President Meets President UR Field Patrol Unit Seligman Attends State of the Union Address Hockey Star Follows Tapped for Kidnapping Team USA
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CampusTHURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 / VOLUME 143, ISSUE 1 Times SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SINCE 1873 / New President Meets President UR Field Patrol Unit Seligman Attends State of the Union Address Hockey Star Follows Tapped for Kidnapping Team USA BY ANGELA LAI BY AUDREY GOLDFARB PUBLISHER CONTRIBUTING WRITER BY JUSTIN TROMBLY Confident and congenial, Tara MANAGING EDITOR Lamberti stands proud at 5’4”, the shortest goalie and only Divi- A new Department of Pub- sion III player in the country to lic Safety (DPS) patrol unit be invited to the U.S. National is set to roll out next month, Field Hockey Trials this month. coming in the wake of the The First Team All-American has kidnapping of two Univer- compiled a myriad of accolades sity seniors in early December. during her collegiate career. The The new unit, which will focus senior led the league in shutouts on giving DPS a visible and ac- this season and earned recog- cessible presence on campus, will nition as the Liberty League start patroling on Sunday, Feb. 7, Defensive Player of the Year, almost a month to the day after the but this invitation to take her students were abducted and held at talents to the next level is her gunpoint in an off-campus house. claim to fame. UR President Joel Seligman Passing up opportunities to announced the unit in a recent play at the Division I level, email to students, which dis- Lamberti chose UR to better cussed both the kidnapping and PHOTO COURTESY OF THE OFFICE OF CONGRESSWOMAN LOUISE SLAUGHTER balance academics, athletics, a Monroe County Grand Jury UR President Joel Seligman, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Representative Louise Slaughter mingle in Pelosi’s Capitol and social life, in addition to indictment against six defen- Hill office before President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address Jan. 12. wholeheartedly embracing our dants involved in the abduction. BY JULIA CURTIS (D-NY), the congresswoman for a Syracuse University undergradu- university’s motto. “If you ask In his email, Seligman called CONTRIBUTING WRITER New York’s 25th Congressional ate facing significant college debt. anyone, I’m obsessed with Me- the kidnapping “an isolated and District, which includes Rochester These invitations come at a time liora,” said Lamberti. “I even unusual set of circumstances” and UR met U.S. last week in the and its suburbs. A release put out when the issue of financial aid and have a Meliora tattoo.” emphasized that campus safety form of a handshake between the less than a week before the address the cost of a college education When top athletes choose to is a priority for his administra- president of the University and announced Seligman’s attendance. weigh heavily on the minds of play Division III, most believe tion. Along with authorizing the the President of the United States. “I was so happy to have my good many Americans. While President that they are sacrificing their unit, Seligman said he had begun University President Joel friend, Joel, as my guest for this Obama did speak about ways to potential to excel. Lamberti reviewing what further steps can Seligman met President Barack historic speech,” the statement make college more affordable dur- refused to accept this rationale. be taken to bolster campus safety Obama and First Lady Michelle from Slaughter reads. “He’s been ing the address, he focused more “She works harder than anyone and combat drug use on campus. Obama last Tuesday night after an extraordinary leader and has on the proposal to make two-year on the team,” said freshman Seligman explained in a separate the Commander in Chief’s final done wonderful things for the community college programs free teammate Nancy Bansbach. email that the patrol unit had State of the Union address in university and our local economy.” for students; he mentioned past “Passion and Meliora are two already been in “advanced plan- Washington, D.C. Seligman was not the only guest reductions to student loans, but words that describe her the best. ning stages” before the kidnapping Seligman attended the speech as from higher education —Sen. did not talk about further changes. She is Meliora.” and the November drug robbery the guest of Rep. Louise Slaughter Chuck Schumer (D-NY) invited SEE ADDRESS PAGE 3 The trials, held at the United in Brooks Crossing it has been States National Team train- linked to by local media. Part of ing headquarters in Lancaster, its goal is to expand the success Pennsylvania, were “the hardest of DPS’ Adopt-A-Hall program, Senator Resigns, Claims Hostility and most fun thing of my life,” which