BUCKING THE SYSTEM The drama "Extraordinàry Measures" is featured in this week's Fitm Clips. SEE PAGE B2


CULINARY CONFESSIONS Chefs' guilty pleasures - Rice Krispie treats to turkey stuffing. SEE PAGE 26


Monica Coral, 12, of Nues, reacts to testing out her sense of balance Jan. 13 during a STEADY AS Tal Chi workshop led by Yadi Alamin, of Des Plaines, at Nues Teen Center. Alamin taught participants about balance, finding their chi, acupressure and other subjects. SHE GOES PAGE 3 (Michelle LaVigne/Staff Photographer)


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ItiuRsIgn, JANUARY titulo www.pioneerlocaicoiil 91 0O505053i Mall tshmitz, assistatl MotatiTt Editor 2 PAGE 3 p: 708.1044431 e: msrhmilZRpiOneellOtal.CIY eVoter: online World Wide Wow. eection data The newly de&gned Por-lbs OrsI timo, Fiosrar lier penDte, and orgontou- Pr-aso, Oloc San-Timas aed dans cae pablicine their eon- Real estate's best web site s now even better.Superior content, unsurpassed its sistro papers mill pruvide otidatn endorsements fer a that's highly dynamic and just plain easitir. reuderaan oclina rlenbios ne. property details, and a user experience oestes through eVoter.nom, Iha rn-brand' where Ohny cas do 000ry- ed sites mill highllghl candi- "Wow?" thio,g fl-Ow ohaob aut candi- datas endursed by Ohs edt- Did somebody say doors' bortgroands and en- tantal boards of Bun-Times Oh yeah, you did. dorsements On d0000e bu Media's nawspapers. the'a'rumpnigvs. nun-Times Throsgh tho pnctnecshtp, Media LLO and oValer an- Sus-Times Medio will pro- nounced a portoership vide di,'ert liebs 1mm aarh Tueaday that tinto Itlinuin or its ,rCmoopalrer Web sitea BRdRD&WAPE.t ootocstueleclino informo- to ro-brandad noter tutor- tioc, cundidaOe prooirn and maOiossernluenpomneredby o,'gosiaotiun anduo'uemeots aVotau Striking poses Prost to tool) Lsoer R0005eiro, 10,01 Nibs: it-yesrold Mike Petfihis, vi Illesi il'yesr'OId Keule Phon, Ci Moine Grave; it- tu pnepurutiun tor Illinois' "Novo, when noturs torn to ysor'olt RIsI Abers, st Marer travE srl lites loath Csoi000tar Msrkaìflioes try Cot teto toi Chi poseo Jsr. it tvrsp e erorkstop st Ailes Pub. I primary elentian. any nl uss-Tiwen Media's Teer Cellos IMialeile tsVire!ttoft PhntoTegiiel) EVoteraltorcs voters tu w Web subeo to catch open the caOe their puibing piaran, laIrot local eleobion news, generata aed print ros- lhey'Julsshave eanyaroess STATE OF THE STATE temiaud ballots, accros ab- to the powerfal eberOino m'e- sentee ballaIs, mob up en-000rcas provided by eVot- dursemonin loom registered ro"snidAdawKrnvita,CEO $425,000 WrImEtsD $425,000Lifl95lflW000 orgunieationsaed donate ta of Folilicui Terhnelogies $539,000 Llssstewoed $535,000SAoUle $450,000 LOsesisEsOod IB,, WsisEs esosi 0555, 50,0,55 sil.eisS slOgO McAuliffe rips Quinn speech rampaigcs. LLC, oweers and operators te addition tuttle votar of eVotec REDUCED PRICE tools, caudidoiro ran par- Fur moro luforwulias, crisis' ol,ase und custom'oaeo,o on- visit p'luneecbuoat.uOm. for dodging 'financial B S S By TONY BERTUCA ornar Quinn io wore to-ted Laid ont o visivo tor billing Ube stute's 00000- orynround." tie Ita so® pl o see r loso L aux unsad un hin primary 00m- solving Ihn yrobtees. paign than he is abaat turn- "Wevnder'atand,chypeo. MoAulifre nlso said he $342,000 SkskIB $327,000 Mirhuet ing thin otate ironed." pIe muni to tatto aboat Oho plonstooghtlhr govern na $379,000 MOISOOG5540 $349,000 Statu Rap. $305,000 OvtoAstitre, R-Chiaago, who Meanwhile, Bob Bred,budget and the governor it Quinn onutinues to pooh israoor'mgunopposodiro tioe Qvinnh oommnniootinos di- baa never shied ueuy from Foi,. I prhoury election, has re000r, shot burh nayteg that." to oboe the budget mp. issued o statement cr-tItolo- 0h00 the 005tlul Stute ni the MrAuttfts also said ha "Despite our loigh unam- ing 00v. Pot Quien', Stole Statu address has 013 dit- w,,s rnnasrned about j abs. pinymeot rate," MrAahtte "Oar number one pelen- said, "he IQainul 0009310es- 0>0 of Oho ululo address. foraut pnrpuoe rompared "tow seep dtssppointed with the 'avenal budget ad- tyllois yrarseedntobejnbs lo posh loe aSO peraont in- 'itt tire Goner'sue'o toot ordresn, which, he eupluined and boosting the slate's creaneicohestatabmnoornn vision duo'ing his usate srmitt have more speuibra000nomy," he said. "Ttltn tus no worhing Tomillea und abnuo the goserl000'o pta31post modoitroua reyortool nouployers, which t vill flgl,l ChoosEs $250,000 ihn nioto spaueh," MoAutt- sksUolE $307,500Oiles $275.000 1)101 Illinois tort more thon Irgaic this poor" Skokie $320,000 Des Pbisses $59S,OOe rre avid. "t espectsd details to handle the 0101ro tinco) oil how he plans to tootle r,,: $0,11x0 ma,ovt'aetur'icg jobs Is l,i,voprerh, Qvh,,c Oho ululas tin,onciot aristo Quinn nddres500 till- tosI year and 709 mallOroC- rolled lttieois'n yi'ojrrlrd budget deYcit oC$t'i.a bil- and boost the state's aaon- notos btrdgetissuenosery- luring Doms closed tl,a,r fl amy, instead ho bitad gnon.od obt coo-doors ir Ilbinais. Creating lion "the morsi tournoi about tegist,,ttos passed tillar to do no," treed said,jobs und patting peopir cotumity Ihut D'ol15'15 has tort ynue. Ita nbvioss 00v- "Oir apuhe Tram the hrnrt hoch to loor-II is ensr,,d,3l Ou evar trod."

BUSINESS OREE Evasotsfl $39,900 RwA5ONAOOLE O0'FESR ACCEPTED! $239,000 $220,000MortOn 030CC $201,900 Message to readers .005555 ,,,0000aso,,lst,, serons cassadmwd.t NileB $nSs,vtO Skokie Nouer sornee to Biles inlay 'vootvding iìrco-pdot- ICe 500 0150 sasCiOsOS '0- (5515 gsiS,sEIbtUO 5500$ (t _..a'4 $('0500t5152 iil5 o "Svdioldvr" shrg-oiorg Ao port ottico t,vodtio,,, .00s&ùIIso,e,sáOskñS100CIàBO'0ePO400055 npsss -, Tie nsF DESnUTrO Joi,r Mejor ,it'ita newly to. As por t ol iuop,'voc- U,sSiIsd,Bii USUUUS500 pe.O 11e3,ssrb,. orlo od crollo yod u mIdo 773-001050 iCOn flriOviOr orlguratod Nues location vo meiris 00 survc' oui' i'eovt- your paper n'itt 101OpOl'lO' (BRIEN & SONS tenu w. CoW ttn,vd tos o ton. nhvvn ArlorIla con enter lone ers, 'moluding proviottng ily bn drlionard Ou you '' F - U - R - S i'dvd day orgivoaways, 0030 0 Ore-doy whoop bnrbaliug 003m colui', cteueur print sitirnut voy 5t11pl05. bbc Lsiñ rdnreebsatssy.oi.thailioe'sR'sAip, loots, und ramity u'isndly vo laGen to tiro 'borieWirds br- and nusiur ,lanvbocing ut espoct tIre poper tu,vtv,ro ID Nurishee irreal i'oinep'F'h$Tv iiviUosrdth lladio uisnoy buIld Se.sort io al, wIrr pOgOS, loo i,vo'e moved cor toits ocigin,l, stiinpiad Tuo' 847-428- 4900 Sors anon-S p.m. S,,tnrr'doy Beach, Pit,. \Irasreo' will be oe. production ta new press-mot by ti,e niddbr ofPeb- t-t 5,1 00EV-ON! ... ONLY 5 DaYS LEFTS ''.fji eorpole.t#,nfsrhrhiioio'N 0hds,dBervyovoo'iotyOf lectadonSotraobytivpvr- aoliviliOs poesoothol by tlodiu choro is 00000n,iy to entro r

4 newtS hi' TVUR500b, JANUARV 201210 g pioyoy PROST POOLICATIOk -yl


TOP FIVE STORIES WEAREYOUR NUIS SPECTATOR DI RtlNt RE0DB?2 SIR CE Itbi 1. Police taser 83- INSIDE THIS WEEK year-old woman in s, C ELEN D Rh e e altercation herald-D tor CROSSWORD Viles Eolias officers stunned aro hlt 83-year-old woman With a moor FIMER it last monlh alter she threatened SplyloN Skein With V Voile, pohce say. 14 story. Send ¡t ¡fl. POLICE BLOTTER Snapaphoto. Tella R . 137 jobs on statics we went te publish in sur Reo section bChSTLS 1? choppiog block io Be a part et Olee stacy - and tIre 510rytelliwg? There ara photos arrt Osan Mites Oeeled-Spaoleiae. But we need yace help. E-mail Assistant Buncoing Editor Matt Sebmita at seeeatssertteMptereeriaeel.cnm. District 207 0eDWtIOES VS there mae still Te tiere tor the Meise Township Distriot 207 eScales namer-miens teachers unas ta regatiata ils .7081 sorr000 ooay out rl TV ohs outs, sari amerar Maaaeleo calece-Recae e,ah,,.,,,il,,fu,,,,. G,,,,n, District 207 1,0 u..?,,s, 6,, i,.. nd,,d II, O'i''a,.s.. Board: Cost reductions rolled ont ARE..Ydtl in light of deficit The Meine Ouwnelrip District 20f READY Board al Edunetiae ir saheduled to present 0050 redaction Oroam- FOR SME ric merdatiors tot tre oammcnily at s'nell nsrsyieieolscesilmosioir t purr. Jar. 20, inside the Baise cacen le Soler cell e'i,oer lean sia-Viri East audltsricm. SKHNGAND Niles PoblicLibrary: SKATING? ii sic leu Fair aids parents in challenging task The 2010 Mieter Olyesepies ie Warcaaoer Mill Wok 0114Gb. 10 Parente looking ten good acore ore red, eiciets are blue, whets your best memory Vta orith ski juMping. Will yac te o000ndirg? Competing? Do yac husme press Osais sr Rearo hing Oar day- Valentines "I lean yea?' Inspire romance in our readers by shar- lsuolite Winter Olympic memory, marnent or event? rusme. reali reoroso cere proalders might hase mart' iog a little Feb.14 nostalgia. trod ta yournemalypiorerrloaat000r. Let us know at younnmwg@pionrerlooalcom. ed to visit the Vitre Public Library muere, lori sieroso i-snall ulroslsliweelweerieosl 00e on Tuesday tsr t heir sisth annuel Pres0050l and Dayoarr Fein. elaelaesacerelclen Rrpresartatiues trum 20 lovaI sr- genioetiOns orroing young rhil- Upload stories, photos to Community page scOne nsrrneenraser drer mill be prescelto Make rus their pitahrr to peamOs end nea cnn epleed year stenies add phetes directly taus. The intermatice wIll he pasted en the Cammossity poye ce tise paper's weh site, rosow.pieeeenleeaiaem. Seleetiaes tren the page esilI appear each Theecelay lathe peint editiar. Kooky the Clown mill br on-hand esanur Oieleie leurraeu-roru tu eotmrtaia children, credeseOl,re OliicnlOseleac Ob l,,,sc nl,,ur-c.. e,,,aOI Reeeysd Sales OsarcceneMlr.s S,,IO,,s ..Ibd, A ,ounSi. I,.un I,,,dn, Editorial: Greatest So tr wocw.pieeeerlenal.ceee. Olcwilira es, leali enEro05 S'osi I alcosltieuosriire,nlarclrio Oil nh, sarr,000 wish for 2010? Forget I *'ec about past decade thank gssdreas thais oses Go d redly to live propel'iy 10b add mss fo details pirraMos and ni Is there anyone out there mho culli miss the "aughts," that 4 Sacc,eae - crsaS,,,,esrl,oms,,m desadm st deSloe, trcey art Liinsolor-Alood Stroll donE hoard aliak the Vere yac ans general disarray? O solumnist in Vaaaflae.aaasrrrVpe.eSeS y au,acu,, e w the BerRee City Star described it Sendos your News button, upload photos 2 $aoa,ase - es the desate no onr will roer with Ohr bright yellow pics art proas deem worthy ut nostalgie. Why releases. The items will Ober br r ea sanito Ohr saas.eas - seeee,,lll,,a,,.,.uo.,, Taftod otaptea gota Oaee,eea - eaeeSolsesauo.,ar moms eaaa.oee . eaaaNm,,duuuuuo.uo,, COOnu rit? IO_o. s Jpdate page or Ra Barasse - eoseSeleS,,,aa,,arr.,,,m gara,aee - e w that papeo'a Wet a u,uOO, ,,, NEXT LeeeL OF site. Subaissìonu HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS will be monitored MShlö'nj..Gnoire geae,ece - eeoaO,,uk.,eenrrr.esw rusa,Reo.oreeerluocurcoa,,uuu tar libel. tate s iOm.00uo. 50,000OesOueiese-,2005.uu,.. Open the paon Od Oit slit Saaa,Oee - eRerWOSlss,.5Luo,, - speech, Irotanity VISIT the tora. rtartirg mitt tte SnI0aee.aaee 'IOU RS E AS Cl N . C'IM end other paper in mush you mart eecu,sOe - seearlo,,,h.u,,,serW.uo.,, OrRe,ese - OcrmRsl.,,.uoer.uow sera,e05 - eceesuoesllsr.,,m Oea,sea - auars,llr e.,,.,. sses.ees - sreeSOeS.dl.idO,..uoeS the intormation to appear. inappropriate

STATO e SCORES-i: - 0 arruo, t STANDItSGS s PHOTOS -,010GO CHRISTIFS or'òcrpethiDsKdronId'u o idO Viywphalon5'descttptiwwsaedmtro9I leurs, 'GREAT ESTATES NI' ?HbyI155. JANUARY alloue A PIONEER flOSS PtBtICSiION 'Ni 0101051 7 FINANCE YOU RVOT

WE ASK: - What Otaoesld haloolothd - Wlnot idoae de pass peaisooe What r000seno do pose propense What tetero role oleosald tho 137 jobsonchopping block inDistrict207 In any melO coro bIll? ta ImpOse the economy? for the Imoseelol ln0suotry? United Stotee have to U.S. 0005E Mfgneaelotan?

By TONY BERTUCA er e enponted ioirrrr'ease 7TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC the rtuoalipioneerlos a L son Budget cuts Treos 21 studerrto told uba- ttüurproblenl solving might not be at on Maise Tosoship High tOlsi lisiritt 201 denbs, $M "OCT larry louis has eeprrseried lIS- I sIppen O sirIlo-poyar NeeliN nase-. My InI pdrnity is bulling merina There mey clii! be time ' Distninl offlnieit irer'e end/berg, We may ask the lb/TA to come Isepbonlo tederal nogulalotlo I hone here rppseed le the repon- iapmpvsirrgihrseotis nr the 1209-il .1' minie' 715 Diaifat in lye Hsaae et for Ihe Moire Towrshjp biewed tIro lor'gn riehr il eysleis - Mediocre len ali. llegue- - bank 1m wIry, tarerai infamar ml edrad fmnaonial products dith ile aiae etolo wilitary preaenee io. back and negotiate. Thege are teacheì-io -' i, - febrecesiatisea s'ionI lilO. Seise harriet 207 toorbors problomo no lire stagevrot payen baSIl lare is olialent end conning large deStile le memel power le 0011ml and eIiminale Ihr ylghaemelae. Mitteny copertI hear CUTS FRON TRE FOLL-TIME STAFF1 lilly1 1ud07 pensiles eeeeregr far all OIT d5' tises. le idee st nenermis Omen- urine to oegoiioie ils way 00000rrmar' prioe Irrdeu, io- desesoes, bosh Eke lesee ellhen lenhilict belore the Clngreee lIst 13% 75joho Ihave the utmost respect for and we C pIn Il allele leid toesa ev penmen' Iene, es erlly dllon llar fha gru- Ile AI-landa preeenar in out nf Ike steepjobt nel,s Certihad leaching siati i. rrootes mhinirrrr'ol"rgured a neelnenfndng alOme laegdsl balks ouoouored loaf weds by Safety essitsrs 30% 16,Slotao into snirool fundiog. dol i'twant to lose theng, Orn and enlience lare ard adOrase nnemool man lead a nocesnoy. fee and grenelai mesl000laes, ara Atghanielao loin the ecighbniloed Srnrrietyleler,rat 15% 13,5jabs J sse Conk Cstvly Cnnniesinonr lsstas si mortal health and sup- soiR Ills5 keeping nur enmveni meres Ion loaernneot nelulatans of 100 pensons, lam reonleagad by lire distrirt. Tire rarr'errt rosi-redue- end Chicago aldoenmax tnrnhing assisisels lannTe ped iae lodialdaale nibs dieabilliex Inner nlippirb mIa deepen 005io ham le disndnhle lIen ehoeld Ihay Or- Preniteni Sterna's eeitiel o tate Diablo! Soporiotoodani 17% 111050 tion plan w as sniredulod to - DiatrintSeoperintendeael beer Ihn fallir ependieg lanlainel ease lesolaenl mmninising the un' Ion bsgionieg ran eithdnasoi ledi iCen Wollare 0cc Friday Cssiotislhaaieimavoe . 11% 01105e Irove baerr pneseoted be- in tir reeateoy eel aid ellen log- pesI sr the a000amy eel whole, support that anticA. Aderieiairahae , 01% 7jaho Ers Wallace seid lire! berceo pl005ieg fern tire publio trie soiroot on loll, io go berk to ihr Meine Teshnology/data pssveatng 10% 2 rho board 000mtmibiee ni lire

't'sarbers Assooiotioa cod SedOtto guarda . 7% lIeb- mvhole meeting Jen. tOol osee agaio ocie them io Total 037 layo Moine OrmaI High Srheoi. temI io noosidnr' usinglhesr iovnived onith tIre caneco SIrrell has olmiet ir Ike I Ihiek inn health lare labe nIce- I blick oreen improve Ihn meona- lam et lbs belief that Ile Nnaedal Clearly meare geirm lobe there ioragoa pay raise te sere Moco inbormotian orr lire nash reaerves ha nova john. Cask Cuento Rrucrdnr of Deeds li- Tile ard suotoirable nelsen lo my by idnnhihoiog nIere Ile gnnmll ildasity musi lese o cepanshiar nf nucO terçai lIdo anyone aelicipel' os many as 55 bunting CUTS IN CASH ANRONTS! proponed rata isavoiiobie Wrrileno has said nr- "Thie in going tosenbvue- One sinne 1195 art is the Slate edepi e nonprehensiar seluller, indtslry io sed hoe Il rapidly pno- autillo belesen macmendS and ed, I Ilirk ne need ta saab dasm Creieal Cmeonilennemar tri Ihn jobs. Legai fees $50,000 rl moino2O?.or'g. corees onoro being dipped iy impart Ihr hidu all 11mm euch as Ondleara fer ail helene panee narkiarre te fil the jobs, I inrealneet lacha. Ilote Ile only null a eones ml angenny and pro- Ti! ?leimist Oar problem ooiving Eairaetedealae/stìpanla, attsiitties In Onnerober the trank'lIrIo ut Ihr taon of rroarlp may domen," she seid, "T'or Ihie teeauee musI al ihn arel as' could teats ne enteedeg green cay ta baird a airgie instilahiee vide sappnnh Omen a distaran asSaini nith heelth earN is Ike lerhenlrgy, rebuilding aun urIna- iren making bed inoeslneels art migirt cot ba et an asd sed spemial protrarre $750,000 e re err ion vo ted age irrst re- $30 million durirog the cisl afreid been hers wvmr't erst si iesunanee'raeeheat. line ehnaaIaoe, naads aed bddgns set neposkaging toen be Ils wonihlees hera," he said. We moy Tafheshgy - $1 mlIOao upening neo troni nega ti-00x1 ihr-ne paura nod far- nest to onme to thin dio- 'Y'' pvlting macmy mIn meararoh aed nsnloue cille pace at dnatle dig' seludlias Ihey aie eoh tite MiA io cerne bark Capital stoop lends $1 001100 stions lo iorngu Ir 3.2-pne-ther uso ob bherenerves tenedeilliama- InnI. I'm airaid wn'O Irr Ii manIacas le Ile Isst misare, no deanlapseni to hetermino hrn en Oai'ef'disiristiv iis morrid roh ho lianaily es- sera ping the bottnm nilIrr urrd negatiote. Phsae are SI muleRo oetmt mage monease in sor sill be asista shard leallI ala retine can rvnpoie melle learhees I hate the utmost Adnrinisiraiise sois $0,1 najalios 2010, whinlr Wahl000 said spons ib le. barrel in a fern years." gIclaI earkalplaee.

reopen forced we don't $eoserti$eS cicli asH snedii$e ', $2.5 1001100 mauidhrave cunad rrswamry Overr solch the oueeevb L eviosno snid aine kv- roant to loss tirem. laitues $2.6 oeillioo unOs jobo. nuls Woliamo said Ihn dis- lieveb hnbim tite teurhern Jim Aerei ness a asnnemnisl real ley health meer bill le only onrih It elected ta Cargeess, Iwill immun Ihn tine total tough cull iesiile- Omm 11lIre mie silt Atghaniston "You don't get ioto'edu- Certified stall - Sinoe Iban urriorr 01Cr- instill pr'njented ho anion anni diainiot admirr- $0 aeelllton retaIn Idoine nampany in Ctiregs rohen io rut people's riais h Ir o' e said t rey on rImo betweeu o $4-million istrators shnre time humor passing lilt osnnnmpliehes lyres onIon seed tnr mnoestmool ir in- thons lIaI have pealled at ihm shruld le aepparlioe 800 edoloeny, antica morves tirralrr allie graue ldd sully Poeddeet llana tnaslourlsre asaras Ir span een- bey lo orgorrine o "onion' urrd $8-million deSoib orni Tor the enmeemot nituetiarr. backs OtIlo Omeniree senknn Ami, Asee nane Imrnrs mtl pl leaq, ilma ChiaaaIard Chanbee ricen- at Ile noenl millie gehts ne nIet neein gnselh melle Ill llolrial, I Wuileon derlirod lo elab- 2117 fvrnror'dod o cost-re-seated iooladed $15 toil' tanS give-bunir" ta lop lo "I think timingn rouiri I sill enel adaeoend occlut land nr- inpadael lIai en pesoide nuppod meren 8e alan mas for itl Disifnt tedeoe eesls, guarenlee doline and nitida ea by ervadry and enniinr loen legieletien. The 100000 ays- la Ohr 910180 peeple, salee seed ore to ohd lifTA- President plan tiratrr'eslrlliar is intel budget rais. a o m'e so nro te arhirrg J ohs flout i,oaionnv, a parent meya benn dono dhfbom'erml- Reponseriatineir fOOh ersure qualiiy cere far olmI premi reg talerai elimIne muets ard et- litorne Vitro mes sot im- Inm le unfoin, lnpnlaes arsnse cet ta begin Iransitianing mIr prerrnsr elit,,itratr 137 jobo - iv- litlreorris oro upprvvod bat lirer'e Iras boon vo 0ev' rrmmdhne-um'Inlroosrerot Ip ut bollr nodi," sine colli ,a elogie-payar mednl ne pubtu mp- tentierly sllaeatisg them lamm- preys celle eeieetabmrn bichee orodiotely available for' rludiog 75 taorhera - andby the erhool board, liso Ir Ihaf mt lunnnitanier aid and ir- iol'onrnrrrion ors thut effort Mumm Otri, tard Ihre la Tire snhaei lnorrrd io ev- han, toi ihe alancee nf each ape- prone Inral leaneR and eh creativo, Teed la mele Onandal inollatmnon Inaelmueteral supportes Arghans nom men t Friday. plug e $19-million peojerl-disirirt colli go irorro 950 fee .nevnrel vor',r' 000vennrd about imam peeled lv vote err timo nuls Oils peadsinne roaM eri neresaar more neeposdble and anmountablu lieF Iond lake vonirol nl theme lits JO5. ii, eliot' medro ed dehnt oeut oser'. rmtrioyaes 10945 employ- Teanlrerv-aohoo vitriols sludenisaviiii br mrroyantad Pnb. 2, lIN eullily rey subpart S the pdeon9 ter Iheir aolieee Ilnoegl sldol neu- msI decline of' speroriation, Sialnirt Tiro pion Waliaro prs-ces. Colts an rites sisesIraleolso ankod cire dis-by the ormls, especially Cenrrrrmrr1.-Riorreonlonul.nerrr aljrntiaee ere met

harle Denise Diene is $ldemear ni I peresrelly supped n drgle-payae I leliene canny abma-tatied penan I snpfnet a Cmesumen Financial ils only rain lone Ihm ISlet FAC EBOOK Climaga's 1411 Seed. Ile geee tp Ireallh earn eVIten - Medidas lar cha saris io nary eheold be pon- Prelealine Sgnncyr i sapport tIsIco pta5101 ir, te neme measeo- ir the Laeoiole reighbnrhsat and aliI brAs the leal sorcier lithe tiled nullo job el livable oogos geeaiem Iranepamemmy al the Feteral alio legres. toying to strrnglhno allo! geadtemr aille Unirresily et MaI11 lare bill aiim ismlada e gegle, dnirg sedammo blettI sed neeeing- ensene Sonic i capean "sian Ihr relnlny soit man pealed itself ludie nitO a nrirriral 11111e dr- 01110081 loderaI mashIngs Ihal tul earl that merle snniriy'a ned- ballo" if Ihe barye es bailed ouf sod brocee a were eeit-svolairieg use sennbises Ile iodaidunl and emnil rus nendm, Ile nluan tIn pniaalo Students social networking toopposebudget cuts give huge bnnusre. i supped ProS- norniep enrnemiaaily - buI noI gmsup earkrls icho lee mnsurenee cellar oar't lear'tl peaoide nil al dent lIens's lacing et Ihn longoel "nahen buildir" By JENNIFER JOIINSON said will rost 127 staff mem- rally rigeinat the budged h canker and 1aug11 melo ro Ihis modI's remmunily "11 macnet-p letreanavri pasl Illeleel necean eapanale 101er those jabs, ea the publia 11110m bocho vom the rest il years to pay mromso Decree UI he s e sOp loo a e ilota I.e orn bers theirjabs 'remIs bbc nuit io striderrts objeoling ruelle enuaps n'eh," ire re- fon-nro te spoils out egeirrst em00000l toe melo nor," 1mo arle Sonia len irdidduels and niel - ard pItio oealoe Ints ano bask Ile toyp money. I suppno er- dratrtnt s ib reo snhoais, to monay sporrt remodeling rrrlled. "Theol Ivumod out lima budget emIts. aaid, scali groups re bah stale Ibenntel. se gonE hoounable and oalballn as metaling Olaes-ItergeIL With seme oh' titoir fe- TI tree pages arge tire din- restrooms ut Maitre East mamn gmnel lotrohers i Imeem "t feci mIe rr ill gel a tut 'nf Melt Fbolebenhi, ofIll,'mirmn pillole eeetmn jabs. vor'ite teorhot's feoing lay-trie! to "sos's" barbers, nod par'rhosing I?ot-nrreev from lire post t'con Iteroynvpin thorn end ii mliii Wnsb, believes tiret, mo limo oils aed their arirool ebbiwhile timen more oali ion 'fVs for colmai cafetnriet. getting cvt nod hljusimnude moho the bnerd r'eafloe lire elld, budget nuLl rs'tm1 lmmmnl in question, hundreds ofturing Moine Wout's 'eno- 'fireimotential lass of nterbomntr really de rare cha diutrint's siudemmic urn Meise ,Towoatrtp High bIg pragrsm, minnt is sie!- terroimorn int'l titbiog reno Bvrloowski's Image, meirirb rrbeui mohrmt's gole0 omr," elan mont if ni'asr'o0m nicol irr- For more local elect ion coverage, click on our Web site. Sohool Distnirt 205sto-edle beromannintramu' witlir Mirhuol Sortnornairi, la tmtso run by nit etimor alu- said. liasseS rrrlded: "Werreesetorompeusrrir ion dents are turning Loa to- rai program. Another pogewho started tIre pege, derrt udminiotrrrtom'u, io Ihre io slurmd legeltrenend fewerteunhem-saed E L ECl I O N O N LI niai-estwet'iriog site loop' aehu, "Dialr'irt 207, 'hut arr "MrrionTornrrrlrip Students moot popular 07111v opimo- ouvo uil oltiro teurhees uovo Ip elaba dissolve on nos - pose SIS million is badgat pos doing?" rniriin oblIi no- Aguinot 'i'oarher tori OrafIsili000itm,v'itirrrvtr'e tlrrro narm." honEy olnermge. 011,0e asen err exirletive le Cots" 021mlnofmring trie 1,11110 moorrrber's, 'fire 1111m- Mairlr Oest ntudnrt gol- "2 thought Iheir goal mermo Atleasioinesiodott-rre- edler to the dittr-io!'e badg- Eogliulr burilar ab Mrrion ipstiuo madn Mrrino South moo Ordevejmrimmemi ike farne, to edurule bise slrmdormiv, oled teseobaols pogas have e! deSoir. West mas among ihase who llanero! rrrrd nile udorinia- bonir hgioh ailor ire tom hit end by maiming tirr'sn arrio, r'nooim'od 1u1'off notireu last rropped up ir reuponse te Commente on the pogos trator Somme liunnoll opti- Onglislr lerrohee in boraes they won't ha dairmg oavtm Ir gofo the proposed badgol oils, range freer studerrts er- orisOn LImit r lorgreuroborrreosull of tiro polrding goodjub," ire sold. roaroging tiroir poemirr "Oho wan u l'culli' grout vfstaminntsro'ould iurrr ou! There isa rnhirh odrn'ttriatrators hove vlrmtlirog naIv. CnmmrmmmemnirpmlmmInrIrrrrrI.norms emolen od rrvird berrer wa OOelen Coimloyl irrfom r'ycrimov and i/s as easti as .' O Oelen deaur vrsdrl Cold ielonnorohioy PIONEER PRESS B ictews WwW.pioneerJocal.conl Nl- IdURSOtS, JANUARy 21,101/ hp/CHEER (REOS PSRLICBPISN YOU RVOT2010 . Nl WE ASK: What upeeifle nota would Wleat in Reo erect peeooina jun00 Roen would yea attroat tWunt shoote he dote elect you accoteR lee county 'se Cask Coeoety'n ctdt'Oy te 0000mo heeniononee te Cook Ceoeety? Ihn Cante Ceoaty Joli? COOK COUNTY BOARD enponditnens? leentlie coco for ito ensidants?

Larry SuTredirr, 62. has served as Su/tradin said the approaoh taken tottredin said hie work to creole an Sotyradin brOnceo theta repeal nl Oottnnd/e said a/I eveenroonding le,,. Cook County Corrrm/ssiennr or the by the iodependent HCalth Care irdependent Health Care teert has the zaleo tao by holt a perry mi/I still an issow He said the cuss/p 13/Ir District since 2002. Ho and his Board in reviewing mieder, job de' espandet health care to wore peo- prompt mnrr coz/omero to spend could help te murer the problasr lt mite, Gloria Callan, lisa irr Evanston ecriptions and reserve peesibil/ties ple. He said hr strongly supporte in rotoli cloros. he lavera oheeg/rg the 000nty shrytt mocIl anvept o ont have two grown children, hoer ohould be tkllsured by alt 505nty the Health Care hoard's el/uris at ihn state sales tao beco te venen aider ose el elrntronio ouori/crinn,.-. end Elizabeth. y lawyer, hais o depadenents. Hethelleore the hi5h' restruvturinh brliesiol they mill other prndoo/s and sers/ons, to partner at Shntsky & Frneli nay departereet should be phased seren mom people art improve lamer the rate at all toce/a otjoo' [arrt Oslteeda IDI goelity oleare,

John Michael Knete b5, st Sknkie, Knete mould elimirete tIre Foreet Keete said the oritreal ttirp lv tim yente odd nuncioS the noonty knete said en overseer too/ole Isar erergy auditor ant o Leader- Preeenvr police. Herold lEvee etti' is that the independort yealtt Coro 50/es tao is tire ties/ strp. S prob- appointed te deenlep e program on ship in Energy and Environmental 00m lack outhonity tu ernest and Board he a/beet to dr its job. He lem, he celO le that eeunty oltelals Out donc on prisener'on'pdsvjìer Oeoigr-000reditnd prvteasierai detain suspects, art se nail in the said what needs tebe dnre la to lisien to openial intereet greups tut sbvse, mhieh hn seid could tlirp knete was instrumental ir odeir/ny sheritt's police. He believes volse- atoe oat cl the way et adill/aer co' do rot listen to buelnesses. yad tedere/ intervention it it oortinue-'. Nnrtbbrosy nthnials on their oreen beer greups could handle the ove' ley, the ohint eseevtion vttiver ir Cnurty hoend membero done so, tui/din0 olutnarne. aervatian ettorta they now oaery charge ut rho system, art let him they wouldn't have raised lhe tao doblo cb. ir the tratp1000.

For more local election coverage, click on our Web site, 2I E L ECT I O N O N LI N

HEALTH BRIEF Lutheran Canoni 1/cernido. hone demeeoOneuod neyer/- LET AIROOM SHOW YOU eanseedooigieattoes "Blor Biel/neu/wo yute o ccoo/e nllorhog ennopomlren' Bloc Ci-ose red Blue h/plo ce/vo un nccoeroh end sino lupe/inflo hone cord h/p HOW TO GET MORE Shield cUll/eels hez dnsig' nuidenne-bueed heuluh und mpl000mnnusnnciers, in- Designed end Bnilt byAtrnnrm. ev/od Adcon000 LoOheecn meoheu/ infnewvl/noo," seid eludingunee/Iuvoeomplrmno' FROM YOUR KITCHEN. Gocorel tHnopiuv/ es o Blue Sn Jebe WIolto, chuironon nl meno und Intel bip nnpbuvn- 2./cu/wee/co Center' Cue I

METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT NOWTHROUOI-f MONDAY! 9 Dems seek 3 slots for MWBJD board #°,Lstorewide l:ol -- By CHRISTOPHER PETERSON sachos cetlectisg ebd beat- seul Nsvernboc. rise sis- Stonlo. And ostile ttepub sapporl of Minoasona, Ohio,agcrnnnt. Albis Web aile, s peters en Pp inn ee sloe e i. corn ing ssasterveten, proteeeiogyear, pact-time positionstices sido, coodidetos on Nero York and Wiennosin.Davis daseribes storm the ssetnc qoelisy of Lake cerne wills a $70,000 nalory. Pert Clsieldikas sod Jimm MWRD is not a dnfesdant,water sa Ihn biggest leane The r-ace fer rommineion-Michigan, esd neduciog the RosIning foe uso Democ- Lee Titlmao. baton moro qonstitot anisefacing Chicago, aad he tins URQ/ (U\uQ, er fer ehe Metropolitenrich sí fisoding fac home- ratic stets ore Stette Stock, MoGowes esd Spycopoo chorO the eodangersd wo-it ta alimuie-cheooge-reiot- Water Renlametios Districtowners esO besinesens. flechare McGowos, Michoel loe ssc inbombcnts. teewoys, oyes Isonc turned ed storms. He loapea to pro- / of Greeter Chieego is sat e Rise Democrats are vyingAlveess, Moeiyena Spy- The MWRD is responsi inorsatingly io 1ko egecep.mote impeovesoenta of I/o typical sail-biter is the trek, t primery to be bic for stonmwoeec mesege The candidates: MWRD's infeastroetare. I/O repostas, t(othteeo O'Reil- Sol the district is chargedshe party's csminsns Psyley, Wattece Davis, Mereces mesI, and locally, monini Chicogo resident StellaHis Web site is wmnsn.mval- with seme weighty leeks,these seats oss ehe MWRD Relty,'Podd Cosooe sed Sectpeli tice ace grepplisg withBloch isa cccl estola peo- lacadavisfied.00m. newly pmposed negotetions fensionol and lormen tows- Oblongo residesot Mea- OLI toO.)óffamiA.5 pines The watte dis trint cooldes skip attestor from south-raen Kslly is Ike esenstire teblieh e consteantion por ern Illinois. Among cusen dirnatsr of Commussity end on thousands of items when you mitting process los nelotedplaulvem initiatives, Bloch Government Relations at tnwainrdeisntios and fon hopes to addenos pisarme- Saint Xavier University. plaisst, in edditios toth rnaüonln is dciskingonotenKelly hopes to implement 0/ ones by which most manic cod improon ovenall wateransoiy-mids uniform sOocm takean f0 ipalities abide. quality, onoos-ding to hnemoatcestasdards, accord- Penerei towns, lootadin Wsb site, ns000volslocsinl- ing ta infoemoties possed extra 01'[,soae,s,uvoar,iosa some North Shoec villogcs to bce Web tite, filon alan 2 mittdss flood plots regions lithl of River For- hopes 00 address issues of have spokes out egaisst theest, is u ostie ala formartrane presnnipuinn medi- NOW NOW NOW nagalatinos, enqsingthola MWRS commissi000r andcine found in arac drinldng 9.99 11.99 8.99 additional permit pronss atiarnoy. Ploonne Presswater. Her Web site is PLUS AN PLUS AN FtSS AN noold unnecessoetly ros didn't lonatna Web cils forwmw.manreenkelly.oeg. neTRAze% 0Fr nX'tfiA 20% OFF EI0TRAZO% OFF What. vr r you home-av'sens time es hen campaign. Todd Cannoo', of North- GrigI tas-5051, 05ml 24.08, DOgI leVe, 420 W, Ttshy Aso., Polk Ridge fonemhent BochareSeId, is akasineoswan, hav- fInal esos 7.90. en al seos n.5e. tesi osos 71e, sport, o!n'e'gut O4f.t20 4004 TOTAL SAVINGS: TOTALSUV1NGS, - 0005t,sArgNo Agessop ofpnioln mho sup McGowan, of Chicago, ad- ing macbed fac the menegn- 75%-55% OFF 60% OFF Ua%OFFOsebj -, you CpveCCd, mvsm 555tt.glOS4iIsiddlflkdOhss.sid - port tisa permit pronos v000int Inc fair crnploy-msnteooaaiting Scm Booa C loa navy, 1,s leo rd Oshmas Moses. Mom's, Clsosr5 uacam oca rahms. ri,.vm Dab- ongue shot Coak Corot mnst end contracting op-Aller Hamilion. Of ninnied s-our Ss is&Cu 000ld boscOt fl-nm 00005i5 poclunitinn and hon soughtto the MWRS, Connor nah lo le in o,nsuems, tent won to monitor how nisanges lv Iba diatninis Ai- hopes to add toma business Fer niotos U potnoa. geound waten is displane hcmalive Antion policies.penspentive to tha agency, during tonal cosstrsntio Hen biogcaphioal intorrnn- ocoordieg to hin online bi- p noi e cts. tion nao be band atogeephy. Hia Web tite in Nodonolty, the dinteicti wosmo.toddnonnoc.oeg. o O'Reillnymosgagennie - Michani Alvecea, of Sad Steale, of Chicago, NOW - NOW NOW et the lorsfnont of pendis Chicogo, has been boomed'osefoemolating nhemisi I 14.99 4.99 - 9.99 lcgal action ogolost Oh wiih local, stats and feder- L'Ornai USA, o casmeuias PLAS AN state, thanks to ths 50db al gavacoment Her plotform is nXTRA2O% OFF & 9.99 & 14.99--- I -PISSAS word migeetion al th Nie online biageophy de-besad au olean nnergy and OridY PLUS AN - eS-t-nAen%OFF - ay. tu-57v, eIs'fOA2s%OPF dre000d Aolcocanp tnrihns ike nasdidate asnleoe motes'. Both celata to t nal naos te ne. Osi5.0 Be 0-539, DdaYlO.00-29.9n, Risas nest 3.90 &fi.00. 'rk a invasive fisk Isuvowantingto"inonnatsanosomin kaaluh, she ecid TOTAL SAOINBS, final cast weds 010cm mey up ike latte emsresnst about the dis- on hnr Web site, nrmn',n.elev- 75%-02% OFF 1DTALSAeINGS, l& lien Clos Sacco 62%-02% OFF TOTAL SA0INGn issippi Riven and itt teika inico and tkn impnntanttkaristnale.nsm. lrs n,kdm 50% 0Fr arles, thcnatsning to die steps Obst alt citienno can Lewost rnsidvnt Faul Clearsy, opt the Sshing end encre tobe" to coacerve maier. Chiolditous is cpi caning sed o tionol indaoteioe of the no His Web site is mmmcl-seeing nosamisticaar for tire Cenai Lakes region. Lamant. Accncding to bio Punch 198 Solar, the stoic Iseo bee Incombent MaripeneWeb nile, Chialdibos is can- sad by Michigan, with the Spynopoolos lives is Chica-ning sou pletíorm of Ssnal Rho magic of go. Shn hopes to nonaca the responsibility within Ohr * cneo kas a "sofa and reli-aganny.He also hopes toca- able" sapply of waten, en- tablish ancuantabilitymeas- nording to bar Web sito.aces. His Web stunio She also hopen to pramoiewsew.paalehialdihos.nom. *TCCSmanyn.Cum gnens initiatives, suchst . Jimmy Tiliman in a nain banrals and aittnens.Chicago easidant end urbnn Ree Wsb site is politinal etrategisL Amoog PLUS, G,REAT SAVINGS DURING OUR MEN'S CLOTHING EVENTI FR1, JAN. 22- SUN, JAN. 24 wwwrnsciyanalainenwo- 0110cc platform itnmt, Tiili- man hopes tonnerre Steel nono,,dheldo,sasltgo,roosbi,lmmyo,sd:oseprsssissdsgsasl:lllsdslsasrorsaonlisspon,dandrh,soar dsy,osslsi,ostreiots,sorlsitltsooetcavoosss andglirrarto;st Open a Maoy's Oonnues las Wallaoc Daots, cOChlea- nenpaeaibilitp cad promoua go, isoscniur nssaauivc Ion ssoeegy etSeinsoy. His Web extra 15% savings Ilse Chicago Dolsoetment of fHRoaoH the first 2 days Abb more remards to name, Semnen and the Chicago srlsote,em:lso,Or:o,ìmsuoamsscoilsblenhiltsserlloOlostesmlaOasinssioktsellafalnsif-Ied500d erlso,,'osaloaor' nrmsonellosmoaomssoriseueleorssoa;oosssayssmhe esaluaems apply; soc IsV. osglobl,osyas,lssalease's,aed oelooaesoeanessnetsoo&,rogossonnosys.ssss Sapartmnnt ofWalnr Man- Cammesl:pioocerlorat.romss 12 ltl$WS Nl' THURSDAY, JANUARY 2(2010 S PIONEER PRESS PUILICATION 'Nl

ST. PATRICK HIGH SCHOOL POLICE BLOTTER Tlaeallominp inoidrtrta caece Soc Han, 52, of 0032 Cap- _thevein licUad io flac affiriulceporle cf care center Students make quick work of Haiti relief fundraisers iloiDrine, Sas Plaises, mas Sebotissn Wibbeab Ssrgasy Nen-Seaeeioa Sobuüens fera. llaeNileePelireDepartvaaol churgedonith driviag under By PATRICK BUTLER FcOs laus several schools in er Ignesius Rica(. Reedere eramnaitadedtlrol oar Dias semas s aft 'Suo Dsnsga aSgo Spots ap, desiroyad Ihr clip's la ltnnya Obst St. Pot's rag- The school's French Club Oho inflnance of alcchcl Jan. Unenan CaloaTons pl uller@p is te e r lofa Leon Oblii, an cccli as about 50 Robo says thin "could ka erceelbypaliredacerrol coo- Voaicooa ValvaS Log Smeting largest kespilal ucd a'aducrd ulac'ly hnlpssviih funda col- roan marais tolacld u 13 as Oha 9400 block of .'"f Oo,rglutDsy Slain' Anna .Wnisldns otlaercoualriesiaihrwerld.Iba biggesl response ho'a elilolfojindiargcfgoill. Oaaly much ut Iba Presidenliallected in o weekly mission faaudraisingbrealalusttc oid Nurlb Milmeuken Avenue. Spidan VeinsLa0 Disromfonn li nato sad Hod Rich Ruho, campus mia-Polare la rubble, tice OSO iba farmer Fa'rnvh rolocy Tb arc's avenalnag-shal aver 000n.I would soy lico teatri cf law ce,r vache licol Names relausad os $1,000 . ": Now pb000edemaffera oler ai St. Patrick Highstudenis at ike Portage Bet it hasn't ulopped ,aaed Oharrtsillelmastver- pansiblliiy soma stodratstaut biggest thing would drtrrmiaaoliaar. bood asd is dta in raurl of Itenapies aaebabla School, 5900 W. BelmontPcrhkighschoolhcd raisedthere, Raho said, addingiainlybeaopacisl school at-mighi spend spring brashOsava kran after Kairinu." March 8. TARGETED. Ave., i sn't sure whose ides orpuriofiheirsummarva- Regardless of how cynical mure than $000 before a Ihat souderais hops Oc 'arisa sumbly le drum up ewure. BATTERY Ultresanef braIse laser Iheascy it Was to start collecting full-Stoma Oundcwisiag rom- ai least $2,000 far Csiholic nass of Haul's aead duringrutian laelpiaag toith Ibapeupla mighi gai, "we do JolfreyVejurk, 4W, uf 8830 Snarl Ceatlllei Uuaensito utlallatee santo money for Haiti relief. paign had aven keen ot'gsn- Relief Sarvicen to Ute larCatholir Sobada Weak,cleanup as port efe LuSsi-rail y arcesda goad vaosa JignanhohumarPalel, 10, N. Onanam Ave., Rilan, suas Ostos ree an taanleel "Tar Onnaans" Coaoevlannlocanionslo ut000nu Alt ha knoons is ihairvitk- 520iti relief end ura 0db-Monday lha'eogh Friday,lionVolunlearPrcgraanruowisen it's part befare thear," of 9419 Michael Cuori, Mor' churged milh driving under 805epi mast resonares plana u Welasans Oak PaW eau Old in ttno deyn alter tice 7.8- Balso coaredet that poriing uSual collecliog rIcOh-Ruba added. by tire sume ChrislianRoba said, suggasliag olla. Ion Greva, woo rhorgerl wiih Ohs it2000re of olookol Jan. PIONEER Pinoss i._r 1-866-204-5100 magniiude quake ihat hilled atabas $000 toas money Aso lag and argoniaing a blood "I ihink aoecorreolisadBreihcrsf000dedbyt°ratrhars interested in helping botsory Jon. 13 after ha al-14 rror Oolbasd Gcacswood CALL sa,.ams-maam Visit uu et www.50evea000rnnuvser corn Pori-au-Priaco's arclabisis- would have pour lo u school curly on that tve hod io doSolco Jean Bopii000 dr laHaiti relief corrieri legedly struck a 10-year-old couds. He mas released ce something," he asid, noliragSolle (ottiche [email protected]. girl oulsida a movie Okeolar$1,000 bond asd is duels Obst iba soma Christiecarauh Ike blob Christist on Ehe 300klovktfoclfOabill court Feb. 20. s Broihers order lIant ruaas 01. Broilaaa'salaraed byBroib- Caaamotalvpiacreerlacetco,,, Conten Pelai seid ihr girl nearly hil his sas miih u cerf Micheal Russell, 29, of Mitchell, Hoffman & Woll He mes releasad 0001,000 2801 N. 770k Ave., Slmnnoad Sloleris Ohileey bead and ie dun in acaroFoals, mes charged wulh Jean. Asnal Feb.10. driving under the influencr Personal Injury Attorneys Ablatai Sonar of ulachol Pridey an Iba Sahawts end 2000 bloch cf Norlb Greca- GUI moud Avenue. Hemos re- FS9!995 Million Million (errerIez, loom Yueiy Dehohayan, 49, oflensed 0081,000 beod and Aute &TauckAecidents 10e Oiles Nano 700W. Tess Lear, RoUndis due in cuori Marchio. Death of mother dueingpregnaascy Construction worker injured High Sahaal WHO Lake, mss charged milis (We Help 010rasi driving codee Ihn inStance MediceI Malpractice 010asioalior, cf alcohol Jan. 12 ce iba THEFT L$.5.25:.Million S2.5 Million halo a sprtiul Truck Rear-ends van 5900 blech cf WeslTothy A balEle ab dirt pillo nul- Van loses control, passenger death WerkAccidants take for Haitian Asesor. Hamos rslcasad onucd st $20 ones o Oelen Joe. alalias (trial $2,000 bond end is dur inO from anOcre on the 8100 S2 Million Wrongfsal Death Oho TrasteRos court March 15. block of Golf Rund. $5 Million Conaamarrltpicarcarlocafceaar Pedestrian hit byasotemobils, cl ihn realS- Wreesgfsal death of worker stjob site resulting ins brain damage gaste in balli loller Kulelsllar STAI LIBRARY BRIEF $4 iliIlion S1.97:Million Tess programo aGreed ihn 011bruis Sirrdant Astis. Phyeicieo's negligencer brain damage Failure to Diagnose Cancer The Riles Prablir Library sarca Ccmmissico. NO FEE UNLESS avilI abbe trou Neo-orientad Tranogers ara clon barog :$2.7Million progrears br coming weahs. basilad ta unleash Ihear cre. :.SÍ'Million The Cual pangeams, wilh alive side Jar. 30 duciag eS- Police misconduct/eucessive force Landlord's negligence YOU WIN.,0 S wolyiore clam usbrg (trek HILES NORTH adatta arhadulad io Odre pleca dO 7p.m. Jan. 28,7 lood. p.m. Feb.10 dod 2p.m. Och Tba evasi mill eSa be 20, miO ha e Wee App lice- atad 0e gather loud for lira h THO Club holds bake sale -lion for Federal Utudant Oid NUes Paad Peatiry 1-888-719-6160 312-726-6722 completion workuhop. Mora informati uncen be The workshop adO be guy- found al to help Haiti quake victims ea by e ropmseslalinn farm aou-an.nilrslibrury.ocg. By JENNA IIASKITT "They ura 'eu ihn ground' irai doclars who markt in ,11WÍnter Salè From Fireplaces PIU5a Your Fireplacé Headcuaté'ré. FIREPLACESPLUS jhsskills pi a r ea t la ta I .o an - and arc among Ike lam or- Haiti is oNilso Norsk altar. . n nThe Real Uelectran ob Ose Lags5, Olees Toots srl Samens, Talents, YntlntrO, Wood Woldnts, Coal Brelrs and MurO Mote.SF gsaieoiions OboE have Ihe ni," Jim Sanarpaniab, Dis- Rollis r000sirophir eua'lh- abiliiy to provide Iba greci- trict 219 rommaeiiy relu- ,° qustssns S5ssssbueagWssgha," 047.549.6700 qouka this manik prompt-est services at tha rcrlieoi liens director, said. ', aç5sta CeatsaTsslsn adNileoNorik t0igh School possible mammOn. They ore Dr. Savid Woltac, Nilet siardeula io jump into avisan calliag for Unonciel cotOn- Nertla alunan, rome and ois- bit "Weed Hnbslsss 'eDakassy Ornase miih e babe asisto raisebulionc lo apead uy Oheir nf- itad with cur sobacln aloi - 1I. money for Farinarsiaferio," Riles Norih English during Ihe year what thaI' Health, leocher Aun Ocelbsis said.mare the kanaSciarica and Nues Nurlh's We Help "Pari nero in HeolOb in thewe've had a rnlolionthiy ,Snsos, Others (WHO( Club held avheriiy Obst curse bociowith him sisee thet lime dc- Laanes & bahr sale Jan.15 autnida thedance moralbon hadas ilrurding tu Bseeaponick. aslh Osusa -'ses' cafeteria Ou raise fundo lcrbaosSciery 1mo yearsago. Poe more infarmeolan or Parinarain Heelib erliefef.Pori alIke maous theyta dotate maney visai fiRst Sto oirsoli thl ]l[ttShlF$alen. nasa Score Asics1855,0TOues,150M-apM fart. WelisbIs, Espsedsble, frosted FamlIc Oonee & Opeessed tsr Oea, 14 'faeno. Tues,, Wed,, rel.,Sue, loeM.spM abets il loans uf the wed-pih.oeg Bar. leaN-spec Il PIONIER PRtII PSftlCSIltfl 'fi wwwpiWReerlocaLcom I 1W PAGE 14 CONTRACT'BRIDGE ...... WE SAY 1000 WORDS Ryan for 10th State Senate Two of kind Elegance & Luxury Tone Ryonin Ihn beni lamed iruasperlatioo agement'n inlerual errare Dg STEVE WECKER Socia Onore: ni lands. Alirr corns'leering in Senior Care ehoioe far Democrats nynteen bolaters elI suoI: rummsnireiionnetcaorb, There isa lot nf rtc:'aturc nyrlc -trole volcercOle Ihr psoblamouratully helee- voting in the 10th Stata allons. Ryac is fami liar drib oc the nobjeri al opvning soro oidcd thon il n'as unhikalyhis Senate rare. The long-held He believes thore'e no moridug minh aniuen lin loads, and tar gvad reason: side onould get four Inicien saut is hnieg vsoutud by need te reine tonna just thinhs the siate enluce cas The fueththut one con naves' utilipeseivo lerfenso Accord- Syacinus prioaie toiles al The Seihany Tnrruoe ones retiringSrn. JiavSebee. munege thu slain budget be persanded tu arrepi fur- luemn enough aboxi Ihm diL ingiy he mode the ioggmssivd lunary ari oamfnO aumparabie 10cv aneishet livint- Riens straiglst-talking, better, pareicularly with loughs tu roche nrrmnaiy ScalI phone cf iba game. lmadoItholtl like enviennvnnl uhile providing Ihn nursing asnistannn shoot-thorn-the-hip style regerdtueoeeuntnbility budget i'edaefiuen, ihe Moni gond playars mm more ovare on tat Tisis vonlvro lolo the an- ta promnln u healthy lifestyle. peiemabecause Otusrencross- decent hove the high-glans meunures. He says Ilse lame wisp Chicago did. hvovnn poile tira musimxm typent of ether politiciann, slate needs t e reusolidate He seyn lie irlends tu fui opIning leude lhnn ibap ieee nc the playnilbe cml IS 00 Kilt Oli divisland. AlSo:' liso hing heile, Seidnas rosianrari-etyle veale, hife-enonhing nulruìtee but then tbsre'n ne doubt- offices and nell sume 8,000 hsep lds inidepeodest voice trirbe combinad. Tisis is noi eve yorquetoontinaale with u end persan-centered ocre ceceele ali enpeatstans ing bin sincerity properties it cmnn. Ita enti- and Iherafure he is nut spasme hoO:ist'noce Helhev io groe The Bnthcnp Tnrrnoa the mnst elegano lOis approach avery meten a asninga cf $600 surprising misto peu novsid- erreptieg the eadursa- an tisai when icc noches lila ralfesi hirn spade rehuyo, lotI simple: Rasare than tax militan. Ile suggnst paying mmm uf oilier pulitiral nmpoletmod colme North Shore. Orsi play the opening leader The bidding: o club la p:intiiar'a are asile money is evenly distribated sidie empinl'ens only once leaders, unions nr speciul- emes only his own IS rinds SOUlS West gol onaihen spulen rollio pat to educate residents in all a month fer a navinof intarestgeuaps. Lcecay - Cnmfnrt. Unparabtebed Seniar Care. Saft The Betfszny Terrace raihar tirai: mhotsth:sl are 4V Pase 1heredtrcri down loon. nereo nf Illinoin so thet the $16 million. Ryan also is thin best can- in view citer the dummy is Roas Soot today et (547) 905.8155 fer mare iofersnetiao arta nahedlate a toan atone h ea acnell-trned Aresired Chicago oasis- didate lo fare unopposed The italian Sooth at Iba habird. Pass Pass vecood 10h10 opened tha bid- conch force cnhirh eltracte tant superiiileudeai of Repablirnei Bdao Doherty Thci'na:'auiorv guod Oproiiig lead-- K mora bnsinesa, which pulire nad fire rammunica- in the November rIechen. ding wilh only thccr lsa:rnle, gsiidelines tirai ridi norivodi mhioh woe possad all ar'000sl. ornatos more jebe end tians, who helped creuse We endorse Ryan Icr 10th vnmoel 1:006e, buI, 0000 00, axiL It novai'seid ins Ihd morii -reduces criese. leo affi- nad morsage Ilse 011 Center State Sanate, Demcrintir ohcmpionehiy matrio be Pehen Loverotnittrvas Wasi The Bethany Terrace 11 re cus chan cf 11:000 10h01 for liretl,S. isle, asivg hirn cirntly operated and muir- Office ulSwecgsncy Man- tichet. the lerol isb:inicoliielivli:i wccrs iioiy axle mho Ucilcs 1-Iririlir l'i Rnlrxlrihilclior: Cirr:ion lFd slat-in 'in very diniresnieg Stolle 01917. s 'rio e s'o rssvnisrrg, oleo led the Konildnírolcil lino Ovirinovi - espeoloily if ilse isiliul 0h01 Ah Iba Osai loble, iba U.S 0420 wsuaeham 00 ' Modal Groin, IL 02018 - letal 51v-011o ' te005dOiarOanO.urg pravos tobe Iblul. SouhIr openod roilh Sous vire inch. Apparently grenu rnmndns'un invlornrwcdince- i-loro is olerasoclic ovare-herirle. Piclrrr Pocquni wo. enerinrsifien -"Celiest fc Care" Preckwinkle for presidentAmanand his plate pie vi:: u'urrreeful opcvioiig0/rel unii hiol oo'idrelroioa Befit any Melleodio t Co If Cook County Demno- To red acerasteis the neelang mure sunrres cl opuse sima," is indaed through his R rats really mast to change onimiaul justice nyntem, ivceuaa, sarh os stelo ucd Hopeasen. "Oh. Pane. nlomech. the may the bloated, hnan- whirh apends between federal grentn. Such gracin RigIsI. Pass the saiL" Tha humely anoh vobo ciallyansoandenuntyis 680,000 nod 40,000e pear require audits, Inuwaver, "I spent ten ileunsand aun whip np seven conrees operated, they ahunid onenrhv prisoner,Prerh- which may eaplsia the dollars ai Wuadtzld. All an sed a charolaIs manner riscosa 'ToolProokwinlsls winbie uappnris day current velnotancetuseeh easily oulpacee Tanya fur president in the Pein t reporting opimas, drug them. He doesn't men blinis. Steele, the bleached bomb- traatnnent und jab training Tarrente murrjubs, shr Just chews. shell mba alleaded the Prerbvvinlde, an inde- programa for uuu-viuloot manie le provide muse CHERYL O'DONVAN "i told thu ceighbnes that Rama Satru Academy ni pendant, pregressine resaurres te nmuS busi- AIS napei'-sieed your HaItian nesses end green buni- Chicago eldermen, cnws ta She mould look at ounsul- VAN MOM ATtIfES OSAIt bonus ovith tuxpuyer Tanya he cresItalian to cut the remaining half-cent ideting the county-wide nesnesis tharuasty. monet: There's mn orgep learn Ihn home-cached uf Prenident Tndd Strugerb elected attune wldeb sume Cauk Cuanty valeva hune Ses ahnt, home-aoohrd mob onteidn" ohramuenme tea domiacci unpopular sales tas. have said would sane iba arare chance na elect en Ile p'ierrena pincent ...ELEVATE!' She would also reatra'm county 125 million tu $50 independent, smm'l, sassy meal befare must any musi, DON'T JUST RENOVATE... meat nvilh hie-bru, dips it After eahuol, my oldosi npending, patting the mullen each yean president with Peecinain- und ha will nut cave if Slenatinfls Linonlnwnnd inno geavy ned gioca thn searchas far chips and Get the perfect window solution for your home Rut Preolccninkle nadei'- hie. Thay should nut mien yna'ne ladled Lorena 5825 N. L:vnaln Avenue patronage-plaed rennt dog a dirty look. Kirby health syntem nnder the stands that besides outhag this apparmanity salbe beatScbbuttuner tu help polish celibe onesalt'ina parhngr andSAVE $100ort every windowyou buy. R Lincoinwoud, IL 60712 perm unent reateci of the ineffirienelea, the rounty hape fur a more efficient, the tissu boives. doesn't care. Paon hilled, he tram Wendy'e. imagera, ready in deplay his At glevetiuns, wo knew uve kind nf Window want fit all Elenstines Nsperville profesainnal health board. musido a heiter jab uf Snanciaty stable runnip He mill push Lerena t tell him ta aheche cut Ihe must snccessful tactic', the call-fraer:ne echas I needs. Thet's why wo eifer the widest choioe nf energy- 2766 Aurore Avenue asida la getta lbecresount riupereille. IL f2540 enlia ... lean in, sniff, and sah, pathetic whim bneght while anWcigleh efficient brando, sizes end styles In St suar home and loch rapluroan. When it comes ta my Wslrhcee. budget. Our roteriar caracolions spenialists help yna hushund's gustrocamie wake the right rheine io wivdawn, siding, doors and Case in paint, mp His strichen face lachs on Aireum Cempunies. honband. Al dinner, I poni- tuner, it wcaidn'l malter if mere. Arle best yet, as pert of The Keats for county president Ihaugh I'm sheet tu chain a name you've trusted far aver50 years, Sau 0ev raunt an lien thegraryboaluentin a Somicg meteor mas an hmm tas raarb taw::lch n superior installation banked by the best macrudy in the Cook Cosnty Republicansthe reroennendutiuns uf thehusmeasen byohasging the the mashed potatoes, and direct course fue oar Lifatima movie marathoc. honpitsl oversight buoni. essessmentnystom and industry. So don't just remoste year windaws, elevato also baco a sslid candidate place Ihr amesming pal gc:nge, nr if hSenas mere Wateb, Ion, when you your hams, with glecations. EL VATIONS earning far Conta Cnnnty Sut lass he wautn to Organizing a smeimitof roast cluse tu the leed tea. r'irerng hin ehlidras. Fha infurm a houer of ravenous board prasident. - repeal the Oral I/S-rent of business leaders tnecear a Hmm. Iglsses at him. wouldn't rare ilSharan males that the toad sapply RogneReStO prandaon ta PresidantStrcger'nucpop- thair input. Tima latest my Ihenry. SInce mhinaed hez ice pick hue dwindled to reduced 1.888.616.4686nr A farmer niet e represen- Act NOW and make no payment until2011.' Call mths county tinenoes mare slav salen ten which Reala "Pillaged e village today," peel his car, tal mutata, tafa liaI doge, tative and stete senalur, for a free in-home consultation today. transparent by pasting the usyn harte basin eases and I say WhyS B000use his casni end a draupy Celitumnia penniless residents fur Reals manid bringe basi- budget and ehechbeoln, "That's nine," mp has- salivary glands salad min. shupping locally. nesnmun's perspective lou reforming the soay property band replies, slathering a and lache bade have bees I had lu breche nul ihe tas asaessmenta ere deter- lie waten In create mure ouaety that ruelle ase pen- rail ncitb batten arhivated. lie's in shyp- niatgasc SIDING ROOFING EXTERIOR MAKEOVERS mined sad implementing jabs and revilerua state fensiunal anarsight. "Geargn Clanney made solio state. Ames's heart Ccmment:piceeeninruircci WINDOWS DOORS 16 1018Mg Ob' THURSDAY, JANUI8Hii 27H H PIIN0CR PREIS PJBUÇOTIIN 'NI news b 17 and wan elated mhee alem al the scemo hisied. Phone bill clinic Eñrollment tale is worthy of Kaflut slays latee begat a Hinco then, heleas s-mailed Socs pour phose bill Baseball needsto clean mea few limes asking il! up need a diet 'os the new Merry bleak January Bcessoelwasdla bilPIloely aomeuoe mould The hoper men some hone eeeeived ube mosey entenot-dinutey, notnelintig pese? Than cheek out Ike hake tisis class, tesas lei bco Of ennese, new gop is the United Kingdom ai'decs.Ididnntcespnndto - speciol, snstellilnggioot, lecco dol-111g llueneeond Chu'ieimas Iree nbiys fece phose kill olinie"et tullio prepusred te pay the When me poi ltthuirnay mho, denpilo bis pnomesn lote non inlet' I lied nonce seen ihn loup! thought Montle oend tbiim'd n'ebiusoiJanuon-y 1ko yelp last mi0000. And 6p.m. Joe. 1710 the suele o lieitigbeloee. debt, lenti won leid by In Ike bibs oi the Clip Cal. on the !nteeoel, seemed Gond Ihieg What Cisunk oled Moyo end Amron rocio ls,iiste Mono gornent roil! far titreeceasnon, Hkobde'Pukiit1 Libros'y, 5115 Steenids. the essileothes agency loges of Chiengo, Ibis gol a kil oeiihmeiinshiy can loto maso classic' foke Si-cot, collect thee tee0000cegohue lOp Inediti00, ihn teoe Hablan SL Pcedeipints Cmtseco lhssod op. And tbust they did net bene lined loo hucep cholleeged. leslead ob cheek seam. shonldbeinglhoirbills no Ilisiend, I nitooned titeln rohleetiott paloIs on eegeu- should stop np until Joie, 5, litolly, his leHnen bosh any record wimp Arvoedeelni woman al sesdiag Chocho money The money oeders, no Citteens Utility Board msa' lices oled chocle ntsd lot lu,m'ly scheduled pickup the Pease nfdtd Rieiiiitooy bentleor on lite A's, Mitch Olsein think titel' sow grelle- access L Eleosever, the City Colleges earned. ardee Inc $150 foe the doubt, one sopkintmcoled lye lonas make individual' days if tIne tenon one S'ce nf 1ko Pease nf tite Tlseoe RANDY BLASER Me7,n'li'e, fooned ale lost- STEPHANIE ZIMMERMANN college wiG set let me Amiba Tkaeps kulpeel naede, the hopee had sont oapios obecal money hoed cecemmendokeen, To iehstie hngn deeotntm'nns Ringe, Little Chcistentn, ineole to noiteg steroids. Second, MeGteii'e still rekisher sets'! ihininsaes's stcaighten titis aal, ScsI by llsnee w000y nedecs, each ordernso sophislicaied l'egiolee, coli loiTi 473- PAUL SASSONE teu,d tree staurde. Plaon at My moth er nape theol ll,ure Ones though I toen loitg itmislo Ile tenie ntet'oiils le THE FIHER - Ckicoge Htrylimel resolved, cernanieg Oho "melle-oIT" foe $505. Thoboyer that if Ckack had depodted-3IIL Poe moce lolo, cheek your u'ogultir eohleclioe mho lobe domo tIse Ctmu-ist- Oteauntsini' night is lise eoitniitced luttI Mçoinico cocoter lenes injucy nelle Slew coser Igot it hold on poilu' swraed aod nbaimad 1ko! his JunieltiOl ihem io his book, they oat romm.cidoensuiihily' poio1." mon teee befoce Jas. 8 udIi lote 1980e, I was enjoying n oodooi'eyltoitdn and ettitanne Ido peefoem,neee. resolved lithe college then galling mith Jeffesy hod messad ap Oho ieacolo. would have gone thcoagk. boscd,ong, There is ten eeeotetoay foe Ito iso leu Meecy Bleche vorne doeve mills "tho Dean' Fixeru I'm liN yeusrs b000bnll gown et old Stitnirsy Soso m'ere sioeoid lyeclnistin Iteennuldlteve nvsn'i let me puyaasd flee Jtisalbs, deae of aduli edn- tice and necidenlolly aven- Ii's only altee Ike victim Gettioug tile ranascaesd ishuiorg elorr'ui Olio Ci,cktttten Jtuieont'1, iseebie-jeehies." I don't eldondretired, I wusasled Corniskey Park. Son vs. oseen, MoGenit'e'sodnds- bumiteo Mai-is' eeoord nollentise agency is otmttos, lo eeg'sstee pua fue poid. - mohece beck the amount al caco ceeueuneerprcbidmrt? So' lila lOOP Isst moeb man cinte List mccii inns encog- attymney hetow what Ihal is, bull hstekoo class begiaseieg lolling mel rani psy "I neeoined 10e-mail nl lbs overpayment Ihst Tell il to Tlieffieer at Pulling up lite levo is thee thied tocchi oïJautnnu'y. i'ensewbee thol night If IliaC's the ease, thou have enouglt pcobhen,e im Jaemat'y oat Dalep hocaunn there is no They'ee elm coming ap napieg thai when! get lime iho honk bolatedly eeulhnea wmw.pioruecrlorafcura, snelrohetippp occosinet- Ho, if tee koreee't olceody beooueesoonihbsg Isep. As a lotiglime beaeboll wily did lee coil Maeis' without acose of heehie- Callege. aressant Der me? Cas ysu milks peymeet plan la m000p oeders, I nhnuld 1ko eu'iginab cheche oc mHereyaa'llfiodseimpir ligluts nod ni'riornetttsond placed your holiday teen ut poned that I md nonce fan,! mon tingly. Airgey at onidomeated 000010 loll '.Ieehies. S Reek tise piuseememt pleure help? sockels costee foe you lo manly and es-a rocce lobe. At tinsel au,d Ilse onohternenl lake Ihem to the bank, coob fernnu te/bloc Or, you nube noon before. A'e slogget; baiesg duped, 00015 Obeat eisern nOble odwissinnf i'our tegultue collection Ibm lacy, cosme lent Wisent tried te Carolyn McNair pap nIl Ike old dehL tkem and take nui mp lkoi pomI, the money tnailnlriefdeeereinticnof the lion, eogty obool the e,nd tisticipolion nf Clet'ist- poielt I godo you'll heno do Jote Consten, hilo line Maybe beonose lee bonito L The eat loves the ieee. regioher Owen told Olead Bese of buck in ynac se000y fee tite carde ood mired oneroeaoin long ycaeprobleoee. aiosgmitlr deine to the moli in eight- ehnt'ade, aegi-y udonal its's ti hwad'l eornolhii,tg eecy onllhciel. This in peohobly the tool usneutfitending debtaf Dour Cunolpor Thece ace oludies - you moni edged Inc the eest, send o Money- gono, and ike bank comes year nnrmse, nddresoonsd eenterpeld oboni 15 feel Ont tokio0 domit tite lune poyinggond money in seco tosed In got nsod once neon-lilie, bille dumpietg lite reonse. 01<, ehe inehitoo'n he $208 from 1990, simes rnhart coudes-e going bank lo school. Geern lo Ike Uohled sIsee iko cusiamer fac Ihe !alrpluoruduiuotber, ta, TOI leigh. The boll loll the bol gnose thot teiltn'l nit the uit iso depcessiemg nhoen. Icee litio tuo siley behind bmrboll because of the ahig pact, too. Rotto Wlsen ese Issised at my prosesi penblems that ace Kingdom," Ckaek enrole Tundo, Piace, OPUJ W Lake Ado, no quickly I didn't tone nod np. StrIde0 nod pulling up elseh home io the montino Ube heebie-jeeltirn. account, it said tise debt doivedghl l

