High School

imparted words of wisdom via a very meaningful and multi layered Indian parable. The following evening, students had exchanged blazers, ties Principal’s Letter and shirts for beautiful gowns, suits and tuxedos. The setting for the 2013 Leavers’ Ball was the As the summer term draws to its conclusion, beautiful grounds and club house of we take a few moments out of our very busy Golf Club. The upper rooms and balcony were schedule to reflect on the past term. transformed by golden ribbons, fairy lights, cascades of sweets, colourful balloons and The whole school has been fully involved in a memory tree. All students had a wonderful a varied programme of summer activities. evening and relished their last occasion together Foremost amongst these were the external as a year group. They take away with them examinations taken by Year 11 students. many fantastic memories and, hopefully, some This year, for the first time, Year 11 students excellent examination grades. We wish them followed a tailor made pre exam immersion every success in the future and thank them for timetable, which allowed for intensive blocks their many and varied contributions to Woking of revision prior to each subject examination. High School over the past five years. The feedback on this provision, from both students and staff, has been overwhelmingly As one cohort of students leave another takes its positive and it is a feature which will remain place and within the space of one school day of in the next academic year. The students’ Year 11 leaving, we were delighted to welcome behaviour, throughout their examination our new Year 7 students (currently finishing season, was impeccable and our thanks their last weeks at Junior school). They had a must go to Eve Chapman, our Examinations thoroughly enjoyable time on their induction days officer, who for the 9th year in succession has and their feedback was 100% positive. conducted the examination administration in “I liked meeting new people because now I have an exemplary way. 10 more friends than I used to” Another first this year was the fact that we “Science was my favourite because we got to celebrated the achievements and successes blow things up!” of our Class of 2013 at the annual National Records of Achievement presentation after “The food, it was lovely, Thank you to the cooks” all GCSE examinations were over. It was a splendid occasion – many guests commenting “Everyone has been extremely friendly and has that it was the best the school had ever helped me find my way around” hosted. We welcomed parents, governors, “Art was my favourite because we got to make a special guests, including the Mayor of Woking, clay pot” Cllr A Roberts, and our main speaker – Mr Simon Jarvis, Principal of Farnborough 6th “Meeting new people, because they made me Form College – to share in the celebrations. feel welcome so I’m not scared or nervous Mr Jarvis’ speech was at the same time both anymore” entertaining and thought provoking and he

TECHNOLOGY Summer 2013 Newsletter COLLEGES Principal’s Letter Change Happens

It is clear our new students are keen and eager to school will remain the same, including the school name, begin secondary school life. It was an equal pleasure uniform, the teaching day and the inclusive, friendly and to meet ‘new’ Year 7 parents the following week. Our welcoming character of our school. induction evening gave parents chance to clarify transition I am indebted to the Governing Body of Woking High processes, buy uniform, meet tutors and join the Friends of School, particularly the Chair, Mr Z Tehal, the Vice Chair, (FoWHS). Mr D Buchanan and the Chair of Finance, Mr I Sleave, for Every year we seem to welcome more and more visitors to all their hard work, expertise and guidance during the past Woking High School, and especially prospective students six months, as they have made what is a complex and and their parents. Year 8s and Year 10s were on hand detailed process, efficient and effective. Most especially to host and guide potential new students from current thanks should go to Mrs Kathy Collins the School Business Year 5. On a hot Monday in July we welcomed 150 Manager, for the fantastic amount of extra work that she guests who complemented every aspect of the school; has taken on to help us achieve status, as well we were delighted with the event and hope it provided an as doing her ‘day-job’ and keeping calm and smiling opportunity to gather information about the school. Of throughout. course our annual Open Evening on Tuesday 8th October Also during the summer break we will see a number of and our Open mornings on Thursday 10th, Tuesday 15th refurbishments and building projects being completed and Thursday 17th October will give further chances for ready for the new academic year. These include the parents and prospective students, to discover the ‘spirit of creation of a specialist Year 8 room in the English block, Woking High School’ and glean all the details required to an MFL resources room and speaking and listening area, help them make an informed choice of secondary school a new History resource room and the usual refresh of provision for their son/daughter in September 2014. corridors and classrooms. With only a few weeks of term remaining we have a It is traditional at this time of year to say farewell to a number of traditional summer events yet to take place. number of colleagues who are leaving the school. I would These include our Young Achievers celebrations on 9th like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their July, Sports day on 18th July, Technology day on 19th July professionalism and commitment to the school and wish and the Windband tour to Italy which leaves on 20th July. them well for the future. Especially I want to mark the Although these events take a lot of organization they are retirement of one very special member of staff – Mrs E what makes the school alive and exciting, and they provide Kyriacou. Mrs Kyriacou has given 34 years of dedicated something for everyone to participate in. and loyal service to Woking High School. She has been an During the summer holiday we will, if all plans proceed outstanding teacher, member of the leadership team and accordingly, attain Academy status. The Department of Vice Principal. She has been an inspiration and role model Education tell us that we should see our conversion to an for a generation of teachers and students at Woking High Academy completed on 1st August 2013. We will notify School. Mrs Kyriacou is unique and irreplaceable and we you of this landmark via our website during the school will miss her enormously, the farewell speeches will only holidays and I will include a section on our Academy touch the surface of her many and admirable qualities. We status in my September welcome letter. In the meantime, wish her a richly deserved long, happy, healthy and fulfilling I would like to reiterate the information we sent out to, and retirement and look forward to her continued service to discussed with, all stakeholders during our consultation. Woking High School in her capacity as a governor of the The governors and staff at Woking High School believe school. the time is right for us to become an Academy. We will We begin the autumn term with two staff training days on embrace the opportunities Academy status offers and 3rd and 4th September. All students return to school on will certainly benefit from the greater financial freedoms Thursday 5th September with a staggered start time of granted. But, rest assured, as a good school striving to be 8.55 a.m. for Years 7 & 10 and a 10 a.m. start for Year 8, outstanding, we treasure the values and ethos of Woking 9 & 11. High School and as a result, many, many aspects of the 2 Finally, may I wish you all a very happy summer academic year and we are already looking forward to holiday with your family and friends. I thank continuing this success in the coming year. everyone associated with Woking High School for their dedication, support and hard work during this Jane Abbott, Principal

