Tradition and Innovation in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages
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POHORSKO PODRAVJE PRED POHORSKO PODRAVJE TREMI TISOČLETJI – THREE MILLENNIA AGO – TRADICIJA IN TRADITION AND INOVATIVNOST INNOVATION V POZNI BRONASTI IN IN THE LATE BRONZE STAREJŠI ŽELEZNI DOBI AND EARLY IRON AGES PREDGOVOR PREFACE V preteklih treh desetletjih je prišlo predvsem zaradi Numerous new archaeological sites have come to light zaščitnih arheoloških izkopavanj ob izgradnji avto- in the last three decades, mainly during the rescue exca- cestnega križa v Sloveniji do številnih odkritij novih vations conducted in advance of motorway construc- arheoloških najdišč iz različnih obdobij, kar velja tions across Slovenia. The same is true for Pohorsko tudi za Pohorsko Podravje. Že tekom arheoloških iz- Podravje1 as well. In course of these campaigns, quite kopavanj so našo pozornost vzbudila razmeroma go- densely spaced settlements from the Late Bronze Age sto razporejena arheološka najdišča naselbin iz pozne have been unearthed, which was surprising consider- bronaste dobe, ki so spreminjala do tedaj znano po- ing that the knowledge up to these excavations did not dobo o poselitvi Pohorskega Podravja (Teržan 1999; hint at such a settlement pattern in the area (Teržan Strmčnik Gulič 2001). To je bil tudi povod za pose- 1999; Strmčnik Gulič 2001). Pohorsko Podravje has ben raziskovalni projekt, s katerim smo želeli znan- since been the focus of a special research project aimed stveno obdelati in proučiti novo odkrito arheološko at studying the newly discovered archaeological finds gradivo ter s tem pridobiti nove podatke o procesih and gaining new insights into the habitation remains naseljevanja in naselbinskih strukturah na Dravskem and settlement processes on the plain of the Dravsko polju v stoletjih ob izteku 2. tisočletja in zgodnjega polje and the fringes of the Pohorje Mountains in the 1. tisočletja pr. n. št. To je bil čas, ko je kultura žar- centuries of the late 2nd and early 1st millennia BC. nih grobišč s svojim pulziranjem doživljala vzpone, This was a time of the Urnfield culture with its peaks pa tudi padce in ko se je ob njenem zatonu porajala and declines, the last of which also led to a new age – nova doba – zgodnja železna doba in z njo halštatska The Early Iron Age and the Hallstatt culture. kultura. The project of a much greater scope first ten- Uspelo nam je, da je projekt s skoraj povsem dered for funding by the European Research Coun- enakim naslovom, kot ga nosi naš zbornik, Tra- cil (ERC), which was positively assessed in the ERC dicija in inovativnost v prazgodovini (N6-0004), peer review process, but not approved for co-financ- finančno podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno ing. Fortunately, we succeeded in securing the fi- dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS) v okviru nancial support for the project under a title almost komplementarne finančne sheme. Projekt je bil na- the same as the one for these proceedings, Tradition mreč v mnogo večjem obsegu najprej prijavljen na and innovation in prehistory (N6-0004), from the razpis evropskega raziskovalnega sveta (ERC), kjer Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) as part of their je bil solidno ocenjen, a ne izbran med financirane complementary funding scheme/the ERC Comple- projekte. Po izteku projekta so se raziskave nadalje- mentary Scheme. After the end of the project, our vale tudi v sklopu ARRS Raziskovalnega programa research continued in the ARRS funded research P6-0247. Za podporo želimo ARRS na tem mestu programme No. P6-0247. We wish to thank the izreči zahvalo. Seveda smo se dolžni zahvaliti tudi Slovenian Research Agency for their support. We Znanstvenemu inštitutu in Oddelku za arheolo- would also like to extend our gratitude to the Scien- gijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani kot tific Research Institute (Znanstveni inštitut Filozof- oddelkoma matične ustanove. Posebna zahvala gre ske fakultete) and Department of Archaeology at the študentkam in študentom arheologije Univerze v Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Oddelek za Ljubljani, ki so v sklopu terenskih vaj sodelovali pri arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani), naših raziskavah. as the departments of the mother institution. We Kot je razvidno iz vsebinskega kazala predložene knjige, so bile naše raziskave usmerjene v tri temat- 1 Pohorsko Podravje is a part of Štajerska region, covering ske sklope. V prvem sklopu predstavljamo rezultate the Pohorje Mountains, the lowlands besides the Drava River and the surrounding areas. 9 Pohorosko Podravje FINAL.indd 9 8. 03. 