
Date: _April 30, 2008

To: The Mayor The City Council

From: Proposition Q Administrative Oversight Committee ~t~ Karen L. Sisson, City Administrative Offic~r _./ -,ct 1o L Gerry F. Miller, Chief Legislative Analyst "'A" go ...... 1 Chris Espinosa, Mayor's Office . ,(Jv.:.- Douglas L. Barry, Fire Chief Sharon Papa, Assistant Chi">T~-"


In accordance with the Proposition Q Program Governance Structure approved by the Council, the Proposition Q Administrative Oversight Committee hereby transmits the Program's April 2008 quarterly status report. City officials interested in obtaining a color copy of the report may request the report from the Program Manager, Vincent Jones, at (213) 482-7373 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The report is also available on the website at


That the Mayor and Council note and file the report inasmuch as it is for informational purposes only and no further action is required.

Fiscal Impact Statement

There- is no impact to the General Fund. The cost of the Program is funded by Proposition Q - Citywide Public Safety General Obligation Bonds.




APR 3 0 2006 2002 Proposition Q Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report -April2008

CITY OF LOS ANGELES ~~~ Emergency Preparedness Dep:u1ment

Citizen Oversight Committee (COC) Administrative Oversight Committee (AOC) Members Members John Greenwood, Chair Karen l. Sisson, Chair, City Administrative Officer Irene Tovar, Vice Chair Douglas L Barry, LAFD, Chief of Fire Sharon Bruno William J. Bratton, LAPD, Chief of Police Carolyn Flowers Christopher Espinosa, Office of the Mayor Rick Tuttle Gerry Miller, Chief legislative Analyst

Prepared by the EN lNG TffE,MtEliENT: D£Si<;NiNG fan ThE FUTURE Bureau of Engineering Program Management Team Turner/JGM 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008


A. Executive Summary

B. Schedule

C. Budget

D. Project Status

E. Contact List

F. Appendix • Status Report on the Renovation of Police & Fire Facilities

NOTES: 1. New information or text that has changed since the previous quarterly brief is identified by a ( +) diamond bullet. 2. Text that is the same as the previous quarterly brief is identified by a (•) square bullet.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008


Program Summary + This briefing, prepared quarterly for the Prop Q Citizen and Administrative Oversight Committees, summarizes the overall status of activities and progress for the 2002 Proposition Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program through April 2, 2008. It includes the Program Master Schedule, Program Budget & Use of Funds, Expenditure/Cash Flow Plan and Status Reports for each project.

II On March 5, 2002, 67% of the voters in the City of Los Angeles passed a Citywide Public Safety Bond Measure for $600 million dollars to improve, renovate, expand and construct 911-Police-Fire-Paramedic Facilities. Since the Program's inception, the Department ofPublic Works, Bureau ofEngineering, the Los Angeles Police & Fire Departments, the Emergency Preparedness Department and the Information Technology Agency are making excellent progress in the delivery of the Public Safety projects.

II The 2002 Proposition Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program involves 13 overall projects with the following scope of work: : 5 PoliceStatioi1S (New& Repla(:~ment):< l Construction of new facility with vehicle a. Hol}~nbeck Are~ :Repla~ell1ent Statio~! maintenance facility and parking structure/lot. b. Mid-City/20th .f\rea.Ne'\'V S~tio~ · .·· J Four projects require land. Two projects c. RamPI:1rtArea. Repll;lce111ellt~tation . ·····~ include demolition of existing LAPD facility. ·d; 'Valley/Northwest Area New Stl:ltio11 ·•I e.... West Valley Area Replaceiliell.f ~.. ···.··1 · Station · · · ·· · ·· i · ··1 Police Stati()fl&Jail(Replac~IlJ.ent}:" / Construction of new facility with a jail, vehicle ·... · a. Harbor.l\reai~.~placerrientstati~ri '.1 maint~~ance fac~lio/, par~g structure and · · · · · · · ·· • 1 demobtwn of extsting facthty. j Acquisition of new site and construction of .. ... l new facility with parking. ··· 1 Mefrol)eten:ti()ll. Center(ReplacemeJ:lt):J Acquisition of new site and construction of · · · · j new metro detention center with parking. ! Acquisition of new site and construction of .i new Emergency Operations Center, Fire .J Department operations & dispatch and LAPD ·· ····] Operations Center with parking. ·•· i Acquisition of new site and construction of a ; new Traffic Division & Bureau Headquarters j office building with parking. . :R~:movation!CIP"forF4-e Facilities: ··1 Renovation!CIP of multiple Fire facilities. :. ·RenovationfGtPforPoliceFadilities:. ··• J Renovation/CIP of multiple Police facilities.

Master Program Schedule

+ On March 27, 2008, the Prop Q Administrative Oversight Committee approved the fiscal mid-year cost analysis, cost to complete report and City staff utilization with a revised Program Budget of $687.4 million and current Program Contingency of approximately $65 million.

Los Angeles Pol ice, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments A.- 1 Bureau ofEngineering Quarterly Report-April 2008

1111 On October 31, 2007, the City Council adopted the Prop Q Annual Report 2007, including the adjusted Program Budget of $676.9 million and updated Master Program Schedule.

II On October 6, 2006, the City Council adopted the Prop Q Annual Report 2006, including the adjusted Program Budget of $650.6 million updated Master Program Schedule. The PSBOC approved the Annual Report 2006 on July 27, 2006, establishing a time frame of approximately 6.5 years to complete all projects. + To date, of the overal113 projects, 3 are complete in construction and 2 are in post-construction. The remaining 8 are making excellent progress with six in construction and two in renovations. Currently 6 are ahead of the Master Schedule and 5 are on schedule. All projects are scheduled to complete construction ahead of the 7 -year time frame stipulated in the bond measure.

1111 All land acquisition is complete for the nine projects requiring sites. All projects have completed Design and Bid & Award. Eleven projects are in Construction and one project is in Post-Construction. + Police renovations/CIPs are continuing on schedule. Of the 13 police renovations, 12 are complete, 1 is on-hold. Fire renovations/CIPs continue on schedule. Police and Fire Renovations/CIP are counted each as one overall project and detailed in the Appendix, section F.

Budget I Contract Commitments

II The Program Budget establishes an Expenditure Program based on the following Source of Funds:

General Obligation Bonds approved by voters in 2002 Projected interest earnings and other funds TOTAL SOURCE OJ? FUNDS: $676.9 million

1111 To date, the 10 design contracts awarded are within the budget amount. The 9 properties acquired are within the budget amount. Total amount of land acquisition expended to date: $52,215,614.

1111 On November 16,2006, the PSBOC approved the additional source of funds of$1,350,000 from the Bond interest earnings to be allocated to the Hollenbeck Police Station design/construction line for the renovation of the Vladeck building.

II On September 28,2006, the PSBOC approved the additional source offunds of$294,000 from the Bond Premium sale for a total Program Budget of $650.9 million.

1111 On July 27, 2006, the PSBOC moved and approved the Annual Report 2006 including the Cost to Complete analysis and adjusted Program Budget of$650.6 million, to include updated IT/technical costs.

1111 On August 9, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution providing for the issuance of the Bond Premium of the City ofLos Angeles General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$16,294,000.

II On June 21,2006, the City Council adopted the Prop Q Annual Report 2005, including the adjusted Program Budget of $642.7 million and the transfer of $4.4 million from SPRF and $4 million from MICLA to Prop Q for land acquisition reimbursement.

