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.. ..: -|MIT~~~. .', A- i| >Continuous :- nambridgle X|1 News Service Massachusetts Since 18831 Tuesday, September 26, 1989 Volume 109, Number 38 _AM - A.m i ·I - ---- I-- i kAnti.CO se;eks student input 5 - By Linda D'Angelo freshmen. through surveys or expanding the The creation of a freshman The main point of the commit- Financial Board to include a few evaluation committee is now in tee will be to get freshmen think- elected positions are among the I the works, according to Under- ing and writing about issues, pos- suggested reforms designed to graduate Association -President sibly through interviews or logs "give students more say," he Paul Antico '91. The move is one kept throughout the first year, added. of many that will be undertaken Antico said. He saw this new The policies and procedures of by the UA this year in order to freshman committee as an impor- the Financial Board will also be I increase student involvement and tant source of information, as reviewed by a new investigation "pull the UA back on it's feet," well as an opportunity for fresh- committee, Antico stated. In ad- Antico explained. men to "take the bull by the dition to students, independently- The committee was suggested horns and get actively involved." funded activities will be encour- in reaction to last year's UA edu- Antico also plans to renew the aged to participate in the I.. cational reform committee, practice of holding UA meetings committee, "pointing out the . which focused on reform of the in the different dormitories and problems as they see them., freshman pass/fail system, but independent living groups, a Student housing will also be a consisted - mainly of upperclass- practice first established by 1987 "big issue," Antico said.
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