2021 12:52:02 temeljitih analiz celotnega gradiva na novo raziska- also thank the students of archaeology at the Univer- nih nižinskih naselbin, odkritih pri krajih Pobrežje, sity of Ljubljana, who participated in the research as Orehova vas in Hotinja vas; prvi dve iz pozne brona- part of their curriculum fieldwork. ste dobe1, zadnje imenovana iz starejše železne dobe. The research had three main focus areas. The first Mira Strmčnik Gulič, vodja zaščitnih arheoloških was to point at detailed and comprehensive analyses izkopavanj na teh najdiščih, arheologinja konser- of the finds from the lowland settlements newly in- vatorka na mariborski enoti Zavoda za varstvo kul- vestigated at Pobrežje, Orehova vas and Hotinja vas, turne dediščine Slovenije, OE Maribor (ZVKDS, the first two dating to the Late Bronze2, the third OE MB), je namreč velikodušno odstopila gradivo one to the Early Iron Age. The rescue excavations at iz izkopavanj omenjenih najdišč v obdelavo mlaj- all three sites were headed by Mira Strmčnik Gulič, šim kolegom, ki so se s trdim delom uspešno prebili conservator at the Regional Office Maribor of the In- skozi velike količine podatkov in najdb ter s svojimi stitute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slo- izsledki obogatili naše poznavanje tistega davnega venia (ZVKDS), who kindly offered the documen- časa. Seveda je bila uspešna obdelava teh najdišč mo- tation and material from these sites to be analysed by žna tudi zaradi plodnega sodelovanja s Skupino za younger colleagues. They rigorously examined the arheologijo na avtocestah Slovenije (SAAS) in Cen- vast quantities of data and artefacts to advance our trom za preventivno arheologijo Zavoda za varstvo knowledge of those distant periods. This has been kulturne dediščine Slovenije (CPA ZVKDS), za kar possible also because of a fruitful collaboration with se želimo zahvaliti predvsem prof. dr. Bojanu Dju- the Committee for archaeology on the Slovenian riću, vodji skupine SAAS, in Barbari Nadbath, vodji highways (SAAS) and the Centre for Preventive Ar- CPA ZVKDS. chaeology at the Institute for the Protection of Cul- V okviru našega projekta smo ob tem začeli tural Heritage of Slovenia (CPA ZVKDS), for which tudi s ponovnimi arheološkimi raziskavami na Po- we primarily wish to thank prof. dr. Bojan Djurić, šteli, tako na utrjeni naselbini iz železne dobe kot the head of SAAS, and Barbara Nadbath, the head of tudi na pripadajočih nekropolah. Raziskave so za- the CPA ZVKDS. radi vključevanja številnih naravoslovno-tehničnih Within the framework of our project, renewed disciplin in eksperimentiranja z različnimi novimi archaeological investigations at Poštela, both the Iron metodološkimi pristopi (geofizika, geokemija itd.), Age hillfort and the associated cemeteries below it, za kar so bila pridobljena tudi dodatna evropska in have been initiated. The investigations involved a domača raziskovalna sredstva, po obsegu prerasle myriad of other scientific and technical disciplines, as okvir te knjige in bodo objavljene v posebni mono- well as experimenting with different new methodolog- grafski publikaciji. ical approaches (geophysics, geochemistry and others) Drugi tematski sklop je posvečen nekropolam, additionally financed from European and Slovenian in sicer doslej še neobjavljenim najdbam iz pozne research funds. These investigations and their results bronaste in starejše železne dobe. Te predstavljajo have grown beyond the scope of this publication and naselbinskim najdbam komplementaren arheološki will be presented in a separate monograph. vir, pomemben za razumevanje poselitvenih vzor- The second scope area represents the research of cev v prostoru in času, ki je ob tem nepogrešljiv necropoleis, more precisely the till now unpublished pri preučevanju družbene strukture in obredja. Za finds from the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. They obdelavo arheoloških najdb iz žarnih grobišč v Po- are an archaeological source important for a more brežju pri Mariboru in z Gračiča pod Brinjevo goro comprehensive understanding of the settlement pat- pri Zrečah, ki jih je v 50. in 60. letih preteklega terns, but also for the study of the contemporary so- stoletja izkopaval Stanko Pahič in se hranijo v Po- cial structure and ritual practices. The archaeological krajinskem muzeju Maribor, smo ob soglasju direk- finds from the cremation cemeteries at Pobrežje near torice dr. Mirjane Koren uspeli nagovoriti kusto- Maribor and Gračič below Brinjeva gora near Zreče, dinjo arheologinjo Vesno Koprivnik. Obema velja that Stanko Pahič excavated in the 1950s and 60s and naša zahvala. Pri obdelavi najdb iz izkopanih gomil are now kept in the Maribor Regional Museum, were v Razvanju in Pivoli, katerih izkopavanja so pote- analysed by the archaeologist Vesna Koprivnik, cura- kala pod vodstvom Mire Strmčnik Gulič, ZVKDS, tor at the said museum on the approval of its direc- tor, Mirjana Koren. The excavation of the tumuli at 1 Na tem mestu moramo omeniti še tretjo naselbino iz tega obdobja, Rogozo pri Mariboru, ki pa je že bila celostno 2 Mention should