1111 On July 13, 2004, the City Council adopted a resolution providing for the issuance of the third and final sale of the City ofLos Angeles General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$374.4 million.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments A. -2 Bureau of Engineering J . '~? 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008

Ill On July 15, 2003, the City Council adopted a resolution providing for the issuance and second sale of the City of Los Angeles General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$70.0 million.

Ill On May 22, 2002, the City Council adopted a resolution providing for the issuance and first sale of the City ofLos Angeles General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$155.6 million. Project Status Summary Ill All site selection and land acquisition is complete. Ill All projects have completed the Design and Bid & Award Phases. + Six projects are in the Construction Phase: 1. EOC/PO(;/Fire Dispatch: ··. I Construction approximately 90% complete. Interior 1 finishes, data cabling, signage & site work in i progress. Parking structure T/C ofO 12/29/07. 2. Harbor Area Replacement ! Construction approximately 90% complete. Interior . Station & Jail: i finishes, lockers, windows & flooring in progress. 3. HollenbeckReplacelllent ·. j Construction approximately 90% complete. Interior Station:· · j finishes, drywall, windows, ceiling & curtain wall in l; progress. i Construction approximately 75% complete. Interior j masonry complete. MEP, roof & curtain wall in . i progress. ·5. Olympic/20th Area New J Construction approximately 97% complete. Station: l Landscaping, furniture installation & floor polishing ! in progress. 6.Valley/NorthwestArea .··1 Construction approximately 95% complete. Entry New Station: ·· · ·· I plaza complete. Interior finishes, security, artwork ! & landscape in progress.

+ Two Renovation/CIP Projects-Police and Fire: 1. Police R.ellovations/CIP: • ... j Renovation/CIP work on-going; 12 are complete, 1 · . i is on-hold. . ) Renovation/CIP work on-going.

+ Two projects are in the Post-Construction Phase: 1.. Rampart Area ·.. · Post-Construction approximately 30% complete. Replacement Station: ·· : Punchlist, testing & commissioning in progress. i C of 0 3/25/08. 2.Valley'Iraffi.cDiyisiori & ! Post-Construction approximately 75% complete. Bureau Headquarters: · ·; Commissioning & closeout in progress. T/C ofO . ! 12/17/07.

Ill Projects complete in construction: •.. 1. \VesfValleyReplaC:ement 1 Dedication Ceremony held 4/14/05. · ·.. Station: · ·· · · ·'

. ·.· .... < l Final field acceptance by ConAd 3/27/08. C ofO . i 12/05/07.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments A.-3 Bureau ofEngineeling 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-Apri/2008

·! Dedication ceremony held 1/10/08.

Program Management Activities

II On December 5, 2007, the City Council received and filed the June & September 2007 Quarterly Report. The PMT will continue to prepare quarterly reports for Council Committee and Council.

1111 The Program has received nine awards and recognition for design/building excellence and best management practices. The Mid-City/20th Area Police Station, designed by Gruen Associates, received a 2004 Excellence in Architectural Design Award from the Cultural Affairs Commission. Honorable Mention was given to: the Metro Detention Center, designed by HOK/Tetra Design; the Valley Traffic Division & Bureau Headquarters, designed by RNL Design; and the Rampart Area Police station, designed by Perkins & Will. In addition, the San Fernando Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects selected Harbor and Rampart Area Police stations for Merit and Citation in design excellence; and awarded the 2006 AWSan Fernando Valley Design Award to Hollenbeck Area Police Station. The Program received the 2004 Quality & Productivity Commission Award for Best Practices - Models of Improvement Award for "Prototype Floor Plans for City Facilities." The Valley Bomb Squad Facility received a "Gold Medal Building of America" award by the Real Estate & Construction Review Magazine and will be featured in the 2008 Real Estate & Construction Review - Southern Edition.

II The PMT continues to work with our AlE design consultants and the Gas Company's "Savings By Design" program to ensure the best LEEDS ratings for Prop Q projects. Prop Q projects will be analyzed for energy efficiency by the Gas Company to identify ways to improve the building's design for optimal energy efficiency and strong LEEDS ratings. To date, Prop Q has received letters of commitment for approximately $250,000 in "Savings By Design" incentives for the Owner and the Design Teams for the: EOC/POC/Fire Dispatch Center, the Valley Traffic Division & Bureau Headquarters. and the Harbor, Hollenbeck, Mid-City, Rampart and West Valley Police Stations.

II The PMT, in conjunction with Tumer/JGM and E2020 Technology, developed a web-based PM/CM system to track and manage the Program's progress including procedures and forms for document control, budget, submittals, change orders, RFis, plan clarifications, change orders and project updates. This webpage provides information on the Program's status for the Community and Public. The website address is:

1111 To date the Los Angeles Police Department, with the Program Management Team, has conducted 55 Community meetings for site acquisition and design. Meetings include participation by numerous Community Groups, Neighborhood Councils and City officials.

II The Public Safety Master Plan document has been completed by DMJM Design/Johnson Fain and was approved by the City Council on June 23, 2004. The Public Safety Master Plan overviews the master planning process to develop areas in the downtown civic center and focuses on the development and location of several public safety projects including: a new Emergency Operations/Police Operations/Fire Dispatch Center, a replacement Metro Detention Center, a replacement Fire Station 4 and a new Police Headquarters Facility. The City Council adopted the Master Plan Study "A" which locates the EOC/POC/FDC and Fire Station 4 on the Metro site (Temple & Vignes Streets) and the Metro Detention Center on the northwest comer of Temple & Los Angeles streets. The Council amended Study "A" by changing the location of the PHF to the old Cal Trans site (First & Spring Streets).

II The PMT, in conjunction with the Architects, successfully completed the Cultural Affairs design approval process. This involved approximately 20 presentations and submittals to the Cultural Affairs Commission on the design and aesthetic quality of Prop Q projects.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments A. -4 Bureau ofEngineeting ·~·1. J ..:¥ 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008


Master Program Schedule • The 2002 Proposition Q-Citywide Public Safety Bond Program establishes a 7-year time frame to complete all public safety projects from March 2002, the date voters approved the Bond measure. The approved Master Program Schedule establishes approximately 6.5 years to complete all new construction projects. + The schedule diagram on the next page provides 2 bars for each public safety project. The top bar represents the Master Program Schedule baseline adopted by the PSBOC. The bottom bar represents the current update for each project through March 2008. • Major Phases of the Program are identified by the various colored bars on the diagram. The phases include site/land acquisition, design, bid & award, construction and post-construction.