began in 2014 and assigns Lamberti said. “I did not know each residential hall its own officer. BY JUSTIN TROMBLY that are different from others, pointing to the overwhelming a soul.” Director of Public Safety Mark MANAGING EDITOR myself included,” Lienert wrote number of new senators this Walking into the USA me- Fischer said that recent events may in the letter addressed to Speaker year. “It seemed very disorga- dia room to converge with have advanced the implementa- For the second time in about of the Senate Ethan Bidna and nized early on,” Keenan, who elite athletes from all over the tion of the unit by a week or two as many months, an underclass- Deputy Speaker Joshua Hill. “As praised Lienert as a senator, said. country, Lamberti was initially after DPS met with Seligman, but man has filled the Students’ with all deliberative bodies, there Both, however, said there intimidated by the reputable he noted that the platoon’s cre- Association (SA) Senate seat of will be disagreements; however, was some truth to Lienert’s Division I schools represented ation had already been in progress. an upperclassman who resigned. the handling of these disagree- claims. As did Senator Zoe in the room. Upon seeing “Uni- Fischer explained that the new Junior Samantha Lienert re- ments was disappointing and James, who said she has versity of Rochester” humbly unit, which will be active on signed from her seat on Dec. 11, and disrespectful in many cases.” thought about resigning herself. printed on Lamberti’s hoodie, Tuesdays through Saturdays from Andria Rabenold, a sophomore, Bidna acknowledged that “There were a lot of times the group’s mutual expression of 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., is “going to be a was appointed to fill the vacancy. there have been “some growing when I felt like my voice didn’t surprise and confusion seemed proactive patrol that’s going to in- In her letter of resignation, pains” in the Senate as the body matter,” James said. “Sitting in to say, “Who is this person that teract with the entire community Lienert cited a hostile atmosphere has adopted new changes, but that room you can definitely got lost in our room?” to anticipate issues, to be visible, within Senate and SA Govern- said he could not comment on feel the bias, you can tell that a Lamberti soon cleared up this to hopefully address issues before ment, which she described as a Lienert’s specific experience. In handful of people want some- misconception by showing what they become a big problem.” “bullying organization,” as the separate statements, Senators thing and if they want it noth- she was made of in the cage with “It’s kind of a community-po- primary motives for her departure. Christian Keenan and Nicholas ing you say or do will matter.” her remarkable reflexes and ath- licing model, actually,” he added. “I have seen multiple people be- Pierce echoed Bidna’s theme of Lienert explained on Jan. 14 leticism. “I definitely don’t think SEE PATROL PAGE 4 ing personally attacked for views adjustment and transition, both SEE RESIGNATION PAGE 4 SEE INVITATION PAGE 15 INSIDE THE WAR ON J.LAW: QUEEN OR VIEWS ON THE VB’S SHIRA KATZ SNOW TYRANT? SOTU TAKES CHILE THIS CT PAGE 7 FEATURES PAGE 1 A&E PAGE 6 OPINIONS PAGES 16 SPORTS PAGE 2 / NEWS / THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 WEEKEND FORECAST COURTESY OF WEATHER.COM FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Mostly Cloudy Cloudy Partly Cloudy High 29, Low 16 High 23, Low 14 High 31, Low 19 Chance of precip: 10% Chance of precip: 10% Chance of precip: 10% MONDAY TUESDAY Cloudy Rain/Snow LEAH NASON / INTERIM PHOTO EDITOR High 39, Low 29 High 38, Low 26 STUDENTS SHOWCASE SKILLS AT ACTIVITIES FAIR Chance of precip: 0% Chance of precip: 50% Junior Daniel Rubery juggles at the Student’s Activities Fair to demonstrate skills acquired through his participation in Strong Jugglers. Dozens of groups went to the Fair in the hopes of attracting new memebers to join Strong Jugglers. PUBLIC SAFETY UPDATE THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS Flooding in Morey Hall THURSDAY Causes Minor Damage JANUARY 21 BY AMANDA MARQUEZ from a sink in the men’s rest- THE EVER-BETTER ENTREPRENEUR EXHIBIT TALK ON SLEEP ISSUES RUSH RHEES LIBRARY, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. KATE GLEASON AUDITORIUM, 12:10 P.M. - 12:50 P.M. NEWS EDITOR room in room 113. The water This exhibit will highlight some of the University of The Center for Community Health in association with flow was stopped and the alarm Rochester’s finest entrepreneurs and allow them to the Central Library of Rochester Monroe County is 1. On Jan. 15, UR staff re- was reset. share some of their secrets to success. This event is offering a free health talk on sleep. The talk is free and ported water leaking out of open to all. open to the public.