and coloured felt pens to Interactive Whiteboards linked to computers Change Happens where we can access a wealth of supportive As I look back over a long and happy career of 42 materials to make years, 34 of which have been at this school, I have lessons more interesting. been reflecting on the changes that have happened Film clips at the touch to the world of education and Woking High School. of a button – no more I arrived at the school ( County Secondary) threading 8mm film in April 1979 as Head of Year 4 (now Year 10) and projectors! We used Head of Social Studies and settled in to the office special carbon sheets and a Banda machine to that I have now! Although I must say that I have produce copies of information or work sheets – moved my base to three other areas of the school in some of the parents may remember the smell! that time. I have had the good fortune to work with a number The school name changed in 1985 to Horsell High of creative, inspirational and highly professional School following the amalgamation of Horsell teachers. I am proud to say that I mentored many Secondary School and Highlands School. In 1997 who started their teaching careers here and it is a the name changed to Woking High School to great joy to be working alongside some of those reflect the fact that the students came from an area who remained. wider than Horsell. Of course various government initiatives have impacted on the curriculum and I entered the teaching profession to help create a the subjects have changed in content and some in love of learning in young people and help them to name. Students have far more choice than 40 years develop the qualities and skills to be successful ago, teaching is more creative and students are citizens. I am delighted when I meet past students now encouraged to take an active part in lessons of the school and hear how they have spent their and develop independence in their learning. As time after leaving school. Several arrive here now as these changes occurred there was an impact on the parents – some as members of staff. The students school. have changed but their needs remain the same and the fact that many of them come back to visit says The use of the school buildings changed over the much about the importance of the school in their years – with a library on the top floor where RE lives. rooms are now situated, the main Art and Pottery rooms are now inhabited by Modern Foreign I shall miss Woking High School, it is a very special Languages and the ICT rooms house Home place, a supportive and caring learning community Economics and the Flat where the GCE group with the well-being and success of students and invited staff to lunch! We also had our own Motor staff as its core purpose. It has been a huge part of Vehicle workshop where students were sometimes my life and in my retirement I shall look forward to allowed to work on staff cars and there were engines seeing the ‘good’ school move towards its goal of and sump oil! Where? On the ground floor of the being an outstanding one. I have every confidence English block in the area now occupied by Mrs that under the thoughtful and considerate leadership Joyes’ classroom and Mrs Sleap’s Transition Room. of Mrs Abbott and her team that will be realised. There are other changes, too many to mention here. Thank you and best wishes to you all. Our teaching facilities have been dramatically updated from chalk and boards through whiteboards Liz Kyriacou, Associate Vice Principal 3 Visit to UCL Woking High School Prom National Record of Achievement Awards Head Boy and Girl Team

all applicants. Once all votes were counted the chosen candidates were interviewed by the current Head Boy and Girl Team and a Senior Staff panel. As the selection process drew to a close it was extremely difficult to separate the candidates. However, finally and deservedly the Head Boy and Girl along with their team were chosen, and what a strong team it is proving to be!

The Head Boy and Girl 2013/2014, the Head Boy and Girl team of 8 students, 20 Senior Prefects and the 60 strong Prefect team, all should be congratulated for taking on Head Boy and Girl Team these prestigious roles within the school. May I wish them good luck and all the best in their duties that lie ahead.

for 2013/2014 Head Boy – Ben Keynes Head Girl – Maaria Hanif To select the Head Boy and Girl and their team this year Assistant Head Boys Assistant Head Girls was once again very difficult. Anmol Aggarwal Evie Emslie With over 60 Prefects in Year 10 there was going to be a William Berry Rebecca Lynn great deal of competition from these and other students Thomas Edwards Sophie Mayer in the year group. Once the applications had been Harry Sutherland Olivia Palmer processed 20 successful students gave presentations to their peers in an assembly on why they should be Head B Hathaway, Year 10 Learning Co-ordinator Boy or Girl. These were well received by staff and students with an exceptionally high standard of presenting from

National Record of Achievement Awards 2013

The annual awards ceremony took place on the 27 June Our Senior Team were all presented with gifts for their celebrating the success of our students over the past five outstanding service to all areas of school life. They years of their school life. Awards were received by 72 themselves awarded their own prizes to Marcus Metter, for students for progress and attainment in individual subjects. Triumph over Adversity, George Hill for Spirit of the Year and Emma Owens who received the Students’ Student In addition to the subject awards a further 23 students Award. received individual awards for their achievements and contributions in other areas of the school community. Sam Collett received the Governor’s Award for outstanding contribution to the school and wider community. Sam Joshua Bowden and Megan Brooke were recognised has been awarded a scholarship at Eton College from for their significant contributions to sport with awards September of this year. for excellence, along with special awards for Literacy for Joanna Gudz and Numeracy for Zia Akbar. The awards A humorous but inspirational speech was delivered by in the fields of performing arts and musical performances Simon Jarvis, Principal of Farnborough College, went to Jack Fairey and Tara Shankla and Aaron Birch was contributing to a successful and memorable afternoon of recognised for his outstanding services to public speaking. celebration. The individual award for service to a local charity, presented C Sweeney, Year 11 Learning Co-ordinator by PC Craig Matthews, went to Robyn Guy. 4 Woking High School Prom 2013

The class of 2013 ended their five years at Woking showed his top moves to be awarded Best Male High School at Chobham Golf Club on the 28 June. Dancer, and Rianna Norman Best Female Dancer. Students turned up in an array of vehicles ranging The Best Dressed Male Award went to Kieran Doe from a Harley Davidson Motor bike to Porsche Sports and Best Dressed Female to Sammi-Jo Wesley. The cars. Best Entrance was awarded to George Hill, who arrived in a vintage Morris Minor motor car. A wonderful evening was had by all and saw Lydia Girdler crowned Prom Queen and Christian Moulding, It was a thoroughly exciting evening that was enjoyed Prom King. by all!

Other awards went to Ellen McElhatton and Joshua C Sweeney, Year 11 Learning Co-ordinator Mole for Best Couple, Hugo Woodward-Rowe

DUX Award Visit to UCL

On Friday 14 June two Year 9 students, Billie Cross prestigious the University is and that it has recently and Anya Vlassak visited University College London been ranked the fourth best university in the world. as part of the DUX Awards. The DUX Awards Scheme There was also a tour of the campus which really gave is a national programme run by the Department of us an idea of how big the University was. We met Education. It is in recognition of high performing current university students who acted as our Student students where the prize is a day visit to a Russell Ambassadors, as well as other Year 9 students from Group University. schools from all over the south-east.