Schedule Update + To date, of the overalll3 projects, 3 are complete in construction and 2 are in post-construction. The remaining 8 are making excellent progress with six in construction and two in renovations. Currently 6 are ahead of the Master Schedule and 5 are on schedule. All projects are scheduled to complete construction ahead of the 7-year time frame stipulated in the bond measure. + Police & Fire renovations/CIPs are continuing on schedule. Of the 13 police renovations, 12 are complete, 1 is on-hold. Police and Fire Renovations/CIP are counted each as one overall project and detailed in the Appendix, section F. + The following table provides a listing of projects by phase and indicates the project's progress in relation to the Master Schedule as either ahead, on or behind schedule.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments B. -1 Bureau ofEngineeting Bar r-; I I !-- I Description • ..102 I 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009 Bomb Squad Facility· Metro + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update "'"'"' I ' Bomb Squad Facility • Valley ' + Baseline Schedule I I ~~~··! + Current Update I~!.Wr&~JI.~!4~e;;¥.f~-'1ID!'lt~l'oo:eyt~.~ztrb-.Jr~lc=::=J I EOC/POC!Fire Dispatch + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update I ..• Harbor Area Rep/. Station & Jail + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update I Hollenbeck Area Replacement Station + Baseline Schedule I I ~ + Current Update I Metro Detention Center + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update • I Olympic/20th Area New Station + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update • I Rampart Area Replacement Station + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update I Renovations!CJP • Fire Facilities + Baseline Schedule I + Current Update I Renovations!CIP • Police Facilities

+ Baseline Schedule ' I +Current Update I 2002 I 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009

Start Date 12MAR02 P069 Sheet1 of2 Legend Finish Date 13MAR09 Master Program Schedule, MARCH 2008 ~~~~Site/Property Acquisition Data Date 31MAROB 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Design Bld&Award City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering Construction Post-Construction Bar f-- c---J I i I I Description ,tJ02 I 2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009 Valley/Northwest Area New Station + Baseline Schedule ' I

+ Current Update i I Valley Traffic Division/Bureau Hqtrs + Baseline Schedule

I I + Current Update I I West Valley Area Replacement Station + Baseline Schedule I ~~I\XIS!SI\0~ I + Current Update I + Program Completion II M

2002 I 2003 I 2004 I 2005 J 2JI06 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009

Start Date 12MAR02 PQB9 Sheet2of2 Legend Finish Date 13MAR09 Master Program Schedule, MARCH 2008 Data Date 31MAR08 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program ,.,..,.,..,"'"''''""Design City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering - Bld&Award Construction Post-Construction ! 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-Apri/2008

C. BUDGET , ', , ·, " r ~ "'

Program Budget and Use of Funds

• The Program Budget for the 2002 Proposition Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program totals $687,444,000. The diagram below details the Use of Funds for land acquisition, design, construction and other direct costs for each project. Allocations are also made for all City /management staff, real estate services, sustainable commissioning, public arts/cultural affairs, bond issuance and program contingency.

2002 Proposition Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program PROGRAM BUDGET

Council Building Land Design Construction Other Direct ' ' Public Safety Project iota! ' District (Sq. Ft.) Acquisition Costs Costs'· . 'Costs• . 1 Bomb Squad Facility- Metro 1 28,000 2,241,886 728,876 9,850,000 200,000 13,020,762 2 Bomb Squad Facility- Valley 12 8,000 - 355,463 7,000,000 300,000 7,655,463 82,000/ 3 EOC/POC/Fire Dispatch 9 20,580,352 9,500,000 78,100,000 40,000 1,000,000 109,180,352 4 Harbor Area Replacement Station & Jail 15 76,000 - 2,640,000 40,150,000 977,000 43,767,000 5 Hollenbeck Area Replacement Station 14 54,000 7,414,182 2,450,000 37,900,000 896,000 48,660,182 6 Metro Detention Center 9 179,000 1,364 5,200,000 79,400,000 1,000,000 85,601,364 7 Olympic/20th Area New Station 1 54,000 7,717,353 2,250,000 38,000,000 896,000 48,863,353 8 Rampart Area Replacement Station 1 54,000 1,318,058 2,200,000 32,500,000 896,000 36,914,058 9 Renovations/CIP- Existing Fire Facilities -- - 984,200 22,905,800 300,000 24,190,000 10 Renovations/CIP- Existing Police Facilities - - - 504,000 44,446,000 150,000 45,100,000 11 Valley/Northwest Area New Station 12 54,000 9,628,460 2,050,000 27,900,000 896,000 40,474,460 12 Valley Traffic Division/Bureau Headquarters 6 30,000 3,313,959 1,320,000 24,400,000 637,000 29,670,959 13 West Valley Replacement Station 3 54,000 - 1,341,129 23,125,000 960,000 25,426,129 SUBTOTAL ·.· •·• .. · · 591,000 52,215,614 31,523,668 465,676, 800 9,108,000 558,524,082

Program Contingency (15.2%) 65,278,918 Bond Arbitrage - Project Audit 300,000 Public Arts/Cultural Affairs 3,685,000

Program/Construction Manage men! 15,000,000

City Staff Costs 44,656,000 Bureau of Engineering 15,627,000 Contract Administration 13,801,000 Police Department 5,313,000 Fire Department 2,565,000 General Services (Testing) 1,000,000 Real Estate Services 581,000 Miscellaneous City Staff 5,769,000 -Accounting ($907 ,000) - CAO ($698,000) -City Attorney ($41,000) - EPD ($419,000) -ITA ($3,704,000)


• Other Direct Costs include Plan Check & Pennits, Sustainable Design, Survey, Geotechnical, EIR, Printing and Variances.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments C.- lRev Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008 Budget vs. Actual Expenditures + The following table shows actual expenditures for each project and total expenditures to date for the program. The "Budget" column reflects the currenl budget approved by the City Council and the Public Safety Bond Oversight Committee (PSBOC). The "Revised Budget" column reflects budget adjustments from the PMT and approved by the the PSBOC. Expenditures are tracked by the most current month and total to date. PUBLIC SAFETY PROJECT " BUDGET REVISED EXPENDITURES TOTAL BUDGET 29 Feb 08 EXPENDITURES ,, , , , ~ {Approved March 08) 1 Bomb Squad -Metro Land Acquisition 2,241,886 2,241,886 Downtown Metro Area Design Cost 750,000 673,762 Construction Cost 10,350,000 63 9,657,764 Other Direct Costs 200,000 143,467

Sub-Total 13,541,886 63 12,716,879

2 Bomb Squad- Valley Land Acquisition North Voller~';:" Design Cost 325,000 281,452 Construction Cost 7,050,000 21,302 6,878,986 Other Direct Costs 300,000 230,395

Sub-Total 7,675,000 21,302 7,390,833 .·.,·

·, ' ·. : ~ ' .'. \ . . . : 3 EOC/POC/Fire Dispatch Land Acquisition 20,660,352 . ·.. 20,580,352 20,580,352 500 E. Temple St. Design Cost 9,390,000 c • 9,500,000 6,959,314 Construction Cost 81,600,000 '18joo,ooo 278,266 58,041,808 Other Direct Costs 1,260,000 ·.·. \ :1,o6o,ooo 5,837 788,429

Sub-Total 112,910,352 284,103 86,369,903

Harbor Area Station & Jail Land Acquisition ·: ~ ::,·.';·~·< 4 '.t,l.'l: :··.:.. ·,,-· .. ·>) 2175 S. John Gibson Blvd. Design Cost 2,400,000 ' 2,61P;OOp 2,295,533 Construction Cost 41,400,000 .;· 40·150 000 28,803,490 Other Direct Costs 977,000 ...... :.~·

Sub-Total 44,777,000 :.4i:76?iiioo · 37,932 31,940,709

5 Hollenbeck Area Station Land Acquisition 7,452,223 7,414,182 2111 E.lstStreet Design Cost 2,450,000 .·.·. '.·.:_:~~:~~· 6~6/ 1,470,195 Construction Cost 37,700,000 :·3t:~o!{obo · 466,789 28,573,064 Other Direct Costs 896,000 '" '• ·896:0oo 6,165 788,365

Sub-Total 48,498,223 472,954 38,245,806

6 Metro Detention Center Land Acquisition 1,364 1,364 !SON. Los Angeles Street Design Cost 4,880,000 71,000 4,399,566 Construction Cost 79,900,000 2,110 50,150,342 Other Direct Costs 1,245,000 36,000 796,278

Sub-Total 86,026,364 :•'85;61>1~~64·•· 109,110 55,347,550 .\\(){,·~;-'·. _..,=;.: ·.· :::·;.

