(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0150817 A1 WOO Et Al

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0150817 A1 WOO Et Al US 2011 O150817A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0150817 A1 WOO et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 23, 2011 (54) FRESHENING COMPOSITIONS (22) Filed: Sep. 20, 2010 COMPRISING MALODOR BINDING POLYMERS AND MALODOR CONTROL Related U.S. Application Data COMPONENTS (60) Provisional application No. 61/287.348, filed on Dec. (76) Inventors: Ricky Ah-Man WOO, Hamilton, 17, 2009, provisional application No. 61/287,369, OH (US); Christine Marie filed on Dec. 17, 2009, provisional application No. Readnour, Fort Mitchell, KY (US); 61/287,383, filed on Dec. 17, 2009. Jason John Olchovy, West Chester, OH (US); Michael-Vincent Nario Publication Classification Malanyaon, Indian Springs, OH (51) Int. Cl. (US); Zaiyou Liu, West Chester, A6IL 9/01 (2006.01) OH (US); Rhonda Jean Jackson, Cincinnati, OH (US); Kristin (52) U.S. Cl. ..................................... 424/76.21; 424/76.1 Rhedrick Williams, West Chester, OH (US); Carla Jean Colina, (57) ABSTRACT Cincinnati, OH (US); Cahit Eylem, West Chester, OH (US); Lon Freshening compositions comprising a malodor binding Montgomery Gray, Florence, KY polymer, malodor control components, and an aqueous car (US); Shih-Chuan Liou, rier; and methods thereof are provided. In some embodi Cincinnati, OH (US); Steven ments, the freshening composition comprises a homopoly Anthony Horenziak, Fairfield, OH meric polyethylenimine having a molecular weight of about (US) 1,000 to about 2,000,000 and a mixture of volatile aldehydes. Such freshening compositions may be used to reduce mal (21) Appl. No.: 12/885,884 odor and/or microbes on inanimate Surfaces or in the air. Patent Application Publication Jun. 23, 2011 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2011/O150817 A1 Patent Application Publication Jun. 23, 2011 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2011/O150817 A1 1 5 Patent Application Publication Jun. 23, 2011 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2011/O150817 A1 g3,I lueuSSeSSW eNOeyO Patent Application Publication Jun. 23, 2011 Sheet 4 of 5 lueuSSeSSW emoeyO Patent Application Publication Jun. 23, 2011 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2011/O150817 A1 G31H UOInpe IOUlleuen 9% US 2011/O 150817 A1 Jun. 23, 2011 FRESHENING COMPOSITIONS BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS COMPRISING MALODOR BINDING POLYMERS AND MALODOR CONTROL 0008 FIG. 1 is a bar graph showing the reduction of alde COMPONENTS hydic malodors evaporating off fabrics treated with freshen ing compositions according to the present invention contain CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED ing a malodor binding polymer in comparison to a freshening APPLICATIONS composition lacking Such malodor binding polymer. 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi sional Application No. 61/287.348, filed, Dec. 17, 2009 and 0009 FIG. 2 is a bar graph showing microbe reduction U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/287,369, filed Dec. 17, with a freshening composition according to the present inven 2009 and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/287,383, filed tion containing a malodor binding polymer in comparison to Dec. 17, 2009 and U.S. application Ser. No. 12/562,534, filed a freshening composition lacking Such malodor binding poly Sep. 18, 2009 and U.S. application Ser. No. 12/562.553 filed C. Sep. 18, 2009. 0010 FIG. 3 is a graph showing the performance of one embodiment of a malodor control component, in accordance FIELD OF THE INVENTION with the present invention, on a Sulfur-based malodor. 0002 The present invention relates to freshening compo 0011 FIG. 4 is a graph showing the performance of one sitions comprising a malodor binding polymer, malodor con embodiment of a malodor control component, in accordance trol components, and an aqueous carrier; and methods with the present invention, on an amine-based malodor. thereof. 0012 FIG. 5 is a graph showing butanethiol reduction by BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION thiophene carboxaldehyde in combination with various acid catalysts. 0003 Freshening products for reducing or masking mal odors on fabrics and in air are currently available and are described in the patent literature. The Procter & Gamble DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Company sells fabric and air freshening products under the FEBREZER) brand name. These products typically contain 0013 The freshening composition of the present invention perfume, solubilizer, cyclodextrin, and an aqueous carrier. is designed to deliver genuine malodor reduction and not S.C. Johnson sells products such as Glade(R) Fabric and Air function merely by using perfume to cover up or mask odors. Odor Eliminator and Oust(R) Surface Disinfectant and Air The freshening composition reduces malodor in the air or on Sanitizer. Reckitt-Benckiser sells products such as Lysol R. inanimate surfaces, for example, fabrics that are contami Disinfectant Spray. nated with environmental odors such as food and tobacco 0004 Certain freshening compositions do not effectively odors, or wetted with perspiration. The