Township Sets up Mayor's Council to Fight Drug Abuse

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Township Sets up Mayor's Council to Fight Drug Abuse call 376-0400 for Police Department for Springfielcj is or pint Aid Squad 376-0144 for Fire Department 07081 Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp." 41 Mountain ov*,, Spring,l«lc), NJ.070RI -.686-7700 No.3B Moiling Addron . SPRINGFIELD, NJ. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1970 SubfCrlptlon Rate Second Clpil Pottag* P.O. Bo» 69. Sprlngll.ld, N.J. 07081 I It,50 Y»orly jf Paid al Springfield, N.J. 15 Cents Per Copy Township sets up Mayor's Council to fight drug abuse Southward,. • . '' k • ' • stressed for youth, to spearhead campaign ; ByABNERGptD More than SO local citizens took part in the formation of a Mayor's Council on Drugs Monday night at Town HalL Robert Southward, who was named acting' chairman, announced that the group will meet again at Town Hall. oii'Monday evening, July 13, ' Mayor Henry 'J, Bultman, who opened the, meeting, said that Immediate goal of the . ' council is to determine the extent of tho drug problem among local young people, to deter- mine the best means of reducing the problem and to present an .action program to the next ' municipal administration at the first of the.., ' .year. • • /.'.:. '•'•.' ..-,,. '•• •' Bultman added that there have been groups, • - of all ages, working on the- drug problem, and that the Mayor's Council should serve to coordinate all local efforts. Southward, former president of the Spring- field Board of Education, stressed that high . school and college students must lake the lead In any'effective antidrug campaign, and that adult members of the group must be ready to provide manpower,' finanqes'iand •advice — when requested, •'• ' I-1 ; ; ' • •«••*• • • ASSISTING THE MAYOR In preparations for Monday's meeting were -Norman Banner and: BATHING BEAUTY —One-and-a-half-year-old Kathy Edwards of Springfield shows why she Wallace Klelnman, township representatives might lie the next Miss America as she shows her sylph,<41ke form 8t the edge of the on. the Union County antidrug organization, Springfield Municipal Pool. With such grace and beauty she cannot help But be onejof.lhe as well as Mrs..Paul Wlesman, a member most beautiful ladles In the land In the near future., • • • ' • •• of the Board of Education. Klelnman suggentedseveralimmediatesteps for the council. First was establishment .of a. "hot line" —"Trtelephone manned 24 hours a day to provide emergency •counseling" and State land now ballfield other services for youngsters with drug prob- lems. '., '.-..• . He also suggested, that the. council seek to '•NOT WANTED — Snapping turtles are rarities in "this area,-but— - Into a box from which he escaped. They then put him back into the ^learn "all about the tacai. drug supply, what ,£>/QannVjhPepe,9,bl 43 Caldwell pi., Springfield, and three of his box and brought it to Danny's home where the snapper was put into •;~ ^iqndBi'-ninmy^BpJtio^ndBrian and.John BeUiyeau, recently Jound a garbage can for'safekeeping. The-boys said they were very 'therevis-'in towh and..«|ie#B'tt comas fjpm..V' "".. fl aft-then* 30-iJdund"Bpeclmen behind Bryant avenue on the Rti 78 Klelnman added that the council should: . eurprisodto find the turtle is mean,and vicious, according to Danny's "Youngsters from the Baltusrol way-Bryant property, owned by the State Highway Depart- 1 • right of way. The boys, helped by Neil Anderson, put the turtle father, Joseph'Pepe. They called the Turtle Back Z6o in West avenue, area In Springfield recently decided Unent, should be cleared and made Into a ball keep the mayor advised of all resources Orange, which agreed to accept the snapper as a donation. to make use of - the vacant lot at the inter- park. available for local use; bring in encounter section of these.streets. They decided that the. Work began about four weeks ago and the groups .so that loco), youngsters can have the children expect the project to continue all problem brought home to them, and support summer. They cut the grass, pull weeds and teacher training programs already under \(jay take rocks out of the ground almost everyday. in local schools and Jonathan Dayton Regional Fourth of July events School board AFS seeks homes .. Spokesmen for the youngsters said_the High.School. ; . • • project is fun. They get together and also get Dr. Benjamin josephson, a member of the for^student visitors to meet new playmates. It gives them some- " Regional Board of Education, urged Immediate puts off plan to ilng-to-do-be staying home and makes' —-ostaDunnmcnt of if storefi'Qjit, an easily on recreation schedule them feel good for doing something positive. accessible location whore young people can talk out their problems with their peers and The events scheduled for the month of July" a 30ryard dash for the 8 and 9-year-olds; They wanted the playground because It la too a 60-yard dash for the 11 and 12-year-olds; from Scandinavia dangerous to play on the