We took the train from Woking to London Waterloo “It was a very inspiring day that really showed what life and then the Tube to Warren Street. At UCL we took at university might be like and encouraged us to think part in various lectures in the faculty of Science and about going to university ourselves in the future.” Engineering. These included sessions on ‘Science Billie Cross 9G and Anya Vlassak, 9A and Society’, ‘Manufacturing the Flu Vaccine’ and ‘Building Giant Molecules’. We learnt how old and H Addison, Assistant Student Support Officer 5 The Sensory Garden House Bake Off Fun Run Thorpe Park Visit

The Sensory Garden

After a slow start, following bad weather, the garden is now flourishing.

In March we took a group of students, including Josh, Zaynab, Bonnie and Safia from Year 7 and 8 and a group of Year 11s to Wisley. Here they had a comprehensive Woking High Students in the Glasshouse, Wisley Gardens introduction to using tools and equipment safely, were dreadful weather we had a lot of visitors who were very shown how to prepare the ground for planting, make complimentary about the garden and interested to hear newspaper pots and take cuttings. In the afternoon we had about students’ involvement. an opportunity to explore the glass house and the rest of the beautiful gardens. We have also had a very welcome visit from Mr Buckley, who not only donated a beautiful cherry tree and azalea, The day was very enjoyable and informative and the but gave up a considerable amount of his time helping with students were able to put the skills learnt at Wisley into the weeding! practice in the sensory garden and have successfully grown a number of vegetables from seed. We would also like the thank Mr and Mrs Clark for their kind donation. Returning after the Easter break, we had to work hard in the garden in preparation for the ‘Garden Safari’ on the Next year we are hoping to make another visit to Wisley, 15 June – when the garden was open for the community and purchase a raised bed for planting the vegetables. If to come and visit. With help from Sarah, Safia, Bronwen, anyone is interested in helping out, gardening club is on Josh and Zaynab we had a couple of very successful Day Tuesday lunchtimes (weather permitting!), as well as on 11 sessions and were able to plant out seedlings into the Day 11s. vegetable patch, under the guidance of Mrs Bostock. C Greatorex / D Bostock With much valued help from Mr Turner and the site team, the garden was looking fantastic, and despite the

Thorpe Park Visit

On a not so sunny 12 June, a group of one hundred and twenty students attended the third annual Year 9 Physics visit to Thorpe Park. The purpose of the visit was to allow students to work on and see Physics in action, supporting their introduction to the GCSE curriculum content. Students attended an educational talk about the ‘Science and Engineering’ behind the rides at Thorpe Park, actively participating and providing many interesting questions to be answered. The students’ attitude and behaviour on the day was exemplary, which allowed the visit to be engaging and enjoyable for all who attended. J Wood, Science Enrichment Co-ordinator 6 HOUSE BAKE OFF

The Woking High School ‘House Bake Off Competition’ was launched during the summer term. This involved teams from tutor groups in Years 7,8 and 9 competing against each other for the prestigious title. The panel of taste testers were extremely impressed at the standard and creativity of the dishes being made within the one hour time Year 7 - Jessica Talbot & Daisy Bowman restriction. We saw a wide range of products being created including savoury swirls, cakes, biscuits, Year 8 - Alishba Zaman & Sarah Boyd-Lee brownies and strawberry meringue tarts. Our taste buds were left tingling with the delicious flavours that Year 9 - Avani Bansal & Conor Bakhuizen were produced. Marks were awarded for team work, Cookery club will resume in September 2013 with presentation, taste and hygiene. exciting new recipes for those who wish to be Very well done to all students who took part in the challenged. competition, but especially to our winners: C Cunningham, Design and Technology

The course took us round the field over jumps, Fun Run through nets and hoops and in and out of slaloms. There were prizes for the winners, Jay Cox and Matt The three legged fancy dress obstacle fun run took Barker, the bubble wrap boys for Curie, and best place in lovely sunshine on the sports field. Staff costumes, the pirates and Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. and students turned out in force! Organised by Miss The overall winners were Brunel with the most Rouse and the House Team, the race ran like the entrants and the most money collected for charity. finest of Olympic events! There was an enormous Together we raised £972.71 for the British Heart variety of costumes ranging from animal onesies to Foundation which is an amazing result. bubble wrap through pirates and fairies and one triple legged nurse and patient! Mr Burgess dressed up as N Selmes, House Co-ordinator a lady!

7 Maths Envision Visit to Matilda

VI Unit - Envision Visit to Matilda

On a beautiful but chilly day in March, three of our VI students Joshua Year 8, Bonnie and Zaynab Year 7 (accompanied by Mrs State and Miss Hayes) were lucky enough to get the opportunity to go to London to see and Students were allowed to go onto the stage and explore explore the stage version of Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda’ at the the set of Matilda’s bedroom, school, her home, and see Cambridge Theatre. The visit was organised by Envision, the props and costumes used in the show. The students a company who specialise in ensuring that the theatre also got to feel and look at some of the actual props and experience can be accessible and enjoyable for all. costumes that would be used in the productions. The morning started with a workshop held in the 7 Dials After lunch it was ‘Showtime’. The students took their Club, where the students got to act out, in their own seats and had their headphones at the ready, these were fashion, some of the scenes from Matilda and to be the for an auditory guide throughout the production, giving the main characters from the play, also learning to change students a better feel for the play, which Josh can attest to. their voices to make the character stand out. Zaynab’s He was in fits of laughter throughout the whole show! role play of Matilda’s father using an East London accent was brilliant and made everyone laugh. The workshop Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Bonnie said also encouraged our students to mingle with new people the show was amazing and she wanted to come and building up their confidence and enhancing their social watch it again with her family. skills. M.Hayes, Teaching Assistant, Sight Impared Once the workshops were finished it was a quick walk & M.State, Head of VI next door to the Cambridge Theatre for the “touch tour”.