freshening composi neutralize a broad range of malodors on fabrics and in the air. tion may also reduce microbes on inanimate Surfaces or in air. Further, the time required for a composition to noticeably The freshening composition may also act as a barrier to pre combat malodors may create consumer doubt as to a prod vent malodors from adhering to or penetrating an inanimate uct’s efficacy on malodors. For example, the consumer may Surface. leave the treated space before the product begins to noticeably 0014. A genuine malodor reduction provides a sensory reduce the malodor. and analytically measurable (e.g. gas chromatograph) mal 0005. There remains a need for improved freshening com odor reduction. Thus, if the freshening composition delivers a positions that neutralize a broad range of malodors, including genuine malodor reduction, the freshening composition will amine-base and Sulfur-based malodors and malodors caused neutralize malodors in the air and/or on fabrics. “Neutralize” by microbes, while not overpowering malodors with over or “neutralization” as used herein means chemically reacting whelming perfume. with malodor components (e.g. the reaction of primary amines with aldehydes to formimines, reductive alkylation of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION amines, protonation and deprotonation of amines, polymer 0006. The present invention relates to a freshening com ization or de-polymerization); or Suppressing the Volatility of position for reducing malodor. In one embodiment, the fresh malodorous components such that other parts of the compo ening composition for reducing malodor comprises an effec sition may react (e.g. acid-base neutralization); or physically tive amount of a malodor binding polymer; a malodor control entrapping odorous molecules such that they are not re-re component; an aqueous carrier. In another embodiment, the leased into the air (e.g. cyclodextrin inclusion complexes as freshening composition comprises a homopolymeric poly described herein). Odor neutralization may be distinguished ethyleneimine having a molecular weight of 1,000 to 2,000, from odor masking or odor blocking by a change in the 000; at least one aliphatic aldehyde; a glycol; a dicarboxylic malodorous compound, as opposed to a change in the ability acid to provide a pH of about 3 to about 8; about 90% to about to perceive the malodor without any corresponding change in 99.5% of an aqueous carrier; wherein said composition is the condition of the malodorous compound. essentially free of any material that would soil or stain fabric. 0007. The present invention also relates to methods of I. Freshening Composition reducing malodor comprising the steps of providing a fresh ening composition comprising an effective amount of a mal 0015 The freshening composition for reducing malodor odor binding polymer, a malodor counteractant comprising at comprises a malodor binding polymer, a malodor counterac least one aliphatic aldehyde, an aqueous carrier, wherein said tant comprising at least one aliphatic aldehyde, and an aque composition is essentially free of any material that would soil ous carrier, wherein said composition is essentially free of or stain fabric; and dispersing an effective amount of said materials that soil or stain fabric. The total amount of surfac freshening composition on an inanimate Surface or in the air. tants (e.g. solubilizer, wetting agent) in the freshening com US 2011/O 150817 A1 Jun. 23, 2011 position is from 0% to 3% or no more than 3%, alternatively a functional group that enhances deposition of the monoam from 0% to 1% or no more than 1%, alternatively from 0% to ine compared to monoamines that lack that functional group, 0.9% or no more than 0.9%, alternatively from 0% to 0.7 or no especially when the monoamine is interacting with the benefit more than 0.7%, alternatively from 0% to 0.5% or no more agent. Primary monoamines may also be used herein in com than 0.5%, alternatively from 0% to 0.3% or no more than bination with secondary monoamines. However, Sufficient 0.3%, by weight of the composition. Compositions with levels of the primary monoamine must be used to provide at higher concentrations can make fabrics Susceptible to Soiling least 10% of the total amine groups within such combinations and/or leave unacceptable visible stains on fabrics as the as primary amine groups. Solution evaporates. 0026 b. Aminoaryl Derivatives 0016 A. Malodor Binding Polymer 0027 Exemplary aminoaryl derivatives are the amino 0017. The freshening composition of the present invention benzene derivatives including the alkyl esters of 4-amino includes a malodor binding polymer. A malodor binding benzoate compounds, ethyl-4-amino benzoate, phenylethyl polymer is polymer having an available functional group (e.g. 4-aminobenzoate, phenyl-4-aminobenzoate, 4-amino-N'-(3- amine) that has the affinity to neutralize malodor compo aminopropyl)-benzamide, or mixtures thereof. nents. Monomers having an available function group with an affinity to neutralize malodor components are also contem (0028 c. Polyamines plated. In the case of amine based compounds, the amine will 0029. Examples of suitable amino functional polymers have an affinity for aldehyde malodors.
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