Ail the Newi of WE DO RED BANK and Surrounding Towns OUR PART Void Fearlewily and Without Blm RED BANK REGISTER lutttil WMUK BaUnd mf 8»MWI»0UM M.iur at tin Port. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 6. oB«« at Bid Bank, N. J*, nndet the Aot ol Marcb 8, 1871. RED BANK, N. J,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935. SubKrtptlon Prlcai On« tfjji 18,00, SI* Uonthi tl.OO. Single Cop; ia. PAGES 1 TO 12. To Make Lake To McCampbell May TESTIMONIAL DINNER. President Allen Independent Group KILLED BY BEETLES. County Press Ass*n Freeholder Raymond L. Wyckoff To Insects Destroy Ten Fine Big Trees New Houses And Prevent Fire Loss Run For Senator Bo Guest of Honor Tonight. Names Committees Urged By Locals on a Nutswamp Farm. Plans Fall Program Between 400 to 600 persona are Walter Field, who owns a large Improved Homes Charles Bratcli of Nutswamp He Intimated Sunday That He poelea to attend a testimonial din- Chamber of Commerce Director* farm at Nutswamp, nays that ho be- ner tonight at half-paBt seven o'clock County Political Boiling Pot Mia» J. Mabel Brown, Publisher Campaign at Red Bank ii Be- Will Have Reservoir in Case Would be a Candidate for lieves Japanese beetles have caused at tho Berkeley-Carteret hotel at As- Met Yesterday and Confirmed Getting Right Hot With New a larger loss for him than for any of the Keyport Weekly and ginning to Produce Substan- This Position—Says Height is bury Park In honor of Freeholder Another Fire Occurs on Farm Appointments — Three New Candidates Being Presented other resident of Monmouth county. Matawan Journal, Now Heads tial Result*—Mrs. Kridel Do, —To Restore Old Feature. Hague's Choice for Senator. Raymond L. Wyckoff. 'Huslc will be Directors. Almost Daily. Almost all tho foliage on ten large furnished by the Keyport flro depart- whlto amber cherry trees on his Newspaper Organization. natea U»e of Store. In a short talk at a largely attend- ment band, Har. :d Woolley of Key- About nine months ago Charles At a special meeting of the board The recent spell of "boiling hot" place have been eaten by the pests The Monmouth County Press as- Tho Better Housing commutes ol Branch, owner of a dairy and pota- ed meeting at his sylvan forum at port Is In charge of tho affair. of directors yesterday morning, Har- weather evidently forced politics In and the trees are dying on this ac- sociation will launch an entirely new to farm at Nutswamp, In Middletown Holmdel Sunday, Assemblyman Ther- count. Mr. Field Is arranging to Rod Bank now haa Its headquarter! Tho dinner Is being given by old S. Allen, newly elected president Monmouth county to the boiling program of activity this fall starting In the nforo at 72 Broad street. The township, had tho misfortune of loi on McCampboll Intimated that ho friends of Freeholder Wyckoff. G ot the Red Bank Chamber of Com- point to such an extent that candi- have them cut down. Tho trees with a dinner meeting to be held in would be a candidate for ctato sena- use of this building l« donated by Ing a largo barn by fire. Tho Bre- ernor Harold G. Hoffman will be merce, announced tho appointment dates aro blooming almost dally, wore prolific bearers of fruit in the Asbury Park Monday night, Septem- Mra. Elizabeth Krldel, the owner, if; men responded promptly and did tor, "Hague has come Into Mon- present, as well as United States ot three additional directors In ac- which indicates that the primary pa«t, but they produced no cherries ber 23, and an endraivor will bo made mouth county," he said, "and put up 3. Findlay, oljlco manager ot the splendid work by preventing tho Senator W. Warren Barbour, State cordance with the amended by-laws. election ballot will offer a wide choice this year. Most of tho leaves on to have every newspaper in the coun- committee, states that Mrs. Krldel's" flames from spreading to adjoining a candidate for senator who will do Highway Commissioner E. Donald They are MISB Florence F. Forgotson, for everv office to be filled at the No- the trees were devoured by Japan- ty represented. his bidding at the crook of his flng- generous contribution Is very much buildings. However, they were han- Sterner, State Senator Frank Durand Victor Sattcr and Warren Fowler. vember election. ese beetles last year end the de- This was decided Monday night at appreciated. dicapped. Water wus lacking to flght ef. If the people of Essex will send struction was completed this sum- and others. Mayor Van B.. Halsey of Miss Foi'gotson has also been ap- Tho latest plan being discussed by a gathering of the association's ex-1 Pago. 3 of this week's Issue of Tho tho blaze. There la ovory reason to Dr. Clee to the senate, and If those R will bo toaatmaster. mer. of Essex will elect Bowers and those pointed general counsel for the a largo number of the more con- enutivo committee hold at tho offlco Register Is entirely given over to a believe that If wator had been avail- Chamber of Commerce. able tho loss would have been small In Union, Pascoe—and If the people servative men and women who take of the Keyport Weekly of which | co-operative advertisement In nromo- Mr. Brasch has replaced tho burned of Monmouth happen to kick me up- Mr. Allen also announced the fol- an interest in county and state polit- Mlss J. Mabel Brown, the newly tion of the better housing cam- building with a new one of tho most stairs Into the senate—I promise that Blind Men's Club lowing committee appointments for ical affairs ia for a lton-partisan tax- Fool Law Ends elected president of the association, I palgn. Tho two hanks of Red Bank modern typo and ho has made plans tho four of us will start something trie year I93M936: payers' ticket of citizens, who will is publisher. Meeting with tbo pros-1 and fourteen dealers in materials for to build a lake for flroflghtlng pur- and get the. reforms that havo been Budget committee — William, A. pledge themselves to limit their sal- ident were Charles H. Rudloff, vice |.new construction, Improvements and poses. Oppoalto tho barn Is a brook needed so long In New Jersey." To Stage A Show Mlller chairman, Hubert M. Farrow, aries lo 5500 a year and to do all in His Livelihodd president, of the Asbury Park.Prcss; repairs and in various appliances for which la fed by nearby springs, and Abram M. Kridel and Myron V. their power to reduce taxes by re- H. L. Fowler, secretary, publisher of Increasing home comforts and con- Brown. *" ducing the costs of government and John Bowers of Belford Denied the Atlantic Highlands Journal; venlences, are unitlnjr In this effort Mr. Brasch haa arranged to havo tho Production Written and Per- the bringing about of moro econom- stream dammed for a lake. Parking committee—Albert S. Mil- a License to Dig Clams Be- Robert C. Myers, treasurer, of the to awaken the people of Rod Bank formed by Sightless Members ler chairman, John B, Allen co- ical und efficient conduct of public Asbury Park Press, and Thomas Irv-i and vicinity to' the advantages" of Old times will bo brought back to of Camp Happiness Will be chairman, Hubert M. Farrow, Theo- business. cause He Was Not a Citizen— ing Brown,- publisher of the Red | modernization. The statements of Nutswamp by creating this body of Given at Leonardo School. dore D. Moore, Abram M. Krldel, The group in Red Bank wh'o have Ordered to Quit Clamming. Bank Register. the dealers and concerns set forth water. There was once a pond at Edwin C. Conover, Richard been turning this plan over in their the Importance of better housing In this location, which was used for har- The New Jersey Blind Men's club, minds and who have given much John Bowers of Belford, who has vesting ice. At that time tho farm gate, Victor. Sattcr, Warren Fowler improving appearances, abolishing which opened Its summer Camp Hap- and Morris Jacks. thought to It have under consider- been engaged in clamming the past household drudgery and conquering was owned by the lute Henry Field. piness at Leonardo Juoe 29, is deep ation a tentative ticket which they 23 years, was arrested last week for the depression. The pond was 350 feet long and 65 Internal Trade committee—M. M. not having a clamming license, as re- in preparation for its annual bene- Prown chairman, John B. Allen, Her- mado public to a Register repre- In addition to the two banks the feet wide and it was largely used for fit show, written, staged and per- sentative yesterday. It Includes: quired by a law passe by the legis- skating. Mr. Brasch plans lo make a bert Holzworth, Abram M. Kridel, promoters of this appeal for better formed by tho blind , themselves, lature last winter. Mr. Bowers id housing are Harold S. Allen, the Ac- lake of about tho samo size. He be- William /. Miller, Harry Vogel, Mr. For Stato Senator, Theron Mc- well known in Middletown township which will be held at the Leonardo Jacoby, Joseph Dillion, Percy Scher- Cumpbcll of Holmdcl, who has served me Furniture company, William I, lieves that it would provide nmplo school auditorium Friday evening, and prior to the trouble last week water to light any Ilro which might man, Paul Sperling, Julius Straus, in the Assembly for tho past four Buchanan, Craig & Horner, j. C & August 30, he had never been In the toils of the G. A. Delatush, Eden. S. Ewlng, Jo- occur at his barn or residence, He Samuel Welnsteln, Sam Yanko, M. years. law. He is a native of England, but will bo assisted in making the lake Already a number of influential Ger.stenfeid and Thomas Morris. For Assemblyman, Adrian Moreau seph W. Fox, Klarln's Paint Store, he has lived in this country a long the Jack LaFreda Super Service com- by his eon, Edward Brasch, and by citizens are taking an active part In A special committee to Investigate of Freehold, editor and publisher of time. Edward Downea of nod Bank. securing patrons and patronesses for ordinances for the conduct of busi- the Freehold Transcript and director pany, the Monmouth Lumber com- the event, and as over 100 blind men Mr. Bowers was arraigned before pany, the, Merritt Machine shop, Wil- Nutswamp obtained its name be- ness in th,c borough of Red Bank of finance of the Freehold borough are given, absolutely free of charge, council. Recorder Frank J. Hall of Highlands. lla O'Brien, the Olson Roofing com- cause of the large number of chest- a rest and vacation of two weeks at consists of Miss Florence F. Forgot- Ha testified that he had taken out pany and J. J, Travers & Sons. nut and hickory treeB which thrived son chairman, Charles Schneider, For Assemblyman, Wayne D. Mc- thla seashore home, it Is hoped that his first naturalization papers a num- Federal housing activities at Red in tho lowland sections of that part Christian L. Beige, Harry Clayton Murray of Aabury park, business ber of years ago at Washington and ail those interested in the welfare manager of the Asbury Park Press, Bank and vicinity aro evidently of Mlddlctown township. Due to of tho blind people will assist the and Max Leon. bad entrusted them for safe keeping what la commonly known as "tho who took a prominent part in the meeting with approval at Washing- effort. Tho membership committee in- with a resident of that place. The ton. Publicity is, being given to the blight," there aro no more chestnut cludes G. Howard Llpplncott chair- recent elections in that city. pape.-i got lost and Mr. Bowers made trees. Science has found no remedy Camp Happiness, a scventeen-room For Freeholder, Fred D. Wikoff of program hero in the Federal Bulletin house, was built in 1930. It Is on man, Abram M. Kridel, Samuel Wein- no further attempt to become a cit- which Is distributed all over the na- for "tho blight," but hickory trees steln, F. X. SchaMe and Harry G. Red Bank, ivho is one of the best izen until recently. aro still numerous In that section. THERON McCAMFBELL. Sandy Hook bay, and affords all tho known among the more prosperous tion. New Jersey is second in the delights of seashore life, including Degenring. - It is necessary to be a citizen in list of states receiving the largest Nutswamp retains its name, but It The plan under which the mem- business mea of tho town and who order to receive a damping license, Mr. McCampbell did not state out- bathing, rowing, 'fishing, hiking and is president of the Fred D. Wikoff federal housing loans. The bulk ef has lost many of Its old-time land- dancing. In surroundings particular- bership committee will operate this and after the new law was passed the loans is In the northern part of marks. Onco It had a store but this right that ho would bo a candidate year will be that when a member of Co., dealers In feed, coal, wood, poul- Mr. Bowers made a new effort to ob- for senator, although he has been ly adapted to the needs of the sight- try supplies, etc. the state. However, Toms River Is no more, Scarcely a vestige of it less men who are privileged to so- this committee secures two new tain the first papers. After consid- heads the roll of honor. Not a single remalnfl. It was opposito tho Brnscb quoted In some newspapers to this members of the Chamber of Com- For Freeholder, Charles H. Rober- erable delay he finally succeeded In effect. Ills btak'Hieilt aa to Hague journ there. There are eleven bed- carpenter, painter or plumber thero farm. Onco there waa a achoolhouse, rooms, three baths, a reception room, merce he will bo relieved of further son of Freehold, also a Well known getting the papers. He said at the Is on tho unemployed list. This Is still standing, but it Is rapid- having put up a candidate for sena- service on the membership commit- and nrosperous business man of his hearing that he has no occupation tor was generally regarded as re- dining and recreation room and an Red Bank Is falling In line. R. a. ly going Into decay. It 13 on a farm up-to-date kitchen. A supervisor, tee this year, and another member home town, who is known county- or source of revenue other than that owned by Walter Field. Mr. Field ferring to Sheriff Howard Height, an- wide for his honorable dealings with of clamming. He said that, he asked Findlay, the better housing program nouncement of whose candidacy for cook and assistant look after the ar- will be appointed on the membership MISS MABEL BROWN. manager reports that his eanvaasors obtained his early education there rangements and as there are compar- committee to take his place. In this farmers in connection with his large Herman C. Tarnow of Belford, a li- and In talking with a Register re- tho Democratic nomination for sena- farming Implements business located censing agent, for advice. He statud have brought in $29,000 of repair tor was made last week. atively few rules and regulations, a way it is expected to divide the work It wan decided Monday night that work, including painting, plumblnR, porter last week he recalled many man may forget all about his blind- In such a, manner that It will not be at the county seat. that Mr. Tarnow informed him that hereafter the meetings of tho asso- amusing Incidents which occurred at Mr. MoCampboll wan unsparing in it was impossible to grant a license carpentry, etc. Ho also reports that ness for two weeks of relaxation. much ot a burden to any one mem- For sheriff, William S. Holmes of ciation will not be held during the ten new houses are in course of con- thla old building, his denunciation of both tho Demo- Freehold, well known In Monmouth until after the final naturalization summer period as most of the news- ber, nnd*. more favorable results ave papers were issued but that it would struction or about to be startad. Ona About two years or ao ago Mr. cratic and Republican stato ma- Tho home is booked to capacity expected. County Histoi-ical association activi- paper folks of the county and partic- chines and said that both the tax and this year. It accommodates 25 per- ties and borough recorder of the be all right for him to continue clam- Is to be built at Parmly Park, two on Field made a lake on his plnco by President Allen has not yet ap- ularly of the shore districts were too the river front, one on Spring street building a dam across a brook. His public school systems were a disgrace sons at a time, who have' the run of county seat municipality. ming until he was ordered to stop, as busy to devote much attention to the to New Jersey. His talk evoked tho grounds. There aro some 3,000 pointed the program committee, but it was not intended to enforce the and tho others at locations not yet principal object In doing this was to Those who are debating the plan association's activities, and that in- designated. provldo water for fighting lire. No much. applaUBO and afterwards ho blind people In the stato and there it is expected, that this will be ready law immediately. for publication next week. of having a non-partisan taxpayers stead of holding quarterly meetings ilros havo ooucrred on. his farm, but was surrounded by a group of is no limit to tho extent of the use- ticket to oppose the Republican and five meetings will be held during tho Tho banks of Red Bank and vi- the oxtont to which this body of wa- friends. Some urged him to become fulness that tho club could render if Action was taken at this meeting Mr. Bowers said he was engaged in cinity ate co-operating In making to recommend to the mayor and Democratic tickets admit that they clamming last "Week1 when William year, the d.itns to bo decided upon ter might be used waa Illustrated re- a candidate for tho Democratic nom- sufficient funds were available. have not as yot consulted all of those by the executive committee. loans to those desirous of moderniz- ination for senator and others ad- council an ordinance to license per- Derby of Highlands, another licen- ing their homes or of building a cently by a test call of the fire com- The camp is considered one of the on their tentative list of candidates An effort will be made to have as panies of Headden's Corner, River vised him to head a third party or finest examples of a well-managed sons, firms or corporations operating sing agent, ordered 'him to come modern residence through the Fed- but feel that public sentiment would ashore. Mr. Bowers said that he one of the speakers at the next meet- Plaza and Llncroft. Independent movement. In a talk at place of its kind and it Is entirely markets, who rent or lease moro bo strong for both tbo proposed plan eral Housing Administration. The a taxpayers' meeting at Rod Bank than a set number of concessions to complied with the order fully expect- ing Garvin P. Taylor, publisher of Merchants Trust company has ftp- It was a fako alnrm, for there was supervised by the club officers, with and the ticket, as above presented. the Montclalr Times, president of the three weeks ago Mr, McCampbell William J. Adickcs, field secretary of carry on various kinds and types of ing that Mr. Derby would notify him proved Federal Housing loans for no fire. However, this was known mado oven stronger intimations than business. Tiio license fee recom- to quit clam.Tiing until be received a New Jersey Press associations Mr. seven new dwellings at Red Bank and only to Arthur Soden, battalion chief, tho New Jersey commission for the Taylor has done mucll towards ad- he did Sunday that he might run for blind, acting as business manager. mended by the Chamber of Com- license. Instead of that, however,'he vicinity and the Second National and to Mr. Field. The firemen mado senator. placed him under arrest and brought vancing journalism in this state and Bnnk and Trust company has ap- quick time In getting to the pond and Other officers of the club are Charles merce is 5200 per year for each^con" j Harvest he also represented the state publi- .In a talk with a Register reporter Knupfer president, Joseph O'Donnell cession, such fee being Impose him before Recorder Hall. proved a number of loans for mod- within twenty minutes after being cations and commercial job printing ernization. summoned they had water pumping Tuesday Mr. McCampbell expressed first vice president, Carl Hvarro sec- the purpose of revenue. Bradevelt Church Mr. Tarnow was a witness at the shops relative to code matters with through a mile of hose on an surprise that his remarks Sunday ond vice president, Edward Gruning hearing and his testimony did not the national body of the N. R. A. So that the public at large may get Imaginary fire. The hose was re- wore Interpreted by some newspa- treasurer, John Mitchell sergeant-at- fully agree with that of Mr. Bowers. during its existence. better acquainted with the workings pers as an announcement of his can- arms, Arthur Voorhces secretary and Annual Chicken Supper and - He said that Mr. Bowers had been layed between tho engines of tho It is the desire of Miss Brown that of the Federal Housing Act, a clinic throe companies and a stream nine- didacy. '.'I am still undecided," he " eorge Burck, Richard Obser and What And Why I nival to be Held at St. Ga- notified July 0 to stop clamming. Mr. will bo held at Long Branch head- said, "and will make no nnnounce- Michael Laciopa trustees. Tickets for Bowers insisted that this was not so; every paper in Monmouth county ty feet In length waa thrown. I briel's Thursday, August 8— have one or more of its staff of edi- quarters on August 19, 20 and 31, ment for tho present, the benefit are available from of- that there must be a mistake, as he Federal Housing experts from Wash- Piro insuranco rates at Nutswamp ficers and members of the Blind Of Building Loans I Mrs. John Moore Chairman. had received no such noti/lcation. He tors or reporters members of the as- are much higher than In more thick- Mr. McCampbell was asked wheth- sociation and to further this plan ington will be in attendance. Radio r, If in the event that he decided to Men's club. , was represented by John M. PUlsbury facilities aro being used to enlighten ly populated districts where hydrants Friends Building and Loan Asso- I of Atlantic Highlands. The prose- Thomas Irving Brown, publisher of aro provided. Mr. Field, and hla run for senator, he would file for the j The annual chicken supper and The Register, has been requested to the public on Federal Housing. Democratic nomination or as nn in- cution was conducted by S. M. Dick- Thomas Colleton, New Jersey Btate • neighbors aro hopeful of getting low- ciation Issues Small Pamphlet i carnival of St. Gabriel's Catholic inson, assistant attorney general. Tho contact the publications that nre not or rates because of the protection dependent. "I have no statement to Gardeners' Picnic on Describing Their Purpose and I church, Bradevelt, will be held on now represented by membership in director, is using tho Atlantic City make on that matter, either, for tho latter stated that he was not inter- radio, while here locally Mrs, Katii- provided against flro by tho lake. Accomplishment. j the church grounds Thursday, Aug- ested so much in having Mr. Bowers an endeavor to have them join the Wator was pumped for an hour and present," he said. Thomas Field Farm • ust 8. The first table will be served county organization. erine Elkus White was afforded the penalized as in having tho law use of Red Bank's station WBRB, on no dlmunltlon In the volume of tho The Friends Building and Loan as- at 5:30 o'clock. In addition to the obeyed. - - Future meetings of the association lako was apparent. No reduction in supper there will be dancing, various Monday to give a talk on better hous- The annual picnic and field day of sociation, with headquarters at IS are to be moro of a social nature, ing. flro Insuranco rates has yot been ob- the Monmouth County Horticultural Wallace street, has issued a small amustments and booths for the sale . Recorder Hail found Mr. Bowera Annual Ball For guilty of digging clams without a li- the bulk of the business of the or- tained, but Nutswamp farm owners society will bo held Wednesday, Aug- pamphlet explaining the "what and of homemade cakes and fancy ar- ganization to be handled, by tho ex- Local contractors are very much are encouraged to believe that this ust 14, on the Thomas 3. Field farm why" of building and loan associa- ticles. cense and imposed a ilne of 550, the pleased with tho leads furnished minimum penalty. However, Mr. ecutive committee. This will give may be brought to pass, especially Police Benefit On the state highway near Hendden's tions. Tho pamphlet states that the Rev. Louis F. Cogan in pastor of more time at tho meetings to the them and several have called at since there is to be another reser- Corner. If stormy it will be held on building and loan has two main ob- thts church, and Mrs. John Moore is Bowers was released in the custody headquarters to thank the local man- general chairman of the supper com- of Mr. Pillsbury and It was tacitly speakers as well ns to those who voir on Mr. Brasch'fl farm. Third Annual Event of Middle- tho next clear day. The picnic, which jective;: to enable responsible indi- will care to remain after the talk by | ager for helping them obtain work, la for members and thoir families, viduals of limited earning power to mittee. Mrs. Gus Halleran and Mrs. agreed that the tine would not be Mr. Findlay states that Red Bank On tho place where- the lnko la to Frank Creevey have charge of the collected if Mr. Bowers became a the . guest speaker for dnncing nnd bo mado Is a dilapidated house which town Township Association will start at eleven o'clock. The first secure readily, and at normal inter- general sociability. has great possibilities and before the to be Held Saturday Night, important field event will be a base- est rates, money to help finance the cake table, and William Dugan is naturalized citizen and got a clam- campaign is over it is expected that has not been occupied for a number general chairman of the outdoor ming license, Miss Brown, the new president, Is of years. The land was farmed by ball game betwcea tho married and purchase and ownership ot medium tliis district will equal Toms River August 17, at Middletown. sports committee. probably one of the bc?t known In the amount of business which will the late Edward B. Conover. Old- single men, after which box lunches sized homes; and it also makes it The incident has caused much sym- newspaper women in the state. Her The third annual ball of tho Mld- will be enjoyed. William Macintosh possible for any individual, whether Mrs. Moore's assistants are Mrs. pathy to be expressed for Mr. Bow- be boo iced. timo Nutswamp residents recall that James Gllmartin, Mrs. Josephine Mc- father, the into Benjamin F. S. a tragedy occurred thero when a son dletown township pollco benefit as- is chairman of tbo committee in a home owner or not, to save money ers in Middletown township, where Brown, was the publisslicr of both sociation will bo held Saturday night, charge. at an attractive rate of return. Gowan, Mrs. Richard and Mrs. Hen- he lias a good reputation. Ho has of Mr. Conover fell Into the Ice pond ry Hanaway. Mrs. Gertrude Hause- the Keyport Weekly and the Mata- find was drowned. August 17, ut Lciuif;' roytaurant on virtually been deprived of a liveli- wan Journal, and at his death she Annual Drawing Highway route No. 3(> at Mlddle- Today there are about 10,000 build- nian, Mrs. Frank Dugan, Mrs. Wil- hood and he may havo to go on tho Tho lato George Kaney, while chief ing and loan associations in tho liam Dugan, Mrs, Clarenco Dolan, tool: hold of the task of publishing; of tho flro department of Mlddlo- .own. An entertainment is being MAIL CABIUEBS' AUXILIARY. relief rolls. One of the provisions o[ both papers, which she lias done anil For St. James' Church irranged, and a door prize of $25 In country with a total membership of. Mrs. Bernard Frnwley, Mrs. Mary the law is that an applicant to be elig- town township, tried to Interest about 10,000,000. In 1930 tho Amer- Harvey, Mrs. Peter Mnhcr, Mrs. Is doing in n, most creditable manner. farmers In various parts of Middle- iash will bo awarded. Moonlight Sail on Steamer Sandy ible for a lecense must reside In New Besides publishing her two papers On Saturday evening, August 10, Hook to Be Held In September, ican people owed $21,000,000,000 on Mary Kaney, Mrs. William Wallace, Jersey a year. The clammers arc in- town township In using drop gates The association ha.'i fifteen mem- homes, which was approximately tho Mrs. Joseph Zawlskl, Mrs. John Mc- and tile job of running tbn county $75 in cash will bo disposed of on to create water supplies to fight fires. bers, Including Police Chief Enrl clined ,to regard this feature of the press association, Miss Brown is nn A Ited Bank branch of the Ladies' amount of the national debt, more Mahon, Mrs. Oeorge McKnight, Mrs. measure as benelleial because it will the co-operative plan at tho Red The township has a number of lively Hoyer and Sergeant William Fix. atixlliiity of tho National Association than the railroad debt, about twice Klla Wailing, and Misses Margaret active member of the executive com- Bank Catholic high school auditor- brooks, which If dammed only a few 'ho wives and families of the mem- keep clarnmcrB of other states from mittee of the New Jersey Press asso- of Letter Carriers was organized Fri- as much as the public utilities debt Harvey, Anna Carney, Margaret Da- operating in New Jersey. Much crit- ium for the benefit of St. James's minutes would provide deep pools to >ors aro beneficiaries in ciisc any day night at the home of Mrs. Ar- and two and one-half times tiu? farm ley and Mary Dugan. ciation and shu is also assisting Dr. church. The drawing will bo held at combat llnmes. It was Mr. Kaney's momber ia hurt or killed in tho icism is being expressed, however, be- Carl It. Woodward of Rutgers uni- thur Slnttery of Lea Gcrtrude3 apart- mortgage debt. About 35 per cent of cause licenses have to bo taken out 0;30 o'clock. Eight prizes will bo Idea to havo places made along the course of duty. ments. Mrs. Helen M. Blnnocco, this money was loaned by building Mr. Dugan's assistants are John versity in arranging for the four- awarded in nil, one for $M, one for brooks for lowering the gates for Moore, Raymond McGowan, James by persona who dig clams not for teentli annual newspaper Institute to Tho general commlttco consists of state president of tho auxiliary, was and loan associations. Tho money sale but tor their own use. It is •?15, two for 510, and four for 53. Rev. ilreflghtlng purposes. Mr. Kilncy WJUlnm Fix, Jerry GennerclH, Louts outstanding In Now Jersey In I'.W.'I Oilmartln, Bernard and John Fraw- be hold at New Brunswick In Octo- present. ley, Henry Haniuvay, Oeorgo Mc- even necessary ior the ownenj of Joseph J. Donnelly, assistant vector, died before ho WHO able to obtain tho Moose, Lester C. Walling n'nil J. Ot- approximated over $1,000,000,000, The ber. will bo in chatge. necessary amount of co-operation to Tho Red Bnnk and Long Branch Knlght, • Frank Du'gan, Clarence riparian rights to lake out such li- to Johnson. They will bo assisted auxiliaries will hold a moonlight suii per cent of loss to total resources over censes to dig clams on tbo land;; put his Idea into execution, but tho. by Ned Hammond, Dr. Marc Krohn, tho entire country that year was Dolan, William McGowan, John on tho Steamer Sandy Hook Wednes- HIIKCO, Thomas Kaney and William which they lease from the state. SKHVICES TO CONTINl'K. members of tho Mlddletown township Archibald Noble, Harold Jones, Os- day night, September 11. The boat slightly In excess of six-tenths of one ELIGIBLE FOB MIACTICE. flro department arc hopeful (hat Ills car Krueger, Harold Cbnmberluin W:.'! ice, Jr. will leave Atlantic Highlands ut eight per cent. First mortgages are taken Tile law under which Mr. Bowers Hrfjulur Sunday Church SiTvloos at plan will be carried out. and Melvln Leek. Honorary mem- by the Friends Building and Loan was arrested was; introduced by Sen- Ansoii Hoyt of Miiplo Avciiuu Bo. o'clock. Tickets may bo.. obtained LIST YOUB IIOOMS. I.luornft to Kc Conduct oil. bers of tho reception committee are at Denlso & Swannell's cigar store, association on small lioaica only. No ator Percy Camp of Ocean county. COIVOH us* Deutlnt, Louis Tlmolat and tho township olll- Lewis's drug storo and MacFar- loans nro mndo on business proper- It requires; oyslcrmen as well a;i A large gathering turned out Sun- Domocrutlo Dlnnor-Diincc clals. Kid Bonk Clinmber of Coninirrrn Anson Gainer Hoyt, Bun of Mr, lane'a confectionary store. lien nor on large residences, tlio idea clammers to take out licenses. It day morning to hear Rev. Dnvld anil Mrs. H. Norman, Hoyt ot Ma- Tho Fair Haven Women's Demo- being to adhere strictly to the prin- Wimts to IMp You. was paid nf. the time it was passed Povey of Atlantic Highlands ilclivrr The next meeting of tho Red Bank plis avenue, who In Juno was grad- cratic club will entertain at a dln- Everett's Amnml Supper. ciple for which building nnd loan iw- Listings of roomii available during that Its wa:i to prevent the his llrst .sermon lit Llncroft. Tho uated from tho University of Penn- nrtr-dnnco nt tho LOR Cabin Inn at auxiliary will bo held nt Mrs, Mel- fioclntlons were Instituted, that of as- stealing of o.i'strra in South Jersey. I attendance at Sunday's, meeting was The annual chicken supper and vln Htout's on Uumson road, Little the Regatta weekend, August 17th sylvania with tbo ili'groo of doctor Portaupock on Friday evening, Au- sisting one In building or buying a and 18th, are requested to bo filed A number of legislators who voted inrgr- enough to have tllu Sunday of dental uurgery, Itmi beon made Rimt 1(1. Tlioro will be dancing and cnrnlval 'of St. Catherine^ church, Silver, Tuesdny night, August 20. Tbo home. fo;1 It hin'o nlncc tiaid ttiat they did Everett, will bo held on tho grounds officers are: with tho IJed Hank Cliumbcr of morning r,orvici!H continued. nllKlblo for pmi-tico In New Jnrsey. a floor show. Mis. George Harm Is Commerce, (10 Uumd street, telephone not know at tho time Unit it was Lust .Sunday Mrs. Myrtle Pony and HUi name appeared In a Hat of ollgl- mipcrvinlng the fmlo of ilclte!^. nf St. Gabriel's church, Brndevelt Prp*l(lfint—Mrh. Arthur Nlntlery. designed to regulate the clnm:nlng Tuesday night, August 27. The com- V'icti nmlilriK —Mm, Mi-lvln Stout. 55. People who have previously Hat- Mrs. William Woodward rendered a blo idudi-nlH recently (irndo jiubllo hy •InckHnn Hotel. ted rooniu with the Chamber of industry. It nlso prohibits tlie taking mittee, bonded by Mm. Bernard A. S<.<-votHiv -Minn Itrrllm l-ewlp. A scenlo spot In tho Highland!! on duel and Hunikiy, Amriut I, Mrs. the Ktiitn Board of Dmitril Exam- Nvw Series Now Open, Trenmirrr—Mrn, Mortimer VntiKnultr Commerce am to n--]M Ilicin of clams on Sundays. Willlu-n Woodward will .ting, "Tako iners. Hickcy, will Btart serving suppor at Mfatri'iin "nt Anuti — Mis. KoWrt Hiioilc. Iho shore where the Shrewsbury The Mainstay Buldlng and I^oan Hows. No convert charge, private in order that the records may bo At the last meeting ot tho Tri- Tlmo To Prny." itnv. i'nvey'.'i topic Assoeatlon ban opened a new worles 5:30 o'clock. Her assistants aro Mrs. Walter Palmer and Mrs. Wilfred boardwalk table service. On the brought up to date. County Municipal K'nguo the law re- next Sunday will l>" "Living By «f share:! ofterlng a good Investment Typewriter Specialist Shrewsbury where tbo good old Kup- Money to I,oun which can M\ mado In small monthly Hnwxhunit. , garding clamming was denounced by Fa llh," to l)uy u home, lilltlii u home, f8« Any make cleaned, oiled and ad pert's llows. otto Uciz.~Advertise- M;iyor George W. Hardy of High- ilnanr.o u home. Munny lo loan on ]u\yinonlti. Jlntot-mnHon inny foe ob- (ustcd. new roller Included, $11.76. ment. To Whom It May Concern. tninod ut \y« olllco of the ustioelntlon, Amateur Night Every Night My wife, ffidifli Liuicofurd, having lands aa fool legislation. A motion nR y hoim-.s unit tit w" buildings up to Adding machines repaired. Suporlm $2,001) to $10,000 available for lnuiin $5,0011,00. i'ayni. nts to ho Hindu the 12 Mechanic street.•—Advertisement. at tho Fair Haven Firemen's Fair, lror Snle. left my bed and board without just was paused diMiiandnlng that the. pro- July 27 to August 3, Inclusive. Cash Typewriter Service, Keyport. N. J.. on improved propiutieij lu and near sanin an 11ml Indnmutton mny ba ohono 48-1.—Advertisement, Soda wator, ull (lavoia, Canada provocation, 1 hereby notify llm pub- visions about cl;tui»iing bo repe/iied lied Bnnk. Mu.'jf bo modorn and niidilned at tlm MulllKlny HillMllltr Meet Your FrlendH prizes. Register at Kurtlu'n store, lic that I will not b'« rt'.spnnidblo for Fair Haven, phono Red Bank 2580. IJry, White Hock Krueger'u bcii owner oce.u'iloil. Apply to Allaire & nnd 1.01111 Allocution';* nlllrft at Is 11I (he fifltli minimi Firemen's Fair, und other brnmlu. Also distiller! wa- any debts contracted hy her in my Son Agency. Inc., 19 Monmouth Nnveulnk, N. J., August 8, B and 10. —Advertisement. name. AngiHt Siilo Used {Jars. Moiih li: ntri'i't, HIM! Bunk. AilveJ"- In footwear await you In our August ter. Benjamin 11. Crate, 14 North Bee our advertisement on page 9 strcot, Uiul Uunk.--Advertisement. tlHOiuentt. Kri'ii ground prizes.' Doluxo Ply- HIIOO Bale. Hco our ndviTtl.'iemi'nt on Brldgoavenuo. Red Uanlt nlionn IIS; Dated July 25, 11135. mouth nedim, thrcu shares for 2Dc. Harvest Homo, —Adverllaement. Letter C. I*unct>ford. for unu.'iiml buys In used earn. How- Coll'11 Neck HoFornied church, on pngo D.-Albort H. Miller, Ailvortlno- land 15. Jones Motor Co., 3li Miipio Auto Owners, Attontlon. "OM ilrUaMf. - Advertisement. nieiit, —Advertisement. avenue, Hod Bank.—Advertisement. Save- 30','n on your Insurance: reli- fifltli anminl Klii'iiii'ii'.-f Fair, Nave* Wednesday, August 14. Supper 7fic ChlrlcrM Himprr Don't full to »cc our exhibit ut the and -10c. First tables nerved at 5:110. ftcniidinitvluit Danco able companion, prompt Hfii'vlco. Spe- nlnli, N. ,!., August 8!h, nth and 10th, 1 Don't fall to nee our exhibit nt the nnd dunce, St. Gabriel's chinch retley'8 I'vi typewriters. cial, rutet on fleetii. Whlkvl'acli Fret tji'tiund vilum 1 Inline |"J«« hdiHi! nbow Ttnnwlny, Friday and Mu.tlc furnished by Elka band.—Ad- home dhow Thursday, Friday and llrndcvelt, Ttmrsduy night, Aui'tmt Saturday and Hiimlny nlglitn. Accor- Agency, Broad mid Mechanic iitreeta, iiuturilsiy. Hnwlnnd H. .Tones Motor vortliioment. dion muula Hanson nnd I

A. • RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUSTl^S. Page Two -**• American (tore on South street at Joseph's Catholic church, and burial week at the Freehold hospital. She was in the church cemetery. weighed ten pounds. Here and There Freehold /or several years, has been Contractor & Builder Christian Science transferred to tho company's store Died at Philadelphia. GeneoIogW Dies, In the Iiopatln building on the same Vlncenzo DeLuca, 69, a resident of Frank Munooll, one of the coun- Reading Room in the County street. Harold DennUon, a clerk 1° Centervllle the past six years, died try's leading genoologlsts, died at J. T. BEEKMAN (FREE Tp THE PUBLIC) the Malrr.itrcet store, takes Mr, Dav- the Paul Kimball hospital, Lake- MOONLIGHTSAIL idson's former position. Sunday, July 21, in a Philadelphia 1S7 Hudion Avenue, 209 Broad St., Bed Bank, N. *. Personal Notes, Sales of Prop hospital. He was founder of the wood, last week at the aga of 78. BED BANE, N. 3. erty, Building Operations Trial I/uted All Day. Columbus hank, New York, and Is Recovering front Injury. ABthorUe(f And approved tltar- survived by ten children. »tur» on Ohriitlu) Selene* ma? b« Lodge Doingi, Births. Mar Tho trial of Chester Weber, Mst- William Collins of Freehold, who Estimates Furnished. rend, borrowed or purchmwd, S.S. Steamer "Sandy Hook" riages and Deaths. awan banket maker, last week on a Held for Assault broke his hip In a fall several weeks Jobbing n Specialty. •">• myio '• coraially ln»iwo to charge of drunken driving lasted all ago, is Improving nicely but is still on Urn '!««dlns Boom, which h Judgment of $5,000. William Conway of Keyport was own dulbr aicapt Sundtyt ind day because of the nienber o! wit held for trial recently by Judge J. using crutches. Phone R. B. 8168. tagal hotldayi, from liSO to 4 ISO Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong of A3- nesses. Wober was convicted, fined Edward Knight in quarter sessions New Freehold Resident. bury Park has been awarded Judg- $200 and his license revoked. Ho an- Member of ment of $5,000 against Morris Slot court on a charge of atrocious as- A daughter was born "to Mr, and National Housing Guild. During July «nd Augurt th. Bunds/ nounced he would appeal sault upon Elmos Smith, also of Mrs. Emanuel Sosnow of Freehold Evening S«rviM will b« omitUd. Wed. Night, Sept II of that place, Mrs. 'Armstrong Keyport recently. .; claimed she fell down an unllghtcd Finds Hare Book. stairway in a building owned by Alfred F. Goldsmith of Keyport, Married In 1038. — : , \ Auspices Ladles' Auxiliaries of Bed Bank and Lnng Brunch Slott and among other injuries suf- who conducts a bookstore at New The marriage of Miss Audrey Bolte National Association of Letter Carriers. fered a compound fracture of tho York, recently found a rare paper- and Perry Evans, both of Keyport, jaw. bound copy of• 'Alice's Adventures on October 14, 1038, was announced In Wonderland," recently at a Burprioe- shower, given Injured In Dive, by Mra. W. F. Warronder, also of Steamer Leave* Atlantic Highlands Pier at 8 o'clock sharp, Kenneth VanWIncklo of Freehold Autos Kill Dogs. : was badly injured when ho dived In Valuable hound dogs owned by Jo- keyport. E to shallow water in the Metedccnnlt seph Calzone, Sr., and Melvln Meg!) Keyport Minister to Wed. river last Wednesday. X-ray photo of Farmlngdale were killed by auto- AUGUST SALE! TICKETS, - $1.00 Tho engagement of Mien Alice Top- graphs showed that a vertebra was mobiles one night last week. The ping of Burlington, Iowa, to Rev. dislocated, but that It had slipped owners burled the two dogs in one Henry R. Fell of St. Mary's Episco- Special Rate for Organizations back into place. He is confined to grave. pal church, Keyport, was announced the Fltkin hospital and is recovering Death Caused by Heat, recently by Miss Topping's parents. Rural Routes Morgfd. Louis J. Farry of Bradley Beach Caught Large Tana Fish, STARTS TODAY was fatally stricken with heat pros- FarinJnpdalo'3, two rural delivery Harvey S. Bedle, Jr., and Jess Hy- routes will be merged into one on tration Thursday week. He was 58 TICKETS MAY BE HAD AT DENISE & SWAN- August 16 in charge of Seth Van- years old and waB beach superintend- cr, both of Keyport, caught a tuna ent at Bradley Beach. fish weighing 65 pounds laet week NELL'S Cigar Store, Lewis's Drug Store, and Benthuysen, the (senior carrier In while fishing in the ocean off Shark that office. Arthur Farry, who 1ms Dentist's Office Bobbed. River. Macfarlane's Confectionery Store been carrier on the other route, will A thief broke into the dental of- Men's Fancy Suits by take charge of the Bclmar route fice of Dr. Samuel Barr of Asbury Invents Grappling Iron. succeeding the late Samuel Cook. Park Sunday night of laBt week and Jack Haley, a memiber of the Key- port ilrst aid squad, is tho Inventor Store Men Transferred. stole dental supplies to the value of Kuppenheimer, Michaels-Stern and Devonshire 3300. of a grappling apparatus with which Chester Davidson, manager of an the squad has recovered nine bodies Bclmnr Couple Engaged. In the past two years. Worsteds, Cassimerea, Tweeds and Flannels. Single Announcement has been made of and Double Breasted—Plain and Sport Models. the engagement of Miss Helen Ander- Shot Enters Boy's Hand. son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Raymond Nagle, four-year-old son Many of them have tWo pair of trousers. iel Anderson of Belmar, to Gerald of Mr. and Mrs. William Nagle of Fischer of that place. No date has Keyport, was shot in the palm of his Fountain been Bet for the weddlnff. right hand by an air rifle oa Sunday War on Dogs. of last week. Specials Two men have been employed by Death After Long Illness. Neptune township to catch all doga Mra. Edith C. VanArsdale of Mat- running at large. Tho dogs will be nwan died recently after a long ill- Banana Splits .... 12c kept for three days and if not ness. The funeral was held early claimed by then they will be killed, last week and burial was in Cedar- Ice Cream Sodas 10c Koyport Girl Engaged. wood cemetery. Orangeade 10c The engagement of Miss Carolyn Fast Corn Shellinff. B. Dey, daughter of Frank S. Dey Daniel Smock, a Freehold feed of Keyport, to Benjamin C. VanTine dealer, last Wednesday with a corn 60 Broad Street Phone 1444 Red Bank of Long Branch, assistant attornoy sheller operated by a gasoline en- cneral.of New Jersey, has been an- gine, shelled a half ton of cob corn nounced. n nineteen minutes. Largo Catch of Fish. August Factory-to -You Sale Lewis Boyce, Asher Woolley, Wll- Bete—Stern. Tropical and PALM BEACH lam Llsk and Mr. and Mra, ffimer- Tho former Mrs, Conrad Beta and Not Included on Lisk of Matawan enjoyed' a fish- Fred August Stern, both of Union White Linen SUITS REDUCED 1.00NUJOL .15 Feenamint .. BAY RUM ng trip to Cedar Bun one day re- Beach, were married Saturday, July cently. They caught 192 flsh, mostly 20, in Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Per- 8 ounce weakflsh. cy R. Head were witnesses. •— Linen Suits — — Tropical Suits ~ ,85Kru«chen 1.20 SAL Keansburg Mnn Engaged, Spend Night In Bay. The engagement of Miss Florence Horace Stephenson of Plalnfleld 12.50 Value - NOW Q Salts HEPATICA 80' Smith of Brooklyn to-James F. Gil- and an unidentified young woman 9.75 Value . NOW igan, eon of Mr. and Mrs. James companion wore' rescued recently af- 15.00 Value - NOW JAD SALTSJ Ac WITCH illligan of Keansburg, was an- ter clinging all night to a capsized V 29 N0W Condensed ./* HAZEL qts. nounced lost week. sailboat in Karitan bay. 12.50 Value 18.00 Value NOW Bather Steps on Body. 10.75 IODINE Policeman Injured. .25 J. J. A bather at tho Grand View ave- Patrolman Harry W, Tarnell of N0W 25.00 Value NOW nue beach, Keansburg, stepped oh Helmetta suffered possible fractures 15.00 Value TALCUM JIG body of elghteen-year-bld Sam- f his skull, right shoulder and left 12.75 HALEY'S .30 CARBONA uel Moruzzla of Newark one after- eg recently in an accident while fol- 24< noon last week. Maxuzzia had been owing a stolen car. Regulars ... Longs ... Shorts .. . Stouts M.O SYMBOL overcome by heat and drowned a RUBBER scapes from State Home, .50KOLYN0S 9Me .25 NOXZEMA few hours previous. George B. Pack, sixteen, who es- GLOVES Struck by Lightning. caped recently from the State Home PASTE °^ An American atore at South and for Boys at Jamesburg was arrested .50PABLUM ....9Ac 29c McLean streets, Freehold, was struck it Engllshtown Sunday night of last Sport Coats Flannel Pants .25 CUTICURA | Qc 34< by lightning in a recent electrical week. storm. The atore caught on fire, REDUCED SOAP *••> .75 HYLAC Klenzo Judge Berates lawye/s, REDUCED but the blaze was quickly extin- Common Pleas Judge Thomas H. ..10 PALMOLIVE 67' BATH guished. Brown, who is aiding in clearing the Blue, Brown, Checks and Plaid De- White Flannel, Check and Striped S0AP C 2-It. Malted /}Qc "Wd-af^igo of 84. calendar In the Monmouth courts, signs—Shirred and Pleated Backs. Serges; also Fancy Check and SPRAT Charles Stelle Brown, son of a blamed the lawyers last week for the ' - 2 «• 9 Milk Choc. ..™ pioneer resident of Elberon, for congestion on tho court calendar. Striped Flannels. 59C whom the town waB named, died 12.50 Values - NOW A ^C .10 LIFEBUOY 1.25SERUTAN . early last week In a New York hos- Observed 81st Birthday. 5.00 Values NOW S0AP 92' pital at the age of 84, following a Mrs. Harriet Thorne, who lives on 3.95 MUfc ot Magaeil* long Illness. .he Btate highway, near Keyport, cel- 15.00 Values • NOW -| 9 75 1.10 Lady Ester ibrated her 81st birthday recently. 5.95 Values NOW 1.50 AGAROL ... TOOTH Freehold Man Dies. Four generations were represented 4.85 QQc Powder George Elmer of Freehold dleil at a party at her home. PASTE Wednesday morning of last week 18.00 Values - NOW -| 4 "jff 6.95 Values NOW .10 CAMAY .50 Klenzo Bath after a long illness. He leaves a Arrested at Farmlngdale. 5.45 wife and four children. The funeral Mrs. Rose Hecht of Farmlngdale 8.50 Values NOW SOAP •• Spray was held Friday and burial was in was arrested recently upon complaint 22.50 Values - NOW -j "J» Regular 35c Maplewood cemetery, of her husband, who charged that 6.4S 1.25 ENO KLEENEX ihe used abusive language and 500s ... 28' TOOTH Cllffwood Youth Drowned. hreatened to poison him. SALTS BRUSH Alfred Denardo, seventeen, of Milk Magnesia *J9c Cliffwood, was drowned, recently in Bleworte—Farr. ft.S.M.A OQ 19c an abandoned clay pit at the Osch- Miss Louise Caroline Hiowcrts and Qts „«« wald brick works at Laurence Har- William Farr were married last week 3 for 5Oo bor. Two companions were unable at Pennlngtqn. The couple will live to savo him. COTTON SLACKS REDUCED lb. DEXTRI MINERAL OIL at Freehold, where the brldgegroom Rexall Is employed by C. E. Roboraon, Inc. MALTOSE • Qts TOBAIlUCAt. Bled nt Keyport. Mrs. Alberta Corlles Clark, sixty, White Cords and Reps . .. Fancy Checks and Stripes. .50IODENT Rubbing Alcohol COLD widow of Frederick Clark, died last Stealing Laurel, week at the home of her daughter, Threes New York men were arrest- 1.95 Value 2.45 Value 2.95 Value PASTE Pint CREAM Mrs. Harry P. Dlsbrow, Jr., of Key- ed and cent to the county jail re- 75c Skc cently for stealing laurel from Sher- 100 BAYER'S 1-ft. BORIC -f S< port, whero she had been confined fl Howard Height's farm Jn Wall since February. ownshlp. 1.65 1.95 2-35 ASPIRIN ACID •*«* Engagement Announced. TALCUMS Announcement has been made of Student Nurse. .25 Carter's Venida 2 for tho engagement of Miss Carolyn R. MISB June Ladd, daughter of Mr. Choice of Odors Dey, daughter of Frank S. Dey of and Mrs. Charles F. Ladd of Froc- Liver Pills ... Tissues, 200 Keyport, to Benjamin C. VanTine hold, has been accepted as a stu- Any $ for of Long Branch, assistant attorney dent at tho Mercer hospital school ALL STRAWS Summer Neckwear Pt. RHUBARB" .25 EX LAX Jontecl Talcum Tiny Tot Talcum general for tho state. of nursing, Trenton. and SODA . Arbutus Talcum Jasmine Talcum Born to Former Resident REDUCED NarcUse Talcum Lavender Talcum Accident Victim Dies. and PANAMAS 1.25 Petrolagar SEDLITZ Georgia Rose Talcum Walter Horrllch of Brooklyn died A daughter was born last week to 65c Value 1.00 Value Orange Blossom Tnlcum last week at Freehold hospital from Commissioner and Mrs. Edward D. POWD., 12s 11 injuries suffered In an .accident, July Balentlne of Irvlngton, formerly of NOW Freehold. She has been named Au- NOW NOW ft. LACTOGEN A Box of 8, when his car was In collision with KOTEX .... one driven by Josoph R. DuBois of drey Loraine. JONTEEL Face Powder Freehold. Damaged by Lightning. 47' 69' .50 Pepsodent fUchellc LIKIH or Datlc—Naturcllo HALF PRICE 100 CASCARA i yc and a Keyport Girl Engaged. Chimneys on houses owned by Mr. 1.50 Value—NOW Paste JONTEEL Mrs. Anna Walters of Keyport has and Mrs. G. Warren Aumack and C TABLETS ... announced the engagement of her Mr. and Mrs. William Tqbin of Koy- LIPSTICK port wercs struck and damaged by (Stetsons Included) .10 Colgate's Big Bath , Medium, Duo Ai daughter Elizabeth to Meldon Van- 9S .35 ENERGINE P nt Riper Rtultz, Jr., also of Keyport. He Ightnlng in a recent storm. SOAP C ePou'drr Is associated with his father in tho coal nnd ico business. Lightning Flays Tricks. 6-29 Elkay White BOTH toe Tho family of James Hall of .40Palmolive «f"9c Shoe Polish Konts Freehold' Homo. Koansburg escaped unhurt last week Ladies' "Jantzen" Bathing Suits REDUCED 1 Robert A. Burr and family of East when lightning struck near their Shav. Cream™ • 1-lb. OPEKO Orange have rented tho Miss Bertha home and sent a shower of sparks 4.95 Value 5.95 Value 6.95 Value • CANDT • VnnDerhoef dwelling at Freehold nnd about the metal work on tho houso. COFFEE _ NOW — — NOW — — NOW — .35 Ingram's Wax Wrapper will tako posnesRlon September 1. Loses Control of Car. Shav. Cream Prophylactic /9dc Mr. Burr In a (ion of Hobort It. Barr William Dyas of Long Branch was Caramela, 1 lb. ISC of Farmlngdalo. norlounly hurt recently when riding 3.95 1.D5 5.95 .75BARBASOL/|ftc Hair Brush .."«* Hand Mixed Wqnt m»tor Returned, with John Plancy, alBo of Long Tho congregation of the Simpson Branch, who lost control of his car Jar *V 1.O0ZON1TE.. Candies, pound 33*8' Memorial church of Long Branch, when tho accelerator stuck, him invited tho pnntor, Rev. Albert Trooper In Hospital. .50 LYONS* 9K< Lleactt's or Horton's I/. Baiuie, to return for another year. Stato Trooper Francis Hanna of Large Ovaltine .... lilb. Chocolate <» Mr. ItAnse went to the church In tho Koyport state police station, is Semi- SHIRT Tooth Powd. 52' Bare. Reg. IOCA March, 103.1. conflqed to St. Francis' hospital, Trenton, with an Infected ear. Annual MANHATTAN SALE A Now Doctor. Theodore Schlmsabach, son of Mrs. Sails for West Indies. 3.50 Values Ahrnm Schloaabnch, of Bradloy Minn Dorothy Cohen, a teacher at 1.95 Values - 3.00 Values Itf New Bench, hns panucil tho examinations ho Keyport grammar school, Balled 1.55 2.45 of tho Stato Board of Medical Ex- nst Thursday afternoon for a threo 2.15 5.00 Values - imilnnrn. He will begin practice In weekB' crulso to tho Wost Indlca. 2.50 Values - 1.85 3.35 GIVEN AWlYFREJE Hrnrtley Bench In Stb New Koyport Bestdent Hporis ICilltor Iturt. A eon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Whites, Plain Colors and Manhattanized Not Included. James A. Fleming, sports editor of Clcorgo Brown of Koyport early last tho New Brunswick Homo News, suf- week at Monmouth Memorial hos- Nothing to Buy. No Cartons to Send. fered lacerations and brulsea of th» pital. •"Mil Information at your nearest face when his car wns In coltlnlon "Silent Policeman" Removed. last week with another automobilo at A "silent policeman" that has UCGETT DRUG STORE Old Bridge, ntoml for years at the Interned Ion Matawan Man D«ad, of Broad and Front etreeto, Key- RED BANK, PHONE Joseph Hnluiwskl, 40, of Oak port, h«s boon removed. Bhntlfs, MtitttWMi township,

Fund* for Propefr Improvement are Available Today at "Better Housing" is at important to Business Property at Low Co»t. MoZmfce Now and You Stimulate BtiifoeM it it to Homei! It Means New Sales, More Profits. Fac- Your BuiinJ. Joint Progressive Business Men In a AND LEST ICKS tories, Schools, and all Commercial Buildings are Eligible "Modern«e rVBetter Busine«»" Progfuni for Modernization Credit " A Federal Housing Loan Repairs - Alterations Makes If Possible For You To Own Improvements Money is Available. Workmen,Are Ready. Now CfJtutneur is the time to act. Repairs, alterations and im- I SUPER-SAFE REFRIGERATOR provements may be financed now at a low cost. • Modernize your home now—and you will be pro- Easy Payment Plan tecting its beauty and at the same time increasing No Money Down its value.

