Official Gazette Government of Goa

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Official Gazette Government of Goa REGn. GOA· 5. I PAIIAI/, 20TH JANUARY, 1994 IPAUSA 30, 19151 SERIES III No. 43 • OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Irrigation Department , Education .Department Office of the Executive Engineer Works Division II, Fatorda, Margao Directorate of Education Notification MemOfutldum No. ID/WDII/ADM/F.284/1153/93-94 I " No. 15-22-(493J-87-Adm. 1/3431 Whereas I, Shri' A. K. Eapen, <::lanaI Officer, South Goa, am satisfied that, the supply of water, in Khandepar river smt.' Neena Ramkrishna Mandrekar, Asstt. Teac1ler, Govt.-, and ,all the rivers connected to Khandepar river upstream High School, Namoshi, Guirim, Bardez is absconding from of Opa Water works, is ,dwindling day by" day,' and very duties with effect from 11-9~1993. Jier request date116-9 ·1933 critical situation is likely to occur at Opa Water Trea~meD.t for sanction of extraordinary leave with effect from 11.9~1993 Plant which is supplying drinking water to Panaji, Ponda to 11-12-1993 to proceed to Kuwait to join her h,?:sband was and other places. not. sanctioned by the Headmistress of Govt. Hlgh School, . Namoshi, Guirim, Bardez due to exigencies of service. Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on me,- un,der section 22(f) of Goa, Daman and Diu Irrigation Further her -request dated\6-9-1993 to pennit ber. to pro­ Act, 1973.- I, Shri A. K. ,Eapen, Canal Officer, South Goa. ceed abroad to Kuwait to join her husband was not granted. hereby declare, that,_ the drawal of water from Khandepar river and its tributaries upstream of Opa Water Works Attention of Smt. Neena R. Mandrekar, ,is hereby invited is likely to be prohibited,"for the period from 1st February, to the Memorandum No. GHS/Nam-Guiri/93-94/P. F./N. M., 1994 onwards. 184 dated 21-9-1993 issued by" the Headmistress, 'GQvt. High ,School~ Namoshi Gulrim, Bardez, directing her to j~in. her Fatorda-.Margao, 6th January, 1994. - The Canal Officer, duties, in the school .from 27-9-1993. Sd/-. ' , ,ft, Under this' Office M-emorandum No. 15-22-(493)-87-Adm. II 3215, dated 4-11-1993 Smt. Neena R.' Mandrekar "Noll,S direc~ed to show cause Within fifteen days from the date of rer::.;tpt of the said :N.[emorandum as to why her services 'should not. be terminated in tenns of Sub Rule (1) of Rule 5 of Central Department of Community Development and Panchayats Civil Services (Temporary Services) Rules, 1965. The said Memorandum which was sent to her 'by Registered Post Office of the Mamlatdar and Returning Officer of the A. D. in her last known residential address was returned by Villiage Panchayat in Pernem Taluk. the postal authority, With endoresement ffParty left for GuIt returned to sender". Since Smt. Neena R. Mandrekar has failed' to report for Notification duties upto this date she is directed to show cause within fifteen days from the date of publication of this Memorandum No. MAM/PER/ELN/'l'orxem/93 in Govt. Gazette as to why her services should not bB termI_ nated in terms of Sub Rule (1) of Rule 5 of Central' Civil In pursuance of the provision of Rule 13 (c) of, the Goa. ServiCes (Temporary Service) R,ules, 1965. Daman and Diu Village Panchayat (Election of Chairman and' ViCe-Chatrman) Rules, 1968, I, P. S. Dalvi, :Mamlatdar PanajI, 19th November. 1993. - The Director (AdminJstra­ of Pernem Taluka and Returning 'Officer, to the Village tionJ. S. S. Byali. Panchayat in Pernem Taluka. hereby notify for publlc information that" the foIloWi~g persons have been dWY • elected as Vice-Chairman of the Village Panchayat in Pernem. Taluka as shown in the .Schedule below:- " Go. University SCHEDULE' Notification $1. Name of the Name of the Name of tt.e Remarks ' No. Panchayat Chairman Vi~e~t:tiatt"ma.'1 Ref. No. GU/Exam/Conv./94/15771 The lUldersigned, Dr. A. K. Heblekar, Registrar, Goa 1. 2. 3. 4. Ii, 'University hereby notifies for information of a!l the con­ 'cerned that the Sixth Annual Convocation of the Goa 1.. V. P. Torxem Shrl Ashok Elected University will be held on Saturday, 12th Febniary, 1994 Tukaram un-oPP9Sed. at Goa University Ca:mpus. Taleigao Plateau,. Goa. Sawal Talelga<> Plateau" 5th January, 1994. - The Registrar, Dr. A. K. Heblekar. Pernem, 21st December, 1993. - The Mamlatdar, p~ B_ V. No., 0911/1994 Dalvi! 