1 Momentum Worldwide in partnership with Twitch Gaming’s position as an But the study also highlighted established and enjoyable that gaming’s evolving delivery mainstream pursuit is both of entertainment is just one facet well documented and widely of a much wider cultural shift. understood. But new research Gaming is a force for good: has uncovered new insight a vehicle that enables people into the human relationship to connect on levels that the with gaming; how it has "real world" actually prevents. transcended entertainment, It fosters cultural empathy to become part of the cultural and understanding. Far from fabric of human experience. an outlet for introspection, it inspires confidence and breeds WE KNOW Gamers is a global leaders. It defines people’s research study of 2,600 identities; transcends generations people, conducted by global and connects us with deeply 49% experiential advertising agency emotional experiences. Momentum Worldwide and leading community gaming And this is just the start. platform, Twitch. And the results herald the approach of a seismic 49% of gamers believe it tipping point: 49% of gamers will overtake the watching worldwide believe it will overtake and playing of traditional the watching and playing of sports by 2022 traditional sports by 2022. GAMING IS A FORCE FOR GOOD: A VEHICLE THAT ENABLES PEOPLE TO CONNECT IN A WAY THAT THE “REAL WORLD” ACTUALLY PREVENTS 3 FEMALES MAKE UP 48% OF THE GAMING POPULATION THE MYTH OF THE FEMALE GAMER

There was a time in the 700,000 games, available to The female gamer. She exists not-too-distant past when anyone, many of them for free. and she is powerful. So? What gamers were identified as a The breadth of options available drives them? How do they fringe group of nerdy boys has helped create a new type of game? What games do they like? glued to the television in their gamer, with women paramount It’s time to learn more. parents’ home, playing shooters among them. Many studies have and Role-Playing Games noted that due to the proliferation (RPGs). A series of unfortunate of mobile and social gaming, controversies in the gaming women actually make up the community—like gamergate1— majority of gamers today. That’s served as a way of reinforcing not to say that females aren’t stereotypes that gaming is an gaming via a PC or console— 60% activity solely meant to serve a they are; over 60% of the female small subset of the population, gamers we interviewed claimed and one that doesn’t freely to be console gamers, and welcome “outsiders.” almost half reported gaming on PCs. However, the rise of mobile Despite data from the 60% of the female gamers gaming is unique unto itself we interviewed claimed Entertainment Software because it is the only type of to be console gamers Association that has indicated gaming being driven by women. that females make up 48% of the gaming population, there is The female gamer has been a perception that women are subjected to various stereotypes not “real” gamers. Yet the gaming and myths regarding their gaming landscape has changed and activity, often discounted as women have played a large part. not being serious gamers or consumers of gaming content. Today, you don’t have to spend Our research refutes these hours in front of the TV to be myths, showcasing passionate considered a gamer, you just female gaming fans spending need a smartphone. Simply real dollars within the category heading to the App Store gives every year. us access to a world of over 5 MYTH #1: WOMEN DON’T PLAY VIDEO GAMES

Even with data from the ESA, Mobile gaming’s rise has done a many will scoff that this is a great deal to open a previously casual hobby for females. But insular world to large swaths that's actually not the case. of people. It is a key cog in the Contrary to popular belief, growth of the gaming industry 70% females are rapacious gamers, as a whole. Mobile is expected spending a great deal of time to grow 21% year over year and money on the activity. Our and generate over $52 billion, study uncovered that 33% of accounting for almost 45% of female gamers spend 30 or more gaming’s revenue in 2019. hours a week playing games. of mobile gamers are female Furthermore, 31% of female Mobile gaming’s growth is so gamers say that gaming takes interesting because—as was up over half of their free time. stated earlier—it’s being driven by women. In fact according to a Females are willing to invest in recent study by gaming research gaming as well, with 35% of provider Quantic Foundry2, them reporting they spend almost 70% of mobile gamers more than $200 a year on are female. Our own proprietary 50% gaming-related content. This isn’t research serves to reinforce just something they do to waste these claims. Of those surveyed, time when they’re free either. Women over 50% of females identify are truly ardent consumers of the as mobile gamers (vs. 40% of games they play. males), and mobile is the gaming 50% of female gamers category where female usage is are said to be “very When asked about their level most dominant. passionate” about gaming of gaming passion, 50% of female gamers are said to be “very passionate” about gaming. This signals that gaming is a hobby with true staying power for females, with the potential to attract interest for years to come. MOBILE IS EXPECTED TO GROW 21% YEAR OVER YEAR AND GENERATE OVER $52 BILLION, ACCOUNTING FOR ALMOST 45% OF GAMING’S REVENUE IN 2019


When it comes to the style of While Candy Crush is the number game and the motivations for one game among female gamers playing, there are differences (64%), women are not just playing between genders. Male gamers' on mobile devices. Although it top motivations revolve around is the most popular platform for the heat of competition, females, 63% play on consoles a passion for it, and the and 33% have a dedicated 63% relationships it fosters, while gaming PC. female gamers enjoy gaming for more cerebral reasons. 53% of women list “the of women play on consoles challenge” as a top reason for gaming, compared to 43% of men. 28% of women also enjoy gaming for its problem solving, compared to only 18% 33% of men.

Despite its rising popularity, mobile gaming is still viewed with skepticism and that real games are still played on PCs of women have a dedicated and consoles (source: Touch gaming PC Arcade). Given female gamers’ preferences for mobile games, it is easy to dismiss them as not being serious or “real” gamers.