WE WILL BE GLAD TV DISCUSS THIS PLAN WITH YOU. ' Monmouth Lumber Co. Jack LaFreda Super Service Co It PAYS to "Complete Home Improvement Service" 79 CENTRAL AVE., Tel. 2060 RED BANK 117 Monlouth St. Tel. 3937 Red Bank

Get i Loan to Phony Bea, 1897. Modernize Your Home With Paint Paint tour House Exlen S. Ewing A FHA Loan Will Pave the Way You neednot run the risk of MODERNIZE !• Take advantage of the Federal Housing Loan avail- ft htfne rfioeA by neglect to palnft / ' Contractor and Builder This is no Mother Goose tale. It's cold fact, based on actual able to you for Paint to renew your Home's Beauty. We will give you the lowest figures and experience. Statistics gathered by the Federal Gov- Bring a list of your needs and we will give you the, poMlble cJtimate for a Quality / Trained Men for Building necessary estimate. , * ernment prove that merchants and business property owners all Purposes. over America have crossed from the red to the black side of the JJJravers&Sons) 22 Newman Springs Bond, \i ledger—have increased sales and profits—by modernizing their KlarinV Paitit Store DECOBATOBS ^ "A paint for eTery price and purpose" Bed Bank, V, J. 35 ItfellOT PLACE places of business. 26 MONMOUTH ST. Tel. R. B. 3838 TEL. BED BANK 236. i I Modernization means new business. The banks know it, and .. thousands of financial institutions approved by the Government are The Federal Housing Administration's TOR prepared to lend funds for modernization and remodeling. Re- sponsible business property owners (and renters, under certain con- Plan makes it possible for you to own STOKOR ditions) can obtain Modernization Credit immediately, and repay it monthly—over a conveniently long period. any of the following: MODERN A/TOMATIC COAL BURNER With Modernization Credit you can make the "front" of your MERRITT MACHINE SHOP building more attractive. You can renovate, remodel, install mod- ern show windows. You can make the interior do a better selling 24 Mechanic St> Red Bank Phone 322. job with better lighting, new built-in display fixtures, more con- Tel, 2317 Estimates Furnished venient layout. You can attract people to your store, into your Red Bank Headquarters store, and cause them to buy. Joseph W. Fox Federal Housing If you have an income-producing building, or one that should Refrigerators, Ranges. * Administration be income-producing, modernization will attract new tenants; pro- PLUMBING Edward VonKattcngell, Chairman duce larger rents. Steam HEATING Hot Water Mrs. Arthur J. White, Chalrlndy Washers, Dish Washers. 17 Mechanic St., Bobt. S. Flndlay, Offlco Manager Any local bank or other approved financial institution will be 118 Flnokney Road, glad to advise you on MODERNIZATION CREDIT. Any of the Red iank, N. J. Bed Bank, N. 3. 72 Broad St., Red Bank advertisers on this page will help you budget your modernization Also Oil Burning Equipment Phone 1569. , funds to the best and most profitable advantage. We will be glad to discuss our liberal payment BUY A plan with you. KELV1NATOR now on a Now You Can Renovate Craig & Hornor Co., Inc. FEDERAL HOUSING LOAN Your Home 61 MONMOUTH ST. Phone 1736 RED BANK THE U. S. GOVERN- If your home needs a Coat of Paint, a New Roof, New Floors, MENT IS CO-OPER- ATING WITH US Plumbing or Heating Work, Electrical Work, Mason Work, etc., TO MAKE IT POS- consult any of the contractors listed on this page, they will gladly SIBLE FOR YOU give you an estimate on the work you want done. TO OWN A KEL- We are co-operating with the Federal Government in its VINATOR. Federal Housing Program for "Better Homes." We wijl gladly Now You Can Modernize Your Plumbing We will quote you low estimates on all plumb- confer with you at any time concerning Loans for the remodel- ing repairs and new installations. Let the Federal Three YeW« to pay. New low-coat financing plan. No need to visit a bank. We arrange everything ! ing or renovating of your home. Housing Loan pay for the work. See us for par- There arf no embarassing details in this finance plan. ticulars. Come intoday and select the Kelvinator you prefer. WILLIAM O'BRIEN Get Your Estimate from Your Contractor Means High Grade Service ACME Furniture Co. Approved and Improved Heating Plumbing Roofing Bed Bank's Largest Furniture Home e 137 Monmouth St. Tel. R. B. 2104 R|d Bank Then Consult Us 29 W. FRONT ST. Tel. R. B. 369 RED BANK

Telephonp Connection Does Your House Need I will be glad to furnish estimates on (j A New Roof? your Electrical requirements. Wm. I. Buchanan A FIIA I/onn will help make It THE MERCHANTS Second National Bank possible. Our repre«entatlvo will New Wiring—New Fixtures and other gladly call and estimate your Electrical Service. Contractor and Builder roofing needs. R*-roonnff, Re-riding and Flat roofing. TRUST CO. & Trust Co. Estimate tieorfully Furnished. Olson Roofing Co. 30 Broad Street, Red Bank 53*Broad Street, Red Bank Harold S. Allen Bef Bank, N. .T. GarlMJ Av., Atl.ntlc Hlffcluifc, N. J. T«l. A. H. B40. Phone 1600 Phone 1000 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR /' fat 1918 • 10 Flrat Ava., Atburf Park, N. J. T«l. A. P. T0». 18 White Street., Tel. Red Bank «li Paw Four BED BANK EEGISTEK, AUGUST 11988. for«o_it_ ot moat prog-nosUc_tors, boUt were •Jected the n»Uo_all*_Uon or rajim»nU£ion Intend to «rop» their wiy down tb* along with the rest of the county Democratic ticket of basks, whether efficient manage- eerie corridors In the barnacled hulk Pay Increase For RED BANK REGISTER Although starting at the same place, the paths 0/ tho ment, both past and present, is not of the old Cunarder. Uiln« powerful ESTABLISHED 1878 BY JOHN H. COOK. two tsiemblymen Boon showed wide dlvergejnent. * A» Editorial Views going to have & larger part In to electric, drill!, the wpedltlon hopes Rumson Officers an -sMmblyman Mr, Height was strictly "regular." Mr. dividual bulks' relations with their to pry the lid of thia supposedly lu- GEOBQE O. HANCE, Editor. customers. In tht Slattern states, crative treasure chest by removing >• .••« v..« «MWMjr. improves McCampbell was anything but regular. Ho followed an where mutual saving! basks operate, th« lafe through a rent in the lln- Council Approve* R*-» fat P«y have bean completed FBEDEKI6 S. HAYES, Managing Editor. Independent course which was equally disliked by the (Th« opinion! upt-tltA ID tha BdltorUi •»!••« side end with the Bid of tht remembered, this mi Vlawa -croundtt do not n«o«ii»rily cartr it Is noticeable tb-t In lit* y-«r« to Six—Legal Opinion to be ref •» a vary favorable Demooratlo bosses and the Republican bosses. Mr. tha «-donem«_1 of Th» Bextater.) pressure has generally been brought Ophli-'o derrick's raise the strong- x Height, by reason of the big vote which he polled as box. Obtained on New Assessor's. THOMAS mVING BKOWN, This Is a Bad Bill. on the state authorities to lower In Publisher and Business Manager. ,-•• a candidate for assemblyman, especially In the south- te'rest rates before similar orders -Can the Lusltantla divers parry the Law—Other Matter*. eastern part of the county where he is well known as The pending bill which, in the were Issued to national banks. Mu- thrusts of Neptune's trident, the an automobile dealer, was selected as the Democratic guise of protecting the armed forces tual savings bankB are state banks. sterms, the currents, the Messing Tha salaries ot ilx members ot the Ren, Lester H.GU THE BKD BANK BEQISTEB against seditious propaganda, pro- Formerly It was customary to have depths which beset whoevertKras ln- Rumson police foroa ware increased candidate for sheriff in 1032. The county went strongly poses to clothe military and naval at the regular matting of the mayor Is EL member of Kepubllc&n for President, but despite this fact Mr. a. differentiation between dividends vode'tnat wily warden's realm? Rec- ruil authorities with powers of search, paid by saving- and commerolaf ords of modern sea salvago provide and council Thursday night. Capt. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Height won easily, which was probably due in some seizure and confiscation Is a thor- Henry Kruso was given en increase banks, in favor of the former'« de- promising precedents. Only last Urge Audience Heard Anemblj The AaBOclatcd Press Is exclusively entitled to Use measure to a ticket selling racket scandal which Im- oughly dangerous piece of legislation. positors. More than half of the Ri- year a British expedition recovered from $1,800 to *2,000, Policeman Beth j paired Republican chances. He has made a good rec- This bill, which has passed the sen- tual savings banks In New Jersey In «,000,000 In bullion from the wreck Johnson will receive t1,800 Irittead ot man Jergyman Give Addret Use tor repubUcatlon of all news dispatches to it or not ord as sheriff by reduclng,-expensea and conducting tho $1,700, and Policeman Thomaa Rey- otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news ate without, examination or debate tend to withdraw from the Fedem' of the liner Laurentlc, a wartime on "Tip Challenge of Tomol office on a businesslike basis. and now Is pending In the house, Deposit Insurance corporation when torpedo victim, Probably the great- nolds and David Klnney will get published therein, seeks to delegate to military and na- the temporary fund expires this sum- eat tale of «ucce««ful salvage Is that «l,T00 instead of I1,«00. Tha salaries row" 4 Holmdel Sunday, j Mr. McCampbell'i record Is not BO easy to condense val commanders the authority to de- ot Perry Ell and Earllng Monoen Member National EJItolol Association mer; samo h»v« withdrawn, thus add- of Italian divers who recovered $3,- Assemblytian Theron McCami because It rampages over! much more territory. Many termine what material would be se- lnng more to surplus. If they ar« 000,000 In gofl from the P. & O. liner polloa clerks, were inqreasad ?-&<>• -ell'« ivlvai forum at Holmdel wi persona regard his greatest service as that of having ditious, when circulated or read in forced to reduce their dividends Egypt sunk In collision off the Ush- It wet slated Uitt provlalon for tha Member Now Jersey I'resg Association an investigation of Monmouth county affairs made by the armed forces, and would give the again some soon will to In conflict ant. thirteen years ago. Increases had bean made In the bud- Sunday, whj, Rev. LeBte" H. Clii the Naughrlght committee. At the time Mr. McCamp- military the power to proceed direct- with the Btste law which makes it The fact that 'thli highly profitable get tor thli year but the actual I speaker otth- house of waemblj Telephone Red Bank 18. bell made his sensational charges about rotten condl- ly against auch material by conflscat- mandatory to distribute to depositors adventure was carried on In sixty granting; ot the increases waa d«- tlom In this county, there was a disposition In certain !in* th« book- newspaper; magazine surplus In exceas of fifteen per cent fathom, of exposed water augun well terred until the financial condition K - Tofrrow," Rev. Mr, Clif Subscription Frlce«: or even manuscript or letter In which of deposits. for the Opbir expedition working at warranted It. Councilman George R. voided all tentlon of politics _$ quartors to believe that this was merely self advertising. It waa contained. Kuhn eald he was aware ot the high- Three montha ______. .60 No impartial and unbiased person holds such a belief only half that depths If tho vaunted presented a four-point program t. . 1.00 The bill, as redrafted by a house Money rates are going to continue steel tube ot the British divers er police appropriation but did not restore norniicy. Tho four point* Six montha . $2.00 now. Subsequent developments In the light of the | committee, stipulates that the offend- ow for a long time, but as In tho should unlock the lid to the Lualtan- know It was to go for aalerlea. Ha were clear taking, honesty, love to? One year Naughright Investigation nnd other things, have proved I ing writer must have had "Intent to Newark area checking accounts now it's conjectured riches, there ll al- pointed out that tha salaries ot tha fellow men 4d ballot inUsifc jjf that much was "rotten in Denmark." [incite disaffection." The courts un- pay their -way through service most certain to be a sudden demand school'teacher! had bean cut hut no received larg} applause at tha W THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1985. Perhaps Mr. JlcCompbell's strength as a vote get-! doubtedly could be depended on In charges, banks might go slowly In for charts ot the Spanjsh Main. reduction bad been made in tha po- elusion of hlstemarka. ' normal times to squelch any disposi- urging another reduction in the in- lice -apartment payroll, It So |m ter was more clearly demonstrated last year than at Judging by legends that have sprung: u ™ t « «P Mr. McCsmpbell la tion to make It the vehicle of an un- erest on savings accounts. At least, up since the days of thi'J Spanish pointed out to Mr. Kuhn that under vlted Rev. Mripiee to speak at t£ any other time. He was opposed at tho primary elec- constitutional censorship. aa longr as comm*rolal banks are conquests, the returns from 1 mod- the police ordinance the pay of the forum and th* clergyman accepted Charities to Benefit tion by his own party machine. Ho was an easy win- willing to- pay Uncle Sam two and ern salvage job would hav« been policemen waa to be raised annually naming Sunda| as the date. Sub But In abnormal times the delay ono-half.per cent Interest for Postal 1 From Lincroft Horse Show. ner. At the fall election ho had little or no machine inevitable in obtaining relief from mere pin money to pirates who until a maximum salary had been sequently Mr. McCampbell JnvltB support. This was so clearly evident that Inde- Savings Bank deposit!, and guaran- roved the Caribbean 400 years ago. reached, but that no tncraaaes havo Governor HarHd Q. Hoffman aif A horse show for the benefit of the Welfare associa- the courts would make the discretion- tee them by government bonds, it pend«nt voters who kept close tabs on politics realized ary powers It confers a potential —Christian Sclenco Monitor. been made In tha police department Rev. Mr. Clee t| debate tha sales _t tion of Shrewsbury and Little Silver and the Monmouth would seem that they should be will- since .030. Withholding ot lncroa-es, i-aue at the foim. Governor Her- on the eve of election that he would have to beat bofh menace to national welfare. ing to give the small savers the samo County Organization for Social Service will be held all machines to be re-elected. If a newspaper under such condi- It waa stated, was equivalent to. a man accepted i^d named last Suw day Sunday, starting at half-past nine o'clock, on the return, which Is all that many have lawyers and Newspapermen. reduction. Mr. Kuhn withdrew hla day at the datekvhen he would 11?« Not only was He re-elected, but he was the only tions advocated peace, when military :o live on.—Newark Sunday Call- Louis Kaiser estate, Lincroft farm, on Newman Springs leaders were for war, It could bo In proposing a committee of law- objection and offered the motion to to have the verbUjoust with the a- Democratic county candidate to win. His majority was yers and newspapermen to prevent pay the Increases. aex county aasedblyman. Rev. Jr. road at Lincroft. Twenty-three classes have been ar- seized and impounded, edition by edi- Cl«e Informed ».«McCampbell ttat not large, but in view of the fact that the county went tion, until such time as the matter A Good Movie Move. hlppodromlng of criminal trials, the ranged, including two flat races, and about $1,500 In cash American Bar association says, in ef- The attention of the council was he would not bopresent at the ar- will be awarded aa prizes. 12,000 against the Democratic candidate for governor It could be brought before a court. A good deal of truth Is contained um If the govertbr was" to ant-k was a great triumph, proving that many Republicans -A tho expression by Miss Mary C. fect, that as long as there are hlppo- called to the new law extending tho a bou Many entries have been receive- from various parts Power of that sort should not be dromlng attorneys there will be terms ot assessors, elected and ap- ' ""'Wlex lk The outcsm. and Independent voted for Mr. McCampbell. trusted to any government official, Duffy, supreme regent of Catholio waa that there wa no debate ani no of the state, and nearly all those who have In the Daughters of America, dlsousslng re- maudlin reporting. Tho association pointed, to flvo yoara, by Councilman Mr. Height has not yet announced his platform. least of all to military commanders also says that legislation will not Bernard V. Ryan, who deolared that mention of the sou tax. The clergy- Monmouth county horse show to be staged- today, to- There is still plenty of time for him to do so. Mr. Mc- whose very training and. profession- cently "cleaned up" movies. Miss man referred to 5e little problem. morrow and Saturday at Humson will alBO show at al instincts make them least fit lor its Duffy remarked: "Will Hays and his solve the problem, and suggests that It was "prejudicial to the rights of of nolitlcs as nothavlng any proper lampbell, if ho. becomes a candidate, will have no need professional movie czars are not en- _ Btirvey of conditions surrounding citizens of Bumson." He added that Lincroft. The flat races, one a half-mile race and the O publish his platform planks for they are well known exercise. publicity given to criminal trials be place In the diiour_e which h- other a three-quarter mile race, add just enough variety Of course, seditious propaganda, if titled to any credit. .. for It was the the voters would not be given an op mado. \v by his record as assemblyman. He opposes the sales voice and action, of millions of peo- undertaken by a small committee of portunity to select their own candi- to remove the event from the category of the ordinary any, 'must not be circulated In the lawyors and representatives of the .ax, advocates a referendum on horse racing, advocates armed force3 and preventing its cir- ple that compelled them to see the date this year, as Iho term ot tho horse show. a Btato Income tax and advocates economy by wiping out light." The movement started by tho United Press, Associated Pross and Incumbent, Richard I, Rogers, Br., culation is legitimately the Job of nternatlonal News Service, and pos- METER CIAKGEB, Mr. Kaiser, who is general chairman of the commit- useless offices and reducing overpaid salaries. • All of military men. But we agree with Catholic church nnd joined In by all who was appointed following tho tho other churches did more In sixty sibly the National and Columbia death of Assesaor DanM A. Naugh- tee In charge, has gone to considerable expense to put :hese things are Important Issues and if for no other Representative Maverick of Texas, broadcasting companies. Kcmuburg Rcflldoii Writes to Utili- his placo In readiness for the show. A new barn with eason than this Mr. McCampbell's candidacy would that the present bill is an "hysteri- days to clean up the movies than ton, would bo automatically extended. ties Coiniilsslou. twenty stables has Just been completed and It will nerve lerve a useful purpose in presenting them for public cal" way of going about It. Will Hays and his assistants have Tho press has boon coping with A motion by Mr. Ryan thit an opin- lonslderation. done In twenty years. Too often the his public problem for ycara. Last ion bo obtained from the. attorney Tha following. Is't copy ot a letter a large purpose on this occasion, All indications point The bill Is thoroughly objection- censorship of pictures Is Influenced April the American Society of News- general was adopted. written by Jonks S«mnn of Keana- to the show being a success, and In this Case it will be able and should be killed in its en- burg to tho Stato ttllltlos commls- tirety,—Asbury Park Press. by the box office of the organization. paper Editors adopted a resolution Because funds were not ivallablo held annually, the profits going to charitable organiza- Local exhibitors of motion pictures calling for a Joint committee of edi- for resurfacing; several street, bids ilon regarding moter charges, tions in this vicinity. have little voice In the matter of tors and lawyers to study this same for the Job were returned unopened. Kiansburg, N. J, The cause is most worthy and the program Is such Professional Pugilism Liquidation Fays? what they show. They are forced to situation. But heretofore there has The money has been allocated U the Ju|y ID, 1938, The former mayor of Glbbsboro. N. show the pictures as produced to a been little genuine response from the borough by the county from the state Honorable Board of f "' an to arouse the interest of all who are devotees ot lnrgo extent or be deprived of pic- equestrianism. Since early colonial times Monmouth Gets Another "Black Eye." J., Lucius W. Parker, is active In bar as an organization, The Haupt- dirt road fund but It has not Jet Public Utility Commlislonefs, * arousing the Interest of depositors of tures altogether. mann trial, with Its attendant pl been received. It was decided to re. county has been noted for good horses, and good horse- Pugilism has long had a shady reputation as a sport closed banks to back up a1 movement hora of' publicity obtained from lo- Newark, N. j. —Lambertville Beacon. advertise for bide when the money U Gentlemen: manship. It 1B fortunate In having residents like Mr. 'hlch Is not always "on tho level," but despite this fact to Investigate fees charged by the quacious attorneys, focused so much on hand. Kaiser to maintain tho old tradition. May the weather large attendance almost always aro In evidence at con- New Jersey State Department of ttentlon on tho evils of such judicial As a citizen and property owner Savings. Borough Clerk Jera J. Carew re- of tho borough of Keansburg, Mon- man behave Sunday. If such is the case it la safe to ;ests in the squared arena. Such was tho case at Long Banking and Insurance for tho liqui- irocodure that even the lawyers were piouth county, N. J., I wish to mike predict that there will be a large attendance, for there 3ranch Friday night, when the main attraction was a dating of closed banks. Though unemployment Is still wide- impressed. ported 32 persons on relief and ex- '" protest to your honorable body is every reason to believe that tho old-time Monmouth lout between "Professor" Buddy Baer, brother of Max Mr. Parker Is quoted by the New spread and the relief rolls are near The attitude taken by the bar as- penditures ot $26.78 a week for that 'alnst tho Iniquitous meter charge county trait of aiding charity and admiring horseflesh Baer, ex-champion of the world, and Artie Suss. After York Herald Tribune as saying: "The their peak, millions of Americans are sociation presages that somothlng purpose. hlch is now and has been imposed orty seconds of fighting it was announced o» "no con- department collected $170,000 for de- able to earn money and to save, it, definite will result from the plan. In- C. L. Despard Informed the coun- "ion property owners in the Barltan has been handed down with einially as much potency positors In a CoillnKWuod bank but Tho National Association of Mutual cil by lotlor that the sum of $1,402.62 bvshore section, Including all towas 8s It influenced the hearts and minds of those of yore. test" and perhaps mercifully so. Suss had twice been stead of tho customary harangue asked $105,000 of this amount as its Savings Banks reported recently that igalnst "sensational" newspapers, returned to him fibm tho relief ee- -Mm Koyport to HlRhlnntls, inclusive, knocked down by Professor Baer and he was apparently administration fees. In the case of a deposits in such institutions in- ccunt has been deposited In a New ^hls oharffo is not made in any of -0-0-0-0-0-0- In no condition to continue. Tho bouts which preceded he association seems to rccognlzo tnouiland cities, boroughs and town a, Toms River bank, $40,000 was col- creased by $112,000,000 during the hat much of the mud is on Its own York bank In a special nccount. He but la applicable only tu tho b»y wore of the same tame variety. Spectators complain lected and $35,000 taken for costs, first six months ot 1935 and reached doorstep, and that by cleaning up said ho would consult with tho that they did not get "a run for their money," and that shor\ section. Why we should b»- Will McCampbell Lock leaving only a $5,000 balance. Liqui- a total of $9,870,000,000. This Is with- this situation, ostensibly with the aid donors as to the final disposition of plcke\ out for this additional ex- the main bout should not have been held because the dation should not cost more than 15 in two per cent o£ the all-time "high" of the press, progress will bo made the fund. He said in his opinion ponso^B beyond my comprehension; Horn* With Height? contestants were not evenly matched. per cent. We intend to find out why reached on January 1, 1932. Com- jn upholding the dignity and majesty the. money Bhould be turned over to While t is true, wo havo a numb«r the department makes theae exces- of sunder rosidsnts, neverthelaai Outstanding among political developments In Mon- bined assets also were close to the of our courts. This position appears tho Humson Nursing association for Baer was to have received a purse ot $748 and Suss sive charges." record, and tho number of individual tenable. there Is \> largo all-year population. mouth county the past weok Is the announcement by was to have received $250, according to common report. welfare work. This Is a case of rubbing It in with accounts reached the highest figure We believe the conduct of the Several complaints have been re- The-dirge now Imposed is $6 par Sheriff Howard Height of Manasquan that he will be a However, there Is doubt as to whether either will get a vengeance. First, becauBe of In- in banking history. On tho first of ceived about the tall grass on vacant year, whew the meter la Installed candidate for the Democratic nomination for state anything. Both purses have been impounded and a prosecutor and defense counsel In the for one Vonth or twolvo months. adequate stato and Federal banking this month there were 13,898,805,de- [f aupfcmann trial ,was largely rcspoh- lots in the.. West Park Boction. It Is This char%4 together with tho blgb senator at the primary election in September. This hearing is to be held at Trenton today before .the state laws we must yearly have serious positors in mutual savings banks. Ible for the unrestrained reporting a fire hazard and aids In breeding rate, workto hardship on the people was more or less of a surprise for the rank and file, al- boxing commissioner as to whether they should be losses causing depositors, creditors To some extent the growth in the JC that event. Newspapers being mosquitoes, the objectors stated. Last of this sectlp. This tax has been in though like lots of other things In politics It may have awarded. It is claimed that nothing should be paid to and stockholders of banks to lose assets and deposits of such banks what they are, they print what Is year the Rumson Improvement as- force for -.number of years and been known a long time in advance by "those In tho either fighter In view of the referee's decision of "no money, and their personnel to be dis- directly reflects the great .confidence egitlmatoly theirs in the way of sociation came to the rescue and bad throujrh the %-heartcdnoas of form- know." contest" charged; and, second, the State steps they enjoy. With the exception of a _iews, and every scrap of Information the grass cut at Its own expense. er Publlo UaiticB ocmraiBsions tha in to tear away from the depositors very few small Institutions in the about that trial was news. Of course charse has _*.„ increased from *3 Mr. Height's term as sheriff will expire this year. It However, no hearing has been called as to whether and creditors the few crumbs that The association will be asked if It to $6. \ the spectators should get their money back even though Middle West, there has not been a t was overdone, hut newspapers re- will be kind enough to do the Job was expected that he would keep in the political arena, are left. Some depositors feel so dis- suspension or a, failure of a mutual ject the spirit and atmosphere eur- While I am Westing individually, but the general supposition, was that he would be a they saw "no contest." About 2,500 persons paid to see agreeable when a bank closes its again this year. I am certain flat every user of gaa savings bank throughout the depres- oundlng a news event, as well as Mrs. E. H. Peters of Wind Mill in this territory feelB the same way candidate for freeholder. Control of the county board a light. If there was "no contest" aa announced by the doors that they desire liquidation sion. But necessarily there is more :he pure news Itself, and tho attor- referee, why shouldn't they have their money refunded, lane, a private road, wrote a letter that I do. In fat, it is the consensus of freeholders will be at stako next November, and it rather than vation of the to the story than this. Deposits .can- ieys In Flemingtbn with their in- asking tho council's advice relating of opinion that\n jate years it haa or at least receive new tickets for a real fight? How- bank's assets, but liquidation means lumerable preBS conferences and was generally believed that the Democratic county ma- not rise, in the face of higher living to a dlaputa with John H. Naughton becomo a reRUla\ "shake-down.; " chine would draft Mr. Height to run for the office be- ever, "let them try to get It." Professional pugilism gets severe losses rather than meagre or costs, without an increase of persona! heir vociferous sensational prc- over tho location of a name sign put I feel sure tht you will ceo the cause of his proved ability as a vote getter. On this another "black eye" as a result of what happened at no losses. earnings. .ouncements, created the spirit of up by her. Mr. Naughton, Mrs. Pet- unfairness of thi, charge and will Long Branch, and new ammunition is furnished for There are on the semi-retired list the-lld's-off-boys." With the tre- permit a group or 'qmrnlttoc of prop- account the announcement of his senatorial candidacy men who have had a lifetime of That such an Increase has taken _endous public Interest In the trial, ers stated, says the sign is on his erty owners of thl-gectlon to appear was a genuine surprise for most folks. those who claim that it should be abolished. banking experience, It seems to us place, on a scale wide enough to af- property and he wants It removed. before your honorailo board to fur- fect a very large section of the :he press acted according to Its own It was the consensus of the council ther preaont our caij. In abolishing Speculation is now general as to whether he will be Most opponents of professionl pugilism base their :hat In this state of war against natural laws. this unjust charge ;ou will relieve arguments on tho claim that it is brutal and brutaliz- want, some of these men might be American public, is not to be ques- that tha dispute la a private matter opposed for the nomination for senator by Assembly- tioned. Nor are some of the causes It should be the aim of both press over which It haa no Jurisdiction. theL already groatly harassed prop- man Theron McCampbell ot Holmdel. Mr. McCampboll ing. If to these objectors are to be added a large num- chosen to take over closed banks and and .bar to devise means "which -will — " owners of this section of a ter- whip them Into shape and receive a ot this Increase difficult to Identify. Tho flro committee waa authorized burden. has not announced his candidacy, but those who have ber of others who believe that it is not even a real con- One has only to note, with the farm prevent a similar situation. Tho ..j buy a pair of boots for John test of skill in the art ot self defense, there is good rea- nominal consideration therefor. We press is often at fault because of the watched Monmouth county politics closely would not be are accused of being money mad, but population In mind, the contrast be- Keaney, who recently joined the fire Very sincerely yours, in the lea.^t surprised if ho locked horns with Mr. son to believe that it Is on tho way out. In the past at tween wheat at 47 cents a bushel and pressure it uses to Induce lawyers to department He wears a size twelve JonV.o Boamnn. various times it has been forbidden by law and won ;here are thousands of us who are talk out of court. The bar Is at Height. more interested in the love of the cotton at six cents a pound, in the shoe, and no boota in tha department * i » reprlea, but if banned again it may stay "down and early spring of 1933, and wheat at fault because It falls to discipline •were big enough for him. Mr. Keaney What a battle that would bo! Without much imag- out" for keeps. If it does not give a square deal to Its ;ame than the financial return. The voluble, publicity-seeking lawyers. MGHTNIKG AND SPILLED JIBUS ination one might believe that it would be us spectacular closing of a bank Is a real tragedy ninety cents & bushel and cotton at And the public Interest is badly Informed officials that he wanted to patrons whero can It find support? that has never received due consid- eleven cents a pound In midsummer carry out his duties ns a good flrmen, Milker anil Milk Upset on Vander- as the light which took place at the last Democratic of 1935. Property values, both rural served as long as these faults remain but would not attend any more flros primary election between John J. Quinn and Surrogate eration in the past. It is a blow that uncorrected. hmg Farm by a Bolt. cuts thousands to tho quick, a slap and urban, havo risen. Stock divl- "To treat a simple trial as a pub- unless the department furnished him A large btrn on the farm at Vt»- Joseph L. Donahay for state, executive commltteeman. in the face that the little child with a donds have been resumed or in- with boots. That waa ,a etru^glo as to who was to boss tho county creased in the case of many com- lic show ... Is to cheapen life Itself dorburg opo:at«d by Chrlnoy On- Surely, the Summer penny bank ponders over, and tho by causing people generally to un- Residents of Eumson received a. over was stmck by lightning one Democratic mitchine and Mr. Quinn was the winner. A :ray-halred woman staggers under. panies. Factory payrolls for tho lat- dervalue tho life of the criminal and etter recently from Mayor Van R. afternoon lait week. Felix Jtln- contest between Mr. Heigh* and Mr. McCnmpbell would Bankers are the victims of their est month reported by the Federal increase the morbid deBlres of the Halsey, containing a statement ex- Silly Season Is Here. Reserve Board have actually in- kowskl, who Is employed by Mr. not be oxactiy along the prune lines, but there is every banking system. In times of stress sensation seekers." We believe the plaining the borough tax rate. The Conover, was ullklng a cow ini the reason to.brlieve that it would be OP far reaching In its The summer silly season is nt hand. Therefore, the good, the strong, aro drawn down creased by morn than 100 per cent, press generally agreea with this ob- mayor compares the lax rate with to the level of the weak. This should compared with the corresponding building at the time. He wae consequences. dont be surprised at anything, least of all by what the servation of the bar association's aat year and explains the reasons knocked off tlo milking stoo) on lawmakers do. be changed, but tho fight must bo month of 1933, In the following Im- committee, and Is anxious to Improve for the Increase In the rate this year. That 11 is a possibility, even a probability, is easily pushed by tho banking profession. portant Industries: blast furnaces the situation.—Editor and Publisher. which ho was sitting by aneleo- discernible. On Sunday Kov. T.CJSUT li. Cleo of Newark, Among other things dont dig clani3 unless you have Mayor Halsey's letter is as follows: —Freehold Transcript. and steel works, shipbuilding, smelt------• -..»-«. ^o xi_a almost nn- speaker of the house of assembly, spoke at Mr. Mc- first taken out a license nt a cost of $1. Otherwise an ing and refining, and the manufac- You have recently received your inspector may cfltch you ami you may bo fined $50 or lahod his mllklrg Job and he fell . Campbell's sylvan forum Holmdel. At the conclusion Lower and Lower. ture of automobiles, locomotives, "ITS YOCB WILD OAT." tax bill for the second half of the from hla stool In such a way as to of tho address Mr. McCnmpbell said a lot of nlco things cnt to the calaboose, or both. Such is the law of the railway , agricultural Imple- year which reflects the changes In upset the pall waich contalnod the sovereign 3tate of New Jersey. State and county bankers' associa- tho budgets of the state, county and about Itev. Mr. C;ce and Inferred that the people of lons are trying to get the State ments, foundry and machine-shop This Will Be The Speakers Topic at school district, aa well a* the local milk. He ran out of the building aa Essex county would il<> well to elect him as their rep- It makes no difference whether you dig clams for 3ank!ng and Insurance commlssion- products, machino tools, engines, Today's Bota*y Meeting. budget for the year 1035. Believing soon as he regalnod hla footing. Mr. your own use or for pate. You must take out a license. electrical machinery, lighting equip- It to be of Interest to you, I am giv- Conovor waa aljo in the barn 'at tha resentative In the state senate, Ruv. Mr. Cleo Is an >r to order another cut In the in- Tho speaker at today's meeting of IshmaelHi; DB !nr nn tho Keimblk-nn machine of Kssex It makes no difference whether you dig clams on your :ercst or dividend rate on time de- ment, rubber products, men's cloth- ing you herewith some figures In,this time. Ho recjived an electrical Ing, furniture, stoves nnd carpets. In- tho Bed Bank Botary club will be connection, showing, among other Bhock which so^umbod him thRt ha county in conc'Tuid cqunlly ns much ns Mr. McCamp- own property or elsewhere. You must have a license. posits, from the present maximum of George Slcdle, who will talk on "It's things, how the tax rate Is made up. It makes no difference whether you use hoes, or rakes, wo and one-half per cent to two creases of from fifty to 100 per cent was unablo to i)ove for a few mo- bell Is an I.'SbiDaelJtp with tile Democratic machine of have token placo In other Important Your Wild Cat." Mr. Slcdlo is pres- You will notice that the municipal ments. The olo;trlo lights in the Monmouth county. Both tire Independents. Although or other Instruments, or "trend clams," that Is dig them per cent. Time deposits aro what ident of the Armstrong Cork Manu- rate—the only rate over which the building were t^nporarJly put out out with your bare feet. It Is nil the samo In tho eyes most persons cal^ savings accounts. Industries, facturing company and Is motoring borough council has any control—la r'they have dJflVT'l on nome mutters, both have been un- There Is a.large volume of employ- of commlBBlon, bit no other damage controlled by party bosses. One in labeled a Republican of the law. You must have a license. The changa pro] ised Is paradoxical- from Pennsylvania to Bed Bank but one of alx Horns which make up waa done. , ly another boost for what tho bank- ment Htlll to be absorbed and a major especially to talk to the local Ro- the rate. nnd tho oilier a Democrat, but both are in reality in- How much longer will it be before a license will ba ers oppose—continued huga federal relief problem to be solved, but theso • • . dependents oui.'ilde of tHo party ranlt.i. required to catch crabs, or to gather mushrooms on wild tarlan* and their guests. Tax Hate Per $100. ) cxpsndlturef* mado possible by easy questions cannot obscure the fact At last Thursday's meeting Ed 1O3S 1834 SETTLED OW OF COUBT. lands or indeed to raise flowers or vegetables in one's :overnment credit. Tho Administra- that millions of Americans aro earn- Stat* School _.„.. • .36 IT Mr. McCampbell h:is made no statement as to own back yard? Maybe tills acorns like a silly question, Carr, a member of the Long Branch Soldlara' Bonui ..«_..—... .0195 S .160.01882 whether or not ha v.-ill be a candidate for ?i'nutor, but tion's drive for cheap money, ostens- ing enough to put aside savings. club, who represented the Red Bank County _— ___ .7«« 1 .7MS Former Red Ba>lc Resident Goto but In view of the new ways Unit are being found to lm- bly to nld the small business man, —New York Times. club at the international convention District School .»_....— .9082 .(746 DAmages from lumber Company. at the conclusion of Mr. Clre'.i talk he made n remark prtMO taiteB who CEIII draw the lino na to where tho thing has benefited only the two richest, Municipal , , . 1,1010 Mrs. Frank Bajey, formerly of which seemed to many of bin listeners an Intimation at Mexico City, gave a comprehen- Library .._._.__..__._.. .0189 .0180 will end? Who Known? It may even come to pass that the government Itself and large cor- Sunlcen Treasure. sive report of the convention's do- Red Bank, was, injured several that be wouUI lock horns with Mr. Height for the noml- some kind or a. meter will have to be worn by everyone porations able to refund their debts 15.2701 12.1621 months ago whon sho fell whila> < nation. He did not mention Mr. Height by name, but at a saving. Banks cannot put all There's gold In t tho sea, untold mil- ings. walking at Freoholt near her home. in order to menxure and tax the amount of air used for lions In lustrous bars and gleaming The commlttoo on Botary Informa- For the past five years, tho tax rate the implication wim plain. "Hague," ho said, referring breathing, the blame of this situation on Wash- specie, that utlll tempts Inventive in the borough has' been reduced An a result of the aftldent aho wai a to Mayor Frank Hiifju'e of Jersey City, who |8 generally ington, for most orders to reduce- In- tion, of which Secretary Hubert Far- each year but this year an unavoid- patient for a time atMonmouth Me- The ingenuity of the taxcaters In finding new man to wrest alluring fortunes from row is chairman, will meet at Mr, regarded aa tho bosii of the Democratic party in New terest on savings accounts, either by Neptune's swirling grasp. Attempts able increase has occurred. The main morial hospital at Lo,g Branch. She Jersey, "haa cornti into Monmouth county and put up a sources of revenue Is without end. Especially are they the Fedoral Reserve or atato author!: Farrow's homo Monday night at reasons for this Increaso are: claimed that her fall vas due to the adept when Inability to pay taxes Increases because ties, have had hearty co-operation of the British steamer Ophlr to unlv- eight o'clock to perfect their plans 1. Although we have a surplus ot aldewalkfl being in bad condition and candidate for senutor who will do his bidding at the back home. At nil times It was pos- age the Bate of the lost liner Lusl- for the current year. This commit- $21,000, the commissioner of munici- that tho walks had beca cracked and crook of his fliiRer." of hard times. The law requiring licenses to bq taken tanla murk the beginning of a new pal account, ruled that we could only out for clnmmlng in only one more instanco to this ef- elblo for any Individual bank to re- chapter in the thrilling log of mod- tee will be Joined nt nine o'clock by appropriate but $8,000 of this as broken by truoka ownet by tha Now- Home time ngo Mr, McCa iinbell announced that ho fect. Various other new nnd unusual moans of getting duce its rato or to Install a graduat- ern ocean treasure seekers. Harry Clayton, John Cooper, John against J7,B00 jajt year—reducing our Jon T. Arras iumbor company of would malio ti ponlul caul < mvims as to whether ho money out of the public will undoubtedly be employed ed scale In favor of the genuine small Nobody seems to know the value Colt, John Crowell, Harold Glblln, Income $4 500. Freehold passing over them. She should retire from politics, seek another term as aascm- unless the voters phow Intelligence enough at the ballot thrift account. < of the contents of the Lusitanla- Harry Heavllnnd, Morris Jacks and S. Appropriations for unemploy- brought suit ngnlnst the company Harry Lewis, ment relief were Increased from and U10 cnuo was scheduled to have blyman or become a candldntc for senator. The result box to elect representatives who will really rfiT-m'nt Tho bankers strewn only one point nafe. At the time she crossed the bcon tried before Judgo Thomas H. of that canvass hus not been nnnounccil, but in view of them by reducing tho coat of government. streaking path of an enemy subma- The club plans a very active fail $1,000 to $8,700, an Increnao ot $2,700 n their argument for reduced in- rine's torpedo In 1015, the vessel was golf program, with Homer Meftiot as necessary to meet the situation. Brown last week However, It waa what ho said Sunday many WIMTOCICS claim that It Is as terest. That Is the low yield on cur- 8. Bond maturities and interest In- aottled out of cojrt by the lumber ' good aa Bottled now that ho will run for senator. Only reported to be carrying gold specie. chairman nnd Albeit Miller nnd Bob- rent bond purchnsGs, yet these aro Aboard her wore many wealthy trav- crt Macdonaid ns co-chairmen. creased approximately $4,DO0 over the company paying nn amount satlnfao- Mr. JlcCnmpbell run un.'iwer the question. Ha haa until only a small part of the bank's In- Matches with the Lions nnd other amount required in 1034. tory to Mrs. Bailey, Whu was repre- August 22 to decide, for that Is tho last day a nominat- Tho salons of tJie ))!/? liner are magnifying glasses vestment portfolios anil a smaller elers who, In accordance with the These three Items total $11,700 nented by Quinn, Paraons A Dore- for ono's tajto—or lack of it. When you cross the gang- custom of voyagers In tho war lone, civic and s«rvlco clubs In this dis- which accounts almost entirely for mua. ing petition con bo filed. It IH also n ponnlblllty that he part of tholr totnl resource!!. To bo are believed to have entrusted jew- trict aro to be scheduled. tho additional $12,000 over last year may run as an Independent cnndldnto inntcau of trying plnnk you enter n new world, freo from tho familiar re- consistent, tmnkn might havo In- els nnd other valuables to tho I,iml- required to be raised by taxation In for the Democratic nomination. straints. You say, "I'm a dirforent person on ft boat." creased their interest rates on sav- tanla's purser. the local budget, No offsetting re- Actually, you are nt last yourself. The farther you get ings deposits when municipal bonds Something new'in ocean i-lvage JWptlied on Sunday. duction! of any alia were -bio to be Mr, McCnmpbell and Mr. Holglit started their pop - from tho land of your daily living, the more Is your were lolling at prices to yield from operations Is being usnd to retrievo Jamt* Carroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. made if the services rendered—auch false self—tho self the world makes of you—sloughed eight to t«n per cent two years ago. Eugene Carroll of Locust avenue, aa Ore and police protection, road Joseph Polln of \icd Hank has • litical career* at tho same time, In 1031, as Democratic Of course, they dltl not buy many these speculative riches. A stairway repair, gsrbsge collection, ate., ore to cased the "«» _t*tW, on the corner candidate* for assemblyman. Both were Induced to bo- off. That la why loud people are louder on a boat than encased In a long, steel tubs extend- Eatontown, waa baptised Sunday af- be maintained at the aivme level an bonds then and they are buying com- ternoon at Bt. James's church by of South street and 'Neptune high- Bom* a_n~!d«U- ~y Alston Bcfkmnr, of Red Bank, who anywhere »!«», affectionate! ones more amorous, the laratlvely f«w now, ing from the surface to the IAI»1- have bean heretofore regarded as way, Eatontown, from the. Bhell Oa»- snobbish more snobbish, the vulgar ten time* more vul- tanla's A deck, aome thirty fathoms Rev, Thomas Carn«y. Tho uponsors minimum by the majority of our tax- It (tilt Urn* yr*» chairman of the Democratic county Mort persons wonder n(t,er all they under the sea's surface, la tha modi- payara. ollno company, Arthui Colgroave ot saseutiv-eommltUe. Contrary to bsttlne oddn »n