street and the others with immediate knowledge of their at the Springfield Municipal Pool ore highlight* close Chisholm problems. ;»: . ' ed by the special events of July.4. For"the swimming races for those 12 and 13 and 14 The Springfield Chapter of American Field children are afraid of damaging personal through 17. For tho women there will be a roll- The Springfield Board of Education last' Services this week appealed for families to be property. He added that the town needed. Instead of boys 6'and 7yeurs old there will be a run in the another formal organization, a means of "per- pool. The 8 and 9-year-old boys will portici- ht -fhursday-voted-unanimously to phase out the hosts to40 studentsfromScandlnavlaTSnWTOI The children - want to clear the entire prop- -Raymond Chisholm School in two steps, start- ' ie staying in Springfield July 12 through IS erty, but feel the town should help eliminate sonal confrontation between people." pate in a 30-yard dash. There will also be n teen-age dunce contest Several committees were named to study A softball throw is scheduled for the 1P- and an adult dance contest. A bocce contest is ing in September, of 1972; The board thus before departing for their homeland after the dangers.. There are open sewers which rescinded its previous plan to close the school a year in the-UnltedStates. : they are afraid they might fall Into If they are various aspects oPthe problem-and to report year-dld boys. For 11 and 12-year-old boys, planned for adults. • . a 60-yard dash is planned. Swimming races over three sor four years, starting this fall. The-Rev. James Dewart, who was re-elected not capped. The spokesman sald~they would" "(Continued on page 20) Registration is stiiropen for boys interest- chapter president at a meeting at the home of like to see .a fence, surrounding the entire will be held for the boys aged 13 and-14, ' ed In participating in Little League Softball and Under the new plan, classes'at Chisholm will' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nejdlch, 33 FernhlU ra\, lot to prevent balls and themselves from flying "3nd 15 through 17j_ For the men there will be basketball. The leagues will begin on Monday. remain unchanged for another year. Then, in stated that there were approXlmaieljrl5-flrm - out onto the street; a hole In one contest and a horseshoe pitching Those interested In joining a bocce league can the 1972-73 school year, the klndergarterTahd Invitations for students on the basis of a pre- Youngsters working on the land-clearing Dates, times disclosed contest. sign up at the recreation house at the pool. first and second grades will be transferred to project ares Jay Arons, Steven_Arons, Peter Saturday's events scheduled for the girls other schools. vious appeal In the Springfield Leader; and a (Cqntinuod OJJ page20) direct appeal to former host families. Arons, .Ronnie Buthmann^Rleky-Buthmann, for -Include: a run In the pool for those 6 and 7; Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be phased out the ' ' Students will arrive.on-Sunday, July 12, at v Caren Buthman^ John Dry, Larry Dry, Peter Registration for the general election will following year, starting in the fall of 1973, and 5:30 p.m., and will be met at Jonathan Dayton Grazlano, Mike Grazlano,_Erances Grazlano, be held from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. intho Spring- the school will be completely closed. RegtonaM-tlgh School by their hosts, according Kathy Grimm, Martin Gruenberg, John Kelly, fleld. Munlclpal-BuUeUne. aiLuulliiy, "" The board (Ud-not specify which schools to Mrs. Jane Van Vranken, Bus Stop chairman, -.John Kronen, Brian Mahoney, Patty Mahoney, • Eleonore H, Worthington, township cl< , Weltchek describe the youngsters transferred from Chisholm will -•, -Monday the students will have final conferences Kevin Mahoney, David McCormlck, Michael "The township's clerk's office will be open attend, just that each youngster "will attend f I In Chatham. Monday evening" will Include a McCormlck, Patty McCorrhick^JBrian Mercer, Aug. 20 and 27 and Sept. 3, 10, 17 and 21 the assigned schooli" Beth Stutsman, Mitchell Tokengor and Eric through 24.RaKlBtrntlQp will Hnflo at 9 p.m. shop mart ban as 'gra Plans to phase out the Chisholm School were ' , ' (Continued on Page 20) Tokenger. ' , adopted last year following Indications that die ', Arthur Caprio and Robert Weltchek, Demo- fffVoring this ever since Nat Stokes first total elementary school population is in the cratic candidates for Township Committee, ; proposed it at a township committee meeting beginning of a substantial decline. The unsatis- -L released a statement this week in which they more than a montli ago. At the time not one-of factory condition of the school was also a major- 1 described the recent rezoning of the 1-40 zone the"'four' Republicans who sit with him would factor in tho decision, since modernization for ] to exclude shopping cejtters us ' 'most grat- • so much as second the motion.
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