For Immediate Release

March 28, 2018

Contact: Dave Jacobson, (818) 943-2348 Maclen Zilber, (510) 508-9142 Jacobson & Zilber Strategies

NEW THORBURN AD CHALLENGES FEAR AND LOATHING IN “TRUMP’S AMERICA” CA-39 Progressive Democrat Andy Thorburn Releases New Video Ad, “Trump’s America”, Affirming a Vote to Impeach Trump

ORANGE COUNTY, CA -- On the heels of announcing high-powered endorsements from Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma and the Communications Workers of America, today former labor leader, classroom teacher, non-profit advisor and progressive Democratic businessman Andy Thorburn released a new digital video ad in the race for California's 39th Congressional District seat.

The spot, titled “Trump’s America,” sets up a contrast between some of President Trump’s most nerve-rattling comments, and Thorburn’s declaration to vote to impeach Trump.

To view "Trump's America" click here or on the screen shot below:

This announcement also follows the campaign’s recent release of a new video ad "10 Questions with Karen” that features Thorburn’s wife, Karen Thorburn.

To view the ad, click here or on the screen shot below:

Just last week, Thorburn's campaign rolled out its first ad featuring Karen Thorburn, titled "My Rock."

To view, "My Rock," click on the screen shot below or here.

Today's release comes on the heels of news that Thorburn's campaign announced that it began airing its television commercial ad, "Jailed," this month on cable TV throughout California's 39th Congressional district.

To view the ad, "Jailed" click here or on the screen shot below:

Also recently, Thorburn released an advertisement starring actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr., a backer of Thorburn's Congressional bid. To view the ad, "Red Alert," click here or on the image below:

Beyond new video ads, Thorburn's campaign has been picking up steam, securing endorsements from the following:

• Our Revolution • Our Revolution Orange County • California Nurses Association • National Nurses United • International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 36 • United Steelworkers of and Orange Counties • Communications Workers of America (CWA) • Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 9510 • California Conference of Machinists • Machinists District Lodge 725 and District Lodge 947 • The People for Bernie Sanders • California Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma • State Assembly Member and former California Democratic Party Statewide Secretary Reggie Jones-Sawyer • State Senator and education leader Marty Block (Ret.) • Actor/Environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. • Los Angeles City Controller Rick Tuttle (Ret.)

Andy Thorburn is a Democrat, a former classroom teacher, an advocate for working people, a businessman, and a nonprofit founder. He has worked as an educator, union organizer, and entrepreneur, and at each phase in his life, he has prioritized the principle that any organization - a country or a company - gets the best results if it treats its people fairly, with dignity, and holds itself to a standard of excellence.

Thorburn has been married to his wife Karen, for 37 years, and they have two children together, both of which they adopted as infants. Andy and Karen live in Orange County, where they have lived for the past 18 years.

For more information please visit:


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