7 Olympic/20th Area Station Land Acquisition 7,717,353 •,', '7,.7~7.353··· 7,717,353 1130 VennontAvenue Design Cost 2,000,000 . : ,.2,2so,66() 1,674,689 Construction Cost 39,300,000 ' 38'660·000' 28,442 31,817,667 Other Direct Costs 896,000 ·· ·· .. '.(V~89~1ooo · 68,157 507,998

Sub-Total 49,913,353 ~·,,'}t~~.:~~~~,;~~~.' 96,599 41,717,707 \:I' : .-.: : ~.:::~:!:':: ,.:_ ·.-·.. ;·,.:· •' . ' 8 Rampart Area Station Land Acquisition 1,600,000 1,318,058 1401 W. 6th Street Design Cost 2,200,000 ·:{:·,;~:,:.~[~~6~~~~;': 2,061,905 Construction Cost 34,090,000 >:.· 32;5ob,ooo 390,957 30,703,577 Other Direct Costs 896,000 ... ,..· s9s;ooo" 610,807

Sub-Total 38,786,000 390,957 34,694,347

Los Angeles Police, Fire and Emergency Preparedness Departments, Bureau of Engineering C.- 2Rev 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008 Budget vs. Actual Expenditures PUBLIC SAFETY PROJECT BUDGET REVISED EXPENDITURES TOTAL:. BUDGET 29 Feb 08 EXPENDITURES (Approved March 08)

9 Renovations/CIP - Fire Land Acquisition Locations: Various Design Cost 984,200 307,667 RENOVATED Construction Cost 22,905,800 9,196,090 FACILITIES Other Direct Costs 300,000 340 108,763 B'\. Sub-Total 24,190,000 340 9,612,520

1O Renovations/CIP -Police Land Acquisition Locations: Various Design Cost 504,000 '504ooo 266,966 RENOVATED Construction Cost 44,446,000 .'44;4!is:ooo 60,316 27,187,821 ·.. i150,000. FACILITIES Other Direct Costs 150,000 139,816 Sub-Total 45,100,000 , i 45;1oil,o_oo . 60,316 27,594,603 B'\. ,,,.·.·',

. '. ;,, :. 11 Valley/Northwest Area Station Land Acquisition 9,628,460 .. ·....•• 9,628,460 9,628,460 8341 Design Cost 1,900,000 '2;050,000 1,538,107 Construction Cost 28,900,000 · .21 9oo ooo · 52,359 21,971,296 Other Direct Costs 896,000 < '<8e6'oci() · 324 436,736

Sub-Total 41,324,460 52,683 33,574,599

12 Valley Traffic Division & BH Land Acquisition 3,313,959 3,313,959 7870 Nollan PI= Design Cost 1,320,000 20,139 1,181,398 Construction Cost 25,100,000 16,759 21,306,890 Other Direct Costs 637,000 266,945

Sub-Total 30,370,959 36,898 26,069,192

13 West Valley Station Land Acquisition 19020 Vanowcn Street Design Cost 1,341,129 1,341,129 Construction Cost 23,125,000 22,984,704 Other Direct Costs 896,000 1,210 955,886 ''" .. ., :: )·· ; ·:· Sub-Total 25,362,129 ·,·)2s,42s,129 · 1,210 25,281,719

PROJECT SUBTOTAL 568,475,726 .. ·.• 558i~2,~~·Q82,: 1,564,467 430,556,367

Program Contingency 45,127,274 1Q.4% ·,: ·:'65,278,918 .1s.2% Bond Arbitrage j"·.\ "''/''·, .; il···:t'. Project Audit ;. 3oo;ooci. ;!\; ,. ' Public Arts/Cultural Affairs 3,685,000 289,983 Program/Construction Management 15,000,000 .. :/ 1::!~~:~~8 ' 689,988 14,165,345 City Staff Costs Bureau of Engineering 15,627,000 202,306 10,699,011 Contract Administration 13,801,000 237,947 7,748,623 Police Department 5,313,000 ii,J,~;!~;~l', 118,217 4,566,075 Fire Department 2,565,000 .. • . 2,565,000 .• 20,042 2,425,350 General Services 1,000,000 827,372 Real Estate Services 581,000 ' ';;';;,~:·~~1:~~~.; 540,655 Miscellaneous City Staff 5,769,000 ·.:::·: \)~!;:.':;.'.·.~~;:. r.~· :! :;,,'-: -Accounting 907,000 •.. ,; 907.,000 13,173 674,188 -GAO 698,000 ,\ ~; 698 000 ' 9,803 355,389 - City Attorney 41,000 14,755 - EPD 419,000 371,394 -ITA 3,704,000 ··.·;·~··.t:~:~~!l~~g~·· 64,874 2,695,768 CONTINGENCY/BOND/MGMT SUBTOTAL 108,468,274 ,;···1#s;S,19.~t~·,:; 1,356,350 45,373,908

TOTAL PROGRAM USE OF FUNDS 676,944,000 :;:\~~It~;§pi>.;· 2,920,817 475,930,275

C. -3Rev 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008 Program Cash Flow + The chart below diagrams the cumulative $687,444,000 cash flow ofplatmed expenditures for the Program. Sources of funds are General Obligation Bond proceeds in the amount of $600,000,000 and Other Source of Funds & Interest Earnings of $87,444,000 (Interest Earnings: $62.4m, Bond Premium: $16.3m, Land Reimbursement: Office Depot site $4.4mand MSD permanent site $4.3m). • The first Bond Sale includes $155.6 million for project costs projected for 2002 and 2003. The second Bond Sale for $70.0 million will cover costs in 2003/04. The third Bond sale, for $374.4 million will cover project costs from 2004 to Program completion. In addition, there are funds from a Bond Premium sale in 2006 for $16.3 million. Bond1 1--$155,620,000 650,000


~ 550,000 Totalactual expendituresare indicatedwith the 500,000 dottedblue Hne.

450,000 PLANNED Plannedexpendftures areindicated with the 400,000 solidblack line. 350,000 BONDPERIOD 1" BondSale coveiS the periodfrom start to 300,000 endof 2002,the zm Bondsale 2003/04, andthe 3idBond Sale 250,000 2004to 2009. 200,000




Jun-02 Dec-02 Jun-03 Dec-03 Jun-04 Dec-04 Jun-05 Dec-05 Jun-06 Dec-06 Jun-07 Dec-07 Jun-08 Dec-08 Jun-09

~ Bond I Management I Contingency 0 Land Acquisition [2J Design I Other Direct Costs ~ Construction

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Depattments C.- 4Rev Bureau ofEngineering 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April2008


Project Status Reports

• A brief status report for each project is provided on the following pages. The report identifies key project information, the planned scope of work, progress to date, updated construction costs and percentage complete for all Prop Q projects.

• The Percentage Complete at the far right hand column ofthe diagram uses a color-coding system to designate the current phase of each project.

Yellow Site Selection I Land Acquisition Blue Design Gray Bid&Award Green Construction Cyan Post-Construction

• Progress for each project is tracked by a color­ coded pie chart. The color-coding system shows work completed in the darker shade of each color and the lighter shade denotes work to be complete. For example, if a project is in design the pie chart begins as light blue. As progress is made, a darker blue will indicate the approximate percentage of design work completed to date. The color-coding system will be used for Design, Bid & Award, Construction and Post- Construction. When a project is in site selection/land acquisition it is shown in solid yellow.