Because of the perceptions of “Video games started becoming gaming being a male-dominated the thing back when I started platform, there is the stereotype college. My husband (then of female gamers as being lonely boyfriend) and I would go on 67% outcasts. In actuality, gaming dates to the video arcade among females is a vibrant social because we couldn’t afford experience. 67% of females much more. When Nintendo indicate they play games with came out around 1986, we of females indicate they others, with 47% saying they would spend hours playing and play games with others play with others in person. our little boy enjoyed it, too. As computers developed, we played Indeed, the rise of social media lots of games there. We love the and online communities has technology of it and ability to do allowed female gamers to connect things we wouldn't ordinarily be with others. 62% of female gamers able to do.” say that gaming has allowed them to connect with other “Playing the original NES with people and 59% say it has my dad is my earliest memory 62% brought them closer to people of gaming. That time together like them. Rather than feeling meant more to me than anything. of female gamers say alone, they actually are finding So I got better at gaming to show that gaming has allowed people who share their passions. him how passionate I am about it them to connect with and show him how much he other people Gaming has also allowed females means to me.” to connect to the men in their lives. When asked how they started gaming, several females indicated that fathers, boyfriends, sons and grandsons were the main motivators to get into gaming. THE RISE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE COMMUNITIES HAS ALLOWED FEMALE GAMERS TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS


One only has to look at several Metz then turned her passion for prominent gaming personalities the gaming community into an to see the importance of females opportunity for gamers to take in the gaming community. Take, their love of the sport offline. In for example, Felicia Day, an 2012, she founded Meltdown, actress with credits such the world’s first bardedicated as Buffy the Vampire Slayer solely to . Five years and Supernatural and a self- later, Meltdown now has 26 bars professed Warcraft addict. In in seven countries worldwide. 2007, she created one of the first internet exclusive scripted It is not just behind the scenes series, The Guild. The Guild where women are playing a role. centered around a disparate Women are also slowly making group of people who play a video inroads into the Esports space. game together. Three of the Marie-Laure Norindr, known in main characters were female, the community as Kayane, is and they were all diverse. From considered the most successful the harried single adult female female fighting gamer, having to the stay-at-home mother to several podium finishes in open the well-adjusted Asian female, tournaments for V this series, written by Felicia Day, and Soulcaliber. In 2016, showed that females playing a the 76ers of the time-intensive RPG was not a NBA-owned Esports team, rare occurrence. Dignitas, acquired an all-female Counterstrike team. All-female Sophia Metz from France, better Esports tournaments are also known as Foxy on Twitch, is also slowly appearing on the horizon. another prominent member of the gaming community. Metz initially made a name for herself creating Starcraft content for Twitch and other platforms. 13 MYTH # 5: YOU WILL NOT FIND FEMALES AT LIVE GAMING EVENTS

Given the misconceptions of As live events are a way to find gaming as an exclusively male people like themselves, it is no platform, it is not surprising surprise that the number one that many act as if females thing they do at these events do not attend gaming events. is meet with friends (60%), 60% Certain events, such as shooter more so than for males (49%). competitions like ESL: One, Live events are a way for females do indeed seem to have only to congregate and celebrate males in attendance, with just a their passions. handful of females there mainly as companions. of female gamers attend live gaming However, at expos and events to meet friends competitions involving other genres, you will see a significant number of females in attendance. San Diego Comic Con estimates their attendance to be 40% female. At PaxWest, 23% of the panelists were female*. And that number is expected to grow. Over one-quarter of female gamers overall (28%) have gone to a live gaming event and 60% would like to attend one in person rather than live-streaming it, highlighting the importance and power of the in-person experience to the female gamer.


Female gamers are a valuable Nothing makes me turn off a As the gaming world begins to segment for brands to target. booth or product faster than a flourish in the mainstream and Compared to their Gen Pop gamer girl stereotype.” appeal to a mass audience, counterparts, female gamers are marketers need to understand more likely to: The female gamer is a fascinating that a one-size-fits-all approach audience that’s received relatively won’t work anymore. There is • Be tech-savvy (64% of female little attention historically, but is real nuance to the community, gamers agree vs. 41% of starting to come into focus as and they can’t just have an over- female general population) an important and dynamic part arching strategy to reach gamers. of the gaming community. When They must drill down and gain an • Be the first of their friends to looking to target the audience, understanding of each segment. have the latest technology it’s necessary to understand that Female gamers are a good start. (48% vs. 27%) they differ from male gamers and should be communicated • Try new things (61% vs. 46%) to within the correct context. Female gamers are also receptive Marketers must be cognizant of to sponsors. 67% feel sponsors their predilection to mobile are good for the gaming industry. gaming, their enjoyment of the 58% of females who have attended live experience, their interests a live event have interacted with outside of gaming, and their a brand. motivations for playing.

With their value in mind, it is Yet they should also avoid important to understand that one assuming that female gamers should not resort to myths. As have only a narrow interest. one female gamer stated: Within the various segments in the larger community, from “While tech companies are the convention scene to the welcome, non-gaming companies community, there’s are often very ham-handed and a significant female presence reach to stereotypes to identify whose interests are beyond with the gaming community, Candy Crush. They seek to be especially in regard to gamer girls. treated no differently than their male counterparts. THE FEMALE GAMER IS A FASCINATING AUDIENCE THAT IS STARTING TO COME INTO FOCUS AS AN IMPORTANT AND DYNAMIC PART OF THE GAMING COMMUNITY 17

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