STEADY AS Tal Chi Workshop Led by Yadi Alamin, of Des Plaines, at Nues Teen Center

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STEADY AS Tal Chi Workshop Led by Yadi Alamin, of Des Plaines, at Nues Teen Center NILES JANUARY 21, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESSPUBLICAT1ON * WWW.N(LESH[RALDSPECIATOR.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS BUCKING THE SYSTEM The drama "Extraordinàry Measures" is featured in this week's Fitm Clips. SEE PAGE B2 FOOD CULINARY CONFESSIONS Chefs' guilty pleasures - Rice Krispie treats to turkey stuffing. SEE PAGE 26 4 Monica Coral, 12, of Nues, reacts to testing out her sense of balance Jan. 13 during a STEADY AS Tal Chi workshop led by Yadi Alamin, of Des Plaines, at Nues Teen Center. Alamin taught participants about balance, finding their chi, acupressure and other subjects. SHE GOES PAGE 3 (Michelle LaVigne/Staff Photographer) DÖRAIM PAN on4ii OiÌ?ISM1 VNIORGEUABLE MOMENTS z GIFT WITH PURCHASE: RECEIVE A $25 GIFT CARD FROM 1-800-FLOWERSCOM WITH EVERY $150 PANDORA PURCHASE FROM SOC-VELO9 TE JANUARY 1sT FEBRUARY 14f" :Ls NOL)1VO t C000 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST :LsIu Mlvaari:I-jIBd flh}i IIa jy-j ZH]IOdS3 c-fl00000 T000000 6OO 6OO-3,o'-j 8O6O9 OLD ORCHARD CENTER 847.673.2300 aRi, jeooeol'yc7srlr ItiuRsIgn, JANUARY titulo www.pioneerlocaicoiil 91 0O505053i Mall tshmitz, assistatl MotatiTt Editor 2 PAGE 3 p: 708.1044431 e: msrhmilZRpiOneellOtal.CIY eVoter: online World Wide Wow. eection data The newly de&gned Por-lbs OrsI timo, Fiosrar lier penDte, and orgontou- Pr-aso, Oloc San-Timas aed dans cae pablicine their eon- Real estate's best web site s now even better.Superior content, unsurpassed its sistro papers mill pruvide otidatn endorsements fer a that's highly dynamic and just plain easitir. reuderaan oclina rlenbios ne. property details, and a user experience oestes through eVoter.nom, Iha rn-brand' where Ohny cas do 000ry- ed sites mill highllghl candi- "Wow?" thio,g fl-Ow ohaob aut candi- datas endursed by Ohs edt- Did somebody say doors' bortgroands and en- tantal boards of Bun-Times Oh yeah, you did. dorsements On d0000e bu Media's nawspapers. the'a'rumpnigvs. nun-Times Throsgh tho pnctnecshtp, Media LLO and oValer an- Sus-Times Medio will pro- nounced a portoership vide di,'ert liebs 1mm aarh Tueaday that tinto Itlinuin or its ,rCmoopalrer Web sitea BRdRD&WAPE.t ootocstueleclino informo- to ro-brandad noter tutor- tioc, cundidaOe prooirn and maOiossernluenpomneredby o,'gosiaotiun anduo'uemeots aVotau Striking poses Prost to tool) Lsoer R0005eiro, 10,01 Nibs: it-yesrold Mike Petfihis, vi Illesi il'yesr'OId Keule Phon, Ci Moine Grave; it- tu pnepurutiun tor Illinois' "Novo, when noturs torn to ysor'olt RIsI Abers, st Marer travE srl lites loath Csoi000tar Msrkaìflioes try Cot teto toi Chi poseo Jsr. it tvrsp e erorkstop st Ailes Pub. 