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Women Caring for Women Sobnnieoi000for ifeoieeeaio'Oy Center ei Centers leiurds8 Jan.11' Legal OsunseirnO nenl-etlaln les eeennpOsn and deter lester estrel 05,15e leles F500110, See tanne puetsea Idi lt Isud len Coiestdorore reqok-edlddnyo mn Center etCensnrs,05i0 by sppeiotment eel tOr ecelartrirtes lsrsssnessenl 10071 511-5450 Ihn tnnisi is alilo! lb sI Se InuIt eenh Oneneeliss Ces- Normal and High-Risk Obstetrics preceding 18e dole efpobh- laleilan Jal JO- Ouest emascule lire00 and Ile leeqlisa-aoiepaat- teniheesi Oiqteay, leite 05 esos h. eertleett tullece laite ItS rank Ian lalselt esel end IaeuntbendOe- colinot. Sendle,NilesMaoeg. net bleed tules cencI, tool am.- mesconces pnepnnty-ias ssnmpf,sn. Oldie, 11011 001-0015 telaseet si - OrtOs The tenie, else trient nose in Path shIt. to bssnlrt Its ingErliler, .Piereeer Preoe, seen bee afeernlmeolneadrdl Sapaent'eneeps st Altldsen's tate- - recels cogen ssssaelinfi ten sesints sol sursis Ienlrn st Censern, 10e lrtsl Infertility tester eeaesseiere Olee see sosilatle liscIo. Ihese salIrOno Item Stiel est 371S-WLoheAoe,, Sinneiem fueslays, Wednesdays leerte eredi scOrsa allo, telle teeIng pnsgnaee 'flunesaed laneh" 515m and lo help chortle nnuitesis aeely len liii- lees, ess ere,sis senties lsiOeiese IL 80028. Ioferenolion otay - Ceelsyment stussatreg. 0e apfeieP letgsel In preseol lemslnsseess in- essen, orli se esse Islp,s 3-D Ultrasound sert Cr,tuit sIsaba, eeeeenle-loe en- thai, eule,iroo arr asarlatle al the tefoeedie (8d 7 488-Pd 25 er Oese ttnalbs sere ralerrele, litendlo le ires' eight" will 0e l'lI-e II pe lieb llante act i,eeese'pieia 8e- Cnstn, el tenente is eetk 8dm. Ihr e-,eo lied lo entotlnri@pie. itedsesdeo, Jas if -lire1 ast lots Otints tot Ihn Oesnhossd end osi' !ishnte at lbs inthulns basin lasts taenia. lume15 Canes Re lensstrplrse- teeter eles oliere rIberIega esntnal Routine and Problem Gyne Exams ssppee atsup, tall un leen spettlunuIrre in Ile stIlle end tnsp essiìlaeesl. the snnisrtiuisss eneneehing te stulle el Oli sees felt le the finid. 050eeedae; PAGE 18 Menopause Management .7 ©m u Bone Density Scans - - When.your doctor preicribes 'physkal Laser Hair RemovalLight Sheer - therapy. you havé a choice. Botox, Choose ATI Physical Therapy nilE 1r1DB dC tuf d Latisse Special hand therapy dinrc ' ,,, / t MDIIuitighi 411phySicianHarg0015 acrepting nezii pot ients. Evening & Saturday Hours Ava i/able 1LJAnn'w an's-ñ, Individualized Treatment Physical Therap Ill v1°' ..... b LluenI, 5MDRoardC lfd Research Based'Workers Cornpenoatioo SeWicvv- pin (h MDA dllgbl - 847-825-7030 e5ema0a0mtm ' 951 W. Touhy Park Ridge - ,Conveniei'ot Transportafion'torall Locations' 1875 W. Dempster, Suite 360, Park Ridge . ". irksjdgprbfeosiòilal'Bleildiflg Extended7a,m,to7p.m,Hours - Www.atipt.com847-292-0151. r

18 lyDEr f 0141 www.piooeerlocalcom Nl' THiRiuty, dip/vendi loto O F100119 teCh pueLIcefIce 'Nl schools i 19 anelli lii he linean'it nei arhral Cloute respecte le acetres antndl tra ito-cod stili tempe tst tlaeiel Calendar Irrora ttlttt retellS, and titen eying problems getting pregnant? era IlInind by Ihn Cinc nineailp SCHOOLS DIGEST it relomelttlelll. app aatisr ueta iorelneret lOft Cala il it Siedle Conterei trie PuRE it netuiu Intl Guns ni 011cc Merlmlira ii-0w Omm 6e taon Air chinrtnatrc alit ITt Inn nl,c DISTRICT 63 RESURRECTION he7srqertr.'. nnroli,lshthit dea Ynodlh 1/110/1ro lad Mirhele TI n repI 1h, Maint O,orD'ip Food tetI5 Is ileeahpreci,ttt eri 1fb tIro I apello Sahtei, poi-i 071/aol Lyos from MelorOlay Youth f bIll lei PIllee rielan it lenI eeIlIlikl it'iacllislalednrir leitbiolirirsrk Eiqieth-q,adeirio who Ir daImIel, tend atiaeptrlIhibtn eindPamilyvrrn/rinin You Looking fo yn-lportF ir vecina iii, delltrt littet ate ni,cien bail para, un lOot clui,rlc Mo/ro Orhool OleIFici HP lu were unI blm io beni 01 Ses- Carolyn B. Coulam, 81 iei.lHrt.innitsiaid,lrlll araceli- lane rlilcdltl'. cerrrirnintaldfh lar tblirh mnlnrdl tnt litt ami Ors PloilIre, hie leodoshad MuinrTownuhip. oroeybion cod did noi bevi cl tooled ttu I jelly pierO fluite rtni' eilt lar Cellini,. C, 11cl Circlet io, tradissi al, aunitbin ,asi rle,i ils AO vlies progmorn o/ib Per toelhrr iofnplsouioo, Checrloang Suo 00Cr 3D Sobro nf elisioni cep bctperlt0 inn StInti itahlnt, Insi- 000ihor Caiholin high mrhool FREE f (alt oie-lote tir lncnrsririnr, ra ClIC er lectrdsion Il eltnedieteet alt u'ucih-grodm iloolrolis Tht vmnbocl Kim lOador u/ib Ihn treMinO patients willI letnrtllity to, ipegb,li, litt eri addIi Ott ura ioviird co ache belon lair vltrrnnaa at eledneli lin poeti cenni boten Muse Commoniiy Youth problems, recurrent.penesy loss end. ilesa nel ir cranial oit itflienn y pregrom raro Iwo doys o lrosenOuamlnrlotiurrne- nei coo an it ethel StIl vr Peale. cater ti nei idee linilinne at' vornia Cor etvte rOoiWoIior A0001aooeP005dmhuo, cl Inland Bank Has One For Yoffi ImplantatIon failure, end internetiennl tents, toe eeueasiao nr, ciel bin e n. rd i nip n. tt tic Clint City' lion College Pnrp High incide lili ti blm nemea 1,1- maths dcic'ise tlodrrii' /0471 eGO-OtiS or nnpertise in nopnndaolioe Imn,000legy. ta h,lp 11111, Incierta aprii Iii lili belli Carao, te el/joe, lilao, ink- Schoal nr Jon. 25 Plenty/c CareFREE Personal Expreso FREE Business lcr al. ettI, Ihr Cr016 aile iiene ni nr,il,tln tsr iOde criado ial lorch hour Ihovise begun bicotd,/moyol,rom. Merco lrelodrs: nia Circoli Blanker priprlil liase- IrRt arredi i Ittr,e5ar Iseran III Iraliosiloerloirnd by Eon- e In ieri bellas5 las, IiI. All umori wen pOol Checking Account Checking Account OB/DON Retidenny, The Mayo CII .. u'57.',I et Medicine leI ire trend tuerta, p tIn all- lloren onlerlele aro proridel. Un' DISTRICT 64 Ianl'wg Oabkie G'dlimpie 00 Beard CInched, RepeoducilaeEn...jt'7. y ai,ccn lïnah Cette IttnreienPilis Chale leciti llaetnd dltlideu Islnb 0110e rd me to aiier-snhool peo- 1773) 771-6616, 001,159 Or 00Es Onsur Send OliOMucmumOpisiogOnposI Iraq ase 0,51 to i it grato lins sllrioc OtrlSsr it Eeenenetn Middle School, 8101 0005H,Moarauollrrsar leSso nohiasilr550soilnreeordrruminisroro Fnneaerqlrrslor,1Duc sor deepen . indoarinrt005 or i Tire HOI n,nung tpiniirei ir ttlelrnrri lei i-Irait urti he bill [email protected] nitric tea littoral red Ihn infl- hark aoi enyhTdn ' ATM l000lOr roleroe rebrorned' InfertIlIty Irrt hl/yo S suo l'Spn.Tuealeyeerilbeolayslnb - ils iooarub, Apollo School N. Cumberluad Aso, toiles, Slodnelo art tu ardonoo Sn, SedI Citr,nai eta otile 1,11 oso Menlmnio 001010e Fer cod no roludas sg FOES Ileso' perm OIS- - Fanner Frotas nr 01Cl ruinai Oboe I Gynennrooi uir cullino lei Iitlantfli till F.c din lent Ihn Pari 011a nil Eatnl/dprneieienla llame is opird lo pruuidt ihn maous- o/It pleuroi dhr 0010 Voriely IcIer aSan 7141 cm, al thr The MIPS ClIc/li S 'roil ai rendrai Erepleerrte,t nninttIirs eri nrtra- 1191 uia'i:li tr TmietI ill Olmo program Oir iO Si st ill, orisumbaloronrooluisd' P.57 ron 00m ourl lot luth Pari held Heult Cumbenlanl Show, "Suck dIos" at p:41 moie rolrasco on/lb trou Nw FREE Snasu BarRot lar orine FrEE 00510mb Dabs Card Autrroratnlrenao ratonera datteln, ii t7boaIi they toro tatuai at lotir ni at i ier,aln Obuladnyc, Feb. ita usi I lone' Clinic ali tallait nail Felds panic sirollc-gradtns. laie tiollibolad tod 7 p.m. Jan, 09 01 Obi FREE Anon hobEl oes oOlr tard Berk mod Ooclplorri of namoras, rectarOn greets andpraeesolrrolocohhiis honra u elirriny Irr 7 ettI air, 1010m Ill citen Poi IspIri Stall O ynoolls, o vatoulolsr toda Acmisg bd bharsirs nit otri inno anile lilt ti lana' u by ihrer tioih-grodo Iruob sohooi 'l\srnty shr uobu ovdl FREE Online BIll Ply ory idAs' dOM toOemloo noi loarnOs, ii er, ein tite il im 1511 030 030 ecO. itiitti ieal'wg fee If $15. 'reeling "Over the meer yearn of pra'iltro m,d thousands of pnlkriio alcol tuis Clettloetiieeaelid,hiarcsleei leali Apoio end Moisi Sm prrboonoed by Omarsos tlOOMllImumOpmrCmriSsposil FREy OrIne Caotico tor orI neuen rl pininet, I teen cee er, attelai et knoll-no tetredestlin lt Internet relu br comploled 'oU approv- sec,, lino cometa appreciate the eon,ploXiik' of t,oeioi a child; seid t' fer cl/lie l'an' Commustiy ToolS doch slodtole, Tioktls Oir Ike rirsn 00 COmiro Fran" usI Iroroleno molino EItel neenetimeefeei,,er o,aeopf llar bille profelerrrn eilt fie the Irin ti, Ceeter ii Cancere 01/rIna tillai lisait SuOlO pr ndeliiyi dpi imslaly lOuiS 5.10, stPadyCaea,rr,GIneiIriil 0001e Fe0500ilor parlotee ynrtsrwonra ura $5 asd ron FREE 0lire BIlI-Pio fohlens - and Snip my patients lesee the cblid her loregfoe." h Narthreai SlittI. lu iitS r kntelh,as Wooer ii earl Odia thursdayS lenti l'la lisca he clin Hesuenrolino College Pnep he ordered by rmntdeling Ormolu Capture 0001 mElo Pall ilion For aereitct liai relu re arr ImItai n meIneid Caret itt aae opas en el nro rul,eton 1111f' born Omni Youih vero/orn High irilool lu o Catholic, Spronai Caso Moodit10t01 500000 000lebn li Cors vua Oirobonkco ii eporl magnesio. EepoO Trrorrr r I Ei Ill er eppyrtnent tel 1h10) hit albi loi Jan11 tithe otilo Pnri mcm isotni mr tall Oli ob uHu iTO 9122 - oid Moteorutay ToolS oid oollegn prmpumbnry ldgk 111221 ' f500 Ridge AanS'2Ot, Evanston, lIcols SUdOr- 007-000-7077 attuali f mb 1:11 pa utIli Crelfr ti tellilt iced eel un o. Fwo'dy Oerolorr, druimol$romroet.nrk cehool tor young morare lo' 's'ri, WlnfinId nord Ste OIl, Wirifield I linoS 00100 00022l-ttSt milled lInear in Silk alle tOra ALI clora tra hoods on, cubed cl 7000W TairolI Changan ilItsie tri rerllcio ti ht d,lrelt Cilla SIJEUIN H ghtnnd Ase, Steht, OOasrlors Glo',n 1111/os Sorio 040.000.2t70 highly isiaruelior posgrom 1/on os Chloago, Oie »NLAND BANK mr Mille uscIo autan tir ntttlrl 1,11v ta Ii, Cina let, Fe Tin MdMO tick ii Snohels IhaO osee oslir101eu, gororo, Geoda Cnllrfe Pttpuretety luth Ciao, a ir eli iituntntr run nl yepitnoits nno nil) Gar illongelani will held e nininr Opte 000'uorarhoolrn. graue diuruisimus, cod arc ionitlen dedIcated to teeth Cele lin delIrI lorelly ir the inh lilt Hiatt bar fichent venida ini High Srhoot, COSI Wool- Vlan us lioso 0101e os looaluolson wreiw,inlengbnsk,nam pro/role Cor sddsllaeoliool 0051 Aor, 100er Groor, wilt ST, JOHN DREDEUF tirio aiei,ola leer tilt, tI Ill P/Wiry liti as. Thmns,rt isu netinreletulseini e juin li ion' Oteemrreilt mnlsar 0l,nahn 010 eIle Ionicen mocas alllaaIilOpi cr111 i, narita la arel- healed it Ile hello teneahip nnpui' limo Jal. litI bin Ferl OileS soudsnle, IO alsemorogem i galo cifre lu pcpulcr KIDS st. jopt O,thoeel SoStai, dIn nulaS ire it ahlen ta eta lIces lttttt'i Oled innieli urli lrnriil.PsarnttIui.rut mele yonill io adopl o Irrucoyra luke lila S l'AGO IbruOne Ir,, Solai taStinO parli in tal rapi nl to tIlted il, nihil i ea luIt. Mill Citi ice nonplatt hstoli'itkybrlr00000's, ho rioso hrglnelng Pub f Opuo 8001 N. Hoetew Aon, will ryeo iIi doons to prosees- mt-ram ienm no cce.rsir nstdO.toa n,rdni it iradier sp lili anal cuesta icc Ud ea s,elt,nee ale eel' otodhng aooidisg olsolool cod Im eludmeio io ifth ilotsugh rmn.enm.ased nssn.00 mehrt Ieri ii iii ait Ichal al icor lo allenal or ciaron. Caimrodori PAGE Si dncgn, bully/re and prrsnic rigklh gradan, ihn cloua live uludrobo cad niwmoni- lore or unbeollhyirorcol os- boches aludenlu aknul Ihr- lo' slelokeo'u during blu sots 1111101 Porliripaslo rrmolto aiea md how Io producto brulion otCclhobc Sohoola pireonil o/dai based oo dr- pioy Cliso c'OislOSs hsntude Werk OSLO 1Jan, 5100 Pab, olilmso lily moisI doro/e Ihm aolinv donut aid muio 01.1/odo/Oca buoi boll, Sale St. Peter program to work lorourd fu- CibIste ara bald lroao 4- ptnnoed Ihrnughaoi Ihr MemberShip 00w grIls, luiS p.m. every Tuesdop wrab Ihal cocInes Iba yrnenlu on incrndiais ore Sub. 2 Ibrough April 1G, Thi Colholio Schools Week Ending Soon! M lhemr, 'Calknio Gchootm, Catholic School mo/led la ailosd a 0ncl etir- eluso iolmioalnn in o pobile Dividends lar Life braiioe oid Ion/mw lIone pmntmrmosre io April Slo/dendo Icr Lify" Onoelne 51G nfl the 8140 Riles Center Road, Skekie, Illinois 60077 cbddres's sidro, Ai lisa mrd ICniatan Munde, Ataire di- Ondoc,3500 Opts Hoc/ce pnireaPesy l-Once It che program, nlodrniv ala mrlor 01 Gurnio Pmp leach- is ptaonnd for suri-Ini and KIdi Club en Kids Cub SUNDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 2010 urged io moalor o paenonol Im Ohe nass, ousiabed by Jnr prospenlive faw'dimn boo/ill Phil mnmbelohip ouissslilmtnc lomard o den Chum, ,hrcrtor of muslo ihn acirnol cod eoprniemrn OPEN HOUSE NOON-2:OOPM A rrglsteooien form call br ihn ldgh qdtolily end valuai- hnalOhy liii suah mu rdoOa- Act qaiakiyi EDUCATION FAIR BOOK FAIR lion, miioltiil reiotulioe, cad doosniruded from t0000ngutr- buied edonolian mhirh is Any Way You Slice It! iaiprrp.ero ond neal willis ihe prooidcd ir lo mludeeto, The This effereopiros Refreshments Served nor-use oroloohol, iobanoO inanely 3f, 2010. und odoen drugs, $100 raume renio Mooldo Opao Houle, begInning ailH Register for the 2010-2011 School Year Piaba oulosiading Odor worm istcnmi100n, rail sm., on/Il fotlew abe Sam, Come aTd see everything St, Peter "ilari" wilt alisod 000010 Morkia 01/7001 4S0-HliSo Prosily Momie Ihr Churrh door rorb ciblobtog li-lele ml mOL working Ike opeudog ol hao to otter your child Cathotin Ochoots Wok. W'aroesis. Ail 5101m ii teem MAINE SOUTH All Day aod 1/2 day 3 ood 4 year old Preschool Ioprroiot Iban ihr ooaogt Ga, Jahn Srektoi'srrors ON EXHIBIT AT KOHL CHILDREN'S MUSEUMr eoimleora-baerd pIlgrIm, Jan lam will weal lo sludenbo in pcenehuul All Day Kindergarten dinmniroer dstcisibfoiclrrsl Ilusadrnahip nod CIrOn irer,rneel I,folallten teli rooming otnly $14 per pupil ht mcnh faa. SOOn illeir ealen- ikro,cgh righlh grodre. Por Oradas 1-8 Sludine, iiirgeinlwnaablr le pea hnrbnclrrler'e end lnnslnr'a tecol ria-nie, reine through May 24, 2010 Maint 'l?orsisliip for malen- dai-a, l'reo Mable Sodo High mom infonmuCcnn on Ihe Challenging Carriculum irerrro while neirlrniring Srl lainer, With nclltpla alen rie oid imininS ard Wo Sm Srkrol lure boodu, direried curdrulum, edmheioea cad Computer and Scieoce Labo Helen, sroesl Iroorlirn, feiibln Tin end eleyr meRli oeiiiorno, rsparird la reblo $5400 by Joel Melier, oolll present regismmlioo, conlorl Ihe ander Owrlanetad formel, cor edctl'roocned pogramu will SPONSORED LOCALLY BYr Beautiful Chapel, Auditorium sod Gym Facilities sasiagu Olrroogh redorad chair eimuat \tOOIer Cns school omme OU tOil) 960- ellowitile 11cr yocrlibrahitn salire ilobolnrire, rrrl, Gtudenia o/il pantorra 1266 nr oiaiamnmss,sib- Before/After School Care mediral cord olhrr rosie for corey dollar bordad, o SaU of/ase mbondurds in arhoot,org. The Gantz Family Foundation A Variety et After Schoel Programa dIoOrgia, bienal po/no- riudiog "Ya Grita 'fo7," St. Joins Dm5,01 ruded ike l-lot LaTch Program old Foreign Language SIhoul or pal ai ApolLo Ocicool, opale- modr lambs by Causi Orni qucnier of ihr 00w Art & Music DOMINICAN Leednrnolp ari headed rlthrle Oc hopItmrrl Sacie Crone, cod "Pore Imig- erhocl year u/Oboe co,'orm- UNIVERSITY ColIiiOirc Sudino ALI SIan Irr ihr unaire s'solh lusllln," from lie meo/e blp lo honor 'oil of Ihm an Joan McCain, Principal grade rinse, llhehiIaisre hi "ChieSe and the Choreluma nompliellwonlo the sbudtniv !IOHt (RcLDyEbd'S tor more information call (847)673-0918 i-lode Apolo lalrhnc'I Odiry PoctoryT The monean will 'onidnuad, www.dam,nda Lieu, Eriro Perrigai and bngie cdl OliO pirro Ike Onme sludenle meIr etc- Nielle Sandise, ai well ro Suullm Audltariam, 11510. ogsoiued Inn Iheir menoire al oleo Seenot Ooaleooed, ml insiero iO?) OiO-5Oii waa,kahicbecldrenawoeeauo,ens Wandy Prado, 1/rIley Dem Suad tel Paris Ridge, 1/d- Ombillnn, 1/amir Vtetar and o/soleo it $2 Dignos, PASE 20 r

61- IHIRSI6I, JiNOARt li, loll 20 ichoSIS www.pioneerlocaLcom A PIONEER ARElO PSOLICAI6N -Ni www.piRneerlHcat.cHm IChOHIS I 21 gor100 chiidreo puntomboo (1011 031-1250. vrn'sity mod voroiiy aquodo production, innioding Juli000a Snhooi, 7400W. tiro uomimois of the nirnau - Toare, e group of eboqO to mea-a awordod with rondel medirot nompetec groopirins '10010f Ann in Chinapo, mill (Pulaski Sloe Arta Aced,- brought Oho hoportuome of Digest olnykoniu, ib000, und tigoca. ST. PATRICK indiniduot, Out of 150 nod tropides for titeln greot of tiro intarnei cr50,00 000d them ir o onique learoolog cuan- myl; Riti Potrsolelo - Muuie that On ((fuit wan ememme 'floe older rhildeoc disploy petilora. The Shumromkn Cn,tirtrdfromPAGE l9 orromptahanento. nets involved. no100rio,ceao tirey noter the St. Patrick 119fr Sohcoi, lTtroop(; JoRnoy SoRber - to heu paro afin oS." lheiromowbund tooiomotn iro placed ilOto aO the mono ea o Mewbaro from tiro VPW to groups, tior otodenta big lop nf Orque ,rOmo,0010. 5900 W Scbmnot Ave., will Ano (Hmson Parkir Fresh- While SL Path rontribe' 0100w 000m te evierlalo. - 000rn and molli bead to their uon Lele 001irga - loglish uniroolood cheeriopatrol Ponto of Morton (troce, Sra visitad au nid-troc Moho Cirque .°00000get (so mit' obtura motorup placement 5(00000 Oho drine ononj000 Piotoos end Ndea et500ded rnotuioedsntrmitorngmro Sf10000 Ihn nuotino ni0000 end mare on Jun.10 for studnoio 0500 rnatnh el Pr-rand eu (fthmmbult(; Haft Majamenn unor 18 bones of new inyu, t0000s for hslpiog to hoop Str000 whore they got toser Jeto. 21. the aouewbly to trend out ofledogntude0000, montrer,, doc nhcW nomos to on end, 0100 buree ont tosted atan- - Th000nn ISoint Mary of Ihe drive goshet-, onough do- 1100fr tel tow siodrotu safe he- e eephca of the very Orsi Otre ,iud000to am loft mitt, a Hcu000nisalucefeanynar RVMPX! lito Woudul; John Negation - foro mod after sohooi to Ihn ewoaa'ds piteo Ou airo of tire Wotgrnaoon tono', aod muido md poom000 the opportunity other Coltmotie 101gb ackool. 000iooa to help 20,000 chit- aeoSO cf occ000pilslo0000t, mewbor cf the tronh dom Srienna (Dover); Wefliorglne tiren ranh year An emarda pruldog toto; oteo, the eiter aceroth- moot oightia-groodro-s. o "to oie" 000vie io tire the- to enpiore the world of the Tion ru000 wilt bogin ree 000atm,reWoORla Oncee - aiocoornrnmuioip, ond en eupe- moda Ihroo-yeur meoohor rot Giara - Math (Fubauid Pine servers who giveoftheir TI Oase otodonio woo an ro- ater act op tOre it was from olores fmm the incido Too prornfatiy at 6a.m. and rue pr000000tivo Io fommtaly rev- 010000e 01,0f Obey mill never the nr005 0000tty loam. inst Arta Avodomy(; HaltbaR cgtriao SL Pulla vomcoitmrol Urne io toalp asoitt of Mass- say 0000001 titled "'P10cc is tice tolgo, 01,001 du1' begiors tool with until tt;30 am. Btedeniu Thinking of SELLING YOUr Rome? forgot - itoc doy tha circus year he coron ri Rust Subuo- lloeel,ill - Phyoincl Edueto- es doning the week cod oo The (tight Tinoa To ticoer Tha otudenta cisc teurced Ihn holt, but redOit lire sound abrouldbring thetwo No. I to the pregraw wdl be an- Cati far a Fmce lslarkeilaualyoin 647.674-t-" -- ramo in thom. han Catholic Cnnfoovnne All- 010e (Suiol Mary of the Gar Military Herceo?" The boon Oho mied worka, bore of o nimua Omito widstlw The peoria, u calculator and tire weekends. Cirqun Aosr000gnot intro- Cnnfcmone h000em loo Ido aoventto-grode oat000ero wove hid, am gotloered brow AD touting fer. Enter too Wnedoh Peocekrapers era studenta eortiog ceo'tairo fonda cao im- dunos the cirous onUs in a moie on Otra 4-by 800-motor ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE ohosero by then pecco. Three - foret piarn Hralh,r Melt; pont the body fer a titatimq throughout Oho octrool into Belmont Avenoc theouglo The Walton and Casabe Pay- fun fund onoireom001 prm relay team, bic hut beet, a atuotroto gro above cod be- aecoad plena; Alsatian Armi- troupe, of 10. (tora Otro kids tha entrance only Por ton Foundution th,onioed SI. ReAmi Refle,enieo cod joat exactly a onice mulimg sel(vongd000e, per' part of the Spanish Club tond io the classroom by a,oaeiec; third plane; UomO oouodainaoorndwateo meat whh 1h00- unsigned iv- more infurmntioo rail (7011 Odot Putmink High Snhnol Scheob Student Coanvil i, ueoorOtrde, and leaaoovorh. nod Letterwods Ciub, trod in, donohog Oho moot topo helpiek caring mrd abasing Unterstoltre. Eigloth-gr'ode Lotity, io FarooTenh they otomnior for the day Oiony ho. 181-6844. npcnmrhrg Soupor Dayl, oc wtooaorrn were - forst piave; gin a trniobmg n'ovulO, now- Studoola disvovarncrof00000d hen been oretr000 leuden ont of aso' uohcol purlinipot- oet'efuoiferrn day on Jun. o;, t o 0' ott; st no mro, a vitto cil of thob'nlcoowoles. eapicred tioe earneat iom000- toie,ta as they ovyodmemt Serin, Timothy Hantons Ono of the netlegnn high on Eigtoteon otodeola were hoe- Alexandra Pinie; nocond phng il differeot ci,nos Ocio ing iv mho 100(0 "Lngary of Ow 010denlo ma y wear pvw 1(000 farm ora use all nvrr tool bund violo mltng (Our Lady obidoetosyl nom- bio mdar is NorOhoonsloro orad oolth tira oword at tire piove; Annie Reynnide; third irniudtrogjuggtbrs tight-wire, Sroectnras" Toy Drin,. Saint honional football jeroeyo, the world Io deiner f000rito globos, Sght-ooirea, uoiry- snitmeot teins edueutioo ljeivendmy, where he io pinne; Serait Ryan. und arrobctins, They co', en' Potdnlohotdmainhdnedtha nod0000hirsa or T-afdrta with aaaernbty foodo to tire table t'lighiighta heu earned him the honor of Ihioddeg olonut 010dyiog Tha ossernbin' name tea ocumged to loare, eopcod- dica, equilbriutins, mogir, top spot fur (one ynoro unOil (nana, owooLo, or (ohutti The hoya and gioia who cf the rothibit diotlinoged juggling armbatirn, dito, Juneanyh Featured Studvol were onore tordy wem boo- nioaa with o p00,00 titled "ito ment, and think nreotioety ut leal year whoo Saimot Vi010r paola. So student doca nom iloem co out-with wembera Ora500r, end puotomhne. of mba M000h fer the Reli- cred ordito us oot-ot-untfvnso All geai-don," which in the euch otoilon. Aher lorneb, The tolfeocint ctodaetr bonn High Sehoot tech a turnio buono pmfomionat tbotbdt 010100m group using neto ro- Tire Cirque d0000gun in- gion Soportmcnb boro vebomlod 00110e Dcnnm- doy anhool motto far the yeue. nero troupes arc formed on fout picco. hirt, they may meona hive botic ocditdoog tanhontogy; 010'ertco'a me oopnni,nned Houston's intetfeetuot ber C0010 Studenoa of the Stod000o bo alucio th000gh Ilse fiftlsnnd 46th-Graders the ,Oud000a each chocae Senior RreOdan Ortos aol- und ovonge side t to show tearoad how formero turo pentcrmcra trcined 100 widenoueugs rencotly helped him eighth goode, were honored otitt. John Brebeaf went to their favorite ortend kngio Month (grammar snhcot el. u000omd to help with Ohr lhdr support of the Chicego poopiata power;etoerade vm'iety ot o'ecuu w, They medal with a tidrd-pimnotn- for waloiaog smand honors ottit the Mcsemn of Inienne a fonuand twining 0050lox. so notcdi; Orniorn Robant drino und mo, pinoosod le Snoro. Studonoa aro a,hed to toontor nod combine; and verona the tmioming, lending lob attuo ti100lu HIgh 13.0- 3_401 and foret honoro mod industry mhero they They bone 00e hour te au- Cale - feoiol Studina (SL boar SL Fut', onoro egulo. Ho bringcoon otnoup te do- now how GPS (Global Pool- adoice, keeping en eye ou School Sohuinslln Bowl mid tIros his coped ours voi. (3.5-401. otewed the Oorodrnao the- aernbt s an ant osith the Perdi000dS Jora Genen - oalatonhadty ator motte, "Tho Harneo Otooiorg fyttewi pinne mohn- memberu nf doeir troupe 001e pr000ineu, and demon- Cnunhas l'oauooiutiOn Thon- Womid Lo,guugen (St. Mtmry untooming mode him thinh The Croas Cornotry Team portaot role in todatrs ob000 Tournoy ut Fenton I' udditic001 inieo'moden h Body" to the big-arreso od- Wfoeo Ohs hour io op the ulruting equipment- For of Oho thngols(; Zaoto LoRboedi diE'orently about wham the ocoded, cult the srhnot ornee coder the roachieg of Mn 101gb Snhnol, Tka npeeloeu. Torneo end Mn Zalioatd en- 000ture, they eopiomd the nervio rima on Coque 000m intnrrnu(000 on Cirque - Business/Computer (St. hendution echten,, ovith tito ul (770) 715-5113. joyed a great season with deity bioioginai proceaaea Awoogus. thnr000gns, ovil ben (wish for St-PoOh Annoto. Purnois Boegial. Junior Ja- thivn "loor-y hid ohould ST. JULIANA wie Temo plonod Houston many oncolodes. Many teatro that go oc. They uiao got to Eanh troupe perforrnO a mnoomirq000mnngotsouw. cob Willianre - Atloinlivu hotnoupr0500t en Chriut- IT. PAUL LUTHERAN roewbers co both the jornicr dow 000reyra of humeo re' On Rb. 4, otudoota 01 SL llores-minuto ant. fitmoder- Tn 000bunt Iba sohect, rol on thn dit-Teuroam000 (Sumncr(. Sophoweenn Ryan mo,," noid Ootoo. "ybebloing Henry - Shuwmvk CountS alovp for sownofihn toys Dtjfrot, PARE 20 MORTGAGE RATES THAT MEET Matta B 1g Bao dio no Ma eral iglan dio noroMatTa O ig Oc eseloeleMattaBfgBan YOUR NERDS Wyse EyeCare o;se.,seeumI Starting as 1mw as to prottrtjce ovjih vjsioso z. - Tamara Wyse, MD. 5.000% I 5.149%* APR Our ssolrit Sou,d Ceroifled Ojohtbuleoclngiuo Meet - knars'tndgeabta end Follow - Amednon Anuttemy of Opfoshalmofogy etftninoot end mcmiii Norrhoeeenmn Unioomniay - Glaunnrrmu Pettoaco(oip Former Bears Linebacker sache yaur paeahasn Or anti osroce cusp aod Same Caring Eye Pìysician a000enieOt fan you. 00e martgagsenpesst NEw LOCATION snilt assiso you fmm Otis Wilson APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE yaue appilatirton sea me ralles wRsd,n.osoo paeernno uaoenoeolee timplr niasiOg pranaun.- BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 2010 Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010, 1-3 pm AND BEYOND at the new Nifes Meijer AN EVENING OF JAZZ roflaraggd bye'tab.0 RIDGEBROOK ONIcE PLAZA 9000 W. Golf Rd., E. of l-294 THE TOM MATTA BIG BAND

I DousidI'.a0neuun 900 Skoloie Batalevanol, Suite 100 AbT 24 5100 mo 10x1201 m'or;, ;, lee sto; r000;aea n,;aeOr L Northbroek, IL 60062 aosthasdoltaOwi;l,naems n,,avrugra000.w,a,oavle witl t, Oasued oemouuea aO,000. 005 aumstmanO Gumbo Rlverwoeds Mundeleln 847-497-2020 per peson. Na psoe0 p80000 pase,, roarer calcul Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00 pm 847-497-2002 (fax) Rebeet L. Jehaoen Anditeriam - 847-244.5100 847-279-1155 P45 837-6083 -4 Riles Wed High Soheel NIIest ChIcog (Cuglíot000 5781 WosROnktan, Skakie 847-692-7500 312-781 0670 $l5Adulls $BStudents w w w. n s e o m b a nk . e o m FOI liglset rnfolmaIien call u,a am Oso 0' u,,, 5,0 m, r; n- m.eeasaiedlonesx - -at ninail nweoaningeljaozNgmai(.cem NI ThURsDAY. JANUARY Cl, Allo

u Csesstsl Jenlilef 5)15005, MonaT lfg gdifut PAGE BI p5 54T.416.T350 et [email protected]

4 For Your \-< Consideration verlzQn RIP., Christmastree Aqltorletofacliuiliosfor Artists creatively honor fallen firs for Brickton exhibit thecomingweeli

Sae!ep 000dbee, Igdnt sing bnnuty und steongth, BEST NETWOR la PsY 3f 0011011cc Ori InrIs,, 321 u spodol eeluto lonnemeu suite highway, roll geqc 1150 If focinguginguod ilisese. 15150m. Sopdut lh,usqt mow 1106 12 s 51. lo 4 p n. Vito0 sod SOI Metunie Preest, of BETTER PRICE. Uldsy. le4ll Nfl-Null er eerr.hOsk- Citicugo. cunuteunted losomlcexle,omg, pciilioo foc uutomulin oir Introduang a new way to save! By WThN (ORGEL FOSTER fresheenee. She plonod Oho etuI lot Spie ne e Ilusa ice n 000dtos 60m lust your's lee Ou s Oree in o glum loborotory Dome Cheintmss coin- bunker und hooked upu L Searssn presents kr'oute opt for artiflriol moboy Inn motiou.500eing Now pay $30 less for Nationwide Unlimited Talk Collie folk rook cl 7;30 p.m. trees. Come Jensary ihoy devino. When gullery visi- Jan.23 at the Crick Acorrí. simply need to stuff Ikem lore upproach Peeeet'e cao Heritage Octale,', 4626 bacIo isto thoir ose-siso- mod,, shry set cOP thu N. SInos Ave., Chicogo. $10. too.smell husos ond boul moyos censen, which Irips 17731 252.7035 or Show to their designutsd the moOne ond sende air roconnirish-am encresto ibreogh the pine lsacthethorrheisssupply.5 rtoroge epots. Bui holidoy 69 pudsls mho insist oc renI reedlos. On America's Largest and Most Reliable Wireless Network. 'Hosddsup TIsSU,' e Crees muet wcnstle - "Visitnee gel the erect uf play abooi livieg with coro- ecmntirtrn litorully muIr Ckvintmes pool," Pliadib. brei palsy end other issues dispeuing of thuic crispy, Voss ouplubeed. Add Unlimited Text for just 2O per month. facing differcetly-abtrd un000perclivecorcosses Hlcdih-Vnee ni-noted IT individuale, mill be pro. ned coping with the tionlouw p0101w on Tubrin Io iirllrloo" by CubIlo creeed by the Oahtoe suodlus they muovo behind. tell Ihr 000ry other Christ- Gelasaeeshi O llstrmeel about Thoatoc Leagoe at 2p.m. Porusecond yea,; lb wire tme'n tifa to ilu demmnw the ,00rsgn st nomos Ihysugir Jan. 21usd 8p.m. Jus. 12. buoi artists hune beso Onoevol pri010 reference bingo like cAtI ouf canson. sol 23 at Oehlon Commociiy Oho Ir nc tousing truditine Yen 1h54 proclaim Iherssebaes 00 Buy one for LO wnV TOUCH invitod to re-imeginc lhst A ornes st Nyopiltia ce lobos by Judill Hludik-000s, sfnuniclits 105 YOUe College, 1600E. GolOSead, disposal process foronos- tlrulisnpl'rod tire B,inhlon 00,0, otmayg 503 b,eutlt,l. Oenioer Wireless 36 Ecclosios piales ois Cirmiolnas Ices - Iron Ike loi te tite dneursSng 15055O le Joe Pleines. $5. Admisaios neptuul group ashibilion - sirow, Thun, in used On ken get one for your sweetheartl Mulsilalenlnd messaging machine 55yi95 6001110E is frente ube preniem per- "Sayicg Goudbye, Agniul Droedinh he,'ieoge, she given -BUYi'GET1FREE7 formusoe os Joe. 21.1847) Homage 101ko Christmoe out cl lhe minolow. Thon, tmo, dunumesting her her tesa 1ko noble Cenerai 03e-1900. 99 stows-n,, tren,.aed its demmo" 01 wo slormrd to dcvomenl the n000ept in Gioleu prinin. In reserved Cor Viking hveoas, $ BdcktonAat Canter in pr ovens in pkutoge'oplos the proceen, she occcw- Iennnhiog it oui tu eon mu Nerlhwsat sympleoey Puada Ridgo. Thry'oe ned on Blm. The whole pushed snort nias-bereut Sr,wiog dvugon boat, LG enV5 3 hats sah 19.19 sr bisher qn, phone. Orshestre prrferms 05350 creuted morbo on puper, thing soemod libeugreut ulahomy,troneformirgo Osleer locul untists ore Venzan Wireless 3G Exclusive p.m. Jan.24 im Ohr Thautre photographs, videos und 000use foe un unI show" ekort-enedled pino isto us Coueteey Srsbnt cfSnfluln Now slimmer design for the 1°erformicg Arte at mood media noestrac- Poté Conuway created ueb - roughly two tubtu. Grove; Bliouboth Macdell, Moine Woes High School, tiens, suid usbsikiiion co- thr rohiblib poemnord rcnoropoues toll sAit nod dec. Nito Violin, Bd Vino, IlukrfIT$ NEW! Ssnennnung !eteesity'° 17568. Wolf Rood, Das curulor ,lsditk Hledih.Voss. ort, rerapping Irre treo - nouticully simpli'ieg her Conomup Pecnot uod Slick meosealeg elidan $4999 Plomee. Vectored eoloiet Tire shomn ccxl HIudil,- or-oumests, Iren topper and disposel phoblom. Gotesoewski, nIl uf Chicugo; will br piusios luca 0,11kg, Cerulyn Golooeeseehi con- t95.993.ycptloe-AlsrnaO-is .= jI'Ae1 RI Vees' idea. cil io acteur pluolic Soson Puvmantierund gbstsletitd,teddlqhssc who mill perform "My siuser and f oecd lu ehroud. The troeh koliduy iured usew tifa for hoe Plhrdib-Vons cf 00055100; touyyr.po,r-15s nail-Is Beethovee's Third Piano haIr to Cabe our lIco do,00, Onery lobosO visible, lettisg tren, ureatiug u Inborn 10 SundrnoucuuofLuhn rshatednbittutd. Esquileo u COsorrsn with the orrhes- We lived in o third.Suor obuornere glhnpse ito glogn the individuulity, couvoge Sloff; Churi Nuselli of lJn- hseoeeidr Culling rise with 57E595-y,.gh,r--Ausesil-ielstuts 1ro. The progrum will also datd euk thIn sr Sigher rar phsnr. debit tard. 0h01 phones Alt 2-yr opurtmoel, with u lauding dopa. usd erealieigi of momeo io cotnahire; Liodu Duylo of p,i,e- got marlin rebote IsbA curd. include Johonnee Brahms' below nur misdonn," uhr No suelimostulist, no- "Purbelem." She euvurod bee Mundulcin; cod Loegs000 Peurth Symphony $30; $15 eupleined. "Wo'd fight over corotor Judy Lengu105 bree with snigneed deco- cl Pur-h Ridge. for eeniore; $10 for etc- who got to ths'ew the Irre electrocuted by, table-top rutod is with Toweee symbol- Ccmr,,oremrt;,ciorreei'loeuf eno, desto. Visit srsenn.nortk- Al! ph os ne require eses 2-yt. autiBtion. Whils suppsse Isst. wostsyesphonyorg

Signing up online is fast and eay. Shalom resbdaet Call 1.800.2.JOIN.lN Debbie Suo Goodmea prou- Visit anyCommunjg.rrmr Store Outs o comedy perform- ance haaed os her hocke, Still Siegle ucd SIS) aeblif RWsaNsefenSles:dseIlOeforsasOedaserOnitYSbanePIaeiirnaOe/Ols.dsmtl. 'Poe." by Reherir ferret, she flutiog, from Yr30-11r30 Dslire rapai' r ir eddy chursesta roshIllOSs 00k lYs pins needles Item lanI p.m. Jac. 27 ut CJ Arthur's rnpnotesnnsw.01at000rosniltsless. 5859 eel's tree und put Ihem imams- Bar & Grill, 1168 Wilwette hirn 111cl llene a pion scsot by Ann, Wilmedtc. Ne rosen cayota metier drtn,tnv 1847) 236.8870. tealh by EoelraarilioV' s semine el prints by Jety Lemstsn ut folk Sidle, BZ I OC THURSDAy, JANUARY lI,Ttlb S PIANOLA FlEOS ABdICATION 'OC dispersionSIN3 FILM CLIPS somopt by A0000-m nren Luise Telmo00 5MO WTIM ES OPENING ('Ooelord Pemb'( InI 10es elgeno- Sosie lomeo une 5110010e Ptdoy 0mo THE HOlTE RIBBON (RI Oose0000h IO PremIer Amnrtcmo.rlOr-000-O-OE-000 Omron Ihn Amin the pnrlormsnoe o ois oompOlod row irl0000loem 00e - Ptloors IG4A-005-1.00rbI Olmo Mammys. DATOREAKERS(RI EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES Emi yO ont Imsot b000lor se Annoi 000000 Tuesdep Please neto 1h01 Ile- THE BOOK OF ELI is s1er 000elelne ors sUblo lIon erge. THE YOUNG AICTORIA (POI ISOlI hOT 0000 m000-i00090. Hoping toi rd e ours ter t soli- Olroeph ob000L055o ns000iert S'I r il co olingo sie pnooided, p050000010 nr Oso lio-01S o-PS-Pri III'S COMPLICATED101 THE FIRST MUSTSEE MOVIE OF 2010! drene raro TanOtic di000sr e burr Tesi) Hears Prade"h pboyrg 110 n 100501er Ion nfsnmoOian son-Tluno.L10000ASO e noi IOn 0000-000-0 55-MiO II 00 nosemeo (Brenden Fraser) (r rs yourg gocen loroS vilI AnIso rain t', Unoih000 050 000OiElIOE THE BOOK OF DENZEL WASHINGTON tornes wth an uonnnoenti000l med thee mitt goon ng strosglk aOd 00' Oo,deeem 1-H ARLINGTON HEIGHTS MOUNT PROSPECT SMEOLOCII HOLMES IPX-131 itit1( N DUDE lostrosaroter )Herrioor Fond)orn only Bot ob0000e, llores no okomI- ISONE COOL AlO Old Orn enbOen100 A, Out 05:10-110-I IO- FSu,TOINXAIIAWHXkLe 10001102 000k BOX 00X050 Vooghar ('tatet happens in Vele t aloof Inouhlod Iomaruowkh od E Aediogloei meches Randhosot OOE-iO.00-IUIO o1 .emntOeOlrOo 00m Irreale) the Inane. 110V mrn.l Rat L tdeet airdmsnd nioe'gep P0500 1Ro SAS Osengoaelt lEI 000Cl 050 Sun 05151151 1-115 lOSS MrOT6500IT*rS-mnt,l000 FA 1er thennatlo orate(o), lanpage pent FIend, onoanned) (0f) (100 mn( mon i 001-Sl2t 10001012 0556 CordIeR 7-T3 momr.cmrlte010e000m ont amid suggestion moment. Ha misAr Fond end hrnrdon Eraser rLsrroondirary Meaedres? Feted FA Ion nome mid 0000006y rIO 010 0101000 CorleO TO 880X0 LIFE IPX-131 Ideal Sol-0306 BODY 000re nl oiabeme, erd b/sloe idesbol BENGEL 920 BUSSE HIGHWAY PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Ill mir) Retel PL-)) lar oloAst im- 010001 mepr0000d 'Lilo emotion Ist env orn 0)050 005000m WASIIIOCTOO OLIIMAN LEGION )e'oguaqn and erokeg HILES 050V 00mo oenoustiit, looguoge and in lAbT ogoinni 1Fr b000diop ni the Vi1000e CreSsie9 mo arohangs) Mi0000l (FOC Bet- Emmeooeo Cene001ay/ ecnInweo0torrn 000EeS Cobro misons orss"OisglO Moo (o SInew Plome TU 1000 torpe Ion Pond . (847) 823-1956 . tanyt tolse the sido of tire hoerse Xl VICTOS Ciseaihs adnFlnd 100mo Corn Ophenloher' SSO Genl All Lodo 10001 610-nOno UP (M THE 010101 1h Eri k nl the epouelnpoo * stIA Otro Sapos Ono LEAP YEAH cao? 000ml abouta mrldla'oged, 15E 0) 02k-00kb 50600 Fro,000 ,:nl01005.055 V seal eNecto ontenar 10011 Itemart Ar irspirotorel 010m 1h01 lells IOOA( 0100751 A noVar (Amt Adarrot elmo plano Ihonoogldy d000tnd h0000nesnl Esq ESTOAOODINARY 6100:00 -1 O O O dirartad Ito tesinny artion drama. nhOolan emliola leopiraliorbario 0UmOUim-I000-t_m LIS 000 to take ad00000gn Vlan old Itoh loch p oleuso elmo so sol ile Ong LE010N ARO MDASUOES (POI (ISO er n) Retel Flor otrOnS bloody tod' hosen Ilmool unbni500hiyhgh GLEN VIEW mn'0-0504N 00010m and propose ta hen lrYe 00e Otto Irte (kahlem 005101 T(ke'ThOio 00,05200200' O - Sai r olenre eel larigoags otokoz lolo tole)) betilo 100005 0e, 00010 bItTend or SeL AA nos urto 1100- und leo boded Io sod trotta dol' ALVIN ANO THE COIPMANKS0 Oleo IO tal Sum diO-0LlS-00O OID Ocs In 0-OnO klonen let Veto lb alIso sperling ore morn VOI 1h01 010001 dmleroimedly or vr THE SAXEAKOSEL (PG) TOOTH FAIRY Linos the ray lo Doblo. Annond 0005Taoe000ine 1,411000 oulo emoliorsl irooloemsob ko L nl OmISO 2100000E- hooker l"IhoFgiml Idineotod the mo- day tidying op his albino a dal it (sot/AoboSkOO Alter beep erres toe kiN a Fr0' le bes orme do'rg, 000sodnrorg te) TOE SPY NEXT 0000 1PM) LL0100C kOok ou erl-lilo msotuoomndy bled FA tor senso mdish beoresignel from Ihm morE, 0007 p.ysgTO.op 15510501 hockey pleter lOnayro me're talking abosi o 050t-lor-Ite-Um - O 000-TLuno:000'LOO 500m SO pou 0cl i-140-435- silly and lnogsoge. oleunong ttellrrgo ho loros Ola dio' EXTRAORDINARY tuLOun lmlrlrSnTy'slo'IOo 100 0000E One-TOuro Johnson) olonond Incense need domdsg epvls moole lomo, on000nd lasos and bAng grite honed tolto MEASURES (POI ts 1100 0-s-mr-mom ASO AVATAR (N 3-D (PI-01k oca tootlr te y. Lone) Leen and to- mIt e poiftol dmaroinolh 110(01501 ITS COMPLICATED IRA TOOTH IN REVOLT people ho onnlo along the any. lot iinTtIro.110'O.lO-TOS'lSll Mom-AOuns:000-000-fOO'OSOs O -Thsi00000-000 1400 talco Sorde)I COy Sliukerh 'A e raloor ai claIm harpon Fms0000 T * * * (10 (IO) mmn( ReIn) O lar dolorI rS or- TOE TOOTO FAIRY IPOI oct Sor 00go 0er 440-0 501000 TOOTH FAlluIs u-u League at Then bonico orotn tm store 00lire nrrnmlly neolel OOUIL TOE OLINO SIDE IPX-131 Alterte bing islote with lilo dream agss and rudily(00005l rantent F -fhenomnb'Oae-l'TO'nnrO T sel 1000'OOE'SlA' Fh-Sus:IS:0O OS-000-1005 family oneredh I(0) mro.) Feted FO hArbar Fyonndmnt ItelUos Monde SHERLOCK NOLMES (P0-131 girl at a roller lark ana riglutnerob 0V 0-000 IO 40 Mon-000 mlOO-4R0-I00 tor mild 1009usD soon rode humor ocho Oriole 1000101 Ile al soso. TOE ROOK OF ELI (XI riOseihono ulO-Ll0-700'IS 5 00001 on, e oid-050snrod, 500-ob- CRAZY HEART and eponto notion. moi-10005 nsmpTa,011000 001 OuofO,fS-OlSAOAi5l500 eeosedlh tsar old tkokTm(sp loin (Mot 0000cl ob the robore *** V THE LOVELY DUNES IPX-131 ALVIN AND TRE CHIPHONKSr (01 0h00) Corot r500lonoto de000r Alamoemslory meodowd moro rugES loam b an attempt lo nrpo A SINGLE MANIR) STILL PLAYING rn-bore 101000E P00-rOt TOE SOOEAK000L IPOI "dad onoy bed, oc his motter mill oublly io (Atoo 'Tender Mrroree, 0)0 dnogem000 hielal5 dridnd000- loo, sel 1m 0E-010-OIS- RtOmeote NOW SHOWING - CHECK DIRECTORIES FOR LISTINGS try molS or onlolmib oteopllni'ou LEAP YEAR(PGI 000-101O-Il-00 Erl hum ont otIle Boone end he 'GrazI Hna'L' nornthelnse gelo - 01m Co mIel 0v' o-bn-Corno t°o- 000 1000010 010-rao-l010 TIlE BOOK SF ELI Ile Hold Cup 'fooioln' tao 01111e (0h11 LiO'140 000 retors to 1h09 rl OSSOB to hio aloI sf0001 osa) mi eage oUI oblIo AVATAR IN 3D IPG'lSI Mon-1 hUoo OlO-OIO-t.40INil Alone wanderer (Denen) Rash sg' lionotormotmo rein Ihr ultra-ocal saea ob sod 010ko a dm0010-AOL 00k rgs oIS tYping 500505501 Il IT'S COMPL(CATER (RI Fu-lOso: 1005-010705 louE TOE INAALHAEIOM OF t cet oarr'se a conned EsoS osrons THE 00000F ELI lOI treno se ood000lh 100000e tIrreno end-hueled country oosio oonoleoirg thaI ebrood eut) rots nnrmane. OSO 00E 000-moo DOCTOR PAONASSRS IPX-13) THE METROPOLITAN OPEMAO n0050m bOOr'l'O'ILOEOOOOOO' the poet'opooOltpUo 000talord inne bedoally treo tel director Curl laco Fr100 000ES dory, os-y loony st timeo, 1h10 unusu ngced bUy on rend 01 nedempb050, SHERLOCK HOLMES IPO'13I DER ROSENIEAVALIER E5-001-100-A05 0400050 attempt t ooeow merk ed TIn HUgh Sul-O 0-OVE alit 00001ra) tono raRely lico loam 0000r-inembhy 05dm) errol'S obsenrahon 01 noente 10000 TL:7010s lnS'boO'TOO'IOIO wed 500pm Osn IO 50-OLiO-IO 05 0.0E 100' no 000ttore I From loi 'Meneur I) mdl e9olaroe wilt 000 dolerbo ;ION Migan Aleto l'oboE sod AUuk"( Felormeron loom SII Omidgms. Os AVATAR IN 3-D IPG-131 0 0 0-0 00-7 V 0-n 10-104e 10oct/1 directed the od000lura mort sed rastre rL romsiotertlbor- Ove-more I0T000000000T- OP ISSUE AIE SUI plae lolo alors olruuk "Co rinr or the aid, loot pnrpnteaAy drUnk and nrnTloms: 1000-0,0E t 00 10 uS dm00 Alo miri Rated lion some NORRIDGE noi meo Tluno. ORT Alt too klo" And cerro boot Aolib000kro improse asit Vot-bel nd Bed Eldgoo donrhnlmo IVI) (Ilk mimi Rated lull 'lI[M'i0iPOWERFUL5 butai Violonas 00h osgoagn THE OLINO SIDE (PG'13( Sot-50V 000-0:40-tiT 10110mo "1ko llnrgerer' orth onsthsn 0505m hilo coser note, soon wtnr Ion dnielolron5 lOeqUoge Neesidge THE LOVELY BONES (P0-131 nt-T hone-.1000 AlO 0000 0V 000dsmloliyonssosry pertor0000n tes obumliog oIl slego mid-song lo 0010 10010m 00e 100 OUr rOS lOS OJO-rOO i000 THE SPY NEXT 0000 s moho o lLy'000'100-IDER COMEDYSPORTZ4KIDZ LIVE 0010e latast boyldend of Nook's moo metoh orso aIry Sod ho's mono loar THE PRINCESS 10051 000-006k S tormen CIA alert (bobs Cher) hUngry moco (Jean SOON) (Fil (IA roady lo noongl los rairdlyapp00000- AND THE FROG HIGHLAND PARK TUESPYHECT 0000 IPSO turbo timoert pnoteoiiegneiohbor' 00000L .rnOr-lnnE-500- ROCKY HORROR mist Aatod Star oraoet nosIest, lao lOS (gnokbe end sell) 0000soo meet' *** Hlglolaeed Porlo 0Ou-S.OtOOO PICTURE SHOW hood kilo Or tte rco troua opino Ot- Scope aed drug uos Ate or lmng(diroohrg (50m nl ing nIh Otonrgorqle mom lAog' 0ko OsnIlel 500 PARK RIDGE OSO iO:00-I00000S kOS 500 001000 P0. an Lerant Ihre Rs Thom neIn') tr Jahr Anmemls aoL John Mueker gos Ay)Isrhooienysn000mel Oatm4iAlRRO moled tVe ortron remedy. (IA earl ALVIN AND THE CHIP0500SO I NadAr," "The Ito Nenmaoal in- PialoelOolo prasmois (to OFFOdcOitt toi boos INVICTOS IPG'13I Aeted PA ter 0001es 01 aol onno THE SAOEA008EL tone or this std bastiereN tond- erl 01050k stool AuL rl osurso, il 100, 050 ual-rto-tOO-IoS (OSTI 600 0010 lenoe orb some mold nude tumor The orn ging aonminls oorle rd 000(dn't En 000mry of lbVgs didn't Irowo annoiaI oleney odOsn(00 oemg 000 01010011e 05m orth The Chipetien, a nioal swats euhuoh oe000 aeon corrierI rs gal clot orme ps/sILl heIno ihoy IT'S COMPLICATED ORI R AY O REA REO O tris. Erector Rollt 1100 no returns V sdon 01 hoa esbetouring 1ro di- 010011v get bottom (Alt 1111 mrl Oat Fmi, Set010 OAO'IlO'OtO EXTRAORDINARY IlIon moot 01 Ihn pl000t Seo denn Ion tirs orgue) to her arlooled loor' ed Flor inogoogn nod Lninl soeon Ip memnono 000 be. Ala oeooy nobel bus bou:AIO'OSO'IlV MEASURES IPOI tr000formne by p egon irte 00m' ly hit teatshng h oro reo 01 Sand moi con 0101.00010 loirS lolo ohoul spoor 11110 Atm Il TIlE BLIND SIDE PG-OSI Finns. oned 00 nne 00001er lEtton Cr000, J5500 Lee, dueLe Long, Amy Mor-Tours 70000 THE YOUNG VICTORIA o 1mg phobie mho grems OP OsI e' F00, 0cl 000 RESISO-O OS 1150ko) looks Irr omas Sonos Ile LEGIN Pontlrr and Anno Peris. GIrd FO for )sotardiy knsoe a IraS rohes t 000 thme:GtS-4OS'fpi LEAP YEAR IPGO doiodirgeti I SAlirA hamac roo mild rude humen Irr t00000 More, Ihankbo (y, lkooIool lire 510- pr0000ne lo tens orlo o hondsomo OP IN TUF AIR lOI OEiIl68I IiTIII(ISl BDIf The tpinrg Erothorsl'Lsdeed Ilk m 01 (he regal young love 0111010000 primo (orb give tel 000Ugh nasI to AP IN TRE ABO (RI IH rooted Ihn horror ArrIbo (9h miel A SINGLE NAN ad Poros Sided, Hong 0011150mo' oyen Ian dreno noeleerarli vello Fmitoe toI0005aOO Retod Olor stranA bloody ololnros, YlJIIII siI IIEI}JI IUIIIILI * * * IL? (eolo gr oomi it mill toe tn'eohrmo,o Es comed orlo e bug-earing amTh - come langeoge and Enel nudity Rseealsoa050e PIARe THELOVELYBONES ronsn I''1jJJ Il Roo oar 00015eS fmot'tomo d roo' Arno bofone the leenage sucer en' ian heosli is ollar sorpm simply boO' IT'S COGPLOCOTED (HI falo nel BL err( co Tow Font's ot0000lo, trogmorted 000cl Ile id000e aed Ide 50(000 np Sod Ihm oiniogo Reo Lmlears( -.tosu- sToRm mentors 01mo everemYnseom roar moms nemeo,., ltlitIi[till'r!jì[lil[6Iijj[I[l°9[tllt[[[J THE INAGINARIOM OF edit ng otIle aed high p0000nd oolmnnors rho oNempI' bayou(005dov 010m elowe010 eno LO R'.°OO. DOCTOR PARNA550S seit'000es 00000001 paIoNo te doide CRAZY HEART (Rl trororno,r000 od loosnlrol hem Co-pmoduond by 1*01 nat on and eonlio A 0(000 TOOTH FAIMS ITO) - " t, Sut 1010.10 iO 000 .* * * logreo present 01 hie wrorn oh0000' Sadie I000nsw aol Ouotsoe at toro I tiU' lrnSoolIl000500'ESO - u' -'° Ihrverbaok Io Ile ons-el-iOo'rm roe-ole-O so tul-OrO Ate labst 1mm Terry H Iran terRoso the 000011V colored POOL Moo-TIer 0,05-dOS-mOO Sereh'Yo-gin" Ferg0000, 'Violeta my 0151m nl Ihn lote-600 ond rely Sum Il 0010,100 00 I Brasil') os) PestE Ledger's Anni "ALinglo Ase iogoys paleron nito NOW PLAYING IN THEATRES EVERYWHERE STARTS FRIDAY JANUARY 22 OPIO loo en Opulent sort nf goody meaS '700, Prnoend'is reluloil goon IO 000-0.00 000100 CHECK LOCAL 005T1000 ems THSATOSO OHO NHOas°FOFIXS tilo, io a 101051 05 onoinot amyotro CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR THEATERS AND SHOWTI15SOS entoMb weendmng dio tendu marks em noIsed nl oAhh(ag ir the be wool eminyabA il yOU hoppen IV henlOono ros-La ROSEMONT lctnmstaphen Flennen) mandereI LoTO,00Oi mom bIo sf00 polommnnooe nom greod000 sf0001 Ir nIl a roer to be order 415cl to)) BuI 010001 bed 0'S US'S 00 T iS Roosmoot 10 SONY the morid Otto twos lung omn005 and Ito lyHoaly Ight rom_o CaIn SII, tal nmph0000 sr Ils drame lIaI bleU by o (org ohot 157 miri RoteS L A SINGLE MAN OR) tryisç to urdo a doel Orth the Isoli 0700 Erpn Mono 00e. rho pioyo tiro lend mitt 000treineG p1000 beh rd Ihn thmono Onde stoop yaakovIliOluoe Irprola mt'SomlOSOOOS OSA-1:00 "EelreondInoll M0100mog' Aon-TOoro.555 0451:00 lesI) yor'i000 Ml diversions (C 'THURSDAy, J8NSPRSDI, 030 I PiONEER PRESS PUbLICATIOH 'DC diversioltS 85

ill tae:iyespis eile 900056 1795001 nor (510 STAGE lorI I so alelo psp 0105511es 's oeo 50 AlaotbOs 104V bOl-lITO. ohipiiehoydnoum ors beighlsirs. Wand'oaprhint" o eluIab5oeIio:s sryv00000roosbenph0000ro nisholsir 'mitant Cilio,' P00,4-C it The Silo (lei. Prrfsir000crs onl500dny6 1h corserai polsy leS oIls: s sos CLASSICAL alterte are DOl' 0011 or salier 0:1: What to do. This week and beyond. ehiolvo,55055.MileasLir (bolle V500a. letcipt Jan 06 ins0h11 I,cin:d:ifsrselo'iornh tItO oro, sosti oc 10m ch' Oreo IO and yssogor. rho pise lead noel il (he (ile lire00 Wrdnssdayl 111pm, l0000ptos Vr sil (n quInchO So ihn billon Tor Chiti;saoippailn'pnrltrmsur Ihn 11001551 Ita lloran (5w 001101 YOU WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. ire Ills H. hondOs, aro soleaviil' OSdO3000'Thorodancalf.nopm. aisrLe,OsnotOFm J5O,Osn 8pm. Nicht OConooel Hosl lea 51510 nsl ooe:sreSllorl(500000 room brot' able osisslpled elIot. cool oliO le: EluSivo SIS P.O u 05(50070 dl ctS JuSOa't(OOOOsronctEtsn le Coi' 1510:1(9 1000 1190 Chidnqo Oto loI Spileaouler with Des cibo, io Submit go. eoentn one oeek prior to the dole of Ihn les:'cOslOO yodlelolr,i Oeils:0 p.m. l000ipf Jas (Siosdlpes'sis ioe, 10f y. coli 0052 sos P15:1st t000sroo CueloloarsO:Slorp,nlareob leu001( Thon opran000udoonorks hclels seien Ose t? usI (5 p0:10cm' ceulnollslcrgsnorsladsissio Se 011000urS la550nT 11,00, poblication. 0:500, lolt,oeavll000i010000v'5i' Sundays lIcol pm IsoliptJii tri (00 invio srnosbnrgnrsesrodvuoouss rssesioro, usI (if loe slelselo For Hiede 000:olaalJoetOsh soot Ohne." (hostias atipE. SndT P.O.inOvnptFOb birIlliilk Ihmss:Ofl:stui011lhe prnn'nT ree idIots r, 10,11 7001100 or sie 60(110 Hull oh Onrlooeslsro si Entries must he typed. We're lorry, bolee can't take it Trslsonrlal010ieoilh 0:0701 SeIses eho'$3('t((:tloivryosaoassrlv sq andlpve 5508es 0ul5 ei000raltnr OS Sod leder COoing polllemsrvo lse000t000J000i loeisioemolisr, 58m oh 100050a005lia ooFol, iS, 8 briOl UnSersilyFI000 150001cc over the telephone, We prefer e-mail oubmiosu000, pieaoe. sui5471 6011101 II: ltiohsh sr ceolohid in cone tato For tic lits lori nell (toron er oisif ana post Ilse i000tlse on din nl Tourin OJoelso noii Ile Ori (sul 'lHitelIlOiOC' will 5op 01055 le bld end Nom ' The tsdsl enlomo es II pones. :00015 pun uy, 5001cr dIisens tigo, listings are free. Include Oriel description cl the event, 0008es lilhihIrs orG (TO. Ci 110171 170 5000 01001 e:geoiooboaoirocvmpsoethosooh :00 lIts l:od:hvoai leo 000leoac' and IS scully aol 01810 and tIldad TooaknondOr9r,JorsO'peh,tlih mowvorOh utter0 loue 0h10:11 time, dale, address, price sed phone escher. Fnb,Tul Ito PelOs Civil hoolre Oil racy at ho soudes irruogesn sSe rabibn7tlhl'l005lOruA4,S pm.. bill 4el0100hrs Iooalo3inhlo Sosta boo esosi l'rscssoss, Crrisrv ElhallO:OL0050iSinns Csrls:n 11v lIsos HoStn tOsIdos havotsrk ord 181115 uob:rti 0h Orchid Urnol Gram' lilly mail: ge. c/n Pioneer Press, 070' W. Lave Ave., Uleno'ew beel'O'OeOOir:or Io: thnPoeW"e'eO con's' Oi:ovsjhn 805hoanO tom p.E.OrlsyoseSSuIUidsec O to Io Di 00115. mbIirsrd'wunsnlabSOranIp no psI 000,95cr OCchI SIsd,Slokn nu Fu 111101at iO 50 p.m. JaS (4 II lis IL 60026. E'meilr torso oneerloral,com. P00:18471 481-7411. 0:01 noble thy Alti se son ne Orli Cbloogo Climber MoRisSi. 15101 FurbI ollheCNL010sy0000neOr' seampra lisIo le000snh dur ni the thsalrer i osesnn:cn llene bal zoos andOlsIOsic Alo ro: cli seos 000-e TO b ems rhussssehsm 0 mo' uhochru rs/sp/tI 000.5,1:00 pm.. SIsal Do p esseiruws binS'oriOvJro' CInesI Ont 500 epul005 sali itO? 00es roach younger 8lrtl:n:rRiq vero Cvece:ls oro ha dot f5000 Nv,hboaol:: Usrleroibyouita 1150E co,otorosrculritsiibov'bObs 000ayOatPidk'SlS (Or convoii hail Ilet prsdnnlm000 bySlHOr(oi "OIamRaH'A, 0011vsibossdss r hod:SwOOlOen IS'Oerseyt ramose, ror000ho(: , gtrtbre000h0005 li000lO 01501v ObeocghJasOlal oercoc iIn Deute Slseolsn bi010is. 151005 (yea .87/05/OH Feb, IO l'OD lie Ovoomcntihest8 Ovos I. lone (5000 0:0 Itr stodirto. Feb.14 pmo oit arcs: tormoe Kr 050d pH stud 0050msni. reell mIncIe alfIl 0:08505 51,011 lester 010010m seso lupi loro hct,dl Sorobo en per Ihei501e,lcp r:Jae,Oers. orI oorll'ologotollos Tenso HrOmooi's A scMoee;e olhbden'l boulas oD Ope. Satsraae solfeo. Oso60y Puerile in ('F ah Oslo and Selon linon IA,mnssl land C'obarpl n'dolo: 000500 CoildOOl Vc 0000 rubroS Olei502vioolitíloinn /'ilvyrl:shl'/ and CIvp:voSobool srtillWOVJ000adeiaylOOii000000m 05110go ObSOagRa PUI:Oumn lip ay lus nc'snarp Mirle airo hlollsmee P050050 PIa pers 0:11 p:sceol LId colt irlo Olhssnrcita," 015fldllsIAOe' do islllsbhmoov Se/Oslo Feb.10 arsuai bluts Taywhl 10 p011651 i esfl solos urd puoso corks laulsruop POSSO 50 tStOPhSCO 1051101 pOl p oIselons 0100 vt:ono lire000 us:OlyochuheeO 00015k, Orohlos io os. 01/00/hl. sot ploys e:lhie SbCl:vaiS bino 00 ButIn,, p0:10,18 0y5,brss TSe 110uL:ooio bD 00h06 eMs n subtIl slsbsrt:, throsghJueusi LOI o Soouibss, hiss SaVors, 005 Soil O o lolrtpt ibor tpo:, poeioreandao f sculliOn lent Aeuson Coloso, 10111V 0500,OlOpm.00eS101Ooiil elaroorlretuo Srç tel 0:000 lo mollo 11001f Tille 000 Ch lolo leerte seb'sOp:sOopl noUedh, mol Oidgo Idealen closoNs llecos los SIales QER.YO'tiR.°lCKETS TODAY! minIas mii So sr s e n. vr Uses oro ti. cr50800 Ouppnoloh 005aluon rrdt Ose loe 0000pisco SOi Golf Orli "AN ECSTATIC EXPERIENCEPT' Saturdays SolApo suraLes ri110to (SO slodo:hS ars br ors. CsnhOe, lilas bd nOar000rlb 1711 sr000,r6eul dont sodIo LOI 55' Uvon00000ympeooylrohiotr,poe M plevci DeanslOr cacel:00000' 005011 uosnsOis. and oie So os trotar ois yo. OOflloeS ne All' go., PAGE 06 ilok.005ì00800952 2787 troop Salol773.348 celons Sb doll 58 171(1 OrS ylbI sr sn (bubI csneerl doll 05 PrIt C:edlOS I

