Desmond Seward | 320 pages | 26 Aug 1999 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780140283617 | English | New York, NY, United States The Hundred Years War: the English in France 1337-1453 PDF Book

Interestingly, as Seward notes in the foreword, he emphasizes the financial aspects of the war which was an illuminating choice in my opinion. Le Patourel, J. In England, political forces over time came to oppose the costly venture. If the unborn child was male, he would become king; if not, Charles left the choice of his successor to the nobles. I will move on to read more detailed histories of the period. The Worlds of Medieval Europe. Although primarily a dynastic conflict , the war inspired French and English nationalism. Inspired by Joan, the French took several English strongholds on the Loire. In , a treaty was signed between France and Scotland during the reign of Philip the Fair. Jun 19, Rich rated it it was amazing Shelves: history , college. Archived from the original on 23 September A very straightforward, linear account of the Hundred Years' War from a decidedly English-as-protagonists-leaning point of view. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online ed. This is my story of survival. After all, many of these men and women were pseudo-documented by Shakespeare so there is much grist for the mill. What is undeniable is that for a few months many Frenchmen thought they were fighting a holy war, and the English went in terror of the Maid and her sorceries. Much of the contemporary view of the war is colored by the various literary works especially Shakespeare's take on the main figures , and depending on whether you view the war from the English or French side. The French had a similar problem as they faced near civil war for most of the period. Who Owns the Arctic? However, Edward wanted the crown and chose the cathedral city of Reims for his coronation Reims was the traditional coronation city. Louis managed to isolate the Burgundians by buying Edward IV of England off with a large cash sum and an annual pension, in the Treaty of Picquigny The allegiance of Burgundy remained fickle, but the English focus on expanding their domains in the Low Countries left them little energy to intervene in the rest of France. Translated by Emily Read. He was the leader of the most serious and widespread rebellion against England authority in Wales since the conquest of — A constant theme is the cost of the war on both sides. Edward II King of England. Columbia University Press. Bolingbroke returned to England with his supporters and deposed Richard and had himself crowned Henry IV. Joan of Burgundy born As a result, some of the writing comes off as a little dated or discordant to today's reader - for example, the author describing Charles VI's queen Isabeau of Bavaria as "sluttish". The Wars of the Roses. Similarly, France would have Scotland's support if its own kingdom were attacked. Sumption, J. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Cardiff School of History and Archaeology. The Hundred Years War: the English in France 1337-1453 Writer

Joan II of Navarre. Richard A. The Sutton Companion to Local History revised ed. Archived from the original PDF on 27 September Oh Crap! Gascony was not the only sore point. The Dauphin's strategy was that of non-engagement with the English army in the field. The English won an emphatic victory at the Battle of Verneuil 17 August Difficulties in raising taxes and revenue hampered the ability of the French to fight the English. So the throne passed instead to Charles's patrilineal cousin, Philip , Count of Valois. Hundred Years' War Lancastrian phase — See also: Armagnac—Burgundian Civil War. Very quick paced up until Henry V's death and then, oddly and inexplicably, it kind of starts to drag. Regardless, I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about the Plantagenets and Valois. While there, it became apparent that he was ill possibly dysentery , and when he set out to the Upper Loire, he diverted to the royal castle at Vincennes, near , where he died on 31 August. Oct 27, Frank Kelly rated it really liked it Shelves: military , sept6-sept6 , , europe. Aside from what I think is a misreading of the historical importance of Joan of Arc, this is a delightfully sprightly book. Reading this book will dispel any preconceptions of chivalry that the modern reader has entering the study of the Middle Ages. The French camp at Castillon had been laid out by Charles VII's ordinance officer Jean Bureau and this was instrumental in the French success as when the French cannon opened fire, from their positions in the camp, the English took severe casualties losing both Talbot and his son. Joan was convicted and burned at the stake on 30 May A fun, engaging, and kind-of-fluffy narrative history of the Hundred Years War. Library resources about Hundred Years' War. At Verneuil, the archers fought to devastating effect against the Franco-Scottish army. The Hundred Years War: the English in France 1337-1453 Reviews