Key Stage 3 Maths Competition MATHS REPORT On 21 June 15 students from Years 7 to 9 made the visit to Camberley for the inaugural Maths Competition. This was Junior Maths Challenge designed to be the mathematical equivalent of the sports This term 120 students from Year 7 and 8 took part in the District Cup. Woking High School was one of six schools Junior Maths Challenge. Certificates are awarded to a in attendance, the others being Gordons, Tomlinscote, certain percentage of students. Approximately 240,000 Collingwood, Ash Manor and Kings International. students across the country take part, from 3,700 schools We entered two teams in each of the Year 7 and 8 and the top 40% of students receive a certificate (6% Gold, competitions and one team in Year 9 (one of whom was a 13% Silver and 21% Bronze). In Year 8 sixteen students Year 8 student). All the students studied valiantly through achieved a bronze certificate, nine students achieved a the hour long series of gruelling mathematical and logical silver certificate and a special mention should go to Jack reasoning challenges. Whilst the Year 7 and 8 teams were Kay who gained a gold certificate. In Year 7 thirteen unlucky not to get into the top three, our Year 9 team students achieved a bronze certificate, eight students achieved third place. gained a silver certificate and four students achieved gold. These were Ben Payne, Imogen Pelham, David Diaconu All the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and there and Tianna Barnes. Ben Payne also got a certificate for are signs of great teams for the future! best in the school. Well done to everyone who took part.

8 Year 7 by sessions on Cryptography and Practical Maths Matthew Tweed Activities. The day finished with ‘Maths, Mystery and David Diaconu the Electric Guitar’ and the students were delighted Ben Payne when the speaker finished with a guitar solo. After Imogen Pelham speaking to the students they all said they were Tianna Barnes thinking more seriously about carrying on to do Maths Daniel Seabrook at A level which was the whole aim of the day.

Year 8 Mathematics Masterclass Celebrations Jack Kay On 28 June Miss Dixon and Mr Griffiths accompanied David Pulguinhas seven Year 8 students to the Royal Institution in George Loxton London. The students had previously attended Elliot Cortade masterclasses held on Saturday mornings at the Robbie Faulkner beginning of the year at the University of and Callum Henderson this was a chance to meet up with other students from across the region who had attended similar Year 9 classes. The day consisted of three lectures and Keshav Rao a competition. The first lecture was called ‘Stuck Tom Dalziel in traffic’ and looked at some of the maths behind Luke Hall (Year 8) working out how to avoid traffic jams and driving at an optimum speed to avoid traffic jams happening. The Taking Maths Further second lecture was from Paul Shepherd (who had At the end of June six Year 10 students attended a also spoken at the Year 10 Taking Maths Further). He ‘Taking Maths Further’ conference run by the Further spoke in more detail about the building of the Olympic Mathematics Support Programme. The conference stadium and how to make a structure safe when lots was held at Royal Holloway College, Egham and the of people were jumping around. The picture above day consisted of a mixture of lectures and hands on shows Connor Norman-Walker attempting to topple a activities. The day started with a talk on why students tower just by clapping! He did succeed. At lunchtime should consider taking A level Maths then it was the students were given a competition sheet to straight into ‘Games with a Twist’ from Rob Eastaway. complete and prizes were given at the end of the I think some of the students were going to try some day. The final lecture was on Crop Circles and their of the tricks on their families when they got home! symmetrical properties. There was a fascinating talk by Paul Shepherd on the use of Maths in Architecture and this was followed P Dixon and M Griffiths, Maths 9 Honda School of Dreams Science Club Art, Design and Women in Engineering Technology Exhibition


The summer term has been particularly exciting for the Science Club. As well as participating in our usual array of experiments that include bangs, bubbles and burning, we spent much time designing and building water rockets. Why, you may ask? Well it’s simple; the Science Club decided to enter a team into the National Physics Laboratory’s annual ‘Water Rocket Challenge.’

The aim of the contest is to launch a rocket using only water pressure and to see which rocket goes the highest club members) incredibly enthusiastic about participating in and which covers the most distance. We spent ages next year’s event. researching aerodynamics, launcher mechanisms and materials and then putting our rockets together. Coming up for the remainder of term are: a rat dissection, more bangs a few more bubbles and perhaps even a Our team, WHS Science Catz, had a fabulous time at couple of water rocket practices if the weather is good the NPL event and came away with a special award enough. for the ‘spinniest’ rocket which had such a fast rotation it punched a hole into one of the perimeter fences! We are very much looking forward to welcoming some new The representatives: Isaac Birks, Cameron Depeare, members in the Autumn when the new Year 7’s arrive, until Lewis Haller, Henry Jarrett and Jake Webb were great then though anyone interested should come along to S3 on ambassadors for the Science Club and our school. a Wednesday at 15:45 until 16:30 for lots of Science, and lots of fun. Have a glorious summer. We left from the challenge with plenty of ideas for new rockets, a revamped launcher (special thanks to Mr Griffiths H Bujok and Z Radford, Science in the D&T department) and with all team members (and

Courtney Coxe, Emily Redpath, Nicole Housego, Vivienne Women in Engineering Mathews and Avani Bansal) took part in a “Dragonfly Day” at the University of Surrey, aimed at introducing girls to Ten girls from Year 9 (Thea Harris-Killick, Chloe Edmonds- the possibilities that a career in Engineering could offer. Finch, Maya Hussain, Nishta Yadagiri, Georgia Sullivan, They had talks from women currently working in a range of engineering careers and had the opportunity to work with older students studying A-levels or degrees linked to engineering. The main challenge of the day was to work in teams to design and build a model of a refugee shelter that could be packed flat for transport and put up quickly in an emergency, while lasting for the typical time that a refugee is in a camp (up to 12 years!). Their designs were innovative and very well presented. They also had the opportunity for a brief tour around the university, including some of the electronics laboratories, which gave them an insight into university life. H Gallagher, Head of Science 10 TECHNOLOGY NEWS task) and apache run ( a relay of different activities based on different styles of learning to show Honda School of Dreams the students how to work as a team and share responsibilities.)

The Honda School of Dreams workshop was held on On the second day the students learnt how to Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 May with a group of successfully mind map, developing key revision 36 Year 9 students. These students were selected techniques, and present as a team, building as they have chosen GCSE Product Design and confidence and presentation skills. The presentations Graphics and the workshop allowed them to gain were held in front of the manager of the local Honda skills to use when they start the course in September, dealership, Richard Roberts, as well as the three as well as understanding the importance of following Honda School of Dreams staff and Woking High their dreams. School staff. On the first day of the workshop a variety of activities C Stevens, Design and Technology were involved from learning to juggle (to show that you need to practice to become good at subject or


Thursday 27 June saw yet another successful exhibition. This is very much an annual event at Woking High and, teamed with the NRA presentation, allows Year 11 students to showcase their work to proud parents and other family members. The exhibition highlighted the fantastic work that the students have completed over the two year course and their final examination pieces.