• The construction estimate amounts shown on the following exclude construction contingency.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments D. -1 Bureau of Engineering ~\;-z.; ! rl:! -.;•;/2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008


Bomb Facility- Metro Service Area (Council Dist): Acquire new site & 1- Ed Reyes Project is complete: Constr. Estimate: $6,300,000 Downtown Metro Area construct a state- Citywide of-the art bomb • Project is complete in Bid Amount: $8,339,000 construction Architect: WWCOT facility unit with CO's to date: $817,428 Chester Widom, F AlA parking. • Final field acceptance by (9.80%) (310) 828-0040 ConAd 3/27/08 Constr. Contract: Size: 28,000 SF $9,156,428 Contractor: Bernards Brothers Payment to Date: $8,869,321 Scot Tedisco Funding: Prop Q (818) 898-1521

Bomb Facility - Valley Service Area (Council Dist): Acquire new site & Project is complete: Constr. Estimate: $4,500,000 North Valley Area 12- Greig Smith construct a state- Citywide of-the art bomb • Project is complete in Bid Amount: $6,256,000 construction Architect: WWCOT facility unit with CO's to date: $527,474 Chester Widom, F AlA parking. • Dedication Ceremony held (8.43%) (310) 828-0040 1110/08 Constr. Contract: Size: 8,000 SF $6,783,474 Contractor: Bernards Brothers Payment to Date: $6,726,377 Scot Tedisco Funding: Prop Q (818) 898-1521

EOC/POC/Fire Service Area (Council Dist): Acquire new site & Project is in Construction: Constr. Estimate: $72,500,000 9- Jan Perry construct a new • Construction is approximately Citywide EOC/POC & Fire EOC Bid Amount: $65,000,000 dispatch center 90% complete Architect: Fluor/HOK CO's to date: $1,699,560 with parking • Interior finishes, data cabling, MikeRochek CO's for Systems: $1,372,081 structure. signage & site work in (949) 349-4377 Total %COs: (5.33%) Size: 82,000 SF/ progress Contractor: S. J. Amoroso (40,000 SF FS 4) Constr. Contract: $68,071,641 Kim Cowdery • Evaluation of HVAC issues Funding: Prop Q & for PSSP in progress Payment to Date: $58,119,868 (714) 433-2326 PropF

Harbor Area Station Service Area (Council Dist): Construct a new Project is in Construction: Constr. Estimate: $29,600,000 &Jail 15 -Janice Hahn police station with 2175 S. John Gibson Blvd. jail, parking • Construction is approximately Bid Amount: $34,758,000 Architect: Perkins & Will structure & auto 90% complete Michael Fejes CO's to date: $1,075,269 maintenance • Interior finishes, lockers, (213) 270-8400 building. (3.29%) windows & flooring in Constr. Contract: $35,833,269 Contractor: Pinner Construction Size: 54,000 SF/ progress John Pinner (22,000 SF Jail) Payment to Date: $30,336,551 • Site work in progress (714) 490-4000 Funding: Prop Q I site 1 --·• .. 1 Award Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments D.-2 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008

Hollenbeck Area Service Area (Council Dist): Acquire adjacent Project is in Construction: Constr. Estimate: $31,700,251 Station 14- Jose Huizar properties & 1- Ed Reyes construct a new • Construction is approximately Bid Amount: $31,100,000 police station with 90% complete CO's to date: $2,031,066 Architect: A. C. Martin parking structure & Carey McLeod • Interior finishes, painting, (6.53%) auto maintenance (213) 683-1900 windows, ceiling & curtain Constr. Contract: $33,131,066 building. wall in progress Contractor: FTR International Payment to Date: $24,266,930 Size: 54,000 SF NazirKatbi • Site work in progress (714) 389-5656 Funding: Prop Q

Metro Detention Ctr. Service Area (Council Dist ): Acquire new site & Project is in Construction: Constr. Estimate: $63,500,000 180 N. Los Angeles Street 9- Jan Perry construct a new Citywide 512 bed jail (Type • Construction is approximately Bid Amount: $73,889,000 75% complete Architect: HOK!Tetra Design I) with parking co· s to date: $834,660 Jan Harmon structure. • Interior masonry complete (1.13%) (310) 838-9555 Constr. Contract: $74,723,660 Size: 179,000 SF • MEP, roof, interior cells & Contractor: Bernards Brothers curtain wall in progress PaymenttoDate: $52,516,338 Scot Tedisco Funding: Prop Q (818) 898-1521

Area Service Area (Council Dist): Acquire new site & Project is in Construction: Constr. Estimate: $30,000,000 Station 1-EdReyes 10 - Martin Ludlow construct a new • Construction is approximately police station with Bid Amount: $33,793,000 4 - Tom LaBonge 97% complete 13 - Eric Garcetti parking structure & CO's to date: $1,282,620 • Landscaping, furniture Architect: Gruen Associates auto maintenance (3.80%) Michael Enomoto building. installation & floor polishing Constr. Contract: $35,075,620 (323) 937-4270 in progress Size: 54,000 SF Contractor: Bernards Brothers • Punch list items in progress Payment to Date: $33,244,347 Scot Tedisco Funding: Prop Q 898-1521

Rampart Area Station Service Area (Council Dist): Acquire new site & Project is in Post-Construction: Constr. Estimate: $28,500,000 1401 W. 61hStreet 1 -Ed Reyes construct a new 13 -Eric Garcetti police station with • Post-Construction is Bid Amount: $28,887,000 approximately 30% complete Architect: Perkins & Will parking structure & CO's to date: $1,289,184 Michael Fejes auto maintenance • Punchlist, testing & (4.46%) building. (213) 270-8400 commissioning in progress Constr. Contract: $30,176,184 Contractor: S. J. Amoroso Size: 54,000 SF • C of 0 3/25/08 Derick Hofsteptter Payment to Date: $29,933,296 (714) 433-2326 Funding: Prop Q 1 ::me I I """'u I M"':Zl'll Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments D. -3 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008

ltenovation!CIP - Fire ServiceArea (Council Disl): Citywide Renovate/CIP of Project is in Design & Constr.: Constr.Estimate: $21,250,000 ...ocation:Citywide multiple frre facilities and • Renovation/CIP work on-going ApprovedBudget: $22,114,557 Architect:Bureau of Engineering/ RENOVATED parking. • On 2/9/07, AOC approved to CO'sto date: $0 General Services Dept. FACILITIES increase scope of work in (0.00%) Size:various Phase ill for FS 9 in the ActualExpenditure ii(\. Contractor:General Services Dept. Funding:Prop Q amount of$24,775 toDate: $9,196,090

Renovation!CIP - Police serviceArea (Council Disl): Citywide Renovate/CIP of Project is in Design & Constr.: Constr.Estimate: $37,846,000 Location:Citywide multiple police facilities. • 12 renovations complete, 1 is ApprovedBudget: $44,446,000 Architect:Bureau of Engineering/ in on-hold RENOVATED CO'sto date: $594,257 General Services Dept. Size:various FACILITIES • Updated scope & costs for LA (3.20%) Funding:Prop Q Academy renovation submitted ActualExpenditure ii(\. Contractor:General Services Dept. to AOC toDate: $27,187,821

