The Effect of Guided Iisrening on Evaluation of Solo Vocal Penonnance
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Montreal July. 1994 National Library Bibliothèque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographie Service$ Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Streel 395. rue Wellington Ottawa. Ontano Ottawa (Ontano) K1A ON-1 K1AON-1 THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L'AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARY OF CANADA TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUIRE. PRETER, DISTRIBUER SELL COPIES OF HISIHER THESIS BY OU VENDRE DES COPIES DE SA ANY MEANS AND IN ANY FORM OR THESE DE QUELQUE MANIERE ET FORMAT, MAKING THIS THESIS SOUS QUELQUE FORME QUE CE SOIT AVAll..ABLE TO INTERESTED POUR METTRE DES EXEMPLAIRES DE PERSONS. CETTE THESE A LA DISPOSITION DES PERSONNE INTERESSEES. THE AUTHOR RETAINS OWNERSHIP L'AUTEUR CONSERVE LA PROPRIETE OF THE COPYRIGHT IN HISIHER DU DROIT D'AUTEUR QUI PROTEGE THESIS. 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ISBN 0-315-99895-4 Canada A BSTRACT The purpose of thls stud~ "'as tO Investlgate whether mUSI~ students ~ould be • svstematl~alJv tralned. bv means of a gUided hStenang ~ourse. to Improve the rehablhty and vahdll'. of thelr evaluatlon of solo VOI~e performan~e Flfty.four musl~ students were randoml~ and evenly dlv.ded Into two groups The treatment group took an 8-hour home study gUided hstenlng ~ourse. whl~h focussed on twelve criteria of vocal production. denved l'rom a prevlous study wlth expen vo.ce teachers Ar the end of the course. treatment subJects rated. on a seven pOint Llken scale. twelve criteria and "overall score" for each of 15 performances of the same excerpt The excerpt chosen was a pOnIon of Mozan's hed "R1dente la calma" Il was performed by 19 stngers of dlffenng vOlce c1assl fi calions and achlevement levels. SIX of the performances•. "'ere presented tWlce The control group took the evaluallon test. but recelved no treatmenl InterJudge rehabl1l~. tntraJudge rehablhty and valldl~ were assessed tor the two groups and for 22 expen vOlce teachers Treatment subJects achleved slgnaficantly hlgher scores than ~ontrol subJects for InterJudge rehabl1lty and valldlty No slgnaficant dlfference was found. however. for tntraJudge rehablhty The expen group achle\'ed slgmficantly hlgher scores for all three measures than elther of the student groups. No slgmficant dlfferences were found between graduate students and undergraduate students. nor between vOlce majors and non,vOlce majors Treatment subJeclS scored hlgher than control subJects on valldlty of thelr evaluallons of all twelve cntena and "overall score" 1 SU,H.HAIRE Le but de cene etude et3ll de savoIr SI des etud,ants en musIque pouvaient amel,orer, a • l'aIde d'un cours d'écoute gUIdee. la tiabdlle et la valldlle de leur evaluatlon de la production vocale de chanteuses et chanteurs sol,stes Cinquante-quatre etud,ants en mUSique ont ete diVIses au hasard en deux groupes egaux Les membres du pre:l1It"r groupe Ont SUIVI un cours par correspondance d'écoute gUidee. d'une duree moyenne de hUIt heures. qUI portall sur do uzes cméres J" production vocale. ;dentlfiés lors d'une etude precedente auprés d'experts de l'enseIgnement vocal Le cours. a été SUIVI d'un test d'evaluatlon A l'aide de formulaires d'évaluation, les sUjets ont alors donné une cote de 1 a7 selon les douze cmeres ainSI qu'une note d'évaluallon globale. a 2S prestallons d'un mème extrllll L'extrlllt chOISI étlllt une panle de la melodle de Mozart «Rldente la calma.» Cet extrlllt a éte Interprete par 19 chanteuses et chanteurs' de dlfferents niveaux de competence et de dlfferentes classifications vocales SIX des prestallons ont ete presentees en double. Les sUjets du groupe de contrôle ont passe le tes! d'evaluatlon sans avoir SUIVI le cours La fiablllte Inter-Juge, la fiablhte mtra-Juge et la validIte ont ete calculees pour les deux groupes et pour 22 experts en enseIgnement vocal Les sUjets qUI ont SUIVI le cours d'ecoute gUidee ont obtenu des resultats slgmficallvement s'Ipeneurs à ceux du groupe de contrôle pour la flabtllle mter-Juge et la valIdite. Aucune difference slgmficatlve n'a ete trouvee pour la fiablhte mtra-Juge. Le groupe des experts a obtenu des resultats slgmficallvement supeneurs à ceux des deux groupes d'étudiants pour chacune des troIs mesures. 