All DT and Art staff would like to thank all parents and carers who have supported the Year 11s through the many after school support sessions and would like to remind students that their work can be collected from the relevant departments after October half term. M Abbs-Rowe, Director of Technology & L Maley, Head of Art 11 Year 9 in English German Exchange to Rastatt Film Festival Visit to Paris

Art, Design & Technology Residential Visit to Paris

On Wednesday morning 19 June I was lucky to attend the Art, Design & Technology residential visit to Paris with 16 other Year 10 students. We travelled via Eurostar to arrive in Paris late afternoon to pouring rain. I was so pleased that the wet weather stopped in time for our boat trip along the river Siene, where we saw the amazing sights of the city. Over the next three days we visited four museums including the Louvre, home to the ‘Mona Lisa’ painting which is visited by hundreds and thousands of people from all across the world. I was so surprised how small it was! The highlight of the visit was the night visit to the Eiffel tower which was stunning, especially when the lights lit up and sparkled. All of us had a great time and in my opinion, it was the best experience of my life. Aqieel Khan, 10G

Year 9 in English

In English, Year 9 have been preparing for their GCSEs shuttle. I lamely turned over onto my limp shoulder by studying one of the key texts: ‘Of Mice and Men’ by and stared up at the dark, crumbling ceiling above me. John Steinbeck. While on a work carousel, students have Deprived of my positive thoughts, I made a subtle attempt been producing some incredible pieces from engaging to somehow retrieve them by ticking over and considering presentations about life in 1930s America to sensitive and Slim’s offer. Sure was nice of him to offer me one of his emotive monologues of key characters. The effort that pups. students have been putting into their final term of Year Suddenly, a sheer silence flooded the entire room within 9 is very impressive and promises a very successful two moments. It was just then that a loud bang appeared from years at GCSE level. A very special congratulation goes to beyond the cold darkness of the shallow night.” Billy Simmons, who wrote this moving monologue for the character Candy. Billy Simmons

“The unbearable tension that had seized everyone’s R Porcheret, KS3 English Co-ordinator attention in the derelict room had soared like a space


The 2013 Spring Film Festival again reflected Best Stop Motion Animation: Aiden Gale for “The further innovations in the quest for creating exciting, Woodcutter” thought-provoking moving image. We had a week- Best Advertisement: “Georgian Tearooms” by Hollie long festival in which students from Year 7 through Rhodes to 11 were able to showcase their films. Students attending the festival and Media students were Best Drama: “The Struggle” by Kieran Doe and asked to vote for best work in a range of categories, Company and the nominations posted. In a special assembly, Best Action Film: “The Meeting” by Robert Green these nominations were announced and the winners and Company pronounced! And here they are: Best Documentary: “Conflict” by Linus Fuge Best Director: Adam Rothwell for “Presence” And the film voted Best Film of Festival 2013?… Best Producer: Ben Griffiths for “Presence” ”Presence” by Adam Rothwell, Ben Griffiths and Best Music: Hollie Rhodes for “Georgian Tea Rooms” Jamie Bansky.

Best Special Effects: Henry Calver for “Gafferman” Congratulations to everyone who submitted a film! Lights, Cameras, Action for Spring Film Festival 2014! Best Actor: Michael Cabot in “Coke Kills”

Best Actress: Saima Khan in “Bullying” J Tuson, Head of Media Studies

German Exchange to Rastatt, Germany

After a very early start we flew in to Baden-Baden would really recommend this visit to other students Airpark, it was very hot – 37 degrees! We had a who are studying German. fantastic time and were made to feel very welcome by our host families. We visited lots of interesting Sally, Blane, Thomas and Alex (Year 9) places: Baden-Baden, Nathan (Year 10) Rastatt, Freiburg and the Black Forest. Rastatt is situated very close to the French border and some of us went shopping there. We especially enjoyed the giant pretzels when we visited the Vice-Mayor in Rastatt. The school was very different to Woking, very small and classes finished at 1.30pm! It was a great experience and our understanding of German was much improved. We

13 Bay of Naples Examination Success in Music Performance Wind Band and Choir Tour to Lake Garda

Bay of Naples

Students in Year 9 studying Latin visited the Bay of Naples in May to learn more about Roman life and the dreadful natural disaster that sealed the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum like a time capsule. The vast majority of what we know about Roman life comes from these sites, which survive like ghostly relics of the past. Students planned their own routes round the towns and visited the areas that interested them most. They saw shops, houses - rich and poor, bakeries, fulleries, temples, law courts … everything that the towns had to offer. They conducted themselves impeccably, and once again were by far and away the best behaved young people in The students received some quality instruction about our hotel. They were a pleasure to be with, and the whole the volcanoes, as well as about Roman life. In addition visit was a wonderful experience for students and staff to visiting the Roman sites, the students climbed Mount alike. Vesuvius and also stood inside the crater of a dormant volcano at nearby Solfatara. E Williams, Head of Latin

Return Visit to Italy - Wind Band and Choir Tour to Lake Garda 20 – 27 July 2013

Following the success of last year’s tour to Italy, 28 Planned activities include a visit to Canevaworld Water members of the Wind Band and choir will return to the Park, a swim in the lake and a boat excursion to Limone. It shores of Lake Garda, Italy, during the last few days of is not all plain sailing though, with a team building activity term. This much anticipated annual music tour will follow across the year groups creating a competitive element, the set format of three professionally organised concerts requiring them to solve clues whilst ascending a steep hill, over five days, with sight-seeing tours interspersed in order for the winning team to get to the top of an ancient throughout. Accompanied by four staff members, the tour Roman fortress in the quickest possible time. The highlight party will be based at the resort of Riva del Garda, which of the tour will undoubtedly be an excursion to the opera, is as far north as you can go on the lake. Following a where special discounted tickets to see Giuseppe Verdi’s thorough rehearsal on day one of the visit, the musicians ‘Il Trovatore’, have been purchased at the famous Roman will embark on a series of outdoor public performances at amphitheatre, the Arena di Verona. All the operatic greats venues located along the east side of the lake, culminating have performed here, including Pavarotti and Placido in a final concert by the lakeside in the stunning and Domingo. Our own opera wannabe, Sara Hill, will be picturesque town of Torri del Benaco. All concerts desperate to get inside this amazing, historically significant commence at 9 or 9:30pm which is the optimum time for arena, and Sara herself will be singing a solo aria by Mozart Italians to take a stroll out after their evening meals. at each of our concerts.

