What Really Happened 2006 1 Alternative View 2007

Date Source Cat. Text 31.07.2005 1 Big Brother’s Reign 03.01.2007 Wash Post 1 dozens of private security companies given police powers by the state of North Carolina ... Private security guards have outnumbered police officers since the 1980s 03.01.2007 Raw Story 1 Fox News reporter says Bush admitted using cocaine, then retreats, citing, 'questions' - during the 2000 campaign Bush refused to answer the question of cocaine use. It was observed at the time that this likely meant he knew someone could prove him a liar if he said "No" and dared not risk it 03.01.2007 Blog 1 [US] passports .. after Jan. 1 will have always-on radio frequency identification chips, making it easy for officials – and hackers – to grab your personal stats ... tampering with a passport is punishable by 25 years in prison 04.01.2007 MM 1 Bush asserted the new authority Dec. 20 after signing legislation that overhauls some postal regulations. He then issued a "signing statement" that declared his right to open mail under emergency conditions, contrary to existing law and contradicting the bill he had just signed, according to experts who have reviewed it 07.01.2007 MM 1 Detroit may shut up to 52 schools {Mark Twain: build more prisons} 08.01.2007 Prison Planet 1 Texas Prison Camp Future American Gulag? - A detention camp in Tyler Texas that currently holds hundreds of rebuffed asylum seekers who legally entered the country, half of which are children swept up in midnight raids, is a potential prime location for the enforced transfer of American citizens during a time of national emergency 11.01.2007 Blog 1 on Fox News, anchor Gretchen Carlson called Sen. Ted Kennedy a ―hostile enemy‖ of the US because he has demanded that Congress vote on whether to approve funding for escalation in 12.01.2007 Yahoo 1 American states where more people own guns have higher murder rates 13.01.2007 BAZ 1 Kanada droht eine millionenschwere Sammelklage wegen der mutmasslichen Unterstützung eines CIA- Forschungsprogramms zur Bewusstseinskontrolle während des Kalten Krieges 14.01.2007 Berlingske 1 [Blix:] den entydigt største atomskurk lige nu er USAs præsident, George W. Bush ... I skal klare jer uden nukleare våben, men for os, er disse våben absolut nødvendige. Det er dobbeltmoral ... Antallet af atomvåben er faldet fra 55.000 under Den Kolde Krig til 27.000 i dag 14.01.2007 Blog 1 "The endless is decreasingly about Iraq and increasingly about the US . ... [Bush's decision to escalate the war] is based on his flawed and dangerous theory of the "unitary presidency," a theory under which, once war is declared, the president as commander in chief can ignore constitutional checks and balances, disregard the bill of rights, suspend accountability, and concentrate dictatorial power in his own hands." --Former Senator Gary Hart 17.01.2007 Raw Story 1 Police ignore attacks on anti-Bush protesters - we used to see the same thing happen during Vietnam. The police turned a blind eye to attacks on peace marchers. Later, during the COINTELPRO hearings, it was revealed that the attackers were undercover police and FBI 18.01.2007 X 1 While maintaining the legality of the NSA domestic surveillance program, Gonzales said the President will not reauthorize the program when its current authorization expires, and will instead submit all surveillance requests through the FISC - The FISC has rarely if ever refused such a request. It is a rubber-stamp court operating outside Constitutional limits, used to legitimize illegitimate activity by the gov. {therefore incredible that they were not used} 18.01.2007 Blog 1 Bush adm said it will .. deal with the problem of innocent travelers mistakenly identified as being on US no-fly lists ... >31,000 innocent people each year whose names are judged to be suspicious 19.01.2007 Blog 1 Gonzales, live: "The Constitution does not say th