60/602; 251/61.5 E. E. Lity. , St
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USOO6405704B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,405,704 B2 Kruse (45) Date of Patent: *Jun. 18, 2002 (54) INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH 3,125,076 A 3/1964 Mullaney LIMITED TEMPERATURE CYCLE 3.266,234 A 8/1966 Cook 4,070,998 A 1/1978 Grow (75) Inventor: Douglas C. Kruse, Burbank, CA (US) 4.254,625 A 3/1981 Bergtedt et al. 4,503,833. A 3/1985 Yunick (73) Assignee: Kruse Technology Partnership, 4,704.999 A 11/1987 Hashikawa et al. Anaheim, CA (US) 4,798,184. A 1/1989 Palko 4,836,161 A 6/1989 Abthoff et al. (*) Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros- 4,854.279 A 8/1989 Seno ecution application filed under 37 CFR 4,858,579 A 8/1989 Elsbett et al. 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year 4,862,859 A 9/1989 Yunick patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. 4.913,113 A 4/1990 Baranescu 154(a)(2). 4977,875 A 12/1990 Kumagai et al. 5,101,785 A 4/1992 Ito Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,265,562 A 11/1993 Kruse patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,460,128 A 10/1995 Kruse U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 5,566,650 A 10/1996 Kruse 6,058,904 A 5/2000 Kruse ......................... 123/295 (21) Appl. No.: 09/567,870 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) Filed: May 8, 2000 DE 2SO7142 9/1976 Related U.S. Application Data EP O482O55 7/1992 (63) Continuation of application No. 08/685,651, filed on Jul. 24, * cited by examiner 1996, now Pat. No. 6,058,904, which is a continuation of application No. 08/466,817, filed on Jun. 6, 1995, now Pat. No.08/146.833 5,566,650, filed which on Oct. is 29,a continuation 1993, now Patof applicationNo. 5,460,128. No. Primary Examiner- John Kwon which is a continuation of application No. 07/919,916, filed ASSistant Examiner Hieu T Vo on Jul 29, 1992, now Pat No. 5,265,562 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fulwider Patton Lee & (60) Provisional application No. 60/001,617, filed on Jul. 28, Utecht, LLP 1995. s (51) Int. Cl. ............................. F02B 1/14: FO2B 41/00 (57) ABSTRACT (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 123/295; 123/299 (58) Field of Search ................................. 123/295, 299; An expandable ch amber piston type internal combustion 60/602;s 251/61.5 a combustionE. process E.having lity. a constant Volume (isochoric, st (56) References Cited phaseSC, followedOTOWC by a COnStant temperaturep (ISOthermaisothermal phase. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2.917,031 A 12/1959 Nestorovic 7 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets 48 48 ECU E. so 14 26 28 32 3 O U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 1 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 N N SN ES y FIG | U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 2 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 U.S. Patent US 6,405,704 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 5 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 SIAIE (POINT 1) P1 = INITIAL CYL PRESSURE AI BDC INTAKE STR, PSIA GIVEN If = INITIAL FLUID JEMP AI BDC GIVEN INTAKE STR, 'R GIVEN V1 = INITIAL CYL VOLUME AI BDC GIVEN INTAKE STR, IN CR = CYCLE COMPRESSION RAJIO GIVEN IMAX = MAXIMUM CYCLE TEMPERATURE, GIVEN R GIVEN N = ENGINE SPEED, RPM OFAR = OVERALL FUEL-IO-AIR RAIO ISEWIROPIC COMPRESSION TO POINI 2 P2 - CY1, PRESSURE AI DC COMPR W2=VI/CR SIR PSIA KU-f I2 = FLUID TEMP AI IDC COMPR STR - Vf - 1 R 12–11 V2 + 1 W2 = CYL VOLUMEAT IDC COMPR STR NS IN-3 KU = RAJIO OF SPECIFIC HEAIS, KU UNBURNED MIXTURE P2=P1 K NS = ISENTROPIC EFFICIENCY W2 WV = CYCLE VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY WC=CWU(T1-12) WC = COMPRESSION WORK, BTU/lbm CWU = SPECIFIC HEAI, CONSTANT VOLUME, IMA=(NV)(N)(W1-W2)P1/21.3111 UNBURNED MIXTURE, BTU/lbm R IMA IOIAL MASS AIRFLOW. Ib/hr POINT 2 FIG. 5A U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 6 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 POINI 2 FIG. 5B LIMITED JEMPERATURE CONSIANT VOLUME COMBUSION IO POINI 3 PATH 2-3 P3 = CYL PRESSURE AN END OF CONSI WOL COMB, PSIA J3 as FLUID TEMPAT END OF CONST VOL COMB, 'R CY1, VOLUME AN END OF J3 = IMAX W3 CONST VOL COMB, IN 3 P3 = P2(13/12) CWB SPECIFIC HEAT, CONSTANT VOLUME, BURNED MIX, W3 = W2 (BTU/lbm "R) QCW = CVB(7.3–12) QCW = CONSIANT WOLUME COMB OMF = OFAR(IMA) HEAT, BTU/lbm OMF = OVERALL FUEL FLOW QIOT = OMF(QF) Ib/hr QCYC = NC(QTO)/(1+OFAR)(TMA) QIOI = BTU/hrIOTAL FUEl HEAT INPUT, OF = LOWER HEATING VALUE OF FUEL, BTU/lbm NC = COMBUSION EFFICIENCY QCYC = CYCLE FUE HEAI INPUT, CONSIANI IEMPERATURE