14 Examination Success in Music Performance

Students from all year groups are participating this year, but for six Year 11 girls, sadly this will be their last tour with Woking High School Wind Band. Katy Bell, Katelin Dolton, Lucy Nicholls, Heather Hotel Campagnola in Riva del Garda McSkimming, Hollie Rhodes and Helen Tinlin have officially completed their secondary school education All musicians have worked tremendously hard and all GCSE examinations for the year, but continue throughout the year and thoroughly deserve this to attend rehearsals in the build up to the tour. Their opportunity to showcase their talents abroad. We are combined effort and contribution to music has been counting the days to departure and can already taste much appreciated and I am sure that this tour will help that wonderful Italian ice cream. Arrivederci. provide many wonderful memories of their time in the S Goodwin, Director of Music Performance band and at Woking High School.


Since the last Newsletter, students have received Matthew Hill Year 8 results for practical examinations taken during March Theory of Music - Grade 5 - Merit and April 2013. The following students (placed in Sally Hitchings Year 9 alphabetical order) all passed, on various instruments Electronic Keyboard - Grade 4 - Merit or through dance, for the Associated Board of The Royal School of Music, Trinity College or Rock School. Jennifer Kirk Year 10 Students were also successful in written Music Theory Clarinet - Grade 5 - Merit papers. Graded examinations range from 1 – 8. Congratulations to all students for achieving such Anna Kozlowska Year 9 excellent passes and many thanks to the instrumental Bassoon - Grade 3 - Merit peripatetic and private music teachers for successfully Rebecca Lynn Year 10 preparing them for public examinations: Tenor saxophone - Grade 5 - Distinction Jonathan Bell Year 9 Andrew Lumb Year 9 Flute - Grade 6 - Distinction Trombone – Grade 7 – Merit Elizabeth Campbell Year 9 Lucy Nicholls Year 11 Oboe - Grade 6 - Merit Trombone - Grade 3 - Pass Daniel Cheetham Year 8 Daniel Pearce Year 10 Theory of Music - Grade 5 - Pass Orchestral percussion - Grade 6 - Distinction. Georgina Gray Year 10 Hollie Rhodes Year 11 Flute - Grade 5 - Merit Clarinet - Grade 6 – Merit James Hardacre Year 9 Carmen Shankla Year 8 Trombone - Grade 8 - Distinction Bassoon – Grade 3 – Pass S Goodwin, Director of Music Performance 15 Newquay 2013 Sports Year 7 Curriculum Challenge

Year 7 Curriculum Challenge

153 students took part in the Year 7 Curriculum Challenge in Brockenhurst, situated in the New Forest. The purpose of the camp was to challenge the students physically and mentally through completing a number of problem- solving and team building activities, for which points were awarded. All of the students rose to the challenges offered and didn’t seem to mind the early morning starts, washing All the staff involved agreed that it was a pleasure to take up or getting wet and muddy!! They also experienced such an enthusiastic and committed group of students. the forest at night, where wide games and night hikes Congratulations to Mr Young’s and Mrs Doe’s patrol groups were combined with the teachers’ favourite ghost stories! who, due to securing most points over the three days, won The weather, generally, was excellent and it allowed the the team challenge. students to experience camping in a beautiful part of the country; it was not hard to see why the New Forest has P Costard, Head of P.E. been granted National Park status.

Newquay 2013

Over half term 88 students and 9 staff set off to Newquay, Cornwall - home of British surfing, for an action packed week of water sports. The aim of the visit was to provide students with an opportunity to experience a range of activities that would enable them to build on self-esteem, team work and leadership, and of course have lots of fun!

The students participated in 16 different activities: coasteering (jumping off rocks into the sea), sailing, stand- up paddle boarding, and rock climbing, to name a few. For the first time this year weather was kind, allowing students to end five days of high adventure with a BBQ on the idyllic Tolcarne Beach.

Students were a credit and threw themselves into every activity with vast amounts of enthusiasm. Special mention goes to Miles Spiller and Elisha Cram, who secured ‘students of the week’ for outstanding team work, positivity and leadership over the course of the visit. O Brown, Year 8 Learning Co-ordinator 16 SUMMER 2013 PE NEWS

At the time of writing the last newsletter we had just runner up. The Year 8 boys and Year 8 girls had received the tremendous news that, once again, our finished third overall. I am delighted to say that, since students had done outstandingly well in the British this event, success has followed success and without Schools Biathlon Championship at Crystal Palace. doubt it has been one of the most rewarding terms of Year 8 student Alex Zalaf had just become British sport ever. Champion and Fraser Tattersdill in Year 9 had finished

YEAR 8 BOYS YEAR 8 GIRLS ATHLETICS 1st Woking High 119 1st Winston Churchill 112 2nd Gordons 108.5 2nd Woking High 107.5

At the District Athletics there was again considerable 3rd SJB 107.5 3rd SJB 106 success with the School winning four out of the eight titles. These included the Year 7 boys, Year 8 boys, YEAR 9 BOYS YEAR 9 GIRLS Year 9 girls and Year 10/11 girls. 1st Gordons 130 1st Woking High 112 2nd Tomlinscote 118.5 2nd Gordons 110 DISTRICT ATHLETIC TEAM RESULTS (13 schools competing): 3rd SJB 118 3rd Sir William Perkins 105 4th Woking High 103 YEAR 7 BOYS YEAR 7 GIRLS 1st Woking High 111 1st SJB and Sir William Perkins 113 YEAR 10/11 BOYS YEAR 10/11 GIRLS 2nd Winston Churchill 2nd 106 1st Gordons 125 1st Woking High 121 3rd Salesians 80.5 3rd Tomlinscote 94 2nd Woking High 114 2nd Tomlinscote 119 4th Woking High 92 3rd Tomlinscote 108 3rd Gordons 108

Year 7 Boys Relay 4x100m School Record Breakers 17 Sport


YEAR GOLD SILVER BRONZE 7 Ryan Lees 100m Matthew Tweed Javelin Markus Steinbach High Jump Ryan Lees 200m Boys 4x100m Relay Matthew Tweed Shot Putt Ryan Lees Long Jump Amba Hill Discus Nia Robinson 100m Markus Steinbach Hurdles Amba Hill Shot Putt Amba Hill 200m Hasna Ould-Dada High Jump