11 n'y a eu aucune différence slgmficallve entre les etudiants de premier cycle et de deuxleme cycle ou entre les etudlants specialises en chant et les autres. pour chacune des mesures de fiablhte et de validité. Les sUjets qUI ont SUIVI le cours ont amélioré la validité de leurs évaluallons pour chacun des douze cntéres et l'évaluation globale. II TABLE OF CONTENTS • A BSTRACT 1 SOMMAIRE II LIST OF TABLES IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V INTRODUCTION MErHOD 10 RESULTS 18 • DISCUSSION 30 Suggestions forfunher research 40 TABLES 42 REFERENCES 54 APPENDIX A - GUIDED L/STENING PROGRAM IN VOICE EVALUA TION Introduction PIIrt 1 Pan 2 Evaluation test (instruction sheet) Vocal production evaluation fonn Questionnaire for participants in guided listening program • ID :.fST OF TABLES • Tabl~ 1 Int~rJudg~ r~lIabll1ty co~fflcl~nts for stud~nts and experts Tabl~ 2 3-way factonal Ind~p~ndent groups analysls of vanance of students' Int~rJudg~ r~lIabllIl!' COeffiCl~ntS Tabl~ 3 IntraJudg~ r~lIablllty co~fficl~nts for stud~nts and exp~rts Tabl~ .. 3-way factonal Ind~p~ndent groups analysls of vananc~ of stud~nts' IntraJudg~ r~lIabllIty Co~fficl~nts Table 5 Validlty co~fficl~nts for students and experts Tabl~ 6 3-way factonal tndependent groups analysIs of vanance of students' valldlty coefficIents Tabl~ 7 Cmena and overall score hsted ln order of decreasang mean valldlty coefficent. averaged ('ver ail students Table 8 Cmena hsted m order of decreasmg Improvement m valldlty for treatment group over control group Table 9 Course evaluation questIonnaire. ratmgs of course usefulness Table 10 Course evaluanon questlonnalle. amount of lime spent on course Table II Course evaluation questlonnlure: ranngs of prograln notes. hstenmg examples and difficulty for indivldual cmena Table 12 List of criteria m order of mcreasmg difficulty. as denved from questionnaire. compared W1th liS! of cntena m order of decreasmg mean valldity coefficients IV • A CKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 \\ilsh to éxpréss my gramudé to Professor Joel Wapmck whose guidance and instruction ~on~érnmg thls réséarch haVé plovéd mvaluable. 1 \\iould IIké to thank Proféssors William NeIll. Wmston Purdy. Jan Simons. Allan Fast and Bémard Turgéon of thé Faculty of MUSIC and Ms. Kathleen Anderson of the McGill Consérvatory of MUSIC for thélr suggestions on Iistening examples for the gUlded Iistenmg course and thélr ~OOpératlOn regardmg recrultmem of subJects. The advlce on StatlStlCal analysis glven by Pr Jféssor J 0 Ramsay of thé Psycholo",.y Department. Professor Emme Sarlgollu of the Faculty of Managemént and Mr. Michael Walsh of the McGill Computmg Center IS also appréclated. 1 would Iike to éxtend my gratitude also to the students who partlclpated in the study. and \\ihOSé énthuslasm and perseverance made It possible. Finally. 1 wlsh to glve specIal thanks to my husband. Andre Monn. for hls encouragement and support. and to my chlldren. OlivIa. Caroline and Philippe. for theu patience and understandmg. v • INTRODU(7JON Evaluation is an important aspect of any apphed musIc teacher's Job Not only are teachers required to evaluate students dunng applied musIc exams and "'lnous 'ludmons. but evaluation. whether implici' or explicit. is pan of every lesson. EvaluatIon of the student's progress towards certain goals or standards lets the teacher know whether or not hlslher methods are effective or need to be revised. Evaluation also can be useful in helping the student to get a better idea of the competencies slhe is striving to achieve and to comprehend the degree of progress made.