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Catalogue Reference:CAB/23/63 Image Reference:0014 DQflMJHg IS THE PROPERTY OF HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT) .


H CABINET 14(30).

Meeting of the Cabinet to be held at No.10, Downing Street, S.W. on Tuesday, March 11th, 1930 at 10-30 a.m.

1* AGRICULTURAL, POLICY. Reference Cabinet 13(30) Conclusion 6. Memorandum by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. (CP. 76(30) - already circulated) * (a) THE AGRICULTURAL SITUATION IN SOGTIANDo Memorandum by the Secretary of State- for Scotland. (CP, 00(30) - to be circulated.) (b) AGRICULTURE AND UN3MP^B0YMMT* Memorandum by the Lord Priry Seal. (CP+ 85(30) - already circulated),v. (o) PROPOSED IMPORT BOARD S0HI&1E. Memorandum by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. (CP, 78(30) - circulated herewith). (4) THE DRAFT AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BILL.. Report of Cabinet Committee oovoring Draft Bill. (CP. 79(30) - circulated herewith. (e) UNEMPLOYMMT INSURANCE FOR AGRICULTURE. Memorandum by the Minister of Labour. (CP. 81(30) - already circulated). (f) TRAINING CENTRES AND AGRICULTURE. Memorandum by the Minister of Labour* (CP. 82(30) - already circulated.) If time permits.


Reference Cabinet 13(30) Conclusion 6(a). Memorandum by the President of the Board of Education. (CP. 73(30) - already circulated).

(Signed) M.P.A. HANKEY.

Secretary, Cabinet.

2, V/hitshall Gardens, S.W*1. 8th March, 1930* rcJpCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF HIS BBIMMIC MAJESTY R S GOVEIUMMSNT . )


CABINET. 14(50) Conclusions of a Meeting of the Cabinet held at 10, Downing Street,S.W.1 on Tuesday, March 11th 1930, at 10.30 a.m.

PRESENT: The Right Hon.J.Ramsay MacDonald, M.P., Prime Minister. (in the Chair). the Right Hon. The Rignt Hon. Iphilip Snowden, M.P., ,M.P., fChancellor of the Exchequer. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs . gtie Right Hon. The Right Hon. Jr.H.Thomas,M.P., Lord Passfield, Secretary of State . for Dominion Affairs and Secretary of State for the Colonies. Itie Right Hon. The Et. Hon. [Lord Parmoor of Frieth,K.C .Y.O.,K. C Lord Sankey, G.B.E., Sord President of the Council. . me Right Hon. The Right Hon. p.Wedgwood Benn,D.S .0 . ,D.F.C. ,M.P,, , C.B.S.,M.P., Secretary of State for India. Secretary of State far War. . Brig.-Gen. the R ght Hon. The Right Hon. fiord Thomson,C B.E.,D.S.O., , M.P., Secretary of State for Air. Minister of Health. Ifie Right Hon. The Right Hon. Rargaret Bondfield, M.P., Kioel Buxton, M.P., Sinister of Labour (For item 1 only). Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries I I me Right Hon, The Right Hon. Sir Charles Trevelyan, Bt. ,M .P., Willi am Gr aham, M.P., president of the Board of Education. President of the Board of Trade. Ihe Right Hon. . The Right Hon. H*Y.Alexander, M.P., William Adamson, M.P., Hirst Lord of the Admiralty. Secretary of'State for Scotland.

The Right Hon.,M.P., First Commissioner of Works.

Colonel Sir M.P.A.Hankey,G.C.B., G.C.M.G. (Secretary) AGRICULTURAL 1. The Cabinet bad before them the following POLICY. documents in regard to Agricultural Policy:­ (Previous A Memorandum by the Minister of Reference: Agriculture and Fisheries (Paper Cabinet 13 CP.-76 (30)) which had been (33), Con­ before them at their previous elusion 5.) Meeting: A Memorandum by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (Paper CP.-78 (30)) on the subject of Home-grown Wheat, covering a scheme for an Import Board for purchasing home-grown wheat as well as wheat for import (Appendix I to Paper CP.-78 (30)), and a scheme for organising the marketing of the home wheat crop fAppendix II to Paper CP.-78 (30)). In this Memo-' randum the Minister of