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LLC, oweers and operators te addition tuttle votar of eVotec REDUCED PRICE tools, caudidoiro ran par- Fur moro luforwulias, crisis' ol,ase und custom'oaeo,o on- visit p'luneecbuoat.uOm. for dodging 'financial B S S By TONY BERTUCA ornar Quinn io wore to-ted Laid ont o visivo tor billing Ube stute's 00000- orynround." tie Ita so® pl o see r loso L aux unsad un hin primary 00m- solving Ihn yrobtees. paign than he is abaat turn- "Wevnder'atand,chypeo. MoAulifre nlso said he $342,000 SkskIB $327,000 Mirhuet ing thin otate ironed." pIe muni to tatto aboat Oho plonstooghtlhr govern na $379,000 MOISOOG5540 $349,000 Statu Rap. $305,000 OvtoAstitre, R-Chiaago, who Meanwhile, Bob Bred,budget and the governor it Quinn onutinues to pooh israoor'mgunopposodiro tioe Qvinnh oommnniootinos di- baa never shied ueuy from Foi,. I prhoury election, has re000r, shot burh nayteg that." to oboe the budget mp. issued o statement cr-tItolo- 0h00 the 005tlul Stute ni the MrAuttfts also said ha "Despite our loigh unam- ing 00v. Pot Quien', Stole Statu address has 013 dit- w,,s rnnasrned about j abs. pinymeot rate," MrAahtte "Oar number one pelen- said, "he IQainul 0009310es- 0>0 of Oho ululo address. foraut pnrpuoe rompared "tow seep dtssppointed with the 'avenal budget ad- tyllois yrarseedntobejnbs lo posh loe aSO peraont in- 'itt tire Goner'sue'o toot ordresn, which, he eupluined and boosting the slate's creaneicohestatabmnoornn vision duo'ing his usate srmitt have more speuibra000nomy," he said. "Ttltn tus no worhing Tomillea und abnuo the goserl000'o pta31post modoitroua reyortool nouployers, which t vill flgl,l ChoosEs $250,000 ihn nioto spaueh," MoAutt- sksUolE $307,500Oiles $275.000 1)101 Illinois tort more thon Irgaic this poor" Skokie $320,000 Des Pbisses $59S,OOe rre avid. "t espectsd details to handle the 0101ro tinco) oil how he plans to tootle r,,: $0,11x0 ma,ovt'aetur'icg jobs Is l,i,voprerh, Qvh,,c Oho ululas tin,onciot aristo Quinn nddres500 till- tosI year and 709 mallOroC- rolled lttieois'n yi'ojrrlrd budget deYcit oC$t'i.a bil- and boost the state's aaon- notos btrdgetissuenosery- luring Doms closed tl,a,r fl amy, instead ho bitad gnon.od obt coo-doors ir Ilbinais. Creating lion "the morsi tournoi about tegist,,ttos passed tillar to do no," treed said,jobs und patting peopir cotumity Ihut D'ol15'15 has tort ynue. Ita nbvioss 00v- "Oir apuhe Tram the hrnrt hoch to loor-II is ensr,,d,3l Ou evar trod." BUSINESS OREE Evasotsfl $39,900 RwA5ONAOOLE O0'FESR ACCEPTED! $239,000 $220,000MortOn 030CC $201,900 Message to readers .005555 ,,,0000aso,,lst,, serons cassadmwd.t NileB $nSs,vtO Skokie Nouer sornee to Biles inlay 'vootvding iìrco-pdot- ICe 500 0150 sasCiOsOS '0- (5515 gsiS,sEIbtUO 5500$ (t _..a'4 $('0500t5152 iil5 o "Svdioldvr" shrg-oiorg Ao port ottico t,vodtio,,, .00s&ùIIso,e,sáOskñS100CIàBO'0ePO400055 npsss -, Tie nsF DESnUTrO Joi,r Mejor ,it'ita newly to. As por t ol iuop,'voc- U,sSiIsd,Bii USUUUS500 pe.O 11e3,ssrb,. orlo od crollo yod u mIdo 773-001050 iCOn flriOviOr orlguratod Nues location vo meiris 00 survc' oui' i'eovt- your paper n'itt 101OpOl'lO' (BRIEN & SONS tenu w. CoW ttn,vd tos