P.TldiPa 3433 North HoIsted 1.000.BLSEMAN B 41P81,1 773.340.4050 OLUEMAN.COM so. Leukemia? Lymphoma? MDS? F FEBRUAt1*4IL FREE Annual Town Hall Meeting Theatre Company :.WiI!ow.r. Creek I J Sunday, January 31, 2010 from 1 poi. 4p.m. Ths-SsflilTu3O,5sl&Sonsls;ao FOOL SUCH AS F w,see,,ss illowc000lo roo r Ois sir ore.o ry Prosonbud bo Ohn Loukomin Rosesroh Fslcndotiofl AMERICAN NOJFFAR O pa:ien:s and TOmiluol. beso your qUselionO an500rod bAa, 000,5 penol or hmnrarvlvsisbiiercolcsiOre Term Irme Chmcnsoland oros. NEW TICKETS ADDED Written soy: ONSA11JMØ3O! David Mossi lIlao 4-Ja11 24 2010 Dec.3,2009-Feb,7,2010 Call312-335-1659or otnSQUAOPS4 nawRroni.or Our doors ore open os people from all 75585 Sn,,ll,Cl,,,,g,A,n,,, AprilI O-11 630-584-6342. boskgrosflds, regordlems or whmre they aro 773-752-3955 0m their spid010l tourney, AO our sees boot, AWAKE we p000ent the agelesS toAthsO or the Bible in no oro1 ,sori.olIrn.orse.l5 a soropelting, easy-te-uvdersrund formol. p SINQ! CmphOl0t'Ç00' NUN DAYS b'. s "A WI! -rï.. Prí.- -s SEE THE MACIC tondit Sersi000 oser em, AM3llN an0,iuS:dmuurn IL 0,1=20,,Mip.,1,ene, BOB OF LIVE 000mli005rdllneo,(-Ge0100i suri by Neil SIrocos WOODWARD Pa,-aao .l7751157., .5000 0000ano IJurior C'OSI hr a_err "FROM NIXON TO'BUSI-I.' FOR YOURSELF l'oeos000pemo 'sPooInosr r/dl.:j '' WHAT PRESIDENT OSANO Impact 1801,11 blaSt CAN LEARN FROM PAST Spencers Theatre 755 ES 00 EN C 0ES N010hWe000re Memorial HospItalaOs E, bucee 050000, Feimbeeg Paulliom, SaFO. of IlhONiOnl,i. THURSDAYS 101,5 50. Arm 500 ii Sisad utlneeOro ibAs 015001Id ne WuMooch 00,5uSD cmt0s8 CLASSESOWILLOW 7 per, esihoro Od Ounnlnd l001iinoVo lay Ccmmunl:o Coliseo 0. LIhlillillI S Ito All 0150000 sin FRED. F ve 01000 anoedyleni and 1:1055 (7001074-5500 847-735-8554 0e rogierir, 9000 will000eisseoe150norn,ert, ,voecinovaltey,odu/f000c Reemión Comunitario en ENpañol - lnnonmaoiór ssbro lo lmuoemia b lIeben CilacloelTheatro ctrg sAbode, S du rebeera at Gilde'N Club Cloim000 -537 N. Wells 000000 are Waukogon Head o ylorhsmrdid, Illinois 000,3 Por labe liawar e Joa0000e Albanrdn al 773-29G'8271 To Ac('ertise, Please Cali Greg '1505mO P1101',. 0,4-Srs-Oros Tardi.@3'1221-249 P r

PIDh150 PRESS FUILI[OTISFk DC www.pioneertncal.cRm diverBioRs ini B6lttiVMrSiOflM DC THURSDAY, J535y 210510

Frein tIn rel East Ic Ita Amer,uan ter allo 14 ara admitted tIne when ac 5441 t okatomad$m4Mo-c500 r ce moa n ed by a p atino eMaIl , Wed partetl elaeae'Hconlertcn- OlbOOpdkdlsl903nFg,hddtUOkot Fleo Murder in the omin.acclhonulsymp000y.drd.Janu SRi tbi tdloesatsaaraooanaralpuo Woodward lecture croo teetUnooalp.m. reciclo 5p.m. to Fndturcausiuotmill 0e panistlnnale- tOsOn'Orcitoanoard Ob tadolty and Mansion Mystery°° tJni L Coiilieued from PAGE B5 coclnnb era 030 p.m. 11m Free oSmio- NOW EXTENDED THRU MAY 30! coa.ethootlketicrredctrdtenre 1101, loba miii porIelm benths0000 oteillaadstukeetntojae,ap boo lauo 4ured Socollare err oppn oared ltrdpsno Coocerloniththeur0500- p,m.,dorthmoutonn Unidaluit950rnpbs Murder attheYa1entinePart i lernanrow he tmnomitted ice at Jen.247 p.m.: race lt Ser es convert 1ro The pro gram will aIse inc od000- ny Snoleotna conducted by lisle focuson secrecyissues On Sale Fr1, Jan22 @ lOam nocPOetOrdoys r01100000yapra- Iooturogooilerrct [olio hFIor 525 $15 doeooc3raywdrasrlhlynptenl Hanpeioktoadb eroMincerand leo- recorto decrece Frecen tacen 01350 one crutlutuonlc.Feb.6,F.11p.m.: PnnkoidgeCmiollshautna proanrtc turingsorlh000tnnn 00900rl000mpn- "Foam Ojean ea ROMO Rash said, "Idoe'b pm the the dWednesdar otter che fon Mllhrcapooao'PiO sMir'rnul.toa- cenrnits al the Piudoicktdeatra SS tt$de-otestoq 11512001 011o dolor ihn Pnaaldant asama Can basso llore u working portorraaeee. rectale are ava able at tor na peon cts rae aodicmek000 k trooped t, Park Oidpe.Ficketa aro 1Db, programo llnrlsdabnethosnouooer scm Paab pocachamelea' title p00, baS I IWO Wa000cerd slaps Jas ID al qe rtirparioq It eaten boo oft cee arrt in o proa em 01 mo ko by Pierce M La' 100 Fnrsruderlo and son ons liceos. lore to "1100110OarlsM'a 10119 [en- bhinh it will by cnhineatncnin.Fat omt004t0004r.Jaru Visit mom pankrt430s elbe lebe olla s enrleya OenO S bn405'Iymplsrrlc 10910 Share Canton ton AO PantoIs- locial000iurd Cerchar. 125 110 oen- pubholeed [00311 aproar ReuOnkeoal nl Jamou [coleo so 105tddeeto Fnb.7,tpmMC erce 1/047/ MSS-POCO on 18471 bSS- Cl000amon It/tb/Il Jao,09.000 log dolo [entra tool Ihnalrn OSSI [crOcIte Pende Flamarg os the lhilnac [esPiono Mrni'FacC [salai- WWdUiab.1,0301m OipOratetqsUr- pW:Oynrphoolc Lard 0103 nIe' Pdnn- Shad a Oleo, 505kmSOc-015 /007/ DA JA," han0050llrn eva Sucer Oratam an 0e- i olclribotetcltoinmayel[llicapo. rwil100101atISarol H bber0055rd cmeni000- Thnl405rcof[ortorpaen 013 bISO His Cenhe

lac enraMO Or0000"Cermen"Fab M Too prep rs n o include talC du Mar neJnauy WrigMl.OreeOe-oOpnndaOd Ii/tO/Sd.000573[Sm'Coetenqo- BosO aadi0500 - acato tr000000rOnnqrowithna- octiorcduOca.CraiOdoosrd Jame_ [-'"e cO" levar aoOne'alen nanyhhe S"emble p09r0 red eones o By WYNN KOEBEL FOSTER will hoer alcouS cedo Dem npo le te title rete sot 001511 hMm em. nape lormenea Hen y9epo Sii dra oran insludnsae sanos Da/a' [ayo on Ilma-pl ci- Wlcotdnpqi1000llodnl corn the nnistnloeo Slice Miller Chapel at rhorrinceatare Sen- cl kOecuclU Conrnrlc ter Fine Pian or in Forti 000 tram Stde Is [t lord ty'laedlisnal onal-----51531e Woodwued Unroere ty.lelloheridanflead, [llar bajar K Sor. 100 35 cereale ti conand Doll OK by SAnt-locoS "Cor Dlarahtnn1iF/SS/0d Ksb.4,b3lpm: Reservations Limited Puliboac PItaR rctoeieg believes teacotco.lntcrmelon 10471491-rlct oladnatc.Fab.I&Opm Mi[Foroity mnd drarcel;and'Ths[awooticPdl scrlOinastwpp $oisnlolty[daorderoi- loucuoliot Beh Woedreocd UcketnlbMOl4004000Fab.P,Sp.or Obowo's ponde- Call Mon-Fri (773) 267-6400 teliecicnlent nett Molttemceqiop lousO by Ser ou Merdhl4. OSI pm.: oho otra parle ros Ilayd ou Uymoliany wi/I hoes ocauli003r-y La/s I 0lire Mi lerrrthdar Concert Bieeen ele per op Werke Or Snb0005 toad- 3 Shadnrpne roen Ornam mt [oye de 10M in D Ma/on 0 1500012/ ano Schoel or Mato acuity member ano.000 oandpecettlo blpoeoicral Donned. be0055n sols ut. ant Ida Park 300 sa' Oynptoey Nel 000aie. oberul secrecy le Intl bio He'll go bicob ta Stephan Oltop mit boded badea tlsludeete.Feb.20i000m.. [binase MdgeCvieirehnulradonnrrs Cher s tF/13/I4,SnU,frmSDom..Srmp oCr CRnlea Esso oudieecn Jecr, the presiden- Mrttercftopntctelrencoctorstonr moti Placid Orario Wang orli moco tar teli- ma pWqlan ieeiodds Mccarls Combar- Wind r050msio parloymsflalphkuuid 0W millo "PrIm Nieoe te cies al Nixon cotte SOrthnceotore 000erortyoyer 90e debut. ponterm 05 en estieno Iren ta ro b t at mater br 0000500 and O an Will Onu Orhnnso olla Mero nImm Brcshr WhadPpeoidoet doer crcheotra naprogramteetur- nui Lpndan her round CD I lIebre P1000 Maurer dl005mrrer might's Dresm"Ipuo Cl OyrrOhsnyde O dOlosI ana 0353 Oboma Gen D,eeRn from eq Mocante Rope em ano 540phooy Jehnsan, bus header tool Sta coniare tierno ris end lebt aoodalcashn FR0120030 bpStosnnotuchy,Wll Ian eslcem and Pool Pamidoocies," Olio ho Mtie0000rlJupitar'l.Odeniosco Fcrtilkotc eel musi SrS 0005 orn cl p.m. lapSOs Ile Cr000007 ollO o io or hnos ear Ii/Sr/SO he'll rances- eppaardnce is pact eh sa tr509illslleningfab.14,Opm.. dolo cts 00100 hObart copian n part Rapan nIa In RadIal doll at 10911 meol trole on Aush, bareque huMo Croomhle Muorcot Nc rl h n a st Sympheny C roba sIrM Peu eIn Uoionraits 10 cr10 0m e Orlen, Cmrclrn Baobh "ice [ho Head- t000r. ant rnter bon Sn Orad - wille wtbesc Hma(cd bide "57/St/Id. Fob 2M F10 Marinai oldolertreutec preonnld leOfl Oeuc'dselenn, ori lonneatalon Dssoslnre boit 417-rODO [arelO ml linee" lcc3ere onriea, spec oderieiotralias bob Woodeend p.m Womee'o Choreo qreoeotc apre- certo at 3:80 pm.S nosycin herbe- amId Rlsr[hambnr Mod creslinol On (loso dice Inolu Ing the sonad b0WBBM, lee's most Cornil' tram toc tuF os reperce io by tOO 0cm etrete thn Part armin porlo at Haien talk 0105e Croie Slchnotra Cts Sd. Jupitnrltrng 000ltOt050terll005 "Thecs'sonetUcorl'iee te appeared in Oho Moeday 000erestthekeeatiao"oepeOeim - mesi High Scheel IPSO S. Melt Read, John Coo tino bIcolor and tHe P514 FnenRnbb,l1303m. 500nben ero Bept, 01, SOYA issue aftbe ccrccy and e deegeum" "I Oldeh erre con wiways oc schoo i. to/Sa/Sr. One? eines. Pl0-cenlartoemmanioroe Ridge Cemmun Ir Chor l[hnnbel iO30nbor100alron brhoiqunsterdll Pool, u/ong evith the 14- MuOlolnatitetoaythiowgeytrctejs WeOdo odo: O Master [tase n/lb 44th Weedwacd seid, "St's cccce- LrCalclrn PabOp 001011 Ornmbar el [heir Ssno ballildOe [reactor pegwvcrnion olMcChrya- [c000nt Hal 1490 Chicago Moe. nadoelsl000ltot Oaqnennhcunpnk Floh-OlaigenCsnonnt Hall st 00100 bndanweodp 0h01 and t000hnnboitt [ive eed peioevcus,' lelues 3h00 axe succosses," 101'S cepoot lo the Obsmu 000001er aMTl 31515Cc dl le cold sencertt bolo 120.1 5101 Un [eraltil SO Orlo [le in In- he noted, adding "Doni L Mciontcng.Jeo.24. Mea nqfreeho. OIS Ion slu be Rio. Cl liaran un- no 1400010e. lefarm5550: macfl coi- go., PAGE BR Achievement adwin'catrnl'coa, Ducing dhe Woodwacd loeorel erse Oho nonO iho'ec moelles Iba illustrate his paleso on neporlkecowa Ihn pivot nabiecnl sbwgc early io his secewap, Wendwocd talbed carmer when, pm-locrnd polos as Obemo wet with abool fr011 20A9, whon he bio advisors lo discuss and with Ic//ow Weohinglas eblained e cepy - [loen Paso reparber Carl Bere dobole Ihm \Vicibe Hnose'o cioaaiBedeIlOan. rwoponoeto DbScChryslnl's obole, he co-ouShocod Ihn Aloe/wy A. McCheyola/'e eRrino eh 000rids 1h01 i'equeule. la Iba cvi, RIDIDFS R44IF WW-pogeusoeoswent of Ihm Oburna agceed to ceni ftSi4tJRI dato/lcd She Wabergalc sil000inn in Afghanistan ocoovdei, laoeliole Ihe D0,A0O moPe scoopn to 5050 N. CUMBERLANDn NORRIDGE PSe eel domen lo eeud ihnen evevlooI Resigeol/le ot Mghoecis100. Priday mvening, Predideni 12/ahard Nielo, Pin/lowing his invtnre, (708) 456-2005 "Not macil non malls we Wnodeeurd will wnnl en/lb Thoie mOlerlo earned Ihm faillai alcoy chair," ha Plat O Puiildor PI-lue Cor uudieroaeecembers 00 sign udwilted. "Out this did," 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS Publio Awrvicn iv 1070. his newest boom end In Ihn report, MaCboyce- Woodword ois o Speer- assener quenlions, He's Sal warned Ohad Ihe Uniied LUNCH SPECIALS SENIOR CITIZENS PORTIONS headed dha P050'ocoverJge loohing Corrwrd la visiting Asertes 1010915 would ta/I in elthe AspO, Ii, SAAl berrol'- Chicoggo and huving a IO wanths 001eod ho go0 chueca lo spend sown limo Chopped Steak ao 31100ko, moltIng 5/e ei Broiled Scrod macn troops, Waodwac'd $725 Oho OW 300cieu thn3 woe she wilh bio brother pod his Greek Chicken Fried Perch weploined. sister-in ow, wloo live ib ecwspopec bbc Paliboer I Broiled Pork Chop Roast Turkey Pr/ea Oea Notiooui Repee3- She ureo, SALADS login SAYO, Transparency "Ciricogo is lauly ane of 1/2 Fruit PlateJulienne SaladBBQ Chicken Salad Liver and Onions Pork Tenderloin He has wr-iltero arco- "yhib wasn't rouai ecc bhe evor/d's greet cit100," Greek Salad Spinach Chicken Breast Salad oulboced 05 boUles, Ha hod wore being io/i," he vollI, "i seid Wondwacd, who wos Spaghetti with Meatball aspcoledceled aoccsa lo Ihoughl we should publioh rxioedinWhoalonand Chicken Avocado Salad 1h10 eepaet," plarcnt000burcio 2012 br Proeidenl Gecege W, Blab, W - I coocIbilcg in 50000 b[elIO, He mol ndlh lc'cscdiicroc ihn S03h reunion oihis SANDWICHES moe[cecen3ly TWe Wnr Aatai'day lhe nent day, cod Clans ahOYO ob Whe0000 $795 hrn aditor agreod, They Cowmunily Hig/c AcirooL Tuna Salad SandwichChicken Salad Sandwich WiIhierA ScareS Wirilo Turkey Sub Sandwich Honey Mustard Pifa Wrap HoicoeHi010r,l' (OAAW- noi/od Sho Peniagne. Ore Contre tOcado 01x3 "In 'B I BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich Above Served with Soup 200W), Clceceetly, Ire's Aunday they cnocived par 11cc Wleodiioon" syealroc 10111 or Salad, worh/ng esa booh abad mhslos la print 04 al tice be Politomr Polar-winning humorind Dave Baccy Hola All sandwich specials include Fries or Fruit. No Soup. Ice Cream. Jello.or Rice Pudding Duriboh Oboma, bib poges in the c'epnrL "5w ïocaoingonheenhe Woodlnurd's Story- ochedulerl l'or uro April10 * TICKETSASLOWAS$25! * Glass of Wine $1 50 with meal Martinis $2 0 Manhattans mallen dmcioi350 ond hess "Mcnthryebolr More Porcos engogomoent. $2 50 oc 'MiosionPuilure'" - C Wrllelorelblp ioroeanlo ca h cc UI o be governs," Woodwacol F IC 7HSESOAS, JAOSS9S 21, 2010 divgrROePB1B9 88idV88S)Ef'r5 www.pioiteerlocaLCum 511160FR P4000 PUBIICSTIS9 'DC wnnr.elhisa huouauorg Fnb.lIOpo 'Otre'iris Slobs campus ann Itas go. antd reolnd lb Men lasak, mnoludes The True Story of the Confeund fran PAGE 86 usd5, aisles reSIn drO uSd0055. terelblosrreneenpalbanlnni005aree Odets' 'Awake and Sing!' Resorts $10 ieslsOsurnlnnahaenls Destinations Inns $ Three Little Pigs Und nraolisaaalairiellt Ils se "As Eran leg al Jena," lesos nno lbs Sasurday, February 6, ar3 p.m. assEnso Perwattas epd Uitlhts nix 700 Mollo 5g Snob, mill be praos ecco Tiseto roe arno sidro ro every atory. Yoo'vn heord Osa psttaiusl tilt Its SenSori 711F alIlo pub.1 515e RobelIL JoIe' harouiloJhe sornase 0504055 5 our 4001101 50 sIs len 8501105 aplay forourtimes 'w'lss huas keepl Alsedidsultgsuapn Ohr pigs' vnreiru, oese hem Mr. Alexander Orrhssira ato Ills irpisau CIanOsI 1011501 1101 n. Oullor Nra. 160kmTOs is still mawe.measadtgueped5eg0.0m Orcheslia sdniaa000 Irre Feb39, SoeSecIwiul inoladeuaprndinoe odo ,e,eau,Oeeooese.Ie'rar,505155, Wolf's hilorioou 000o004 of this popolor raie. 'Awakeend esser' BaopiSe Iba ploy's rhollregn br 5ko 1:00 po Oerltt oltre lotera ¡If loa Snoops 11am Ile bill ortoal as 14e bgmle'e roS whol Ihny manet," she cold. U1!CHstnn..Fri. P1020, Isasdayn sI l'lO pm. Ion sheen on Feb. 0 syoaee,.,la,loirrionsnaccild,aoonda,52us4 recubro apires Eeassntle, e aooruattosrt sparso arI OiINrle itou 151 0551e' "loE, Aancy non Ori dho naaliom." orloro old Ils u0500nity Nooskoom and 161 nedneaduos sIt sedIli nor. ThoisLsys al itt ful rrshesirdI obre 00 sar labs boss Prnenndaw Il Seenot Ihn muor Although Gold woo melOn Tsr Ohs said "Awoho nod Singt" is u ploy for 00f -nl 5.0000 7.00 co, FriSais Sl n po, lelurdays al 2113 ocaS ØMERJNI nynphaaislastaaOqse $75554 programo lNuleuPNest.Ianslnrnna' opporlunhly Ou work wsOh Nuoshoom, sor r00050105 limos, wilk so many 005 000-1550 or IsIsmes7dat'soale or, lucOsla nI ¿lOpe. lIeb IO ano 01510501? A Sssgrd Rrediog 0¼0irsCsnset010nitnll Fleuret Ou tiOs,Oal105ct150'iOOio n'mul aho Boda il diffurull paling au him fomilies in Asniednoi olroggii ng tu rnos.Oailuisieans,orm teisrersosrislip.m.Jan uat Ears ensoul ngoljusoOgasil 55m. pm.i North Shore Cenlnn lorcha Psdrruinp Oils. (847) 967-0606 while 5i rhoeooLaru Gold said ube kra malee sods wnet. BemuetbMeulßeaah, mm Soourdoy, Frbmony27, ut 8p.m. bOetter Oiles brousSe JswirO Cur IbeaeuaundgleagOmss,045ol roll lOnAs 0156, sloSie. tnsct 5156100 on "Fumilles aro going Oleerogle similar Vauset5mes Rnmtale Susoday,Frbnsaay28,ua2p.m. qagoliss, 4000 P4. iuoprtsi S. Shed' Firer PuaE 0550mo 1155?) roo-osco wnneSlsrt igtl org no monk raspano Our him ond libas him '1EOLY1G fon his gande deser055e, SlobS she farlo problems today" he said. "00's rs On050 n&s,ren,sl?Oonoisasuaiel Stroggliog so escape the dark shodouer of 's. Takeln 1101 04 tOr st tdrsn. frIso' Oerre.gbOuasnuboakhuuarosm.Wedssa uannsyuolhnoisibnellosthu liuo lsroalaueaitewnakiltr000 roil. dayuandThuudaye 5g.m'mudeight ByJ.T. MOGANO owfusL when oho boo lo ptmay O,roeaioal happaeing today" 505,0 n o lob bvege Ohr 5 orid'o suoi the A000roioo hoi0000. e husband and allo Mistet Chauler Asele f autiael Les ey Ce pp. Fitdeys a ed Oekrdayn, 5 itmolald@pianrnll545 20m Besoin with him. BosO, wkiln Nusthauw was ra Soot' bruahbsi smI eohlnupoe000m is IG S YOV his mosl-orderbridr creare a newlifn prsssslaosythshartltnsalsts p nimiOs' gli1 Lssnc CapI Tr' "Ido'ann amoziog onlor," aNsa said, "I legos the Lhralnrrowpanyhe An050 lieiiflos,iilmO,nliluiuecr. alit Hsrrt ari LAPO Asses solari at InierEmetinentel Chlreçu AMara loo' A101000gbNorcklighiThertreisrala. faueded sdtkFrorh Gutoti rad GrOg auolluinn500sas shsos 9u oil oodfoouilyioMthcookrr.Rreroriy Ouste Itta510 JO10 24 lt lud 0003er tel 00000 rionI Peal Oran000l hoya Ir yall el him asd linease hha, dueoorsr Orclo'oOaloiutosod bending ito lOtIr Omeivreaooy, Ihn wkiok is hard Isis. Kordel is 0974, orsI Ose xohiali ka aclo14islosombiravaoiiraOsnu lo preaeouvd io 12 loagoogex in 17 CnaIsll hull, 00 ElIa Cils 5 0 cias, onososhule005lwiaricroetrOani A{TIS{ BERE! Iruaatea. Oit soessrlo sin al 7.10Mn 10400 044-0130 FrdayOl500n liSe, tes rsmp000yiO provixg Lt roi owanieg on "Soma people woll ha pot off by orreed ea arlislin direnlor, kin loue Prndissouslsadl0Po'107'Oili diffeeu0000rrina, ehis play is Che recip000t Tuckat plissa ars listes is three Oria' mani ton Roi o.m.'midmighl iLs macelo by 010gb0 Ihr Clihfoed Bossia," Gold nuetiaurd. "She's so berame beíghtev uelhehaeraoe000er lImIti, owlsos offovr FreocicTonyAwoeds. Cnn000leborumor brise genero publie saeusrelatot OdeSa play"Ararlre sod Sixgl" 'sul and 0ko maass well. Tharr's nod "0th sirota kouic somsthieg i sed Ni la altyot551att,asdatsdenl noted slhneeins. JemOO MirIsel Ni' Sot io arromped Bloom oportw000 atontadOS peoro ago io 0h11 griog CarnalE Ye Inw5000so. 110 isad' nao noii lisce le her body. Boo har (h Ùv trie. Ta o roel trOcla or lar intormr' dIning SOso Grout Dopr000los, "Awaha Iiro.caltl040140t'OOiO rraisul sanos, 110 al Sn doer JamlttThn wathxd in somodwes croul and it's strong," toe cold. Mooch 25 through April 3 olnefckulails al1JsrsiThe hogar Feb.10' 5100050 SsMo 10005' wed !" per000tn Ihn Boegert, o loonlo bobo." Conem000upiroverlonofrono Prinilogn and 000birioo ore roplored reïrh un Juplerilt'eoieartsissrptioedol dro pablo: Onrpbshrrr Pali 06 gebncc woehieg-rlans Jewiolo lhmily, stmg' sieur als Asiere 5es eat Segre rosea OssO gliagxsith bound hoedniolpo oClhe mHlion* ir000eativn blend of poetry ood trohoiooi IduS Ametsen gedtegoCenter.liOS eeawnbbnd maeheta 31 Irfuogrit oTri Lis Frs rusai ara 1e1- day Fiererly dnlri'mesoi Bmoio DESTINATION enirardoy in tOols femioirrirsrrrpreoarino of Osi 055151 041aeorçh null peilolu Iowan One Chisapc 171st ¿EOlIO Berger lorops the Ibmily hxw rom hayo ha Sting Osulist 15 4 61H01 O p. OsI'eoaroan 0$ Jaro2a,I'OO Shokesprooe'annchootiog oom000n. Ges carried ii ncliaoaorka Oiling Osurtrl Ici peo Sneroan 1101110 laiN rath. 1101w pialo Bernois3 rlinoslrr 01 doy essI. ornny io rho aromo sod discovet arr islood lrlrruiosr Oosala'ì sad serlhasess lerlAnnonl ato p.o.OaysuedOul' Bol, hoe Moe'oiot father Jcccrb, lire kIy í(IF1t ordoyria Ice Filch ybsoinra burga, or herr origroal inhobiruora rod ship000rrked si isoOcarlet e&ttsl Mai00 rp IO?. winky'vaohy kisohnei Myi'rn cond lore 10411101110. OstiE Iheutsorts 01514$ stoui»Jmi.22u Iseoss Sksss orn ideolinlrheldo'ro personS chol100goo to 855.O20'4920 rsnr,n.rdgsasserbersk,crm' neweomreu collide in o fisry of iotersrc6ng Osorlel luir 510151e Iba and Ing J'mmy000nmOnr,ZilOaleslCush Bosnio, who rolen Oho rsont 1nith no llar, riot 01 renier os 0351, Isslslng oral banda p510010' rscrha,rrrorfoeoraoioo,oedrcerwal. Obaeehnee Ramina lilI 105Pta Culsac010wl uas meules eq Canula suolo. Jnmit,Jas Me teso Sol. URIIl1ídrs gmroludusriov500ada,,uaodaeoioo;Saooeapxr otltsOleere Oab0010lbus'rlreultf Ohuoe.JumOS Ohs 015150 OrcO II Nrrlbliglel rose brooghl boric n lfrtto olrorlu 1kb Oli sg 0501' xrtaraentogrl 5V/hIrn arloe och letto s-lIst Mairerp 160e 3 'MutaSe Cy050rTlrMasISnSo$ei al rosroprnyNsmcder Michael Nosabuom, 010tIfloltO lire Mirons let Slung NIuPaoplal'. nrorrerleslunilgnsn' l'uiu'554'tnaS. oiBvaealon, lo ploy Jorob oed arose renm,loolidwygrrapraorsl000 baton, sed 051ubsil's ColtI s Iba' torSr'k SueS, 7ko Ma000ll 011051 April29 through Muy 16 Cindy Gold, n0000i010 peureasre nod Tdd orlar Oir ego aso frieda 00146. ramonaI Nano coli erah Croie and Enpeeiroce all Ohr aoogo you love, ohr looghtor hihepa ti 1501l001Ilo 0010nuOal irosnbnngasd Monocles' brad of 00010g at Norllcwestrrn Uni. yoo remember, and ehe troderorse yoo ehuelol tIpso uS roll bapnnuunlno aI5pO. Metan oreslOy to p1oy Broda in ihia Sony SILLS l.oaessLu, 11515514 Omet. 230 DnmpocenOt !eldmresseMememllbaasp. ebosor thon roer before This ioeomprroble POPIF0LK(JAll Mxelon'diroobndpley. ìlurCab, Oseas loo Tua pebtorea nne 50150es 'rho aubjert molter Of"clolOOlea soi I Od oh OsOso 5 Presi' 1011, opera. performsocr preseros thooecloirordmoric, gllatalsorete, 6000 lissera CHICAGO i arr ialssrd soul onO fraipcool arrio Sing1" miglio be dilOrolO dor younger doociug and energy ofTevyrb soory io so roui rasssisnbt Oslaureara labos Ca1550'OOO'AIib lIn ybS u150trrcisluaslrrooxar 00001740' nods lumsas hr Ihn a0etllenana' onora Lo colato ir. Bol ifs fowilior tee' knoroio,luiicry ier,matn and rsemorobin snraingu 3000 Selislst Plissa listad Orlon de liOn 020101 usO 0510es urlaI olfOdioS ritsey foe Nemoobsom, SA, who livod SOtIIHTOWNST.Ie' ircne'a lsldsr Nus. ITO For inlonmu' cot ilsiude nan os leen The miaba' Shsuugh lier Onpreunion. ISOMS-SUN liontbonia 104T1600'OoOl Ipst000T.t lion cull tEsTI s10.4110. Hoc. OUI ni The vetado arbor said ho pmayoeen Ganmbeiae Caamtey lusm PaatTe9suune pnc.0105eeliatté, 1100fleselorr" 01011 onn.50thox al aro too' overy role by teyleg So knoB mmm ASsiSse, GaSeas HMoaidlmlosoo 14051 pO, 115. 6sf 1M 600 fo. Plsk'OtulgenConoet Nell el MOrII' suase 105cr OCIO lurk mitt unito Inni salOIr Omoelsuly 00 Nda CeSIO Ici' thing personal Shorn 140110e to Ihm te0n rol sueros Orsaknpsenuos,Ohirs' an, Poanslon AonIO 00cl Pb ceu haled ekorantre boo playing. NapervitleSaw SixPiano Ensemble in It nsa csl010risa. çrnerol p cbb'r, Sown att lioN Puppisa 155.00, 160, "0m pluuieg Groendlotleenjarob, Bhonon-l'Oexns Saturday, April 24,008 p.m. rod Snodoy, April 25,003 p.m. 100 Matou: CanDle Ello sed Jaosa ser nnit'isSnO seo 101eoulby000 ochieb in diolrold Irr motu br, plouiog Sun StelO oea atadsel nets. lt?rnmulioc i'siO'IIT 5100 Tallar 'frruoadour usualort' 1031 brfoo'n P0551105 PRESS Criebeoro rho 3Orh 000iversary of sloe ouiy groop of ira hiod in she world. 16071 sri'oobo tiegeln 1047t 06110000 ou old Jewinh mom," he jolsod worn.gonsobdeogslaseaon slurs Oar, 2 0. saune Ora, busco Tila ThrionAn Performing favorises from ohr claasiral. ragriron, axai popolar aongheoho, shr Six Prrrpsol 10471 mOrrO]. weoSiss' ouohnlailursnm F5b Il TOO p a. continuing und 0411000 note. "l'mo Nrrlocnoalern OeirebOtloda000cllbns' pendurL of She Bepenoalon. It mound Cilooinroonsus Pisan Ensnmhie im penases wish noiqor aeroogrwnuoa by f0000dne sod coodortoo hubstrox noOpm.'lao, ritingPublishing ostens t aleO oths ice se Je lu 211 sock' Ire, Ita tur ng li sedan nl llevo laie me and my gearmitro. ITOse ployl Gin000 Spragon. asroa,a&eitxeirr,oe;slflavrdanraaoi axjo,c,e52 gr100,air elssrrben EJansOJ: Lullsetla 17110020 opeoleo to orhot Oho Dnpr000ios did to OOsrOOrt Tllnetrs, 1400 N. Geb FUN Ctllaaso clues sast Jan.29. rally Comibieo in Now 'rook end ore050 Ihr CaoS. Jens lIJeeee Graham aid sono na,uordt ?obntn Orn eruilabis Order tickets at847.635.1900or ebnnos rkelmaalnio000rtsOOl?Sl roxotry." . Brbbrslirb ameolelilperoonlr BEC(NS rotoso F5b.Oil010000SllirlliT' 0000ubhslmnSnl griessonlwlbOlemnts Gold tali 5km langusogo - o esinbura rot'tnsladernxilnleua Formoler of Geeman, Ronolea, YiddioNb ond 708235.2fl2uii lurmalban aInSI lIs Iheulni 0011001 centertickets,n9r&' :tteEast in tut mull O Orte banni Arnerloanslotig' omar po'rseOlo a HERE! lxi Ihr Psitorwieg silo 00h ISole ETESiOS rle'OblneecosreOfllliin rhalleegmharaona lia crey adyi'aed. alo rum Feb21? Ru Nips Hug Srs oahwortz sill telO abolI InI bord. WAI7ISO & P0ASIOIIISO The dl' the eeorur torrtsroiegr 5 od.huakus 10471670 liii nc'ctoen But MorOso, Iba ridai, in oleillod rl Teen writers Peal. nos is laaesed minasse att o,n SOO:Pnesk fusa end his Rnlstntlnnusn Oirknlu ItS hirnala Tern Galia, at Flrllecieru gnOlelrerl. PonIeS lirod 45, Linon 0001ra, at O po. Jan iO. Osa S,aowrsplu,uyeonibcies,oilieeenOaiiOuOiu000irthO iNS. MarahiO,0 Rm.:JuuIin Antri. dmnooling playo osith rumples longuage u-nr er the 000h Orali asir. llOJt 100. Hrn bord uso complelelaucs lIlie 00f menaÇaIs - 0e oeIl ru odalIn -inlnncsled ir odOrI Ial alamscusiucn'ruduknrqumoeem parkisg is aasifable. gObioS lluuur50000te045saondial' 1015110901 OpnilO-llis pw'Gci r p eessla poll aaliOr alssa proleadon Ihn boek risa fresones 5050000ful free citons eid Te- .11 acial Ortleehosue 7074 N. Sirena sen "Some ni the langusoga la no roovo' loanS, uooh ro 110pleo Kiog sed SE. Minian list lus Haterdt hOule tosTi 5710100 gr.,PAGE 810 ngas nslhno ohs pasIbleS 1111011 toted, 'el 150k0001 oso sf 000oy000 io P4a,OnsrroreOpleOaI5oOroonitrepusle0ucb0m. r BiO I djvorsg DC THURSDAY, JARUAAY 01, tOto

Co la AirO ¡nJuduthtlsthk'HrsoIsJy I PI5000H PASSO PL0IICAOI0A 'SC www.piUlleerlocal.ccam diversions 1B11 go. Larootso,Ai oulsth MosOnlU Blat kur' "Good Lookin' on, CIeli t000IlU 0161 00115 0000e Pol' Contirsed Iron PAGE BR coons ars [r Sto DVD COLUMN Thnnko farmlt SlltconMumarallillotyst 00lIt. Scratch Cookin" 00010m Us sslOiifskotiis Cenbol grrnnt2009 Soeur (Ir sa musir). 150 070. 1000 CompusO so [tannIns tivr'ivn IS'06f SOnSo Theatre Muoio 7005dutior ni551n mIr 6007 hOer IelO.olO/dultaac 'Boys CLOSING JANUARY 31 p Cuento rorcsrtu r the Skrk nibs DYD pOp. (OAT) 49(7050. GalIons 10010 010 areBack'on oonio t6o ed P6050',704007-4070 Otro 7t24 Lincoln Ana StoSs. Call lOOe.'tOp.m lurlvorciomlosislrse Make Your Reservations TODAY! thecreeAsof 10411 007-770r or 0)0)1 500060k OtilO' Through Fob. f: '01h51 6000000ko' NEW THIS WEEK ÇEk)OA 5 TACOS FOR $5.00 otr000s Ti100tos 0000 ira55000e, Onntuclog 650ko 0001' ood puphm 5 Crispy Coni SOS ut tre tous ut on notes 011101 $0010 oroslod LIlAC ongoaroa lISO Jan.05 A ne"Tttuts t00005r' 04mb 6001 01 ito so 05 lr lilo ohms TOME GOSS AGE BACIO sLhCn arO'otarro; IsIS Monos Fcenatm o- Pronoste Peloy Remrno n Pne.Io Bouc * Cosotmc000.nod Meo Shell Tacos ans nass 110m book 0(04102 malcriar * * * f/0 ESn[M OLE o one tedorutiontot0000totioknt und moma troto hnsncado popolo Ot Armo fatheo's Lube bosgor Proudly Presents ChOice of hoof, uhiekee os pork 0 00 0 000w M7-64-U[i\T(&S2) past Jam 04. 707 kOlonne Opera mrpt carhino paper 1600gO Feb01 Io groovup thon orhorn, lIcuo pr000nts tupoisroos Jom2t,n 'OOSlhOOsO,Oash000t 000m0500co TOoth Ohr gewnro( ideo io 502 SI$crIìn Ave., Evr/ilr/ton, IL USA (50201 ne the Fo tnnarrso Orohnutru pros- Cloopiro ir the 001110." 1015 pAsos o on''lt ao 0hlo ItAS Mont,' plateo os iplutem,pa'i-i'gz,d 5e' 10010110 Ob w oeflwrnibyrnvo(lsnt Parking available across street at Sent Western Lel007uflo true too 'Groat Acurran Ohr/nt astro da lin 050 Ou 50m Irin' "BoyonroBock," o trae- 00050rok Jum3520m.Aonhlunk u tuo to 0 OsO Ob the 150,100 gres I soc' s'000giocgolory shelLs newly on Op Ciono& P00000ur $50 ¡0 05 0000tnhruukoTsubnz asan dort lt widowed songis dad )Clivr rontnl 744 nl the door. Feb 5. sp nr. LittbnCltbloaadallon 55 ooaorratlot Ocoen), 000th ono sho-yror The Gril tornthnro Fob. 6,0 pm.. Irr Iho dsoelopconio bSisaL 00. old boy from lobo oonood '600750 out'ttoOturyOltfiomurr Li500lnTrtta006ttSturiohBo boon, THE art nOtti lo Sur 0500ko Ct 0000's to- SOSO salse ot 00000 10071 615' m000'irgo ond 000mher coon noter Sitte rk 60000 unO 0045 Through Pobmory 'LooMs coro' ,nr001hly ro. Chr0000000ur517nrtotcrnrt Sp ter Sa' st' Ha 550 FlowerScalories polli' rcqoirod loom his licO, who M ES SAGEIS IN THE tort Anne Ourro lund Moro Bornai ints 01 fbosnro and! ososO so stOSiOu only loores what ¡torons Paktt,Oppr 050trndclurcti 000ainesadOillsge 6011,000005v SPAIIE,lL450h Acorro .,000rrtOr orlsAso., Leso onoom Cul etyhon'o.t toberomeopurool or/ocr sesaoanot0000uso ors. noTi 497- ccl p.c. M000ar'Fdsat. Coflinot maozymiaoodverLomo, MUSIC 0000 605tt060t pr roo lobo i niotos St slot ECOOsto)t lito Orlo 000lOr o "TlooBo0rsaro Bocio" rot000r no 0050urce, st the sor, tIr 1040) 6741006 Tlrroufh Fob 0k mon direoOrd by ScoUt srs teoersos lubie Onu Inc Jan. 23, n Heougos, tno'lSmOOMlOaimloiItor' Globo frame mowoio'by [OrbIt Onion Mato) harz/In k) a polsi oso ht UntolsolmO 10010001 '(GOD IS A-BLACK MAN Lt7/ttllJun.20,Sper.. Ersntstboct Arillos F Stltesrdo 000slnolecepcss joornolisl Simon Corn, ord Chlrag0000gio [uncebn Itt/lit Jon, oil boiruldtsonrolpc.Jamll it's hin bosh 00m nievo bio NAME.RICKV) 29, recolour 5501mO esotico 00610v COOS eu oily 0011000, Kocht' dasoliogllHo doblo ochib 14 ato). Oto/SSO Jan 30,Ops.:OtOn' ¡50 00000m of All, lOSS 0. 0011 Asad, "Sb/moo" It workn on weIb os so tort tetto uypntJano ir Luto to 'Ono PIs 000.10011 OIS-TOI005I5IaO' it dors portly honouso oir [longo Asinlucdt Sir/Sto. b0005u/m000un GaislytmulvIS oc-Ope Monday'Fldny'(ls 0.5 porsirzoberly good perform- ?JígbIy once mosco Oho olnooys-rnli. ART GALLERIES per Soturdots ThrsoghJ0102A "Cri) i.".: Rssase,aecs/sst,.red loar listk000toin 0100mtlm 0014000 aeowwnpar'mlt "Oho Soys sso Book Sah Munone otl4stnsrttseotsr W0rIU'Slocmsbtoul eulimladiotCucl e/esso,,, Osodooe,E.rM/dw lklrnrr9y450rtsbinnlo Orse, l.asO robAn 0020'OOOOi 500 l'loS fol emodons wis0005 Oihoroiobraomn, wish oho help ofsoboly bedekjapooeoo' 70000110. 057) 451-ASSO 0050100k' undnnnked 0mo 0510051e tlslol rosrriirg lo monipubomion Wr'iler/dirorbor Jene mootng porloo'woncos from tr000Umtorthonntetruodu Opon IS morot900ttrond500deo nib Gnon -HEDY 'SVoTarlS - scopo TunuduyrjOns.'Ops d'opbat.Prod000d nilo ouppm Ulme and mawbzinhooso, Aood Camooirn (on Oorro"wi000r Son Wioborovood porliro' 'ltsdneodot'aIdOt; loam's [atol Ito Oorelu100 JooloPOrli010Cluk hInoJos od 5)00100 it's orner for "Tho Pi000"),gmnoo bovlyAhhio Cornish,'odo- SOTtO TiMAn Ortuts 000 Surdnyu rdeisrizs tot e oars lankoosteoslaoasnnholi O Uro Orto La (soro 00 do Ihe "SrighO Ator" o oomboo ol(ygivos stoOd erpresoirn m0000mlntrso',o leso roba, utelo' eskimo mF loables 4010lIre and allO nighO thing poinFul ash brooding, broolifolly coro- 50010000 poworfob omntb000, n 60 Ir ali propano ir airo tren. irgo loot unoa tome luod010pem and p050d qoo(ily lo malch line making onen rho Abbono OhtoughHotnlrl4. tnsosOtltnr puroly t gutsdoe 0111110 Im n rs oc moybn IBO) 1004 mio,) 05cr tilo 5l00mntuArt str nAced pl 001er onO lIatss ¡ca500 Soled PG-OS loir oomo young poe1, boo lbeno'o also and tho bi'0000 seem wrotin ran Sol100tisso'will ombre ton ron' Seni mm ASino 0050100. lILO Ossrsos, 005001 brwguogs and ille menU VinLorirv Sog(ioh "Sriglod Sian" iso lc'ihole do -Wrttfeo'O,. MaSlCSO f000000 betsssn ri000 srl, 01510101e 00110200 5000010e msmTb 00M-7274. smI rfjoy io the oc'onoed youth, b000ly, dehr'i000 hap moOir riomeols, Profinr010 & DA0'ented SV st000001mtoreau rOt cAlmoso' 55w Sor io ro Asir 0050lOuoo.Atg 'asgo, Thoro'o imm0000 pinoso md ISo loso md of Director & Arresger bulto OSsu) Inst uro cors 1600100 Thr0505J5lo COlsbIatitÇ Sopese BRIGHT STAR ponsiowr'o Iboisonlively lIzo lavo leIden (SO) Baled JACKIE TAYLOR ROBERT REDDRICK ASSIring RICKSTONO 06)0mm that shoot Ito rrsatks oio mn 05100 [aliolI st Alt ht ObderAd Ito," lObo siory oOoor ollho choose affair, bui inh PG ion dhenoolir 010manlo, snd rol arotali1000tthonloorçobuty 10010090 work 0t photzgsnphot 710 n. oro ettios st Adtinh ar/into J000phiSO Strong and pa 0101 00101 mont oobrbr005d romanceo c000oninod, vosei'nod, nomo scosoaliiy, brirf Ian' ana 500155 att se 50000 ltsttmt Oui 000000 in (iteinry hislomyl botw000, oven ropronoso/. So biso googe and innidootol RUNNING - oh 00250 Onnbott. IfloludsA null be crI Ihn doomed, 2O-yrol"oid nonoidorrbbo,'innompl/oh' smoking. Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 c2 Sundays at 3:00 nainlrso snlolroloro dran sos AUDITIONS & John SOcolo and LA Upan aid mont Oblii Cowpioiz, - lAelrbnips byBriloe Acigl ate bunko, dutorot'oa art SbAllo aro do' OPPORTUNITIES ui000 ht lilt Sia 0100100000000000 Tickets: $45.00 51001 00007 Fr, Onto CalAno' ton nos ottors. Jun,03,rpss 0101- STAOE HUNTERS FEST JAN. 22-24 Children, Senior & group rates available 10e 00001 rA: Art nod Lilo ir TheSuin5StosnII001nfCa.S'lb lola OtsOntbocy"nu Ile nrouortedbt 0051sodilioss tor"Ohrool"rtOOOOlt. st Chtotnpho rood, 000005be plole0001 055isso,Chiosgo'Senklnma o gmraol KALE FEST JAN. 29-31 110001mo uodri000lcatt1rsot Feos' 000hkdseoa9000'll yeos ont ans COMING IN MARCH sti105ia Stato Ufli5010 t 500am Pol ro uibtssOO Iwo bols EVERY FRIDAY MY BROTHER'S KEEPER° The Nicholas Brothers attoktanstt [cotOn, 506 nunsu HIJO' ug005'lototiho roles 01 Oli005aod (Ile 16IMPORT1 ea t. turk 0 dg o. 12471 $150011 01901 00555c Propalo LO halu o! an ALL YOU CAN EAT 50501 lkt000tlosntotololhtuuolc BEERS apboat 000m prole ably tous Ihn FISH FRY IS BACK! AT TUA BLACK ENSEMBLE THEATER 4520 N. BEACON Faklb"Satlnp uosatts Again!, s show. Alooapssinl proobdol. 00 PtO ,n,ON TAP,,sa toOngo to too Ch tieso roo.. sto poled 10 danzo 555 p000ibIt load 1100 . 4 Ito demure 23500r050 annsOt 005vap' Ito nospl F501101 a000nto onl001000d 0000505050 n000aou 0550 F55015 000550 CALL 773-769-4451 For Reservations or tuoi 090e ¡top los by tOO (Sou urçot' Ch Iseo sg000(4 hnos 005 rilo line FR10050, Sansaoasa log sot nono CUt/moo tos in' 1005055, Jan.05, nosppnitleeni tickotergBar312-902-1500 As Soeae000 Great Food, Grast Sntvioe, Groat Foop(e 0000s 501ko ktlaodtOoaror Coud oerosoalt. bons ogoolS ard sp, 05m Lave Onlerlomment iFornmlp osino sed mere bsPermsOlos call 775'ZAO'Sdotb oot Bl005t Pale 00600ay,Lnda Doto, 7550W irs's0 Pork Rd. kolas Otnotst.Curtl005sl500o700i OPONe DAYS AWEOIO VdakO Our Webakne go, PARE 013 Nerlid0u vISit suar webelte at oeww,edolweivadknicg.ac000 I 00000'OOA'SO' 70G-452-6040 00109669 POEtI PItLICAfIfhI- DC diversions 1B13 nozidiversi DC fiIRODAS, JONIA45 2foil fesa far as arien appslrisn sis sr eri dermites Rsmsn art corsean at FAMILY FRIENDLY go. mete leisrestiss renlurmernn taies sei sr srs esssarayed is audoise. ate apriirozosNa peo ali raies parsa marnisqtes ara neid realists Coathmed kampeer nie onze. VisE see inlays ts rs erro slit ta Isard. Perter00500n datos ers Opes auditens lar Ile Inrisreins Msrsh 25-spitalst isisreni'ian, nail sts al lattes prsdsslinr si"The Tee' can s lulls sa sann t rae f-9 p.s. Je n. B sarl Nus-insI. It i Dads and daughters pesi" citi be tela ttsnr N'e p.m. Jara Still tstsg lpl estanaltruapsst 5551.5 p5. JunI24 feces sstadslis 25-20 ai laStan Caesar li8 Cnllege. petormens aEdests atape ant nsnr essa uts p e I la sels sppsisisre sis, l620Lssit eses Des Plaines, Na ap' Iirnriad by Chirapa astarjPi bui ea It-irs e re reina ss E-rs eu frte n' painisenit entontar5 ile S re niar is dance the ni ht a isren'sisastains,g nr rail 117am fab a go, PAGE 004 sentrç sen est escoa ni sii apes Dy bRuS PETLICKI Cori,ikaier Broadway's favorite dysfunctional family

11111e girls how mach they comes home to Chicago for a visit. veas to them by bringing thom to the Skoitir Park "SENSATIONALLY Divieici'n Daddy-Doughier Dance, 5-7 p.m Sotaeday, ENTERTAINING! Feb. 0, ai Doblen Commu- THE MOST EXCITING NEW AMERICAN s nity Fenton; 4701 Oaktnn. PLAY BROADWAY HAS SEEN IN VEARS i. Tinece mliii be pinzo beyer- agro, done peines nod iota ofectiviliro lo keep every- onohrrsynndhunisgfun. - "We offen a Valentine's Doie-ek, sold specie1 OVenis supervisor Mary

Derer. "Lesi peen; it mese - m'reutir milk henrio. A a guest DJ pinysgemestnitir Ihn dads und deagintees, es meli os g munie. Lest pray one hade hala beep contest nod limbo. I'm noi sara if moli beve the seme games, hut similar ones." Df onus-ne, therm mill be dancing to manie selected In pionne bella girls nod their ihthers. Drene outed thai there are so many things In do Ihat tise tovo-hours flyby 79e 1101mPath listriii's leddy-Dsipktrr lacee mlii effet spiess div- ers dsnnirp, femes sed grites. for parlioipents. She neid n - I ahnt tire Doddy-Deoghtee perform eren nilO n.m. no 200. Prospect Aar. This Darnos nftnesngrrat J') \47 Thnesday JonIO, deep-is program for bids 2 emanen foe falbces end Por deteils, cali 10471 ages 2-4 miih e parcel, 'e a' duaglntees "to spend some 026-0000. offers lime foe pour child to quality time just tham," enjoy free ploy end social- n I' ' e n' Adminsiosis $20 pee ers- Soaring story matins mith other ehiidcro. Ii es -a.I.IJ idant couple, $10 foe non- A cebred baHoon suies- Parsets alto beve erhesee residents, $10 foe addi- mes dapacts onuiong- ieneoialise. i. r I'a. a tinsel attenders. Registre. awaited dream vacolion, - Por detniiss, oeil 18471 tins is nmquieed. along with his hnaseaude 825-202. 1rl3i Pee dnieiis, coli 18471 074- young stemaway is"fJp." p 1500. The delightful animstod You'll be powerless A 96-minute PO Sim mill be Board gamos ran hr n Gaining 'Momentum' sisomo a52 p.m. Dainedoy relertaining. Theta mhnt WINNER! Jans, tap, modere, hip- Jan. COis the Lorgo your ohlidrev mliii laceo BEST PLAY hop, ballet, Brnndmay and Nesting Room elNilss during Family Pus W Voue 2008 TONY AWARD contemporary dones utylrn Public Librery 6960 W Librery-. Uutueed PULITZER PRIZE mill be fentuend mhro Onloton SL A snach mill be Unplugged Gerne Dry, f-5 Aurods Dames Compuny nem'vrd. pro. Saturday, Jan.29, el preuenis "Momentum," 7 Poe Salammo, celi 10471 Shobirpobbo Library, P215 'e p.m. Pride0 Jan.29 and 663i294. Onlotus DL Pamilian et-e ON SALE NOW! Sntut'day jes. 00, in lbs invitad tu drop is asnd ekel- Nues North High Dohoni Banish cabin fever irrgr their siaiiis with FEBRUARY 2-14 cn/dorace auditorium, 9800 Lewier, Ova gamut muy tenure games thst don't rrquire Dhohir. Tirbeta ero $9m lbs minter blabs into bringjoysiloks erhasdhaid 800.175.2000 advance, $10 ai the donc I Ch G Oft your prasehooler to LitOe gismos. Tk t i bi tIi D 6 g Order Debotu from Tyhes Pinygroup, ii-iir4P Foe detallas, caO 10471 y T k tartO tit O p15 Sf2 t77 1716 [email protected]. Theren.m. Thursday Jon. 28, ni 324-3i49. miii heu free commanily Parlo iiidgr Pabino Lilnt-an-y Cottotnerrfrpiotmeerierei.naon Ir. www.pioneerlocaiCom DC. P4555554, JSOUSPO Si, 4010 diversions IBID W PIONEER PRESS PUBLICSTIOR OC www.pioneerloCal.cRm diniondato SSOdopllloelOr001alll' lia P1)0040 SI IholiI,a17 Tdo Son- l'on moborialo sloro2i Sot al upp i- Soro Only salo ei lb IO IroniOd'O 15 go. saeto Ohs 55501 la 11050k sod ph510 p.m ltday Will 100 n'duo 100nobol- In lhosskudtosidrtisn Wall-'ins io Il nhipuasabadoslthodsorbon00000 Coollound Irorrr PAGE 53 sotb0500n Sosbla'rnsssrrunlaid-- onOlpubbl000bnmlbIuiromysi,-403 loo 0,00hsro,sisit000iilsoporaora p.m. Sul nash 5050000'liOp.m,Smo 'I ns.,.iiext SSo ubsrSO .0 ruoli auditions for usd0100110 btoslLyris'inl.Fsrin- hob no 0500 tuesto porfororofs atlpst 10,001150 salt IFodohilfOl 00100e lao SO altro Sirilo Park Sstriofo 11f 0) 801 5140. CHILD'S PLAY Ossi r, Concur, In Conio, 4701055' Thu No nO prost Chsnsl 00 sly 'i ovitos "Th1IjotheatricaI -event BUST fl GUT, ron. Strofa 710 rospo narosr005 00 esporioornd100005 1505010, buts nbbuhsdOomaos 19004 Monnho'm u I Porlorof 0 05 ¿00001es 4411 snuioorsufy50000rroua550.00' 5050 i000nsoLliodols aun sos sto rhroosnoutrlOnosrelor 01,0F litions aro 10100000401 5000mW al annI 100lossloolso on (005745- of the Chicago,.winter." flOT YOUR BUDGET! osmrlruotrnesn-srOU trIOSfOOP lhnoagfr Marsh il sr counsel IsWof dOSO 100110101 51150sf 0101 So on do lslosi00000hrr ofjsoiorysodJuly an Cdsrsh OTO Los SL 000 Pleines Ode vol roStido nuro'su loro Ono Iniowu- "Perfeyspindid" Hilarious entertainment at a great value. oli Sto rioni ano romproto iorinrfls suonI osffpms avori nl logorio ru lion inn is iaai 111 11055052-5 ro Ihn st Sty ro ruad orso s On orso, sod otloon 500al 00011000 io s In ordiI, C 0001 00f50 51n500t0 Calabrad000.' Discount Sop opsradroo'osorlosootldf'flS 000304 ouatr005pbOrp 750 pnaup P0105000000 511pm, ooday-Tliano- srf.rollsrwsmosro or soSOs, t t roo 50050rlo push I0'. offerto 10011010 sor, aniS pm. Podan Ido stny sourd lo Or orofloroçi ,snd a, sal holiday 00050rl si a 00405m ondrs.vr 5510 asO EIS "A smoIdíinq fun loup""Irresistible" Magg ja no's coro t550 Car00f nra-vanS for salo, opiritsalo ano hnmos sIn 11er lOO 155, 150 Sto. -Osormnwo5000dbana nmoa -CAlosOs non-Trineo IrformulIslors suOir0050po'ul sofllnrl 110f io mono slausrlal fool CenInn EssI in bIo 55,11 Shorn Conbor Little Italy lora aol s lion 0001011 st q I üAiL% W Ion Ido Periorm'n pOols ossi 5551mo with Olden 000b nghsluolnoalmm 10050 00000 sa cisco asIlo lns101055npSj505, Blvd 055115 10011 dIO-sOSO On0500 to 'rOrhoolop stlpm pnb,&9 at 050rompsrary 55f uds sod r usio moor lr0050torq Fub.25,fplr, solup r: "Sni, sophistkted.thoíouqh!y eojoydble" Tickets 0100000 C moron ir roSso, liS lin- hrs500ah To srlOIilo an volition sal TboalmaoonkoLlO pm00000 bask 0001mo to roar allons 11701 5040401 sirio 1010m neihoraf- PoSyl 1)0. Start at sono lionS sp Ispriou 55 ,00sand 00105.0,0 PisO-Sta 5010005ml Holt 010071- nus0050fds 115 suiulnSfsillf noulumo lnlrprshy"O 0010 Crmrlo Oli- $25!* MISCELLAPMEOUS lolos pou.los5500rorourr005, od. va, lvansisn, bni000al 510 (445)40 - Sk000FssI'salopcillinos P sonno brun Propsrnli00000ra000nsod S44ilsS0ts' 10471 400 4000, long 4001mo, 4000mpspiutwur 50 Coon lIno onoto at lis 3Okt00 Con- O 00 pislIba ioulons, 0(00 Falo 001_loo, p,001d0d 000rnsaro bIafra Par' non my Canlor sI basi 500 Monday pon 105iaiflnhour'bs 000000010 fono lb- CAPITOL. STEPS foros00050 il So spiri Od-MoyfIst msnlll050inqsplot5000than osi dnon500usl0500dthMrb 101101 Jan.21 24 fi Pu rio Lolos Thou troll Suo InatioalotC ltoros000sy2d-id TO 'iodnts.lS;lsfonao, oisl000n,05 F0000Forni mur 0000 IOWWSI0' rortlo'patoanfsrinfor 00100,5e f slit Idlon, JaSSO briOl sor Boni Free nol000no Orso ftrlllor'OOfl. PacAs OPiO. (447) 514-1500 ost Oras, 105 Tog thor Inalurino hoothonubarn

Parking Muon 05001 S illosrolly lyolpbon s001lu basO 000 BENEFITS ranI ployaIs und par5000rsnSrs, Okohlo ParO Diulftst'op 0500nd son or 0000sIonnyc4f p0000t"Onotsnom pnlorms000llosp000050 000010110 The Cbfoagn Pon 05500falion's OSI Sob Espol.'Iisn noon 15.10 JSSOO Io oo'Onaoilloopsnot io poi 00' 0005at hoi ash rerso'm u lachos hub rubohrato Ihn grand opon ossi h am ais ire laid on T0000snaflor- Lot 50 0010140 or',iofm do po oo,lOd 50(0010004 Colt Poad bibI TOO n o,5000rlirsdonsotth000rls arsen Jan.30 01 001100 COmmun Ir 000110 bros san OnsaInsbs, 10010010 Mr D 7'Mf, 000cm Into loi 110110. Pori r Co 0441150000 15000 soi 7151,00. uns tam y-14001 n 05115505 005h al 000rona I 000a solo hold roar TOo produsi so 00000s000 ao'npino P2aULA lasa pamnbrosa 'Polloaia sisq-aL005 I05051 orJsnsrnaodlslr. sod osodoP 1001 01 moro than 15 POLJNDSTONE ronr-n ad, 5a01s0 For,nlormaior, lanyurs,Juapouaod 005lu500l5005 0505000dmoalno, 0430 051001 I i j Fri., Feb. 5, 5 p.n,. rutory nno loor. ano 0050ltnI la romioa ly0050iop Osad psoonoolT obsto son nsa ollo Ihn paolo 'lo Si Pias '00 oh Sisare Sarah 01000uslsbnoolur.ronsmlbOOl540 On nuco S PuTn Soin n MslotiH lIarD lotse Sat., Feb. 20,00 p.nn. SOCO;thol shot pnoos lotol Salon do In the Red and Brown Water LI ooperoufChioagninit hulusidi' 0000 050iao 0h oua 010010.01 rap lsl'rno ido 001v 01000. 001 Osma 0' lions loflssnyunbral 507 tonas Isole bsmsthaporisr05000,T kots The Brothers Size and Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet poniouroi ussr salin Irarud0050rs 001soandssubor000nolbyoslrng 10,051100 01001 b 40 IhooSa, r011 1847) 171-SISO scolo Iel001000nonitho- nu lOolerolOgoriosnl5000dposl 10411 55e-barOn oso do 500001 00h01- A abobo, Monohfl'lO'Ols'Ii na ionI written by Tarell Alvin MoCraney Ioni rl O rsmpaoy0005ral00500- 0101150 and prssnsno iondol by the satodoy rislnlOdssn olsosol rs dio fo lia ¿014115 sosa Sonoro in 000lon PdosalfsnsfPsoodalfsii directed by ensemble member Tina Landau M0000 nod Zoo, lIn 0904 OursIns 050isslsru nhiqhLn unsssns500tn 847.673.6300 apply, Prdllmoornasdl 0000' LOo 7h0 405lbard gsnn,"'mlOdOf loto - Woo si oi o.mlAW5 ROOKS & POETRY bilas SallaS sod Os albo ispbol- ho dJan,Sh-S0,Pob.a-000010eodla. A brmakthrough theetnioul ornent three intercumoem000l playo by ñ 00" F01010 010 140 p Sir 000 550 dy'insitadsn only 000' 50005k Nolte, 55 015 Orshurd Cue' a brilliant new American noice. Grand io scope, yetiotimatn and 0O'levifsdsnroiors In Skoda (8411 171-SWOFnO,M,i heartfelt, Tanoll McCnamey's playo aro dansa, tummy assI gamuimo. g5r uhoil000d isunroorris roland por bppooraosn 110111dr00'oOrIin COMEDY ProSonrr 75500 ,,, 000tslsin050porsorcbisato Cdl- R010isa Stoss 5010000f Chao l'os neo, ouAsoou moan nayirin ° Cl.' 'i',',Call 077.447.7049 oso Oso Irono Coonsioarsn ¿00 tard' Ruelles CJ ArIOsos ParS 00 II, lion Wiboorlo onorloo, Sarto 010 Chi0550ILSOSOS MssnlPiuop050Psbïoiidra5,fO C loc,W covo. 1h41) 75k-0010 Jacal s sonor bIto, loOsI SiOdi Sonroso l547)ZTO-017r.lan,02'5A ¿'b,, PAGE BW steppenwoif frotosrouuundlll000 or005loras abbi Cool Posh Os o, sponoorna by buy online at or call 312-335-1650,

l'i I O ' Uil

Ip 3133 North Haluted e 800 982 2787 1 800 BLUEMAN BLU jONOTEO APP)0C4 773 348 4000 Group Sales 773 348 3300 BLUEMAN 00M 000001e 4lyuua. oeeoor ____ H PSt 0s?r7d 055soaoI.co0 Coa00S B16 I dionersusags DC T4IUASD44, JONUABA21, 2510

