THE COLLEGE PRAYER Lord, Give Us the Wisdom to Know Ourselves
THE COLLEGE PRAYER O Lord, give us the wisdom to know ourselves, the humility to accept ourselves as we really are, and the courage and independence to defend what we know to be right. Help us to respect the need of others, being always ready to dedicate our own talents to their service. Give us the strength to suffer the trials and tensions of life with fortitude, and the vision to see through suffering to the peace which lies beyond. May we, by our tolerance, be a constant support to each other, and a source of strength to our families, whom we commend to your care. THE COLLEGE HYMN We stand once more before you, our Saviour and our Lord, We are yours in song and purpose, are yours who are adored, We offer you our labours, our gladness and our pain. We offer you our weakness, we pray that once again You will hear the prayer we offer, will grant us what we need, For without you we are helpless, for you are God indeed. We pray for those around us, for those with whom we stand, We pray for those who suffer, that we will understand, How greatly we are blessed, how deep for us your care, How many are the blessings that you give us to share We ask that like our efforts, our blessings may increase, By AMORE ET LABORE, that we may live in peace Words by Br Michael Powell cj Music Thaxted by Gustav Holst COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT We are: An independent Roman Catholic co-educational school which welcomes those of other Christian traditions allowing all to develop their ethical, spiritual and moral values.
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