o ton. nhvvn ArlorIla con enter lone ers, 'moluding proviottng ily bn drlionard Ou you '' F - U - R - S i'dvd day orgivoaways, 0030 0 Ore-doy whoop bnrbaliug 003m colui', cteueur print sitirnut voy 5t11pl05. bbc Lsiñ rdnreebsatssy.oi.thailioe'sR'sAip, loots, und ramity u'isndly vo laGen to tiro 'borieWirds br- and nusiur ,lanvbocing ut espoct tIre poper tu,vtv,ro ID Nurishee irreal i'oinep'F'h$Tv iiviUosrdth lladio uisnoy buIld Se.sort io al, wIrr pOgOS, loo i,vo'e moved cor toits ocigin,l, stiinpiad Tuo' 847-428- 4900 Sors anon-S p.m. S,,tnrr'doy Beach, Pit,. \Irasreo' will be oe. production ta new press-mot by ti,e niddbr ofPeb- t-t 5,1 00EV-ON! ... ONLY 5 DaYS LEFTS ''.fji eorpole.t#,nfsrhrhiioio'N 0hds,dBervyovoo'iotyOf lectadonSotraobytivpvr- aoliviliOs poesoothol by tlodiu choro is 00000n,iy to entro r 4 newtS hi' TVUR500b, JANUARV 201210 g pioyoy PROST POOLICATIOk -yl LAST WEEK NILES HERAlD. TOP FIVE STORIES WEAREYOUR NUIS SPECTATOR DI RtlNt RE0DB?2 SIR CE Itbi 1. Police taser 83- INSIDE THIS WEEK year-old woman in s, C ELEN D Rh e e altercation herald-D tor CROSSWORD Viles Eolias officers stunned aro hlt 83-year-old woman With a moor FIMER it last monlh alter she threatened SplyloN Skein With V Voile, pohce say. 14 story. Send ¡t ¡fl. POLICE BLOTTER Snapaphoto. Tella R . 137 jobs on statics we went te publish in sur Reo section bChSTLS 1? choppiog block io Be a part et Olee stacy - and tIre 510rytelliwg? There ara photos arrt Osan Mites Oeeled-Spaoleiae. But we need yace help. E-mail Assistant Buncoing Editor Matt Sebmita at seeeatssertteMptereeriaeel.cnm. District 207 0eDWtIOES VS there mae still Te tiere tor the Meise Township Distriot 207 eScales namer-miens teachers unas ta regatiata ils .7081 sorr000 ooay out rl TV ohs outs, sari amerar Maaaeleo calece-Recae e,ah,,.,,,il,,fu,,,,. G,,,,n, District 207 1,0 u..?,,s, 6,, i,.. nd,,d II, O'i''a,.s.. Board: Cost reductions rolled ont ARE..Ydtl in light of deficit The Meine Ouwnelrip District 20f READY Board al Edunetiae ir saheduled to present 0050 redaction Oroam- FOR SME ric merdatiors tot tre oammcnily at s'nell nsrsyieieolscesilmosioir t purr. Jar. 20, inside the Baise cacen le Soler cell e'i,oer lean sia-Viri East audltsricm. SKHNGAND Niles PoblicLibrary: SKATING? ii sic leu Fair aids parents in challenging task The 2010 Mieter Olyesepies ie Warcaaoer Mill Wok 0114Gb. 10 Parente looking ten good acore ore red, eiciets are blue, whets your best memory Vta orith ski juMping. Will yac te o000ndirg? Competing? Do yac husme press Osais sr Rearo hing Oar day- Valentines "I lean yea?' Inspire romance in our readers by shar- lsuolite Winter Olympic memory, marnent or event? rusme. reali reoroso cere proalders might hase mart' iog a little Feb.14 nostalgia. trod ta yournemalypiorerrloaat000r. Let us know at younnmwg@pionrerlooalcom. ed to visit the Vitre Public Library muere, lori sieroso i-snall ulroslsliweelweerieosl 00e on Tuesday tsr t heir sisth annuel Pres0050l and Dayoarr Fein.
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