Valley/Northwest Area ServiceArea (Council Dist): Acquire new site Project is in Construction: Constr.Estimate: $25,000,000 Station 12 - Greig Smith and construct a • Construction is approximately 8341 CanogaAve. 3 - Dennis P. Zine BidAmount: $23,950,000 new police station 95% complete Architect CardeTen!DLR with parking lot & CO'sto date: $1,397,213 • Interior finishes, security, ScottCarde auto maintenance (5.83%) building. artwork & landscape in (310) 453-4427 progress Constr.Contract: $25,347,213 Contractor:Sinanian Development Size:54,000 SF • Concrete for entry plaza PaymenttoDate: $23,184,979 Sinan Sinanian Funding:Prop Q complete (818) 996-9666

Valley Traffic Division ServiceArea (Council Dist): Acquire new site Project is in Post-Construction: Constr.Estimate: $16,000,000 & Bureau Headqtrs. 6 -Tony Cardenas, ~- and construct a 7870 NollanPlace , 5 - Jack We1ss, new traffic division • Post-Construction is BidAmount: $20,087,000 12 - Greig Smith & bureau headqtrs. approximately 75% complete CO'sto date: $1,374,354 Architect: RNL Design with 200 parking • Commissioning & closeout (6.84%) Patrick McKelvey spaces. (213)482-7358 in progress Constr.Contract: $21,461,354 Size:30,000 SF Contractor:S. J. Amoroso • TIC of 0 12/17/07 Paymentto Date: $21,363,064 Derick Hofsteptter Funding:Prop Q (714) 433-2326

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments D.-4 Bureau of Engineering ~,_J fil 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April2008

Test Valley Area Service Area (Council Dist): Construct a new Project is complete: Constr. Estimate: $17,700,000 tation 3 - Dennis P. Zine police station with 1 5- • Dedication Ceremony held 020 Vanowen Street parking structure & Bid Amount: $17,450,000 '."'7'"!"(:·,--·~--~·--·-~- 12- Greig Smith 4/14/05 auto maintenance CO'stodate: $2,767,213 building on existing Architect: WWCOT • As-built drawings complete (15.86%) Chester Widom, F AlA site. Constr. Contract: $20,217,213 (310) 828-0040 Size: 54,000 SF Payment to Date: $22,984,704 Contractor: KPRS Construction Joel H. Stensby Funding: Prop Q (714) 672-0800 Po Con._ I

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments D. -5 Bureau of Engineering 2008 E. CONTACT LIST Citizen Oversight Committee (COC) Members

JOHN GREENWOOD (Chair) (310) 345-9927 [email protected] 1807 El Rey Road San Pedro, CA 90732 IRENE TOVAR (Vice Chair) (818) 361-1861 14801 Wolfskill St. Mission Hills, CA 91345 SHARON BRUNO (818) 381-1663 [email protected] 18701 Flying Tiger Dr. #401 Canyon Country, CA 91387 CAROLYN FLOWERS (213) 922-2170 [email protected] MTA, One Gateway Plaza, 25th Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 RICK TUTTLE (310) 825-3104 [email protected] 3635 Tilden Avenue (213) 706-9486 (cell) Los Angeles, CA 90034-6909

Administrative Oversight Committee (AOC) Members c:

KAREN L. SISSON City Administrative Officer (213) 473-7534 (213) 473-7540 [email protected] CHE - 200 N. Main Street, 15th Fir. Chair, AOC Los Angeles, CA 90012 GERRY MILLER Chief Legislative Analyst (213) 485-6622 (213) 485-8983 gerry.miller@lacity .org CHM- 200 N. Spring Street, 2nd Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 CHRISTOPHER ESPINOSA Office of the Mayor (213) 922-9780 (213) 978-0720 chris.espinosa@lacity .org CHM- 200 N. Spring Street, 3nd Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 WILLIAM J. BRATTON Chief,LAPD (213) 485-3202 (213) 847-0676 36573@1apd Parker Center 150 N. Los Angeles St., 6th Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 DOUGLAS L. BARRY Chief, LAFD (213) 978-3800 (213) 978-3815 [email protected] CHE- 200 N. Main Street, 10th Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012

E.- 1 2008 Program Management Team & Staff

Bureau of Engineering VINCENT JONES Program Manager (213) 482-7302 (213) 453-5354 (213) 482-7310 [email protected] 221 N. Figueroa St., Ste. 1600 Los Angeles, CA 90012

DARRYL KITAGAWA Sr. Mgmt. Analyst (213} 482-7377 (213) 482-7310 [email protected]

LAPD, Facilities Management Division Thorn Brennan Commanding Officer (213) 482-7303 (213) 482-7313 g9422@1apd 221 N. Figueroa St., Ste. 1600 Los Angeles, CA 90012 LAFD ALFRED HERNANDEZ Assistant Chief (213) 482-7383 (213) 482-7310 [email protected] 221 N. Figueroa St., 16th Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 EPD (Emergency Preparedness Dept.) ROBERT B. FREEMAN Sr. Mgmt. Analyst (213) 978-0599 (213) 978-0535 rob. freeman@lacity .org 221 N. Figueroa St., Ste. 1600 Los Angeles, CA 90012 CAO MELISSA KRANCE Finance Specialist II (213) 473-7582 (213) 473-7515 [email protected] City Hall East 200 N. Main Street, 15th Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 CLA MANDANA KHATIBSHAHIDI Management Assistant (213) 473-5742 (213) 680-0085 man dana. [email protected] City Hall Main 200 N. Spring Street, 2nd Fir. Los Angeles, CA 90012 MAYOR DEANNA GOMEZ Office of the Mayor (213) 473-2388 (213) 978-0750 [email protected] City Hall Main 200 N. Spring Street, Mezz. Los Angeles, CA 90012

E.-2 Quarterly Report-April 2008


STATUS REPORT ON THE RENOVATION/CIP OF POLICE & FIRE FACILITIES Overview • On September 26, 2002, the Public Safety Bond Oversight Committee (PSBOC) approved the Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) between the Department of General Services, the Los Angeles Police Department and the Bureau of Engineering for the Renovation/CIP of Police and Fire Facilities.

• On November 26, 2002, the PSBOC moved to approve specific projects, listed in the MOU, as Class "A" estimates and further breakdowns are completed. To date, the PSBOC approved the construction budgets of $44,446,000 for the Police Renovation/CIP projects and $22,114,557 for the Fire Renovation/CIP projects.

Fire Renovations + The Fire Renovations/CIP is being coordinated with the Prop. F Program Management Team. A status spreadsheet follows the expenditure tracking sheet for Police renovations/CIP. This spreadsheet tracks progress of work for each Fire renovation/CIP project.

Police Renovations + The Program Management Team, the Department of General Services and the Information Technology Agency worked together to complete Class "A" cost estimates for all renovations. The estimate for the L.A. Police Academy will be updated when this renovation project is no longer on-hold.