Joseph Mlrne. Miss Margaret Klein, Will Make Survey Justice Demands Auxiliary Holds \ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pullen, Mr. Of State Highways and Mrs. Charles W. English, Jr., End To Gambling Annual Card Party Mr. and Mrs. Louie Mlraglla Miss A ADMIRA'S BEAUTY SHOP 1 Edwards, Bernard Schultz, Mrs. John In V drive for greater safety, the The LadlcB auxiliary of the Play- Flltcroft, Mrs. J. W. Sampson, Mrs. Red Bank Day Camp aUto highways of New Jersey with 10 Broad St. Red Bank Conference Held Between Jus- ers boat club hold Its annual card Helen I. Baldwin, Mrs. Edwin F. heavy faUllly records are to be tice Perskie 'and Prosecutor party Friday night. Bottles of li- Stewart, Miss Bernardino Stewart, Offers for a Limited Time Only I Boys and Girla—S to 15 . charted In a survey by the State quid shampoo wero given as prizes. Miss Irene Klatsky, Mrs. Richard Highway department. , Bailey and Sheriff Height on The door prlzo was donated by Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. John R. Sncdoker Under Penonal Superviilon of State Highway Commissioner K. Tuesday. Allan Hascall and. was won by Mrs. Mrs. P. Peters and Mrs. C. F. Con- Donald Sterner has announced that Elchard McAllister. Mrs. Embury rad. Latest Permanent Wave Monmouth county gambling clubs FRANK J. PINGITORE the purpose la to ascertain where al- McLean of Rumson donated an elec- The Players club held the usual RINGLET ENDS terations in the physical lay-out of hat have been operating In deflanea tric toaster, which was won by Mm. Saturday evening dance. Among WM. G. SHERWOOD the roads would tend to reduce col- of law and public protests, which re- Louis Mlraglla, and Mrs. Francis thpso attending were Mr. and Mrs. lisions. cently resulted In court orders to Marcksteln donated a cake which Lyman C. Vanlnwcgon, Thomas Mc- Physical Directors "There ar» certain points where close, must clone immediately. This was won by Miss Katharine Hanco Knlght, Mr. and Mrs. William Flah- automobile accidents occur ^ltb. too order was given Tuesday by Joseph of Red Bank, Tho hostesses were erty, JamOB M, Houghton, Mrs. Anna - Mornings—B -It. Afternoon*—X - 6. great a frequency," he »ald. "We B. Perskie, supreme court Justice, at Mrs. Allan Hascall, who was chair- O'Hagan, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Llo- (hall make a special study In such Atlantic City, following a conference man, Mrs. Francis Marckstein, Mrs. neck, Mr. and Mrs. Ernio Otto, Mr. Same Program as Boarding Camp, With Your Children at Home. cases, aiming to reduce further loss with T. Raymond Bazley, prosecutor Clarence Legg, Mrs. J. Joseph Hen- and Mrs. William L. Wcbnr, Mr. and of life snd property damage. of Monmouth county, and Sheriff nessey, Mrs. William L, Wetter and NO EXTRAS Dally Swimming- In Ocean And I-argest Fool on Shore. 1 Mra. J. Joseph Hennessey, Mi", and "Although the traveling publlo Height. Mrs. Ernio, Otto. Mrs. Allan Hascall, Mrs. Alice Has- should use extreme caution In driv- On the departure of the Monmouth Among thoso attending were Miss call, Mr. and Mrfl. Enibury McLean Daily Specials 25c 4 Items 90c ' Boating, Fiahing, Crabbing, Athletics, Hiking. ing, we know where there are Only officials, Justlco Perskie released tho Dorothy Sampson, Edward Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boyce, Mis« An- two lanes of pavement on bills and following statement: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sutphen, Mrs. nie Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Logg, Friday and Saturday Specials 35c Children Colled for Dally and Returned Safely to Your Door. curves some have a tendency to get "I again conferred with Prosecutor James Shannon, Mrs. Edward Fox, Mra. Molly Hunting, Ray VanHorn out of Una and frequently meet with Bazley this morning concerning con- Mrs. Donald Connors, Mrs. H. A. Charles Zlegenfuss, Miss Gladys EUGENE. FKEDEBIC, NESTLE, REAUSTIO AND Weekly Educational Trlr Stockton, Mrs. W. J. O'Hagan, Miss head-on collisions.. Additional light- ditions In Monmouth county. As a. Monahan, Mrs. Emily Monuhan, MACIIINELESS PERMANENT WAVES ing or widening; of the paved', area result of that conference I decided to M. Evans, Miss E. O'Hagan, Mrs. A. Warren O'Hara, Mr. and Mrs. L,. W(- Bates Seasonable. may be necessary in some Instances repeat that I have every confidence M. Angley, Miss Annlo Hart, Mr. and ser, Mlas Naylor, H. K. Hanson, Mr. ' BEASONABLY PRICED. and at othsr locations the visibility Mrs. Augustus Wulflng, Miss June and Mrs. W. E. Smith, M. Spalding, that the prosecutor will carry out 1 For Appointments Call Red Bank 1772 For Information—Call Red Banh JS30S-W or Umg Branch 2801-M. on curves may have to be Increased. my specific instructions to him—that Walters, Mrs. Clarence A. Legg, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. . J. Bussom , Mr. and "On soms of the state routes the all places of gambling In Monmouth J. Joseph Hennessey, Mrs. Caroline Mrs. Frank Marckstein, Mr. nnd Mrs. Reliable Service Guaranteed. realignment of the pavement to per- county must be closed and Btay Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irving G. V. Weir, Daniel Reed, L. Broder mit a safety Island in the center may closed—without reservation. All Brown, Miss Lillian Fitzgerald, Miss ick, B. Lyon, L. Schneider, D. Jolie, be the best solution for the preven- those who may have violated the Mildred Maring, Miss Leata Ransley, A. McGuire, Dr. Robert S. Glldea, tion of the head-on collisions. A care- law in that respect will In duo sea- Miss "Biille Bussom, Miss Katharine George J. Gillig. Elwood Firth, Mr. Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Clast* ful study of the entire problem will Hance, Mrs. Allan Hascall, Mis. Er- and Mrs. Charles W. English, Jr., son be called upon to* respond." nie Otto, Mrs. William Weber, Mrs. be made for I feel It Is our obliga- Prosecutor Bazloy left for Mon- Mr. and Mrs, Lester E. McQueen, ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller whfll tion to the traveling publlo to pro- Frank Marckstein, Miss Gladys E. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Spain and Mra. mouth immediately after the con- Monahan, Mrs. Emily A, Monahan, vide the greatest degree of safety. ference. Caroline Fisher, wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. "We are dealing with the human element regardless of the law and We shall have to make the physical Newspapermen To VOGELS conditions conducive to the greatest safety. We owe that to the motorists Meet At Rutgers 25 BROAD ST., RED BANK of the state." si.ot Edllorn and publishers of weekly . Vol. Seven Held On newspapers will convene at Rutgers university on October 7 for the four- ALPS PREP teenth annual Newspaper Institute of SHOE WHITE Gambling Charges the New Jersey Press association, It Friday & Saturday Seven New Yorkors, taken In cus- was announced by Dr. Carl.R. Wood- tody a week ago In a raid on the ward, chairman of the Institute com- Club San Remo at Long Branch, mittee. were held In ball Monday when ar- Leading papers of the state, divid- ORUC. raigned on gambling charges before ed into daily and weekly classes, will Recorder Alton V. Evans in Long again compete for prizes In the an- Branch police court. nual competitive exhibit, which will Held on $1,000 ball each for • ba judged by a visiting journalist. PairofWhiiVWI W4wrrune -vrwtiKJamirrtruumr %+jvmw**nmw •••/.*• tins grand jury on gambling cnargea were Assisting Dr. Woodward on the In- Shoe Laces & «W MMM|M||1M1 ••••••••SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.S.SSM.SS.S.SSSM.SSSSSS. ill in I II—ssuss—••—dWI ncep Cut prlea John Naddos, 37; Milton Lobree, 52; stitute committee are: Wallace More- 6 168 Dresses Eudolph C. Allaire, 57, and Hyman land, vice chairman, Rutgers uni- 25cGRIFFINS 11 m M. ••»••«#*«••* .r*^«•»•—•-•«» ni>i\ naiiiA wi • II lift Iffi 4AQ Goldman, 40. Frank Bergul, August versity; James Kenney, Jr., Trenton ATLSTE 1 54 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J.J[ »°-" 19 Connley and Leonard Barten were Times; Dr. Howard Moreau, Hunter- held in $200 bail each as material don County Democrat; Irving Roim- 25c MAVIS!jr^noyA/T 25t VALUE NO. 120 1TC From our regular stock at witnesses. ers, Perth Amboy Evening News; 8 Expo torn 11 7 Samuel Marder, eighth defendant, Miss J. Mabel Brown, Matawan did not appear. Defense counsel, Journal, and Arthur J. Sinnot, New- V0.127-1^0 Carl VanHine, said he would bring ark Evening News. his client In. Original complaints by Ex-ofllcio members Include Garvin •5Jc Box Justice of the Peace Harry Po3tel of P. Taylor, Montclalr Times; W. B. R. WOODBURY Oceanpon were replaced Monday by Mason, Bound Brook Chronicle; John complaints of Charles Frankel, as- W. Cllft, Summit Herald, and Profes- POWDER sistant Monmouth county prosecutor. sors Hubert R. Ede and Kenneth Q. VELOUR Price Jennings of the Rutgers University POWDER living Pictures Department of Journalism. PUFFS Fail As Evidence LOST AND FOUND. 17c j LARGE5I2E Moving pictures were used for ths George F. Apgar Praises The Regis- first time as evidence in the court at ter For Informing Motorists. Freehold last week when Judge Ed- ward Knight and a jury went to the It has been a regular service of Strand theater to witness the show- The Register' to restore lost dogs, 62 Were 12.85 Now . . .6.45 ing of a series of pictures of.Ago; watches, wallets and whatnots to an- tlno DeCapua of Asbury Park, taken xious owners. But today our atten- without his knowledge, as he changed tion is called to the fact that we the tires on his car and walked have helped find something which 49 Were 10.85 Now . . . 5.45 about tho city dumping grounds, Da the owner* did not know they had Capua claimed he fell over a project- lost. Ing step In the Savoy theater at As- "Thanks to The Register," says bury Park In May, 1934, fracturing George F. Apgar, local representa- C hiB right leg and causing a perma- tive ^f the Gulf Refining company, "s 57 Were 7.9 Now . . . 3.95 nent Injury to hia knee. He sued the multitude of motorista have found theater company and Walter Heads that they have been losing gallons for $25,000. The defendants claimed of good gasollno without realizing it that DeCapua. was careless and that —just as surely as if there were a every dress guaranteed Vogel quality his Injury was not as bad as ha leak in the gasollno tank!" claimed. The moving pictures showed Mr. Apgar refers to the result of. that he walked with practically no a series of advertisements recently limp. The jury awarded him $5,000. placed in Tha Red Bank Register by his company, offering all motorists the new free booklet, "15 Ways to Save Gasoline Money." tZ-00 VAWE 'Soon after the offer appeared In your paper, motorists began to flock 1 25*AiumImim to our filling stations to claim their AWAY! & Enamel copies of the booklet, and the orig- Shaker inal supply had to be renewed. An Dr.Soholl't Bororene S With 5Oc Package enthuslastio demand lor them con- Bandage With tinues," Mr. Apgar states. Cascarets s" Among the fifteen, money-saving West Furniture Co. hints illustrated in the attractive Feenamints^34c M«!icare*: 24c CHOC. MALTED MILK little Gulf booklet is a pertinent pointer on parking. It explains, to the surprise of most motorista, that EsjiotabsjOlc a, car flguaratlvely "burns up gas" even when it Is parked, depending Slash ^Prices upon where and how you park it. Other hints in the booklet that ma- Cat. „._,._ terially Increase miloage-pcr-gallon deal with proper use of the self-start- Njjjop™.?» 67c er, accelerator; gear shifting and other ordinary operations in driving, ! Lysoi any one of which wastes quantities i sST•"•""« 1J2O Sire Of gasoline, if carelessly done. Titled "15 Ways to Save Gasoline Money," the booklet Is free for the asking at all Gulf service stations 10% al plawson, who filmed most of !s visiting her slater, Mrs. Harry vnfloty of apples Is raised and gath- ing five to bight pound*. Mr. Hof- 4 FOR DELICIOUS COOLING SUMMER DRINKS the feature productions directed by olaner of Carr avenue. ering the fruit will continue until man saya that fish were BO plentiful L Baoul WalBh for Fox films, U head Mr«. Frank Waldman is home from well along In October. that he hardly had time to throw RED KNIGHT GIN ,'.Vt H 87« MARGULE'S cameraman for the Ideal company. visit at New York. Two large and aged cherry trees bis lino out before he got a bite. John Munn of West Long Branch 1« The Btoamer City of Keansburg In front of Mrs. Asher Crawford's Ho sayo h» pulled In so many fishes ELTON MANOR GIN ^ 75c ttti 1°9 CLBANEHS - DYKKS first assistant and Milton 8. Er- ias been chartered by the members houso were cut down last week bs- that he got blisters on both his Thone 23U-J. langer, Jr., of Elborbn Is second as- f the Inter-County "Y" for a sail cnusa they were In danger of falling hands. HANLEY HALL GIN U% ) MX, 1*5 sistant. Charlotte Clawson la con- aturday night. Th» steamer will on the house. They are eald to F Wo Call and Deliver. tinuity writer. eave Keansburg at 10:30 P. M. have been more than 100 years old. GILBEY'S FAMOUS GIN U'o'or) ^h 134 IS Prospect Ave., Bed Bonk Pictures made here last week will Announcement has been made of The work was done by employees of Everett News. bo shown In the second of the ser-he engagement of Mlas Florence tho Jersey Central Power and Light ies planned by the now company, Jmlth of Brooklyn and Jamcj F. Gil- company. Mr. and Mre. Bernard A. Hlokey Tha series wilt be released through gan of Keansburg. Stanley Haiduk of Perth Amboy is and son Donald spent Sunday at BACARDI RUMKZ, $79 Every Woman J a nationally known company and will Several exhibition games of spending two weeks with David Trenton whore they visited Father FULL be shown throughout the country. ere played at the Beacon Beach Tum.lda.tsM. - Francis J. Sullivan, who la In a hos- ROUND ROBIN WHISKEY ^ 79c FIFTH Wants • The KcgfinedCau holds 12 ounces— Among the dogs filmed here was ennle club on Sunday, At a congregational meeting of pital where he recently underwent an International Champion Lucason of Rudolph Helnzman has returned the Reformed church last week Mrs. appondlcltlB operation. Father Sul- TIARA VERMOUTH $8Ah 79c to look H?r best at oil times... name as a bottle —yet takes up Ashtead of Bellhaven, one of the out-o his Ideal Beach home after a to feel at ease and perfectly half the space in the refrigerator. No Charles Mock was appointed chair- livan, a former pastor at Bradovelt, standing collies of all times, This lotor trip through Pennsylvania. man of the harvest homo committee 1B now rector at Burlington. poised, bottles torctnm—no deposit to pay. flog ot late has been giving place, Mr. and Mra. Harry Klome of Hol- and Mrs. William Hunt was appoint- Enjoy the grandrat beer in town Miss Ann and Elizabeth Ellis of 15 YEAR OLD BONDED Mis-sairucrrr* to Champion Bellhaven Black Luca- lfl, Long Island, have been visiting ed treasurer. Various committees the John. M. Ellis estate left Satur- Created by in this remarkable container. pon, his Bon. The two dogs have Mrs. Joseph Sagona. were appointed. Another meeting day noon on the S. S. Caledonia.for * staged an unprecedented rivalry at Herman Bakermon is recovering of the congregation was held Mon- a month's visit In Scotland and Eng- RYE WHISKEY Gossard SINCE 1858 the Madison Suare Garden and Mor- rom &n Injury to his foot. day night to prepare for the har-land. Tho trip is being made with, j Is the answer. ris and Essex shows. The Champion Frank McNally of Beacon Beach vest home. their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. HARPER RYE Bellhaven Blue Majesty and Cham- ias accepted a position In William William Coraon of Hartford, Con- I The pull of the pion Bollhaven Lector, also In the Miss Cornelia Joralemon of New Bottled in bond under Government back- straps base's butcher shop. York returned homo Sunday after a necticut. FULL group filled last -week, round out Miss Vivian Jessen Is visiting at supervision by the American Medic- flattens the ab- RUECERS what Mr. Graham characterizes as visit to Mrs. F. Alvin Langwith. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hess and chil- PINT domen, uplifts .yndhurat. Tho Boy Scouta are planning to dren, and Thomas Murphy, all of inal Spirits Company. Cream ALE and Finest BEER "the greates1 t collection of collies In Mr. and Mra. Charles Soden, are the bust, nnd America. ' have their tent pitched at their Brooklyn, were Sunday visitors of controls t a e Alto in botllo and on draught Lome from a motor trip to Virginia. camp at Scobeyvllle soon. They are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rumph. hips. m The films will show the various Former Mayor and Mrs, Thomas having the tent repaired by Walter Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arose, and Let our expert ihaaes of kennel life, Including the llmour have returned from an auto- I>. Fields, who Is doing the work eons spent last Wednesday with Mrs. POPUliJIR "SCOf CH1S" fitters show logs feeding, at play, etc. To round loblle trip through New York state. free of charge. The boys say they Aroaa's mother, Mrs. Raymond Du- you what BENJAMIN CRATE ,ut tho picture, Mr. Graham will Mrs. Margaret Douglas of Newaro very grateful to Mr. Fields. besky of Keansburg. AT, LOW PRICES Mla-Slmpllcity how the well known trained collies ork has been visiting at the home Bernlce Langwith, daughter of 14 No. Bridge Am, >f Miss Margaret C. Pyls of West MIBS Betty Carton of Red Bank • OLD PR 10 R Y FULL r.rTH 319 can do. Ked Bnnh, N. 3. if Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B. Ijohsan. Rev. and Mrs. F. Alvin Langwith, has beon visiting her grandmother, 3rove, Pennsylvania, which will be Harry Stone and family have underwent an operation for tonsil Mra. Patrick Carton, Sr. 19 3.50 to 10.00 Tel. Ked Bank 1485. limed actually in the field at work >pened their summer home pn Plne- trouble last week at trie office of Mrs. Nicholas Petruzolll la enter- • LAWSON'S LIQUEUR f^, 3 lth the recently Imported Angus 'lew'avenue. Dr. Matthews of Red Bank. She taining her mother and slater of jattlo, brought to this country from Mlsi Marion Johnson of Brooklyn returned home a few hours lator Brooklyn. • WHITE HORSE -ULLF,,™ $Z9 One of the quickest ways to find a Scotland by Allison Stem of the ias opened her home on Palmer ave- and sho has fully recovored. lob is to advertise In The Ragl«- Festoon farm at Scobeyvllle. Stephen J. Muccio Is entertaining K Broad Street, Bed Bank, N. 1. ter'a Want Department.—Advertise- The Reformed church will bo relatives from Brooklyn. • VAT 6 9 run riFiH 349 ment. Also Included In ths collie picture Wllllam Hart Is visiting »t Irvlng- closed during August. Mw. Benjamin 8. Hankinaon is en- will be "action "shots" of the train; m. . ": i i«!G|rf Miss Louise Reynolds hoa beon tertaining her eleter, Mra. Pearl Tay- ,ng of -working collies of a -well- Miss Mary Preston Is home from a spending several days with her aunt lor and children, William and Boulaji, jnown Now Jersey resident, whose flslt at New York. at Asbury Park. of Richmond, Virginia, iama Is not being vised at Ws re- Miss Marie Davia ha« recovered Mrs. Clader of Pittsburg Is mak- Y*, and Mrs. Ebnore Taylor and quest. These dogs will work with rom a sickness. ing her home with her eon, Richard daughter Anita of White Mouse, Imported Cheviot «hoep under the A bazar was held on the Methodist Clador. Sho formerly lived at this former Evorott residents, were. Sun- guidance of a Scotch shepherd who hurch lawn on Saturday. place. day visitors of friends here. • • /V-NSER :atto to this country for tho film. The The eighth annual ball of the Reg- problems of modern life logs -will be shown la charge of a ar Democratic club will bo hold at William Moreau led the Young Theodore Stllwell of Caldwell air- lock of 72 sheep. People's Fellowship meeting at the port spent Thursday visiting his par- foiunodern -women, B-ettea he Beach Palace on August 23. "HiformotS churoh last weak. Ho ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stllwell. The first subject hiii&e by the harlos Klugga Is chairman of the gave a religious talk and described Mr. andl Mrs. Sanford Porrin of prftert safely and efficient* Graham company deals with poodles. eneral committee. The proceeds, aa his experiences at Rov. Percy Craw- Brooklyn were Sunday visitors cf ly Without sanitary napkin* It traces the history of that breed n other years, will be used by thoford's camp In tho Pocono moun- Henry Hawxhurst ana lamlly. li'um Us connection with traveling lub during the winter to relieve des- tains. Mr. and. Mrs. T. Qozdzlevskl of or pads. B-ettes perform ;ypsy circuses of Franch to its pres- .tuto persons. snt enviable position In tho dog Miss Margaret White of Eaton- Brooklyn were ^unday visitors of their function invisibly, Miss Vivian Moore Is enjoying a town Is a guest of Mrs, Lewis Sny- Mrs. Gozdzlevskl'k parents, Mr. and show world. Seventy -five of the. best wo "weeks' vacation with relatives and are so tiny that a day's known poodles in the country are be- der. Mra. William Dzlezyc. it Cortland, New York. Thomas Hess of Brooklyn Is spend- supply can be carried in a ing trained a.t various points in prep- Mrs. R. D. Moore and daughter A chlckenhouso on J. Henry Rlt- aration of being photographed. acher'a farm was struck by light- ing the week visiting with Mr, and 100 PROOF STRAIGHT SANITARY, "handbag. They have set Madelyn of Cortland, New York, are Mrs. Charles Rumph. Mr. Graham, who is well known to isiting Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moore. ning last week. The damage was PENNSYLVANIA STRAIGHT RYE new standards of comfort Bhore dog enthusiasts, la an lnter- slight John H. Snlffon purchased 112 PROTECTION and convenience » . » o£ batlonally accredited expert and The members of Atlantic grange Black Giant chicks ten weeks ago at WHISKEY judge of dogs, He is director of the will hold a lawn party Tuesday even- the age of one-day. Up to date he Mcikolt a polnfto try a bottlo this WHISKEY without personal daintiness .. -. for-i Union Beach News. ing, August 27, at the home of Mr.has lost only, two of tho chicks. He week-end. Wo oroconfldentyou will Made of the same iciected gratm American kennel club, vJce president from which tho finest wht&kcy* ate Women, everywhere. »•• of tho Monmouth county kennel and Mis. John H. Sutphln. A cov-purchased tha chlckis from the llk«lta unusually (The Red BtLik Refflster can be bought ered dish supper will be sorved. Jamison estato at Llncroft. fine quality for BO made. Mellowed In NAPKINS Worn internally; approved by club, vice president of the Old Eng- Union Beach at the atora ot Qua Sen. rapdcratonprlco. charred oak cask*. lish sheepdog association of- Amer- .a.) Fifty persons attended the recent FULL PINT physicians. beach party held by the grange at FULL PINT OR BELTS ica, president of the pug dog club of A bonafldo newspaper circulation QUART, 1.89 FULL FIFTH, l.OB American and president of tho Jer- Mrs. Josephine Schroeder, who has Avenel —the kind The Register has—is the sey Shore kennel club. icon in 111 health for some time. Is Tho Sewing club of tho Roformod only kind that counts with the ad- eported to be on the road to. recov- church has discontinued regular vertiser. No premiums or othar in- THE NAME WHELAN MEANS AN UNQUALIFIED Mr. Grahnm, who formerly main- >ry. tained an office at Bed Bank, resides meetings until September. ducements havo ever boon offered to The Women's Democratic club will Mrs. Leroy Daniels has returned1 secure circulation.—Advertisement. GUARANTEE BACK OF Ei/EBY %fc>TTtii SOLD at Wayside. iold a card party this afternoon. The Catholic club held a card par- Birthday Party For y Friday night. The bathing beauty contest, held Roland Fennimore n Wednesday night of last week was decided success. The first prize '-£ lli Roland Kenntmore, supervising ,vas awarded to Miss Dorothy Miller; principal of the Fair Haven public lecond, Miss Esther Rocky, and At your pruBgUt's. SoiJ in Boxes schools, had a birthday anniversary hird, Miss Patrick Rooney, all of ol" 12 and Handbag rackets of 3. Friday of last week, and a group of Union Beach, The other contestants friends paid him a surprise visit at were Miss Eileen Sharp of East Or- H. T. YOUNG PHARMACY, 85 Broad Street, Red Bank his summer bungalow at Squankum. nge; Miss Ethel Clarihew of Union SANTANCELO'S PHARMACY, 176 Monmoutb Street. Red Bank A canopied reclining chair was pre- ieach, Mls3 Gertruda McCormick of sented to Mr. Fennimore as a birth- lizabeth, Miss Honey Schlltz and day gift. He also received a shower Miss Bertha Redman of Newark. of cards. A general social time was Efforts will be made by the beach enjoyed, a feature of the affair be- 'rent concessionaires to bold a baby ng a large birthday cake. )arade on August 31. In the group at Mr. Fennlmore's The Holy Name society Is planning party was Loon Little, -whose birth- o hold a card party on August 31. 'he affair will be given as a benefit DO.. day was last Saturday. He also re- or the Holy Name church. Richard :elved a gift. Others present were Callahan Is chairman of the commit- every ®fher dealer I© sliow rlrs. Roland Fennimore and son, oo in chargo of the affair. Roland Fennimore, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. The radio set which myeterlously Clarence Smock, Rev. and Mrs. Isanneared from the Union Garden* •JC TERMS TO Sj/i* Henry P. Bowcn, Mr. and &^rs.iro house a few weeks ago was re~ you a vain© like fItis!" Frank Covert, Mr. and Mrs. Everett urned as mysteriously as It disap- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Little and eared last week. No members of "This 1935 Studebakcr Champion Miss Alice C. Worthley. he fire company have an Idea who pictured here is a car you wouldn't .eok the radio. even mention in the same breath with Not Head Gardener. Mrs. Arthur McCarthy has been en- the lowest priced. Its body is steel ortalnlng Mrs. Irving VanHouten of 5-passenger Sedan In a story in last wock's Register Newark. Come in and see how easy and reinforced by steel from wheels to dative to the salo of two houses roof panels. It has compound hy- old to make way for the addition A number of women attended the pleasant it is to op^n an account draulic brakes. It's indies roomier o the River street school, It wasmooting of the Women's County than any comparably priced car. It's stated that Paul Slclliano, who Democratic club at Long Branch on luxuriously upholstered nnd finished. bought one of the houses, was head Saturday. The trip was made by bus. "Yet it delivers completely Kfirdcner on an estate at Kumson. The Ironside Athletic club met Sat- equipped in this city for only a trifle Mr. says he Is not head rday night and discussed, plans to more than the lowest cost cars. Come pardener, but only a laborer on thehold a clambake In tho near future. in and try out the cars and see for place. Arthur Ullman of New York has yourself why I so confidently chal- DELIVERED een visiting Mrs. Fred Badaml of lenge anyone in town to match this Brook avenue. IN Ul'.W HANK Miss Lillian Pohllg of Newnrlt has Studcbnker value!" ANIJ LONG IS1CANCII concluded a visit with Miss Evelyn Q-3 ALL-WEATHER McCarthy. COMPLETELY A permit has been granted by the JUST LOOK! EQUIPPED board of health to Wlllln^i Ke'llaoi 43% More Non-Skld Mileage o make collections of garbage. Mr. Triple Guarantee Nothing More to I'fty, Kellam depends on fees from per- The H'.'Goodyear IMargtn'? of Except State Tnx sons who participate in hl« service. Safety"' Thli delivered ])tlco tnduilti The board has appointed Mr. Kdlnm Blowou ^Protection (In X Against, road hazards. to look after the borough's refuse EVERY Ply "Politentss is to do arel iay the \initn ground. thing in trie fyrulut way." John August of Central avenue Is AT NO EXTRA COST £\ Against defects for life. ' •' recovering from a cut on his ftrm, JULY suffered In a fall. The cut. wns mnfo 30—V. S. Army buyi lu first by a knife ho had In hla hand whim Our own guarantee and all year service. military airplane, 1909. ho fell. 31—CuUtit Indian School !>• Mayor James McKcltrlck rccolvod taWlilid by Contrail*. B telegram from Senator W. VVnrren 1882. Harbour Thursdny night, iitnting a AUCUST federal grant of $11,001) hnd been ap- 1—N. R A. Blut E«al« m»kM provBd. The money will ho used for We offer our lifetime ftuuran- U«fiIH bow, 1913. street Improvement anil other work throughout tho borough. The mayor teed Goodyear Speedway has spent much tlmo in securing the Tires as law us cnS?>, 2-Chultt X «bdlc«U» hit grant and Is KratMed with hlo ef /W^& ' French throneriMO.-> , forts. The Thomas Jeffuraon Democratic ItKD HANK r.ONG DRANCH dub held a successful card party lajt BAILLY BROTHERS A. De FAZIO & CO. night. FRANK VAN SYCKLE Mrs. Blancho Keller of Nowark'h'a* 09 Maple Avi'inio. Tel. It. 1) Kin HOI Chnliivn Avc. Tel. L. 11. 6*1 •nded a stay with Mr». Charle. Ll sley of Prospect avenue. QuicK Road Service — Phone Red BanK 1296. .A W£EKi O 15JS~Tli«Sturtit>«V«f CMJ. 1S1-1S3 WEST FRONT ST., Open EuenJngs RED BANK, N. J. NEW 1935 STUDEBAKER CHAMPIONS The road to batter and blgg« bu«I- ne»» leads through Th« Register'r . EED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1.1985. ' Paw Sewn WBBB PH0GEAM. 8:00—Fllllnf SisUrs. S:4S—Memorial. 8:}E^Bslma7 Esplanade Orchestra. 7:00—Musical*. Expert Picture Framing, Proposes Plan For Lions Club Elects 8:44—Carter. 7:16—Home Philosopher, The program Is as follows: 8:45—Asbury Psrk Walkathon. lilO—Carter. Gilding and Restoring. A. M. Friday, Auiml 2, 1935 9:00—.ResunM. 7:>1—K.dlo Guild. We call for and lellyer. Tei 1BB-B, Collecting Taxes , Ass'n President 0:00—Morning Sarenad.. M. Tuesday, Auru.t 6. last, 7:<6—Bettr Huhn, tUatxt. 814:—Pruno and Snydtr. 6:0O—R«suma. 0:15—Mornlnsc Devotion! 4 lOQ—-Pad! and Fsshloasj. Reines Art Shop President of State Bankers' Asso- 4 ;80—Pruno, Richard J. Osenbaugh of Den- 8:4E—Music Shoo. «tSl—To ba Announced. OK Cooknmn Avenue. 0:46—Parent Teachtts Program. STRUCK WITH BAT. ASIirtlY P ciation Would Have Banks ver Unanimously Chosen 0:00—Pruno 6:00—Snjder. Make Collections of Sales! 0:01—children's hour. B:01—Taa time tunas. Head of International Associa- 0:45—Snyder, 6ltO—Town Chatter. Voocarclll Cut on Upper Up, 6:4S—Aabary Park Wnlkathon. 3. S. LINES CRUISES Tax, tion of Lions. 0:40—Studio fealura. 6:00—PeU, Hinging Doorman. Has Possible Nose Fracture. How to Apply 1:00—Tho Th«al«i. Coast to Costt 6 il6~Long Branch walkathon, Patsy Vaccarelll of West Bergen Development of a system for the The nineteenth annual convention ', M. 6,-JO—Julians. Round the World collection of the ealcs tax by banks of the Xnternatlonal association of 3:30—To ba announced. 6:81—News Re»lcw. place, a member of the Red Bank LAND TOURS AIR LINES without cxpenso to the state which Lions clubs adjourned Friday In 4:00—Pruno. 6:45—Pruno. fire department baseball team, wan would eliminate much of tho present Mexico City, and the 5,000 delegates 4:01—Fncl« ,,nd Fashions. 6:46—Charles Francis and Charlsa Gott- painfully Injured Friday night In a collection overhead and assure re- 4:30—Church of the Air. •ehalk. ball game with,,the Little Silver fio- Helen Lee Getty and guests who during the conven- 6:00—Umrlea Derbyshire Sonsi. 7:00—Resume. ceipt by the state ot tho maximum tion were royally entertained "a la J:1!S— Varieties. mcn. A bat accidentally flew from TRAVEL SERVICE amount from the tax, was forecast Mexlcana" by tho Lions of Mexico 6:30—Town Chatter. M. Wednesday, August 7, 1O3B. the hands of Charles Crawford and Authorized Agent For A Loan 5 ;00—Juvenile Climbers Program, last week by President L. O, Mo- City, have begun to spread out from 1:45— Aslmry Turk wnlknthon. struck Vaccarelll, who was waiting Far All Trans-Atlnntlt: S. S. Lines 6:00—Cnrter. 5:80—Pruno. Call. Phono or WlIU Douall of the Mew Jersey Bankers the capital city to take In all the 6:01—Ilauliclte, Sonus. Bill—Studio Feature. his turn In batting practice. 6:45—Aabury Park Walkathon. For Literature, Reservations and Ratal association. sights of Old Mexico before return- 6:l!i— l,w)K Jlranch Walkathon. Ho was taken to Hivcrvlcw hos- 1 ressed tho hope that the commls- 6:4C—Pruno, oner of banking and Insurance 6:46—Fred Dowens, Songs. COLDSPOT •ould mako It uniform by fixing 7:00—Kcsume. -|- wo per cent aa the official rate for A. M. Monday, Au«ust t. 193S. 8 [00—Morning Serenade. ho entire state. 0:14—Snydcr. In discussing the sales tax, Mr. 9:16—Word Ideas. cDnuall elressed the need for econ- 0:30—Pruno. alone has them all... The First National Bank imy In tho state government. Tho 9:31— Morning Devotions. mnlcm-s associations had Insisted, on 10:00—Musk Shop. You need nix foot capacity for an averugo family of four to six 10:01—Things you should know: 'alsing relief funds through econ- 10:30—Pruno. people. Coldspot gives you 6.2 cublo feot—more than you need of Eatontown, New Jersey imy in government, he said, and 10:31—Nowi. —and 18.1 square feot of useable shelf space. Bo sure you get s> lnally agreed to support a sales tax 10:4G—Women's hour. is an emergency measure for one HICHARD J. OSENBAUGH, 11:00—Tho Theaten. refrigerator that's big enough. Ask about size—and compare tho •ear only, after tho former means P. M. facts with Coldspot—before you buy any refrigerator! 7:00—Anthony Antflnozzf, BOTtga, Member Federal Reserve System lad been exhausted. During tho four days of the con- 7:15—I'runo. But now that the sales tax Is on vention tho fact that the largest 7:16—Long Branch Walkathon. :he statuto books and tho law of tho 7:30—Julians. North American service club was 7:31—Ray Conklln, songs. tate, ho urged that a constructive holding Its convention In Mexico was 7:4C—Buzil Barbary'a Orchestra. rather than a destructive attitude acclaimed as a great step toward the V PERFORMANCE ^ o taken toward It and stated that closer understanding between tho DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK ARE INSURED BX THB TEDEHAL DEPOSIT ho banks may bo expected to make races of North America. Messages no matter how INSURANCE CORPORATION. IN 1KB MANNER AND TO THB BXTEN'I heir contribution to the economy from President Roosevelt and Prem- high the thermometer goes. Coldspot Is super-powered—gives you more power than you'll ever PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THB BANKINQ ACT OP 1388. Ai- vhleh they have been demanding by ier Bennett of Canada were present- AMENDED, olunteerlng toi act as receiving ed to the President of the Republic need—freezes 105 Ice cubes FAST—Is quiet—economical—has only five moving parts. Ask about igentn for the stato with respect to of Moxlca, Senor Lazaro Cardenas performance before you bay any refrigerator] ;hls tax. who welcomed the Lions at a grand Thousands proclaim Coldspot "the most beautiful reception attended by all Lions and This would solve the problem of WIN5 eleotrlo rolrlgcrator In all America!" Beautiful the diplomatic representatives of sev- he collection cost which critics of eral countries. ^BEAUTY streamlines, chrome trim and white porcelain :ho sales tax claim will be excessive, Will Show you whyl asserted, and will make tho larg- Last Thursday the Lions elected st possible amount of money actu- their first vice president, Richard J. Osonbaugh of Denver, to the presl FAME Be sure yon get the best value illy available for the purpose of the denoy of their association. Lion for your money In 1035! CoH- ax, namely unemployment relief. "Dick" Osenbaugh, an official of the In explaining the mechanics of the Denver Sewer Pipe and Clay com- /Iflow Price LOW PRICE spot Is low-priced, yet you get ilan, Mr. McDouall stated that it pany, has been a widely known and every worthwhile feature that :ontemplates a tax return form to respected figure in the association for money can buy and exclusive Coldspot features unobtainable elsewhere at any prlcel IB made out In duplicato by tho many yeani. Mr. OsenbauKh has RICH KENTUCKVSTRAIGHT ierehant collecting tho tax from been president of tho Denver Lions he public. This he would present club, district governor of Colorado WHISKY- 12 Famous Features it the nearest bank and got his Llona clubs, became a member of the [tamped. Tho bank would havo a International board of directors In Super-Powored Unit . . . erated Gla«» Rolling imple form on which these pay- 1930, served two wears, and was ele Only B Moving Parti. Pin. Automatic, Full ments would bo listed as received vated to the third vice presidency in Now "Touch-a-bar" . , . Vision, Interior Light, nd would remit one check for the a Touch Op cm Door. Lifetime Porcelain ntlro amount to the state each 1932. He roso successively through the three vice presidencies and was 105 Ico Cubtm . . . 7*/a Enameled Interior; 10- month together with accompanying unanimously voted Into the highes Full Poundi FAST. Point Cold Control, tax returns of the merchants. office of the association at the Mexl NBW ""Foodex" Stor- Semi - Automatic De- In connection with this plan, Mr. eo City meeting by the accredits age for Vtffetablot. frost. Streamlined McDouall called attention to the fact delegates representing 80,005 Lions. Nrn- Water Cooler Beauty Created Exclus- that there are something like 106 From Famous Louisville Holds a Gallon. Split ively for Coldspot. Dry oards of tax assessors in the state Tho presiding officer of the con Shelf for Roastf and Zero Insulation Sur- vention waa Vincent C. Hascall o Distillery...Is Called Bottle*. New Refrig- rounding Storage Space. f New Jersey, each following Its Omaha,..Nebraska, 1934-35 prcsldcn vm methods and employing Its own of the association. In turning over icrsonnel. Ho urged that serious the gavel to the Incoming president, lonsldoratlon bo given to a proposal Mr. Hascall assured him ot his per- ado by Governor Harold Hoffman sonal support for the year. The as- — •. . America's taste for Nothing Down In his Inaugural addross that these sociatlon under President Hascal — - smooth; full-flavored Ken- oards bo reduced In number to one registered a considerable gain in tucky whisky can be satisfied at a Up to 3 Years to Pay; $&• 'or each county, or 21 In all. The price really low! BOTTOMS UP mactmont of such a proposal into membership, and increased lta num ber of clubs to the total of 2,710. The is made the genuine sour-mash Sears will help you to buy under the New !aw might well be the first step that clubs in the association during the way with an extra high percentaga ould lead eventually to tho eatab- year registered a total of 20,789 sep of costly small grains to give it FHA Plan. A Coldspot delivered to your Ishment of one board of tax assos- arate activities such as the building richness. Aged a full year in deep- home. Payments may be extended from lora with one uniform tax system of playgrounds, tho supply of type- charred white oak to make it mel- one to three years. Best ot all, you need 'or tho entire state, Mr. McDouall low. Try this fine whisky today. writers, radios and Braille courses t not own your own home. eclnred. the blind, the installation of safet devices, and community efforts in Made By the Makers of many other fields. This is the firs Or, if you prefer, buy on GAEDEN NOTES. time that tho gross figures has risen above the 20,000 mark. Comity Agent Give* Some Ttoioly STRAIGHT WHISKY Sears convenient terms. Advice For Home Gardener. Swinging the gavel to announce thi Bottled inbondunderU.S. Qov. adjournment of the last session o emment supervision. Ased 4 full Incorrect mowing of the lawn Is the convention on Thursday, tho new yean ... famous from coast to 'requently the beginning of its ruin, president praised tho previous con „ cooit;«incc 1870. "•lrst, tho lawn grass should not be duct of the association, and pledged mowed too closely, and second, It himself to direct faithfully the affair $ ,50 should he mowed frequently enough ofjtho organization during his term BROWN- to leave tho clippings on the lawn. / Own An Air-Conditioned The Bed Bank Resistor travels FORMAN Time to think about reseedlng or over ©very street In town and every Distillery COMPANY mlldlng a new lawn. With the seed- 149 road In the county. Lot It carry your ng being done in September, It !• message to those who live on these At Louisville in Kentucky not too early to begin removing aoms thoroujrhfates.—Advertisement COOLERATOR if tho foreign grass and weeds pre- Since 1870 laratory to the preparation of a good FREE! I Bought It to Preserve Our Food... seed bed. Crabgrass Is beginning to show In many of our lawns due to the recent ASS THE MAN WHO OWNS OHE AND IT DOES! rains and weak sod. This Is another I wanted my wife and ood reason for making every effort o thicken tho sod to crowd out daughter to have the best everything but lawn grass. After the that I could give them. lawn is rebuilt and the crabgrass Is :rowdcd out, treat tho lawn right and My wife and I looked at :eep thD crabgrasa from coming in. them all and we believe we have the best food preserv- An application of lime in either dust or liquid form is one of tho best er there is. preventntlvcH ngalnst tho Japanese beetlo on such bushes as hibiscus and And this is the way •• - grape vines. figured it out. To produco tho largcBt and high-, Wa have a refrigerator cst quality coxcombs the suckers that keeps our food in per- or water sprouts should bo removed fect condition . . . that will from tho stem, allowing all tho food last a long time . . . and to bo used by the one bloom. that didn't cost a fortune If one dcnlreB tho largest bloom originally. possible on tho chrysanthomum tho side buds should be cleaned off, giv- Now Ready for Delivery The Standard We pay TWO DOL- ing tho ono bloom a chance. LARS a "month for a yearly In Seven Beautiful Body Styles ice service contract, which Thero Is otlll time to prepare tho Kenmore Washer Irln and olthor renew tho old bed or is most reasonable; in fact, build a now one, With plenty of Down Payment . . . ai low a* $407 it's (he cheapest running' molsturo present, tho new rhizomes (less liberal allouume for your used car) cost of any refrigerator, that are not now should bloom In the and it's convenient. spring of 1030. Cash Now, we don't have to There's a Coolerator for Every Purpose from Dies from Iiijiirlra. PACKARD 120 $4.00 $5.00 think of it from one year to Walter Hcrrllck of Brooklyn died s per Month another. $43 up In tho Freehold hoapltnl Sunday of Down last wook from a fractured1 skull 9801. 1095 List Prices at Factory Tho only low prloo washer with Ask for 10-Day Free Trial in Your Home which he Buffered July 8 In an auto- thc8O i Bis Ventura,—Safety mobile aclcdent at East Froohold. Stamlari! Atciuary Group Extra wringer, generous capacity, direct mobile- accident at Kant Freehold. drlvo novnlod mechanism and heavy driver of tho other car. Buffered a »twl I'luumln with automatic drain fractured leg and a broken collar pump. ' Seaboard Ice Co*bone. MONMOUTH COUNTY PACKARD CO. Fro»t on tho Way. Red Bank Phone Red Bank 248 MoiunouUi 8t. & Muplo Avn. Trf. as:oo. Jersey will get 1U frost Sep- Sears, Roebuck and Co. tember 7, if the katydid foroeast Sea Bright COOLERATORS on Display at Our Office methods ore reliable, Farmoin hor«- 27 Bridge Ave., Red Bank abouts report they hoard tho first Oocan Ave. Tel. DO katydW Saturday night and that 27-29 Monmouth St.,' RED BANK Red Bank 1290 IRfilUU taxt Ja nix WMkm. BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 1,1938. alon. Jeweler "Andy" Coleman had or the next year. It la also possible variety and typo that h« TOnt» to Il^URANCE From The Register rented the rink for that evening ,on Cover Crops For to seed any or all of these crops in Brow henceforth. When he goes Sale Every Thursday "spec," and. he made a nice profit on the early spring, allowing them to back for more seed the following Bent Stock Companies. the speculation. grow until late summer, plowing un- Montlily Payments If Desired. Fifty Years Ago Monmouth County year, ho maj find that that, particu- Horses & Cows The members of the two tenina der and planting a fail crop, or grow lar strain ana variety is not avail- and their different positions aro us until spring of the second year, able. If ho had saved his own accrt ZLOTKIN'S STABLES, JOHN B. ACKLEY Culled From the News and Edi- follows: Red Bank—M. F. Calhoun, County Farm Agent Gives A Dwelling Burns ho would havo had just what ho FREEHOLD, N. J., 20 Arthur Place Call MM-J. torial Columns and Presented first rusher; John L. Hubbard, sec- List of These Crops Whicr wanted. Red Bank ond ru&her; Frank Longstreet, half- Works Progress EVERY FOUB MINUTES for the Entertainment of To- back; Lewis Munson, cover point; Will Help the Farmer to G< Th» proper way to gave tomato Thursday, August 8th, day's Readers. William H. Applegate, goal tend; Most from Soil. Grants In County jeod Is to look over the fiold earn- at 1:00 1?. SI, Yours may bo next H »6, wl Benjamin Richardson, driver, As- 1 fully while tho tomatoes are ripening The following paragraphs were bury Park—H. M. Redway, first The county farm agent presents and select the plants whlctr you feel yon h»vo WHEN THE KITCHEN THER- taken from the Issue of The Red list of cover crops and green man- President Roosevelt at Washington, rusher; Clarence Hatfleld, second D. C, Friday approved the allocation aro tho best ones In the whole field, Bank Register fifty years ago thi3 rusher; Ira White, halfback; S. A. uro crops which aro generally used according to M. A. Clark, aasiatant '••!•• INSURANCE) MOMETER COES ABOVE 100° week and arc bein£ reprinted in to- Selieck, cover point; F. C. Rowland, in Monmouth county, giving sugges- of $1,657,251 to Now Jersey furtthe county agricultural agent This se- dny's Issue, feeling that they will be goal tend; P. E. Rowland, driver. tions which will help the farmer tc carrying out of non-federal projects lection should bo governed by the PBOTECTIONT of general Interest to the majority pet the most from the use of thi under the Worka Progress adminls At about half-past nine the floor tration. health and vigor of the foliage, the of Register reader: covers shape and slzo of tho fruit, the type was cleared, and at a signal frcm The following list shows tho John T. Hendrlckson of Middle- William Mount the match began. The WHEAT AND RYE. and condition of tho fruit, and the ap- Wheat and rye are among thi projects In Monmouth county ap- proximate. yioM. of high-quality to- "' EEGKRTH? ,o\vn shipped over 25,000 bunches of list Inning lasted about ten minutes proved, together with tho fedoral-l tsparngus to the Now York markets and was hotly contested, the Hed mont popular cover crops in Mofi matoes. Tho plants that meet the niouth county, the principal reason lotment and contributions by individ- requirements should be marked with d0 Head real Guerndoys, Holsteln See this agency and make yonr !iis year, for wlfich he received over j ijank boys Anally winning: by dint ot ual sponsors; and Jersey Dairy Cows always on ;3,500. much science and hard work. The helnj; that not only are these tw a stako and tho pickers should bo in- protection adequate. crops adaptable to all types an Construction of gutters. Federal, struoted to Icavo all tho tomatoes on hand. Fresh and cloao springers. second and third innings lasted only $6,408; sponsors, $030, Guaranteed tuberculin rotest fully A tent was pitched on the green on a few minutes each, and were both kinds or soil, but they can bo seed' those plants. Thon, when they are d lt Otb 1 Construction of gutters, Federal, ripe, all tho fruits from thoso solect- accredited cows. Always have plen- \londay in which the manager of the won by the Red Bank team. The j etl as late as October 1 to 15, and c ftt,332; sponsors, $120. ty horsos on hand, mated teams and >hov* Baid there was exhibited a "Liy- Red Bankers thua beat their oppo- , good cover secured. At tho sam ed plants may bo harvested for seed. G. Howard Lippincott 1 Completo X-ray building at Allen- Blngtea ready for any work. Any- ng Bust," said living bust being rep- nents by a score of 3 to 0. time, one should remember^ thai wood hospital. Federal, $4,002.10; The plant breeding experts proved thing: sold on commission. Ex- resented as the upper half of a Much excitement prevailed during those two crops do not add tho nl sponsors, $1,700. long ago that It is much bettor to changes made. Private sales dally, Rbal Estate and Insurance woman's body. Strains of music the match, and whrn it wag concluded j trogen to ttio soil that is added by Construction of gutters. Federal, savo all the fruits from a desirable 31 Monmoutih Sty.;, Bed Bank Tom a hand-organ are ground out hats and handkerchiefs 'vfero waved (he uso of legumes, or a mixture o $10,878; sponsors, $1,000. plant than to select the most do- JACOB ZLOTK1N & SON Construction of roads, gutters. Fed- by Bloomfleld Longstreet of Red in the air and hearty cheers given Canada field peus and oats. Om slrablo fruits from all tho plants In Plumes: BOB. 330—Slubles 980 Phone 821. Bank, and it is a hard matter to de- for both tcam3. A great many com- bushel of oats, and from one and a eral, $14,061; sponsors, $475. tho cntiro field. plimentary remarks were passed on j half to two bushels of Canada field Belmar—Construct one-story con- Frcoliold, N. J. FRIG||i cide whether the people go in to hear crete addition to water storage reser- the Red Bank boys' playing. This : peas can bo Eeeded from the lattei ho hand-organ or see the "living r oir. Federal, J7.3S2.79; sponsors, lust." The "living bust" its o/' :a as the fifth match between the. two \ parf of February to tho middle oi I809.86. iwing, which Is suspended earns. The Asbury Park team won ; March. No hnrm will be done I Borough of Keansburg—Construct :hains, and converses with e first match; the second game was ] severe freezing weather or heavy ixtenslon to sanitary sewer. Fedoral, in the audience. The backgroul tie; the Asbury Parkers won the ; snows appear after seeding. Th ;28,135.41; sponsors, $1,625. and side grounds of black muslin are ?i~d game; and the two last games ijieas should be inoculated. Before Bradley Beach borough—Construct Samuel's Locksmith & Hardware Shop so arranged that the woman can sit were won by the Red Bankers. The ' either the oats or the peas reach loardwalk. Federal, $17,138.10; spon- ctween the folds of muslin without score now stands two games for each 'the seed stage, they should heplowd 101s, $8,249.84. Presents .he lower portion of her body being club and one tie. down. The land should bo in good Brlello borough—Street construe Ion. Federal, $5,438; sponsors, $2,212. A FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL ! seen. The small boys of the town . ."lmpo for most any crop. One should Highlands borough—Construction of FREEZER ire particularly interested In the ex- Last Friday Capt. Tom Chadwlck j l>"vare of allowing either the oats itreets. Federal, $4,660; sponsors, High Grade Sturdy Crab Rubber Hose Johnson's libition, and comprise the largest and Charlie Irwin got in a friendly °r tho pea3 to rMch maturity, ;i,236. Padded Ironing jart of the audience. John Holmes, tussle in the captain's boat, Chad- COW PEAS AND SOY BEANS. Manasquan—Construct boardwalk. Nets 25-ft. length Silver Polish . colored man of Ked Bank, who is Boards wick got Irwin down on liis back in These crops are usually seeded at Federal, $18,332.50; sponsors, $4,100. /ell known as "Big Jack," is con the bottom of the boat, but so close Construction of roads. Federal, $2,- Jtrg. $1.50 Hog. $1.39 _ lectod with the show "while it per- corn planting time, or in other words. 177; sponsors, $890. to tho side that the boat tipped over when all danger ol frost or freezing Union Beach borough—Construc- 99° 27' 95' Whllo It louts 1 • If you think it was hot where orms here, and at Intervals he par- and the water began to pour over the ides around the tent carrying a fia is past. The rate of seeding is lon of streets. Federal, $11,534; yon live last summer, you should side. Irwin got pretty wet; but he usually from one and . one-half to iponsors, $2,022. Reading Bali-Bearing Yale Padlocks Galvanized Pails have been down in* ihe Desert wooden stick, with which he paddles managed to work his feet up under the boys who undertake to peep un- two and one-half bushels per acre. Mlddletown township •— Construc- Lawn Mowers Beg. 25o Beg. 3So Chadwlck, who was standing over ion of athletic field. Federal $15,- C Country where the temperature ; der tho canvas, The boys generally Cows pens usually make a more 10-qt, Blzo stayed above 115° in the shade him, and with a quick motion flung satisfactory growth on lighter and 125.75; sponsors, $1,497.45. wait until the show is out, -when they Chadwlck clean over the side. Then Ocean township—Construction of 12-inch size, 4 blades * 1A 19 for days at a time. Here was the follow the "living bust" aa she walks weaker soils than do soy beans and One S-Burnor Chadwick pulled Irwin out of the will tolerate more soil acidity. One •oads. Federal, $4,850; sponsors, real test /or any refrigerator—yet to her boarding house on Borden ;2,250. boat into the water, and then The two should never seed soy beans without M-incli size, 4 blades * QP BROOMS Kitchen Oil Stove Frigldaire, equipped with the street. The show will continue in went ashore and took their watches ^ • m town for one week, after which it inoculating, while frequently good Lasting Quality! On Stand Super Freezer, never faltered. to a jeweler to have him repnir the crops of cow peas are secured with- SAVING TOMATO SEED. Beg. Wj will gro to Long Branch, and thence damage caused by their getting wet. 18-lnch slzo, 4 blades . Beg, 350 C Now every Frigidaire '35 has to Asbury Park. • ' out inoculation. This crop, if seed- lrst Step in Successful Production The spectators enjoyed the sport. ed, the last week of April or the •Unusual Values! 29 Ufotlmo Value I the Super Freezer. It freezes more first week of May, should make Is Good Seed. ice faster and keeps food delicious William Maxson, Jr., son of the from eighteen to 24 inches of The first step in successful tomato AND MANY OTHER HIGH QUALITY GOODS sad wholesome no mutter how hot mason at Navesink, has established Last Wednesday the firemen of Red growth in two months, when it iroduction is good seed. In this in- a daily newspaper route through At- Bank tested tho power of the water might be plowed under and a mid- AT BARGAIN PRICES the kitchen gets—or remains. works. With tho natural pressure itanco the term "good" means that lantic Highlands, Naveslnk and ad- season mnrket crop planted. Boy ho Seed shall be true from disease, We Make Keys for Any and Every Lock Last summer's terrific heat jacent places. On week days his pa- from the reservoir a stream of wa- beans or cow peas might also be proved that all refrigerators will ter was thrown over the cupola of it the correct type for the variety, Safe Experts. Auto Locks Our Specialty. pers are delivered by the boat, but on seeded anywhere from July 1 to .nd o good yielding' strain. A large run, but not nil will provide ade- Sundays the early newspaper train the Oakland street schoolhouBe. A August 5, and allowed to grow until from Jersey City hag delivered them higher pressure was then put on the September 1 to 15, chopped down lumber of commercial seedsmen se- quate lefrigcKuiou, or freeze mains by the engine at the water ;ect their tomato seed very carefully, enough ice cubes fast enough. at Middlctown. Last Saturday night and one and one-half bushels of Samuel's Locksmith & Hardware Shop young Maxson went to New York works, and a stream was thrown to wheat or rye seeded and allowed to ind by going back to this source Come into our showroom to- and gave his orders for Sunday pa- an estimated height of 125 feet. With grow until the following spring1. The iach year, tho farmer is assured of Branch ot Asbury morrow and Jet us show you pors, which were delivered at the our present apparatus it is believed object of chopping rather than plow- retting a desirable tomato. There 14 MONMOUTH ST. why Frigidaire is a true General train at Jersey City on time at 4:30 that four largo streams can be Ing Is to prevent too rapid decay, re cases when the farmer is par- TEL. 1558. thrown over any building in town. Icularly pleased with a field of to- WE DELIVER Motors value. A. M. When he endeavored to board which would happen If-the green the train, Dunn Bros., who have a material was plowed under. latoea and he decides that is the lease of tho paper delivery along the Last week a fair was held at Sea line uf the Long Branch railroad, ro- Bright for the purpoao of raising SUDAN GRASS. tuaed to let his papers be put on the Sudan grass, alono or with soy :ars. Maxson then had them carried unds to build a Catholic church on Rumson Nock, near Sea Bright. Tho beans or cow peas; if alone at the Jack to New York, and they were of the ilat0 °' "5 to thirty pounds per orought down by the Sea Bird. A ollowing Is a summary amounts received: acre, if with cow peas or eoy beans, suit In law will probably follow, as eighteen to twenty pounds per acre Mr. Maxson only, endeavored to sup- rlrn. do Sotolongo's table and nutisciiptions Sl.105.2r, of the Sudan grass and from one to ]y a region not covered by the reg- From vnrioiis other sources 5011.00 one and one-half bushels of cow ular newspaper agents. Mu. Korea's table -ISO.01 Mrs. McKenney'a subscriptions 100.00 peaa or *soy bcuns. This crop is Admisison Ices ..._': lOfi.05 another ono that cannot ho seeded Refreshments -. 63.50 until all danger of frost is past. As M. F. Calhoun ot Red Bank won Contest for watches 9nt.93 a three-mile roller skating race at Total ..._ •.$3,278.74 it appears above ground it is a Coney Island last Saturday night. The E 17iyy small slender plant with narrow race was for a purse of $25 and a leaves, and frequently does not im- 1 Net receipts $3,105.75 HUNDREDS BELOW handsome gold medal, the stakes be- press one as a satisfactory crop, ing worth about $100. There were John Polland of Rumson won the but it doea grow rapidly," and in seven starters. John Dickson, who gentleman's gold watch against Wil- from six to oi^lit weeks it will stand entered in the recent five-mile race liam Hennessey of Sea Bright, and from.twelve to twenty inches high at Monmouth rink, came in fourth Miss Maggie Tyndall, also of Rum- ;md if allowed to grow to ton weeka, on the present occasion. Mr. Cal- son, obtained the lady's gold watch, it will frequently make a growth of houn made the three miles in a little her opopnent being Miss Mary Mc- Cormick of Oceanic. Miss Tyndall three feet or more. While not a previous over eleven minutes, heating the sec- legume, it will add an abundance of ond man a lap and twenty feet. generously donated back tho watch to the church. The Sea Bright thea- organic matter to tho soil and if ter, inwhich the fair was held, was grown in mid-season and plowed under while green it decays rapidly. The much-talked-of polo match be- tastefully flttcp for the occasion un- tween teams composed of Red Bank- der the direction of Mrs. de Sotolon- A mixture of Sudan grass and either JERSEY CENTRAL ers and Asbury Parkers came off at go, who was aided by Miss Mc- soy beans or cow peas, will frequent- Power and Light Ca the rink last Thursday night in the Mahon. Both derve great praise, as ly add so much green manure that presence of a large crowd. The seats do also all others who assisted the it is difficult to plow the material around the sides of the building were Rev. John Fox in making the affair under. all taken, and the,gallery was crowd- such a perfect success. The Rumson Frequently the farmer has a block ed more than on any previous occa- band played during the evenings. of land that he is anxious to build up rather quickly, and a practice that he can follow with good re- BUILS would be to seed Sudan grass and cow peas or soy beans May 1; allow thorn 'to grow until August 1; plow the crop down and pack it well; follow with a seeding of one and one-half bushels of either wheat or rye and twenty pounds of vetch. prices try Gu 3 weeks Thin in turn will make an excellent pr!t»vlh far winter and might be plowed under either in mid-winter or voiy parly spring. Excellent mar- IN THE "TRAFFIC COURT ket crops follow such a program. SUNFLOWERS. fiunfiowers, either alone or with corn or iioy beana or cowpeas are frequently seeded anywhere from the middle of Juno until late July, If it's been some time since you've allowed to grow six to eight weeks, used Gulf, try it 3 weeks—then give and plowed under. Such a mixture us your verdict. maki:i a very heavy cover and fur- niMhc;; an abumlnnce of organic mat- Try it in traffic. Starts. Crawls. ter. Get-aways. Climbs. There's no fairer VETCH. test—and we think you'll confirm a Wintrr, or hairy vetch, with wheat Ulastrated-1035 Series 40 Club Sedan with built-in recent judgment..; or :•}•••, twenty pounds of vetch, one Do YOU realize how little tt takes today to nnd outMialf bushels of wheat or trunk. Body by Fisher. Eight-cylinder valve-ln-head engine. $923, list price at Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra. Prices 7S0 Turned Judges rye. This mixture can be seeded up buy a genuine, true-blooded Buick? The latest to September 15. Sometimes aa lato tub/ect to change without notica. Favorable C.M.A.C terms. us October 1, especially if the land 1935 Buick "40," with the finest of all fine We went to 750 owners 1*5 aver- on which the Bcedlng is made can age cars—asked them to judge Gulf bo plowed lute the following spring. against their regular brands on Tho voteh is a legume, that grows Buick engineering and quality, is hundreds mileage, starting, pick-up, power, rapidly in light, rather poor soil. In all-around performance. spite of tin; fnct that tin- top growth less than earlier Biucks. Hundreds less than lias not always looked too encourag- Culf Won tho Verdict! ing, there lfi an excellent root sys- other cars of today which do not pretend to tem. * Ac the end of the trial, 7 out of 10 DA1U.F.Y. match its performance, its economy and its voted Culj superior mi one or more of Thin crop la fiVi]iiently needed nn the 5 counts—many on all five. potato ground In', July OH u rover dependability. Nowhere else can you buy finer Tho pntnto growi.ra fed It wm help Reason? Controlled refining to create an acid cniulitlon In tho makes Gulf 5 (.ooit gasolines in one. soil rntlior (illicitly. Klnee it lo not than Buick quality—no matter how little or Gives it not only 2 or 3—but all five a crop tint live, over-winter. It qualities of a perfect gasoline. would ni.t .c,.m 1,, ll(1 a Bat|(1. how much you pay. Come in now and try this Try That Good Gulf 3 weeks— factory nop for the vegetable grow- and you'll be an addict! Buick "40" performance—the greatest on the OATS. GULF REFINING COMPANY Thnro arh „!„„ v.-irlrtlo.q of outs road. See how much farther it is advanced in Wl.lCh,,rei,SP1lhy|,,1,atn,r,mera, J y ls used fofmr. '"wWe" r'n'Trail | "..,, "„" ''" " size and room, and in - true luxury and ease I What tip on "pickup" O factory pi.,,-,. f,,r ,„,., on ^ ' can cut down gasoline vegetal,!,. <„• ,„„,.,,,,, , of riding—how sturdy and safe it is, and how bills?You'll find the "-'"•.lainly I, „,„„ Ilre Bcedad^ answer in this Gulf MI T W<: T""'1 ""' ^commend it does everything with the greatest of ease. Booklet, plus 14 other that it be «r,,|p,| „,„„„ mlt rath with Canada Held peas. valuable economy SWKKT hints. /•>«—attlie Sign S AND AA,.,.FFALFAA , of tho Orange Disc. Rwoot clover, l,nth yello H. L. Z.OBE.L Cor. Harding Rd. & Broad St., Telephone 955. Red Bank, N. J. THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE :r, Ocean Avenue, ' Telephone 90. Sea Bright, N. J. or early September nml nllow-th. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM crop to grow throutfi, at icMt a part RED BANK BEGISTER, AUGUST 1.1935. AMUSEMENTS. More Fund* For down with a doll carriage and provsd Th» followln* friend* of Mix Buth th« week-end u the gue»t of Mlis Democrats Hear herself a genera] nuisance. Lewis surprised her with & birthday Dorothy Hader, Monmouth County Carlton Theater. In this picture Jane has the role party Tuesday evening: MisBea Mil- Mr, and Mra. Leopold Lochner of WESSON TAXI Matawan Woman Joe ,E. Brown's latest Warner o! a tomboy of the tenements, whose dred Stultz, Katherine Naple« and Miami, Florida, and Mr«. Catherine OVf Prtildtat BoonvMt on Monflty *p- Brother.' picture. "Alibi Ike." which uncle, a broken-down Shakesperlan Georgia Faye of Jersey City, Jean Anderson of Trenton were guests of 24-Hour Service h actor, la jailed when he assaults hl» Lo*coe, Grace Phillips, Hopo Lewis, provtft th> Works Trofrew A4mlnl»- Mrt. ROM Bergen Spoke Satur- it scheduled as the feature attraction boss for trying to show him tho Postmaster and Mrs. R. C. Devlin tratlon program «*))int tor U»« «!• at the Carlton theater today and to' Janet Domlnick, Alto. Lewis and Thursday. Tel. R. B. day at Long Branch to Coun- morrow, Js heralded as the most proper molhod of "barking" for a Mildred Fallon. Mrs. Harry J. Kahn »pent Wednes- location of ITOWtt mow Jn K«w ty Wonien'a Club— To Buy five-ten movio house. Jane la taken or night J«r«.y. This brl»i« tb« total of fmi- hilarious film li. which the famous In by a wealthy woman who wishes Miss Eilleen BushneU and Douglas day at New York. tral rundi now »pjsrov«l in N«w Eight Sun Chftiri for Hoipital. star has yet appeared. to get material for a book on ABushnell entertained at a supper par- Mrs. Joseph Baler entertained too Jsney to *W«,«tt. Tbt projtcti The story was written by the late chlld-pschologj., which sho h writing. ty Thursday evening for a number of Wednesday Afterjinrtn Brldjr« club. Th«J Wom«n'« Democratic club of Ring Lardner, who probably knew their friends. Tha guests included Mrs. R. c. Devlin held high score iutt wproved by U« Pr«W«Bt «how» Monmouth county at a. meeting Sat- Sho wins tho dovotlon of the writer's a, f«4tr»l *l!8tm»nt tor Monmouth baseball players better than any husband but. proves a source of anoy- Misses Mary Devlin, Sally RatcliBe, with the haatesa second. Mra, Nor- urday at the Qarfletd-Cirant boUl, other author. It's a pennant-winning Emily Jurnmn, Winifred Qittens, rla Hltchens of Seaford, Delaware, county %n «• follow*: Long Branch, voted to buy eight sun ance for tho other inmates of the comedy of baseball and blondes. house. Elizabeth Haley, Jean Hawkins, Jane and Mra. Conrad Johannsen of B»lm»r-OL»n- or oft It without alibiing. Now At $30,000 •thlntlo ««!* SMtMrt limdt, »8.,S59. Even when he falls desperately In Jr., Randolph Harris, Conover" Bur- won by Mra. L. 35. Davles, flrst; Miss Nsptan» City—Comtruotlon of ath- elstence plan. lew and James Haynes. Joan Ruo, second; Mrs. C. A. Gess- ' The welfart commltteeo of Hlgh- love with the sister of the captain's The fund now being raised, by Mon- [STOCKINGS; letio field. Fodjral tundi. tU,«00. wife, he alibis about It She hap-mouth Memorial hospital for tho Mis* Georgia Fsy« of Jersey City wcln, third; and Mrs. W. A. Close Bid B»nk-<3r*41n« and ipddlng Undn, Long Branch, Asbury Park, fourth. Other guests Included Mra. INVENTED. tllddletown and Union Beach report- pens to hear him making excuses for purpose of continuing that institu- Is visiting Miss Hope Lewis, ilr port flald. Federal fundl, S1S,875. tion's program of free care for needy Mrs. M. E. Breen of New York Is W. W. Hobrough, tho guest of hon- |7th CENTi West Long Branch—Grading ol ed a $50 contribution to the Warm giving her an engagement ring, and or's daughter and Miss Jean Rue. elds walk*. Federal iundi, 110,180. Springs, Georgia, foundation for »uf-turns him down cold, which causes a patents' has reached "the $80,000 vljltlnK her daughter, Mrs, S. B. Eg- WERE NOT m • •» ferera from Infantile paralysis, the series of events as thrilling as they mark, according to Bertram H. Bor- gleston. Mrs. Ralph Hcuscr and son, Ralph DISCOVERED A bonaflda aawspapir olrculatlon purchase of glasses for needy, the art. ludicrous. den, general chairman. The execu- Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. Travis Samuel, Jr., returned homo from the UNTIL THE -th» kind th« RtRlittr ha»--li Uw purchase of clothing for depression Olivia de HsvlIIand plays opposite tive committee heading the drive con- returned home Friday after having Perth Amboy General hospital this only kind tb*t count* with tb« ad-victims, the provision of funds for Brown and others In the cast Include sists of Georffc M. Bodman, Hubert traveled through the Western states week. 2O.v CENTUWJ vertloer. No premlumi or other let' K. Dalton, J. Lowls Hay, HenryHerr- duc«ment» hav« evar b«»n offared to the removal of a tumor from the UpRuth Donnelly, Hoecos Karr.s and for three weeks. Boys can make extra pocket money Robert Amendt haa imtallod all lh» of an Asbury Park baby, and contri- William Frawley. man and Jacob L. Relss. Frank Nalby of Jersey City spent selling The Register.—Advertisement. lalost fnvantlona which will old him Int ««cur« circulation.—Advertliement butions to the Boy SoouU. The High- "The present total of the fund does [ch.cklnj, repairing and reflUlnl all 1 nakei of ahock nbaorberi. All tb.lt1 lands club reported It bad raised $200 not represent a complete report,' Mr. ha. bfen dono lor your convontanc* for the purchase of a new ambu- Borden said. "A number, of .our com- and In on endsavor to glva your car lance for the Highlands First Aid mittee chairman and workers are In1 |betUr, more cumplete ana more accur1 ;oto acrvlco at no extra, chart*. Ytm' siuad. the midst of carrying out their plans can »lao ucura thi liljil>e»t quality (a» and are not ready yet to report tho and oil and hava your car lubrlcalad Mloo Mary C. Gill of Middletown, results. It Is evident that the com- ;nnd greaicti by capable, compotent m Jacob StkinAach who will be married on Sunday, Au- ing month will bo a busy one for August Sale chanlca at tljl« better elaaa ftatjoji. gust 18, to Frank Kaiser of Bsssett s^^ many of the groups who are taking FREE LUBRICATION LONG BRANCH place, Bed Bank, resigned as secre- an active part in the campaign." BROADWAY. tary of the club. License Plate Numbers Mrs. Howard Height, wife of the M807S M8SI5 Free Parking Yard in Rear of Store sheriff, Invited the club membere to Used Cars & garden party at her home In Sea Matawan News. Girt on Saturday, September 14. (Tin Red Dank Register can ba bought Robert Amendt WOMEN'S & MISSES' Members of the Men's Democratic In Mit»»m from M. J. O'Connetl, U4 club of the county will also attend. Main street. Jacob A. L/Civls And J, A 3, 20 WEST ST. The Thomas Jefferson club of Twnlnl). Prices Greatly Reduced PHONE' BED BANK 2100. Keansburg will entertain the county Myron B. Diggin is on a business organization at a meeting at that trip to Iowa. Summer Coats place on Thursday, August 20, Mrs. Trades and Finances Arranged. Mrs. Theodore Drummond enter- Blanche Horvath Is chairman of tho tained the Sowing club Thursday. arrangements committee . Miss Katherino Naples o£ Jersey *34 Coupe—like new. City is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold 7.9* & 9.95 XGrace Moore endIta Carrlllo In Smith. ' le Forever!'—/ Columbia Picturtr '31 90 Buick Convertible—completely recondi- POSTMASTERS' DINNER. Miss Doria Mooro and Miss Norrla tioned and new points. " Regularly 10.95 & 13.75 "Love Mo Forever," Columbia's Hltchens, of Seaford, Delaware, are HERE'$THE targe Attendance Expected At Af-second Grace Moore feature, will be viBiting Mr. ana Mrs. Kensselaer '31 V8 5 Coupe—exceptional car. ,, Smart styles in Summer coats—carefully tailored fair on August H the main attraction Saturday, Suun- Cartnn, WAY TO KEEP of angora woolens, swagger and tailored models. A large attendance Is oxpocted at day and Monday. Supporting Miss Mr. and Mrs. August Muehlhauaen, '32 Chevrolet Sport Coupe—a really good car. the dinner and dance that Is being Moore is a cast composed of LeoJr., entertained thirty of their friends '30 Fleetwood Cadillac—all weather phaeton. In white, lilac, turquoise, flame and maize, etc. given by the Monmouth County Post- Carrlllo, Michael Bartlett, operatlo at a spaghetti supper Friday even- TIRE COSTS Sliej « to 20. masters' association at Kos» Fenton star, Robert Allon, Douglas Dum- Ing. Must be seen to be appreciated. Farm on Thursday evening, August brille and Luis Albernl. The music Mr. and Mrs. G. J, Sterling Thomp- -SECOND SX.OOR- 22. Numerous reservations havs Is by Victor ScherUloger. son and children are spending a three '33 Chevrolet Eagle Coupe—completely recondi- been made, particularly from the Tolling the story of Margaret How- weeks' vacation at Raoquette Lake In tioned and new points. Rumson and Red Bank section of ard, a debutante who suddenly finds tho Adirondack mountains. Wornen's & Misses' Women's the county. herself penniless, "Love Me Forever" Mrs. A. B. Henderson, Mrs. Charles '32 Nash 8-5 passenger Sedan—good condition. In addition to Monmouth county takes her from tho moment oho A. Geran, M!BS Doris, English of '31 6 Convertible Coupe—thoroughly re- High Grade postmasters, postmasters frccn all meets Stepbano Corelll until she Ridgewood, and Mre. P. A. Johnson over New Jersey will be well repre- sings her astoundlngly beautiful motored to Asbury Park Tuesday as conditioned. MESH sented, according \o early reserva- dobut at th» Metropolitan In lovely tho guests of Mrs. W. W. Hohrough. tions. One of the first to »ignlfy-hlB "La Boheme." Corelll, a blg-tlme Van Davlco, Mrs. Clinton Hulsart, Numerous other Used Cars at Bargain Prices. SHOES Intention ol attending was Post- gambler, falls in love with Margaret Mrs. Walter P. Swaneon and daugh- DRESSES master John Slnnott, Jr., of Newark when he heara her sing, and sponsors ter Barbara, were guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Slnnott. PoBtmaater Wil- her career. Mra. Raymond Short at their au:r.- 95 liam Sweeney of Rod Bank Is ex- mor home In Shark River Hills Tho advent of the girj Into his life Thursday. Howland B. Jones Motor Co. pected to attend with a group of throws Corelll into confusion. He 2-95 2- friends. lives with but ono thought—the ulti- M!«s Josephine Fetta, Mlssea Betty 36 Maple Ave., Red Bank, N. J. The dinner will be given as a tes- mo te 'operatic success of Margaret Dugan and .Tp.annete Hlgglns of Regularly 3.85 timonial to tho assistants of the To this end he sacrifices everything: Wlcka'tunk, and Miss Madeline Phone Red Bank 910—Open Eveningc Regularly 4.95 Postmaster-General of the United —to trie extent of plunging himself Brooks of Red Bank are enjoying a Pumps and Oxfords for States. Several prominent officials, Into unfathomable chaos. But hisweek's vacation at Seaside Heights. Sun-back and Tailored from this state and nearby states martyrdom comes to naught, for Just Mid-Summer styles in street, sport or dress wear have already made reservations, before she signs the Metropolitan white and pastels—made in white buck—brown and contract he has secured for her, she announces her intention of marrying with the dressmaker details white—black and white. New Piny At^Sprlng lake. Philip Cameron, a socially prominent you'd look for in really Tho Monmouth Community Play- young man fit the set sho used to expensive meshes. 6i«s s to t. ers, under the direction of 'Hudson know. Fausaett, will produce "A Night In August Shoe Sale Sties U to 20. Width* AA to C. Spring" by Joseph Aufilander and —Second Floor- Gustav Davidson on August 6, 7, 8, Strand Theater. —Street Floor— and 9 at tho Spring Lake Commun- "Party Wire," a Columbia picture, ity theater. It Is a new play and will with Jean Arthur and Victor Jory A 37th Anniversary Event have Its premiere at tha shore re- in the main roles, will be shown for HOURS OF BUSINESS: A Department Store sort. Written- In six episodes and 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. In the Same Location five scenes, It la described by the au-tho last times today at tho Strand Today's Price I Saturdays—0 A. M, to 0 P. M. { Stnco 167S theater. In tho supporting cast of thors as an "adventure." There will this picture, which was adapted from be twenty In the cast. the novel by Bruce Manning, are NOW IN PROGRESS! Helen Lowell, Charles Qrapewin, Robert Allen and Clara. Blandick. This year we are celebrating our 37th Anniversary and we haven't Jory, a native son, returns to the village of Rockridgre after a seven left a stone unturned to make this the greatest Sale Event in our history. It's years' absence and discovers that the more than a Summer Clearance, it's a store-wide sale. The biggest shoe telephones aro buzzing as viciously aa ever. His romance with Miss Ar- event in the shore area. There are 2,300 pairs. Sizes 4 to SY2, AAAA to D. thur,' who has always adored him, Divided into 2 Groups. Ice Cream Sale! la serlouBly complicated by Jealous mothers who had hoped to ensnare GROUP 1 him. for their daughters. k _, A satisfied public has made us New Jersey's largest SAY GOODBYE TO "GYP" TIRES retail ice cream dealer. • Motorists who want to save money on tires aad still get high mileage besides — here's your big chance! Look Regular $5.00 to $7.00 at^our price on Genuine Values Goodrich Certified Com* Big Dip Ice Cream Co., Inc. manders. Here is a real Goodrich quality tire at the GROUP 2 price of cheaply-cona' 12 Monmouth St., structed," tires. But that hi, where the similarity ends.! 377 Shrewsbury Ave., RED BANK Certified Commanders ara * &/I.90 backed by America's oldest' tire manufacturer, Goodrich. They have a reputation for COUPON giving motorists long-wear* • tiis coupon plus 25c will entitle you to a ing tires at the lowest possible Regula4r $6.50 to $8.50 cost. Act now while prices quart of ice cream. Values are low. ' Redeemable only Thurc, Fri., Aug. 1-2 Only ! *Prf£«lju&/Vc/*ocAdHf*vfcfio*l T40 yjWERS,jjs- end la any sortrnmental /«* or tenement iombTy^an^dfJACKlE; C SEAKL,-.aijhtJfampeied jjoiTo/f'a TABLE SPECIALS! WHAT VALUES! Regular Prices PdrkrAnnue'family!*

NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. ;ao> dayi after the confirmation of the THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK AMD Sealed proposals wanted by the Council £etwNn ELIZABETH 6HERA, et «!.. Cora- laid sale by ths Court of Chancery, Summer School TRUST COMPANY OF BED BANK. of the Borough of Little Silver for the ptfttnanta, ani UNIVERSAL S8CU&4TX And notice Is further given that I will NEW JERSEY, PREFERRED STOCK construction ot concrete curbs and slds- CO- a corporation, Defendant* /apart s*ld sale to tha Chancellor of the Square Design Made Pleasant DIVIDEND NO. 4. walks. whtre and when directed, during State of New Jerrty at tht Chaae«ry At Middletown The Board of Directors of thU bank On Bill, etc. Notice of Sale of iU«U, Chamber*, One Exchange Place* fn the Oitr MJEHUS thm year of 1&35. Wall. Height. Carey * Hartpene.. of of Jersey City, Hew Jsrisy, on the tiih have declared the regular seml*annual div- SpecIflcnUopa end proposal blanks rosy Couniil with Jamcj P. Gannon. Jr.^JU- lay of August. 188B. at 10 o'clock in the idend of S3 per ah a re upon It* Preferred be obtained from Geargs K. Allen, borough eeiver. » " • . .forenoon of that day (Daylight Saving Instruction in Various Arts Given Stock, payable July 81, 1985, to stock Engineer, 60 Broad Street, Red Bunk. New Time) or as soon thereafter a* ths nut- holders of record of July gfi. 1086, Jerssy. By virtue of .two order) of the Court of ter may he heard, for confirmation or such at the Chapel of the Baptist WILLIAM B. LYMAN, Bids will be opened la ths rooms of the Chancery of N»w Jersey in the above«tn« other action a* the Chancellor may de«m ' Caihlet-. said Council on Church street, Little Sil- titled cause, mads respectively on tho proper, Church—A Registration of ver, New Jersey, on Tuesday, August IS, 24th dav of June* 1986, and on the tlth By MIB, Alexander Geoigre 1985. at or about 8:00 P. M. Daylight Sav- day of Jaly. 1088. dlnctlntf thtt sales b* Sated July 10, 1888. Forty Children. NOTICE. ing Time. held of certain property ana asiot* ox tM JAMES r\ GANNON, Jit, A Sunday Menu > Je«by elven that the follow- A certified check for $8CO.O0 must ac- Universal .Security Co., A corporation, lUeetver of .Universal Security Co* The chapel of the Baptist church Insing is• tha title of an Ordinancance that wawasi company each proposal and the bidder. If mentioned and described In laid order for 60 Journal Squars, Jersey City. N. J. Breakfast of Middletown village has been ? /iy &a*"d, f"d *PP«v«d at a muting awarded the contract, must furnish an ac- sale. I, James P, Gannon, Jr.. Receiver of turned to a new purpose. It ia L j?°«£lhlp °«nwltt« of the Town- cent able bond in the sum of 12,600.00 to Universal Security Co., ths defendant Chancery 7/358 Honey dew above named, wilt tell at publlo vendue to ' ' Ham Omelet serving as a place of instruction In •hip of Middletow A n held on July 86th, insure tbi .faithful performance of the SHERIFF'S SALE. iJ 1 V 5. Orain»ow to llc«aift contract. the hlHhi«t bidder on Saturday, th« 17th htiax Mufflim Butter various arts for children. The use The Borough Council reserves the right day of August, A« D., J0S5, at SiSO By virtue of a writ of fl, fa. to me dU Coffee of the old historic chapel has been ent.1 vendingaChl iei1 ,i Q novelttb0 T0WDBhiy and pothe ot r to reject any or all bids. o'clock In the afternoon of said day, reeled, Issued out of the Court of Chan- Dinner b own ?' ' (Daylight Saving Time) at and upon tho cery of tb* State of New Jeriey? wUl bj granted Y the officials of the church* EOWAHD W. ROBERTS, ELXAS S. BLACK, Mayor, tremlies known ai the Community House, exposed to ssla at publlo vendua, on Fri*d Ch!ek«n Forty children, ranging In age Township Clerk July 9. 1935. foca ted on Plot No. 17 at Gooseneck Point, MONDAY, THE 12TH DAY OF Buttered Lima Beans from five to fifteen years, are mem- WM. T. GETTY, Clerk. Borough of Ocean port, Monmouth County, 1086, 1 Mashed Turnips - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. New Jersey, first In hulk and than In par- Bread . Currant Jam bers of the group or colony. M. Iris MONMOUTH COUNTY COMMON PLEAS cals, the htghost bids to ba accepted by ttw««n the hours of 12:00 o'clock and Spiced Beet Salsd Pappe, an Avondale graduate, critic Notice 1B hereby given that sealed bldi me as Receiver, cubjact to the confirma- 00 o'clock (at I;QQ o'clock Daylight Say- Froten Custard Dessert and lecturer on the fine arts, is the will be received by the Township Commit- COURT. tion of tha Court of Chancery, all of tho iC Time) In the afternoon of said day at Iced CotTee tee of Rnritan Township, Monmouth The Merchant* Trust Company of Rod following described landa and chattels and the Court Home In the Borotab o« /rtt" director. She is assisted by a staff County, N. J,, for the conitructlon of Bank, N. J., a body corporate of the other property, being a portion of tha ild. County of Monmouth. New J.r.iy. Supper and by young volunteers who at- Poole Avenue, In Raritan Township, with State ot New Jersey, Flalntlff, vi. Sot property described In nald order for sals. .- eatlify a decree of .aid court sJUount- Cream Cheese And Olive tend private schools In various parts Road Gravel Surface, Bituminous Treated. Bragar and Etta Brazar, Defendant*. together with tha buildings situated Ins to approximately Is,970,00 Sandwiches Estimated amount of gravel surface re- En attachment. Notice of attachment. thereon, to wit, AH the following tract or parcel of Chilled I'm it Juices of the county. Miss. Pappe states quired is 12,100 square yardi. fildi will Notice Is hereby given that a writ of _nd and premises herlnafter particular* Plain Sugar Cookies that tho principal aim of the col- be opened and read In public at the rooma attachment was Issued out of thu Court of (a) All those trtctt or parcsli of land juulbed. .Ituat., lying and bilng In the of aaid Committee, Township Halt. Poole ana premises with the buildings and Im- Spiced Beet Salad ony is to develop individual charac- Common Pleas of tha County of Mon- provement* thereon, situate, lying and ba- ".ownihlp of Shr.w.bury. in tha County of AvBnue, Raritan Township, N. J., on Fri- mouth on the 9th. d*y of July. 1936, lng at Oooseheok Point, Borough of Ocean- tonmouth, and State of New Jer.ey 1 package M teaipoon salt ter and educational and cultural day, August 16, 1085, at 8:00 P. M* Day- againat the right a and credits, moneys port, Monmouth County, New Jenoy, "Designated aa Lot. No.. 42, 48 and 44 , lemon flavored 1 cup diced learning. light Saving Time. and effect), goods and chattels, landi and which on a certain map entitled "Map of n a map .ntltled "Map of Little Silver' gelatin mix- . cooked beets Drawings, specification* and form* of tenements of Sol Braanr and Etta Bratcar. Property of Universal Security Co. at 'ark. mad. by A. O. Hurley, C. B., Bad tare Vz cup diced The woodwork class la under the bid for the proposed work, prepared by absconding debtors, at the suit of The Gooseneck Point. Mem, Co.. N. J.," made Jank. N. J./' and filed In th. Clerk', office \V> cups boiling celery management of Miss Lillian Kelly, George F. Randolph. C. £., and approved Merchants Tru9t Company of fted Bank, by E. E, Throokmorton, Surveyor Isontg it Monmouth County. New Jer.ey. water % cup chopped who has had five years of experience by tho State Highway Commissioner, have N. J., for the sum of *Z,208.78, return- Branch, New Jsrsey. on July aut, 1022, BEGINNING at a point In the souther- %• cup.vfnegar sweet pickles been filed In the oflicea of the said engineer able on the Flrit d&y of August, 1086, and duly filed on Deo. 0, 1081, In the of- line of Parker Avenuo, and distant four H cup sugar ^i cup chopped in the educational field and who has at 60 Broad street. Red £ank, New Jersey, and the tame has been sorved and duly fice of the Clerk of Monmouth County, indted »nd eighty feet eaatwardly from % _ teaspoon greon pepper been specializing in psychologies" and of the State Highway Commissioner, executed end was returned on the Otti are latd down, shown and designated as IB Intersection of laid eoutherly side of cinnamon 1 tablespoon work among New York boys. The Trenton. N. J., and may be Inspected dur- doy of July. 1935. by the Sheriff of the Plots numbered! 1, 4. 5. 7. 9, 10. 18, 16, .ark«r Avenue with the eaatwardly line ^4 teaspoon grated horse-, ing builnear hours. Bidders will be fur- County of Monmouth. IT, 18, 20. n. 24. 27, 83, >f Kumson Drive i thence eaatwardly along cloves radish rhythm group is conducted by Miss niahecl with a copy of the specifications Dated July 17th. 1935. :h« .outhsrly line of Parker Avenue on. Pappe. Instruction is given in paint- , and blueprints of the drawing* by the (b) All that tract or parcel of land, lundred and Ofty feet; thence southwardly Pour water over gelatin mixture 1 1 Engineer on proper notice and payment of JOSEPH McDERMOTT, shown on 'Map of Property of Universal it right angles to .aid first mentioned and stir until dissolved. Add vinegar ing , dancing and clay modeling.- Tap Ten Dollars, Five Dollars of which amount Clerk. Security Co. at Gooseneck Point, Mon. Co., ourao ona hundred and seventy-five feat, dancing takes place twice each will bo refunded upon return of the draw- Qulnn. Parsons & Doremus, N. J,," filed at Freehold, New Jersey, in lorn or leas; thenco weatwardly parallel sugar, spices and salt. Cool. Add real ings in good condition. the office of the Clerk of Monmouth week. Sports, reading and a colony Attorney!. /1th said first mentioned courae one hun- of ingredients and pour Into shallow I3ida must be made on the standard pro- County on December 0, 1981, beginning Jred and fifty feat; thence northwardly at glass mold. Chill until stiff. newspaper are among the other fea- NOTICE. . at a point in the Easterly line of Seven- right angles to aald third course and par- tures. Misa Joan Todd Is the lead- posal forms in tho manner designated bridge Road distant along the said line of allel v/lth aald aecond courae ona hundred Frozen Custard Dessert' therein end required by the specifications, Take notice that poniard Warneker In- er of the junior group. This juven- must be enclosed In sealed envelopes, bear- tends to apply to Township Committee of Sevenbrldge Road, £84.18 feet Northerly and seventy-five feet to the point or place 8 tffg yolk* 2 teaspoons ile colony is in session on Mondays ing tho nnmo and address of tho bidder Middletown Township, N. J., for a Plenary from the Intersection formed by the East, ~f beginning. 4 tablespoon! vanilla and the name of the road on the outside, Retail Consumption license for premises erly line of Sevenbrldge Road with the Consisting Of thrco lota, each fifty flat Sour 1 cup whipped Tuesdays and Fridays from nine addressed to tha Township Committee of Hunted at Tinton Falla road, Llncroft. Northerly lino of Monmouth Boulevard, n width and one hundred and aeventy- H teaapoon Bait cream o'clock until noon and visitors are Raritan Township, Monmouth County, N. Objections, If any, should be made lra- thence, North, 05 Dearees, 6 Minutes East. Ive feet deop. 2/8 cup sugar 8 eeg whites, : nedlateiy in writing to Howard W. Rob-223.80 feat to a point; thence North 42 2 cups milk beaten welcome. This English stucco cottage of living convenience, while the large J., and mufit he accompanied by a certified Degrees IS Minutes West, 242.7 feet to a Sehod as tha property of Fred 8. Tetl fireplace in the living room, and ac- check tor, not leas than ten (10) per jrts, Clerk of Township Committee of point; thence South 81 Degrees 49 Min- (Titl) and Roea y aald New- ired and forty-eight and 10/100 feet to Road and Blackberry Creek, southeast of North twenty-eight degrees thirty-seven embers of the staff. Another mem- wire which had broken and was ~>lot 25 as shown on tha aforesaid map; minutes West one hundred four feet and Dinner ?r Is Patrick Vaccarellt of Red Department Benefit. ton DoiemuB, Trustee, to said comclaln- :he northwest corner of lot No. il', thence ieing further described as alt that piece or Salmon Loaf ianging on the south side of River nnt by assignment dated December 30, (2) southerly parallel with State High- fifty hundredths of a foot! thence South Bank. road, near Locust streot, In Fair Ha- 19 31; and you, Juliua Brandwein, are vay and along tha wenUtly line of lot No. parcel of land beginning at a point on the ^Ixty-ona decrees twenty-three minutes Bafced Stuffed Tomatei More than 200 porsons attended a southeunlerly side of Shore Road where West sixty-two feet and fifty hundredth Bettered Green Beans i/en. Mr. Smith at the time -wasac- marfe defendant because you hold a mort- 17 fifty feet to the northeast corner of lot the northeasterly line of plot 25. aa shown Biscuit* Hone? supper Thursday night at the Eaton- pagfi covering the lands tlesrrihed In com- Mo. 6 i thence (3) westerly alonjr tho of a foot) thence South twenty-eight de- Injuries Fatal to Dog. loinpanied by Michael Mulvlhill. As town fire house for the benefit of the ainant's said mortgage; and you. Bar* lortherly line of lot No. 6 and parallel on tho aforesaid map If extended south- grees thirty-seven minutes East one hun- JXcad I*ettnea Trench Dremnz easterly would intersect the said south- dred four feet and fifty hundredths of a Peach Charlotte :he two men were walking down Riv- fire department. The proceeds will bnrn Aylmer, are made'defendant li«caui# with tho first course herein one hundred easterly line of Shore Road, thence in a Coffee Tell, a thirteen-year-old hound ir road Mr. Smith stepped on a live Hfiid Shrewsbury River Holding Co. entered ind forty-eight and 10 /100 feet to tha foot to tha aforesaid Northerly Una of dog, owned by Dante Daverio, pro- exceed $100. Into two certain written contracts with torthweut corner of lot No. 6 at a point general southwesterly and southerly di- Sllverton Avenue and the point and place Sahnon Loaf wire and was Instantly killed. Mr. rection along the said line of Shore Road >f Beginning. 1 cop cooked salmon 2 ecs yolk* prietor of LJncroft Inn, suffered a William Patterson was the chef. you for the BQIC of a portion of the lands in the) easterly lino of State Highway i to a point where said lino of Shore Road 1 Mulvihill, in endeavoring to pull Mr. described In complainant's said mortgage* thence (4) northerly along tho easterly Intersects the northwesterly line of the Seized as the property of Mary Veron- i cap toit bread * teaspoon lalt broken back and two broken legs last Smith's body away from the wire, al- The Ladies' auxiliary of the depart- Dflted July 26. 1935. line of State Highway fifty foot to the ica HcKnlght, et als., taken in execution crumbs \-k teaspoon week when he was run over by a ment assisted in serving. Waltez toint or place of Beginning. Blackberry Creek; returning to point or X tabltspocra paprika IO received a tremendous shock WARREN II. SMOCK, place of beginning and thence running at the suit of Lit!a J. Brooks as executrix truck. He was taken to Dr. Harry Nutt's orchestra entertained during southeasterly 42 feet more or less rilong Lof the estate of Harry S. etween the houra of 12 too o'clock and erly Una of plot 27 (If extended south- latlsfy a decree of said court amounting bined. Arrange in small baking pan. CAN SERVE ALL YOUR NEEDS Bayonne, N. J., 6:00 o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock Daylight Sav- easterly), thenco southeasterly 05 feet more to approximately $4,832.00, Add % inch water. Bake thirty min- Substituted Executor and Trustee. ing Time)' In tho afternoon of said day, or less along: the southwesterly lino of All the following tract or parcel of land Dembe & Dem be, ESQB., at the Court House, In the Borough of plot 27 If extended to a point In the north- and premises hereinafter particularly de- utes in moderate oven. fi41 Broadway, -"reehold. County of Monmouth. New Jer-westerly lino of Blackberry Creek; thence scribed, situate, lying and being In the Peach. Charlotte IN Bayonne, N. J.. sey, to satisfy a. decree of said court returning to the point or place of begtn- Borough of Red Bank. In the County ot 1 tablespoons V* cup sugar Proctor*. amounting to approximately 15,034.00. ninffi thence southeasterly 50 feet more or Monmouth and State of New Jersey, s' granulated 1 cup sliced All that certain tract or parcel of land leaa along the northeasterly line of plot First Tract:—Beginning at a point in , gelatin peaches Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office. and premises hereinafter particularly de- 27 (If extended southeasterly) 60 foot :ho easterly line of Shrewsbury Avenue 1/8 cup cold 2 egg whlUi. CLEANING... DYEING... LAUNDERING In the matter of tho estate of William H. cribed. situate, tying and being In the more or less to the northwesterly line of distant ono hundred and fifty feet south- water beaten Jacobus, deceased, ?ownBh!p of Shrewsbury, In the County of Blackberry Creek; thence In a southwest- erly from the southeasterly corner of 1 cup boiling 4 slices sponge Notice to creditors to present daimi fonmouth and State of Now Jersey* erly direction along northwesterly line of Shrewsbury Avenuo and Catherine Strsstt water caia against estate. Beginning at a staka standing In tha Blackberry Creek to the end of the second thence easterly, at right angles to Shrews* Soak gelatin five minutes in cold Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don- enter of the road, 83 feet In width, lead- course. • bury Avenue, one hundred and sixty-eight water. Add boiling water and stir ah ay, Surrogate of tho County of Mon- Ing from Pine Brook to Squankum. said (e) (Opposite Plot 26). feet; thenco northerly, and parallel with mouth, made on the twenty-aeventh day point being distant westerly 770.7 feet ALL that tract of land opposite Plot 20 Shrewsbury Avenue, fifty feet; thence Until dissolved. Add sugar. Cool and of July, 1035,' on the application of John from the westerly line of the property of lying between Shore Road and Blackberry westerly, and parallel with the first line, allow to chill until little thick. Beat PANAMA and \V. Jacobus, sole executor of the estate of the Pin* Brook Methodist Church, meas- Creek, being further described as all that one hundred and sixty-eight feet to the until • frothy. ' Fold in peaches and OUR GAS CHAMBER William H. Jacobus, deceased, notice Is ured alone the center of the aforesaid piece or parcel of land beginning at a easterly lino of Shrewsbury Avenue; thence hereby given to the creditors of said de- road,' thence (1) north sixteen degrees point In the southeasterly line of Shore southerly, along Shrewsbury Avenue fifty whites. Pour into mold in which ceased to exhibit to the subscriber, sole thirty-five minutes west 633.1 feet more Road where the same la Intersected by Teet to the place of Beginning. cake slices have teen arranged. Chill STRAW HATS and EULAN executor as aforesaid, their debts and de- or less to the lands of J. Hull McLean. mands against the said estate, under Beginning again at tho aforesaid beginning the southwesterly line of Plot 20 {If ex< Intended as the same land and premises* until stiff. Unmold and serve plain oath, within six months from the date of Joint and from thence (2) south seventy- tended southeasterly), thence northeast' convoyed to the said Ida Boncore by or topped with whipped cream. SANITONE CLEANED the aforesaid order, or they will be for- ono degrees thirty-five minutes west, along erly along the line of Shore Road to i Georso C. Thompson and Emma Thomp- (P.". TECTS YOUR WARDROBE ever barred of their actions therefor the center of the road leading to Bquankum point where the same Is Intersected by son, single persons, by deed dated Janu- ngalnat the said subscriber. 202 feet, thence (3) north sixteen degrees the northeasterly line of Plots 20 snd 00 ary 14th, 19H, and recorded fn the Clerk's AND BLOCKED thirty-five minutes west 700.6 feet more if extended southeasterly, thenca south- office of the County of Monmouth, In Book A Portable Meal AND FURNITURE Dated Freehold, N. J., July 27, 1985. or less to lands of tho aforesaid J, Hull easterly along the extended line of Plots 804 of Deeds for said County, on pagei (Easily Carried). JOHN W. JACOBUS, McLean, thence (4) south eighty-seven de- 29 and 80 to a point In the northwesterly 468, etc. BY AN EXPERT HATTER Wilson Avenue, Port Monmouth, N. J. grees thlrty-sevan minutes oast along "in© of Blackberry Creek; then returning Third Tract:—Beginning at a stake Menu For Six. AGAINST MOTH DAMAGE. J. Frank Welgand, Esq., l&ndB of 'the aforesaid J. Hull McLenn :o the point or place of beginning, and standing at the northeast corner of tho Browned Pork Tenderloins Keyport, N. J-, 218.7' feet to the end of the first de- ,henca running southeasterly along the Lang lot at the line of the west side of Proctor. scribed course.. Containing three acres of southwesterly line of plot 29 extended Shrewsbury Avenue; thence northwardly Stuffed Tomato Salads land after deducting the area of land ly- southeasterly to a point In the north- along tho line of the west side of Shrews- Boston Brown Bread Sandwiches NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. ing In the aforesaid road. westerly lino of Blackberry Creek, thence bury Avenue, forty-two and six-twelfths northeasterly along the northwesterly line feet to a stake; thence wostwardly one • Diced Melon MINER SUPPLY CORPORATION VB. Being the >amo land and premises con- of Blackberry Creek to tho end of the sec- hundred and ncvonty-seven feet on a line FLETCHER SHERMAN and MYRTLE ond course. Iced Tea or Coffee SHERMAN. Toyed to the said Henry 0. Jeter by deed parallel with tho lino of the north side of Browned Pork Tenderloins 'n Attachment. dated April 18th, 1021, executed by E<1- (f) Part of Plot «. " the Lang lot aforesnld at a stake; thence Notice 1B hereby given that a writ of at- •ard F. Porter and Nettle M. Porter, his ALL that piece or parcel of land de- southwardly along the line of the east X pounds pork yt teaspoon tachment was Issued out of tha Circuit 'tfe, and recorded In the Monmouth scribed as the most northeasterly 10 feet side of the F. Lang lot, f£c*~*4wo and six- Underlolm , Pepper LINEN SUITS Court of the County of Monmouth, on tho county Clerk's Ofllce In Book 1142 of of Plot 6, being 10 feet in width through- twelfths feet to the Lang lot aforesaid nt a stake; thence eaatwardly along the % cup 8our i '»|;[e»?o™» 18th day of May, 1C36. asalnit the rights Deeds on page 865. out and running from the northwesterly and credits, moneyi and effects, goods and Seized aa the property of Henry G. line of Gooseneck Point Road to the eouth- line of tho north side of tha last aforesaid V, ttaipoon ialt 1/8 cup water Jeter, et ux. ot sin,, taken In execution At Lang lot, ono hundred and teventy-seven chattels, lands and tenements of Fletcher caatorty lino of the Shrewsbury Rlvar. feet to tho beginning aforesaid at the line Select as large tenderloins as pos- AND Sherman and Myrtle Sherman, abscondinc the suit of Joseph F. BiBlsdoll, et als., (tt) (Strip between 10 and 17). debtors, at the suit of Miner Supply Cor- cxecutorB of Margaret plaladell. deceased, ALL that piece or parcel of land lying of the west side of Shrewsbury Avenue. alblo; have butcher flatten them poration for the turn of Five hundred nine- and to be sold by between plots 16 and 17, beginning at the Intended as tho same land and premise* with cleaver. Cut Into serving pieces. ty-two dollars and ninety-thraa cents HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. point of intersection between tha south- convoyed to the said Ida Boncore by Sprinkle with flour, ealt and pepper. ($592.93), returnable on the 18th day of Dated^ July 15th, 1056. easterly Una of Gooseneck Point Road and Annla T. LeRoy and husband, by deed of June, 1936, and the same has been i*rvcd Alston Beekman, Sol'r. the northeasterly line of Plot 17 thence even date herowlth which deed Is yet un- Hea.t fat In frying .pan. .Add and ind duly executed, and *na» returned on (58 Hues), S24.36 running southeasterly along the north- recorded. quickly brown pork. Ijower fire, he 23rd day of May, 1036, by the Sheriff easterly line of plot 17, ISO feet to- a . Seised as the property of Henry Bon- it Monmouth County. core (widower) fit Bin., taken In execution add water and lid. Cook 25 minutes IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. point, thence northeasterly at light angles Flannel Trousers Dated July 5th. 1035. to first course 16 feet to a point, thence at the suit of Frances P. Walker, and to over low fire. Turn frequently to al- 109/618 northwesterly and parallel to the first be sold by low even cooking. JOSEPH McDERMOTT, Clerk. letween Alfred J. Llppman. Jorrold H. courso and along the southwesterly line of HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. Harry Klateky, Atfy. Meyer and Ernanuel P. Scheck, executors plot 16, 150 ieet to a point In the south- Dated July lfilh, 1035. Stuffed Tomato Salads ' of tho Estate ' of Leopold Mey«r, de- easterly line of Gooseneck Folnt Road, Edward W. Wine, Sol'r. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. ceased, complainants, and Pauline Rose, 8 firm tomatoes % teaspoon suit In the matter of the estate of Joseph E. thence South-westerly along the southeast- (78 1.) 180.61 % CUP diced U teaspoon %\ als., defendants. erly line of Gooseneck Point Road, 16 feet PROPERLY CLEANED ReftCfl, deceased. in Bill, etc. Notice of settlement of ac- to the point or place of beginning. 100-300 cucumbers pepper Notice to creditor! to present claim* count of exocutori. 1/9 cup diced S tnblcsnpoons against ett&U. ' Notice Is hereby given that the accounts Subject to easement of Plota 18 and 19 NOTICE. celery French dreBB- Tursuant to the order of Joseph L> of the subscribers, executors of the estate for right of access. To NELLIE R. HANSONi t t&bleapooni \ng Donahay, Surrogate of the County of Mbn- of Leopold Meyer, deceased, late of the (h) (The Lagoon)". By virtue of an order of the Court of chopped green Crisp lettuce mouth, made on the twenty-iscond dty of City of Red Dank. Monmouth county, New ALL that tract, shown on th« "Map of Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day peppers leaves July. 1986, on the application of Chris- Jersey, will bo audited and stated by Sam- Property of the Universal Security Co. at of the date hereof, In a cauae wherein Jane % tftbiespoonl y> cup nuyon> EXPERTLY PRESSED tina M. Rceco, sole executrix of the estate uel Roesnler, Esq., one of the Special Mas- Gooianeck Point, Mon. Co.. N. J./' filed L. Porrlne is complainant, and Arthur N* chopped oniom nalso of Joseph E. Reeco, deceased, notice U ters of this court, and will ba reported for at Freehold Dscomber 9, 1031, ai Boat La- Hun ion and others flro defendant*, you are Wub and peel tomatoes. Scoop out hereby given to the creditors of said da- settlement to the Court of fhancery, to be goon, taking all of the. water from tho required to appear and answer the bill of I cemed to exhibit to the subscriber, sol. In the Chant* try Chambers, 1080 head of the Lagoon to Blackberry Creek. said complainant, on or before the 18th centers. Mix cucumt^ra, celery, pep- executrix as aforesaid, their debts and de- Broad Street, Newark, New Jersoy, on together with the land on either ilde ly- day of September, next, or the said bill pers, onions, salt, pepper and French mands against the said astnte. under .oath, Tuesday, the 10th day of 8«i>tember, next, ing between the northeasterly line of will ba taken as confessed against you. within BIX months from the date of ths at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, (Daylight Shore Road on the southwest and the dreofling. Stuff tomatoes. Fit Into aforesaid order, or they will be forever southwesterly line of Plots 17 and 18 on The aald bill Is filed to forceless a cer- paper cupo lined with lettuce. Chill Laundry Service Savins Time, or as soon thereafter as tain mortgage dated November 12. Iv24# barred of their actions therefor ageJnst counsel tnny be heard, and that applica- the northeast, excepting so much of above made by Arthur N. Hanson, your husband. until serving time. Carry the mayon- the aald subscriber. tion will be then end there made for con- described land ai may have been already and yourself, to Jane L. Perrine, the laid naise In covered Jar. Dated Freehold, rT. J., July 22, 2086. firmation ot the said report and lor al- convey«d to Stophan F. Oaten, et ux. complnlnnnt, fn tho nrnount of 16,000, re* for a CHRISTINA M. REE0B. lowance of the said account, nml applica- (1) One second mortgage given by Har- corded In tha Monrmmth County Clerk's Iloflton Brown Bread. Upholstered Furniture liox fi, Eatontown. N. J tion will also he made at that time for the ry 8. Koch. Jr.. of Now York City, to the office, December 80, 1024, lit Hook 718 of allowance of (tammtanlonii of $0,000.00 to Receiver of Universal Security Co. In the Mortgages for aalit County, at page 291« t CUPB flOUr 2 tCUBlHHIIlB IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. the executors and for the allowance of a mm of 11,500.00. which mortgase Is a covering premises In the Borough, of At> J c»P corn m«l % 'e°^molMU, Discriminating Clientele To SUZANNJB VIKGINIA LOCHBAW counsel fee of S3.SO0.0O to the solicitors JOCOjid mortgage encumbering th» prsm1 lontlo Highlands, Hew Jersey, known as % cup «UK»r 1 i „,,,, , for the accountants. Ines known as tli* Red Roof Home, Pip Lot No. H, and all of defendants' right* /s B0L r Hy virtue of an order of the Court of No. Twsnty-one (21) at GooBenack title, ixivlloRcR and Interest of. In and to X UABpoon salt milk Chancery of Now Jersey, made on the Your presence Is not necessary at the Point, Monmouth County. New Jeri-ey JAII No. 1 on a certain Map entitled "Mop Mix lngretllento. Half (111 pound twalfth day of July, nineteen hundred anil above time unless you en re to pnter dome daUrl October 0, 1084, and maturing on of Sonrs Tract, Portland Heights, ea»t of thirty-five. In a certain cause wherein objection to the accounting or to the al- the 26th day of January, 1638, and whlcli coffdo cans, cover tightly and steam thlrtv-five. In a certain c lowance of the fees requested. mortgage carries Interest at the rate ol anil adjoining Atlantic Highlands, N. J.. three hours. Servo warm or cold. Daniel H. Reed U patltloner and you, Sut- A copy of the said account !• attached B9o. and Is recorded In the Monmouth Scnla 60 feet—ono Inch. Surveyed anil Jinne V. I* R*"d are defendant, you are to and made a part of the bill of com- mapped by William L. Enetten, C. E., Rvd Diced Mellon. County Clerk's Office In Book 1088 o*Bank, N. J., December, 1H02, Flaiv and Phone 2800 plaint filed In tho above came In the of- Mortgagas, at pp. 82, et B«d. linen established by S. W. Bears"! and you, % cups diced % cup lemon fice of tha Clerk In Chancery at Trenton, (j) Miscellaneous supply of chattels, In Nellie R. Hanson, are mad a a party e'» collection while It Is rain king on Indian postage stamps with A Bl-Colorod Btamp?—The Amer- Ing or when there Is much moiBture his face shaded dark so as to make ALLEN'S SHOE SALE ican Air Mail Society la said to havs In the air, although I do not always him appear to be of the Hindu race. asked the Postolllco Department to live up to this undoubtedly sound The British also always pick men ot release a now Btamp during the an- rule. However, I learned from bitter large stature for key positions to nual convention of that group In experience never to mount unused Impress tho natives with their LARGEST Washington later this month. A bl- stamps ,ln damp weather. The result, superiority. EVER ! AND WHAT A SALE! colored printing of the ourrent 15- especially with the stamps of some cent airmail special special delivery countries like the Dominion ot Can- Angola—The postage due stamps of etamp has been suggested. ada, whose gum la especially nus- type D2 have been converted into a coptlble to moisture, Is to cause the provisional postage Issue by sur- N VALUES 4.50 to 9.00 Cachet—A printed cachet com- whole page to stick flrmly to the al- charging tho stamps with the word memorating (ho tenth anniversary bum page, or if the stamps happen "Correlos" in black, and a bar to of the U. S. S. Shonandoah crash, on to be kept together In an envelope black out "Receber," and a change and September 3, 1925, will be sponsored they will be found In a papler-mache- in value as follows, Bo on 6c; 30o by the Neptune Chapter, U. S. O. S, llke mass, from which they can never on 60c; and 40c on 50e. Men's Women's B%" envelopes ready 'to go, plus 1 be rescued In their pristine fresh- Austria—Another Dolfuss Btamp Is cent per cover for forwarding, ness. Stamp hinges also, when ex- 1 reported In the same design as pre- O should be sent immediately to B. E, posed to moisture; usually harden viously reported, but In a changed: MoFarland, 833 Albany St., Schenect- Into solid blocks. ady, N. Y. , color; also two new values In the Excessive heat will cause albums regular postage issue, 8.50 schillings A South Seas Trip—John Coul- to curl and warp, while bright sun- and 10s, for use on registered mall, Monmouth County thard, 117 Elm streot, Modesto, Cal- shine will fade both stamps and al- Belgium—Two new airmails havo ifornia, has signed as cachet direc- bum. Hence albums should be kepi appeared, a lfr surcharged on No, Scrip Good as W tor on the Paclflo Navigation Com- where the direct ruya of the sun can- 532, and 4 fr on No. 534. •.. . Gold Here. pany's cruise to the South Sea Is- not strike them of their container. Guatemalla—There has been places lands, starting thlB fall. The trip, to Cockroaches will attack the cov in circulation a commemorative set be made on tho P. N. O.'S "Phil- ers of the album or any other book, of twelve stamps, nine ordinary and atelist" will Include stops at Hawaii, presumably for the starch in the three for air postage, honoring Gen- Christmas Island, Da-ngor Island, binding, being particularly partial to eral Barrios, Plentiful uae of color, This Sale Includes Hundreds of Pairs Samoa, Tin Can Island, Tahiti, Pit/- red and bluo covers. They will al- all stamps being bl-colored, and good cairn, Easter, Juan Fernandez and a so eat the gum off stamps If the op- reproduction of photo-engravures lot of others, portunity offers, and being careless combine to form an outstanding Is- MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS and GIRLS Cachets for the trip will be feeders, do not scruple to take por- sue. The number of stamps issued SUMMER and FALL whittled from linoleum by Coulthard tions of the paper as well. Ants al- was not large, 100,000 for the half- SHOES ind will rate with the other covers so are partial to gum. Boring In- cent value, 60,000 each for the one, «e liaa produced. •, sects, such as silver fob. and booh two and throo contavoa, 20,000 foi worms, probably do the most dam- tho five centavos and for each of thi British Empire's Jubilee Issues. age, for their presence Is not always airmails, 12,500 for the four centavos, Don't Stop at One Pair—Watch the Wise Ones Carry Out Two and Three Pairs, (Continued.) suspected, and a book taken up af- and 10,000 each for the ten, fifteen St. Kitts—ld, Indigo and red; I'M, ter lying Idle for a few weeks may and twenty-five centavos. The sub- Itramarine arid slate; 2ViU, brown be found to ba Infected with these jects portrayed ara as follows: l/2c, SHOP EA.RLY—TELL YOUR FRIENDS. ind blue; Ish, ulate-blue and purple, creatures. There Is one very simple house where Gen, Barrios wai St. Lucia—l/2d, black and greon; end never falling protection from al born; lo, vlllago of San Lorenzo, his 2d, ultromarlna and slate; ~" ' these pests, which Is to enclose the birthplace; 2c, portrait of 7 2 a brown 1.110 .16 .10 stick. Pistons are slowed up by friction- valves, upper-cylinder walls and pistons cool TRY TYDOL "Tho euro of a stamp collection In 158 So icrctn ,15 .02 .01 tho tropics present Its own peculiar 119 (lo dull plnV 8.76 .26 .16 drag. Upper-cylinder walls become over- and smooth-working as a clock. Tydol gives problems, which, fortunately for tho 1110 ?o ofango vermilion 10,0(1 3.26 1.60 MOTOR Oik 101 10o brown 7.00 .85 .16 heated. The whole motor works harder and hobby, (In not confront the more fav- ir,2 12a blick violet 111,711 1.75 1.25 you extra power, extra smoothness, extra IN REHNiRY ored collector in tamporato climes, 103 lfto y«llow orange 28.75 2.!6 1.40 delivers less mileage than it should. except during; extremely humid ins SOo gray block 16.75 1.26 mileage.. .yet doesn't cost a penny mow than SEALED CANS 100 fiOa roia oarmlnt 10.00 COO 4.5.n0o wonthor. 187B ordinary qtisolines. Thcfio mny briefly bo Mimmnrlzad 178 lo vftrmtllon 4.211 .15 ,oa That's why there is blended in Tydol Gaso- 171) oo blue 0,00 .95 .20 ns* 1»T8 line a special top-cylinder lubricant which (a) Cllmntlo conditions, 182 In dark ultrcmarlni l.«0 .08 .04 'Tide Water Oil Company, Entontown, N. J, 251 1KB 2o vtrmlllon .09 .02 (ti> Innent postB. 184 Sfi Krern ,.«0 .03 .01 (c) Discoloration or 'browning' of isr, &o bliia 4.on ,J6 .20 etnmp", ' 1S8 Ho pink t.oo .05 ,15 1ST 10o brown 4.TS .46 .as I havo collected stamps In Jamaica 1MH 10a brown (.00 .90 .20 for twelvo yonra, nnd tho following im> loo red nrangt .76 .60 inn 90a blick 1.26 .00 nnt«», which aro tho result of my mi 00a earmlnt 10,0«.o0o 4.60 4.00 pemoiial wportenco nnd observation, lilt. TRIPIE X may help others who encounter tho 5o ycltow brawn n .IB .:« eanin dlfllcuKUi. son lo Rrny blue ,60 , .03 .0] CASO Humidity In Ilio chief climatic fac- 5(17 Bo blue Krcen .•5 .04 :oa Bo r,ote 1,95 1.S0 J.o5a tor which, hftn it deleterious effect on Iva b •UutUMh I" «»»>• trorteal countries. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST -1,1985.

Washable Shirtfrocks Store Open Till 9 Saturday Evening... Shop and Save Priced Down

From 5«98 and 6.3O For Clearance! August Clearance! Former 7.98 to IO.98 3.98 Dressmaker Type Men's Summer Grand, gay, wearable wim Suits good sport dresses that are a classic with women here at the shore. .These Suits will never betray this trifle 5.98 ing price, because they should be selling for a lot Dip in this clearance sale before you go for your next swim! One morel Styles for women of these sleek acetate suits will put new pep in your mid-summer and misses! beach life! 9.75 Built up and halter neck styles with low two-button backs. Black', Formerly 13.75 White and Pastels royal, brown, pink, blue, red and maize. Sizes 32 to 44. ' Even though there are SECOND FLOOR Women's Jacket Dresses weeks and weeks of sum- mer suit weather ahead, the season for selling Is Battalions of buttons marching down ended ... and all remain- the front, gay little bandit scarfs, ing garments in our most and spicy bits of grosgrain accent. popular group must go. Styled in tub silks, crepes, Bemberg There are fine white linen and novelty crepes. Every one with suits, also some of quality a soap and water conscience! Sizes seersucker in blue and 3,4 to 40! brown striped effects. Single and double breasted 6BO0TO \sty1es. Sizes 36 to 42 Collectively.

Young Men's Young Men's • Saturday, Bargain Square Drug Gabardine Suits Flannel Suits Specials Sale Chiffon Hose 19.75 15.75 •1 75o Hair Brushes . 59o Former 24.5o, trimly tailored light- Former 19.95 suits, these of tropical 75c Bath Sprays ._ __ 69c 65c Castllo So»p 39c weights for young men of 18 to 22 flannels in smart gray, brown and blue 25o Bay Rum 10c 59c years. The material is a fine gabardine striped patterns. Unusually well tail- 25c Lilac Vegetal ... 10c ored for the young; rnan who wants 1.50 Razor Blades, 100 for 1.00 Three and four thread chiffons, all-silk and perfectly fashioned that keeps'Tts shape and looks well. 35c Velvet Razor Blades • Blue, brown and tan; new single 'dash' in styling. Double breasted; 4 for 1.00 to sell for a considerably higher price than this "square" marking 35c No.vzemn Cream 25c for tomorrow! Well reinforced and in new shades . . . Java tan, breasted styles. sizes 18 to 22 years. 35c Sun Tan Oil 24c tropica, tea danse, navy, black, mode, maroon and distingue. Ali l.OO Sun Tan Oil 89c sizes. FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR 3 STRAW AND PANAMA HATS % LESS The straws, in all the newest weaves and shapes, were priced regularly at 1.5o to 4.00. 4> , • ' The panamas, of superior qualities, were regularly 3.00 to 7.00. Sizes 6% to ?y& colt New Pastel Patent Leather Bags lectively. Men's Linen Boys' Polo 3.OO Mess Jackets Shirts Patent leather looks simply Smart Velours 'smooth' in these luscious pastel colors! These bags are all van- 6.95 69c ity styles, and they'll bring a Formerly 10.95, these popular jackets Regularly 1.00; A special purchase' With A Whiff Of Fall... charming new accent to, your for dinner and evening wear. Cut in of the shirts every boy is wearing now wilting mid-summer wardrobe! a nautical mess-jacket effect, of« fine . . . they're so cool, comfortable and In Stained Glass Colors They're WASHABLE, TOO! white linen in sizes 35 to 44. good looking. Blue, maroon and maize. Nicely fitted with zipper slide Sizes 8 to 18. fasteners; and large novelty catches, In pink, blue, maize. SECOND FLOOR 7.5O FIRST FLOOR

Renaissance colors, of course . s * these deep, rkh rust and plum tones, wine shades, yellow-gold, royal purple, and glass blue! They're all important. .. and very ntw! On Elevator Booth 9 AH styles with manipulated brims that jut forward. Purchase "Palm Springs * Slashed crowns, and grosgrain trim. Headsizes 2\y2 16 '23. Sale Women's 1.69 SECOND FLOOR Seersucker Ties Printed Batiste Gowns I2OO of Them...Washable The Marine Fountain Room Will Serve A Saturday Evening Dinner 1.00 8 for l.OO Cool, sheer, beautiful gowns that will make you enjoy your Our share of a great purchase made by our Kresge affiliates. Ties that summer sleeping! Four different styles to choose from, and any man will choose to wear with his summer suits, Tailored unusually every one of them cut long and full! ' 65c well, to wash perfectly and keep their shapev A delicious dinner, prepared by our famous cjief 1 Served Low necklines and built up Empire bodies; some tiny cap The material is a superior seersucker, in cool-looking solid colors, Saturday evening from 5:30 to 9:00 P: M. Bring the sleeves. Floral prints on white grounds. Sizes 15, 16 and 17. stripes and novelty figures. You'll want more than eight I family down for Saturday evening treat! "FIRST FLOOR FIRST FLOOR

Your Kreige Department

Store, Newark, Charge Ac- ASBURY cmnt ft Qaod tfar*. / STEINBACH KRESGE CO. PARK BED BANK An Ideal Place to Uve THE BEOISTEK'B Located on the BoauUful Shrewsbury Illver one boor Broad Street to the B1T« from New York ttnd provid- Sewerg on Every Street ing ever; city convenience REI) BANK REGISTER Sidewalks Along the Isiuwl VVteklr. EnUx.d u BaeosfrCltu Mattar >t ih. fo.u Subiorlptlon Frict: On« Xeoi 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 6. offlo* at R«d B«nk, N. J, aoder tht Act of M.rcb 8, 1870, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935. Sli Uonthi tl.OO. Single Copy «0. PAGES 13 TO 24,

SALE OF A BUNGALOW. MIDDUETOWM POLITICS. Sheriff Declares Reaches Age Of Local Day Camp Court Upholds —L. Claim They Are Uttle Silver Property Bought By Democrats May JXifn 3. E. C. Lay- Great Program For War On Violators 91 On Saturday George West of New York, Open For Girls Zoning Ordinance ton I?or Comjnltteeman. Treated Unfairly George Weet of New York has pur- A movement to nominate J. E. C. The Midnight Show chased from Henry Jeffrey of Red He Say. He Will Carry Out the Mrs. Emma Sherman, Born at They Will be Accepted as Well Layton of Lincroft for township com- : Bank a n»«- bungalow ut tho north- Supreme Court Declares Rum- Recipients of Relief in Middle- ine Array of Vaudeville AcU Leonardville in 1844, to Celc mitteeman of Middletown township Directions of Supreme, Court west corner of Prospect avenue and at Boys—Many Sign Up for son Borough Act is Constitu- on tho Democratic ticket has been town Townahip Had a Big and a Four-Star Picture at Justice Perskie to Close and brate Anniversary at Home of Tabor street, Little Silver, Tho lot Remaining Time of Existence tional in Test Case Brought by etarUd by a number of his friends Meeting Last Night—Contend Carlton as Benefit for Sweep, Keep Closed Gambling Places Son at Bftytide Heights. Is 63x180 fiset. The , bungalow haa of Camp. Dominick DeVito. and neighbors. Mr. Layton has made Not Enough is Being Done. flvo rooms, n bathroom,, a steam heat- no statement as to whether he will "takes Regatta. On Saturday of this Week Mrs. Ing system and other modern Im- Sheriff Howard Height at Freehold The Red Bank Day camp under The zoning ordinance of the bor- be a candidate. A resolution demanding an Investi- With more talent booked than la , yesterday served notice on "racke- Emma Sherman will celebrate hor provements. Mr. Smith Is taking pos- the supervision of Frank J. Pingl- ough of Rumson ha3 been held con- Two committeemen are to be elect- gation of the administration of emer- 91st birthday at the home of her son, session today and ho will uso the :sually seen In half a dozen regular teers iand law violators that Mon- tore and William G. Sherwood, Red stitutional by the Supremo Court of ed. The officials whose terms expiro gency relief in Monmouth county Was "•Tformanccs. the huge vaudovilU, inouth county will not bo a pleasant George Sherman of Baystde Heights, property as his permanent, residence. Bank high school athletic directors, New Jersey in a test case- brought passed at a meeting of the Midaie- The salo was mode b'y G. Howard are Edward H. Morford and Victor and moving picture show which is haven for them." neat Belford. The anniversary will which hag been catering to boys by Dominick DoVlto of Naveslnk Grossinger. It is generally expected town Township Employees' Protec- "iing given thia Saturday night at The sheriff alao pledged himself to bo observed In a fitting manner with Llppincott of Red Bank. from five to fifteen, Is now open to avenue. Mr. Dominick operates a that they will bo nominated on the tive association at Kaat Keanaburg tilie Carlton theater, Red Bunk, will carry out tho dlrectiona of Supreme a family gathering. girls of thei same age. nursery In a residential zono, the Republican ticket for re-election. last night. The association 1B com- Court Justice Persklo, who ordered Mrs. Sherman possesses extraor- >o undoubtedly tho biggest treat of A number of girls aro already en- business having been established posed of men who are or have been ta kind to be seen on the Jersey all gambling places In the county dinary vitality for her age. For the Joying the weekly educational trips there before the zoning law went into on relief. Some of them were ac- closed and kept closed. Settling Up Of ihore this season. Last April a slmi- past thirteen years oho haa lived at as well as the picnic days every Sat- effect. He applied to the building In- companied to the meeting by their ar show for the benefit of tho Red Sheriff Height spoke of a confer- the Methodist Home at Ocean Grove. urday to Metedcconk, Crabbing is en- spector for a permit to enlarge his Crowds Gather At wives and children. -ink Chamber of Commerce WHO ence he and Prosecutor T. Raymond Almost every day ehe walks to An- County Estates joyed by ail every Tuesday after- greenhouse, but was refused on the William Morris of East Kcansburg, itaged before a packed house, and Bazley had with Justice Pcrskle In bury Park alone to shop. She Is noon. ground that to ento.rg£ the green- Fair Haven Fair president of the association, said ne coming show has already doubled Atlantic City Tuesday and said tho able to climb stairs without assist- Red Bank Man Leaves Estate to This type of the camp, which has house would be In violation of tho that the organization is in possession •"<= number of nationally known justice had given him assurance he ance, reads and sews a great deal, never before been attempted In this borough zoning ordinance. of afildavits and evidence showing raudevillo acts over the April show. would approve all bills Incurred dur- and eats three good meals a day. Wife—Stanley P. Magliea of borough, Is offering the came pro- The inspector's action was upheld Amateur Night Cofite»U Attract- that the relief administration is not ing tho Investigation of crime In the She has never had a headache. gram as that of, a suoimer camp -l he show is being presented as n. Holmdel Township Left In- by the zoning board of adjustment. ing Lot of Attention—Final functioning in an efficient manner. benefit for ths National Sweepstakes countv. Previously, tho Bheriff ex- while tho children are at home. The Several complnints against Mr. De- He and various other members of the plained, his activities had been ham- come to His Wife. children are called for by bus daily Contest Tomorrow Night— regatta to be held here Saturday and Vito's proposed improvements were association said that many on the Sunday, August 17 and 18. pered by lack of sufficient funds and J. William Stewart of Red Bank at nine o'clock for the morning's ac- Fair to Close Saturday Night. made Ijy neighbors. The board held relief rolls were not getting fair In addition to the vaudeville, Mor- ho had boon forced to uso hlo own executed hits will a year ago last tivities. They return home at noon that Mr. DeVito could replace his treatment, Harold S. Whitney, money for Investigation. for lunch. At 2:00 i\ M. they start The flremen'3 fair at Fair Haven ris Jacks, manager of tho Carlton January. All of his estate was be- greenhouse with a building of the is attracting large crowds and if tho county director of relief, was criti- theater and chairman of the arrango- Calling upon law abiding citizens queathed to his wife, Ida Stewart, out on their afternoon program and cised by almost every speaker. He return home again at five. seine size but could not extend his attendance keeps up at tho present mentB for Saturday night's show, haa to aid him In his campaign for the and she was named as executrix of greenhousf? beyond the present build- rato it will probably be the most was accused of showing no interest managed to procure the four-star suppression of crime, tho sheriff said, the will. One more month of the camp re- Ing linns, as the building is in a successful fair ever held by the com- in those on the relief rolls. picture, "It Happened One Night" "I want my neighbors and the people Tho will of Stanley P. Maglies of mains and tho directors have made residential zone. pany. Keceipts so far are consider- One- woman who lives at East with Clark Gablo and Claudette Col- of. my county to know that In this Holmdel township was executed last plans for a most entertaining pro- Mr. DeVito appeared before tho ably ahead of last year. The fair Keansburg and is tho mother of ten bert. This picture was ono of tho move I am sincere and will be fear- May. He left Ilia executor $500 gram. • grounds have been crowded every chilren, declared that she was in the most popular In tho last ten years less." zoning board several times, declar- which is to bo used In purchasing a Among the girls who are enjoying ing he could see no reason why he night and every booth and attraction hospitallast year with casts over both and even though many people in He added that if tho prosecutor's paid-up llfo insuranco policy for hij their time at the summer camp are could not make hUi greenhouse larg- Is being well patronized. The fair eyes. She had two infants in the this locality have seen it, tho com- ofllce with Its staff of county detec- Bon, Robert S. Maglies, the same to Betty Jean and Barbara Doremus, er. William A. Stevens, borough at- will cloae Saturday night. house, and a third coming from a mittee feels that a great majority tives, BBslstant prosecutors and un- bo paid to him when he is twenty Dorothy VanSautcr, Audrey Carhart, torney, suggested that to settle the hospital, and had difficulty in seeing would welcome an opportunity »o dercover mon with unlimited funds The amateur performances are at- years old. Mr. Maglies made a be- Margaret Sinnott, Mary Jane Garri- argument the matter should be tracting a great deal of Interest. Two due to her optical condition. Sho view it again. "is not able to assume*the full re- quest of $300 to his father, Paul son, Carol Apgar and Jane Sen'-n. declared she informed relief head- sponsibility of crime Investigation, I brought before the supreme court to prizes are awarded each night, first Among the vaudeville acts featured Maglies. All tho rest of his estate test the constitutionality of the prize being $5 and second prize $2.50. quarters that doctors had told her uiu now assured of availablo funds was loft In trust and he directed she needed glasses badly, and was aro the comedy team of Barry and and will assume that responsibility ordinance. Tomorrow night there will be a con- Whltledgo, which rates as one of tho that his wife, Stella. Moglies, bo paid Horseshoe Match nrnong all who won first prize offered her choice: half a ton of coal, single handed." The court concluded. Its opinion or glasses, and jufumiud she could top-notch comedy teams on tba $50 per month until she remarries, In the following manner: during the week. The winner of this Last Friday Prosecutor T. Ray- At Elks' Club not have both. She said she selected American stage, having played on the or tho fund is exhausted. In caBe "Tho building inspector and tho contest will receive $10, with $5 for Keith circuit for a number of years. mond Bazley and Sheriff Height Mrs. Maglies remarries tho residue second prize. the coal, because tho babies' health were Instructed by Justice Porskle to A special horseshoe match between board of adjustment were acting demanded it, and that it was not un- Annio Hart, veteran headlined of the estate Is to go to Mr. MagHca's within the ordinance and statutory Lafit night Mike Bergen of Hod throughout the country for nearly take immediate action to stop gamb- son Robert. Mr. Maglies appointed Larry Mahoney of Llncroft, fifteen- til the association had taken the ling in Monavouth county and to year-old state champion, and Georgo powers In refusing the permit, The Bank, singer, won first prize with matter up with headquarters, months three score years, and beloved by lo- his wifo as guardian of their son, ordinance accords with the statute Ruth Caventino of Wcat Long cal residents for her many charity keep it Btoppod. Tho general expec- and he named J. Frank Welgand as MacNeil of Atlantic City will bo later, that she obtained glasses. She tation was that thoro would be a and tho statute with the constitution. Branch, accordion player, second. said she was told that she was en- performances, win give one of her executor. _ ._ staged on the grounds of the Red Other winners since the fair opened "quiet" woek-end along the shore at Bank Elka Thursday evening, Au- The writ of certlorarl will be dis- titled to no rnilk.fpr the babies, but inimitable sketches. the gambling places. On Monday Walter C. McEIwalno of Freehold missed, with costs." , " " were as follows: Tuesday night, had to purchase it out of an allow- MRS. EMMA SHERMAN. gust 8, at D:00 o'clock. The match George Vaccarella, Red Bank, Hula Tom Howard, nationally known Walter G. Reade, owner of a chain executed his will last April. His en- ance of $9 for two weeks, and was radio and screen artist, whose match- tire' estate was left to his wife, Nora will be for the best two out of three Hula dancer, first; Mlko Artinunzo, of theaters, sent a telegram to Jue- games. Tho games will follow the % that she might "get less characterizations have thrown tioe Persklo stating that gambling Mrs. Sherman suffered serious In- McElwalne, and she was named as second: Monday night, Helen Brad- worse" if she complained. juries when she was hit by an auto- regular meeting of the lodge. Church To Award ecky, Red Bank, singer, flrs^j-' Mike audiences throughout the breadth of went on as usual Saturday and Sun- executrix of the will. the land Into fits of laughter, will mobile at Red Bank about fifteen William H. JacobuB, who executed Bleachers have been erected on the Cardner, Red Bank, viollnis^'second; A resident of Ideal Beach testified day. Mr. Beade asked tho Justice to grounds and floodlights will be In- Bungalow And Lot that he had been afflicted wth an ab- put on a sketch. replace Mr. Bazley with a now pros- years ago. Her arm was broken, an his will last May, left his entire es- Saturday night, James Kennedy, stalled. Tho public is invited to at- Long Branch, accordion player, first; scess of one eye, and that applica- The "Sweepstakes Steppers" la an- ecutor and to institute impeachment ear was torn almost off and her face tate to his son, John W. Jacobus, A four-room bungalow and lot will was badly cut. Father Timo thought tend the match and no admission William Murphy, Fair Haven, tap tions to relief headquarters for med- other act being presented by Toriy proceedings against Mr. Height. and he named his son as executor of be disposed of on the co-operative insl care were- Ignored. As a result, Hunting, conalatlng of a dance re- ha had caught up with her than, but the will. will be charged. Young Mahoney Is dancor, second. Tho outcoiuu wun Hint Mr, Buzlny wrll-knnwn throughout this section plan for the benefit of the Church of he said, he became irrational and it view with the following local glrli ho wiis fooled, Mrs. Sherman com-, John A, Bennett of Long Branch Our Lady uf Perpetual Help of Various fire- companies in the and Mr. Height wore again ordered pletely recovered from the effects of for hla cleverness at this Sport and was , necessary for state polico and as members of tho team: Peggy '. by Justlco Poraklo to stop gambling. in a will which he executed in 1925 Highlands. The bungalow Is located neighborhood have been attending the county physician to be sum- Rankin, Cene Lieneck, Doris Au- tho Injuries and today 1B as well as left all of his estato to his son, Hai-- ha will soon leave to take part In on the hill off Navcsink avenue. It the fair every night and tomorrow Mr. Height then issued tile State- tho national matches at Mollno, Il- moned to quiet him. He was blind mack and Jean Smith. Corrlne Hunt- over. okl C. Bennett, and he named him Is being renovated und will be ready night first and second prizes will be for four months, it wan claimed, and ment printed above. Tho telegram On Monday Mrs. Sherman was linois. Mr. MacNeil was runner-up ing, in private life Mrs. Tony Hunt- which Mr. Reade sent to JUBUCO as executor. for inspection next week. If the win- awarded to the companies that had glasses were finally obtained from shopping in Red Bank with her in 1933 for the state championship ner does not want the bungalow and the largest number of men present. ing, has also consented to give on« Porsklo was as follows: Mrs. Levinla B. Rudingof Asbury and formerly held the record for the Red Bank Lodge of Elks, after a of her entertaining performances. daughter-in-law, Mrs. George Sher- Park left a diamond ring to her lot, he or she will receive $1,000 in On Monday night Navesink hook and long delay had transpired following "My dead Judge, as requested by you man. They stopped in Tho Register eleven consecutive ringers until cash. The award will be made at a laddor company of Red Bank gave a Through the co-operation of Al to placo In your hands additional grandson, George H. Rudlng, and a topped by Young Mahoney with a request for glasses to relief head- Slegel, Broadway producer, who was office and later they wont to Men- watch to her grandson, Harry S. bazar to be held Saturday, September demonstration of Its new aerial quarters. definite evidence other than what I del's studio, whoro a photograph was twelve. 7, at Conners's Cedar Grove hotel at truck. responsible for the success of Ethel have already given you in my pre- Rudlng. All the rest of her estato The father of four children, a res- Merman and other stago and screen taken of Mrs. Sherman for The was left to her Bon, Harry H. Hud- This affair has been arranged by Water Witch. The new Plymouth sedan will be vious correspondence would Bay that Register. Mrs. Sherman insisted up- the house and entertainment com- ident of East Keansburg, reported stars, thoi'e will be several Broadway on Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and ing", and he was named as executor The Cedar Grove hotel will be the disposed of on the co-operative plan that he way given employment of on climbing the stairs to the studio mittee of the lodge. As an added scene of several affairs in August for Saturday night. Sales of shares have acts, headed by the Saxon Slaters. 28 there was gambling In .Wana- of the will. two days each week at Sandy Hook Gus Hill, actor and producer, will unassisted. Mrs.' Sherman has been The will of Albert Denithorne of feature there will bo a match be- the benefit of the church. On Fri- been exceptionally good. First prizo massa, Monmouth Beach and Long tween Mahoney and MacNeil and on a relief project, as were other present Joe Laurie's .famous act en- Branch, despito your instructions to a subscriber to The Register ever West Orange was probated at Free- day night, September 9, there will be of $10 for selling- the most books was township residents, while Long slnco the paper was started. She Maurice Schwartz and Trwl Eucklin. a masquerade dance and floor ahfiw. •won by Mrs, Georgo B. Moxley of titled "The Old-Timers' Review." Th« Prosecutor Bazley, who spent his hold this week. It directed that all Branch citizens were permitted four review, which is a full show in Itself, week-end at Long Island. reads with great Interest the special of hlB estate be left to his wife, Mar- Twelve prizes will be awarded for the fair Haven, who has led all others days each: week. It was this man column devoted to evonts in this lo- prettiest, most original and funniest in the salo -of books for the past five will feature Gus Hill, Dave Genaro, "May I rospectfully call upon you garet V. Denithorne. Tho will named who introduced ' the resolution call- Harry Brooks ond Bill Swan. Dave cality fifty years «go. tho National Newark and Essex Oceanic Fair costumes. The annual summer card years. A ton of coal will also be dis- ing for an investigation. to remove him from office and re- party and dance will take place Fri- posed of on the co-operative plan Sat- Mallen of Leonardo, who was former- place him with a prosecutor who will Mrs. Shorman was born at Leo- Banking company as executor. Charges of "frame-up" were hurled nardville, now Leona: do, August 3, August 30, 31 day night, August 23. On every urday night. ly a member of tho review, will aot protect tho taxpayers and those oper- Mrs. Jano Crumley, widow of Wednesday during August there will by a former investigator of the coun- in his old capacity as master of ating legitimate businesses In Mon- 1844. She was the daughter of Rich- Charles Crumley of Keyport, made Dancing is one of the main attrac- relief administration, who de- ard A. and Elizabeth Leonard. Her Oceanic hook and ladder company be an afternoon card party. tions at the fair. Music is being pro- ceremonies. A one-man act will b« mouth county. I am ready, able and her will In 1011. She made a bequest of Rumson will hold its annual block clared that Mr. Whitney had accused put on by George Gilflllen, popular willing to supply at your discretion, fathor was a largo farm owner and o£ $300 to Edward Brown. All tho vided by Larry LaRos and his or- him of being in the presence of in- an outstanding citizen of the com- dance and fair on Friday and Satur- chestra. The frankfurter stand Is singer. witnesses who attended these places rest of her estate was left in trust to day night. August 30 and 31. River toxicated relief clients, and informed and did gamble. munity. His father, William Leon- her executor, Michael J. Tansey. Tho Sycamore Dance also a popular place. At tho rate at Newark headquarters that complaints William Mason, formerly of th« road in front of Victory Park will be which the hot dogs aro being sold it "In addition to tho abovo may I ard, was one of the. first settlers In will directed that Mr. Tansey was to had been made against the employee vaudeville act entitled "The Foutf that part of Monmouth .county. distribute the estate according to In- closed off for dancing. There will be Tomorrow Night is estimated that at least a half ton by the Union Beach police chief and Masons," and Jimmy Kennedy, wlz«. respectfully request of you to Insti- tho usual booths and other attrac- will be sold by the timo the fair ends. tute impeachment proceedings Leonardo In Mrs'. Sherman's girl- structions to bo left In a letter and other officials. This man produced ard of the accordion, presented by hood days was nothing but farms. that if no letter was left then tho tions. Raymond Desmond is in gen- The Shrewsbury Sycamore tennis affidavits from the officials last night, Donato Annese, will be two other against Sheriff Height, who has been eral charge .of tho arrangements. called upon and notilled of these ex- She remembers produce being shipped estate was to be divided according to club's annual dance will be held to- which he declared proved they never acts on the program. In addition, ti> New York on schooners. An im- law among her next of kin, except A large part of the proceeds will morrow night at the Long Branch made any complaints, and that the Eddie Garr, leading comedian in last isting Illogal conditions In tho way be used to aid unfortunate families Fair For Benefit of mechanical gambling' and haa re- portant event which she has little hor nenhewe. Country club. I evidence against him was a "frame- year's stage success, "Thumbs Up," fused to act and has tho impudence trouble recalling was tho arrival of Jn the winter time. This welfare Walter Thompson heads the com- Of St. Agnes Church up." now playing at Ross Fenton farms: Joseph H. Abraham of Sea Girt work has been carried on for several mittee in charge of the dance and to announce himself as a candldato the steamship Groat Eastern on Its eft all hlg estate to his wife, Annlo One man said that in order to Fred Bowers, song writer and musi- for senator from thitj territory. maiden voyago to Now York. The years by the firemen, who have giv- will be assisted by John Egan, Mary cal comedy star; Billy Elmoro and Abraham. Ho made hla will a year en assistance to many. At Christmas Ann Sieling, Allan Shoemaker, Wil- Plans have been completed for the save his homo and prevent it from "Anything further that you might folks of tho villago gathered on ago last April and named his wifo annual fair and supper tomorrow and being sold for unpaid taxeg he paid the Melody Boys from Price's will Chapel hill to see tho vessel, built in time the firemen send out baskets of liam Blair nnd Patricia Gopsill. Tho appear. desire with regards to conditions In as executrix. food. This charitable work, how- social committee is made up , of Saturday nights for the benefit of a small amount of the relief cash Monmouth county I should be very 1657, pass Sandy Hook on Its way to St. Agncs's church of Atlantic High- which he received to the tax collec- Tony Hunting: and Charles Mast New York. The Great Eastern was ever, Is not limited to the Yulotide Mary Beekman, June and Thomas pleased to supply." Beers, Charles Blair, Robert and lands. It will be held on the paro- tor. He said that relief headquar- will direct the show, and they havo tho largest ship of that period, and HRnson, but goes on throughout the chial school property on Center ave- ters ordered him to stop paying taxes assured the committee that the act» Religious Group To winter. Peter Bentley, Janet Conovcr and no doubt excited as much interest as Richard Effan. The finance com- 2. There will be a "Country and told him that if he lost his house will be run off with precision. Atlantic Highlands. the recent arrival of the new French Have a Beach Party I'KAFFIC CHECK-UP. mittee Is Joseph Gulick, Garret Store" and other attractions. A Vir- the relief agency would provide Tho final meeting: of the committee liner Normandic. Ewing, Theodore Hocking, Chester ginia ham supper will be served Sat- money to rent one for him. in charge of arrangements will ba' During tho Civil war Mrs. Shorman The Red Bank young people's Haig, William McVey, John Parker urday night from half-past five to The meet ing continued until far leld in conjunction with tho other { Wins Legal Battle Shrewsbury Polico Check Tmfllc half-past eight o'clock. attended a girlB' seminary at Free- council of religious education will Through Borough Over Week-End. and Walter Rice. into the night, and a score or more committees of the National Sweep- " Tho borough of Atlantic Highlands hold. In 1874 she married George t. hold a beach party at Avenel, North One of tho features of the fair will of persons gave testimony that relief stakes Regatta tonight on board ths Sherman. Tho couplo lived for many Long Branch, August 26. Harry Wor- dfllccr Otto Herdcn and Special John Egnn is in charge of the be the awarding of 550 on tho co-op- was not doing right by thorn. floating club house of tho Red Bnnll has won its battle over tho Installa- tickets and will be assisted by tion of Diesel engines In tho borough years on a farm which Is now a don Is chairman of tho committee in Ofilccr Edwntd Hounihan, both of erative plan, to'be divided as follows: Yacht cluh. colony of homos known as Bayslde charge and reservations may be Shrewsbury, conducted a check-up of Avory Giles, Geraldine Hnip, Teresa $25, 510, 510 and 55. Frank Donnelly water plant. A contract was award- Papa, Lillian Richmond and Mildred HOLD SUrFKR-DANCE. Tho performers will bo entertained ed to tho Fairbanks-MorBe company Heights. Tho old farmhouse still mado with him. Albert Doremus will traffic during the week-end traveling, is ffencrnl chairman of tho fair and after the show at tho clubhouse. bo In charsro of the food, which will both north and south. The past Swift. The music committee consists Mrs. William Mulligan Is In charge several months ago to Install the ma- stands and Is occupied by Harold of Mary Ann Sicllng, Jnne Sutton, Siiturduy Night Dances to Be Held chinery, but tho matter was carried Coddlngton. Mr. Shcrmnn died about c6nsist of frankfurters and marsh- week-end, which proved to be ono of of tho supper. mallows to roast. Francis Rauch will the busiest of tho season for tho Harriet and Eleanor Wood, Edna During Month of August. ADMITTED TO AMERICA. to tho supremo court by Anthony J. 45 years ago. Schmltt und Ruth Bcutcll. direct the games. Shrewsbury police, saw no accidents A number of guests Saturday night Porskievcs, a taxpayer of Atlantic Mrs. Sherman has no set of rules VISITORS FROM NEWARK. for living to a ripe old age. Sho and there were no trnfllc jams. attended a glipper-danee held on the Hnlf-Sister of L. Suflern Toiler De- Highlands, on tho ground that tho A meeting to make plans was held tained a Dny on Ellis Islund. ordlnanco was illegal. The court has laughs at diets and eats a ptoco of last woek at the homo of Mr. Worden Saturday between 5:00 P. M. and TWO NEW AIRPLANE PILOTS. K'.wn of the Monmouth County Coun- 5:30 P. M. 200 cars had passed tho Hurelcn Lodge Members Called on try club at Eatontown. Don Gram- rendered an opinion that tho ordin- lemon meringue plo with as much on Enst Front street. After the bus- lied Bunk Odd Fellows. A special board of inquiry at E1I1« ance was constitutional and dismissed enjoyment as a boy does. When iness session, a social hour was on- Intersection at Broad street and Itumson and Anbury Park Men Mnkc man's orchestra furnished the music Inland Tuesday ruled that tho Hon. Mr. Porsklevcs's writ of certlorarl. questioned about events In her life- Joyed. Mr. Rauch gave several vocal Sycamore avenue, traveling south, First Flights at Kod Bank. Ten members of Eureka lodge of for dancing. Mrs. Calypso Baring Llddoll, half- whllo during the same half hour 175 Odd Fellows of Newark visited John M. Plllabury, borough attor- time sho replied with a smile, "Do solos, accompanied at the piano by Waring Melllck of Rumson and J. Paul Curey, president of the sister of L. Sulfern Tailor of Rum- not put too much foolishness In the Miss Beatrice Hurley. Refreshments had traveled north. Navcsink lodge of Red Bank Mon- club, was chairman of the affair. The son, might bo admitted to tho United ney, -'represented the borough in tho Paul Storms of Asbury Park recently day night. The Newnrkors sUU'ted a proceedings. paper about mo." wero flerved- Those present were Sunday morning between 11:00 and made their first solo flights at the outdoor activlthM took placo on States with hor four children. Mis. Miss Ruth Eastmond, Mr. Doremus, 11:30 o'clock 205 cars passed travel- year or so ago to visit 'every Odd the |:ayly lighted lawn between the m • «» • Besides tho son mentioned above, Hod Bank airport in a new Aoroivcn Fellows lodge in the state. Thus far Liddell, who Is tho daughter of tho Mrs. Sherman haa nnother son, Rich- Miss Jennie Post, Mr. Rauch, Miss Ing south. In the afternoon between club nnd the swimming pool. It was late Huron Revel3troko, arrived Mon- Illver I'lam Lmvn l'lirty Kathcrlne Ely, Miss Vivian Bennett, training pliyie. The younj; men made they huve made calls on -IT) lodges ard L. Sherman of Abordeen, Mary- 1:00 and 4:30 100'cars traveled south the Ilights after having only eight announced that tho Saturday night ilay on the Normundle. It was Bald A party for tho benefit of tho Rlvor Miss Hurley and Mr. Worden. and 265 traveled north during tho and they have traveled 8,000 miles. dances will continue during the land. Sho also haa a half-brother, lessons each from John F. Casey, air- They still have 105 lodges to visit. her temporary detention was duo to Fiona Community club will bo held •William J. Leonard of Leonardo, nnd aamfi hnlf hour. month of August. word received by American authorl- Tuesday aftornoon, July 13, at two port manager. Among the guests of tlie Red Bank a hulf-slater, MISB Ella Leonard of NEW LOAN MANAGER. Now students Include Lester Eis- lodgo Monday night was Clrand UI'H from Capt. Licldoli, protesting o'clock on Mrs. Thomas Pettlt'8 lawn. New York. Sho haa three grand- SIKII Smeared With Grouse. that his wifo waa bringing tho chil- The prolltB will bo used for tho wel- Highlands Couplo Engaged. ner, Jr., of Broad street, and Jack Dunrdlan Dii'tz of the Newark lodge. children, Mrs. James Cunningham of John , It. >I. O'Connor Heads Homo .Stanburg of Allenhurat. Ho and others gave glowing descrip- Some unknown person smeared dren, all British subjects, to this faro fund of tho club. Mrs. Harris Tho engagement of Mlas Shirley black automobile Kreaao on tho sign Eliznboth, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ownor»* Loan Corporation. Parker, daughter of Mr. itnd Mr.'). tions ot the work (lone lit tho OiUI country for permanent residence. Hewitt and Mrs. Charles Mcckor will Grorgo Sherman, and Mrs. Thomas in front of Mrs. Alonzo Fiekls'j Jin.. Liddell sklestopiwd questions direct tho pnrty, assisted by tho , nnd* Frazer deCnmp, KATONTOWN CHURCH IJKNKI1T Fellows' orphanage at Newark. Af- Mlllnr of Havre do Grace, and Miss Announcement was mado today by son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis doCnmp, ter thn meeting a Koelal time and re- hoarding hoiiso on Wallace street KiirdlnK reports that sho wan about members of tho club. Prlr,ca will bo Doris Sherman- of Abordoen, children Merrill Hunt, regional manager of Monday night. The lettering on tho to be divorced from her husband. awarded at each.' table and refresh- both of Highlands, was announced Mrs. Howard Shopp of Kntontown freshment.'; were enjoyed. of Richard L. Sherman, and two the Homo Owners' Lonn corporation, nt a lawn party Sunday night at^ the sign was obliterated and the tusk of "Wo are not at present togothm*, nor ments will bo provided. of tho appointment of John H. M. To Hold IJIWH Party. removing tho grenac proved (UUU'Ult. ^••••m* ~ grent-grd'ndchlldren, Normti and homo of the hrltle-to-be. Mr. Parker aro wo legally tiopnrnjod," was all Thomas Mlllor, children of Mrs. O'Connor, slate manager for Now in a clerk In tho Highland:! post- Mrs. Howard Shopp of Tinton ave- In Cur Fir**. The matter has been reported to thu she would say. AUor everything had Ovor Ninety Bid* at llumson. Thomas Miller, office. nue, Katontown, will ontertnin at n A Packard (lod.m owned by a Mr. police nnd they aro inveiiLlgatllur. Ijtu'ii iUrulKhtenfcU out to the HUtinfnc* A*, ft special meeting of tho Ilum- Mr. O'Connor entered tho service lawn party Wednesday night, Aug- Sewnnl, a Riicat nt tho Rum.ion hou«*o tion of tho immigration avithorlttot, non board of education yestordny af- Yncht Club Clamboltc. '- of tho corporation in April, 193i, an RIchnrd Clnpp to Weil. ust 7, to raise funds for tho Eaton- t Riim.'ion, was -flightly damaged rinyera Club IJtviiso ilcnrvvod. Mrs. likldel! and hor children ac- ternoon over ninety concorns sub- state appraiser In Now Joroey, and town Methodist church. The party Monday by fire cnuncd by a short companied Mr. Tailor to lilu Ruinnun The Red Bank Yacht club will hold Tho marrliiRO of Richard Clnpp. D, Frederick Hurnott, state alco- mitted bids for furniture equipment hna been acting stnto mnnngor for is ono of a serlea being held by mom- j clrcuil in tho car radio. In appreci- holic btivora^e eommlmilonor, notified homo. and iiupllofi for tho now high school nnother clambnko at Sandy Hook on tho past two months. F.on of Mia. Myrtle Cl'app of Little : bni:i of the congregation. Games will i atlon of tho promptno.HH with which Sunday, August t. A reception for Silver, and Minn Virginia Perkins of I tho I'layeiH Boat club of Fair Haven building, which will bo completed In Coincident with the appointment of lie played and refreshment;! served. the dromon responded tn tin* alurm, ymitrnlny tlint tho nluh';i liquor H- ISIj; Clock HiniH Agnln. Octobor, It took over two hours to the entertainers at tho Sweepstakes Mr. O'Connor, Richard J. Tmrant !;• Mnrlilchend, Mnnimchuoettu, will take Mr, Howim! ticnt a check for $-f> to benefit midnight show Saturday night plnco Saturday afternoon of tht:i coiuio IIHH biH-n riMiewi'd for another 'I'lic laiKi1 atin-t clock In front of rnnd Hie bldu. All tho bids were ro- nppolnted assistant state manager Filling In Hay II"le. tlif! lire di-partmrnt. year. f HITCH to tho committee on ailppllos of this -week nt tho Carlton ihontor Mr. Tarmnt has been district mnn- week at tho bride's home, Both urn l,UniH.'3ilh''H Jmvoliy fitoio on Tlioiid' fin1 tnbu'lntlon. will bo held on the club float nt linlf- graduates of Syrncuso university. The Red Bank Amoiican Mechan- Auto Owners, Attention. utrcet will run &w\\n tmlny after bo- pnst ten o'clock thot night. njier of the JoiBoy City oillco for ics lodge, owners of a Wallace street Froo nearly two yenrs. ground prize* at tho 50th annual Save W/o on yniir lmiurunoe; roll- Ing ntoppetl a work. Tho metal sup- Now In 1'roKTeHH, lot, which for several year;) past has KJreinen'8 Fair, Navcsink, N. J., Au- ublu companion, prompt aervico, Sne- portn whh-li hud liuon iimlor tit* N<'W Horlwi Now Open. been n popular children's playground, The Miilnslny Mulillng and Loan August Sale tlspil Ours. MnrlRiiKfl Money. Albort a. MIIloi'n, AuKUHt shoe mile. Riirft Sth, Hth a ml 10th. Deluxe Ply- oial MtU\i on Ileets. WhUc-Pnrh clock aliimi It wnn i'rm:l('il 3" yearn AUHficntluii linn opemid n new novloa Hen our ndvortlHvmtuit or, pngo 9 $2,000 to $10,000 imiiliiblo for loan:: Tho money saving event you've been has received complaints from re<;l mouth iuidan, 10c per allure, three for Agency, Hnmtl nnd Mfidmnlc streetn, fu;n Imd i tinted. They have boon rd- iir .ilmruH iifferliiir u (food Investment for tmTifliml buyw In used earn. How- on Improved properties In nnd mmi waiting for. It, will bo to your ad- dents of tho street ntioiit. the 2bv..- AdvettlucmiHit. phono Hed Hunk 2100, M. Heller, V. piiu'ed with rusw tiupiiorta. which ran he made In (imnll monthly Innd It. .lonen Motor Co., 30 Maplo Rod Bank. Munt bo modern anil vantage to rend our advertisement miido by tho children. An excava- JS. OriwuliiKftiv-AdvertlsomenL imvinnt Knd Tavern, 2 horno show Tlmiwlny, Friday und complaints the lodge decided to hnvo Wlkoff Co., Uoc) Bank, nhono 552.— .Saturday. Howhtnd It. .Tones M*otor lliiMncn a home. Money to loan on . Saturday. Howirind H. .TOUCH Motor (he lot filled in. Co., 3f) Mftplo uvenuft, Ked Btuik. — honing fun! now hiiiliiln||» up W A !17tli Anniversary Kvont. Morford plaoe, corner Front street.— Amateur Night Every Night lft Advpilifirnititlt, Co., 3(1 Mnplo avenue, Red HunU. - Altlt $5,000,00. X'ayrmmts to f>« mud* " Albert H. Mlllm-'fl Anoint shoe iralo. at tho Fair Haven KlniDien'u Fall. Advertisement. MUX'N H«r ('hfoken Hui>|ior name an lent. Informal!™ m*y Mnro tlinn n Niimmtr clearance-a July 27 to August ,1, Inclusive. Cniih lma tho Uncut. hnciH on draught: run! daneo, Ht. (labi'lel'd dhurfih yp q at Hi" MaiMtay Hull; Btore wldo event. Hhop rarly while Heo Rob Cameron, River road. Fair prlven. rtPiilntor ul Kurtlu'o store, Soo Boh Camoroii, River mud, Fulr ltnulovtilt, Thursday night, Augus selection 1( inrKO. Hoe our advmtlao- Il/ivcn, for a now Dodgo or Plymouth l'fiir Ifavon, photio Red Bank 2680 Hlchlor'it ftchlltz and Imported not'.r. Tvpo