Cyeohand hIendO AP 01000 PAESI PLhLICA7ICB . DC dVBTGbM8S INh Ilota lIAIS 175 kumhoT, 7.104m et Fíe e darlo,) be I es Fn igAbevr vg syl go. Cernes eeenn'Tstnrnulad While Sq sete Spams & Bairn Sqaann Dense sen e pleas Is ettalk Jan.24 ma- senoeteod SpstOm, in- Clah.50lotbsronuplee and des es, trnnectorç.Jan SO.mpm TnThe For iniorru sImon ebsul the presenta Nanan: Toimernos n pretI5cml oint p rooF nht Frsgram, sell mOISI 635-7414 urn's t mad inns rpnsderoot no MSS EU M S Turnyour Cortirued Iront PAGE B14 honivmllhodlrmr"ftepertllnlrranrn domano the snnsnh eut tourth Mon' ltsuroniescs,) hswlurdnrpieldiop lptOmhgaonnt1oall sIll 797-lSbb or Omwoeston.etu)smattus The One vectroslrre m050eadsI end OoIAor pad lnrnonmmnetnd tor Autors 550 Croen. dnysstlhemnnthal year seo stthe ha Ueb lNoady4l nei Iraunstoeri l5AOldIl-iShd, 5h55 mrtm000nmostir tarknrltth 015-7h closes sooPrar- B001mnerd Brnmnrlmrg From IlIon (o lilinnisAnlcnasetMooeum&Ddaoa' rodela: ttsrt 11575. Park pidan tee or Ceeter ItS S. West- eav'tnrroengn uoo,w erearno InnI pieu urB Jan. 24, ben. 51, Fab. IN, Feb. tansimom thenesebabopoblsetisr newspaper eIS 11.30m:Sko6 eresidertlebtie ern Ase Park ertp .noerdootorlat nut Ir What P reimt net Ohs ma Us n lien len tsr, 9601 wnoos Drroh S 105m BinAnt by CarloS Morts ber tarasa 2h Me beh 14, 04 a rot 2e, eptl T, Apr I nutabi shod ir 1b55. Acobambiptronie Sus 0500000 pressntoo remedy per InsrnflompaotPremidermmao 575 11471 417-IBAs nnrnr holcoouotmeae- DANCE 710 Bm.erth eqbaren trom n 12p.m. growlsn lett-nmnn'hmu-qenot7he 2b,MayOuodgsyle,soopsr essi tenuilnsso'rnenk 15115e mente fr00 rormeroebasedarhrrtuoks, 11(7001 15 tsr memberS 1h tor qnnstn. nor ir- Teen Satans seree-Jsla(7-4 AmarI lsursllsm'Opm 55 obeys into a long ph lbS stlha Brsnsnioklenn-innr cidro hlO'lOSOOm.Moodsysslsbtlnn Feb.1 Tunsdano Bednpsdeys rm labs IS pionnA Still Oatrl0 No rover. tnrmahsn, leI 170710G-9407 er loon) theol Dorsmnrlsrsr I ndetl4 ORGANIZATIONS s. meo roen poas 75e 5 005 for LET liS CATER Centre Saut r the hlrrth Share Center Peernn MeNSES Cosme f so lo O IT. 50150m Thsmsdurs:llem.Sicm. 402-N44t. bunt OB "Sermtlake Ihu II n.' mmnnmssfmcuspt boleosce Bedo; y leeoor memkals. ISO rom nvnwnrr sers Newspapers Yotoaa Camhaaaiesq lasting forthe Perform ng Arts 9401 Shoke Ailes esdh high SohneiABSO Lone 7h54 VelnrsrstorTrsndom." 550.22: qcirgs-oe 'nelargmiddln-tlsls len Plaipan OrI Guild one Is OIS Brrr ssadunsonre erraI ansbeFsinoto' toluldelc 500 tundebs mdb II as. SB WeDoiwse Blot Shake moot art-asta rumIen- ET CETERA IS mr oh Idos egal 5-IO Il nr oIs- Are, lauern (o4T(525-OlSCJan.29'SO, "malkmngn thWunhrrgton" Phi saslph Ahiqheotoo lump Ihn on Inn emend Tdan nl the month eePruOto bleich est In Inn ere 3050 Woas Dovepurso,Skotio lrneaaturç Jan.21 7:Otp.m.;JnruaCn pm Thn005n-l2lS huroru Savon Sqoare Spreels Square lanar Clad laIn bull Jen.SW'beoeetp pl 1db Plane ladas Cumrrsnrlb Canter dsntoesssll200vd ev REASON tt5 r 'teal 05100mo lsluiOlhanrooptorolio ellotelsohena, 19051 ruenshe'm Fsi-icoclC000y OolSui'oloo memory. p rn; Jnn. 23, 5 p.m. and b p.m art Crmpanymil prnsnrl Somnnluo tsrtpo ttntnurthnulundaystnast Onhntt nod taIt OrdeaL oepasn sin 515 Tbabter SI Optima nos Ose mew loser tAstoB PntT,5 Bflr.S0Pl,nonl Spesmelnal uil onsams Ireoit musa- hcodjlroswo,Liionelbarwaoorleblo CoOS Jan.24 lp.mThp Cep tu Stops pres- te 140mo ltestsrn ITO n000rtlr BootSnFtsmderthronqy TMsn, at OsI SnodA Olteenugn-cr4enrie ei, b bnru sro Walmema Por inrermolish mol p554010 bCIlrN,is Crashouma lbS son sdstlmbros Thmeag4 40024 'Ives TARGETED ente political ara corren t most tspts,aslnrtorn or POD) OHS- (147)673 5409 00 677-7691 stsde is BertO50nolsrr, teA, modern FndnnmerllthorenCyarolr,304W thoslrlplynoc nlommsbceeAlm AelSorstunewop 10471 RtA-035C or wrhieabdnolmn,Aypnlraoo5h Mebod RmnsKlH olorR orfodny 5 Iromel os SsS0, Ihn 501st pvrons lrstndbeluwso FAlb: 1047) 170-7101 salire. l'l4n. Feb., e Bm.: Psra hie-loF 5511cl errudmay oodrvylnm Feleloa000hproopnottnigtto netse-JaaIOipm. Iheiaretill' oil IwendpahsrS 20510 pm.Crrel etlnnstivou- OshbilormOosolpdbbtha Aenmord Pouedolore 033-lar reKtO,e pm.: 001 intisde nnloima leas (he mInIma- po's'p serpe T'oti(7 lvadoroe, BLed dneo:nq .nç noa,7:Slp.r' e Ib mn'Apehtrsitnttrçniuetoa...... r FemO edior,,lp°.,oci,Urn mm u' toes llsiymlomloah Le oem III. bel_d lr.n'n.n5.,5'U5l,I.1,0 Fd.SOsulIem- rusoidetoll The Second City holy Ppniosmsry Toar. bun ene is boil t3S-461t May S, IJO III st the OssI for l'thetl sorted homard sed Inne totonrnn, sed squarv ernsrd-mmnu'nglamumantaimprmoides etopur.JanulTel theOoiIidePsrh Aptdro,dpm.:woobhrpleillrurdo Ilaryal Irre Omsbd ano hem leAlly a SSS Deanna bIlmo el dans ng otarIe atnp.m mith gunst p.m lmusdarS tIsrssnlun Seul it- comps lins nI open ints the ramp so haldee ce, Sell M telame.7 criss, ObOLsdPCoosOsad,Sen ea liSte Omt0000ndosairotpsmld esovio Is' oenvve.dsobn-ooessssaosos,00m Thnhittmnulre,4n55l4 hr melden analCoIlnrf hors Alranoommsely rs Ilem. Os treshments ne rIad and bar- o sOEng Doer lynnoek Tas 1h nellO PIOIPTEER PRESS Irte and cord 01 OBB 01 Ihn manllsl lo- tuo diem 151 imeging snllus esto. with clodos tuoni/li lrsrds leumusmesi lore. dstnSsoseIetsdslHIe sed r,or,005erim,O,,oimraolncnul,,alilslitl COrano. (0741 231-707G CALL e4,.aem.,smo performs nra Will be Bree en tel al Il her erailalle Il rough April 24 SAmio- uraontthsnmnowsb rher000.4dmms- msOtthelect Ntcdnesdeyclsosh Csstolltnner 000nrt&a4tn 400 nereo 0410119 mueRe Cohen, Todd llncsloarn'o snlspooartamoy, mmmthnoitltlnatnerrç Through a.m.Jsn io. s en: 14. nor in armaban, call evrm D Ors 0go ens trOuaI niaras Cose to er on Otte e. Peh,4,l Tm 'lisesI month Roriaiurmc( an o'maitlaouo- pm: Dinoer aI Bostee s sIdras 400 hem Isp-m I 0000rsotoplormy - MenohOf.Opm.Wndnnsdsynerdrrr 102 542 or Ie471 001-Colt. JertlO- Accost ce " a dutumnetlry that mele- din teltrtslas sort. 5(0ml allot drenegecO-I olooriponelbyab BennPs & LESSONS leen Clod Oled Seer nItt June nays Onlure Tan, the loues rov h dee sharon Felt SAI Orok All mor Irish Ommivaoyemttaqe Cenlel slum brsteslho VIn end vn env ei erst let- PebkoidqnohtLeegsesnnls still 201.10 0w lOoerOtberobeosolao adult 71e morosSop bol Sonor lye team er 73e OBI Theatre Company lrsppnTsttnrsonnoeClub proridse tore phulel apher Jul UnSImsImso. o hens loe,Chr0050 1771i200-7S1S Pn loe t'vI PlIny 07 lt month mr rsnI 0711m.L tOssA hirism 150. loge uy st Osee nra rd evi ¿lela Ill- pertormo 15. round erdsqosredasoIneat7p.m the ltshhrnsrtoen tettegsCeehnr,06T4 men ran 5m roanarl Feb.IO,S'b FILM the 5001e ParAo nldtause. 505 Te matt bateS at Heabt s/hg les CIsh sponsors pOlis, Iba losco gr solio seplsmod lytercmnlnenlal Chi002n 2111e ro As- nnroedlstsrteyotthn mentI h AncA Ase. CR'mepc 17t01 0007021 Oled, Perk hlda bussI incisos Cul lellmOosdectrslor allego Onmi pm:Islaolne'o Dab oolel,ieet ths ttsgmemnsts systotybrunrrtnon tri 5303 e. h rev Ruas, nosemsnr thrssph hey h st mmnnoel cIteras blmmkClneme, in theA ok-Laudar' Au mmw.itmh-amnl'man.srS.mtrdayo SW lIre144 11001G 1047i 005- tOt hr oobtodlasu4st(relorocmen dIsCo0 smsgitg, rolreshmnnta und Itrtsrmao lume modmmcsrlh pIso ymn.itshareonmlrynntronerorrr Churoh. tacher sol tes strneth. 055 ditnrism elIte Alsth Museum ot Ort, Flmieden-Feb S,epm..Smrennmnl SkoAn Phsluqbaphic lodatA mee Is al leudotatobmer ho ser orIlma 00 muoIo Jun CII snaodhsthmnsr taels lInsollS ormusesm 015m 14471044 5100. Oalordaes.Apm.: Aaient. lt per guest For iotormolroe Northeesterr tnieersrtli 45 Arle Circle st Jeosa'Netedthahyth"edots (.00 p w. Its hId Ihsrchey 01 snub shoes AI dsnoom arnillo oso riss Kesse. Ils includes lehr (000 and s Sers If eobmamberc.hesewsl oea s CrmedylpnrtnTlrentrn presented in 05 10171690 1501 or1771( eel n4o7 Drive, banalen 101714314111 meetamhsethe ileotinrqsamne neu nonthatbdehintlleeetelis oily pm.mlmslcr bSI(crmnmborr,bO ostI eel. su roO Feb. 4, AbC 4m'borr is lee- Ihn MsntracnvOnm.O Ferrer IT Feb t,deedlS 7-Rpm Squarndeot- nnnu.bluokmosesm nn0henntnin.e Ont orerFnnnndt Onusero thel pisos- knsnmnetTsnatre, tison meen letton ItO lieue solo alegrspherc tot guests. Ca V l47l mrt-70dh beh 52, Skoklalheahbogunlcpusndahsn tonsnem.000CamensSlotR,"els n- imp lessero st lumm Ist iptson,rOR hltok-riesme AdminCon io 26: 14 tOI rnriteo Karen Sellehen n' Iatrsdsle ShcworsAchocoscb D torro os nelmomp Cal 14471 AlT-5104. Sanoeslthe ABnImIor leg ontsl OlosesIm tosonrIs in Ita Odokie (lo- lslslssr000r dsmsss as.10lurms' pnud, Oranmeot ro4nts ere avoulatin O mmT dsnnlannpn shOgn. OlmI Bisos Muse mmembernoer'srortr- t 4e mode ardpraonats pset'tilm Ors aterooet sdetmsst room or lnaolo4s- b70(Pel Irr FeodlirPo dolt muso athe, 7A241 roomOve., Sdodin. Cell OnswmamlNro I0000nwsnraars Wvddoog &Aocivbbstt)' Rntopstows leSoonIlne Cal le4Tl029 snot. uenr,aedntndenton lt IS oreo enled ausermo. A O. IAITIO7I-0751 or oromlmewskodmnthe- Bsplmsmrrol &Cotmml000asiomo PuwIta SOOT she tudel otras inlet Selon do Spa res Sunday Boening Club hnuto helee 410mo chaos et? p.m,setese SINGLES IR Tha dtso ches. hecoweliobo Ingo reO Feb. 05, lIA simasom Jsa.24.lpm.:'Lsrn tel- pun SmreemngslKerinmqual ma Poivoto Pomlibo not irrIte service lepo. For irrora io- tollnourrrdeeoeotsrr7ll-ll:OOp.m, ootolmtherrhiss Polihlbeldolmetime LECTURES ombo2lnglne, lump100lulprotos' mermasen 21551 tystheater oeIl 10171 st the Amer our IP Tise 9717 Fario nuten-Jena bsotlsop."Ttnolao WORKSHOPS & CLASSES ls mc' o te rIng Jus Olino Orases 415 snmdoosmnrtory,"Priooenrullnr 1ILSS 671-5100. Marohlti itsrd-ap remet en dure Sels Angles sdjemshoadaI Oeorgsusn OsseI lboinedoesme Its Past' Ita 110ml 01 Ho Atacola mo mur TMBBdmindi Ave. iranIen Furt Admmnsinn io IB (or ho dato OblItero rorrptelloen nulls Certra Beet in I he North S Lele Center Che ove Handler's 07hnlsea Cochai irhglnO span la crngleo Dip us Il OedhunCsmmunityCoilngn Omer tus atlh000sr beno050pm.. C000ersa- 1, .196.7435 momleis:0W gunsto.(aAI Muoloby Airohlyllroloyoutuyol tyehnmlbap- torto P0010rmlrgAHs,m50(tqodio losleAntO mpsnnllrmmlslsnarl Bang nana Tour mitt buh W5B d'noer tas, erslsty ero Program oliera Iosrsos el 11m 110110 tl0000ilh(addlrnnsnmnll" pmecmrted Otnhok 1191 BssutFet2L-Muolrby Fo'nted leader st hep eAr Phon atoe N cd., Skma e 10471 005'lSloNeieunr' tuod 000150 imiti rromard on oh morIi a Im 0101mable Inn, Ocoept nImm rat- tenpes P011i 001v 4mB Stabs br Joe wreSund Ils im abanos, liCol lollootderrnemieO Sis ioomornbPrm 847-647-82821 ed 404F 1mo deys Odors essA shent Our iriorwalor ebnst the [merlos 15050cr ISO as woe mbems 6)11 N. MilovauluooNilon


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Biß I diversions DC THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) Thursday,Januaiy2l,2010 i 819

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 j 2 3 4 5 5 7 15 16 1718 a LETTER PERFECT Super Crossword 20 21 22 RYAN-PARKE. 19' funeral !:onle ACROSS 63 Opening 113 George 6 "SImple I Q%EMEMBERING 43 Grapefruit 89 Newsboy's 24 25 26 i Exercise remark? Peppard Simon serving shout 23 "Our family I target 64 To and - series -" 46 Way 91 Kamm or . . 28 29 31 32 5 Actuate 65 Rang 117 Korf or Sara 7 Type of sth. 49 Deck of Kristotterson 27 serving yours for a i:: -::: lo Boston - 66 Rapper 118 What a 8 Thalia's destiny 94 ContradIct 3637 38 14 Denzel Tone - teller sister 51 Dewy 95 Harnessed KI' over 74 years" Washington67 Rained and needs 9 Albert and 53 Pickling the oxen Myers, Mildred A. . 44 45 film snowed 119 Keeping Victoria herb 96 Bird of prey 39 40 41 4243 48 Mildred A. Myers, age 85, of Park Ridge, beloved 19 Kansas city 70 Kruger of 120 Give In to lo Mile High 54 Baseball's 97 Abbreviated Suburban wife of the late Wilbur F.; loving mother of Louise 49 50 51 52 20 - incognita High Noon' gravity Center Slaughter address 47 . 48 sa54 (847) 823-1171 A. Myers and Charles (Barbara) Myers; devoted 21 Comfort 72 - vous 123 Walked architect 55 Puerto - 100 Sodom Chicago grandmother of Rachel and Sarah Myers; dearest 22 MiddIe- plait" 126 DIacritical 11 Boathouse 57 City on the escapee 56 5756 59 60 61 62 sister of Evelyn Miller, Eiizabeth Savoia, Fred, march" 73 To boot mark item Allegheny 104 JFK abbr. (773) 792-1811 Harry and Cari Anderson; preceded in death by author 74 Bach 128 Author . 12 Sacred 58 Reply to the 105 Fine fiber 63 . 64 65 66 two sisters; and one brother; also survived by 23 Butcher- favorite Ambler song Uflie Red 108 CompassIon 120 S. Northwest Hwy. numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation Friday, shop buy 78 Hostage 131 Famed disc 13 Costume Hen 109 Moved like 67 6869 70 71 72 73 Park Ridge January 22, 4 to 7 p.m., at the Ryan-Parke Funeral 25 Modem 81 New Deal jockey sparkler 59 One who 116 Down Home, 120 S. Northwest Hwy., (2 blks S. of Touhy), Mesopota- agcy. 134 lrvings 14 Kid . no's best? 110 Woodwork. . 74 75 76 77 Park Ridge. Funeral Service Saturday, January mia 82 - May 'The - 15 Castilian 61 Smug smile ing tool s si 23, 11 a.m., at St. Lukes Lutheran Church, 205 N. 26 Numerical Oliver New cry 62 "The Color111 Postulate 7879 ao 83 82 83 8485 85 M Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. Interment Franklin, word form 83 Most enthu- Hampshire"16 Hefty Purple" 112 Nile feature PA. Funeral info. (847) 823-1171. 27 Theater siastic 135 Amneris' herbivore character 114 Mysterious 87 88 69 90 91 92 Sigit GszestbooI at k'gac)pio:Ieer1oeu1.eorrL collection 87 DimInutive rival 17 Short 65 Kirsch kin 115 Iron 28 Director suffix 136 Messy messages 68 Sgt. Bilko clothes? 95 96 97 Michael 88 Make _93_ 94 Madison 18 Stick 'em in 69 Campus 116 Animal that FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE .- O'Donnell, Robert R. 30 Satyric trait minestrone 137 European your ear digs roared? Robert R. O'Donnell, age 89, passed away 98 . .. 99 100 : loi 102 \. 32 Vim 90 Say country 24 Actor 71 Designer 119 Convent ARRANGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE \ç" January 15, 2010. Proudly served in the U.S. 33 Bond rating please 138 High-tech Morales Lapldus cubicle .. 103 104 105. 105 107 108 1O Navy-WWII. Accomplished salesman of City 35 Neapolitan 92 Actress missives 29 Singer 73 Bronte's 121 Namu or Service Oil Co./CITGO. Beloved husband ofthe late song Zellweger 139 Expensive Summer "- Grey" Willy Janet, nee Waisdorf;loving fatherof Patrick 38 Work over? 93 Connecticut 140 Uses a 31 - Canals 75 Tom, Dick,122 Bloomsbury 110 lii 112 113 114 115 116 117 Cooney (Tina),Michael (Kathy), Mary (William) 39 TarnIsh county trepan 34 Composer and Harry buggy Kulikowski, Elizabeth (Brian) Conn and Robert Jr. 44 PBS 95 It's a guy 141 TV's "Ding Thomas 76 Skater 124 Roy Rogers' 118 119 Th20 121122 1123 124 125 (Dawn); dear grandfather of Scott, Holly, John benefactor thing - School" 36 August one? Cohen birthplace Funeral Home (Kristin),Jennifer,Jeremy,Patricia,Justin, 45 Mrs. Nick 98 Perplexed 37 Big 77 Franco of 125 Bruce or 126 127 128 129 130 131 122 133 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Allison,Ryan,Kelsey, Christopher, Brooke, Charles 99 WWII site DOWN revolver? CameIot" Laura Jillian, Tess, Ana and Zackery. Preceded in death 47 ABA 101 Kenwood i Trim 39 Holstein's 78 Cougar 127 MAgnus 134 135 136 137 To Be Worthy of Your Confidence by his parents, Fred and Elizabeth (nee Flannery). member competitor 2 Sampras home 79 Landed 129 JournalIst Visitation was held Sunday, January 17, at Ryan- 48 Shipshape102 Glowing strokes 39 Rome's - 80 Gets Tarbell 138 139 140 141 Parke Funeral Home, Park Ridge. Funeral Mass 50 Standard 103 No, to 3 Soap of Caracalla hitched 130 Roller- 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 was Monday, January 18, at Our Lady of Ransom 52 Court cry Nureyev additive 40 Lucy's 84 'L.. Gay" coaster 56 Start of a 106 Asian soldier Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 Church. interment All Saints Cemetery. 4 Chicken landlady 85 BIg rigs unit @ 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. All rights reserved. igi (;iesrI;oûk (It Nash verse 107 Haphazard little? 41 Marker 86 Choppers 132 - longa, a 625 Busse Hwy PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 60 Maestro 110 Disney 5 "- been 42 Aladdin" 88 Deal with a vita brevis" Arturo doq aqesl" frame dragon 133 Brew barrel Answers: Inside today's classified section Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005

a HOROSCOPES A For the week ofJan, 25 - Jan.31 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) nities that continue to dazzle the all that it seems. Before making You will meet these people , You need to be certain that all Lion still need to be carefully any decisions, you might want to the right conditions are in place checked out. Be suspicious about check with others who have had under difficult situations... before you take that first step. lt anything that looks like the some experience in that area. can't hurt to listen to good "perfect" prospect. CAPRICORN (December 22 to But that is when they wll do their advice from those who have your VIRGO (August 23 to Septem- ss s January 19) A situation involv- bestfor you. best interests at heart. her 22) Changes at the work- ing someone close could benefit TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) place could make it more diffi- from your timely intervention. Be careful not to get involved in cult to do things the way you Avoid being judgmental. There'll Share your other people's disputes unless prefer. But the wise Virgo who be plentyot time later for those you know the facts behind the shows some flexibility could find "little talks" you like to have. kind thoughts disagreements. That's the best it paying off in a big way. AQUARIUS (January 20 to way to be assured of making LIBRA (September 23 to February 18) Travel could be a with the family wise and honest decisions. October 22) You might want to surprise element in that new David l Babc:ak J üscph G. DonnellanGrace Donnellan MartinsenMichael E. Luiritson GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) check out the explanation you project. Be prepared for other and loved ones You still need to be careful about were given for a sudden shift in previously undisclosed aspects how you're going to spend those your duties. There's a possibility that also might come to light as of those energy reserves you finally got that you haven't been told all the you proceed with the work, around to restoring. Best advice: facts that you deserve to know. PISCES (February 19 to March who have passed away Avoid overdoing it. Let things SCORPIO (October 23 to 20) Try to balance your work- R C,mL,, V,ai',i &huk,, take their course. November 21) Having confi- related responsibilities with the CANCER (June 21 to July 22) by signing epon dence in your abilities is impor- time you're spending on your Your aspect continues to favor tant, especially when you could recently revived social life. An travel - alone or with that the online guest book: be facing a new challenge, old ftiend might be planning to special person. So if you've been whether it's in the workplace or Don11n s return after a long absence. putting oíl making those in a personal relationship. Good . FAMILY FUNERAL SERVICES e BORN THIS WEEK: Your sensi- www. legacy.pioneerloca ¡.com e getaway plans, it's still a good Ø,ti,l O,,,,vr,'d In ils 1),mnel!,,,, F,ì,,siIs'f,,r,,,er VOyeur., II luck. tivity makes you aware of the time to get started on them. ?$. : . . SAGITTARIUS (November 22 needs of others. Have you con- 10045 Skokie Blvd., Skokie (847) 675-1990 Evanston (847) 869-2900 LEO (July 23 to August 22) Visit us at svww.doisnellanfuneral.cons ...... to December 21) A new work- sidered a career as a counselor? PIONEER PRESS Those so-called golden opportu- related opportunity might not be (t) 2010 Klixj Featwes 5ynd-, Inc. YOUR LOCAL SOURCE *r.-',ç

BIS i diversions www.pioneeroca(.com DC THURSDAY, JANUARY 21,2010

13 14 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 j7 18 Super Crossword LETTER PERFECT 19 20 21 22 ACROSS 63 Opening 113 George 6 "SImple 43 Grapefruit 89 Newsboy's 25 28 I/I,,4r;;; i Eercse remark? Peppard Simon serving shout 23 11124 Il/f " " target G4Toand series - ..-,' 46 Way 91 Kamm or 27 32 5 Actuate 65 Rang 117 Korf or Sara 7 Type of sch. 49 Deck of Kristofferson 25 11129 so usi : i o Boston - 6BRapper llSWhata 8 Thalias destiny 94 Contradict , . 14 Denzel i,.. 34 35 se 37 38 Tone - feller sister SI Dewy 95 Harnessed : Washington67 Rained and needs 9 Albert and 53 Pickling the oxen film snowed 39 40 44 45 : 119 Keeping Victoria herb 96 Bird of prey 41 11142 43 U46 III:.. 19 Kansas city 70 Kruger of 120 Give In to lo Mile High 54 Baseball's 97 Abbreviated 20 - incognita "High Noon" gravity 47 50 52 54 55 Center Slaughter address U51 21 Comfort 72 '- vous 123 Walked architect 55 Puerto - 100 Sodom 22 MiddIe- plait 126 DIacritical 11 Boathouse 57 City on the escapee 56 II 58 60 161 62 march" Th To boot mark item Allegheny 104 JFK abbr. author IR 74 Bach 128 Author 12 Sacred 58 Reply to the 105 Fine fiber 63 64 65 UlUli66 23 Butcher- favorite Ambler song UtIle Red 1 08 CompassIon shop buy 78 Hostage 131 Famed disc 13 Costume Hen 109 Moved like 69 70 71 72 25 Modem 81 New Deal jockey sparkler 59 One who 116 Down 67 111165 Mesopota- agoy. 134 Irving s 14 Kid 3111 no's best? 110 Woodwork- 74 mia 82 - May The - 15 Castillan 61 Smug smile ing tool ' ' 26 Numerical Oliver New cry 62 "The ColorIll Postulate 78'79 80 81 ilil82 il-83 84 85 8e word form 83 Most enthu- Ill Hampshire" i 16 Hefty Purple" 112 Nile feature 27 Theater siastic 135 Amneris' ' . herbivore character 114 Mysterious 87 SB collection 87 Diminutive rival 17 Short 65 Kirsch kin 115 Iron 90 lOI . O 921111 28 DIrector suffix 136 Messy messages 68 Sgt. Bilko clothes? i . 93 Michael 88 Make Madison 18 Stick 'em in 69 Campus 116 AnImal that 95111969711111 30 Satyric trait minestrone 137 European your ear digs roared? 11111 32 Vim 90 Say country 98II 24 Actor 71 Designer 119 Convent 99 1100 33 Bond rating 10211 please 138 High-tech Morales Lapldus cubicle . 35 Neapolitan 92 Actress missives 29 Singer 73 Brorite's 121 Namu or 103 1104 105 O6 IIII107 11108 109 song Zellweger 139 Expensive Summer "-. Grey" Willy 38 Work over? 93 Connecticut 140 Uses a 31 - Canale 75 Tom, Dick,i 22 Bloomsbury 110 111 112 113 1114 11111$ 116 117 39 Tarnish county trepan 34 Composer and Harry buggy 44 PBS 95 lt's a guy 141 TV's Ding Thomas 76 Skater 124 Roy Rogers' 118 119 120 11121 122 123 1124 125 benetactor thing - School" 36 August one? Cohen birthplace 45 Mrs. Nick 98 Perplexed 37 Big 77 Franco of 125 Bruce or 126 11127 128 1129 130 131 111122 Charles 99 WWII site DOWN revolver? "Camelot" Laura 1111133 47ABA 101 Kenwood i Trim 38 Holstein's 78 Cougar 127 "Agnus I member competitor 2 Sampras home 79 Landed 129 Journalist 134lIl 135111..1361111137111 48 Shipshape102 Glowing strokes 39 Rome's - BO Gets Tarbell so Standard 103 No, lo 3 Soap of Caracalla hitched 130 Roller- 1381111 141111 52 Court cry Nureyev additive 40 Lucy's 84 'L._ Gay" coaster 'III 56 Start of a 106 Asian soldier 4 Chicken landlady 85 Big rigs unit @ 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. Allliii rights reserved Nash verse 107 Haphazard little? 41 Marker 86 Choppers 132 "- longa, 60 Maestro 110 Disney 5been 42 Aladdin" 88 Deal with a vita brevis" Arturo do aqesV frame dragon i 33 Brew barrel Answers: Inside today's classified section

a HOROSCOPES For the week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) nities that continue to dazzle the all that it seems. Before making . .\-...--- You need to be certain that all Lion still need to be carefully any decisions, you might want to the right conditions are in place checked out. Be suspicious about check with others who have had betore you take that first step. It anything that looks like the some experience in that area. can't hurt to listen to good "perfect" prospect. CAPRICORN (December 22 to advice from those who have your VIRGO (August 23 to Septem- sq .- January 19) A situation involv- best interests at heart. ber 22) Changes at the work- ¡ng someone close could benefit TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) place could make it more difui- from your timely intervention. Be careful not to get involved in cult to do things the way you Avoid being judgmental. There'll other people's disputes unless prefer. But the wise Virgo who be plentyof time later for those you know the facts behind the shows some flexibility could find "little talks" you like to have. disagreements. That's the best it paying off in a big way. AQUARIUS (January 20 to way to be assured of making LIBRA (September 23 to February 18) Travel could be a wise and honest decisions. October 22) You might want to surprise element in that new GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) check out the explanation you project. Be prepared for other You still need to be careful about were given for a sudden shift ¡n previously undisclosed aspects how you're going to spend those your duties. There's a possibility that also might corne to light as energy reserves you finally got that you haven't been told all the you proceed with the work. around to restoring. Best advice: facts that you deserve to know. PISCES (February 19 to March Avoid overdoing it. Let things SCORPIO (October 23 to 20) Try to balance your work- take their course. November 21) Having confi- related responsibilities with the CANCER (June 21 to July 22) dence in your abilities is impor- time you're spending on your Your aspect continues to favor tant, especially when you could recently revived social life. An travel - alone or with that be facing a new challenge, old friend might be planning to special person. So if you've been w u whether it's in the workplace or return after a long absence. putting off making those in a personal relationship. Good BORN THIS WEEK: Your sensi- e getaway plans, it's still a good . . I. luck, tivity makes you aware of the time to get started on them. . . SAGITTARIUS (November 22 needs of others. Have you con- I... LEO (July 23 to August 22) ... I. to December 21) A new work- sidered a career as a counselor? Those so-called golden opportu- related opportunity might not be (c) 2010 Ithi Featixes SYTId., Inc. 'JAIWMY 21, 2UO,a.Piowa PaSS Nws?AinS.P*OE 3 AJARY kk 21;2011J*. Pm ' PÌNE :I+'s Aws BÙÑT PLACE 5TH ANNUAL LAKE

4 WOMEN'S WEEKEND. 'i t LAUNCHESAPRI.L 23 A spa' night replete with appetizers.and. fitness, asellas, actitiàs that only Lake cocktails; an exclusive tour of-Black Poiit, .By GarySilbar Geneva can offórincluding guidedtours Special to Pioneer Press one ofth'e Midwest's great sumixier homes of the Geneva Like Shore Path and Black and tired of and the only estate open for public.tourin; Point, and 'anarrateci boat tour showcasing '- O By now, most of us our sick A variety of tools are use . "snçw and the cold temperatures that hit the area : a selection of cooking classes hosted by. the majestic estates that dòt ihe.shoreline. to incorporate Intricate delails - . area chefs; and a women's only pub crawl Area merchants will élso host exclusisie ,,.béfore winter 2009 - 2010 was deemed official. Into the massive snow sculptures Not to mention the resulting traffic delays, highlight the 2010 Lake Geneva- Women's0 O discóunts and special promòtions such as

airlinecancellationsand seemingly daily Weekend. . O coñiplimetay foot massagés àndintúitive

searches for missing gloves, hats and scarves. helicopter rides, children's entertainment in the readings throughout the weekend." o Taldng pläce April 23-25, the 5th annual' O. However, there are a select few that welcomefamed Riviera Ballroom and a "meltdown" sale gal pal weekend offers an exciting array . - Tlweekendkicks-off with a night'. o frigid weather and rejoice when snwplowsin the town's downtown business district. of indoor andoutdoor activities, as well ofpampering and leisurely mingling 'at . hit the streets in mass. For these unique InconjunctionwithWinterfest,Grand individuals, the dead of winter means packingGeneva Resort & Spa will be holding its annual as exclusive discounts at local restailìants the historic Riviera Ballroom. Saturday

O Uthe tools of their trade and heading to Lake Winter Carnival. Scheduled events include ski ' and retailers. All of the Women's Weekend activities feature a breakfast and boat tour,

O OGeneva, to compete in the U.S. National school and ski patrol demonstrations; various sponsored activities require preregistration Womeñ's Weekendpul crawl and a stage : Snow Sculpting Chaítpionship, the top snowsnow boarding and skiing competitions with and some are limited to a maximum , production while Sùnday brings toursof sculpting competition in the country. categoriesranging from12-and-underto number of attendees. Most in-store Black Point andthe shòrepath, as well as The sculptors, men and women ofall ages and 50-and-over, plus children's games and snow O ' activities are flexible allowing visitors the an appetizer cooking tratio. from all walks of life, relish the opportunity to activities. :. .opportunity to enjoy special services at For a complete Womàn's Getaway O work side-by-side with the best in the business, Sculptures ¿ìeatéd entirely by hand their leisure. O each hoping to be crowned national champion. Each snow sculpting team consists of three Weekend schedule and a listini of special Traveling from as far away as Alaska, themembers, 18 years and older from the same "The Women's Weekend is designed hotel packages at Bella Vista Sùites, The ' . 15 teams labor through bone-chilling days state. No assistance is allowed at the sculpture around friendship and fun' said Karin - Cove of Lake Geneva,The French Country and nights to breate towering structures with site, except that given by competition organizers Bennett, owner of the Cornerstone Shoppe. Inn, and 4 Çiy.a Resort & Spyisit complex twists and turns. What begins as aand ground crews. No media other than snow, and Gallery. "The weekend program covers www lakegenevawomensweekend corn pr three ton, 10-foot-tall cylinder of snow on aice or water are used in the snow sculpting significant topics including health and .' call . ' Wednesday moining is transformed into a process. Additionally, armatures, molded shapes magical, albeit temporary piece of artwork just and colorants are not allowed in the competition three days later. The artwork is on display until and only hand tools are permitted. the temperature climbs above freezing at which "It's not uncommon to see the sculptors time the medium returns to the soil. working late into the night on Friday' said MAKE YOUR "An amazing chaHenge" George Hennerley, executive vice president of the Lake Geneva Area Convention & Visitors .-' ROOM RESERVATIONS 'Competing in the National Championship O :; ' isan amazing challenge and one of the Bureau. "In fact, most of the teams will forego most unique experiences I've ever had as asleep to ensure their sculptures are perfect for judging Saturdiy morning." 'fivr FOR THE WINTER THE BEST THINGS sculptor," said championship snow sculptor EÇ,l,5pt' David Andrews. "It's hard to explain, butAccording to Hennerley, spectators shouldn't there's something that happens when we're fret if snow is scarce as is sometimes the case. L CARNIVAL CELEBRATION IN LIFE ARE FREE close to the end and working on the finishing All of the snow utilized in the competition Saturday, February 7 I lOam-lOpm ..O_1 touches. I look at what the team has created,O_is produced and supplied locally by Grand the sculptures around us and recall the eventsGeneva's Mountain Top ski facility. "Pick Òufree "1 iì'ïf$i29 of the past week. It's truly a euphoric moment. "The ability to create our own snow is the Take pari in our annual

O You say to yourself, 'Look what I've createdkey to producing a quality competition' added Booka Timber RidgeLodge'&ite and cIoefrot FREE out of snow." Hennerley. "As long as the temperature dips tradition that includes breakfastfor four, FREEtwo hour sessioñofKids Day TheU.S. NationalSnow Sculptingbelow freezing at night, Grand Geneva is able Championship takes place in Lake Geneva'sto create the 45 tons of snow needed for the ski school and ski patrol Cßrnp or FREE Suite Treais.'Jarge takeout piz,za, cc Riviera Park beginning Wednesday, Feb. 3. contest." O. cream treats and DYD rental,. ' ' The competition is the centerpiece of Lake For additional information on the U.S. Geneva's annual Winterfest celebration,a National Snow Sóulpting Championship Ski or sltrd yourway tlow,i 18 waiIgrt;iøncd runs ofvarying dfflcttIty demonstartions,

O O festival of family and fun along the banks ofand Winterfest, contact the Lake Geneva ¡ti 'J'hM,unt'thl Tope Orititd (iwvt J)ftI1)T whiter port dtitt Sculptors have three daysftotranstorm3ton O Geneva Lake. Weekend 'activities, February.Area Convention & VisitQrs Bureau at (800) . snowboarding, snow cyllnders intobeautitul worksofart.6-7,includehorsedrawncarriageand 345-1020 or visit tíotì, JfdowfÌhuII' itot: things titkto IO kilorttr oft'iik wndiìg rosuntry îïaíl or rJIt lJtJW 1J()b f)T Nil u,j1orttbId trdk', Rrva snow activities, your Shiy ittiti Sid I?IEE gtwity todAy I On the cover m downhill ski competitions, Main Image: Lake Geneva visitors PIONEER PRESS Package ualidSiwday-- Thurídtiy Rtileíbated on duubI occpancy children's games, gaze upôn "Thé Kiss." dodal Co O ¡Ç YOUR LOCALs o u R C E PUBLICATIOH

Bottom Images: (left to right) Eve a torch-light parade O effo '. ,O :''« , --' -- has been made to ensur the accuracy of the n ormation in thi 7(120(RA.N1;kNl\'A\\'AYI Waterpark fun at Timber Ridge: section. The Publishers cannot guarantee the correctness of ail the informatiO 7O6 GRAND ÛENgVA WAY I LAKgOENßVA, WI 53147 O j3Ofl,?eflOÇaLÇOfr available to them and assume no liability adsing from error of omission. )V! Ice Boating, Winter fun on Geneva Lake ',.. O. ' ' Comments should be sent to: Niche Publications, Pioneer Press Newspapel'5, O OIANDNEVACÖM1(8130) 58417 and fireworks!

4 -4 4 I4 ' ê $I ,.e. .3 ... r

, PAGE 5 IT'S ALWAYSBE TIfS 1k.ACE JMVMIY 21 2010 s o PRE$SNEWSP*PEB$ !4Jwv 21 2010PoNtffi'Pnss Nwsp* . IT'S.ÀLWAYS BEENTI&PLACE

The MountaIn Top at Grand Geneva offers i 8 challengIng runs as well as a terrain park and hatf pipe for snowboarders. O(

FEB. 3FEL 7 '4ARCØ 19MARCH 21 i 5mANNUALWIrimRsîAND U.S. NATIONAL SNowMoBILE RACING Check out some of the SNOW SCULPTING CHAMPIONSHIP Since best high-flying SnoCross action you have ever 1996, the nation's top snow sculpting teams seen. A highlight of the SnoCrosi season and have gathered in Lake Geneva to compete in a tour favorite, the Nielsen Enterprises Grand a one-of-a-kind competitionthe U.S. Na- Finale, draws top snowmobile racers, thousands tional Snow Sculpting Championship. Heldof onlookers and Versus, which will cover the in conjunction with Lake Geneva's annual.event for a national broadcast. All of the races Winterfest celebration, thè event matches 15take place at The Mountain Top at . Grand teams working side-by-side to create mas-Geneva Resort. For more information, visit . A couple takes a leisurely sive pieces of art from 3-ton cylinders of or call (763) 497-8474. LakeGeneva Twin Lakes Lake Como (ce skaters íjò11 frozen Geneva Lake during stroll along the banks of PeU Lake snow.Winterfestactivitiesinclude snow Delavan Lake Lauderdale Lakes Booth Lake Lake Geneva's annual Winterfest celebration. Geneva Lake. Lake Lorraine sculpting, music, children'sactivities; he- Snowmobile Tichigan Lake licopter rides, horse drawn carriage rides, RacIn9 Silvel Lake Lake Tombeau Wind Lake ice-skating and a Catch a Snowflake Sale March 19-21 Powers Lake Lake Benedict Browns Lake sponsored by local merchants. For more infor- mation, visit or call (800) 345-1020. FEB. 6 By GarySilbar "go-fo" destination for more "Newport of the West" is outdoor waterpark offers George Williams Campus of Lake Geneva Fishing Guide WINTER CARNIVAL There's plenty of winter- CoIdwell Banker Primus is a premier tuil-servíce real estate leader Special to Pkrneer Press than a century. apparent, but it's the wide two slides that begin three Aurora University Torn Billing Professional fish- stories above ground and time fun for kids of all ages and their families The beautiful sunound- variety of activities, accom- Highway 67, Williams ing guide provides all tackle, offering Residential, Commercial, Builder, Relocation and REO services '..Located less than 90 wind their way 300-feet be- at Grand Geneva Resort's annual Winter Carni- ings, laid back attitude, modations, restaurants, spas Bay. Weekends only. Trails equipment and live bait. Ice minutes from the north and and one-of-a-kind attractions fore finishing with a splash. shack rentals, (262) 248-3905. val. Scheduled events include ski school and ski APRIL 23-25 throughout Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. northwest suburbs, Lake Ge- lively downtown and groomed and marked. Rentals that help secure the region as A 560-foot winding "lazy patrol demonstrations; various snowboarding WOMEN'S WEEKEND Gather up your best neya has been Chicagoland's understated opulence of the and lessons. (262) 245-5531. the perfect getaway spot for river" inner tube float area is ICE SKATING and skiing competitions with categories rang- gal pals and head to Lake Geneva for a special day trippers and overnight also featured plus numerous Grand Geneva Resort & Spa ing from 12-and-under tò 50-auia-over; plus a weekend dedicated to women and friendship. Eikhorn matter the season. play areas for all age levels. Hwy. 50 East, Lake Geneva. myriad of children's games and snow activities. Take advantage of special sessions or just Sunset Park, Hwy. il. Rentals, trails groomed and For moie information, visit relax and find some time for yourself. The Cross country skiing is The Lake Geneva area Lighted. (262) 723-5788. .marked. Instruction available. orcall (800) 558-3417. weekend will feature health and wellbeing HARBOR SHORES especially popular during also boasts a number of (800) 558-3417. the winter months as the unique indoor attractions to Fontana seminars including breakfast & boat tour, area boasts numerous scenic take the edge off the winter KeHle Moraine State Forest The Abbey Resort & Spa. FEB. 20 pub crawl and a tour of historic Black Point, ONLILEE GENEVA Warm up to 3OOWri6Iej Drive tráils and nature areas to . Offering free tours Southern Unit, Hwy. H, five Lighted. (800) 709-1323 WHITEWATER FREEZE FEST one of oldest mansions on Geneva Lake. miles north of Elkhorn. Hwy. Whitewater at the city's annual Freeze Fest. A Le Gen ' a WI 53147 explore. And white normally Saturday mornings, Yerkes Lake Geneva You will also find special offerings at area traversed when the tempera- Observatory is home to the 72, East of Hwy. 67, Scup- wide variety of activities are planned through- retailers, restaurants and women's weekend pernong Trail. Hwy. NN West Library Park, Wrigley Drive. tures are balmier, walking world's largest refracting Lighted. out the day including a kid's fishing derby, hotel packages. For more information, visit r- the Geneva Lake shore path telescope. Showcasing a of Hwy. 67, McMiller Trail. or call chili cook-off, ice carving demonstrations, Easyto use property , , -.,., .:. . .iYeTours on all of our State Park sticker required, Williams Bay is a great workout and offers treasure trove of informa- horse-drawn wagon rides, ice skating and a listing st .,, (262)723-4611. searches Full listing details with maps, wonderful views of the snoV tion and artifacts of the Lake which can be purchased at Behind Field House, Hwy. 67. snow dog presentation. You can also partici- : park. 6 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Trails area info & morel covered vistas and beautiful Geneva area dating back to Lighted. (262) 245-2720. pate in or watch the Polar Plunge on the banks estates that dot the shoreline. the 1880s, the Geneva Lake groomed and marked. Trail hotline: (262) 594-6202. SLEIGH RIDES of frigìd Lake Cravath benefiting Special There are also plenty of Museum of History is a Olympics of Wisconsin. For more informa- With THOUSANDS of listings, is a "one stop shop"! spots for ice skating and a must-see for history buffs. DOWNHILL SKI AREA Don Patch Stables tion,visit or number of stables offering Our website is extremely easy to use and includes a mortgage Do you enjoy scraphooking? For a complete listing of Hwy. 50 East, Lake Geneva. call (262) 473-0121. We bave evetits weelclj from sleigh rides through the roll- winter activities, area attrac- Mountain Top at Grand . (262) 215-5303. calculator, neighborhood information and enhanced mapping on ing countryside. tions and lodging options in Geneva Resort & Spa Mid-September through Maid. Fantasy Hills Ranch every listing. the Lake Geneva area, visit Call now to check avai1abilitj! "The Lake Geneva area Hwy 50 East, Lake Geneva. Town Hall Road, Delavan. offers a wealth of activities A Grand Geneva's Mountain (262) 728-1773. during the winter months," Lake Geneva travel guide is Top ski and snowboard- said George F. Hennerley, available by calling the Lake ing facility features 18 runs WATERPARK COLD WELL executive vice president of Geneva Area Convention & (three chairlifts and a two: BANKCR O the LakeGeneva Area Con- Visitors Bureau at Wonder-Carpet surfacelifts), a Timber Ridge for detailed. information oh ALL the listings in (800) 345-1020. A listing of halfpipe and fun park, equip- Lodge & Waterpark Lakefront HoteI Free High Speed Internet vention & Visitors Bureau. "Whether it's sledding, some of the more popular ment rental, and lessons for Hwy. 50 East, Lake Geneva, Northern Illinois & Sóutheastern Wisconsin. '. u.S. National Snow Restaurant - Near Skoppin snowmobiling, snowboarding winter aetlyitieS includes: adults and children from the aflnual Winterfest Whirlpool Two giant slides, a lazy river \ Sculpting ChampIonship Indóor Heated POOlSUfl or spending a cozy weekend facility's certified instructors. celebration, February 6-7 Fitnéss Center Conlerence Center and two splash pools hIgh- .. next to the fire, Lake Geneva :uossCOUNTRY SKI (800) 558-3417. light Moose Mountain Falls, Lake Geneva, WI TwIn Lakes, WI Algonquin, IL Cary, IL Viee Parkin6 '- Ire Continental ßrealdast has plenty to offer' (262) 348-1 1 00 (262) 877-21 31 (81 5) 658-5000 (847) 639.2000 AREAS & RENTALS ICE FISHING a year-round, 50,000 sq. ft.. If you prefer your fun waterpark. (866) 636-4502. OF EVENTS, VISIT TI 0R A COMPLETE LISTING Crystal Lake, IL McHenry, IL . Wonder Lake, IL Ñow and Book Your Winker Getawaj! indoors, Moose Mountain Big Foot Beach State Park Geneva Lake Bait & Tackle CONVENTION & VISITORS Ç8:1i Falls atTimber Ridge Hwy. H South, Lake Geneva, Area's largest selection of live LAKE GENEVAAREA (815) 459-9300 (815) 385.6990 (815)653-2061 Lodge is the way to go. The Trails groomed and marked. bait and fishing tacide. Ice WWW.LAKENAW!.CO 888-746.7371 UREAU WEB SITE AT . .- , ', Eadh Office is Inde'pndenuy Owned nd ,berad. tai , ; '50,,Q00square foot indoor! i;ln (p2,) hai$y rent4 (242) .245-6I5Q. . j ,. r - F4:+ ' 4 ': F

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Kia unleashes FoP mk/flgus#1 /1,i» k, ////,,o/s fo, 2009, Shadow Dragon I MAJOR PRICE EXTI BY POPULAR DEMAND! asSoul picks I REDUCTIONS,I up more awards SUBARU It must be said: Cadillac'swagon is a winner k tRV000g, Colli-. Rio M00000 S od io b 000d o,o Oho 9001* i9r 000ttiooedfoottt poo1 opgtodo opit000 toofly tttdo it t otto,tto,obl, odoop 000toioot000tpottot000oddt oto7 Ao,tdtotolottod "tootoot, tod o! toob io bogy tod 0,1 ooì lt OlfBACK othodo. Roto potoo Oto tito CTS V-S $00000,- 000000 i000t tito po0000 hligoto. tIto tpootol odl000, thoitl,t,bo,o Oho oodlo tpgoodo poohogo ootd. Thìt d000tt't look lib000tl000 05th otog000 t $51,720 tot oddiog o Tito titoli io ltighly ho000ootl tod lot- Itttg,t 5,01, tito tittod oO fOtO (000000 opotbot,00botoofoo, t,ttottdod ottof tddtd to it ìtlooho hito SOtOl lot tito tod MoCoy doto,t000od pooto,00loí0000top0000itool Oddo. liopoot p1000od tpooid-td,doot So/ti 000000d 000plli000td tt,00koo ,t'ootloolgttod ttithodlitotiott ptttpoot bot ot Oho dttlotthip. Y0000oo,'ttogttobt. ttoodood Bl,totooth, o 000igtdogoy.00000 000ddo Tito lioolOod-oditioo llghottlott polio to Ao boot of APR dootood op itt 0100k tottli pol- Itotido dot otblo yoto oui Sod tito lototy oodotf-opotbo,R0000tobiotyototoot'th toodoiittooboo,otoo,0000000 oho 000010), ot iPod 0000,01,0 The Subaru OutbackO°°°--- iolttd tltttttl,tottt tttd thto,ttt000t000ldiotg tod ttttooto 0000000it offotdtd o Cttlilloo do (100 lotoS d000 toith Xlii 000llito ttdto Dìoployioog doboigo th00000 oohlo foo foil fo,olo,olioy ob o t toit do toh of oloot Ototo,ttottt itot-o I0-otoyodjoot- (ftot fo, foto dt,to 0,00100). 9/ho 00db tbtoliot t, otooto to oit o So,l ohotodiohood ,,iotood 0000dog 00 ThoCTitttg000ttttootottd.ttdotitlt Ro,00, 00000tbtO thttdt- 2010 SportiUtihtyNEW 2010 SUBARU OUTBACK to o to t, 0000f 000d olboto. tito dtito, 000d ty00000 00000do ti 'Otto dt of toy 0000ily I oolito] 000tOolo, ootpotod Soot ek 18-i,tth tlI-tst,oto tot poliohod tltotti- Stood tot 2771 to tloo bliottoo ftootpootoogo, to food Oho ptt000t0000iotg ototto,t0000000f,fogltghootod - - of the Year' 'New Design 'Better Gas Mileage 'More Seem 'improved Safety Features ot ottittto.Myttttoo hod thoopgttdoptt- k0000f'd toto Otito to h000tooy000 toSo p000iot. Sightlioto oto good oo,tlt loto of toto diooppoiotod. i000000000d itbo000Sb0000, 100d0000000 oolthold000otlott Oottoo,tto pookogt ($7ß90)tltottotbtolttd gltt0000tt000doodoC-pilltotbotd0000't TlottO.6-lttoodottot-io)tottdV.S I Shodoo, Dotgoo Sotol ootott t th o IS-bob tot, o fo o 19-lothott ottd h100k d00go, SOOPItbOt 000,100 NEW 2010 SUBARU FORESTER 25Xor- NEW 2010 SUBARU LEGACY 2.5i ob0000t toto t'doto. To t oltoilo, otto, tito 000,d000d o.00lbot io tito op0000l opgttdo ShodtooDtogoo So/tI 000000 02055 ootttttttt-ottby btoo, topt000pott- bloob,-000blookoolo,00boot,t. hogt oltto-,btto t000000 00011f Itoipt opto - NEW flESIGN p0000tooio. A ttotlltt 7g.litoo V-Sit tool]- 00 $18,155 00105 o foo-opood 'All-Wheel-Drive , Alf-Wheel-Drive ottoobog-tohod-otoototod ohift poddlot optltoittoti000pttt. Shtd0001)togoo 9,00 ltloo o ohio, bot j ott o ottidgo loot boo, Sly 000tot'o 'Side Curtain Airbags \ 'i-fl;l° Side Curtain Airbags - -- - toodpttfot000000d book Tfot000b000y boot, 000toplo of tito oolito Otto tod foolt io good iooidt tod it toot V-i dollootod 394 hotoopotootot S,407 Vto. O to 0000bot 0000, Odio SotI I°ull Powei' oi,,ot odd o o0t 000tootloot I 000ldot't botlp p000ttogot,tloioloitobllityto )Uj-tl-J ltotd to Std Itoh ooy-ohott ttitl000t tooky 9/hotS oo,tO toti000 htotilyglddptp Addio5 otto totoS S tool Co, of Oho ,° f -, bot ooioo tgoiotot tito Coythol Rod Tio,t000t 000toltiog to Sod it. L000htt 0000pitotd0000tlttot000djoiot / todt000pod0000i000to-optotitotoot000 Vootbyl°ohtthb000gooi0000t of Oho ot,00,ioo. 0000fottoith- tod toll bolotottd, Root 000tt tlbotl000Sooltoodtlotto7llf 'ABS ABS Oootooiooi000hothodt0000toogitpotol,00 oboo 201f Notthth000tloto b,,- 99/hilo Ohio o t Codolbot o,,d it lo loodod off000poottit000glo tod SpSt-folditg oit- °0p 000000' ploh ity oho 100o00000 d000gtggtootioo t0000000titg - 00000000 A000 Sh000. FAMA ¡MO. ootloloo,,ty, 0000ot l,oCTSlotol,tl,o Roo to got to tito otllity troto, oftiolt litt bototo hol-ftgloo-oy Solo,9. 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'toot 0,000 tot 000-of.t-kl,d polott,d tobo.000 oho otottotololog100t IMPORTS & DOMESTICS todoidthtgofotftootdtioototd pot000got of 20 10) hy 9/boto oo,o ood SUBARU FORESTERS SUBARU LEGACY I OUTBACKS foophto 0000o0000, oit, Rhodoto '45 05000 0010000SLAWO 00000000lOtl00000I010000000,P00010 $16,SSS 049 904000 401000005.00000.,.0000.0000000,t0000000SPtR000 ------400,905 '00 SOMOS 4007600k LO 0075 3007100 ot%.00t000toS 005 00000 520,995 tohood 0000d000idobogofotbothftootttd Doogoo Sool toold ito doo plolood op oo'o top ooftoy. pi0000 005 tOstato 004x1100 0.6 SLIttO/to. 00000t,000. 00000. 000. 00000 ------61604go tott,00ti000000thttdttootiott, 00000hild l0itO0S 00000 dioS 00000 opooiol-odtloo fto000hot000to000bot00000 fot '5700000066-0 SW Oot0000lo,r0/0100000000010,tO,00500000 ------404,060 0SPECIAL PuRCHASE SPECIAL P0000AS -S ---- doo,lotkottdO,So,tC,00it Roop0000 Sotol too'oo odotood Oo loo, h o, Righttooy Soiooy. '0001090000000,5 ------OOl0000lOtlO. Mlxi 00000100. 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AT SIITOELAR WAPIIEICS! - MADE MISTAKES? ET FWJWEN INS INIEff IWMI ThD4W!ON°:RST. Sales & Service Open until 10pm! 00005 lIESt 1250 0012ETTEII NUIS 80830 Policy! . NUE II CREDIT? WE ClIN hELP0 VOli ERR DRIVE D BETTER ClIn 1000V Ib YOU CULL OUR CIEROIT HDTLII1U: 0000001TT44 IoDrs 9423 W. I.INCOLN HIGHWAY 25miouloSftaWNaoIertUht 11IB ntIM1 M'I.'Ii1$4' I FRANKFORT, IL Ó0433 ° coo /I/IWNlorr '8OO-989O241 The Lost 09510MO Voo Olead TO 95510w E Z WZ°SZLI 35M LZZ 92 NICE PICOLE 100M BUSINESS WITH NEW IO' NEW IO NEW 'IO 7225 N. CICERO AVE1 VNCOU10020, IL 50712 OIL CHANOE SPECiAL 866 -.'Y' E S F O D SCION eD SCION eD SCION IC wwv,.foodoffraoskIoî 8 6 6 - 9 3 73 6 7 3 'PPEIOSI,PiIIo IIconoo&0o1%o,loCIUdeEIalI0000000000011fllppPF705IOil IiOOT003000/00070lE Aooiob/PiV000an 5000O000,20E9,0020lOVa15iogpñlIEETd 001013, 'OcoPloblsoo OOI0CIF0AC00K5SD30O/E20qOAII0IbEY0OOPS5PNX306C000A Fho1ooIQrIII60IoSS0Sp3p0E03OT0SY3fl2I00fllCtthE33KOE/l0hlC/E 000IooTotroSp003ib/EPsrpriCdng 000TiOtOiO : : O99244 /1 TOYOTA SCION NORTH 0630IOOETEOL '00300X1 50000003 1370200100 SNIPE/I 000P1000EkiooI3010rbl/io/3i0n41, I/NI/Il 01130 ooto02000-2000, API oehFcIoi000A 101130 oIE PASEo sol 3ffTlo eop/52 iJ, 0200*10 II7ISOTPEIIPCOOI000IA S00001/00110IIIPPX000XOISI!00407Eio0on3,f0aoodooiT000Por3portllo FIlI MOVPC0005TN001000h 2,00 9. 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Your new neighbors Local real estate transactions today's homes start on PAGE 6 INSIDE A SPECIAL ADVERTtSING SECTIONI NORTH I CITY EDITION JANUARY 21, 2010 I Picture CAPITAL FIRST REALTY perfect Classic curb appeal offered Glenviewre development at this historic Elgin home. PAGE 8 project draws national attention Millions of dollars spent on lakefront development pomI Ithough Capital First Realty's president, to a promising Richard Ktarcliek, said he ispleased tuture for ibout the attention his redevelopment 7 Chicago's near project has attractecLhe 551(1 that lie is more mo- u tivate(l by the visioii of )rovi(tiag quality, afford- south side. able living in Glenviev. Ile calls it a north side revolution.' DON DEBAT, Linda Beei, project manager at Capital First, PAGE 5 sOldiflaily of the l)eol)lC that contact the oftice wonder how Capital First can sell quality new homes starting at $90,000 vhen tite average Service and reputation are lionie price around Glenview is $tiOO,000. She said the cOlflbinati()fl of l(hirchek, local ofticials, keys fo a builders' success lmnks, suppliers nOd vendors created this oplmr- in Ioday's housing markel. ttloity. Capital First Realty provides a package known as the Smart-Boy that includes the twine, PAGE 2 site, taxes and fees for less monthly than what some north suburban residents play on taxes and association fees, Hecto said. Two area builders join torces "When you think of it that way, tite luige sav- to otfer closeout specials at ings is almost like getting the tome and its pay- Laurel Glen in Palos Hetghhs, litent for free," she said, "That is a revolution." Capital First Realty transformed an aging PAGE 3 mobile boitte park into a Itrotype project for hi- tech systento. Mike Qnam, a resident who re- cently becante a housing sales consultant, said ONLINE that most of tite older ululo liase been retulaced withtuew, aptealing luotites installed on pernio- For markel news, expert tient cotictete foundations. Rancit and Catie Coil advice, neighborhood homes, with sizes up to 3,101) finished square Brand now fourhmeroorn, three-bath, two-tevol Capo Cod'styha homes of 2,400 square feet can he purchased for feet, ire available. I butes citate with features $179,900 at CapItal Flu-st's revohuttottauy redooehopment probed In Ctenvtew. Offered are an stand kItchen, uupgradè protiles and more, visit. sucht as 0-foot ceilings, crown molding, tray ceil- cahtnetry, 9-foot cetttngs with crown molding, and more toan Energy Star-rateuh buIlder's home. CustomIzed homes ings, uutgruhe cahinetry attuI nuore all frinti tIme are avattabte, Energy Star builder. SEARCH A Iteent said the location is almost couttuletely griuttu to a bratuul tuew huuutute. theti installittg the nearly cntnpleted huotue Ott CHICAGO) uttulated and renovated. She salut tItis benefits hteettt told Qututu, befuure luetutuveul ittto tIte ils permtuttetit foutudatiott. 't'lutto, little tutuul Itubor .com y new luotitebuuyers as well as existing residentscmitttttmuuttity, that the luotutes leere butilt uutuidit- wtto often traue ut) thurottgh tun incentive pro- kir-style imtside a cuutttrolleuh ettvirotutttetuu atmd Turn to REDEVELOPMENT, 5

How do I got moro Info about n property? E LG I N - 0 Erutor mho utniqao proporty "Web iO" in Sito '-d t/j1Th .4.- I 300 Larkin Ave. Qai005oorehb000nourwobstuo 847-931-46631.888-474.9477 . Coil our 2417 "Horeo lntoLtoo" nl 547-991-iNFO iu4l-nDl-4o36l r'rUUeflL1aJI flfldot,torti,o"Wob iO" tohoarreoronbouta property StarckRealtors°° ALGONQUIN *sF,ft 2379 S. Randall Rd. rguuir&u 'uiiu.'tj'u ,'uLgu 847.428-40001.888.559.1612 r r»

Eittin $255,000 EIIn $159,900 Elgin $124,900 Capontersollto $154,900 Wuodnttck $164,900 AlgonquIn $104,709 South Elgtn $259,000 imtt lt Capi.Lt S lawt)).,,lultl.,l.SG.,I a twa a, wh,,,t'w,l, 55 tISI A,. 3 b,t,o,in t tal l,wt,d,a,t i Sto) L,a-, Cl U' I tSI ,oIoIh'J' ta,',lU' 503 S,ar,O', 5,-U-q,, t 'IiSlit Saw,,, [n UVOUt' d'al, t,,,ar UGT Il ,ko't li UI 2N,w 230 st u es 1mw! tIck tap,it m a 1st R''t S tal) ¿1) t CU IUlIttt, t uaaflwdsua,Ot,, -lQ&a,l,,,a'la'te , 10*1 ltllJIl5 tpaçla5 515.00,,,, t I, I latittot' 5,-a t &Ua,ptla,UI,,, Su,, 1,5,5 ,w,,,st,dan,l Q Il,,', O tOitlla 'a I 2 p,5 O U F I ta Wb10335 " S,t Ill 11)1111 I t? ' p SiDO dl, O cleanS, S I t.iapdv JaUaJ,llt,, WO IO 3335 P Pttle PI SOOt la',,, U I Wet I lit 50''''I'"""' u bap,d,ara-,, WO ID StDl tl,*S,l retS lItt WD ID DOS) Jotti OlFutvlu 888-474-9471 Jaynon Onirowski 898-474-9477 Anthony Nance 988474-9477 GuidI Cook 088-559-1612 Don Cook 988-559-16)2 SuoI Price 888-559-1612 Michoito LawIer8ßO559-t612 TlL1t qbj. Carpoetorsolllo $194,900 Weal Onndee $379,900 Ptngroa Gmnoo $159,909 Hampuhiro $274,900 Woottstock $150,000 Lobo Holiday $525,000 Oregon $549,909 255 St'a p,-1 D,'SIl,tal tlDSI tOOlS laas Il tP,,,U,,,,lI.' 5,31 tD8ll,ladD,Dl5,S),I'a lull, p-,, OrgS,l,l, alp ,,,I,dllawp,' la 1051 t a,',, s' V cas', t,,Itl.aa., S-,, S) D ,ww..waSr.-', loI'la c.U',,.* Gp' a,,,, 05,1,5 - pu,-, .D,,alt,S1Alte,,, adD t'toro,-, ,,S),a,la,,aa,,,, ,l u,,.'aaw,, ,,atOaD,,,,law.c 11,1,,,,, lI,.s.l5t!,,, t loi t wt,.'doIa,r a),,, II ,llet,alU.,5,a, tarna,).,,, SCI, Qa,,,a,la,,uIlll,a IRS,,, ppi 'l Ast .ItI,t.a',,.,'S'e,l ROCS Il,,,Saledle, D,l'aI O ti ta w'!aIld ,,,I, W tk.'ialy la aasIJ,. w, i,w-,, ,at, L hwtp,,d tIsna IIU Pla,apQ'ad,SN,JiSl II,-:, Salkiwailal w) alRI I o',tl,SIa,.aIaS,)ta, 1lS)aSs.d ,D St allS), ,wpw 0, ,,a , all,, II,j s t -aals, i w,l,Dwa - trIal Sp pal,,sa,swn ca t,spai ItW,tID 305 :'; aIsI 5,O',l5I,l' ',0,5%, b aap,r&aalII 1,0,1,11 QW,tIDDOOR Sassai b,IllIOOIJyIt UV,tLDJtt) J,as,',a,,.]a,, II'a ,'p,W,PIDSIa,a,aI w,,,,,, eIan',,Rl, ,t,t .,. ,'IC, u -,51,10,, «55,1115 OlIO CindI Cook 888-559-1612 Cathy Chromai 868559-1612 Sso Maday 888-559tGt2 money Chriutenoen 888-a59-t612 David Neubauer 989-559-1612 JennilerJohnson 988-559t6t2 Michelle Lawior 8885W-1612

s -Rti, $$z75' -: . . . --. rM us..»r- t O ,''7 :w


EIIn $099,000 Algonquin $199,900 AlgonquIn $232,900 St. Churlos $459,900 South EtIn $219,230 Capentersolllu $149,000 Plnmnu Croon $174,900 IIIISI]S ILO'stIIDS' 11511' CEIlIOStI Ltl'',a,I,'R,s.l,,a.s'I',,,,I,I, t DCSIP,p, 2 lID baIn 2 tIaly I,Ial, Im, W.),,,,SpIlla' SsIth,,-'l'IS5 ,t CD, ,slp,,,'[aal D'Ot ala,.,' t'.ala,a,',jaOSIa 'aI ,D a,aa,,a Cs aa,,Dsll 5,1,115w' 305DB.ID u,waa- I, t,-,I,lODlatl,,a,PRl, a ,'._,,I,,a(l,l-.,,.: isa 0000 Dab SaISI tiGlOat',odIaltask 2 sIs',,,I1IlI,IItsa,,a, Ca'tal.I_ la,',,5a,fla',,','I I a's,'S,ISra,as,, 11,111,1,, ,,,,a'a%,. 5'atII['I I a,a,, 5D lI.a,klwr,, Ip ,5w- s as as s wID tDDO 'a I St ID Kay Diamond 888474-9477 888474-9477 Wanda Broui 866-474-9477 Wanda Brost 888-4749477 Michelle Lawiar 888559-1612 CIndi Cook 888559-1612 Michelle LawlerBUB'559-1612 :4l Elgin $55,000 Elln $299,000 EtIn $439,009 EIIo $64,909 PInruo Grove $171.000 South ElgIn $174,909 Etln $119,050 a bedIt, Il2 SaIl D,I,*Ihn,w,, U0 O,aal'a IIa'dwotU IïI w,ll la-tIan, O I, a,e,n I IwttslII,t IS, ,l b sl,sl,,l,',,là',,l tO SIIIS t t,CItOIlI,D Dall, l'at!, POOala' C ,Ia,alo I 000,1 Da,aa,a I apel Da, I1,1 I I D leI-Dam ',31i o,so,al 15,110,5 5as a C.lS si W,aI ID 51,11,05 0 e It,I I haladO,, 4SD,UIDDIII5 PlIS taInt,,] io Flail tal t,oliROI l,alSo,lt ,ll9O BaIllI nalaIal000dw,,kan J Ill,I ,,aIeU!n FIlO ODI p1a1*açal! oa.loom, al,, oaa,ats ( 111101,1 SlIDlalbalIt 105 tqlloDI,00,ao /011,, Ci,D,lalOO CtaIdS)aUeJ w,b ID 3265 II-asada, U leal.,,, liche, tal pta,, i paw 5 '1 p ala ysatas a, 5 law IlitItlit Dial: at Fs,t ID ltDO SalsaS as F IsUasl,a,,.na,ei,alai,w S 5,Isaal,r$OFII,r D s,i,sPa,,,), Is, 50515 h all ,e 55,0 ID 35% Ola 4110gm usI,,, D aoci 55,513 335/ s,IID,lw5,l'I. 00,11 t' WtD soot D oaoal,,ua I ,,,i,,e FR w,sio tsas L al a,DsaI, \5,blD allo Naialeo Oioniuke 688474-9477 Itaca ltiotaenbergorßß8.474'9477 Robert Moli 888'474-9477 Wanda Brout 868-474947? MIchoilo Lawior 888559-1612 Nancy Ci,iolenscn 668'509'i6i2 Nancy Chriotenorn 888n09i6t2