+ The following table summarizes current approved renovations, budgets and estimated expenditures to date. The facilities are listed in the original priority order: POLICE RENOVATION/CIP PROJECT CURRENT I CURRENT APPROVED I ESTIMATED EXP (numbered according to original priority) I STATUS BUDGET* TO DATE 1. SOUTHWEST STATION complete $1,375,000 $1,288,109 2. FOOTHILL STATION complete 683,000 626,523 3. WILSHIRE STATION complete 1,793,000 1,776,585 4. PACIFIC STATION complete 1,857,000 1,835,787 5. HOLLYWOOD STATION complete 1,817,000 1,740,629 6. WEST L.A. STATION complete 2,244,000 2,201,053 7. CENTRAL FACILITIES complete 2,796,000 2,667,874 9. DEVONSHIRE STATION complete 1,695,000 1,684,804 10. SOUTHEAST STATION complete 2,432,000 2,431,931 11. VANNUYS STATION complete 8,525,000 7,134,597 12. FIXED WING HANGER complete 3,327,000 3,206,937

13. 77TH STREET STATION complete 3,558,000 3,129,984 8. L. A. POLICE ACADEMY on-hold 4,847,000 208,126 Project Total: $36,979,000 $29,932,939 Contingency: 7,467,000 - Total Renovation/CIP Cost: $44,446,000 $29,932,939 *Current Renovation Budget approved 11/16/06

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F.- 1 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008

• The Budget Proposal is adjusted as necessary after the completion of more detailed Class "A" estimates. If the Class "A" estimate for any project exceeds the Budget Proposal, BOE shall report to the PSBOC with a recommendation for cost adjustments and/or scope revisions. PSBOC shall approve the cost adjustment and/or scope revision. GSD shall provide cost and schedule information for each project on a monthly basis for approval by BOE.

• GSD shall not be obligated to perform services under this MOU where the cost of work exceeds the estimate stipulated in the MOU until an additional appropriation is provided through PSBOC action and written authorization is received from BOE. During construction, written authorization shall be in the form of a Change Order. Unforeseen conditions and under-estimations shall be addressed through the standard change order system and funds shall be provided as necessary.

• During construction, BOE may elect to expedite the work by authorizing GSD, in writing by Change Order, to provide additional work force or overtime. The cost for the additional work force or overtime will be added to the construction cost.

• On November 24, 2003, the PSBOC approved a list of additional Capital Improvement Project (C.I.P .) items for existing buildings of Police facilities to be covered in Prop Q's police renovations/CIP for the amount of$1,250,000. These additional items will be managed by the Prop Q PMT and GSD. The approved $1.25 million will not increase the overall Prop Q budget for Police Renovations/CIP. Approved items that constitute this $1.25 million have been added to the approved budgets for each project line in the following expenditure detail and shown as a separate line item (noted with an*).

• On February 26, 2004, the PSBOC approved the addition of the LAPD Fixed Wing Hanger to Prop Q's Police Renovation/CIP scope of work. The funds for the construction, in the amount of$3,327,000, of the LAPD Fixed Wing Hanger project was included in Prop F, however upon City Attorney review, it was found that this project was not listed on the ballot measure and therefore cannot be included in Prop F. The City Attorney recommended the addition of this project to Prop Q. The addition of this project to Prop Q's Police Renovations/CIP is covered with cost savings.

• The PMT, in conjunction with GSD and Accounting, developed a report on the "Budget vs. Actual Expenditures" to be included in each Prop. Q quarterly report. This report tracks each Police renovation/CIP project which has an approved budget based on the Class "A" estimate. Line items track expenditures by work division as detailed in the following table.

• On March 3, 2005, the PSBOC approved an emergency allocation of $200,000 to renovate and repair the L.A. Police Academy roof, including associated electrical work. This allocation will be part of the overall scope of renovation work for this project which is currently in design.

• On March 2, 2006, the PSBOC approved the Phase III Fire Renovations in the amount of $8,152,700, making the total allocated amount $22,036,783.

• On July 27, 2006, the PSBOC approved a cost to complete analysis with adjusted budget line items for Police Renovations, and a cost savings of$2,918,000 was added to the renovation contingency.

1 • On July 27, 2006, the PSBOC approved to add the repair work of the 77 h Street Regional Police Station for a not-to-exceed amount of$3,971,000. This additional renovation project will be funded by Renovation cost savings from the renovation project contingency line item.

• On November 16,2006, the PSBOC approved additional scope of work to retrofit the Van Nuys Police Station Sallyport in the amount, not-to-exceed $1.1 million, including $100,000 for design, to be funded by savings in the Police Renovation construction contingency line item.

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F.-2 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008

• On February 9, 2007, the PSBOC approved an increase in scope of work in the amount of$24,775 for Phase Ill Fire Renovations at Fire Station 9.

• On February 22, 2007, the PSBOC approved the removal of Northeast Police Station from the Prop Q renovations.

+ On February 28, 2008, the Prop Q team presented an updated scope of work and cost estimate for the LA Academy renovation project to the PSBOC for review and consideration. Approval is pending clarification on the status of the Jack Webb Building. The Prop Q team is waiting to proceed until PSBOC action.

RENOVATION/CIP PROJECT APPROVED EXPENDITURE TOTAL BUDGET FEB 2008 EXPENDITURES 1 SOUTHWEST STATION (CD 8) 1546 W. MLK Blvd. SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 60,000 56,344 CONCRETE (DIV 3) MASONRY (DIV 4) $ 60,000 54,756 METALS (DIV 5) CARPENTRY (DIV 6) THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 105,000 98,720 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 210,000 202,960 e RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 280,000 261,328 COMPLETE MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 90,000 74,943 • Open House held 7/24/04 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 450,000 439,248 • Emergency Generator with A TS $ 55,000 50,289 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 80,000 70,226 SUBTOTAL: $ 1,335,000 1,258,525 CONTINGENCY: $ 40,000 29,584

TOTAL: $ 1,375,000 1,288,109 2 FOOTHILL STATION (CD 6) 12760 Osbourne SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 37,000 36,828 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 17,242 17,242 MASONRY (DIV 4) $ 45,000 42,497 METALS (DIV 5) CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 10,778 10,778 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 25,000 22,392 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 10,000 8,333 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 80,000 74,251 e RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 60,000 54,354 COMPLETE • Elevator Door Package & Controller $ 40,000 MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 125,000 117,766 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 200,000 187,027 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 9,000 6,995 SUBTOTAL: $ 619,020 578,463 CONTINGENCY: $ 63,980 48,060

TOTAL: $ 683,000 626,523

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F. -3 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008

RENOVATION/CIP PROJECT APPROVED EXPENDITURE TOTAL BUDGET FEB 2008 EXPENDITURES 3 WILSHIRE STATION {CD 10) 4861 Venice Blvd. SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 50,000 44,650 CONCRETE (DIV 3) MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 330,000 320,897 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 205,000 195,054 e RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10,11 & 13) $ 40,000 30,392 COMPLETE MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 310,000 296,108 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 680,000 751,415 • Emergency Generator with ATS $ 20,000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 115,000 105,575 SUBTOTAL: $ 1,730,000 1,744,091 CONTINGENCY: $ 63,000 32,494

TOTAL: $ 1,793,000 1,776,585 4 PACIFIC STATION {CD 11) 12312 Culver Blvd. SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 80,000 78,350 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 2,412 2,412 MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) $ 5,784 5,784 CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 310,000 291,172 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 4,125 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 15,000 7,792 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 285,000 272,125 e RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 65,000 53,414 COMPLETE ' Elevator Hoist #1 $ 1,644 • Open House held 10/1/05 MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 365,000 351,799 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 620,000 696,721 ·Emergency Generator with ATS $ 50.000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 80,000 74,469 SUBTOTAL: $ 1,832,321 1,834,038 CONTINGENCY: $ 24,679 1,749

