Woking High School, Morton Road, Horsell, Woking, Surrey, GU21 4TJ Tel: 01483 888447 Fax: 01483 888448 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk Headteacher: Jane Abbott Headteacher’s Letter Our main focus during this, rather short, Awards for exceptional achievement and spring term has been on preparing senior performance. These awards recognize the students for forthcoming examinations. cohort of 2014 being amongst the top 10% This is even more crucial than ever this of non-selective schools nationally for year as, for the first time, all examinations attainment and value added progress. I am are linear. Students have approached their confident that our current Year 11 students studies in an exemplary manner and are will perform equally as well, if not even being well supported in the lead up to the better, than their 2014 predecessors. Their examination period. In addition to subject diligence, commitment, careful preparation revision classes in school, after school, and positive approach to their studies is during the holiday periods and a second certainly deserving of the highest rewards. week of exam practice in March, emphasis Whilst one cohort approach their final GCSE has also been placed on helping students to exams another cohort are just beginning manage themselves through the examination their GCSE studies. Year 9 students are fully period. This can be a time of worry, anxiety engaged in selecting their options subjects for some and in school we are doing all that for study in September 2015. They have we can to support our young people through also taken internal KS3 assessments and this demanding time.