COMBUSION/EXPANSION IO POINT 4 PAH 3-4 QC = CONSIAN TEMP COMB OCT=0CYC-(CW HEAT, BTU/lbm 14-73 P4 = CY1. PRESSURE AN END OF CONST TEMP COMB, PSIA CI J 14 FLUID JEMP Al END OF O CONST TEMP COMB, R wo RJ4 V4 CY1. WOLUME AT END OF CONST TEMP COMB, IN - CONVERSION CONSTANI, 778 ft-lbf/BIU WEXT-(9(?) in NT R = UNIVERSAL CAS CONSTANI, u P4 ft-lbf-- Ibn-R WEXT = EXPANSION WORK AJ CONSIANT IEMP, BTU/lbm NI = ISOIHERMAL EFFICIENCY POINT 4 U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 7 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 POINT 4 FIG. 5C ISEWJROPIC EXPANSION PATH 4-5 P5 CY1. AESSURE AT END OF ISENTROPIC EXP, PSIA I5 - FLUID JEMP AN END OF ISENTROPIC EXP R V5 - CY1. VOLUME AI END OF V5 - V1 ISENTROPIC EXP, IN J5 = 14(1-NS(1-4/.5) KB = RADIO OF SPECIFIC P5 = pa(/4/5) K5 HEAIS, BURNED MIXTURE WEXS = CVB(74-75) WEXS = EXPANSION WORK, ISENTROPIC, BTU/lbm CWB = SPECIFIC HEAI, CONSTANT VOLUME, BURNED MIX, BTU/lbm R BLOWDOWN, EXHAUSI de INIAKE JO STATE 1 (ASSUMED IDEAL) PERFORMANCE SUMMARY WNET = NET INDICATED WORK, BIU/lbm WNET = WC+WEXT!-WEXS IHP = INDICAIED HP (PER IHP = (1+OFAR)(TMA)(WNEI)/2545 CYLINDER) IMEP = INDICAIED MEAN IMEP = (792,000)(IHP)/(N)(Wi-V2) EFFECTIVE PRESSURE, NCYC = WNET/OJOI PSIA NCYC = INDICATED CYCLE EFFICIENCY U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 8 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 FIG. 6 100% 90% PERCENT FUEl 80% SUPPLIED FOR CONSIANT 70% IEMPERATURE COMBUSION 60% 50% 402 MAX=3,300 R 30% 20% MAX=4,000 "R 10% 0% 8.1 10:f 121 141 16. 1 18.1 201 22.1 24:1 COMPRESSION RAIO FIG. 7 IDC HEAT RELEASE RATE BTU/CRANKSHAFT DEGREES 3.30 360 390 420 CRANK ANGLE, DEGREES U.S. Patent Jun. 18, 2002 Sheet 9 of 9 US 6,405,704 B2 | | 3 } } | { + | | | I | | | } 1 | { | } | |----————— 0009 000ý 000£ 000Z 000|| WISd 000Z 000|| 009 0009 000; 000£ 000Z 000|| N US 6,405,704 B2 1 2 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH For general purpose road use, the engines of emission LIMITED TEMPERATURE CYCLE constrained passenger cars are presently limited to useful compression of about 10:1. Above that limit the increased REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS cost of the fuel control system and the additional cost of 5 more platinum or rhodium for exhaust catalytic converters This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. generally outweighs the benefit of higher compression No. 08/685,651, filed Jul. 24, 1996, now U.S. Pat. No. ratios. A technology which would allow a practical Otto 6,058,904, which is a continuation to and claims the benefit compression process to operate at compression ratioS higher of U.S. application Ser. No. 08/466,817, filed Jun. 6, 1995, than 10:1 would be an advance in the art. now U.S. Pat. No. 5,566,650, which is a continuation of An improvement on the Otto cycle, as represented by a application Ser. No. 08/146,832, filed Oct. 29, 1993, now higher useful compression ratio, is an ideal Diesel cycle U.S. Pat. No. 5,460,128, which in turn is a continuation of comprising isothermal heat addition and isochoric (constant U.S. application Ser. No. 07/919,916, filed Jul. 29, 1992, Volume) heat rejection combined with isentropic compres now U.S. Pat. No. 5,265,562. Sion and expansion. This ideal Diesel cycle overcomes the This application is also related to and claims the benefit of 15 fuel octane limit of the Otto cycle by utilizing air alone for U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/001,617, filed Jul. 28, the compression process and mixing the fuel with the 1995, through U.S. application Ser. No. 08/685,651, filed process air as part of the combustion process. This allows Jul. 24, 1996. use of a low octane-rated fuel, but requires cetane-rated fuel FIELD OF THE INVENTION (enhanced auto-ignition). However, the isothermal process of the aforedescribed ideal Diesel cycle was found to be The present invention relates generally to internal com impractical, due to the extremely high compression ratio bustion engines and more particularly to expandable cham (50:1) required, and an alternate heat addition process ber piston engines operating in an open thermodynamic (isobaric or constant pressure) was put into practice. cycle. Another variation on the ideal Diesel cycle is the ideal BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 25 limited pressure cycle including combined isochoric and isobaric heat addition, and isochoric heat rejection combined Automotive vehicle and engine manufacturers, fuel injec with isentropic compression and expansion. This combus tion equipment Suppliers and, indeed, Society as a whole, tion proceSS allows an engine to be operated at moderate share in the desire for efficient, effective transportation.