish to sell items worth more, than $10, , New Jersey,Girls' State, where they were delegates of Springlield Continental Unit, sistant editor of the Daytoq News, and Usher this evening of entertainment will be 75 cents WATER CdNDITIONINO John Browne Jr. had his horse available. • (Continued on Page 20) American Legion Auxiliary. . - , Club. per person.