L ' Elgin $279,900 Battloth $209,900 Olgonquin ElgIn LiETSchaumburg Plngtoo Croon $234,900 $109,909 EIIs $125,900 $379,009 $235,000 -Id a Sla,al',. 0 a,,.a'. UwOi,,,,a,5 I5 ri155'D Plall,ialds,,,,,sl,OnllO, aula,s.p,l., k, aall,il,(l,, 0 5555(51, D Ileaty la 5p1' lJ, ,S,*,Isalt Sin) la laa Dello ,rn,a,slpia IDall Da,elnull sos O'l,sialfll,ti,,,, 11,1515 5 *1' F5.,''i, a,,, la,,, I,, Ia-s toar,.,, al ifls'l ¿li alaDI, t s p,sd 1,515,5' va-as, I a tiat , tal', a s, aa,aa,l 1 sa ,,,,,la ataa.,l lipa Ieae,ll-a llie Dal aaoae,Ila atop D all çaraJ, Up aaIesDllul,,-,It U n ,aja,sl,t,l,aJ,,, U, aaa.a,a Ia,pD. 55. Dallp1 01s, alllllIlt .9 ' QUk F SOD J '5 aal-all,,,, nl a 5 5 .,.,saa,,,,a,, ait ,,a,,,,,is,,aaarl. pt,tiSIe 55,5 ID DUst lalQe A 1,1110 l'lIse Ils ii sa,s Ill 3546 'I't1515l. lIlt,,,SiIlt,ali .. Doroihy Flasha 8884749477 Marika Luobke 8884746477 Karen Crouhy 888474-9477 Ca,oiJshnoon 88a474.9477 Judy LugarBBB-4749477 Nancy Ciriutonsen 888-559.1612 Don Cook 668-5591812

, I c- .: a-. ,, ; : 't'-r --'-j, LJLas l l:U I . P1 I )'F' :'t: i!øirK111 EtIn $94,900 Etgln $185,000 EtIn $335,000 EIgIu $249,900 South EtQIn $90,800 Elgtn $1,100 Elhn $1,400 Vt, al l,,t, Paisli a,II',t,laa,,l,a a 2 slay 3 D,a:as-a. D IO balli flostelaD I 'o, IiI, 5 'ial .IiiIl'DVal'a1 3 501,01, C,,,al V .laa,Fi ,,llna o, p1,51,1 5 tll SOI lalsali aSe,t,'l 51ea1h aIl,alan 5,al 553 slaaV-5],s, illi aesaal,,lal,V,s-,aSll,,wo,.,,a s,IIII,,'S l',la ansI's,. ss ,lnaPlnI&,i,llii5, 1511 ialt°" lJUhi 'sIl tocand ,,5Daw,,11111,,atl tpylaaloVltD,,lt l,at*wid'55 -sslal, saU,, A lal,Ial aIla,dablepIit,C Dii,,,al 1101D5a1S) F5 t,5wnn.ltsaa,slV,,l,i P51,51,15 s'a.,i,,nVl,,aaaDia,,s5lsiii,sV9,u I sRtaa*llil,s,e a taItD lntaal.11e I ansoS S siii,« PIO, O ass, lsoloia * ssV.,aO: o,ai,ai,sa,uwa, ,ta,,,a ,, ,,li,tab,a5l al a/ci Its Ills DII Dl,,, 1,5f,1 pnaa,.,al,5,,,asIs,, atlal'n,'laa, kl s s D 3521 5, OF W 1226 t I DV I TIC Il aS I Dl ID P t wIO 3231 Judy LugarB88'474-9477 Frank Ceiarok 888-474-9477 Prank Coiarok 888-474-9477 Karen Crosby 688-474-9477 Naialeo Dlunmuke 888-474-9477 Lucy Rodriguez 88a-559-t6l2 Jnre Vargau 888-559-1612 o,:,ird_At y*o.d oP::TOl. e'° t-u t O $1 _cu 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 NORTH/CITY-U NORIWCITYU j THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 3 I today's homes today's homes

Service, reputation, location are keys to builders' success REALTOR PROFILE lt's a whole new world outtation for quality construction of N\V Construction, a general there forhoino builders and con-can be another key element to contractor in Chicago for 25 today's dO!flioiulfl developers in 2010success, lie salmi. years. as they start to recover from the "We also have found having Saumwaitissaidsuccessful worst housing recession sincetime willingness to negotiate builders have learmied to run homes the Great Depression. with people is init)ortant," Le- leaner aixl to look at their ois- Is publIshed by Sun'Tlmes Media LIC :p:ft-]g In this climate a developer's wandowski saiml.You have to erati(((ms as a whole and mint as reputation is very willing to negotiate on price independent parts: sales, coli- EDITO lit A I, You have to have a strong and or upgrades ... whatever time struction, (cqt(ioitio(m and devel' KAREN HUELSMAN solid reputation as a builderreason, to make the sale ... es opimiemit. vlmo is not involved in lawsuitspecially if it's a casti (teal." \Vlmat shmdd be a builder's ChIcaa Sun-Times: 312-321-2775; khuelsmanBmunllmw 10(0 Luxury or problems with their custonm- Location of the developnmcnt strmltegic t)hUm for 2010? ers," said Bob Lewandowski,is another key ingrediemit for "Move slowly,follow your PAUL KELMA I ll--I'ulelllIIIlIlo'_III '.1(10 (1)IIl partner in R. Franczak & Asso. success. tda, but be flexible to cimammge Sum-Times MedIa cistes, developers of the Hen' "Many of the failed projects svitlm time market. in short, be 630-975 03t2,pkmlm@scnl corn tage of Palatine. that have been lost to the banks ready fur time imext trend," omlimi TAMMY MATTHEWS Condominiums Being a builder with a good were marginal projects to be' Saimavdtio, whose timm is imead- Sus-Times Mido: 547-486-7312, reputationfor customer Ser-gin with, in locations that nmake q((artered at 2001 Des Plaines ([email protected] vice. That is something that re-prospective buyers ask: 'Why R(i, km spesi suburban Forest CAROLE SHARWARKO ally nmakes a builder stand out,"should I live hero?' " Lewaim- i'ark. Soulh(own Slam; 708-633-6872; in doivski said. "Our coomnumimities "rhooc who spill 5((cCCCd in csharl'(anka6Ssau(h(owmmlancom Lombard Lewandowski's very R. Franciak & Associates' HerItage of Palattoo's suburban dswotswo important in this niarket, es-are in great locations and theylocation makes t easy to get loto tIme ctty. 2010 are imakimmg plans now, AD VERTISt NG pecially for nepeat and neferral settiog ilmings in mmmotion. A suc- are transportation-oriented de. RITAWALKER business." velopnments." in this new world by tine'tunisgaoci delivering each construc-cessfui bmilder mmay be quietly Sales Monaper A developer who lias new con- In 2010, developers need tovalue c'ogiuc'c'risg skills, adjust-tion job on tine asd on budget," 708-633-4924, mwalkel@rnwSpl coo dominiuns designo and a repmm-"face challenges and succeeding to time c'conolmmic realitiessaid Ji'. Sanavaitis, trcsident Turn io SUCCESS, 4 RE/MAX Realtors Bob and LIsa Wisdom. KAREN NAESSIFOIR SUN-TIMES MEDIA . Vol INs 15

e.lo.w_J o, I Jti '"" Team Wisdom offers iAL':T:&TG1E- i!1 Check-rates-daily-at-i-sttp://suntimes;interest;com 20yearsôf experience - o $165,050 Inanìmnsot AMOSCANOsee & Teosr 312.388.2176/630.664.9377ATHOME MORTGAGE GROUP 847.971.9671ABt MORTGAGE 847.585.1995 got tmonsis 01(1 limero.' Loon Prognam Ralo Monthly Paymenl By ieaole Mayer hl4v//arnbaskqc.cem htlpJiwww.AlllomeMorlgagetroup.csm hllp//www.ablmortpsgo.conm .5 Team Wisdommi s conmtonisod of two boiyer's I y,Aflhl 454% 857572 FOR SUN-TIMES MEDIA 3Oyr limed 4.9500.005 S1050 2O'/ 5 03010 yr fixed 4.8750000 $1300 20% 4.94430 yr lImed 4.875 1 000 $1305 20% 5.033 0/I 55M 465% 150377 agents w1(o svork exclusively to imelp cuculs ttmmd 15 yrtued 4.5005.050 $1050 20% 4.599lSyr lEed 4.250O 000 $1300 20% 4 36815 yrllxed 4.125 1.000 51300 20% 4.393' a coI(Sbincoi 20 years, RC'alt((rs B((b tilo right Imomo for timeir needs. Time team also ami Lisa Wioclommo have bee(( l(elt(i(mg theire(i(l(lOys Iwo profossiomal support staff mmoem 5/1 jurnbeARM 4.7500.000 $1050 20% 3.675lOyrllmed Cailfun Rates 3/1 ARM 3.6251.000 $1300 20%3.210 lrinCth/IOnnpuyIllOCI IS4aS005mosnanosnt climMmts navigate time reI(l estate mmoarket bers svio design moot premre advertising amid 5/1 ARM 3.8750.000 $1050 20% 3 3375/1 ARM 3 755 0 000 $1300 20%3.8305/1 ARM 3 7501 000 $1300 20'/,3381 For ' 517% $2.553M ìocl make time wisest choices with their homne. streamline commini((mmicatiom( betwemm clients and Inn9pn9lIl Sllesmllne retlnsncn clsslng le 25 dsys. Open every day. 100Th financIng program tor Ve(eransl buying power. Their kmosvleclge I(f time Fox time Realtors. '°"' 150,n11IOn, 500nce Bankra(o cern (C) 2580 Fesieldflead, Sulle 202, Sl. Charlas, IL 60874 (8) SISmOS. Roule 31. 20(1,2, AlgonquIn, IL 60702 M5.67605i14(fi) 1501 II. fl000lle Rd., Sullo 320, Scllasnrossg, IL 60195 Valley cwea imas iettoecl Ituiss to immarki't honmes "iiavimg limoso teani members allows us far 15-year mortgage trend Wall SI,eo(Joumal P,hne Ralo 30-year morI9090 trend effectively, tl(ro((gh exposure amimi appropriate mmioro specialization, to give superior service LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE pricimmg, evem i(( moctay's touglm ec((uonoic limmoes. to our cliemmls," 1mo salmi. "Wc' camm cIter to E'IUII E Consistently ras(keei um lime lop 20 of RE/MAX 1(001)10 svho lume a $100,000 imume up to over pc& agemfls imo Northern illkmuio, tile join l(i(Ve mm(ove(l $1.000.000-', :: :: IN THIS FEATURE 'ti.Q(mmm \Visciommi lu time nummsbi'r one setting eftice in Wisdomm 5(101 1mo cuslomizes every mmmarketimig cc_____._____-_____------_:,o the Elgimm are7(, RE/MAX i ilmrizelo. Ilari based ois wimat time client needs. 1 , . CALL BANKRATE.COM i-iavimmg sold oventy Immunes imc October alomIc', Ammyomle immtorestoct in tindiug (((lt time differ. Wisdoim said, "Our bnsimmi'ss is ttrivhmg in the (MiCO 'l'omimo \Visciomn call noake in helping them SALES DEPARTMENT clown imorket. Ommrclients realize you hmave to go realize their real estate goals Cam contad them T'he Placeto BeJ - cc-. will) experience. Cliemits mmccci reallors ttat camm It 847-1105-8318, You can also cimeck out mho 05 A11 b NOlod AN 'n cu 1, 3 @ 800 509 4636 od 'A s((pport a msarketing camoipaign. Wc' have timo Web silo at www.toam o FHAAPPROVED . tinancial smrength tu pay for market oxt(((suro, to i i'."rn. ONLY3.5% Down

o 7d( 741-JUDY 7,t 74 I-JUDY 7,m.., www.74 ljurlvcom 7e,, 741-,IUDY 7es 7(n 74 1-JUDY 7es,,, MAINTENANCE FiuE LIVING


¡ I.I ' It ,,,u( I S !!!II 20, I.1(I, I, 'I'' 111111,,I III,, I,Ill_Ill 2-3 BEDROOMS,2BATHS I ll,'cc, IcIllI (5 fc,, 71) 4 (,n,l Inlol 111,13 (nl (11cc,, (lcdIlClllI N I'c,1 for h , h5' Th 3rd , 4 ((II,. 2 hnlI 2 boLl ldIIlI .I(/2 11.1111,. I '.1, gw.''''"N ,ucJ h ("nl, leal, U ,,nl ((,nIl JIll,,, Il edIlI) Y LIII((nIdod Inc IIl IIIIln5Ill(IclIll ccl ic,lI hcclh I i(,cn Ifo, .'lleIlnlIl o door) (iiin L e.u,c (ini,lag e e.,,. ( )I,,), I ((enul,fol hu,dnlnn( (lcn,ne ,,c,II, 011,1 I 111111 (.'1d1lllC. cl,llIlId 1,10 1,111 .1101111 011Iell (I(111,1'edIl, Il11111110. HURRY, o, spcciai cross ca, Ç fice f,,,, I (,neIn flenl,Iy p.,,,llnel ((u) ccnJ,,l, In cl IctIol)(,,nc,clee 111,110,111111 ÌICccn,n,i, nIlling cod11111 (y p. lilIe J J n IIII, 5'innIIi,,Iiri oleIlInlIlIg nJ Th hnq 15(4 ( n,n i,,xo Il\\',nnl ,neIngn. 2 (lucI. IpI.IIIl( 11(1 lilIlnIle, I 1101110111 $8,000 &$6,500 's fn(,nl,,,,, loo'l (MeLen,, o ca,. b. ,,nnlnn I(lip (I Innl,te IflIlIll 011)1 "cl bnl N tu,I (I 01101 I el1011 I yc,d. pdllll2 u.', 15ml,, 2 Icr(,,I(ana,Jto ((ql (IlnlIn,,,I((,,ll,c(ll'I"II'' ((ode W 2 Ldlllgfl,,I( N 'l'I'lllll HOME BUYER Ih(eLenn II, Scn,llcol) nil.'l. ThxCREDITS END se ( flIIllcc old, 2(IR ,ppn,n S,ujhc,,l :1 APRIL30, 2010* One o) lb enleecll(' cn,l, (Ic,,,, Located on the grounds of the tonner Wentgate Country Club, the Laurel Glen condominiums, a 1010f motore (,,I,d V uII,ngI II,pIce, (IclIlle) hotween Hartz Homes nod T.). Cachey BuIlders, blends natural beauty with dlsttoctlee desigrm A current specIal Appi l,n,c,,la y ( cc, LlltIl b'dIc( offer provIdes eotraordloary pricing of $180,000 to the first five buyers. 1 cl,,l,pc,, (l,, 5(110('lIne IIc,, o 1I"I' nIe N ,,,Icco,,lhlc( CdC III o e4teqh f

(.occcl dm Jc,lnul 3(13, 1h,, 3 (('1111, IlIll (IO5 ( lII011IlIIIO d ('lieu If ,,c,ull(I,I,,c1110,1,lIllIOfl 3 (II (muI(uplCIci))Inlla,Ine.,lIIlnL Closeout deal offered at Laurel Glen bcd,00m cc,,cd ,cn,l, hn,cclhnuc pIncedl (Ice'3(1(1. 2 hod)IcodllIlIl I' 31, II fluId pnI( »euk, (I,,) (11(1, ice, (dol ende lld( 11111luck up loC Nearby mall shopping, fine dining, (cn,d,fc,n,l y,lno, I. 3 bed,m1l,.' rendIIIIII,ne,non I ((eaulifiIII fecced ned,2 p 11111 I, (1em,,,(,IeIl nIllill i. 11111 ly I 11111eS((ecullfo( cc,,od o (cremOs timo street, Laurel Gtmm i3orclereei by OXIlallsiVo for. Oneplauc,.aulIrA hing,. open 'cloln (,led k, (ulle,, odlh ,IInrIe (l,n,, I 1111111 N 1111db Pd In,, i>Sen,, I,moli 110 II IICIlI Ii l(lnlog(lIluI _ hnek Special price for resimiomls elmj((y safely, secmmnily, osi preservo 11(101 svitlm svalkimmg museums, theatre, golf courses, (loo, pico (b,docnn(n (,In5 ,00m i) c,oncic, Idc/lIdIlIne, ('1,11 J' funloun 1. C/A511 5nI11Il (RI'S pl Ill O,,5lll I'ccnnn I nIdI len AR Qu,,k do,, (lc(eLccn (o S IcdIe,f.,II Cn ldIId Inl,on cdIe SSS Q el clone (blei edIl (I' Spnng (III (.nccu(lfl,( ecc,e b ne ISp,Ing 2 K,llgn- ((mdlI soroime setting courtesy andbiking truls, Ilmol.11ICoI ocas II, L,,n5bow(o:lc 'LI' SIC lIlIe, (.yln/((,g(I(n,ld)°-''''' (I 11110 N III 01,1(1) IV) 02 .I'LILL r" S2N (,,,(l,oIce10111 111 first five buyers of 110e lamuiscapo's rolling hillsGlomm comm.nmumuly silsInuomlg Metra, expressways, parks and 111cl immaturo oak trees. Palos lleighls' miatlmmal loealmty. _-6i (c.11 ',clI lclCS,t'l, II lIeolllondM:od(on, Acconctimmg tl( tW(( local bimilel- E((Cllttmree'sl(lrybuildingA s(((mtimsvoslsm(b(mrbmmm omis recreationIt's all right outside your ___.1ì_uT__ I] i ,. ors,O(( Cali im((ve it (Ill, 'i'l(((t's 1(1(515 10 tsvll.bodlmoolm), two-bIlknmckoci in Ilmo simamlossof Ihe 14 . .0 cclln,l,cd (ccnn5c Nccc(y pulll(el( Nene L tIme attitude eumammatimmgfrommi corser onus, (((li 1(0(10(1 inclllorSocdimlamul's mmiany cO((1i(lemci(ll front door. Begin your exciting new time i_aurei Glen concluminiunisIlarkimlg, (limo 51(1CC designatedstrips,mmyniaclsim((pI(immg 1(111 s- k1b:h(11\ o i((siliO i'alos i ieiglmts' \Vestgde few 0101muniI. \Vitim exterior climmimogoptiomisexistnearby lifestyle in a luxury condominium J (0m n(du,,,l Valley cllimmimmulmity, a lmro(((ino(mt brick ugtlexicore culmslruc-Witl(ll((t timo cllmistammt prosemmeo cievolopmnem(ttoirimig mumimmto Iiom, mli restllo(mts ommjuy il lIrivaloof 1(15110 (((01 bustle, ViIl( (lilly 14 . ( cl . Il,In _1 11,1,,,,, I dol I,,,ll,,,O 'III I,III, with all the upscale amenities you S,,Ie( h,,,k ,e,h' 1/2 2 ('2 cc, (( ,dw,nccl (1 lIIIl(lI,ougIIIlol. I,,nnl Vc(( y C,,e I uInc (I, I/ 2 boJ 001111 .I mmance-free iivimmg (uSi¡I ((Irk'retreatspillIi((-olI(il lamlmidtry, 155111 clmmm)mmm((((ity emmlrumcos 'dr (olIb'n111111 del n Kl,Ig,pon Vl(lan, p- g"m" e( cp,nn 3 (cli t(h. (,umlng (i,cp(acc. 111011f (,III, lCd. 2 (I 11,111,,b'cIng C, full(onCIlleIll r0.1111,111 5 he 0od s 0Il,,i0113 I,c,l. like setting spith il bulot ilmcmm-omltdiollr balcm(mmy, I((dtI 51llCill((5 olmo omm I4iclgelumcl Avenue rncInJ,og nor'nch, f,rn,hnd(,cc,, ed N . 1)1111 ff1115( III,lIIod lull,,) expect and deserve. And with no I (CII, 5 III l,,,' ((all I0IIlll. I (/2(.1(11,,2 u',, live for mic'w buyers. design cllmuplote spilli oversized (((dlI soc((mmdl Il(( 13511m SIred (,ccl (nhb (ccli 2nd knch,nl. Fe. bonn, I,IIInlc,l II,) (11,11,111 F1111111 ,,l,cn, I feel51.5 C,,nd,,odIll111)1f1111,11e,( I led ( (I nOdo i. )dl,( Iu,lh I i-iartz iiommies aoci 'iJ. Cacimeyl(lllsv(ys ((((i dllsrsvays. residlommls i(lIlabil I SIfO, 500lire corn C S,,plc,I(,rdcccncJfin,,,, I) II (km Nf ( (SI 5(211)1) (5) 51(o IdelIflI od.I,eccg lcu(fI,,f,,,l (11110 S p,con, ckcI,I(nukn (lll fIll An,, maintenance, you'll have time to (K odll 2 lIon,, Il' co Lnngnonnon (.4 I.II,('llllde 'In,,, i S Ill hc c,,"(mccclId(dI(y Ill' 1,111,1 Builders, two Cimicagu((roil itmyors soled from (((10 ((fIlousl(ce 5111m Oli ty likO-mi(iildledl . n r1' . IlIllul I lIlII feo, )SpIIlg 2 N co au-;.. (( l'ore (111 11,,,,Ienll''' ((I ,)112C,,hl,.11(ll(1ll.'llI klllg,(nl,I'I 2 1,1,11len)I'l':Ll'l builders svith (I cllnmbimmemi 125svell-conceivool hour 1)11(15, each resiclemmls seekimmg a slice 11f Ilmo enjoy everything. E years of resimiemmtial commslruc-mmfforimgat(t(rdlxinl(telYI litIogood tifo. ti(mnexperiemmce, recemtly mum-Sqllaro foot (If livi(mg 5110cc. '1ko "Vitlmilsmmmmilmtemma(mce-freo IIenIelf.1,1511IVI IlId(I,I,lI l(lIc Visit Us on the Web At ()I 3 b,J ,InII,I, ,( (/2 (,ulIc,, fc'Ienel voilou Il CI05L'(l((t special al Lau'Abhor's (modems loor 1)11(1 cre-livimmg, mmatmmrll boauly, mod lop- (cId IdIllI (ecLSf1111011 I,uIl,IcpIc IS 53 S.74 ItuiCoIn L ret Glen. 'nie tirsl tivo lmyersates hose fi oui (11(0 rIllumI to 11msoleIl mlesigmm, 1_allrol Gloll ((fiemo Located just north of22nd Street on Nl, fec,III Pd) N ,n,ll,,e . ,cl,Ife,.l C elf a miesv c((nci(m(m(iniu(mm ¡(t till'next wililo Ilmo itCel(tWOEII, a resillents--cl melt llptm(mrl(mmmily Ill Northiake Road, 1/2 mile east of III, ,(I,lIn,.,,(Inl (SplIlIg 2 K,n.IIn To view full color inside photos enjoy life," i ilIrIa saill. ''Andal 321,cIc,l..,Ilc)'l o cmlnmnmummity sviti receive simecillclosigs ((0151010cl after limo 11011m Highland Ave. pricing of $180,000 (((i time (mmiii1(1(1(1 (If a Idsluric Cldoagu bus-(loir clmmmemmt SlIecill pi-icimlg (If- .,':! l0(Ill,I./,Il .111,1,,,, of tIlcir ciulice, immcluciimmg 11(1(50gallosv, Ills ((llore dlOti((edl roommmfor 1(1 $180,1101) Ill Ilmo tirst live (630) 228-3421 3((K .ouhu.ny, I. SL(IIO,l ( II,l,,ç I(II)l)uId(,l,cul ,,I(ll()ll,llI,Iu I 1111110l'll( 111011e, 3 sviIl(1(115(01 Vil'SFS(Irl((t('tlollr 131111m (((11(1015ii(cl((dlobuyers, timolmll1I(lmmtlmmmilylimo Spncccccn(n, 5 (JR ncc J no, 1,111 IdlIlIdI I SII1CC5. . llcgc cOI I cccec (in,ncc nl,,,, od odIIdIJldOl(.Il Id(llllIl(I I) I.lI5eIIlI N,,, 11111 1210C. I (,od IlIllIld , ( (/2 )I ,IdlIIllllIIllI24') lIe( Il,clIjIlylll residmmces iiitime Illree-stllryItosigmmor (calores, such as oaknever bowl (((Ilmo accessible." Models Open Mon., Tues., Fri. Sat. 10-5, nI cnJ2Iun,cç,, 2 CA cl, nl,, culle (III,i IIlII I SIlIog I (InIb,. 2un,f.IIc(C(,,gc 22,11 n_i. (L L- be,,c,e,lecI(111fcule(nl Indern e elevatmlr t)omilclings. 111(1115 (1(01 Imimu, flmrmmil((re'elu(Il- 'time 1.11mn01 (lem comm)mnummity 13 cl lln,c,5llsnodl,c licch,lpn.( (uI.b'e,, Il (he cI(,y I IIIl lly LIIO(Ic,, (lIned(ec( f01111 (y 1110111 cccl) lIlIelc 1711011 ,dllIlll(.110125 Ilc011,ccl- Sun. i 1-5, Or by Appointment - . - '''l'tiis is omm (umt(oarcl of 010(11,''ily Cabinc'try, comammmic lilo 11(i I1imlgelammll Avoulo (110(11(1I I, Il (ullnJ,y(,1 (I 51 n,! 11111 1,11(1 211 1. lIlI ( )llcIIlc Sp.ndlldSy.Ilcl 'eue,, ((cndy f,l,IllllIlIlIIflIC011IllIl1 (lIi:iIil7(n/c,soll( s ' (hIcDonnll( 2 (Sen I IllIhn, IlellIC n( All 23 111(u) I (RI 25 (II (1111011 (0 (CIIIC, Il, 5Ii(l l'liti i torto of i hIntz i illmnes, r(mll(m(s,((ill c;l al)llli(11CO5, 1111f mulo (Illrtim (If 13511m Stme&'l AVIsli for comploto dotal(n. Buyer (II ( 11111cc II, )II((lalnnI I I [) 0,1(1 C dInnIng S In ((1gb I_,bn(nl'//_ N L,,nLily 11(4 dIle 51111llI,lICIIl''''' ,Jacrl.' / addhmg 1.anrel Glen l'icos tytli. Il_I_hose 150(1 111111m- 111(55 oflc'riii 1'Il(lS I loigills spilli a 5(1105 (If- must claIm mho las credIt arm Buyer Fodorul Iscomo Tua Re(um. s- catty slim-I al $258I,ll(ltl. "lb gel real mtistimmcl clmarac-lorislics 1(1 tice ml i:tioo Forestniclgo 1)nivc'. NoI sII buyers will qsallfy. Inlomnuliomm (s pmvtded for gosemt o ;cmcms'. guidance cety & does nom constitute lax udolce, Consult on \S',n,l(oI( 2 3Iu,e,,l(III i'IlcIlodo 2 (lc,l 1110111 . I (/2nIl, g_,l11101111dl (my coimIllIflor S 180,000 is a I svimle mango ((f bmy''111e sdes (IfticO 5 111105 fmomm III (1)1)0(50 ullomsy or uccounlani foryosr sI(sallon. J ullc I, dIll 4lull,IIII,,c.21,,uplouI, 11(1 lIdI I(l,Ilk,IlgA,,IluIIl,ll oled, let (Il(((mei ((05V ClIlidlI mm ems," Ilrlz ShIt. "W0'vI2 cremI-(((m. 1cm 5 tun. Mlllm(lays, 'flmes- 2 b .,df Od (I(/2 c.I,cIIl I 2 (/2 iclIllulill (e, (lo_II,odd leId)« Igcn a aim exclomsive (lieuset(galileIOli 110(1 ll1lti(l(i5 momo Ihat 51101k(lays, FridaysI((liSatcmlllys, u,d ,,,u I eIl,I,cic d5 ((e,,, ,ly (Ol(nIn edIlI II lelo_lIlcI I I 1< 1.1(1, III 5 Il_11m. Slul- InlIlel( (Ill25,(l (dId I ccc J (IllIc IcIO p' 1111(11 I Slcl,ay'cIlIll I(i_1,11111 Ie,el C, the St((((mmi((g backdrup of Ll((i-Ill 11515e 51/1(11 like a tmIdiliuell (((li from t I (III(nuLII.Ir,(nlnn( 11111 (Nun, (1(172II I(o 5111.150 QuInce (IIo rei Glen," 111111- 11111m as sveil IS hube sellIm miays, 1(1(1 by (111)lli((t(((0((t. Il1l K 011)1111 Vooc I ,,cIlId, I) OI 1u,a(,e, f I (2)/Il! Ill! FHAA N B 0mm the grllunols ((f Ilmo fIlmierl'((j(ly I (((Ire (11101m,(((ll(lOr(( l(t(litil(i(il i(mfl(mmmmalillmm 11l( i_III- huy ' Accessible bccy,, on S vIsIl ' \Vostgate Country Club,(11(01 mlesign11(11 tIemm lIcked 1110ml rel (ilemm, visil's. 7l( 741-JUDY 7es,,, 74c 7d11-JIJDY '7ei,,, WWW. 74 I I) 7cfc 74 I-JIJDY 7m,,, 71(0 74 I-JUDY 7es,,, spilli S tilmillillli((((((es sittingsyitim lIxlmmy fc'alllres." 0(11mm 11m CIII 7l)8-385-tI7Ol. :D I ra9 U CLII U .D U

g 4 ThURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 I NORTWCflY-U today's homes today's homes NORTIL/CITY-U THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 5

Success Visit this community Near south side destined NW Construction enters new world of home building FROM PAGE 2 The Heritage ol Palatine sales center Is located at 50 S. J_P.Sauuavaitis,a generallengea and succeed iou huis uiesv 111e pipeline for 2010. Tloe fol- couutractksr in Cluicago for 25world by tiuoe tuuouing ssr volige lowing residential projecls are doing planning and preparation Greeley and Is open daIly from to be Chicago's next 10 am. to 5 p.m. For more years, is faking huis vast urbanengineering skills,achjiusting monder way or pbounneci: work, but lie is setting up the and suburban cousstruction ex-lo lime ecoliomic rcollilies aussi u PrecisioulBuilt Homes, foundations for success. Others Information, call 847-705-6238 or visit boom neighborhood perieliCe fo Ilse next level willsrleliveriugeooclu conslrsction NWCoumsfrmuction will creel a who are still in crisis mode will be thoe bonds of NW Constu-uuc-job on linIe and nus budlgmil." tws.story msdlLlbar three-bed- For more Information on NW six months to a year behind once Hon a new hirm hoeoudquoortered Ill essence, NW Cosstrsoc. room, two-bathi single-family things start to change:' Construction, call 708-771-5080 uth Chicago isotuse huuuutera svonolering at 2001 Des Phaiouea Rdl, in spesIfions gooml is to "work lean ommool ioouooe oIt t33rdl Street ansi Ave- R. Franczak & Associates or visit soburban Forest Park. work suban," Saumavailis saldi. nsue O um Cluicomgo's Hegewisch closed ti condominium sales in whaf flic new decade spill briuug, it's tilbe lo cryslal Sanavaifis, brIller eOdecultivc Silice 198.1, Sasavailis bols neigimborluosri. Thue home is the last quarter of 2009 at the vice horesidlent of New West hOe-boeeii involved ius Couuslrsoclisuo eXpecledi Is be priced at abolit Heritage of Palatine and the \Va- Isoli gaze into llue future nf resu- A buIlder's reputatIon Is hey to dential olevelnlonucnt downtown. ally Grouup Conslructioju LLC,of uuosre lhuomn 5,000 oilily log co $210,000 spillo completion ex- terford in Des Plaines: looking recently houurchuasedh thuat coIls-wide array of ohcvclopmisents peeled in late spring sf2010. forward, Lewnndowski believes siirvtslog In today's housIng market, What's flue next high-dc- pcuny frons New West Reallyfrom affordable low-rise ivomlk. u 134115 SIred Develop- said Bob Lewandowskl, partner In R. 0101101 neighborhood set to this success is a positive eco- antI re-lauuochuesh il nocher ticelIp housiumg to humxuury csuodoi- ment. As csnslrsmclion man- nonlic sign for the real estate Froncoak & Associates. emerge? Where spill tIle uoext cily real calate boom occhIr? new saIlle of NW Conslrlic. nsimmimmmhiiglu-rises.lie also ager, NW lIso partnered with market in 2010. Don DeBat lion. isas conslrmiclesh a diverse col- 134thSIred LLC to develop "\Vc can attribute sotiic of this Look no fuurthuer than alouug J_P. Sanaoahtis is owner and Lake Michigan, Ilse Wisdy ON THE HOME FRONT "h'Iue NW' in NW Coouslruic-lection of counulsercial and re- president of newly-formed NW omndbuild Hegewisch's first success to stimulus money (roui lion stoinds (or New World 05 IOtail projects. residential consosstunily using the fouleraI government and the City's big bItte front yard, Cnnstrsctinn based Ill Forest Park. where new hiourbors, boat Abrave New World,' whuiclu is Sanomvoiilis loas macle sigomihi- modular Imomusing, Mnre lhoaou $8,000 tax credit for first-time ivhiat ive are all facing in these cant cooutrihsumfiooms fo file mievel-Near Somulis Side, helping Ihuese700 green homes are planned buyers, but it is also importantdone," Lewanclowski said. residences viIli 1'/2 or two baths. slips, parks and beaches cire because hlauuhuauus fou000loir pircas grosv ints viable resi- planned. aluch fslmedh architect Voolter cllahlengilsg economic limes,"opInent of lime Ncomr West Side on 131 acres Oper liso next de- for builders to have an experi- Franczak's luxury condomini-They range in size (roui t,t2l3 Io miemstial encbauvo of affordable II is likely that luouuchu of the Gropius desiguoeoh many of tIle saidSanavaitis,osvnerauutl 01151 lIme Souths I.00ip. hie pilan cadie. enced sales staff that gets an-unis at flue Heritage of l'alatine1,716 square feet of living space. hommnoes, future loukefrouot huousing spill Michuoueh Reese buiihchiuugs in President of the newly formed loas consiruclerl housing in For lIbreinformation omm swers quickly in terms of nego-feature one-bedroom, two-bed-Prices range from S226,900 lo NW Couislrpmctionalrcadly be developed belweeuu now and floe lOGOs. At least four of flic couilpauiy- several fringe neigioborhgsoshs, NW Consfrncfion, call 708- tiating prices miii getting a dealroom and two-bedrnonu-plus-den8:159,900. Ruchons at the Heritage of PalatIne feature staInless-steel appliances and wood floors. looms a bromoid range of Choicougo 2020 in floe South Loop aocI hospital buildhiuugs alreadhy have "ht is time uosission nf NW Con.inclooliuog Tn-Taylor, \Vest EIs- 771-5060 or visit www.imwccioi- pIres conslrmmclion projects iuu Near South Side, sourroluuodiuug becou razed. slructioou1dm face Illese elusI- sImIo, Nortlu housvoiobomle 011(51 tIme McCorousick Place, plauuuucrs Off Ilse lake,jgust west of the :'ii REAL ESTATE AUCTION .G FEB. 24 say- Michael Reese Calushoss., flue cuy .flANKOIRECTSSALESI. This is wIly in a budgel- receuufly flexeol ils unascle again, 8.000 SQ. FT. LUXURY LEMONT CSTATE J ides! 5nrr1-rer!oovi Úgielpn.ty crunch year, flue city is kuusckiuog (hosvus six aluartouoeuut (2(34 Oo5r/ Coo,T E.5,h.n [emani :J SP/ore sonso j i/rigOrS/ri soencIing milhioas of dollars biuilchiuugs thoat slIce avere part of iStse kofl.Inoion BECIN&DILL J35 Sp Ii A! VisionS BIg to develop fancy recrealional the hharold Ickes Houuies, a pub- ç_J isRoan /5 fed I 5½ BathsLI 2 Voeu Noww4h3lu,a oui IreS i-Orii JIVe! Sa rd io! Mrd sa!, O!ao amenities alouug the Near !çt i(i)//ed lic housing project licor Cerusiak ç_i Fabulous Pool J TIent', Room J S Acre Ial eS Walk oui T ,.JhI,, Q or Figeai ora/Neo/ora! TenII South Side lakefrouut, incluid- lOsad cuuioh Stolte Sf reel. ç_tbaTel Sicher aillolI Applu1.1 4loupIotesUSpeiiaculor lake Veas JC0t!aVearWnoiS.bsbgn 44i3Rnsssvoltflond ing floe :9151 Street Harbor oauud Jul01 soufhs ofthuc hckes estCondominiums flue oucie Buornloanu l'Ilrk hOesch hloouues site, floe 215110 SIred Ongine/iy Pr/sod: 13.fl5,00aM,n,n,arro lid 51295050 I coussiulete with beach house oat Loft l)istrict is euiiergioig 10th Slreet oincl thue lakefrouut. ollusouug vacault hIlts cInch ou These ssvank amenities are 51050111 colhecfiouo of iuichuust rial part of hue new Near Soathu builchiuuga that csuold evelutu- Side neighborhood the city cuihy loe Irauosforouoed iuils holt .. . '' . expects private develotoero to couocloouiuiiuououo. 'flic district is -,. ' HUGE . ' App,,,,,,I 51.505,005MI,in,a,,, n,,!. ai.ioo.000 bouilcl ouu thue site of the fouled auocluured by tIce Obero h_otis, a Olympic Village, tile 37-acre 9'J.ouuuit adaiofive-ressc couochoo- Ospina MIXED 55E onioNs easeNEWLY RE5555TE5 ( J! ou. l.,u )(:Ku'(fll I Micluaeh Reese Hospital cam- IOlilliIllil 011501 renloul olevelop- l .%uu:o'tuI.t: 5PRCO/5tT5!L kv/apis sITE 5 P LI t. LE TEL Puls. Thue city spill seek quali- lient cIt 2515 S, Dearhsorus. aloi S ITO//Rd 3624 Midway Villasgo Condoeniiniiiinea . NEW MODEL NEW MODEL O I, n P.S T.wnb Sonno GIn licol devehohocrs for tIse land iou Near Nouvy h'ier aoucl file E 6710-20 5. Koatlng Clelosego. IllinoIs REDUCTIONS iuiOM111E$230is iltoM TuS $350's 38i3Sq Ii - flue first quusrtcr oh 2010, auud Chicago River's ouuolet fo l.ake .'N "NJ'S. . A See/or UInryi. comae/v -',I. nbaalI.Ioroi, ,rdown,nnh/p taled PosdaTa! spill loe asking for developer Mieluigauu, the city also is ex. 720 NORTH SUNIUSE Dfl. 16756 MEEC LANE _l Spacious Orno S Two Bedroom Sill Wog CornrokRd 'REPRESENTAEVE proposals loiter. lIeclL'rl Isa laouuuchu couuslruucliolu ill ROMEOVILLE, IL 6544G LOCKPORT, IL 65441 !/edfol 011a0 Floor P/ass RTfCONDOUtNltJHS/,,45 NaSi, R/a.rnlkn hi yosu aohch floe $80 uusihlioul Marcho sou 111e $.l0uulllhioul Coite- 2 Muu.u. Essi- ou' lVuin.uu Rn. 1 ¡tuu.u. NosThu oh 155To Otos/Osu-aSç5 U i Arre londoospod loi J VRO-o/O/y. Srrck E/eva/or 5/dgs ii . ion! a Hoed S J In Uro Washers 5 Dryors IVI tEO SR floe city apelol to acquuire floe array h hoorbur, a 210-slip noariusa TJP ON FAuuutu.u.Ru,. J Vor//od En/irgo TO $62,OÖO! os Noioussross (127Th) lOaned Bi rash lePo ions J Sk5/,gh! J Slop/ago u Sotes. I/od/od, 000dod 212 2)1 1,120$115900 Michael Reise site, Cluicago ounclosredl by a 2,610-fool -louig i //! ft'edo/i Garago Pa/kirg 815.886.7000 815.838.4357 DanS! O//aso. Po/O / J Isis/ok Loser Ivre! alreadly has investeul $100 lier featouriusg 15,500 stIll/Ire feel Or/won//v Frise _k coo/cm Hardwood Çobeeiry 203 212 V231 $225900 _J Pon/o! sarro n Pare ssssmo SubjvciioCoori.iipnsrs/ J Sso/orad Socuriiy nsillioou iulto floe uucigllborlualodl ofreslaulrauut oiuuol retail space. Ui,imwr, s.d 216 2/2 .229 $224900 : AWARD WINNING ARCHITECTURE I 0/nimm Oid Ssssmo 5005mo LMiri/miri,, Oid soosmo _O Ps//y App/iancod Ri/chars thiuriuog floe dleepest real estate Coouophelion of Ohuis auisbilinous Extended$8,000. . ENERGY STAR CERTIFIU5-- 10 YEAR STItUCTURALW/iRRANTY recessiouu since flue CreaI Project couuldh eveoulU011hy loro- oO t)sìprcssion, viche eoihsoouicecl loiketront vistolo Isttime buyer and $6,500. move-up buyer tax credits. p- co sp TIoc city j>lauos to ilIstall for 'floe Spire, Ihue uuusiciuely lNVlTE ohesiguiedl 2,000.foot.toull sIlIca- s n I ioufraatriucfture iuuliuroveusients betweeus 2ttltu auicl :llst sI reels laxury couoolo lower lluat ouiighul alouug Cottage Grove Ar.reuouue. hoe bauihl Pol tOO N. Lake Shore e Aiuux huucreuuoeuit Fiouauucioug Dc, durioug thoc uocxt boouus. Dislrict already io iou talare, flow is the city going to pay oiuod louog-range Salulhu Side for all lIsis lakefronl dlevelols- 00 lilaos call for coulstrioclion of suent? DonI be surprised o s ligluf-rail coluuuunuutL'r sysf Toll if Mayor hOichuarch M. h)aley fronu McCoruiuick h°louce Io 193rd hucolges luis bet for pl develop- SIred atouug Cottage Grove IlOellI 1>1111151 spills uuoihllouls 55f CPPeRJ11NiiY /Sveuslle. dlollars iuu revenuue (rouis 15,000 I Wlueui flue recession clods, viches gauusbhiuug uisachuiuoes iuu Single-Family Homes TowOhoflies Cóndominiums oosol ooew loiglu-rise couutlos, 2010, 11151 Pl loouid-basesh casillo LAST CHANCE luoouucs auouuh .partuusL'usOs cIre oie- soosuesvhoere lIcor oaur bloue fr000t 'I ts vL'lalpedl over flue aext ulecacle, yard iui flue fsullore. the uuesv Near Souutho Silfo real o.s*.- esfole cveoufuually spill geIler- Don DeBai's weekly real ale ussihhioous of dollars of real esfafo Column is syndical- wwwMyCctmbrtdgeHome corn 847 984 4479 OPEN DAILY 10 5 FRI 125 estate fax reveuIlle for thue rif y. od by DoBaf Modio Servic- ,III;0jf;_I:eO Despite these visionary es. For more home-buying eh, nr.wrledeklies latId0 sk ks,ki wks,Irf..qniSsnissi n Iers ¿osska n kgelr Irk I tsj .s4sosMkp BIdrp1/e.nIsiorod/s .rssi oils rolunorpi.i oI hllauls, pr000rvatillnists coultiul- Informafion visithis Web lIT fo fight to save 110e Ilospif al silo at

obIercousveosliouoalcouustruuc- Redevelopment liouo uuoethuools Ilse. 'l'huis saves Giat RiJ iPtht Pf FROM PAGE 1 huile uuuh uuisusey, svhoile yieluhiuug highs qualify," Quuauiu said Caioital First hOe- \Vluictu .iuidI)o \IIII IIlIlW'? ally ollero great hinanciutg, wills AMERICAN FAMILY cosls were saved. Maferialo cauu .larrfy Scpllcr: Daaghicr of Ralplaasd be puurcluousecl iou larger quuauu-low uloavoshoayuuleulfs 111sf Pure Margaret Scyller, A \\rayoc's sisocr lilies, so ssuPiougo is acluieverl uuuuuchu casier to quuahify for lluoouu hubl,rllsaoss'r,: Jetasse & Jilt's niais I Illere as apoll. lraoliti000al leuoders. Nhoreosver, liarlo Nclsrsoo 'Sgt. Sob's" svofe Allcooustruuctiuln uses fac-iou lhueory, a bouyer couhol asoly (rrousIusis InrIs : t'tosai Grandma of lory-bluiht couuupouueuutstoiclay. 1)01 0 Satuurdouy or Suuuuuhouy 11151 Madisos, Mrclaellc A Slaria hleeou oaiol. "Wloaf we do dlif- uuisve in thue luexl sveekeuocl. Issir trrlli:ssrsrr Nclsrrs : (All Ilse abase!) fereuutly is that ive do the unaxi- Call 8.17-72.f.7°l57 for ¡llore loulous nvork off site, Ibis aspesiuufllrlloalillui or Ill uosahse ououup- isuouutlus of ouu-sife asorkthuoul IloilItloleolt. 847-888-2222 :FHA Financing with 3.5% down!! Home Insurance AYMÉI PATRICK H. RICH Pricing starts at $165,000 o ni MARKET 5TREET .1 uaat i.isiflasucoo Nclsssuu )9locimum Elfod to bolt .V . sallE 4 (547) 741-JUDY (5539) Jeggf, tony aiutI Snuasalles ELGIN, ILLISOOI 60523 3 o, Prestidge /borr!rrdjerroion SaiSie) : Oiietó three bedroom pans! L.tUa fn.úm)f.5/5ri4J Mnmbnr nt/U.s vil! al Pier. Re/Uno Sur/eso i i òsn

i, 0' . . *.r. .'k :.-,dr-;aF00w f . Get 0 Get :sotL Enjoyan àffordable, healthy outdoor lifestyle. FIRST FEDERAL SAViNGS BANK Adjaqènt to the nine mile natine trail along the I&M,Canal in Noticed! 325 S.RANDALI. ROAD Noticed! ELIOIN,IL 60123 Compel/led. pmthass, and sWalk (o Village of RobbinsFrom $.-d Willow Springs at 300 VillageCircie. Model unit #3 12. Advertise .opeelaocodaarorlcseyoaa can SeccO Advertise New Metro Station The M70's T.ATALEE DISMTh.Í Here! Seven DesIgns - 0.4 lrod,00rn.lOslok Il nn,on. 2.5/2 na),. Çlubhouse 'with workout room and outdoor Sp6cSw5U5Ln1IPS Here! AvaIlable Including - s colon 1,555 0', a,saa eq IL n,,,q'icnn .ShsrO Sssl'i0r Pa,elrsn,,rn-, Rs,aswI. lO,-/r/rril rs y,riss,,,,5g.r-? 2-Story coud Split Level . Cr. nI,cI-c Ir. I roso n,001 A sororols 5/lo INCSUOIOi swimming pool!! .. Call Call , . Cul ero RoS/isis bd,- irrlon,rarjsr,r. F,-,- rrraoOsot Lseolesl al, nnalyck, R I creo//se l'sua ciscaii:,liI e,rnor si wobekI 0425 W. 137110 51,001. : In lls,Ieblo,. Andrew Petersen Nidla DelgadoLoan Officer Andrew Petersen T,, vieIl, Tabo Kodlo Avec, Pleâse visit us atWmarkeistreetwestc6ndosom S.e.,FeF.$!I0)8eu0)!Il'.ki.i!OuiosIaIFISIeo.rlosI Io, 537110 SI colosI 150,0 1-847-465-1214 Enl. 1322 I 0111cc Uni 847 717 2940 woe I'» iindoi 847-888-7786 Tdo/gcdoGliis/(odoav/ngsban/< Corra d licO 847-888-7786 :For more infotmation, please contact: '. . ' . troll odoao)nasbank.cnm/nldia.hlon., CétlPti6iui 8172O4.O5G1 ' o, FHA P,nsram Roqa/ooN OUyor In Pa/nl Nass Homo So/tor Io psy 5/05/09 COSOs *An Illinois Residential Mortgage licensee Advertise Here Call Andrew 847-888-7766 . Barbara Ladd at630.816.70' . rr1]. b-eShEL' ll ..:::: r:r:. ::u 6 THIJRSDAY,JANUARY21, 2010 NORTHJCflYU NORTH/CflYU THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 7 I todays homes todays homes j

TRANSACTIONS $235,000 & Ryan, Mary K; $322,000 p 2175 NIagara Ct: Avilis, Rogelio; Huntley Narayanan, $200,000 Michael B S Gina Len; $527,500 Carolivo; $720,000 391 Nnrthgate Rd: Grannaman, $224,000 863 Stratford Ava.: Tasin Shuaïpsj oeil E illInois St 1802: Hlnkhouse, 910 S Michigan Ave 404: Edstrom, 912 N Moki Le 1502: Fauss, Jason Sales 10212Jonamac Ave: Skalski, Joseph Brian R; $188,000 I Kanaks K Shuaipsj, $358,000 Joseph & Michavlsen, Karen; John & Katherinn E; $550,000 Curious about home sales W & Amanda C; $300,000 FROM PAGE 6 F & Shannon M; $259.000 in your neighborhood? For a80 Stable Way: Nauman, Matthew Gilberts $570,000 1335 S Prolrle Ave 2083: Dole, Ann complete list of all Chicago& Amanda; $249,000 Hiles 103 Easton D Sutton, Chnster W & Lake In The Hills Hinsdale 340 E Randolph St 5662: Hamill, Collins; $543,000 Dorothy; $250,000 111 N Moms SI.: Sarah C Tims Jonathan & Nancy; $842,500 5335 S PraIrIe Ave 906: Slovak, area transactions, seerecent 7745 W Dompster St: Lee, Francis 1080 Heoveos Gate: Smith, Vicki Prvston B Tims, $1,000,000 420 E Walerslde Dr 3001: He, sales'at www.searchchicago. Mundelein & Yvonne; $310,000 NORTH WEST 114 Gleobronk Cir: Shank, William; Linn & Jeltrey M; $225,000 Patricia Costello; $685,000 $320,000 35 E Walnet St.: Michanl P Eariny Pengcheng & Ya, Ping; $540,000 corn/homes. 858 Bonntebrook Ave: Gondek, 8024 N Ozarb Ave: Ballaza Botello, 399OSprtnglake Ct: Swelt, Judith A; loo SSangamen St 2M: Katz, Eysl & Coldwel!BankerOnhifle. corn ($200,000 and ap) Caryn A Easley, $950,000 5409 N Ashtand Ave 4S: Fowler, Brian J & Heather R; $185,000 Rosylina; $218,000 $215,000 Maya; $544,000 Huntley 5548 S WashIngton St.: Albert Andrew; $600,000 NORTH 236 Deuten Et: Groenewotd, John 201 Slicl

M D3 M t;i M IM 8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 NORTH/CITY.0 I todays homes

FEATURED HOME Historical charmer updated for newbuyers

By Jeanie Mayer FOR SlJNTIMES MEDIA white pickDt fence that Wfll)S EOUDd i grca corner lot in olio of Elgios historic districts . Imagine a Picturestately cruciform-designed forni house with a columned, gazebo-styled front porch that rests on the property that claIes to 1877. Ifynu can picture it in your minci, you can ocvcc it for only S17t 900. Anyone with a penchant for historic homes will appreciate the careful utulates that have been added to this residence. l'ue gleaming hardiWOO(i tloors are what you'll notice first dlicon entering this line home. 'l'ue sweeping \voo(l staircase ascends fronc tice fancily round where crown molding and wooden base boards have been trimmed ici cvhite. Plantation-styled shutters add privacy auch beauty to tice formal chiniccg room. 'l'ue all-white kitchen is accented by a new black oven soci a black cook top that works as a practical acidi- tion to tice kitchen. About this property A secondary staircase leads to the aecocccl iloor from tice kitchen. There three large bedrooms cali be found. Tice balli Realtor: Susan Angeli-Case, of is loaded willi periccd elements including a fabulons claw-footed Baird & Warner, at 847-783-6101 tccb and shower, a stick with a Vanity aoci ceramic flooring. Tice Home address: 453 Douglas Ave,, ncaster beclroccnc features a walk-in closet acid ceihicg fan. The homo also offers a first tioor ncaster bedroom or ccfiice, Eigin clepeccchng on the needs of individual buyers. There is a full, Approximate size: 7 Rooms with 4 nnficcishecl basement willi a stone founchatiocu that icccuses tice boiler systetic for steadheat, a washer and dryer aicd a tank- bedrooms and 2 baths less water heating system. Livingroom: 15 by 12 feet For more information about tins line home, si- to arrange a private showing of tice property, contact Susan Angeli-Case willi Dining room: 13 by 10 feet Baird & Warner at 847-783-6101. Kitchen: 16 by 13 feet Master bedroom: 15 by 11 feet ClassIc curb appeal Is a hallmark of thIs homo at 453 Douglas Ave. lu Price: $174,900 Elgin, but inside, prospective buyers will fInd a thoroughly modem and spacIous kItchen. KAREN NAES5IFOO SEN-TIMES MEDIA

I s

I I L A e I I II.

MflhICIWll 9 Commuter-Friendly . Communities Across AIcUMGTON ItESERVE OccIDGEVIEW t'tA(E IIOIDGBVIEW PLACE CONCORD COMMONS GOBYWALL CLIJO Chicagoland! Arlington Heights oridgoviow Icridgoview Des Piamos JaIled RowI,o,oe,, 23 Bed, 23h Oo'h Too,nhoo,o,, 23 Bod, 2V, Boil, Vr1'o,, 2 Bod 2 Boll, lownl,on',,, 23 yod. 2V, Boll, Rond, Soplo, Horrool, 2 Brot, 2 Boll, From 1309990 From 1219,990 Froucd 1199,990 Fronc 1254,990 Froidi149,99O CIoet000eo5dho5l dororod,o'o Creai lo, jr,s'irmc Slop, I,o,o lIme Plomolmold Sol,00i, Oo,,le IJoqoo IloorpIorI DoI,,o,,ee A,o,IobIoI Ilonrobnye,,I Morro b'otmool S Cl,bl,00,o wmlh Pooh 877-276-2299888-592-0167888-592-0167866-264-9274888-205-2694

(BuRY RIDGE LIORARY TOWER SINGEd LANDING TRAFALGAR WOODS Chicago Ridge Chicago Lamant Morton Grove lownI,o,oe, 23 Bort, 21,3 Boll,¡oawto,,lonoo, l,3BoI,2V,BollrToonh000,, 23 Bort, 21',3 Borh doreolrooro,, 23 Bort. 2V, 3 Boll, Froni 199,990 Froni 1774,99Ø Frond 1269,990 Frocic 1339 990 Close o Molo BaS Locolron E Voire Io Do,anlor.,,r Iorrrooll Fo,o,t P,e,,,ao end Shopp,n51 ho bnl, Loopi bilmo Foil 877-217-4846877-867-7753877-203-1364866-530-3078



Lii t:i , ., urn r.



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WHY BUY ALEMON REPOS LOW 000011 SCORES BANK 11100615 OWN A 2010 396 E. 147° Street Harvey, lI. 60426 oyour rJ005tJ QUICK COSO'.! TO DAY! W.EAPPROVEALL CREDIT TYPES! ED NAPLETON'S KIA OF ELMHURST 708-323-2439 CO-SIGNER, SI)COSIGNER ROST 11MOOUTER, 27 WEST GRAND AVENUE AT GRAND & LAKE lOt 2001 Ford Explorer 4x4 $1700 SHORT 11MO ON JOB, COLO-OSONS, 630-832-9894 - SHORT (IRE IR COUNTRY 2000 Toyota Echo $1600 Howard 630-782-9300 2000 Chevy Malibu $130t1 BO Otis PCJJ tiri,,- COoP C PrOC! toRrI .1 00/owlS Aol litt? SpOor yo! ron/fSohlO ior yr Sino rotors JO this adPlus tUO. lit r III & doc ISO lttirol II!! Sitilth Optitotott litri tot SoleIl Sot tStCJ,505 droht lot dota la'00101f SO-Ellen !nst 2000 Ford E-150 $1300 Auto Grou. 'VII ria rrriutrlrot loti. 'Irrr,OIRJO o. J Err 5mo» allot oomploliOJi OltrE Ortos. FOSO Oil lOS nord RICO toto JJOOrOjJJtt! lrIt''rO JO RitilidIr lito COJO-nt OttO (aortae Ms AStuti (CROIS. 2006 Nissan Quest $5900 3IOWBJO l'o l'ion sou/Sa ItolLit Esntrino. Authorized Dealers New Car Buyers Guide The AGIO ArTr rrrnrl C', al Ihn 2e,,.' ®ACURA vr Damn Americen Cnr vr Sn vea,. Gill Jacob, Lard neve, HICCdaIe JOE nIZZA PORSCHE 0190W. STIlI SII,enr, Tcora 0,l,r0 Pa,k 7005969.2466:005:1,,.,:,, BILL SAY FORD MIDLOTHIAN 066.002.3559 #1 In What Matters Most! (.9,Qi)AUÔI Ball 00006G Land Roan, Hoe Est, lola W. - Higd,0 00. nOV60 2600001005 Ia,Or:,,re.pae irn LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT Ar: E. agote "The Only Deolerin the Coortry to Win the Presidénts RREGEMANN SElON 1301W. 0,mp,la,, Award for Customer Satisfaction in Sales InS 8:32012641 IS004l000le.01al,mn,,V0lo and Service for 21 Consecutive Years: : BMW JOE nIZZA F00002 NORTH RIVERSIDE 20260. HarI:e. TOA.4407Sc SUBARUI AUTOBARN 00MARS VITO S. kavranga PO., JOE RIZZA FORD OF URLANO P000 BREDEMANN LEYES IN ULENVIEW lev Povplr,i415 912-los f,a,o 01011105 anlaagvr ORLONS PARK naTO SPlIT SI.

MCCARTHY FORD. lN2:av14S.InuO:. LE005 OFORLAND BERMAN'S MIO EIYV SUBARU 3300W. ELMHURST 0MW 426v, LaO: Or. EImPur:I 660. 8366W. 05010 r10007W4r4 ,oal.lpl000ro,Ie,0 oso 11011g FI. argo IOW910T4alnuOar0111100lVlm TAURUS FUSION EVANSTON SUOARO 0e 00001E 3420 MCGRATH LE000 OF CHICAGO 2:,r:Oy alOlkIl, SI, SkIll,, IL 166155-1002010102 ALL-NEW FORD ALL-NEw Fono ALI.NEW FORD EDGE FOCUS SES ESCAPE CARRO HONRA 00669, WESTERN OVE, dZSn' UMITED NORTH SHORE SUOARC OOSOPa,kAo,. CASTLE HONDA aScII, Oemmi:,. Color 6,595 01:00)4471 l65.TOTOa.a,nlIolonOn:a,o.lov WO,, TOYOTA HONDA CITY 4050 Y. P01a:ki. ahlaag, BREDEMANN TOYOTA 0901W. borrp,l,r, Gill JaoObS Cadillac ScOW. 0:2:1ev 51.. lati,:TraTOlSSc,rlo,W:nUaAIr:Oi:agpo,e ALL NEW Fones INCLUDEA SAVE6,595 2 SAVE4,595 RVA1 XAVE4495 & OJO6OMNAVIGATION SYSTEMI HERITAGE CADILLAC 300W.Y::n:::tIrl.. HONDAON000ND 900W.Or:p0 ACTOBARN MAZDA 011rVr,ioe 23540. CHICAGO NRRTHSIDE TOYOTA an, F:.: TAURUS :neenuearYENTERELS nenreenTA0000 SRL ann: namen DIS . n:an,ee?E-tOO 8 PA Oalauvcarg ORARE RONDA - 6:0:160 A 05090,. Dv, WilAles Maeda le EImSu,st 1500.21*10 89ß5 - E394 Çu o,a84,75 2.975 . RIZZA CADILLAC Yaarw.onulnsr,,Yr,I:y OCHAUMUCRS HONDA .71I,m,bII:, 'O Rob EIMHuesT TOYOTA '10:111 11:00 1,20,1 0090010000. 120//orlool00000Ilmllao:e neo nrernae SRBRING COISYT n:n:ruec FOCUS LX r en: ser SU ES BRAN OTEVO FOLEY CADILLAC loen. 000A, RIvO, Mercedes-Benz 84995 Ya616,aak YYYATaOvT4eapesIeaeraI,yAam =Yv4lroACTORACS ON cRESS 1020 F,lrIoOe YO 15890 6495 a-- NUOTH0000IO TOYOTA 4300F11,:ag:V0. cone MAZDA3 S SEDAN ne,, Foc: EXPEDITION UIT EXPEDITION ER ne per EXPRESS CO -nane rece F-150 :N,::eaan:GRDIeX, EHEVROLET HYUflORI M,eaodvn-B,,,, Napervilln VS600.040,,410 - in : ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET :550201,, 53, 17595 B7994 87995 aIt,gcraak :YSOSSS304peen.F6a0,I,Uo:Ona.opo OAK LAWN TOYOTA 4320W 05052. 0065205 MEOCEOES.BENZ Or URLANO PU 6440W.T010T3 0000992412 P010.010InolIlylIaolo KDYANTAFOLEYL,0AIaIAI For TO, Lpen,l Pr,,: 0:11 OreOI aoo_4VAasor CERTIFIED 6-VEARJ 100,000 MILE Mnecndnt-B,n, er w,ntmopn 20220go,, POWERTRAIN WARRANTY" SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING AVAILABLE! 9tapo:m PATRICE 000NDAI 0000 E, AsIlad, I APPLE CHEVROLET IN TINLEY PARK 20X5 FORD FOCUSEVO 2007 PONTIAC 55 NACIUATOO 2009 MERCURY SABLE roer 4204us OSOS W. ISOlO ,oeoappIe:E,ar&aav SlflauCblIga,nI.PnI7000,Ia.00rr 00035014Y01 - 811,650 $13,810 $25,495 PAULY TOYOTA 5045 5. pr, ot aro 0:1,6:005 2007 CH005LEt PT Cnu:nEn rouons DIESSA 071 carMona X0YDTA SIENNA LE $11,890 FOOD TAURUS X OILL SOY CHEV1OLET 200060e, A 655 00 sio,coo 0:ap:,e SIa/OrnI: Y3056V2Sc OIIlkolal:SnIaIe,aae 2003 FORD F-1X0 XLT CREW CAB FIISSMI DESTRA DO CHRYSLER ORO FURO F-150X104X4 $9680 $15,018 $13,555 sv,os loto.poro TOlOSA SCION ON WESTERN 2002 MERCEDES-BENZ COOS 2007 VOLKSWAGEN MAIRIE SL 2000 MERCURY MARINER HYBRID 89,080 $11995 $t4,92G JAGUAR FOOD FOCUS 0E 2006 HONDA CIVIC LO MERCURY MARINER 810,495 $12,740 $t3,905 CREDIT PROBLEMS? 2006 MERCURY GRAND MARa5IS810965 CHEVY MALIBU FORD ESCAPE XLT Ok000,nl e,o,i,co,,AahonI 00,1 660200 7710 GRASO MITSEUIOHI 000W,Oran000e. ì Volkswa.en $13,785 thRoB 2005 FORD FREESTYLE SOL 4X4 2008 RIA OPTIMA LU 2007 JEEP COMMANDER SPORT CALL MR HOWARD PATRICE JAGUAR UF NAPEOOILLE loro w. vaIl 000,1 07 /lOVOJIOO101OI 0l02 2-1 $10,965 nr:er::...... $121995llora ...... $13,405 0gO,, 00,. tOSOOCS0000,,oWoIIok:,loa,oaro MAX MADSEN MITSABIOIIr 2007 FORD TAURUD SEL EEP SnORT CHE000EE vane FORD FATO 4X4 847-481 0435 $tR,055 813,805 $19,450 - i PHILLIPS CHEVa0IET aa020Wma :F, gET,lO0elIavOIas.oeAAS Sates: ARUNG TON hEIGhTSFoiiii SHERMAN JEEP DODUE 7660 0. 2:,,:a Ian., BILL JACOBO SOLASWAAEN 220l000ra M-F: RAn-Urn M-F: 7ns-7pn "Where The Customer Always Comes First" Sat: OUa-UPU 00E Oan-5rM RIZZA CHEVROLET 02020.3,110e. .NISSAN P400,a:eo, ra&564-0426,r000ier,al,w:ae 801 West Dundee Road Arlington Heights, IL Portoe BERMAN'S MID CITY NISSAN 3444w. llora rk. ro. 00go. 0601006061 ,r:OIITeI000room CITY VOLKSWAGEN 53406.144,02,11 VO., lone O Mirnte, North erweedoeld Mall Off nenne os or Dr-rI-n Reed M-F: 7:0-Up 0110,10 OS0TOT.26lioI010l000,0:V,go apel Sat: tau-lp: O&OL05O:O,waav KIA MOTORS Bail Jacobs ola 2525 W. 0,11051, SI., BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN STIr W. Torno. Stick (000) 000.ZraO011o.:r,mI,OloVle NORTH SHORE VOLKSWAGEN 1400 Parlo 847.346.3042 J= II IV r 00,. Y,011OrO Rk 94T.4457906 0140,flor:IlrsVom KELLY NISSAN 4302W. 1510 Sr SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE T6OaN,a:::. 5W FORLAND P000 02106,0501 Sl, ISIT OUR FULL' ENTORYAT AHFORDCO ,:AaP,. 010k:, (000) r304r44rvwonO:rewfler.aav

$11 rISq Od - T-- I M PM I. ' t III r M I I W CI tar t -11111111 T na tpaalA 91 t I ladi n 4r1 lIaIs -I EVERGREEN SIA 00059. 05,00:15 O,,.,C0:ong, MARTIN NISSAN S2005aIlR000. SkIll, r: 6nW SITS I- lr Aral a_L 11111 II o tW'IOJp- t it o Iii taO INH lin:6 I: rIpE TaIT:ti I 802-6300300 oepo, .01,01,10 s, oro, r, II - I Innr - i r i: -- I I r 1154V 01 Inl ian OR aaldlnoanh,ItnAl: r yl Cd It IttIll Ita p r I I at # 0 I lit t ci II io: p VOLVO I NHcOMAN OURSE JEEP SPOON.Olanr:Oae.. JOE RIZZA Klo oSOS 00012 al:. NOOTHSHORE NISSAN also P,103pe. W,,,, SOak,, intl 7469744 ,nvEofl,,,1nEYOI,rlm flIgolorO P11k Narthnfl,,nerr:ooro 645.433.7901 PATR9CKVOLEOaO00E064!loao. r


-2010 HONDA CRIIC LX 201 0 HONDA ACCORD LX -,-' Automatic Automatic Model # FAi F5AEW, Model # CP2FSAEW, Stk # H23842 Stk# H23638 ti: .A hálthy

LEASE PER MONTH FOR 36 vos. LEASE PER MONTH FOR 36 os. Total duo at lease Incaption is $249fl. Plus ist paymont, tax, title, license and doc feo. Total due at lease Inception is $2499. Plus ist payment, tax, title, license and doc fee. outlook 2010HONDA 4CR-V WHEEL DRIVE EX 2010 HONDA I:DYSSEY EX Automatic Automatic Believe it oi- not, somecareer fields Model # RE4H5AJW, Model # RL3H4AEW, Stk# H24093 Stk# H23957 are crying for applicants. And area colleges ai-e getting them ready.

I'eIi Stor.cnd iis t i u it tcution .csi a (. ' rl ge i-inspi ta1Ncc rse LEASE PER MONTH FOR 36 i,ios. LEASE PER MONTH FOR36vrns.. of the ''ear. i\id c Ice nursicig I)rIcssiI1 S iciI liepcniighr .is .i Total duo at lease InceptIon is $2499. Plus i st payment, tax, title, license and doc fee. Total due at lease inception Is $2499. Pius Ist payment, tax, title, license and doc feo. groving ii(.I(I f'c-itidiurs.iccd oh .sec.kers.

fVE ()'' ì '''-,

Used Cars

Pils phtx lite IcEfl38 and doc tees. at rtbates ud iinlins applied. ABnnd n tIt pars , makes aød modus. Buad oppimd uII to quaffad butt Ue o dosid tml lasas. b quafRtd but lth appmtd eit 12,009 alIoiMa mlIu peryea 15c foiiacdIfonai mut ein Quy:2Oc ttrach adifaI mut).ii leasevthIe rwik W,tfdlictnse &$154.30 docIt de it taseslnth.'1Q : Reiàal: $11660, '1flAord :Resldval:$13,539IOCR.Y RtIdUS1141, ID Oaj : Residuti: $17,144.

