ENERGY SAFETY NETS BRAZIL CASE STUDY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Energy Safety Nets: Brazil Case Study was The research team acknowledges the contri- researched and written by partners at the Cen- butions to this work of the following workshop tre for Energy and Environmental Economics attendees and key interviewees: COPPE/UFRJ (Cenergia Lab), COPPE, Universidade Federal (Carlos Henrique Duarte), Cenergia/UFRJ (Talita do Rio de Janeiro (, with the Borges Cruz, Paula Borges, Mariane Zotin, Gerd help of Antonella Mazzone, from the Oxford Abrantes Angelkorte, Leticia Magalar de Souza University Centre for the Environment, Univer- and Rafael Garaffa), Institute of Applied Eco- sity of Oxford. The lead researcher from COPPE nomic Research – IPEA (Elaine Christina Licio), was Roberto Schaeffer (
[email protected]), Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency – ANEEL supported by a team that included Alexandre (Mauricio Lopes Tavares), Electric Energy Re- Salem Szklo, André Frossard Pereira de Lucena search Center – CEPEL (Márcio Gianini), Energy and Régis Rathmann. Research Company – EPE (Thiago Pastorelli Rod- rigues), Ministry of Social Development – MDS We acknowledge with gratitude the financial (Denise Direito), Frente por uma Nova Política support provided by the Wallace Global Fund. Energética (Joilson Costa). This report is based on research jointly implemented by partners at the Cenergia Lab, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CA- FOD). The research in Brazil is part of a broader program of energy safety nets research also carried out in Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya and Mexico funded by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) as part of its People-Centered Accelerator work program.