Married. Path Valley, Pa., August 15. •Of Memphis, Tenn., August 30
Married. emmental officials and advocated radical reforms. He next joined in the publication of a periodical called Medizinische Re¬ Anthony L. "Rettaliata, M.D., to Miss Agnes M. Ryan, both form, devoted to politico-medical reform measures and in which •of Baltimore, August 27. among other changes there was urged the establishment of a W. B. Kirkpatkick, M.D., to Miss Susie A. Brinley, botli of ministerial bureau for public hygiene. His active participation Path Valley, Pa., August 15. in the liberal movement connected with the revolutionary efforts J. Talley Spence, M.D., Alma, I. T., to Miss Mary R. Brand, of 1848 led to his dismissal from public positions in Berlin, and •of Memphis, Tenn., August 30. he accepted the offer of the chair of pathological anatomy in William F. Berner, M.D., Merrill, Iowa, to Miss Hannah Würzburg, the university of which was the first to establish Boubeck of Chicago, August 27. a full chair in this branch. Here he continued his investiga¬ Robert M. Andrews, M.D., to Miss Clara Louise Church, tions, interested himself in the of a scientific 26. deeply development 'both of Bergen, . Y., August in the and in the matter of accurate Miss atmosphere university Adams . Howard, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio, to Madge statistics of local diseases. He assumed co-editor¬ Armor of 4. municipal Wooster, Ohio, September of Canstatt's Jahresbericht which since 1867 has been Louis L. to Miss Catherine ship pub¬ Gilman, M.D., Rochester, H., Virchow and Hirsch. In "Cunningham, of New York, August 11. lished by 1856 he was recalled to Berlin as Professor of General Walter E.
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