MdUInal opffts BIVI. Laute is rupotslMe for xcu vuffiaaç nintøanca ad iniiianca. Stbjtctthtidy t&mlttßn petiI1 VIId brn diys fr pvIIUo OtItrwiIi not honai tnrs I th1advi1Jseitnt Nl mOútt ilth ay pmIu ofier.

su N-TIMES . MEDIA- jo',,' l,lI I AV4ac t-' Shj On-Line550 A t 8Iwkiwww. inni/ei-honda. Vill' coin847-831-4200 21 JANUAÌU1' 21, 20101 EDUCATION GUIDE UNICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION (3

clamannnrpcnbniala inclUda nun cfachnnl nhnrnughly nady nba highly ncgulamcd immdrammy. thnnrgnednc.Banucunmhm nnmumnrh ncnnmrnc .mcrain high. ''aim ama nr mancad ccnnllnmccc anlrcnleammmnllad"mlcmncnecy caed ucinan cccningc. And nhcy fcmrbnlancncn yrame,"hm Earn College Crédits this Summer nmhrnlc," rcanhmnc in nhehigham mill amayc nddnd, "cima highaan Inca1 nf gnndmemmnnncrquicmdnn, Inmcnnmunumcgingrhnrfnnm nnccllnmanc inn all nun pcngnnmc at City Colleges of-Chicago - Not worried about hnnncapcpccial ncamningic hnruuaapenplcnmrdUcg cuh(amnanmncannhmlanguaga agncnnnnc nn rhia pnngmnnn, mha',nccaaumrh. llmccciccgmaum acra.mamh nnanmrccn.Thnn'a Chnmm added, and nhcncuggeara dmrmcnd in cha Unid." ncc thr cana inn ncenhmca in nhanmhcmnUnalpmnduncmnill And lmc addad micha .Transfer Summer credits to accelerate degree completion (uniVa highe and middlc br cnnracbing miman cnuld niinnnpcniarmnn(nbarnnnnm and save on the oveyall cost oftuitiona unemploymen cnhnnlc.rnhcmcnacchancmucnhc bcndcpncdbynhrnrhec bc nuccnunrnd.Lanmniamnal( mmainndmnnhnimaublmnccman. in ChIrgc, Idcdly a'.cnarcdmngmadnnnmarsccmnn Take classes close to home or online 'Pan pia banc lnng elm cuggeamad, in nnuld br e pmnimnanmnnala, ha naid, bancuce nncmplamnadcbnUrhnrn pnnnumanmnnnaminnallcnmning irla innnmnfthclmubnnimha Hot fields Eure today's students munh nublcnr ann knnnladga nmncdecda. cn'macmnnccnmld.Iralrnnmirn City Cnlagae nf Chjggn ja a leader in Vnllega tmegnfem pmugramn. CCC clurncnmacynceulrmmaalnncld la mccc OlHanu, Midnray,e pamteerships ink lac Students an baVhelcm degree pmogmams wiah mpeg 52 hnnc," inn racnhing mmmc Flyeag high nba mmmcm Miaga finid, cha nnfleges and gninemn(ties thraughnuit the U.S. - YXDSE0HaUeVIEng- Lab ai nlinnna likn Lnnnia' pdanhnrnicillhalprhnnn high.ngcd nhildman(, acid Vinki 7db nc Odi Occgnn fcn enhilnARTCC, (thm RnncaTcufllu aa.raeeMediawcna« Inannbnnainnnnaingly un thnjnbIain Chnu, daan nfnlrn rnllrga nf cud pu n'il bn cmndy mn rhunk Cnnmmnl Cancan) iaAunnn,und ninningnnhnnla UmrennNnrhCrnnrnl cdununinncnnhariUmncmcmnynf yuur(nbnmdPyaraey dn pnmnamn and Vumpnccmr CjtyCc(egesotChigiin inVluadeam gnnnsr nf anrhn rann fina aba nana Cnllngn in Napnnnilln, halping Chmrugn. "Slamannnry Vhammmu nfrhnnnmun'mnc aUd jDaley collego - -rda. dannrd in dnnnaUn upu Jur nbc panc adnrndnAnrrhan nlby manch cm an mnparrad mn be nrcnaynnraninn dapcnnnncnmcn Lcmicdcamncnmncyanf LamnicUnmannamny. bra ncnnmnly ('loeoldWashingtoam college - - (anu and hdAn, in mnnar, LnUa ndunnn Idnhanad inkey pur macrama nfnrncyching end banc - f eeeaealy-Kieg cellege pCuanannllrgn Inh rainh n a$3ll.11Uninn th nfnlnr cudy ubnnad pgn dnnpcub(anmnnnnammunany. hnlliah Un eninrmnn canacca, baa pmnfnCmnmmnla, Ocngan adde. 'cala nnnnn qnin lying nU Inunnbad nileUnn abc. Thnaranrnninglpannnbngnnnna Oummncnnaulyynnhcncmn highnnLemnia'cpnUnlpnniminn."Wnnmnllpinruannbcinging - Molnnlmaa X college-- - rabin. Chennnu nna, rha Thr lab anrnnnnhnnrnn fu Una ahilla pinhad nprnhnn dann dchulm mn acnlunmcn chan la mhciUduammynn nmmmamndrmmra oline-Harvey college Thc ann all lib anal unma and mAnn nance. ciVIl ulm melOn 'c-ada nail) dc gnnfing naalieniu nnannqnnin,iludirg nigerr lnnnugh manga nUny nhancnnicfunnnny - .Trgman college' can highly nnmpnnrniard Sim nninhnnrlunnnnngnhalcnnguaga. Tn nddnca than prnblam, rump ua in Rn nnmnn iliV baa ammmcughnby ancund. .WanghtCetlege - - - - - Nnnrhcccmnnn lilinnia, Nnmmnncl inc nno Vinpnmmmnln 27 nfiu nnmmcnmlbncmnilmmc,unml-ma barn Dun dnrnn nhnnn iannba nap irnma and annrnal allghnly mcm abc lnmnrn An Lnuia, ClIC, cud Lnynla nmcmalcnmah.Mnmcnhnn dUO rnapcainecamnh2ocm3l pauma lab nuca. and nhr dyrrcmina lace analianin rnennnquinn, diifnnann than mhaimnnnn and anUdnonc parmimiynnainmhm nannbing hncc. My nnhnlc arnifia changa. Shnnnainnpla innindingu baby. 12.ynnrmld cand cad pnnbl -anlnn lai unmnmndnmmahcna reamed up rnrcmna 015.4 millmnn fadcnal athrnl'cacierlcc yacgnamc penpin iu mhr mnduanmy." The sanee Clap cmllegès aye independenaly- nhenga nfrA hing bninga cud ununan. Anm hnma, nUll mehr nhrnn gmmn, cnn nf nbc ldngnan in aim mmnflln mnnnl, Uighn Thr nnilngn mancai h and mn aoumedited by the Highan Leamning hlnngaudamnhan Fully mpraninnd Sinn hannnpinynapinnnn, napa Hurling nmudenma pri a inrIs-nr adunalimn. L'mnU.0 i.r:mnl'inmnns. m'Onu: CUmV9rVr Umiuulu UNIVI annndcd in 5009. Thcmn Hrn. Ccmmisnion of Iba North Cenata) chapS br pnnaibln fnn pcUcun nnan 550550 JanhShindlcni cAnnai ycanpmngcnnr, mba Chmngn nnmlmcpnngnnnn,lmncrid,cnd Assoniaaion uf Cnllagos and Snhonis. dnahaalnbnfthnb pabann. $75.511nanhAnincapc, nunnn. Tacnhar Pipdmnr r.nmnnenahip, cnV:mniqm runmcrmiyabnuran pacucnmnme and nniglpdncignad Whnn Nnmh Cnnnmal unnfidannrcnania nncny)nbabn gcaduamca, bun Chmnnagn'c Tha nnunnaqmdn "SinnMan." Wa hann a anno ding nmdac minrrisccnmdsopermammmcmc fnndU.Liaynnnnein dnbankfnnm "Ancnndlng nu cacaunuh,e Allai mich anhnnl childnan 'clii ha bnmnnc iedaamgnndnnUgune cnncmhan lepan iLama.iaU innnainyb CPSrrnnhcnachuuldknnn, mirh Onlu Und SimymanannU fcnmalm, mndmnnl p annrnl. Sian nhnmnanndy abanad amp nnnn hceaya,"nhnnmnmucnffnuc qucliUrd adunurnd und cnnmm rAni5 City Colleges of Chicago nc ya mm high-h mmcm tharn in ncub(erncma. cand chccr cramp nrc nf nun 'fnu migbc nnmcar ynucnlfaa nhnpenand cdcp.lnrg ananummaaahcnmdnadcnudy gncdnnenc hnnn high nnnamnng Ich equipmnnu And panianmu hacapulan, high un acpndnllynranbcnd arianuc,and(mathenmnal gmndunnce." Inngnn - lUaU binud nnanmn. appm nfnnc und cpenbal abnncdcasnpnnnann lina crhnnL Success Starts Here eSi'cMcn mann nndlneny Palm fnllnmchnmmnrnmhnic Pram ynan aaid. "Thu'yccrdrapmnamn mnunhcc,Burdmnccaccpcnmining nnbnacnhnendrnnm"nlk"nnraaunnnmnnakchnmnThnna- pnncndal nnnplcyar.l In mnhaa lnarnndda, cramp www,ccc,eglu laicfnllymnnpnmnnmnnd IVI CPU nlacacccnn nU mnnpmunc fnmnimnmaUmcrhnmniu.Iam fialda fnc mnamcpmicndna. humar nainhmhldnfa yfrranna nlfnrcnanmnna ahcgn dilfanrnnn, ncpeciaUy anndarnnin gcadnu lIc hehnalnh bain chnnmmn nfaucmcc. cnnoccrmly gnmsngphnnrVclla, LIV ynnrcanaammh apklmmnmnphnna md annumnna lb dr nc can fur nnrrcc plamraUcnnc. Wc (773) C-O-L-L-E-G-E pmnblrmnnFcn nmrp Onr uf nbc m,mnuna ham CIV n uclnn ha, than U od a cnilrgc cam thnnnnnnn. hnnhnbnapcnnn nnkainncayeaninnnlyhrnn. niLhaannnndc pknn.Hnhea baa a high danmund fnm mnarhcna humfmnmnnnmpncammnndgm.mral nlmcc bnn a depamcmnnc clignai "In Penn." hr addnd. (unmnn high "In mAcrca n thmnmh clamnnn pnnfnacmnnal mirhmhmpcnfcanic. Ifmham urabk nsel eignn. hn enranhasngynunamudpabcnad iathnnemrmdmcc hnnc ehnnn char mcm cuya. chu Miau dey-1 unnr nrmiddlc nnmplcin, amnlliana hadn Iba um halfnf all bagmnniaymmnmhnma Dcnmnd in high, ha acyc, dcpcmmmnrnic gcnmimmgmnnma eThmP elk nc canin nthrn ainingnannhahnp halpa rAnn aapaniannnhucalnnnambncnnnmc enhuni. Inn in nnd din. aithcr fall nmquln in brin Pram bcnumnaa baby bnnmccc nrc amrdcmm Va, iVamnu um nra, 0nnm ra ncd 'cjd chmnh in dmcnugh. In lcn hmn n paMgr nhca im nncn Iliria UnId. Wc mann n ninn Chirnagn 'Thc nncan naaliaUn ncc thmac n fcrymana cfraothing. ancmmingnnncmicmnndnnmnhanmimc 'mmmmmmnchipa, mia hind5 mc br nba aimnnlannn dUd. mmmaammnncl cupanAnu nnakraunrnnudmnnahunnrnhnmn Public Snhnml mehr cinc canning. nbrmnm BnnChnnr chichi annnaacfid rand onny npanmnlmcmd mnimming in mn pa mmm chUm finid. nnpndrmganhn:minracnamnnnal yanmnnb cinuly thnycmill camnc iLe rcndldana um, hc idnncifiad nc gar highcmnc nnumly cli acyaDArnrcmn.dbennnc m'mar hmfnmc hay ccamnclmnia mhc liar inn ncnnny)nb." nf nmmdcngmad can nurcUg an Despite the current recession and cmninin1concidcnmamngmnc tmnaanicrnnaiUnm lelas pannnnpim mur Lnnaia, ir RcnnmnaiII - mnndidacca nyccannelmny mccc high unemployment rates, some Tanna eeuchuag dmaignrdnnidenclfyccanhmmc AddAg high-cub Ifycu chinin ynu hann Culebcfnmmnuning mhn ran nummsnn high mich fields are changing rapidly and have nnha V ir iahce cc ncc Vin in ynhen cVhVVIc.ThVdcmlmV,rar mich armmnclnUnmannuradnhanlnanhnana,rd dannaiejuan aninnanciipanhcnL a high demandfor applicants. cabana, pacsanmmmr,Oaumblrand auunUcgacacd nni cinica anannpnngnann milimmmgmnlnnhinmanlucmnmne nuddngnnpcmpaca ancorad bySrumanen audnflmigbdcnnard nc pcnbienma ana mnm llbaI( an Halda, nfmnhInh nucaingbanra. Thudnnnncamralnnaudyfna- "Thnranmany hnlpynu gar ready nU 'IbcUnnaudrnmeccmaknpnm Dnapmca thrcccnnn MnelLThnynccalhdn-.gmudnamna lnkingf n cnncnlnlrrnnld. in mba Pipmlimmc prngcamnailI hm numnc end high nnnmmicd thnm hay hmnkr im, 01cc fmmr (nbLe ShmndIaaapa, hrn Thc-Chlcugn Publl1 imnmnmamhmacnnminghal,brmchc urmmpinynnanc canna, illybciaghnhcnnm n dAmn anidying bcncd nn gmac ham Suhnol aycnem haa a high pcngmam'mecVPncmadcnhnmn Unldnunn clnangUng rapidly nhen if nbny dnnhdcidning aUg up. Uudnnu nhn hann drnmand Pan (n niUr high hmli ccnirgarmnaamhnuunmiVnlmnnc and hanaahigh dcmund 'Innclnncnhcrcrnhncuniaunh fcannnnugh, mrd5 hann apa rin nnrcncaNa, hr pUnnc nP dl fnum unmaccamciac by mcnppllcana. Snacahml nnnnhand enimnmcic high nArra mhn paUaun." nun, innpnncnhamnabiliry dm and rf dar Anc.ycccpilnm gmaduacaa mUa UnIda nlahnnhnbln. lfnhrpmngnnnn pamind. - C dral maith arnbigumcy and criS hann chaU pirk nimba eUnnanda, nra nrly mciii rhangu Thay mndrpandmnm Onm hnpia u- mhnnamudanmc iínhryamnnnrll nmcinrd. lb dlmecadleak '' b.nnnuaubcnanfiullycnnmc and afncid nf niak, pan hann Studeniaaludyingmm Spain, halpudcnna mean rnnplcpam Lnmc nfmllrgdnnrc anmrcfuIaduaan'rond Vccccn," lrmmnad diplcmcrpm Whan hay lun Laura MnElrny nf Napernil Orn 5munbane, acudenria mc dcrumm bmnnd, Chnu naid, "cud chnn chap Vnnnr Thamraad IVI higlmip apacinliacd anmalinn creViamic aampiglinulmcd bunch ycacdlly(Uanmhinhin Icunnnn nrmanacdlcnguagn (nr nacrai) and Laure Burn. Viler che mn nearby MUrUInn. (cnilimiec inn mancyUalda. mldbafun.Nncnnnrncrmy end lnumalbannmraa,thmiceclf 4) JANUARY21, DOlO I EDUCATiON GUIDE A NICHE PUbLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION l if you want to work at a large Discovertng financial aid opportunities in the current economy Get a taste of college life during campusvisits lfpoonoonllll oeoncldog (he nboold look (ho Annnoinl nid Sneking fnmdnl nid fol corporation or advance in tnanaeement, nbn,AiOnnl'ndl,gmenhepnennOn honinbohnU.5.Dnpnno,onn, ndoOolioo?WI,onnm 01011'. Eo,nofnnn. Coil 18471 431.7271 h14p0124.OUinO5700 nU6nnlnndumO1Jll773l Molleonnrrl,nnnnnlAny moothono86nnofi,oChinngo omnondcdUldenon, goioghnd, ofFd000Aoo. S'inn,00inl nid io a co0eredegree giVeS you options- JUmmdcoUwnnGOfpnhnnnn Cn!Ingn Rd., Linin mil 1630) 265-5343 mUnd mnnpnn CellegO AlIhnogh MCC oOèln ononynoon Inne nbnWob nilo onolnin,e,n,o.nonnlonnnnnnn.ndn.. oonohoolnbmnynno mighl be ehe noniloble foe b000 mho qonlil),. Vinmn Ihn Dopnlonnoe of nnd/nmmmpmcmnm 829-63DOorGnnnnn.bnn.ndn. Inmionmd'Ahbnilmnnd onlynnonpenh000neodcyem fon IomAonni. Tho noon Finne mmody fon porn. Al FO0 nflhohnOnniloo fd0000mon online, ,o,e,o.hfro. ifs your insurance policy to IhnOnuhum Ihn 501. styonO- ph boon (no IhI doy) ID ie Ihn fill, prpncoieoolnde010 Tonedoy in 55 n.m. no 7 p.o1. Ueineenioynnf Sn. Ennonlmn, College eoeoilmmoocmon Remoeny nod Ooinoe000eno ed,gno. blooi6odoAogdnnhdo$ mllnnn(S0 thmdAonA00000mdfol 00000noologld on noD nod Fnb. 2. Fon mnon infonmnvon, Thnnd,00lhonnnnpeohoonnn oho Uninod 510010 hon linon All of2003, Ike Depoonlnnon mohn nhno 40 pelIllo, nmoed. nffdocooino holnonnnd oond noI Chndo non, he bmlfinn of help you find a better 8pmno1dnio JnphThnop6ngopnn holm monehobldnin. onnmg ninil/OomwiIh Ike noii 18801 658-0632 onninin (ne odoln nod n000nhn ondono h,np:l/nlo.oLedn. iOglon000lnhonnepOoiennd Anenoinlnldon000noenfnoponn yoonpnonooleoIhplO,O.Ohno, doeoouhnlmdonionionnoRcn noon from 11 no,. Io 12,30 yoo. ndo000$lcmThonchool no 5 p.m. Mnnob 16 nod 9 on,. by he Fern Oenenmh Onolel nnmodenyodonovoo. Hopn employnln oRno nhde nmployeen ob set promoted and Bolmnomopmmi000n,o lAb. 20 nI 2400 Nne 5°mkAon. Cntnnnbl1ctnllege IO mGI00 U.S. 54 in CIpnIol Apnil 1$, o monpon ninio dny n, nbnnn,nn bnmd no dono mlnnocd Ocbolnnohip Cnodiln ooe ,eldnly IciAno noimboonmono. Lohn.ColI (815) 415-8530 on NnNhwlnenUhnenin3r noboohlboodio AA goAdo io WhiUn0 lodino inhonnndlnCbkg ThpAnopoo 2p.m. Mnmln27oodopmnio,n hom eho.U.5. Cobol 001000. oned, nod Ihn monoyn nonil. loe considered ahead ion in offnoeddpdl 53. Coil boom AnnI foe Mnocb olnilnro,v.nncknoey.edn. NU oIhdlioninroe omnnpnn dey from 9 nm. In nnon Fob. Abolid A nrill ,nimenniog eon nbhdn Fndnnd Foil Cenno foe Tnik ro pone dom hiendo nod iofoonnnioo 000ninnn/IooIn BiUn1mn,11)n OU (877) 7GO-9100 olninUm000. 6. CnI,00bfrinnl 600 S. oIly onoed highn ic ooempiny. n,odmlo mho ono eligibhhnno h,oily. Nonn Inondo lodimon 15. USF in 11500 Wil,nn 50. in of the paclC honon o pmlbood nAil doy Fob. Middgno, Chigo, onO 1352) Nnninnnl-L0AG Undennni8y moon nenokdnyn nnd snmndoyo mlon101en,bnnnloniOnn000g bnoninnonmd. iocl000logOonovolnoomn,n000h 15,poi0000hooeoMnndl 369-7ISlonin.colom. NLU 000en dnylong open nhnoogh Ihn ndnninoionn (olino. ColI 18001 735.7500 on OIJe 101 lllmem moondo dom Whronnnden,n bogio look. oomiegrl,noogh nhobeonm. 21 nod ngondoommodlmopnn yCollegnnofOlhiongn: hnonnthnfienlTonndnyofenCb ortIe, 1801 Hiomno Ann. in nioilolrinln4hnOdn.odo. ing oho oemooioO. iogfoom000yronnood collego, lInd of ocn'o moo klo. Ofm,o,no, oho ego-old I plolidI nl,em minh omy pno. - usoelllendeau dilnmmn nUll eenoomnn fon moon dbillvno. Smdno,n mono honjo Chnck,eirh pone Inod mi. M.A Ill Pkynsolo4y pooilo md 847fnbe enom,oiIb SAT An0 nhn (no (nl nddi6nonl nchooln in p,0000nnodponoodnlnchoinnm coondooninonondohonoogh lognh4omddnidnfficocono. College entranceexam dates AnI nniflng ro . Feno (nIdI Ihn Smdeonn legionI 895G peo nIkon!. Homom I 8OlO8 'Opel (le nronohno fo, ocholnnnhipn nod n000h oho noiinbiiiIy oflnncn. op6on ofnding omnlo (hoe ),ee.v,e.collngnboord.comlnnndonn/ RomAning 1101 dolen1mJno. colfrgoì lfI'oe IonI myioh, 00 lonoo. " Ononhnoyo. noovoglndonlnnfnnolfenn.hnmil 23lDnn. I5dnndlinll,Mnodnl3, fly J dIne finIkOnne dnmo ho Ihnmnindofohe 201G ollegeo ofy thnicofooheei Ihn l'on ovil looking fron )ob. boro "Fondog, nod ndolni,,- Choo ko, thono 11h11 Woh bonic SAT only iFob. 4 dnodline(. nd000IyoI. feo foonddinio d000lo A $9 plo ,hron,ohpodcnlnprooidedbyhinh do 10,10110 (hod my ndono. ing fooding, frindocovnnnl niIO ,ro. nnhonln. Thn Inno in 845 fon Ihn Mnp! lMno,h 25dnodlinel nod nod onomn 110 bno Iig0100o. fromnb.,om. oor,n.gncol. Co0gn odminoinonIhe mhnnk ACFASATmhogep0010l ACE boom SAT. Addini o,,nl oplionnl Jonns(Apnilzsdondlioel.Fnn Do&corod oo,dnono oho Ifyoc do oho oorkmnll, 0011 ingn4ll.o,g, n.nno.oilOdmhlinl. R ining Idol on Fnb. 6 ohn ((Igl opp)ioo6on p000eoo. High Sign ,p oolino ho,ow.omnoodonl. (Inn ioolodn$20 noginominn fee infnnnmvon nbnno SAT renol 10 oody ono nl,noyn sod pnyolfo mo boppoo. nod nf 10m. ,, 11m'. 5dndlioe),ApIiI lOiMooch nob Im I poi llypnonidn ooghogindindm.hnnll don Cnn nobieco loon, $20 1,1 Inogonge noginnonlino, celi (066) 756.7346. ornoyoo moho io hnppec, loso 10000, Ikc bioo1 pnyolf in ,l,n ho,ilino,olfoordnm.o00 Sdondli)nodJcnc 12(M1y7 Doch oenningnnonicndnnopnonidnlnro o denniob Ihn Iomdnwn mhen pnokm p000idld by ymon high ohm) InnI0 nod $9 fon blm noblonl 001. TnoonA. Ononh, Allo-In, of inrmmnnr pod mill mnkn by l0lol7.og, ,mnno.od.gooifonid, onke 1h01 nIl-looponnol moon. Thn If din5 nohoolh deodlim). For mom infoomion RngAoning by phnnn nono non,hon nndn,mdbyrnginnoolinofolnono,Io 5mdnnl Fi,,nccid Soloicno nl gnoiog no Od,,,nlioo. Corcing o.noe,cnilogoboe,d,00g. mere. follooning inn bninfgoidn ho chingo g,ddonoo oRco mn oono in nbnor ACT oogienoioo. oll (019) 012.50. fnoo iod,,dn nnodingn,o,ne (ne, ciliO nbA, Wob linon loo mom Srcoh Iiomnolnhyin Snon000b. obnIlogn dogoo coo iondyno, hlrpclingop.oih. Inlnginofodmlln,o nmddmmm $32 f do h000n noiniog 337-1270. In fono nnl(ngon ofyoun cboicn foo Go. "dAoInOodnnI nppi,00 Io on molI, fonlkol Ic ylcncnrnor goe nod ,eoro.Indnr.nog. mllogn, ho Anoo pilon no,donro pnth," Orcnhnoyn. Aictooroo,

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Campus conthsuedfrompg. 6 Chritian Schools: With three that abundantly clear. campuses in the southwest Students in the school's art Campusnews / grees in as little as 13 months suburbs, SCCS serves high and design department now to its career seMces Web alte, school students at Chi- gain real-world experience in Events and news about the schools advertising in this education guide. to its continual upgrading of cago Christian High School, an energetic and urban yet technology to deliver knowl- 120001 S. Oak Park Ave., historic setting since the new edge &ster, NW invests in Palos Heights (708-388-7650); fiscilities are housed in jolier's Benedictine UfLiversityL occupational certificate in gram. He emphasizes hands-on your success. To learn more preschoolers through eighth- legendary Rialto Square The- Progress in communication, building energy technologies. learning. .Educator about NLU, visit graders at Southwest Chicago arre building. transportation and computer The program addresses labor "One-on-one cooking ChristIan, ioiio s. Central, The City Center campus technology has created an in- market nèeds identified within is better than being lectured . Top priorities: family Northwestern University Oak Lawn (708-636-8550); dedicares two floors to art and creased interdependency among the green building industry in at - it will put our students in Continuing Studies: Under- and kindergartners through design. Each classroom and and students this planet's countries. BU'S Chicago. For more infoima- a much better position to get graduate degree programs in eighthgraders at Southwest work space is designed to meet global studies program prepares tion about Wright College hired. Students will definitely the continuiig studies division Chicago Christian, 17171 S. the needs ofart students work- students for roles in this new programs, visit http://wright.. havi more hands-on experience .Beetle lover (the offer the academic rigor of 84th Ave., Ttnley Park (708- ing in a variety of mediurps, wodd. ccc.cdu or call (773) 777-7900. than at other culinary pro- Volkswagen kind) Northwestern University tal- 429-1717). Formore informa- such as ceramics, drawing, The global studies major The school is at 4300 N. Nar- grams," he said. bred to the needs and sched- tion, visit www.swchristian. painting, sculpture, wood, 2-D allows swdenrs to choose from ragansett. A proponent of green tiles ofworking adults. Choose org. graphics and photography. Ex- four arcas of concentration: technologç Kaltenecker orders from hundreds ofcourses in hibition space is provided and Latin America, the Mediter- Calumet College of St. food products from local food more than 30 subjects and 16 Southwest Suburban a street-side gallery is planned ranean, the Middle East and Joseph: This small four-year vendors and farmers when bachelor's degree majors. Montessori: First openèd in to house works by students, American studies. Smdents school in Northwest Indiana possible and finds outlets for Complete your degree or 1970, Southwest Suburbai fhculty alumni and visiting study trends and issues th offers master's, bachelor's and biodegradable waste left over just register for a single course. Montessori serves toddlers artists. Individual artist studios affect the world relative to associate's degrees along with from cooking labs. No matter your path, an af through kindergartners at are available to upperclassman. theiíarea ofconcentration. A certificate programn Calumet For more information fordable, premier education is 8800W. ll9thSt. in Palos "This hugely benefits concentration in China also College provides full-time and about MCC'S culinary pro- within your reach at the School Park For more information students and is something ,is being developed. Students part-time study options as well gram, call (815) 479-7741 or ofContinuing Studies. call (708) 448-5332 or visit not commonly available in focus on technological and as day and evening classes that visit For infhrmatiori about the university art programs," said environmental changes,law meet once or twice a week. undergraduate program, call USF President Michael J. /J L.'f//))/f!f C .JI;)sy)J/ and human rights. Students may receive credit for National-Louis University: (312) 503-6950 (Chicago), University ofSt. Frands: Vinciguerra. - - "Whether a student is going life experience. CCSJ is at 2400 Russ Riendeau, Ph.D., is'a Na- (847) 491-561 1 (Evanston) or The arts have been an impor- For more information into a business or onto a proles- New York Ave. in Whiting, tional-Louis University alumni visit tant tradition at USF and the about USF'S art and design sional school, the global studies md.; call (877) 700-9100 or advisory board president and 2009 opening of it Rialto program, call (800) 735-7500 major gives them a unique visit trustee. He also is a senior Southwest Chicago City Center campus makes or visit Open House One ofUSF's arnazingfaculty members advantage in that they have a partner at East Wing Group more global perspective on a Colwnbia College Inc., an executive search firm in Learn more about Dr. Midlock, professor of number ofissues," said Vince Chicago: Set to open soon, Barrington,.and the author of ..í?/i1/'L'/)f'iKti.(i' education, and the University ofSt. Francis by Gaddis, Ph.D., chair ofthe his- Columbia College's Media - five books on talent manage- visiting meet tory, philosophy and religious Production Center will house ment. He knows whereofhe i i' I i/i h1 JP ,,ii. studies department. dassrooms, two sound stages, speaks when ir comes to the job NORTHWESTERN For more infbrmation, con- EVENING BACHELOR'S DEGREE PROGRAMS an animation lab, a morion- search. : tact Gaddis at (630) 829-6262. capture studio and production . HEALTHCARE 38 Undergraduate Majors "I heard recendy that for Consider the value of a Northwestern University Dzirmg mc open hoMeyou ca11. ] F space for students studying every i O available jobs in the bachelrs degree in today's competitive mar- Ketplace You may be closer to a Northwestern . BUSINESS . l2GraduatePrograms City Colleges of Chicago: film, television, interactivemrts market right now, there are II degree than you think. 0 Meelfacvfly, stqff ii/eizí & q/w1?ni Wilbur Wright College, one and media and other disci- 30 people applying for them; 4 Adult Degree Completion Programs . Tour tIicarnpth s EDUCATION J L ofthe seven City Colleges of punes. The 35,500-square-foot whereas 1½yeirs ago, 17 to o Restart your academic career at a premier - - Chicago, has been recognized building at I 6th and State university with our performance.based . Leqrn about scholaiwiiips piidfinançiql aid 20 people were applying for admissions option. nationally for its successful streets is the first new construc- them," he said. - . Meel wi/h ali pdiui'sionc çoiseIor o Choose from 16 bachelor's degree majors. green-collar job-training initia- tion building in the school's Riendeau's moit important UN1-VERS1TyÖF tive. i 18-year histoiy Find out more suggestÌon? Pursue an educa-- o Take advantage of competitive tuition rates. : ' CT/lÇÇk-iì?.fòr f/fe Op House beg/us ai 11 a,n.. ST; FRANCIS The U.S. Green Build- at tion , Seicc 1ntegr1ty.Cmpsson. -- -. e Financial aid and scholarships are available in Røo! 200, though ai, optiow/ tour qta1:? ing Council awarded its 2009 'To adiic yOtï casor for qualified undergraduate students. . Excellence in Green Bûilding McHeniy'Coinnsunity change career tracks, whether ccs.J cmplL will begin piprnplly/0:45 a.m. Curriculum Recognition Award o Attend evening courses in Chicago and i College: MCC'S new culi. you're laid offor currently (800) 735-7500 Evanston - ('cLs;JFP-1JI, will be üii hand t,net with you Contact us today for more information and Incentive Grant to Wright nary management certificate employed, a college edrication I dtiriiig //,e c/,'c ¡n pepip/. College in the community and program offers students a is a great insurance policy to technical college category. The professional certificate as either your future earnings," he said. - award is given to organizations a chefassistant or in baking and "A college degree hlps you sCROOL op scs PROIILE and institutions that promote pastry in as little as 16 weeks. find a better job, get promoted CONTINUING 1'or nwr« i,/iJrllidllii,, ag/f 11w Offic' qf4d,nM'sip,m 0. existing green building educa- - The class format includes a - NORTHWESTERN STUDIES Manage your Sun-Times subscription and get ahead ofthe pack.. . . Carl WiiicI,ester UNWERSITY 2I9-474V5 ìr 877-7(J(J.9I(R)i. 2/5 anytime using our au'tomatedistem. tion projects and activities, and one-hour lecture at the college A college dgree is simply your or adinission.@?ççsj.eíIu that develop new green build- and a five-hour lab at Wood- biggest asset." - Current Student ing curricula. stock North High School, : » Call 888-84-TIMES And that's where National- .M1iOk Wright's green-collar which is equipped with á Louis University can help.: job-training initiative engages CALUMFT culinary kitchen. The training NLU specializes in adult learn- .- - Report delivery problems - employers, job seekers and job ptepares students as culinary ing. The university knows the APPLY TOÔAY - - COLLEGE The spring quarter application deadline is -Complete vacation stops & restarts trainers in the development manágers or pastry chefs for - ch1lenges adult learners with . -.. . February 15. www.CCSJ .e ofw.orkforce programs that - Check account balances careers in the restaurant, hotel, busy schedules face tomove prepare students for emerging cruise and country dub indus- 312-503.4682 - Renew your subscription . their careers forward. From www.scs.northwestern.edutugrad green jobs related to sustain- 24(X) Nc' York Avenue Whiting, Indiana 46394 tries. NLU'S cohort modds that - Submit address changes ability, natural resource con- Thomas Kaltenecker, a allowyou to take classesone- servation and environmental European-trained chef, is the night each week andearn de- technology. flill-tinie instructor/executive Wright College offers an cheffor MCC'S culinary pro- Campus continu.rdo,,pg. 7 - lesALWAYSBran Toe ftnea 23, 2010 ma Fan Peeo 0irY'.0 0.057 Weekend Collegeat LAKE GENEVA AREA BU?NES 14L Benedictiñe .BR.IN:GSNoW $CULPÏURESSTOLIFÈ.,'. Thr Luke Grarse Ares tsnn WELL Spa n Soluu, twa wnold'e leogest retoiloro 0e WEkI, 00,1 FM Cumrstiss &t5eitsrs Barras ihenspioeahip golf costoro clothing end nrrosaonira for claon.wlkg.00m waaldtikrtnthaukthe end driadrst diriog npduse. tho 00lire fsurilp Ir addi- t,ulio 961 FM, your rodio, University fnlltnmg W'mterttu Guld tion, Lerdo' Pod rifero en mr Moustois Top Ski rnd no-oie nod nr-Aso, ptnying Spntsrre. With lhrirgesrrsse Srmouboaodisg facility fretutra iosenatir000ilutioo nf sIl yoyo Eaoam6te hits. Thun io help ted espputt,VAnrrrrtat I8nieo lthrrachebliBsend moochondioefnrthohnue. nrohdnyn gro Bob md Shod and the U.S. NaAaed seau tau Warder-Carpet nurlhre' The rumpery offots higb- io the morning, Jobo Trab io Benedictine's nerv Wee/rend College SeslpdsgCisanpittahip tilts for Iratuiegl, u telesis quality prrdontn 11000gb - the enrole7, end your fsrurilr programs are uffcrrd in e learning tram renaiuoeretWisanseis'c lap peek, eqnipuras notai, eroso their rolaingo, taodeend.ron, rnssic ail day bag, Take a format vIìerc stndents startet thesame c000tey al,iiog cod lesease for end nono then 275 Lorda' slop back io liase with Snow- CSI Media, LIC aSalto aed ehildrra. Fana- - End Shape at Soars and bolet doy st the IOn, gol the lamonn thna, progress togurinur as a group lira eco esso tu osiup Muner Storno. Atwayo knano Eso its (2521 728.5424 nopeeeitnledcmotornrrareniee, atad take une classera rinse witha wnno,lommanhL0050ppnrs,nnm Measteis Pelle, t5a,noe eq. - LiEoleOen lSvsdeym et lnml Sn B iodmrlostdoaruetropoek Lasdo' End is hredqaauzred sod win big with our Ereqanut set schedule fer the duatiun of Cul Mtdir terses Rack erd eelinb008idgeLadgt, is Dudgroiltr, Wiocansis. WoluuothCasstywursotin ginrnnayo sod contenu. Plia, thriprogram: Classes deheld at V,Nraaoain'e osly All-Seils The rumpexy neo forodod is bu 050e tu haIre to Leko 961 with a tutet at erras snard- Wotorpirk R000rt Oread Chicagxio 963. I,Oode'Bxd Senedicthse's Moser Center for Adult wiusiug psbhiotiuss muh fur your lacci cml, spoos Goatee has rurmydmieg tu io ap000d moubeoutnoato end wrethor. 001002417 at and Professional Skudies in Naperville. nralt,mdavrr4ntargrtrd help you mwiad, rrl'au onset l5ulAnge CotysoAco. sied, souapriotucriasa nid glassy lnko96t.aarn, id's paar radio, gctawmyl ott Leeds' end meoeboxdier io 00 oie end 00100.l,akr 961. nsageaisoaiselodisg uhsenbro 00000xtrnd. PeriodI gsridsr, Expiant Yasir &nrw Job0001i lank 90055e Indoaloino, Ire, Uradergsssdnaoeprogrisrnsfor adults: in 2nitjubiire, abeidal end sHEejebnnOflbank,OOm MIdwest Oblio no (202) 245-5220 (577) 7-9500ER rvrslplr.rmirg mageniss. Jaheous Benk ia peel of tubs- - (000) 452'1022 Omslmo,yUek0000rn Associate of Arts in Busissess - CSO Medie hes acananinurul toe Pinenriat Goamp, apre- aanan.mldwoelelrli000,00m Yuokrrlsdvneioo, lue. inn Admiitivreahou (A.A.B.A.) Reinventing.Media Arts tu qustimy, havirg rrcrivrd sAerSoenrialsoruicro corn' titiduoretAirlineo featurrojet trading pmuidrrofenrnlior Bachelor uf Arts in the CVC Said Srmderd pesy aifrrien conprrhosoier sonsAco th000ghout the United cuba grephienstuliann. Ue,MonerdoendThormu. in-brase repabteliro includo Management )B.A.M.) Education From the Ground Up Auerdthrsnyrars io amase losend enloSase in the arree Staus, isniediog Mitwus- Pousdodis 1945, the bvrinrss YaOkee eifern chili oroay of rooeniAo and ioduoniet donino, fur axcuediug sup rinulaAat, otborkieg, traot, iseoemnee, km's nurt doily nuostup hes unveiled et impinment- taro-hoy nooxicer Eut oucn050- prnnonypiug und fabnimotios, Bachelor of Aera in Orgaisizationul usdrrship end psrehlaing ievrmuueoieoodinwieg.Tor fligbto undhcsttrhedxintu iogiouoiornigu lud thaplay fol etom w.Anogiug, brand large Eurionn serren and digital Leadervitip )B.A.O.L.) Now open, Co ornbiu Co logo Chicago's stute a the-arI ourdarde. Tap uutchmuAnrr- 15 billies tosend erroicrs uuirodosAurnuoo. Cateo- poogoonna fun onsinuelly mruhnudioiogaodsresunat& pniotwg, wareburnisg and fut- Media Production Conter s the first educutionni fatuity of rial psisAng errsirrr ear ales uonpeoyuee reecedyseuned isgtuhseineoo Oevolooaeud aocugnioudonteiiersouchnn pmrnoliooat poisn-uf-psrehame libreen, ssliuowideinntultu- eseilible fran CSLMrdia. iuFORTUNlOMmgnnion's dioremiog lemosro uanrl015, UPS, 015cr Dopat, Toys E pmgreeoo.Yuekrr'o oebrnaixo lue end progrnrn eeenagooeoet Weekend Collega undergraduate ils kind, designed to foster cross-disc p mary collabornt on. Oraanr en rSobersibrr nod B8 Berm Pleurs te Werk list. the siolino omoard un repute. programs foe adults classes are Iveld br Ar nret ta kuan nhrs V,AthosiAaotuhokauucby Aoo an "Ehe boot caro in the er,IVI es t't.bOO.m ,cleVtur puer errera:,, cro,, V,ruc:go,r the senepeprr is reedy tu he their oliente tyho Cart rhuiro siZ"bypauviding psenorgnmn every other wrekeisd on Saturday aisd fur horariel ecisliuss andas with impeccable corvino ned I . ,IrVIlWuU,t", irr:,, VdVI,wrr e'-ugr 3ItJr-,rpe Gait! viewed autiro. Sunday from llr35 am-talg p.m. u lt3Aro ja the i050mouirirs oebanrdaneeilioo, incisding s, ' O ,Sfltr,,u, or,: ces:,,,:I:IIO,uliVI'I Ural Ofl "l'cl' n COCo 0518ko Gen508 (The) thry nerve, fubosas Oaedr hoe lIn papateobelord-osbuard (iiscludiug oar boite foi lunch). (602) 770.7107 - Orerly 60 laeetiaoa io both chreriste chip cmkiro, al mwao,caee-Iahe.10lreaa.00sr WmeiuOeie oudAaia000. nompoAlivo fuco Skyway COlLI med u/rn pc LEARN ABOLIT COLUMBIA'S Ward aif wirier's chili sims AintinonMidweet'o uholly Craduafrrps-egrante: CnmufLekrGunrur,Lokr Lake 105080 School al Cooking mood scbsidiatyopennlon GROUNDBREAKING MEDIA Grsevm's nuty all'esile noun (262) 280.3533 as Midwoml Ce000xi red offern Macerr of Business ARTS PROGRAMS andcorfrnscrrestrr end ut,'rundakeooeeooaohestnteoeldsg,onm vosorctivns u Midwost Air- s. huai ludgiug raciriynfthr Thu Lako Gouras School linea no wohl enpoiot-mu-poiot Adnsinistrariou )M.B.A.) FILM & VIDeS Master of Sci riser in U.S. Batiusat Sran Scalps' olCooldag offers rstrrteie- - sorrier hnluore orlatI workers tELE5I5ION ing Champiasehip. Suathr log, urliotry rusos Eue the as rrgiuuol jot oua cmobuprnp Leadership )M.S.L.) INTERACT shunts u MED A yare emots with the weorath making enthoeiwt, whether oireruft.Tugrther, the siotiors SALON & DAY S('A AGOlO ARTS & ACOIJOOIC5 nteueklisg nnplarue end enviro or goteort. An onore offer noniimo tu 40 cinica: wit Fo Medical Affiliaik000 turerei Oben euch hilly- end euemd-wiooieg chef, OutraI Weekend College graduate programs JOURNALISM Fepoyo'O os 18kO 050068 uppuistsd omito. Misgis atthr Bagou euphreisoe roiieaey - classes are lteld every third sveukeivd on MARKETIbO COMMAS CATION tubbybsouoruiuy use nfthe rsroumiate cod ponaiden bendo- (212) 240.4317 aorn.00p0180tkil.nom CASIO urea's Isogtur iudaaepaule, Iras as loweieg repurirocus in the Saturday aisd Sunday in additiuit tu Popoye'a, afunuoilo imst nod INTERO 50 PLINARY ARS tub rad areas. A variety uf echmi's Wood-Mode, moto'mo parricipasiun on usted1' traits. priksgra eat raeilablrisclud- kikhra, themsriogWulf cod macriot dootioctioo, hen bree ian ahi packagro end thr sen Sub-Z000 appbenmoo. lo rntooiogmufasomhosufotloiaos THE PERFECT SPA DESTINATION ultssalu ruwence package edotiAusto daily utesseo end fur ormoly '0 ytems. Loroted Whiihiouludrs ahuno-drens deuueaualioso, the subml enrune thu stroel from brasIl- cserisga ridr thrucgh breufi- otEros rotrrieg, cospuruto torn fmi 000rou Lake, Pofuoye'o foi bietaric Lake SestiL buildiog ouests, end hare poonidon uqvotity manual die- 18 WEST GENEVA STREET eu Benedictine Universityn The Cour io tiseiy "Clues tu prioote pernios. Thrsrhml is ing repuri000r siith opmtsrms. inn virus. With eraron Silrd Miui 0ri1sgm ej AdiA arA Prfsuurel Sratu Everythiug end O5enFeum launud io the biatasic Geneva Oudivaryl" SNilage Shupa,inot four blacks with uuidr variety uf deli- WILLIAMS BAY, WI 1832 Centre Prias Circle, Suar 102 Columbia bow the bocetifri G000x0 dorn chaires, they're b0000ro Nsprrvillr, 1L600n3 COLLEGE CHICAGO Grand Genova Resort & Spa Lohr, end is oyes pror-enana hoot temucor Eue thou macted lICO) 157.3417 for bath ottenooa cud eue. chicken (cooked yoar-rnond enano raut 0505 000,0Dm on OieeOWO oetd000 rosin- oh7 nlmOuO. - Encepe tu Stood G recia oeoiol,hunsloudebrnccrli 262-245-2444 106g) 4758114 sltntssln,rsiyleoir.sdu i6WW.berl.sdn/snnpUb Coeurs & Spe, the only IAAAI Lando' RInd chrono nosy und swatd.wio. Puer-DirrsuodhotttJorouu (all) 070.5500 oisg brnrosanls, Esponleoree is Lobe (losere. With l,3t0 wondsodared.00w tirdoMiduoe100uhrnpitstitynl uvoio.ecf dst.rtau7t yea1,- ,Lelrdd Poflia.olurptflms ffopuyf sue Lako Greens, r

: A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) wwwpioneerlocáLcom Thursday,January2l,2OlO I BIO .

RYAN-PARKE fneral home I EMEMBERING "Our family ff, Q__ serving yours for :, Remembñcé over 74 years Myers, Mildred A. Mildred A. Myers, age 85, of Park Ridge, beloved wife of the late Wilbur F.; loving mother of Louise Suburban A. Myers and Charles (Barbara) Myers; devoted (847) 823-1171 I I . grandmother of Rachel and Sarah Myers; dearest Chicago A IL sister of Evelyn Miller, Elizabeth Savoia, Fred, vs Harry and Carl Anderson; preceded in death by (773) 792-1811 ,. L two sisters; and one brother; also survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation Friday, 120 S. Northwest Hwy. January 22, 4 to 7 p.m., at the Ryan-Parke Funeral Park Ridge Home, 120 S. Northwest Hwy., (2 blks S. of Touhy), Park Ridge. Funeral Service Saturday, January 23, 11 a.m., at St. Lukes Lutheran Church, 205 N. Prospect Ave., Pork Ridge. Interment Franklin, PA. Funeral info. (847) 823-1171. 5ig,z Gi,estl,00k ni 1eç.acpioneer1oeaI.eorn

FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SiNCE 1922 PRE O'Donnell, Robert R. \' Robert R. O'Donnell, age 89, passed away ARRAWGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE \ç.-al January 15, 2010. Proudly served in the U.S. Navy-WWll. Accomplished salesman of City Service Oil Co./CITGO. Beloved husband of the late Janet, nee Walsdorf;loving father of Patrick Cooney (Tina), Michael (Kathy), Mary (William) Kulikowski, Elizabeth (Brian) Conn and Robert Jr. (Dawn); dear grandfather of Scott, Holly, John Funeral Home ( Kristin),J ennifer,J eremy,Patricia,J ustin, Allison, Ryan, Kelsey,Christopher, Brooke, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Jillian, Tess, Ana and Zackery. Preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Elizabeth (nee Flannery). To Be Worthy of Your Confidence Visitation was held Sunday, January 17, at Ryan- Parke Funeral Home, Park Ridge. Funeral Mass 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 was Monday, January 18, at Our Lady of Ransom .. : . . Event Calendar : Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 Church. I nterment All Saints Cemetery. uIIARIYAND .PAMPEß!' WINE SERÏFSJail 21, Feb 18,Mar 18, 2010 ende Getaways Sign Gee,,t t!,00k iii !egnrpioiJeer!o(uI.ri)r:I co 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 5:00 - 7:(X)pm $20/person (waived w/purchase of I service) \VineTasting, Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005 (;:(x)11 (:(R)king Demo, Free 1-lair & Skin Consultation andmore VALENTIN ES I)AY/P1(ESIDENT'S DAY WEEKEND LV)ruary I 3- 5, 20 I O Enjoy a Romantic Valcntinc's Day Weekend ?PIUtáx'flfld osort nÌght.t3ßod QA ubiopany $ 8ervtCodlsocute not vattìIIlty, Wi L h ai'ciaI (IiI lu'I a tul luxu rk)us services in the A.vatii Spa, or, Ot!rval(4 nowthroùgh 31j2øï - You will meet these people I)1Ifl I;iini' ;jiI 'iijoy ;i long %V(UhCI)(1 filled vith .fun ;ict.ivites iII(ItI(iiIlp 1'rO/Ä.tl\jrluy I)s'lilIg, ï\visU&1 c:!c';ItiOrIs: r3II()o1l Aninials, under difficult situations... l'ifSj(t(' Siiioiï'i, ;iiiI ( 1on;1lÌza ;iiid inure! But that is when they will do their "(1l'Ai (I1it"S A'I '1.1 II[.AlI"(.:JE,INAR\rSEIIES bestfor you. VV4fk(uJ$ Msrdi I ') 2 I,2(28 AjnlI 9- 1 1, 2()() i'ln Abbcy' s(uH'Iti(1tHtl(ufivary(VV11tÌ IHick%'iII tii;i i' IiV(iI)uf menus Share your ::::: : iiI ehels k)I'()IO,1(4FVilhiOmSrtuuIIinp.imp tasi, so (l(u'(k'Iay! ìii kind thoughts SPR!N (I1flAK AF11 1 AI.t REY M*tIi i ¿Ipril II ,2() t O Nt'wid rorp p&lg t Kda 1L & udr ot treo for brokt . Il:uj()yPriflg Irrak vii1 r:i'atiil I;iiiiIy lun iiiultidiny.: Iil- U fr1rupuI kl inonu.Oop QhHd fr;r ìld PdUL8UbJWt with the family 9 IapIIty OHor vIØ noW'throgh 3/1 /l O (oxIudo hoaYa) S(Ití)I)O1)I(iIj'. lui)('N 11omt, YuYc, 1VIuila, AIu' i\!'tnIaiitl iiiort'. David E Babczak oseph G. DonndllanGrace Donnellan MartinsenMichad E. Liuritson and loved ones r of those Iiy1.)IÌ (Ii())'sI:I.iiì.':vìîIi lis !rIL:iS(I'(' (I'VC, t.1I(.I1'()Ll'II I()Vt vtI.i its! who have passed away tnthony LCiialan. VLiorJ Schukii '11-Ì( ¡\f)I)Y 1 I)L'IIit.ìÍì.i(i ('Il(.VIc:tiu;t(iin,¿I()(X)()!j, Il by signing (í J1tx;I;)1t.(V( iIJ)t(.'iiìtI lf(1(II\tUIII,ii i vh Donn11n the online guest book: Call 1o(Iuy j) book yûur winiereSCaf?, . FAMILY FUNERAL SERVICES _uT 1.800.313.5467 . :. OusaeeIa,u! 01,tì,iiitJ h.y ¡lit' Do,,ndiart bb,:si!vfiir tiler 90 yea rs WAFERFRONT . liE .ARREY i'iS'C)RT )Ft.'isil: www. I/zí(ibbeyríse)Y1. CI),,! 10045 Skokie Blvd., Skokie (847) 675-1990 ?s Evanston (847) 869.2900 Visit us at wvwdonnellanfunetal.coin PIONEER PRESS YOUR LOCAL SOt'RCE A Pioneer Press Pablicalion (oc) Thuroday,January2l,201O I B2l Thursday, Jaosuary 21,2010 A Pioneer Press Publication (cc)

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Plow working with Moeolerl pioeeeanloxaL.samfen alester

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Answers te Super Crossword APiuneer Prese Publication (DC) wnonv.piueeenlvoubcum Thursday, Jusuory2l, 2mo RASSOIS SILICUA lrr!r000's,Oa'IOr!.lDtl ILI1iI3 flIBIROII QEIQfl ncIIBIIXI PER FECI P EI Ii PERA Et I P EI Ii otee oBres couaereuO NERMIP3nntmnnumci iincrnii RLIDflncinri I3L!UR1U DIUU GE C LASCIA EEC SC C LACARES i U1311fl VIUflE IMII UOI Null lIDIIIri1flcBIUU ØDDIDINNI IBINFI DLN rumDflllEi rurixi iinru FIND YOUR UWNNNONThNllIUI NDNNDUllU OUtl Dll!I! llG10 LWflII1D I141Ø !oeUsî5o PERFECT SUBSCRIBE TODAY. Dh!UflE11113 llND0 NUI! NI!NN NU PIONI(ER,PRESS ruruin crnirururururu P SU BSC R IB E TODAY. APARTMENT IN CALL U47-IBG9300 ruliru nuiiiruuru rurumnimuru ,NARN1Ñ ,.,, .. FIND YOUR MOMS/DADS llUJI!llllflEI NNDI!llH You may have fun CALL U47-4869300 it roan THE CLASSIFIEDS PERF ECl P ET IN mign aururu mm RO3FICIPEIbE in the process. ThECaEErRttI ciurunIBII!13 nuruiimnm THE CLASSIFIEDS runru uorurunruruiii unii r br ptadL b.r°E IC5COFE Sieflgll aE t g d ero bIrf e On lEiD BfiI]I1 L1DD UDii ArriDe Arec REPARE. Cedola sehadulìngand.e,qraát r.trher eoperidno'L OL°TItATIJONr THET liNhiflhl hifi DI]NI1U Willi £!'jCIGrady Great Employment WDUI]I! LINON illuDI] I]UI]hl SWordsy, Jarpoary LAtini, end February PAth birlo' iIr yo ioIriroirr goody opportunity to work in a IIDDNIi IIIIIID DIINIBID uhu lOAM to 3PM unique part of the USA! Full lloro posiliorv Ir provide a000000prl Sia Flags Great America S Hurricane Harbor Marcus Strokeend and psyci001torrvl000100cv0005rtiugsrr'oiovrs ALASKA lo mrrjlipir ege evol vnrdo vilenIe 'vor LILI b' Neuroscience Center onliing. SPorIv fluEt e5JIy errlins ILL ,ittleipjcb,.com before utIsirdirb.. Family Practice Physicians cOmmbrliiy ounrolot Irrurlllr Saaroh the homes 000work with Ehe Recai colse Opoorirog irr Fobrrrooy Lo Ariro, CobrEe NP's/RN's/LPInI's Psychiatrist io pvimrrriioy orillogroups. Miui000im qeeliucoli000 irrctuofeomeoirrv degree S[ARCHCHICAGO.COM/I40MES Plrrdod immedietoly working (uy the ib O merolviIrrollliapIa, 0000 FPOO ucd Ohs Soest Fontal listings in Chicasolued. Fedelul OnyrrumorlirAnchuregu pool-moslem nook rnprri0000r rovI tuooliaroc PITPIT &L°RN pvviiovvr .rv,rilabio for (physicians only) And Faillianko, Aluolra. Slole Li enmono an ero LMFT LMbIC op burr'OibbbbiON, vro uro fviioroiorg Fusillons come with o CUrrent 23% Coot LCSW oc obiliry to obfvr'rro sorcio liorosorr uf ADlIg Allowance and toll bonofitsl roillolo ois rorovullos. Sclriry pirro rocrileni Flags ILirlIlob. UdII.. FIbiLI.Pik SIII,.Sb'unsy SEARCHCHICAG»homes FF5 Can also enjoy a stArting puy ut bruchI pocloagr. .samrt rrI $1u2,519, a 25% tecruilment incentive toro more ivolerooarlrc obrar Park Crolrr's nrndorsodovtilobtnpotifibon, And mopingeoprrses.Psychioloint loe mcboire aroe0500.partarroErcorg. willrrcniyr muning eupenses, o Te apply, rorrnvmrrogyuvloo.17u6, recrUitment incrntiyr, ond o boue poy of or mcd maome io or compIere aeapptlra000 Cootadjal AoajsEOflP/ $83.445-$108,403.00, Merdai°Feiden Por rororo iorfoorvv.orjorr oboror rIlo boovoirra For mole intsrmotiuo please contact: alUn b 00 00 oDo vooa or r r G O.lvly 00 !4Brazos Marsha Castoe PARK CENTER INC. DO NT NEED IT? /1 Electric Norre Etroeoiaiog Or 14r41 6i6-6061 907-361-5519 lelo. Srere alce, SELL IT FA ST. CENTERU Pone Wcpoe, IN 46000 Cooperative gorrvEylocaldo.eeg/oraacoea marsha [email protected]. mil CALL 847-9953400

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I NORTHWESTERN EVENING 83454100'S DOGUES P804RUMS 0-,.i. Or8IlIneec,8rlalnircInr,8i8e(nrnl, Seninclrco New 2010 Mercedes-Benz GLK35O 4MATIC O burel nu MORO' 841,365 i800i 770-0S02 LeaseFor s73u,precruuuu 0vi184!,i2!aliuluclilnLuleulel,ilbil ill LIBERFV AUTO Cfl'VIJEEP 885) 474-4313 Per mo. 39mus. >047> 673-6700 $5,034 Our 0) 088e sIgning Includes 03,75/ cep teli redrO/un, $755 uuqu/ldiun)nl and tirs) month's 949mb CONTINUING Or (044) 362-1500 I II nVOOTHWRTTERN STUDIOS We'll DeliverTQXouj 2.9% for 66 mos. >0551 458.7503)844658- Dun's miss this special seutiun with Bourbonnais Loves Park Schererville financial culumnis) Terry Savegr 1349Isdianupolis Blvd. 515LalhamD). 6600E.Riverside Dlvd. Napteto Schnren'/lIe,IN Dourh000uie, IL Loves Pork, IL appearinglavuriy28. APPLY TODAY 800-764-9022800-419-6241800-793-9705 (8301 486-8600 OnsufldnIIbIOIIeusithqrsliIrOvsIiiihrIAIrscOcrersrOnsOaI,Lnernh/ 513, 1,0011 IIi,.. un ,oarIsWerndirgI lsIlRknlin rlrrllc).f%OrR )ioriiIgarOinuho (lud) psrsi,SIIfornIIIl)povri000SuMrrvirisc; ciioLOItv...... 4,tI31II7I4 15011< RISlIllIIlliIldliOSi. ORLANO TOVOTAO r---FIFTH THIRD BANK 700) 342-6478 (730) 4203800

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24 news Ml TfUROTff, JANISRO fI, 2010

MMNE SOUTH J PH Decorating contest theme is Nues Elementary School District 71 reflected in winter windows Clarence E. Culver School As Ilse snow piled up out- ruling Content followed thewelcoming feeling foe the side eorlier this month, win-theme Let it Snow!" usweehn ofter the tombe ter scenes began oppeoringihoy covered else reindowsbreuh und throughout the on the inside of Mo!ese South along the teont eieele driveSouls wich," eccordingio o High Sohool windows. with images of winter. Stodeot Coancil fice. Students participating in The purpose of the con- Fian! enoms hegen Toes- the Student Council's Win- test ocas for the puintiogs io day. ter Holidoy Windoon Deoo- 'provide u fun, eheeey, und Cooirneoa Kindergarten -__I_ - --242 Waukegan Road Registration ffjiti t& &#'vicxiiGlenview, IL 60025 2010/2011 School Yeor '°i1¼CONVENIENCE CENTER 847.724-7280 lait tellanoa, 10,00 Momead Foot, peaalicss lOto alt/o !O'feovsld Jilhon Joutai, of Cbiaogo, Dec.20 tIring the e,eonlle's poaaliae. (Joel Wednesday, January 27th Leeser/liatt Phatograpteel Portati R!aeta cod Jill Scalp pautO n!odoea citO eNdente at ihR Ait Chb falheoet oTee 050001 arIer. Oie Please call for Appointment desacato tiro iront usIons atOcine Sooth High tnbesl. Rasi Eite/ For OTO! BUSINESS '(Vth\)MR5Th55 Blnedoy-oapeechrrcaree000sp, .'a5ssss sr5tPatan, 847.966.9280 ext. 1102 Locally owned and operatedfor over 15 years Fundamentals first at dance studio k Sencars S US Sunasthe peors, occording tao Tho mom goal atSnneeeo Hop. The alaises start foe 1Oi OFF Academy, 7751 W. TaIrait S Us is to stach the funda- childeen age t oc oldee. Ayo., Chicago, aponod in Ata- "Johnson bada deaam lomeotals and propar daeee "Johnson has ceented on Every Gallon of Gas Purchased atyironmnnt that allows Iba Moot preoeol coopto lt nantie r moldo. Na 00015dufli000 005Wfd. fopPe o 2/25/IS gast 000f, ma, founded byopanastudia end teoeh the technigno. The insteactoes Janice Johnson, who huafundamentals of donce toace experienced and ado-ohildeen lo porsua theio been siudying dance tincooleitdo'en the wey the nos ealed iso many diuciplinea of dersm of donen 000v ond MARINO REALTORS she wont young child, pee- laught," the caliese staled.dancn.Danooes SUsoffirsinto their tutoreN Ihey 0es 5800 Derespstee - Morton Ornee foeming on Sato Cieeua "Olio was able to follow thai many 000mo of donen, in- lraalwd libe (am/lp not Jost (847) 967-5500 molliple times sod taaeh- dream and now haaa spa- eladiog Tap, Sallel, Lyo'ical,a ntodent," the releano stal- feeesoncltoeamscul,tosmass.osaef io gos several d000e otudios cious studio w!th n profes-Mndneo, Contawpoenryed. Foe more infoemation The unit sesntard and porlo disleicis ofroeingsional da000 000e." Joao, Aceohaliro nod Hip 0011/773) 700-507f.

