Boston University College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Academic Program Office 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 102 CAS/GRS Course Revision Proposal Form To be used only for proposing a revision of a CAS course without BU Hub credit as well as for all GRS courses. This completed form and all required documents should be submitted as PDF files to either Sr. Academic Administrator Peter Law
[email protected] (for CAS and CAS/GRS “piggyback” courses) or to Graduate Services Associate Casey Dziuba
[email protected] (for GRS-only courses). Please contact them for information or assistance, if necessary. DEPARTMENT OR PROGRAM: Chemistry DATE SUBMITTED: 9/18/18 CURRENT COURSE NUMBER (include college code—CAS or GRS): CH 541 CURRENT COURSE NAME: Natural Products Chemistry CURRENT 40 WORD COURSE DESCRIPTION: Chemical and biosynthetic pathways leading to important natural products derived from fatty acids, terpenes, amino acids, polyketides, shikimic acid, and other biosynthetic intermediates. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. CURRENT CROSS-LISTING DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM, if any: NA TO BE OFFERED NEXT: Sem./Year: _Fall___ /___2019_ INSTRUCTOR(S): Pinghua Liu ITEMS PROPOSED FOR REVISION (check all that apply): XX Course Number ! Credits ! Prerequisites ! Title ! Cross-listing ! Corequisites ! Short Title ! 40 Word Description ! Other (Explain) PROPOSED REVISIONS: For each item checked above, provide the current information, then the proposed information, then a brief explanation for the proposed change, including the intended impact of the change. 1. [First item checked] a. Current information: CH 541 b. Proposed information: CH 624 c. Explanation & impact: The current course number (CH 541) is out of date.