OFESA COMPANY. HEIGHT FOB SENATOR. Rumson Exhibit WBRB Announcer Six Injured In Patients At The Entries Received County Oroop WU1 Appear at, Monmouth County Sheriff Announces . Jftmmooth Beach, Bis Candidacy. Is Auto Accident Riverview Hoapitel For Local Regatta lie?t M^-OUas 0 ProU.aloa.l, tL.t lists 800 Entries by a brilliant reputation; Sheriff Howard Height of Mana- siparhllng program squan will be a candidate for Wallace Oraberg, son tf Mr. and Melvin Crook of Lake George, Arthur Mayhew of Red Bank Car* Collide at Comer of Broad Mm. Axel Oroberg of W*>t«W» ave- '*v~*"*""™ ~ ' jo* £2$*o*uo lavoritefl, thfl Essex Benator at tho Democratic primary "Winner of Utt Yew's Sweep- 2:60 P. M.—Clmi 0 profaialontl. asc- Hat Been Engaged in Radio election In September. He made a Street and Bergen Place— nue, underwent an appojrdleltis op- Open Tlttl A&9rse«jw «» taaj^^-j^y op«r» company, under the eration Sunday morning. •takei Race *t Havre de Thornlca Fafm^-Sair-OmUiU direction of Kalpb Errolle, Work Year sad a Half—Made statement to thla effect last week. Driver* Charged With Reck- He said that If successful he would T-wln glrU were born *o Mr. and 1, Xrna^J itslMat American artut and tenor less Driving. Grace, to .Defend Trophy* 8:80 P. M.—Mldgst Clsai >' Holmdel the National Sweepstakes regatta on A i80 P. J!—136 cuWo Inch aydroplams, 1 •»*:«* !•/«««>• Sunday, August 11, at 7:00 P. Mayhew Is a full-fledged radio an- sheriff. He said he would make a flfst ntjat. Jtfo-cnsGi..*^ tfciifi ^ .'.iu»'^t*. •jOv/'V lision at the Intersection of Broad has been admitted no a surgical pa- tho, Shrewsbury river Saturday and -A-hici J il. la the Oallaghsr club, Monmoutb, nouncor tor station WBRB, and con- vigorous campaign. «:50 P. M(—825 cubic Inchhydroplanja, opens ti» *->»J"'r«>i>i. *i> '<*** street and Bergen place last Satur- tient. : Sunday, Augmt 17 and 18, Among nrat: heat. n" '••> i S-Muh, Admission !> free and open sequently one of Bed Bank's radio on tfe» iiJ'W-ii'iu. f»r-.>. 4u;if day afternoon. The drivers of both Mr. and Mra. Charles. JSlUnberger tho conteatanta lor the $8,000 trophy Sunday, August IS, WJiJws) j to the publla personalities. 1 the Ku=si« *»uml-« -ijiift ?i a cars were summoned to appear in of Church street, Soa Brtt'* '. are the will be MBlvln Crook, who»» Betty V 10:00 A. M.—Moauuito (lost eallboats, • To Mr, Errolle la flue the reoog- He has been before the public eye to N> *••«;•« ••»>' •'>" 'W police court next Saturday after- parents of a son bora fwwlay. won the race lait year at Havre dp flva mltea. NwnJEltlon for founding and developing for aeveral yean and has been In J eii.?*. .^::-.',>-aiiu titHiMtu noon to answer charges of rcokleas Billy Goodo of Conever place, Grace, Maryland, 10:80 A. M—Monmouth Host elub sMl- "* the Eases County Opera company, demand by churches and various or- boats, nvo mlias. driving. Capt. Harry T, VanNote, Hlversida Heights, wafl treated Fri- Mr. Crook is from Lake Goorgo and probably tho only solo vocal en- ganizations In and around Red Bank 13:30 P. M.-—Family outboarda, Clanaea aa a result of his fine dramatic read- who investigated the accident, Issued day afternoon for a out left wrist. ho put hl« boat through lta paces prlor- 0 find E, nriit heat. \irds,v semble composed exclusively of ar- 1Z:BO P. M.—Olaas B Amatour, «rst Ing. Having been taught by the summonses. He received tho Injury '»h»« work- to the recent Gold Cup event, which lent. tisttst* lilivingg wtwithinn Essesex countyony,, who Ing for Quaokenbush & .*evlus. was won by Qeorgs Bels's El l&- ltd d tid b M E mother, Mrs. Peggy Hayhew, Pletro Cappelli of Utlca, New York, 1:10 P. M.—Clnas a Profeialone.1, Erat stew Si is jit *B~«-IIJ; Eii were selected and trained by Mr. Er- was driving his car east on Bergen Mr. and Mra. William Hulet of garto, wllinef of the 1682 raoe at Bed heat. fine art of perfect diction and enun- l:«0 P. M.~0I»M n AmnUur, aicond rolle to lta present point of excel- ciation, Art has a voice which Is es- place. The other car,, driven by Hed Bank, are,tho paron-^ ot a son Bank, which waa the lant Gold Cup lence. heat. i of ti-j i-aaf-. :ao'-'^i? itf- »i pecially suited to radio work. James Bennett of Keyport, was go- born Friday. event held here. The Betty V will bo HEO F, M.—Clnaa ll Proletalonal, sec- driven either by Mr. Crook or Mr. John KIT W5..";?'.*y. wSio cev*r be- With the aid of hie early appear- ing south on Brood street Tho In- Mr. and Mrs. Kennotb Van Moor- ond heat. Rois. 2ilO P. M.—CU«» P (opsn), flrst heat. fore *jtM>tt'*J a! th».5li:zvjon sfcow. ances before an audience and his jured were removed to Rlverviow oko of Holmdel road, Haalat, are Taa *"'£;.} ars M^. HU-iri L. MUler, the parents ot a son born Sunday, ailto P. M.—Oloas V (opon), wcond heat. One Day To Thresh first experiences over the air reading hospital in tho Bed Bank first aid Other ontrlcs will Include Qeorge S:00 P. M.—3woepBtnkQB. aocond hont. Toon-si^ iL Wi^oa. Keary O, bits of poetry on sustaining pro- ambulance. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank H-JrWe of Mat- Hauck of Haokemaok, owner of the 3:80 P. M.—Family outboords, Claues Vaughan, FT*EJ£ Bocssl, Jr;;" and Gene Parfcer, seventeen, of Shrews- awan are the parents of a daughtor sweepstakes boat, Mls» Haokenwok, 0 and E, second heat. A Big Wheat Crop grams he has developed a distinct 8:60 P.' M.—185 cublo Inch hydroplane, TJeutec&n: Oil-jstl J. K. Brown. style of reading. bury, a passenger in the Bennett car, born Tuesday afternoon. and. Jack Rutherford, whoee Jap Rufus C Finch, chairman of the Miss Florence Hawkins ot Cedar second heat.. Prior to his present status ae radio received cuts about the face and failed to finish all three heats In the 4:10 V. M.—220 ouMo Inch hydroplanes, show, iau extended the privilege of More Than 1,012 Bushels on avenue, Fair Haven, was admitted , announcer he had only a year and a hands. The others, all passengers In National Bweepstakes race, held hero second hoat. ihe Riouou country dub to the last week and underwent an appen- 4:40 P. M.—i3«eapstsko«, third heat. bll' R half experience with radio work. His the Cappelli car, were treated for in 1933, Ho will ba driving Big Dus- Judges and exhibitors. Mr. and Mrs. Theron McCampbell's Ram- dtcitla operation. • ter, a. Gold Cup boat, built according 6:10 P. M.—186 cubic inch hydroplanes, first appearance before the "mike" In lacerations and abrasions. They were third heat. Finch will entertain at a luncheon on anetsin Farm Cut, Basged and Mrs. Alice Mossa, Mrs. Angola Messa to tha 1836 specifications. Boat 5:80, P. M.—226 cubic Inch hydroplanes,, Friday, and Mr. and Mrs. Amory L, the capacity of announcer was last Threshed in Eleven Hours. summer when he Introduced guesc and Orlando and Yolanda Mcssa, all FLAYERS' BOAT CLUB FABTY. was not ellglblo for tho Gold Cup third heat. Haskell will bo host and hostess on of Utlca. Capelll was cut about the race thla year, Saturday. The entire crop of wheat on Theron artists on the Dream Peddler pro- McCauipbcll's farm at Hokndel,. com- gram. At various times he also act- face and chost. Ladles' Auxiliary Hold Successful Haclng practically In his own baek "WATCH THH MABBIJES BOUU Among the exhibitors are J. B. Affair Tuesday Evening:. prising 1,012 bushels, was cut, bagged ed as relief announcer. The force of the lmpadt threw the yard, Sammy Crooks at Rumjon, Balding, Robert Bate3, Miss Mildred and threshed Tuesday. The quick HOWARD HEIGHT. champion outboard driver, is expect- Condensed From VanLtv ITolr by. A. Bechmann, Miss Prlscilla Book- It Is Interesting to note that be- Cappelli car into a polo on the south- The ladles' auxiliary of the Play- time made Illustrates the changes sides being an announcer young Art oast corner of tho Intersection, badly :rs' Boat club gave a card party on ed to add to his Jaurels, LflBt Sat- Hubert Cuntwell. man, Harry G. Borden, Miss Jean which have occurred in agriculture Mr. Height, who is an automobile urday he won the- class A outboard Brewster, Mrs. J. Wright Brown, has the responsibility of creating dealer with agencies at Manasqquan, damaging tho machlno and account- Tueadny night. Among those pres- AB many millions as once played by means of improved machinery, sound effects when necessary. After ng for the number of persons in mt wero Mrs. Helen I. Baldwin, Mra. tltlo In. a trl-clty regatta at Herald Miss Anna L. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Spring Lnko and Freehold, entered Harbor, Maine. He will be one of miniature golf are now playing tha especially with regard to the use of several visits to the National Broad- hat vehicle who wore Injured. Caroline Fisher, Mrs. Charles Con- new slot-machine variations o£ bag- Walter Martin, Edward V. Qulnn, he internal combustion engine. )olltica three years ago when he was tha few local entries In the regatta, Miss Muriel Cleland, Basil and Jack casting studios, where he witnessed elected an assemblyman, Because of rad, Mrs. Richard McAllister, Mrs. atelle. Supplanting tri,p outlawed The work was done between nine as BO far Rod Bank haa no aweop- Cleland, W. D. Cleland, Mrs. Martin the enactment of several dramatic the big vote which he polled In that Harry Welch, Mr. and Mra. Thomaa three-lemon, throe-cherry slot ma- o'clock in tho morning and nine stakes challenger. L. Cohn, Jr., Martin L. Cohn, 3d, Mr. productions over the air,, he hag a election he was chosen to run for Irving Brown, Mrs, Florence Holmes, chine with Us winnings mechanical o'clock In the evening with half an Two Free Libraries and Mrs. Arthur Cowen, Edward M. clear idea of how to create sound sheriff in 1932. His friends state that Mrs, W. E. Smith, Mrs. Harry Elsen- Due to an increased demand for a and predestined, tho now machines hour out for lunch and half an hour Crane, Jr., Miss Harriet Crane, C. V. effects with the minimum of cost and he haa put the office on a business brock, W. B. Conover, Mrs. S. Kjors- 81 cubio Inch hydroplane class, on cater to personal Bklll, out for supper. The only machine To Award Ford Car wick, Mlas Florence Naylor, Mr. and event, for tltfte^ypa boat will prob- effort. When a shower bath Is called basis which has resulted in large You dopoalt a nickel or a penny, B. Cushman, John Denny, R. B. Car- used was a combine which cut, Mrs. Alfred Boyce, Mlsa Phyllis ably bo added. Contrary to predic- for In the script, Art brings forth a savings. and ten marbles como, one lay ono, penter, J. Kyle Dudley, Mrs. A. F. threshed and bagged the wheat in A Ford V-S roadster willbo dis- Boyce, Mrs. Gco'rgo Howglll, Mrs. Al- tions many entries hava boon re- seltzer bottle, and there Is a shower. before a motnl plunger which, rc- Engcl, Essex Troop horse show team, one operation. It was driven by a posed of on the co-operative plan lan Llndsley, Mrs. Gordon Eyno, Mrs. ceived for tho 135 cublo Inch hydro- Even tho studio wash basin haa bee.n loased with the propor forco and Mrs. L. V, Well, Mrs. John E. Far- small four-cylinder engine. One man on the air In the role of a bath tub for tho benefit of the Navesink li- larl Bremcr, A. Rcilly, Mrs. F. W. plane class. rdl. Miss Betty Jane Ferguson, dexterity, drives thorn into tho var- sat on the side of the machine and being filled with water. Public Business brary and the Mlddlotown township Opper, Mrs. Warren Brookwalter, Tho committee la still undecided Thomas' S. Field, J. North Fletcher, ious holes scattered over tho board. ied the bags of wheat, dumping the library. Tho car Is on view at the Mrs. E. Wolcolt, Mrs. James H. Wol- whether or not it will change, the Mrs. Samuel Flelschmann, W. H. In the very near future Art will Ingeniously placed barriers are) bags in piles of five. Tho combine, or Mount-English showrooms at Red cott, Sr., Mrs. Mortimer Planltz, Miss outboard course go that tho races Foales, Edward Fookes, Loia Forscl, Introduce a new program of his own. In Middletown around each scoring point. If your threshing machine, was pulled by a Bank and -will be awarded Tuesday, Marguerite Planltz. may ba viewed moro easily froai the Mrs. Harry Frank, Jr., Miss Elaine In the moantlmo he Is on the air as total score Is high enough (und if Massey-Harrls tractor with a four- Septcmbor 3. j . . borough's property near tho Mon- Frledberg, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Enforcement of Peddling Li- prlzca aro glvou in tlio uiudiluc- yuu wheel drive. Raymond Moslon of Lin- announcer. Mra. Benjamin H. Trask is chair- Mrs. R. P. deLaval, Mrs. E. W. mouth boat club, and at the foot of Finch, Miss Louise Finch, Misa June M. Kelley, contract are playing) you win—though what croft, who has been machinist and Mrs. Leon censes—Matthew J. Connol- man of tho committee arid Mrs. Farrier, Miss Annie Hart, Mr. and Maplo avenue. Josoph c. Irwln is Goldman, Miss Nancy Greenwalk, you win dilTora enormously from ono foreman on Mr. McCampbell's grape bridge teacher, will return by popu- Latham G. Reed is treasurer. Others Mra. Ernie, Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Clnr- chairman of tho community regatta ly's Application Laid Over— enco Legg, Mrs. Allan Haseall, Mrs. place to another. On this slmplo . Mrs. Robert M. Guggenheim, Miss and wheat farm the past fifteen lar request to the Woman's, Hour on the committee are MrB. Barclay assoolatlon. Complaint About Fish Factory Mary Curl, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth game pattern there nt'O a hundred Jano Guptll, Amory L. Hsskell, Jr., years, was th« operator. David Oli- Monday morning at 10:45 o'clock to Parsons, Mrs. Arnold Wood, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Francis Marcksteln, variations, such aa "Major League," Misses Isahelle and Margaret Has- ver of West Bergen place, Red Bank, another brief talk on tho game. At the meeting of the to ship Cheston Simmons, Mrs. A. Ferguson, The following commlttoes have Miss Alleen Dcady, Mrs. Marlon "Army and Nnvy" nnd "Plying Trap- hed William Havlland, Bryant Hen- was Mr. Moslon's helper. The job Charles Francis, with Charles Gots- commlttco of Mlddletown township been appointed for tho regatta; Mrs. Frederick Barbour, Mrs. J. M. Deady, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herbert, eze." ~" derson, David Herrmann, Captain of cleaning the wheat was looked af- chalk at tho piano, Is on the nir last Thursday afternoon Anthony \V. Ejiecullvn Commlttti. Booker, Mrs. Frank Hurd, Mrs. Al- Mrs. Lester McQueen, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hogan, Miss Elsie B. Hols- ter by Harold White, who has been weekly at 6:45'o'clock Tuesday even- Gibson of Belford brought up the Commodore Jo»ouh T. Lnird, Sd. chslr- In New York 35,000 machines are fred Noonan, Mrs. Samuel Biker, Sr., Frank DeWltt, Mra. Nan Welnbeok, worth, H. W. Huber, Captain and at Ramaneasin farm fifteen years. Ings In a program of popular -JUBH matter of enforcing the ordinance re- rann; Commodore Auiuatm M. lllnton In conistant use. The groat halls Mrs. Stanton Whitney, Mra. John Mrs. Adeline McCarron, Mrs. Hubert co-chairman; Commcxloro Jouph Aputo- Mrs, Frank Huyler, Miss, Connie He had ono man helper and two boys ,n modern arrangements. • quiring licenses to be taken out by Rlvon over to them nro op $225 for peddling, $10 for 11- has stated that tho price of raising lation of books in the township of Stanley Jollnc, Miss Dorla Wolcott Ch.rlos U. Aloxondor, Jr., chairman; slowly down. Around blm stand Strauss, Mrs. A. C. Swenson, Mr. and wheat In New Jersey Is $1.20 per of Riverside avenue will be best man. j quors transfers, ?G0 for a liquor 11- Mlddletown has been 97,000 volumes and Miss Alberta Nichols. A largo four or flvo others, ns silent and in- Mrs. Louis Kaiser, Lieutenant Edwin bushel, or 2 cents per pound. The A reception for 75 persons will bo i COnse Issued this year prior to July tont ns ho Is, watching tho marbles a year. It can readily be understood wedding cako decorated the table. A PLI Li Aui5j""u" ,M- -Mlnton, Pioi'M A. Walker, John Wellor, Mr. and farmers receive 30 to 40 centa per held immediately after the ceremony 1, $50 for hacking and $7 tor dogs. the devastating effect this Immense roll. Mrs. Freddy Wettach, Mr. and Mrs. bushel le«s than the cost of produc- at Eddy's Inn on Bridge avenue. The cost of a dog license is $1 and Refreshments wero served, The circulation has had upon tho book guests loft many nice gilts, both use- Official Hel.r«e, John Hay Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. tion. . Some of the wheat Is used for After the reception the couple will tho fact that only seven dogs are li- collection. The support of every In- William A. Roein, In tho huge Playland on New Amory L. Haskell, Misses Cynthia making flour. There are three water leave by automobile on a week's censed caused comment. ful and ornamental. York's Broadway, tho greatest pen- terested Individual Is needed In or- Those attending were" Misses Fran- Official Start.r. and Minnie- Wrlghtson, West Point mills in Monmouth county where It wedding trip through the Focono An audit of the finances of the der to build up this collection to Its Ralph Goetchlus. ny arcaclo tho world has evor seen, horse Bhow team, Miss Betty Yate3 Is ground. One is the Buck mill at mountains in Pennsylvania. Upon township made by Charles E. Colo ces, Clara and Doris Wolcott, Mary where 6(5 attendants arc on hand to former strength, and to aid In the Allen, Alberta Nichols, Ruth A. Racfl Committee, and Captain James W. Younger. Colt's Neck, one is at Inilaystown their return they will reside at the of Freehold was accepted. support of the libraries, so that ef- Charloi F. Chapman, ohnlrmanj William mako change, ltoep BCOI-OS and ovcr- and ono is at Allentown. Tudor Hall apartments In Engle- A letter was read from Mrs. E. J. Blythe, Grace Dennis, Milllcent Mar- A. Bnin.. Albert A. Curyoa. Italnh sco the playinf? of from 10,000 to flclont service may be continued for tin and Mrs. Choster Apy, Mrs. Stan- The junior riders include Master wood, where Mr. Kalsor is employed Martin of Leonardo complaining the community." aootchiua. Irn Hand, F. W. JIorontutBor, 20,000 dnlly visitors, tho sllonce Is Richard G. Metcalf, Lois Brewster, ey Jollne, Mrs. Earl Wolcott, Mrs. A. r. Llchon«toln, Wllllum Boiott. Sr. brolton only by tho radio, by tho rat- VISIT MANASQCAN LODGE. by the Hackensack Rubber company. about noises mado by boys in her Susan Mary Neuberger, Arthur Catz, neighborhood. The letter Btated that Ernest Turner, Mra. Albertus Wol- Flnnnca Cammittao. tlo of tho marbles against tho plni, EvBlyn G. Rush, H. W. Huber, Elaine some of the boys had motorcycles cott and Mra James N. Wolcott, Jr. Hubort Furrow, chairman; Theodora J. by tho occasional calls of Bcorekoap- Eatontown Council Members Guests ENTERTAINED AT LTJNCHEON. BECEJfT ItENTALS. Lobrocqu., Kenneth H. McQuoiin, Wllllnm Frledberg, William Havlland, Anna and that these machines were oper- A. Mlllor, John Mulvlhlll, Jomos S. ratkcn, crs, and by tho shufllinp of the kibit- L. Campbell, Palmela, Bookman, of Warren G. Harding Lodge. HIT BY AUTOMOBILE. Loat«r R. Ro«». zers as they movo peerlnffly along-. ated in a manner to cause disturb- New Occupants For a Number of Charles W. Cook, Betty Yates, Made- Mrs. William C. Naulty of Little Sil- ance. The complaint was referred to No satisfaction Is betrayed when tha A number of members of the Sil- ver the Hostess. Houses In This Section, Anchorage and Petrol Committee. Una P. Schiffer, Robort Bates, Lois ver Crescent council. Daughters of the police committee. James Connolly Injured While Walk- Commander S. It. Sanda, U. B. O. G., marblo makes a high ncoro, no re- Francis Seaman, Isabella Haskell, America of Eatontown, were guests Ing on Koute 35. honorary chairman; John T. Hitchcock, Krot over a low one. It lo a rara Mrs. William C. Naulty of Oakes A report was received from the Mrs. Alvlna Smith has rented the chairman: Hurolil II. Botkin, Frederick E. Amory L. Haskcll, Jr., Margaret P. Monday night at the regular meeting occurrenco when a voluble plnyor so road, Little Silver, entertained a Emergency Belief Administration to former Rock property at 204 Bergen James Connolly is laid ,up with Durghard, Alan T. Field, Howard GaUoy, Haskell, Peter Hutton, Harriet of the Warren G. Harding council at number ot friends last Thursday at : the effect that 241 families in the place through the offices of Edward itank" Groff, C. Mnury Jonm, Harry much as brenks tho cathedral flf- Crane, Edward M. Crane, Betty Jane Manasrjuan. cutg and bruises at bis home near Iianca, Arthur H. Lamborn, Pnrko LoKnli, loncS. tho Blue Door tea room at Khrews- j townshi are on the relief rolls. W Wise. Mlddlettfwn village aa a result of Ferguson, Helone M. Keunecko, Cyn- Miss Lynda Parker of Long bury. A luncheon was served, the i Favorable fiction wag taken on ap- Mrs. H. Ramsden has rented' the Jerrold Mayer. Roy Pnr»on«, Holbrook thia and Minnie Wrlghtson, Phyllis having been struck by an automobile Smith, Richard T. Smith, Harry Zobol. In some enndy and cigar stores, Branch, a member of the Eatontown table being decorated with cut flow- plication.? from the Brevent Park houso at 46 Shrewsbury avenue from Saks, Nancy Greenwood, Howard Sunday night whilo walking on Broadcnillns Committee. no scorca nro kept and no rownrds lodge, was initiated. era and place cards. Afterward and Leonardo fire company and Mid- Mrs. Bertha Blnoh of New York. Mrs. Fox, John Weller, Jane Guptll, Eay- Route 35 In front of tho former zoo Harold S. Allen, chairman; AKrod Llpp- paid; In others, tho blRhest score ThOBe making the trip were Mr. bridge was played and prizes of hand dletown Township Fire company No. mond D. Cohn, Martin L. Cohn, 3d, Ramsden, a former resident of thla property. The car which hit him man, Gaorao JI. Button. of tho week wins a prize. But, In and Mrs. Earl R. Hatha%vay and Mra. painted vases in wrought iron stands 1 to sell beer at at fairs. Approval Eleanor Woodruff, Rufus C. Finch, community, has Just returned from was owned by Salvator Cusumano of Homlnf Commttteo> the most popular nrcades, a strange Belle Black of Eatontown, Mrs. Polly were awarded to Mrs. Helen Aspln- was also given for the sale of beer at Jr., Louise Finch and Jano Mooncy. tho South, where the family opont Bridge avenue, Red Bank, and driven Thoodore Mooro, chairman: Lester Drew, kind of accounting la kept, at one* Brightman, Mrs. Catherine Lippin- wall and Miss Elaine Mastl'n of Rum- the horse .show to be held at Lln- Those having grandstand boxes are most of the winter. by Sandy Cusumano. The latter aoorgo Dolllvor, Choator Eblo, Ralph (rotting around tho gambling laws cott, Mrs. Marjorlo Cramer and Miss son, Mrs. W. S. Gray of Little Silver cioft for charitable purposes. ickort. Robert MacDonnld, Hush Ryder. Mrs. William Browflter, Charles U. Jess Smith of Highlands, who Is took Mr. Connolly to Rlvorvicw h nnd Blv!npr tho player Bomethinf» for Gretchen Cramer, all of Long Ian( j Mrs. Charles Savage of Allen- Maps made by Craig Finnegan for employed at Twin Brook farm, haa pltal at Bed Banlt, where his wounds Marine Service Committee. , his money—corkscrews and bottla Caesar, Henry S. Butler, Neweomb Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pisrra A. Troll, chairman; J. T. Drook«, hurst. a public dock on Main street at Bel- rented Daniel Mack's bungalow on were closed with eight stitches. Mr. frcd llrown. IJernani Froodman, Capt. openers, in varying dogrees of elex C. Baker, Bertram H. Borden, Wil- Lounsberry of Matawan. Others present were Mrs. William ford and for the Improvement of Laurel street, Shrewsbury. Connolly returned honio Monday. His Charles P, Irwln, Ray Pullon, Nell B. Wol- ganco, servo as tho medium of ox- liam E. Foster, Dexter Blagden, Russell, Mrs. Carl' Clark, Mra. Vic- streets in the New Keanaburg section J. Gasplll of Freehold has rented Injuries, although painful, are not cott. change. Win enough of Ihcm and Abram I. Elkus, Francis J. Arend, J. TO ENTERTAIN GUESTS. tor Parker and Mrs. Osborn Harrison of Port Monmouth were approved. one of Miss Johnson's houses on Wil- serious. Meaiurer'a Committee. you can turn them In for merchan- Lewis Hay, Edwin Stewart, John of Red Bank, Mrs. Harry Clay and : Tho maps will be submitted to the low drive, Littlo Sliver. m i m Albert A. Duryca, chtlrman; A, W. Dry, dise—elephant book ends, kowpld Stonley Jacoba. WftH, Samuel Rlker, J. L. Kemmerer, Mrs. Louis O. Ford of Uncroft Mrs Hubert Gaul of Fair Haven, Public Works Administration. The The above rentals were mado by KILLED BY TRAIN. dolls with olcctrlo lights on tholf J. fFord Johnson, J. H. Melilck, To Honor Mother from Boston. MrB. Claire Conant of Shrewsbury, ! new dock, It built, will be on land Milton Berk of Red Bank. Medical and Firet Aid Committee. bonds, olcctrlo Irons, cigarettes. Dr. WalUr A. Rultamn. chalrmnn; Dr. Bocks, underwear, hnta, radios. Frank I,. FinlaW, Mrs. L. L. White, Mrn. Haitson Howlnnd nf Rurnson which haa passed into the ownership Keyport Woman was Walking Along J. C Tlmolat, Amory.L. Haskeil, Mrs. Mrs. Louis O. Ford of Lincroft will nnd Mrs, Robert Cooper, Jlrs. Ever- J of tho township because of unpaid John B. lioyd, Dr. Thoodore A, Dor«mu». Railroad Tracks. Dr. Waiter W. Gosling, Dr. Snrauol llain. H. T. Wltcr, Rufvis C. Flnr.h, Goorge entertain a number of guestg s this af- ett WiUctt and Mra. Charles W. Ell- | taxes. It would bo uned principally •COVERED DISH SUPPER. Lllto tho hypothetical energy-mon« f !•«•' Or. Wllllnm Poarce, Dr. Wlllimn ey of tho technocrats, this bottle- M. Dexter, Gnorpre V. Coe, Mrs. Sam- ternoon at a tea in honor of her by ilshcrmen. Tho dock and the Mrs. Elaine Dletz of Keyport was Bayre, Dr. O. C. Straughn. ert of Mlnneslnk Park. Triad Club to Hold Scavenger Hunt, opener money loses ttn value If it uel KchiffiT, Mrs. Lewis s. Thompson, mother, Mrs. Mary E. Allbright of i street improvements would bo paid struck and killed by a train whilo Police and Parking. Edward It. Strnufs, Mrs. J. Amory Boston, Massachusetts, now here on ; August 22. Isn't spent within thirty daya. So TO IMPROVE AIRPORT. for by the Public Works Adminlatra- walking along tho tracks at the Thomn» M. Oopalll, chairman; Harry mediums of oxchnnrro aro growing Haskell, Jesse Mntcall, W. Strother a visit. Entertainment during the tlon. A covered dish supper was served Green Grovo avenue crossing Sun- Clayton, chlB( ot pollco; Harry Dc-tenrintt, Jonr:;, fir., Mnninn "O. Metcalf. V. C afternoon will consist of poems read i James S. Pftrkea, Colonel Normna Schwarz- up around tho penny arendog; thero'a Public Works Administration Appro- A letter was received from the Thursday night at tho Woman's club day. Tho train was rounding a curvo koul. 4. Albert VanScliolck. Konnoth M. even a rostaurant that accepts bot)* Tatum, W. V,. Ruthrauff, J. Wright by Mrs. Ailbrlght. ! state board of health relative to tho proceeding tho regular meeting of when it struck tho woman. Persons Wyckoll. Among tho guests expected to be j printes Money For This Purpose. tlo openors na payment for food*. Brown, Ernest A. Smith, Henry A. [ pollution nf Rurltan bay. It related Triad club. A scavenger hunt will be nearby said that they heard tho Prase Roceptlon Committee. present Include Mrs. Roy Ackcrmnn No ono knows how many playora Cat-sar, Mrs. F. W. Rofiblins, B. J. President Hooaevelt haa to a complaint about odorous matter held by tho Triad club Thursday, whlstlo of tho train blow. Mrs. En»l«y 'White, chairman; Herbert E. and MrB. Robert. < a lmiu Ur nis uso tho machines) every ilay, but Barry, John K. Applej-'atn, Edward C. ,. T . - ' \ °V'J , ''PProval of nn allotment of $13,- i havlnR been discharged into the bay August 22. Miss Mary Allen Is In Dletz was 38 years old. She Is sur- Kdwnrde. Themna S. Field. Jr., Elwooil T. 1-lrtli, Buutll Rfidgaon, Erneat Moyera. , thoy aro now In tholr third- year of Fiedler and W. B. Reilly. Haven, Mr,. John Mlnugh of Sea : 8,5 for the Improvement of the Red \ !wm j. Hmvanl .Smith's fish fertili- charge of tho hunt and will bo na- vived by a nine-year-old daughtor, Brlght, Mrs^ William Martin Mra.:uank airport, Tho money 1., to be I ory at Port Monmouth. Tho Prlio Committee. rlfllnjT popularity nnrl represent, nt zc r fMt slBted by Mrs. George Gill and MISB her fathor, Frank Dey, and threo an nvcrago cost of $150 each, an In- Arnon^ thf parking npaco holders Ira hheppard and Mrs. Howard I In-1 used to grade, sod nnd otherwise put AHco SlmmondB. Alfred Llppinan, chairman; Samuel are Bornon P. Prentice, Mrn. J. P. letter stated that contrary to gen- sisters, Mrs. William Duncan, Mim Crooki, Hubert M. Parrow, 0. Howard vestment of from ton to fifteen mil- dall of Lincroft. j tho grounds in good condition. Some eral belief the state board did not Carolyn Dey and Mra. Stunloy Court- LllU'lncott. Kello»ir, R. . M. Rtcwart, John J. Ulmn Those attnndlng tho supper were lion dollars; and eomo twelve mil- ago tho mayor and council have authority to abate nil nuis- Mrs. William Rathomlth, Mrs. Frank ney of Koyport. Publicity Committee. lions will bo nnent thin year on now Bloirdel, M. V. B. 'FInley. Ernest EATONTOWN CHAFTER MKKTS, leased the place for $1 per year in 1 Keunccke, L. W. Colcnian, B. J. Barry, ance. ! and inferred that tile board Warner, Mrs. George GUI, and Misses Albert Worden, local chairman; Thomas machines, with profits running a( "rdcr to have an appropriation mado ' inclcpil pnwer to act in this instnneo. Ed\yai'd Htrausii, Mrs. Harry H. Neu- Travcllnir Iilhlu to Go to Highlands Roberta McKnight, Graco Brooks, Celebrates nirthdny. 6. Flold. Jr., natlonnl chalrmun. a fant pace. Not only tho mnniifno. fur Its Improvement by tho Eracr- It also atate<;id that tho board had de- Working Prefa Commillee. berf,'er, Henry G. Athn, P. Sanforn Is'i^xt Monday Marjorlo Grooms, Virginia Chasey, William Davla of Clinton street, turers. but tho operators of the ar- nency Relief Administration. No cllnefl to police the factory to get evi- Albert Worden, chairman; Uaverly W. Ross, Louis Kaiser, Augustus 8. lm Loretta Regan, Bessie Thorno, Al- Eatontown, celebrated hla birthday cades, and the expert ployorn whoso About thirty person:! wore present .trough. ort in now with a family reunion Monday after- Lloyd, Edward Photon, Sidney Wain. Monday nlRht nt the regular met- ' ""' being Improved by I and gave various reasons for havin Forrar, Alono Patterson, Corrlno lamps and oloctrlo Irons, nro con- Carthy Little, Mrs. Davis WagBtaff, 1 RA B noon at his homo. The guests wero Reception Committee. ing of the Eatontown chapter ' '' workers. Senator W. Warren I taken tills action. Welsh, Marjorlo Worthley, Edith 1 vinced thnl tlila irvoiit new nntlonol Miss inabella M. Scolt, 3. L. Kcm- Iinrlra r ln Ml and Mrs. Wallace Chnaoy and AugtmttiB M. Minton, chairman: Her- Daughters of Liberty, held at Crca-' " . «• telegram to Mayor TThh e flflnnl l readindi g of un ordtuance Hanklneon, Dorothy Thompson, Mary fad Is barely [rotting undor wny. nferer, Hnnorablc W. Warren liar- children, Mrs. Vorna Frnzlor nnd bert 13. Edwarda, co-chairman; Richard B. bour, J. Frederick Talhott, Mra. W. cent hull. , Charles R. English Friday, slated vas essed requiring- amusement and Allen, Helon VanDorn, Carol Schroc- Annett. Jim-old Illoodijood. Kenneth Clay- llilt Prcs (lcnt children, nil of Eatontown; Mr. und t South Blver, Mrs. Fred Smith and Hupfel, Jacob Krldol, Carl Schwenker, E. A. Yatea, C. Maury J' :>nd Mm. Barbara Heycrn of Red Bank. allotment..t. «,•>„..,., ^UtV, OMV.T. | Al\, w Ki-lilel, , Mrs. Miriam Hmmlfn»n*f<>«lM. no far, all of them being Monmouth The tlmo ichcduls of events nn nn- 1 1 ar><1 Ml mouth ntrcet, Hed Dank, hna moved the ear he wna driving crnahed Into Hint Im h n toitrlnt, with tlmo to un- Mi's. Frrd Crlne, Mr. imd Mrn.. H. Several accidents have recently or- ,,,"", ' , I,™ ' " «a Blumn county licenses, are as follows: hlu business to hl new location at a telopgraph polo on tho Nnpluna nouncml by tho cbalrman of tho ify Ills henrt'n nwnkpnlnp; to nil the Raymond Phillips, Mr. nnd Mra. ctTrrod nt thin Intersection and Chief i J,, , " I!"nk' Ml'"' lrroti 8 M7730, M88«, M0188, M76S1, M72B0, regatta committee )s aa follow!}; ,Tohn McNeil, Mr. and Mr«. Aloynlun n 1EI Wnllaco utrt-et, owned by Kowton M12203, MD218, U1O053, M8517, highway at •Matontown. Ho wna tranquil beauty about him, of Folicr- Feed Zlcgler of Little fill- V. T""." "f Anbury Park nnd Mrs. Saturday, August 17. ; Pottemon ntul Mrn. Ifarry Pomilni;- Marl In Mnndl of PorortJus. Mr. Cronblo Intends to M1057B. M0520, MS092, M0002, M2207. taken to Hazard hospital by Iho Eat- vr.r linn Indued n warning thnt tuin- slnrt a retail liunlnonn In addition to ontown flret oKl nquad, whoro ho wan 12 .-SO I'. M.—Clftss' A Amaleur, flr»t t^ft of Red Bank and Mr. nntl Mre. Thin offer la good until August IE. heat, i The road to bettor nnd bigger bn»l- nmngca will ho given If tho otop ! 0Va c mall

turned ham* *fter spending a week day night following & very ahort ill- spending the summer at tielr house Big Savings In with Mr. and Mn. Vrceland Morris. ness. Mrs. Dryden was 74 years old. her*. Mr. and Mn. Iitater Walling spent Betide her husband *he la rorvived Mrs. Anna Thome of Paterson and THE NEW VOGUE Cutting Off Wood Monday at Freehold. by a daughter and son, Mrs. John Mrs. Edward Mclllaney ara with Mr. and Mn. James Bartholomew Brown of Asbury Park, and Keleoy their father, Otto Fullboam, for a Trenton, N. J., August 1—Wood- took a sail up toe Hudson river to Dryden of Rahway. Funeral ser- weekl CLOVER HILL KENNELS cutting service, established by the Woodcllffe one day last week. vices were held Sunday from her Miss Nan Pools of South Amboy Permanent Wave Department or Conservation end De- Mrs. A. Q. Mills and Mrs. William home at Asbury Park, Interment is spending the summer with her (Mrs. J. E. Carret and Mrs. R. C. Shaw) velopment In 1031 in order to lm- Koster of Yonkers wero Sunday vis- was in Green Grove cemetery at aunt, Mrs. Charles Soulia. — By- proyo privately-owned wood lots and itors of Mr, and Mrs. DSuglas Cook. Koyport, where the local Sons and Mrs. Raymond Benjamin has her forest tracta and to provide firewood Mn. Koster and daughter Wllda are Daughters of Liberty held services. uncle from New York with her for FINEST SCOTTISH TERRIERS tho summer. for the unemployed, has resulted In spending the summer at Asbury 1 Bofflitared A, K. C. a total net saving of $10,484.17 to Park. Mr. and Mrs. James Grant and Hairdresser NUNZIE Hairstylist the ERA officials of ftvo counties in Mrs. Emma Myera of Brooklyn is their two daughters Margaret and tho cost of fuel for relief clients Vanderburg News. Catherine of Forth Amboy wore re- 2 Young Typy Black Dogs at Stud 1 visiting her sister, Miss Nell Comp- from October I, 1934, to May 31, ton. y . cent guests of Mrs. William Stryker. Leo Fullboam Is spending a month Stud Fee ^ _i _. Includes 1935, and vastly improved thousands Mr. and Mn, Lester Kane of Jer- of acres of tho state's woodlands sey City and Mr. and Mm. Garry at Beach H&von. .50 Kinglet En. 39c LAST TIMES TODAY 1 sirs. William Fox of Oakwood Joseph's church, tailed for Europe Heights was here part of last week on Tuesday of last week. Father JEAX ARTIIUB—VICTOR JOEY with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burke will have an audience with Schanck. the Pope -while in Rome. A number Fancy 6 - 7 Ib. Capons i .42c 2-yr;-old Daisy Cheese ib. 29c —IN— . Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Dailey of of his parishioners were at the b Rosellc spent the week-end with Mr. steamer to see him off. 'PARTY WIRE" and Mrs. Caleb Post. Eev. C. E. Hlckman, pastor of St. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pritchard and John's church at South Keyport, will 4-5-6 Ib. size F'cy Fowl n. 27c Sliced Boiled Ham Ib,.59c CHINA TO THE LADIES BOTH EVENINGS. family of Union City have been vlo- spend hia vacation at Beach Haven. Iting here. Arthur Sllcox, son ol Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Obermeyer of Jersey J. E. D. Stlcox, is enjoying a trip to City were recent guests of Mr. and Havana, Cuba. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 - 3 Mrs. Peter Carroll. Mrs. Frances Woolley fell on Miss Margaret MaeDermott and Wednesday night of last week and Legs Rolled Two Outstanding Features ! MIBS Lillian MacDormott of Has- suffered a broken wrist. brouck Heights spent Saturday with Mrs. Herman Schumacher Is 111 at Genuine Top AN INVISIBLE KILLER KOAMS THE STRATOSPHERE. Mr. and Mrs. John MaeDermott. the home of her parents at Hacken- Bottom Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lang and two Eack. r children Anna Mao and Frances and Lamb,* 19' Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Halgh are Round Mr. and Mra. T. R. Compton and two spending several days at Ocean City. Spring Roast »29' children Jane and Lois ejrent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Eckhart of at Metedeconk. Moorestown Bpent tho week-end with Mrs. Pauline Smith and two daugh- the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ib pk ters and Miss Agnes Loman of Long William F. Eckhart. No. 1 Jersey Potatoes 27 29c Kellogg Wheat Krispies 2 25c Island spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. Harry Way Is a patient In and Mrs. Fred Smith. the Rivcrview hospital at Red Bank. Mra. Molvin Leek will hold a card Miss Ellen Hazell of New York lb RALPH BELLAMY-TALA BIRELL party, at her ho^ne this evening for has been visiting her grandmother, Fancy Lima Beans 3 19c Pure Cider Vinegar qt 15c ALSO tho benefit of St. Mary's church of Mrs. Ella Einstein. New Monmouth. Miss Jessie L. Covert and Miss doz cans Miss Leona Volkland has returned Ruth Covert of Newburgh, New Golden Bantam Corn 25c Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 19c home after spending a week with rel- York, spent the week-end here with atives at Newark. friends. „ lb Miss Agnes Havlland Is visiting Rev. and Mrs. Harold Greene have Ripe Jersey Tomatoes 3 10c Crisco, lib size 22c, 31b size 61c relatives at New York. taken up their residence in the Re- Miss Alvina MaeDermott Is spend- formed parsonage, which has been for for ing two weeks with relatives at Jer- newly decorated Inside. Mr. Greene California Bartlet Pears 10 25c Large Size Brillo 2 27c sey City. was recently installed as the now Frank Yarnall and Craig Flnnlgan minister of the church. or caI1B enjoyed fishing at Forked River Miss Gertrude Schultz of Toledo, Large Ripe Cantaloupes 2 ' 15c Peter Pan ,££ Milk 3 17c Monday. Ohio, Is visiting her grandmother, Miss Nell Compton, who has been spending a week with friends at Glen Mrs. William Muth. d(raon Ridge, returned homo Friday night. Helen Lambertaon Is enjoying her Heinz's Cucumber Pickles '«••** 22e Canada Dry Mixed Beverages 1.00 Mr. imd Mrs. Jesse Vreeland of annual vacation from her duties with tho Jersey Central Power and Light Nutley spent Sunday with Mr. and for FINAL CHAFTEK—"HUSTLURS OF J!KI) DOG" Mrs. William Sutherland. company. Armours Baked Beans 3 25c Heinzes 57 Sale During August Frank Baumlester of New York Mrs. Allda Dryden, wife of Vf. J. AMATEUR NIGHT Every Friday at 9 P. M. has been spending a few days with Dryden, former residents here, died hl3 mother, Mrs. Klol Grlmard. at her home at Asbury Park Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worthington SUN., MON., TUES., AUGUST 4-5-6 of Atlantic City spent tho woek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. Strictly Brookfield PREVIKW SATURDAY NIGHT—11:15. William Sharp of Elizabeth, a for- mer resident of Beltord, was a VIB- Fresh Country itor here Sunday. Eggs ^ 39' Albert Suit of New York Ja spend- ATLANTIC Roll ing the summer with hla cousin, John — THEATRE — Jersey | Remember the "'meanie"©£"BrlgSstEy€st"r Glass, Jr. Mr;;. Jennie Trimble, who has been ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS uiasonty fcsamplei seriously ill at her home over a Phone Atlantic Highlands US month, was surprised on Thursday —Management, Jack McNnmnra~ 'She'll wilt yonr heart com. by a visit from live of her daughters, FEESH SEA FOOD DAILY pfefeft. as n lovable taj^l ,' who brought food and had dinner TODAY—THtlRSDAY—AUG. 1 menti spitfire who brmga M with her. The daughters are Mrs. Fancy Fresh Xtra Special a high-hat family down , Fred Cook oE Point, Pleasant, Mrs. "PUBLIC HERO No. 1" Fresh Caught Fancy Fresh s .Tame:! Whlston of Kearny, Mrs. Net- Large Soft to earth* tie Wrlfht of Atlantic Highlands and FBI., SAT., AtlG 2-3 Jersey Mrs. John Foster and Mrs. John TWO FEATURES of Bolford. During the aftor- Shrimp Scallops noon Mra, Jennio Ccoipton and 'GREAT HOTEL MURDER1 Bluefish Crabs dau(,'htcru jane and Lois and Mrs. with Thomas Smith and daughter. Miss Edmund towo — Victor McUfltn Helen Smith, called on Mrs. Trimble. Ib. lb. doz. Ib. Mrs. Nettle Wright of Atlantic High- "SPRING TONIC" 1-25 lands is staying a few weeks with 24 19 with Mrs. Trimble. Lew Ayrea — Claire Tri-vor Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hammell and Plus SHORTS NEWS children William, Richard and Betty Extra Special! BEECH-NUT COFFEE of Jersey City are occupying their 8UN., MON., TUES., AUG. 4-M slimmer homo hero. TWO FEATURES MrH. Enimi Brown Is visiting JACK HOLT In AfOXPidm.Kilh friends at Brooklyn. JANE WITHERS Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gorman of "Awakening of Jim Burke" Anbury Park npont Sunday with Mr. — IU.ll — O. P. HEGGIfc mid" Mrs. Fred Hmlth. JACKIE SEARL Mr. nnd .Mra, Lester Dailey of "PARTY WIRE" . KATHARINt Brooklyn were week-end guests of will, Mra. Carrie VoorheCB. JEAN ARTHUR — VICTOR JOKY ALEXANDER lo CJrhnurd luis boon s-pondlng a Plut "Gypiy Sweettienrts" New* WED., THURS., AUGUST 7 - 8 few dnya nt New York, where he haa Plm COMEDY ^NOVELTY NEWS been nlnglng in tho Lewlsohn stad- WED., THUBS, Alia 7 . H ium. "THE FLORENTINE DAGGER" Eugene Covort of Long Branch is Will, ROGERS In visiting Mrs. CnrrU VoorheeB.' "DOUBTING THOMAS" WITH Mlsa Aline Runyon has returned homo after a two-weeka' tour through Ev«rjr Wtdneidur 0 1*. M.~"LU'fclCY1 MARGARET L1NDSEY—DONALD WOODS tho New England states. Every FrlrUy 0 P.' M. Capt. Fred Moon and two grand- "AMATEUR NIGHT" i FREE CHINA TO TUB JMtniES BOTH EVENINGS. daughters Klva nnd Helen »n