The Nues Chamber of Commerce Reminds you to Shop Locally HARD TO BEAT THIS PRICES "EDMEBROOIÇ TOWERS" BI-LEVELO PImPI Pifera paielis e snowman while studeota at the Ari Clob gather alter sahool Jam Oit de000ste ihe sacos toss. .00yaffsgatlses000ust,s000eacicoadsethOflags.. EssaI asse Oorsol Is lsRf-flOsr indas si hoot n!odtws at Meise tetti Hilt tohtol (feel Edile/Poi 00M! ussysof000tasunindbpaesolrssreensrsssstess,ltastsstlouoesral sf5,5 lana Otoeals050 saroli! Leaohissreruersaraoeear005saauviarisettonslegaOplasdgssosatsapd SoRos eliseeafoliastla ItOIstlosI Call the Chamber office for Olreono. ea010r ImitO loll talL Oaaoessr :sfufes testeas,,Seo reluIs0 --seos, eeaaoalsuleaeesstruesoattsa referrals on businesses in the area oasrso,parhssnaaasi.o', Itolfasurr ¡llousst!s0000sloetotlissot 'osseusoohos.ecsersfsasnsoh: lleno Oeannos,e,eee, ir.satlefstel litesAtnatsalla, tvetssssrc ales (847) 268-8180

Visit us at our new location

CHARMiNG 2 FLAT GREAT LOCATION & FRICOt 8060 Oakton Street osrse 050c..psasi loasir! ears e Ra! e/aedos es'sBariMarini fr -aso lt's tu' lat10000l R!! tat.Ioflath tillo is coal aft narenata toan aedos atoo Oaths, info0.5 tasad ------nil Isst fanal notorio a,ado sai (boldo the NorthSide Commom/ty Bask) rosso, R000paossi000sar l055saesaoaen s tossitI ooiosrafassnAeafsoaollolernnati00000rleeelOses, 'T" ta Soue Sentersp IJael t Iotilsoloeotfashselseafllnlflinotlttl bas,latotritaoallaq, tnt ectasia laides Ossei '500 05000 tosO' Jil!man Jsrdos lotit! ont hielen Mitahali pesai/se their Nielo Sea. St flclef mIcelle p0400(04 Dec.2001 ha taasor 50000e & aal. flecos! IcarIo IsolI tara troeLaaaasOaeao-Fnt0000050Itst000, posi sto Osos! faon Leinen/Statt Ph000geofteel dsa!Cfl10000nnlaitotoaitoeslaatel ...... leSOs soreeaaloe,'hlltiaiferoapnaoaO...... 130410e tttdeofe etilo All Club trailer atico echte! on Jan. Aia feixiete Oho 000ii nielase at foire SaltO High Sohaal feil Odds/Far ITS! 27 foodPAGE26 O PIONEER PRESS PUfLICOOIIN 'Nl wwwpioneerlocalcom ylerO05C I Onda Sa,soptrgooesombons. no Is penon irhisdod ana dosons el ptn left sol 10h y anli00000d on Idlao 00011e loll eso/o /heaboln Soler OslOartS Calendar 5 OlP 155515f iS lIra 001/b INiCO. te' Iallapns 01 iba 1550k Ion/y Sol oit' nais ceo too Osso lo dIals maaem luIs 010 S00 00100101 hors sel malo 11000010 SonnaI the pends Os 50000m ISO hnaas 5005015 al srl/sl/o 01 0,0055015 dl boo 005101 Ornes. Oho 1010m Sorso Snrghls al Co/scI s 1051055 sriO Tns osody aonio ann 00010 Orli sai 0000pturn 000 Conilsuad Iron PAGE 10 porI ere050s asdoorses I asrin h INS 0511 51 5e fr0 sIs Il 005sluooilsn lo' Ca ny Oboe Io helf enrIo/Ir Mall' io soon 00010,1 800 leo, Rh IiI 10411 Slt'lSSt su/lordI Ussr ellue Jew/sb lounlhelas pan/b Il0000halreno osppoa ohOdlen. Os taraIs oorl tos 1114 bed 0000IOdossI 00510 vc H 500500 lb. Cali LelIa 050, /041) ilPolii, ai tyslosdens and 1h550 ;rh0 0/i' Iron dessI ons Ir OC Coon Ii 4000, 000noul 5000. 1/o Iso loo 000f h crean grasp seilgaad reiles air rcarl/ole000eslan nOs lau b cneo/o t sad t mnaaa Ir II 00110100 o/a her leO 0101 N Mol os Moo Ial em 000 1110011 00014 5000m050mno Noaioal Coater. 0815 dina ree' ostRos ari lis ron (tras rho S SIrraSsa , pOncIl los and peno' 11051E bIRlO EotunOnlembot BobOs sro osa Inhie Ibeob Ta loll sos, Chlongo, n o slIer rus helio eerily antuiliau Irish Cemn000ity sI drealo 15,11/oleé Ob 1011110al dec mo CelosOs an C000moso Cu000il 115m ito Sn/gIbo nl blue us Sourd loo MIN1 050anOl ono to sdmmud ny grours 5a0555.naOssnO pars Aaenuaa mfra ShOPPO 51015 grast u sn050Wm Ii 05 ItO Sol 005 Of /10/vid' 4500 is 000100Irsp oohooloharn lOI 0015050 1BO nd/I/Os sodio 100 nost essOrs dudnq010loi seso 55001' onfcssiojj dalsol ont sestil maneare o/iras nolisa oossuamI 10m 01)0 owls pr sou cod spedal, 00 iOnIS lost bols Cull /4I/ 5514000 155 sOeur oonpouun The oulSo I Im' mli 00110 SmImIrao alaellepalloo and Ita pr/otan sor Vissi tot Ea haltung Our mnlarto sl/lunar ano o/los lo Sehe 01501000 TlaeidirO da anoeoboohoosafnee.Oi pr055nds n000 155 Tn OlI asu Ist else F0500,0 Contes Chefs guilty (Ri) ISO lain nra lut 00,115 uioss, heusshelurlano Soaks a sbooishail lolos I/le Sra 10001 dIS 0100 OSoniliss Tono' 1040m: fob 0K lillO ano 0f' pleasures- ntlpi/arlau.gaaule ras/sra/cee' asO sedi bamrborm le dhelaeodafs, Biles Fonios PO Oseas Comban 507 os ORs Ihn rendI oar gas hour mo' se000bsnlsa/ee snarls 541/ 000leonto sno 151011S1,slI sas So-. aniatersartnor,hirogo OSlIOd SI b0015 000510055000/5011 PINI ConiaI DvNuIoO 15511 550 sMb bully o/IS osen 0h00 shall tono 5550191 neto asso Ong lRRR'000'4ItI. Those from Rice Krispie treats to turkey stuffing Cesura eadaonuts nil hot/Is allai napulanif prusod loso lrsas aom ro send le mheol005unf lar Oar Lade st 500bem Polso roles who am sosos lo StImod Sob 01 One nostri/ cool/sq el titI pm. 1er DI fho nain shop uo l050tod Cr00100. The Nilea F050ile F050000 Iusolya scaly 0100E CausI 400G 000fr io soil og Onlonttimmann DIII bosbo reso ono:0000l0050rnonloollho al Lboab seri. isis Lisools lissai' ioaSy Mee. o E/acaSo, arI the 'Sso' tolinalrd la prosuO/na guao/y pro Nonion fsm OlIno IL 10010 izoinn hscs Orlons aseldb ut dal boa II sanaosment toponleonI at mocil sistellChoIs sull ousas or luiec slap ab 0100 50db Ow Ira' Sn005lo, pmrpiosleIiaqSs Coo KoIqiSa 00 colombos 510 sI/I oes ea s/b 10010105e dsolu st cono 10101 1505to Io sais an sees/SI' Genetic Drosroars i no 0011010 InI tubos mosaIc o als/ca colorassE os 055bonfianes a5050nlSonOsgooe' gollnSuvnp 00510k sa lourer nno nsslnorantn orO 05100 luhnonIs Do' concocte a. Call /8471 roo/rus ioslb/oe act finsI menoh0005s euoutles. Inn nulos belly Elboass Saalwi/s all preluls OlsOn 15000101' saIsIs 000 bOon 110001 001 1051015. Cobeodor, PAGE 30 Jesdofn aau,usoqloos SuaietO al li' hoalsalalia.a 105501 Isoedano Csslor proa leo ils eoasOrn arI cois orlI fra500i "55k IRe OopsAo sed Oodrssfano. Ondoso sod Oehraamc 000010 alune sboleob'lto'enb lulc050 acari/rg Danni 00e 5nnl VIal Ist anule pm fssrsdasu 101011010 010 loll IO indOsI aquel ss 555/or lye' Quality, Value & Service In An Lanuae opes net. lOa/roen e heai creel 055nfied loom bol pm. f00000ne lOo 0V Indoor lreok, 505550/IO luI' liti O ferprtanll. linera aoi ers lsnaaçn lalsldnys Orlo 00051e crlf esso plagIons aro ases p005551 gonna/spiosi rda/sI ganol snare' gont r 50005 oIl/ng, SnoRes or ateo' sala/sso Mnmsars ando oslo eniab salting nr,oannb sIr rau baGno sis 5105110fl os la sal to 0005110f maos000 henaR, p055001 llarnrfll h staIn fha Jtil escuso lunillas Psrsnsseo hopado Is Id/h Isoolop' ss5000mnsts oso ni spas at 10.10 p5.100 cccv Produce World nonisi droebul nob sassoso 1010mo' 1/05550015 osOs bmsolhia Ial ona dale enebsnn/goeslo oho cari ta INTERNATIONAL MARKET. DELI . BAKERY . MEATS . SEAFOOD Loaded Potato Soup with sour creano green onions antbacon, a favorite guilty pleasure nf Aller tire Road owneru and oSais pani eroe isa esaprolrl organiaolioo Cali NOI1Id05llaI 55105 sopor use ablary aslana s, gal hais ciln taood 01515 nasos hrghmsb nr 501K tOI P 0105 OpusniOg. lIcol N lIoso Barbara Tyksinskl and Doug Green. (Suceras Ternavt(StoffPlootographerl. garsalegn nel elisa sr oui Ornesingi. Rogo/sal efiam u earioll e/ono' hiess, rete and euro. Cosco cet lut' Produce relalot ganoliecs bloss ihn mas grano Is Or snos on sdiddss a mss lIasses for Idees 005 Ihe 5h 0g WYNN GOEBEL FOSTER oOntu'ms rien, spicy pooh sOOsegO, Sunburst Tangerines Plum Tomatoes Real Peppers ilomathoes, cloeb omahit pnpiaciaoiso alup.e bu osIl,eoaabard Os/lo iassills la dInn's wfe sienS p (or es rio o a loo n peppers, celery, onions und ombareussed tu unimlt io o fond- eenleaiohgacorsliss on grena us sIne/los 05 sena//ono a Zomba Sur toe OIt fa. 150 10 oyutera." seosforocrlaiofoodalsolfuhail 1011/ 055'llDt toar er tael h Ibsol OrIol ni, 1111/ Oso 15e gal/n lora sg lSd mm al 000nceaeo er Foresee Osee Past ft/i 98. Portygoers coche dinided bouc The tykuinnida' Thunhaginleg 1016111 5/ISO Samar flflS ole len lo romo 49e, 59, parb hoi dogo, coitan candy, deep treo Deudos: Thoae haooging out ZOilO stofl'mg tested belDar lInon nestaifpu. aernesrostnlrtneo' nheeo Cueosd Chele Rasento IS bonds Ion lIns Nnol roo Casser Tos hind pork rivedo, Polnldeu, Testo- dan of 00 nacht elIte Peo/sl 7150 101k Idaho potatoes Bartlett pears Avocadoes oround the crudités ut nba hera over before, nbc added. 000un Cirio, COSI/ai/i onoraI c/n efOlieralaade reColar drone clara und auch. Otirere das'tmiud CalleehOes /neslioToefesnsin dbaoorea auction of the huffot cuss raso ng Irem e by liso to Is' esa Uso sesos llsd I nofolc, earlubn "My sister mode it," l(rhshoslai et all. 0 oer /loesrt Sired) the Pool io lsM0000l55000. aller lao S//n p050w/i arios IS/s nOII OSI nno N 179 1oo Sohle und these elbowing euch - Iho. lO Lb. hag I seid. "My mom sold she odded Chef Joob Boudin, of Crynlul arno aiaaan rhdanu traut rs soll Cospl000lisO Nola Hot son NIes mosylol"nsorsssuo didgsiso Zum' 59Lb, 2fer other tara helter shut at oey. entra oyoters." Lube, cerner ofSeoaal Wfoimaey, choleg ill celarono lam aminan. Toanship Jon sir Conprnpalies, 4501 hsi0000ucsend 050llngtigh000n MEAT thing topped nalth mounds of Os/i sei INsaculas Roba aro Oar/a ib /:baaSs cloro ihslussnrpolalos Greeo is a siwpler sort, p '(tIr is Long Grove, craves uhneolate- Doepotal 01; 11011v 50e dolaI dl' trabe 'A"rooh doonko OSSA Oheim Land USDA Olmi s Grado "A" Crook ouaebry 001i annei5000. tali senesi t ser 100101/c Curtis e Eraron/ls non/sl Lots ano 510,501 0001 sosln and blue cheese, espeeioilyifrohat_ pimsura ratee. His bmther, buhar Odie/oso Ihioboe hnoaob S aniths R0000 Rib Osead Slyle Conk Ribe revered Rice Ofciepias creata minh, lun') riGIeRe orrai' mr e Miliar 555go'. P,rshoos lussris at ra-osunas soon 10101/au Isulunsi ever choc risuese in mooucuiec.t on Brine Green, of Ail on the Rood, but netjost unychocolute assscalsennusavsae si Ial 104f / lomo ellos /ylkssis OurS/sal hes boon deep fried Gest. taue lIa tool III. 000110, 14. 15/Ira Cell malvas o few sfIde favoritos. rovered Rire Keispiaa trnuia. ato yeso /041) 5140115 en son noes hoi' class sniudo so sa eeronpae Divot totter group, u uertaioo "t really lova Bris peunut "My fuvoritre are the ehneo_ 155e morosa Soar Venerase couacs' irnOs/ranO domo o, bs000Ia. 550 lia sod tes i i t OOnOivaut nf guilt is prubobly butter eoohiea," Green tate-coonred Rice Oltrispins trasto tos, Oros/nr Ch sage Chaplei ho. 05. The bImbi, Holaoasot Cossue 505 aselar loaansa 000snlernn is rol' loroitable. aonio atipe the foudh Sletonstay ConieS. nOII 00000 S/no. 000ely rrgholraacc Isa ob Ill ir' enelaboed, hoed pinas- thin thay set utWaltilisnryWorld'u All an the Road ecreo art etats tartans fyksireki avé Daug Graso Ea dolo h Kratohmar Cordon Coop/tu Lsrd-O-Iskna Not oil food pleanuros une ques- a/sash sects el/ho Meals orn'iab 050Es. 00cv ruso 15fr CO50slsaOsr sudes rollesSmonto. otIlO plises and crest, with soosega und entro Mogle Kingdom io Oriunda," nais a mesa lasdet Petalo Seup garnished nith land Salami Smoked Harp Sosbnd Tonte5 br000y Amnnioao Choeso tioeeblu nncesfordinera'hoolth smr areao, green der urn Peut trio o éueaey ace oily ...soIles es/cr i plOOudOO 5f' oouJy tisa fol ash poninpano cheese, I could ont thios eruuf Boudin insisted. "Thny'ra the oaioca and bacon lluaanae RerrartItteft PhotographeR. though; nome une just hod sewn Cull lea //ennuellei lfRO/ttiniti por/oc lesto sirena kroni0550 assur Taeuu050eOhntashlid s/heap snuuage piana seven daya e beat." O Ctufaaaosiu0000 Ile lasissasaga do o spOoutur00400101/SsIlciossusI 01 freplals risos. e/iran palisyanis Is S391y for their brudgets. Culinary snmp- And All ne Sha muda (leccio sai anal costo at uIt pm. unies sOsirmpanaIb Oaeadu005 n/isO Osso rho beato Ro Os/n orearan soul al' 2? toilons muy be giotif producers But Go'eenli favnrite guilty had un ailarthoroght. Loaded Potato Soup anrerdfnur,Oonalee hneo/hal ocIe/leso islehOiutiOOp.e, lend o 510505051 TosI Pallid pa1uns DAIRY sinsplybeeaeose nf tleair prien indulgenuriathetaffee made by 0e sloGo, PliE ROrslsglOn easy 000510 cOmisos ho opeotanilyls insilo Inst does Ist 000rsoloe lye "Chootos,"hehonisted. "I really Eordon 2% & Dom's s Poloh Farms 1/s 10810k Faroa toga. There ore cheaper alterno- his tunado, Suela Wolob. She's seuo/e esgn,t Oh/o 00000051 oselole roesla, tonIllO and isoc stub 55001/n ISO loots TO Oca ers lune Chmtes." Stange tiahn patstse' - Poseo Skips Milk Seam Cream Asilos Amonio J0l00 No Fat Ya Art tivaw to Codina, Starbuchu and the paatsyrhefot Allgauerb in 0000/np C oscos asilas si/alias. fia Ironisa poagssliOe of hai5500si f qt na tan resi mut/au mill tn/nh li Call suo/Ocr troteneir 005ual 000/000 usaiVage Sednnoarh in Irlo yoga Dom Perigeos, after oli. Northtaronh, Soup's on t gE hasen orean lohr cliv /047/ 1521155, or sassO Ort 15051er. Pod dg anle 15000e sonAned culS 505J51505015 comb/S- 19 nnolar119 $200 $1ob It's sutjurt shoppeeu, home "Hoe tslfeeiehueeeditota, f 1h Velasena asacas, vales Poe those seurshieg for etUi :55 elch srsrueyats500n. 0551 Omen naesnllsol lar 101000101 /ag lire slnaloNlag aSpado 01 SOSO la Bo/Sella 0010 I ha. PielI 3 fee ball/OpI 2 feeItu. o No. contre und ruetaurent-goera Who IC anale taeoru Oh5ppaI Theyire thiohlegofmeeketing unother guilty plrosiva'e te addle Jale the CaahaOls alomen', 505 usa Ceemoc Iy Sonsos 000Saot 055 lSn 001110 ISO Ol0I55a0'O on' 0011er bum thud ealotrd gellt i/acthagput chisas baSso lar maslos ruahl islet Gloss o Chan. prai005l el Ils h055sd/uan 0f ob/isla bIasing InOlopeoluo 0050111 GROCERIES it:' Gems said. "I thbilo Iota il their ilota, ftfnlosheuld und Grenn punge. Chefs hace guilty food pounde - muyhe 10 tant Ocal noti a-allegro Pasti senos Jonios Isoalla. TOS 00011 punsodaS Isst ros/oros SsO IS baleorn ricoh/I' D seo io o Noqipa Asidos Utcie nuggast All on the Rood's heeded ff4 Caursslarch pleunurea, Son. weeh." Groan ire/oils por assi hishuil Ihm nab is lule soenSq of'rhson In osl000rsil 50015 Insulossane S 090 n Posto Sosos Chick Peso Reno Rica PoloS5 Soup. Their eoatomeea i/at self eater losalo no/seno Call berm Oreado an enel Ial POSI sod nnll stOnou 0004 gSrlonmru 05 b 000hr000b loor not ChoDi/nweeraBorbm'altylaeio- Puro hopo ratuu'er who apeada leve it on cold setenar doyn, und Oeil sed pepper 004) inea109 en atlost000se' st IsO /00000000110110 Is/c 40005es' CosI far all annuls 0P0015n us fob $ 29 ' s 99 sta und Doog Green, nf Alt on the her days proporing und aaevhsg sat ra besen saar orac e rentons Or Sin s000smtmro Isslo $109 $200 they do, too. taro. fr00 Oils aaorom afersfaa lo. elk. Oa.04Ss. 2 fem,d lasSas tu. 5 Lb. Ruad Caturiegie Perk Ridge, ere sed sh'eea sr soar cream art ahnradad IteRen fan ganalst fsodto ethers, Ifnks'msld adodte Cardiologists might wast tha The Kdnfose as Cutmmbsa scAn Cali /0071 5170555 or do/f nnc.iE la o 05 5/nulO snsdes io DO a ml hslsssoSlebO'OUO el0. 151 Sant' Olio Estro 551CC Hill Osaova Fresh aso encaptioea. ita a reailyadee godity piconare to soup to humid with worelog Oneroso Coders lauro/la loor ora' Peel used cubo pototaes, Beil potatoes in watee until anfe, ai doo nano Ian memtene te help s/h' Piso 01010Mo t0010aouut rloosonsm a mt someooe afee mob fer her, not F005051sseS vio in Olivo Oli Puns itonay lomes Frozen Smalto tabula und morked with, shells Eda050ias Connue, 9001 moods trIso, Stuff it te mention uhop for the hrgredl- Thicken adth noreutureh sodoed wIth coldwatse, Add benny arsis t ho oammas Inns etryicg rs und emssbonas. Afean ail, itoes cream mdbriag to a beil. Add Valvaeta, bacon, soar erauso untI iag500 Inni Isa//y acOso o/sa- 10001e, nelueeso Ils sessod IIaealIdO 0000s00000 005b0000050000 Inoulno 99 s99 s00 $ 00 Por Ityloshoubo, her thmily'a ente, wait ocher and neun up faioua Soll quant uf hras'y cream, l/sao. Cell Oat ia/don. /501) ni5'ISiS eaN hilior'Nosn Orssh. f his/sq leI you Is 110001 besann 100 ils ado otdves, stirring unté Velveeta weite. Lower heat, and ha.IIrr. I1VO.O.. 2 fop 00.55 2 fer lo. Il 0. recipe for the turkey ntutltasg ehe otterrvords. seseos te Nose, Chuptoe Toauemoutenu snob Carey" ions lhn009h fat 0h hsus vol 0111110 loen ir cool henrI Inno pine sour cramn und bacon. But taute with salt und pappar Thun with overindutges in euch year tepe "I love going to the Pour warm mOb, if desired, st RIS pa Ihe 0000es sod fesnln ano IO se'S pm. SacIas, Rse5400 bps Is nidsigtu nel lOot uns Oar Green und lfdsahoatasoggest Servo garenlahad with udduttnsul so the lint. Saunuon Retal, in Chicago, for baens seen mown uneS abo-re nr Oesroodoso st Ins menIet ho nial' 005moodoy ana In Oes lIseS pe old E O/sphmou Ra 1100m Soseecro 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. nustomerapueh chah mingivhoge Is000nual londaisen Serofibs 550110 "Wettghtesehothurferthe tisab eggs Benedict," she raid. reith soar ureuno and ahia-esided Cheddar Yield: tilo Buerniage. tos Onora, VIal linsole ase hemina Thuatan and II 5.505 le. Sotuldoy CORNf0 OP WAOICRNAN b OEMPITER i/OURS: MOtI-PRI N-O . SAT M'O ' tURI 0-7 at the dining room dune, tamper nIbS dnoemnrmonlai d 0010005, ant browned bite thot uro startete leans hem taras oanlorlsblo ant aso Sunday The 01Sr4 st Onns lOOR "Dt's earned on smohedaslenun unygsilt they might feel with hasaealonsssonno talïsO taso sa and Ser rae/lb isluOtoecs0000essI inoledea as ussr nao dm151 Ions no 847-581-1029 the pon," ahe noid. "Oar stuffoug with a lahnterhuilundolne." moderation und simply essloy d nose. Cali/solI 0515000 nonio osarIo barony doIng ana sInon sobrnlsuomool licol 0001/an end SALE DATES: JANUARY 2ty1 JANUARY 371iu The Annneaao Jewish Ornions Ciao Stoll RullaI ocalee hasu psI riss saisi maIlle 1)00 Cell laORI ONO 25 news N SHSNlDyy, JSNiSR8 7h, TOIT A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICAS UN-N 29 Mrowiec-Miller How Illinois lawmakers Engagement voted in Congress Week ending Janurry 15 Bank-Owned Real EstateProperties

1, Norsk Olaama Vatru lic briar aio,. 143-SSS, is ortrr'Ue Presitrel Obaeell rtlr leo. ST air backelrp bsdpel lii litt preset AUCfl" tobe Unseeded eles regular appeepinlinis foil roel 2010 braams Isle meter litt led bees eryeoled.l yen 881e tarir oruolutn Be pssnidtil'e liai nulo 114 Rea 64) Dr. Martin LatIner King, Jrl Meeberu raIeS 379-0, le apporre u B eraofrhire 8rirni Ile file ari orlI elle Nsrlis Lather Kir? Jr., and eeophua Sn liaI Ile federal latidry eh's entri lar satirist dey cf ser ce, Ohs to idsy Sir 8ml ir unI Irr Jai. lb Ayes role eau lo purr C SATURDAY, JAIIMY 3 Salm- Russell 18cr 1102. l'lo Ihmhcnr t'oednrbpceehrnme F,nlrnillichen Olmord.Uce001elcpmrnv Michael & Sharon Mrowirc of Chicago, ILace Engagement SaSeilhlcdoiigli-hnlnlllthrielen Incsnit..adhlnnnanerni'.nl b',nryrlly Debby Halronri, I-lIlt...... y pleased to announce tIce engagement of their G,,g red Sraccirr Saler. rfNn,il,Arld cc Jede Jacknan Jr.. T'Osi.. Chicago nFranisfort -Meirose Park dra raga0earenr rfrhci,deagf,rce, Carey Sain rr Brb Ocrant. Jerry Cratells. lIlly...... N daughter, Jennifer Anno Mrowiec so Jamos Judy Tiggeol, N-lIly...... S Oak Park Orland Park - South Holland Miller. James io the sen of Jim & Carol Miller Cnaey lar OSSO gerdraee rfNrnTerr High Scheel and Lola S,l rrrrr, Dill...... Ni eoineelyacecdieg Unisce ley cf Toca rod edil grsrloare in Mny of Norridge, IL. Mike Tcitry. 2815 N lirrrllyJryoecr,R'ltly ...... N Chloras 2010 ernih n Baihrlrs'r Dass,, in t,rglrrh PrIai Noekure, KIll...... I Treu I MasculIn, R-1615...... N 15111 01h Ihutloilhi Son Pniliehly 000tplele 16-h liii Cnndc Jennifer works in Ophthalmology and Jamos is Rob la rhc ron cf Ileirr rad Berry Search, oltre rfNreehf,td. Danny Tenir. DIII .8 Fillip loir, 11716 N (urinA nc Innli,I l'Oill.lhIf' Cnmpttli l-Oeil Tcnel,nme IhuIg He ac 2004 g,,rdcrrc nf NrreTsu, High Schrei. FTc gradcsssd Melissa Brun D'AIN y Arson Trlerli NInth the essore of Bench Warmers on Diversey in I P.oymiohif Ccmn1nueOe l-Ilniliciuehcme Bldg leene ehr Usiccnary rl lorca r 2008 nub r Onebnirs's Degrec in Jus TalSkrsuly, T'OlI...... y. Jobo Ilinekus, NINO...... y Chicago & alan employed wish Miller Eureka, Maehenicg Ha ir eaereeely mcplrycd by Nonna lOne Croarrieccra limonI 0,1011 tot nddilionnh li Innvhcnois which isa family owned business. lee, ra DierrrnecfMaskc,icg. 39li1 Nlgtaoeen ihre Olionloneninl, IS lmidenlmil AIry ratos about helIum 1,110,1 PriS hob A September2011 wedding is briog planned. Wsddie0 der, la My iToh. 2510 rl Se. Pcs,ielrh Chereir ir te Ihr eineN st Jus. 18, Ihr Titule nil tukr ap al dr naH osI cou ait a Lahr Fenac. Sill N lSe,Oem Inn D Connmocniot, 6 liellenld li lo rate Ihn istiTuii dell luthS The Roarer flrro ushndalr hod tul tU8Mi7OOI&iUTMBER (ould no linFa Ie nnsaoret '4dg.[.]f'S.j I 19176 WeItern Ivi DCeirmroe,um',rl,hhhcsmdrnntm,t View eO:OO am - Tele eS:1O am s rea ay held In InnI,) Ponilo 011mo Larailan: s7at u. Laokin, Sao 101 5e:, ecs':'d ococlsi.inoealon Molo Ognulalie MataI Hamo 18, ,O'r"nOni snloem,rnauasnunsuoeam 5510 li Sliolo,n Ins Register FREE 3055 llhIra,Oeen,toe Irmeool mIl lei 0_Sol eIlend-Ilse 111g isinir & Calsalearon Government Surplus )t2yyWnlen Si Sfnmnlmneismal, A Ormidenticl torI' Oral a unoa irr,rl.551l5 laIn (crldinm SnolS) 11,111 cIlle loe Sparrish SS-lIb c'ode), Auctions eses a hmsrioecarelrrc,FI l93lilWeuieen Sor T Commeeci1m), 4 Omideintist orI, maule, pho'oicnt edacn Digest PoliceGafo (ocichlln hnmS') 10111 Penh tino, hibmey, cempulnee le Cbka All American' Aullnnaers A Seized Vehicles mansion Crollooul free PACE 21 Ihr clrssrocnro oc noch) ann Alalnrainerm, Lili. orbite cnmpnice Inh ott' p 1721 meNu. Orli lei - Dump Trucks 19617 b hdniboegln Cm O Cunde )íOhlmSb.tiaonihyl genua Hill. lire407 Lot 24h Cdiohnegh Cm 1110501 Loi, Suhl Srpneotrty St. Paul Latbrran Saluaal, lnpn. Add'Iicnal idgldighis yl Inicio Ohepp ng Centri) - Picksp Trucks irciude: t'al doy und half 1,0155,1 fmhiebumllh Ch OberI InI, buI Sepuecleif Sell N. Corriiold Anni, 015-257-1060 wann, C be n aullu stia ea a ogle r . mori ,4n,iiteeunaeies Chiecge, in hesileg 'cOpes day preached prcgrrm cod Obenart Osmttre servire, Inn. Moirant Park bindergnrlm opOnes, r loll. Honor Irr presprelive cou- mOlO-725-5544 lIbAnais Liseran R4c14.010105 Oeeeoe,ersmlaahro%oic'roemnllasog I SOIS Cmleltn One I bungle ccmomtn most /l'LtzteaJes docto loper kinrdregirr'tan lime Special Cdoerliee So. ll.irocrldsl lo righlh.brrde enarco leachor', many ro- smteryl, Baule Martian Cunpoty Oak Port '847-546-209 i. BlC'509't010 - Terban-Rubinow iOt!n Announce,nento cred ileeir Tomillos Prone 1-4 cocorri'mhnr ored sirlece np 6003-09W SceltI 51e htnn.onO Loi 06mb Tu000g p.m. Jale. 01. Tonelrnes here pncbacltire brfcrr md toter unlasH Park Engagement afl4CPa1a6tS loch close will br ne hoed tesehcrlcarrfrom7o,m,lnl 11717 Slnlen EdgeD, I Sivgte-Calnrtvlbdnoe proejo inl'crmrhcn ned p.m.b rn-nile hut lunch Irr. Saals Holland Don freches Terbun, of Peabody, Maruaclevu,nu rod Suar'eet Stxteagrt YOedajjn5g rwerqaestirrsalongesjlh er-unI mnlliple child din. We deliver a large readership I'll O Ii liti Or I h.omooelriImt Tinlldieg, 40,000 ei lt Ahorcje, Barrett Rubinoro, cf Nonhb,00k, llliooas,e porroi rod utadnois gioie0 0000151 red Iniiirnasdb. To list your phased io reconoce,rOgenres. trieb cribo lseioi5e lOrleuh inner nerlobte to your advertisiñg. Keep ArotiereeySyielo:SNe Inri bsyni han accuso loten) foils, osnaltsstusi Drrr'ashedsogherr of Jodith Te,bse,of Saisie, menOs cdli he served md al Far more lnfrrmntinc, auction here knit etie nel nun ensg'l mn elailonho sppnrlsrill nies Ihn senil) Mrarachouen, rod Alo eo,sh Tr,bse cf MeUre, Mnrrchcurisa vIew wmneulprahw'Idenloarg your business, services or IN 'mn ir Ill. F r, mcta iilr,muasn, cretesI She iurgsadaesr ofPeubody Verrr,ecu Sferrosial High, Scheel SL Poni Laiheron elDers nr contort Debbie call coral elan sines, a complu- CHECK tickle vin,com for PROPERTY DETAILS aed UciversiryofMrandhaaem ceAceh,,as She ia cusscvdy Tocmocncd. Schedl Pricrtpel auction events top of mind Jennifer Pelletier hensinccnrric,rlorno rociad. at 17001 857.5044 nIob qnce a fre,lcocr asosy auaiasrer on carioca doerneecoy aryl, al 630-978-8260 or by advertising within 630-978-8844 anti OPEN HOUSE DATES! r,lrvieion uhcoe rs Loa Angrlra. saltan r-snn,ttsNlnsie,nam. Mitran al On Portion Fismraa [email protected] to speak with a 5 Alexander ja she ace of Dr. StrOen Rabinrrv aod Marlene this specialty section. &Pinpnelerarinyarttratareb LO I Robinow, of Highlaed Pseir, lISons. Aleorederia ageadossr Your advertising dollars sales representative of Girebrook North High Scheel and she Uoivrniry of Tcwa. PIONEER Piss He scorhs as o frerlaecr drcrnrosa,y r,hrrdareedirorio will'hlontire szslë!' Lcr Acgelea. I Afrll2SlüwrddirrgirplaoirrdinBeasoo. www.pioneerlocal,,com 28DieNt Nl THURSDAy, JBNUNRO Dl, pois B PIONEER PRESS FLBIICBTIOB -Nl 29 Mrowiec-Miller Engagement

Bank-Owned ReaI'Estate Properties

1.FISSIAdossa Osto,frlv1ll Isicl, lAO-245to rmiste TION: PrIs Irrt Oboes's lair Dro. 101fr brtkstrp bodgol bd ffst filari f, br urrrodod shag rrgu ar spprnprlstifrr lar Ssaa) SOlO balsas so soarer Ills fai boos rapsstrl. lyse ollo 0,55 to rorllcsr lbs prrniloel'a fill alto fi fr1041 Dr. Maetios Lstlssr Ging, Je.l Msrrbrrs 51(04 379-O, Io rpprovr s reaabfnr honoring Pr lofs ari sordID Dr. Msrfir Leiber ding, ir., eri Br O0Ph51 list lIaI the 1510151 05111sf lt lia Issir r a 1111mal 4sf al oorg te. Ihr to 'Sly Itt gear is srl fol Jar. 1f Syse Into efrslo prIs SATWUIIW, iAUMY 3 Salm- Russell flor 1505. Orokrnlondoohîounhomr psul,,Is )lImk'nrlilond Loelfo,rlooporirs Michael & Sharon Meowiec of Chicago, IL art Engagement Urh,iolivd S:,,gis-l',,oily 01001es I i':l,,Oof Li,,Oli loot,rirr,i:,I Prrrreif Bobby fIlIo D-1,1, y lobby fsllaroor, D-lift.. pleased to announce the engagement of their Cog sod Sromior Sein, of Nnorhfold sr,, proni N Jars5 JaRres Jr., 0-2nd N Chicago n FranklorE Melrose Park daughter, Jennifee Anne Meowiec dnnogsgrnsn,ofrhr'odsvghrrr, Cossy Belo o Rob Ros rif. Jerry Dorfe a, D-lSih...... N tu James Dar Liperks 0-Osi B Jsiy Riggoft, R-131f...... f Oak Park Orland Park n Sough Holland Miller. James io the run of Jim & Cocol Millet Crsry is a 2506 grsdnll, of Nnw T,,ss High Soinci rd Loir DllirrreO, D-411...... Nf Bill FalloS D-1411...... B onoro,!ynrsroding lJs,orrs,ly nf loon rod nail irrdneir io Mey Mike 54310g, 151k...... N trnotty JOksslr, 010,1f ...... N F- Ele cago of Norridge, IL. 2010 ofih ,, Dsrhrlos's Drgrrr ir crylish Pflriflnksn,R-N1I...... S DrraldMarot oA-fth . .1 6501 ht & S:sh,o, lIt 01 r Pnrtiolly Coniplrie 16-loto lIndI Jennifer woeku in Ophthahuulogy und James is Rob ir ihr no,, of Osi,,, od lessy Ruesrll, siso of Noril,tdd. larry Dade, D-11h N Philip foso, D-1711 n (ecld,rO 0o,R) t'urliallf Coioplrfe k-loll 750,olor000' Sido Hr is, 2004 geodesIc of Nr,r Triar H,gls S,honl Ho padsered Melissa loar, D'oit...... B the owner of Btuch Warmers on Diversey in Aaron 11000k, o-141f...... A PoOiofiyloon1:feio f bollo lbonioomr lido fon ha Uoiorrs,ly of loon 02005 nob, Ohrlos's Degorn io Jar Slfslarrky, D'sto...... N. JIhr Shisrkss R-191k...... Y Chicago & also employed with Miller Euceka, Mrrkrling. Hr 5 osreody loyloysd Icy Hnor Soso Cnosalssnis Mark Kid R-lOth By 110000 L,,od for ,,ddilior,il lITooe,f,00,es which isa family owned business. os DIssIons ofMsrkeriog. 191f 51010,1110 Sae 0 Coosnonroieh hilssidoni,,il 8ey vates ahead (oolvA,o fooR) yr,w urbe A September 2010 wedding is being planned. Wrdding iou is y filth, 2010 a Sr Per,,okh Chnrohin Ir Br read If irr If, Its Sensfr liii 11ko OP ladilla) revirai o,,r orda Lai,, Forrrl. M, TOOL: & 3911 SlAsole,,, loe 0i'oroneoinl, il hirolirniol biIl ra no the rafioral drIl 14111g 1fr 4105er loor rIBedu rheins) (acidhro b,,o) Ilirio Uoifs brat arsoserad UCTIO 5OCT10 3917 qilsdorv Ils 2 Cosososmi:ol (r IsuidsoliflI Ilse ne r O Vise 10:00 5m-010e 10:501,5 (oolofioo boll',) Uiow Uro,h Lssslise: 1701 0. LarkIs, gsiO ini Oar S005isilr Malar Nana 591f S 0111,-rl los lCr,oiniorci,,l h'eoyerly Fsr055re & Ori Registos FRPE 3°lf 'I 100esm loe 0:0100 boll 1000-kilts BifSvd Los hid1 Esiste S isi5n,srslo Government Surplus S9299 OAaeirli 015 OCI,,ussoiol,lhivddor,O,li (oehuieo bi,lly Uooih 00,00 log Sponish 110-8th goadef, Aucttons 395f y 005,1ro ion Ikoriusrli,d,4 Osridrnirl Digest ers, muslo, phynicol oduro- PoS(ce Cars hofoileo hot(S) Urta UrOS 1100, ihmc1; 000pltoru in CbkaL Ala Mmeetes ssfienen50 & n Sg(zgd ye/rides fe aa klo r s ClOtir000 Irle PAGE 21 ihr olonsmores as well vra 000eansoes,LTD. anoblir cumpvlao lob of lop 1101 Lache, noiI ioi Dump Trucks 19607 S hdiebusgb Co 6 110,10 (Sti,So-l000o5') Ceses 0111. 5100403 Loll,, b Edin000eglo ri Soowsi Loo, Seid Srparnisly St. Psal Lstherass Sshosl, tops. Addilionol ldghhigl,to 11011551 liluppirg Denoerf Pickup Trucks 0000 N. Canûafd Ava, icr ode: Poil doy and hair 015-207-7660 hoI 05,5 i'dinboisfi, Cl illeso IsO, 50h01 Ospl001rlr day presohvolrevvmovd wow. Ob so salts stisssOa Lins . s orn 5,,InlNtr senor,lr,1 O,yeuo ,fluDtatgSaSieS ifh'rlgo, is honing u, Open Obenauf Osslien Ondine, les. I sMetIolso MoIrese Pork Rucar lcr prcsportive alu- hiudregos-ten options, abIli- re 015725-5544 Illinois Liceese 0444.000105 reramnloshfssuerase lIssOw Agil ColeihI Sor ISiogir coo,'ir Noire Eac & Eat /J°taitztaainnr - dm1, io pra-r,l-rgarleo RIna Spnridl Dducolioo 10e- (S-yea,' 0141)10 eighth-grade roams Irocllorl macyIn- 0509553 T. Gaals Muslis ii Csepssy Oat Park 847-5462O95 -. tIn-got-tort - Terban-Rubinow Eteath ,4seineavtg md their ïarnitivu Rom 14 lr00100nirular clod redoro np 1603-019 R' Slosh, 100 l'colli Lob 11011, collIE &Olt!id4yn pm. Jon, 2k Thach1ro from porbulit,'rs; before und oller 001344 Park Engagement 2n5aeanents each ciao, viii boor hoard lu uchool ocre 10cm A 0.0. to f 11757 15:01515 cdgsSr h Si,iglr-Sl,niioy Asine prosido i,d'ormaliou md aso p.m.; nt-Oils hot lunch pro- 00090 t000aOO Dcci Jeuoif'rr Traban, cl Prsbody, Msasachvorm rod &sseçt Sixtem TOe4d1njes loor S-renIions along rrtth goon; multiplo child di,- We deliver a large readership 13 W 10,1f, ft i l'o,romsn,eh f,oil,h,ig, ISSUS soi h iflroardrr Sanest Robjouo0 cf Neohbaoolo, tRoua am purent, sod Ifudento ginirg c000ls; end tuitiou assis- To list your plrascd to acoclare tisrir rogagrmrur. too,rn cf 1h, Reilly 0110mb laser avelloble to your advertising. Keep A005faaeer'oIloBe,TBr lIcol Suini Sos o,rsss laical Blind S roesIrsoIss molts viii ha srrvod lsd all Duriirthe daagboca uf Judit, Teab.,o,of Salem, Por mom iuformal000 auction here kille sloe asi gon 155055 lea 55550100 spprdOnily elan 1h08 oro fi Massaahusesss sod Km,nrah Trabas cf Maiden, Mrraarenr 000m rr,rurslpoutioildnoiaurg your business services or Ills 00 II I, She isrgcadartc cfPrabcdy Vrscrrcr Mrmorial High brhool SI. Paul Loihomo oRers or contact Debbie call nod lJs'vrrsiryofMnssrnhasrnr arAohrrsr Sir is c,arrotly n000il clone olees, a compro. Thovnsend, School Principal auction events top of mind CHECK ricklevin,com for PROPERTY DETAILS Jennifer Pelletier hrooinccureioolva.i iocbod at (700f 1f7-tSi4 sieh quoI a frrrtaucr aaoryrsaistaof un moines docuurstuy stylr at 630-978-8260 or by advertising within 630-978-8844 and OPEN HOUSE DATES! frlrris,or aboses in Loa Acgelra. SOIN so vms.eiekIesin.lsv, liions etOlo Kochst Prsneos celehrssfe@pi oneenlossaicom to speak with a I Alruaudrr is the ana uSDa. SObre Robinom a,,d Maciron this specialty section. & PnoperOnoro rol rho ObsesO W S Rcbi0001 ofJ-Iigldrod Peek, tlliuoia. Jtlrnasdeaiaagradcatr sales representative cf Girobroob North High Snort sad abe lJniconioy olino,. Your advertising dollars PIONEER Pmss u - RICK LEVIN a ¡SSOCIATES, INC Hr anudo na u lhrrlscor domnrstoy tclroinioo editor i,, " will he a sure 5D9!C!' 113.252.4500 I Los Aogrlrr. M ri Fell ne os se lei itas, Fneotnak leE Broken sellons to terms sr sors A faS 2015 wedding is plroisrd io Boston. 0!Jcitts wwwpioneerlocaLcom n placeeN PRES5 pusucxrtoe - e FoisT pane I 31 30 N 'IHUNSOIY, JANUARY21 2010 pa Fed.lIhnmn cr11 baa rallare mssirco lab dele sei too ches ask 515cl 5 ailerlsol, I 2020 eilsinl Oeil eWE Otte SntíShntre Pani Oil- IrIn istri lb innI Piada tallcms Calendar i ens reg smnied diniihiesleneroino anrnaensalors pemhis pal cnn line lun deallirn Ion i helegs an 1-ynom ttIdbOItimns Toldos, Rn,rld500 Cor- 51515 one,isn ossI is OIS Men cad r phedoleviot annul na appnpr clay ileoshac. Ci asans as bald nues- len totteatlellee 150e alleR nInno ama ira lei cull 11h31 714-lili. cerrirvca reas PAGEd? and esnnr's'ni Il lIent rhilesiensi dabsltiansIson sr mndnandeiell,i' 1,111 elSallevei er mocIone Ar St, Jebe cnleon ademeram chapel Moine Taeanhip aryoaeniensrnsnileamne their ecos, Iron Il va-a p s, ab iancnd eras) lOan er ano PerIs at tre rom- isrbsa1lrnO ihn SIlO armionloano Ihn mhslnolnnsi son soon cnn ir tos Od Haine Tc,naatip's FISH br,'ranis in- beisore Ceninl Ca I 11411 tindiah v000rose asdEWen000 eveS are shupa in toe harsh hm stIl Cnnien, mart raras clternale dale. naisarslieslain Parli trae. deed Osme nno He Rb Ion need li Hites Parso csatial rlIad nel s Sein hIcos: en toll i4II dIT UtOt S2T & Mai ne ile, sapas 4 Saulo 51.5cr dlaleala diCa, FraIsons "Matant Oases loi ceibo Oval'e salsatsar Irisem Is tant latini indsals taliic,b CcWC a day, sewn Usos a enel, Ion 0711110m Sad cal Care ita, Osti & tilesstre ealigIoa limbed nuesdaro and rhurasava dun rea tmsnspemlal,nl tIernes lose' Ihn 1Sep n ii 55 svailadla on tito devotion posya,s ana aciutabian lentas eilend 5 neOn all-see 25 Marnh 1,5 rilo 'sans IhI-wani lies in ana aesnea'ae tsennnrOsi- ashno msi dolo bbs ea o eaphasis malaga et rank emane measnono Era'Haienim, the lins nnnvshdp enarco lcr dalesie p050nis mener aiUslin nsn,uiss lass lei tenon ers artnnrs crab sveoon i ow east lee Il 1h ssaeyi n Io prcvia 551e Ian In piniman, "enei ri nliadaw'lenl' alles pctinrin ir recai,, darsi Csna,eaab In 4111 SpeSate, hale dni'ns Io RentadoS mil nrssil5 1h51 eilt Is levain laquinacarlora- liieddclmsipobriaad camino ng Rnir' 15e III ball aw noun Si, vlsi s. olinna ninsdrlsoa leda st riaitsr iIne-nSssse carcasa sIll la. and lain arnrmnnt di vers lIpasa sad srs lu Cari nronhso dh,rssaSlk Lady al bale darsi 11v W, Idar dailo and legi,n ri lisit Halmen einst e surs osi esteniat lrrrnlinn. issie iIi tseadayalellurn is pncnivlaatsrromncrea rie prcinae iunnh and balersmc Cane talas pisse Iloslsnacntdanllihe eon uusallt linee lens sensi Ir udii- s coses nr isaluls cal clnbniv Oid- bon phis dan, aoa,eisn ihrsrl asili, osa rea malInois nrned de achila, si llssnar baillIs ce Ints sen aso. dola Cul'sM"Nlnb101ald 165to slot MeabaIs asO no,enehso eme Iren te has ng Innir ases Iran ra rIs- esbetcisl'ot orn Petral lerneo sr 55 able Is ace a nane sr nelsen Malin ILl nr Cmm IcR Frau innln lassO Catioll mIne," Irle Oea Cu- rebsone, Cal 11411 110-lIlI enes ta er assoleR patients orlen cirri assis tant Pilos cosasranse urn risi sIrs cols tisi sppa nloranis de Cal lad Pu asIr lab Pans arr: nos- smille qmnaaniedn lOIFnMsry harma sera encraI and belIer draie- nno nl n t nro reinad orine acerCan lInon set lires vr elle lavera Sisaron Ir darlo lbInceneendnriRttsranlan O enlro bunkrLsstsne isnIll In, tus 'Sres. lo Meaisa,e-serl ned i-n'a bernsus aleen 'SelacIo spasmI beosen aesionlenm Srmanmsibl a any moolOsul srl IO inn'ieo SII mas Mal Ial Cerne Inciense nserssa,T'Tal rr.taesdsysani 05es I5II 555-21M Io smhela nc eceldenhandeca'nedsnehneginlra 510501 Fab liseo eneneih lela egos d'cielI ealianlr cal larll niursialo ese sos ridas, iln irinnenlen Ial Fili lynn' Iiiiorlicsrcnkislrsien'ihitn' Feb Cv Potrimrs Ihna,a, tu thom Hes- Ctnlrootoi', PAGE 35 511-alla acecine pneosema 'Moon Ir hi,- Scalo, Glob a llapes, I5Ib brasIl, inri ngPress lesi 51 011O Il s sI Il Roaueraetiae Medicar canner, tier treo Presslal cad cantos ase ace e ilL ahI silOs peletiunar are lInialai sss Welt races ese. chimIe, mil Ile Inprrlsipatn in ills in Il searni ng 5,5 ailoraalo bart CJC'S KYMN lis irrteeirr usciti Prsarorrs ad PanSe laedtmshrnsrrmiee lrrprna veered nliLs-mas,olimisssno , Wnprntralsn is verre reeulral en is Inqv red un es, Michael Vaughan ATETU SURFACG Scalati and Sedeesday isa ill' Hainec'NLlea &naeciadian si 5i51r11 an spin1 ab Ite bsys,l tasan n can Is your bathtub dull, pitted, chipped & hard to clean? sotes llterWica be all ngl ermIT- 5:12hs. ab cias ens r brass Cnrlet esttassam o no palpie nIb phbsisal lei 111k 5 rrosrl II,, anlr 1155555 airs ries sr'sile parking sarailabir Fas 15/e sos. Cali Tti-900-SiIt irr and eanlal 111cl SfliRR laborar orI a e lii ad ca t 11571 vII-Isla Ir have Hair Design DON'T REPLACE IT! Facile Stanca caen, Moraste sed eRIralaivmeal sr recall lascia sra leans nid cidart has no and a nuel irismeal lnoeibad Wedeeldars, tinsseS ir on Irle t SAVE UP TO 90% OF REPLACEMENT COSTS cebona. Classas ara nunedars sad rnpa'rnn,ts andnenlcnsidesdii-- tilea Panlm DiclInO is 11155mg PI' Coast to Coast and Backed by 50 years experience Ypn.t lllunproilsn sior parent, rhuresabs s-nuI em. and istardays, tins an rollis, Iris cabo areremo lainI S iassonl hltlnenalall Pròudly Welcomes ari Ade lance rea ro r loras on sr l'inlIne utpsssrraelcnoaeral a,i'etics chIle servas bon saCieni aedmminrrr-dIetnoba- Free-Estimetes .)uyCalartcttl0 EefraChatgè'Writtiir'6dnonSy,? Sitk,1Ie&,Çöntiita6' irise aednduealseicndcyrareir rin, tuo lelsians sr Ils isr sin 5es Pi almos FIl -Malos Lasonnesi lents Oladmns dale and lhmrsduml CABINET REFINISHING ihr encele1 essi ari tiedresilys lisos rurmhmsrscaiihnHaalthiee- Marts, CreI Olas Pnrkgtdgnavd lhsna,iLnmurnd rinrkilsm Karla, Danielle, Melissa $20.00 OFF ANY BATHTUB WHEN YOU MENTION THIS Irala andern asirias i tard siaweni aSsOnent clatI tot-sirs Skokin mmcm Itneene I larmes in il issun salse Rnlinirhing & Painting in Wand & Mitai Cabinets waler clises Is Ihn Aals aluns. Fan: isr anis s mila, saiin,b tor Ial' lundseerlsm ei Iaelngancusim ToOur Team! CALL NEW-IJFE (847) 298-6989 Free Estimates Is par nase. Ssnsar.&dcaeata st SdeesOin lather pienblmpc,',ab nenil byes Lainer thesroandinOi p,anlnn ioSltCai Village Green ShoppIng Center We Accept Visa, MasterCard & Discover AncOna Rad Ceaaa nabenrlt ni an ennObli lIver la ate-n Iras soed- vram 15411 bib-5ttC 11411 vilikil Ir nassnIa a Insola 708-387-9468 C ars crIerai ase Is Crap a. lcr ernoosreosrasninis Inemilnr- Seca 652 N. Northwest Highway-Park Ridge Uit. i clinic ad rules. enCinal With noorsnlhnnrelynd aidayntnsnny ramena sateeanad Sn Ihn lins rani sale Haine Chimney Sweeps'Drver Vent Sweeps" Chimney Repairs the Saar rar And crsoo, SilRan, esnthaithahooila srailentee- neeirmiiicl Prneb IsI melsltaasenraml Dnlrlsinn,s a children caer ann liter t, haSsle Carder, raza w. leepslcnut, alla-Il ossnel rear are reId io el In all en si 040001 SnOI Saal heI Tirrylcre r, Frrr:cr Flur(Sicrdurd Siluri, O, ly) (Mu orIa r,pri,u, rrl'ong EII"1OR M°I1Y'. es prrlerl als dorio ars Sins cornos Irla the hseppes i in once pmnlnhss,Iaslss'nSmt',sn eewparl I loarasmamli n t t iso tor (Sturdurd Sorry Ory) raIny jovial K8D lare eri, arar rarlir'paaio essi sppsinbaeriinneraesnrt cci 10411 doso ossnSntIrv ulla osais lei. cala Il ihn isbirl imams limblm Is, brlgsdolw,l msceabcarssanl ILS-TiTI. O lar nl asIni led irnosytel licosas. Jnsningïlsk,rro,a dsllaihe Mciipte T,&,i, IcIly EqcippS T, Sc,,e 1cc Sic Ocys A Wuek, Yen, RecedI lais i" earl nel ares breen Ian snaaicaten,i oneiarnd.tha sein rl enenl du b ii di,n,imr mond Rida Superior ChimneySuperior Chimney Superior Chimney Inneh a meneo er ihn carding en- eses ri tasm Hcssn'o 1-nan reo thnsnholarshps,ograassamllm i iWNW.SIUPER1ORCHtMNEYAET ohnncmdilnr parartal coronel re- mc aneasi Kaichec at caisabac ilal Ihn Conard misuro C nIer bilk 001Cr detr'lt r ae,haar,hipqe- seRenes TOLL FREE' Services, Corp. Services, Corp. Services, Corp. All Chimney Problems Corrected O paired Foe uno Iren lillo tenaIt br baos noi iris o. vocali st, brennan hHtOts, alle hISs omm erl sIi linen bis Ippsrisenib i'dchpciatiag, Oeiaciidila & Walerpraofhlg Full Service Ful Service Full Service Pnaaaanlasaaalaaeiafls urn ava H Sons Il-li sicnnrrna 0v crans I ikeic Ile and lahInt Me 111111 & tI attend co vine they COI rai Fireplace & Furnace Fice Branch Maintenance & Mainte nunca & Maintenance & able IS as. is noel Jar ai ari ai in bole Mine. Wille hell dec21 a Ihn teanklIeCal Itemnnand trilra tasc Ile insaullas ma soot en Ihei, Research in the ins lt Caragranal Crpnrieeri, Ii. lesa Snaiesl cocasium, atol i. Cemten 15411 Ill-Sill, Islam oppormb' eno, err Restoration Exports Enstorulion Experts Rxstnration Exporta : t044-69491 lirsir lrsrthnhosptaldorn Ir- ianiaalve loisirS sann clima earle, le hssn nlorwassn Sc es L gus lar Inc tirI leselel bee lis. (' lrsrmr cene, ata Ir Snairsra lane le rhercesasssno smart ail 5m. Il yes Prslrlioe lepistrn ran nr b l'att Free tall Fane Tall Free lesrgned nor i atarI asl a ianmc- O Cerebral Palsy Encadan Fran Snaking irlirsc FREEI4pF WMton Sofetyloapoction otri Photo Docorerentation Vio E-mai/IM/e Everysweep t-87P'CIIiM-Fla (244.6349) t'977CHIM-F1O (244.6349) 1977CIItMFtO (244-6349) nlll-bear'ctls. vIssa. ier Il labo Piale Mash llar ras Onats crI 1150 leader, io rresidn 515mal rune r-no SOC-t ro tenser dagn beer-olss lise lsn IO rear-lids, Mar,i r Ist nsornerirais erbin eenrall Liants tar Does your child have weakness or 5i5 dar 15. ParId parla earn arad- l5005e.ioriu 1,04-ian -ello cngiaenaeian Saloni 5555155 ior Uesnnrmg rlsgnam eitxv 515P el- 'irst tarir pans im hep quit Ida ni- [ash n,eup cii shell ade1nndentiv Ihn Years easicibai munir sellaRe la Ir esIlI Ion stimme,, aloe so tightness in one arm and leg due to ALL AMERICAN SEWER Melon cl srnrirq ihre liar haar-- end gnom', sano 0-and illnd pase 15,0110 and tIrs nonmlsl thrsslh 111001 5104 hIcs aleteo ncnsews- cerebral palsy? $peckd' rar Lana SecouaI or trIaran. nne cismen cit da sos-ned pasas trot- ninlld imadas chins scm n Fehlt nie mnation. e il AC- e rule macrape ir rol cedas piaennnnnnsinnantlsstass,l nil ned ng soIr aPart nip amis lar slim aisoiralaicis lrnryeinllintln Norlhweilirn UCisetOil5'S Department lt Physical Furnace na las ins ro han rei le San CelibI iSla an eppenlualy In demis 'a upIseIssa or edoidualy OsIh 5mai Cpus n lIs ossa ale 1551e, 0510 Any Service Calls With ¡hic Ad Irle a lesslerad diei'riaa are lOin,- Neigyis II coisebus Cicirimb 057 SonIc panI Will rene mn s taco led rU calor pm,ndasei ai Yelinen 101k Ihelipy and Samio Maulmust Sciences is caodacting Cleaning Att Work Gvorcr,Ieed erI nata te noeruse tree lar near' nepal lIn boba held in lnhneana end osohaduediorlilaeno isis, nnrl Sello lone lien, an Ill i stada la MIter ondslstind how children with Sor rOsolai st Fan 11molas e- teen lssmhen ara aise tradedenirs- cm,-iCOCpr csl)nrhIalIlson We Service & Install All Popular Brandsl Fo oily Corred & Opererei Parantist Ser. ist IrorrinMoatCosno lend is aman terni lenire a nil ils inabror lacsirnn is Oca. In Ragislra- The call Mains rank Cr111051 eno hemtparxlic CF all able ta maue Mod caltrot their arms. FarnacesAir Conditioners 500055 rentners, rei qaiti np is nonata en Maine TownshIp Oct b sa s SaisI lasen ei the brilli Ihn osarulitO en spllduball lo re- HornidikersEtesteonic Air Cleaners lOB-788-6975 or tstsst i el 11211 siadnais are Leisure carIan iiliw.IRIeardSL 1011e 55501 praiasis r ,nnegn ese n Participants will recei ve payment for participation. I &dsannnd macadanes ir raie Mar ed lsparluicle'natemmlimcsp Ial 15171 9511515. annam-am Orni 005rnlsnnnssal es Call Mike 773-935-6050 708-387-7031 amoral arr S-nec 05,5 at r ihn shoot teens nomi arr and emana lela eS na atole tsr Orino Park i's- ir ibrird' nonata ose insspni III 'r CANDIDATES FOR THIS STUDY: Lice 1715975 tnssndii,rceninrnrrn clero lis lion alloys in Asina nonnehE tin inlstsinmn iannllraotseo lis alIsar rInk Ist tOOt Sallo hone bnmiparetic cerebral palsy 8ARTLEY'S HEATING & COOLING lest ale en rolar nao Ma se Csaemaiti tooth 000 llanee tea. IC el On HInanLaisare Center Icon. leer Sa ,smnnr nl Wn Intl In- iFat iene iren dosni005d is, Oers Frcaiatrae, anvenanili 5555lire ru Lirlm oro iaaitsd io ari ihn blInis enmo sol lohr saner adilis mdcl are at least 6 years old rIons air, mr airi loe raes mir. isblnr no arrIsaI on Insa iabnrbu nana hein ire liai, granata. .rIinI sum ba lan_ml snhi, cansar Olin. sad snepresli or Ira,- ebnstsneaareclan bemoan lar Is, 55 eInS ng cItar [1,10 si'indnr' ,ladnnnrsaaaais,assosinne,stila For mare ioiarmstian Contact I al euren LitI rnrrradmnrlo served. ran ants end osanoganarç 0100Ml ase icdenlhrauihsolhO,aLeni manilo lepar las uns sapl5 nhnopinanola- Doens Hsrley, PT, OPT Ctsctratenal Sanannirrq rs,i leihe lonas nrespu nsasnun Ilse l-Iii arnsonreg cl darling loa ion ad laie eslani enlabiaR matoISe. it 312.503.334201 iasnn Inne Idi lean len tP. lin pm sods-flips Uan 21 Pad lanes eSses, anlreirenhaanlaFens Is Icon so ensi osseo ari silabes d'hinlee©nlnilwesieno,oOm sernea,niirmnienr a sired Isolera ponts cast bella panerl sIs l'isinrmb ore eidonis Ial asnrns darla ICI) Paten balgeib. no mandtscnd on I NORTHWESTERNwww.lpnemintns.ons '''44I U asini steinsiarol t,cni'snahoo tasi tot bago Indoor stalest Iris is conti S, 50lIre, mao nons emt clore Sepa um ornen lauem innim tIlmnEYSlTY ose erro r,a I I I I i eid irrninl radis parta must Osi lIses croce, 71 ponlis paIn santalt isoghIel. Ir mn1ioisv ne to ihn Imrllhesltoi515hpprsgsa eton "('/2.3l'462J410110 IC haars irier letta Inst MerMan 71 lia ri 55555m Hnoard Unisarn Canter 15h W, ivI oh loran In stImi samser ramp 'u.' r'r.rn5.s. pilla raso ha ladle cOne alan ars al annerlsaoemyaleca sr libti STI Inward ib n,mn 11011 SiI-liti ond ellen croo aaa, CIV ItITI 101. AltI55 ala lace, idsam ruchar, a- Nile. tank Obceco lee as 0120 orlo In I 1a a ''teigh.i,uitrdero.sarrr Osier rea: iii Ihn clora lIlie ist mabel ilnrneesedir reCUit nab adlnesosydirut andoemsad rrnssllsiesnisiel lIn si lImen nhs rem pciernniyasns000/. t ) iS tW'lA(ah builder? ii5 r, Don5t let busy schedules compromise healthy' choices. AFTER-SCHOOL HEALTH lOI Help your kids make the right choices by giving them tools and options that are fun and healthy.

-4- flfrso-pncrd lifesrplc moires ir all rem ereammne efrho shopping liso is o gecar may oriug eolo,fiol pinscic emnorimers nielo mol- Deenloping am afrer-rehorl plan keep- /4coy fe, nids ce fr11 ioeonnhrolOhy Or help peor ehild develep healthy meni ripIe emmy000xcorn re annex pee-eno xcg- ing the Lods iexolvcd osil holp them deocl- J. _mncrimeo, Afror scherl, money ridi planniog sldlls foo life, goes no,h na baby eoroocs, celery ond ope000iriom homes cm koep me noch for a geab lunk fend for o smank, nod aprnd Mthc io easy fer kids ro grob comely nomomboms nich dipa noch on lighr dross- heohyonrnpyaehooIpean henna gined ro the TV ce nidec gamoa. chor they shoold be eaoiogn ings nod peonoo boner. Rids creo boo, Icor Therefnre, ion impoerare ro brlp poor Loda "Engage yenr hide reich n fou gome me eo'ooimg nod meoehingtheic make che oighr cheieos by giring chem seeg for peuing ehe grenermea camp This fovexiono. renIa and cpeieca chor one fer per soil! noiI! mohe oh, preeoss ronce D ono cornee mm cep mu h,nlrhy oppeoliog. Pion, as thoy Imeip pee imerna i,dinidori reck bogo. Sny fol how to... We all nonce rime impocraxee of honing ramp rhey will mom cmoemly nehe,e chey sire hogs end hexe, mf healohy three mrll-balaoeed corola e doym homenee, orembon iroomos cime femosnrek smrekosnchonpee000loond Transition from public 'noia oqoolly imp r,000c ro eerrrd Oho same Place the icoms pro heme dmaigoorcd rs Imnr-sognrn,,rclaondpooriee hemlrhy pracciecs co s000biog. Sereni oeccprableofeer-sclmeolsnrehrenneacdeho mro oip-rl n,, anac k baggirn Irr school to private school O shcnld be vienvrd .maofcemrh mccl fo, Loda, frooc of the shelooa, reieec aheemec roms caayauaohimg. as rhey seonoor foro nobarooriol pereceo- co, a aaily no nob. lbo'ecmrdrclmn/oohhr ro rnnox,y,ovmeiu/dfrmcep,mblin age of pene Lodo dollyerrogp nod enorm'rrr After-school rnSr,i copricroo cxSoci. All rSnfenxn Seca Srocnfiihdccmni Ap.LÏn bnnxy,o mrmcmnormcdrSomeSoonmrmirianfnryonmn'nSi/d needa. Deoelopiog Inerlcimp rnmocking Imobirs Smart snacks activities icm onni,ndr,Sxrrfrnnxinrp/ny/chngoymo ro, ohmmroc OS, occlpmoyhnvemnrcofonimpoeroeyone Cennmpncd re odolu, olniiddrmn hoeeciny Aa merar of no hoemi cefimclan c.mnmiriacnfrmcrpnblimonommlocpc.ieommnx/,mnifmn'yrcmn.xoild child's neeroll Incalch rInce pon ccli,,. acromion1 mh,y gceeeelly oarnner caros phyaiooloecioicysopporo i unne airmiug. Ir in aascmc ial foc hoolchp sleop pax000n, imprne Tollo 00 yoro ehild abxormehyyco modo ehe chooI5 Get them involved gemrieg kid smo mo foe! ho Oreen meals neimb bmn,oudmorelodexclrpmeec rïv decision comme, him me hcr from publio Blda mimo ncc mnoeleod in plamoniog lreo!chy red nocriciensanroho. xx01 rneonrogohnalrhysxeial admissions roerla 00e moco lihrly co cao thrm. Em, if Scoek-opon peecinoed, hid_hmnedip orni sulla. Epecca n000r ohom obi!- svhnmlropdmonathoel. A prospective student'sand parents' crash course in yonnekidadoo'caoeempenny yonmonhogem- dome ahommld boxe fill oc onoro ecry necee, ir'erfiog rhom ineoleed in rhe 1Malocerring voggica mece fcc by mimnocs ofmc,mbie aroirioy Tth, 000x0 of che poimcc soh,ml reich pene byMoocyMorco Sp ei oPi,rr,rr Pnorc Anchdiocene of Chicogo, accho erehdayThis maysoondlike child. Mthe soce thor hen, she fecI, onoro- Trinicy High School in Rimo, Poneam a leo, hem dono onorry PlonOy fo,oable finding mho mop cocinases end oche, achools hoyo hogou diceccor, Ellen ce Noue Domo Collego Propio of 000iniOiea Iolp nids 0m meer Ieearionsoonhorhceaferooia,gymond them oppliconion proeran for Prveich, nays perros roo olcrd ro lfdea, mono eocrplcccooecccccer oh, doily onn0000 efenemer- libenoy. Pexmcrnbc 2010-2011 rohen! yero. If roo, rho school before rpplyicg. exam io early Jnorouy. Nome moudrd ployaieal aoOioiOy,' yccilec ploocing ro send poor child Orco aamdrnc is oecrpced, he or Dacoc'adiceccorofeocolmenrand caponially nfooe schemI. ohr ocaybc placo0 mro r donaroom Mccc reith pone child'n meadmecla) me inrondoxe ec n ocro groorocrr achool, high . rdrmnissions, PccdTohrcr, neya Now THECLA BLUE-1 'Krrp ne nfr,r-sehmol omoini- yooxsolfandponideamymevoaeooyinfnema- nehool, parochial achool, college righr crony if spoce is ovailahic. 1f arc Dame nico ecqmrbc500cppli000ier, qn bos hco in che gnoemge nr by prcpnehool.iodcpeodrcndoyschcol oproicgisrdraoailabh,chrarcrdccc pocffclic,nehich iccicdcr mr enacy. elm, deer. Imelode ploy irems ei mu obmon oho eorciemdom er oho poblic rehool from which rho child is rx000irioeing. orMonroaconisclroolirnchcfall, crillbepoc000rcec010glian. Lthe Fcrear Acodrmyh opplico- St. Thecla ShoIChicago, IL aooh na iomp empan, bolo- llndiog eine bear fm for poor child Dicrdrr Hacci000, dicecroc of heops, nidomolk choIr nod hocpeorennrocraathorlacd u mmm che broc poosibic c,ocicohrnn adccinsioo cod financio1 aid nr Babee cominee eemomroerdonicos, Sanyo, 6323 N. Newcastle. Chicago, IL 60631 bmbblen obro eneoeemgr Denido era nIob orneo ohlorie am for peno Dcmonaceahcc Soben in Wrhoccrc, rrqoircacceorreh ando nip ro che ofi'reialnchcolconrncceipr,SSAToe mcnc. Hooc Oho Loda droocore child ro loin no tho peixnro axhooL TImm, leada cohool ro creer reich the crachcrn soya, ca an ircdcpendenn achool, PlAT coso accora, ou io-percorro (773) 7e3-3380 nloeb,nahernrichmoxkeeaned quickly ro frienthhips. nod neaffi Morcroc ahcrring three Balccr bono science cpplicccmoo phone iuc,ni rod rorro, napa pnfijr pomoc. aehcrlacchocyororchildr000hciog pcocnnnTheochcclmicencoch Lake ForesrAeademy'a dccc of 'If tho kida ore gemma ce ploy cpphcae000 sec Ironer child nvill fie xider gamrs,mhymmomokeio LisO, 000 eenn000s peon child hi5 obooc tho cochero in eqcaily ca imp0000rr. admisnioc, Lrrieg Sercdomck "We do ron look sr mucir orjoar Prionre high schrols geneerily Choose Saint Thecla Elementary School 'mcc cinc school's eccciodrm. Bakcr One thor nonsiOi,n nuil rep 0m oodee000nd. the child hoc the nehole family" napa serin accrdcccs thor haro demoeomoe- clac rcccocagoa pocrecn Or omm the no goc op off The Application Ponelich, cf the Mourcsscni School edocadonniesoecrsn rrndorolookicg fer your childl athool, A Perfect Match: rho onombl Chreb ncc gaming of Lalm Pocenc. "We oc looloirog foe fora grearer thallleoge. Enecoonoge child ox army in rooxh noich Process: Visits & "Thin ian parcoecohip, nod ore Students, Schools & ,...a Faith-Filled Educational Environment xeooelcsnnneh os cIne WdPiO, °°, fomillea mho ore commiecrd roper- "We ore Ironing foe nnodcccn moho Moods hem thepomblicsehecLTrnoocloriooing rcar,cpace000 nod dcildrec Or feel WiiSpoes mc Dneee Domec Requirements Families nithog rhein child nich r noromieg, moor coge ro aelcool icr doyenne on n nene sohne! doca ncc mene old hiends gerd thron the declaimobey are ....a Rigorous Academic Program, including Rncelooime nl mfnehich eon The applicano, proceso cord "Myjob our admisaico cifren, in choleogiog, rich educceioorl erri- learning sexing nich soodrers ned ecod rob, lelo bolnind. malricgcoaoaodBakcr,"Hacciaro macic and foreign language he fou fo n rhc rolm,Ic family yrosprcOixc aeodror, nod facodly, er help the fronilica thar Imern, as conmenc. Wc hone Ocred thor, by Faecdry form around the 000eroy cod eepecrariorrsvaajoreachnehool well nach, sdrool, comc co thebcam ighth-gcnde adcernapplg encoliingfonrlirs,rxeryrnrrreorhr thr ororld and coolly gec ixooloed ro Excellent Teacher to Student Ratio 1:17 The MooOessoei School of Lnkr dedsion fo, each thild nod for the rogrrlrrr romani cheir experience thin commocioy," says Scmd,rieb, of coo high cthrol onithin the nthcclbcceeallcrmponiOirc,nsoyn thcbcscpcasible." Laie, Forme Academy nbmdrcrs ....00tensine extracurricular programs- Choir. committed to Harri000, ofBnleacDemrcemooriro Maoymoacy,diocconofoorhcr- rohr hoe, aparsico fcxleoreicg cod Band, Athleticu, Art Clasnen. Chess Club 5000 W. AnM Wseei,ne»Ls000u "We are looking for families who are SchooL ing nod admissircs nrTdniry High a crol drier cc workhod in011 croo PA PIONEER PRESS °J providing their child with a nurturing,challengsng, rich While the child is nleimorely Sehnul, sapo the principal and cfschcok dr, clonsrorcr, che drama, ....flexible On-Site Extended Day Options, 0Ooae educational environment, We have found chat by rrreodicgclnnaca, priceec schools depocnrncnrinrods rcricne och nro- addèniea, the arcs ccmmooiOy same Lisa POSOS Nial, MackOsing Mseaans geeorallppeidethemscleenre deno.Thirylorkoreeprereaeds nod ire rod lcadrrsbip. P full-day PreK before & after School Care Tammo M,toheon Spagac S,csioc, maar enrolling families everyone works together tomake s h coremnnioy,nedrhaecfoceOhe payspeeiolaoecoiocroecmmeurs tm,Otns,Wa@pion,,cInaai.000ss vr x their experience the best possible." curie, family mona fir ioro chan and abacoren. JensOfer Woiciaos sparlai Sa0000,as DenOgosso nmna,n,Se commncrr3c O 50 Os and se O asa S -giso Paca000, Mrcreoall Srhccl cf Lofa Poren Saint Thecla Elementary School.

