Provincial Postcard Campaign Launched at RRC by Kelly Stifora

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Provincial Postcard Campaign Launched at RRC by Kelly Stifora OPEN EVERY DAY 'TM MIDNIGHT RECYCLE News Entertainment VOL/ RI NoVIE DVDs CDs. VHS & GAMES TOO Drink, Russell BUY — SELL — TRADE — RENT CHOOiE6R6M6IVER drive Crowe's and Beautiful lose big Mind DVDs Page 5 Page 10 IN THE VILLAGE 477-5566—moviev IN THE VILLAGE 475-0077 Red River College's newspaper ector January 14, 2002 Provincial postcard campaign launched at RRC By Kelly Stifora n Jan. 9, the Red River College Students' O Association hosted a press conference in the Tower Lounge to launch a postcard campaign directed at the provincial govern- ment. The campaign calls for a funded tuition freeze in Manitoba beginning in the fall of 2002. All seven of Manitoba's public post-secondary institutions (Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg and Brandon, College universitaire de St. Boniface, RRC, Keewatin Community College and Assiniboine Community College) are participating in the campaign. "The objective of the plan is to ensure that the government is aware of the concerns of stu- dents," said Nick Louizos, President of the University of Manitoba Students' Union, fol- lowing the conference. "Our con- cerns are accessibility and that the tuition freeze is maintained, and that it is a funded freeze, meaning colleges and universities won't operate on less money." That awareness will come in the form of four differently designed postcards, addressed to Minister of Advanced Education Diane McGifford, Premier Gary Doer, and Minister of Finance Greg Selinger. The cards feature statements about the state of tuition costs in Manitoba, includ- ing "from 1990/91 to 2000/2001 tuition in Manitoba has increased 103 per cent," and "U.S. colleges and universities now receive almost 20 per cent more govern- ment support than they, did 20 years ago, while Canadian univer- sities and colleges faced a 30 per cent reduction in their level of per student support over the same 20 years." "We're hoping students will write something about them- selves on the postcards and send it to the government," said Louizos, adding that he feels the current provincial government has already given a lot to post-sec- ondary education in Manitoba, in the form of the Manitoba Scholarship Bursary Initiative and the freeze in tuition at 1999 levels Kevin Haiko (left), Robyn Osmond and David Lyman have the SA on board for a provincial tuition freeze campaign. that students have enjoyed over the last two years. to life. selected from designs submitted but to date McGifford has said thousands of students will partici- "But," said Louizos, "we have to "We decided postcards would by students in the RRC only that no decisions will be pate in the program. The cards do more." be most effective," said Osmond, Advertising Art program. - made until Provincial Treasurer can also be picked up at the SA According to RRC SA president "because postcards are tangible At RRC, the SA will be distribut- Greg Selinger has released a bud- office. Robyn Osmond, 14,000 postcards and in your hand, as opposed to ing the cards until the first week get that he is currently working "Sign the back and bring it back have been printed and distributed the signing of a petition." in February and sending some to on. to the (SA) office, and the SA will to all of Manitoba's public post- Osmond notes that RRC wasn't the aforementioned members of Osmond, who will be in the take care of the postage," Osmond secondary institutions. Osmond only instrumental in launching government every day. At the end halls with fellow SA executive said. "Write a thoughtful message is particularly proud of the cam- the campaign, but also in design- of the campaign the student lead- members handing out the cards on the back of the card about why paign because the SA was instru- ing it. The four cards being dis- ers hope to hold a meeting with to students throughout the tuition freezing is important to mental in bringing the initiative tributed in Manitoba were McGifford to discuss this issue, remainder of January, hopes that you." 2 THE PROJECTOR - January 14, 2002 Students' Association Kick start your career...Volunteer! Want to add experience to your education? Gain practical skills like communicating, teamwork and problem solving? Volunteering can proposes off-campus fees help you develop the top labor market skills potential employers By Andrew Buck create a tiered student fee sched- won't lose any money because want. And it couldn't be easier to get to the Health Sciences ule. it's just being channeled into a Centre....just take the #27 Notre Dame bus directly from Red River ith satellite cam- The proposal, which was