dark horse prize. The hoiteu at to- WOnt, PABSOHS _ DOMMVaV ELECTRIC Will He Win As Port Monmouth Newt. night's meeting la Mra. LoretU Holmdel News. DR. L. W. CARLBON Venetian Blinds Dully. SUHGEON OHIBOFODIST -•mtusujmuttji- |M_| R. Saro Sharabba, Younger The pound net fishermen In this his injuries and is once more on du- puplla to and from, the Red Bank VAN'S R.B.478 TeL B. B. 307. ty. high school and for transportation for 60 BROAD ST.. RED BANK, N. t. COUN8S1&0B AT LAW. • Brother of Radio Amateur section are gloomy because of the Offlcn. M Broad Bu BED BAM, K. J, scarcity of fish. Unless conditions The annual fair of the Methodist pupils of the Holmdel village and ATLANTIC HOTEL FOR SALE Conteit Winner, lo Compete change this will be one of the poor- church will be held Thursday and Crawford's Corner grade school dis- in Strnnd Amateur Show. est seasons they have ever, exper- Friday, August 8 and 9. A meeting tricts, Joseph Phillips now has the FAIR HAyEN, N. J. FILL DIRT ienced, of the Ladles' Aid society will be contracts for these three routes. IT COSTS NO MORE TO BUY THE BEST AT IMPORTED «rfl^DOMpSTIC Among thctee bonked to appear-to- Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin Dennis held tonight In the flhurch. Ordinarily potato harvesting is un- Liquor Wine Beer Inquire S. J. DAILEY morrow (Friday) night at th6 week- spent Sunday at New York. Mm. Patricia King, the infant daughter der way by thlB time, but because of ly amateur show at the Strand the- Stephen Whitman and Bon o£ Leon- of Mr. and Mrs. George King, was the glutted condition of the market DELIVERY SERVICE Mcchanlo Street School ater is R, Sarro Sharabba, younger ardo were visitors at the home of baptized Sunday morning at the little of this work has been done so Phone 3925 Red Bank or Tel. Kcansburg 774-J. brother of Anthony Sharabba, win- Mro. Dennis Monday. Methodist church by Rev. Percy R. far. It is generally expected that ner of one of tho recent aoiateur "lomer, Sr. shipments will be started next week. radio hour programs. Mrs. Everett Oliver underwent an The'present low prices at which po- operation at tho Long Branch hofe The Infant daughter of Mn. Har- Tony Hunting, manager of the riet Maxson is ill with pneumonia at ,toe'a are selling is causing fore- pital a few days ago. Her condition bodings among the farmers. Strand theater, who Is giving young is serious. the Monmouth Memorial hospital at MARKET Sharabba an opportunity to appear Long Branch. The Holmdel township board of SPANISH Beauty Salon Misa Catherine Eoath of Newark iducation hag re-engaged the teach- EST. 19O2 <. for tho first tlmo on a Btage, many was a guest of Mrs. Boy Cobb last The Sons and Daughters of Liber- yoars ago did the aamo thing for his ty lodge held a luncheon yesterday In irs of last year. 86 BROAD ST.. ,woek. . Last week the William C. Ely es- 123 WEST FRONT STREET older brother. Among tho first to Mrs. Anna Meyer of New York the Frederick building. recognize the quality of hie voice, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Edwards of tate sold four horses to a Brooklyn Tel. Red Bank 2342 spent the week-end with her sister, firm and single horses to William PHONE: Red Bank 678. Hunting, then operator and manager Mrs. Joseph; Till. Brooklyn and Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Why do thousands of wom- of tho Hunting theater on Front White of Woodhaven, Long Island, Birdsall of Barnegat and Peter OTIEE DEUVEBY. AIL Meats Protected by O-M Frlgidalra, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Daly of Brook- Quackenbush of Robertsvllle. en return every year ' for a street, booked Mr. Sharabba as one lyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pol- wore Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. beautiful Permanent? • . • of the acts for a run of three days. J, S. Hoffman. An antomoblle owned by Charles His voice pleased Immensely and it ing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen and Bennett was badly damaged in an SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 1-2-3 because they are done under was not long before he was making Miss Veronica Hennessey, who Is daughter Kathleen have returned to .ecldent at Red Bank Saturday. Mr. the supervision of a special- employed at Jersey City, is spending Bennett was not hurt. regular public appearances. a vacation with her father, John their Brooklyn home after having ist of Europe's finest school. spent a week here. Harry Pitcher has taken several Full Cream Fresh Chopped Another singer who will appear on HcnneEaey. Guests at the Grand View house contracts to exterminate termites for FREE ! the Strand bill tomorrow night is Mr. and Mrs. William H. Willett, are Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, Miss owners of bulkheads and jetties at Send us 4 now customers for a Richard LaRns, son of Larry LaKos, Mr. and Mrs. George Willett and Kelly, William Kelly, Jr., and Mr. Bay Head. Roll Butter BEEF Permanent and get ono Free. concert and church organist. Youn,g Mrs. Catherine jLlddy attended the and Mrs. Daniel Hackett and son of The annual supper for the benefit ft ASK FOR COUPONS LaBoa'la said to possess a pleasing funeral of Martin D. Willett of West- of St Gabriel's church of Bradevelt voice. "Rags" Saiith, eccentric dan- fleld last Thursday.. Martin D. Wil- New York, and Mrs. John Hackett, Legs Genuine Top or Sr., Mrs. John Hackett, Jr., and will be held Thursday afternoon and Bottom • Round DUART OIL cer, whose appearance a few weeks lett was 82 years of age and a former children, Mra. Arthur Bland, Miss evening, August 8. Mrs. John Moore SPRING ago drew much favorable comment, resident of this place. He was an Is chairman of the supper committee. DAILY SPECIALS ! will be presented again tomorrow. uncle of William H. Willett and Helen Kennedy ad James Kelly and ROAST I—30c Hems . _ daughters of Brooklyn. A calie-aale will be held at the Re- LAMB 25*ft Croquignole Others expected to appear are Jack George Willett. formed church, September 1. Miss AIX SIZES SWHSo'items" $TO .00 THE WAVE OF THE HOLLY- Clark, Edward Grccnberg, Gloria Ol- Cathleen Reilly, daughter of Thom- Fancy Boasting and a Marcel JSL son and Fred Fitzgerald. Bcsalo Phillips Is In charge. WOOD STARS as ReiUy, is sick with pleurisy. Atlantic Highlands. Tho Reformed church will be open or a Facial This Wave for Only To data Manager Hunting has pre- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beilly and the first three Sundays In August, Fancy Fryer. Real Castile Shampoo sented 78 amateur acts on tho Strand family spent Sunday with relatives but will be closed the last Sunday In Chickens (Tha Red Bank Register can bt bought (3 to SH IDs.) (Mint or Tur) 9.50 to 19.50 stage. All entertainers nave been at Jersey City. In Atlantic Highlands at tho stores of August and the first Sunday in Sep- VVator Waving elmon-puro amateurs and with but Mra. Josephine Mills, Miss Grace William Lei, J. Umburg and A. Kau). tember. or Broilers Finger YVnvlng. ALL S7.50 WAVES GUARANTEED two exceptions every performer has Mills and Mildred Johnson were vis- Halrcutting 25- AND RE-WAVED FOR 1 YEAR been a resident of this section of the itors at Point Pleasant Sunday. Miss Eunice Rogers, public health Quality Sirloin Eyebrow Arching county. Mrs. Harry Mason entertained rel- nurse, begins a month's vacation to- A Coolldgo Stamp Wanted! day, and during her absence Mrs. Representative Charles A. Plumley THUUS., ITU. Si SAT. 350 ' Our Famous $5.00 So popular havo been the amateur atives from Jersey City Sunday. Edna McGiveny will substitute part 251? of Vermont has Introduced a resolu- night shows at tho local playhouse Mrs. Carl Leo has her Bister from time. STEAK AIX SIZES MANICURING 85o FREDERIC that a similar weekly featurB will bo Teaneck with, her for a week. tion In Congress authorizing th6 Mrs. Cathleen Cullcn^is entertain- A birthday party was given Mon- Postmaster General to Issue a special Oil Shampoo Machine Spiralette inaugurated on Thursday, August 8, day afternoon for Robert Paddack, at tho Strand theater at Freehold. ing her cousin from Green^Polnt. three-cent stamp commemorating the Plate Corn Fresh Beef ftlarcolllng; Mrs. Antoinette Strannon" of Irv- eight years old, son of Mrs. Norman eminent services of the late Calvin Facials for $£.00 Mr. Hunting will direct the shows E. Paddack. c and will present much of tho talent ington is spending a month at her Coolidge. It Is doubtful Uiat this ef- 32;,, LIVER 23;,, Scalp Treatments "which ho has presented at the local bungalow on Mills avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wllloughby and fort will bear fruit, hut results re- BEEF PEDICUKE 780 The Grasshoppers baseball team son Vernon and Miss Thelma Altman main to be seen, as notices of Plutn- With Friend— rj.00 house. In addition, he will book hove returned to Baltimore after a Frankfurters Hair Dyeing . amateurs at the county seat for ap- on their homo grounds here Sunday ley's action had not previously ap- Rump Corn . $3.50 to $5.00 Two for pearances at the Red Bank Strand. defeated the Chaucer avenue associ- two weeks' stay with Mrs. Willough- peared in the publio or philatelic and Red Henna $1.00 ation of Irvlngton by the score of 17 by's mother, Mrs. Charles Ely. press _ Whlto Henna . $1.25 Other Waves $2.50 & $3.50 Georgio Vaccarelll of Red Bank, 29;, to i. After the game the visiting Melvln Eyan was removed to the BEEF Bologna Including Shampoo and Finger Wave NO EXTRAS hula dancer, won first prize at last players and a^number of tnelr rela- Monmouth Memorial hospital last One of the quickest ways to find a Friday night's show. Chappie Finn, tives and friends were entertained week In the first aid ambulance for Job. Is to advertise in The Regjs- FREE PARKING SPACE Long Branch singer, was second and at a lawn party at the homo of Mr. an? operation for gall stones. ter'B Want Department.—Advertise- Full Line of Groceries, Fresh Fruits & Vegetable* Michael Cardner of Red Bank, tenor, ment. was third. and Mrs. Charles Quackenbush. The Miss Arline Forbes of New York Port Monmouth players were also ,n spending a week with Mies Eunico present. Everyone had a delightful Rogers, and Miss Edna Laraen of time. Arlington was a guest of Miss Rog- The Ladles' aid society of Com- ers over the week-end. munity church will hold a cake sale Sev Sorenson has bought a new Saturday at Gohlhaus's pavilion. Plymouth coach from the Dender EBEVUE FREVTTE Arrangements are progressing for agency. the minstrel show which is to be giv- A short organ recital was given WEDNESDAY HIGH GOAL WEDNESDAY en Friday evening, August 9, at the Sunday night at tho Central Baptist fire house at this place by boys of the church by V. S. Wyman, who is 85 state home at Jamesburg. It will be years old. Mr. Wyman began his NIGHT NIGHT under the auspices of the Ladles' aux- career as organist when he waa four- iliary of the company. teen years old, For it number of: The members of the Republican years he WBB organist in Tremont Women's club enjoyed a lawn lunch- Temple at Boston. THURSDAY - FRIDAY eon yesterday at the home of Mrs. Plans are progressing for the sec- Thomas Wethered. ond annual sacred concert at tho POLO MATCH Sunday evening seven young wom- Methodist church Thursday evening, The Sensational Comedy Hit ! en, who aro members of the Free August 8. Guest soloists assisting Gospel church of tha Nazarene of the choir will be Albert F. Erlet, Brooklyn and. of tho Junior league basso; Mrs. Elsie Erler, soprano, both JOE E. BROWN m of the church sang two selections In of Newark; Rev. Harry D. , chorus entitled "Jesus will Bless the pastor of the Methodist church, bari- Little Ones" and "He Will Carry You tone and Nicholas Kasco of Trenton ''ALIBI IKE" Through." Tho young women are and Frederick Moromarco of Brook- spending their vacation at Cedar lyn, violinists. Mrs. Robert Stokes Beach, under the leadership of their is organist and accompanist. The SUNDAY, AUGUST 4th FREE CHINA to Our Lady Patrons Thursday and Friday Night ! Junior league teftchers, Miss Keturah program will comprise an organ pre- Pilgrim and Miss Eletia Branch. lude, processional by white-robed The young women are Misses Gwen- choir, solo offerings and four chora SATURDAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY dolyn Thorne, Lillian Shaie, Mildred classics. The concert will conclude at 4:00 P. M. Hurdle, Marian Chase, Anita King-, with a recessional, with the congre- Eleanor King and Elaina King. gation joining In tho singing, and The annual picnic of the Sunday- benediction. school of Community church was Tho First Aid squad fair closed held Tuesday at Gehlhaua's pavilion. Saturday night. While all returns Tho members of the school were are not yet In and all bills have not guests of the Ladles' aid society. yet been submitted the committee, of Over 150 were in attendance, includ- which William Gerkens was chair- ing many friends and summer visr man, believes that the proceeds will itors. Came3 were played and tho Norwood Polo Club bo better than last year when tho winners were as follows: final report is made. Several arti- Swimming—Mildred Boran, Albert cles were disposed of on the co-op- Quackenbush, Margaret Gaughran, erative plan Saturday night. The Locust Avenue, West Long Branch, N. J. Dorothy Schmidt.' grand prize of five tons of coal, its Foot race, 5 to 7 years old—Daniel equivalent In fuel oil, or $50 in cash, Farrell, Doris Dlngwell. was won by William Monell, box 63, Foot race, 12 to 14 years old—Elea- Belford. Roy deFalmer, Jr., of At- nor Collins, William Jelly, Harvey lantic Highlands won tho model Rolling 2 prizes, Dorothy Schmidt. yacht. Miss Betty Ryan of Avenue Mr. and Mrs. William Watson and D won the set of crocheted hot plate family of Jersey City are spending able mats donated by Mrs. George Benefit of Monmouth Memorial Hospital two weeks at their bungalow on Mills Douch. Councilman George Stryker avenue. won a quilt and Mrs. Rotjert Flett of Lincoln avenuo won a sweater. Al- bert Kleth, who lives In England, New Monmouth News. won a studlo'couch. He sold It to ADMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON tho First Aid squad and it was dis- No Sunday evening or prayer posed of on the co-operative plan meeting services will bo held at the again. This time it was won by C. baptist church during August. N. Buzby of this borough. Mrs. Goldstein of New York spent ast week with Mra. Charles Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of Bensonhurst and Mr. and Mra. Shapiro of Perth Amboy visited Mr. and Mrs. Cohen over the week-end. A communion Bervlco was held at tho Baptist church Sunday evening. A solo was sung by Mrs. Agnos Rob- erts and a violin and clarinet duet was played by Carey and Haddon V17ESTINGHOUSE Johnston. About fifty persona were present. Deputy Sheriff George H. Roberts broadcast a talk from Station WCAP of Asbury Park Sunday afternoon on •• Electric Refrigerators "Safety on tho Highways." He gave a lot of sound, sensible advice which If heeded by autoists would result In safer conditions on tho thorough- May Be Purchased With Aid oi Federal Housing Act faros. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Roberts of Brooklyn spent tho week-end with Mr. Roberta's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard W. Roberts. Tho annual supper for the benefit No down payment . . . Under FHA you may of St. Mary's church will bo held Sat- urday, August 10. not necessary to own buy Westinghouse Re- Albert Johnson has embarked In tho duck raising business. Ho has home to buy under Fed- frigerators and Washers fifty birds of various sizes. Mrs. Malcolm Leonard has gone to ... MAYTAG Washer* Texas to attend Uio wedding of h eral Housing Act . . . brother, Cheater DeGarvo. phone pr call for full and Ironers from Tust- Highlands News. details. ing's, i EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION I i O?1" ,Bed B«* RtKlitor on ba bonahl In HlBhlnndi at B.dlo', druir atota. .t Jo." Latest Walt Disney Silly Symphony wo Stamtn'i iton and Mulllsaa'a •tora.) The First Aid squad la going ahead "WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN?" steadily with Its campaign to ral«« $3,000 for a new ambulance. The S-Year Guarantee Included—All Models TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY total raised so far la $2,300. A carnival In being held tills week at Wator Witch, opposite Rowlands 909 MtttlMA Av«.; MARY ELLIS-TULLJO CARMINATI drug storo, for tho benefit of the 16 Monmouth St., —IN- Highlands flre company. mnt prixe at pinochle ana first Red Bank Asburr Park prize nt bunco wore wan by Mlsa Ju- lia and Mm. Charles Mlcltloy, respec- Tel. 81. "PARIS IN SPRING" tively, at tho Trailers club party last wselt. Mn. Gruce Bc_Uber won Uw Page Eigh'teen HEP BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1,1985. FIAT «-« TIE. teamr Harold Berkowlta, autaln of Leonardo Downs Lincroft Show Vic Ghezzl Made Red Bankers List the IBM Ked Sank Wf? sc K !tFUj»r» Find AUantlo High nU squad! Nlek LaCort. of ten lands a Faat Team. The 'Newark Bulldog' Kentucky Colonel In Shore Tourney Arthur Olaoobb, of Long Bra Jansen Field Club AU-Day Sunday No. ing of tt. Long Bmnch Players of the General B. & Van Ruby Laffoon, governor of Ken- school team two y«n ag0. Bn Home Team Avenges Early Sea- Vllet courts at Shrewsbury found tha Proceed* of First Annual Hone tucky, recently appointed Vto Oherzi Berkowitz Brothers U.ted u Hindrlokson of Long Branch . Atlantic Highlands tennis team in of Ruaison, Deal golf pro, aide-de- member of the Permlngton P, S tan Defeat by Beating Key- Show to' be Given to Mon- camp on his staff, with which offlct No. 1 and 2 Men—Many e great shape Sunday morning when Bohool team tvvo yonrs Jg0 and a port Nine by the Score of 10 :hey traveled to the bayshore courts mouth County Charity Organ- goes the title of "Kentucky Colonel." Stars to Comp«t« in Junior Member of the MohmbuQ, college He is the second local man to re- to 5. and played a 4-4 tie. ization!. Tennis for Norwood Tire Cup team the past season; Charles Mor- Cornwell, 'Biggins'Biggins, White, Boat eelve the'Bonor within the past few gan of Long Branoh, No. 2 man of Led by j*y S=ii:i. first sadcer, who Middledltch and Potter composed the JTor ih» benefit et sunall charity months, the first appointment going The thlr.d annual Long Branch the Long Branch high sohool team jtrqw Si- "^ K=.£ic!. a double snd Shrewsbury team, whil» the- Tllns- organizations of Monmouth county, to David of Broad etroet Junior tennis championship for thelast yeaft Stanley Lsvln of Newark a t-ipie, tS« L-Smard.; F:e!d club nine hart brothers, LeFevre, Armstrong, the first annual Lincroft charity Norwood Tire cup will get underway JJ"'.J !"an of aeor*» Washington hit hard sal orua to hand the Jan- horse show will be hold Sunday, Aug- Monday, August 5, on "tho Long high school team, and Fred Sehantz Grecnb'erg and Sarzen made up thr ust 4," starting at 8:30 o'clock. The sen Field club ei K«yport a 10 to 5 Atlantio Highlands team. Branch high school tennis courts. of Long Branch. beating Suaiii.v »- Leonardo. The •how will be held on the property of Entries for the singles will close Sun- locals used ihr« pitchers, Haxson, In (he singles the Rlnehart broth Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaiser of the Other entries so far Include George ers defeated Harold Potter and Al- day night, August i. For arranging Nouber and Lahey, while Ryan went Llncroft farm, Llncroft. entries call Long Branch 29(18. Flay Yanlto of Red Ban, Palmer Vovi of the lull route for the visitors. Sun-laire Cornwell, while Armstrong did Arrangements have been made for Batontown, John Galeer, Ellsworth the same to Lupton White. Nelson Is open to young men under twenty day's victory ovened the count wltn 23 classes including two flat race*, years of age. Curley and Rocco Jampa, all of Long the Jansen's, they having beaten the. Rose of the Shrewsbury team de- ono a half-mile race, and the other Branch, Donald RosawsUy of Deal 4 i l eason feated Greenberg, while Johnny Hlg The seeded players Include Lester Lloyd Jeffrey of Asbury Park. John Field club 6 to : in an early season a three-quarter-mile race, Parking gins did tho enrno to LoFevre. spaces for about 10p vehicles around Borltowltz of Red Bank, a member Wetderholt of Newark and Maurice game. In the double matches Rose and of the Gettysburg university tennis Abraham of New York. »..„ 'Clubbers" went Into the lead the show ring are available. The Potter defeated the Rlnehart broth- Mrs, Louis Kaiser of Lincroft, in the second stanza when they ers, White and Cornwell defeated staged their first attack on Ryan to noted horsewoman, Is general chair- Bcore three runs. Conover led oftArmstrong and Sarzen and LeFevre man of the affair. Fred Wettach of with a single, but Bayard struck out, and Greenberg setback Higgins and Shrewsbury la vice president; Mr. Smith came through with a smashing MIddleditch. Kaiser of Llncroft treasurer, and J. triple down the left field foul line, B. Johnson, Jr., secretary. scoring Conover. VanNees cracked Judges for the one-day ohow will out a single. Neuber's poke was Rumson Fielders Include Frank Connor of South Hampton, Pennsylvania, saddle McNAlR'S MARKET good for two bases and two more • markers came across the plate. Blank Bergenites horses; Thomas W. Clark of Edga- 19 EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK. The visitors tallied in the fourth mount, Pennsylvania, and Trod W. Boyle of Newark, hunters and jump- Phono 372. frame -wheb n two singles, a sacrlflc - inTand aa dodoublub,eTe byy Bricestt e 'accountSs Play Erwle-laU t. Win 4 to ers, and Mrs. Carl L. Miller of for a brace of runs. They ran their Darlen, Connecticut, horsemanship. Specials ! Friday and Saturday, August 1-2. 0, Over Red Bank Nin Dr. Harry L. Tloehurst of Shrewsbury total up to five for the day when they "Red" Kerr Fans Thirteen scored three more in the seventh o- will be veterinary. two free passes and three hits. Opposing Batten. The official time of events ha» Legs Spring The "Clubbers" added a single been announced by Mr. Johnson as Given flawless support in the field, follows: marker in the third and three more ,,Red,, KcrI; pltchlng ioT the Rum. LAMB . 20 in the fifth when Ryan had a wild g . 9:20 A. M.—Open jumping. Fences ii, son FJeId dub tMt unday after spell. The Keyport pitcher walked OTED principally for his ex- tbout four feet. Olsss 16. nooR he]d (he West Bergen baaeball N ploits Indoors and his dou- 10:00 A. 11.—Local saddle bones. Glass FBIME RIB LOIN LAMB two batters and hit tho third, ine clyb scor(!lesg He ,anned thirteen bles partnership with Borkeley 10:!5 A. M.—Horsemanship for children eighth run came In the seventh batters_ Tne Rumsonlans made four Bell, dashing Gregory Mnngln mder 14 years. Clus 31. Roast . . Chops , . 35f stanza. Two moro in the eighth end- of Newark this season has been 10:30 A. M.—Hunters. All weights. (Blade Out) b ed the scoring for the day. _ ^ ^ ven Class 11. • « Smith with four hits out of fivean a Red Bankers collected SB matching, on turf, some of his 10:50 A. M.—Five italted saddle hones. hits off Kerr. The Rumsonites made best board-floor tennis. Owner, Amateurs to ride. Class S. VIC GHBZZI. M. Bricese with three safeties, led the same number. While the latter at various times In the Inst flvo 11:05 A. M.—Bridle trail hacks. Class with the stick. 0. - Fresh Chopped Hamburger played errorless ball, the locals had years, of victories over George , 11:20 A. M.—Saddle ponies. Not over Mr. Ghezzl left Monday for Toledo, The scores: six mlscues chalked against them. Lott, Frank Shields,'Henri Co- S:3 hands. Class II. Ohio, where he Is paired with Denny JANSEN TIELD CLlii.. The box score: chot, Chris Boussus nnd John 11:30 A. M.—The Touch-and-Go. FenoM Shute, former British open cham- BONELESS CHUCK SHOULDER SrHING ibout 4 ft 8 inches. Class 17. AD 11 H PO A BED BANK. Doeg (when Docg wns national pion, In an Invitation four-ball tour- Alg(r u ;. a 1 1 1 0 AB B H PO A champion),' tho "Newark Bull- RECESS AND LUNCHEON. nament at the Invernesa country Roast . . 27lb IDib Slovens. !b: -. . 6 0 0 4 2 Kelly, rf 4 1:80 P. M.—Horssmanshlp. For local club. LAMAMB Baasick, c. 4 0 2 5 4 Matsaroppi. 2b 4 dog" has geared his slashing, ihlldren. Class 19. M. Bricese. ss, . crlsp-volloying gamo to now Walv«rs, lb. Geronl. c ...... S 1:45 P. M.—Ladles hunters. Clasa 12. Klnhaftr. rf. — Malta, cf _... 4 heights In seeking to regain 2:05 P. M.—Saddle horses. Over 14:2 Springsteen, cf, . Amelchenko. 8b...... -....._. 4 something like tho Xo. S na- ind not over 15:2. Class H. Ghezzi To Play Machine Sliced Bacon \ n.v *g, 22c B. Bricese, 8b. -. Rehm, lb 8 2:24 P. M.—Tbe Jumping Sweepstakes. Ryan, p. ... L. Farley. If. ... 4 tional ranking be held In 1933. Class 18. " Lafayette, asei. 8:00 P. M.—Five galted saddle horses. Eichele For Cup SMOKED BEEF E. Farley, p. 3pen. Claia 7. Bologna and Gregory 3, Mangln of Newark South Carolina youth, in a torrid 3:15 P. M.—Local hunters. Clasa IB. II t 111 I ind Mrs. Ethel Burkhardt Arnold of flve-set battle that lasted nearly three 9:85 P. M.—Saddle, horses. Ovar 15:2 The concluding matches for the Frankfurters Tongues . 2% Eeldio, 11 EUMSON. .ands. Class 2. second leg on the Schneider trophy Haison, V- < AB B H PO A Angeles closed out a week of houra. The scores were 6-S, 6-4, 3-6, 8:S0 P. M.—Horssmanshlp. 14, to and irilllant tennis in the 48th annual 6-2, 7-8. will be played Sunday, August «, at Lohscn, e. Faxxona. 2b. . .40212 [ncludlnz 17 yesrs. Class 80, Swimming River Country club, when Oonover, cf. Marlanl. c. .. Bright Invitation tournament Mangln came from behind repeat- 4:10 P. M,—Hunter sneepatakes. Clais UNITED SERVICE GROCERS. Calandrlello, 2b. _ Soden, c _..— 0 5 laturday by victories in the men'e 4. Joseph Qhezzl of the Wall street Bayini, 2b 1 1 edly and reached a climax at the very 4:36 P. M.—Saddle horse swespstakes. Bmlth, lb. - Parmly, ns ,nd women's singles finals. team will play William Eichele of the Palanrfrano, 8b. . 1 1 end when ho won the twelfth game ;la«s C. Butchers. Ghezzi In order to win th« WHEATIES 2 pkga. 25c VanNnt, Sb. Caprione, cf. 0 0 Because Berkeley Boll of New on Hines' service by a love score. He 6:00 P. M Saddle ponies. Over 111! O'Saga, as. — 0 1 lands. Class 9. second leg on the cup for his team Florida GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 cans 25c Laber. p. .-— Kerr, r. fork wau injured in an automobile Stevens, lb. 0 10 was behind, 1-3, but won the fifth 6:10 P. M.—The Family Claaa. Class 31. will have to win two points from Mr. Ifeuber, p. ccldent at Asbury Park Friday 1:25 P. M.—Ladles saddle horses. Clus Dole No. 1 PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 cans 29c Bennett, rf. CcnUllcB, rf. .-_-- 1 0 game on his own service by a love Eichele. Fiaaro. if. . 0 0 ight, he was unable to compete in score and broke through in the sixth Costa. If. 1 0 ho men's doubles and mixed doubles 5:40 P. M.—Local Jumpers. Class 19. George Bray of the Public Service U. S. G. MAYONNAISE pt. jar 25c 85 10 IS 27 12 to even the count. They followed ser- 6:00 P. M.—Championship riding com- and William Helm of the Clothiers Soon br innings. SI 4 1 27 8 inals. Victory in the men's event vice until the twelfth, fhon Mangln itltlon. Class 22. DILL PICKLES 1-qt. jar 18c JUHUI „ 00 02 0 U 0 0— 5 ent to Franklo Parker of Spring will also play in a concluding match. Score by Innings: produced his brilliant service break Billy Rohrev and Charles Schneider Flagstaff FRUIT COCKTAIL large can 27c XJaoiwrdo „._ OS 101)11 x—10 lUi Bflnk 0 0000800 0—0 jiko' and John Hopo Doeg of Rum- to win. SnmnuuTl Tbree-hase hl£3-Smlth. Two. Bunnon „ 00111010 x—8 pon, and the mixed doubles trophy are tied for first place in the Individ- Phillips' BEANS 3 cans 13c WSJ hits—B. Brltes*. Bmlth, I.olntn, Hangtn's bulldog determination ual averages with 14^ wins and 3M laaxson, Neuber. Sacrifice bib—Klnhafer. Errors—Kelly, Manaroppl, Amolchenko, ent to Mrs. Marjorie Gladman Van- Larry Mahoney Hits) off MaxsOn—1 in 2/8 lnnlngi, Neu- Rehm 2. Lafay«tt«. Two-base bit*—La- carried him along when defeat ap- losses. EARLY.JUNEPEAS ...3 cans 25c fayetU. Double play—Amelchenko to tyn of Philadelphia and John Mc- ter 1 in B inninri, Laher 1 In 2 1/8 armld of Fort Worth, Texas. Bell, peared close to him. His net rush- Last Sunday the Butchers and Wall PINK SALMON 2 cans 21c Inni&gs. Struck out by Maxeon 1, Neu-Oeronl to LafayetU. Strike outa—By ing and passing ahots from the front New Open Champ street were the only teams to play. ker 5, Leher 11, Ryan 6.. FsFirst on ballsballs— Kerr 18, by Farley 6. Bases on balls—• lnner of the singles last year, was Heinz RICE FLAKES pkg. 10c HauleHl r «. LLatt e 2 Kyan 44. Hit t bby Off Kerr !. off Farley 1. Umpires—Duke, court proved to be his most potent The Butchers hold Wall street to Geroni and Scalzo. !£angln's partner In the men's Lincroft Boy on Sunday Defeat- pitcher—Neuber anfl Maxson. DoubDoublle oublca and had reached the mixed weapons. three wins and three losses. Flagstaff Spaghetti or Macaroni 2 pkgs. 15c plays—Lobsels n to Bayard, O'Sase to Day ed Vito Fileccia, Who the Pre- The match play against par tourna- ard to Smith. Umpires—Drechsel and Inal with Mrg. Dorothy Andrus of Mrs. Arnold, tiny Los Angeles mi- Campfire MARSHMALLOWS ...1-tb.pkg. 19c Waddell. * ^ew York. tron, has clinched a place on the U. vious Sunday Handed Him Hi* ment was won by William Eichele, who turned In a score of three up. Edgemont SMACKS large pkg. 19c Next Sunday the Field club will Rumson Batters Saturday's victory gave Mangln his S. Wightman cup team by her sen- First Defeat as Champion. ' meet the Belford Red Sox at Leon- rst leg on the huge silver bowl, tem- sational playing at Sea Bright and Halleran waa second, being one down California ORANGES 25c doz. ardo. Belford defeated the "club- Defeat Quads 3-1 porarily possessed in the paet by at Manchester, Massachusetts, She The New Jersey open horseshoe and Dr. James VanNostraiid, thlra, ben" a short time ago. >uch tennis greats as William T. lost only one game In beating itching championship went to Lar- two down. JERSEY POTATOES 16-qt. bskt. 35c llden, 2d, , Ells- Gracyn Wheeler of Santa Monica, ry Mahoney of Llncroft, fifteen years JERSEY TOMATOES 5c lb. Red Bank Nine CloMa Season worth Vines and Sidney Wood, He California, In the women's final, the old, Sunday when he defoated Vlto Boys can make extra pocket money Water Sports At With Defeat by Rumson Ath- utlasted Wilmer Hlnes, Columbia, scores being, 6-1, 6-O. Fileccia of Brooklyn In a thrilling vertlalng columns.—Advertisement. letic Club—Lose in Third last round match before 1,000 spec- tators at the new municipal courU Port Monmouth Inning. 'air Haven Wins at Washington Park, Perth Amboy. The Red Bank Quadrangle club Another Shutout Fileccia had defeated Mahoney the lost to tho Rumson athletic club Sunday previous In a Staten Island Largely Attended Aquatic Con- Over Eatontown tournament, tests Held at tha New Pool Sunday afternoon on Taller field at For The Towners Rumson, 8 to 1, concluding the Quad- Fileccia, who was defending oham- Saturday Night—State Meet rangle baseball season. Robins Romp Off With 3 to 1 Crawford Blanks Third Team in plon Sunday, has been regarded as to be Held August 27. Rumson was the first to ucore in Victory Over Alerti in Inter- the best player in the East. Com- tho second Inning when they tallied Three Weeks, Allowing but ing up for the last round of the rej«- A largely attended diving and three runs off Dorn. A single by esting Game Laat Sunday— Four Hits, a Total of Nine in ular round robin play both players swimming meet was held Saturday Sweel drove In two runs, while "Red" Johnny Golden in Good Form Three Games. had been undefeated, each winning Lincroft Charity evening at the new pool at Port Mon- Summon, who tapped Dorn for three light straight games. Fileccia. got mouth. Several hundred spectatora The Fair Haven Robins nosed out Charlie Crawford, ace moundsman iway to an early load of 13-4, but were rjreaent and there were oiany hits out of four trips at. bat, drove In Sweel for their third tally. Lhe Eatontown Alerts, 3 to 1, in an tor the Red Bank Towners, pitched Mahoney quickly passed him at 21-13 contestants. Among the boys Alex interesting gamo last Sunday aftcr- his third shut-out In as many starts when ho pitched nine straight ling- Koleda made the best showing with In tho fifth inning the Quads tal- ers. From then on Mahoney tossed ed their lone score when Pingltore, loon at Fair Haven. Johnny Golden, last Sunday afternoon against, the 23 points and among the girls Joan •"air Haven pitcher, hurled a good Long Branch Ice company team on ringers at a dizzy pace and In the Noll was the leader with 20 points. who singled, scored on Eble's hit. ;a.nie, allowing zut five hits and fan- next few innings he tied hie; itate Wally Koneskl, twirling for Rum- McClaskey field. He held the Long Each received season passes for ua- ilng nine men. iThe Robins were Branchers to four hits, bringing the record of twelve consecutive ringers. Ing the pool. son, whiffed five Red Bank batters, ilso limited to five hits by Kirschncr, In the last sixteen Innings he aver- while Dorn, on the mound for the total number of hits allowed In theaged eighty per cent ringers out of In the various events first prize Catontown twirler. last three games to nine. was ten free admission tickets, sec- Quads, reached three Rumsonites for 32 pitched shoes. Fileccia usually strikeouts. Rumson nailed Dorn for Tho Alerts scored their only run in MItty Aschottlno led the hitting HORSE ond prize was live tickets and third finishes hl» games with a shower of ten hits, while the Quads were only ;he fourth Inning on hits by Rattl with two blows, one a triple, in three prize was three tickets. A team ind Meehan and an error by Rara- ringers, but Sunday Mahoney didn't made up of the winner* will be *yloct- allowed half as many off Koneskl. times at bat. Bruno's ono hit was a give hi™ a chance to get going. Four ey, tho Robins' shortstop, Fair Ha- double. The box score: ed to represent Port Monmouth at a Samrnon led Rumson at batting ren made two in the seventh when ringers were on the etake five times meet to be held at the pool Tuesday, with three hits out of four times at Sarney Egeland singled, Madge *• RED BANK. In the course of the game. Joseph August 27, between teams from va- bat, while Randy Cook closely fol- talked and Raziisey hit, scoring both AB R H PO A Pugllno of Fateraon, former state Bruno, 8a champion, was third. rious parts of the state. J lowed with two hits out of the same unnera. The Robins made their Smith, If .'."'.'.'". A. F. Fischer, Jr., was clerk of the [ number of times at bat. The boxither run in the. eighth. The boxHammond, cf score: M. Aflchettino, 2b. The class B title was won by Kyle course and starter at the evenly last :ore: Cltarelln, lb .. MoMurtrla of Oamden, who cam* •week. The timers ami course judges i RED BANK. SHOW FAIR- HAVEN. N. Ajchottino, 8b. ..._ through the round robin eerie* with- were George Frcibntt, Dr. A. F. AH n H ro A AB R II PO A Jacobfl, rf doom*, an _.. out a loss^ William Williams of FJscher and Fred Ruiiyon. The div- 0 0 0 6 Eselanil, If. i 0 2 Williams, c. Kill, Ih _... i !«vy, •• _. 4 0 Crawford, p „ „. 8 Naveslnk was^second. William Gaff- ing judges were Fred llunyoi: and 2 1 l 4 1 1 Eceland. 11) \ 1 6 ney of Llncroft was third and Wil- Joseph Krizanovic. A feature which c, cf. 4 1 1 1 nctee, 3b. ..._ 2 1 3 23 8 T26 1 liam Kelly of Everett wa» «!xth. caUEed much merriment wrts :i com- 1 0 EKclnnil, cf a 0 a •Seltzer out, bunting foul on lant ntrik«. John Dalley of Naveslnk, who won c, .„„_...... 0 0 tamsey, »*. 3 0 l LINCROFT FARM edy diving exhibition by Joseph 0 3 ., rJ _... 3 0 I LONG BRANCH. only one game, finished last. Krizanovic and Izzy Moore. l'tirbn, If. . 0 1 Al! R H TO A 'hit Enclanr, rf 0 0 o Selticr, rf 4 The winners follow in the order Mnllor. 2b 0 3 innky, c. , _ _.._... 3 0 0 10 0 Fyrrar. lb 3 0 1 13 oldcn, p. _ ^ i W. Karriicrit, c _ 4 1 LINCROFT, N. J. named: 1 0 BoKor, 31, 9 0 0 9chnnx, lb. 3 Charity Polo Match Divine for l,Uy»—It,,l,,.rt Ilcrry. Frank »3 1 6 24 22 20 3 5 27 7 0 1 11 Earle, Kmatmcl Meore, Holjeu Thnyer. The Tomainc, us , 4 0 0 0 RUMSON. KATONTOWN. HanRon, rf „_ 4 (THE ESTATE OF MR. & MRS. LOUIS KAISER) two v/ere tied for tliml place. AB It II TO A 0 1 1 At Norwood Sunday Dlviim for cirh—llctt) Glen, Dot Alex- Jjn R H PO A yno. 2h 3 0 1 4 ander. Mary 1'edi.Tson. Cook, 31, 44 0 2 13 y. ii 4 o o it o O'llrlon, If _ » Vnndcrveor, 11 a •atll. sa „.._ 4 113 2 0 0 2 Swimmlnir 100 feet—rmni. Karle. John 0 1 F. Karrberg, p. .„ 3 0 0 0 A polo match for the benefit of ApKnr, Jiimea WriKht. Ki'Tikhi, an _ 4 irnnne. If. _ 4 0 0 10 Monmouth Memorial hospital will be Swlmmini/ 100 feet—J(/;wi Null Viola McLiuicliHn, 21). 4 0 0 lephnn, 2Ij. II 0 1 2 ti Decker, Do*. Kiint'. Ueiti. rf 8 11 •t'-'l. 31' — - 4 0 0 0 1 „ , . , !0 0 4 21 14 taged Sunday at the Norwood Coun- Swimming: 60 y;ir got underway Sunday afternoon at Sail Boat Races County Country club, Eatontown. A are taking the place of the Elks' Preece, Clarence CombB, William Foales. tlz walked calmly out of the parlor the Eatontown polo fields before a four-ball best-ball pprofessional-ama- team, Tuesday night won from the In addition to the above there will and made his escape, Mis« Alfano large gathering of polo enthusiasts- teut r ttournament will be held on Jersey Central team, 16-5. Last night bo two special matches, one on Sat-waa seriously wounded In thenbdo. Games throughout the week moved Draw Many Entries Wednesday. the Quadrangle club eased out a vic- urday, August 17, between tho Brit- len. Into* the quarter finals and the finals TThh e association'i s title Is now held tory over the Y. M. C. A. team, 5-4. ish and RumBon tenrns ond one Sun- by Craig Wood, professional of the Ortiz is said to have been a suitor are expected to be staged Sunday, Harry McMahon'* Katharine STANDING OP THE TEAMS. ay, August 18, between tho Anny of Miss Alfano and became Jealous Hollywood Golf club. Wood will have W L PO The Eatontown pololsts, a twelvs- Win* Saturday's Knockabout 0 :eam and Melton-Mowbrny. Tho bncauao she spurned his advances. goal combination, were forced to give plenty of opposition on the difficult Second National bank 1.000 Ine-ups follow: Race—Sunday Winners Were Eatontown course, for among1 those Quadrangla club . 5 1 .838 Ho wao a former business partner of Primrose, an eleven-goal (our, a one Y. M. C. A 2 3 .<00 British—Major M. P. An.oll. E. H. the girl's father. goal handicap In their game Sunday. Chump and Lindy. who will play in the tournament are Jerea? Central 2 4 .333 Tyroll-Martin. Capt. P. U. Sanger, Hum- Victor Ghezzl of Deal, Johnny Kin- PoitofncPf o 2 .333 phrey P. GulnnesB. Primrose's 1-0 lead going Into the Sportsman'S s club _.._... * 21 5 • IDS opening chukker was equaled by The three weekend aailbpat racing der of Jumping Brook, the present 1 Rumson—Major C. C. Smith. M. 8. COMPENSATION SUIT. p. G, A. champion; Jimmy Thomp- Following Is a schedule for the Kemmerer, Rube Williams, Gerald Balding. Qeorga Oliver, Jr., No. 2 of Mon- cards on the Shrewsbury river at- Meltoh-Mowbrny—Gerald Rulii'me. Ivar mouth team, who tallied following tracted more boat* than have ap- «on and Byron Nelson of Rldgewood, second half of the playing season: Balding, J. B. BaldinB. Sheldon Prentice. Mntnvmn Policeman, Wounded By the throw In. peared on any other week-end this of Forest Hills, Her- Monday, August 5—Postofllco TS. Quad- Army—Maj. Wilkinson. Lieut. VValkei Bandit, Sues Company and Borough. year. Harry McMahon's Katharine bert Gasklll ol the Monmouth County ranele club. >leut. Iload, Major Smith. Oliver topped, the Monmouta Coun- Country club, Tommy Harmon of Tuaaday, August 6—Second National John J. Flood of Matawan, who ty Country ciub pololsta when he captured the knockabout race, the bank vs. Sportsmen's club. feature event on Saturday's program; Montclalr, Jack Forester of Oradell, Wednesday, August 7—V. M. C. A. «. was ahot and seriously wounded scored six of the eleven goals while Harold Sanderson of Canoe Brook, Jersey Central Powar and Light. MODE! TACHT RACES. while on duty at Matawan pollct Nlchoalds and Leo tallied two and victory In Dlckman'a mosquito fleet race wag awarded to Ed Hubbard a "ilaronco Hackney of Atlantic City, Monday, August 12—-Second National headquarters.last year, has engaged Phillips one. Combs led Primrose In bank vs. Jereey Central Power and Light. Bed Bank Club Wins Meet from Senator John B. Toolan of Perth Chump after the disqualification of three times winner of the state title, Tuesday, Auauat IS—Poitofflea vs. the scoring of all five goals. Prim- Bill Malcolm of Essex county, and Staten Island Group. Arntray to bring suit against th» rose was handicapped wjth one goal. Weston Houaman'a Drub and Charles Y, M. C. A. Allaire's Mopalong, and Joseph Ken- Johnny Farrell of Baltusrol, former Wednesday, August 1*—Quadrangle The Red Bank Model Tacht club General Accident and Life Insurance The line-ups: nedy's Llndy, Balled by Harry Clay national open champion, club vs. Sportsmen's club. defeated the Staten Island Model corporation and the Borough of Mat- Mem. Co. C. C. 11 PrlmrOM 8 Monday, August 19—Second National and Noel Lartaud, scored another bank vs. Y. M. C- A. Yacht club In a series of races Sun- awan for compensation for his In- No. 1—M. Phlllipi F. Fl.lichminn Gaflkill knows his home course like victory in a series ot races for a cup, a book and must be figured upon as Tuesday. August JO—J«rs«y Central day at L,ltUe Silver Point by a score juries, Flood went to pollco head- No. 2—fl. Oliver, Jr. C. Coratr« Power and Light va. Quadrangle club, No. S~n. Nlchoald* W. Reber offered by Commodore Augustus M. a title threat. Some of the state's' of 113 to 72. Bruce Anderson of quarters one night in Juno, 1034, In Wednesday, August 21—Postoffiee vs. answer to a red light police signal. Blck—C. S. LM .... W. FoilM Mlnton of the Monmouth boat club. leading amateurs will also take part, Sportsmen's club. Kumson made eighteen points, the Scor« by Chukkora among them being Vic Ohezzl's Monday, August 26—Postofflce vs. Jar- ighest score of the day. His boat As lie entered the building he was Mon. Co. 0. 0. _. 1 8 1 1 4 1—II On Saturday the Katharine barely sey Central Power and Light. confronted by a masked man, who Primroie _... 2 2 0 2 0 0— 6 nosed out Lloyd Fuller's Strew. Jack brother Joe, club champon at Swim- Tuesday, August 27—Sportsmen's, club also made the best time, cflmpletlng Goals for , Monmouth—Ollvor 6 : Nfeh- ming River; Bobby Jacobson of Hol- tho triangular course of approxi- shot him through the head. Flood oalds 2; Leo 2; FbUUpi. Far Frlmroae— Warren In his Riptide came In live Y. M. C. A. etlll has a bullet In hla neck and Is Combs 6; by handicap I, minutes after the Shrew, and two SAMP-LOTT£K_/ lywood, Paul Anderson and Dr. R, R. Wednesday, August 28 — Quadrangle mately 1,500 feet In seven minutes club vs. Second National bank. totally disabled. Hefor«e8—Gen. H. S. Borden and Viei mlnuteej In front of Tom Doremus's IS OETERMIIJEO TO Lauckner of Canoe Brook, both and thirty seconds. • Andy Anderson WotUch. Tom Kat. Eisner's Urge trailed the SALVASE 1HE BATTWS TlTLE scratch players, and Walcott Brown )f Staten Island was second highest Time of Chukktri—7U mlnutei each. Tom Kat homo by eight minutes. of Spring Lake. in the scoring, with seventeen points. A flashy riding quartet from the OV Or- THE. OISAST&2. T^ Increases in Pay Wins Golf Crown. Dava Wolcott In his Neagra won Trl& Thompson Is another likely con- On Saturday and Sunday, August Miss Charlotte Glutting of Rock Evergreen Farms Monday afternoon 3 and 4, the Red Bank club will com- eliminated the Bumsoh Country club the Class A sneak box race, and Ray- tender as he Is playing in great form To Relief Officials Springs won tho amateur women'* mond LIpplncott In Barbara Sayre's All Rlihtt Itmmil by Tlie Aiiocliled Hell on a barnstorming trip around the pete at Linden with .the Marblehead golf championship of New Jersey on pololsts 8-4, to gain a position ID tjje :lub of that place. semi-final bracket. Milton Untor- Pop Eye won the class B sneak box country wth Sam Parks, United Newark, July 31—The State Relief the Humson Country club course meycr led the winning combination, evont. Tho class was divided accord- States open champion. Thompson, council today made publlo through yesterday, with a final round of 78 whllo Hi W. "Kube" Williams was Ing to the ages of the skippers, those Rumson Loop Led who formerly played around Los its chairman, Chester I. Barnard, Bowers on Tho Air. fora 54-hole total of 239, or 11 strokes leading man for the RraiROnltes. under sixteen being placed In class Angeles, Is considered the longest that a net reduction of $8,160 per Frederick V. Bowers, well known better than the previous tournament B. driver in the golfing world, and his At half time the Evergreen riders month had been made In overhead composer and stage star, will broad record. The tournament was played Johnny Olvlng In his Sailaway fin- ROD AND GUN By Presbyterians presence In the tournament Is cer- salaries as a result of reorganization cast from WBRB Saturday evening, In three legs, the flrst two being at led by an overwhelming scoro of 8-^ tain to attract a large gallery of fans. and were allowed only one goal In ished second In class A, and Charley of the headquarters forces and of August 3, at 6:45 o'clock. Deal and Hollywood. the remaining half of the gamo while Allaire In the Mopalong came In Last Year Winners Defeat Town- The open championship will com- changes resulting from the Inaugur- the Rumson pololsta tallied one-goal third. Eddie Hubbard in the Chump Fresh water fishermen are con- er>, Hilltops to Lead Twilight prise 72 holes of medal play, eighteen ation of tho Works Progress Admin- scores In each of the remaining and Fred Wlkoff in Star Dust stantly on the search for a good lure holes being played on Thursday and istration. League —• Leaders to Play Friday, respectively, starting at 8:80 h brought up the fluid in that order. for black bass. The two best botB aro Mr. Barnard stated that during In class B, Caro Quinn was second Hilltopi Tonight. In the mornng. Only those competi- this period three had been resigna- Prentice was high scorer for Rum- an' artificial mouse or a jet black tors whose scores at the finish of 86 son with two goals while Bradley ana In her Slo-Poke, Eddie Rullman waa bass bug used at the end of a fine The Rumson Presbyterians ad- tions and transfers to the Works third and Weston Housman, Bob and holes come within the first fifty Progress Administration of 66 em- Williams tallied one goal apiece. loader at least seven feet long and vanced Into flrst place Tuesday night places, including ties, will be allowed PreQce led the Evergreen Forms in Jack Davis and Borden Hanco fin- cast with a trout or bass rod whon they chalked up their second ployees, Including a number of prin- ished In that order. to continue In the tournament on cipal officials, He also said very few scoring threi> goals while Fink fol- equipped with a well-greased line. win of the'season In the Rumson Saturday, which will be concluded at lowed with two and Eisner one. The bird clans race was won by Twilight Baseball league being held new employees or officials have been Donald Asay's Teal with Peter Bent- 36 holes. appointed, most of the vacancies Evergreen ITarais wera given a two- For moro than a weok, salt water at Kumson. goal' handicap. ley In Tlgerag second and Ed Brad- The prizes for the open champion- having been filled by those already MUTUAL Monday night In a postponed game dock In the Crackpot third. fishermen who have made it a point ship will include $400 and a cham- members of the staff. The line-up: to go offshore in search of fish were the Presbyterians defeated the Town- Everiroen s Rumion 4 The snipe class was won by Irving pionship medal for flrst, $175 for sec- In connection with this work there well rewarded with good catches of ers 7-3, while Tuesday night they did ond, $125 for third, $100 for fourth, 1—M. Untermayer T. Bradley Bother, Jr., In the Luck with Bull- the same to tho strong Hilltop team have been some promotions, some de- J—B. Elsmr ...- _.. 8. rreallee man's Oaier second, Charley Lane's tuna, ranging anywhere from ten to $75 for fifth, $50 for sixth, $40 for I—T. Prow __....._ W. Sullivan sixty pounds In weight. The stream- by the score of 6-2. motions, Increases and decreases of JXozei Oleepa third and Nancy Jones's seventh, J30 for eighth, $25 for ninth, pay, and also adjustments of pay cor- Hwk—M. rink H. w. Wllllaroa lined battlers of tho deep havn been STANDING OF THE TEAMS. $20 for tenth, $15 for eleventh and Scora by periods! Hawk fourth. W L I>0 responding to the scales Axed by tho Evergreen Farms .... 4 12 0 1 0—8 Audrey Walker in Thirteen waa particularly numerous In the vicinity Fraibyterlana 2 0 1.000 $10 for twelfth. Amateurs entitled Works Progress Administration. ^GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE If Burason 10 0 11 1—4 of tho sunken Mohawk, which lies Hilltops 2 1 to prizes will receive sutablc trophies Goals—Evergreen Farms i Greece s. first In the midget class, with Jos- In connection with'this statement, Tlnk 2, Eisner 1, by handicap 2, Rum-* eph Eschelbach In Tagalong second about soven mlloa ot Mantoloklng. Townors _ _..„..„..„..„.. 0 2 .000 in plate. Woit Park — 0 2 .000 Mr. ,Barnard made public a list of ton: Prentice 2, Bradlor, Wllllami. and Robert Hiker In Snap third. Blueflsh, which wore fairly numer- The professional-amateur tourna- tho principal officials and their rates Referees—O. Oliver. Jr., and Robert ous in offshore watcra up to a week In Monday night's game tho NlehoaJdl. Time of perloda—7 *A minutes Tho Caps Cod knockabout race ment will consist of 36 holes of med- of pay. During this period increases was won by Harold Hartnhorne in or so ago disappeared, and up to bytorlans scored ono run in the •mch. opening Inning and repeated with al play, and will start at eight In pay were given to five county di- Tuesday afternoon one of the two the Peggy Ann. Jack Powers was Thursday only an occasional blue o'clock Wednesday morning. First rectors. second • In the ChaseyourBelf, Dor&> was brought In. On Thursday, how- throo in the second semester. Tho and second prizes will be $50 and $30 United States Army polo teams UK- Towners were hold scoreless by In stato headquarters the monthly ing part in the tourney was elimi- thy Burghard waB third in Eazoo, ever, some of tho private boat owners respectively. salaries of Arthur Mudd, deputy Harold Hartshorne, Jr., was fourth agin located the fish in the neighbor- Gorge Martin until the fifth Inning Among the competing teams will nated when Second Corps Area of when they tallied one run. Two and stata director, department of finance Governor's Island was downed by In Popeyo, Dick Dunne was fifth in hood of Big- KocK, which lies about be Herbert Gasklll and Harold R. and assistant sLato treasurer, and Eastland Farms, 6-4, whllo on the Nadls and Max Naulsuld finished seven miles southeast of Shark river ono runs in the fourth and sixth in- James and John Showier and Robert Ludolph E. Meyer, deputy state di- other playing Hold the All Army last In the Dub. Inlet and about six and one-half nings, rospectlvoly, gave the Presb'y- Lowry of the Monmouth County rector, department of works and ma- team waa set baok by Dave Evans's Three boats were disqualified Sun- miles directly offshore. terlans a win, when a two-run rally Country club, Dudley Ramsden and terial and manager of the Federal Gato rdern, 3-6, day morning for turning the home Last week somo fine- catches of in the Towners' last half of tho final Amory L. Haskell, E. M. Crane and surplus commodities distribution dlr At half time in the all Army Onto stake in the wrong dlreotlon In Dick- tuna were brought In at Tonks' boat- Inning" fell short. William G. Green and Charles vision, were increased to $450 and game both teams played to a five-all man'a Mosquito fleet race, which was houso on tho Shark river at Avon. Jim Sammon led the Towners at Doughty and Blddle H. Garrison of $40O 'respectively. tie.' As the fourth period got under- awarded to Ed Hubbard, sailing bat with two hits out of four trips the Rumson Country club, Jack Roh- In the field group, the monthly sal- way Evans and Lieut Reed collided, Chump. Weston Housman In Drub The Bolmar Fishing club's annual at bat, while Fazzone led tho Presby- rey and Joseph Ghezzl and Bernle ary of Arthur H. Jones, director of sending Evans and his pony to the and Charles Allaire In Mopalong terians with three hits out of four Fiaer and Billy Kohrey of Swimming memorial service will bo held next Essex county, was increased to J35O; HANOVER BBAffD (round. The horse roeo but Evans crossed Uio finish line In first and Sunday at eight o'clock at tho club- trips at bat. Tho box score: River, Craig Wood and Bohby Jacob- that of James P. Mitchell, director •.uttered injury to his bacjc and neck. iccond place, respectively, but wera PRESBYTEMANS. con of Hollywood, Vic Ghezsl and Dr. SWEET PEAS TIHDER, KUOOUS house. Tho club looks for some rec- AB R of Union county, to $300; Spurgeon Gato scored two goals to the All disqualified as was George Worthley, Harold Garrity of Deal, John Kinder Cross, director of Atlantic county, to ord-breaking casting when lt stages Fazione. ss H „ i 2 Mvtual's Qualify Groceries Pure Fruit Juices for Army's one in the fifth chukker. who finished eighth In Ik«. Its 26th annual casting tournament R. Sammon, 2b _ a 1 and Abe Racklln and Sam Kinder $275; W. Rex McCrosson, director of Both went scoreless In the final par- Hubbard circled the course In an Scheldt, 8b _ _ 2 and Monroe Lewis of Jumping Burlington and Ocean counties, to one/ Household Necessities Hot-Weather Drinks August 18. Zleglor, cf. — _., 4 Brook, George Sullivan and Charles iod. The two-goal handicap proved hour and 58H minutes. Dave Wol- Forrar. lb, - _ S $250; and Harold S. Whitney, direc- victorious for Gato. cott at the tiller ot tM Neagra Kerr. If _ 3 VanHlse of the Long Branch Coun- tor for Monmouth county, to $260, BUTTER CRACKERS, GRAPE JUICE S& 2C 25c £.25* In the second game of that after- placed second and third place wag Cunningham, rf 2 try club, George Fartblngham of PRETZEL STICKS *.». ft.Kn.22c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE an.a<»N£,'lOc noon played on No. 1 field the Sec-awarded to Raymond Lippincott, sail- Levy, Carlton Mariana, e 2 Norwood and Herbert Kottek of Martin, r —- 3 JESTERS AT SEA BRIGHT. BROADCAST^ HASH c™19c GRAPEFRUIT JUCE • "£U'35c ond Corps Area took an opening lead Ing Barbara Sayre's Popeye. faro 26 Hollywood, Ed Quinn and Ponald 1 Phillips of Norwood, and P. Hal Sims CEYLON TEA mmm £w?15c V .'." 29c ORANGE JUICE . with a one-goal handicap. They Quinn and August Sehweers In th« In Main Event TOWNEES. Salaam Temple Group Has Outing added two more goals in the opening Slo-Poke finished fourth. Al! R of the Long Branch Country club BAKED APPLIS.iKK.T™, '^19c PINEAPPLE JUICE i Soule. c - 2 0 at Ship Ahoy Club. period and one more in the second. Next Sunday the fleet will go to and Francis X. Coakly of Galloping BAKED BEANS «»^SS5?m, "^Uc Trenton Slugger to Meet Jersey J. Simmon, If t 0 Hill. The Royal Order of Jesters of PINEAPPLE JUICE,, At half time they led Eastland Long Branch to sail as a club In the City Lad in Feature Bout at Young, rf i 0 SANDWICH SPREAD 5K triOc PRUNE JUICE w^m , ,^>^9c Farms, 4-0. annual regatta of the South Shrews- DIoBler. BB 3 0 Salaam terapla of Newark held their Ocean View A. A. Show To- Dosmond. 2b _ - 3 0 A number of radical changes have summer outing yesterday at the CGRTO mm HUT au QQOLT . »M. t<*. 27c PRUNE JUICE ™>m, „<. bo, 3Oc General Borden broke Into a scor- bury Ice Boat and Yacht club, Dolaney, 3b —-... 8 1 been made In the course, making lt ing spree in the fourth chukker for inorrow Night. Ship Ahoy club at Sea Bright. Sev- TOMATO JUICE ««« * a 'SUMS* Harry MeMakps's Katharine fin- Cook, p - -... 3 1 one of the moat difficult on which the enty-flva members ot this organiza- SCOTTI5S0E - -15c Eastland Farms as did Arthur Bor- ished seoond In the Monmouth Boat Hughes, cf. - - 3 0 championship has been staged. The TOMATO JUICE •ctrrs .' ,,'.^..a.6t den In the fifth semester. With the Georgle Levy of Trenton and Har- Kniie. lb - 3 1 tion, ono of tho social branches of iiV oi#5c club race with Lloyd Fuller's Shrew 23 3 former par 72 layout has been made Salaam temple, had a fine time and TOMATO JUICE srmr<\ 2'£?19c army team leading 4-2 going Into the third, Jack Warren's Seal fourth and ry Carlton of Jersey City will op- a stiff par seventy. The traps have LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP 3,,ln19c pose each other in tho main bout of Tuosday night Fazzone held tho voted Otto Glllig, manager of tho 2 MANSFIELD usotrauvtum 3£?*25c final chukker both teams pullod two Torn DoremuB's Tom Kat last. Dis- Hilltops to three hits, while his team- boen made more severe and they will !' 55t " olio Wta A. A. arena at Long Branch. ing for tho Hilltops, for eight hits. of boating on the river or swim- revr clorhti ihodt, *b»ir Ihtir tolon fr,,t oad b.ioh* Fos. 26 Corps Area (S) E. Forme (4) on his opponents find kept the Lindy Ziegler and Forrar led the Presby- been constructed with an overhang- RINSO 17c pkg- No. 1—Lt. Robinson A. Stern Levy finished strong In the second ming in tho ocean tho jesters en- In front all through the race. Maa- terians at bat with two hits out of Ing lip, making It almost Impossible joyed an elaborate dinner, prepared ALL GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM AUGUST lit to AUGUST 7th, INC. No. 2—Oapt. Culllns Can. H. Borden terly handling of tho Shrew, one of show of tho local season and held to putt out of difficulty once the ball No. 8-r-CmH. Davis.- A. B. Borden the hard-hlttlns Roger Bernard of the samo number of trips at bat, under tho direction of Mr. Glllig. Back—Lt. Jacobs _ A. Qlmbal the oldest boats on the river, ac- while Hllflicker led tho Hilltops with drops In the sand. The course meas- Score by chukkerll counted for her finishing In third Flint, Michigan, to a draw. Georglo ures slightly more than. 6,700 yards. Second Corps Ana....! 10 0 0 S—( wanted.another shot at tho belting two hits out of three trips at bat. place. The third hole, which measures 460 ENROLL NOW/ Eastland Farms 0 0 0 11 !—4 Jewish lad but Rogers' tour of tho A 7-7 tlo was played last night be- yards from tee to cup, haa been Goals—Second Corpa Araa, Roblnidn The summaries: East has taken him to New York twoen tho West Park and Towners (2), Davis (2), Culllru. By handicap (1)> MOSQUITO FLEET BACB. changed from a five-par to a four-par Eautland Farms, A. Bord«n (2), General where ho fought Abe Wasserman teams, leaving them both In a last- hole, and the eleventh hole has also Secretarial Start: 10:11 o'clock. place tlo in tho league standing. °Ko(erees—B. Nlchoaldi and H. W. Wil- Intrlil Flnlih Ting about a week ago and Is schoduled been converted from a par five to a liams. Time of chukkara 7 U minutes Drub, Weston Houaman 11:69:16 to meet several othor boys before Both teams made ten hits each. Mopalonir, Charles Allaire 12:02:15 par four. Courses Chump, Ed Hubbard 12iOB:lJ returning to tho Mid-West; In Qualify for many sood pt>lng iMhttarlsl PM|. Poa.' All-Army (8) Oslo (a) Carlton he will come faco to face It will be the flrst time that the Hint NOW AVAILAOLE by Illrnlng Mttm No. 1—U. Grenter H. Hopper N«»jra, Dava Wolcott 12:06:45 open tournament has been held at OorrMDOmieluit, Shorthand, TyplwrltinB, Junior No. 2 Lt. Stadler E. 'Hopper Foptys, Raymond Ltpplncott 12:06:00 with a tough veteran who first licked Drawing Made For AitBunllno, Intenlivo E(«MRI!II, tti, Blo-Poka, Caro Quinn l!:06:U Benny Bas3 nnd then held him to a the Monmouth County club, and J. . No. a—Lt. Walker - D. EVICTS Sno'Usa II, Don Hubbard 12:06:4S SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES QUICKLY Back—Lt. XUsd J. Fink draw In a return engagement. Ho Paul Carey, president of the club, Is PLACEU IN QOOD POSITIONS Score by chukfcerii Ika, Corfu Worthley _ 12:07:00 Local Tourneys working hard to make the event out- Olcar, Edwardi Rullman ... 12:00:00 also trimmed Lou Lombardl and Call or Wr/(t hi Kt» Co(o/o3 Gato 2 12 1! 0—8 Th> Top, Bordan Hanc« 12:00:. Walker (2). Read (!)• urrnr, Tom Lloyd - 12:13:00 Raid Made At SECRETARIAL COLLEGES Beforael—George Oliver, Jr., and Shel- Tagalongr, Joseph Esohelbaoh 12:27:09 Carlton also has to his credit two Take Part in Doubles—Ber- don Prentice. Time of chukkere— 7 IS MONMOUTH BOAT CLUD IUCE. gront flghta with Tony Canzonerl, low to Defend Championship. Da/ antftrtntng Cfafitf minutes. Start! 10:35:10 o'elook. pronont ruler of tho lightweight Ross Fenton Farms WM. C. COPE, Pci/dtnt » MEAT PEPaBTMENT SPECIALS « A three-goal rally in the final chuk- JSntrUa . • ' rinlati Tlran rankn, and has fought Tony Folco, Tho annual (singles and doubles lt> Mirkt! Slreit lir Smith Slrot Jter foil short last evening whon the Ltntly, Joieph Kennedy 11:60:10 tournament at tho local municipal NtWAflK PERTH AMDOV Katharine, Harry McMnKon H:iU:50 Baby Pncho nml Snmmy FulJor. A squad of county detectives led Harmony Hollow pololats were elim- Shrew, Lloyd Fuller 11:56:10 Tho Beml-flnal spot of six rounds tennis courts got underway this week by Assistant Prosecutor Charles inated from the twolvo-goal tourna- 8«» , .27c led Harmony Hollow Uam In the nupport the annual Rumaon Twilight ond fuss will bring lmck to the and 1-iOBtcr UerlcowlU, Harold Lar- scoring of five goals while Capt. Lo- Baseball loaguo now underway. taud and Joseph Berlow.. by Laura M. Woollcy ofDoal. Tho salary, con quickly obtain fihnro Mlokoy Hnllerlno of Tronton, men woro found In a pavilion adja- FRESH MACKERELr,.8c | RILET«/HADDOCK»,-^17e kntto of llio opposing team led his Dances will bo hold ovory Saturday who on liln IIIHI nppmirnnco liero Al Berlow, Stanloy Saviigc, ISdgnr cash from ui. Having 6 loon trnmmnUs In scoring four goals, night at the skating rink, with How- cent to tho main building at tho Plant, we can take care of MEAT AND FISH PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST lit, 2nd and 3rd, OKIY put Bfittllni: Tinzn of Long Branch Allen, Harold Kerr, Gcorgo HolmcB, Farms. Tho placo was In darkness Tho llna-uim ard Prltchard and his Ambassadors out In two rniinrtH. Rnllorlnn meets Harold Lartaud, Raymond Roso nnd practically everyone who Harmony Hollow (10) Ft. Hamilton (13) furnishing the muslo. A swimming LeTloy Trommel of Anbury Park. whon the omeem entered. In solnir CHOP—cxcnuNr riAvon-Miof sue Joseph Berlow, all drew byos, Othor over tho equipment they found more is steadily employed. JJO. i_J, Kocbllntf Onpt. Lokette meat will bo hold In tho near future. matches are Clark vu, Donaldson, No, 2—R. Vanllrunt— Lt, Btevanson An election ol officers was rccontly than $300 In silver In cloth bags. No. 3—1'. Grace - Lt. flaokman NOW OFFICIAL IMPUtE. Sheehan v». Smith, Harold lierko- Among the equipment seized wore Borrow up to $800—tolio Hart—B. Raiding - Lt. Jacobs beld nnd Edwin J. Kruse was elected wltz vs. Androw Kgclnnd, Lester C three roulette tables, one three-card up to IS months to repay. Hems liy chukkere: president, John J. Hnmmon first vice BorkowlU V3. Kentor, Scliooloy Wo speclnllr.o In Auto Loans Harraonej Hollow....O 1 1 S 2 a—10 Siumiel Harvey To Officiate At Na- nionte set, one dloe table, one "big president, John Dolaney second vice Wood, Doorlnjr TO, Schwcnker, Wol- and Auto Refinancing. Fort Hamilton J « 2 I 1 I—lt president, Stephen Cook third vlco tional Tennis Mutches. six" wheel, dice and quantltlnH of Cantaloupes 3 25 oott va. Hogan. Gnnli—Harmony Hollow, Balding (5), chips Confidential arrangements. ttriro (3), VanBntnt (I). Fort Hamilton, president, Louis J. VanBrunt socro- Samuel Harvey of Bergen place re- Tho doubles aro matched up fta CALIFORNIA BARTLE1T PEARS »» .. 2,,,19c Curt, l.okelte M). U. Stevenson (>> Lt. tnry and Joseph Dosmond treasurer. cently rocelvod nollce of hln appoint- Monthly chsrge two «nd om> Rnrkmn" (S), hy handicap IS). follows: Berlow and Allen va. Keator Tho raid was In compliance with hnif par cent on tinr<*ld bit* ment as an olllclnl umpire by tho Na- JUBtloo Joseph Peraklo'a ordor that Rlic« only. CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES «, 12 ,23c This aftornoon at six o'clock the and Dqcrlng, Donaldson nnd Schwcn- Stool GUu* Globe*. tional Tennis Umpires' nmufclatlon. ker vs. Bwartu and Evans, Lester nnd gambling In Monmouth county must CRISP BOSTON LETTUCE UK.™..™ » 2*.17c Monmouth County Country club po- Mr, Harvey la well-known in tennis hn stopped. Justice Per»kle lamed © lolsts will oros* millots with th« Two Rlnas globea wers stolon from Harold Borkowltz vs. Androw KE"- olrcioii and has officiated at a num- the order to Prosecutor Bailey last SELECTED JERSEY TOMATOES m.M . *3c Gato tenm. The winner of the Hiat- the Bhell Qaaollno atatlon on tho lnnd and partner, Smith and Schoo- bor of outstanding mntoheei In thin ley vs. Tabor and Jacoubn, Rose nnd Friday. Chief Investigator Charles ontown nnd Gato game will play the corner of Maple avenue and Bergen country. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. CRISP CELERY HEARTS «,re«.,,n 2^.,_^19e MncDonald va. Harvey anrt iirott, Tatn and other members of th« prnne- CUetrlo nMi.. sot 0>n(i AmiUi Evergrenn Farms team and. the Hoc- place last Tueadny night or early He will officiate nt (ho National rmirT > VEOCTABU PHICP trncmnt AUOUIT ut,a»d m am, PHUT Wednesday r»6rnlng. No other ar- Holmes nnd Hubbard v». H, Kerr cutor's staff visited novoral Miorts Phalli A. P. 7IDS. UWH No. 870 orid Corps Area team will play th« Tennln matchen to bn hold nt For- and Bnuer, LnrUtid and J. Borlow nlong the shore Friday night where Fort Hamilton tpiim. Sunday the tlcloa around the station were ASBURY PARK. N. J. touched. o»t Hllln, New York, tho latter part VB. Wood and Buchanan, Hogan and It wna alleged gambling had been finals will be played on field No. 1; of AujtusL Shultx v», Savage and White. f o!ng on but no raids were irmdi. •••••••••••• 95 BROAD STREET NEXT TO POSTOFHCE Page Twenty RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUSTS, 1985, recently returned home Xrom a few Mrs. Sara Watson and Irma WaUon Holland Society days' camping trip at Lake Wallen- Keansburg. •pent Tuesday at Trenton. Headden's Corner TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN paupaclt, near Hawley, Pennsylvania. Miss Evelyn Lambcrson IU an Edwurd McKcon, who makes his Mr«, William H. Newman and Atlantic Highlands visitor Monday. Clarence Johnson, ton of Mn. An- Expert Repairing Has An Outing nie Johnson, returnod home Monday Contractor and Builder homo with Mrs. Jano V. Jackson, Is daughters Mildred and Vivian have Rosa Rodgera la spending a few OB A number of tho members of thesuffering a bad cold. returned from a trip out West Some from Rlvervlew hospital at Bed days at Irvlngton. Bank, where ho waa a patient for In- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Monmouth county branch of tho Hol- of their stops Included Harrlsburg, Mrs. Klla Bailey entertained her WATCHES, CLOCKS land society of New York held a plc- Pennsylvania, Danville and Chicago, juries received In an accident a few SCREEN AND STOBM ENCLOSURES daughter. Miss Alma Bailey, of Redweeks ago while working at Fnlr and JEWELRY Xelepnone 040-M 160 Bridge Avenue, Bed Bank, N. nlo and social time at tho historic Shrewabury News. Illinois; Columbus, Ohio, and Niagara Bank op Sunday, LuyBter farm near Mlddlctown on Falls, New York. View cemetery. He lo woll on the Mrs. Ellda Mulllson haa returned road to recovery. Accuracy, skill and experi- Saturday afternoon. The spot where (Tin Red Banic Regliter can b* boufbt Peter W. Kimrloyg was a recont from a business trip to Paulaboro, Ralph VanNote Is laid up with a ence enable us to, do the the picnio was held was at one time In Sfucwsliury from Richard Beak* at tht Jersey City visitor. Theodore J. Franzon spent Monday called "Holland" and Is still Known postofflco and at Shrowabur? alukat.) John Cierko of Now York is spend- ooro finger which he received last most delicate repairing. We WHAT PRICE BEAUTY! 1'lsiinD at Jersey City as tho gueat of Misa week while painting, by that name to numerous residents ing two weeks as tho guest of hla Kathleen Boylan, guarantee satisfaction. Our of that locality. Tho farm, which be- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miksch and aunt hero. Miss Lois Klotzln has taken a children of Norristown, Pennsyl- Raymond F. Hillfry of Matawan, prices will please vou. Our Permanent! Are Guaranteed for longs t John P. Luyster, has been in A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. secretarial position with Morris Weg- One Year. that family lor more than two hun-vania, were Sunday visitors of Rev. formerly of this place, spent Sunday terman, a lawyer at Rod Bank. and Mrs. Georgo H. Miksch. J. C. Linda at their home here last renewing acquaintances here. Silverware Repaired Soft beautiful hair, a clear healthy com- dred years. The residence In which Friday. It was tholr third son and Preparations are progressing for plexion are yours for tho asking. Our Mr. and Mrs. Luyster make theh An executive meeting of the Young Andrew J. Mularchuk Is driving a the firemen's fair which will open People's Home Missionary society he has been named Goorgo Edward. new Ford automobile. and Replated Like New iralnvd operators, muJfr the i>erjiohal fiu- home Is 207 years old, and ha3 a I Miss Virginia Maxley has fully re- Saturday, August 10, and close the pcrvlblon of John and Charles, will glvi: most attractive setting among box way held Tuesday afternoon at the Mrs. Barbara Lease of thla place following Saturday. Indications are home of Mis. Geurge H. Miksch of covered from her recent illness. and her grandsons Carl and Stanley you Ihc best to be bad In beauty culture. bush • pnd.tall locust trees. On the Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Mack were promising for a successful festival, REUSSILLES' This guarantee is made possible by a arrival of the guests and members Sycamore avenue. Plnns wero dls- Smlthe of Orange aro Qn a trip to povided that the weather man be- cussctl of ways of raising money. the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.Germantbwn, Pennsylvania. They 36 Broad St., Red Bank series of ro-wuviiip, one every three months. they were Bhown through tho house, A. U. Aumack of Matawan. havea. This f»l>ee!ul re-waving service in very In- which Is rurnlshed almost entirely H, Carl Knit left Tuesday for New will bo gone two weeks. tel last with antiques, by Mr. and Mrs. Luy-York, where he will spend several Misa Ruth Goldfarb haa roturnod Doris Uhrlg has the measles. It pays to advertise in The Register. expensive, for instance, a ?7.50 Wave can to her home at New York, followjng be rejuvenated nt a cost of only $1.00. a week's stay with her tamily at this Others in proportion. place. furnishings. Following the trip : home yyesterda y a p We specialize in Zotos, the machineleis Wave, Frederic through thh e house thh o guestts andd i lnK several days with Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lenovich Vitonic and Eugene with Water Sachet. members were served with baked Carroll M. Burck of Sycamore ave- and children John and Helen of clams, corn on tho cob, ginger ale, Brooklyn are spending two weeks We carry a fu)l line of helena rubenstein cosmetics. roasted hot dogs and rolls, and Lawrence Cook of Broad street hero. Mrs. Lenovlch before her mar- DOREMUS BROS watermelon. The bake was prepared hns purchased a new Chevrolet riage was Miss Nelly Dickey. by William H. Brvne, assisted by coach. Robert Davies and Helen Uhrlg ordon D. Moodey, Officers and Mrs. Lillian Miksch, mother of have recovered from recent Illnesses. COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 members ol the local branch served Rev. George H. Miksch of Sycamore Miss Sue Massavltch of Brooklyn JOHN and CHARLES as waiters. avenue, celebrated her birthday Fri- was a week-end guest of her family JOHN D'AMICO CHARLES PAULSON day. Mrs. Miksch received a basket here. 3 PHONES—1560 - 1561 - 1562 Among those present were John of flowers from the Shrewsbury aux- DeCamp VanEtten, president of theiliary of the Klvervlew hospital. Emma Miller Is spending the rest -HAIRDRESSERS- Holland Society of New York; W. of the season with her aunt at Mat- 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -:« FREE DELIVERY M. .Meserole, secretary of tho society; Services at the Presbyterian church have been discontinued during Au- awan. 67 Broad St. — Tel. 1515 Red Bank torls Berg, Franklyn Hogeboom, Ar- Mrs. Mary Lewis is. on a visit to thur S. VanBuskirk, Otomar H. Vangust nnd will be resumed Sunday, SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY. September 8. her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Norden, Arthur K. Wendell and Lin- Mrs. Clyde Lewis of Lake Hopatcong. dau T. Bates, trustees; Harold Hen- A rummage sale will be held Wednesday, August 14, at the fire Robert Scott is recovering from a drlckson, president of tho Monmouth severely Injured foot county branch; Mrs. Hendrlckson, house on Broad street. The sale will Enjoy a permanent vacation start at ton o'clock. Announcement has been made of Jersey Large FOWL 3etty C. Hendrlckson, Gilbert T. the marriage of Miss Edythe Kuby Chickens fanMater, Miss Vera A. Conover, John T. Wilson of White roaJ spent the week-end with hla brother Walling, daughter of Mrs. Joseph from cooking troubles with Irs. W. L. Conover, Mr. and Mrs. Walling and Iforman Oliver, both of John P. Luyster, Mr, and Mrs. G. Bayonne. Jersey Jersey Woodey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Truax, Miaa Klla Herden of Broad street, this place. Turkeys Fryers Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Nichols, Miss who recently accepted a position at Miss Nell Hatalan and John J. Ruth Nichols, Miss Frances Mac the Signumd Ejsner company, has Ivanson spent Sunday at English- Nichols, Colonel VanHorn, Mrs. Ar-received her driving permit. town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, FRESH KILLED FOWL Small Broilers PYROFAX GAS thur S. VanBuskirk, Mrs. Minnie A. George Lango of Broad street is James B. Ivanson. REAL GAS FOR GASLESS HOMES Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Luy-spending a few clays at Rutland, Ver- Mr.' and Mrs. William Kuarloyg are ster, James A, Stout, Miss Catherine mont. entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Jo- H. Stout, Mrs. Henry F. Aekerson, A number of Quakers attended the seph Juell and children Joan and Jr., Cecil 3. Ackereon, Miss Cecilia Sunday service held in the oldJoseph, Jr., of Brooklyn this week. 2% tb Conover, Herbert A. Frank, Arthur 29* Quaker church on Sycamore avenue. Eugene A. Smith was a recent 25*ife B. VanBuskirk, Miss Helena Osch- Judge Elmer C. Wninwrlght has New York visitor. wald, William H. Bryne and Free- erected a turkey house on Patterson Miss Doris Maxloy is spending four holder and Mrs- Raymond L. Wycavenue- , where he is now keeping a days this week as the guest of her SELOX RINSO LUX SUGAR PEAS ;off. largo number of turkeys. aunt, Mrs. Mary Maxley in Milton. cans pkg. Edward Egan of White road .has Miss Rita Thome is tho guest of 8 pkff. A-« 0 purchased a Graham-Paigo sedan. her aunt, Misa Helen L, Grehea of ^2 p^ 2 25° Eatontown News. Mr. Egun Is employed by tho Boro Atlantic Highlands. . 21 EARLY JUNE bus compnny of Red Bank. Mrs. Madelyn Seaman spent Fri- (The Jtfld Bank Bevlster can b« bought Offlcer Otto Herden was called up- day on business at New York. CATSUP I Eatontowa at the stores of - William Q. John Stagman has been on the Paper Napkins 'avis. G. Edward Smook and STellon't). on to kill four dogs and one cat Pat- Rippled Wheat CUT BEANS F rick Ahem ' summoned Officer Her- local sick list. bot. AND HERE'S A SPECIAL VACATION OFFERI Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hash have tak- den to kill two stray dogs, while Miss Kathleen Connolly and Miss in possession of the Allan Biinnett Robert Pierce asked for tho killing Betty Roughgarde spent Sunday at 15° 2 • 15" Get this fine Gas Hot "Water Heater at no extra cost by installing Pyrofax louse at Monmouth Park. oi one dog. A wild dog running loose Asbury Park. Gas on $1.39 md Mrs. Howard Booream are re-machine. ering from a severely injured heel. GRAHAMS Your only initial cxpeuBe other thau the cost of appliances you select. siding in South Carolina, where Mr. Imperial Oln .„: Th« new low price, and the new sliding scale of gas prices make Joseph Phillips spent Wednesday A pt. bots. ffljJC 2 "* 17° iooream is now employed. with friends at Arlington. it>. dependable, convenient Pyrofax Gas Service cost very little. Miss Clara Wolcott has returned ««* .99 Lincroft News. Miss Gladys Carr is employed In JERSEY'S o her duties In the Alston Beefcnan 17* Montlccllo Whiskey John C. Flood, 22 Terry St., Trenton, N. J. (M) aw offices, Red Bank, after having tho Charles A. Carr Realty office pn KOYAL SCARLET (The Red Bank Register can be bought Laurel avenue for the summer. *• $1.25 een, confined to her home several It Lincroft from Gcorno loop, who has TOMATOES Please send me your 32-page free booklet, "Cooklngf ays by Illness. u delivery route.) Mr. and Mrs. Fred VanNote were Iceberg Lettuce New Apples Made Easier A meeting of the Eatontown fire Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred MulUns and Sunday guests of the latter's aunt, flt Boer -3'bota. Mrs. J. Decker. head A f\C Apartment will bo. held Tuesday family artd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 10° (plus deposit) Healy and family have left to spend Mrs. Hazel Kornt Is entertaining Fill in- light, August 6. 5 " 25° JERSEY'S Popular Brands Final summer' services will be held a month at Saratoga Springs, New Miss Margaret Kornt and Miss Address unday, August 4, at Second Advent York. Heleno Kornt of Rlverhoad, New bureh. Services will be resumed the Mr. and Mrs. Abram Sanborn, Jr., York, this week, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. icond' Sunday in September. of Bast Orange, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William H. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds and William Dawson and son Robert of daughter Hazolle and Nell Hatalan, family of Plalnfleld have moved to a Atlantic Highlands, spent Sunday lome on Neptune highway. jwith Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fenton. Miss Clara Hubert, a former em-1 George Stengel, Georg, e Too, p and ployee at the Woolworth store, Red IGe0 'B0 Kel'y have returned home Bank, was given a beach party Mon-!from CamP Ockanickon ay night at North Long Branch. Mrs. Emily Smith and son Conrad "iss Hubert has given up her work are visiting relatives at Lynn, Massa- chusetts. AN O PP O RT UN ITY FOR BIG ,t Red Bank and has accepted a po- sition in the office of Monmouth Me- Mr. and Mrs. William VanBrunt MflNVCf! morial hospital, Long Branch. on Sunday entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leslie D. Seely and daughter James Bussom of New York. Making One Grand Sweep of Our iarbara, and Mrs. George Mosby and Mrs. Daniel Francis of Holmdel Entire Stock of MEN'S, WOMEN'S .aughter Barbara, spent Sunday at and Miss Harriet Hoach spent Mon- SAVINGS IN OUR AUGUST "ewton. day at Asbury Park. and CHILDREN'S SHOES ! Mr. and Mrs. Ely Miller and lam- Julia McCarron left Sunday to ly of Broad street have moved into, spend two, week,,s . visiting her aunt, Now Is the Time to Buy! bseph Ayers'e home at South Eaton- Mr3'. John Miltzcn o£ Jackson _ . I Heights, Long Island. own Matthew L. Mullin, Jr., of this FURNITURE, RU6S and BEDDING A dozen persons attended tho i place, nnd Joseph Mullin of Inter- Men's Sport Oxfords dies aid society silver tea Thurs- Jaken wcre reccnt vi3ltora at Halnes ay afternoon at the home of Mrs.Fal , New York. ames Parker on Broad street. Mrs.' Mr3. Fred Henmich nnd MrB. Han- io% to 5o% REDUCTIONS Comes in .•ouls M. Case, Mrs. Harry Dennis nie Ohlmcycr of Floral Park, Long md Mrs. Parker were hostesses. Island, were Fiidny visitors of Mr. Don't miss this marvelous Sale that offers further cuts on Plain White, Miss Pearl Morris of Long Branch and Mrs. Fred Wagenfohr. On Sun- furniture, rugs and bedding that has always been priced •eturne'd homo Sunday after visiting day Mr. and Mrd. Carl Wagenfohr Black and White , few, day,-,s wit. . h Mrs. Kenneth Van- and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dell of most reasonably. Jrunt of Maple avenue. Brooklyn ,,xro guests at the Wagen- Brown and Whlto Malcclm Fary of Irving place re- fohr homc llorcf elved injuries to hla head and back Mrs. Edwur- d IJrasch and Miss Ella iunday In a fall from a tree at hisKelly spent the week-end visiting SVlen's Friendly iccne. He was treated at Hazard's friends at Sea Ijiifjht. Extra Special Offer of Quality .ospitai. Mrs. Herbert Young, Miss Ruth Shoes 10% Reduction Miss Patricia Seely Is spending the YOUIIK and Mr.;. Charles Dilione of week visiting with Mr and MrsSe. n ]'iif:ht wort; Friday visitors of ilarence Seely at Middletown, New Mrs. Fiank Father. York. Itev. and Mrs. Peter Boelhouwer of $7950 Domestic Oriental Robert Sayre of Wyckoff road has Fords were Sunday visitors of Rev. Beautifully patterned and moved to Newark. and Mrs. William Vandermcer. colored, with deep pile and Women's Summer Shoes Miss Virginia Chambers has luxurious ahoen, 8.3x10.8 turned to Mlllville after a visit with ] to RU6S nnd 0x12 sized. $5950 Rev. and Mrs. Louis M. Case. All Styles e.imllned to his home by illness for Miss Esther Seely of Andover Is the past two weeks. nnd visiting her cousin, Barbara Seely ol Father Doerr of I'ittsbur^h, Penn- louth street. sylvania, returned homo .Sunday af- Sizes Mrs. May Meyers of White street vhatit!!; two weeks with Father $9850 Domestic Oriental 9 entertaining hor father from John O. tuiehmnnn of Phalanx road. Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. John and .losc-ph Mahoney were Some aro allflht mill Ir- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whltchurst and regulars, but othnrwlin .69 Sunday visitors of their aunt, Mrs. they offer the most family have returned to their homc Mary Kiley nt Atlantic Highlands. astounding values. Reg. 50 on Broad street after a two weeks' $08.30. $79 6 pc. Mahogany Bedroom Suite Rev. William Vandermrer and RUGS •acatlon with Mr. Whltchurst's moth- Mrs. William Woodward conducted full size bod, $127,00 value (M MM er in North Carolina. services .Sunday afternoon in the to A meeting of Silver Crescent coun- county jail at Freehold. cil win be held tomorrow night at John Kiley and family of Bronx, 9x12 ft Axminsfcer RUGS $23.75 7 pc. Solid Maple Bedroom Suite 8:30 o'clock at Crescent hall. MrsNe. w York, have returned home nftcr twin bods—Keg. J185.OO (PI ^7-80 .49 Polly Brightman will preside. Fol- upending the week visiting Michael An extra low price lor such a wonderful axmlnstw. 9x13 «. slxo only. $2 lowing tho meeting bingo will be Mahoney and family. played. Miss H.'tllna Thompson, daughter Nationally Known Reproductions of Famous Mlas Virginia Hathaway, daughter of Lewis K. •1'lioinpson, Jr., of of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Hathawny DINING ROOM SUITES (ienosi'o, New York', and Mr;). Julia 0 pc. Solid Muplo Suite by Conant Ball Co, of Lewis street, received lnjurle.-, to Hrnwn of Firderii'kobiirB, Virginia, You'll lovfl th BROKEN LOT OF her knees, hands and back Fiiaay quaint beauty ol 50 Drop loaf ICxtoiulon Table, Buffet, (?1 O750 in a fall from a moving vehlcla on Is visllii,;; her fti'.'indimn.'nf.'i, Mr. and theie ruga. Mrs. Lfnvls S. Thompson, Hr. Hooked " Rugs $39 Comer Cupboard, 5 Side nnd 1 •plul WOMEN'S BEACH SHOES Lewis street. Arm Chulm. Beg. $Ui.6O. Itrg. $!.J Wo n cJnll/n C KLATSKY'S . and Mrs. Frtd Dlxon of Florldn M tyiir, m llil.ll >I( onler. "pent Monday with Mrs. Jnno V SHOE STORE Jackson of Wyckoff road. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer VanScimldt of rj; ST., M KELVEY FREEHOLD, N.J. 3 East Front St., :-: Red Bank, H. J. Clinton .treat and Mr. and Mrs l'lm; Charles Bchanck ol Cheatnut Orove FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR FOR KARAGHEUSIAN'S RUGS MAD% AT FREEHOLD. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1.1938. direction of Mrs. OerUe Kruegar and Middletown Village. plumbing work was done by John Methodist church will be discon- Senator Barbour Leonardo News. Mrs. Bath Kruegar. McClaln. New Ray Mechanism tinued in August The Totsy Doerr sasoolatlon will Mlos Grace Ashwell of Nffwark (Tk. jua Baak Bwbta «u M beuikl bold a card party Friday, August 18. t E.d Buik EUeliUi eu to* kooshi Spots Boats At Sea J. H. Bralnard and Marlon Braln- For President In Mlddlrtown >t tat ttont of J. Q spent part of Jast week with Mrs. •n, WtU£WtU£ a SSiiwSSii a u« Aftwtt in*-in* A door prize will be awarded and A, L. Miller. ard aro on a trip to Brewerton, New Knlrbt «nd William a W«Ur».) The army's closely guarded new York, where they will visit relatives. BlW.) thare will be dancing and refresh- Mr. and Mr . John Hughos have A Special Article in the Newark ments. Mlis. Mamie Hendrlckson, who Is e "mystery ray" passed its eecond Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith and fam- Mrs. LoulM OtMri* ba4 M net matron of the Old People's home at returned from a Btay in Florida. series of tests Tuesday night so Evening,Newt Indicating That While thoy wore away their daugh- ily of Llttlo Sliver were Sunday guests Sunday Mr, and Mrs-. Miller, Philadelphia, bag been (pending a successfully In spotting through the guests of MrB. Frances Kipp. He May be > the Republican who have juat returned from Swit- Oceanport News. few days with her brother, James C. ter Wilma visited her aunt at Phil- darkness boats several miles at sea Standard Bearer in 1936. zerland and MlMt* Gladys and Ethel Hendrlckson. adelphia. that engineers and technicians Dorcoe* of Toledo, Ohio. (Tha lUd Bank Bagtitn un be bmuM Mrs. Lydla timlth is confined to Misa Marian Kaney Is spending deemed It unnecessary to continue The poaalbility that United States Ths Christian Endeavor toolety of u Oownpott *t th« >to.< at Culo Uuu.) the bed with sickness. Mrs. Thom- several daya at Allentown, Pennsyl- with marino experiments and will Senator W. Warren Barbour, totta.