Color, Place to Squeeze Through and Then Gives Me a Local Bars and Restaurants Have Ids

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Color, Place to Squeeze Through and Then Gives Me a Local Bars and Restaurants Have Ids They’re back The never-ending story The Backstreet Boys have just released their Americans from across the nation comment on Tuesday third album and critic Laura Bompf describes the continuing election saga in Florida. the more mature sound of "Black and Blue. ” News ♦ page 8 NOVEM BER 28, Scene ♦ page 15 2 0 0 0 O b s e r v e r The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s VOL XXXIV NO. 60 HTTr://OBSERVER.ND.EDU F u l l S p e e d A h e a d SafeRide faces scrutiny, new system likely By KIFLIN TURNER News Writer The fate of SafeRide has reached a crossroads, the ver­ dict being that the student run service is ineffective, unorganized and is rarely if at all used by the student body. Jay Smith, Student Body Chief of Staff said the pro­ gram is currently under the process of being revamped that will include re-naming based on the negative stigma placed on it because of its inefficiencies in the past “It’s unreliable; it’s inconsistent; and so we’re looking towards creating the same type of service which will be reliable and consistent and something that will be able to happen for years to come," said Smith. “ We have to figure out ways to publicize it and make it fashionable ' - again and that’s one of the reasons we’re looking into renam ing.” Past problems have been attributed to low worker turnouts as well as low student body participation. “The first time when 1 used it sometimes it took a long time, and I think that’s maybe why students didn’t use it. Honestly I forgot about it because I haven’t seen anyone use it all year,” said senior Nichole Meyer. “I think that the general perception was still that it was somewhat of a hassle.” In the meantime, while the service is undergoing reconstruction, the concern over whether more students will choose to drive or walk home drunk could possibly PETER RICHARDSON/The Observer become a pressing issue, however many students will go Leprechaun Mike Brown and the Notre Dame varsity cheerleading squad lead the Irish into the unaffected by its absence. Coliseum where they beat the University of Southern California 38-21 Saturday. The win, Notre Dame’s first in Los Angeles since 1992, should place the Irish in a BCS bowl game. see SAFE/page 4 Gore contests Bush victory in Fla. was needlessly dragging out “You’re always in some cri­ did not immediately decide. The suit was brought by a Associated Press the contest and complicating sis.” Barry Richard, the attorney group of Palm Beach the presidential transition. Gore lawyer Dexter Douglass representing Bush, said that Democrats who complained TALLAHASSEE, Fla. “We can’t continue to hold pressed for speed. by requesting a special master the ballot was so confusing A1 Gore’s lawyers contested the process up while he is in “We’ve got to move this to examine the contested bal­ that they mistakenly cast votes the certification of Florida’s d enial,” said Rep. J.C. W atts, case,” he said. “This case will lots the Gore campaign is for Pat Buchanan instead of election in court Monday, R-Okla. be determ inative in all proba­ essentially asking for another Gore. They want a new elec­ seeking an order to have him, Gore’s challenge to the bility of the election.” canvassing board. “The law tion in the county. not George results in Palm Beach, Nassau One issue doesn’t con­ Secretary of State Harris, a W. B ush, and Miami-Dade counties was which threat­ template Bush supporter, certified d e c la r e d assigned to Circuit Judge N . ened to derail another Florida’s decisive 25 electoral w in n e r o f “We can’t continue to Sanders Sauls, known for his progress was recount,” votes for the Republican on the s ta te swift action, and he held a a Gore team hold the process up while Barry said Sunday. If that stands up, and th e re ­ hearing Monday afternoon. request to a fte r the Bush w ill become the next fo re the he is in denial” Sauls ordered Gore’s transport hearing. president. p re s id e n ­ lawyers to provide the Bush some 13,000 In another The U.S. Supreme Court cy. team with its evidence and ballots from Rep. J.C. Watts development, hears Bush’s appeal against They witness list within two days a ll th re e R-Okla. the Florida Florida hand counts Friday. It accused Gore and gave Bush’s lawyers two counties to Supreme decided