While they gave me a glimpse into this extraordinary conflict, my understanding was only at the tip of the iceberg. Who Owns the Arctic? Gascony was not the only sore point. So, as I wrote, Seward's book could be considered a good primer. Princeton University Press. Men in arms: a history of warfare and its interrelationships with Western society 5th ed. Seward's book is a very readable and digestible account of a complex time period. Desmond Seward was born in Paris and educated at Cambridge University. Disaster struck in a freak hailstorm on the encamped army, causing over 1, English deaths — the so-called Black Monday on Easter The English lost 2, men, and the commander, John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury , was taken prisoner. Overwhelming victories at Agincourt in and Verneuil in as well as an alliance with the Burgundians raised the prospects of an ultimate English triumph and persuaded the English to continue the war over many decades. Yes, there is the dated two volume military history written by A. Although primarily a dynastic conflict , the war inspired French and English nationalism. Barnsley, S. Next item Book Review: "The Ninth Index and Epitome. I will move on to read more detailed histories of the period. My only slight qualm I feel worth mentioning is that Seward seems almost irritated with the way history has revered Joan of Arc and as a result glosses over her contributions and role in the war. England showed decreasing enthusiasm for conflict deemed not in the national interest, yielding only losses in return for high economic burdens. Even after her death, the French, still feeding on the inspiration she brought, persevered through the next 22 years to drive the English out of every one of their strongholds on the Continent. Philip VI had assembled a large naval fleet off Marseilles as part of an ambitious plan for a crusade to the Holy Land. Clear, concise, and entertaining summary of a complicated conflict. Burgundian Wars — It is a conflict that seems both dumb and revealing about the state of politics and war for the two countries. Next was the town of Chartres. The war marked both the height of chivalry and its subsequent decline, and the development of stronger national identities in both countries. Hallowell, M. Furthermore, French kings found alternative ways to finance the war — sales taxes, debasing the coinage — and were less dependent than the English on tax levies passed by national legislatures. Charles VI succeeded his father as king of France at the age of 11, and he was thus put under a regency led by his uncles, who managed to maintain an effective grip on government affairs until about , well after Charles had achieved royal majority. Oct 27, Frank Kelly rated it really liked it Shelves: military , sept6-sept6 , , europe. This devastated Edward's army and forced him to negotiate when approached by the French. Following John's reign, the Battle of , the Saintonge War , and finally the War of Saint-Sardos , the English king's holdings on the continent, as Duke of Guyenne , were limited roughly to provinces in Gascony. The question of female succession to the French throne was raised after the death of Louis X in Edward also abandoned his claim to the crown of France. Bordeaux fell to the French on 19 October; there were no more hostilities afterwards. Go read Perroy. Add To Cart 0. English holdings in France had varied in size, at some points dwarfing even the French royal domain ; by , however, only Gascony was English. I'm being a little mean to Desmond Seward with only three stars. It's a good intro to the topic, the more so as there is little else out there to read about it. Starting due to a question of succession for the English throne and who had what rights to the French crown, there continues a long series of this various engagements. However, a variety of factors such as the deaths of both Henry and Charles in , the emergence of Joan of Arc which boosted French morale, and the loss of Burgundy as an ally, marking the end of the civil war in France, prevented it. However, the English were decisively defeated at the Battle of Castillon on 17 July To the kings of France, this dangerously threatened their royal authority, and so they would constantly try to undermine English rule in France, while the English monarchs would struggle to protect and expand their lands. The Continental Legal History. Steward even covers the changing technology of war from the late 14th century to the early 15th. This is surely the definitive work on the subject at least for the foreseeable future , though I am not sure that I have the time and dedication for it. Proceedings of the Western Society for French History. Similarly, France would have Scotland's support if its own kingdom were attacked. Main article: Reims campaign.

The Hundred Years War: the English in France 1337-1453 Read Online

Cardiff Historical Papers. It is not bogged down by excruciating detail, but the full picture is there. A New Historical Geography of England before Original Title. A fun, engaging, and kind-of-fluffy narrative history of the Hundred Years War. Christine Fair. Overall, this was a great book, and I highly recommend it to those looking to learn about the Hundred Years War for the first time. Much of the contemporary view of the war is colored by the various literary works especially Shakespeare's take on the main figures , and depending on whether you view the war from the English or French side. Does Foreign Aid Really Work? Clear, concise, and entertaining summary of a complicated conflict. Columbus, OH : Harold L. Furthermore, French kings found alternative ways to finance the war — sales taxes, debasing the coinage — and were less dependent than the English on tax levies passed by national legislatures. Edward's purpose was to strengthen his alliances with the Low Countries. From the 11th century, the Angevins had autonomy within their French domains, neutralising the issue. While they gave me a glimpse into this extraordinary conflict, my understanding was only at the tip of the iceberg. Studies in History. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online ed. Sugar Busters! Sir John Fastolf [76]. And then there is the mega-mammoth Sir Jonathan Sumption undertaking that at four volumes with a fifth still to come An adequate, but not excellent, short pages of narrative history on a long series of wars and mutual hostility between England and France that we now call the Hundred Years War. I found this book to be an excellent survey of the Hundred Years War. Archived from the original PDF on 16 July English monarchs had therefore historically held titles and lands within France , which made them vassals to the kings of France. Thieves and robbers rose up everywhere in the land. After the deaths of Charles V and du Guesclin in , France lost its main leadership and overall momentum in the war. Charles V had abolished many of these taxes on his deathbed, but subsequent attempts to reinstate them stirred up hostility between the French government and populace. Although the Castilians had agreed to fund the Black Prince, they failed to do so. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Audiobook This work attempts to summarize the off-and-on-again series of conflicts between the French and English between Through his political sagacity he won over his adversaries and succeeded to the French throne as Philip V. The Sutton Companion to Local History revised ed. Seward's book is a very readable and digestible account of a complex time period. Dimensions: 8. It's also interesting as Seward details what battle was really like in the age of chivalry. The English appeared invincible, their continuing victories proof that God was with them, while it was unthinkable that Burgundians could ever be reconciled with Armagnacs. After that, he expected to be left undisturbed while he made war on Scotland. This was a great overview of one of the strangest wars in the Western world. A war that started with catapults and trebuchets ended with cannon and the first firearms being the weapons of choice. This Sceptred Isle 55 BC— I had picked up pieces of it reading other histories but was looking for a better focus on this incredibly important period. Instead, they fell on forces detached from the main body to raid or forage.