- tha Baptist churoh will bold a beach as Reynolds Is caring for her. vania, with Mrs. Gavin fitobo. next test tho ray on aircraft. «rly mayor of Bumson and now a The Ladles' Aid society of the party at the Leonardo Beach Tues- Oeeanport church held a food sale After next Sunday the Reformed The ray mechanism was operated resident of Locust, will be tho K»-day evening. publican candidate for President In at the Monmouth market on Satur- church will be closed during the from the Twin Lights at Highlands, Jack Oberlo of Jersey City spent day. Mrs. Charles Guillaudeau and month of August. hTe preacher will Little Silver News In conjunction with a powerful 1036 continues to draw comment* the weotend with fata mother, Mrs. from leading daily newspapers. Ho- Mrs. George Hurley were in charge be the father of Rev. Earl Compton, searchlight and repoatedly picked Loulie Qberld. of the affair. the pastor. (Th. Rid Bank RegUUr can ba bousht out boata cruising at various dis- c«ntly the New York Journal had a Miss Sutb. W«tU of Newark la Uttlo Hllvcr at tbs Union t)ew» Stand apeoial article on this probability, Miss Anna Hlbbetts of Main street Fred Ponnell and family have re- at the depot and at Georg* Quacktabuthf tances off shore. High ranking offi- spending a few day* with her grand- turned from Westfleld, where they general «tor«.) cers of the army were said to have reference to flitch was mndii in The mother, Mr», And r«w Watte. has had as her guest Mrs. Robert ^Register. Yeisterday the Newark Hlbbstts of Oakhurst. spent several weeks on a visit boon nmazfid at the uncartny accur- Dr, and Mrs. Markui' and son of Mrs, Henry Starke and her daugh- Mis. Hazel Sypcs and sons Jack acy of tho ray In the tests. Evening Nows had a special article Mrs. Charles A. Smith of Bridge- and Malnard of Now Brighton, THE SALAD Flalnneld apant. Sunday with Mr. and ter, Miss Evelyn Btarke, are home relating to the same subject Mrs. Thomas Desmond. • waters had as her guosts recently Pennsylvania, are visiting' Mr. and 3 , 3 Depend* upon the Mrs, Harry Chamberlain and Donald from a stay at Syracuse. Rumson Folks on Sail. No ono living in Montnouth coun- Mils Helen Ruhnke, who It em- Mrs. Jerome Travers Is confined to Mrs. John A. Kemp. Mr. Kemp has Dressing. Whether you ty has ever been President of the ployad>at New York, Is spending a Chamberlain of MWdletown. returned from a visit with relatives Several members of Oceanic hook prefer Mayonnaise of W. B. Deck, state garden super- the house with a sprained ankle United States. However, one vice week of her vacation with her broth- caused by a fall Sunday. iii Virginia. and ladder company and their wives Salad Dressing, either visor, 1B to bo In Oceanport today went on a sail Monday night on the president onco resided in Old Mon-er, Arthur Ruhnka of Liberty. New Mr. and Mrs. William Bonn and Mrs. Benjamin A. Shoemaker Is Home-de-Litfl or Hindu mouth, ho being Garrett Hob&rt, who York. to Inspect and award prizes for the visiting friends nt Rutland, Ver- Mandalay, In the party were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Asay were visi- Belle li surd to please at one time had his home In Marl- Ksefer bat returned home federal gardens. The prizes, which tors at Long Island over the week- mont. and Mrs. Joseph Duryea, Mr. and are donated each year by the Ocean- v your diicrlrtiinaling fait*. boro township. Ho was elected in from Fltfcin hospital at ASbury Park, end, Edward Webster has moved from Mrs. Seth Johnson, Mr. and Mra. 3808, when William McKlnley wa» where he had an operation for ton- port Civic association, Include one (5 Doris Porter of Rumson spent last the Teti bungalow on Parker avemio Walter Hartman, Mr. and Mrs, We strongly recommend choBon ProBldent ' sils »nd adenoids. prize for the best garden, two $3 week with her aunt, Mrs. William to the Wright bungalow on Little George Harteian, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fhese two ptodiKtt from prizes for the next best gardens and The artlclo In the Newark Even- Al Cross Is tha owner of a new Bonn. Silver Point road. liam Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Silvers, pur own kitcheni^ ing News is as follows: Essex coach. three {1.60 prizes for the next. There Miss Virginia Asay has returned are 42 federal gardens in all In the Silaa Miller conducted tho services Senator J. Hamilton Lewis of Illi- Miss Mary Rouse, who has been from a visit ot a month at Teaneck. at the Methodist church Sunday In Navesink News. nois, who Is still referred to as "the spending a few days at Leonardo of borough. One gardener has canned Miss Evelyn Starke and Walter tho absanco of Rev. John 6. Blair, HINDU BELLE man with the pink whlBlters" al- ter her arulse to the West Indies, has 325 jars of string beans. In spite of VanNortwlck motored to Cape May who Is spending this •week"at Camp the Insect menace, bushels of vege- (Tha Red Bank lUariBter can ba bought though his beard Is snowy white, returned to her home Jn Maryland. one day last week and visited Mr. Nowburg, In South Jersey. in Kaveejnk from WilU&zn Swan at the wants no ono to believe that his re- Miss Rhoda Southall has returned tables have been sold and donated and Mrs. Breadeaur, Mra. Willlaai Satter and her in- poatofflca building). to the needy. cent mention of Senator W. Warren home sifter spending a two-weeks' Tbs members of the Girls' Bridge fant eon returned homo Sunday from With the annual fair of tha Nave- SALAD DRESSING Barbour as a logical Kepublloan vacation In South America. A meeting of the official board of club enjoyed a trip to New York ono the Riverviow hospital. nominee for the Presidency WSB any- the Oceanport church was held Mon- Blnk fire company one week away, Tha Bxevent Park and Leonardo day last week. The Methodist Ladles' aid society ths various committees are busy com- thing but,thoughtful political analy- fire company are having their annual day evening at tho church hall. Fol- Mr. and Mrs, James Reynolds are will meet next Wednesday at the pint jar | ff * quart jar sis. fair this week. lowing a covered dish supper the pleting preparations for the event. # the parents of a daughter born last home of Mrs. John Mooro. Tho fair will bo held Thursday, Fri- Stroking the aforesaid whiskers The Sunday-school of the Baptist business session was held. week at their home, The new comer Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Knapp have A bridge party ,for the benefit of day and Saturday, August 8, 9 and HOME-DE-LITE-CREAMY-SMOOTH and occasionally patting Into place church will bold Its annual picnic has been named Mary Edith. been spending a few days with Mr. 10. As this year is the fiftieth an- Thursday, August 8, at Shark River the Oceanport auxiliary of the River- the red gold hair atop his head, tho Charles Robinson of Cherry Tree and Mra. John DeGress of Glen niversary of the company every ef- q senator gladly took time to discuss Hills. view hospital, which was scheduled Rldga. to be held August 16 at the home farm and his daughter. Miss Mary fort Is being made to excel all fairs Mayonnaise t:21<: political elements that ho considers Rev. Elwood Wolf, pastor of the Robinson, spent the week-end with Leslie Hill has a new Oldsmoblle In tho past On Monday nlg-ht of favorable to nomination of Senator Baptist church, Is driving a Plymouth of Mrs. H. J. Ronne of Colt's Neck, sedan. Barbour. It was, he observed in his sedan, has been postponed. Mrs. Teresa Parka of Jamaica, Long this week the firemen attended tho Island. They also made a visit to Mrs. Irma Borden and son Peter, firemen's fair at Fair Haven. JERSEY-VINE-RIPENED fc.'5« usual conversational, manner, al- fe doertner of Washington The annual picnic of the Ocean- the New York city aquarium. ways a pleasure to dlacuss politics spent this week-end with his wife and port Sunday-school Is being held to- Mrs. Walter Dobbins and Miss Edna Mr. and Mrs. John Savlllo are tho VanCleaf ot Plalnfleld were guests parents of a son born last Thursday and he trusted that the kindly state children. In Leonardo. day at Highland Park. Busses were CRISP-ICEBERG hand of New Jersey might again permit Frank, Poston, agriculture teacher to leave tho church at 9:00 A. M. of Mr. and Mrs. John Bates last Fri- at the Monmouth Memorial hospital. MB views to pass and rebound upon at the high »ohool, will leave this Miss Catherine Smith and Jack Marlboro Newa. day. The Infant has been named John Itn beautiful hills, week tap St. Louie, where he will Apple of Bayonne spent a day re- Miss Emily McGregor ol Newark RusBell Savllle, Jr. "The Republicans know that we spend August with his mqth«r. cently with Mrs. Charles A. Smith of Miss Jeanette Hlgglns spent last was a week-end guest of Mr. and With the closing of the flood gate FRESHLY PULLED Intend to nominate Roosevelt," ex- Wallace Keeton will resume his Brldgewaters. weok at Seaside Heights with Misses Mrs. Howard Taylor. of tho new dam built by the firecom - plained the senator. As If there duties as manager of the Atlantic & Elizabeth Dugan of Wickatunk, Jo- Mrs. Madeline Wllby and Mlsd pany, Naveaink's new lake 1B grad- might be some doubt just whom he Paclflo store this week. sephine Fetta of Matawan and Mad-Mario Wilby are on a motor trip In ually filling up. When completely WHITE or COLDEN BANTAM meant, he added the Identifying A daughter was born to Mrs. John Sea Bright News. eline Brooks of Red Bank. Pennsylvania, filled the lake will cover about ten phrase, "a liberal from New York." Thompson of Caldwell last week. Be- Mies Edna Hlgglns visited Miss Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mader are acres. This spot was once a lake Angela Nolan of Manalapan over the Senator Lewis speaks always with fore her marriage Mrs. Thompson (Tha Red Banfe Remitter can bt bonght spending a week with relatives at many years ago and the new dam is was MIBS Gertrude Baumg&rd of in Subrlghi at thi itorei of Morrit Wlif week-end. Point Pleasant. on the site of the old one. •the oratorical flair. He mokes a .rnnn and H. Le?kowlU.) CORN point, pauses, allows tho point to Leonardo. Mrs, Quackenbush, who has been Helen and Robert Imlay and Har- The NavoBink public school Is "be- sink in, observes its reception, then Mr. and Mrs. BYed Remington and Tho. fair held last week for the stopping with Mrs, Sadie King, left ry Dunbar spent Tuesday at Manas- ing repainted. , . turns to the next step In his upeech. children of Rochester are visiting benefit of the hook and ladder com- on Friday. — quan. "~ Sunday evening services at the So he made the point that the Re-Mrs. James Hull. pany WAS well attended and the pro- The Reformed church picnic WBB publicans knew the Democrat! were Mrs. H. L. Samuelson entertained ceeds were more than $300. The Ruin- held on Tuesday at West Long dozen going to select this liberal from the members of the Leonardo bridge son are department won the trophy Branch. 25 New York named Roosevelt, he club last night. for having the most firemen in at- Doris Emmons has been visiting paused for this thought to penetrate Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Gordon tendance In uniform. her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Merkler of and at last proceeded. and their three sons Donald, Kodn«y Mrs. Nettle P?cre of Elizabeth Belm&r. Oranges and Brace are motoring through the suffered a sunstroke Sunday at the Mils Christine Meyer and her Bis- "What then are they going to do? ter, Mrs. Etsch of Tennent, have re- Some people say that a farmer from Adirondack mountains, with Quebeo public beach. George Wolcott of the D E as their objective. They stopped at Surf bathing pavilion and the llfe- turned from a visit, with their aunt, the Middle Went is their man. Very Mrs. Mossner of Budd Lake, N. J. Cantaloupes Z T ? 2 15 good, a farmer from tho Middle Hnranoa to call on Mr. Qorflon's guardB first aid and PHILCOS West, But then others will aBk who brothers, Dr. Charles Gordon and later she was treated by Dr. Edmund Minn Florence Heyer of Montclalr lbs pays tho taxes, Is It tho Middle Waltor Gordon. S. Kanses of Rumson. The Long Is the guest of her nieces, Misses Ely \Q% WIUIAMS-EARLY RED 3 'T3 West or Is it the East? Ths East, Arthur Ruhnke of Hoboken was a Branch first aid squad was also sum- of this place. exactly. So the searoh begins for a visitor here over the week-end. moned. Mrs. Minerva Gibson and her un- businessman candidate from tho Samuel Lewis, Jr., attended the • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellcnberger cle, Rulif Voorhees of Eatontown, East convention of the Knights of Pythias are the parents of a son born last visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hayes on "They wjll not choose any one at Saratoga last week, week at the Riverview hospital. The Tuesday. Week-End Suggestions! from New York because they have Mr, and Mrs. Mayer and their newcomer has been named Charles Miss Mary Becker of Jerseyvtlle is nothing to gain there, even though grandchildren of Richmond, Virginia, Ellenbergcr, ~ Jr. Before her mar-being entertained by her friend, Misa FROM OUR QUALITY MEAT DEPARTMENT 'there are several good candidates. I who hove been visiting Mr. and Mrs. riage Mrs. Ellcnberger waB Miss Gertrude Meyer. say they will turn to some state llks Al W. Cross, will return home Sun- Martha Larson. Mr. and Mrs. William Tuesday are New Jersey, where there )» a battle day. High waves breaking on the beach living at the H. W. Buck residence ALL SUES-EXTRA FANCY-FATTED to be fought and won, and they will Mrs. Cor* Sage, who has been a have kept the fishing boats on shore on Main street. pick a business man. patient at Rlvervlew hospital at Red for several days. The last big hauls Garrett Clayton of New York was KEEP COOL— "Senator Barbour Is the sort of Bank, neturhed horns Saturday. of blueflsh wer'o made Sunday. Con- the week-end guest of William Clay- Mn. JIarlan Gold Lewis of New rad Anderson had high boat with ton and family. FOWL man for them. He is a business man and no one has anything York was a visitor here over the 1,150 pounds. Liberty grange held a. plcnlo on The modern way by using plenty of milk every week-end. Friday at Point Pleasant against htm. That's very Important." Federal men are" Inspecting sewage day Instead of other foods which are heavy and heat The sensitor shook his head solemn- Mlisea Mary Rouse, Deborah disposal, outlets in the river in the ly and said In a confidential voice: Brooks and Hilda Southall, teachers investigation to detormina the cause producing. "Remember Harding." The Ides, ap- at the Leonardo school, returned last of the large number of dead fish River Plaza News. parently was that tho circumstances week from a 25-day cruise to South found floating in the river recently. leading to Hardlng's nomination America, and the West Indies. They Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorton and Miss Florence Petlngale has re- were akin to those upon which the sailed on June 28 on the Nerlssa of daughter Joan of Jorsey City are turned home from Allentown, Penn- Drink Your Quart of Milk a Day CROSS CUT senator based hlB belief In Barbour's the Funiess Bermuda line. spending tho rest of the summer sylvania, where she spent ten days Pot Roast BONELESS **»' chances. Tho Baptist Sunday-school plonlo with Mr. and Mrs. Berkenshire. with Mrs. William Best, formerly of Was Senator Lewis Influenced a will b,e held Thursday, August 8. In Mrs. Jack Murray and daughter this place.. BEST CUTS little by senatorial courteBy In mak- case of rainy weather It will be held Alma of Long Island are visiting Misses lone and Florence Brand ing thlB prediction, to the extent on the following day. Busses will Mrs. Bessie Brown of New street were visitors at New York Monday. t -As.' that being In New Jersey he men-leave tho church at half-past nine Tho fourteenth birthday of Anna] The 800 club met at the home of tioned a New Jersey senator while o'clock for Shark River Hills, where May Carlson was celebrated with aiMrs. William Kaney last Thursday, SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., inc. If making the same speech In an- the day will be spent The return party last night Those present were j First and second prizes were won Tempting Luncheon Suggestions! other state ho would have mentioned trip will be started from the picnic Doris Johnson, Charlotte Swenson, by Mrs. Kaney and Mrs. Edward H. one of Us senators? Nothing of the grounds at seven o'clock. Sunday- Ruth Vital, Jane Vital, Gertrude Scattergood. The heart and consola- Serving You 15 Years With Milk Produced sort, said the senator. school pupils will receive free tickets, Stevens, Loulso Kolowoski, Alice tion awards went to Mrs. Irving Ham or Beef Bologna uib & If by chance tho speech had been and parents and friends will be Wlderstrom, Grace Humbert, Karen Rink, The club will meet at tho taade In Pennsylvania, could not the charged a. small fee. Those desiring Bach, Charlotte Peterson, Margaret home of Mrs. Scattergood next Solely in Monmouth Count;. senator have used his acknowledged information are requested to see Peterson, Lillian Carlson and Bertha Thursday. Domestic Swiss Cheese y.10< gift of facllo analysis to deduce that Miss Ka-thlyn Guttormssn no later Axelson. '. Rod Bank 1455. Broad Street. Shrewsbury, N. I. one of that state's favorite sons was than Saturday. Children who ex- William Smith's house at tho cor- $ Sited Boiled Ham 4 the ideal Republican candidate? Not pect to attend the picnic are request- ner of Applegato and Foster streets at all, sold tho senator, demonstrat- ed to notify their teachers no later Fair Haven News. has been repainted and new plumb- ing by a discussion of the Mellon- than Sunday. Those attending the Ing fixtures have been put In. The Sea Food Specials in our Markets*. Reed machine, the Bemocratlo sit- plonlo are expected to bring lunch (Tha Rod Bank Resiataf tan b« bought uation In the state and certain math- and supper. in Fair Haven in th.... o store of HanHanr Kur__.- ematical calculations such as would 11«. at Y« GoM Cedari and from Sir. Blppa.) Tho ladles' auxiliary of Commun- poitofflca bulldlnff.) have delighted Mr. Elnstoin, that ity fire oompany will hold their regu- Fillet of Haddock . . . 19c Pennsylvania would bo a very bad lar monthly meeting Tuesday after- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mahon and TWICE YEARLY stato for the Republicans to choose noon, August 13. daughter Elizabeth and Miss Isabello Fresh Weakfish . <"~. s. 10c their candidate from. Sterling of Naugatuck, Connecticut, The Woman's Republican club will Did the senator conBider there have returned home after having hold a aard party at Community fire spor.t a week with Mr. Mahon'a sls- FHSef of Mackerel . . . ib 10c was a slight eloment of the ridicu- house Monday, August 18. Games SHELF CLEARING SALE ter», Mrs. Harry Smock and Mrs. lous In tho Domocratlo whip of the will begin at half-past two o'clock. Senate talking about logical candi- Ellzaboth Merrlman of Hance road. Mrs. Heniey Frye is chalrlady of tho Miss Mary Mahon of Now York has dates for the Republican nomina- party committee. COUNTRY ROLL tion? Senator Lowls suspected a been spending a week with Mrs, WOMEN'S SHOES MEN'S SHOES At tha Sunday morning service at Merrlmnn, her sister. double meaning In this question and tho Baptist churoh Rov. Ellwood Similar to model sketched, are many smartly Wing tip or plain too, in black and whito, and all replied tartly: "You mean I would Mrs. Louis Soffel, sister of Everett BUTTER pick someono who would be easy to Wolf vrill preach on "The Aught ot Smith, la visiting relatives at Tome perforated kid and nu-buck white ties with tho white in tho popular smooth-grained calf skin Ilok?" Holy Living." In the evening his ser-River. From there sho will go to ever-popular "Boulevard heel." I and popular buckskin. mon thame will be "Tho Aught of This suggestion was energetically Buffalo for a stay, stopping at places Prayer."' The aubjeot of the Chris- of Interest on tho way. Premium Flakes 2J*S refuted by tho quostlonor, not only tian Endeavor meeting will be because It was not in mind when Miss Juno Doming of New Haven, CRISPO "Things Jesus was Sure of." Those Connecticut, Miss Marjorlo Taylor of the question was asked, but also be- who attend the prayer servloe noxt cause tho Interrogator was In fear Buffalo and Paul Sharp of St. Louis Bars or Ganger Snaps "> 10c that tho sonator would draw a ra- Wednesday evening are asked to have boen tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. pier from beneath his frock coat bring a Bible verse mentioning Jesus C. M. Schwlttor of Battln road. Christ. Sunday evening, August 11, and use It in defonse of senatorial A Communion service will bo hold Your Choice honor. the Christian Endeavor society will next Sunday morning at nine o'clock String Beans HURLOCK BRAND give a dramatization of "The Wis-at tho Episcopal church. The church So thoro you are. Sonator Lewis dom of Solomon." CBn Is in grim earnest about his eatlmato will then bo closed for th» root ot of Barbour's chances, and for all the tho month. Red Beets OSCO 4 * senator's leaning toward histrionics, A rummage sale will bo hold at 2.98 he Is recognized as no mean politi- East Keansburg News* tha Episcopal parish house noxt VAME FORMEHLY TO M.0O. VALUES FORMERLY TO $4.00. Spaghetti PHUUPS-DELICIOUS cal diagnostician. Sonator Bdrbour Wednosday morning at ten o'clock. Is content for tho present to pre- Tho Hod and Gun club will bold A Mrs. Mario Wobor of Easteldo 25- serve a prudent sllenco. special meeting tonight to arrange Park, who has been confined to her for a deep sea (toning trip Sunday, —Harry Gllroy. homo with a severe attack ot BOYS' SHOES ROB ROY-SPARKLING September 8. A boat will be char- shingles, Is" now ablo to be around SPORT SHOES Editor's Note—While In New York tered tor this purpoia. It 1B expect- again, * A real saving In sport shoea for tha lad of 10 to A nlco selection In all white, brown and whito ed that about 76 peopla will go on the Beverages ipiuibonisdip.) 3 MI quants. 25« in July, 1031, Senator Lswli de- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bolt* of 14 years. Smart combinations of brown snd tan, and blnck and white. Rubber and lenthor jsolea, clared that A. Harry Moors, then trip. Edwin Roche will btgtn a vacation PltUburg aro visiting Mr, and Mrs. black and white, and all white. low nnd medium hceli. Demooratlo candidate for governor Harvey M. Llttlo, Jr. of New Jersey, was "a very likely Saturday. H» and hli wife and ion CALUMET dark horse for tho Presidential nom- William and Mr. and Mn. Frank En- Mr. ajid Mrs. Thoodoro Norkett of ination." golmann, Jr., and their ion Donald New York spent tho wook-end with Baking Powder «««nsn14e: ^ will spend three weeks at tho Roche Mr. and Mra, Looter England. c BEACH PARTY AT SKA BIUGHT. summer home at Congamond Lakes, Mlaa Lcona Hendrlclteon of Wc«t- OriSCO "Tha Vogetablo Shortening" Ik can 21 Massachusetts. flftld )a visiting her grandfather, Jos- Mm. Bertha Holmei of Plalnfleld, c It Will J»o Held By Tho Auxiliary ol eph Hendrlclinon. Bisquick Jmaii pku. 18= : i«rg«pi<9-3O Vernon A. Bw>wn Font, formerly of this place, Is visiting Mm. James H. Redneld, Patricia Callnnnn, daughter of Tho Lndlos' auxiliary of the Vot- The First Aid squad wan called out Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Cnllanan, eel- Swansdown Cake Flour P*». 29<= 1'innfi of Foreign Wars of Red Bank 2.25 nine tltnett the past week. Most of tho w'.ll hold a beach party for tho mem- calls were for persons Injured In ac- VAMJES FORMISIUMT TO 18.00, FORMEni/VT TO $4.00. bers of tlio auxiliary and their cident*oldent*. One was early Monday _Mr' ttn(11 Mr««-- Joli Jolinn ConovoConovorr oott RoRodd Silver Dust ... 2n<^<-25« friends next Wednesday evening at morning before daylight for a worn-! Ban« nave moved Into the former e Applegftte's beach at Bea Bright an who was resoued from drowning. Arthur Smith hoUBe on RIvor road. Thoio who expect to attend the par-The patient was revived by means Cotd Dust ....»^18 ty are requested to meet at the beach of artificial respiration and sha Is A bpnaflde newspaper circulation »t leven o'clock and to bring lunchei now wall on the road to recovery. -the kind Ths Register haa-la the. Ivory Soap . . * 2 '««• «*••! •« only kind that counts with the ad- with them. Mm. Ann Kirk, president A beach party for the benefit of the Morris Bros. Shoe Store Theia Price* Efladlva unlit Saturday Nlfiht In our Stott* to Nedhp N«W Mmyj of the auxiliary, niid.a. committee will MMhodlnt church of Keansburg WRS vertiser. No premiums or other In- direct tho party. beld Mcyaday at toll place, under the duoementa have ever been oftcrod to 51 BROAD ST., RED BANk, N, J. secure elromatlon.--AdvettU«inent, "Sundial Shoes" Page Twenfy-TwtT RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST t, 193ft "loo Beautiful For Slght-Seefag." UNDERSTAND 1OUB CHILD? ize—!• "Because they *re." Such w> than freedom. They are depriving NOTICE TO BIDDERS. the land as "the place wHere once hii Obituary answer bolster! up ths child's feeling him ot the sense of sacurity th»t Middl.toira Towniblp Board of ttfucatlft WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Somebody who knew Holland from cradle stood," and BO homelike la the (From Scrlbner'j Magazine) of mental security because it makes Dome* from believing that he knows Auuu.t 1. 1086. tha inside has said that It Is not a reception ths Netherlands™ give, Mrs. Ella A. Oukill, him feel sure that hia own ldeaj exactly bow to b«hav« In «ny situa- 6t*l*d propoiali for m»t«H«l wad Ubor Too Late For Classification. one, that It la always possible Jor The average* child Is selfish, stub-, T>«otu«.ry for c»ruin painting wack t^ b* country for sight-seeing. It la too dow of Capt. James N. Gaski born, forgetful, cruel, Illogical. His about ths world are In accord with tion. done *t Leonardo High School, lUKortAtdo WANTED, general feoueeworker or cook; beautiful for that! Its lure la too In- any tourist to Bing It, in tho same a rude School and th« School GrwnhbuM mlddl* aged woman, white; no Inundry; died last night at her home at Fa! sense of humor Is of an extremely those of wiser grown-ups. timate. It is not a Etrange land that jnirit in which American immigrants Haven after an illness of tout yean will b«t rtcelveJ et gtQO £*, M.f Auauit 8, 140. Phone In the morning 108 Atlantic sing "My country 'tis of thee" I low variety. And his Inherent tasto The normal child ia a lomewhat After two local officers -were 1091, by Hftt-ty & Chamberlain, DUtrict Highland!. Jay Smith, Locust, N. 1. you go far to see, it always strikes She waa 76 years old. la rather atrocious. The normal pusaled youngster trying wry earn- Clerk, Whldlfctown Township Boird of Ed- me as if it were some corner of my met an American tha other day who wounded by bandits, parsons, Kas,, ucation, Leonardo, N. 3,, at which tlma th* was born in Boston and h» said, Mrs. Gaoklll had resided at Fa! child Is like this, not because he estly to discover what this world Is citizen) Inaugurated a fund to pro- proposals will b« publicly opened and WANTED, to rent «roatl turm. with homeland, anybody's homeland, that Haven for the past tnro years. like and bow he should behave In rend (or tbi consideration of tbi Board. good house; would consider shar- for some reason wo had missed see- "When I've made my. pile, I'm going has been poorly trained or harshly vide better equipment. fore moving: to that placa she resldei repressed, but simply because he la relation to It. He la not so keen Spocl floattoni mny b« ie*n at this offlc* ing up>lteep of larser farm on co- ing in childhood. The Hollanders to Holland." Ho spoke aa if on and &fUr August lit. 1090, bttweaa meant It, too. at Shrewsbury. Her husband died i. a normal child. Most of u« aro more about freedom as he Is about author- operative plan If housing facilities per- have a nitional air, which celebrates years ago. itative security. Few children nowa- Kite* entered In tho annual flying tha hours ot 8;O0 A. W. and 6;90 P, M. mit. Addresi S. It D.. box Ell, Bed like him than we often care to con competition in Tokuahima, Japan, AU blda miiet ba accompanied by a bid Mrs. Gaskill was the daughter o tess, and we woultl resemble him even days are in any danger of being too pond And tha lucceatful bidder will be r«* the late Benjamin and Caroline Bid rudely repressed or too cruelly in- frequently are so large they require quired to font a- euit&bU bond guarant*** BUNGALOW for rent. Riverside d.lve, more closely If the experiences of 200 men to hold the cords. Ing the aatlsfactory completion, of hl« die Woolley. She was born at Pleai hibited, And parents who are ao work. VIS P«r month1 . Inquire of Jlancc Wolt, advancing years had not made us Riverside drive.* . _ - Buying Suggestions Are Offered ure Bay. Surviving are a daughte otherwise. By shielding the child awed by modern theories of com- The Bonn! re nerve* the rlaht to re fact AMERICAE N woman, elderly, good plain Miss Bessie Gaskill of Fair Haven during his early years from chasten- plexes and Inhibitions that they are The chief causs of the severe dust any or all bids and to waive Immaterial cookk, ftne references; Mchanae for a gon, George .Gaskill of Little SI actually afraid to discipline a child storms of recent weeks In the 'West MdjJJlli5iii5!2 ing experiences, his infantile traits Signed hoMe^_Mdj5Mj1J;1J)Oilliv5ii-i5!2-- For Selecting Ripe Cantaloupes ver; two sisters, Mrs."Cornelius Van in any way are depriving him of waa the drought of last summer, gay HAKIlY S. CHAMBERLAIN. AU, KINDS of eatlne and cooklnB apclci aro prolonged far beyond the time something he values moro highly for »ale, 30 cents up per basKet. r. Buslcirk and Mrs. Bertha Clayton o when they should be gradually federal soil experts. District Clark. Olittenherg, Wyckod Bond, Eatontown, North Long Branch, and a brother, N. J.* _ Important Factors Indicating Quality and Ripeness David VVoollsy, also of North Long changing Into characteristics more NOTICE. Cited for Housewives Branch. , suitable for adult life. KoMc* It hereby jtiven to all legal vot- NOTICE. The normal child does have re- ers of tho School District of Shrewsbury The Board of Education of Shre«-«bu: The funeral will bo held at be Township. In tha County of Monmouth. Township asks sealed bids for addltU By FRED W, JACKSON deeming •virtues. One of these, which that a (pedal meotlnir of lei*I voters will and alteration to Tlnton Falls Scho Director, Division of Consumer Information late home Saturday afternoon at 2:3C he has to a higher degree than any be ha Id at tha Tlnton Falli School SJOUM Specifications omy bo secure Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N. J. o'clock with Rev. Dwight L. Parsons, on August 14, 1036, at 7:00 o'clock P. 1 other living creature, is the ability M., K. 0. T. Tho valla at eatd meetfov from the architect, A. Kellenyl, corn* retired Presbyterian clergyman, of- learn. And one of ths most Im- Tlnton avenue and Highway, Entontu ficiating. Burial In charge of th will bo open until 0:uo P. M.. E. 8. T. Saturday. August 8, 1985, between pelling motive* possessed by any At a aid meeting the following proposals hour* of 1:00 and 5:00 P. M. Worden funeral home will be In Wesi normal child is the desire to emu- will be submitted: Bids will be opened at Tlnton Fall Long Branch cemetery. Resolved that the Board of Education! School HOUH« at 8:00 P. M., D. S. T late his elders. The problem we must ii hereby authorised: Monday, August 12, 1035, The Board l\ decide Is: Which will make the (a) To transfer $4dZ from tha Currant 'nerves the right to reject any or nil bid George W. Brower Expends account to the Capital Outlay ac- (ETA GILHULV, :hlld'a most effective teachers—the count t District Clerk, Eatontown, N. of Locust, died suddenly yesterday haphazard experiences of its environ- (b) To transfer SflOO from Repairs and morning of a heart attack at ment, other essentially scatter-brained Replacements account to the Capital Out- home of hia son Alfred W. Brower lay account] . k :hlidren or wise and authoritative (c) To use what Is neceimry of the of Naveslnk. \ grown persons? money BO transferred to supplement that Mr. Brower waa bora on October If this question could be put to previously ordered raised for an addition 12, 1857, on Riverside drive, Locust. to tha Tintcm Fntli School Houie [ r he child himself I have no doubt Helping You Judge (d) To use the surplus to Improve th* He was a. prominent contractor and hat he would choose the adults. The Pine JDrook Sehbol Hoiuo. builder for many years and built ypes of persons who are rated the Here's a suggestion for judging tha (ETA GIUIULY, many fine houses along Riverside ilghest by childish standards, as can District Clerk, Entontown, N. I, drive. is readily proven by watching a desirability of the service offered by Besides his son, he Is survived by any funoral director: examine his NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ;roup of youngsters absorbed in Notice la hereby given that sealed blda hie wife, Mrs. Charlotte E. Brower, heir games of dramatic imitation, equipment! will be received by the Township Com- and three daughters, Mrs. Alan C. tho sure, purposeful and self- mittee of Shrewsbury Towmhlp, Mon- mouth County, N. J., for the Improve- Davis of Batavia, New York; Mrs. :onsclously authoritative martinets A modern funeral director will have Homer E. Carney of Hackensack, ment of Hancft Road In Shrewsbury if the world—the swaggering police- modern equipment; a fine funeral di- Township, with bltuminoua surface treat- ,nd Mrs. Joseph E. Zelicrs of Arilng- nan, tho bustling cook, the precise, ment. Kitlmated quantity of bituminous "Well • • • ;on. rector will have fine equipment We material roqulrod la 12,000 gallons, with ild-fashloncd school ma'am, the de- cover. Bids will be opened and read In The funeral will bo held Sunday rmincd, irritated parent. The child's shall be glad Indeed to have you tmbllo at the room* ot Bald Committee, fternoon at 2:30 o'clock at All Tlnton Falls, N. J., on Friday, Auuust 16, rue inner nature craves the pres- judge our service by the type of 1085, at 2:80 P. M., Daylight Saving Time. WE DROVE 500 Saints' Episcopal church at Nave- ence of such strong and mighty equipment which wo make available ilnk with Rev. Charles P. Johnson, Specifications and forms of bid for the rown-ups.' For, if there is one tun- to oil who call upon us. proposed work, prepared by George P. ector of the church, officiating Bur- amenta] need common to all chll- Knndolph, C. K., have boon filed In the: al. In charge of A. M. Poaten & oiflce of Buld Engineer at 60 Broad Street^ MILES TODAY" long of Atlantic Highlands, will be t*eh it is a sence of stability and Roil Bpnkr N. J., nnd mny be Inspected ecurity. during buainoaa hours. Bidders will be n the church yard. funiiahod with copy of tho tpoclflcattons yES, dear, our new Auto One experience which makes every and forms of hid by the Engineer upon ormal infant gasp and scream with proper notice and payment of Five Dollars •^ Radio certainly shortened Franklin Patterson, WORDEN FUNERM HOME of which sum Three PoHnrs will be re* error is the feeling of physical ln- funded to those submitting bids. die trip." Picking Cant&loupes In Gloucester County, resident of Atlantic Highlands ecurlty—of falling or being Inade- AlBEfLTW. WORDEN many years, died suddenly Tuesday HARRYC.F.WORDEM • JAMES A.WORDEM Ulds must be made on the standard pro- Similar statements are uttered _B cantaloupe has rapidly gained means to determine ripeness when uately supported. As inost children posal forma In tha manner designated of a heart attack at his home, 66 row older they feel the same dread PHONE557 therein find required by the specifications^ frj tourists everywhere. Auto a permanent place In tho Amer- buying local cantaloupes is to ex- Prospect avenue, that borough. He must be on cloned In sealed envBlopeif icarn. diet and Is now available over amine the end at which the canta- pon suddenly realizing that thoy 60E.FR0NT ST. • • • RED BAWK.N.J. was In his 74th year. bearing the nnme and addresi of the bid* ^Rdis do shorten the trip. a much extended harvest season. loupe, wag attached to the vine. If re alone In unfamilar surroundings dar And the name of the road on the out- the scar on this stem end la clean, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jennie r among strangers, A child is al- side, addressed to the Township Commit- Although several of. tho western Patterson; two sons, Werner Patter- tea of Shrewsbury Townihip, Monmouth FOR YOUR CAR states dominate the earlier market perhaps sunken and smooth or cal- iost" equally distressed whenever ho Count/, N. J., and must be accompanied periods, triis fruit Is now grown loused, then the fruit was ripe son of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and William Patterson of Georgia; a nds hlmsel bereft of mental and by a certified check for tha sum ot extenslvoly In a number of. Atlan- when picked. On trait green and oral security—when he Is placed In Three Hundred Dollars. tic coast nUitoo, especially Mary- immature when picked, the stem daughter, Miss Frances Patterson, The Township of Shrewsbury reservee scar is torn, green, or often bears who lives at homo; and two brothers, situation where neither precept the right to reject any or all bldi J£ land, Delaware and New Jersey. deemed to the best Interest of the Town* Tho proxfmity of these areaa to a portion of the stem. Now take ' Capt. Trevone Patterson of Atlantic or habit dictates how he shall be- lave. ship so to do. local markets permits the' develop- the cantaloupe in your hand. If (Highlands and Edward Patterson of By order of the Township Committee of ment on tho Tinos of the nearby ripe thea the blossom end will be Adelphia. ifr. Patterson was a Children are at heart tremendous Shrewsbury Township, Monmouth County,] crop to & much fuller degree of softened a little and yield at that member of the Atlantic Highlands lcklers for things, as they are. A ripeness. This natural ripening point to slight pressure of the hand Presbyterian church. hlld used to hearing a nursery tale July SI, It>35. I procesB accounts for the full flavor but otherwise he fairly firm. Color The funeral will bo held at two epeated In a certain way is critical KEKNBTH FIELDS, and scent are factors, too. A change Chairman^ OELCO RADIO and aroma so characteristic of ripe o'clock this afternoon at the house. if tho adult who deviates from the MAIWRETTA t, REED, Clerk. cantaloupes at this Bfiason. of the gronnd color of tho rind Rev. Joseph Schaeffer of Barrington, amilar version by a single word. from dark green to a more or less formerly of Atlantic Highlands, will Vhcn ho grows old enough to play NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The: new 19i 5 Delco Auto How To Select Them yellowish tinge is a sign of ripe- conduct the service. Burial by A. ames he will be insistent that all Tho Hoard of Educntlon of the Borou&h ness. Ripeness is also indicated by of LIlLle Sliver In the County of Mon- Radios are priced to fit every- Housewives frankly confooa that M. Posten and Sons will be at Farm- ia playmates observe each rule, no mouth, Now Jersey, Invites bids for the the rich, melon aroma as it be- ingdale. grading of grounds nnd construction of one's parse. There are four cantalonpes are one of tho moat comes stronger and more percept- utler how senseless. He can bo rondwuy, curbs nnd nldawalkn, nt the New difficult fralts to bny. Complaints ible. made to perform an Irksome task FuhJJa School on Markham Place, Little models with Syncro-Tuning, of. a too green or too ripo condition Mrs. Anna Connolly, ith eager pleasure If the perform- Silver, New Jersey, each giving the users more are frequent. Many delegate the What To Avoid wife of William Connolly of Keans- nce Is turned Into a formal and Ulds will bo rccoEved August 12, 103S, 8:00 P. M. daylight savins; time in the radio per dollar than they task to tie merchants but even then Avoid soft, very yellow canta- i burg, died Tuesday night at the Jer- omplicated ritual. Motor Equipment rooms of the Hoard of Education, at the will receive in any other set. results aro often uncertain for se- loupes which are usually over-ripe jsey City medical center as the re- To be sure, children are forever School on Markham Place. Little Sliver. lecting ripo, fall flavored canta- of Insipid flavor and watery. Steer ' suit of a stroke of paralysis suffered sking the most unexpected ques- Now Jersey. Come in today and let us show loupes ia conceded to be no easy clear of bruised or spotted canta- We have Just added to our motor equip- Bids muBt be furnUhed In tha manner six weeks ago. She had been a pa- lons. However, fl child asks most de&lKntttcd herein and required by the you how a 1935 Delco Auto task. However, the following are loupes because the flesh is usually tient ever since at the hosptial, where ment a new Packard Funeral Coach. With specifications: must be enclosed In sealed some suggested ppinta to observe: very soft and spongy. it his ingenuous questions not be- her two daughters. Misses Marion and ause of a thirst for more and new envelopes, aildreused to George H. Llpnln- iUdio will make yonr w—'- For home use cantaloupes of While each of the foregoing Eleanor Connolly, are nurses. this car, .with Its dignified simplicity, we colt. Clerk, .Board of Education. Little ling more enjoyable. points is important the selection :nowledge, but because he wants a Silver, Now Jorsoy, bearing: on the outside' about 5 inches in diameter aro in She was 63 years old, and had been onflrmatlon of what he believes he leel that our motor equipment is second to tbs immo and address of bidder. All bldi most demand. Shape is not impor- of cantaloupes cannot be based on resident of Keansburg the past six- must be delivered at the place and time tant but tho oval types are pre- any single sign. No one indication teen, years. Surviving besides those ees and hears. When he asks such none In this section. above referred to and must be accompAn^ yplcal questions as "Why are build- led by a Surety Company bid bond or • ferred. Pink fleshed varieties are Is infallible. Rather, one mast con- mentioned are two sons, Daniel and certified check In the sum equal to 10%, J. H. KELLY CO. most popular, yet the green tinted sider them collectively and In com- ings so tall?" "Why Is ice BO cold?" Matthew, who are engaged in the ice We Furnish National Casket* of the amount bid as stnted in the pro* or golden flesh types are equally bination. In conclusion the factors business at Keansburg. r "Why Is It always dark at night?" posnl, payable to the Board of Education^ that really determine quality are ie Is seldom asking for reasonably Ho rough ot LHUo Silver. Monmouth Govtn* 33 E. Front St., Red Bank good when ripe. Quality in canta- ty, Now Jersey. loupes is usually associated .with sweetness, fine texture and full The funeral will be held Friday dentine explanations of such mat- an abundant and prominent netting flavor of the flesh; one can expect morning at George E. Ramsey's fu- ers. Usually he does not even want Tho project is financed In whole or i4 Telephones 1752 - 1153. neral home, Jersey City, and later at part by the Federal Emergency Adfl which is the cork-like voining on to find thorn only in fully ripened ddltlonal Information about them. tratlotrstlon of PublPublllo WWorkk s and IIs subject tej the outer surface. One ot tho best cantaloupes. St. Peter's Catholic church at that He Is most often begging to be reas- ill Its requirements. place. Burial will be in St. .*-'' T/io attention of bidder* If callot! to th* cemetery, Orange. lured that his own Individual ob- FUNERAL DIRECTORS minimum rate of vases to ba paid by COM ervatlons are correct. His questions true tors, namely: skilled labor $1.20 peq Frederic K. Adams/ Mgr. lour and unskilled labor (0.00 per hour* Walter Thompson lally.mean, "I think buildings are All contracts and eub-contraett art lubf of Maple avenue died Tuesday morn- ery tali, don't you?" "Is Ice always TELEPHONE 226 Ject to the approval of ths .Government o cold?" and "It really gets dark Engineer. AND THESE MTlC STOW- ing in Allenwood hospital, where he A separate labor bond Is required In ad had been a tuberculosis patient since very night, doesn't it?" From the 135 Front St. Red Bank,rN. J. amount equal to tha largest estimate! AWAYS ARE AS GOOD July 12. He was 45 years old. hild's point of view the most eatls- monthly payroll. AS OLD GOLD WHEN ying answers to such "why" ques- Attention of prospective bidden U far* Mr. Thompson was born at Red ions—as nurses and mothers real- ther directed to paragraph 8 of Comtruot ,7 COMES TO BEING Bank and was the son of the late tlon Regulations Included In tha •paclfteah Bo YOU KNOW OF A tloni. The office of the National Re-«m« BETTER PLACE FOR TURNED INTOCASH. Edward and Margaret Kelly Thomp- ploy men t So r vice, which may ba called up* son. He was employed for some on for Hats of qualified workers, U aJ ?REASURE HUNTING? First Avenue and Boardwalk, Aaburj, time as a roofer by John H. White, Park, Now Jersey, Emil C. Garde)]. Man- WE WILL ADVERTISE Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Rose M. ager. THESE IN THE WANT Thompson of New Brunswick, form- An approved Surety Company bond II erly of Red Bank. quired covering- performance of contract and payment of material,/ men and labot. ADS. The funeral will be held this af- In accordance with the statute. ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the fu- Fowler's Market Pkna and specifications ar« en ill* lit tha ofllca of (Jeorcre K. Allan, O. H., 6 Boll of the North ffldoo off BhrewBburrBhreb A Avenue, from Fort Monmouth and four years also known as South Shrewsbury Drlvej Long Island n with the Kastorly elde of Monmouth Ave* jCVERY month . . . every year . . . every housecleaning ago wont West for his health. Bur- Salmon 32c luof tUoncethanes {!)(!) "Nomi(jri/"aNortherly 1l onff"th thi K*East ial was made In the National ceme- DUCKS 2i;t, ildfl of Monmouth Avenue two hundred . . . you've been putting something else aside in the tery at Ocean Bench, California. n .hlrty fsfit to tho nouthwast corner of Lot Halibut , 29c No, 47 on unlit map; tbenca <2) North family storeroom, intending to "get rid of it," or "give it ilfflity-otttht degrees nfty-twa mlnutei East - Ernest I'atternon Jong tho southerly lino of loti No. 47 and away," or maybe sell it to someone in need. But you for- of Highlands died Saturday at a Fowler'* S tfo. 48 on an hi map two hundred f«et to RUMP .ho westerly el do of Wootlrnera Avenue* get. And it keeps accumulating. And you have nothing Newark hospital in his 2»th year. Ho Fillet' COFFEE "imerly ForroBt Road; thence (8) South* had been In ailing health a long VEAL Scallops ly along thn wostorfy »Ido of Woodmtt* but a crowded storeroom! We're asking you not to delay time. He leaves his wlfo, Mm. Mary Avonu«, ono liundiad lovon feat and «v- Haddock Canada Dry Soda -nty-Uve jiundredthi of a foot to tha another minute! Sit down right now, with a copy of our Patterson, and two children. Also ortherly of tie of Bouth Shrewafeury Privet eurvlvlng are his parents, Mr. and Assorted Flavors henc» (4) In a Westerly direction alone; Classified Columns Section, and see how many people Mrs. George Pattorson; a Bister, Mrs. Fresh Chopped tho northerly nldo of the iann two hun* 32;, hottlea ireil thirty-four foet and iilnety-ntne hun* want to BUY the things you've discarded. You'll be Sally Storms, and a. daughter, Ed- 19;,, tUedths or « foot to Uis point of ptae* ox ward Patterson, nil of Highlands. MEAT ^cglnnlnff. ' amazed to learn that you can convert all those things into Tho funeral was held yesterday This description Is In accordance with ft FRESH JERSEY PRODUCE ! tirvey nindo by (ienrge I). Cooper. Sur- IMMEDIATE CASH ... or maybe exchange them for morning In a Cathollo church at royar, dated Mnreh 23, 1987. Newark and burial was at that.piaco. flDlxed «n tho property of Charla* J* things you need. Use the Classified Columns of The Red Cooking and Eating Apple* 49c b»kt. Sweet Potatoes .3 161. 14c Mcnrn. ot alu., takon In execution at th* lull of Fidelity Union Truat Company, and Bank Register because they spell MONEY for you ... MM. Jane Tnto McRobetts, Egg Plant large size lQc each A h# sold by '"' & summer resident of Ocean View, Jersey Potatoes ,39c b»kt HOWARD IIEiaHT, Sbwlff. and if you don't see the opportunity you want use The died of acute indigestion Friday at Large Green Pepper* 3c each Dnter] JuJy JHIh, 1088. ths age of seventy years. The body Tomatoes - 2 tbs. 9c Hond, Laffertr 4 Campbell, Sol'ri. Register's Want Columns. c doz («o I.) , I IB,»Q WSB prepared for burial at tho funeral Yellow Corn ..„„..» 2Sc doz. Sweet Sunkist 9%[ - home of A. M. Poutcn and flon» and ORANGES '™ Tho Hod Bank RegUUr travel* was taken to West Now Brighton, Umk Bfeanp ~»«—-3 lbs. 29c /6r every street In town And wary Staten Inland, whore the funeral was Peaches ..4-qtbsltt 39c & 49c oad In, the county, pet it carry your held Monday. Burial wa« mads at Celery Heart* .„« *,2 bun. 2Sc to iho»t who llvt on " that plao*. • BED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1,1935. Woman Ends Life At Water Witch MONMOUTH' COUNTY'S GREAT MARKET PLACE Mrs, William Haber of New York committed suicide, Thursday In a tt bungalow at Water Witch, where tfoe 'Where the Buyer Meets the Seller" Thirty Words for Twenty-F ve Cents and her husband bad been living the ***** IIIHH paat two weeks. Her husband upon returning home In the evening found ARTICLES FOR SALE. ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE. LOST AND FOUND. EMPLOYMENT. ROOMS FOR RENT. .JgALJESTATEjFQR RENT her body In a chair. The house was ' FOR SALE,, t>«lr brown multimt,, youngyog, ,UTTLE WHITE HOUSE Antique Shop, FOR BALE, aod, top foil, rill dirt, manure, FOUND, mill rowboat. Owner may htvo WHITE WOMAN wlshe* day's work to FURNISHED room, attractive, large, com- HOUSE, »ven roorai. all Improvim«nti| Illed with gas, which.flowed from a ' ifood site i , loundd] no ftfurthehr u»«f for Headden's Corner. Itod Bank. AntliiUo. clnaera and graveli prices riaspnabU. ,nm0 |,y Uentlfylni; nnd paylnu for thU do, or would do laundry. In or out. C^tl fortable, Bunny, residential; private, no largo yard and Rarag«i ilio ap»rtm«nt hurnur In Ihn nurni Mro Wnhnr whr. thth n j twoo good laddla horM».. HowaHowarrd bought and gold. CUude Wright. Markbam plac«. UtUei fill-. ajv.eril«aneiit. Address Boi JB2,Rum. t 278 Mechanic BfeeL aitet 6:00 I'. M.,other roomen; on bua line; garage If d«- of five rooms, alt Improvtmentii both urner in tne oven. Mia. Habor, who ver. phone Red Bank Ki)8-J. ' BM> N J. hone Red Bank 1274. ourner in tne oven. Mia. Habor, who „ , ,,, , IUK oak wood In stove and fireplace Bired. Itcaaonable. 1G8 Branch avenue,rlacct In cxeelloat condition! Alto * p Holh t F % 0 Man UBn lengths; well rotted manure, top loll; I'lAUGB, violins, organs, Amplco Duo-Art 2'"OUN1/, liftecn-foat imv/joat; flK-ner Ttliy LOCAL, OFFICE of manufacturer wants a 0£dJk 1117J store. A. T. Uoremua, 44 Ueokle*k pl«i' wahealts h3 0a year lonng oldtim, eha antd )bee ofn latIne poorJNhad . _ ].. ahtlqu* hand-mttdo drlvewaye graveled, tractor plowing and Welte Mtgnon tuning, volclnK and re- havu mine on proof of ownership and capable man familiar with collections ROOMS FOH ItENT. comfortably fur- £SiL____ °£-__!£__ »"•«••• candlewlcF k b«dipread„, whlu ,, M100 years truck ror hire. J. U. Carney, phone Eat- ondltlonlng. Dlrhan's Piano Shop. Drum* paying for thin advertisement. Atldrefls »r delivery to homes. Must have good mshed roo_B for rent; with or without been very despondent. The couple old; perfect conditions 110, Heal Irish mtown 440-J-2. mond place. Red Dank, phone 938. _w_o?,..l'ort Monmouth, N. J. •eferenceB and own liHht enr. Write full board, all improvements; centrally locat- FAIB HAVEN, 12 Do^hiTTa^r^rnl^ have no children. USED CARS and parts bought and soldi letalls. G. F, Fullor Employment Mann- ed. Apply Hudson House, 131 Hudson road; bungalow, all Improvements fl»« crochet hsnd*mad« bag, white, H.Ofh 3PRAYEHS—New and lined sprayers for LOST, wire haired fox terrier, named l rooniB; gun oarlor, peanut iton* ftreplacii Tho body was prepared for burial Fashion Tailor, Broad Itrest, Eatontown, tarm, estate. eo)t coarse and ah ado tre» also all kinds of new parts told; used Mllio. Howard. Phone Red Bank er, 1S7 Church fitreet, New Brunawick, avenue, phone Tied Bank 044. liltrhen ranae; rar_gt. n«aionat>U to at the funeral .home of A. M. Poston N.J.. , •prayingspr, . Call or write Ilendilckaon Sup* glass, from 50 cent! to $1.00. Abe Simon, 3D20-W. . J. CGMFOKTABLE room forwent, private right party. Mr*. Frank Herbert. ply Company, Middletown, or phon« 86LK 44 Worthley streit. Red Bank, phone POSITIONS open (or white general houne- »nd Sons at Atlantic Highlands. The (JIRL'3 Ivor. Johnson bicycle. 28 Inch. In 382.J. HUE EXT1NC1U1KHKK miislng from Serv. family; Kood location; very reagon»bie. SIX-ROOM housa In Ited lhnU7M»\rli*Z funeral was hold Monday at New •Dlendld condition. Call Bed Bank Ol), top BDII and privet; acre* of top ioll Ico atalion. corner Front and Spring workero, cooke, couples, chanibcrmiitd- 21 Harrlaon iivanuu. Call Ited Bank 8595. ornted; new hot water heating plant! GOZJ l?2JHdld^ and four to ill-foot privet! very cheap. POWEU StRAYEI! for aale. Hayes, re- streets. LH,ernl reward for return. No aitreea. Kindly call at thia ofllce for m-ROOMS—One with ri.nnfns~w.Cur7 One ftnraBe. Indulra Ownar, 12 O.i |»;, York and burial WHS In Mnnfo More __ ?J_.^ Thomas B. L'iclJ. Red Bank, phone Bfll. built and repainted; Hoyos and Meyers .erview. Monmouth Employment Agency, p DANK' STOCK for Ball, thirteen shares rjueatian nnl;f(l." 107 Monmouth Btreet, Red Bank. Phone with balcony. Breakfast ierved. Hea- ^a^Ha^ven^jihons^IUd^IJaiik 2470. cemetery at Springfield, Long Island. BocoJid-tiand water putnus. P. isles unii service. Conover Broi., Wlcka* LOST, fiin^c* rnTinTiTVofi caJie, Inscrlliad Ronalilo rates, Ainu gnrnga. U, II, V_n- Merchant! Trait Company. Ktical Co., 102 West 40th iJorveer, 49 Dranch avenue. Red Bank. bnicwsbury river; alx; und loven-room IlilBht. phone Sea Bright 12. boat rlbe, oak tlmbera, locust posts! Btreet, Now York City, ltcturn to H. Pat- WOMAN wishes position as BtenoRrapher- Telephone 146B. houncg with bath, sleoMnir and a.ln porch. SIMMONS filngle bed. aprlng~^nd new mat* CAHIi for your old typewriter, adding IU* ten, 60 Linden place, Red ,Cnnk, phone bookkeeper; experienced; complete set FUItNlSHEI) room, all conveniences j "p'r'i- e». oiien (Ire placiiB, oil heot, Frluldalre, Rumson News. electrlo planing mtll and sawmill for cus- loubla entry books, trial balance; capable vato family, no other roomera. 15 Lake tresi, 8121 porceUIn top table $4, tvhlt. chine, check writer or other office oquip- tom work. Charles G. Gannett & Co* Kut- 1815. Re ml." handling all office details. Address E. A. lias, electricity; ton nil court, river prlv. kitchen set, new, flv« placet, 110; ono in ettti will call. Josepph R. Serplco, Key- evramp road, phona Mlddletown 668. ' M., box 40, R. F. ». No. 1, Red Bank. enue, lied Bank. Holies; lawns cared (or by owner; live (Tho Bad Bank Bsiilitit can b« bought green, ftvo pioces, (12; one in oak, fivo portt, r[ Jb 484 l roofna tor rent on the river minutes walk to station. Garages. Its. In Rumaon at tho itorea ol Barrf Uar. pieces, a beauty, BU; square walnut ta- GOAT for sale, ver484y .gentle; over „ year PLANET JR. tractor, rebuilt; also now BUSINESS NOTICES. illtL wanted, help In housework and plain bank. SB Rector place. Red Bank, Phono Red Bonk 260.' . kan. Fred Klnntrty and W«lt« Torberg ble 910, alx walnut dining room chairs, and used Bolen'a repair parts. Conover cooking; email house, no laundry; sleep phone 237-R. and from Mr. Gajar.l tapestry seats, perfect condition, tlG; tan- old. Edward Smith, Star Route, Colt's Bros., Planet Jr. distributors, Wlckatunk, AUTO rX)ANS—Coofldentlal, prompt, mt. Apply Pjoal, 128 avenue, pieco mahogany dining room suite, new Nech1_N. Jj N. J., phone Holmdel 0. nourtcoua service; no endorsements; iQOL, cheerful and comfortably furnidhsd pBymenta reduced. Federal Acctptancc :icd Bank." REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The Rumson Patrolmen's Benevo- tapestry Beats In chairs, 1(51 throe-piecs CLOSING OUT Halo ot evargreen trees; ROWBOATS for salet tan feet and up; room; nice location and convenient to overstuffed living room BUlte, nice condi- wonderful' specimens; they could not Co., 610 Kicclrlo bulliilna. Astury l?»rfe, 'VPiST wishes copy work to do at home iown and station; garage If deaired, J20 lent association has presented a gold $19.50 to $33. Thompson Bout Woikl, phone Ui!30. Open evening! 7 :P0 to tfiOfl. ~- In office. Accurate and prompt aerv- ex-presldent'fl badge to Beth Johnson, tion, %ih\ now meple poster bed, plncupplo POoolbly b« better and prices are rldlnu- 2 Center street, Soa Bright, N. J. Address C. M. N., box 511, Red Bank, Maple avenue, Red Bank.* top, spring and mattress $2G; now 0x12 loualy low. ArborvItncB, ton feet tall, WILLIAM V. DIETKICH. Dliitnbln«, heat. -" Hcd Bank 2946.* COMFORTABLY furnished room, all con- "who Berved as preeldent of the or- Administer rug, colonial pattern, $2!i; L. $l.0t> each. 100 other varieties, all ntTROPICAL flab' business aelllne out; big Ins u»<3 tinning. Pumpe and wtndmllli veniences, one "block from business nee- ganization during tho past yoar. The E. Brown, 117 Prospect avenue, Red Bank, lowest prlucH ever known. Alhort Nelion, bargain! in used and new aquariums, repaired. Agent Cor Mnster oarburttor NEAT colored itirl wishes i)OBitIon as tlon; reasonable. 28 Hudson avenue, phnne 57. AlJcntown,_N, J., nursery at imlayBtown. fish and plants. Betsy ROBS Fish Hatch- coal Bnvlna device. FItB any furnacB. 42 cook OL" houseivorker J excellont cook; phono 839-W-* presentation wan made by Edmund ery, 1 Allen place, just off Riverside nv«> CHOCEKY, dcllcsleifsen ana cuatty ttan WALL TEXTURE, direct from""factory, I*Lfhton (ivenue. Had Bank, phone S6R7-J. eferencGB. Please call at 17 Pearl Btret, 10~^Ll^G_~__RY_Tr^S"Bankrro^mi lel ni> MAN'S SUIT, like new, Rogers-Feet make; nuc. lied Bank, phono 3062-W. ted Bank.* <>}?.' f.* »» re»«on«lil9 off«t Desmond, secretary of tho associa- light gray, zephyr 'weight, size 40. Prlco four cents a pound, same as sold ofher METAL WEATHERSTRIPS for door* and with or without board; reaaonnttle V/jilaJSoi 80l_Manmoujh_ Baach. N. jT_ tion. Tho new prcsldont la William $5; pair of Wright English box cloth but- pluceH, six to ten centn a pound; wnll pa- SI'RAYING materials and equipment for windows; eavo 2 5% o( fuel costs. H. ;HAUFFETJR deaircn poaitlon; experienced les. Also meals by the day or week. toned puttees, $1.7 5. FaBhlon Tailor, per, latCBt dGHietiB. with borders to match, every pest In stock j largo or small A. Henthickson & Co.. phone Red Bank New York end shore; furninh best local Table board, $5.f)ft a week/ RED BANK vicinity—Hundr«dr~or7«fini Zorr. 98 ccntH jicr room; roof paint, five quantities. Open evenings. Hi*£)drlckBon 38'4j-W, hi Newman Springs road, Hed reference. Maka minor repairs; married, , '?, ""It «"» pocketbookok. IllaiIllaitraUt d Broad street, £atontown. Supply Company, Middlctown, N, J. ROOM and board for sinRle person or Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Coffoy of Wash- Kullone, S1.G5. All othor paints and ma- Eank. '_ 32 years old; three children; go anywhere. -•' COUIJIC, 12C proad street, rnono 894, Stlllman. SUHF ROD end reel, cnmplng outflt, urn- terials at lowest prices. Atlantic Paint 0 11 et E ington streo): are On a trip through hrolla tent, 7x7, gasoline stovo, gaso- FINEST BRED Irish setter puppieB, three SINGER Hcwin? machlneB, new and used, ___:•_?'^rL ! . S28 River road, Red Bank." Red_Bank.* ^ "" and Wall Texture Co., 119 West Front montha old; registered American Kennel electric; reconditioned pedal machines, JtflDDLE AGED woman of~KooS~fanTiiy", tho Now England states. Hna lantern; contents of three-room bun* treet, phono Kod Bank 2261-W. club. I'hone 2814-W, Red Bank. unencumbered; ^pleasant pereoimllty, ROOMTwIth private fnmlly, down town Red Kalow. Snnder, care Hue's, Highway • slven perjonal attention. conditioned Kermnth 4, 20 h. p.; good; growing stock; cheaper thnn corn and of avel. Or as housekeeper in motlierleHB Point road, suflered cuta on the legs BEDROOM Bet In walnut, dresser, vanity, REAL ESTATE WANTED. price S12G; rovorflible gear, starter, gen- high feeding value. Theron McCnmpbell, GEORGE B. BROWN, Insurancfl and •me; experienced driver. Address H. 3. and arms last week when ho was hit wardrobe, bed and spring; a real bar- eratnr-mainicto. Two fine crulsera for Holmdel, N. J. care Mrs, Jewell, Freehold, N, J.* ATTRACTIVE home, near Rl^r" road; gain! also small Frlgidnlro; perfect condi- real estate, 36 McLaren Btreet, Red HAVE buyers •wnltlnpf for Bmalt farms, t by an automobile driven by Allen S. rhnrtcr. Deep' sea fishing $25. Hourly CHAUFFEUR. Rnrdener, handy men, living room, (lining room and kitchen ' tion. Gramann's, 11 Wlllto street, Red illntf ratcii alven; llc'ensetl captain, cheor- SPECIAL dollar tropical Ash collection: Dank. to ten acrea. List your .property for firoiilnce, hot water heat, nun porch; three Conltlln of Red Bank. His injuries pk' r No. 1—Pair blue G our ami, pair black wants work; whole or part time; wil]ln_ lo or rent v.;lth Anna F. Diets, Matawan, ), competent service, I rcd Fisher, Jr., to ;rt0 o'clock tnkcH it; ('nn N. J.. phono 12GC. .... • in amountB from $2,EDO to $7,500 to aoveral weeks wit•""h Mrs"" . Collina'~ s sis- Ellzaboth Wolls. Mrs. Harold Harts- be seen at Monmouth Boat Club lloat, foot for and delivered. John Hanson, 82 Hud- iilucD on good residential iironertiea. W. A. Baker HIM road. Great Kack, New _crk. of Wharf avenue. Lenvo your offer Bon nvenue, phone Red Bank 11129. SALESMAN wanted, experionco unnoceB- Hopping A«ency, 8 Linden place, Red Telephone Great Neck 838. tor In Ohio, arc now at Saratoga horno also had a largo table. # with your phono number at VnnDorn's FARM PRODUCE. lOl Ull Red Uunk. for your plumb- Bary. We will train you If you qualify. Bank, phorie_397_. ______FOR SALE, building lot In Mlddletown Springs, New York. Miss Lucy Lea Hurd, daughter of larngo, 3fi Kafit Front fitrcot, Red Hank,* ing, heating and tlnnin_ problems. Ad- Call Red Bnnk 46 for appointment between village, on cement highway; 86x710 7:00 and 8:00 P. M. WANTED, fnrm of~50""to 100 acres, hli Councilman James C. Auchlncloss Mr. and Mrs. Bichard Hurd, gave a UOW BOAT, Fixteen feet, nlco Unas; FARMERS and truck _ rowers will find a vice and estimates free. Joseph W. Fox, way, between llatawan end jfatontown. feet; prlco $500. Alaton Beekman, attor- ind his son, Gordon Auehlnclosa, dinner for Misses Dorothy Eurghard mndo by White; A-l condition, 520. ready market for their produce by ad* Ufl Finchiiey road. Red Bank. POSITION wanted, chambermaid and as- Immetilnte snlo if price ia vlelf. Anna F. ney. Ited Bank. Smith, Scabrook and Brainard avenues, vertislns tn Tha Register's classified col- PA IN TEH and paper hangar and decor- sist with children, or will be willing to _ieti, Matawtin. N. J.* HOUSE of six rooms, bath _nd sun porch, tavo gone to Brazil, where Mr, and Edith Williams, Strother Jones, ator; reaBonablo prices. Will paper a help in kitchen; best pereonal references, $3,700. 1500 cash; at 51 Carpenter Port Monmouth, N. J.* Phono Midrfletown 467-R. lA-UChlncloas has largo mining ln- Charles Poor, Robert and Stuart JTOVES, musical instruments, akylight, DAIRY FEED—Wo are offering a very jora for {8.CO and up; all work guaran- street, RIvor Plaza. Inquire N. Sevai- lorejts. Thoy mndo tho trip by air- :ed. Joseph Hoffman, 22 Drummond SALESMEN—Two men not afraid of work takls, 215 Bendemero avenue, InUrlaken, Young. GOO luiunro feet floor felt, neld glaaa, ton good 20% dairy ration at an especially laco. Rod Bunk, phono 8848-W. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT plane. Thoy will return la six weoks, Warron and ErneBt Ackorman gave perfect Bhnpo typowrltcra, ico box, two- tow price. See us. Uance & 1) a via. pbone with ability to HGII; ffood proposition; phono AllenhurBt 4280. man saw, piano nnd fifty other uaeful ar- 103. ELECTRICIAN—If it'a electrical we »Bllv car not necessary; references required. Ap- FIVS-nOOM bungalow located on Sycan WOODLAND, three acreE, near highway.' Care driven by Euphomla G. Olo- a large buffet dinner for most of tho tioicfl cheap; two truckfl, two houses and POULTRY FEEO— Mannamar, Life Cydo install or repair; estimates cheerfully ply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 12 Linden more avenuo In Shrewsbury; all Im- In Eatontown, with camp building and and of New York and Dr. William younger generation. • Among those ots (no niol'tgagCH) for sale or fiwap. maeh for your chicks; Park and Pol- given. Call ua for any or oil of your place. Red Bank. provements, $30 month. Four-room houHO water supply, adjoining farm garden; 1250 Dobrowolsky o£ Elizabeth collided present wero Misses Ann Elite, Alice Mnyon'fi Mlnsion Exchange, 113 Linden Inrd feeda pay. Make a teat. Hanca & electriclal troubles. Victor C. Perottl, 20 iOLOUED GIRL wanted for general located In Fair Havon, S 30 per month. cash only >e«ded. Wolf* Garage, Rout* place. Red Bank, rear building.* Uavla, phone 10a> Church street, Sea Bright, phono 288-W. housework in family of two; small Rnlnton Waterbury, 107 Monmouth street. 3S, Eatontown. P^one 170. last week on Rumson road, near Rutgers, Beatrice Brown, Barbara Red Bank, phone 3500.* CROSLEY electric ice box, two years old, I'OULTRX grains, new crop"~barley~and fiouoo fn country. Sleep fn. Telepaqno itl'U f^ftllA, i'iiUJIO tJiS'SVi HOUSE ot neven room* and bath, herd™ Tennis Court lane. Both cars were Baker, Coralle Barry, Lachland Por- operating sntlsfnctorlly but too small •wheat soon ready for delivery. Try BEDBUGS, roaches, lie a a, motha, «tc, Red Bank 670-J after six o'clock. Sl'&ROOM house, all Improvements. Ap- wood floora, all Improvements; two-car damaged but no ono was hurt. tor, Nancy Wylie, Margaret Van- for business; bargain. Call Red Bank barley as scratch grain for growing permanently exterminated (miaran* ply Leo McKee, 16 McLaren street. Red garage, largo lot; forv sale, 12,800, on The Rumson firemen's baseball Slcklon, Frances Kllpatrlok and 248." stock; cheaper than corn and of equal teed). RaU caugbt with ferreU (not MISCELLANEOUS. Bank. Church street, near Compton •trett, Bel- feeding value. Theron McCampbell, Holm- FOR RENT, etorea, o_cu, nau, aouass, ford. Caleb Luker, Belford, N. J.* team will play tho Sea Bright flro- Alleon Ward and John Butlor, John OFFICE FURNITURE, cheap; typewriter del. W. J. polBoned). Phone 2848 Anbury. Jack and flnt top dcnlc, filing cabinets, larso Kcndrlck, exterminator, establtsbfid HOUSE WRECKEKS—Bidu wantod for apartment* J improved) all locations. DINER for saje, doing: good buslnon; to men next Sunday morning at half- Porter, James Johnson, Edward Just off Broad street. Land St Loan Co.. Quick buyer, fully equipped, $900; 13x30 and small. National cnah register, etc. Tho 85 years. wrecking Bay View hotel, Atlantic High- past ton o'clock on Tailor's field. Hurd, Lcn Wyeth, Ktmball Harts- Auction Gallerlca, 27 East Front street, op- HAV for sale, baled; moderate prlcei. lands; building '80x60 feet, four story and 11! Mechanic street. Red Bank. feet, AddreBs Diner, box 611, Rod Dank.* Mr. and Mrs. John Borgon of Jer- horne, Eldon Harvey, William poslto Globo hotel, phono Rod Bank 1693. Matthew MulHn, Brookdnlo Farm, ESTBLLE "PAINTING and Decorating additions; bidder to net material and fur- FOR RENT, elx rooms; all improvements; HOME on Branch avenue, lfvlni"~~rriami 1 niture; owner to get not less than $1,000 earasc; fine location, newly renovated, dining and kitchen; hot water heatt fire- i»y City aro spending a week with Waters, William Flndley, Philip Dry- BABY CARRIAGE nnd play ynrd for Bale, LIncroft, N. J., phone J282- W, Red Service; paper hanging, plain, and dec- cash. Reserves right to reject any or allA. Eiachoff. Mlddletown, N. J.. phona 168, Mr. and Mrs. JJavld Hogan. • don and Joseph O'Sulllvan. reasonable. No. !) Lincoln court, Kca Dank. oratf/c naintlae- Paints, varnishes and place ; enclosed porch; three bedrooms, bnrff. N. J. wall DHDcr for aalo. Office. 41 Monmouth bids. Phone 161, Middlotown^ I1OUSE of seven VoomV and bnth; all Im- tllerl hath, rflfjnr oloaeta; encage [ Jot The Rumson fire company will Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartloy Mollick, street, uhup 20 Mount, stic^L, lUd Uank, MORTGAGE MONEY"'iuiulTi) to put out provements ;; first clasa condition; oti< OOJUGO. W. A. Hopping Agency, 8 Llit* CHILBniiN'S Inwn swing for sale 82.75, HAY for sale, baled; moderate prices. den pjace, Red Bank, phone 307.* hold its monthly mooting tonight. Jr., entertained Misses Martha Rut- Ico boxes cheap, Smoothtop jtas Btovo phono Zfifiil. on first mortgages at 5%, Will nut out car garage, R. H. Vandorvcer, 40 Branch Phono Holmdol 120. Ank fnr Wllllnm In aniRllnr amounts. Must be A-l Drop- avenuo, phono Red Bank 1465. COLONIAL hou?e, center hall, n(n« nlc« About B5 porsons attended the gers, Mildred Waring and Eloanor T, two single box springs, two large rug Cook. P. C. Donner Farm, LonKHtreet O_L> UuLl>—We pay caali tur your old erty and principal. Rolston Waterbury. beach party hold last weok at Sea Inds J.1. OiU} pieces of fiimkuro foe In-ionil,_ Holmdol. N. J, gold jewelry, watches, teoth, etc. Hem FIVE ROOMS and bath; saraeo; lur rooms, electricity, water, fina cellar t 1 Hoagland and Gerald Balding, Kan- terior decorators; largo pictures, mirrors: a'. 8ti Uroad atreet. Red Bank. 107 Monmoulh street, Bed Bank, phono ulehed or unfurnished. Phone Rec Ideal location; knoll, view, beautiful shade, Bright by tho ladios auxiliary of dall Koator, William Deerlng and also wood for amateur cnbinet makors. A BARRED ROCK and Rhode- Red 3B00.» Bank 87 3. Mrs. J. A. VanScholck, 1X2 ?2•2 n _____"^ F- Dletz. Matawan, N. J.* pullets, laying and ready to lay ; aver- CHAIRS caned, ruah bottoms repaired Rumson fire company. Frankfurters, Lloyd Lawrence. bargain. Fivo onc-nrm lunchroom chairs Work called for and delivered. Specia WANTED, will buy second-hand bicycles Newman Springs road. Red Bank. OVERLOOKING tho South Shrewsbury, 510. Odd chairs. Stnmborry Thrift Shop, ago weight four to five pounds; 200 Leg- and second-hand frames. Grover Par- born pullotB, e.Kht weeks old; 200 Rhode low prices. V. A. Soule, 37 EaBt Rlvei FOR RENT at Seaside Heights. N. J., near two practically new modern houieii one, marshmallows, watermelon and cof- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Poor gave a Wilson avenue, near fire house, Port Mon- ker, 8 Mechanic street, Red Bank, phone boardwalk, furnished six-room bunga- st* rooms and bath, hot water heat, built fee wero Borvcd. Tho committee In Island Red pullets, fourteen weeks old. road, Rumaon, phone 493-M. 1818. dinner in honor of their coualn, Mlsa All from blood tested stock. Sidney Ham- l iiUX and a ell oocond-haud clothes, CHUB low, Also four-room furnished apart- of concrete blocks, water proofed and In- charge was composed of Mrs. Ed- Claire Rumscy, preceding the tennla MOT0UB0AT for sale, eighteen-foot sen. burger, Nut Swamp road, phone Red Dank be In good coadlUon. L. _erber, 20 MONEY to loan An firet bond and mort- ment. George W. Hanson, 62 Peten sulated. G, Howard Ltpplncott, Jl Mon- ward Hammond, Mrs. JIarvey Tllton, sltllt nnd '28 Chevrolet motor. Inquire M Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. Phom gage. Hendrickaon & Stout, Z Und on place. Red Bank. mouth street. Red Bank. club dance. The guests were Misses Pniil'B Beach, 8 Washington street, Uura- 468-W. place, Red Bank. SEVEN-ROOM nemi-bunpnlow for rent. FOR SALE~two lots on White road, ZJttt* Mrs. Charles Tllton, Jr., Mrs. Joseph FOR SALE. Bhode Island Red 1)U11G ts anc Malzle Jonos, Nora Swenson, Hope ^ TAINTING, paper banging, decorating MONEY TO LOAN on first bond and steam heat; good condition; $30 month. Silver: 50.X16O feet ench. No reaion- Guorrior, Mrs. John G. Anderson and White Lcghorn pullets. [•Veil Dlotz mortgage on improved real estate, ItolBton Wnterbury, 107 Monmouth street, ablo offer rejected. For particulars call Go tins, Florenco Ruthrauff and Eliz- POTATO DIGGER, rebuilt, Emerson. Con- Vut Swamp road, lied Bank fine work, low prices. Arthur E. Uoyce, Mlas Helon O'Rourko. nnd or phono worth double tho amount loaned. Al- Red linpk, phone 3500.* Red Bank__2946.» - abeth Ellis, also Karl and Peter ovor Ilroa,, KmerBnn, Internntlo phono Itumson 66G. ston Beekman, attorney, 10 13road street. Mise Alma NIederer of Allen Btreet Behr, Waring Molllck, Sheldon Pron- Hoover Service, Wlckatunk, N. J.. phone DABY CHICKS, 10c each; standard breeds ELECTRIC refrigeration service. Ca FIVE-ROOM buncalow fi5, six and seven- PRODUCTIVEToO-acro Matawan truck or has begun hor duties na secretary to Holmdel 9. on sale and orders accepted; electric Long Branch 8824-R, F. L. Wateri. _____?__ room houses. S'iO ; all improvements; ga- poultry farm; six-room house, barn, out- tleo, Haydon and George Smith TRACTOR, Goodyenr equipped, Allis WANTED, mortjmgo money on desirable raso. John H. Coo It, Jr., Sycnmoro ave- buildings, fine fit ream; long highway Charles A. Wolbach, supervising brooders $3.00 and JIG.00, Mulier, c Rod Bank business property. Apply U, nuc, Shrewsbury, N. J., phone 34 52-J. frontage, $3,000, Anna F. Dleta, Mata- Dunne Whitney, Stuart Wyeth, Peter Chnlmors: only uncA ft few hours: $SP5 el do route 35, one milo north of bridge, FOR REAL ESTATE, Insurnnc* o* all principal of tho Rumson publio Goodwin, Bourne Ruthrauff, Frank [lellvcred. Conovor Bros., WnlllB, Mnnaoy, R. P. D. 60-A. E. R., box 611, Red Bank. SEVEN-J1OOM house In Freehold, with all wan, N. J.* schools. Harris, Planet Jr., "C-E" nnd Cano Serv- kinds or first mortgage loans, con- WANTED by dingle lady, two empty improvements; nenr center of town, for SALE—Homes near Red Bank, with build- Gcor and Charles McVeigh. ice, Wlckatunk, N. J., phone Hplmdal 9. EIGHT HUNDRED buaheli of chicken sult Haw kino, Brothers, 10 Monmouth ' Otto Strohmongor will enter Syra- wheat for BBIO; also 200 bushels df corn. roomit for light housekeeping; uae of owner's room and board; widower. Ad- ings situated near mnln highways; two Stanton Whitney haB gone to Eng- _ kills moBduitoei, ' street. Red Bank. bath. Write Empty Room, box Ell. Reddress Widower, box 611, Red Bank.* and a half acres $4,000; fourteen sores E. II. Braach, Red Bank R. P. D. No. 1, Bank. ouse -university in the toll and Walter land to spend the remainder of tho tor bu^a, bed bugs, roaches, moths, flics, telephones Red Bank 884E-J and 3845.W. HOUSE for rent; 30 Tower Hill avenue. Sft.000; twelve acres, $4.000; 38 acr«B. Kerr will enter Duke university. ants, fleiiH and other posts; from factory IF ITS MUSICAL we can aupply it. In-REFIUGBRATOn repairs. Servlco on all Imiuiro 24 Irvinpr Place, Red Bank.* $7,500. Many others. Whlte-Pach, Had summer. to you; $1.25 per Kallon, Atlantic Pnlnt APPLES for sale. Transparent and Duch- struction on any wind or string Instru- makes; prompt and guaranteed work- Bank. ; A dinner dance at tho Sea Bright CHS, 2Cc n banket; by tho lot, will sell FAIR HAVEN, seven rooms, all Improve- Misses Elizabeth and Ann Ellis& Wnll Toxtura Co., 119 Wont Front ment including accordion. Arrangements manship. Call Van's. Red Bunk, 47fi. 35 ments; two-car KniaKc; on River road. FOR SALE, beautiful privato residence, Beach club Saturday night for mem- soiled for Europe Saturday on tho Btreot, iihono 2251-W, Red Bnnk. • lest John H. Sniflen, Everett, N. J. can bo tnndo to purchase Instruments. Al- East Front Btreet, Red Batik. about twenty acres! Rreenhouse, chicken FOR SALE, Rhode Islnnd Red pullets. eo repairing. Anneeo, 4? Waahlngton Inquire Mrs. C. Smith, H Maple avenue", bers, their guests and thoso tennis S. S. Caledonia. THREE-QUARTER bod for snle, J1.60. street, phono Hcd Bank. 17 SI. PRIVATE party will lonn money on firBt Fair Haven, phono Red Hank 2308.* houBca, largo garaRc. Wimpfhetmer Ei- players still at this resort was a fit- - Phono Red Bunk 1319-J, between 6:00 three months old; $1.00 ench. JoBejih bond and mortErnRe In Red Bank; am all tate, 303 Bnth avenue. Long Branch. Mfss Honora Knapp Is at North Lacy, Freehold, N. J., phono 17.* _____ COTTAGE, four rooms nnd bath; all Im- BUNGALOW for flnlc, furnished. $1,2001 and 6:00 o'clock nny evening. CHECK UP QR yoar heating plant now, amounts from $1,000 up. No n/jenla. Ad- provements; furnished or unfurnished^ ting climax to tho 48th annual invita- East Harbor, Maine, as the guest of FRli^H^COW fo7%a!e; Jer^ey^breedTliieavy We will be elad to call and give esti- dreaa Privato Party, box 511, Itcd Bank. _ on McCarter nvenue, Fair Havon. Mri. tion tournament at the Sea Bright ICE BOX for Bnle, delivered for $3.50. Ap- milker; Rentlo family cow; $50. William mate on cleaning and any other repairs. $20 a month. 44 Maple avenue, Eaton- E. Hawklna, Fair Haven." Miss Elizabeth Slbley. ply 27 Thtril street, Rumson^, N. J.* Frank Giotchfelt, Chestnut Furnace Co., REAL SILK hosiery and underwenr; resi- town. N. J.* Lawn Tonnls and Cricket club dur- Palmer, Waynlde, phone 102-M-2, Mail dent representative. Telephona 15 6-J, BUNGALOW, new, six rooms, two aun Senator and Mrs W. Warren Bar- HAVE two female Cocker Spaniel puppies, Wayside. Aabury Pnrk, N. J." phona 675, Red Dank. Red Bank." FOR RENT, eight-room house, two baths, ing the last week. very fine Htrnln; eight weeks old: will porches, S 7,0(10, $1,000 cash, butane* bour recently entertained at dinner FOR SALE, working or riding horse, good MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, strings and re oc four rooms and bath, gns, electric, easy terms or would rent furnished or un- Many of tho women players stayed noil very cheap. Phone Rod Bnnk 1E0-R. for fnrm work or for riding; very low pairing at Price's Muslo Store, 81 Wes WANTED, floma one to givo price on hot water bent.,, garage; furnished or un- furnished, with two acres; all Improve- Stuart Wyoth, whd is spending tho FOLDING SCREENS 51.T.0 up. beds $1.00, moving lflxlO butcher's ice box anil furnished ; convenient him, B to res, school. In privato homes or with friends hor"c prlce._ AddrcsH Horse, box_511, Red Bank. Front Btreet, Red 3ank. Ico machine; to be taken apart nnd put Fort Monmouth; 99 Main street, Ocean- ments. C. E. Anderson. Monmouth road. summer with them, on h/is 21st birth- Ico boxes $2.50 upp,, porcp h rockers $$1.50 THE UIOHEHT prices paid for live chick West Lone Branch. N. J. in Rumson. Mrs. Sarah Palfrey new clothes trees Jl.GO FOR SALE, throe dairy cowa nnd tw< back together. Apply Westcrlicrg, 6l> port, N. J." • day. Guests included Misses Malzle nndlrons ?1.1H, ne clthe ree J helfera, all fine stock and tested; mup ens. Joo Baker, 280 Mechanic street, Chestnut street. Itcd Hank.' FOR SALE, five-nerc estate, Middletown J Fobian and Miso Kathorlne Win- Call on \ia nnd get n bargaiin ffrom our phono Red Bank 2809. ' FOH RENT in Belford, four rooms $15, Jones, Noel Nellson and Florcnco poll at onco. Address Cow, box 511, Red WILL PAY J100 cneh for used suburban ix rooms, bnth, Sl!5 ; seven rooms, bath, nine-room house, throe baths; excellent thropo wore the guests of Mr. and largo variety of household furnishings. Bank. TYPEWRITER headquartera. Typewriter! condition, automatically heated, tennll Mm. Amory L. Haakoll. Mrs. Lillian Ruthrauff and Karl and Peter Behr Tlio Auction Onllery. 27 East Front Btreet, rented, bought, sold and repaired. Tru typo enr, In good running condition. $25, Farms, ncreago and Iota; bungalows and Harry Caesar. phono 1603 Red Bank. EK5HTY Leghorn laying chlckena for imlo Phone Red_Bank_1541-J. d houses. Easy payments. Caleb Lu- court; enmmnmlinp view. Owner sacrific- Hester and Miss Agnes Lammo cheap, ono year old; owner leaving blti'B, 39 Broad etreet, Red Bank. r, Helford, N. J.* ing, Joseph G. JIcCuc Agency, phono 444, FOR SALE cheap, mnhogany table, Bult- WANTED, well furnished modern room, Rumaon. ___ stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bransomo nblo for olHce or homo: G4 lnchcB long town. AddresB Chickens, box Gil, Red GENERAL contractor and cesBpooh with gnraKo. Adilrc»s W. W. F., boxFOU KENT, half of a double hauce, 55 Shanloy. Miss E. McLennan and Mrs. gave n surprlBO party In tho form 21 inches Tvldc. Phono Red Bank 1055. Bank. cleaned; carting and grading; top soil, 511. Red Bank. Linden iiluce. Inquiro on premises, G. NINE ROOMS, bnth, stall shower, hot ~li- FOR SALE, pair of mulen, work BIHKIO mjinuro, fill dirt, cinders, gravel and H. VnnNess. • ter bent with oil burner. This hous* U Marjorlo VanRyn wore guests of Mr. of a dinner danco for their son,' Jo- BEDROOM sot, peach and green, full size double, fine condition, will sell cheap Kstinintea Eiven, phono Red Bank 5-J CABIN CRUISER wanted, 25 to 30 feet completely furnished; garage, tool room and Mrs. Eliot Coleman. Misses seph O'Sulllvan, at tho Sea Bright bed, dresser (able, cbnlr, Bprlng, mat- for caah. Pol nnd, 1920 Milton avenue, Oscar Becker. 47 Second atreet, Fair Ha long; must bo priced reasonably nnd In SIX-ROOM colonial type, newly painted with apartment above, cone rote roadway* tresB, pillows, $17; also mahogany daven- ven, N. J. Eooil running condition. I'hone Hcd Bank nnd decorated inskle and out, hot wa- walks and curb. Cost $45,000; will tell Anna Pago and Florcnco LoBoutllller Beach club last week. Among the port table, four nnd a half feet. $5.00 Anbury Pnrk, telophono Anbury Park ,1200-J." ' ter heat, fireplace, bath with tile floor, 2CC3-J. _ CHAIRS CANED, Miss Elmira Wilson for only $8,000. This in one of ths bast ntayed with Mr. and Mrs. George young gueatB wore Misses Frances Apply 100 Monmouth street, Red Bnnk WANTED, a^iecond-hnnd typewriter nt a built-in iUb and shower, one-car gnrnge, harRains I have ever offered the pubHo. after 6:00 P. M. LATE cabbage plant* for sale, Chnrles F. wishes chairs to enno. Price reasonable, iw_a corner Jot; ono block from bus lino, Stoolo and Mrs. Henry Brunlo stayed Kllpatrlck, Prudence White, Dorothy 19 Linden J place, first house back reasonable price; preferrably a portable Do not mi33 It, G. Howard Llpplncott, 81 White. Branch avenuo, opposite Fox- model. Kend nnmo of make, condition n Eocliuicd dettirahfe neighborhood; 550 Monmouth street. Red llnnk. with Mr. and Mra. Moorehead Ken- Burghard, Louiso Finch, Peggy Lans- ALMOST new combination cream an< wood Park, Llttlo Silver, N. J." Strand theater, Red Bank. per month. *.i. Howard Lippiticbtt, 31 proem kitchen rittiRo. 550, cost $135; fuo nnd model to Typewriter, box 611, Red neoy. down, Barbara Baker, Leslie Caesar Bnnk.* Monmouth street, lied Bunk. SHREWSBURY—English Colonial horn* oil burner, $20, completo with pipe, new TERMITES—Your house made ter- HvInK room, dlnlntr. kitchen, fireplaeai Miss Margaret Anderson, Mlsa Jane Cynthia Fabyan, Audrey Walker iro box $5.00, bedroom suited complete, COUPLE desire to rent umall apa; rtment i'UUNISHED ami unfurnished six-room AUTOMOBILES. mite proof quickly, without incon- houflG on river; all convenicncCB, fire- Bteam heat, mald'a room and lavatory j Sharp, Miss Graco Surbor, Mrs. Dor- Lachalan Porter, Karow Edwards, clieny. tables jl.fiO each: p/iJr coffee urns or buiiH:nlow with p:urnge, in Ufifi Bank three bedrooms, tiled bath; lot 100x100. S10, ironulno ccdnr lined chlflorobo $16 venience. No odor; flve-yoar gunrnn- , bo. iliice ; nenr station nnd bus line; Septem- othy Andrua, Mlsaos Grncyn Wheolor, Nina VanVechtcn, Allco Rutgers or close 1iy. Address C. D. T. x 611. ber 1st; reasonable. It. A, Worthley, 23 Price $11,000. W. A. HopplnK Agency, • two 0x12 Axmlnster rugs, brown and uray FRANK VANSYCKLE. DodBe and Ply- teo. Very low prices, highest class Red Dunk.,* her 1st; reasonable. !£• A, Worthley Mllllcont Hlrsch, Baroness Maude Beatrice Brown, Lucy Lea Hurd and reasonable; nah cnu and Blftcr $2.00 mouth automobiles, Dodgo trucks, Good- —TJ~T 'Rector place. Red Btmk, phono 1168. Linden place, Red Bunk, phone 397.* Elizabeth Hlneman, and John Ellis, drcunora. beds, ani'lngd and mutt re use a yenr tires nnd Prest-o-Llto batterlei. 14H- work. Contractors for exterminating WANTED, privato trarntfc space, near Red Lcvi, Miss Eunlco Dean, Mrs. Ethel cheap; breakfast seta $9.00 each, twenty 1G3 West Front street. Red Hank, phone Hank depot. Write J. I'tirnandez, 156 every kind of vermin; fumlcatlnff for West 170th street. New York Cltyj Arnold, Mrs. Fredarlclc MoBride, Mrs. Klmball Hartahorno, Strother Jones, restaurant chnlrn ami five tables SIS: re.. ^^No. ! 1, to dny while wo nped iiHcd curs, ("n;.h fur Jlanl;. N. J.,_j)hone I34;t-J. The Register cares for appearance, but It caroa (•H(>^SrToi-kKnirUiTlftwn imiw^s~*'Bha7p THREFJ-KUOM apartment, nil Improve- Donovan and Lieutenant Richard Chnrlos Cushman, Misses Laura and BOATS for nn\o. rleni ctnlnr, ?I2.EO up; your t'Hr if you wnnt It. Suo Maurlrn rriore for service.. When a man or n woman puts Watts stayod at tho Peninsula hotol Noel Nollson, Martha Rutgers and SohwiuU, Chry filer-ViynwntU .Side.-i nrtd cneii with iiiftcdine, locks fl\c Oaklniitl street, ltd Hank." paper Tho Register does not respond by putting «P was tho guest of Wllllninson Thomas William McKnlght, Waring Melllck, n foot. Ellto Ifnrltnn Hay Hnat WorkH, nitiber, now buttery ; price $4 0. Cull TIKE" Rlic;R()OVIN(;--The oriKinaltrda FLAT for rent, five rooms and bath; (lold a bluff. It delivers tho advertisement Into mor« and R. Norrls Willlama stayed with Charles McVeigh and William Hollor 122 Bronil Btvnot, Koypoit, N. J, ItcdHmik lUOfl-J." '__ van ho put lnuk 'in your mnonth tittit1 Htreet, next to the rnrner of Mnplo ave- nue. Apply on premlHOH. than seven thousand five hundred homes. FOR'8A},E, cheav. 1Q27 li'iilck ieiiaiu' flT jrlvinjs you nufcty, longer wenr mid nun 1 tho GUmorcs. were thoBo prosent. AIH WAY" vucuunTrleanorT wi lY all nttnrh- _\V0"A'PARTMK.Vi't5'in Jtiiiniio"n~firr~r«ri^ inentu, in perfect condition, $10; al«wr~- itl'poliiliiiont or nt Auto Tiro Shop, il protty certain to bo somiono In thoao honien who. Church utruot. lloUnrd. N. J.» MochanUi air cot, Red Xinnk." newly ilB outlioiuil motor;! fully equip nod; condition, Nuylor, Inc., Atlantic Hli;h- ot (Incut Hport knit nutt*. Karow Edwards won tho junior glrla' ; Al'AIlf MKNT "for'ruat,' "threo rooinii and nis, Mrs. Honry Hrunlo, Mrs. Fred- Uri-3fi ciilIbre. tilko-down ni['tutor, flifid nix CPIIIH. - But you can 1UI0 (i wholi) ytai. t:Krisl oniAsTlcuVe(l/ce1lnra\luifVB«Mi buy (iomethliut. Tho Ilofflntor takon tho newn of doubles toiirnnmont. Upsher Moore dtnl tinict'y tlio fr<«00 hoiiieit andj> licnd defeated lUimlallKeaton to win viw vt our low iH-U-ocl used cum. T«m U, anl Miixtiu... iihntiu Atluntlc Hliihl then thero la uaually "flomothinif doinft." Mlfiseo Margaret Anderson, 13. Mc- tho men's slnglos. yjEnBtjivonUff.'AtlBii'Jfo^HlKlilnnilfl. N. J,' ticlect from, Conio In mid lct'n talk It .Shrewsbury avenues. Hei:fi'i-t ovci', Racomiiiondcd rius, loi'oniilt limed Gracyn Whoolor, Mllllccnt Horsh, condition, $12; hit');!) Hplnnliur whiiel llko nowi '111 Htilrk coupo, Ml ('hryhlur EMPLOYMENT. ROOMS FOR RENT (fine itttritrllnii in fund lawn of « l.viflimrt conno. 'n LnSivllfl convcrllUIu fiiupp. L \ Seventy-five hundred lionies means Kunlco Doan, Anno Pase, TUeodoHla Weds In France. loouj), bonullful trlfiNiiwnie, fhlnn. IKIKT- lirircil r.Khlj '.12 Ford pliitfonn ix.ily, witli KliJiMNOrbutl^rchiiiVirWr^ooKT"^ ROOM or fliiito of rooms with bald, tor nearly thlrty-slx thoutiand rpridera of Smith, Florence. LeBoutllllor, Carolyn Mlsa Mary Lcallo Hlowart, slater of Inln. etc. Wo liny mul ncll, evorytlilnw. Iriw ulitn, Komi fta now; nmke nn oirtid IHjfllllon; e.xiiuilcni'itl, will tint, nsUfi bnrhclnr; very flno lorationj no children. Tho Ki'Rlator. No wonder It pay« to Babcock, Helen Ifulton, Katherlno MIH. Robert V. Whito and Mrs. Por- Tho Auction (lalloiy, 27 Bunt _ lonl ntveet. Huy with coiilldenco front your friuinl Lue, ileinnululil«. For IiUerviow luldntHH CrtniKc. lOit Kaat Front, at root, PbDno advertlso In The Register, ter Hoagland of Ilumuon, wan mar- nt Miunlco Hrhwnrtss'H Um>d Car Int. West Hudll. 4UD ISouth l_th atreot. Newark. N Roil Hank 625-/, Wolf, K. Blackman and Katllcrlno I'nint nt Ponrl ntreet, Kcd Hunk. i>h. J. liitiltT iiousk«eptnK rooms for rent*; nun" Wlnthrnpe. Othor gucstu woro Mrs. ried Tuesday in tho Church of Notre M17. Open AvcntitKi). fiundnyit KiMlU A. Kali," hjr Thoinan H. I*n d; hlxtoiicnl 0 M ii/TUATToN wanted, office p_iftfoi>"; ] I'lclcly furnlHhed; in liunlneRB center: Jonoph Shanloy, Mra. Goorgo Stolle, Dnmo dti Bon Voyage nt Cannon, fnctH of own nnnunlty; * * JL Helmut urmtimto; ItnowlcJuro o( tinok rcatinimhle. 10 Hrummond plftro, Itcd M NASH , f(Hi."i>n upe, Ufi'plnc and BtAiinitntphy. Wrlt« Kl" iikh3annj* Mm, Edwarii Crane; Mra. Eliot Colo- France, to Edmond Jean van dor ln«tru Kiirage:* ChrlBtii)« Knnpp had a. table for Mr. American Collogo of Hurgoona «nd rhnlrs 00 rent*, iho I'>:•'> Huli-k cIRI< wlnhen day's work; Kon Monlo if dcniiod; mult bo neon to bo ut>- mlrroi*, Hlovoi Marhnnln tttrcat, Red Dank, t>.iuii« 6080. hk Bdll tb redated.1 10H Elftafe Front ttmt. yhDii* »n