Monday not to let the Florida days to respond — meaning Tallahassee Court asked proceedings be televised. Secretary of State Katherine the case might not be heard in case they need to be exam­ for legal briefs by 5 p.m. on Gore’s Florida law suit seeks Harris and election commis­ until the week’s end. ined by the court. Tuesday on whether the jus­ an injunction to prevent sioners of misconduct for dis­ E x h ib itin g a fo lk s y Gore attorney David Boies tices should review the infa­ Harris from declaring the win­ allowing votes that might have demeanor, he told the lawyers suggested it might be neces­ mous “butterfly ballot” case in ning presidential electors until overcome Bush’s 537-vote he understood their difficulty sary for the judge to look at Palm Beach County. proceedings are completed in lead. trying to get the case resolved the ballots, which Sauls called Rather than dismissing the the contest. Gore, speaking publicly, before the Dec. 12 deadline for “an unappetizing prospect.” matter on its face, they asked It asks the court to examine urged the court to look at the selection of electors. Boies said, “None of us can for arguments on “all issus in ballots and order recounts in challenges raised in his law­ “You’re all trial lawyers and afford to fail here.” this case including why this the three counties, and to suit and “do the right thing.” trial lawyers live a dreadful The Bush lawyers opposed court should exercise its dis­ But Republicans said Gore existence,” the judge drawled. moving the ballots. The judge cretion” to hear the case. see G O R E /p a g e 4 page 2 The Observer ♦ INSIDE Tuesday, November 28, 2000 I n s id e C o lu m n Q uo tes of th e W eek “I f we were 9-2, you “I t ’s a diversity o f “Even though our “Regardless o f the Pains, Strains, are darn right I think people, but you can attendance from the decisons on hand we deserve see in th e ir eyes i t ’s com m unity has been counts and pending to go ." all the same why great, it was the first law suits, the election and th e y’re there. ’’ time in a while that should end now. ’’ Bob Davie we truly felt the Notre Dame football Junior Rachel Soltis advantage of playing M att Loughran automobiles coach on the BCS before on the School of a t home. ’’ Notre Dame alumnus the big win Americas protest Randy Waldrum It is six o’clock in the evening and I am over USC women’s soccer coach standing on the corner of Michigan Avenue, on victory over Harvard downtown Chicago, waiting in the cold and rain that feels like ice. Yes, w aiting fo r the No. 145 bus th at is 15 minutes late. In the time my friend and I have been Myra McGriff OUTSIDE THE D o m e Compiled from U-Wire reports w aiting, five No. 151 buses have gone by. We don’t take that bus U niversity program cracks dow n on fake IDs because it goes to the zoo. News Writer The question I ask is who ANN ARBOR, Mich. minors. is going to the zoo in 20- University of Michigan students, Thompson commended the project degree weather and why because it looks to punish minors who do they need five buses for it? with the help of computers, may be But I continue to wait calmly and pretend finding more crafty ways to duplicate are attempting to purchase alcohol that the wind chill is no big deal and all the official forms of identification, but bar rather than the drinking establish­ people surrounding me like leeches is a owners and managers in Ann Arbor ments. As part of the project within say inferior lamination and missing MICHIGAN the past year, undercover officers pleasant feeling. I watched people armed with shopping bags, umbrellas and bad atti­ holograms still are major indicators positioned themselves near the door tudes steal each others taxi cabs never utter­ of a false identification card. of the local pub and ticketed those ing the words ‘excuse me’. “A lot of people can make good fake who attempted to enter with false IDs, I never knew Chicago natives were so rude. IDs with technology, but they can’t Thompson said. I mean, I was standing almost in the gutter laminate as well,” said Jody “I think it’s a good program next to a planter, with passing cars splashing Thompson, owner of a local bar. because if we get 1,000 people in this With many states now manufactur­ bar, there’s obviously some minors,” me with muck and all the while I have this rather large man trying to squeeze between ing all identification cards with holo­ Project Spotlight, a program that he said.
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