different area, since the College puses popping up passed by the SAB and will now can backfill the spaces left by College. Parking or bus tickets are provided for volunteers who drive Waround the city, be put before the College, calls migrating students." or use transit. Visit our web site littp:// Red River College is no for students at other campuses One of the reasons the off- to explore our volunteer opportunities. longer a single set of build- to pay $20 in SA fees. At this campus SA presence issue has Call 787-3533 or email ings on Notre Dame point, those students do not pay emerged is the day planners the Avenue. any student fees to the SA, but SA distributes to students, said This creates problems for the receive no services. If the fees are Osmond. Students' Association, which is instituted that will change, said "We're getting campuses call- Rubber Ducky Hot Tub Rentals charged with the task of provid- Osmond. ing us asking for day timers," she ing services to students who "Red River College has many said. Because off-campus stu- attend classes away from its different campuses," she said. dents don't pay SA fees, they are Delivery to Winnipeg and Notre Dame- campus headquar- We want to make sure every- not provided with the day ters. one's under the SA umbrella. timers. "We're now going to rep- Currently, the SA provides few We're sensitive to the fact that if resent them in appeals and surrounding area available. services to students not attend- you're on the Notre Dame cam- make sure they get day timers." ing classes at the Notre Dame pus you get access to the lounge, Another major change that campus, but that's about to and if you're not, you don't." may be necessitated down the Propane heated all weather tubs. change. At the Dec. 6 Student The main services the SA would road is the movement of an SA Advisory Board meeting, SA provide are twofold, she said. vice president to an off-campus President Robyn Osmond and "The reason why we're look- location, said Osmond. 204-322-5286 Executive Director Owen ing at a tiered structure is the Desnoyers said the SA fees will Desnoyers unveiled a plan to day planner and representation likely not be raised any time and appeals." soon. RECREATION SERVICES NEWS The changes will not affect "Based on our budget and our Notre Dame campus students. fees, I see no need to (raise fees) Under the proposed schedule, at this time. One of our goals is Recreation Services recognizes that good physical health contributes to academic full time off-campus students to rely less and less on student success. Recreation Services has established an Advisory committee, which will will pay $20 in student fees to fees." Desnoyers says business the SA, while part-time off-cam- ventures like the Ox store help meet three times per year. Committee members consist of 2 College staff, two pus students will pay $4. to make that possible. students, one alumni member, the Wellness Coordinator, one Recreation Services Students at the Notre Dame RRC Dean of Student Services campus currently pay $65 in SA Patricia Bozyk supported the equipment counter staff member, and the manager of Recreation Services. fees. proposal. "When the Princess Street "I want to congratulate you on The purpose of the committee is to provide a means of communication between campus opens it will grow every travelling in this direction," she year until 2004-2005," she said. said. "The challenge of College Recreation Services and our various user groups to provide advice on a variety of "We'll get our maximum base of administration is to make sure matters related to Recreation Services. Composition of the committee is as follows; 2,000 students by 2004." all students on all campuses feel The fee structure was brought a part of Red River College. This about by a study conducted to is a positive thing because we are Shane Wood-Manager of Recreation Services (chair) determine the potential loss of a multi-campus College." Michael Whalen-Wellness Coordinator/Instructor funds paid to the SA, said Desnoyers said the fee struc- Desnoyers. ture will need to be ironed out Karen Jamer- (or designate) Recorder "Students who move down- with the College before it is put One alumni-name TBA town pay legs," he said. "But we into place. Robyn Osmond-Students' Association representative David Lyman-Students' Association representative 41•106.4 Ignoring city parking Mitch Marcoux-Director of Materials Management Judi Lidstone-Instructor bans puts dent in wallets By Natalie Pona the cost of hiring extra trucks in Our first meeting will be on January 14 th, 2002. If you have an item you would like case of a heavy winter storm. to see on future agendas please any committee member know.
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