448 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA S_E_R_I_E_S_I_I_I _N_O_. _43___________ ---' ____ , _________ 2_0_TH_JANUARY, 1994 Office of the Mamlatdar of Tiswadi, Pan.ii Revenue Department Office of the Maml.tdar of Bardez at Mapusa Notification No. 7/5/2/VP/ELN/TISW. FORM II A" In .pursuance of the provision of Rule 13(e) of the Goa, (See Rule 4) Daman and Diu Village Panchayat Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman Rules, 1968, 1, Shr! C. V, Kawlekar, RD Case No. TNC/PUR/Corj/94/93/234/C Mamlatdar of Tlswadi Taluka and Returning Officer of Notice under section 18C of the Goa, Daman and Diu the Said Election. hereby notify for the public information AgriCultur~ Tenancy \-Act, 1964 that the below person has been duly elected as Vice~Chair­ man of the Village Panchayat as shown ill the below Whereas under section 18 A of the Goa, Daman and Diu schedule: Agricultural Teilancy Act, 1964; every tenant is deemed w­ SCHEDULE have purchase the land held by him as a tenant; And v/he­ reas the Mamlatdar is required by sub-section (5) of Section 18C \ to ascertain whether the tenant is -willing to purchase S N of th Name of the r. arne e Person elected as Remarks the land and, if so, to' fix. its purchase price;. No. ,Village Panchayaf Vice-Chairman Now, therefore, the persons mentioned -below, viz:- 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) All tenants who have deemed to have purchased:' in the locality Corjuem. Batim Shr! N opoleao Meeting Paixao Pereira' held on (b) All landlords of, such lands, and 29-12-93, (C) All other persons interested therein, ?anaj!' 29th. December, 1993. - The Mamlatdar & Re­ are hereby called upon to appear before the ,Mamlatdar of turning Officer fQT Village Panchayat Election, O. V. Bardez at M,apusa on the 'date and time shown' against the­ Kawlekar. land iil the Schedule appended hereto ,in which they are res­ p~ctive1y interested. • If any person falls to be presen:t, before the Mamlatdar Office of the Mamlatdar of, Can.con. at the appointed date and time without suffiCient cause, it will be deemed that he has- nothing to say in the matter and the enquiry will be proceeded -"within his absence. Notification SCHEDULE No. 71-2-/ELN/V. P./92-VOL-ll In . pursuance of provision -of Rule 13{b) of Government 'Survey Sub.-Div. Area Date Time of Goa (Electon of Chairman and Vice-Chairman) Rules, No. No. 1968, I, Sebastiao D'Costa, Returning Officer of Village Panchayat Cotigao' hereby notify for the public information 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. that the following person/s ,has/have' been elected as Chalrman/Vlce-Chalrman of Village Pancha)"9.t Cotigao as shown in, the Schedule below-: 14 1 0.58.25 ''1-2-1994 4.00 p.m. SCHEDULE Mapusa, 1st December; 1993: - The Jt. Mamlatdar, 1. p, Shetye. / Sr. Name of Village Name of Chainnan Remarks No. p8:Ilchayat FORMIIA 1. V. p. Cotlgao Shrl Mahadev llabu Chainnan. Gaonkar. (See Rule 4) Case No. TNC/PUR/TIVIM/l/94 Oa.nacona, 23rd f;>eptember, 1993. - The Returning Offl­ !lOr, Sd/-, Notice under ~ectlon 18 C of- the Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964 . ••• Whereas under Sec~lon 18A of the Goa, Daman and Diu­ Department of Tourism Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964 every tenant is. deemed· to have purchased the l~d held by him as a: tenant; And whereu Directorate of Tourism the,Mamlatdar is required by Sub-Section (5) of Section l8C to ascertain whether the tenant is Willing to purchase t.."te land and, if so, to fix its pUrchase price; Order Now therefore,' the persons mentioned below, viz:- , "- No. 5/S(4-236)/94-DT/5000 (a) All tenants who are deemed to have purCIuu!ed land in the locality Tlv!m. The registration of Tourist Taxi No. GA-02/T-3148 of / . 8hrt Leonardo R. Fernandes, Zambaulim, MOU, Goa, under (b) All landlords of such lands, and the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, 1982 vide Register No.7, page' 120 maintained under the said Act, (c) All other persons interested therein. is hereby cancelled following conversion of the said tourist taX! into Black & Yellow taxi with effect from 2-4-1993. are hereby called upon to appear before the Mamlatdar of' Bardez at Mapusa on the date and time -shown against the 'P~ji, 4th January, 1.9~4. - The Prescribed Authority, land in the Schedule appended hereto !!l. which they are U. D. Kamat. respectively int~ted. ---- ~ ~~----- OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 449 $ERIES III No. 43 20TH JANUARY, 1994; --------------------------------~------------ If any person fails, to be present before the Mamlatdar SCHEDULE at the appointed date and - time without sufficient cause, it will be deemed tlUl.t he has" nothing to sayl in the hlatter Sr. No. ,Name of the candidate . Examination and the enquiry will be proceeded Mthin his absence. 1. Shri Dinker Prabhaker Alhat Second class Boilet:;-! SCHEDULE Attendant 2. Sllri ·Mangesh Sadu Shetye -do- Survey Sub-DiY. Area Date TIme No. No. 3. Shri Santana Silva -110- 4. Shri Yeshwant-Shiva Naik. First Class Boiler 1. 2. 3. Attendant 5. Sllrt UThas'Ramnath Volvoikar.
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