8 Alex Zalaf 800m Jay Baker 100m Alex Zalaf 300m Caitlin Burns Hurdles Olly Gilbert Javelin Boys 4x100m Relay Caitlin Burns 200m Ben Murrin Shot Putt Phoebe Grant Shot Putt Elsa Riley 100m Amber Ruddle Discus Elsa Riley High Jump

9 Ellen Steinbach 200m Fraser Tattersdill 300m Jason Dwumfuo 100m Ellen Steinbach High Jump Robert Green Shot Putt Jason Dwumfuo 200m Boys 4x100m Relay Connor Richardson Discus Rebecca Davies 100m Sally Hitchings 1500m Rebecca Davies Long Jump Anya Vlassak Discus

10/11 Jack Jeffery 400m Josh Bowden 1500m Cameron Aughterson 100m Dominic Vlassak Discus Ben Coker Javelin Addison Bray Long Jump Stuart Wilkin Triple Jump Olga Bednarska 300m Alex Moppett High Jump Chloe Last 100m Nicole Davies 200m Chloe Last Long Jump Nicole Davies Discus Kaitlin Howard 800m Megan Brooke 1500m Girls 4x100m Relay

Following the District Trials (Year 8/9 and 10/11) we had Chloe Last Gold Inter Girls Long Jump a total of 18 students selected to represent North West Kaitlin Howard Gold Inter Girls 300m Surrey at the County Schools Athletic Championships in Kingston, which was more than any other school within the Nicole Davies Silver Inter Girls 200m District. The standard in Surrey is incredibly high with all 11 boroughs competing and many National Champions on Ellen Steinbach Silver Junior Girls High Jump display. Anya Vlassak Silver Junior Girls Discus The Woking High athletes performed exceptionally well At present there have been ten School Athletic Records and in total we won five medals (also more than any other broken this academic year and we haven’t even got to school within the District). They included : Sports Day!

18 Surrey U13 Girls Football Champions


The Year 7 boys basketball team kept their unbeaten The Year 11 boys team rounded of their school record and added to their District title by winning the careers with a high class performance of total football County title defeating Coombe Boys’ School in the in the District Final beating SJB 6 – 1. There were Final 25 – 17. The whole squad have played a huge goals from James Holliss, Jack Jeffery, Douglas part in such a successful season. Paterson, Zane Westbrooke and two from Man of the Match Addison Bray. The whole squad played their The Year 10 boys had a cracking end to their season part in a fantastic performance which saw the boys lift winning the County League by beating County Cup the Cup for the third time in five years. Winners, Harris Academy Merton, 37 – 34 before defeating Archbishop Lanfranc 50 – 48 in an epic match. This meant the team had won 21 out of 23 games in all competitions including the Nationals. GIRLS CRICKET The Year 8 girls cricket team are a side that had no GIRLS FOOTBALL prior cricketing experience before this year. Through hard work and early morning coaching sessions the The Under 13 girls Football team was totally dominant girls have transformed themselves into a County in the Surrey Cup and the District League. A Cup winning team. The captaincy and batting of Paige Final win of 5 – 1 over Stanley Park was evidence of McElhatton and the all rounder skills of Anisha Hill this. The defensive play of Lena Stroem combined helped to pave the way for great success. The with the midfield dynamos of Paige McElhatton and highlight of the season was beating Salesians in the Melissa Anders with the attacking talents of Anisha County Final in a very close match that went down to Hill has made this a formidable team. the wire. The girls then went on to represent Surrey in the Regional Finals. There was also success for the Year 10/11 Team, who won the County 6-a-side competition, but narrowly lost in the County Cup semi-final to Riddlesdown. 19 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Sport Emotional Wellbeing


Due to adverse weather last year two District Finals were postponed until this season. The current Year 9 boys beat Rydens convincingly in the final of the Year 8 Competition. However our current Year 10’s lost to Gordon’s in the Year 9 Competition. We currently have two teams in the finals; they are our Year 7 and 9 sides. The Year 10’s have still got their quarter final match to play. The Year 8 boys also finished runners up in the Surrey Emerging Schools Competition. Perhaps the biggest individual achievement was Year 7 Ramesh Malik who took 6 wickets for only 1 run against in a four over spell.

Year 8 Girls Indoor Surrey Cricket Champions ROUNDERS Both Year 7 and Year 8 girls team have won both their TABLE TENNIS tournaments and are due to play the final of the District The boys’ Under 13 pairing of Ewan Smith and Miles Spiller competition later on this term. Congratulations and best of won the District Title. luck to both teams. This has been another outstanding year for sport at the

TENNIS School and the attitude, enthusiasm and pride shown towards representing the School is even more pleasing The Under 13 girls Tennis team of Anisha Hill and Jasmine than the vast amount of cups and trophies won. I would Paterson became District Champions winning all their also like to thank all the parents who have supported the matches in the tournament. school throughout the year. Enjoy your summer holidays. J Justice, Head of Sport

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award - 2013

The summer term has been expedition season and we campcraft, risk assessment, country code and teamwork, have successfully completed both practice and final everything came together to result in one of the most expeditions for Bronze Level. successful expeditions we have had. Weather wise we had everything from light rain, sunshine and drifting sea In April, many staff helped supervise 50 students on the mist with visibility down to 100m. The students, however, North Downs in Surrey on their first expedition. With were excellent and I must say a big thank you to all the an overnight camp in Shere, the two days were a great staff who gave up their time to facilitate their training and success and a good grounding for the final expedition. assessment. For this we travelled in four minibuses to the Isle of Purbeck, starting at Studland beach and finishing at Worth The expedition section requires the participant to prepare a Matravers. The overnight camp was near Corfe Castle. diary of the two days and a project of their own choice, and Following nearly six months of training, on navigation, these were presented on 9 July to the assessing staff.