The Best Choice for your child' aaeoecioras,romanmn, Coevsommm000car,vao occumna Os000ac I' O PIONEER PRESS PllILI001ION 'fil %rOBr page I35

lo 1oruoop good, ra labia 11009mo oollorrhv pa/Opale n OradI000iO IFa 010011 yod 60000/ foinlcno adulI pmle/ omoopr Oli ocr- Calendar 000eone aol 00013 Ola Ir sobo la 000111 bereaved nho roh /ooeeem- Resurrection I Conlincol Iron PAGE 31 0000 ron/eo/ 100100e OslO. 04fb boo hobo 0000 enes ore wo 0000 001-COlO loI 200 aol ola n I/or 00010/Ial 00 e0000log roll lbOlb 090- nardo/omm Ir 00001010. 0000, Coron, 000rdenna 0000e delu0000 ExciFe educaFe Maine 000000Ip IO 000pora/lor er/h Momeries Bo Oho SecOlo o o ro - Spring Open House 1 na Keaton 1000cl 0 Sanie era roo ORI he Cool Crunly Olor 1mo 01/ 0e, 0 Coal grbvorbo hopo bob Poim010peak- To/rodey, Aprrl lo, 2010 Irra Jacto 000rior1000/omnl/l 10110110f lord doll P00000 lodo ron mob 00cl/o fleo /0 00. lo 000r fob 6:30PM ro 8:30PM Salle 0060.0 al/fo 0l/roa na r: rogad/nr erro 9000f 911 dun borneo- lOolloi000moroopIoaeodpol abon llora/o fronda. 006011e For dola Io arc nona/O Ohoono 0/6,001000 Caro 484 0 Inrlh000I I ih051. 00110 Local private schools provide unprecedented education. Shadow Days 000d ore rallo bIO, marl 01350 Fee Io lbS 005io/oa- 7nh & Orb gordo o/rIo 0100,0010 klarv roe ro r EanE I: onoropsrn g roll 10011 600-00M SO. John Bobcat is loo/rOl 110001- woloemo no rhrdoo o00000n 0110eS ooppor/ grob o rol annual vasai hallo/ball garer form 1030 0v. oro/I /2:30 pv. Sohool 000ra orA regi0000- Orli cro,o,r cvr nob.ire for moro gall MIII Ohsppiag 0001cr :1000/ Ir oro sImgol ppcl pwrp Irr rid- Brickton Montessori School o/aO 00 a/O po Fr0 20. 000/orI 1:0- n/on inforvegrn orlI be erailable Orwell aa aove irlo or Or arIcAdo o rhodro dar no/Fed/lOOP lodo veal eakrp 00000305500dfOUO30r 11000/0 8622 W Craolpo Ace. n Ch/rogo 69 0ydeI 10411 961-00060f brorn000000 nel 0000000 erd Park Ridge Presbyterian Church dea for rho kida.Vidaora will hero che opporroniop arreo 773-775-66fb ErO 129 0005000 M0005yl 1110001 Oarurdnlo, SI. Paul Lutheran Church (773) 7/4-0846 l0900meo:h006ur 000100/o Fada 1000050500 vmoborakrn/hr000 /ourlhT100loyoob/homoo/ha/fOa- A000roov projerm in religion. vaoh, orn. rechoology end 0302 Wort CrOOr001 AvorIo 5200 8011000. oonr.brickOor000g book rodar lhearoupo/l/ Jr/n Ore- e.o,moaderl0100vlohe prmgdam .0 000Iloofr050I O01011e Croo Ala arrhirerrore.Yoo Will rlao be able Or oiairrheJoninr High Discover IParticip.' e boa/rl or- 000010 Od If valhanl Torrare, loll Or Oor/h0000 IflIlnOIb P00k 0 Ope IO 147.523.4135 (347) 673.0031 so. 20h00 BenM051 50600110010010 Oro/nro Fnir in Oho gyv. Covo ree obro wokoo SOThecle Seaweed I Serve 0011 0/000105 000100, 6e ne 100,01 p 0000,50 05 COl 104/I 000-0404 oI/iErlgporkodglyb006 009 08100 olpoulnlbObin Oro Resurrection High School operiel for ohlldrev in preachool rhrrogh eigboh grede. rosar /01 g000ualOr 1100/he 0000 ll000l0000rl arOmo 1000010 JnnoneolaOp0000000000lO/dr Sot 5pm. Oro. 100v 7500 W F01000 in Chioogo 011000 Corlarl LISIO Ryder rl//y- /boal/100re 10000 ibm phooirmaoo a/f bIPS Glob Inc 15000 III Podado boor/op SelolOr' 10.300W (773) 775.66I6 10030800f rolaron CroupI lIool000rnr000ard000d 0000 hifI 01001010. 500 ocal 00001cl St Juliana School Concord Park elCh Srhoo /10000/ vIvo St. Juliana School 00 0041000100110000 1100/bored m0100Froaooponlra000lao/Iooa/S Temple Beth Israel 7400 W Tool9 Ave, ro Clrcego if/I u 1/arrimO I/u 801/I 102600 cm IlIrIo/orn /00 voIr ronry 000th er mo. 2m iO 51 lIe ajos Pall Dio/O li 3h00W. Devprtnr Si. (773) 631-2256 Iba lair illS. Calma/ao are arier Ihn 000ml Ond000doF Cal the loll 000beo,61000.400arlll,Ol00 00 Open house & Regiotratlon Io arai Ello/inc Th0000 Corso IdI CenI raI toiled Methodist Church St.Thecla Catholic School orvo.00jolmrno. ong 00mb osnapornool ObrE 1h40) 019- I/cl onn000 ollhaodmrap 0100001001 00001,, IL 00076 7400 8. br/f, CHeao, II 60635 773,630.2206 000aogabro aba/na/I rlJaaror Or 6323 N. NrroveaOle n Chongo 0?:. loro ore/roSo 010 0500 I o novar 0237 KrS100, ALO., Skokin dro faa/on 847.675-0051 klo SenborUle lu a0005005 appl:oa- 000501/0000 Aoobnooaorhrld 447) 073.0 311 (773) 763-3380 )dealOrjao000y000000e) /00/ora St. John Brebeuf School /1001 101110000 read 000rdnrre 1010 000kb01 lolO nro, and ama/mon and 000./b IO ko kin. 015 r'reeaOhrdoocmlrchool roo,000b 00000folovo 000 8307 N. Hrnlnm Aro, io Nilno heir alobo/roo On Ihn roo/aol I 0E I 000Ioor Ove IO SIdRo Rab ocal I OOdOOli0000I 00riobrors alone- So.Theole School will be having or Opon Hocae for- all (847) 966.8145 St, John enSoul 0100010g Irr o/I 0/Ir00000Ilpolsb 00001rm/f loo' boor 10011000 b Ovrlrma I fOPO oeni- Wrorhip: birndoyr 0/11:30004 reno end proaperoivo pareva on Sondrp,Jvrrory 31,2010. lIJo/rl nloul 101001 oben roe por dol 24 alborlablo ori/o 100000 ar/raonllhorçe foladanollrr o ovnvo.olbrrboof org 0h04 10001001 lrhro OIdor bon olorybuldop io aearr,I0000L000l- rol 015pber n'Il voolop000p or cab Dovur Duel Messianic Synagogue nov-Obb Ore 00 lrflcrglh- lOo daorÇ001 rl oone 0011:010. 00- TOrS )rOdpoom000 Obb 000-liC 00(0. 00000i0000 endrobo 111010000. 000 0 0000 dal rho nial raed a ONO n000000boe anO 010000e SOP 7009SIlos Alo., 00001e 1001 00060,/el 0000000, fh000 oro caaaroad pro pera boo roo,rrd op cr/rood rrploioe hroo ho So odrico rc arlr:ro/og high grodra, bobino hand 1/obb morar alle on 0011 OIl 000e-Orrsleo 0h logo sob or 147-674'Nllt Oareal000000)laee/roblnland ole 04 60100301, roa000braer noppog 5101P0 Irr 000010 nilO r001 ro/O hrerr Iriworiffoom dro oim0000 or/li preoprorir'rarvd0000horr/d doc hr woo.100a/omnt org Get Noticed: cool eddr000 nul obole ar/or) 00011 ldd'l'rOol OOpFOF/mrr 000100 dondolo lad 00000r/ oroopr Irr horro oecd iorrrr/rrv re/rh Nomo Oro o rooclordio ro ooreocorm'rc,rlor orb/my fiait ear Cebollar W,84.oljaliana.003ìaoheol 011011 1000/ J0600re005 0010 00 are arumlalo ll0005h LIE Oppmroolo /IfbboolOE 0001 001000 F000 JOIn 06(01 0000bO/ Soldron 01100w Essays & Interviews Collrgr Prop." royo herr/cr/cb, of Lahr Fcocar .°roodcrry Suedny, Januory 3tsI 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. 00/ or lloroi/e ronald puai by 10100/Old 100 0000:00 boon 0/OC-Ion 0010e ImnIl 600100 Mooy primor achrolr rrrrivo cpplico 00000500010 Oea0000lao 000001 r, Order /00 11080001 of lIeUS Ce- v/000rwnr llb0900:aqfob.lO/ fieno from vorn arodoora thor rhcy con Ta roll 00005a rEI roov ir ar/OSI sI por/orn1 ob 1000mop sod i100n Or brano/ne Hoopi/ol 0100 0300, or000rroodoor. To mood err ornoog ohr roan Ilunri Os000 a/loo ap Opale- 00103000/5 OnrFvn O p000rom ro trono/vn 000000El0200dlSl hoorlrrde of orhrr opplicrora, ho "Whenwe ask direct loor mobS/h 000irn3arfonlnlru ollibi000 mon/Ill 0000 00 lOo h re- EsIlIano ab 104fb 0/4-0011 poig000raodd/rrorinraaayo, Ion/ho sl'oo' rs onarrbino Ial Io orolochruohro lmraoam 00000m 0000 HolmIo0 P00100emo O . a urna: I/los a/l0000d o- an app loa/mor 001/10101 Oohin005, 00011m 0 000000 groUp rl Oai0000 Wrlookfororhruglrrfld,0000/ar rod Open House;,, at raro a/n Corrop000 Ir000 o loor Ovoldol cornIl1 L0000/ ab 10011 6/5' 1000100 bOO Ovil dono 1000u oro and olrororerorrrorlrr qooaoioo o,d,of questions,wehope to sra5000 0/ro did ono/Ilalcrariwr 0040 Iov000rbo/ooelob/alvoolmno ronron, ir ornAr ro br gr0000r/oolly Orn- St. John Brebeuf School par rl 00/. 01101/110 00/09,1011 The Month Shoes Sonlon EnOleo 10- /(0ouphdoarh II ve000 040-hpm croo," aoya SoodoviobofLdor For000 MO-Soro floor nov ernIe Io 0o1ro r 0ml/Solo io 1001100 0100 O ol001MrnlafO/aaolrnoa/hOl Aoadrwy "So rho rorro/roo, Wc look for get direct answers:' 8301 N. Harlem, Nues l00000lrolmoO If nail are 00/00010 oiler realo l0000iors 1110,000 0000001 fool o Lobe 000100 ror/r,re/oavorrdprrv000l)oy,aaoorileathr aSee le ocmi rom lImaI nahm or /ll005lrOalrn/ol0000i000llnebrao ILlS Clutch CI, 000 f111000 ColI Meet - Poolyakcmr, NoW Orma Collage Pop oh/lily oc no/coloro 8cr/n ioOrrrrra, 00/ noon o/ono non/nr, e-rna 101- 01e nado dub0 00,1109, Irr ocra 100fb 102-0000 AoorodrngrcTrrory,rfTn/cdrylS/gh Prechoo1 through 8th Grade 110 roar li ehlob 1h01 S1adua 00 00000mop O o0/dvleeI 0e 000haoeeo'a OareSooen 00010ml Former Bears Linebacker AfrolOp:orborrrirgayplicar/oraiv ,6 alonp or/I loam boro/e IC nero- 000lac/Mou00004000/IO1OI100' Ireon 00 op0000ed by 01010010 orheol, why o/ny moor ro vlrrod, nro." bohool, pnroprcriro moro/ng froalrorr r rmrly mmmc or/li drmrraocrro pror CATHOLIC SCHOOI S ro and brunIe lE laaoOeo lo 1000m 0002 or O-tramI 01030080000 oro Mol:oal Irnop and I/e OlI/o moo'o Tobomr, cf Nooc Deoo Collogr Frrp, ahorid corri orr ro och/nor rep grodrr coom/0000000 Ohr ochorl, dro/ro rr ai 0000fo/irn oir ooaou alo 001- Saper 500010,0, 010000000 500 brocal 00, 0 oflObed 00010001 ogoore. cord rig/or-prado goadror/or, mro ofrrr orrod md Oh/lily rr orco oli dro 000100 marrrh 100 1110100/I Ion, 500ap boo pnop o oidor lIon 0000000 601001 Parirlo 00110 000FdO rl ad- "Whrorrcorlod/rror oyrreriona,wr logh arr/col 0000pr0000 Ropero corda dorroodo cEo pr/varo high oohrrlrom- Chir000 00013/ Sahrnr06000 ear 01- i-100 po Ihe /001000/013100- 000a/e lr/horafl bonerol 4000 101 royo ro gro dr/ncr ooa000ra," hr royo. A moybo ceo/rood coro odor o aordrrr io oorr/ry.Thr oohorl cr/Il look highly rpm 00 bn drepend 0110/1101/ ParoI laIr 0110000110 000 olOmlnnby Mao/mr/a ea bIO-S pm Ile lhmrd Otis Wilson rrudcor who hoa modo r o/arabo bon mho odo/ord. pror d/ligrocr. -PF 001109 dulino noreal 5000000 60010 Heal/h 0101000606mo 60001/a OIR fhrr0104 0/000000010 ma Ihn onor- 01 011ar Ma0000 000200,0 Error FollI 0000 01011m Theirs mo' 100/ 00000bonre loom ob Oe000l 0011001000010, brokE oleo Fao 11001010 001 ara fool Park Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010, 1-3 pm Heino Seniors rod bredSal 10401 SOl libO OldIe Moelm050 aro/loo The Marro Tse000ip100i000ll000- Iran oO'lsbepOOnO ConIaI Sandy Seelen Conter at the new Nues Meijer Focus. Group. crop orrarn o/Ial arololl 0/ OPPOI boa000, 10011 0101001. /001/no loo r0060nlo 000060001. 0000lIre SerIne CnaOm ollero Iren lOeb,0000n000ALo b000l0000 Shoring /derrs end mrrking Ihorogh rhrllonges You are invited to join us for our Mnebarahlpinoladeo a breo oal001p- 000b000hIp 004100 00110010 00010 Ooppor/ 00000 neO/O boom 1-OdO p.m. 9000 W. Golf Rd., E. of l-294 000 lo/hero or011eroarO vol/ho aol odsI.00d/homr 0005000. loll 00 lIa 000006 Oed000doy 00 0009 fogother ran mrke Oho differenro beomoono grano Thofru/AoOrooral,i000ml0000lon ayons Catholic Schools 0000ln/lor 00/rh do/o loud/loll 00/rl for non/h 01 OctroIe BrIO Lu000 bICI IN 000wond mao/o I 000000 000 avbog0000. 000100010 doy rond r foogh doy of Ihr offiro. Joat oako IO opromiar 01010 Maul 001:0100 rla0000 ob OrFO 010000/0101 01010 C0000bar Ob, 060go OIr dibO00000. r 1100 Oa000d oro uranoS 01 0000. 000 0000gapO Week Open House orn al Mdae lava fr/i/SII ui/oro 21009100 IOnes Oerior ErfIer, 091 001110611 600-0901. hora allenAbo foro-yoro old in a Morfeo) roi rl000000v, whom po' croon. Od c100d loar,' 1100,0 pialo' oubl000 Oval Pall OdO,, anleor 010,1000 /10 000010F 0000,0 00 uf 011110001 are lobaI 10001110 01511e Owen, d'moor noon preochnolona prorfrro hood skills every doy. Sunday, January 31sf on/nd 00010011/n IOoinnOlbeaOOmO, 000-00CC, lob or opptrolioo loro/poI r 1000000,104/b 009-/Ill 041) 20/ 251F 01 0010 00011100 - Or 000000lOO/Obfla 1015.013 'a 10:00AM until Noon Sapporo Pierre join or for or lrr006ipcon. mo 0000000e 500ieay, rho langor/Ir- Open House on For onore information Call.' Oolnn000r 60100es nro 000000/01 00 OeO0110000 Hne0000 Son on nil dopr010n/000aliaa OlOPOOl 0/he (ION/I rrinrrslrd ra cor 000 llana OoIlObla/C0.n Jomibietheloll oa100000rdi0500f0000, 00/09- Serdey, Febraeey 21cC freno 12030- 3r00 pea. 847-966-3266 prImaron lo Ooroohlp reordorlo nOr 10:102 30110601 Cirros 0/000 lop 000fmrbmmg /001000001000 00' feud oral 06,0 loondron opon,1- P0:000 110 balo orI loe Seo po ardo olildren rho alo hort, 11311- r Plaines. Ibmo Son 010000moal palor 000101 al000 fimo 000100e 50110/I 8822 Woof Cnlnlpo ArcoCh/rogo, 1160636773.7ld.0d46rrror.briokron org BriEkton neo/o, 01m, roll 0/olu lIned. /04/I Iso 2140 rroo/odbr lalrdaorodaarrrr'v O WI ,olOrC dcl Iovar,rlr,orror/,havro, raMo,,dr 10.5 zon io/li erE 001 oonoo/orbaoly001l00000n0000 Pol/co rho rl Id. 44v+ como Toe0000lp oaollnf/cr arrIo' l000d cool nero 0010cl by 081000e ceo/llAMo PAGE 36 36 lyMur p01e hi' THLM5060, Japupry 01. 0010 Caeoeeeo Wich MaChin, MarldqiCI EdiloI LSPAGE 37 po 041286.1481 e: [email protected] eara ter their grandchildren. Mnetrngu tras on is re4uimd Hlmiuuiuo inST Gond Moonalrtg Prepose roll mont mneUnpe trum 0.00-rolo n.m. Geut a lanera Osem (preeni haul 50 perece 1h Call ITHCI 619-4205. Calendar ere 10-lito am. the arel Wudnnutuy oui uauu:au. Call 10411 On-0004. 040-e pm. euery 1H rd hendey ut Ihn Cl CeuterlCaru Fenaean, liii) 144- ei the nrenth ut hrlen Pesie [houri, Uno Theroah000 anoap ines enanas menthol lilhalan Favorer FamIly Caehe'n & 0011010 Feerdetlue usppurt 0110 NORTH POLLS Certirroed from PAGE 25 6960 Cehtur St. Frac thud sarna euppert arsep ter nov use r: Fe au e Care CasIer, umo Church 01.. Oea grsopmeete trum oto-roO p.m ausilehlewIh du-h usi ottico. heut- gnrnral gurantee. hou ban :lrituusad Plaireo. Toe aruuium e o euppert emir third ChersdeH el rho morII at lote Leeellomla G bymphomo Pernily AISLO BASKETBALL lope are murthly Cull Indo, ladri releen lt tear VeniA ment og I-HIC pmep lui child en. lance and lue Une Odcecste Leiherer sesera HaeWloi Support Orneo iso pesple Oils Sarkisian makes splashamongarea's best Te IV Bear Program nanas a teddy I. Neo Crier 040-9 090. pm. Iho rnurih Tuneder er Ike msnth ehe Feue laut a leteO una threegH Cli Onmpnler 0L acum 1001, Pall be r ro hensr ut every person whose leukemia, IHophema. myelstreplecOr E Alnrbrcck Scoth lira acecen Chub et Od000ale Lothnr- el HOnOre HouIlle alt Palilelira deallu Prelrmiearrintnnien s re Ridge. Ihn teses lolo oeuint radorio arodrememolliple mynlama S Miles Want North diver da triareis hacdLnd by Neptune on en Cecerul Ilnepriul meute Trum I- Cara, «4H. yodkwent H pIneS tolta guired buitre rnpintretret Tulegutor 01h Crahr'u tunees ur alterullee ce 4.0100e Sloth lo eaa-ynsrarsiserearyet theO 4:00 p.m. fha liret thUredar er the lys. Park al n Ihn Inc e Iter uee- oeil Peirhum baRile ead Felibres lilie, Iderr leroilint. aipalOceot ellen Iledghn'n O nane and rhein loes inc 0e 110 The taddy haars era then do- h iesunrecrcr nabs fourth at murth at the Oulpetleut therapy Car- u en. Call (847) 692-888 - Cere earnaromenl 0000ert tesri uno- and riendO in supino mere oltecleelt mente meir eret nindeneluN sI Ihn re edro organiettuuce ouch ea Reh- tee Church and rotter aencune, Onu A tuldawed Seaport GrueS lean un- beey. Orth Ihn ïloeec. Cell la4rl 121-Gore. bee Heeren n Park alare and acer Pitleee. Cali hegen Petterliuld 104Cl sono acOpen pecar that addrennnu MoloCh Ma Moue, n Irierd hen pst ¡Pue tannen Songent Geese lar ter- BONS BASKETBALL Hinsdale invite The lotteelgy Cochlea cooperi firdopanmnnts Is be Siten tos rol-Hoyo cer getierte, amigan ans Opale lessee tacad by persone ut n pnnnrel lasneopperl prese, in enl0001ea nan i Clerbronk PerTh tOld ir amy Holding neta Heae lue eunthir usilelirn, eta Fern denn nHuieed me050ru 0lureeereae include neieht- mecle rrcnthlr reliC-B 000m eceiH eua ter eh: tras alan 61010 ebeue ¿Mee mien B TiAN SMALIN enoeudponeeuto Ho Canoiueno, a pro- deNtina pimp tsrwideirel peepta Ieee thee Ins Heere. 11011 meut ato leen tipa. redens ounreele sed he Orsi leur RedondeO 000not er toreteker hen bentley- gr ut apuruered bi Chiltreote S Moire Sooth t ah e luMp io r s e t lot e leibe oree ng the loua et e speise It a m. sr Ire un rund art reo rIt rune- dear tu help roo reell yeur guai aoosneeeshoe Modleet Cerino sperI- elend orth tenter The Sirup moplu H macBid. will uttar grerlparautu sr trum l-0:00 p.m. Ihn earth Weteauday dare st Ihe munCh, al hairbeur Hou deer ope orn rod-lout 0m- rudere al eure eteHaty cl tree 000ter-eappert 4.11 Inn Boot oeary lire1 H010eslar et Ile roonlll o psrtuiily lo maci ether grettoer- nr Ihn mentr et harben recalen net alee eel Pal ialiee Cara. 444 H delta- Venera in eure CerInI. 0h10 Homard nreeoe tsr betA paIlerA and IdnIr S. SL P01110k BOYS DIVING - Null a te, eh era 000carre end tord aVert Pelliatee Care. 044 H htrthmctl nati Hr1005H Park Olga bet it It tIre 100er ineui In Plater erce- ramilyonmbnre.Hl uepped preapu ano utralien cod pennelel enneerl are Norlh's Arsen Sorkicion ATHLETES nt000stiog op us thai oil help them H phono tuile 150, PerI o0pe enlie eno celLen. Cal 14411 Ahi-0h00. e hiel Weigh- eu ara 015-500 0e, are Iren nel ment n the Cancer Cee- relui ed. peoredyecogoiorvhy hei le OF THE WEEK Ike eocreorsrclioce wheo ii BOOS SOSKETAALL romeo toedisoeseion olthe Ment Polaekh, Melon Sooth stole's boot diver-c. io D rk G y odO Jener scubA e t000er-bigh TO Aeo-Irisioo eeoc-ed 090 peirte io Ondoya SS-OC wir over pilous Io Snioh ConcIO io Miles Meet 101ro COL Sculh. Aise Aoturdoy'o Hinedolo ¿co gre000d 14 r0000rrde teil Diving IoniSe, which : .r0000nr_: hcought logetleer mooy od CIRLS BASKETBALL oho Ilotes cliso competitors Pooio,mw P0NANCOWL, LLC 847691.7416 Aneemeeena Batee A Teuon 3l23882I76/63O6649377GBENVsEW STATe BANK 847.7291900 Jowell Loot, Nico Meat jolt O month elneod ei the liNd eccrat 29 pelOta ire kl-Nl IHSA Alele Moot. BlOoorllambaekgo,eem httoor/Aeseue,ycb,eeov oir over Hairy Otutlr ir CIL "01 moo an OK mect Ter 5.000 30 yr fluid 0.050$1111 20% 0.0750E yr Cold 4.950 5.111$1151 21%5.13130 yr Sided 5.2500,000 $TWGT 00% 5.048 Scuth eolito Frito9 CHe Wollen roe," sold she coolie. cl get O/I ARM 4.125 OlEO $5251 25%3.50515 prImed 4.0250.025SiGhT 2D% 4.7018/2 ARM Colllor Malin uterdeut than arored 0810e 04 dinuppoioiod tiritO doni do do Ordini ciao Doerhiell ro Sel- COydlioMd 4.3750.000$1250 20%4.511DII )omkoAWM 4,750 0.000$1100 21%3.075710 ARM CelIbI Wohn better O moco titIlo euch ond crdoy nulle lired.Bellwcolorid 10 yr hood 4,2511,110$011 4.3575)1 ARM 20% 3.M75 0.000$1100 21% 333715 yr hoed 4.5100.000$1101 20% 4,MB5 Iceledi ihr hostO coold." Lower ocien oneilobis. Ail cools g00000toet. Call len quede, Slosomhios rn80000e dosing in 25 doyo. Opon soery doy. Wenhob0000s opply, pisosn inqoino. WO OST L IM C t4ioodoiooteolrul's Jordan (M) 450 C000000de, SAite 130, FroBalioe, PL 60074 MH,121205030 (C) 2080 FeeBesd Reed, 00h00 202, SO, CocorIco, BE A0074 (C) 800 WaaOsegetop lad,. Gtowheyev, IL 60025 Gondeln ¡soleen, NOce Wast PylOn WOO che Invite mich Tile 00-peilt oerior ross one it 46A.50 plinIo, cod Glen- P5NNACLE HOME Mowmaaaaae 800.6644414BANK 0e' Aoaeneca HOME tortes 847.240.5007Keusnwoma-H PtNANc0AL, ieee. 630-812-2100 foe Wolves to min by fir Ir 10v knob NorLh'e ,looathon lesmo 50-lS oiulcro leer hilos Bttpr/Amaese,PimweelyMevmnMyetgoge,oeeoo - PulPpr/nSesese,KywiBseoethFmnewglaB,oees lioby 1450.41 won seront. 600lh l0J00 I. Roby Soishod meonA 011001 3lydlinnd 4,075CIII $1400 20%4,040Olyrlbiod 5.000 0,000 20% 300dCioyd 20% 4,828 $905 5,048 4,8700,150 $582 your's Alite Mees, Dyson 15 yrlboid 4,3750.000 $C400 20%4,502llyfflood 4.000 0,000$NAS 21% 0.1170/C OMM 3.700 5,00081390 25%3,270 8045 SWIMMING ihicd nod Aorkisiore 5/I AWM 3,8750,000$1410 20%3,355B/I AWN 4,510 0,000$105 21% 3,533 511 jnmbo OMM Coli 3,875 5,000$0473 25%3.274 Saw Mete, New Ilion loch Afile. Bee leo intuidos neenls tHe Loohireg oheod to moot 30 Pd lined roll 4.7501 000 $1410 21%4.M1225 pr jumbo 5,751 0.000$980 21% 5,77155 yr flood 4,2500,000$0845 20% 4,410 201-yetI IM Ort lOO beclslmhe. moothh version ciOtole, O_7M JUMBO OMM 4,122% MO CLOSING COOT 70% LOhr MISO, E000nrg art Weekerd dppoinimoohs Aoalebie. Call so mormora boleFRA cet VA Appeeoet- Cell os Sor Detoils Sot hhhpnd the Trelisre to ideA rvhielureilobe Iroldin (B) 70M E. Senaeyeloeg Meet, Sehaeeoleeeg, IL 00044 M8,00004tOP (C) O3000aiS WoadBeld Raed, Saipe P00, SehaemebsseW, IL 60173 )6)Ceeoahbwehfeeaan, Saite2TO, Oehbraahferreee, IO 6018f Md,bT6320 u'ctcden r the 400 tien ont AOC EvaooLoo Feb.26 20, Barb hatter Solordey et tile Von Itiet isinn unid heu simply fo- Taaewce Cortsr MOFaO'GAGE LLC 847-580-5555COMMstNIITBAmO am 0M Pane Rione Fechte 706.660.7036P,oeasa flocaGe CooMueuTy BANK 847.384-9221 CrocIno Rn aye. The hiele took eveed ny impeevomeol the lOco title. MMpr//sesuse, eBepnf, lowe rather then on rnheno he 30 yr huId 5,1080.020 $1000 20% 508M 30 pr Clued 5.1280,050 $11 10 5% 0.1M5 30 yr mixed 5,0000,000$1200 20% 5.005 hopes to AnisO. Mednaw Jeoomoeio, Loyola "Oto just oboul mokivg IS pr lined nell d,370 Frouberee sped 10111es ir the 00 T_000 $1 MOO 20% 4.521 15 pr hood 4,M250,100 $1 1 10 5% 4,72715 yr Boed 4,3750,000$1200 20f-e 4.553 emorlleorr-eeti0000mdlry lice 12111) oRt 100 baonrtly 5/1 AMM 4.1250,000$1600 20% 3,053 30 yo PEPA 5.0000,000$1 Ill 4% 5.4725)1 hMM 4,2000,000 20%3,007 $5200 ltAd4lte laptere bach-le-bath ing to gel those enEro helf- 7/1 ARM . 4,0250.000$1000 20% 3,8645/1 OMM 4,1200,011$1110 20% 3,580F/C jombI AMM 9,7501,000$1200 20%4,575 olenle et tri Wem Color Inciti poinle," leo ooid. '0 don't wonLto tey lo sory I moni lo Sto Cohere, legherlMOrdcoaeleertgsgnonm, dir JcmIol4.00I%r70% LIV Pololo Setoitey. ralo or Dnih ieeond. O jooL (0) 3p00010wayaalpsnael, SIa 406, Mants500eM, di 00002 00777(C) 0005 Labe StonaI, OalePaelo, ¡060900 (C) 626 TaIeeIP Rel,, Parklimdgy, IL 60068 OSOS 0101MO Ic noon O hove lo monk lesi rd righo now, ilool inhot O do Riles Meollo dreno Seikusier enoistee s dioe stirn kinstele formel Inviteindel er BolorIvy. Rob keOJIlelt Phlteotapheol UNITED HOME LOANS 708-531-8388 - Jaenetttaan Hwb9 Gloetheneb Meatos righo 000v milIl ediles what Ido telendiro sIete tunnnr-up 5RMI//WeRW,UH00600,sreeo MORTGAGE RATES AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE 24 HRS Colchen second et Ire Ourldele iroppeos io Ehe fetore Cor "TleaL Will be inOerenting 500 oompelitiovl 45 divoro O, n o To reco. tiro Oreo tinnrc iiI Irlo Call lcr 95000 Gioie." 30 yr hood ON THE INTERNET @ ferIre IruBootiorol SelhIdeH 01111 to compete egli'trovo my.liCe- rvol'e eliminealed alter Cine hr CorI, r riiglnlror'Iierio mmmd Ire gelo lire brcokdaet," C5yrhiaed 4,3750,100$1195 20%4.484 459.4 peAls. Ac Car lIre Tolere beyacrd long rooi'h ," Arier cod ri dirsI or I A lo liii nook 8 rit to 'l'or-rooe:iirl."Ciyt..rnnuoeod Atete, Dorhbuioo lisie noir Fehlirnoerrior ZIleir Both- ¿lin nr er errrned ri tree moni 011o bro,nhlorot br'jrmsl olio- 5/I )ombo ARM 3,1750,000$1195 20%3,308 ' GiRLS GYMNASTICS mmcd his college 0001dm LO Hiles West 01010 did noi nnrnp010 be Ido eorrolr aher b000irn- lin. Ciro toc only get olee 7/I jumbo ARM 4,3750,000 $11MO 20%3,058 LENDERS, TO HAVE YOUR RATES APPEAR IN THIS FEATURE Gototyen Johntee tROco Muet IWO lehools: Oedionor and Miles West oenior Doon Ire neo toking o otan- ini lire Ii-01 Wont dinor lirio olIos rl il. 'l'br gory mIro does juuior ocr the ell-yrcund tIle el bono. Olio lather Alih is Ehe Zimmer snored 120 poroto dordleed toot. lo b 'err in COO. ii Soot gelo Ihr hi-noblest. CALL BANKRATE;COM SALES DEPARTMENT @ 800-509-4636 hood dirlo g encelo otNorlb- and linioloed 0901e nl Silos- "Ztnrmer leal bc'en coco Hescoced 203 01 tIre Tlmnnogk Obey book could )A)lWMkCiClSTl000hNilheelll$0004 ML dOl$076 Mies North's inc alberi Setuidey mil e 06.615. J000eon aloe lun- 000stero, and Aesco sold lee dale ¿coLlaI, oed ebaoemolo ing ore the loss Ihr-ei mocil noel, rolrile 1,0e ooiurg Irord lrrrr'o lmrrd Oho bre,nkl)nel'mf lobed lint on Ike cash OulI a bobs Toc-mord to foelog isis Dyloo Livening 1110 poloLo) ood beating noi' otiror goys," 199.6. tinny both hit 10001." SAlO. team in the BIg Ton. come in AHIle in the 58-per- onid Nibs Wost heed eeerh "lDiririorerl honhe 2110 don Cotluiirolil:p larieorlcoof occis m m 38 Isports www.yotwseasòB.COIfl Nl - 16180059, JAN2089 (I, 0300 Gr 910011F PFEIl PLILICOTICA 'Hl 39

THIS WEEK win MOINE ESSI Loyd's careèr high carries West to ASIday Fiolcomesthrough for West in crunch time neya boekelbell tesla hlIhAnd Park Cuevas mes en beam (9.65) A night earlier, West im-head coach Paw ycerrh. Norllo Jas. 14. Oral pa. A nvoek eurlieo /Ooo Woleod leaked and floor (9.5), and wus are- GAME BALLS Scores 63 pointsproved ta 5-1 io Ihr COL"She Jost started vanitiug Tb e suora surpassed the Girls taadelball al Hiotloot park vn Wolves guard flings ovoomunteleud he all hoi Lke opsoningoc REIOLIS Sooth with a 61-01 victoryfully this year" previous Nuca Weal record ucd on kara (9.21. minutes ogoinato bigeor and mnn'c 01k- over 2 games aCIdS arilo 1978. Deborah Siriebeeg came Fose aslssingfai0eg al 061155M Jal, 140 Maire haoOlr 35, dIra winning thrccpointer oven Meine Soalk. Layd lsd Jehoses aise planed third P10k, Ipso. Ioule Wuoloekr,on leaOu. Go IOn. 14, WOsI NileeWeal'a Johoaee was insinihin ah-arcar4 Heal 21 the wuyoo'iik 29 paloIs while an parallel bars IS.92S1 cod Ooeallee et OIL Cheepheshias Dati ogainwoa done/oleo' Maine Soulk's By GAB SHALIN Gramley added 13. ihird os fleer euerciae oil-arenad (37.0), brew 19.51 (33.050) esd fourth on vault apc, - Seteardey: Miles Meal 18,0E By DAN SIIALBN heiglot. FalciaI Ob d ah a in® pio ne e r la a a Lo o m (9.3251. rod livor 19.4). Ober rep'(8.823) aliar kitlisg ber Sotardop dstalinSpianeeollaelaae - SI. Palo'ioh 110-SI prenuolod oimilar West Gymnastics Amoog other highlights lured bora (9.3), placed ace-Teuh on bee Seat attempt. 0101e sonseoias al Siles Bleat lesile,l sTay pkeraeyaegns phyaicol elnaileogea, bol Weal phoyed GIRLS BASKETBALL - The Wolves eaptured Sat- Cee West, Emily ynag fis-end au Soue (9.0) and third "Debecab had a great Lomada PIolo 1150m01e, irGlalirf GOYS BASKETBALL - Wksv Riles Tour auliol q000000v. Girls SeakelIall Saals Aeaaooeotsn, Nilea Werte Jenvell Layd urday's 13-team NOca North iahedfourth os beamin all-around (35.50). Fuog meat ancrall," said Nerih lire çaea'virnirb Ihren as. 9E WesI senon'vo' guard Lurenoc 11/uI gern per'seoao'ed," FinI ould, "011orr head cuorh Charlie Peied- 9110100 aoored a rareec--higle 34 ¡raouts with escarr el 104.20. (5.055), and Collie Oberfioished acreed au beam lOaallirg et HL Cteepiaasaipa lsyC up ihc ball io ihr w calesse cundo ei guwea sobare leuma were a /11010 moon points, leading the Wolves NilesWest'aKcirlyes Joies- placed SOle or Sear (9.1) med (8.2). woe. "She'a rucoled chenal Ramsae Roaenatyamr li paOla Solurday'o rood gum sagrniva I SI, clhietic, mee didv'I give up, boil we geL loa 64-39 win over Deer- sconses ull-eeausd (30.675) aeveeth co baos (8.626). tha Teuk ucd eh scee naall ISaroday as St. PalOiak and lean'tìah 1f l°ain'iah, Inc aupecled lu see il ogaiu. demo emelionolly. Sul tilia gaine, mor field on Salurdey. and was tapa os veull The Wolvea else imprevedNorth Gymnastics the rest cf Ihr year. lOue Girls Iaekslbeli al teslas, Irlo p,a, The WaNes, mhu Lo'oibed by Iruo stayed up and sloped io it aird oiuyed Ooulh Jackie Grewley added 10 (9.425). Ial-Ola tha COLNoeth with The Vikings fisiahedhome invite) was acoce pularLa, hrd bai tahue pesseasino ava nl ear astil Obre end." points Por the Waives, who "Oiatelyan had her beete eeroed-aetting 142.1 tafourth ut their cons invite,piura te de it. 0ko hit it SILES NORTH DenSe cayemittee 10 palots as. dolch steal by Rodney MeSalIna wiSh Weal head calcIn Sob Williaova aaiol Pal's Mrd tve talaren ea, Jaoab improved ta 19-4, vault uftlee year," said Weal 134.9 onu ever Gleabreobsrar'ieg92.125.Citlalibeautifully." Todoy Il seconda lebt. Withaul the use cOo he way pleoaed milk mero lais Ledas ra- Gioia Mysneslios, 50 DeeOrelO Gil Ailliasa liwocuL aoad Ike choclo liehiug leonard speyded ableourauglr 10-27 daleal GAME DAY ocre, Ihe halb ondod up io line bouda OCat Ma/ne Soalbo imr line Wolves' Fred- eyeasrneisal3eeoleld liaraS si Sonia Caywilie. oua 001100. Mies seat, i Fe. Gp Hecto hIe OseraI HileS Weal, Tbcaraoae paused upu Ibvec-puivO "h fehl we cam crea do' ha pley," 5ko Atiday 1:33 pe. Flday - aayaasisarro Saals Seeotielt Ian, ablempa and passed tu Pio1, ovhe theyucacbo cold. "b luid iheen Ihat o lessee' Hiles Seal es. Marfan FarM al First ChalleneTro h'oes toNues West 5115155f feel al Cerne Weal la,s eorsned ogame-wiveing ihrer fraw IhnOrIno eChar liesiag In Maier bulbI ssye leeSelbell al Gleolreal arlo, Neolh FarM Udoeoeily, 4 P.S. 011- lap obihe hey as hwy ouloirsd Go giveweuld louve sold, 'Let's gel lkmvugh ihia' Coo re, 011Cv Ihr Wolera a 00-65 upeel wie over the(and then go Ihonaglr 100e woli000a(. Sul Teams prep for Gioia beaSelbali Saals Glenaoaci esIto lulesied Sloomeacks iva thriller nur biSs Oume hoes uud gave great ei- CIa An. Hiles North STANDINGS "Oare b gayo il uy, b really wasled h fori. This sous n huge ohurooler romo Gee conference The Vikingo reuld sat Sateedoy berla. h felt Ihua iCh rould get my feel SOossiSog Carl SI Mares Reel, O an. Itlaneayh SeeMly) match rival Nuca Weal for Saya baalostball ei delano ease seL, 100014 hooch 1510mo," Piel said, championships depth, but head cuceb Mao'- Gioia gyaaaalree at allee seat isoole,l "Sodo did ageruijok do'aowing aed lIeb- Rreape Tho WobeI had vounaorso leu FelIna referred lou few CIL 03510 iug. hi fell grout aumieg uffmy hood. hfue Ike Haovha A-fool-6 Moti Folueki, By DAN SHALIN leleelad perfurmare as hie irla Osahellat hais iolala, LOI As. Waokefaa 5-f Ioni milo Igome-wiuvorl Ovabman yourwho Oniahed will, 20 peiola and 14 'a- dsheio9picneerlaaal.aom "big gana." They ware Sr' Taeedap Res Trier 4-i OoL Ibis arc n'en' mere impee'iadoL" bounds. laya SaakelGaiI al IaOiaa isehl an. Ocian labIl 51 Piel boo/ac nul uf o r ovorL souring Tounalkom God Weal ryilir lt pciaIu. iug Jun.14 cad eesyuesible Wederoday Ailes Real l-2 slump nub o leom-kiglr II buida. Tho Meiclboa ado/cd aeo'co foe iloc Wolo'ea, WRESTLING - Nilaa West Car Norlh'a Ova wies. Gioia Onshelaat al tenso rece, Ifs. h asear w addilioe toile Reeuediag victcrira fer EseoOlaO l'A Weloca II-7,1-31 medo non Ore freno deep ovine dr'op1eanl Ion-filo 000leo'oveo'. ilnoOnoob 105111 Cl trophy ease this week alter llar Porple-aad-Sleck merar MILES WEIT oli vigieS, oiLily0 Il-01721 I/oeea-poioi A 100gb aCocle/o for lIra Omylves br- ailconpLs ugo'ronal Ike IL Pooiriclr 000mo, gins ori 7:50 pry. Iroidorl, romero Nene carao'ng the inaugural Dis- sesiur Todd Ochuesbeeg BSSday CIL NIRTII Jelorierl/omad000 Tean000lkow arod aeon. Teuer oiailo Okokic. Weal ibeoo faces lrietlioühalleogeTo'oploy (112 puuadsl, jusiur Danny asta tracS baia all Csseoa arel S Irre ChemuMel4iekoolaneole badili p01cm Moo'gov Fook in 1ko CImpa Sulliomger - o moaoted wrestling Khuuri I135),Jusiur Chris lvii Lsaeiaì 0MO I.e Deeobail S'O headgear painted parple os Fuemiuc (145), senior Mike Rosalera ea HO Tarro al Meer WeaE iClralroal Ma4h 4-1 cii 100e boavk aud belio di'oiocd horro Shnooheol, 114 pou. Suaurdoy al NerI/o ese aide end red or the Ayala (189) cad acsiae Ope. T, 61511cl PalI I-1 Lln000-peinbevo. Cooyewille odmbnd II PorkUniveo'aiiy. MeoAyns Porlo la led by lesa alsIselsI el Maos lealE not plions 0004 doapiLe hauling erorupa Loulneilirecorsil Wo l'ore Blacloahoor, otherwith a 50-85 win beavyweighl Tam Ehelich. 1 Ohne MealS 03 t,Maier Hes) l'I -. boeld Oleomreoha Icodiog acareo 'considered IkoNe. Ijanior io LIoesaale. Hiles Weal's Oedrey NeleIlda 1141 elsaoa eneboost a0000dts leessalr ClOs over Nues Nartk 05Jan.14. "Our big gana olmo ye Fa0e beaielaai teals fee Tniao, COO "Ita roel for Ike kids to ahow up and wrestle irMalos Eaal C'S Jacob Eniliiomu lo/osi ais poiLs. Coom000ronOrpiconrrrloval.rcoon yeyialela 1/0/ BIno ftc WobeI 5001 lass 1011150v Wilinaee/llalI Plmleqrapher) get their Teat trophy fer the laugh," Pelt ou said. "Nosy Giols Saateliall et 0es 00mo 1:10 S.s, school, themeelOrs ond the wc have tu gal our athhr Satordoy pregre500," Riles Weal heed bids, coronderolausmea, yosaillea el Hl Osano al Maree seat eeody toga." Marne [aal 0000h Anthony Genovesi Boys snrmeiea as Bosan Solle al Bal- Nuvth celebrated Ocalee orsd 002e le lais Coses, flit ne, The Wolves collected vic- Nighi Friday by hceariag Demons lose starting point guard Jones Saya Saakelbell al Rena Paia Scie Schersberg, Ayala, Ehelirk varIai otO tories from senior Bee )ahaalaulìO f.c. lIre 0002 Daauy Shuulorey, Daasy Cilla qyesaaoroe haars Ocelle. Ore. By MATT HARNESS Reare 1119 penada), savior F01159 etIco 30000, 00mo .roeoed Ove poinla doapped ihr Demone lo I-C in doy, buI Z000lorno, loaf's aro- SIrvas Stork (1251, easier lhobbiaa aud Cynthia Lar- y ha or ea 569000 ernIa 151.0 00 io Ike loss, r'iuilrd lloro/erice 110e lengue oeod S-lb 0000101, a000-hig/r 14 mamola mr'evov'l NOTRE GAME 5001520f er Mike Behrmasrl 1135), sea- io/OH etilo Manduy nord lnoaaroeuloneoo- "Our eflenso cows' lo u onmeugbn 1,0 lIne I0000'u 70-Ml boss ler Jieaey Rosati (140)500- The Vikings 14-il, 0-S) Today dein4 lora GIRLS BASKETBALL- TIre nmmn,mui0000vlmodu000d for Poi- avoocola/ag ball," Pl000usimrlo lu Morbo nonsnl en Peiday ihol icr Anthony Saurer 11691, Ibas drapped a 44-IS devi- lsreatling au Hosni 51e. peas 1G lire l)cno,oua uuilro'ad orare Lloav u domy. said obier 100ieg Jodan. "11v oln'oplmoni line Soronona le Ib-lis freshman Vaughn Meere- alaste Gleekeuck North. Rocailles eu lt. Jeaept 50 Ceouni, olafeorl Fvidoy loo Liocir 411-to "We domv'l hondo 001000Lis uyfovlu000ae bceouue ove vosee lino COI, horiOn. OuI pu. Shouhrey put lugether u 400G leas On Ocas la SsO,oierc Wrol, 'Clory loaS m000vg',ou Oloia poinml," lIco ecoob givinog lloenu o goed g,'noone." a'o,mrndty pnnie000, hier sI-Bercer (171) and aesiar MacHey at Macsi Gensel 11 00 na Nibs ladS's Cile Paarsina liaS acote ao luoshi Gleebsual 9059'a Baqdee IrsaFkao dolai tirio 140-paesi 000d. "hlroully Inro aGI aomokia, Icy' O000npe nov11 OCo'inlonn 10110 Iterdiae Rocker 1215). Is ad- hernie efferl is his flaul Btiday Mamoe AnsI sirorOiyg poiooi guard Aegalo 110000In 14 0000000 hr ditian 106cr Wolves piae, beat Friday. Paanina eon 14-2.185es O'Mahosey/Otslt Phologrsploer) watch, rampeting despite nnecllieo tesla SE Omiso set kermes J000va l000laoeccion/uo'y. yol, bollinoor 1ro/OS icho apli' Beiva'mn'omibaaeroelna000'adaiv. noomvlir.n/ linaO 10101, easier Erie Renaing (152) breaking hie armin three CalO., 5:15 pa. lotee veeM il Seing ay isv opuSe albio mro- noiaLleLlrnLit'aomoLlnioog." '1/no 000000mra opa000d Ioni 'lino 0100nooms lomum OS-St ha wee by dafealt. G osoveai said. "The pesiat New Trier. Amang the Tha Waives nene rampela placee, 60555 at MOfle Tseeeyio Mal p.s. lar 2161 beoovd pLoy ioo 1ko llrivol quai'- bir000rouiaok dill 0050 bello 30- mro rIo meillo o Iii-OS ovini 00cv brollo Olgino eno Io,iuoduo' la Bahrmaeel's presence ceaple ofoncaku, we ere Ihr highlights far Weal was theatiheCoLMeatFddeyesd This weekend, Peamisro SeeMnildi al Ce000el 705 re. 1er',LIra eupioa000vc lundyol 10,00hflrblilo 0001 ohodrom' Ridgomo'ond on lado, IO. rol-li. performance of juniorSaturday at Maine West. ucd Ayala will he luebiag tu Setardoy ror'ororg oir In'v ro'girl linee. Sloe lCIo/onmllouuimohon05500'd P010/op tol,om,m i/rosI bosOn Higlobomnd woe welcome sinne he haa healihieat we've been in Woceitna al Oak Part/OF Icaro, see. Nadia Alinjusevic, mba "We're heping far a geedduplicate their all-cenEre- inrnmniadirolalo' loll lIre gonce sind mo'henm lino /lv000noo r'iuilligio- Boys basketball l'voi1ony' lo allorI line arc- bren battling injerlea allawhile. ThaI is goad te see Secedoy 00,, lasrard the end cftkcyaar."posted a victery at 831 OIl- week ufprartiue," Ganoveal rene perisemasnea uf a 11558er ei lt Ata, tas c.c. did ro' I n'y boon, Nuon ILln000 'mol soorno 1001/n in ou' hoy lorong000 00050v. "Ha's ase gay we aced ta OaPriday,NilcuWestllfl-iagis far the raatingacid. "We're hepiug tu bave year egu. MandeR CaccIo ICaro! Oroonaviolo Tino bons h, line Inroorioro Ilmo 000ninog rloplmrl00000ml 1701ro ron 000lr/o loom rcrlrrrol. r0000 get healthy Par regicoals," 11, 4-11 picked up a02-l8wia Beehmasnl. nnveeal guys place in Ike lop Cumsoeslrpieseerleentrom Meakel Saau St. Salas 1:50 ne. Nl -1559310e, JARdiNS lt lIlt 40 sports www.yo.11rSeaSOfl.cOm A FIlMIER FRIll PIBLICSPIIN Nl RportsI 45 Pryoranswerscall Vikings nipped by from long distanc Giants in overtime o o; By BILL HeLEAR more dieeiplieed with a set of- STANDINGS Senior transfer GAME BALLS leaeeuoddebeaso. Il Irak nome b volee eSpie ree ris es los nr (theosgh SondatI RESULTS lime la get nowfoetablt with BE THE NEXT nails 5 treys in win Ike tonta." GIRLS BASKETBALL - Feidsy; (lotse Deve bi. lineareiS 41 Pelos; mIso bus bent feieeds They esruped Ioueaenee cf CIL SOUPS STAR PERFORMANCES the gym Felds1 eight, look- tlasbrnok tenth By DAN SHALIN witlo Wtllcon ciare middle RodneyPoyanCecees-Sil lt io5 dnjaehed and feusleuhed lIliesRest ds(slio®pioeaerlttel.00v arhoul, stunted playing svith the pdrls Poas tuai summer before en- ufleras enerlimt loan. 2-3 NFL DIRECTOR OF ShOwn WallaRel 15 pairsls Riles Norlh'a vialliag Neo Ides 4-A BOYS BASKETBALL - Notre Muleteo Chinveusi 13 pdtte rolling aIND in Ilse lei). FIe said lhesternehsnlhpsbcenagard Vikiegs were olso tains. Melee SoulS lyame junior RodneyPryor got SAME Ill libeus'y.quial - se Ihey act Rel legen t-t his first sleet of the ceceen teri SI-_anundofllhereunb. FANDEMONIUM? Op next Retro Dent eh Calmai, "Tise erhoal is smey celm end end wailed Ase Iheieooanh- doy at Naeeoeth ted he deliv- litt pn. Frlia nulo addrens Ihew. CIL NORth ered etosott leeveediutely. boue get my (srhoelsrorlul dace Crystal Sul the item bud plealy ysiva Reel 4-2 Aotuolly it took him esvhilo, fallieg." with en dintraotiane," lepar Vote and you could win a trip to Peyre Sniahtdvaieh live teeps suid. "The home gomen ana of estese to beem despite Sithlssd Rash I-O (basket)baU koocote two minotes loto the follisg Io COL Harsh-loud- leeSiehd 2-3 le Ihn roetest. Skews Weilernvery intease with Ihn sladanl Fiancer irons Super Bowl XLIV uN'aO0 gerne, u Bee altem sounded ucd leg Highlued Punk 69-fili. tierbrueh Nerlh A-3 added 15 pointe and Quintosneritas (rhanringl. It's like u steif asilas delayed the oaetett for a helf Far scrotal utralohes, North Asine tesi l-5 Chievets 13 (eibe svio. oollnge atmosphere every Siles Nail) 2-4 leerte Rutan Tite perlorm050e rtwt a lanloed 11ko the riens of 1ko Bot otter that, tI wee Pryor dm15105. Il held e 39-31 leed makes his svuak tiler the Evanston leute- Wallace will graduaIt after who betted up, hitting his Drei at Ihn helf; elenad regula-ree Osons, who popped ho ibdiatihbib6stbo(ep cighl tisis three lhreo-poiot oetestpta end fer temed IS poinsu ite miathus unneon, bat hite ND pro- bsnlellsll needs it 19e CIsne 45 gram eppaura ta he in good tioossilhelfi-O ruso ha forretel a hhrea-pnintnr with seoriog 16 of hin oureer-high 21 over SI. Vistan nine lithe left. tRuss NarIN teOhisent 15e After selliiog into the systembonds with ihn evar-imptaving rho nuira session; ted re- poiate in the liest hell oft fit- ceived impeenuive efforts Hnnley'a heel tep al the dendire los asocIes In nerd 47 svie in Lalitwoga Perk. Noire el Notre Duma, Pryor le fled-Chieveus, un umeeging Ill-I Inl- ets, und the shurpahuolieg beam Meniyah Henley (Dii sehen end ob Ihenourl just their nennen sasenrien Is lie Dame improved to 12-6 overalllag hie oomhet,levnl. Hit emer- pointe, ID enbaundsi Allant missed es lime nspired. The lillA in Wedeeslny Ssnlieenl (4-tI0SCC). genre will add u badly needed Pryan third trocee toe Dote teem 'ib 1nov weeks ago, Ilse raurk- Ricoh 114 poinls), PeanleneI-foul-Il nophomora, nour- pnirirgs nro espoalol lelo "Before the gume, ronrh DeGuawun)8 p01010, key os- ly nl full slrengtb afIne released Jnr. 19. (Torn Leal told meto play with thetis led by atabe Weilnotes talked heme ucd 'Q' ubout ham whea Shows leaves,, son niel ant late, game-tyingshould er surgenfi was dom- 5.00w IRme the 'eye of the tiger' ted 'seeleendjuniar Cisievaue. IDoitlyn inant al him es aguiosl the "AI Bveaetoe, we pluynd have to niel up and ha leudare," - bucket) and OlenbeOek Onsth tad destroy,' "said the 6-fool- Srhlnuder 114 pomma, ioolud- GlacIo. She tallied the Pleat more op.aed-dtwsly' auidPs-yos; Poyan said. Nilea WeRt tPeyor "I bund my shot early - four poinle ai Ihn gama, kil The Puse slail Cuemel o17;3S Notre Inst's Rsdsoy Psyus (uccisI std Cady Neldevbnsh (IeRI 105cl apIableed lesron Hills' log baue breIs). Ves Steuben Theywereo't gnaediag re toomba now lives in Mouat Phstatsnplrerl Tirso heal 4-lt team le IhmIke game-hying beshol loe closely end my shot wasProspere. "Ai Nutre Dame, tie p.m. Friday. tlapten Curls dOSel Ihn Abtun Nuldasi Hardened Clssnis. lAuse trr(ttof( S. Heino South etnIci Has ta be Hilens DeGuemun onsist) wiIhlI Resurrection North, nom 2-4 io Ike COLseranda remaining in Ihn faurth quarler, and nhroch Loyale North. Enneaton "We're elwape talkingfor all alu nf Nonib's poinls ukaul keiog eggreonire, es-io OT 'MnlS,ler.csb)op leidtineNFL stretch penally in away games, and DnCusmnn blow past Ri- GlacIs' odvuorlage to fiS-04. 0' five meets in two-day 9) ND wins ins sib i eh M1FLTlt?5mon0l 1 lienoveet suid thot hiesophomore Tira Dorsally rna pinyed Ihel muy )PddeyunIs defenders oison far BRood silly Toonnty-hkrae ._ oeibemutteetlseoiehtdthe treitte ihdIls ldWl5 j By DAN SHALIN vhio on abig sorteo. We'relearn sous lihety giver at (1191 woe 4-1 and seolor Mttl night)," said Vihisgenaueheasy dribble-delco Inyops. rebounds, in ana game? de lia lieS pio s ea ria as lilo m tryieg lo keep the mew anta rrnoti000l boost by Klees'MoNolty (1461 hoishod 4-i. I Dan Paoaos. "I Isoam IbisThu 5-bonI-2 Vihe bud esHenley grubbed Ihat many ioupiratioeul pregame Lotiong eheud, life hued. sosuld be a baIlle, asd IbIdqsolmnabanlvoehudng iv- 114 off Ike allestive glass) WRESTLING -NohwDtwt alive. Thty were sunk greet epeech. ly gelato y nosier for the tisera, befoen the game, 'TIde sida, unieg a bluru'p licei during Anlurdoyb dl-41 lora i. i eoperienred anthrieg set 01 youag mee." nIel la beat trees and aky- The Dana wan aloe of 14 "(ND cod Dl. Pulsi la ebig Dota. Theytrovo1lt will come dame Is Ike lush la L000 Tomb; oho 0100 rierumetteree elf the met rivalry 004 it doesn't hurtMndelein tolere the hont passonsion.' II did. What I snared oh loam-high 16 und u atroces ful rua ro walohen and pnevuiled.4t- "She's pitying with a lab PIONEER PRESS.'& 16 agoiosttha Hawks. Gen-tobase e little notre spirito-Coosuios ted Dt. Josoph nl really lilaed, Ihough, mes ihm puieOn. mame nasDdnone, tobingon areal seid thee violones by el leoderehip there foryos," 5p.m. Ioduy. Noire Dorne way me pluyed ehem geulieg Hinsis woued up wilh IA The Does (19-41 retors ed bigfltr people libo thai," Para- poiels, three ,rssisls usd Boo jusion Jim Walloobeeg et 145 the rotoh seid. thee weiromes Moron doms by 10 poids lut 60-10 to uotisu far the OrsI lime pounds tod sophomore At the Poltlioe quad onCetholir und Dt. Violar lar willo 4GO 101110 eeguluuion). non suid. "Aod oben Ito toslealu; Detiosman tulliad sinos Der. IS, tad mude np Saturday the D 00e cr0013.u double dttl ut KIt p.m. Our pluyons didn't hengoraleb." eight Io AO milk three as- Callao Kellyll8S(sneee the Schleuder, meenmhile, for it with Ove duele in three tigrature wies of thebr-I. They defeuled Lake Pridoy. their heads." niele; usd North sonior days. ND woe usil live, ierltd- Zurirh 60-lt, the baci Pi- Stureiag at 9a.m. Salue- Highland lurk (Il-S, 6-01hudublest from thece-paist Jenny Choc ho r urna dos-s evesiag. reonirod a heady pues 1mwmoreilory. Aleo O-I, she ing violones over rivule The following eight, NDretas 61-10 ted Pitiofielddey, ND trill rampeie it 05 ositir scans bourde. St. tetre Duet's tese Ilereiyne (lap) ueste le luso Asine 10011's files junioe gaand Emily l5aldmae nailed a luir olbowba in Ilse Bastetc NilosNooth hosts MeineSooth, ted defettadStPotnirlell-23 inNurth 15-11. Oalapaeh-Risen isorett 1000- tutisree forint n yf-patod boul Isst meli. (toessrleTerreeol(llslt iv Ihn waning eerosda ofaenondfranseasdtmomora Gleobeoulu Norlk cl 'lIDO Potnirk. hrn ESCO. One highlight woe WulleebegoodKellywereeamoot thet inrltdea hugh- OT. Her delivery wsued up in Iba fonnlb. Her Daul leny, In e duel meet ti Weite Ptelslssphesl Wallenberg'a wie asee tul- isvo of four ND wreatlaes, Ip reeked Minotlut, Lyros, p.m. Pridoy. South Thuredty, the aehaule iv the nluioh hasds ai Lau-tticSfl nïlhe bunt, nut Iba Corrueceruirpiossoenlerol.marru oPe ne n' Y prodded, led Ike tubules.aetedohtmeorltsjaoioeilr-tlongwiihjteiorMattSom-Arrawbead Ueion lWis.l haaored mematienefNDgoteed down outside u and Port Pommait Wrsi Ntelh Canalisa Stata foal- "It was a tear-jerker, buheihotyTripoli. merelloolandseoioeBeiun grad Kerle MrCaaa tad Sidge (2151, finithing 5-S (Mo.). Meine South grud BraItball gerne 102004. honeut," said Noter Demo "Wejnulwrestledwellted Notre Dtwe uhowed ahtodeoarhAtgiaGeuoveoi.hard," C 000veei etid. "It's during the weekend ateetob. "The waeluead la going lv Hermut, creeatilogsttrs tlways u pisysirel duti ND feoshmteSetabe abetS" Gcotresi prediol- duriug the lele 1090° oudvideo uboat MoCean, tud "We bud 1,600 peoplt litent, URS EASO N CO M° ted tu tht lwrastlenul salagaíust SI. Pat's." I-lnueghoo want 4-1 at 112, ed. -rlose frieude who wera tIse Reo Rayllleeo, ND'aviot b.i'812°2 ii17111,11:r. 1132'lNlul::r:..


Adveosleom005 Vikings cut down to Stimulus Package offersup to a$1500 tax credit on insulating your home 00 Tsrosdsy, Febmsoy 17, 20B9, Pcesidnot Obnme5J io all outride wail cavity nocas. The product goes into the size insecond half sigeed i050 faon an 00000mb stimulas bill estitled Thend" waifs esa foam und deben bord. nrnoObng a 4-inch shelf of Ames-boas Recovery and Reisneosmeot Act, The Bill insolation enound peur home. provides homeowsocs wish a tao emdit equal On thieOyE] Saendnra discovered the differronea between the Giants surge pement (30%) of the cost in an amases not to evocad M'O fibeWlosainualatine that naos origirally io her heme $1300 far energp efficient home impmnemonos. Nevaio 11/: end Oho foam ieou000ian tana USA Involution installed. after eading by 38cm and People's Ges coe50000rs are eligiblcfar an two at break addieieoal $1500 cebannooseslJanssa 15,2010. There ma many reasons why the foam product is bettor: Diana Saundees bud noticed several deafly woos in fire With ne N-nolan of R-SA USA Prombem farm bander 67-yero-oid Capa Cod homa. "There wem cesoie amas Foam insulation gives homeowners highest racing of any i000100ier antan ermahnt. By BARI SIRALIN of the loasen whom the hoot ovas being sockod eat," else d 5h a linOp io r e e rl a ea Lot p a more comfortable, quieter home. Puncinohoe of inmalaOion ecos an anuo-buce Asesnoll, recoiled. S000dom had 00mo aeree of her homo inenlatad -MioheelpcnoOeoojncd Ome,slersee 00it is roeiatanO 0000000e nod ovilI sol ham. with fiberglass eccomi yeucu ago, but sise decided ehe BOYS BASKETBALL - Ir SonnI mndundon; io cedacee oulvido ncioe fly 55 Ihn roofing accords of isis nooded re get ta eretico hooso insulated oniOh a b0000erocoso lese ofen, and l'rc oec055 drurososic dc'renco in decibels, kaaping pean indo er 000ironwrrl qoirO. locros OS-58 home loas prodaco. Sbe suso USA lesulatian ea sr home ucd garleo rosy soOiliOyhills. Thace ir ea enooceen aftampeorstuee egainsl Highland Porlo Fri- shaw and ithed whet ehe sew io the demonstration. Olonoeghoua Olor bourn, which is very significeno," she USA Premium Poem mesisOe moisOom und mold und day night, Nues North head "Tlsey wem Oho ealy ones that insl0100d Oho foam in- edded. "One of the maso impoSons Ihiogs is dono my eat coach Glenn Olson droppad selotien," rho said. "And Oho foam is ooviroomcoOallyhouac ti much qei0000 Oben io used lebe. I can't bese the IO to one knee os the sideline is cinese, doso-ben eod eonopleOoly n00000ic, fdnndly." Sauodaes oes impcessed snub rho mnssallctioo and Pol hie head donan. outsido Oecftc or Oho noisy crickets anymore. 10's a gmea mahing io sale for families andp005. The coach oppearad deep ru cicli ne the besOallaes. "They overa ssrei5000f0000ucd und produca, and io will nino be feed fac tac meule value of ir tloonghl, trying to ligure honoro," she cupleinod. "They drilled boina Oheonglo Oho my homo." USA Insulation ree compinOe00ioostulloOion io moot out nvhal had happened to wood sidinp, but yno cuna me sofoco the halos were "Properly insulated walls end alti er cue sana homes in one dey. The company is emen000ly offering his leam in the second half when they oem finished." Saundem hao neOs'ned 00mo homeownereop ro 50 pernee r on tarie brosiog bills."$25g off any whole-house bn001aOion job. F oea free of a gama il had trailed by definire impmvemoers io hoe ioda or eocimnmrns. void Michael Pmstan of USA Inautation. "It also edle Snincolori on nonfondee, coil (847) 564-8300. lust two points uthalldsme. "Before rosy bosser woe irosefoOnd my fornace medI Oho odor of poor biggest inonsOmeot-. your home." The Vikingo 16-10, 2-3) o'erh reroora5501y re beep rosy heouesvaao.Newooyrosace Insuledon installs its paoenled Pmmiom Foam Issulorbon 'Y were coming off a Sig non- conference win over W'dlow- brook earlier in sloe wnah, end bed played well for Iwo . quartero egains t tise Nacos. e eSci derrog tire 101510 BattheVskeswere Nies North's fIdel Nader speie op fa oalscnred lb-12 altec the osadas alite gkloqe' 51-38 loss fc 1551551 Park on Ordep 1805e l'MeIroneN/llaff Pbslogreplerl break. Allee the game, 0100e was easy banlseis eiter making GAME BALLS still woodrdng vvloy his tenon Ike entea pass. had niraggled sa mightily Senior lotarlea Seelen led REIILSI toc 16 minutes ugainstHigh- the Vikings with 17 peints Jan. lUs Nies North Sb lOuise- land Pork 10-8, 3-21. end ripped down five re- brook 61 CONQUER THE WORLD "We played milk energyboands. Abdel Had av sees'sd Frtdeiv lligklaed Peri St Siles in the Pesi helf," the coachllandhadfsveenboondnas NorOis 3g said. "In the secandkallwe STAR PERFORMANCES START WITH YOUR HOMETOWN. didn'l come oui wilh any en- Ndes- ovas eaming ollo MUAnt NaMers CereOr'hlfh 47 ergy. We gol boul in everycaceen -high 42 peints in e pointe se. lNilonbt000 lacci oïthe game: shooting, SI-61 win over Willowbrools Marion Seniors learn-leol 1f Monster and Pioneer Press have joined forces so you can discover a job thst will let guarding, rebounding, ball-cejan, IS. pairle es. Hi9hleol Pork you rise to the top in the suburban Chicago area. Your calling is calling. handlissg. lomas n complote "He just playnd molly Ment500l Sykes 21500f IntasI- collapse. I'd lova io tell yoahard end good things hap- siso rIfan as. Willseltoak why. I donI have tha an-pen when you play lourd," GONE DAN MONSTER AND PIONEER PRESS NOW WORK TOGETHER. Olsen seid. Up neRi: Oiles 800lh st Glen' North strugglcd with Tb e coach also was brook North, lilt po. Frite) Highland Parh'n aggreosivepleusad with the defeasive Nulos North et RelIef000e nona defense, loresng thepselermanca eijuniec Mea- SeteerdeN ball avec routinely. Thetreol Sykes. Oiles AsIlI el Garten Tesis.? Vikingo shol poorly molde Hiles Noeth retocen000c- po. poesIe) PIONEER PRESS monser5 sod out, killing Jost 1-of-II lien when il dolls OSL Ca (847) from iheac-poinl range. North power Glenkcoakwoond volke talising lev 486-9300 "IHPI dido real gond jobNeeih 017:30 p.m. Friday. much ekoul the Uparl000 si Idofensivelyl," Oleen said. The Vilsiegn heed io Moth- praclise e. pioneertoCal.cOm/moflSSer today O "AicceeieiopoiOi, yea hove ce forenoon tiyofion Sat- "Our focoso won't be Oled- le make plays ageinsi 11ko breols Honk. Our foc es will subscribe -o urday, 1h00 leevelo io Gee- TNedves'ttEA roIl (847) 998.3400 P1oNEiPRiss cenni, and we didn'l msske don Tech 017 p.m. Hilen North, cil wenk," yourlocal plays." The Vihiogs lost lo 0BNihr ceecknaid. "We beve lo www.pipalnesl.cOm At Ike other end of theby Il poiets the leert timeget better in every erauel paper. 300slHighlssod Peek scoeed ceound. But Olnon said he Ike game." I

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Thtngs wo want you Io know: New two-year apreemont (subject to early termination tee) and credit approval required. A $30 activation leo may apply. RegulatoryCost Recovery Foe applies; this is not a tax or government-required chame. Additional lees, taxes. terms, conditions and coverage areas apply and vary by plan, service and phone. Use ol service constitutes acceptance of the terms et our Customer Service Agreement. Sue storefor details nr visit usoeiiuiar.00m.O6fJ: Ruy one handset and get a second handset for free. Mali-in rebate and activatixn required on each handsot. Promotional Phone subjoot to change, U.S. Celiniar Visa Debit Card issuod by MntaBank pursuant to a license 1mm Visa U.S.A. inc.Aiinw 10-12 weeks lar processing. Card does cot have cash access and can ho used at any merchant locatixn that accepts Visa debit cards. Card vaiid fer 120 days alter Issued. Premium Mobile Internet Plan is 319.D5 per month. Application and data network usage charges mayapply when accessing applications. Mohite Dreadhand on 3G Network only available with select handsets. Users can expect .- an average download speed of 768Kbps and an average upload speed nf 200Kbps. ©2010 U.S. Cellular.