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[email protected] Red River College's newspaper ector January 14, 2002 Provincial postcard campaign launched at RRC By Kelly Stifora n Jan. 9, the Red River College Students' O Association hosted a press conference in the Tower Lounge to launch a postcard campaign directed at the provincial govern- ment. The campaign calls for a funded tuition freeze in Manitoba beginning in the fall of 2002. All seven of Manitoba's public post-secondary institutions (Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg and Brandon, College universitaire de St. Boniface, RRC, Keewatin Community College and Assiniboine Community College) are participating in the campaign. "The objective of the plan is to ensure that the government is aware of the concerns of stu- dents," said Nick Louizos, President of the University of Manitoba Students' Union, fol- lowing the conference. "Our con- cerns are accessibility and that the tuition freeze is maintained, and that it is a funded freeze, meaning colleges and universities won't operate on less money." That awareness will come in the form of four differently designed postcards, addressed to Minister of Advanced Education Diane McGifford, Premier Gary Doer, and Minister of Finance Greg Selinger. The cards feature statements about the state of tuition costs in Manitoba, includ- ing "from 1990/91 to 2000/2001 tuition in Manitoba has increased 103 per cent," and "U.S.