20 The next task is for them to complete the Bronze skill courses to giving up their weekends to help with award by finishing the volunteering, skill and physical expeditions. Without their help this award would sections of their award, so that we can have a great not run in school and I thank you all very much. celebration at the Award Presentations at the H G Also thank you to all parents who have helped with Wells suite in March next year. transport and cleaning of equipment. Enjoy the Summer! We have recently enrolled 60 Year 9 students into the award and they are starting to arrange their activities M Richardson, Duke of Edinburgh Award for the award. Scheme Co-ordinator

We have had many staff offering a variety of assistance from helping with service, physical and

Ensuring the Emotional Wellbeing of our Students

At Woking High we pride ourselves on the pastoral website if you are interested in exploring any issues care we offer to our students in school to support related to the mental health and emotional well-being their emotional well-being. We can discuss any of young people at : http://www.youngminds.org. concerns with parents that may arise and offer advice uk/. The organisation offers information, resources on signposting you to appropriate outside services and a helpline for parents which some of you may find as required. If you have a concern about your son or useful. your daughter we are happy to support you in helping them. We can also recommend the ‘Young Minds’ C Wilkinson, Student Support Officer

21 Young Carers Friends of Woking High School Exellent Attendance Biometrics


As we are sure many of you will already be aware, we run a support group for our Young Carers at Woking High which is well attended across the year groups. We would like to offer our ongoing gratitude to St Mary’s church who generously donate the proceeds of their coffee mornings to help fund our monthly lunches and visits out. From these proceeds and other generous donations from the community we have organised a trip out to the Historic Dockyard at Portsmouth on 19 July, which everyone is looking forward to.

We would also like to thank our local PCSO (Police Community Support Officer), Derek Slee and our NSO (Neighbourhood Specialist Officer) Rebecca Holder for the Local Community and we are very appreciative of the organising fund raising activities for our Young Carers at contributions made by The Red Lion, The Cricketers, The the upcoming Horsell Village Show on 27 July. Derek and Crown, Seymour’s Estate agent and the Co-op. We will Rebecca have been liaising with the local community at keep you updated in future issues on how we will use the panel meetings and have arranged some fun events on money raised to support our Young Carers with some fun that day. Visitors will be able to pay £1 to use the ‘Dunk activities which gives respite from their everyday caring Tank’, to submerge some local ‘burglars’ in the water, each activities. We like to care for them and give them a break entry will receive a raffle ticket which will be drawn at the from caring for others. end of the day for a chance to win a £30 meal voucher at the Red Lion Inn, an Electronic safe worth £100 and C Wilkinson and H Addison a £10 Squires garden centre voucher. Visitors will also (Student Support Officers) have the opportunity to participate in a ‘penalty shoot out’. The Dunk Tank has been funded by businesses in

Excellent Attendance at Woking High School

At Woking High we strive to ensure our students attend over) and all students are encouraged to record their half regularly so they can fully access the curriculum and termly attendance in their journals. So far this year 68% engage as fully as possible with the school community. of our students have achieved excellent attendance since This year, to date, our overall school attendance is better September 2012. than ever at 95.1%. Our green students are rewarded with House points We closely monitor and track all of our students using each half term, those with 100% attendance are entered a variety of measures, one of the tools we use is the each half term into a Prize Draw in their Year Assemblies. RAG system; each half term students will be informed Students on Amber are closely monitored by their form by their form tutor if they have achieved Red (less than tutors, it can be inevitable at times that students have to 85%), Amber (between 85% and 95%) or Green (95% or take time off sick. When a student remains on Amber or 22 Red for more than a term or two, parents may receive be marked as unauthorised and you could be liable a letter of concern or a call home from the form tutor to a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. of a member of the Pastoral team. Students who Please ensure that school is advised of any change of are persistently absent may require a higher level of contact numbers, so we can contact you in case of support through Education Welfare services. emergency.

We can offer our students and families a range of There is a proven, undeniable link between student support depending on individual circumstances. We attendance and student attainment as research try, with the information we have, to target support consistently shows. Attendance also has a major appropriately, so if there are circumstances that are impact on student’s future employment and plays impacting on your son or daughter’s attendance then a key part in safeguarding the lives of our young please do contact a member of staff (Form Tutor or people. Regular attendance enhances both academic Pastoral Coordinator) to discuss the situation as early learning and student’s personal, moral and social as possible. development. Please do continue to support the school in encouraging your child to achieve excellent It is essential that you call school each day if your attendance. child is unable to attend school. If we do not receive notice of your child’s absence, you will receive a C Wilkinson, Student Support Officer text message alerting you to the fact that your child is not in school. If we do not receive information providing a reason for absence, then the absence will

Friends of Woking Biometrics – Protection High School of Freedom Act As of 1 September 2013, we are required by the The Friends of Woking High School provided their Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 to obtain written usual support for the Year 6 induction evening on consent for taking, using or storing biometric 9/7/13. information. If no permission is given, students will be issued with a swipe card in September which Justine Fisher our multi talented treasurer provided will need to be produced for every transaction in the a magnificent cake as an incentive to sign up for the Restaurant and Library. Lost cards will be replaced Prize Club. If you would like to join in with the Prize at a cost of £5.00. If you have not already done so, Club, forms are available on the school website under please sign and return the consent form you received Communities/Friends of Woking High. during the summer term. If you do not have the K Collins, School Business Manager letter it may be found through the Parent Portal or alternatively by phoning the school office to have another copy sent home.

K Collins, School Business Manager

23 Term Dates Outgrown School Uniform School Meals Examination Results


The cost of the Main Meal option will be £2.10 when is entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual students return to school in September. If you apply income of less than the current threshold of £16,190. If and are eligible for Free School Meals then £2.10 you or your partner is in receipt of Working Tax Credit, will be available to you each school day. In order to you are not entitled to Free School Meals, even if qualify for Free School Meals, the parent/carer must be your annual income is below the current threshold of in receipt of one of the following: £16,190.

Income Support The ‘Guarantee’ element of State Pension Credit

Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum If you think you may be eligible then please request an Act 1999 application form from the main office.

Child Tax Credit, provided neither you nor your partner K Collins, School Business Manager


Student reception keeps a range of good quality, Autumn Term second hand school uniform for use in emergency 3 September 2013 – 20 December 2013 or need. If you have spare uniform (blazers, (Students return on 5 September) trousers, skirts or shirts) we would be very pleased to receive it – Thank you. Half Term 28 October 2013 – 1 November 2013 S Reed, Student Reception Spring Term 6 January 2014 – 4 April 2014

Half Term EXAMINATION 17 February 2014 – 21 February 2014

RESULTS Summer Term Results may be collected from the School Hall 22 April 2014 – 23 July 2014 on Thursday 22 August as follows: Half Term 26 May 2014 – 30 May 2014 Year 11 10am to 11am Inset Days 3 & 4 September 2013 Years 9 and 10 18 November 2013 10.45am to 11.30am 31 January 2014 E Chapman, Examinations Officer 20 June 2014 24