Brooklyn, formerly of Hazlet, wara art boarding at various housea in SANTA ROSA TOESXA. fleeted all the iplendor of viceregal mediate families of the couple itu "MOTUBE TELLS THE STOBY." and th» pictu Detective's Case vlsltora here on Sunday. tha village. days. hold at the Arnone home, after which pled with the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Feseux Miss Mary Francis has returned Colorful Celebration In South Amer- Today the celebration, while lesa Mr, and Mrs. Arnone left on & wed-Local Artist Feature* B«a Bank Sta- "Knock off At, swimming, cock- Before State Board and sons Malcolm, Ernest, Jr., and to Philadelphia after a visit to her ica to Draw Thousands. elaborate, la equally Impressive With ding trip to Atlaatlo City. Upon tion In City fublloatfcra. tails, oh, what i\plty!" say wives who Donald have returned home from a aunt, Mrs. John McNeil. a gorgeously uniformed mounted their return they will itart house- must meet that old train from the Frances Bennett nre Among the many fiestas held In guard the Image of Santa Rosa on keeping at Freehold, where Mr. Ar- In Saturdarday night'g * editioon of the city. Harry B. Crook, ousted chief of vacation spent at Belgrade Lakes, Laura and South America each year one of the Y WWldo T Monmouth county detectives, was near Oakland, Maine. Mr. Peseux spending* two weeks with relatives iU beautiful silver and bejawoled none la employed by the Eisner com- New York World-Telegram there ap- most colorful Is the fiesta Santa Rosa canopy Is borna through the streets pany. peared a five-column Illustration cap- called to the witness stand at Free- has resumed his position with the at Newark. tie Lima hold In tho beautiful "City Recovering From Operation. hold last Thursday by the state to New York Telephone company at followed by thousands of tha faith- tloned "Vacation Day«," The artUt, NOT SEEKING OFF1CK. of tho King's" on August SO. This ful. From balconies and sidewalks Dennis—Had, Will B. Johnatone of Red Bank, se- Mra, Daniel Hendrlckson of Mlddln- Identify a photograph showing him New York, where he has been em- celebration always attracts a throng lected the Red Bank station and It* among the guests at the wedding re- j i the past 24 years, roses are showered upon the proces- Mra. Laura F, Dennis of Hoboken, town underwent an operation two p oyed tm of visitors to the capital city, and sion and the Image passing almost adjacent parking space an the ba»!« weeks ago at the Monmouth Me- cepUon of Thomas Calandrieilo at Lloyd Reya o[ Bethany road Ii Henry A. S. VonDnnlcn Wont lie tlip attendance this year is expected formerly of Belford, was married to the Molly Pitcher hotel, Bed Bank, \ _g. t'sindldatw Tills lcnr. mystically amidst blue clouds of ln- Jacob Flad of Hoboken, at noon last of hla.. picture. The artist showed morial hospital at Long Branch. At drivl a ncw Ford v to break the records of the last four censn and rose petals keeps aliva tho the parking epaco jammed with cars October 80, 1032. j Mr> and Mrs Frcd Dcan and tam_ Thursday. A wedding dinner was present she Is recuperating at the Henry A. S. VanDaalen antl family years. memory of tho extraordinary being awaiting the arrival of trains from home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Hen- This strategic move wa3 designed ily of Bethany road have returned of Leonardo, with a party of New given for a few relatives at the Mol- Now York and other points north to show that the ousted detective homo from a vacation spent a' Tho fiesta of Santa Rosa de Lima who as Santa Rosa for live ccn- ly Pitcher hotel at Red Bank Thurs- drlckson, at the Cherry Tree farm. York friends, who mo prominent in dates back to 1672, when the Duke of turlca has been venerated and day evening. Those present In ad- consorted with known criminals Washington, D. C. They made th- national Republican affairs, paid a 1 (ulored. while In office, for Calandrieilo was trip by automobile. social cull Sunday to Senator and Taurifanco, viceroy of Lima, 01- dition to the, newly married couple Indicted in 1930 on a charge of Mrs. Edwin R. Peseux and daugh- Mrs. W. Warren Harbour nt their lained JI celobratlon In honor of were Mr, and Mrs. Albert Runyon, breaking and entering a Red Bank ters Marlon and Dorla and Mrs. home at Locust. The New "Yorkers Santa Rosa—a girl born In Lima, Mr. and Mrs. Erwood Runyon, Mies railway express oftlec, but never lister V. Walling motored to Eliz- were guests of fflpnilB in the Day who "through, her exceptional Hfo of Weddings I^aura Runyon, Kdward Runyon and brought to trial, abeth on Thursday of last week and shore section Sunday. purity and goodness" was canonized Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runyon of Bel- Hennessey's Fish Market Alvloli—Arnone. ford; Mrs. Elizabeth Stillwagon, Mr. Mr. Crook identified the picture, vlaitcd Mrs. Otto B, Larsen. Misses After the call Mr. VanOaalcn de- almost half a century after her but testified his presence was acci- Gloria and Ruth Larson have re death, and became tho tlrat saint and At a quiet -wedding at ten o'clock and Mra. Roger Wymbs and eon of 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK. N, J. nied that this visit and the ono patroness of the Americas. Riverside Heights and Mr. and Mrs. COMPARE OUIt QEAIJTV WITH OTHEB& dental. turned home after a visit with their which he recently made to Governor Saturday morning at St. James's aunt, Mrs. Peseux, cls'urch MIM Anna Alvlch of Free- C. Everett Runyon and daughter, All Our Sea Food Guaranteed Fresh. No Cold Storage. Ho had been at the hotel, he said, Hoffman had any but social sig- Legend has It that In April, 3586, Miss Jane Runyon, of Red Bank. Investigating another matter when Ernest E. Peseux, Jr., has resumed nificance. "It la not collect to say Isabel Flores de Olivia was born in hold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tnom- BUY YOUR FISH IN A FISH MARKET. he met John Calandrieilo, father of his position as mail carrier, after a that I am a candidate for any coun- Lima, Soon after her birth her In- as Alvich of New York, became tho The newly married couple left for e brldo of James Arnone, son of Mr. the bridegroom, who prevailed upon vacation in Maine. Carl Gloss, Jr., ty o_.r state ofllco," l> said" . "No"" r did dian nurse spread the ta^e that dur- a tour of Canada. Both formerly Phone 1377. We Deliver. him to stay and join tha wedding substituted during his absence. _ discuss any local politics » ih the ing the child's sleep her face was and Mrs. Michael Arnone of Shrews- lived at Bolford. Tho bride Is the banquet. John Calandrieilo was held Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo F. Layton of gentlemen in calling by appointment illuminated with a strange, rosy hue, bury avenue. Rev. Joseph J. Don- widow of Albert Dennis, WEEK-END SPECIALS! aa a material witness in the murder nelly, assistant rector, performed the Beors street are staying at their to introduce close friends of mino in- and people came from mountains and ceremony. Fresh Strawberry Bass of James Buff llarson In a Highlands hotel at Sea Side Park. fluential In national Republican af- sea coast to gaze nt the wonder child. Needlework Guild Outing. Freah PORQIES Native Bluefish hotel tho following year. Mr. nnd Mrs. Krnneth Van Moer- fairs at Now York. While vitally in- They called her ^'Itosa." Tho bride -wore an aquamarine Mr. Crook's appearance on the wit- beke are tho parents of a son born terested, of course-, in the fortunes of gown with a hat to match, and car- The annual Needlework Guild of 12', Fresh Sea Bass ness stand was tho high-light of tho In .1610 "Rosa"—a beautiful girl ried a bouquet of Talieman rosea. Middletown will hold an all-day, out- Fresh Butterfish this week. The new arrival has the county ticket, I am so only in who had dedicated her entire life to first cession of the fourth day's hear- been named Kenneth George. _n impersonal capacity as a part of Tho bridesmaid, Miss Mildred Ar- ing Tuesday, August 6, at Jenkinson's Fresh Salijion ing on his apepal from his ouster for others—became a Dominican nun, none, a sister of the bridegroom, wore pavilion, Point Pleasant. In case of Miss Ethel Jackson of Woodbrldgo the greater public good. imposing upon herself untojd hard- Steamer Clams reinstatement. The Civil Service is visiting at tho home of Mrs. Em- "AH to next year's congressional nn orchid gown with accessories to rain the picplo will be held the fol- Fresh Scallops 35<» commission is conducting the hear- ships each dny. One morning while match, and carried a bouquet of pink lowing day. Private cars will leavo hundred ma T. Peseux. primary it is too early for me to give walking in her little convent garden roses. Mr. Arnorie's brother Dennis 35' ings. Mrs. Joseph H. Peseux and family this any very definite consideration tho Middletown Roformed church at All Hinds of Fresh Sea Food at Reasonable Prices at All Times. The state put bank records into recently spent a day at Lake Me- except to state that I hope that the ;!u' was surprised to find a rose bush as best man. 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. M. D. Jolllffe of evidence during the sessions in an tedeconk. county Republican organization will :i full bloom, although no roses had A wedding breakfast for the Im- Middletown Is In charge of the affair. effort to show that Mr. Crook depos- George W. Zucker of the Holmdel not repeat last year's mistake in ever bloomed in Lima. She tended ited more money in his account than turnpike is nn appendicitis patient backing another machine politician he new plant with zealous devotion he received from his salary. in tho Orange hospital. rom outside the county, anil in par- and with its blossoms decorated tho Icular not one from the Democratic .Hars. stronghold of Middlesex county, who Seven years later she died and tho Hazlet News. may be involved in the unpopular entire city was shaken with grief. Tinton Falls News. iales tax, fine gentlemen though he Forty-six years after her death The annual campaign for funds may be." ' ,, Santa Rosa was canonized, and each for Monmouth council, Boy Scouts Mr, and Mrs. James P. Loftus of year since that time tho occasion has DAVIDSON BROS. Jgrsey City, who wcro recently mar- of America, ended on Sunday.. The To Preach at Middlctmvn, been celebrated. The first celebra- committee for the Hazlet district, ried and who formerly lived here, ons were attended with great Ernest 2C. Peseux, chairman, and P. spent part of last week with rela- Rev. W. E. Compton of Stuyvesant, pomp and solemnity—the streets 0. Weigand collected 551.50, the tives and friends at Tiigon Falls. New York, father of tho pastor of ending to the cathedral and Plaza do quota being $55. With promises of Mrs. Loftus will resume her duties he Middletown Informed church, Armas from the convent where she 45 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. more money during the summer, it no a teacher at this place in the will preach Sunday morning at the ived her exemplary life woro pavc.l is hoped the quota will bo reached. fall. Middletown church. This will 'be ivith bars of silver for tho occasion, Tho regular meeting of Hazlet Summer visitors continue to be :he last service in tho church until and the procession was one that re- Boy Scout Troop No, 92, was held numerous here. A number^of them ;he second Sunday in September. i QUALITY PLUS SERVICE at Camp LeRoy Clark in tho Has- let woods on Friday evening. Fol- lowing the meeting games were 2 PHONES—NO WAITING. played. Scout Master Charles L. Johnson was in charge. Thoso pres- PHONES: 3262 or 3263. FREE DELIVERY. ent were Patrol Leader Malcolm W. Peseux, Assistant Patrol Leader DAVIDSOK BROS Georgo Murphy, Allen M. Webster, Harry S. Cowles, ThomaB G. Cdwles, Ernest 33. Peseux, Jr., and Donald Beers of patrol No. 1; Patrol Leader Wine and Liquor Store Hudson Carhart, Assistant Patrol Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials Loader Ira Rathbone, Henry War- nock, Carl Gloss and Morris Lath- 45 BROAD ST. am, Horace Carhart, and Walter 45 PATTERSON ST., Prompt and Free Dean, of patrol No. 3. Scout Com- NEW BRUNSWICK. RED BANK. mitteeman Ernest E. Peseux was TEL. 65. Delivery. TEL. B. B. .3262. UIBI) present. Tomato Juice MY-T-FINE Evaporated Milk Malcolm W. reocux, Ernest B. New Pack—Webster Peseux, Jr., and Carl Gloss will at- DESSERTS tond the Boy Scout camp at Allaire Extra Large Cans —Grade A VAN CAMP'S—Tall Cant from August 3 to August 10. Chocolate and Lemon t Allen M. Webster has returned Inventory Specials home after spending two weeks at »9 cans «CC Can M^ cuim *3 ffC ' Camp Ockanickon at Medford. C The members of the Hazlet Fire company held their annual hot dog 5 •*" 25 roast with corn on Friday evening in the firo house. Imported JfJss Dartonp Lyons and M!sa GIN ASPARAGUS Pork & Beans SPAGHETTI SOUP Lolta Cordola of New York are vis- VALENTE, Italian .09 Tomato or Vegetable iting Miss Lyons's parents, Mr. and HUBFFS—All Green HURFF'S—1-!6. Cans HCRFF'S—1-It>, Cans Mrs. C. Kurjeks of Beers street.. Your Choice IMPORTED 30 Oz. New Pack HURFFS Brand '*- Edward Mott and son Edgar of MARTINI & ROSSI, Ital. MARTINI & ROSSI, Dry *® cans /m flBC <' C cans cnns FLEISCHMANN 5ths NOILLY TRAT, French UICHAIiD'S, Italian 39 5 25 4 25° 5 25° ZINZANO, Italian SEAGRAM'S 5ths MARTINEZZI 1 MAYONNAISE LLOYD'S 5ths Buy by COFFEE Specials! the Case and Save 30 Oz. DAVIDSON'S Delicious BURNETT'S DE LUXE 5ths Chase & Sanborn Dated . ib. 25c C C HOLLOWAY'S 5ths Imported Scotch Maxwell House ib. 28c 23 * 39 * GILBEY'S 5ths LAWSON'S LIQUEUR 10 yrs. 5th Bonita m. 21c OLD ISLA 5th GINGER ALE ONLY USHER'S GREEN STRIPE 5th Davidson's Royal Cup . ib. 23c Manhattan Pale Dry, Club Soda or Lime Rickey As thousands Buy by the Sanka ...... ib. 41c 29 Case OV ' O botttes &U cheer-why should 1 A 5TH and Save A FIFTH Davidson's Vacuum Pack n,. 29c No Deposit on Bottles. you perspire? HEINZ SARDINES BURNETT'S DERBY ~" ICE CREAM MIX Sandwich Spread . A lower, livable RICE FLAKES Largo Cans California Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Sardines In Tomato Sauce Orange, Pineapple temperature is but Genuine Gold Label Bacardi Rum Frozen Pudding. canB C a matter of com- pltKs C C GALLON FOR ONLY C 2 19 mon sense and a 2 21 3 • - 25 few cbinmon dol- 2 - 25 lars. 100 Gallons 100 Gallons UNEEDA BAKER'S COCOA TEA GRAHAM CRACKERS Left. Left. SUPERSUDS —or— And don't forget GALLON WALTER BAKER'S FANCY ORANGE PEKOE that August is but LARGE PKO. I-REIITCM FLAKES 10 K-lb. Cans K*g. 120 the start of Indian COME EARLY OR CALL ! 23° *•*• summer . . . Sep- C C C tember is th e b 2 35 2 r 19 month the heat CALIFORNIA JOHNNY WALKER 2 19 43° goes into its. real war dance. XLON DRY WINF °ED LABEL SfcOTC.-I FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLE SPECIALS Look at these MADE KY FM1IT INDUSTRY WHILE THEY LAST ' . prices.... they BARBERRA are at low tide be- FULL For Friday and Saturday OnlyT cause it takes two BARBERONA to make a bargain GALLON ZINFANDEL A 5TH FANCY FANCY CALIFORNIA . . . and you are CALIFORNIA BANOV FANCY MARYLAND the party of '' •• SAUTERNE GRAPEFRUIT S UNJUST BARTLEXT Regular $3.89 ORANGES Cantaloupes second part. REISLING Medium Slio LEMONS PEARS FRUIT INDUSTRY SWEET WINE Medium Slie or Washable Slacks $1.65 BURGUND ^ Al.1. FLAVORS—FULL GALLON lor C 27O