Township Sets up Mayor's Council to Fight Drug Abuse
call 376-0400 for Police Department for Springfielcj is or pint Aid Squad 376-0144 for Fire Department 07081 Published Every Thursday by Trumar Publishing Corp." 41 Mountain ov*,, Spring,l«lc), NJ.070RI -.686-7700 No.3B Moiling Addron . SPRINGFIELD, NJ. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1970 SubfCrlptlon Rate Second Clpil Pottag* P.O. Bo» 69. Sprlngll.ld, N.J. 07081 I It,50 Y»orly jf Paid al Springfield, N.J. 15 Cents Per Copy Township sets up Mayor's Council to fight drug abuse Southward,. • . '' k • ' • stressed for youth, to spearhead campaign ; ByABNERGptD More than SO local citizens took part in the formation of a Mayor's Council on Drugs Monday night at Town HalL Robert Southward, who was named acting' chairman, announced that the group will meet again at Town Hall. oii'Monday evening, July 13, ' Mayor Henry 'J, Bultman, who opened the, meeting, said that Immediate goal of the . ' council is to determine the extent of tho drug problem among local young people, to deter- mine the best means of reducing the problem and to present an .action program to the next ' municipal administration at the first of the.., ' .year. • • /.'.:. '•'•.' ..-,,. '•• •' Bultman added that there have been groups, • - of all ages, working on the- drug problem, and that the Mayor's Council should serve to coordinate all local efforts. Southward, former president of the Spring- field Board of Education, stressed that high . school and college students must lake the lead In any'effective antidrug campaign, and that adult members of the group must be ready to provide manpower,' finanqes'iand •advice — when requested, •'• ' I-1 ; ; ' • •«••*• • • ASSISTING THE MAYOR In preparations for Monday's meeting were -Norman Banner and: BATHING BEAUTY —One-and-a-half-year-old Kathy Edwards of Springfield shows why she Wallace Klelnman, township representatives might lie the next Miss America as she shows her sylph,<41ke form 8t the edge of the on.
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