TOTAL: $ 1,857,000 1,835,787 5 HOLLYWOOD STATION {CD 13) 1358 N. Wilcox Ave. SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 45,000 38,114 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 11,000 10,487 MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 320,000 294,072 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 13,000 12,273 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 185,000 177,684 e RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 40,000 32,424 COMPLETE • Elevator Hoist 11·1 $ • Open House held 7/8/04 MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 190,000 188,240 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 805,000 799,873 'Emergency Generator with ATS $ 40,000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 70,000 61,115 SUBTOTAL: $ 1,679,000 1,614,282 CONTINGENCY: $ 138,000 126,347

TOTAL: $ 1,817,000 1,740,629 Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F.- 4 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-Apri/2008

RENOVATION/CIP PROJECT APPROVED EXPENDITURE TOTAL BUDGET FEB 2008 EXPENDITURES 6 WEST LOS ANGELES STATION (CD 11) 1663 Butler Avenue SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 125,000 117,476 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 11,381 11,381 MASONRY (DIV 4) $ 7,000 6,762 METALS (DIV 5) $ 15,000 8,953 CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 260,000 249,957 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) CURRENT STATUS FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 10,000 2,726 e RENOVATION PROJECT FINISHES (Div 9) $ 620,000 589,742 COMPLETE SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 64,000 62,168 • Open House held 11/17/05 MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 470,000 447,716 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 520,000 567,343 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 115,000 102,520 SUBTOTAL: $ 2,217,381 2,166,744 CONTINGENCY: $ 26,619 34,309

TOTAL: $ 2,244,000 2,201,053 7 CENTRAL FACILITIES (CD 9) 251 E. 6th Street SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 23,545 23,234 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 7,920 7,920 MASONRY (DIV 4) $ 800 667 METALS (DIV 5) $ 941 941 CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 52,466 52,466 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 8,391 8,391 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 144,643 144,136 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 176,727 176,727 e RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 90,359 90,359 COMPLETE MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 609,616 525,716 • Open House held 8/3/04 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 1,206,728 1,178,642 • Emergency Generator with A TS $ 66,626 58,626 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 150,726 150,726 SUBTOTAL: $ 2,472,862 2,359,925 CONTINGENCY: $ 323,138 307,949

TOTAL: $ 2,796,000 2,667,874

8 LA POLICE ACADEMY (CD 1) Elysian Park SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 500,000 26,850 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 900,000 MASONRY (DIV 4) $ 100,000 METALS (DIV 5) $ 45,000 CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 680,000 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 150,000 117,725 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 100,000 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 100,000 e On 11/29/07, the PSBOC SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 50,000 approved to resume work MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 1,090,000 • Updated scope & cost ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 400,000 62,698 submitted to PSBOC 2/08 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 100,000 853 SUBTOTAL: $ 4,215,000 208,126 CONTINGENCY: $ 632,000

TOTAL: $ 4,847,000 208,126 Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F.- 5 Bureau ofEngineeiing ~ )/ 2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report-April 2008

RENOVATION/CIP PROJECT APPROVED EXPENDITURE TOTAL BUDGET FEB 2008 EXPENDITURES 9 DEVONSHIRE STATION (CD 12) 10250 Etiwanda Ave...... I SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 65,000 59,365 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 40,000 36,226 MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 350,000 340,010 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 10,000 9,857 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 165,000 152,083 • RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 65,000 59,965 COMPLETE MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 237,000 220,093 • Open House held 4/15/05 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 645,000 711,341 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 91,000 86,477 SUBTOTAL: $ 1,668,000 1,675,417 CONTINGENCY: $ 27,000 9,387

TOTAL: $ 1,695,000 1,684,804 10 SOUTHEAST STATION (CD 8) 145 w. 1oath Street SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 85,000 81,683 r CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 35,204 35,204 MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) $ 1,847 1,847 CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 429,419 429,419 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 116,832 116,832 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 209,464 209,464 • RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 102,000 97,159 COMPLETE MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 410,000 384,958 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 750,000 842,236 • Emergency Generator with ATS $ 110,000 76,714 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 140,000 114,867 SUBTOTAL: $ 2,279,766 2,313,669 CONTINGENCY: $ 152,234 118,262 TOTAL: $ 2,432,000 2,431,931 11 VAN NUYS STATION (CD 6)

SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ 110,762 169,017 CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ 8,155 7,228 MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) $ 63,216 48,083 CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ 2,944,675 2,338,134 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 6,442 4,955 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ 282,826 228,470 CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 1,055,414 895,070 • RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 230,478 55,714 ORIG. SCOPE COMPLETE •· Elevator Door Packages & Cabs $ 175,000 30,037 MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 977,138 994,481 • Added Scope to retrofit ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 1,031,600 1,437,217 Sallyport complete GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 129,844 156,541 SUBTOTAL: $ 6,840,549 6,334,910 CONTINGENCY: $ 684,451 455,168 TOTAL: $ 7,525,000 6,790,078 SALLYPORT RETROFIT $ 1,000,000 344,519 $ 8,525,000 $ $ 7,134,597 Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F.- 6 Bureau of Engineering 2002 Prop Q- Citywide Public Safety Bond Program Quarterly Report- April 2008


SUBTOTAL: $ 3,025,000 3,017,869 CONTINGENCY: $ 302 000 189 068

TOTAL: $ 3,327,000 . $ 3,206,937 CURRENT STATUS e PROJECT COMPLETE 13 77th STREET REGIONAL STATION (CD 9) 7600 S. Broadway Street SITE WORK & DEMOLITION (Div 2) $ CONCRETE (DIV 3) $ MASONRY (DIV 4) METALS (DIV 5) $ CARPENTRY (DIV 6) $ THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION (Div 7) $ 200,000 210,400 FENESTRATIONS (Div 8) $ CURRENT STATUS FINISHES (Div 9) $ 160,000 165,511 • RENOVATION PROJECT SPECIALTIES (Div 10, 11 & 13) $ 1,212,000 934,139 COMPLETE MECHANICAL (Div 15) $ 1,040,000 1,464,176 ELECTRICAL (Div 16) $ 310,000 72,465 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Div 1) $ 333,000 142,648 SUBTOTAL: $ 3,255,000 2,989,339 CONTINGENCY: $ 333,000 140,645

TOTAL: $ 3,588,000 3,129,984

RENOVATION PROJECT TOTAL: $ 35,979,000 $ $ 29,932,939

Los Angeles Police, Fire & Emergency Preparedness Departments F. -7 Bureau of Engineering Quarterly Report - April 2008

2002 Prop Q - Citywide Public Safety Bond Program


2006 L~OL /2008 2009 ID TaskName Qtr1 I Qtr2 L Qtr3. l CUr4 I Qtr1 I Otr2 I Qtr3 I Qtr4 I Qtr1 Qtr2 I Qtr3 I Qtr4 I Qtr1 1 FS 89 - -- ~l!lli!I!J!lii'IIHJ!nH· 2 - - - -DECSModification ccird R6el Renovation r·------L...... ·,_:,·._,.-:1: .. · :Eme~encyExitL~ht~g ·~ liiiiiiiiiliiii~l!lljiiii>!IIII!III]IIJ!llj!JIIIIII: I • • ·1 -v/ ;AppratusooorSafet}t-switch ---·

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Task Rolled Up Task [~~~d External Tasks Progress Rolled Up Milestone 0 Project Summary Project: Prop Q_Project_Quaterly __pro! ... ~ Date: Tue 4/1/08 Milestone Rolled Up Progress Group By Summary Q Q

Summary •,..-- - - -,..- Split Page 1 () (

EN Prepared by the Bureau of Engineering Program Management Team